
of All Kinds Type Constructors and GADTs in Sum-of-Products Style

Alejandro Serrano Victor Cacciari Miraldo Dept. of Information and Computing Sciences Dept. of Information and Computing Sciences Utrecht University Utrecht University The Netherlands The Netherlands [email protected] [email protected] Abstract The built-in Generic uses a lightweight encoding. One Datatype-generic programming is a widely used technique to of its key design aspects is to not represent recursion ex- define functions that work regularly over a class of datatypes. plicitly, as opposed to regular [23], multirec [35], and Examples include deriving serialization of , equality or generic-mrsop [21]. Our approach is inspired by the same even functoriality. The state-of-the-art of generic program- lightweight philosophy, but we extend it much further, en- ming still lacks handling GADTs, multiple type variables, and abling the programmer to employ generic programming tech- some other features. This paper exploits modern GHC exten- niques to much more expressive datatypes. sions, including TypeInType, to handle arbitrary number of For instance, Generic only supports representing ground type variables, constraints, and existentials. We also provide types, that is, types of ∗. It does provide a second type- an Agda model of our construction that does not require class, Generic1, for type constructors of kind k →∗ , but Russel’s paradox, proving the construction is consistent. that is as far as it goes. Our techniques are able to represent types of arbitrary kinds by using some of the more modern CCS Concepts • Software and its engineering → Func- features of the Haskell language. tional languages; Data types and structures; Our work builds upon many recent extensions to the Keywords Generic programming, Haskell Haskell language, which have been implemented in GHC. The list includes datatype promotion, kind polymorphism [36], ACM Format: the Constraint kind [4], and TypeInType [31, 32]. Regarding Alejandro Serrano and Victor Cacciari Miraldo. 2018. Generic Pro- the latter, we show that our construction does not require gramming of All Kinds: Type Constructors and GADTs in Sum- the ∗ : ∗ axiom by attaching a model in Agda (Appendix A). of-Products Style. In Proceedings of ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Languages (Haskell’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Nevertheless, using these recent additions we drastically 19 pages. expand the amount of Haskell datatypes we can represent generically compared to other approaches. Take for example 1 Introduction the following datatype for simple well-typed expressions: (Datatype)-generic programming is a technique to define data Expr :: ∗→∗ where functions by induction over the structure of a datatype. Lit :: a → Expra Simpler mechanisms, such as the deriving clause, have IsZ :: Expr Int → Expr Bool been present in Haskell for a long time [19], although re- If :: Expr Bool → Expra → Expra → Expra stricted to a few generic operation such as equality. Over Internally, GHC enforces a specific type in a constructor – the years, many different approaches have been described as Bool in the constructor Eq above – by using equality con- to allow the definition of generic functions by the program- straints. Thus the previous declaration is internally trans- mer (see [17, 26] for a comparison). Ultimately, GHC added lated to the following form: special support via the Data [13, 22] and Generic [15] classes. data Expr :: ∗→∗ where Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for Lit :: a → Expra personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies IsZ :: a ∼ Bool ⇒ Expr Int → Expra are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights If :: Expr Bool → Expra → Expra → Expra for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must Using the approach presented in this paper, this type is be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or encoded using a list of lists of atoms. The outer list represents republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. the choice of constructors, and the inner list represents the Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA fields of such constructors. © 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.

1 Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA Alejandro Serrano and Victor Cacciari Miraldo

type CodeExpr = Each generic programming provides different build- ′ ′ [ [ExplicitV 0 ], ing blocks for the representations. For example, Generic uses ′ 1 [Implicit (Kon (∼) :@: V0 :@: Kon Bool), the following of functors and combinators: ( )], Explicit Kon Expr :@: Kon Int data V1 p -- empty ′[ ( ), Explicit Kon Expr :@: Kon Bool data U1 p = U1 -- unit ( ), Explicit Kon Expr :@: V0 data K1 cp = K1 -- constant ( )]] Explicit Kon Expr :@: V0 data (f :+: g) p = L1 (fp )| R1 (gp ) -- sum The three constructors translate into three elements in the data (f :∗: g) p = (fp ) :∗: (gp ) -- product outer list. Each of the inner lists contain a list of fields. The By combining these blocks we can describe the structure of type of each of their fields are represented using the applica- any algebraic datatype. We encode the choice of constructors tive fragment of λ-calculus. Constant types and type con- by sums, and the combination of fields of a constructor by structors are brought in via Kon, application is represented products, or by the unit functor if there are none. In turn, by (:@:), and V0, V1, ...represent each of the type variables each field is represented by a constant functor. Tomake of the datatype. For example, the constraint a ∼ Bool is rep- things more concrete, here is a definition for binary trees: resented as the application of the (∼) to the data Treea = Leaf | Node (Treea ) a (Treea ) first argument V0 and the constant Kon Bool. Our encoding ensures that everything is well-kinded. The shape of this datatype is described as follows: If a field represents a constraint in Haskell code, itis U1 :+: (K1 (Treea ) :∗: K1 a :∗: K1 (Treea )) marked as implicit in the code. This is the case for the equal- ity a ∼ Bool above. All other fields are marked as explicit. The type above is the representation of a. Note that this representation refers to the type Tree a itself. Hence, we say 1.1 Contributions that recursion is encoded implicitly here. Other approaches to generic programming use a specific combinator for mark- The main contribution of this paper is to provide a single, ing recursive positions instead [23, 35]. unified for generic programming, which supports The combinators presented above are enough to describe algebraic data types and type constructors of all kinds (Sec- the structure of a datatype, but not metadata such as the tion 4) by using a variant of the sum-of-products represen- names of the type and constructor. Generic includes an ad- tation. Before delving into the most general framework, we ditional functor M for that purpose, but we omit further explore the required background in Section 2, and provide 1 discussion for the sake of conciseness. a first extension of the sum-of-products style for type con- In order to use generic operations, we must tie each datatype structor with a single parameter in Section 3. with its representation. This is done via the Generic type class. Since the introduction of Generalised Algebraic Data Types In addition, we ought to witness the isomorphism at the term [34], GADTs for short, datatype constructors may have more level via a pair of functions to and from. complicated shapes than a mere list of fields: class Generica where • Each constructor may require one or more constraints ∗→∗ to be satisfied by the types of their fields. The Expr type Repa :: datatype defined above is a prime example of this fea- from :: a → Repap ture. In Section 5 we explore how to extend our base to :: Repap → a framework to account for these constraints. Fortunately, we do not have to write Generic instances by • Constructors may introduce new type variables. These hand. GHC provides an extension to the deriving mecha- are called existentials, since once you pattern match nism to create these instances. In fact, all generic program- you know that a type has been used, but not exactly ming libraries automate this step, making use of metapro- which one. The support for existentials is discussed in gramming facilities such as Haskell [29]. In many Section 6. cases, generic descriptions can also be derived from the In Appendix B we address how one could encode explicit -generated one [18]. recursion within our approach. 2.1 Generic operations 2 Preliminaries In order to define an operation generically, we create two dedicated type classes, one for ground types and one for Let us take a step back and take a tour of generic program- ming techniques. We will build up in complexity gradually, 1 In the actual library, K1 has an additional type parameter i, which was ultimately leading to our approach. We focus on the Generic used to distinguish recursive positions from non-recursive ones. In latest line of work, whose main characteristic is the use of type- versions this distinction has been removed and i is always set to R, but the level information to represent the shape of datatypes. type parameter remains for backwards compatibility. 2 Generic Programming of All Kinds Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA type constructors. Take the size function, which counts the constructors, and each inner list represents the fields in that number of constructors. constructor. This structure corresponds to that of algebraic class Sizea where datatypes in Haskell, and it is called sum of products. We size :: a → refer to the list of list of types which describe a datatype as the code of that datatype. For example, here is the code for class GSizef where Treea defined above:2 gsize :: fp → Integer ′[ ′[] , ′[Treea , a, Treea ]] All we have to do is to write instances of the second class for each of the building blocks of datatypes. The type class In contrast, the representation using Generic is not strong mechanism is how we reflect the type level structure into a enough to guarantee that shape; the compiler does not stop term level implementation. us from writing: instance (GSizef , GSizeg )⇒ GSize (f :∗: g) where U1 :∗: (K1 Int :+: Maybe) gsize (f :∗: g) = gsizef + gsizeg that is, a product of sums instead of a sum of products. Fur- instance (GSizef , GSizeg )⇒ GSize (f :+: g) where thermore, it uses a functor Maybe which is not part of the building blocks. gsize (L1 f ) = gsizef Unfortunately, a new problem arises: we cannot construct gsize (R g) = gsizeg 1 terms of the code directly, we first need to turn it into a instance (Sizec )⇒ GSize (K1 c) where ground type. The kind of the type level list is [[∗]] – where gsize (K1 x) = sizex ∗ is the kind of ground types in Haskell – yet, we can only Note how the instance of constants K1 points back to the type write terms of kind ∗. The bridge between the two worlds is class for ground types, Size. We need one such instance for given by the following two GADTs: NS, which interprets a each datatype; but now we can reuse the generic implemen- list of elements as a choice, and NP, which requires a tation if we first transform the value into its representation. for each element in the list, and thus encodes a product. instance Size Int where data NS :: (k →∗)→[ k]→∗ where ′ sizen = 1 Here :: fk → NSf (k : ks) → ( ′ ) instance Size (Treea ) where There :: NSf ks NSf k : ks sizet = gsize (fromt ) data NP :: (k →∗)→[ k]→∗ where Nil :: NPf ′[] By using the default keyword [15] available in GHC, the ′ implementation of size in terms of gsize can be completely (:∗) :: fx → NPf xs → NPf (x : xs) automated. In that case, only an empty instance declaration Both NS and NP receive as first argument a type constructor for Size is required. The recent deriving via proposal [3] of kind k →∗ . Both NS and NP apply that constructor to provides another way to automatize the creation of such the elements of the list: to one of them in Here, and to all of instances. them in (:∗). The definition of size is very simple, other generic opera- The most common combination of NS and NP is used to tions such as show or parse need to access the metadata and obtain the ground type representing a certain code c: keep additional information around. type SOPc = NS (NPI ) c 2.2 Sums of Products The idea is that we choose one of the constructors in the outer list by using NS, and then apply NP I to ask for one The landscape of type-level programming in GHC changed value of every element for the chosen constructor. The argu- radically after the introduction of datatype promotion [36], ment to NP is the identity functor I defined as: which is used by the generics-sop library [6] to guarantee the sum-of-products invariants. data Ip = Ip Briefly, by promoting a datatype you can use its construc- As a result, we require for each field one value of exactly the tors as types, and the type being defined is promoted to a type declared in the inner list. As we shall see, the ability to kind. For example, we can use a promoted Boolean value to manipulate the inner lists is paramount to our approach. encode whether a certain string has been validated or not. Just like the built-in Generic, each datatype is tied to its newtype VString (v :: Bool) = VString String code by a type class. In the generics-sop this class is also known as Generic, but we use a superscript to distinguish it. validate :: VString False → VString True generics-sop In particular, makes heavy use of promoted 2The quote sign serves to differentiate type level from term level when there lists. Each datatype is described by a list of list of types, where is a risk of confusion. For example, [] is the name of the list type constructor, the outer level should be thought as the choice between whereas ′[] is the promoted empty list. 3 Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA Alejandro Serrano and Victor Cacciari Miraldo

