
Datatype in F#

Ernesto Rodriguez Wouter Swierstra Utrecht University Utrecht University [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract call generic functions on custom datatypes, without having Datatype generic programming enables programmers to de- to implement the underlying conversions manually. fine functions by induction over the structure of types on Yet this approach has not been adopted in other lan- which these functions operate. This paper presents a guages. In this paper, we will attempt to address this by im- for datatype generic programming in F#, built on top of the plementing a library for type generic programming in .NET reflection mechanism. The generic functions defined F# (Syme et al. 2012b). More specifically, we make the fol- using this library can be called by any other language run- lowing contributions: ning on the .NET platform. • Categories and Subject Descriptors .1.1 [Applicative The of F# may not be as rich as that of (Functional) Programming]; D.3.3 [Language constructs Haskell, but there are numerous features, including re- and features] flection, , type providers, and active patterns that may be used for type-level programming in F#. We Keywords datatype generic programming, reflection, F# will briefly present the F# features our library relies upon before describing its implementation (Section 2). 1. Introduction • The core of our library is a representation type defined Over the last decade, datatype generic programming has using the sums-of-products adopted by systems such as emerged as a powerful mechanism for exploiting type struc- Generic Haskell (Hinze and Jeuring 2003) and Regu- ture to define families of functions. In Haskell alone, there lar (Noort et al. 2008). We show how such a represen- are numerous tools and libraries for datatype generic pro- tation type may be implemented in F# and how the con- gramming, including PolyP (Jansson and Jeuring 1997), version functions relating the values of a datatype to its Generic Haskell (Hinze and Jeuring 2003), Scrap your boil- generic representation may be generated automatically erplate (Lammel¨ and Peyton Jones 2003), RepLib (Weirich (Section 3). 2006), Uniplate (Mitchell and Runciman 2007), Regu- • Next, we show how generic functions may be defined lar (Noort et al. 2008), Multi-Rec (Yakushev et al. 2009), over this representation type (Section 4). As an example, Instant Generics (Magalhaes˜ and Jeuring 2011) and many we will implement a generic map function. Instead of re- others. cursing over the representation type directly, we develop Many of these libraries are implemented in the same fash- several auxiliary functions to hide the usage of .NET re- ion. They define a representation type or universe that can be flection and facilitate the definition of generic functions. Generic used to describe some collection of types. functions • Where many Haskell libraries use type classes to imple- are then defined by induction on the elements of the repre- ment type-based dispatch, F#’s overloading mechanism sentation type. Finally, these libraries typically support some is too limited for our purposes. To address this, we will form of conversion between values of algebraic datatypes implement our own system of ad-hoc polymorphism us- and their corresponding representation. This enables users to ing .NET’s reflection. (Section 5) • Finally, we will show how functions from other Haskell

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or libraries, such as Uniplate, may be readily implemented classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed using the resulting library (Section 6). for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a We hope that porting the ideas from the datatype generic fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. programming community to F# will pave the way for the WGP ’15, August 30, 2015, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Copyright 2015 ACM 978-1-nnnn-nnnn-n/yy/mm. . . $15.00. wider adoption of these ideas in other .NET languages, such http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn as C#. 2. Background This example demonstrates the different type declarations This section introduces the F# language and the .NET plat- that F# supports. Besides records, such as Metadata, F# form. Inspired by the ‘Scrap your boilerplate’ approach to supports algebraic datatypes (ADTs) that should be famil- datatype generic programming (Lammel¨ and Peyton Jones iar to functional programmers. For example, Company, 2003), we will define a company type and a function called Department and Staff are ADTs. Furthermore, program- IncreaseSalary. The function increases the salary of every mers in F# may define classes, such as Employee and employee in the company. Our example is different since our GuatemalanEmployee. There are several important differ- library doesn’t support mutually recursive data types and we ences between classes and datatypes. Records and datatypes will use this example to present the different type declara- may be deconstructed through and are im- tions allowed in F#. We will provide an alternative definition mutable. In contrast to classes, there is no possible subtyping of IncreaseSalary using our library for generic program- relation between datatypes. In .NET terminology, they are ming in the second half of this paper. sealed. Classes in F#, on the other hand, behave just as in any other object oriented language. They can inherit from other 2.1 The F# language classes – in our example the class GuatemalanEmployee The F# (Syme et al. 2012b) is a func- inherits from the Employee class. Both ADTs and classes tional language of the ML family. It aims to combine the ad- may contain member functions (or methods) declared with vantages of and Microsoft’s .NET the member keyword. Member functions always take the platform. To