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Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

7-16-1920 Carlsbad Current, 07-16-1920 Carlsbad Printing Co.

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ROSWELL AND CAR- COMMERCIAL CLUB LSBAD BREAK EVEN OIL WELL T9 BE IN 2 GREAT GAMES BEHIND LECION OF FAST BASE BALL. DRILLED ON TAY- Roswelt and Carlsbad played two CELEBRATION fast games of baseball Sunday at LOR RANGE. Thome park In Hoswell, each win- ning one game. Roswell won the game 2 1 first to and Carlsbad the Thlrly-elg- The Commercial club held a second game 1 to 0. ht miles southwest oí meeting laei night at the elub The first game was a pitcher's bat- Carlsbad the lllark River Petroleum company is preparing room, at which MUs Hillary Har- tle between Carlsbad's crack twlrl-e- r. to drill on rison wm preeent. Miss its holdings on and around tho R. Harrison Ilniwn, and Roswell's mainstay 6 Is a publicity export and Is now Richmond. Taylor ranch Just over tho line Roswell secured the In working with the F.l Paso Morning first run In the fourth Inning when Culberson county, Texas. A Times. She recently wtole up the got a single, scoring deep test well will bo put down at Pecos oil fleld country which on once just as soon as the rig can made White's hit to center on Stew- be quite a hit In this section. 8he art's bad fielding of the ball. Car bellt and the machinery hunted' has also been connected with the Isbad scored one run in the sixth to ths location. Mr. Taylor Is In larger dallies In Texas. The com- when O. Fessler went to first on town now looking after the as- jgÉfea ggslB ' sembling mercial club decided that this was halls, stole serond and while steal- ffiS v gfiSgQ! !5!ilRftB of rig material with which not an opportune to put ing Hedgecoxe IWfli Wi agB Miggggigiigft Jfmw T ff W 'Hsjggfl WW to erect the structure. Two large time on third made a bad wagon a publicity campaign and the mat- throw which Cavannaugh could not loads of timber, ten horses ter was deferred until a Inter date. handle, .allowing Fessler to score. to each wagon, will start tomorrow This ended the run making until morning for the drilling site. This MEETING OF HUYAN the last half of the 12th Inning. rompany is getting down 10 busi- MTIXJETT POST whenJones the first man up fanned ness In earnest and the rapidity then Hcdgerock lucky with which they arc dolnng thing! made a wild seems Bryan Mudgett Tost hold a ses- swing which connected with the to Indícalo that the are sion Tuesday, July 13th, and ths ball and sent it just over the top after oil. following business was transacted. of the left field fence, ending tho : i e Meeting called to order hy Post game. l IBOn mi l.l IFfOi Commander 8am Lusk at 8 p. m. Carlshnd and Roswell will play a good attendance being present. here next Sunday at 3 p. m. Tho A general meeting of every one Interested been by Discussion on the Legion Carni- home team has been strengthened has called the val program by tho acquisition of a first class AN EVERYD Y SCEWH IN it: l I, M county agent for Saturday after- to be held from Tues- noon in tho day, Aug. 17 to Aug. short stop and two outfielders and The British Tommies In Ireland are taking no more chancee surprise by Cnmmcrrlnl club rooms Saturday 21 against attacks Slcn for the purpose of taking some def- Inclusive. It la expected the game will be as ho photo very close with the chances of Indicates. They are seen now with drawn bayonets ready for any emorgoncy. inite action on the labor situation. The following committees were It very appan appointed: Carlsbad winning good. A Urge It nt that a great coming many acres or our cotton crop will 8am Lusk, Chairman o( com- crowd from Roswell is Dudley, all down and the park will probably of lexter, played first Miss Kernodle and Vss Mnry I not bg harvested unless more help; mittees. l be filled to overfowlng base for Roswell. POULTRY CULLING Johnston, teachers of the bride, secured. Already too much has Grounds A H am l v 1' Commltttee 8am Lusk. CARLSBAD AD A. B. f i.SR.Mi li li sn PO and Mrs. A Mnme been abandoned on aceounl of lack Committee on Concessions R.1BP0 O. Fessler. rf 41 01 01 01 0 0 0 help (. Fessler, rf 4 1 0 1 0 0 Mr and Mrs. Rrown lift on the of to properly tend to It. Rarey, T1..11 Moore, Sb 81 01 01 01 41 01 2 I Chas. McLenathen. Moore, 2b 6 0 VMlng train lor Albuquerque, for very one that Interested In Shows, 13 11 F. 3b 8! 0 01 0 o 1 1 Committee on Including F. Fessler, 3b .... 6 0 0 1 1 2 Fessler. DEMONSTRATIONS short sliu there, and frrm then the movement should ho at the Rowe. c SI 0 01 0 71 0 111 c Wild West Babe Campbell, Sam Rowe. e 6 0 2 8 1 0 II go to Mr. Ilrowu's at Commercial rluh rooms on Satur- - I 21 01 41 Ets, s. s II II 21 0 reg-peop- Lusk, Frank Morltz. Ferrell, as 6 0 1 Socorro, and after a visit wit,, his afternoon at 2 o'clock and 31 0 01 31 1 w Advertising Ait Moritx, Paul Brown, p 6 0 113 0 Williams, rf II Oi Would you to know which will spend the summer on '",er ,n,''r opinion on the beet 31 01 1 Oi 01 like 114 Francis. If 0' 0 r , v. v. . , 1 ., fight Collier. Montgomery, 4 0 0 16 0 0 ' - the coast. method to the labor situation. lb Montgomy. :. 3! 01 01 0i 01 0 ",u.i. . ' " Electrician Paul Brlstow. 6 0 0 0 1 8 lb wU1 . ' 'Z gown Stewart, cf . At " The bride's going wv Brown, p 3 cl 0 01.21' 0 na.for ARTEHIA WILL Base Ball C. K. Brown. Spencer, If 3 0 0 2 0 0 vou like to know K l r)i ones wiiulil was of navy blue silk, .with hat Dancing D. M. Jackson, Aud C 'irells, If 1 0 0 0 0 0 he profitable to keep fall and and gloves to HAVE 'COTTON G1J TOTAIS 24 7 4! this match Lusk, Tom Calloway. TOTALS 42 1 6 34 17 7 which ones would he best to sell? May be happy sue HOSWELL 27130All R SH PO A E theirs and CHAS. W. ItAREY, in Would you like to know how to cessful lives In highest and Mr K P I.arsh, who Is a well If I 41 0 01 01 21 2 the ROSWELL AB A. Talbot, II your-- : Ai'eslau, came Into of Post Adjutant. R.lB!PO E. I decide these questions for best sense of word Is the Cady. es 41 01 01 01 II 81 2 the the wlsh!"own Talbot, If 6 0 0 2 0 0 selr. many In flee yestertny and gave us tho Cavanaugh. 3b! 41 01 01 01 11 81 0 of their friends which tho of Cady. ss 6 0 1 In order that poultry raisers pleasing Information that uniese Another the famous Drury I 41 01 II 01 01 01 0 Current most heartily Joins, Cavsnnaugh, 3b. 6 1164 0 White, rf may be. given some aid In this the nnexpeoitr happened Lane Melodramas plcturlied by Dudley,.. 31 0! 1 1 01 o thero White, 6 01108 4 0 0 tb... 0' 0' matter, Eddy County g,n up rf the Farm ItKEVHA-BARNRT- would be a In Artesla lo Maurice Tourneur. Remember his Strange, 2b SI 0! 01 ni 21 0 T, Dudley, lb 6 0 0 16 0 0 II llureau has arranged for .a serien the near In "" and "Spart-In- g Jones, cf 31 01 0' 0 11 01 0 future fart the loca Strange, 2b 6 4 1 0 6 0 of culling demonstrations at Which Hon had been I lade nod LlfeT" "Yhe Life Line" Is Hedgecoxe, C...1 31 0! m 0 71 2 0 Ovle t.ee Reeves and Miss the gl0 Jones, cf 6 0 0 these and ni.nn oilier multen Ml NOn red, Mix bigger and better than either of p 3 0' 1' 01 2 n lurrh has been Hedgecoxe, 6 1 1110 1 Oherllen. 0' talnlng tn poultry production may Blanche Sue Burnett were married them c 17 0 making a survey ,' the acreage and it contain thrill after Richmond, 'p. .. 4 0 !. discussed. The farm tiim-ai- i Wednesday iiftertioon at the court all-st- around and bell It Is thrill. See It with an ar rust 10 10 TOTALS 2! 1 24 here 'es TOTAL8 44 2 9 36 16 2 0,4 ? has arranged with Prof. Thompson house. Judge Frank H. RlrhnrdH, .....i.,,.,,...... Including Lew Cody, by Innings. ... !. - . ,.ff. " inn .i,itiiK ll. Jack Holt, Summary: Two base hits: Rowe Runs 1il- ' ii'iii ill ill Pnlt... iu r jh in ' i i nll,,"iiiiih. 1 R fi N uiifhu n gin nt this place. There va , Pauline S'srke and 2: home runs Hedgecoxe. Earned 2 3 4 7 It H E some time In this county. Demon- - The murringe comes as a sur- - 0 0 1 4 Utile all amount of cotton Tully Marshall, Alrdome Monday. Carlsbad 0 0 0 0 0 3 taflon meetings have been r- - to many that tuns Carlsbad 0, Roswell I, Left prise tlie friends of the was hit hy the hall. Some wa She was so young and he was so on bases: Carlsbad 7, Roswell 8; RoHwell oonnnnno 0 4 2 ranged for the Otis and Loving vming folks, although the attach- - i entirely destroyed but the greater vllllanous Yet she foiled him. hit by pitcher: Montgomery. First Summary: Earned' runs, none, roiuniunlties. The one for the Otll meni existing between them was Left on :t. part has come nut. That which Where could she. In all her Inno- on bases. Carlsbad Rowe1l community will be held ul the ft, I . base balls, off Brown 0: off well known. umi- - mil . .1,,.,.. , ...All cence, learned so much of worldly Richmond 1. Struck out: by Ilrown First base on errors. 5. First H. Vvorley furm on Tuesday, July The bride Is the of Mr ,,,,.,.,,. 1 daughter wl ,m(k wisdom? Ah! Thst's he secret! 7, by Richmond 16. Umpires Sgt. base on balls- oft Rrown. iff via. ui s:se a. m. Mrs. r.. u. ,.,i n n,,,,...,. ., TlU a, I, ,,.;i i,rt cellent country cotton ns They all know so much more than Birds and Hoose. Time game, Oberllen. Struck out: by Brown POtOOL loto project leader. and ng n in for the of ,,,, flKn soplioinnre the ground Is rich you think .'Down on the Farm." 2 hours, 10 minutes. 3, hy Oberllen 7. Brown nltehed Mis. Vwnli. eonperiltor. huve the ,Mrluhu,l .. u linn riinlrt Iwiui and loose. Another" Attendance games thing In of ettMlvaUoO Alrdome Wednesday. 726. both for Time of ui ruugeiueniH In hnnd and ussurn ever, nssuiueil control of nffnlrs. favor Its isl game 1 fact It does not require SO Some marry in hnsto tuid live to hr.. 20 mln. that It will be worth every poultry ,, nnw ,, , MrH Ov)o 1pe the that much ns some crope regret It, Flic Second Cnine. raisers time to be present. The Rm,vm ()f ,,,,, c,r, water other i j i in- u I and Is fully ns profitable. Reside Some niarry for love, soil then After the finish of 4he first game BOOTLEOGRM CAUOftT iii. i.ii.in., inn hi ll iy Mr. Is u nieehnnlc In will be held at C 1'. Reeves the picking nt n when la get Itt It was agreed Í the second game WITH PlPl'MM QALLONH tho Purdue employ J. S. Oliver gurnge, COmeo time don't farm on Tuesday, July 20th, nt of the bflr Is not so hard to secure. The Sad but oh! how true - See should be one of Innings, Is n young man of high chnr-ucte- r 3 p. m. Mrs. l'ardue has the ar- and long staple cotton can he raised how fate watches o'er the poor lit- the first being prolonged to twelve It was hard luck when they and Is liked hy everyone. by rangements for that meeting in here and ll commands a good prlCO tle country maiden see the mys- the tie. This one started out stuck In the mud south of Dalhart, newly-wed- s nt home ; charge and says that every one In- - The are te we will the development working of In to be one like the first game as on the Channlng road gO and watch terious circumstances U.. com- - brido'i patrents, but will 11- 1- .1.11-- 11 I...I.IU-.- . I l nt the end of the seventh Inning I terested in poultry in that , n h..,, i. Ih Mack Bennett's riotous romance last week. It would " at mooting III housekeeping I.n n.M.i. ,.n r.,,.-- .,.,,.., ,.... I the score was 0 toO and It looked .1", mimiiy should he thai I, .1. t.l,...lu "Down on the Farm," his latest and so bad If Sheriff Carrett had not l! house run be secured. as 4hough It might be another long and find out how to ti their able greatest five reel comedy sensa- come along' and volunteered his hens. The Current Joins a host of game. Pitcher Brown seemed to to pull out, "boarder" Nil I.OUFHS M.I.OWID. tion. Alrdome Wednesday. ' services them and It Remember the time and the frlenfls In extending congratula-- ! tnke pleasure tn this game In strlk-- I is hard to understand that with so Ing out Hedgecoxe who knocked plnre and keep In ni 1ml that It tloiis and best wishes to the happy, . TO Í1ET RID OF It ATS many people as there are In Hart-- wm be tho while. More than twenty rive nin wh the home run In first game, worth I coun(. ' the ley county, tne happened to j In Amarillo on the pretext ot lust to show the crowd how easy snerirr be very came up. llltOW.N-HIIIUlAU- wanting to work In th Traps will seldom cntch the wa- It was. got the one that first ' Carlsbad the lona run men, one thirty, DKI'PF-- TKINS. fields Were SSn1 out n vea. ry rat and often poisoned food of game In The two about r the tho 8th Inning when the some older, had - lerdar by 'he ont'ot when told if will be by them, and other wedding ceremony, - not touched but Ets was given a base on ball, ad- - beautiful At tne nome or trie onaS s nar- they did ...... I, f I. - ftr If you will lay off your barn with 4o second on been to Pueblo, they said, and 111 Its Ininlleltv llnllml Ml.. lou,nl . . -- . : "" rr vanced Williams' hit " " orre i ' tn loaded un their car with fifteen ii,.i.i7 V .Ú,' ... V nn" . " na) the fn planks, leaving an open space oame home on m..... i'Vi-n- and Francis' hit ;.t. e,u.,.uy thn hint tIiil i.wv k ..it W Miaeo. r...M gallons of White Mule, and tig. IV I) ó"..::'. " . renter, converging from all over second which was row ll, uf - WYi. nstl;i . . i - the base White Sfiforrn. nt i, ( t, ),. nr.. i m , nred that they could drink a good in.a i'ti "mniiin n i iiit irii ' r 'if I'lrm h n imih i points of the building, making a unable to fleld In time to cntch ut 6:30. p. m at the of - hand-som- residence peppe waH solemnized. Rev. tl.o. Chief Dans said I n' n- lye Etx at Ros-- part of it and still make a o this that paste of concentrated to cover the home pinte. In I the officiating minister. Reverend Q4 st-e- m profit on the balance when f a pronouncing the reremo. the enmo "mild he kept thin central spaces the ruts In run- well's half of the 8th thev Irled Cllbert, of St. Edwards Catholic ny n th,. presence of twenty of In r get hard to score as they got to Bitrkbiirnett. They about denn loef ie r..'Ure ning around these boards will tie the Oberllen church. persons, mostly IT to be k pt hit n popup which was might have gotten by, but either relatives. the Jail had full of the concentrated lye on their feet, caught. The beautiful bride was attend- - Mm, DOPPC Is well known H- took first on Cody figured their profit too large or al- bete which, burning them, will cause Talbot balls. ied by her .later, Mrs. Allen Stew- - ask-- (he too own use n Oarlsbnd, where the greater Officer J M. Eootln d one them to lick off the lye which In- hit Into second baseman, who lotted much for their art. Allen wus -- gave and Siewart the best part of her lire has been spent. of the cla thai do "t wnrh v hat variably death. fumbled trying to make a double. for they evidence of having man. school, catre Onvannaugh good portion 'and where she attended she be w:" dnlns In Am"r"o. The hit to short, forcing hid a under their The full ring ceremony was used being n of replv was looking Cady at second. Talbot taking third belts, and the obliging sheriff had member the Junior that he was for Mrs. ,hc Bervlcei belllK BO(.,un und g class of the High School, nnd verv '"it WOt'M no' 'o Una Bullock spent thi night on the play. While, the next man 111 - .nk ..' 