sop class Generic a where data Par1 p = Par1 p type Codea :: [[∗]] data Rec1 fp = Rec1 (fp ) from :: a → SOP (Codea ) We can now give a representation of the Tree type construc- to :: SOP (Codea )→ a tor. In contrast, before we had defined a family of represen- This approach to generic programming allows the defi- tations for Treea , regardless of the a. nition of generic operations without resorting to the type U1 :+: (Rec1 Tree :∗: Par1 :∗: Rec1 Tree) class mechanism. By on the NS and NP Although type application is named Rec , and it is used constructors we gain enough information about the shape 1 when we have recursion in our type, is does not only model of the datatype. For example, here is the definition of the recursion. In fact, every application of a type constructor to generic size operation: the has to be encoded by the means of Rec1, sop gsize :: (Generic a, All2 Size (Codea ))⇒ a → Integer even if this is not a recursive application. gsize = goS ◦ from Note that Rec1 is not expressive enough to represent arbi- where goS (Herex ) = goPx trary recursion. If we want to represent non-regular datatypes, goS (Therex ) = goSx such as Rosea below: goP Nil = 0 data Rosea = Forka [Rosea ] goP (x :∗ xs) = sizex + goP xs we need some extra machinery in the form of functor com- The only remarkable part of this implementation is the use of position. We omit discussion of these non-regular datatypes the All2 type class to ensure that every type which appears in this section, but note that the framework in forecoming in a field of the code has a corresponding size operation. sections does support this shape of recursion. We omit further details about All2, the interested reader is Defining generic operations for Generic1 is done as for referred to de Vries and Löh [6]. Generic; one just need to add additional instances for the new Par1 and Rec1 functors. Here are the important pieces of the 3 Generic Type Constructors generic fmap declaration, taken from the generic-deriving package. The rest of the instances just apply gfmap recur- If we want to write functions such as fmap, from Functor, sively in every position. generically, we need to have knowledge about which fields of a type of kind ∗→∗ are, in fact, an occurence of its class GFunctorf where type parameter. In this section we look into how this has gfmap :: (a → b)→ fa → fb been done by GHC.Generics and how to translate this to the instance GFunctor Par1 where generics-sop style. gfmapf (Par1 a) = Par1 (fa ) instance (Functorf )⇒ GFunctor (Rec1 f ) where 3.1 Type constructors using Generic1 gfmapf (Rec1 a) = Rec1 (fmapfa )

The Generic1 type class is the counterpart of Generic for types Although Generic1 works well for one type parameter, the with one parameter, such as Maybe or [] . The definition is general technique does not scale to more parameters. At the pretty similar, except that from1 and to1 take as argument an very least, we would need new Par1 and Par2 types which instantiated version fa of the type constructor f . The same refer to each of the type variables. instantiation is done in the generic representation. data Par1 ab = Par1 a class Generic1 f where data Par2 ab = Par2 b type Rep1 f :: ∗→∗ By doing so, the kind of the representation can no longer from1 :: fa → Repfa be ∗→∗ , we need at least ∗→∗→∗ to accomodate the to1 :: Repfa → fa two type parameter. Unfortunately, this means that none of We now need to extend our set of building blocks, since V1, U1, (:+:), and (:∗:) can be used, since they all create or in the case of type constructors we have an additional pos- operate on types of kind ∗→∗ . We could build a completely sibility for the fields, namely referring to the type variable different set of primitive building blocks for two-parameter a in f . Par1 is used to represent the case in which the type types, but the problem would repeat again once we consider variable appears “naked”, that is, direcly as a: three parameters. We will address this issue in Section 4.