do so, the F# designers have adopted numerous object on which they are invoked as an argument, as wit- features from languages such as Haskell or OCaml, without nessed by the self identifier before a member function’s sacrificing the ability to well with other .NET lan- definition. guages. As a result, the language has a much simpler type These data declarations also use polymorphic types and system than the type system of Haskell, OCaml or Scala. On type constraints. In our example, Company, Department the other hand, F# performs no when compiled and Staff are parametrized by a single type argument. These to the .NET platform. type arguments have a type constraint, stating that they must Before we can define the IncreaseSalary function, we be a subtype of the Employee class. The type constraints are will define the types on which it operates: declared using the when keyword. It is worth pointing out that type arguments can only [hAbstractClassi] be of ∗. This is a particularly important limitation in type Employee () = class the context of datatype generic programming since many abstract Salary :float with get and Haskell libraries rely on higher kinds. abstract NetSalary :float with get Next, we implement the IncreaseSalary function. To do end so, we will begin by defining an auxiliary function called type Metadata = UpdateEmployee that applies its argument function to every {name :string; country :string } Employee of the company: type Staff h‘t when ‘t ≺ Employeei = | Empty | Member of ‘t ∗ Staff h‘ti type Staff h‘ti with type Departmenth‘t when ‘t ≺ Employeei = member self .UpdateEmployee (f ) = | Tech of Metadata ∗ Staff h‘ti match self . with | HR of Metadata ∗ Staff h‘ti | Empty → Empty type Companyh‘t when ‘t ≺ Employeei = | Member (m, s) → | Empty Member (f m, s.UpdateEmployee f ) | Dept of Departmenth‘ti ∗ Companyh‘ti type Departmenth‘ti with type GuatemalanEmployee (salary0 :int) = member self .UpdateEmployee (f ) = class match self . with inherit Employee () | Tech of meta, staff → let mutable salary = salary0 Tech (meta, staff .UpdateEmployee f ) override self .Salary | HR of meta, staff → with get () = salary HR (meta, staff .UpdateEmployee f ) and set () = salary ← value override self .NetSalary with get () = self .Salary / 1.12 end type Companyh‘ti with type. The F# language uses the keyword inherit to denote member self .UpdateEmployee (f ) = that a type inherits from another type. The subtyping relation match self . with does not extend automatically to parametrized types: that is, | Empty → Empty the implication τa ≺ τb ⇒ Thτai ≺ Thτbi does not hold | Member d, c → in general. Member ( Reflection To handle all type operations and collect type d.UpdateEmployee f , information, the .NET platform defines the abstract class c.UpdateEmployee f ) Type. Instances of the class Type encode all the type infor- mation about values. When F# is compiled to the .NET inter- Here we have chosen to overload the UpdateEmployee mediate language, CIL, an instance of the is gen- function, allowing a function with the same name to be de- erated for every type defined in the F# code. The .NET plat- fined for different types. To overload functions in F#, they form makes this type information available at runtime. Every must be defined as a member function. Member functions object has the method GetType which returns the value of may be defined post-hoc, i.e., after the type has been de- type Type. fined. The Type class is not sealed. Languages can extend it Using UpdateEmployee, the IncreaseSalary function with any information they want. This allows F# to include can be defined as follows: specific metadata about algebraic datatypes and other F# type Companyh‘ti with specific types in the Type class. We can use this metadata member self .IncreaseSalary (v) = to query the constructors of an algebraic datatype, or even self .UpdateEmployee ( to pattern match values with its type constructors. It is also fun e → e.Salary ← e.Salary + v; e) possible to use reflection to invoke the type constructors of an ADT to create values of that type. Using reflection is not Note that because we have defined the Employee type as a type-safe in general since the information gained through re- class, it is passed by in the UpdateEmployee func- flection is only available at run-time. Any errors will cause tion. The argument function we pass to UpdateEmployee a runtime exception. Nevertheless, reflection is actively used mutates the object’s Salary property directly and subse- in libraries such as FsPickler (Tsarpalis 2013), a general pur- quently returns the argument object. pose .NET serializer, and Nancy (Hakansson˚ and Robbins), In the later sections, the UpdateEmployee function will a .NET web framework. be defined in terms of a generic map implemented with our Code written using reflection is usually cluttered with library. Before doing so, we will give a brief overview of method calls that execute .NET internal routines but have no some of the relevant features of the .NET platform. relevance in the logic of the it implements. This makes it very inconvenient to use in ordinary code. It also 2.2 The .NET platform leads to code that is hard to maintain since its use requires The .NET platform is a common runtime environment sup- good understanding of .NET’s internals. porting a family of languages. It provides languages with a type system that includes support for generics and reflection. 