10 no niusi ui .ue wuiiv r. n piesslve, popular with her schoolmates, and per day Trlb- - la town with her relatives and left up had already gotten four hits catlng their car from the mud. than IS Amarillo this morning for her bom in Tbe bride, who is a general fa- - with old and nung alike. une. during the afternoon and the crowd I . After the car had been set right I .. ..'li...... 1. l ll, la n ,,.M,.T iin,l I. Weatherford, Texas. Mrs. Bullock wax urging him to make one more up care, fac-- waa side with the sheriff the youngeBt daughter of Mr. and young man of good habits and IIITTE.V BY HAITI. E SN.VKJB returning from a visit to but he sent an easy one to Pitcher ed them about and Brougnt car, Brown, ending the game. Mrg H D Hubbard, and is a bears an envlublo reputation nmong, Dooxe ano .0 young lady of culture and charm, his associates. I Zlllar Smith was bitten on the taking themarto Channlng, where def- - She waa graduated from Miss Ker-- 1 Their future plans are not hand by a rattle snake Tuesday they await federal Investigation - witeiy decided at present, .v-r- L- nodle's private school and after- the but afternoon and has been In a . . , Is said Garrett had , thev will llkelv- remain In this vU . n,iiti.. . vviii no lieu .j.,.,,.un an his.j Ui inu , wu .wuussusa .inc. time. many ni-,, volunteer. In palhart to M, v rZll. at cn-l- for a time at least j Mr. Smith was hauling feed to hla A. "1 - 1 elst him m transporting cargo ' . , KOld '! y hi 'h, h attend them rherev- homo west of spearman a lew : er they go. and may their lives be, mlle- - when ha a snake crawl "V - uw T A replete with happiness and pros- nto ft dog hoi,. Ho ran to tho arrett " ,her"-r- ..uernu.,Pant lb'.1 8yute UnlvemRy; perlty. piare and Intended to take tho rfrrTeZ n(l the me( the mall wno 1 now snake by the tall and orack Iff her partner tor life. Dies of Snake lllf-- . head off, but the rattler was coll. ITEMS. irTIS Mr. Brown, tho fortunate young . Wo are informed ed and waa too quick for Zlllar that the little are more numerous ' man, Is a graduate of the Univer- son or Mr. Jack Thompson of Rattle snakes V. V. Echol and famll moved to sity of Wisconsin, where he spe- Seminole, was bitten one day last than usual this season. Spear- Oils last week. cialized In mining engineering week and died last Saturday night. man Reporter. ' A boy at W. C. and fine arrived the geology, and at the close of his Quite a number of Lovtngton peo- X Blndel home last Saturday, nnd all ple are acquainted Thomp-an- n Mr. nnd Mrs. A. C. Klmhrongh vfwSeluTU 1W arc laVgSQRi are doing fine. work there was sent by the New with Mr. f York Copper & Zinc Co. to South nnd family and will regret tn and son; Wade, were In town Sat- Grandma llrnndl Is HMtHlg her trouble.--I.ov-Ingl- America, where he remained two learn of their sad urday from their home al Loving" drughter. Mrs. Frank Ohnemnj at leader. ton. Artesb". Thin CrHiidnia'i ri'st ,nlH. coming to tne states wnen Irlo to Artesia. the war Drone out, and enlisilnt Mrs. OalvarH returned home last!1" ,he eervlce of his country, and Thti'sday from hor stay with Mrs. bore the rank of first lleuteuaut during Biiidel that conflict. ABSTRACTS AND CERTIFICATES O'- - TITLE Mi nn', Mrs. Andrew Blndel f The young nutu Is genial and Us' week In their cur for Cloud-- 1 affuble, and makes friends readily, raft, Mr Blndel being In poor and during the ahbrt time ho spent htslth for some time. It is hoped in Carlsbad, :.iade friends of all th" cliunee will help him. who met him. ÍHE EDDY COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., ÍNC. Mrs. W H Morgan en loved Mrs. Ilrown wus attired In filmy a vlnlt from her sister from Kag-rrmo- n. white, with a cluster of her favor- She returned home Sun- ite roses at her belt, and looked OKOAMZLlJ 18S1 day right. the beautiful woman she Is, as she gavo herself Into the keeping of Mis Marguerite Roberts return- her husband. THREE ABSTRACTERS WITH 0 TO 18 TEARS KXJ ed yesterday from her visit te Loe Witnessing the pretty ceremony, Office east of Court House. Angeles and other poluta In were the Immediate family nt tho bride, the M. C. Stewart family, TH CARIMBAD CURRENT. FRIDAY, July ib, im,

NOW IS THE TIME TO VACCINATE BUY AT HOME DEPARTMENT R. E. DICK The experiment will be Interesting, at LIST YOITR PROPERTY lenst, and the answer that you receive WITH i s Druggist ASKING FAVORS OF niny muse you to give a little thought YOUR CALVES DRUGS. CIOAIIB, CANDIES, ETC. to the difference between trading with Swigart & Prater Your Trade Appreciated the mnll order house In some far-of- f city and buying from the merchants In MAIL ORDER HOUSE your own home town. The Oldsmobile Some mnll order ennrerna are now I the celebrated operating a credit system, but THE MOSS STUDIO handle Garage It la nor a system la Ob-tain- credit such as Interesting Results Might Be ed Renlek and Orubaugh, Frops. mnlntalned by most retail merchants. ANYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC GERM FREE VACCINE OLDNMOHILE OARS TRUCKS by Making Certain These mnll order houses will sell cer-tn-ln LEOERLE Oeneral Auto Repairing Requests. merchandise on the Installment Phone 287 nlnn, hnt they not only demand nn "AT YOUR SERVICE" WHY pay a big price when you can get Inltlnl ensh payment bnt require the When Yon Want to (live a Present purchaser to sign contract which The the be.t place to et It la at t immunity for fifteen cents a dose? LOCAL MERCHANTS HELPFUL operates an n mortgage not only on the' PUBLIC UTILITIES merchandise pnrchnned, bnt upon any CALL, 'PHONE OR WRITE H. A. GRAGG other property that the customer mny Company possess. There la nothing In Carlsbad, New Mexico Do All Thlnge this EXPERT REPAIRINO the for the People of system that beans any similarity to the Buy your electric supplies at aa Their Community That the open credit system that Is used by ELECTRIC SHOP Everything In Catalogue Concerne Will the mnjority of retnll merchante. .... i.i m. MATERIAIi Not Do. There are some other requests yon The J. B. Morris Lumber plight make of the mnll order man (Coprrifht. tut, Wester Reengages Unios.) when the occnslon arises and the re- - STATE NATIONAIJ Company It has been said thut three-fourth- e ponscs might be equally Interesting. BANK or nine-tenth- s, or some such big pro-F- Instance, you, Mra. Farmer, who COME IN AND GROW portion tho exact flgurea do not mat- - bought that bog of groceries from the WITH US LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ter of tho business tho world .atnlogne house last month, might LIKE HOME of la done on credit.. If this was not true write ,he nnger and ask him to buy there wouldn't be much business done your, ,D"llrr "I? " or " Peoples Mercantile Co, Metropolitan a. . more trnub"2 o to Quality Hotel for no currency eystem could be de--k . The Store of tho thpm for hlnnwn. ,h .,, IV, on Valley vised that would furnish enough money tnnn M u to tBke ,hem ln t0 y,mr lo. Song and Dramatic to meet the needn of commerce If ev cal grocer, who ti always ready to .Always a pleasure to serve yrra Moritz 3M Advertis- cry article sold hud to be paid for In pny you tho market price for them, but R. M. Recital. actual cash. The amount of money THORNE ing Company In then maybe the mnll order mnn would SERVICH la the WATCHWORD - circulation In the United States Is only pay you enough more than the market at the BI EDWARD BRIORAM "SIGNS THAT TALK" $IT per cnpltn and not go pny you 122 this woud prlco to for tho extra trouble. INN Profunda and Dramatic Phone very fnr If everyone hud to keep CASH GROCERY UNDERTAKER Render. And then ngnln, mnybe he wouldn't. Bough cash on hand to pay for all And, then, there is that mowing & Dirity Moore's' Filling that he might buy. you. Sanders Hobbs LICENSKi) KMBALMBI Under auspices of the machine that Mr. Fnrmer. hnvc Phono 78 The greatest - - Methodist Church .MlMlonnry Horlety of financiers need cred- been figuring on trndlna- In for n new Station it. They keep their resources employ- - Telephone 70 AIRDOME THEATRE, JUL! M VIimiiI machine. Supposo you write to the Phone 82 Things to Rat ed and at times are ready 7:3U P. M. Tablea tor Ladles Open Night, in need of mnll order man from whom you bought Day ensn. i lie name thing In true ut times tbnt wire fencing and nnk him what THE QUALITY end men AM. Refrul.ir Dliuier . 40c. of of smaller nienns. The credit ho will nlloyv vou for vonr old machine Till: FISHERMAN ntouit system, - BAKERY PROM Tin: Songa: as It Is used sometimes, espe- ',on a trade for a new one. Of course, Quality Bakery Product Bhorlff Ernest Host, well ri.iHknown Tho Anh Crove....Welsh Folk Song dally In the smaller communities, la the local hardware dealer In the town Bread la made fresh dally over the state a a natural born Hwuet Heutt' Lov'd Heart abuned nnd works a serious hardship 'where you find n market for vonr farm o'flccr nnrt snrci nil catcher of - Edward Drlgham RALPH, The Cleaner upon the business men of the town, products will allow you a fair price "Men Wanted" Iiuh now estábil died The Hum of Ileo Molloy Cleaning and Pressing - IjMindry Some merchants, to avoid the loss thut for your old machine, but what'a the WALTER BROS. The Ilo- - a record iib Tliu Fisherman From Heart Ilowed Down (The Merchant Tailoring results from such abuse of the system use of asking him to do it. The mnll Dealera In the 1'laliiH. hcmlan Girl) Halfe Phone 243 or possibly to enable them to sell order mnu surety.evlll. he glad to do He returned Monday from a trip lie, italiana goods at a lower price than their com- - that much for you, will he .not? Yes, Gates' Half Soles to the Perns river, where he wan The Indlan'a Tryst petltors, operate strictly on u cash ha- - he will not. Vulcanizing A Specialty accompanied by IiIh wife, Mr, and Edward Drlgham sis, but the great majority of mer-- 1 List la Endless. Columbiin See the NEW SPRING Mili. Snuler, Wel tfOD llest, nnd Joaquin Miller chants In every community give those: There arc a good many things the Kecltutloiin Mimic JEWELRY coming In .Inter, Mm. Kirie of Sun Antonio, With customers who are responsible nnd mn mnn will you. Laugh a. id the World Ijuighs Willi every day order not do for SAM MOSKIN Texan, mid Mr. Woolen and fam- honest the privilege of n chorge ac-- The would be too long Wllcox-Harnnr- d Also Ivory list to crowd ln ily of Jal. Instead of spinning a You count nnd the chances nre thnt some Dealer I'oem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox nf0 one MUe of newspaper. He New and Second Hand Furniture flnh tale In. Hhowed hln catch with sort of n credit system, properly safe--l win not gjve you the remark to "look them over." Munlr by I)' Auvei credit, however Ail kinds of Junk bought and sold It MILTON SMITH guarded, will always continue to be a much you mny need It. He not wan it great light; about twenty The Canoe, (i'oem Anonymous) ... will feature of legitimate trade. Duy produce. will not catfish, wcltlilng from to 36 lb- -, Fergtin See what you get for your money frmer'n He I ( Aek Catalogue House for a of taxes to help support Trado where you are each. For a land lubber that wuh The hiiuI Way Poem Anonymous! Our Vlnlble Pump Sliowa you Credit ipny dollar "soii'c calch " l.u liiKtnn Leader. Fergus You who hnre a reputation In your 'your schools or build your roadn. He wolcotao and get the Mougn eommunlty for being at leant fairly re--' will not contribute a cent to the sup- - REST noons OHDINANCK NO. IBl. ' The BMl Souk Homllll STOCKWELL AUTO jHpnnslhlc nnd upright know that when port of your churches or your cliarltii-yo- T. C. HORNE Aimelua RomlUl Service denlre it or need It you can obtain, ble Institutions. He will llol lend you "Carlabad'a Beat Store" AN ORDIN kNCE TO PROHIBIT A llower of Itonen Clarke Station credit from nt least some of the mer-- a helping hand In time sf trouble. INDECENT IMMORAL Bohnalu Folk Bong I Chanta In yojir town. Hut some tlinol The local merchants In a COW IBunit! nil TRADE WITH AND BXHIBI-TION- S; Arranged by Curl Hob,. .when you are In need of some article will do everything fnr the people In PROVIDING A PENALTY Itc Huillín of merchandise and are a little short that community thnt the mnll order U. S. MARKET THEREFOH AND PROHIBITlNa The Siipcrfloiis Man JOYCE - PRUIT CO. of ready money, order whnt you want ninn will not do for them. This fact The choicest of all klnda of OAMBUNO. John (lodfrey Hnxe .from a mnll order house in Chicago or should make it easy for the people of FRESH MEATS Flahlng I í Q), HE !T OR DAINBD li Y THE mee Field SAVE MONEY some other city and nnk them to picana the community to decide which H Is Phone 117 Her Way AND CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY or Baatual Minium Peak 'barge It till t.he first of the month, to their interest to do business w'th. OARLBBAD, NEW MEX ico iiiii Mason's Bride mic iim t,. Seel Ion I. i shall be unlawful ltd Halloo With Musi, to condnc In any pnbl'. ball or The Nightingale und Hie Hone poit unity to file objection lo SUCh filh, 1!I1R, additional home- are In receipt made bu lilln or penult be let, Wilde Hilan t'arlnbnd friends ; Of lo laid con- location or selection with the local stead entry No. 036747. for NWÍ4 When In need of any kind per-ao- n Siory by Wilde of dainty announcement curds 26-- public hall in building to it ii y linear officers for the land dlntrlct In Section 33. Township Ranice 49 office Munlc by IIMho voying newe of the birth of a m Job Printing call Current or pciwuiH, who shall give or Pearl which Ihe ia t: 18 K. n. P. Meridian, haa filed daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jamen land situate, rood in any entei talnuient, allow, SolIgM at the land office aforesaid, and! notice of intention to make final play, or fly the Waters of Mlnnetonka Chumney, of Dallaa. She has re- three year proof, to establish claim Mhlbltlotl performance, Bernlce, to estHbllxh their Interests therein, thai In Hh tendency la against Kood Lleurance ceived the name of Anita to the land above described, before Is to be born or tho mineral character thereof. ntoialn or d nry, and any person Souk of Llheity and tho first child EMMETT PATTON. A. F. Menger, U. S. Commissioner, In family. Mra. Chumney will at Alamoeorilo, N M., on or persons ho offcndlnt: and CT Hellinl the 1 the 17th earb Piirltalnl r.JulylSAug. , Register. (lay f tho participants thereof, xhull. be better remembered In Carlsbad of August, 1920. SWIGART & PRATER upon conviction, be punished an S. P. Page und wife relumed an Minn Belle Noeley, for yeurs a Claimant numen in witnesses: NOTICK. Edward O. Hrownfleld, PUR pi ox tiled Monday from I heir month's outing resident In 'this city. Oscar herein Department of the Interior, Abies, Iienman F. Lewis, Frank L. Section 2. It sha!', be unluwrul on the RttidOeO, und tell of delight- Cniied suites Land Office, ful timen, Carlsbad sent a large number Bennett, all of Orange, N. M. Fire & Auto Insurance for any pernon or pernonn to make with cool days and Serial No. 047713. EMMETT PATTON, nlghta, en-t- ii of enthunlaatlc "rooters" to the With the Dig Companies. any bet or money or which sounds mighty on .1 wiikci for gume lunt Notice la hereby given that ul v Hi Aug I.'I Register. anything of xalu on any game of Ing to Cailnhad people. Mr. ball at Honwell Sunday; among we C. the 15th day of June A. D.. USO, chance, horserace, ball gume, Page nay tint! they may return others noticed C. Slkes Mrs. Sikes, Dr. Mrs. the Santa Fe Pacific Railroad Com- lug bout or any device than In the near future, when und and by Deopp, Mayor HtoU'lns, M. It. Smith pany, Howel