data Par1 p = Par1 p 3.2 Type constructors in sum-of-products style Par1 is not enough to represent a type like Tree a, in which a also appears as part of a larger type – in this case Tree a The key point to extend a generic framework to handle type again for the subtrees. We introduce another building block: constructors is to introduce marks for those places where 4 Generic Programming of All Kinds Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA the type parameter ought to appear. In the case of Generic1, gfmap :: forall fab . it was only a matter of adding new Par1 and Rec1 types. sop (Generic f , AllRec2 Functor (Code1 f )) generics-sop 1 The approach taken by is to describe a ⇒( a → b)→ fa → fb datatype by a list of list of types. Ultimately, the elements of gfmapf = to ◦ goS ◦ from the nested lists are ground types, of kind ∗. This precludes where us from using the same form of codes directly, since we cannot add an indicators for variables or recursion. Instead, goS :: AllRec2 Functor xs we introduce atoms, which describe the choice we have for ⇒ NS (NP (NAa )) xs → NS (NP (NAb )) xs each of our fields: goS (Herex ) = Here (goPx ) goS (Therex ) = There (goSx ) data Atom = Var | Rec (∗→∗)| Kon (∗) goP :: AllRec Functor xs A code is no longer represented by [[∗]] , but rather [[ Atom]]. ⇒ NP (NAa ) xs → NP (NAb ) xs The NS and NP types which interpret those codes are still valid; the nested list structure is still there. But we also need goP Nil = Nil to interpret each of the atoms into a value of kind ∗. For that goP (Rx :∗ xs) = (R $ fmapfx ) :∗ goP xs we introduce yet another layer, which we call NA: goP (Vx :∗ xs) = V (fx ) :∗ goP xs ( ∗ ) = ∗ data NA :: ∗→ Atom →∗ where goP Kx : xs Kx : goP xs V :: a → NAa Var AllRec2 c xs :: Constraint where ′ R :: fa → NAa (Recf ) AllRec2 c [] = () ′ K :: k → NAa (Konk ) AllRec2 c (x : xs) = (AllReccx , AllRec2 c xs) Each of the constructors in NA closely matches the definition type family AllRecc xs :: Constraint where ′ of Par1, Rec1, and K1 in the Generic1 framework. The code AllRecc [] = () for our running example, Tree, reads as follows: AllRecc (Recx ′ : xs) = (cx , AllRecc xs ) ′ ′[ ′[] , ′[Rec Tree, Var, Rec Tree]] AllRecc (x : xs) = AllRecc xs We can now define the Genericsop type class which ties 1 Figure 1. Generic fmap using Genericsop each datatype to its code. We also define a SOP1 type syn- 1 onym for the nested application of the interpretation func- tors NS, NP, and NA: sop Armed with our new Generic1 , we can implement a type SOP1 ca = NS (NP (NAa )) c generic version of fmap, given in Figure 1. The code is a sop more complex than gsize, though. The types involved in class Generic1 (f :: ∗→∗) where goS, goP, and goA are too complex to be inferred, hence, we type Code1 f :: [[ Atom]] from :: fa → SOP (Code f ) a must help the compiler by annotating the local declarations. 1 1 1 We cannot use the same type family All that we were to :: SOP (Code f ) a → fa 2 1 1 1 using, because we need to treat Rec positions differently from Up to this point we have omitted the implementation of the the rest. The solution is to define a more specific AllRec2 type functions which witness the isomorphism between a regular family, which only applies the a constraint c only over those datatype and its generic representation. It is instructive to positions. Unfortunately, we have not yet found a way to consider how it looks for the case of Tree seen as a type implement AllRec2 in terms of All2. constructor: sop instance Generic1 Tree where 4 Generics of All Kinds ... sop sop The extension of Generic to Generic1 was done in three from Leaf = Here Nil steps. First, we changed the language of codes from lists of from (Nodelxr ) lists of types, to lists of lists of atoms. By doing so, we were = There $ Here $ Rl :∗ Vx :∗ Rr :∗ Nil able to refer to type parameters via Var and encode recursion via Rec. Next, we introduced an interpretation functor NA After a of There and Here indicating which construc- sop tor we are working with, we find a (:∗)-separated list of fields, for atoms. Finally, we defined the Generic1 type class to finished by Nil. In each case we need to mark whether that tie each datatype to its code. In this section we follow the field arises from an application of a type constructor tothe same three steps, but this time we go further. The resulting parameter (with R), for an ocurrence of the type parameter generic type-class supports types of arbitrary kinds. (with V ), or simply from a constant type (with K, not shown The first step is representing each of the types ofthe in this example). fields, that is, estabilishing our new language of atoms.In Section 3 we discussed the problem of nested recursion, as 5 Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA Alejandro Serrano and Victor Cacciari Miraldo type Kind = (∗) At this point we need the Atom datatype to be promoted, in order to use it in the list defining the code. Since Atom is a data TyVar (ζ :: Kind)( k :: Kind) :: (∗) where GADT, we are required to enable the TypeInType extension ( → ) VZ :: TyVar x xs x to promote it. However, we are not using the ∗ : ∗ judgement VS :: TyVar xsk → TyVar (x → xs) k in our construction, we discuss this matter in Section 4.3. data Atom (ζ :: Kind)( k :: Kind) :: (∗) where As an example, here are the codes corresponding to [] , Var :: TyVar ζ k → Atom ζ k Either, and Rose. The fact that Either has two type parameter Kon :: k → Atom ζ k can be observed by the usage of both V0 and V1. The non- (:@:) :: Atom ζ (ℓ → k)→ Atom ζ ℓ → Atom ζ k regular recursion pattern in Rose is translated to iterated uses of the application (:@:). ′ ′ ′ Figure 2. Definition of Atom type ListCode = [ [] , [V0, Kon [] :@: V0 ]] ′ ′ ′ type EitherCode = [ [V0 ], [V1 ]] ′ ′ type RoseCode = [ [V0, Kon [] :@: (Kon Rose :@: V0)]] in Rose. Here this problem is magnified; for example, in the following datatype of kind ∗→(∗→∗)→∗→∗ : Interpreting Atoms. In order to interpret this new language, newtype ReaderTrma = Reader (r → ma ) none of the previously defined NS and NP require any mod- ifications. On the other hand, the interpretation ofatoms the second type variable is applied to the third one. We requires some type engineering. Recall the definition of NA cannot foresee all possible combinations of recursion and given in Section 3: application, and thus extending the possibilities of the Rec ∗→ →∗ constructor from Atom is a dead end. data NA :: Atom where Looking at the Haskell Report [19, section 4.1.2], we see V :: a → NAa Var that a type follows closely the applicative fragment of the ... λ-calculus: it is either a type variable, a type constructor, or The first argument of kind ∗ represents the type of the ar- an application. We use well-known techniques to represent gument of the functor we are interpreting. In the current the structure of these types as terms: setting, we might have an arbitray number of arguments, and 1. We use de Bruijn indices to refer to variables. these might be of arbitrary kinds other than ∗. This notion 2. We prevent ill-kinded types such as Kon Int :@: Var Z is not new: to interpret a term possibly containing variables by keeping track of the kind of the type being described we need a context — commonly represented by the Greek as an index [2]. letter Γ – which assigns a type to each of the variables. Other than the special shape of the index, the datatype for contexts In Figure 2 we define two GADTs, TyVar and Atom, to repre- looks very much like an heterogeneous list. sent types. For the sake of clarity, we also define a synonym Kind for (∗), which we used whenever the instantiation of data Γ (ζ :: Kind) where a type argument represents a kind as opposed to a regular ϵ :: Γ (∗) type. Both TyVar and Atom receive two Kind-indices: the (:&:) :: k → Γ ks → Γ (k → ks) first one ζ represents the kind of the datatype we are de- For example, Int :&: Maybe :&: Char :&: ϵ is a well-formed scribing, and the second one k gives the kind of the type context of kind Γ (∗→(∗→∗)→∗→∗) . represented by the Atom itself. The latter index is the one With the introduction of contexts, we can write a definitive preventing ill-kinded expressions such as Kon Int :@: Var Z. version of NA. In contrast to the previous iteration, we do The TyVar represents a de Bruijn index into the datatype not have a different constructor for each possible value of ζ . We represent this index as a Peano numeral using VZ and Atom. It is not possible to build interpretations for Atom VS, and ensure that are never out of bounds. For in a compositional way: for example, it is not possible to simplicity, we also introduce some synonyms in order to define the interpretation Kon [] :@: Kon Int by composing make the descriptions of types in the rest of the paper a bit interpretations of Kon [] and Kon Int because the notion of more concise: a value of something of a kind different from ∗, like [] , does type V0 = VarVZ not make sense in Haskell. Instead, we define a type family type V1 = Var (VSVZ ) Ty which computes the type of a field given a context. type V2 = Var (VS (VSVZ )) type family Ty ζ (α :: Γ ζ )( t :: Atom ζ k) :: k where A datatype of kind ζ is now encoded as a list of list of the Ty (k → ks)( t :&: α)( VarVZ ) = t atoms defined above, given that they form a type of kind ∗. Ty (k → ks)( t :&: α)( Var (VSv )) = Ty ks α (Varv ) We define a type synonym DataType to refer to such lists: Ty ζα (Kont ) = t type DataType ζ = [[ Atom ζ (∗)]] Ty ζα (f :@: x) = (Ty ζα f )( Ty ζα x) 6 Generic Programming of All Kinds Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA

In preparation for the upcoming constructions, we intro- sop class Generic⋆ ζ (f :: ζ ) where duce the type variables for the T constructor explicitly. In type Codef :: DataType ζ particular, this is required to use visible type application [8]. from :: ApplyT ζ f α → SOP⋆ ζ (Codef ) α The code uses record syntax to generate an eliminator unT to :: SForΓ ζα for the only field in T.3 ⇒ SOP⋆ ζ (Codef ) α → ApplyT ζ f α data NA (ζ :: Kind) :: Γ ζ → Atom ζ (∗)→∗ where data ApplyT ζ (f :: k)( α :: Γ ζ ) :: ∗ where T :: forall ζ t α . {unT :: Ty ζα t }→ NA ζα t A0 :: {unA0 :: f }→ ApplyT (∗) f ϵ These new parameters to NA appear also in the new SOP⋆ A+ :: {unA+ :: ApplyT ks (ft ) τ } type, which interpets codes of the new shape: → ApplyT (k → ks) f (t :&: τ ) ( )( )( ) type SOP⋆ ζ :: Kind c :: DataType ζ α :: Γ ζ data SΓ (ζ :: Kind)( α :: Γ ζ ) where ( ( )) = NS NP NA ζα c Sϵ :: SΓ (∗) ϵ S&:: SΓ ks α → SΓ (k → ks)( t :&: τ ) A unified Genericsop. The definition of the generic repre- ⋆ ( ) sentation of a certain datatype is not comprised only of its class SForΓk α :: Γk where code, the two isomorphisms from and to are also required. sΓ :: SΓk τ In our case, however, it seems like there is a family of such instance SForΓ (∗) ϵ where conversion functions: sΓ = Sϵ from :: f → SOP⋆ (∗)( Codef ) ϵ instance SForΓ ks τ ⇒ SForΓ (k → ks)( t :&: τ ) where from1 :: fa → SOP⋆ (k1 →∗)( Codef )( a :&: ϵ) sΓ = S& sΓ from2 :: fab → SOP⋆ (k1 → k2 →∗)( Codef )( a :&: b :&: ϵ) sop instance Generic⋆ (∗→∗)[] where -- and so on ′ ′ ′ type Code [] = [ [] , [V0, Kon [] :@: V0 ]] The difficulty arises on the first argument, since f is applied from (A+ (A [])) = Here $ Nil to a different number of variables in each case. Hence, we 0 ( + ( ( ))) ∗ ∗ have to describe this situation as f being applied to a context from A A0 x:xs = There $ Here $ Tx : T xs : Nil whose length varies. to :: forall α . SForΓ (∗→∗) α ⇒ SOP (∗→∗)( Code []) α → ApplyT (∗→∗)[] α from :: Applyf ϵ → SOP⋆ ... ⋆ to sop = case sΓ@(∗→∗) @α of from1 :: Applyf (a :&: ϵ)→ SOP⋆ ... S& Sϵ → case sop of from2 :: Applyf (a :&: b :&: ϵ)→ SOP⋆ ... + -- and so on Here Nil → A $ A0 [] There (Here (Tx :∗ T xs :∗ Nil))→ A+ $ A $ x:xs Where Apply is defined as a type family. In order to help the 0 compiler in forecoming developments, we also include the sop kind of the context as an explicit argument to this family. Figure 3. The Generic⋆ class and its instance for lists type family Apply ζ (f :: ζ )( α :: Γ ζ ) :: (∗) where Apply (∗) f ϵ = f Apply (k → ks) f (t :&: τ ) = Apply ks (ft ) τ Apply (∗→∗→∗) Either (a :&: b :&: ϵ) This is not yet sufficient to type either the from or to func- Apply (∗→∗)( Eithera )( b :&: ϵ) tions. The complete declarations can be found in Figure 3, Apply (∗)( Eitherab ) ϵ together with an example instance. For pedagogical purposes, Datatypes, on the other hand, are injective. Hence we lift let us start from a naive for to and build it up Apply to a GADT, ApplyT. This provides evidence of which to the real signature, one piece at a time. We start with: part of the type is the constructor f and which are the type