3. Type Representations in F# Many operations on types in F#, such as casting, are handled The core of most libraries for datatype generic programming by the .NET platform. is a representation type or universe. It determines the types Subtyping The .NET platform defines the subtyping rela- that can be represented and how generic functions are de- tion that is used by F#. We write τa ≺ τb to denote that τa fined. We will adopt the sums-of-products view of algebraic is a subtype of τb. In F#, such subtyping constraints can be datatypes, as pioneered by Generic Haskell (Hinze and Jeur- specified in a type by writing τa :> τb. ing 2003) and libraries such as Regular (Noort et al. 2008). In any language running on .NET, it is possible to cast a The type system of F# is not as expressive as Haskell’s value to some other (super)type explicitly. When assigning a type system. In particular, all type variables are necessar- type τ to a value x, it is necessary to check that x is of type ily of kind ∗; furthermore, all calls to overloaded methods τ. In some cases, this check can be done statically. We write must be resolved statically and cannot depend on how type x ≺ τ (written x :> τ in F#) for statically checked casts. variables are instantiated. For these reasons, we will need to In other cases, this check can only be done dynamically. We adapt the Haskell approach slightly. write x - τ (in F# x :?> τ) for dynamically checked casts. We will define an abstract class, Meta, that will be used Dynamically checked casts are usually necessary when us- to define type representations. Its purpose is to impose type ing reflection. If a dynamically checked cast fails, an excep- constraints on type variables. These constraints serve as an tion is thrown. alternative to typeclass constraints that are used in Regular. As in most object oriented languages, the .NET subtyping For example, (a slight variation of) the following instance is mechanism allows values to be cast implicitly to any super- defined in the Regular library: [hAbstractClassi] type Idh‘tyi(elem :‘ty) = type Prodh‘ty, ‘a, ‘b type Meta () = class end class when ‘a ≺ Meta inherit Meta () and ‘b ≺ Metai( self .Elem e1 :‘a, e2 :‘b) = type U h‘tyi() = with get () = elem class class end inherit Meta () inherit Meta () member self .Elem end with get () = e1 , e2 type Sumh‘ty, ‘a, ‘b member self .E1 when ‘a ≺ Meta type K h‘ty, ‘xi(elem :‘x) = with get () = e1 and ‘b ≺ Metai( class member self .E2 elem :Choiceh‘a, ‘bi) = inherit Meta () with get () = e2 class member self .Elem end with get () = elem inherit Meta () end member self .Elem with get () = elem end

Figure 1: Definition in F# of all the types used to build type representations.

takes one extra type argument, ‘a, corresponding to the type instance (GMap f , GMap g) ⇒ of the value it stores. Since F# cannot statically constrain a GMap (f :∗: g) where type to be an algebraic datatype or not, ‘a has no constraints. gmap f (x :∗: y) = ... Finally, Id is the last subclass of Meta. This type is used to represent recursive types. It only takes the ‘ty type argument used to refer to recursive occurrences of values of Instead of abstracting over higher-kinded type arguments, the type being represented. ∗ we will abstract over first-order type variables of kind , and The definitions of these types are given in Figure 1. These Meta constrain them to be a sub-type of . definitions are not complete since the actual implementation In the remainder of this section, we will present the con- contains extra code used for reflection which is not rele- Meta crete subtypes of the class defined in our library. All vant when discussing the universe of types that our library Meta the subclasses of the class are parametrized by at least can handle. The full definition can be found in the source ‘ty one (phantom) type argument, . This argument will be in- code (Rodriguez 2015). Meta stantiated to the type that a value of type is used to We conclude this section with an example of our type represent. representation. Given the following ADT in F#: The first subclass of Meta is Sum, that represents the sum of two types. Besides the type argument ‘ty, the Sum type Elems = of int ∗ Elems takes two additional type arguments: ‘a and | Val of int ‘b. The Sum class stores a single piece of data, namely a | Nil value elem of type Choiceh‘a, ‘bi. The Choice type in F# is analogous to Haskell’s Either type. It has two constructors: We can represent this type as a subtype of the Meta class as Choice1Of2 and Choice2Of2 . Note that both ‘a and ‘b have follows: the constraint that ‘a and ‘b are subtypes of the Meta class. The second subclass of Meta is Prod, corresponding to type ElemsRep = the product of two types. Besides the ‘ty argument, the Prod Sumh type accepts two additional type arguments: ‘a and ‘b. Once Elems, again, we require both ‘a and ‘b to be subtypes of the Meta Sumh class. Besides products, we will use the class U ≺ Meta to Elems, represent the which takes no extra type arguments. ProdhElems, K hElems, inti, Next, the subclass K of Meta is used to represent types ProdhIdhElemsii, U hElemsiiii, not defined as algebraic datatypes. This can be used to repre- Sumh sent primitive types, such as int or float. The K constructor Elems, ProdhK hElemsi, inti, U hElemsiii, Once a function is defined on all the subtypes of the Meta U hElemsiii, class, it can be executed on any value whose type may be U hElemsiii modeled using the Meta class. To illustrate how generic functions may be defined, we This example shows how nested Sum types are used to will define a generic map operator, gmap. This function represent the three type constructors of the Elems type. We accepts as an argument a function of type τ → τ and applies show how constructors of different number of arguments are the function to every value of type τ in a ADT. In Regular, encoded with the Prod type. The recursive occurrence of a is defined as a typeclass. In our library, Elems in the Cons constructor is represented by the Id type. we define GMap as a .NET class. Every generic function in There is some in this representation – we could our library is implemented as a subclass of the FoldMeta simplify the definition a by removing spurious unit types. class. This is an abstract class