Jones, Its Land G. M. noOKH, President. P. F. DEOPP. Vice President by whntcxct uaiiie known, nhutl tie they secure ,i rnltnge, Ihe housing application nt Hiid wife, Welln Benson Hay-war- d Commissioner, made deemed guilty of u situation being acute there aa and W A. CRAIO, (ashler TOM RUNYAN, nt mlsdcmetfinni Turlington. the United States Land Office at and upon conviction thereof be ltonwell, New Mexico, to sel3ct un- ptinlnlied - berein provided., der the Act or April 21, 104 (33 Section 3. Any pernon Word comeo from Kinney Red found Mra. Stat. 211) the following described guilty of the violation of Section nt San Antonio, Texaa, that bun nufely panned through land, 1 of thin Ordinance shall he lined Heed a very serious operutlun and while WH NW, SEÍ4 NWli, In a sum not lens than .09 nor Town-ahl- p not recovered Is getting on toward PWVi NE14, Section 6, more Iban 1100.00 or by Imprison 20 S. R. 25 East of N. in the city for not leas convalescence aa well aa could bo Ml Jail ixpected. M. P. M. 7 than ten duyn nor more than till y CHRISTIAN & CO. The purpose of this notice is to he Stale National Bank days or both sUeh line and Im- allow all persona claiming the laud lOgeihOjf with contn. NOTICE. OP CARLSBAD prisonment, of adversely, or desiring to ebow it 4. Any person found Department tho Interior, Section I'nlted States Land Office, to be mineral ln character, an op- of Section L' guilty if the vinluMon No. portunity to file objection to auch Of (his Ordinance shall be fined In Serial 047693. ltonwell. N. M.. June 0 1Ü20. location or aelection with the local Capital and Surplu a sum not less than $5.00 nor officers the land district In tmprlron-men- iwi" in liriruj fci.' ii ..in. via for more or by t to-w- lt: than $!i.nu A. I)., which the land la situate, $100,000 In city for not less the l!th day of May, lftio, the Jail Com- the land office arnresuld, and dajSJ nor more thirty INSURANCE the Santa Fe Pacific Railroad at than flte than pany, by Howel Jones, Land to eatablial their Interests therein, DIRECTORS: duye 01 by fine Ito-p- its both such and or mineral character thereof. O. tOgOthnr costs. Commissioner, made application at the If. COCKE TOM RUNYAN W. R. TENTON miuiient. with EMMETT PVTTON. F. DOBPP H. C. Hellion I, Tbui Ordinance the United Stwtea Land Office at F. KERR 0. R. BRICE this Roawell, Mexico, to un- 16 July 13 Aug. Register. O. OBSERY L. A. SWIOART Luke effect und be lu full New select J. W. A. CRAIO shall Act of. April (33 force from and after five ,Uys af- der the 21.4904 publication' required by Slat. 211) the following described oaiMi ter its as to-w- OJW74T , land, lt: law. FIRE, AUTOMOBILE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. passed approved SEU 8EU SWty; BU EH, U. Flnallv nnd this Sec. Department of the Interior, 8. I SWU BEM. BH SWH, MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE f'tli diw V . N. M . SYSTEM the of Jul' P 11, Township 20 South of R. Land Office at Roawell. J. Ii lU'DGINS, July 12, 1920. 2 4 N M. P. M. , As test: Mayor. East of NOTICK Is hereby given that Tho purpose of thin notice Is to 11 A Barí E. McArron, of Orange, N. U. TOFFKLMIilE. AND SURETY allow all persona claiming the land i si:.L) City Clerk. who, on April 30th, 1916, made adversely, or dealring to show It Orig. Hd. entry No. 031841 for SKhi Sec. It, and who on October Gates Half Sole Tires LET US RECOVER SERVICE TRANSFER Get more service and mileage NOW READY TO SERVE YOU FORD out of your tires by having THAT TOP 7 9 p. Office hours a. m. to m. half-sole- d At old Club Livery Barn them with GATES HALF-SOLE- S. Stockwell Auto Service Station Phone in Your Order Phone 122 SAM MONTGOMERY located in the old Star Livery Barn " 0EUV1GB THAT PLBAJUBV , and C. A. NELSON CHRIS WALTER - Ttrn- rtni,imn FTHMmUT, nmT. tnU In. iwm. big-sca- A le road teston RALPH 3,200 tubes The Cleaner

How Firestone Fully Equipped with an American Steam Press to take care of any- puts the miles thing in the cleaning and pres- sing: line. in and then For those who are particular proves it not and want the BEST. at YOUR Our service costs no more than the other kind 'Phone 243 E

REBKKAHfl IX8TALL ham. Warden-M- rs. M. L. Davit. A pleasant and profitable meet- Inside SaartUao Mrs. Lucille ing of Carlsbad Kebeckah Lodge, Oorley. Number 13, was held at Odd Fel- Outside Guardian Mrs. J. D, lows' Hall last Monday night, the Forehand. occasion being the regular semi- It. S. N. O. Mrs. J. D. Leek. annual Installation of officers. L. S. N. G Miss Una White. No in Te following wore other tubes the world are road tested Firestone puts the best in materials into the officers U. 8. V. O. Mrs. llattle Mer- on so big a scale as Firestones. The Yellow tubes by establishing purchasing experts recently chosen and Installed at cer, at that Ume by Installing officer, Mm. L. 8. V. O - Mrs. Jess Wheeler., Cab Company of Chicago uses Firestone Singapore, J. n. Leek. center of the world's rubber j After the Installation had been Tubes exclusively on its 800 taxi cabs. The market. work- Noble Grand" Mrs. Belle M concluded nil present Firestone puts the best in Cord. wended their service of these tubes is checked constantly manship into by organizing wuy o the Sweet Shop and par- tubes the crack Vice Crane! Mre. Ethyl Brlnton. took of dainty refreshments improvements Kirk-patric- which and developments are manufacturing organization of the industry Secretary Mrs. Maggie were Vr grateful after the warm arrived at. on a profit -- sha ring evening. basis. Treasurer Miss Pauline John-

A-- ston. then subjects the finished product to Chaplain Mrs. M. N. Cunning- - OWMM LOCAL NEWS. Richard Westaway, ranchman. Is his big-sca- le road test in order to get you 08S1M enjoying the sights of the Haas HOTICK FOR IM .u.ir TH-- Olty. nore for your tube money and more miles Iiepartnient Of the U. Dr. Hunger and Letcher Whlt-ea- d Interior, 8. ut of your tires. And yet Firestone Tubes Land Office at Itoswell, N. M., left the 7th. Inst., (or the July 12. 1!)20. Valley, A veritable "house on wheels" :ost no more ARE YOU HAR- Hen Lula Colorado, where appeared than the ordinary kind. NOTICE Ih hereby given Letcher will visit with relatlvee. In town last week that coming from south western Francis) Alinrarmy, of Carlsbad, Or. Hunter continuing on hit way Kansas, The .V. M., who on January 8th, 1915, to Colorado Springe. On the way owners and occu- Orlg. pants were Mr. and Mrs. Perry RYING SUFFICIENT made Homestead entry No. there they struck a heavy hail- li2Mi5 for MEV, Mee S.I Clawion and their daughter. Miss Stt' storm and had the top of the car tTW NE 14 : NKU (iiucu Bhoarmaa. Ska car, or rath- WW: BBM In which they made their Journey, er W ' ; See. M, and who on June the bouse, la commodious and I completely riddled by hall. They INSURANCE? nth It IS, made Addl. Hd. . No. t comfortable and goes) far toward expect to remain at their roper doing l.i:U2H lor SEU NWU: EH week a . uue uisromiorts Ser ?f """to"- - SW'i 2:. SWV, NK'i Sec. i?.. .JI"" travel. They left Wei- - 2fi, 2:i-- In llngton, Towimhip Rang E, gether. .L'..t Kansas, two weeks and say N. M. P, Meridian, han hied notice moy nave nao a delightful trip and of intention omy LI Property Values Have lo make filial three Mrs. John Hill, daughter Nell, found bad roads between year to Mtabllah elalin to WWW end Roswell. They and son John, Junior, came In visited iti Increased Enormously the land above descillied. before )n Dover v. week, Thursday, are visit- Artesla and are now at I'hiir.pn. s. Commlaalonor last and me nome of Floyd at Jobn-Mo- n. j. Hart at the hi M, on the 18th ing at the home of Hrs. J. 8. canyon uark Wells, the Harts be-- w 1 day of Antinst, 11120. The Hill family resided here In,- i,LI .1 . . liiillillliKN frOM 5U to 10 i, uu uuijf Moors. ,. Claimant naines as wiine'Kes: until about a year ago when they IIoum-IioIi- I (iimmIm ratry ma""'"fdecide to locate here er tent. Kamon Ajeia, Ira K. Taylor, Jim left for their present home at .Melt luio-iiit- e and In that case will receive a m hoi! Mocks of Btebavenv. Ilautlsia llurberia, all Abilene, Texas. heai-fl- - Ululnnn,.. , .. . even more. Ilmo of Callsbud. If, M. v vui uur people. fhi you Increased ymr i:.mii:tt pattov. od aceonliiigl) 1 Harris Garrett, of Lovlngton, I Moo Sells Home, m JulylllAugll isfpr. - Do you operated on at the Eddy Co. A deal - - ..u0" real lio what it hn ku. mil (Ml you to MB PLACI Hospital last Saturday, and Is re-- ed here C. wherehv r h.,k-- Mrkat U i;,, out by anova camp, ho, ported aa recovering exceptionally comes the owner r .),.. ur n do tire? nmi well and will soon be able to his w. o. w. ton home place on - I .... I...,.,.. . 1.. the Berrendo. Sum It. Cnrtei- I, i, m,,I by i.a kl. Mn - 1 of nil UeeU regularly anouiu lie villi- The Urton place ifor HU ... MARWOtD. c.d U....f.. 1 All Insurance based on old every rtlnae to convalesce as rapidly as been known as one of the beauty' set! ,, " j Jens W. riowiuan, of Malaga, 1st and w epots iiiii it. i artcr, an employee or and Miss Josle Camp, nf Lnkewond. time values will rd Thin miar lta of this aecUon. Not "m es- fall r """ only th far wmmtm r.- raiirw , who who worn iiianied Juno at lío- - each month at I nOinO Itself, bill thn nrnharrf. anrf k...... i al I lfith. i Miss Nellie Dearborne came In Hit i f II ,1(1 r I 111 I IMMIUIS nr., j.t...... short of meeting pres P, M. Vll.rre tne waving n ai n r.t a HMI . . . aiiiiiaiiiiiiiK (Sunday night and continued on to Klflf. r own welcome. been TT.r.rTJia, 111 their friend with that f:iot. Both pointed tO DOMiblUtltfM ,UUakliurrrnfl",m'y'M h i i o ent costs. o , U to h mrn ami loft ... L. 8. MYERS, b iiiuu iai on wiit-r- uur oruiiit-r- ,i,u ...... " . r i i .. . " uuu !.--.,,'iiu i iii-- ii, i.in einiMiMt'ilj r!,naldTr.Mr "" Mril of this brlUo helng a Clerk. , ai lot! ThT k" J former resident of re. w .k- - for i JTh..r.dy rimii- - iti,r. . . . . E. S.KIrkpntrlck, II UOUI I .ULI, lllMllHAVl, l If """ . " ,l w." ,li.una iiy. and ie- U M Is tollUi the nriuegrooin Consul oung lady came here from Has- - fTV P"'1 It known follow ns soon aa she can ar-- int, a well known cattleman of the Well. Texas, and has announced u'" i"1?1 tancy ianinge her DiisineHs so she can lower valley. I H.t RIC Ul YOUR VALUU8 Commander. her Intention of staying until ,(. "" v'. ecoro. iprogae. They will not sell their Both have n larre Hrrte of TMXM CONSULT THIS er the camp meeting at Queen, a so"e here hut have already rented friends In Carlsbad and !.akewand AGENCY nm MUI which will be held In August. The lengtha to which mlschlevoua atej-- Mrs. Carter is the proprietor - to wlnh them a happy nnd IUote Roue Comb Rhode eggs pernons will no, In their ileitrm-- Ion, the "Little White Hat Shop- - Island ful life, the Current Jolnln', with for hah-hln- from full blood The new resl- - tlveuens In Illustrated hy U10 (lain- - f id has eatabllshed a good bunl- - foundation for the age Its felicitations. chickens. $1.50 per 15. ence of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Braden done the little Kouse girls' incfw which sho offerrs for pale In W. F. M'lLVAIN See or call bicycle at the family home In icither column of the Current. All fas laid last week on North Canal VjMrfl, . Fourteen boys and their two MRS, Win. H. e. J.k.J a ut- - gret their intention to Car-- mci.lane, It root this city. The building will ..uiui- bwawwi, ouuia person ,,ii leave .1 1 v,- - 11 chapáronos enjoyed an outing nt " 'I'houe 329. rushed to completion as soon " Hm.J um wueei wuicil bad, while. wlHhiug them success "aai"laltttna.ntjuIn fMH. i - uli the dnm six miles below town lam k possible, and according pros-J- rt Tnl h. their new home. to tima, - Friday. The boys nre members of plana will be one of the many the .nnarantt fmm ah...- ,ul Mrs. mischief. a Little's Sunday School class r.rnouve oomes now ouuaing, - : It imiti a rvlt. fh.l-- v h..- P' City Attorney Guy A. Heed on can A.n of the Methodist school, and were avine built the past seanon. not be apprehended' ansacted business In Roswell the well equipped outing, hav- aauu st of week. for an 9r0ryuuiauvu, the ing suits, fishing tackle, nnd DM , lunch and various paraphanalhi which the young boy takes when he goes Pratt - Smith for a good time. Alter Indulging In various sports a sumptuous dinner was spread under tho trees near the Hindi place, to which Hardware Co. all did ample JUStiOOi nnd nfter further games, tired and happy, -- "i!. i they returned to town. The boys were taken out in the Little and Klnilel cars snd Mesilames Little GENERAL HARDWARE LITTLE WHITE HAT anl Klndet were the rhaperones. Mrs. Will Lucns expects to put Abl in a first class greenhouse Just SHOP FOR SALE Her as soon as a suitable location can be round, In to hi and thn meantime, aba will handle cut flowers and floral strln designs for all occasions. tooni The On account Ask lo hear need of a greenhouse has long been TAKE GOOD AND of leaving town will recognized In this city, where all sell entire stock and rent shop, te Mrs. Tie NEW EDISON flowers have It be ordered and Brown will contilnne dim-makin- g yard! '...ir mí.w received ty express, and many. and assist parchaaer In any lace tuth barki lhi$ chaitmngm ( npnntmj ti mee persona TIMELY WARNING way noeslble get cannot be supplied to started Into Laca from an advmrlummmnt by thm at all. Mrs. Lucas has several lo- the Millinery business and keep Myj uion Laboratorio). cations In view, and when her business up to the present stand- informed repreaenta-Adatf- e plans are fully matured, she will ard. the fit's srs thai ihe LET US FILL YOUR BINS WITH ' talkiiK-niachin- e iiianuia, turara have at all times seasonable flow-er- a We have enjoyed very suc- (hat 11, dia-th- GOOD, CLHAV COLORADO LDM1 a In it Maird. ry ara able to e and plants. She hopes to get cessful season - and thank our cus- V" '' twarn " voire, or in- everything In working order by the COAL DIRECT FROM THE- CAR. tomers and friends for their kind Tum""'.1!.!'