Kosher Fish List

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Kosher Fish List Kosher Fish List Cichlids Including: Tilapias Mozambique mouthbrooder Tilapia mossambica; Cichlios; Rio Grande perch This is a consolidated list of the more common Cigarfish See: Jacks varieties, additional types with their latin species Cisco See Trouts name at the JSOR office and at Coalfish See: Codfish Cobia, cabio, or black bonito Cod, cultus, black, blue, Albacore See: Mackerels or ling. See: Greenlings, Sablefish Amberjack See: Jacks Codfish, Including: Cod, Haddock, Pacific cod; Pollock, Anchovies Including: European anchovy, North of saithe, or coalfish; Walleye Pollock, Hakes; Whiting; California anchovy Blue whiting or poutassou Tomcods or frostfish Angelfish and butterfly fish Coho salmon See: Trouts Barracudas Corbina or Corvina, See: Drums Bass See Sea Basses. Temperate basses, Sunfish, Drums Crapplie See: Sunfish Blackfish See: Carps, Wrasses Blacksmith See: Damselfish Crucian carp See: Carps Blueback See: Flounders, Herrings, Trouts Dolphin fish or mahimahis Not to be confused with the Bluefish or snapper blue Mammal called Dolphin or Porpoise, which is non kosher. Bluegill See: Sunfish Drums and croakers, Including: Seatrouts and Bocaccio See: Scorpionfish carvinas; Weakfish, White seabass, Croakers, Silver Bonefish perch, White or King croaker; Black croaker Spotfin Bonito See: Cobia, Mackerels croaker); Yellowfin croaker, Drums; Red drum or channel bass Freshwater drum, Kingfish or king Bowfin Bowfish, Freshwater dogfish, or grindle whitings California corbina, spot or lafayette; Queenfish Bream See: Carps, Atlantic Pomfret, P Cubbyu or ribbon fish Brill See: Flounder Flounders Including: Summer flounder or fluke, Yellowtail flounder, Winter flounder, lemon sole, Buffalo Fishes See: Suckers Halibuts; "Dover" sole, "English" sole, Yellowfin sole Burbot See: Codfish Pacific turbots, Curlfin turbot or Diamond turbot, ButterFish Pacific pompano, harvestfish Greenland turbot or halibut Brill (scophthalmus rhomus). But not including: European turbot Butterfly fish See: Angelfish Fluke See: Flounders Calicobass See: Sunfish Flyingfish and halfbeaks Flyingfish Ballyhoo or balao Capelin See: Smelts Goatfish or surmullets Including:; Wekes or goatfish Carps and minnows Including: the carp, leather carp, Kumu, Red mullet mirror carp Crucian carp, Goldfish; tench; Splittail Squawfish; Scramento backfish or hardhead; Freshwater Grouper See: Sea Basses breams; Roach Grunts Margate, Tomtate Cottonwick Sailors choice Carosucker See: Suckers Porkfish, Black margate, Sargo, Pigfish Caviar (Must be from a kosher fish) See: Trouts and Haddock See: Codfish whitefish (salmon), Lumpsuckers (non kosher), Hake See: Codfish Sturgeons (non kosher). Halibut See: Flounders Cero See: Mackerels Herrings Including: Atlantic and Pacific herring thread Channel bass See: Drums herrings; Shads; Shad or glut herring, or blueback; Char See: Trouts Hickory shad; Alewife or river herring; Gizzard shads; Menhadens or mossbunkers; Spanish sardines; European Chinook salmon See: Trouts sardine or pilchard; Pacific sardine or pilchard; Spart Chup See: Trouts, Sea chubs Jack Mackerel See: Jacks Jacks and Pompanos Including: Pompanos, palometas, Sablefish or black cod and permits Amberjacks and yellowtails,California Salmon See: Trouts yellowtail; Scads and cigarfish Selar species,; Jack mackerel or horse mackerel Jacks and uluas; Crevalles; Sardine See: Herrings Blue runner; Rainbow runner; Moonfish species; Scad See: Jacks Lookdown Leatherback BUT NOT INCLUDING: Scorpionfish Including California scorpionfish or LEATHERJACKET. sculpin; Nohus, Redfish, rosefish, or ocean perch; Jewfish See: Sea Basses rockfish, Pacific ocean perch, channel rockfish Kelpfish See: Giant Kelpfish Sea bass See also: Temperate basses, drums Kingfish See: Drums, Mackerels Sea bass including: Black sea basses Groupers Lake Herring See: Trouts Rockhind Speckled hind; Red hind Jewfish; Spotted cabrilla Gag Scamp; Mutton hamlet Sand bass, kelp Largemouth