that specifies the minimal However, it is important to emphasize that these definitions implementation required to define a generic function. Its will be generated using .NET’s reflection mechanism. To definition is given in Figure 2. keep the generation process as simple as possible, we have chosen not to optimize the representation types. type GMaph‘t, ‘xi() = Generating conversion functions class inherit FoldMetah The representations are used as a universal interface to im- ‘t, plement that work on a family of types. It is im- ‘x → ‘x, portant to perform the conversion between types and their Metai() representations automatically; otherwise the cost of using // [...]Implementation[...] a library for generic programming may exceed writing in- end stances of generic functions by hand. Haskell libraries usu- ally use Haskell (Sheard and Peyton Jones 2002) The FoldMeta class is parametrized by three type argu- to generate these conversions. Some Haskell even ments: ‘t which is the type on which the generic functions have a built-in mechanism (Magalhaes˜ et al. 2010) for these are invoked, ‘in which is the input type of the function, conversions. The F# language does not have the same facili- ‘x → ‘x in this case, and ‘out which is the of ties for meta-programming but we can use .NET’s reflection the generic function, in this case Meta. mechanism to achieve similar results. The FoldMeta class specifies the definitions necessary The Object class of .NET has a method called GetType : to compute some new result from a value of type Meta. unit → Type which returns a value that contains all the in- Roughly speaking, it requires a method for each concrete formation about the type of the object on which it is invoked. subtype of the Meta class. Note that all the methods are uni- Since Type is an abstract class, every language hosted on versally quantified over the type being represented, ‘ty. The the .NET platform is free to extend the precise information only exception is the Id, representing recursive occurrences, stored in instances of the Type class. This allows the F# that requires a member function of type Idh‘ti ∗ ‘in → ‘out, to include metadata that can be used to query the where ‘t is the first type argument of FoldMeta. (type of the) constructors of any algebraic at run- To illustrate why this distinction is necessary, consider time. invoking the GMap function on the Company type. This Using this GetType member function, we can obtain type type contains values of type Department. As a result, in- information at runtime which is used to traverse the Type termediate Sum constructors may have a type that is of value and generate the necessary conversion functions. This the form SumhDepartmenth i, , i or a type of the form functionality is implemented by the Generich‘ti class with SumhCompanyh i, , i. In order to handle both of these the following members: cases, the ‘ty argument of the Sum type must be universally type Generich‘ti() = quantified in the corresponding definition of FoldMeta. On member x.To :‘t → Meta the other hand, recursive occurrences always store a value of member x.From :Meta → ‘t the type being represented. Hence the FoldMeta definition for the Id type constructor is specialized to ‘t rather than be- Note that these conversions are generated dynamically, in ing polymorphic for any ‘ty. Here we adopt the convention contrast to most Haskell approaches to generic program- that ‘t always refers to the type being represented and ‘ty ming. Intermediate results of this conversion can be cached is a universally quantified corresponding to the to reduce the performance penalty. specific type of each method. By overriding the FoldMeta methods in the concrete 4. Generic functions GMap class, we define the desired map operation. The The purpose of type representations is to provide an interface FoldMeta class and its member functions will be explained that the programmer can use to define generic functions. in detail in Section 5; for the moment, we will restrict our- [hAbstractClassi] type FoldMetah‘t, ‘in, ‘outi() = abstract FoldMeta :Meta ∗ ‘in → ‘out abstract FoldMetah‘tyi:Sumh‘ty, Meta, Metai ∗ ‘in → ‘out abstract FoldMetah‘tyi:Prodh‘ty, Meta, Metai ∗ ‘in → ‘out abstract FoldMetah‘ty, ‘ai:K h‘ty, ‘ai ∗ ‘in → ‘out abstract FoldMeta :Idh‘ti ∗ ‘in → ‘out abstract FoldMetah‘tyi:U h‘tyi ∗ ‘in → ‘out

Figure 2: Definition of the Meta abstract class for generic functions taking one argument. selves to the methods that we override in the GMap class. products: The first method we override handles the Sum type con- structor:

override x.FoldMetah‘tyi (v :Prodh‘ty, Meta, Metai override self .FoldMetah‘tyi , f :‘x → ‘x) = (v :Sumh‘ty, Meta, Metai ProdhMeta, Metai( , f :‘x → ‘x) = x.FoldMeta (v.E1 , f ), match v.Elem with x.FoldMeta (v.E2 , f )) | Choice1Of2 m → ≺ Meta Sumh‘ty, Meta, Metai( self .FoldMeta (m, f ) |> Choice1Of2 ) | Choice2Of2 m → Sumh‘ty, Meta, Metai( The type Prod contains the properties E1 and E2 which self .FoldMeta (m, f ) |> Choice2Of2 ) store the two constituent elements of the product. Once ≺ Meta again, we recursively invoke FoldMeta on these values, re- assemble the result and cast it back to the type Meta. The definition for unit types, U , is similarly unremarkable. We define two cases to handle the K type constructor: This example uses the following F# specific constructs:

• the the pipeline operator (|>) which is simply reversed function application: x |> f = f x. This is a common member x.FoldMetah‘tyi( operator used in F#, analogous to the ($) in Haskell but v :K h‘ty, ‘xi, f :‘x → ‘x) = asociates to the left and has its arguments flipped. K (f v.Elem) ≺ Meta • The override keyword serves the same purpose as override x.FoldMetah‘ty, ‘ai(k :K h‘ty, ‘ai member but results in a error if no match- , f :‘x → ‘x) = k ≺ Meta ing member is found in the super-class.