. prriurmanre. and the Naw first nl September, and it looks Order Now Don't Walt patronage. ""Itoee's RE CREATION of such voice or now as If the venture would be a Scorilrlorinance. paying one from the start. mhs. sam. n. cnTi:n. A r lieiaby iuritd raapensibla repmaenta. b as yf. nr reputable talking-machia- e fuyjanufacturer, lo halen te such a compari- - Charlie Miss . Tucker and Llnnle - J - J" r t" c ui juufra 01 inrir own Rowers were married Juno 4th, at ooainx, inJicating to tha rudge. whan the ceremony being per- the think they are litrt!Uiu to ihe aitua vent formed by the Methodist minister whrn to ti,e INcw tdiaon. place. he teat will be made with an Uihri.il at thst They hava taken up thc-l- Mai boralory Modal, taken hem stock, inch resldenco In the lower can ba bought in any LcUeon d rale r valley, where Mr. Tucker haa one com of largest your Ma. - (&fr0 THOMAS A. EDISON, laa the and best farms In r4 that locality. Thn Current Joins ment STAIt PIIAitMACT their many friends In best wishes for their health, happiness and prosperity. THK CARIABAn tTRRKNT. MIIDAY, Jnly ni II lili. IlKHKIUOIIt lM llltl KM Raturday night and remained In IIKtTII OF X Cllll.ll. town until Hunday before making -- ADS . WANT . A ocIIom iibmii thirty feet long (he return trip , John Hen;y, the baby on of Mr. of the hlg reservoir dam of the and Mr. Dullman, died Wednes-da-y SprlnK'-- ditch went out Mr. Sarah Drown, prealdent of afternoon, July 14th at 3 FOR OAHPENTEH WO It K OH MISTER AUTOMOBILE OWNER bout 2:30 Wi dncsday afternoon, the llebekah Aaaembly, waa In the o'clock after an illness of over Phone No. (I or Sam Moskin's And In twenty four hotira tho main cMy on her offldal vlalt to the two weeka, the end coming In aplte atore. JAS. R. CALLEN. body of water In the reservoir had lodge at Carlsbad. She came In of the loving care and devotion of Up run nut and down the river. De-lo- w Wednesday, hut the lodge room many and Ho WANTED. Ax the Palace Cafe, relatlvea frlenda. old turkeys, We have received a shipment of the reaervolr anme damage being occupied at that time by was nine months anu 6.ie day old. spring chickens, ban, just wan sustained by farmer In the another order, no regular meeting The wasted body was laid to rest fresh egg and garden truck. loaa of nope and fence. E. W. cnuld be held, however, a number yesterday morning at 9 o'clock In Calley Inat about ten aerea of of the member met In an Infor- the City Cemetery. FOR RF.NT. Light housekeep- tending alfalfa as well an aome mal way with Mr. Drown and a The big brown eyes, so appeal- ing room; alio bedroom, cool and had been cut, also aome fenc-In- clean, by day, week or month. Barney Oldfield that profitable meeting was held. The ing pathetic, are closed In D, Wright large and 0. had hla lady came from Springer, and thla sleep; the aleep that knowa no See Mr. Reed at Metropolitan bay veta deatroyed aa well aa con- waa her flrat vlalt to Hotel or phone 268. llMctf fencing. Othera sustain- Carlabad. waking, and hi smile III be siderable seen no more, but the loving ed aome damage In the loaa of WANTED. A fresh milk cow at Tires Tubes W. H. C. Smith Mon- and returned HhepheiC. who carries the lambs In aggregate ' fenrea, but the the , Vi Hopedale Ranch. Phone 44L. damage day from a vlalt to La Cruce, at lt hla hnum will fl.ra - a would only reach few hi youngeat W. B. WILSON. bundled dollalra. the home of daughter baby so much loved, until the day Mr. Del Cuerto. Mra. Smith did "night Is ended and th shadows tit year ago on the flrat not bLaK LEU vaccine ubrm f July the dam broke, making a return with her husband Lut flee away," and broken families FHKH remained for a longer vlalt. gap nearly two hundred feet wide are united once more. Low price In quantities. Writ, nd low of crop below It waa The Current Join the other nu- phout or wire came In sin-ca- r bavy. Jack Hlnea lat night merous friend In extending O. W. from Kl Paao been busy nit miss There la very little water In the and ha sympathy lo the bereaved. ArNla. N. M. Cimarron river at thla time of the with hla uaual run of nonsense 28M4tp Cord and Fabric Tires fear, and unless there la consid- luce that time. rtlll.Slltll W. C. T. V. Mfc'KTH. erable rainfall during thla month Pipe threading up to. 4 Ineh 76c Grey and Red Tubes and next faruiern will be material- John Queen and Mlaa Jole were The regular meeting at per cut. Lathe work $1.00. Acety- by In town Malaga, Monday the ly Injured the short oropa, from and af- right. apent Methodist Church Wedneaday lene Welding dona You have them, now come Eatlmatee on repairing the dam- several hour here (hopping ternoon, the prealdent, Mercer WEAVER'S UARAOB. heard of age visiting. Ml Queen on- Mr. to the reaervolr run all the and ha In the chair. in and see them ray from 120.000 to $26,000. ly recently returned from Albu- Much routine business was turns If you are in the market far Meetings of the directora and querque, where he attended reporta being stockholder! of the ayatem were achool the paat year. acted, received from new ear, don't fall to ee the 1910 "The Most Trustworthy Tire Built" Tueaday office of R. the superintendent of the differ- serle new moael Stuaebaker at beld at the Shops Oarage E. Johnaun, president of board Mr. Mra. an- ent department. Plan were made the Ohnemu and th and Claude West "Can Fl to devlae waya and mean for se- nounce the birth of a ion whlcb and commltteee appointed to look It." curing water for the balance of the occurred Monday of thl week. after an Ire cream norial which I aeaaon which will necessitate two The young man tipped the beam to be given on (he courthouse We meet all train. Would be more Irrlgatlona. Farmer were at right pounda and baa received layn the 23rd Inst., the proceed glad to handle your baggage. beginning to Irrigate again when the name of Fred, after hla nude, to be devoted to the work In SERVICE TRANSFER. THE H. & F. GARAGE the accident occurred, aud a few Lleutenatnt Fred Wert. May ha Carlsbad. 'Phon 121 J. had flnlahed. proaper and grow and fulfill th Th Stale Convention will be It la later eatlmated that about foudeat bopea of hla parenta held at Deten thl year the first Land for Sale In Oil Territory of & Props. dollar an acre will repair the week In September, and It I like- Eddy County. Hewitt Fair, damage, or 176,000, but no defi- NOTICE OF HUT. ly that several Indies will attend Wo own the SWfc of the SE4, nite plana of proceduro have yet from Carlsbad. The convention the N'a of the SEU. aec. I, Twp. We guarantee everything we do upon ten . 20, M. been agreed by tlio din STATE OF NEW MEXICO promise to be unuiuallly Inter- 8. R. 26 Eaat, N. P. M. -.- Springer Stock man. Alio part of Sec. , Twp. To E. A. Pecos Val- esting from the fact that many the NEK and everything we sell. Cahoon, 10, S. 2 6 N. M. ley Company, Corpora- prominent W. C. T. U. women Range East P. M. The eight months old baby of Abstract a lying outh nort'h of Seven Riv C. D. D. from other states will be In attend- and BUICK A Mr. and Mr. Elmer Yarbro, oft tion, Harrias, Charlea er In Eddy county, N. M. WORK SPECIALTY Harrlsa, Jno. C. Key, Unknown ance. about Lovlnt,', died at the Eddy County being 3 ' j miles southwest of I.ake-o- od lloapital complaint Heirs of Jno. C. Keys and Un- Carlabad has the honor of Near Depot Phone 200 of summer the largest union In the state, nu- oil woll No. 1. A Thursday morning and was burled known ClalmantH of Interest In We will merically, and Is a wlde-nwn- either sell this land or In CUy cerno-tei- y. the Premisos Adverse to Plaintiff. the saini) afternoon body any we will lease It for oil. Anyone Tin- baby waa You and each of you are here-b- y of women, ready for lovingly cared good who Is Interested should write or for but ateadlly grew worae until notified that suit against you work. wire their proposition to death ended hla sufferings after an by J. W. Armstrong, plaintiff and W. L. THE CLEMAN8 LAND CO. where you find a market for your farm illness of over two weeks and ho you a defendanta In Cause No. ROHWF.LI. IV DARKNESS; 7 May 2 8c CedarvlMe, Ohio. Into arms of Onu who S228 been by said product will allow you a fair price sank the has Instituted Tim FALLS ON WIDE your loven Utile children and bids them plaintiff and Is now pending In Dr. Swearlngln, for old mnrhlnc, but what' the of the firm ol asking WALTER BROS. come to Him. Sympathy In their the district court within and for Roawell, July 10. Roswell haa Dr. Swearlngln Von Almen, Eye, ue of hlra to do It. The mull Dealer In Borrow la extended to the parents Eddy county, New Mexico, to quiet been In darkness for several days, Ear, Noae and Throat, of El Paso, order man surely. Ill be glad to do by all who know them. plaintiff's title to' the following as far as street lights are con Texas, will b In Carlsbad on the thnt much for yon, will he notT Yea, Gates' Half Soles described landa and premlaes: cerned, owing to (he accident that 28th of each month, at the office of ho will not. Vulcanising A Specialty Arthur Hooae ha accepted a po- The RH of the RE of Section happened when a large tree fell on Dr. Pate and Culpepper. tf List I Endless. sition with the Joyce-l'ru- it people 20, and the W of the SW14 of a high tension wire near the elec- There re a good many thing In Itoswell, and will likely the leaxt Section 21. all In Township 17 tric light plant, causing a short PI Those Wishing mnn you. hla new position flrat of Wl TIMOR: order will not do for SAM ior the South, Itange 26 Eaat. N. M. P. M. circuit and burning out all the the of a piano may Hat MOSKIN August. He will have charge of ervlces timer tnnll would be too long to crowd Dealer In You are further notified that street lights In (he city. The seen i e the same by calling for J. one Issue of a newspaper. He wholesale grocery atore which apppear-anc- e I ef- New and Second Hand Furniture unless you enter your company making a special I. Penny at the Purdy 111 Joyce-l'ru- it company eatahltm-in- g Furniture not give you credit, however Is In aald canse on or aa aoon All kind of Junk bought and aold at place before fort to make the repair tor. knuch you mny need It. He will not that and nonleiiiplates September 4th., 1920, Judgment aa new light leaving his family In as possible, but the buy the fnrmer'n produce. He will Carlsbad 'or will be rendered In aald cauae come It will ome not present, but move from the eaat be Save your calve from Blackleg pay n l the will them you by dollar of taxes tn help supisirt 'iad.- where yon art to .'(oHWell aa non an hi can make agnlnst default. time before the streets will be by ualng the Vaccina that Im- your Carls-- schools or build your road. He welcome and get the d Armstrong ft Wilson, of ! lighted again. The elaettic circuit mune for Ufa. 10 canta par the necessary arrangements. Carls-ha- will not contribute a cent to the sup REST i.i inns people regret to lose Mr. had, New Mexico, are attorneya for which furnishes the lights for the dose. See and port of your churches or vour eluirltil- - hi '.. Home aa ten1 lenta while plaintiff. residence section of the city was W. H. MERCHANT. T. C. HORNE over hla advancement Witness the hand and official not affected. Agent for Eddy countrJblp Institution. He will not lend you "Carlsbad's Beat Store" seal of the County Clerk of aald a helping hand In time T troulde. 'county 4 Thi' lornl merchants in n Forest Hanger Hell. Tom Mld-dleto- thla Julv 115th.. 120. Mr. and. Mr. Roy Dlckaoa left Pip threading up to Inch 7Bc. imnmunlt and John McCollum. of D. M. JACKSON Saturday night for a visit fo rela- per cut. Lathe work $1.00. Acety- - w'" 1 everything for the people In (Jileen, cume down from there last County Clerk. tives at San Angelo Texaa. lene Welding done right that community thnt the mull order U. S. MARKET WEAVER'S OARAOE. man will not do for them. Thl fact The choicest of all kind of should make It easy for the people of FRESH MEATS the community to 117 BAPTIST CHUBCH. decide which K la Phon to their Interest to do business w'th. Sunday achool at 9:46 a. m. B. Y. P. U.. at I p. in. ; THE Preaching, 11l a, m. and S p. m. 'Mh. lfllfi, made additional home A la cordial Invitation estended .tend enti-- No niam tnr vwi When In need of any kind Of to the general public Section 33, Township 26-- Range Printing call 49 office T. C. MAHAN, Paator. 18-- N. M'. P. Meridian, haa Med Job Current notice of Intention to make final If you want to ave MONEY on three year proof, to establish claim your abarract work, aee Security to the Innd above described, before Carlsbad Light & Co. Abatract Company. office with A. F. Menger, 17. 8. Commleiloner. Power County at N M., Sutvevor. Alamoeordo, on the 17th day of Auguit. 1920. SWIG ART & PRATER Wallace Polk waa in town laa Claimant names a wltne ... weak from the Poteet ranch when I Edward O. Ilrownfleld. Oscar FOR Manufacturers of Electric Energy ha and hla father are employed ' Able. Denman F. lwls. Frank L. and Is about the worst aearred nL ni'iiiieu, an or orange, in. m Fire & Auto Insurance VAtinvat jar Art mnlH It nil an v. K.M.MKTT 1'ATTON, With the Big Companies. where. Re waa driving a m, July 16 Aug 1:1 Register. team when the animal ran away. LIGHT POWER Injuring Wallace painfully about ICE COLD STORAGE the head and face, though fortu- a. M. noOKH, Preside! . F. F. OEOPP. Vice President nately hi hurta are not dangerous. W A. CRAIG, (ashler TOM ki n va n. nt Mrs. Ren Barnett has taken the agency for the Nu-Bo- coraet aud WE SELI I prepared to take measurement and make to order corset to fit any form, and guarantees satisfac tion. Mra. Harnett haa Just finish- ed a course In coraetry and under- " 7 Westinghouse Automatic Electric stands how to fit. which of Itself he State National Bank Ranges 1 an art. Call her at her home, telephone SS3, and make an ap- OF CAUL8BAD Westinghouse Heating and CookingAppliances pointment with her. vAdv. ctl Capital and Surplus Westinghouse Electric Fans NOTICE SUIT. OF KKMUMMl Apex STATE OF NEW MEXICO Electric Suction Cleaner To John F. Herring, Unknown DIRECTORS: Herring Un- Heirs of John F. and O. it. COOKE TOM RUNYAN W. R. FENTON known of In the See us before placing your order. Claimant Interest F. r. DOEPP H. a KERR a R. BRICE Premise Advera to Plaintiff: J. O. U8SERY L. A. 8WIUART W. A. You and each of you are here CRAJO We Repair Motors by notified that suit against you and Electric by John W. Armstrong, Fred E. Appliances Wilson and O. P. Pardue, plain you aa In Oar I'ow r Plant la direct connected units, insuring tiff and defendants. MEMBER FEDERAL Cauae No. 3119 haa Been Insti- RESERVE SYSTEM STEADY VOLTAUK and continuous servio tuted by aald plaintiff and 1 now day and night pending In the district court with in and for Eddy County, New Mex- ico, to quiet plaintiff title to the See us for your house wiring following describe d land and premise: When you wish information on The NH of the NEU and the SWH of the NEU of flection 20, Electrical Work Comult: Township 18 South, Range 15 Gates Half Sole Tires East. N. M. P. M. You are further notified that unleea you enter your appearance tn aald cause on or before Sep- Get more service and mileage tember 4th., 1910. judgment will be rendered In aald cause against out of your tires by having THE CARLSBAD LIGHT & POWER CO. you by default. Armstrong tc Wilson of Carls them half-sole- d vvith bad, New Mexico, are attorney for GATES plaintiff. HALF-SOLE- S, "THE SERVICE THAT SAVES" Wtcneaa the hand and official seal of the county clerk of aald located in county thl July lBth., 1910. the old Star Livery Barn P. M. JACKSON. - " County Clerk. CHRIS " ft JBl W m WALTER By INEZ JONES, Deputy. THK CRIitBAD COTWWMrf, WUtDAT, July , lW, r Five Minute ChaU on Our Presidents B By JAMES MORGAN i (Ooprrwht. . J ase Bal Menu.) JOHN ADAMS AND ABBY SPECIAL BARGAINS

17JS Oct. It, John Adama beri Sunday, July Eighteenth raintros, Mass. 17M Graduated at Harvard. We have on hand a complete stock of 17M Married. 1774- - 77 In Congress. 1775- -46 On Mission to Francs. 1758 Minister to Kngland. NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE

SCHOOLGIRL complained that which we are offering at prices to suit A American history was an "littered op with Adamses" that she coaldn't your pocketbook Roswell M mir from the other. Tet this most ilstlngulshod fsnflly In onr national We also have Mattresses and Glass and do Mography lived in America one bun Jrod and1 fifty years before It broke Picture Framing nt o fame. VS. When the engagi neTJt was MATTRESS RENOVATING of John Adams of Bralntree, Haas., to the daughter of Parana smith of the adjoining town of Wey- The services of a first class mattress cleaner mouth, people were sho-ke- d that Abby have been ihould marry so beneath her atatlon. secured for our customers each Waa alie not a Qulnry and a Norton T week. Old mattresses made new leave your And John, the son of a small farmer, orders with us. Phone 64. Carlsbad waa put down to fourteenth place among his twenty-fou- r classmates, when Harvard catalogues were made up according to social rank. After that he taught nrhool in Worcester to fet enough money to study law, and SAM MOSKIN the strictest of the Puritana looked ill luwyers ss ungodly. Father in Law Smith waa game, and FIREMEN'S PARK tradition saya that he preached down LOCAL NEWS KANSAS CARLSBAD OITi Jota Tu Bears lint Bis; Al'l'MKS FOIl CHAIITE Evades Tmpper. r.rlaJr Albuquerque, IT Mrs. Aabury, recently Juy 12 p William The Kansas Oil Com- Pope of tho biological of San Antonio, has taken a po Carlsbad survey ""hai pany, capitalized at $1,000,000, ap- returned from upper sition with the Fublio Utilities Co. country the Tao plied to the corporation commls-aio- n whr he has been con-quoti- ng be aa night operator. p. Game will called promptly at today . for a chanter. The campaign on 3 wnich several company's headquarters are at have been doing con-- H Mrs. T. a Bullock, of Weather-for- d, derahle damago Carlabad and M. L. Hlghamlth la among the llve-sto- ck Texas, was a vlaltor to the statutory agent. In that part of the home of her relatives, Mr. Mrs. the While on state. and Theaincorporatora sub- the trip Mr. Pope trapped Stanford, of this city, last week. who havo one Urge Richard Westaway, scribed $2,000, the amount with cinnamon and one black LOCAL NEWS. ranchman, bear bin lays that tho main offen- - enjoying 1 which the company begins busi- the sights of the LOST. A pet Bed Fox Squirrel Jf that by the alio City. Joyce-Pruit- 'a ness, and the shares of slock held of d In of track he Is Dr. Hunger and Letcher Whlt-a- front store. by them follow: a grlxily. The Keward for Its return to rack measured seven by eleven left the 7th. lnat,' for the A M. L. Hlghamlth, Carlsbad, GO Inches and uro Valley, veritable "house on wheel" W. U. BAUNOWSKY, said io be the larg-c- et San Lula Colorado, where appeared , ever seen in in town last week' Carlsbad, N. M. hare. the Hooky moun-ain- s. Letcher will visit with relatives. coming William 11. Dowse, Carlsbad, 50 It Is from south western or leave at Joyce-Prult- 's store. thought that It will Dr. Hunger continuing on his way it abares. he Impossible to way Kansas. The. owners and oocu-- trap ,he bear and to Colorado Springs. On the pants were Mr. Mrs. M. I,. Sparr, Wichita, Kaunas. they a heavy hail- and l'urrr Misa Idello Ohnemua, of Arteaia, ..". . . """' ''.is been there struck Clawson and their daughter. Miss 100 shares. to r os country to top of car Is visiting In Carlsbad, coming him. , hunt storm and had the the Grace Shearman. The oar, or rath- Some eight carcasses of down Sunday ex- seven-year-o- in which they madé their journey, er the house, is afternoon, and The ld son or Mr. "'7' '"ii.i.l and it i, completely by They commodious and pecting to remain a couple the riddled hall. romtuiiatile of and Mrs. Jim Freeman, who live V' ,M ,a. 'hey wo e 1 and far toward "Hni expect to remain at their respect-- doln h"th. ... weeks among old frleuda and rela- on the Miller place, west of town, the grlxily. Ivo towns for a couple of weeks ipw i ,. , . tives. of I VY was seriously Injured by a cow, motor II. is. V el t CI F K. Hube,, and then make the trip home Ungton, two lost Saturday morning. The ani- if, Wednesday Kansas, weeks and aay Mrs. Sam MoBkln night for Amarillo, mey nave and little June mal, a nuil, v and ramlly pet, with the avow-- had a delightful trip and came down Intention oi looking i only found bad from a vlalt to Ros- bunted .the little tellnw with such ,bcar Mrs. John Hill, daughter Nell, roads between well Saturday, that being their mtta.e Mr Hubert,itarm, They V"lle, toic. that it deep gush was cut In ,,0,M the came ","d Abigail Adama, former home 'a and son John, Junior, in friends - are now and where Mrs. his lotehead which required the lit ,''""- Company, week, Thursday, and are visit- XSr: at' parents reside. 1 i Uering for the last the home of J. Floyd Hart his gossiping trillion of a local surgeon, but want of car. home Mrs. S. Join, at the' parishioners from this ''' H,'p ".'Mine,. , ing at the of J. Darle Cu n sun ss I n .1 ...... from which he is improving at this , u... are the Moa. The Hill family resided here old J " "B,u,er Hiram Dow apent Sunday in time. farmers und haymen. until about a year ago when they 2 m?yJZ&2i& bmMl "T ""ln W,n mai Carlsbad a gueat at the home or T? ..m-.de?- y,. say he hath u devil I" ' left for their nresent home al '''X . his brother, Hon. Hobt. C. Dow Arthur Kurnsworth wus down NTH'K OF SI MMON . Texas. Aiinnugn SSM never went to west of the city. THE STATE OF NEW Abilene, hearty welcome fromi our people. ., from Roswell lust Monduy on u MEXICO ,,n..ffhter w, hv business trip. To: odda the clevereat In the 2 Dave Clements, gnaitman fr-i- S,.raHh Harris Garrett, of Lovlngton ll I. UolU !!..,... ft... entire line of Kl,yknlal!. If living. si was In If was operated on at the Eddy Co A i,..f :.... r president s wives, her published the mountains, town Tues Illg (iui, Vit., Post. her unknown heirs. Joab- - de.l h.. k.,. day Wednesday Stone Hospital Suturday. and Is re- - u.-h- .. forming a delightfully human and of this week, Mr. Mm. bam lit an re-n- i. Jprtundmü, ir iwiñg last ed here wherehv r r 'tora looking artist of Tr ported as recovering exceptionally oomea document 1" our too often unhuman after ranch supplies and likable nutiiiul girts and extraor- dead hi. unknown helra; Benja- the owner of the W. O. Ur- - unending to other business min S weti ana win soon oe me 10 ton home place on the '""""J1 non jonn jomen ine minors while dinary versatility. It la claimed by Kuykendall, If nvnK Berrendo. well-know- n deed leave for hla home ahould he con- - ot the republic In the great work of hero critics that he has not hi. unknown heirs; The Urton ulace .for v..n- - .. Kuykendall. a I to convalesce as rapidly us been known beauty' g,tm' up the most masculine govern- - an equal on the American platform If living and If jtlnue as one of the Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sikes hla dead mm mm w me orm ever saw, mm nor and as a dramatic reader. unknown helra; Martha M "t 'uiq uw, apota or this section. Not onlv th. mis son moved Into new of the "'public hud to stay home to their homo in In Carlsbad, Thursday, June 22, Oreen. If living. If dead her home Itself, but the orohards and .North Carlsbad this week. Alrdome. Miss Nellie Dearborne came In .. IH. , rock the cradle, cook ami natch for at heln; William Green, hus- band of Sunday night and continued on to '"iir Adamses and to tend Martha Green. If iiTlng, been pointed to as possibilities in '"tie the Horn Mr. h-- -- to und Mrs. M. D. Pioxldcnrc, It. I., Journal. If dead the mountains where her brotar. tnta country wateP farm. Milking and churning, knitting unknown heirs; John wlth and ,un. Morfeld, a boy baby at thrlr h uno (lifted with a voire of wonderful H. Kuykendall. if nd darning, teaching and praying, In living. If dead mZZV Th.l,hlM' . T8 consideration for toe North Cnrlshad Monduy morn power und depth, ot mellow qual- hi. aa , -- 1 .1- unknown helra; Mary Kuy-kenca- ll, &rrZh i u... 1. 1. ..n.t u.vim, .1,.. v,,n.-- i -. ing. The ity und capable of Infliille modula- E Current extends best wife nt John U. haT 5 wishes. tion, be brings to the aid of thia If te?' r; routed . s organ tooling living. If dead her ud ,...s.i...... r jr. uuu 1111 .u superb keen and an knowu hr Intention nt stsvlnif until .f. unerring sense or heir.; Laura J. Kuykendall " er ccamp meeting Queen, a son to follow In the fatlier'a foot-- Chas. H. proportion. wife of Benjamin the at John, an The lengths to which steps. all round tel In Curlsbad, Thursday, June It, 8. Kuykendall. which will be held In August. mlschlevoual To Abigail Adams alone ephone man, has been employed If living. If dead will go, - - at Alrdome. her unknown in their destruc- longs the- glory of having been the wife bv I holrs; Uveness is by - the Public tlllUea Co., tu look Klliabeth Kuykendall. wit The foundation for the new resl- - illustrated the dam- of one president and the mother of after that branch of of A. I. Kuykendall, age done the little House girls' the Benin. Rev. Sparks, or Arteslu, und ltev. If hvlug If ence of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Draden another Mr. John comes from Chicago to Mahan, of Carlsbad, with Mrs. Ma- dead her unknown heir.; Mary laid week on North Canal fflUy h0Jn In wnr. W W 0 dama to ao Carlsbad. Byrd fas last xt'TÍ -- ' lum and Mrs, made a (formerly Kuykendall) If liv- . NflfsA QaAUS. Bom. per,n Arthur visit this city. The building will duty In Kurope. Congrua sent to Illuck River the Arst ot the week ing. If dead her unknown helra; rushed to completion aa soon SS to with a thoughtful warn- - Edna Cox Byrd-chll- ? S2L7 France Mrs. C. E. Edwards, of Dallas. on a fishing trip. (formerly d of a possible, and according to pros-j- rt imTnV? Mary 2? ÁJSmftmTmli im Texas, Is at the E. Purdy home and Byrd) If living. If dead her plans will bo one ot the many p,cn ba ,,lBn,y of lead Í or will spend the remainder or the Mr. and Mrs. Will Purdy and unknown heir.; E. E. "T;racUve homes now building, or tniaohlef. It seems a pity that the. Morrl.. If nernetrator can not oUer weighty substance to sink hla summer here, she being a rrlend or children lott Tuesday In their IMng. if doad hi. unknown heirs; aYlng been built the past season. h. .nnr.h.nHHi long or and punished. papera. For his own neck m protec- standing Mrs. Purdy. cur for a month's stay In Calir. and all unknown claimant, of In- tion wss proposed In event of the terest adverse to plaintiff In A to and British capturing a signer of the rebel most pleasant time was en- Mr. und Mrs. J. II. and the following deacrlbed real es- manifesto of July 4, 1776. Neverthe- joyed by all at the ranch home or children are anticipating a trip to tate Bltuafed in Eddy county, New Mr. less, he took with him on the perilous and Mra. It. B. Knowles, near the White uiouii'tulns and a vaca- Mexico to wit: North two-thlr- d trip his son, John Qulncy. Lakewood, July 4.th. Those present tion ot a couple or weeks, starting of rhe Northwest1 qusrter of Mr. tho On next voyage, he not were and Mrs. Wess Knowles, next Monday. Northeast quarter. Section 19, the carried Mr. and Mra. only John Qulncy, but also his second Archie McDonald, or Town.h'p 22 South , Range 27 I.akewood, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Mrs. Rex Freeman, arter a pleu-san- t Eaat, N. M. P. 11. son, and they were shipwrecked off the O'llsnnon, coast Spain. and Robert Feemster, of visit at the home of her pár- You and each of you, are here- of Lake Arthur, and the host and enla, Mr. and Mrs. John Nevenger, by After five long, anxious years of sep- notified that a suit la cow hostess. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Know-1- m and other relatives In Carlsbad, pending In the Dlstrlot court of aration front husband and children, the and family. Bill Kuowles left left for her home in Dallas, Mon- Eddy County. LITTLE WHITE mother herself sailed to , and Tuesday night day New Mexico, num- HAT for Dalerose. Colo., morning. bered 3220 on the civil the pioneer American woman to ap- where he goes to docket take charga ot thereof, wherein E. P. Bujac Is pear at the Court of Bt James waa hla father' stock. The new bouse of C. O. Merrl-ftoi- d, plaintiff and you, and each of SHOP FOR Abigail, the farmerette of Bralntrea on the lot south of the dwel- you are named a. SALE Her presentation costume, according ling of Mr. and Mrs. Dock Vast. defendant. Caney, Kana., Daily. That the general objects of said to her own description, waa white lute- In the northwest part of town, la aro to nearly complete. suit quiet the title of tho string "covered with white crepe, fes- Edward Brlgham.gave one of the It Is a pretty plaintiff In and to tho following mock-poi- building of Ave tooned with lilac ribbon and most remarkable entertainments rooms and bath, Is described real swtate Itii.r.H tm On account of leaving town lace, over a hoop enormous ever given In city. Ilrlg-ha- m located nicely and Mr. aterrlfleldl will of this Mr. Eddy county. Now Mexico, to-w- lt: possesses basso-pro- f has finlahed It up well In in- ell entire stock and rent shop. stent, and with a narrow train three a undo the North two-thir- voice such aa terior, the walla being In an! of the Northwest Mrs. Ilrown will eontUnno dress- yards long; also ruffle cuffs, treble has never before boon tinted quarter of the Northeast quarter. making r heard In this part or the state. artistic manner, and everything In and assist In any lace ruffles and dreaa cap, with long Section 19, Township South. way possible to Ret started Intii Li Carlsbad, Thursday, June 22. the way of material used being of tt lace lappets and two white plumes." at Alrdome. the beat. Rang 17 East, N. M. P. M. the Millinery business and keep "You will be stared at a great deal," The above named defendants business up to the present stand- the Duke of Dorset kindly warned the are hereby notified ard. J. F. Joyce left Monday W. O. Brown left last Tuesday that unless Adamses. On the contrary, every back on a business to night on his long they appear and gnawer tho com-plai- nt We have enjoyed a very suc- visit Peco. anticipated and In the court circle was turned upon much needed H went ot plaintiff on or before tho cessful season cus- vacation. iuil thank our the Yankee rebels and Queen Charlotte Poyd Euker received a telegram first to Santa Fe, to bo In attend- 7th day of August. 19S0, plaintiff tomers and friends for thelr( kind Abigail "contempt announcing the ance will take Judgment gainst them patronage. received with and serious condition at tho Scottish Rite reunion, corn." of hla aiater Mrs. W. O. Deyerle, and from there will vlalt at his by default. That E. P. Bujaa la attorney MH8. SAM. It. AUTKIl. A man can defend himself always, at Salem. West Virginia, last Sat- own will for a couple of weeks. as Abigail's hushand did right man- urday, and Intended starting for We understand that his patron a for tho plaintiff and his business and post office fully when It fell to him to be the first that place Sunday night. A later have "kicked In," according to his address la Carlabad, however, Eddy County, New Mexico. - Independent American to atnml e wire, told of her denth request In last week's Current, and . the samo night. In WITNESS my Sand as of tho throne of Kngland. flcorgc The deceased was all join wishing hint a suro Clerk in B:t years of ago, fam-ll- v re- said Court and venturing to Infer from hla supposed and leaves a enough vacation and au early Ao seal ot said I or children, most ot whom ara turn to bis home. He leaves the Court on this J 5th day ot Jane. I a preference dlallke of for grown, to mourn her loss. 0)f hop In charge ot Ms son, Claude, 1Í20. , hla one time subject frunkly pi, , will synipathlie with Vr. and Had Crubaugh, and tho busi- D. 1L JACKSON. corrected the king: "I must avow to Ealter. The Interment occurred ness will not suffer In their capa- - (SEAM County Clsrk. your majesty thut I have no attach-Bur- nt Monday at 4 p. m. blo hand i. asJuMHJuly but to my own country." Tsf CARIMBAD CT7BIUBWT, MUPAT, Jly U, 1W.

