Yellowfin Tuna

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Yellowfin Tuna Ahi yellown tuna (Thunnus albacares) is one of two Islands. species known in Hawaii simply as Fishing Methods: intermediaries on all islands, or di- ahi. Similar in general appearance rectly to wholesalers and retailers, or it may be shared with family and to bigeye tuna (the other species - known as ahi friends. Most ahi is sold fresh, but men. A large part of the commercial surpluses caught during the peak be recognized by its more torpedo catch (44%) is harvested by longline shaped body, smaller head and eyes. summer season are sometimes dried boats, which may search for tuna and smoked. In Hawaii, shibi is another name up to 800 nautical miles from port and set hooks in deep waters. Yel- Quality to depths below 600 ft. Landings by either bigeye or albacore tuna. Al- lengthen with age. the island of Hawaii, can be sub- stantial (36%) in some years. Troll- Seasonality & How ers contribute most of the remain- does not retain the beautiful natu- They Are Caught der (20%) of the commercial catch ral red color as long as bigeye. The - Availability and Seasonality: - Caught year-round in Hawaii’s wa- ing tournaments held in Hawaii. method, care in handling and other Distribution: abundant during the summer sea- The longline catch and some of the son (May-September). There are handline (ika-shibi) catch of ahi is species. Noticeable changes occur auction. The majority of the hand- Hawaii. ocean surface temperatures and line catch is sold to wholesalers and other oceanographic conditions fa- intermediary buyers on the island of surface during the summer season vor the migration of ahi schools to are susceptible to a quality defect The troll catch may be marketed known as “burnt tuna”. The outward Color, Taste, Texture: products - up to 65%; (2) deeper red spine is opaque and lacks the typical - bright red color. It is also more wa- tent than smaller ahi. tery, softer and has a slightly more - typically have a higher fat content sour taste than normal ahi. Burnt pared as sashimi, poke (traditional - tuna is more likely to dry out on the grill. The defect is related to repro- dried strips. It is also marketed as as well as for grilling. duction, overheating resulting from Preparations struggling on handlines and trolling - lines and to the challenge of quickly ter service or self-service counters. Small ahi may be sold in the round sashimi and small boats. to retail consumers who prepare poke grilling and has become very popu- Product Forms and Yields: - featured in Cajun cuisine. With its range from 3 to over 200 pounds in - size. mostly as dressed (headed and gut- ted) or loined products, from Hawaii - to U.S. mainland. tions. whereas the largest are often caught by handline. Longlining harvests a 200 pounds or more. The larger yel- weight) are preferred for several Hawaii Seafood Council Acknowledgement: produced with support from NOAA
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