The definition is fairly unremarkable: it pattern matches on its argument and applies the FoldMeta function to the The first definition defines a new member function. It applies values contained in the Sum type. It then reconstructs a the function f to a value of type ‘x. The property Elem of the Sum instance with the results of the recursive call. Lastly, K constructor returns the value of type ‘x, which we pass to it casts the result back to the type Meta. The recursive f , before casting the result back to a value of type Meta. The calls of FoldMeta happen through the member function second definition overrides the required FoldMeta member FoldMeta : Meta ∗ ‘in → ‘out of the FoldMeta class. We function on K ; this definition leaves the underlying value defer its description to section 5. The next definition handles untouched. The case for the Id constructor is a bit more involved: the GMap ≺ FoldMeta class to define the following gmap function: override x.FoldMeta (v :Idh‘ti, f :‘x → ‘x) = member x.gmap (x :‘t, f :‘x → ‘x) = let g = Generich‘ti() let gen = Generich‘xi() Idh‘ti(x.FoldMeta ( x.FoldMeta (gen.To x, f ) g.To c.Elem, f ) |> g.From) |> gen.From ≺ Meta Calling this function, requires dispatching on the represen- tation type, which is handled by the FoldMeta : Meta ∗ The Id case of the abstract FoldMeta member instantiates ’in -> ’ out member function. An instance of GMap the ‘ty argument of the Id constructor to ‘t. This means that with h‘ti set to Company and h‘xi set to Employee would the Id case only needs to be specified for the type ‘t, the type implement the UpdateEmployee function introduced in sec- to which the generic function is being applied. Contrary to tion 2.1. the other overloads, it is not universally quantified for all 5. The FoldMeta class types. The Id constructor stores a single value, Elem, of type ‘t. Using the Generich‘tyi class it is possible to convert In the previous section, we assumed the existence of a this ‘t to a value of type Meta. After calling the FoldMeta FoldMeta function with type Meta ∗ (‘x → ‘x) → Meta. function recursively, we can convert the result back to the Before getting into the details of this function, we would original type. like to revisit the problem that it needs to solve. Consider We have now completed the required definitions for our the following instances that define a fragment of a generic GMap class but there still remains one problem. We have map function in Haskell: assumed that all algebraic data types will be converted to a value of type Meta, after which we may apply overrid- instance (GMap a, GMap b) ⇒ den methods to obtain the desired result. Now suppose the GMap (a :+: b) where function we are mapping has the type X → X , for some al- gmap (L a) f = L (gmap a f ) gebraic data type X . In that case, we do not want to convert gmap ( b) f = R (gmap a f ) values of type X to their corresponding representation (and instance (GMap (K Int)) where apply the generic GMap function), but rather we would like gmap (K v) f = K (f v) to transform these values using the argument function. To re- solve this, we need to provide several additional definitions. instance GMap U where We will define four additional member functions with a gmap U = U more specific type. Recall that in our declaration of GMap, we stated that the argument f has type ‘x → ‘x. Each of Let’s take a look at the GMap definition for the :+: type. the new member functions will specifically work on repre- This function makes a recursive call to gmap – but which sentations of the type ‘x, that is, the type of values being overload will get called? There are three different overloads transformed using the GMap function: to choose from. In Haskell, a choice is not made until enough type information is present. The GMap function might be let mapper (f :‘x → ‘x)(v :Meta) = invoked with a value of type U :+: U , or a value of type let g = Generich‘xi() K Int : + : K Int, or even GMap a ⇒ a : + : K Int. v |> g.From |> f |> g.To The chosen overload depends on the types at the call site member x.FoldMeta ( and might be different in every call. u :U h‘xi, f :‘x → ‘x) = mapper f u We could try adopting a similar approach in F#, by defin- member x.FoldMetah‘ai( ing the following member functions: u :K h‘x, ‘ai, f :‘x → ‘x) = mapper f u member x.FoldMetah‘ty, ‘a, ‘bi( member x.FoldMeta ( s :Sumh‘ty, ‘a, ‘bi, f :int → int) = p :Prodh‘x, Meta, Metai, f :‘x → ‘x) = mapper f p match s.Elem with member x.FoldMeta ( | Choice1Of2 a → s :Sumh‘x, Meta, Metai, f :‘x → ‘x) = mapper f s Sumh‘ty, ‘a, ‘bi( x.FoldMeta (a, f ) |> Choice1Of2 ) | Choice2Of2 b → All of these member functions behave similarly: they con- Sumh‘ty, ‘a, ‘bi( vert the generic representation back to a value of type ‘x, x.FoldMeta (b, f ) |> Choice1Of2 ) apply the function f , and convert the result back to its cor- responding representation of type Meta. Now we can use member x.FoldMetah‘tyi( type Arith = k :K h‘ty, inti, f :int → int) = (K (f k.Elem)) | Op of string ∗ Arith ∗ Arith member x.FoldMetah‘tyi( | Neg of Arith u :U h‘tyi, f :int → int) = u | Val of int let (c, f ) = uniplate ( However, this code is rejected by the F# compiler. At the Op ("add", Neg (Val 5), Val 8)) Sum FoldMeta definition site of the case of , it is still un- // prints [Neg(Val5); Val8] clear how to resolve the recursive