to :: SOP⋆ ζ (Codef ) α → Apply ζ f α parameters. Next, we need to inform the typechecker about the shape Here the type variable f appears only as an argument of of the context Γ ζ . Unfortunately Haskell cannot infer that type families: Apply and Code. None of the type families are only from the kind ζ , even though this should be enough injective, which means that the instantiation of f cannot be in theory. We introduce singletons for contexts, SΓ, and an inferred in its usage sites. In fact, if we have Either ab as a accompanying type class SForΓ, which witnesses the one- result, there are three different calls to Apply which would to-one correspondence between the singleton term and its give the same result: indexed context. In short, a singleton for τ is a datatype indexed by that τ which accurately reflects the structure of 3Not to be confused with Agda and Idris’ syntax for implicit parameters. τ [7]. Thus, by pattern matching on the singleton, we gain 7 Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA Alejandro Serrano and Victor Cacciari Miraldo

sop the functor f . This idea generalizes to fields of the form gfmap :: forall fab . (Generic⋆ (∗→∗) f , f1 (... (fn a)), giving rise to a recursive instance. All2 FunctorAtom (Codef )) • ⇒( a → b)→ fa → fb Finally, if the field does not mention the variable, Kon t, + we just keep it unchanged. gfmapf = unA0 ◦ unA ◦ to + ◦ goS ◦ from ◦ A ◦ A0 In the second instance we make use of a partial type signature where @_ [33]. That way we can ask the compiler to infer the kind which ought to be passed to T from the surrounding context. goS :: All2 FunctorAtom xs In this case it can be readily obtained from the following @x ⇒ NS (NP (NA (∗→∗)( a :&: ϵ))) xs type application. → NS (NP (NA (∗→∗)( b :&: ϵ))) xs Note that this use of type classes in the definition of ( ) ( ) goS Herex = Here goPx generic fmap is quite different from the usage in Section 2.1. goS (Therex ) = There (goSx ) There the instances describe how to handle sums and prod- goP :: All FunctorAtom xs ucts, which we do simply by recursion on the structure of ⇒ NP (NA (∗→∗)( a :&: ϵ)) xs NS and NP. In our case FunctorAtom describes which shapes → NP (NA (∗→∗)( b :&: ϵ)) xs of atoms can appear as fields of a datatype which supports goP Nil = Nil the Functor operations. We need such a restriction because goP (Tx :∗ xs) = gfmapFf (Tx ) :∗ goP xs the universe of types we can describe is very wide, and in many scenarios only a subset of those can be handled. class FunctorAtom (t :: Atom (∗→∗)(∗)) where sop Another important difference from the Generic1 version gfmapF :: (a → b)→ NA (∗→∗)( a :&: ϵ) t is that we need to manually wrap and unwrap ApplyT con- + → NA (∗→∗)( b :&: ϵ) t structors A0 and A . Note that the user of the generic oper- instance FunctorAtomV 0 where ation is oblivious to these fact, they can use the operation gfmapFf (Tx ) = T (fx ) directly, as the following example from the shows: instance (Functorf , FunctorAtomx ) > gfmap (+1) [1,2,3] ⇒ FunctorAtom (Konf :@: x) where [2,3,4] gfmapFf (Tx ) Arity-generic fmap. The construction in this section can be ( ( ◦ ◦ ) ) = T fmap unT gfmapFf T @_@x x generalized to work on type constructors of every kind of instance FunctorAtom (Kont ) where the form ∗→ ... →∗→∗ , that is, taking only ground gfmapFf (Tx ) = Tx types as type arguments. Using our framework, we autom- atize the instantiation of the following type class KFunctor, sop Figure 4. Generic fmap using Generic⋆ which generalizes Functor and Bifunctor to any kind of the aforementioned shape class KFunctor ζ (f :: ζ ) where information about τ itself. In this case, the information about kmap :: SForΓ ζβ ⇒ Mappings αβ the shape of the context is reified. → ApplyT ζ f α → ApplyT ζ f β 4.1 Generic Functor The fmap method in Functor takes one single function a → b Just like Figure 1, we can also write a generic fmap for func- as argument, since there is only one type variable to update. tors in the GenericsNSOP universe, given in Figure 4. In fact, The bimap in Bifunctor takes two functions, one per argu- the code in Figure 4, does not significantly differ from that of ment. The following Mappings generalized this sop idea for KFunctor, requiring one function per type variable. Figure 1, where we only had Generic1 at our hand. The main sop data Mappings (α :: Γ ζ )( β :: Γ ζ ) where change is our treatment of atoms. In the case of Generic1 , we knew how to implement fmap for every possible shape of MNil :: Mappings ϵϵ sop field. However, the language of atoms in Generic⋆ is much MCons :: (a → b)→ Mappings αβ broader, and we cannot always write the desired implemen- → Mappings (a :&: α)( b :&: β) tation. In order to delineate which Atoms we can handle, Assuming the Genericsop instance for lists, one can imple- we introduce a FunctorAtom type class. The instances corre- ⋆ ment the usual map function as follows: spond to three different scenarios: ( → )→[ ]→[ ] • If the field mentions the type variable, then we apply map :: a b a b + + the function of type a → b to it. mapf = unA0 ◦ unA ◦ kmap (MConsf MNil )◦ A ◦ A0 • If the field has the form fa , where f is a functor and Since we need to pass an ApplyT value to kmap, we need to + a the type variable, we can apply the operation under manually wrap and unwrap using A0 and A . This process 8 Generic Programming of All Kinds Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA can be automated, though, and we explain how to do so in construction, or it could be achieved using a hierarchy of the next section. The other detail to consider is that we need universe levels. sop to create a Mappings with the single function f , as [] only To answer the question we have build a model of Generic⋆ takes one type argument. in Agda, which we describe in Appendix A. If we assume that The full implementation of kmap is given in Appendix C. our universe of basic types lives in Set0, our codes live in Set1, The version described also supports constraints in datatype and our interpretation of those in Set2. The code compiles constructors as described in Section 5. fine, showing that the ∗ : ∗ axiom is not essential to our construction. 4.2 Unraveling Singletons 5 Constraints Although the type family Apply exposes a nicer to the programmer, the introduction of the ApplyT datatype The move from ADTs to GADTs makes it possible to require a sop constraint to be satisfied when using a certain constructor of was essential for the definition of Generic⋆ . Turns out we can maintain that nice interface by wrapping or unwrapping a datatype. The Expr type described in the Introduction is one + values using A0 and A automatically. example: it mandates the index to be exactly Bool in the IsZ Going from ApplyT to Apply is trivial. This is expected, case. Here is another example, in which the constructor Refl as ApplyT is a refinement of the type family in which the mandates the two type arguments to coincide by imposing evidence is explicit. an equality constraint a ∼ b. unravel :: ApplyTkf α → Applykf α data Eqlab where ∼ ⇒ unravel (A0 x) = x Refl :: a b Eqlab unravel (A+ x) = unravelx Since version 7.4.1, GHC treats constraints — in short, any- For the converse direction, we find ourselves in the same thing which appears before the ⇒ — as regular ground scenario as for the definition of to. In order to define the types, with the caveat that its kind is Constraint instead of function, we need to match on the shape of the context: ∗. We sometimes refer to constraints as implicit parameters, since they are filled in by the compiler, as opposed to explicit it the context is empty we wrap the value using A0, and otherwise we add one layer of A+. The solution is asking for parameters which need to be given in the code. In fact, other a singleton and inspecting that value instead. languages such as Agda and Scala have a native notion of im- plicit parameters, which are often used to simulate Haskell’s ravel :: forall kf α . SForΓk α type class mechanism. ⇒ Applykf α → ApplyTkf α Up to now a datatype was defined as [[ Atom ζ (∗)]] , ravel = go (sΓ @_@α) where each element of the inner list represents a field in a where constructor. Now we introduce an additional layer, which go :: forall kf α . SΓk α specified for each field whether it is implicit —andthus → Applykf α → ApplyTkf α should have kind Constraint — or explicit. goS ϵ x = A0 x data Field (ζ :: Kind) where + go (S& τ ) x = A (go τ x) Explicit :: Atom ζ (∗)→ Field ζ The definition of gfmap no longer needs to care about the Implicit :: Atom ζ Constraint → Field ζ amount of wrapping needed by the generic operation, this type DataType ζ = [[ Field ζ ]] is inferred from the types involved. The interpretation functor NA has to be adapted: gfmapf = unravel ◦ to ◦ goS ◦ from ◦ ravel data NA (ζ :: Kind) :: Γ ζ → Field ζ →∗ where In fact, we can expose only the combination of (un)raveling :: forall ζ t α . Ty ζα t → NA ζα (Explicitt ) with to and from, making the writer of generic operations I :: forall ζ t α . Ty ζα t ⇒ NA ζα (Implicitt ) completely unaware of the intermediate ApplyT datatype. The two constructors look almost the same. But the fact that Ty ζα t appears before a regular → arrow in E, and be- 4.3 Are We Inconsistent? fore a ⇒ arrow in I is enough to require the right kind to In order to perform the entire construction, we were forced come out of the application of Ty. This updated framework to enable the TypeInType extension in GHC. This extension is enough to describe the shape of the Eql datatype; we give is quite powerful: it allows working with kinds as they were sop its Generic⋆ instance in Figure 5. types, and to promote GADTs, among others. But it also This is a rather slim layer that has to be added on top adds an axiom ∗ : ∗, which is known to introduce inconsis- of the previous constructions. Our Agda model in Appen- tency when we view the language as a logic [9]. We would dix A has constraints in it. Hence, this layer introduces no like to know whether this latter axiom is necessary for our inconsistency. 9 Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA Alejandro Serrano and Victor Cacciari Miraldo