-"-OH! BOY-"- SPECIAL PRICES ON OIL AND LOOK AT TrtK DATS Cot It out and pat It In jronr hat! iCTXJAPy GASOLINE STOVES THIS WEEK AUG. 17 WEEK OF AUG. 17 ON THE HEARTH a a mm is cheering blaze; ta h winprp k the íYfflúvi nn inálenncm. th pipe. mavhap.r American Legion incense to raise., ove the dreanwh-- Call and see the stoves SDirind book. and get our prices CARNIVAL Sashutthedoor when nidht is come: FIVE BIG NIGHTS OF FUN AND Fbrdet the world that lies without The world ofproblems 'wearisome. worries, ofdefeat and doubt. AMUSEMENTS Of n w AR out the world. learn to feroet 111(1 nAIMECCE THIRD DAY D The echo ofits raspínó calls: ROBERTS - DEARBORNE HDW. CO. Let neitner care, nor fear, nor tret. Utl.SIS Ml IiOVINO 10 BIG SHOWS 10 Find footspace once within your walls. riMtne B l'hone A . ' m 41 Toroet the babel ofisT the street; Don't lull to Bee Uie rAtirthnocc ofthi ANTI-RA- T CAMPAIGN WKDDINO KSI'l IS OR- ANNIVERSARY ivi nere are oiossoms tair and swe DERED BT ARMY OU8KIIVBD. SMALLEST LADY PRINCESS ZELMA snaaows - imtsiae are auucTjora)- Orders for an anti-r- at campaign Th thirtieth anniversary or th at Fort Bus to forestall possibili- wedding of Reverend and Mrs. T. Rhe wu found In New E this your sanctuary, rherix ty of an epidemic O. Mahan was observed at th Bap- Mexico's Astee of bubonlo IN NEW MEXICO Fuñona P It plague ver prepared by Colonel tist preacher's bom last Saturday and la one of the What oftomorrow? may wait, E ruina I!L Wer.ú, district surgeon, and Will from unUl 9:30 o'clock, and waa moat famous mummies For here is hearth and home aóaín, b put into effect today. attended by about seventy-fiv- e peo- 15 yewrs old ever exhibited In Colonel Weight 88 Douiuli holds its Weed directs that all building ple, friends and parishioner of Uta. Aru here contentment state. the worthy pastor Height 80 Inches - used for storing food for troops and his good Jhese four walls shield usroundabout- or animals be and or- Weft, TDK MOST HKNHATIONAI. What óreatef peace is there to win? ders th destruction of rats by Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Horn nnd 8HOW ON TUB GROUNDS poison. Traps also war sat, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Leek wr In "SPIDORA" Mow ail the darkness is shut out caroful examination will be mad the receiving Une. And all the lidht and love locked th. at their catches. The house had been beautifully NAME" - - w , rpider "NO " - i'isi'wsssMsnBssjH, fm decorated and cut flowers war nii: OK Washington, June. The popu- everywhere In evidence. An arch One of Die biggest treats worj to wt of green of Uie i'nrnU.il a tha lation of Continental United States had been erected between HIIK'H DON'T Miss IT. Is sstlmated at 105,000,000 by J. th rooms, and under that th him A. BIU, chief statistician of th wedding party took Its stand. census bureau. HI calculation la th parlor to th strains of ATHLETIC ARENA baaed on th combined populaUon of th wedding march played by Mum WAR RELIC 1.4 06 cities and towns for which Flleon. statistic hava boon announced. On beautiful feature oc- Every night box- of th the beat Th Increase of 1910 Is placed casion waa the part taken by th ing and wrestling at about alx children par- SHOW Velnplng experienced contrm-tTn- thirteen millions, show of th contracting Homo of Uie big boya of he mid Ing growth of country ties Th engineering organisations ftom he ths th has eldest daughter, Miss state. not kept pac with previous de- Ena, entered the room Hi . will be one of night snappy stagnant conditions brought In advance Every fast, bouts about hy cades. Almost complot cessaUon in advance of the wedding party collection ever put fod-er- GUARANTEED ROAD the war. Under the terms of the of Immigration during th war Is and waa followed by Ralph I Inr giving you 11 and aid road act, the apportionment the chief reason assigned for th Mildred, Paul and Lurlin in touch the war. I1IU-U- N th of ANOTHKIl to a stste .ni- any one fiscal year re falling off In growth. Other sug- order nsmeo. mains available for expenditure until gestions were "AND NTIM, ANOTHER" OLD SOUTHERN th two influenza Tillman, th youngest son, was BUILDING the close of the succeeding year. It epidemics, return of aliens to their the ring bearer and carried th NEGRO PLANTA- Is estlmnted that funds already pro- native lands and deaths of sol-die- ra ting concealed In a (lower. vided will be sufficient to finance next abroad and at home during T. O. Wyman Mrs. OLD MEXICO DRAINAGE IS BIG ESSENTIAL and Wyman. TION SHOW year a program more than four times the war. of Loving acted aa best man sunn-- . Ilude and Wing and greater thnn any that has ever been The aggregate population of th matron of honor, respecUvely. Mr. Niltlli- - S.ini;-.- . limito mill Dancing and Fun on the Chief Requirement of Good Earth undertaken. cities and towns on which ths Wyman was In attendance at the MuhIi- .V real touch nf ri;i ni ni inn given by tho Road Is Oralnsge Kssp Crown estimate was made Is 41,029,864. marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Mahan, mill. life. best Negro talent. Propsrly Dragged. This Is an average gain of 26 per in Kentucky .thirty years ago. GOOD MARKET IS REQUISITE cent, compared with 36 per cent All the ladles of the wedding party were It Can be truthfully said that drain-- 1 as v the previous decade. dressed in white Out of Door Dance Continues Every Night age Is the chler aeasnfhtl in putting Prim Essential for Successful Diversi- dresses. earth ronds Into proper An TREES The ceremony was pronounced of the Ca rnival condition. fied Farming Bid Rosds Are by old Hcotchtmin, nn MDOtt road builder, Drawback. I think that I shall never see Reverend Nicholson, o( Loving, aptly A poem lovely as a tree. who used a form of his own, In MUSIC BE BY said that th three requirements! rhyme. WILL FURNISHED of good A tree whose hungry mouth Is earth roads are drainage, mure Farmers sooner or later learn the de- A program drainage, prest was given consisting CARLSBAD'S NEW BAND and still mure drainage. The sirability of diversified farming. Per- of a song by roads Against the earth's ' sweet flowing Mrs. Harry MoKlxn, must not only hove good surface haps no cause limits farming of this brest; "Beloved, It Is Morn" by Floreno 3 Days snappy the ball park drainage hut SJUSl hIku good un- description so much as bad of baseball at have roads, for A tree that looks to God all day, Aylward, a piano solo by Mrs. Relucen in. In-- 1. ii i. in the I'. .... Valley der Aral nag, urfMtt drainage Is se-- the prime requisite for successful di- ' And lifts leafy arms to pray; Frank Klndel, and a reading by cured hy proper her 3 Days of Wild West Show and Cowboy griiillng, adequate side versified farming li a good market A tree that may In summer wear Mrs. Lee Hanson, that gem of dltchie, and by keeping the crown of This market may be either a nearby A nest of robins In her hair; James Whitcombe Riley ''That Old, Tourn ament the mad properly dragged. Stretches, town or a city, or a distant market Upon whose bosom snow has Sweetheart of Mine."' of road that do not dry out quickly which requires railroad I.AIttil' I'llMK". KI ON K OF THE RIGUEHT lain; After the ceremony Reverend must he uniler-ilrnliie- hy tile. And who Intimately Uves Mahan was asked to give I'IKM.It M KVHH I'll ON IN KDDY t'Ol'NTY with a toast The drag must Is- - used after each rain. to his wife, the partner of hi joy Poems mo by and sorrows (or rain. If the best l. mane fools like thirty years, and rexnlts sre to he ADVANTAGE TO AGRICULTURE the response Don't go mi the road while too me, was what might have Dut only God can a been expected from this BIG CONCESSIONS muddy, let It dry mil ..lightly ; It should make free. eloquent 40 Time Saved Tn H.u llngOvsr Improved and scholarly lie Wet enough, It Joyce Kilmer man, and was as himewr. no will not follows: ti.iii Dngs, Drinks, Mult, T Iras, Cats, Hull, NhiMiting flal- - Roads Really Reduces Cost of Trsnsportatlon. III V II Ul HTOIIM. "I c'fer this toast to the woman l.ii. imil hi tint eei')lh.iu Unit gi' for a big I One of the heaviest hall storms love. To the woman whoa sweet smile Is the light of my IK I One of the great advantages Im- WATCH Mill HAND ml - AM D AN NH M'K.MKNTM I Ht of that has vlaited our plains in a Lov-ii- and whose laughter is sweeter to - proved roads to agriculture In the bout six year poiased weat i! i i vil ill s as thl- - BBSS will not hold nil tin- Dig time of me than any melodv nlnvarf hv saved In hauling, which In urn last Saturday night, taking u ( ., reullty ...i, Hint ulll lie mi the g rounds. augel upon a golden harp. To th i; VOI'lt I'RIENDH amounts to a reduction In transporta- in It's path and demolishing the noble Willi muís windows hearted woman who, thirty AK this i going tu Im. the UK. HUME COMINO WEEK tion costs. and of houses and yeais ago, Tatum place at this hour gave up bnrns. The near th the rest o( the world (or me and 7. H. R. ranch, Mr. Lues, Mrs. U(e BIGGER TAXES ON BAD linked her with mine, amid ROADS York. the Witt ranch. Oscar music and flowers, and turning Thompson ranch and O. M. Sun.lr) Civil Appropriation from the altar, faced eternity as IN -- mm. Act. Lost Time and Labor on Poor High and other places recolv oí III NHDIt THE Under the above named act mine, and me. To the woman the ways Will Mors Than Build and ed considerable damage. No cat" who has been my boon companion gun ini... winr appropriation for Carls- tie were lost, however that w and soul Only a shot from n sportman'! bad project has beeu (or Maintain Good Road. mate when fortune smiled made heard of, although they were beat- upon me my minister-tu- g Only a missile of lead, I lie flsral year: and tender en and bruised quite badly. Lov-Ingto- n angel Dut uul In the wood where, he lov- Carlsbad project, New Mexico, Rome folks object to a good roads in sickness and sorrow. . Leader. To the woman re- ed to play tur operation and tax. The American furmer pays great- whose purity su maintenance, passes the snow on Mex- la a bouuUful ri enture, dead. continuation nf const ruction, er taxes nn bad road than he iloes the New and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Petska left ico mountain peaks whose iovo Incidental operations 1108,000. on the construction nnd maintenance and Only an arrow shot from a bow, lest week fr their old home In nas strewn my life's psth with of good roads. The time nnd Inhor Marcelllce, Missouri. Mr. Petzka blossoms of Joy and gladness. To Loat in .he blue of tha sky: Inst on bnd roads will more thnn ay A wounded bird comee fluttering came hare seven years ago and tue woman whom Uod made for mu L v.. the tax levy to build and support a received great Improvement from and gave to me that I might lor down. good road. And song la the climate during th four years her and call her my own dear a hushed for ara. eversl of the Crs.n belt States An- wire." Our Dumb Animals. of his residence here. Returning nually Expend Ovsr (3,000,000 In BEAR FOLLOWS MAN to his horn In Missouri, hi health Punch waa served throughout mi Constructing and Mslntalnlng gradually failed and he was forced the evening, Mrs. Edwards presid- CAHD OK THANKS. Fo Roads, Bridges and Culverts Animal Had Porcupine Quilla and to falL Sino then he ing at the punch bowl, and all r return last many your To the frlands who so own opinion of the Wanted Relief. has not don wall and a return to were made to feel welcome by th kindly contributed tha beautiful crumble, but sroenr. When properly old horn was thought to be unaffcted cordiality of th hosts floral offerings and offered tender quality of printing we turn Followed by a bear for two miles In th used, the drag brings a thin layer of the mountains near McCloud. Cal., waa advisable. Mr. and Mrs. Fetsk and their lovely family. ministrations In other way, I talcs out by looking ex- Mr. and Mrs. over the earth toward the center of the road th experience of John Phillips, who are good people and regret Is Mahan war th this means of thanking each one! which Is rolled and packed pressed by many that they found recipients of a number of valuable of you. Were It not for these samples we will be glad to between stepped lively until he reached camp. gifts, the wet periods, if toe much crown I It necessary to leave us. mostly of cut glass, sliver tokens of love and sot asm, Ufa; Then be thought he waa safe, but the Unen. how you. There is noth- secured by dragging, the angle of the and would Indeed bo dreary at this bear entered camp also. Its face Another gin that gar great ' drag should be reversed. bristling tima, llar th dear Heavenly ing in this line that we with porcupine quilla. These pleasure waa th wedding pre- Getting It CAN YOU EAT cake Father's blessing b on each on of the earth roads graded, submitted to have pulled out by ; ; sented by two ladle of con- can't do to your ditches open, th i vww yimjw vi uur uiuuusr well drained, end prop- Phillips snd other, to Its grant relief. gregation. Th satis-factio- contention was and friend. t entire n. erly crowned by drugging Is about sll During the operation Hruln was dócil pur whits, with magto num- - ths Vliu'fKT OTffnnnitflAwT T can dor- aa win.' i IT "f". High-cla- ss that be until the people sre a kitten, but afterward It showed WHAT YOU WANT? bers 1890 on ons aid and 19S0 July Ith sA SlflUsV Hospital. ready to eurfare the road with gravel, tight and could only be captured with on th other, In raised letters and printing broken atone or some other surfacing difficulty and danger. It will be kept Wit hunt feeling as If yon had a was much admired by all. A row Mr. and Mrs. 3. XI. have1 Bord material. for a pt lump of putt i In your Htoniurh'.' of pearls arouna the cake empha- purchased the little brick cottage1 creates a good sised the fact that It was tha mm South Canyon street, this city, pearl wedding. impres- JANITOR GETS $300 A DAY TAKE NYAL belonging to I. 8. Osborne. They GREAT 1920 ROAD PROGRAM The Baptist people of will this city take possession tha first of sion for are fortunate In having this spelo-di- d foststnber, In the meantime put- you Nscessary for Many States to Post, Oil Well Brings Suddsn Weslth to preacher and his fine family ting' an addition to th front of pone Expenditure of Federal Tulsa (Okla,) Msn. DIGESTIVE TGNIC to "minister to them In Holy th building. r- - i ill i and your Funds for Building. I ust week Roheri It. Runyan was a thiugs," and many wishes were Janitor In Tulsa, okla., drawing ths muí you will have only happy pressed that their stay among us Mrs. J. D. Lack a valuable business. UHunl mav lost David V. Houston, nf agri- stipend paid a Janitor. Today after eating. be nru!ons;ed. surf mav ti. brooch several days ago which sh i 'i Is o. Mill be mor MirCcmriil ih..i- - culture. In his annuiil report, culls at- he still a Janitor, hut with his fam- Price J .mil BI.ÜO in prised highly not ion for lis al labors Uie Consult tention to the fact the pro- ily he Is drawing KIOO a day from a for Mauler. value assocla-tlo- n: that mill but for lis half In oil ñtty cent lAr "Beform gram for federal aid rnuil building l Interest an well spoutlr.g400 advertisement la i.!, a day In the. Wichita CORNER the sTSa1nsd columns of th Cuts &ou Smnd greater than any previous annas I Falls rant located th brooch which was accomplishment In Ihla (Tex.) dlHtrtct. R. N. Morrison, of Roswell, has "I my returned to her by th finder, Dr. your WorK country. It Is n gieatin fact, tluu wenld rather hove Job than been put In charge it th desk at an oil well," Mr. Itunyan Black. It pays to advertise In Out It undoubtedly will ho necciwury for told rrlends DRUG STORE ths Purdy Furniture Store durll L of many who were congratulating him on sud- th Current. Tobun of th state to postpone until the sbsenco o( Mr. Purdy lu denly breukliig into "get-ric- CsW 1020 the expenditure of the (esters I the "One A Trial .always Nyal" foruta. ' fmul-- , becsuf of the necessity, of de duos."