calls to specific overloads. printf "%A" c The F# compiler cannot wait until FoldMeta is applied to a // prints Op(“add”, Val1, Val2) value and more type information is present in order to decide printf "%A" (f [Val 1; Val 2]) which function to invoke. In object oriented languages, ab- stract methods are usually used to dispatch different methods depending on the argument. This approach does not work To define the function, we will define two auxiliary generic for our purposes because it would require that every specific functions. The first is Collect which computes the list of instance of a polymorphic type overrides the method differ- child nodes: ently. For example, if for the K constructor one wanted a FoldMeta specialized for int and another polymorphic for all ‘t; K hinti and K h‘ti would require a different override type Collecth‘ti() = of FoldMeta. inherit FoldMetah‘t, ‘t listi() We resolved this problem by defining a FoldMeta func- tion of type Meta ∗ ‘in → ‘out. This function can also be member self .FoldMetah‘tyi( invoked with the internal elements of Sum or Prod construc- c :Sumh‘ty, Meta, Metai) = tors since they are parametrized by variables ‘a, ‘b ≺ Meta. match c.Elem with This FoldMeta function then selects the corresponding ‘in- | Choice1Of2 m → self .Collect m stance’ that should be invoked based on the type of its argu- | Choice2Of2 m → self .Collect m ment. Note that this is handled statically in Haskell, but must override self .FoldMetah‘tyi( necessarily be done dynamically in F#. c :Prodh‘ty, Meta, Metai) = To define the FoldMeta function that dispatches based on List.concath‘ti[ its argument’s type, we once again use the .NET reflection self .Collect c.E1 mechanism. The FoldMeta function inspects the type of ; self .Collect c.E2 ] its argument. If we have exactly the right method at our override self .FoldMetah‘ty, ‘ai( disposal, we invoke that method. We only instantiate a more :K h‘ty, ‘ai) = [ ] generic method when necessary. This ensures the desired override self .FoldMetah‘tyi( :U h‘tyi) = [ ] behavior for the two definitions of GMap for K that we saw previously, or the use of the mapper function to prevent the override self .FoldMeta (i :Idh‘ti) = unfolding of algebraic data types to their representation. [i.Elem ] Note that the definition of a new generic function does not require any casting or reflection. That functionality is abstracted away by using a common representation, Meta, The function is straightforward to understand. Values of the and a general purpose traversal of such representations, Sum type are processed recursively; the results of products FoldMeta. are combined by concatenating the resulting lists. Constants and unit types return an empty list. The only interesting case 6. Case study: Uniplate is that for the Id type constructor, which returns a singleton list with its associated value. Note that the FoldMeta class To further demonstrate how generic functions may be de- only has two type arguments (‘t and ‘t list), in contrast fined using our library, we will implement the uniplate func- to GMap that had three type arguments. To allow generic tion from the Haskell library with the same name. In Haskell, functions with a variety of arguments, our library defines the uniplate function has the following : several variations of the FoldMeta class. F# allows types uniplate :Uniplate a ⇒ a → ([a ], [a ] → a) with the same name and different number of type arguments to coexist in the same namespace. Given an argument of type a, the uniplate function returns a The second generic function we define is Instantiate, list of all the immediate child nodes of type a and a function which reconstructs the value of an algebraic datatype when that can be used to reassemble the original value, given a list passed the list of child nodes. We will store this list in a of child nodes. The F# version of uniplate should work as local, mutable variable value, to which each of the instance follows: definitions below may refer. type Instantiateh‘ti(values‘:‘t list) = let uniplateh‘ti(x :‘t) = inherit FoldMetah‘t, Metai() let g = Generich‘ti() let mutable values = values‘ let rep = g.To x let pop () = match values with let xs = rep |> Collecth‘ti().FoldMeta 0 | x :: xs → values ← xs; Some x let inst xs = 0 | [] → None rep |> Instantiateh‘ti(xs ).FoldMetah‘ti |> g.From ... (xs, inst) To complete this definition, we need to define suitable in- stances for the subclasses of Meta. The most interesting case 7. Limitations of the FoldMeta class is that for the Id type constructor: The FoldMeta class provides a generic interface that ab- override self .FoldMeta (i :Idh‘ti) = stract away the use of reflection to traverse and construct match pop () with values of many types generically. Requiring generic func- | Some x → Idh‘ti(x) tions to be defined using the FoldMeta class is more restric- | None → failwith "Not enough args" tive than the approach that many Haskell libraries use. For ≺ Meta example, it is not obvious how to define a generic equality function, since that requires induction on two values instead To produce the desired child, we pop it off the mutable list of of one. children we have at our disposal. If such child doesn’t exist, Variants of the FoldMeta class that perform induction the list we passed is too short and the function fails. over more than one value are possible. We only need to The case of sums and products are analogous to the enforce that all cases for one argument are covered to ensure Collect function, making two recursive calls to construct that pattern matching is exhaustive. For example, we can a new Meta value: extend FoldMeta as:

override self .FoldMetah‘tyi( [hAbstractClassi] p :Prodh‘ty, Meta, Metai) = type FoldMetah‘t, ‘outi() = Prod (self .FoldMeta p.E1 , self .FoldMeta p.E2 ) abstract FoldMeta ≺ Meta :Meta ∗ Meta → ‘out member self .FoldMetah‘tyi( abstract FoldMetah‘tyi s :Sumh‘ty, Meta, Metai) = :Sumh‘ty, Meta, Metai ∗ Meta → ‘out match s with abstract FoldMetah‘tyi | Choice1Of2 m → Sumh‘ty, Meta, Metai( :Prodh‘ty, Meta, Metai ∗ Meta → ‘out self .FoldMeta m |> Choice1Of2 ) abstract FoldMetah‘ty, ‘ai | Choice2Of2 m → Sumh‘ty, Meta, Metai( :K h‘ty, ‘ai ∗ Meta → ‘out self .FoldMeta m |> Choice2Of2 ) abstract FoldMeta ≺ Meta :Idh‘ti ∗ Meta → ‘out abstract FoldMetah‘tyi Note that these definitions rely on the list of values being :U h‘tyi ∗ Meta → ‘out mutable and F#’s call-by-value . In the case for products, we know that the first call self .FoldMeta p.E1 The programmer can then overload any of the methods with will be evaluated first, consuming the required child nodes specific instances of the second argument which can then from the list of values, before evaluation continues with the be pattern matched with reflection. For example, to define second component of the . generic equality, one would like to have an overload of the Finally, the cases for the type constructors U and K are Sum case with type: trivial, as they do not need to modify the list of values. member FoldMetah‘tyi override self .FoldMetah‘tyi(u :U h‘tyi) = :Sumh‘ty, Meta, Metai ∗ Sumh‘ty, Meta, Metai u ≺ Meta → ‘out override self .FoldMetah‘ty, ‘ai(k :K h‘ty, ‘ai) = k ≺ Meta If FoldMeta were invoked with both arguments being Sum, then this overload would get called. If the second argument The uniplate function simply wraps both these results is not Sum, then the overload accepting a Meta would be together and handles the conversions to our type represen- invoked. In this way, it is possible increase the class of tation: generic functions definable by our library. Another limitation of the current implementation is that type FoldMetah all the overloads of FoldMeta must return a value of the // [...] same type. More advanced libraries for datatype generic pro- when ‘s ≺ ‘m gramming use some limited form of dependent types, possi- and ‘p ≺ ‘m bly through type classes or type families, to allow generic and ‘i ≺ ‘m functions to return values of different types. The FoldMeta and ‘k ≺ ‘m class lacks such mechanism as it can be used to subvert the and ‘u ≺ ‘m F# type system. Consider the following example: i

member self .FoldMetah‘tyi( Unfortunately, type constraints in F# can only be used to v :K h‘ty, Employeei) = K (v.Elem) ≺ Meta enforce that a type must be a subclass of a concrete type, not a type variable. One alternative is to make the subtyping relation explicit with the help of member constraints: The type checker would not object to changing the function as follows: type FoldMetah // [...] member self .FoldMetah‘tyi( when ‘s :(member Cast :unit → ‘m) v :K h‘ty, Employeei) = and ‘p :(member Cast :unit → ‘m) K ("I am not an Employee!!") ≺ Meta and ‘i :(member Cast :unit → ‘m) and ‘k :(member Cast :unit → ‘m) and ‘u :(member Cast :unit → ‘m) This function now changes the type of the value stored in i the K constructor, before casting it to the Meta type. This is type correct since any instance of K is a subtype of Meta. These member constraints impose the requirement that a However, if the result of this function is passed to the From member function of the specified type is present in the function that generated the original representation it results type that instantiates the variable. This way the dispatcher in a runtime error. FoldMeta member can safely cast the result into type ‘m by Such errors could be prevented by revisiting the previous calling the Cast method of the given value. Although this definition of the FoldMeta class and adding additional type approach may work in principle, it highlights some of the parameters for each required overload. limitations of F# that we have encountered. There are a few cases where our usage of subtyping type FoldMetah and the FoldMeta class has certain advantages compared ‘t, // Generic type to many Haskell libraries. Suppose we want to define an GMap ShallowGMap ‘m, // Return type of the Meta overload alternative version of the function, , that does not traverse recursive occurrences of its argument. ‘s, // Return type of the Sum overload Essentially, these two definitions are the same – the only ‘p, // Return type of the Prod overload difference is in the Id case. Using the F# approach we ‘i, // Return type of the Id overload have described, we can define a new subclass of GMap, ‘k, // Return type of the K overload overriding the instance for Id: ‘u, // Return type of the U overload i type ShallowGMaph‘t, ‘xi() = inherit GMaph‘t, ‘xi() However, to perform recursive calls, all overloaded functions override self .FoldMeta (i :Idh‘ti, f :‘x → ‘x) = i invoke the overload specialized for the Meta type, which dispatches as discussed in section 5. Since the current im- This is