sop with SNat, SKind does not reflect any information about the instance Generic⋆ (k → k →∗) Eql where type Code Eql kind itself, but we do not need to inspect that information 4 ′ ′ either for the upcoming constructions. = [ [Implicit (Kon (∼) :@: V0 :@: V1)]] + + data SKind (ℓ :: Kind) = K from (A (A (A0 Refl))) = Here $ I :∗ Nil ( ) to :: forall α . SForΓ (k → k →∗) α data Branch ζ :: Kind where Exists :: SKind ℓ → Branch (ℓ → ζ )→ Branch ζ ⇒ SOP⋆ (k → k →∗)( Code Refl) α [ ]→ → ApplyT (k → k →∗) Refl α Constr :: Field ζ Branch ζ to sop = case sΓ @_@α of As a consequence of this intermediate layer, datatypes are S& (S& Sϵ)→ case sop of no longer represented as mere lists of lists of fields, but as + + [Branch ζ ], where each element contains information both Here (I :∗ Nil)→ A $ A $ A0 Refl about existentials and about the fields. ′ sop The Expr datatype above can be described using our ex- Figure 5. The Generic⋆ instance for Eql tended language of codes as given in Figure 6. For that, we do not use the user-facing version, but the second represen- 6 Existentials tation with explicit quantification and equalities. Note that each Exists “shift” the position of type variables: the first Apart from constraints, every constructor in a GADT may variable in the context is now the second, and so on. As a introduce one or more existentially quantified type variables, result, V refers to the last-introduced variable, b in this case, which are available once your pattern match. Although seem- 0 V corresponds to a, and V is the original type argument to ingly rare, existentials become ubiquituous once you con- 1 2 Expr ′, which we called t in the datatype declaration. sider how GHC represents GADTs. Consider another simple type of well-typed expressions, which features only integer The next step is to update the interpretation of the codes. literals and pairs: Unfortunately, our datatypes are not described by a list of ′ data Expr t where lists anymore. This means we cannot define its interpreta- AnInt :: Int → Expr ′ Int tion as a simple composition of NS, NP, and NA. We then APair :: Expr ′ a → Expr ′ b → Expr ′ (a, b) introduce NB, which interprets Branches and has the form: Under the hood, the refinement in the index of Expr ′ is turned data NB (ζ :: Kind) :: Γ ζ → Branch ζ →∗ where into an equality constraint, and every new new variable is Ex :: forall ℓ (t :: ℓ)( p :: SKind ℓ) ζα c . quantified. Thus, we obtain the following form: NB (ℓ → ζ )( t :&: α) c → NB ζα (Existspc ) data Expr ′ t where Cr :: NP (NA ζα ) fs → NB ζα (Constr fs) ′ AnInt :: t ∼ Int ⇒ Int → Expr t The recursion in the syntax of existential quantification is APair :: forall ab . t ∼( a, b)⇒ Expr ′ a → Expr ′ b reflected in the recursive use of NB in the constructor Ex. → Expr ′ t More importantly, thanks to the singleton SKind ℓ we can Our language of codes is enough to describe AnInt, but can- obtain the kind ℓ which was introduced in the code. Then, not handle the introduction of new variables in APair. Let us we use existential quantification at the meta-level to gener- look at what would it take to extend our technique to handle ate a fresh type t of that kind, which we add to the context existential types. in the first position, matching the change in the structure Existentials are introduced at the level of constructors. that Exists performs in the kind. Once we do not need more Before, each constructor was merely a [Field ζ ], but now we existential variables, Cr just continues as usual, by requiring are going to refine it with the possibility of introducing new NP (NA ζα ) for the fields fs. type variables; for each new variable we need to record its Since now the call to NP is inside NB, we need to update kind. In a dependently-typed language we can encode this the top-level SOP⋆ type too. construction using a recursive Branch datatype: we introduce type SOP⋆ ζ (c :: DataType ζ )( α :: Γ ζ ) = NS (NB ζα ) c new variables by repeated applications of Exists, and then sop The Generic type class, on the other hand, is not affected move to describe the fields with Constr. ⋆ by these changes. The instances, however, need to change data Branch (ζ :: Kind) where their codes and isomorphisms to reflect the new intermediate Exists :: (ℓ :: Kind)→ Branch (ℓ → ζ )→ Branch ζ layer between outer and inner lists. Constr :: [Field ζ ]→ Branch ζ

Haskell does not support full dependent types, so Branch 4Peyton Jones et al. [25] describes TypeRep, which provides type-indexed cannot be declared as above. As we did in Section 4 for the type representations. However, it is not (yet) possible to promote TypeRep indices of variables, we use a singleton instead. In contrast operations to the type level. 10 Generic Programming of All Kinds Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA type TmCode ′ ′ = [ Constr [Implicit (Kon (∼) :@: Kon Int :@: V0), Explicit (Kon Int)], ′ ExistsK (ExistsK (Constr [Implicit (Kon (∼) :@: V2 :@: (Kon (, ) :@: V1 :@: V0)), ′ ′ Explicit (Kon Expr :@: V1), Explicit (Kon Expr :@: V0)]))]

Figure 6. Code for Expr ′

7 Related Work Weirich and Casinghino [30] define arity-generic opera- Sums of products. Our approach to generic programming tions, such as the family of functions zipWith, zipWith3, and is heavily inspired by the original list-of-list-of-types con- so on. In their case the operations are indexed by a natural struction by de Vries and Löh [6]. Each of the extensions number which specifies the amount of arguments; in con- we present: support for multiple kinds, constraints, explicit trast our development is indexed by contexts Γ which specify recursion, and existentials, could be applied independently the kind of each type variable. of the original framework. Conversely, generics-sop sup- ports metadata about types and constructors, and the same 8 Conclusion and Future Work techniques are readily applicable to our case. Although we greatly exapended the set of types that the There seems to be a trade-off in the amount of traversal (generic) programmer has access to, this is still not exhaus- combinators that can be implemented. generics-sop comes tive. With the introduction of the TypeInType extension, with a huge library of maps, , and folds. Our defi- quantification in types works as a telescope. That is,the nition of gfmap, on the other hand, traverses the SOP⋆ struc- kind of a variable might depend on the variables introduced ture manually; and we cannot easily abstract that pattern before it. For example, here t depends on the kind ζ : because of the very strong types which are involved. data KTProxy ζ t where Generic universes. With respect to our Agda model, Appen- KTProxy :: forall ζ (t :: ζ ) . KTProxy ζ t dix A, we have adapted the technique of generic program- The Exists combinator in our library only allows constant ming with universes [1], where one separates the description kinds to quantify over. of types from their interpretation into different hierarchies. Another shortcoming of our library is that only single That is, if the description of types live in Seti, then their recursion can be represented. The multirec [35] library interpretation lives in Seti+1. Differently from Altenkirch adds support families of mutually recursive datatypes, and et al. [1], we enforce that the descriptions must be in the generic-mrsop [21] translated its approach to the sum-of- sums-of-products shape, we do not handle mutual recursion products style. However, in both cases all members of a and we handle predicates over variables. This requires us to datatype are restricted to be of kind ∗. It might be possible to put the elements of the interpretation in Seti+2. These differ- use a similar technique — adding an index to the Rec atom ences stems from the fact that we aim at representing Haskell – to try tackling this. The difficulty is in the possibility of datatypes, including GADTs with potential constraints. different members of the family having different kinds. GADTs. The problem of generic programming for GADTs Through several refinements, starting with the original have not received much attention in the literature. The ap- sum-of-products construction, we have built a generic pro- proach of Magalhães and Jeuring [16] is based on pattern gramming library supporting a wider range of datatypes. functors: the basic set of blocks is extended with CEq, which Our main novelties are the uniform treatment of different represents equalities at the level of constructors, and a “mo- kinds, and the support for the most important features in bility family” X to fake existentials. Our approach reuses GADTs. 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12 Generic Programming of All Kinds Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA

A Reference Implementation in Agda data Field (k : K) : Set2 where In this section we shall describe the Agda model of GenericsNSOP. Explicit : Atomk ⋆ → Fieldk Agda [24] is a depentently typed language with a predicative Implicit : (Γk → Set1)→ Fieldk hierarchy of universes. This allows us to model our construc- The most interesting part of the model is, in fact, the tion with a finer level of detail. Ultimately showing one does handling of constraints. A constraint is a predicate over not need the Set:Set axiom to make the construction work. the types that will be in when type checking that The starting point for our construction is modelling the constructor. These types are the interpretation of some kind notion of kind, as we aim to encode arbitrarily kinded types. k, k K, and hence, inhabitants of Set1. This forces us to map Here we mimick Haskell’s kind syntax. ΓkJ intoK Set1, which brings the universe of Field into Set2. data K : Set where Interpreting a Field can be done back in Set1 again: ⋆ : K _ A : {k }→ Fieldk → Γk → Set1 J K ∀ _ ⇒ _ : K → K → K Explicitt A γ = Lift (Ty γ t) J K Although their are simple, we already need to Implicit ctr A γ = ctr γ J K start mapping K to Set1, since we want to have ground types Where Lift : Set → Set1 lifts an inhabitant of a smaller in Set: universe into a bigger one. The rest of the model is trivial. _ K : K → Set1 We define a product of kind k and a sum of kind k as lists, J K ⋆ K = Set and interpret them using All and Any, respectively. J K k1 ⇒ k2 K = k1 K → k2 K Prod SoP : K → Set2 J K J K J K In order to refer to the kind of a type variable within a Prodk = List (Fieldk ) larger kind declaration we declare the TyVar relation below. SoPk = List (Prodk ) Essentially, an inhabitant of type TyVar ks k provides a way _ P : {k }→ Prodk → Γk → Set2 to extract some kind k from within ks. J K ∀ α P γ = All (λα → α A γ ) α data TyVar : K → K → Set where J K J K _ S : {k }→ Prodk → Γk → Set2 VZ : {k ks }→ TyVar (k ⇒ ks) k J K ∀ ∀ ′ ′ ps S γ = Any (λπ → π P γ ) ps VS : {kk ks }→ TyVar ksk → TyVar (k ⇒ ks) k J K J K ∀ Finally, going full circle and encoding the example shown Next, we can define the language of terms and contexts, at the introduction would look like: just like we did in Section 4: data IsNat : Set → Set where ( K) K → data Atom ζ : : Set1 where Prf : Nat → IsNat Nat Var : {k1 }→ TyVar ζ k1 → Atom ζ k1 ∀ isnatSOP : SoP (⋆ ⇒ ⋆) Kon : {k1 }→ k1 K → Atom ζ k1 ∀ J K isnatSOP = (Implicit ctr :: Explicit (VarVZ ) :: []) :: [] App : {k1 k2 }→ Atom ζ (k1 ⇒ k2)→ Atom ζ k1 ∀ where → Atom ζ k2 ctr : Γ (⋆ ⇒ ⋆)→ Set1 K → data Γ : Set1 where ctr (x :: []) = x ≡ Nat GZ : Γ ⋆ Adding an extra constructor to Atom to mark, explicitely, GS : {k1 k2 }→ k1 K → Γk 2 → Γ (k1 ⇒ k2) ∀ J K which are the recursive positions is quite simple. The con- Now, given a environment γ , we can interpret a term structor would have type: t : Atom ζ k into an inhabitant of k K. J K Rec : Termkk Ty : {resk }→ Γk → Atomk res → res K And we would need one extra parameter of type k in TyGZ∀ (Var ()) J K K the interpretation functions. Again, as long as we do notJ K take Ty (GSg γ )( VarVZ ) = γ the least fixpoint of this construction, there is no need for ( )( ( )) ( ) Ty GSg γ Var VSv = Ty γ Varv the Set : Set axiom. Ty γ (Konx ) = x Ty γ (Appfx ) = Ty γ f (Ty γ x) Note how we can discharge the case of interpreting a vari- able in an empty environment. Finally, we are now able to de- fine the fields of the constructors. These come in two flavours. Explicit fields are values of some ground type whereas im- plicit fields are constraints over the type parameters in scope.

13 Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA Alejandro Serrano and Victor Cacciari Miraldo

B Explicit Recursion tying the knot. This approach is similar to the Genericregular Up until now, we have not distinguished recursive positions type class. sop from regular fields in our datatypes. This is also the casein class Generic⋆ ζ (f :: ζ ) where Generic and Genericsop, where recursion is implicit. type Codef :: DataType ζ Marking recursion explicitly is advantageous but intro- to :: ApplyT ζ f α → SOP ζ (Codef ) f α duces a more intricate design. It enables one to write combi- ⋆ from :: SForΓ ζα nators exploiting recursion schemes, such as fold, but it in- troduces some extra complexity to the atoms of the universe ⇒ SOP⋆ ζ (Codef ) f α → ApplyT ζ f α and one extra parameter to the interpretation of codes. In Since the constructors in NA do not change depending on fact, some generic operations require this explicit recursion whether we have used Rec or not to describe the datatype, the sop information. Such as the definition of diff and patch [14, 20], instances we provided for the previous version of Generic⋆ zippers [12], and tree regular expressions [28]. keep working in the version with explicit recursion. The technique of marking recursive positions [23, 35] It is important to note that marking recursive positions starts with expanding the atoms with a new building block: explicitly is still sound, as demonstrated by the Agda model data Recp = Recp in Appendix A. Unfolding this recursion and taking the least fixed point of a type is not, however. That is, we cannot write Although isomorphic to I, Rec serves quite a different pur- a Fix type, in the lines of: pose. Nevertheless, the second step is to bubble up one extra ( ( )) parameter to the interpretation of codes, lifting it to ∗→∗ . data Fixf = Fix f Fixf The from function would then have a type similar to: That is because the interpretation of sums lives in the from :: a → Repaa second predicative universe (Set2), which forces Fix to live in Set2 aswell. However, the argument we have to pass to Passing a as this extra parameter closes the recursive knot. the interpretation of must be an inhabitant of Set1, hence Let us now apply the same technique to our scenario. We we cannot feed Fix f back into f . This would require the start by extending the Atom type with a new constructor: Set:Set axiom, breaking consistency. Hence, just marking the data Atom (ζ :: Kind) k where positions is fine, unfolding the recursion is where we would ... find problems. Rec :: Atom ζζ Updating gfmap. In Figure 4 we used an ancillary FunctorAtom The kind of a recursive occurence is exactly the kind of what- type class to describe which fields we could map over. Itis ever datatype we are defining. As an example, we can provide impossible, though, to write an instance of this form: a more informative code for [] , where the recursion is ex- plicit: instance (FunctorAtomx )⇒ FunctorAtom (Rec :@: x) ′ ′ ′ type ListCode = [ [] , [V0, Rec :@: V0 ]] In fact, gfmap defines the operation for the type we are recur- ring over, so this instance ought to exist! In order to convince The next step is to extend the interpretation of atoms the compiler, we play the same trick as before: work with r to include this new construction. As in the case of Noort as an independent entity, and only tie the knot at the level et al. [23], we only tie the recursive knot at the level of the of gfmap. We need to pass the function which works on the Genericsop type class. In the meantime, Ty is extended with a ⋆ recursive position as an additional argument. new argument, which declares which is the type to be used whenever Rec is found. class FunctorAtomr (t :: Atom (∗→∗)(∗)) where type family Ty (ζ :: Kind)( r :: ζ )( α :: Γ ζ ) gfmapF :: (forall xy . (x → y)→ rx → ry ) (t :: Atom ζ k) :: k where →( a → b) ... → NA (∗→∗) r (a :&: ϵ) t Ty ζ r α Rec = r → NA (∗→∗) r (b :&: ϵ) t As a consequence, NA and SOP⋆ also gain a new type param- instance (FunctorAtomrx ) eter for this recursive position. ⇒ FunctorAtomr (Rec :@: x) where data NA (ζ :: Kind) :: ζ → Γ ζ → Field ζ →∗ where ... gfmapFrf (Tx ) type SOP⋆ ζ (c :: DataType ζ )( r :: ζ )( α :: Γ ζ ) = T (r (unT ◦ gfmapFrf ◦ T @_@x@r) x) = NS (NP (NA ζ r α)) c The trick now is to make the FunctorAtom constraint used in sop Finally, the updated Generic⋆ mandates this recursive posi- All2 refer to the same f as in the code. And to close the loop, tion to be instantiated with the datatype we are describing, when we call gfmapF, we pass gfmap itself as the function to execute in the when Rec is found. 14 Generic Programming of All Kinds Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA

sop gfmap :: (Generic⋆ (∗→∗) f , data NB (ρ :: Kind)( ζ :: Kind) AllD (FunctorAtomf )( Codef )) :: ρ → Γ ζ → Branch ρζ →∗ where ⇒( a → b)→ fa → fb Ex :: forall ℓ (t :: ℓ)( p :: SKind ℓ) ρζ r α c . gfmapf = ... NB ρ (ℓ → ζ ) r (t :&: α) c where → NB ρζ r α (Existspc ) goP Nil = Nil Cr :: NP (NA ρζ r α) fs → NB ρζ r α (Constr fs) goP (Tx :∗ xs) = gfmapF gfmapf (Tx ) :∗ goP xs Note how only the context argument is extended from ζ to This approach makes the definition of gfmap self-contained, ℓ → ζ . The kind of the recursive position is kept as ρ. in contrast to the definition without explicit recursion, in The fact that ζ and ρ coincide before any existential is which a Functor instance needs to be written to make recur- introduced is made explicit in the updated definitions of sion possible. DataType and SOP⋆: type DataType ζ = [Branch ζζ ]

type SOP⋆ ζ (c :: DataType ζ )( r :: ζ )( α :: Γ ζ ) B.1 Explicit Recursion and Existentials = NS (NB ζζ r α) c The combination of existentials with explicit recursion is not In both cases the single argument which represents the kind as straightforward as the combination of constraints from of the datatype to describe is used as kind for recursion and Section 5 with explicit recursion. In this section we outline context. the changes required to bring both concepts under the same umbrella. For the language of codes the introduction of Rec does C Arity-generic fmap not stop the original implementation from compiling. But The generic fmap described in Section 4.1 can be generalized we also need to update the interpretation datatype NB, by to a version which works on any type constructor whose adding an additional argument for the recursive position: type variables are all of kind ∗. The full code is given in data NB (ζ :: Kind) :: ζ → Γ ζ → Branch ζ →∗ where Figure 7, with some auxiliary definitions in Figures 8 and 9. Ex :: forall ℓ (t :: ℓ)( p :: SKind ℓ) ζα rc . As we have already discussed, the mapping operation kmap requires a different amount of functions to apply over NB (ℓ → ζ )?(t :&: α) c → NB ζ r α (Existspc ) each type parameter depending on the kind of the type con- Cr :: NP (NA ζ r α) fs → NB ζ r α (Constr fs) structor. The Mappings datatype defines such a structure by If we do not introduce any new variables – the case of Constr recursion over two contexts α and β which define the source – we can pass down to NA the same type for the recursive and target types. position. On the other hand, the case of Exists forces the ar- The body of the generic implementation gkmap recurses gument to Ex to have kind ℓ → ζ . But r has kind ζ instead. over the structure of a generic value. The first difference The problem is that we are using the kind ζ for two differ- with the implementation of gfmap – the generic fmap for ent tasks. On the one hand, ζ fixes the shape of the context one-argument type constructors we developed in Section 4.1 Γ. On the other hand, ζ specified which is the kind obtained – is that we do not only handle explicit fields in goP, but also when recursion is performed, that is, when Rec is used as part implicit values. Take the following datatype: of an atom. When one uses Exists the additional type should data Showya where only be introduced in the context, whereas the recursive Showable :: Showa ⇒ a → Showya positions should stay as they were. → → The solution is to decouple this two modes of use of ζ . An NotShowable :: String a Showya atom should take two kind arguments: ρ specifies the kind of If we want to perform a shape-preserving map, we need to recursive positions, and ζ specifies the kinds in the context. ensure that the target type argument satisfies the constraints data Atom (ρ :: Kind)( ζ :: Kind) k where imposed by the different constructors. In this case, the type of the map should be: Var :: TyVar ζ k → Atom ρζ k Kon :: k → Atom ρζ k showyMap :: Showb ⇒( a → b)→ Showya → Showyb (:@:) :: Atom ρζ (k1 → k2)→ Atom ρζ k1 The ISatisfiedD type family in Figure 9 inspects the code of a → Atom ρζ k2 datatype building up the set of such constraints. The body of Rec :: Atom ρζρ the family is mostly recurring over the code; the interesting bit is in the case of an Implicit field, for which we reify the This change generates a chain reaction of updates (we refer description of the type of the constraint by using Ty. the reader to Appendix D for the complete code), the most Most of the happens in KFunctorField, which takes important being in NB: care of applying the mappings to each field in the datatype. 15 Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA Alejandro Serrano and Victor Cacciari Miraldo data Mappings (α :: Γ ζ )( β :: Γ ζ ) where MNil :: Mappings ϵϵ MCons :: (a → b)→ Mappings αβ → Mappings (a :&: α)( b :&: β) class KFunctor ζ (f :: ζ ) where kmap :: SForΓ ζβ ⇒ Mappings αβ → ApplyT ζ f α → ApplyT ζ f β sop default kmap :: (Generic⋆ ζ f , SForΓ ζβ , AllD KFunctorField (Codef ), ISatisfiedD ζβ (Codef )) ⇒ Mappings αβ → ApplyT ζ f α → ApplyT ζ f β kmap fs = to ◦ gkmap (Proxy :: Proxyf ) fs ◦ from gkmap :: forall ζ (f :: ζ )( α :: Γ ζ )( β :: Γ ζ ) . sop (Generic⋆ ζ f , AllD KFunctorField (Codef ), ISatisfiedD ζβ (Codef )) ⇒ Proxyf → Mappings αβ → SOP⋆ ζ (Codef ) α → SOP⋆ ζ (Codef ) β gkmap f = goS where goS :: (AllD KFunctorField xs, ISatisfiedDk β xs)⇒ NS (NBk α) xs → NS (NBk β) xs goS (Herex ) = Here (goBx ) goS (Therex ) = There (goSx ) goB :: (AllB KFunctorField xs, ISatisfiedBk β xs)⇒ NBk α xs → NBk β xs goB (Crx ) = Cr (goPx ) goP :: (AllE KFunctorField xs, ISatisfiedEk β xs)⇒ NP (NAk α) xs → NP (NAk β) xs goP Nil = Nil goP (Ex :∗ xs) = kmapff (Ex ) :∗ goP xs goP (I :∗ xs) = I :∗ goP xs class KFunctorField (t :: Atom ζ ∗) where kmapf :: Mappings αβ → NA ζα (Explicitt )→ NA ζβ (Explicitt ) instance forall ζ (v :: TyVar ζ Type) . SForTyVarkv ⇒ KFunctorField (Varv ) where kmapff (Ex ) = E (go (styvar@ζ @v) fx ) where go :: forall k (α :: Γk )( β :: Γk )( v :: TyVark ∗) . STyVarkv → Mappings αβ → Tyk α (Varv )→ Tyk β (Varv ) go SVZ (MConsg ) x = gx go (SVSv ′)( MCons f ′) x = gov ′ f ′ x instance KFunctorField (Kont ) where kmapff (Ex ) = Ex instance forall fx . (KFunctorHeadf , KFunctorFieldx )⇒ KFunctorField (f :@: x) where + kmapff (Ex ) = E $ unA0 $ unA $ kmaph (Proxy :: Proxyf ) f (MCons (unE ◦ kmapff ◦ E @_@x) MNil) + $ A $ A0 x class KFunctorHead (t :: Atom ζ k) where kmaph :: SForΓk τ ⇒ Proxyt → Mappings αβ → Mappings ρτ → ApplyTk (Ty ζα t) ρ → ApplyTk (Ty ζβ t) τ instance forall fx . (KFunctorHeadf , KFunctorFieldx )⇒ KFunctorHead (f :@: x) where kmaph frx = unA+ $ kmaph (Proxy :: Proxyf ) f (MCons (unE ◦ kmapff ◦ E @_@x) r) $ A+ x instance forall k (f :: k) . (KFunctorkf )⇒ KFunctorHead (Konf ) where kmaph rx = kmaprx