bass See: Sunfish bass, and spotted bass Lizardfish Sea bream See: P Mackerel See also: Jacks Sea chubs including: Bermuda chug or rudderfish; Mackerels, Atka See: Greenlings Opaleye, Halfmoon Mackerels and tunas, Including: Mackerels Spanish Seaperch See: Surfperches mackerels, cero, and sierra King mackerel or kingfish Seatrout See: Drums, Greenlings, Steelhead Bonitos; Wahoo; tunas, Skipjack tunas; Albacore But not including: Snake mackerels. Shad See: Herrings Mahimahi See: Dolphin fish Skipjack See Mackerels Margate See: Grunts Smelts including: Smelts Capelin; Eullachon Marlin Snapper blue See: Bluefish Moonfsh See: Jacks Snappers; Schoolmaster; Muttonfish or mutton snapper Red snapper; Yellowtail snapperOpakapaka; Onaga Mullet See: Goatfish Snooks including: Snooks orrabalos Mullets including: Mullets and amaamas, Uouoa Mountain mullets or dajaos Sockeye salmon See: Trouts Parrotfishs including: Parrotfish and uhus Sole See also: Flounders Perch See also: Temperate basses, Drums, Cichlids, Soles Including: Sole or true sole Lined sole Hogchoker Surfperches, Scorpionfish Spanish mackerel See: Mackerels Perches) including: Yellow perch Walleye, pike perch, Spot See: Drums or yellow or blue pike Sauget Sprat See: Herrings Pickerel See: Pike Steelhead See: Trouts Pigfish See: Grunts Striped bass See: Temperate basses Pike See also: Perches Sunfish Including: Freshwater basses; Largemouth bass Pikes including;); Pickerels Muskellunge Smallmouth bass, Bluegill; Warmouth; Rock bass or red Pikeperch See: Perches eye; Crappies or calico basses Plaice See: Flounders Surfperches. Including:; Seaperches,; Blackperth; Pile perch, Shiner perch Pollock See: Codfish Tilapia See: Cichlids Pompano See: Jack, Butterfish Tilefish including: Ocean whitefish P and sea breams. Including: P; Scup Pinfish); Sheepshead Trouts and whitefish including: Atlantic salmon Pacific salmons Coho or silver salmon; sockeye, Ray's bream See: Atlantic Pomfret blueback or red salmon; chinook, king or spring salmon; Red snapper See: Snappers pink or humpback salmon; chum, dog or fall salmon, Rock bass See: Sunfish Trouts Brown trout, rainbow trout or steelhead, cutthroat trout, golden trout, Chars; Lake trout, brook rout, Arctic char Dolly Varden, Whitefish and ciscos; Cisco or lake Ratfish See: Sharks herring (Corengonus artedii); chubs graylings Ray See: Sharks Tuna See: Mackerels Rock prickleback or rockeel Turbot See Flounder (some nonkosher) Sailfish See: Billfish Walleye pollock See: Codfish Sculpins Including: Sculpins. Cabezon Searaven Weakfish See: Drums Searaven See: Sculpins WhiteFish See: Trouts, Tilefish Sea squab See: Puffers Whiting See: Codfish, Hakes, Drums Sharks, rays and their relatives. Including Grayfish or Wrasses including: Hogfish and aawas; Hogfish or dogfish Soupfin shark; Sawfish; Skates Chimaeras or capitaine, Tautog or blackfish; California sheephead or ratfish redfish , Cunner, chogset, or bergall Skates See: Sharks Yellowtail See: Jacks Snake mackerels Yellowtail snapper See Snappers Spoonbill cat See: Sturgeons Sturgeons. Including:; Beluga Paddlefish or spoonbill cat Swordfish Non-Kosher Fish List Toadfish. Including: Toadfish; Midshipment Tiggerfish and firefish Triggerfish Angler See: Goosefish Trunkfish Trunkfish and cowfish WolEshes. Including: Beluga See: Sturgeons Wolffish or ocean. catfish Billfish. Including fish and speishes Blowfish See: Puffers Bullhead See: Catfish Cabezon See: Sculpins Catfish . Including: Channel catfish Cutlassfish including: Cutlassfish Scabbardfish Eels Including American and European eel; Conger eel (Conger oceanic us) . Gars Freshwater gars Goosefish or anglers Grayfish See: Sharks Lampreys Leatherjacket See: Jacks Lomosuckers. Including: Lumpfish; Snailfish Marlin See: Billfish Monk fish (added by Rabbi Donneal Epstein in consultation with Dr. Atz) Midshipman See: Toadfish Ocean pout or eelpout Oilfish Puffers Paddlefish See: Sturgeons Pout See: Ocean pout Puffers, blowfish, swellfish, sea squab .
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