s TIIK CARI ARAD Cl'RRKNT. mm at, July is, inao.

Attractions at ALL BOW TO SUPERSTITION Crawford At Lssst, Few of ths Fslr tax Have Not a Firm Belief in Marriage Theatre Charm. In ths great Cave of the Winds, to NEXT WEEK CXnrndn, a plnre visited each year A Shoe That Does Not Fit is by scores of tourists. In one corner the visitor Is always Impressed by a "MFK LINK.." fwateM thing that looks tike 4 mat- MON. Maurice Towneur, Hpeinl Feature tress nnd that turns out, on closer acquaintance, te be an Immense pile Never a Bargain at Any Price of hairpins, combs, btrettes ond hair DOniH KKNYON IN ornsments. TUES, "THR OIIHAT WHITR TRAIL" It seems that there la a snperetltloti Something new ta Oomedyart afoot that every widow and unmarried "t'WRASy FKET" VajMI who leaves a hairpin or hair comedy ornament there will be married within Mack Bennett's Mr featne the year and, though most of WED "DOWN ON THE FARM" the IF IT IS TOO TIGHT, then it pinches the foot and women abo visit the cave langh at the story snd look very Incredulous, not a the shoe is stretched out of shape. KDWAR RRIGHAM IN few surreptitiously shake out an THUR.- - Bone and Dramatic Recitals or two before leaving, "Just IF IT IS TOO LOOSE, then it chafes and rubs, and WILL IttHlKlta IN for luck." once again your WATER, WATER, EVKRYWIIKRK Nor Is this the only mute testimony foot is crippled and your to the credulity and be- shoe is twisted out of shape with resulting FRL JACK PICKFORD IN lief In marriage charms. At Rsmons's poor wear. "IN WRONG." Wedding Place, also out West, Is s Your foot clothing is neither well, the bottom of which glesms comfortable nor sightly; you are made sub- bright with countless pennies oth- CHART KM RAT IN snd er coins, left by passing ject to all manner of painful and crippling SAT, "THK KOO CRATE WALIXP" there visitors who were told that tossing s coin ailments, which easily become so down the well would bring them earh established s husbsnd within a year. So n,,. pen- that they are difficult to cure. nies srrumulsted, snd already there LOCAL NEWS. la a small fortune lying at the bottom YOU NEED NEVER GIVE A THOUGHT to normal SUNDAY DINNER of Raroona'a well. feet, encased in well at Nor Is this superstition of travel- fitting shoes. You are Fred Nymeyer It In town from ers the only evidence In the esse. One not conscious of them at all, as you go about bis horn at Eunice, N. M. Palace Cafe has only to see the young girls (snd some of old), waiting to your daily duties. From 12 to 1 ths catch Homer King has taken a position the bride's bouquet at a wedding In In the grocery Joyoe-Pru- lt July lHUi. atore of 'order to he the next bride, to know You cannot select such shoes haphazard by luck, company, beginning work the first LOO or in ot the week. SOUP that they are all rendy to test nut any grabbing up liiiNhnnd-gettln- hastily bargains. Cream of Celery charm. And one may selected Iron S. Howe and wife went up MEAT look In vain for the alngte girl hrnve You help to Roswell yesterday, to atteud a Fried Spring Chicken eunuch to take the "hint piece" of need the of experienced, dependable, expert baso ball game between Clovls snd Corn Fritters Cream Uravy rake or candy on the pinte and thus judgment, in selecting the style size of Roswell. VEGETABLES run the risk of becoming an "old and buowflake Potatoea maid. " 1'hllndeliihla Record. shoes for your foot. It is that kind of ser- Mrs. Jack Halbert was in 4ho Creamed Peas city 'from her home In Roswell Lima Beans vice that this store gives always; you may rental flay. Her children, J. A. and SALAD NO SLEEP WITHOUT DREAMS depend upon it. Mercedes, are now In Portales. Tomato and Lettuce French Dressing Hour of Unconselouaness Filled With Shoes supplied Tickets for the Edward Brlgham BREAD Them, Though We Msy Not thus will have a full measure of correct entertainment will be on sale Bat Hot Biscuits Rsmsmber It. style, urday morning at the Star Phar Plain Bread of comfort, of durability, of all round maey, 60 and 26 cents. DESSERT VALUE, in every particular. Caramel Cake Dreaming I no vain and Idle slug- "Tbe Parable of tbe Sower" will Ice Cream gard's game, Solomon to the contrary be the subject at tne Methodist DRINKS notwithstanding. It's because you church Sunday morning. iced Tea Coffee need to dresin thst you go to bed Buttermilk nights. You've probably been labor- Judge and Mr. Lytle, of Akron, ing under the absolute Impreaalon that Ohio, left for their home in that It Is for the sake of you COMMINITY rest that city last Friday night aftsr a WOIWHII'. spend a third of your life In Bleep. lengthy Is visit to their relatives in The Mlnlaterlal Association "Absurd." says Andre Trldon, New this city. pleased to announce the receipt ol one Tork psychoanalyst, according to the C. hundred and fifty copies of a T. Evening Sun William Reed left Saturday on new song book ordered especially of that city. "Every HORNE branch your a month's vacation, which he will for tbe Community services. These of complex, busy organ-Is- spend in Port Worth and Dallas. will be distributed at the Alrdome Is on the job 24 hours a day. Tour TO Sunday evening for the use of all heart never rests; neither do your THE PLACE BUY SHOES lungs Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Christian are who assist In making the song iter-vic- e nor liver nor brain celia Bnt spending this week In the vicinity a feature of each occasion. you do need to dream, because only so ot Ruidoso, New Mexico. can the ordinary man relieve all hut Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collins re- urgea.' " Mr. and Mrs. Mllo McKibben turned Wednesday night from their Napoleon Bonaparte had things all spent seversl days In Roswell the vacation to relatives at Kermlt, his own way for a spell, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hart ot Lov- has been troubling him for some or Texas snd Just so ranch the first the week end last ot last week. , and Eunice, New Mexico. long he guided the world's destiny In ington, were In town this week, time, but la getting better now. says it Is beginning to get pretty no sleepy style without being coming to consult a physician for dry at his home but prospects are W. C. Wilkinson, wife Mrs. Bujac abed and entertained at her more than two hours a night. But a growth on Mr, Hart's lip which Cecil Cass wss In town from bla good for rain at an early date. visited at Koiwell laat wee. home last Tuesday in honor of Mr.g when the world balked at gratifying John Garrett of Lovington. 'onger All or Troup No. Two his will to dominate, dammed memben Scout tablea of ladies indulged in up 1 ara requested to be attbe reg- whist. Mrs. Hsrdy receiving the Ml ego urge In si Helena, he slept ular meeting Monday nlgbt. prise for high score, a cup and fen hours a day. Thut la, he dreamed aaucer. A guest prlae was also thut long dally. Captain Reld, of Roswell, spent given the honor guest. At the To sleep Is to dream, whether or not Tueaday and Wednesday In the close of the game, ice cream and you remember anything about It next Beautiful on business, returning to cake were served and the pleas- morning. You dream continuously, at bis home Wednesday nlgbt. ant occasion ended. an amaxlng ape) rute, all the while you're unconscious, and every r dream Judge D. O. Grantham went up W. W. SniUh, wife and chil- acts out, dramatizes, one your Go. of Joyce to Roawell on legal business Fri- Pruit dren were in from their ranch on wishes, gratifies sn urge. day night and returned Saturday Black river yesterday. They re- evening. ' port a good season this year with plenty of rain and cattle loooklng Ancient Feminine Splendor. Charlas Montgomery left Thurs- fat. For extrsvsgance the modern Amer- day of this week for Arkansas, ican woman Is sn smateur m comparl. where his mother lires and where Caterpillars are just beginning eon with her ancient atetar, In the Will O follow- ha spend his vacation. their work on the cottonwoood Philadelphia museum six sheets of IN KEEPING WITH UR POLICY of trees in the city. Now is the best gold so thin that It waa pliable aa cloth ing the markets, we ta ke pleasure in announc- Allen Russell Mercer died at the time to show home of his daughter, Mrs. Sara burn them out and a perforations at top and bottom. torch on the nnd of a fishing These are 10 by 20 Inclita In alse, and ing reduced prices on a few staples as follows: Davis, weat of town, Wednesday pole afternoon and was laid to rest yes- and a determined man at the were probably used s ruffles on the other end will soon solve the gown of a faahlonable Inca terday at I o'eloek. Ha had been problem. princess. falling for soma time and the end Then she could have had her choice was not unexpected owing to his of any one of the eight golden breast- Mrs. Melissa Sullivan re- great aga. A full obituary will be has plates In the collection and one of the printed next week. turned from a visit to kinsfolk in many golden crowns, various parts of Texas. a pair of the large filigree earrings, and COTTOLENE, large pails, now $2.50 A ft tend of ours once told us the girdle, three feet long and seveu he'd found a sure ami Inexpensive Boy Scout Troup No. 1 ara planning an all day old fashioned Inches wide, made up of 188 gold bars, way to get rid of little red ante. each four Inchea long. At that time "Little red anta" basket picnic for August 4th, to CRISCO, large pails, now wat on which every one will be invited. A necklnce Is formed of a string of $1.90 A day's program of Interest will 41 golden bella There U a heavy ring be prepared. for her nose ami another for her lips, EVERYBODY'S and broad arm bands, cuffs, bracelets BORN July 8rd.. at the . .iy and rings, and, as a final touch, a La home at Loving, to Mr. and Mrs. Tosca cane topped with c golden mon. FANCY NEW POTATOES, sack lots, $7.00 TONGUE Alvin Montgomery, a ten pound key wearing a hat and alttlng In a the Cwt, retail 8c. the pound boy baby. Congratulations to the high-backe- chair. young párente boca a they and best wishes to ware in everybody's Alvin, Junior. near bowl, so we were naturally Nature's Purpose In Flowers. Interested to the extent of asking FANCY CRYSTAL W AX ONIONS $4.25 Roberts-Deerbor- However fine and dainty a flower the him how to do it. His reply was F. L. Dearborne, of the Hardware Company, re- may be It Is pressed to do a great Cwt, retail 5c. the pound turned laat night from Clovls, service and It colore and forma are 'PAINT 'EM BLACK' where ha spent several days la the 11 suited to lis fork. It must bring Interest of hli firm. forth the fruit, or the continuity of If be hadn't outtvlnded US In the Julius Forke was up this morn- plant life will be broken and the earth middle of the first block, we'd ing from his home at Loving, will be turned Into a desert ere long. probably lave been chasing him where he Is owner of the "Sweet The color and smell of the flower yat, This time It's Shop" and tells of an Improvement all for some made In bi building are purpose; therefore, that spells no sooner Is It jy ROACHES - progress and that will advance the fertilised the bee, There are other things Come in and see us WATER business more than almost any- no sooner does the time of Its fruition thing else. That Is the Installing arrive, than It sheds Its exquisite pet-si- s of a Delco Eleotrle system by which end n cruel economy compels It to BUGS, RATS AND he lights his business building and give op Its sweetest perfume. It has runs electric fans and uses It In no time to flaunt Its finery, for It Is various other ways. He saya bus- busy beyond measure. iness Is good In that metropolis ot MICE the lower valley. Mr. and Mrs. Hatfield were In arwne Miss Gladys Brice and hundred or so other waft hostess town from their home In the low- Joyce-Pru- it undesirable reptile we're laying for today at a beautifully appointed er valley Tuesday, where they Go. WH HAVM one o'clock luncheon at her home THK REMEDIEN. to have an Immense acreage In cotton a number of friends to meet her with good prospects for a bumper "We Want Your Trade" cousin Miss Louise Brloe of Jordon-to- n, crop. CORNER Texas. Covers were laid for Fh'ones-1- eighteen. At this luncheon GROCERIES 57 99 AUTO TIRES the With morning worship next Sab- announcement of the engagement bath at the Presbyterian and approaching marriage of Judge church and Mrs. B the sermon will deal with "Mrs. DRUG STORE rise's eldest daughter. Lot". In evening i Oladys, to Mr. Dlllard Wyatt, was the there will be made. Monday'a participation In the community wor- Roswell News ship at tbe Airdomo. THE CAftlAHAD (TRIIKNT, I Itl! V, Jul, 1, r lM. KL PAM OAr 1TKMS. ftWrSOHE The largest stunt which waosvsr pulled off In Dog Canyon was pul- led rf at BI Paso Gap on the 6th. or July when a big barbecue and Lesson picnic was enjoyed by many of our (Hy RKV. R U. KITZWATKR, D. IV. people. It was the first Fourth of Tsarnar nf Enaliuli Bible In tha Mood July celebration In '.he history or illblt I. i. of Chira.) Kl I'aso Uap and was certainly a Wise (Copyrtcht. Kit. w.