Figure 7. Arity-generic map kmap and associated type class KFunctor

16 Generic Programming of All Kinds Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA data STyVark (t :: TyVark ∗) where Consider now the case of an application of a type con- SVZ :: STyVar (∗→ k) VZ structor to one or more types. For example, in the second SVS :: STyVarkv → STyVar (∗→ k)( VSv ) field of Fork, [ ] class SForTyVark (t :: TyVark ∗) where data Rosea = Forka Rosea styvar :: STyVarkt To implement map over Rose, we need to call the map op- instance SForTyVar (∗→ k) VZ where eration on [] . However, we cannot maintain the same list styvar = SVZ of mappings, since we need to map Rose a to Rose b. As a instance SForTyVarkv ⇒ SForTyVar (∗→ k)( VSv ) where consequence, when we find a type application in a field, we styvar = SVS styvar need to build the new list of mappings, which is then fed to the type constructor on the head of the application. Such an is implemented by the KFunctorHead Figure 8. Auxiliary singleton for TyVar type class in Figure 7. Note that the kmaph operation take not one, but two lists of mappings. The first one refers to the original context α and β, the second one accumulates the type family AllDc xs :: Constraint where new mappings for the type arguments ρ and τ . If we find AllDc ′[] = () an application we attach a new mapping – note the use of AllDc (x ′ : xs) = (AllBcx , AllDc xs ) MCons –, if we are already at the end of the application we recursively apply kmap. There is no case for a head being a type family AllBc xs :: Constraint where variable, as we assume that the datatype for which we are AllBc (Constrx ) = AllEcx defining kmap has only ∗-kinded arguments. type family AllEc xs :: Constraint where AllEc ′[] = () D Full Implementation AllEc (Explicitx ′ : xs) = (cx , AllEc xs ) Throughout the paper we have refined the different types and AllEc (Implicitx ′ : xs) = AllEc xs classes involved in our generic programming library. We give the end result as a reference, with support for constraints, type family ISatisfiedD ζ (α :: Γ ζ ) xs :: Constraint where existentials, and explicit recursion. Figure 10 describes the ISatisfiedD ζα ′[] = () language of codes, Figure 11 the datatypes involved in the in- ISatisfiedD ζα (x ′ : xs) sop terpretation of the codes, Figure 12 the Generic⋆ type class = (ISatisfiedB ζα x, ISatisfied ζα xs) and ancillary constructions, and Figure 13 the conversion type family ISatisfiedB ζ (α :: Γ ζ ) xs :: Constraint where between applied types and the evidence-carrying ApplyT. ISatisfiedB ζα (Constrx ) = ISatisfiedE ζα x D.1 List of Extensions type family ISatisfiedE ζ (α :: Γ ζ ) xs :: Constraint where For reference, we list here the language extensions that must ISatisfiedE ζα ′[] = () be enabled in GHC version 8.4.1. ISatisfiedE ζα (Implicitx ′ : xs) • For the core construction we require TypeInType, GADTs, = (Ty ζα x, ISatisfiedE ζα xs) DataKinds, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables; and the ISatisfiedE ζα (Explicitx ′ : xs) following extensions to type classes: MultiParamType- = ISatisfiedE ζα xs Classes, InstanceSigs, FlexibleContexts, and FlexibleIn- stances. Figure 9. Auxiliary type families for arity-generic fmap • Support for constraints: ConstraintKinds. • Support for explicit recursion: RankNTypes. • To refer to the kind (∗) explicitly: ExplicitNamespaces. There are also some language extensions whose use is not The Kon case is the simplest one, as no change has to take essential to the construction, but are required to compile the place. The case of a type variable is more complicated, as we code as given: need to lookup the function to apply in the list of mappings. • TypeOperators is required to use (:@:), (:&:), and (:∗), Since the de Bruijn index of the variable only exists at type as constructor names. level, but we need different run-time behavior depending • TypeApplications to fix the types of some uses of T. on it, we are require to introduce a singleton, which we do We could have used Proxy values instead, but this ap- in Figure 8. Once we obtain the singleton using styvar, we proach is clearer. traverse it in sync with the list of mappings. The indices in both cases ensure that we can only apply the correct mapping from the ones available. 17 Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA Alejandro Serrano and Victor Cacciari Miraldo data TyVar (ζ :: Kind) k where VZ :: TyVar (x → xs) x VS :: TyVar xsk → TyVar (x → xs) k data Atom (ρ :: Kind)( ζ :: Kind) k where Var :: TyVar ζ k → Atom ρζ k Kon :: k → Atom ρζ k Rec :: Atom ρζρ (:@:) :: Atom ζ (k1 → k2)→ Atom ζ k1 → Atom ζ k2 data Field (ρ :: Kind)( ζ :: Kind) where Explicit :: Atom ρζ (∗)→ Field ρζ Implicit :: Atom ρζ Constraint → Field ρζ data SKind (ℓ :: Kind) = K data Branch (ρ :: Kind)( ζ :: Kind) where Exists :: SKind ℓ → Branch ρ (ℓ → ζ )→ Branch ρζ Constr :: [Field ρζ ]→ Branch ρζ type DataType ζ = [Branch ζζ ]

Figure 10. Full implementation, part 1: language of codes data Γ (ζ :: Kind) where ϵ :: Γ (∗) (:&:) :: k → Γ ks → Γ (k → ks) type family Ty (ρ :: Kind)( ζ :: Kind)( r :: ρ)( α :: Γ ζ )( t :: Atom ρζ k) :: k where Ty ρ (k → ks) r (t :&: α)( VarVZ ) = t Ty ρ (k → ks) r (t :&: α)( Var (VSv )) = Ty ρ ksr α (Varv ) Ty ρζ r α (Kont ) = t Ty ρζ r α (f :@: x) = (Ty ρζ r α f )( Ty ρζ r α x) Ty ρζ r α Rec = r data NA (ρ :: Kind)( ζ :: Kind) :: ρ → Γ ζ → Field ζ →∗ where E :: forall ρζ tr α . {unE :: Ty ρζ r α t }→ NA ρζ r α (Explicitt ) I :: forall ρζ tr α . Ty ρζ r α t ⇒ NA ρζ r α (Implicitt ) data NP :: (k →∗)→[ k]→∗ where Nil :: NPf ′[] (:∗) :: fx → NPf xs → NPf (x ′ : xs) data NB (ρ :: Kind)( ζ :: Kind) :: ρ → Γ ζ → Branch ζ →∗ where Ex :: forall ℓ (t :: ℓ)( p :: SKind ℓ) ρζ r α c . NB ρ (ℓ → ζ ) r (t :&: α) c → NB ρζ r α (Existspc ) Cr :: NP (NA ρζ r α) fs → NB ρζ r α (Constr fs) data NS :: (k →∗)→[ k]→∗ where Here :: fk → NSf (k ′ : ks) There :: NSf ks → NSf (k ′ : ks) type SOP⋆ (ζ :: Kind)( c :: DataType ζ )( r :: ζ )( α :: Γ ζ ) = NS (NB ζζ r α) c

Figure 11. Full implementation, part 2: interpretation of codes

18 Generic Programming of All Kinds Haskell’18, January 01–03, 2017, New York, NY, USA data SΓ ζ (α :: Γ ζ ) where Sϵ :: SΓ (∗) ϵ S&:: SΓ ks τ → SΓ (k → ks)( t :&: τ ) class SForΓk (α :: Γk ) where sΓ :: SΓk α instance SForΓ (∗) ϵ where sΓ = Sϵ instance SForΓ ks τ ⇒ SForΓ (k → ks)( t :&: τ ) where sΓ = S& sΓ data ApplyTk (f :: k)( α :: Γk ) :: ∗ where A0 :: {unA0 :: f }→ ApplyT (∗) f ϵ A+ :: {unA+ :: ApplyT ks (ft ) τ } → ApplyT (k → ks) f (t :&: τ ) sop class Generic⋆ ζ (f :: ζ ) where type Codef :: DataType ζ from :: ApplyT ζ f α → SOP⋆ ζ (Codef ) f α to :: SForΓ ζα ⇒ SOP⋆ ζ (Codef ) f α → ApplyT ζ f α

sop Figure 12. Full implementation, part 3: Generic⋆ type class

type family Apply ζ (f :: ζ )( α :: Γ ζ ) :: ∗ where Apply (∗) f ϵ = f Apply (k → ks) f (t :&: τ ) = Apply ks (ft ) τ unravel :: ApplyTkf α → Applykf α unravel (A0 x) = x unravel (A+ x) = unravelx ravel :: forall kf α . SForΓk α ⇒ Applykf α → ApplyTkf α ravel = go (sΓ @_@α) where go :: forall kf α . SΓk α → Applykf α → ApplyTkf α goS ϵ x = A0 x go (S& τ ) x = A+ (go τ x)

Figure 13. Full implementation, part 4: utility functions