harder to do in most Haskell libraries. Generic func- plementation requires all the overloaded definitions to have tions defined using type classes, such as those in the Regular the same type, the method does not need to check that the library, make it very hard to re-use existing instance defini- return type of the overload it selects is correct. This would tions in new generic functions. The class and module system no longer be the case if different return types are permitted. of F#, on the other hand, make it fairly straightforward to The dispatch could fail at runtime if the selected overload define different variations of the same function in the same returns a different type. The problem can be solved by en- namespace. forcing that all overloads return values which are a subtype of some other type, in this case ‘m, so the dispatcher can 8. Discussion safely cast the result to this type. This can be enforced with This paper aims to explore the possibility of using of additional type constraints: datatype generic programming in F#. To do so, we had to adapt the existing approaches to match F#’s type system. We ically used to provide typed access to external data sources, also substituted some type level computations performed by such as a database. Although we have experimented with the Haskell compiler with reflection. In the remainder of this using type providers to generate representation types, we section, we will look back on our library and the limitations abandoned this approach. Type providers have several se- of F#. vere restrictions on the type information they can access and First of all, due to the use of reflection, our representation the types they can generate. Alternatively, the quotations li- types are defined as classes, instead of (generalized) alge- brary (Syme 2006) provides constructs to generate F# pro- braic data types or type classes as typically done in most grams at run-time. Even though some functions can be im- Haskell libraries. As a result, type-class constraints, as used plemented generically by using quotations, the approach has by Regular, were translated to subtype constraints in F#. Due no convenient way to pattern match values generically. to the limitations of F#, we manually implemented part of Datatype generic programming has been attempted in the type-directed dispatch of Haskell’s type classes in our other object oriented languages such as Scala (d. S. Oliveira own FoldMeta class. As a result, we need to do more work and Gibbons 2010). This library makes makes use of higher- at runtime, even if memoizing results can help improve per- kinds and traits to define representations and generic func- formance. tions are defined by cases in a similar fashion as in Regu- The library makes it possible to define a wide variety lar. The library uses implicit parameters instead of reflection of generic functions. Our implementation of the uniplate for method dispatch. Type representations must be specified method highlights that new generic functions can be added manually but the compiler can typecheck the correctness of without having to use any .NET reflection. The expressive- the definition. The approach also enjoys the extensibility ad- ness of the library is limited by the fact that the program- vantages present in our library. mer must use the FoldMeta class as the interface to define The idea of datatype generic programming is now almost generic functions. This is done to ensure complete defini- twenty years old (Jansson and Jeuring 1997; Backhouse tions. It is possible to provide variants of FoldMeta to in- et al. 1999). Yet the approach has not been widely adopted crease expressiveness, but this clutters the library with def- outside of the functional programming community, despite initions. An alternative would be to allow the programmers several attempts to implement libraries in languages such as to provide their own definitions of the FoldMeta class. This Scala (d. S. Oliveira and Gibbons 2010). We believe that could be achieved by requiring that the programmer anno- there is still much work to be done to transfer expertise tates the definition with a special pragma. Then the com- from the datatype generic programming community to other, piled F# assemblies can be checked post-compilation for more mainstream programming languages. We hope that the consistency using reflection since all the type information is library we have presented here is another step down still present after compilation and the compiled assemblies that road. can be dynamically loaded. This technique is used by Web- sharper (Granicz 2015) to compile F# into Javascript. Acknowledgments One of the advantages of using representations to define We would like to thank the Software Technology Reading generic functions is the ability to construct values generi- Club of the University of Utrecht and our reviewers for their cally. Although our library allows it, it is much less conve- helpful feedback. nient than using Haskell since our use of subtyping and cast- ing values to the Meta class might result in unsafe generic functions. That is, a type-correct generic function may re- R. Backhouse, P. Jansson, J. Jeuring, and L. Meertens. Generic turn a result that throws an exception once it is converted programming. 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