As an Effort to Define and Explore 'The Licriaabil\Ot
. 20001i, "randm° 4.1Or losti,DCaildc I. Chicano BerSpectryesAn Viterature-11'1$Eitical and AnnOtatid eibliograph7. , 114p.; lot loanablein hard copy duelto. Publisher 10, preference . :111'AILA1LE PalaritO POlications .P.C. Box 7264 Albegureluf-i Nee Mexico 87104 ($4.50; 30$ discount 2 copies or MOTO 1 imps PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage;pc lotAvail/ale fits .EDR5.. OBSCRIPTdRS Anthologies; Fiction;*literary, Analysis; *Literary Criticism; *LiteraryPerspective; Novels; Periodicals; Poetry; * S ra ni sh",A ie rican, Litetature; * Theseter Arts /bLITIFIMIS *Chicano ,Literiture, ABSTRACT As an effort todefine and explore 'thelicriAabil\ot Chicano literatare, this annotated and criticalbibliOgraphy provides bibliographical data and critical evaluations an&19dgaents,regardieg the quality, importance, andivimpact of 1,31literary. Ilorke by ' Chicanos. The commentaries are intended to- be taken.ras 0001=4with, the'oblective for promoting critical dialogue arid ccatri4ating Chicano-literary criticism. Entries are divided into:the following categories; poetry., novel, short 'fiction, theatre, anthoingy,- liierary criticism, oral tradition in print,-journal, andIlliterate& Chicanesca" (written by non-Chicanos)a!Sose reflect acreative force while others study and classify it. Cral tradition inpritt. is . included because it still remains a corstant source offoinspiracian' Popular". Among those' verks evaluated arethe literary work* of- Alurista, Rudolfo knaya, Juan Bruce-Novoa, Fray Angelico Chavez, . abelardoDelgado, -Rolando R. Rinojosa-S., Sabine R. Blibarri, Luis R. Valdez, Roberto Loire Vialpando, Floyd Salas, LuisOmar Salinas, Mee R. Tower, and Tino Villanueva. In order to teach boththe inexperienced and the scholar reader, a glossary, explainingthe more technical terminology and literary concepts used in the annotations, .is, included. An author index is also'crovided, along with abrief discussion of Chicano literature in terms of its origin,historical dilemma, ideology, and definition.
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