-i-t- n Nw,pr t'nina success. The day was flne and Be tnero was no to mar tho plea- rain sure .of those who came together LESSON FOR JULY 18 to have a good, sociable time. By nine o'clock In tho morning the DAVID SPARES SAUL'S LIFE. plnnlfl grounds were Just simply alive with people from all parts of LESSON TKXT- -I Mam M. the country. Queen was wsll Oni.tiRN TKXT -- l.ovs your rnrmUa, do representad, Carlsbad was repre- gtoi1 to thrm that hule you. Lusa :T. sented by Filbert Hyuti and family AUIllTIII.NAI. M Ti:ttIAI,- -l Sum K und Crow Flat by the Lewis fam- Aalatod im- m TOBIC The Mas Who Was ily. There was goat toping and Kind to III Ksemy, tournament, foot racing, cigar rac- Jl Nli.l: rOPIl "f .vlns llura." ing games too !NTi:itMKIH i: ami SENIOR TOPIC and other nucerous Oeernnmlai Kvil with Quod. to mention. All of the gost ropers KENT ONE-O- OUR TOI'NM I'KIUM.K ANI ADULT TOPIC 001 d to have hard m l Harden Truatmetit of WroiiKiloora. . Means was the only on making NEW SAFETY DEPOSIT good time. Then Oliver Shatturk I. 8aul In Pursuit of David (vv. 13). waa matched ngainst Harden won by BOXES TODAY I'ver wince DaVld took bis OOpOH fj Means. Olivar roping two from Jniiiitluin (co. VI). when goats. E. S. Mbnttuck and W. K. that Shultuck roped two goats, E. S. WOWUlOg frleiiiUhlp WAS tut of winning. V. A. Magby won the Hhown, Haul bail been htilitlnv him as cigar race. Oliver Shaft tick won a wild animal. He now purnui'n him the tournament with Dave McCol-lau- m Wash Without Work i'Ii : choMiii men. Ihivlil Urea second. There waa plenty to from place in ilt hiding it an out- eat on the ground, free old time law. SoiiictlmcM he Ik In the enemies barbecue fashion beef, mutton, country doing dlnrcputahlu things. goat, pie, cake; Just everything This is the period of bis schooling that was good to eat. After having The a Jolly good time all day, those which lltletl Mm to he the eminent who wished to dance tripped the I'nless you consider the slmp!n kltn; that lie m. It was n bitter faulnstlc toe to sweet strains of act of placing hot wator, soap period In hix life, hut CM sent bltn music rendered by Mr. and Mrs. and to this school mid udu W'tl the In- J. C. Todd, of El I'aso Uap. liv- soiled clothes In the ELECTRIC First National struction to bin tieetls. I hi v 111 never ery one present expressed their de sire to enjoy WASHING CYLINDER could have been the broad man that ' the next Fourth ot to be labor he was, hinl he mil been prepared III July at Kl I'aso Gap. this crucible of bitter cxierleiicc. Ills Jess and John Illakney left the (iup Turkey, Tex- Bank wilding deeply trouble ailupli'tl for Hall county, Inln as. They are driving a bunch ot Muí to write pKiilms suited to all men. horses through overland and It will ELECTRIC Capital and Surplus $200,000.00 In nil nices, gojrj umler all conditions. probably take them twenty days to THE WAY MEANS Ills life swunu through the arc of make the trip. human exieiience, louchtiiK the high-en- t R. W. .inke,. of Cloudcroft, N. point of fame und dipping to the M who has been working for "WASHING WITHOUT depths of sorrow und shame. Then, Wright ft Elliott, returned to the WORK" pMlOQgllyi lie learned many lessons, Gap after visiting horn (oik at Wilson among be Cloudcroft. l'rowell, the carpenter which may mentioned: B. D. LOCAL NEWS nnil la prepa- Wright and Charlie Elliott contractor, making 1. Ills own weakness. It was neo have cleaned two COMPAItED rations to build on Junt 'out tanka and WITH THE OLD M. IT. Flnlay, business man nl hi lot rssiiry that be be humbled under the widened and raised the dump of north of the V. O. Drown proper- sense nf bis Infirmities. Unlcxs a man METHOD OF SOAKING, BOILING, R unwell, waa la luwu lust Su '.ur- ty qn another aeveral feet. They will Halagüeño street. He Is lias learned thin lesson, sudden elea-tlo- n move da? on business. their outfit to another tank SCRUBBING putting the lot In fne shapel and to power will utturly ruin him. In Middle Dog Canyon tomorrow AND WRINGING, will have a nlco place (or a homo I u 2. Ills dependence upon nd. (Tiiesdny). When they get through Rriooriniki'r l oil tin rcci'iveil when THIS MODEBN WAY IS BUT finished. I hi Id's ninny miraculous escapes with the two tanks they expect to tdcKrani unnoinicInK th samum commence Hincan of a nlnter at Elida, and cnuseil him to realize that the Lord work on tomorrow, It CHILD'S FLAY. Miss Hess J. Cheney, of War-riiiabur- g, will live (or Unit Saturday him adver- make tanks (hey hav iitfl iluc nlxui. Missouri, has accepted a bail redeemed out of bis overhauled for Mr. Mike Irlbarue. pi sit Ion In the city schools as the sity. Ills hlcllriK places In the rocks Hardin Means haa left the fores' A news Item that the Current Ktive him much of bis hunger) for the service and departed hla home reporter failed to get, is blr.'h Hltfh Siihnol l'rlnolpal and teacher for the or comtn pmilniM. at Hope, K, M last Wednesday. Of haJiy hoy to llindel titatbematlcs for tho THE COST, TOO, IS William year. young .'I. He learned the country nnd peo- W. K. Shattuck and all others LESS Saturday night lit ihelr school The la'iy nnil wire, (nines highly recommended and nil ple over which be wax to rule. Hy who are Interested In the Shad bar home south of towu. We trust It rattle, u l oiicei ned expect a knowing the grievous utlllcthms which started roundup so thuv Is not loo late to extend best Wluh- - successful prop- work. Kniil hinl beiipeil uhiii the people he could make a division of the to hoy anil his patents. ear'n erty a YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THIS ECONOMY t'i" could sympathise and remove them. and effect final settlement of , the estate of the late Miss M. H. ReY, lloren Sparks, of Arlenla, 4. He the luagnunlnilty of Your J. A. lllgliHiullh. U. C. learned Lyons, who waa better known as At Service Ilinnn was In town the Mrst of week. a nnd Many I'uiyeur, of l!u v.. II. the If rnOlrill This ninii must know "Aunt 1'op". Mr. Sparks had the title of I'octor upon I Sal unlay In tho rlty. Mr. before be can be a true klnu. lie that II. H. Polk has finished rein- of IiMlnlty conferred on him R Hihnmti)i Ih the statutory ai.i nt riilelh bis spirit Is heller than be that forcing nnd raising the dump on :ls alma mater, nt the re 'ent com n (I'rov. 1(1:32). bis big In Lower Dog Canyon tor the Kaniaa-Oarlib- ad oil Coin tnketb city tank mencetueilt exercises of col- or Gap. pani, Iniorpointi (I uinlei' tual II. Saul in David's Hands (vv. north the This neck of lege. woods Is well i I 1. Imviil sends out spies (v. ,4). thu supplied with lu of thu slate. water. When you roam Mr Thomas Pearson Itoswell This be did to Und out as to whether over the of range you will find tanks at all of The T. rlv-i'- f. cume PutilicUtiiit.es Company Mrs. J down ii come In very Ilench. if lllurk from there several dues' s.i whs deed. the best draws In which to store spent ....vil days it town the ago, and In at the home nf her pa- 2. David at Saul's en mp (vv. water lust f tho week. Mrn. Ilea' a has rents, Mr ami Mrs. John I). Mer--! He took with bltn Ahlshl and went In Mrs. I Ora Abies nnd familv are hud word from her mother, Mm. haul. In l.u Huerta. the night to where Saul wiih sleeping. visiting with her father, Mr. Ed. Margaret NaNt, WOO in at Hnt Ahlshl Miked to bp iilhmcil to kill Ilurleson, on Last Chance, this Wells, New Mexico, taking tieut-ii- i Mrs. Hutu Davit returned to her! DovM forbnde him because week. home west Hnul. but en i fur rheumatism, that tuuadi of town Sunday night, Haul was the Lord's anointed. from Omnhn, Nebraska, ' vorjr enrnti raping. Mrs. I'm:íc Is where she :i. I hi i ld Hikes Saul's Kpcur and While Miss Ellsworth's Sunday went for the purpose of having an duiiiK iulte well at present, and cruse water (vv. 12, 13). Once be- school class were enjoying a swim hopes may y IQHtloJIll look after her son's of aie entertained that she fore nt (cb. 24) David spared in the river south of the dam entirely reioer. eyes. The young man has had Knuedl Tuesday two little girls, Martin nonio roltff since going there, and Saul's life. NOW niraln be wiih at bis Grogan nnd Louise Moore, stepped mercy. This he tlid that be might C. ('. Shcphcld. ol the II pMM' val- bin ees are Homvwhat Improved, Into a hole and narrowly escaped to king ley, spent the Inner part of last hut hu was not siifricleutly re- show tangible evidence the j drowning. Itlchurd Smith was near week In town, leaving for hi home covered to return with bis piothor, that be had oo evil Intent. the river preparing for n swim and lust Saturday night. hill will remain In Omaha for fur 4. Ihivh! taontl Ahner, the king's saw tho accident and ran in his KbbHbHHb9HbiiiiisbR ther treatment. boilyKiiiinl (vv. He rnlls to hue tent u distance of about three yards H and lilm for bis llxtless-nes-s hundred to the rescue. Ahner taunts glrln bis watch over the reached the Bceue after the failure to bad sunk for Jhe second time und Lord's anointed, the evidence of which found the water came alnfbst to Is the cruse and the spear In bis his chin, but grasping each child hands. by one arm he bore .them to the 6. Dnvld reasons with Saul (vv. ). shore, and later took them home. When Saul recognised It Is hoped that their narrow es- cape may be a wurulng to others, voice, I Ml i Id to reason with Is bltn, nothing the Pecos river being regarded as Tire Cost Coming Down WEAVER'S GARAGE loOWUit 'bat he bad but a treacherous stream with deep eond Intentions toward the king. He places that are unknown to the That is. the cost per mile. asked that be would show what wrong swimmer. he bail done or what evil Intent was Miller Tire mileage has in late years almost doubled, through perfection in tire making. There are no "carbonless" motor In Ills heart. David Is very humble ) and begs Saul in ivlcnt, for surely If In the rear-whe- el oils. Petroleum is a Hydro-carbo- n factory tests tests under hard cond- product he bad any wicked purpose he would itionsMiller Cords last year averaged 15,000 miles. and it is impossible to ex- tint have mveil his life twice when the The new Miller tread has added 25 to the tread wear. Lord biui placed Saul wholly at bis Since tract the carbon. Neither is it pos- mercy. peculiar regard its adoption, not a single Miller Tire has come back Dnvld had for Women ! with the tread gone. sible to prevent portion the Lord's anointed. He recognised a of the oil Both maker and the fact Hint the Lord bail delivered Her is a message to inspector must sign every Miller Tire. Both from working up into the combus- Saul Into bis bunds not to kill, but to suffering women, from an- penalized if a tire comes back. Mrs. W. T. Price, tion chamber. Hence, there is sure Sale. of Rvery tire user owes himself a test of the Miller Tira, tfl HI. Saul'. Confession (vv. ). Public. Ky.: "I suf- exceptional mileage is talked everywhere today. to be more or less carbon deposited. 1. He confessed Hint he bad Mimed. fered with painful...", The sad feature about bis confession she writes. "I got down, Under this plan, defects have become a rarity. with a weakness In my Is that It lucked conviction, for lis It b giving hundreds of thousands of users "back and Umbo... I new went right on sinning. This Is the fslt helpless and dis- crttertons of tire service. great Irouli. with people. They are couraged... I had about It is winning contests where a score of willing to confess that they uro sin- given up hopes SUPREME of ever makes are given million-mil- e comparisons. ners, they go on sinning. being well again, when but still Give a 2. He in messed that he bud played o trisad insisted I it chance to show. AUTO OIL the fool and erred exceedingly. Wo see about ui dally many using rsuch Take Tread Patented rniGMi expressions, but still (bey go on ra CaDtsr Tread mootk with sacUon cup, far firm Gmatmd-tu-th- SOc. quart, 91.00 gallon, Five .DO. pealing their sins. Dnvld shows his hold on wat aiphalt. Koad sida traada Gallons uicth like cog in dirt. YOU PimNISH i 'osTAiM.it magnanimity of spirit, however, In de- HTIUOTLY CASH livering the cruse nnd the spear to Saul's servant. He knew that Saul's GARDUI confession was not genuine, so he was Leaves Less Carbon afraid to go near. lie knew the run. Ti res nlng of millerNow the Record Makers that old fox. lie still appeal Tto Woman's Tonic in the combustion chamber, as it to Stud's kindness to htm, and they Cords or Fabric Geared part neier to meet aguln. I began Cardul. In i u. vi. ojim contains no paraffinemost of the 0 short while 1 saw a free carbon is blown out with Consider Faults of Others, marked di fference . . . the No one thing does human life more 1 grew stronger right exhaust tieed than s kind consideration of the along, and it cured me. DEALER'S NAME faults of Every one I am stouter than I other. sins; been In Paraifine forms scummy sub- y bar Tears' a over one needs fnrtiesrance. Our own If you suffer, you can stance which collects and holas the Imperfections should tttach us to be approclats what It carbón, allowing extreme heat merciful. means to be strong and the welt. Thousands ot wo- to harden it upon the piston head. Msditstlen. men give Cardul tho Medltnthm Is the life of the soul; credit tor their good A great deal of trouble, may. be health. It should help The OCtlon Is the soul of medltstlon; honor you. Try eliminated, therefore, by the use of Is the reward of so meditate, Cardat At all '4 action: drugjfUts. E--73 SUPREMÉ AUTO OÍL. that thou luayst do; so do, that thou mays! purchase honor, for which pur- Ohnemus Shops chase give od the glory. Quarloa, "CAN FCC IT" ETSKaXS

the ( AmxnAD CTnuuwrr, fridat, . i6, ian

a ri,K.H.vr . i in him.. On of the pleasant gatherings of the week waa that held at tne PRICES 0 N ARMY GOODS SLAUGHTERED Methodist Sunday school riHMUl Moi.day morning, trj Mra. M. A Day's Work F. Singleton. The boon waic 1(1x1(1 tent, round, this tent will house 8 men 126.00 from 0 lo 11, and a pleasaut aortal ISxlft tent, aqt'are, lift, high, S ft. wall 136.00 tlmt was enjoyad, all present be- 16x16 tent, aguare, U ft high. I ft. wall, w . 'arproofed ing cloae friends an 1 associates of by government proosas...... $4 2 so storage, 4 3 Done in 2 Hours l ho honoree. 14x14 tent, 11 ft. high, It. wall, pola tent. After an hour apent In aoclal 9x tent, ofricera', 9 ft. high, 4 14 ft. wall. 3 pole tent 130.00$. conversation, llev. Geo. H. Qlvan 17x20 tent, storage, 11 ft. high, 4H ft. wall, 3 pole tent f MOO made a beautiful and touching talk All of the above tents are made of 14 os arn.y durk and ara dwelling on the ervlee isadered sold complete with ropes, poles and capa. Tbey are guaran- the poor and dlatreaaed by Mra. teed free form ripe, bolee and tears. Singleton and cloaed with an earn OUre Drab i ', lb.' wool officer's blankets, brand new....) 150 eat prayer. "My Dayo are 'Hiding Grey wool , brand new blanket government Inspected $ I. SO Swiftly by" waa than sung, and Ore:- - wool, 4 lb. renovated blanket, government inspected, reniarka, testifying to the great excellent condition f 6.60 eateeni In which Ibe honoree la Army comforts, 6 flb. cotton, olive drab, used, excellent con held. wer made by different ones. dltlon $ S.Í8 All agreed in laying before her the Army comforts, cotton, flowere''., need $ 2.15 L flower of appreciation while shei Steel cots, quartermaster barracks, brand new, He flat whan la here lo enjoy them and not folded I 0.60 waiting to un- heitow the bloaaoma Canvas folding cots, bran'i new $ B.jg lit riiniM, when the recipient, Maittresses. 20 lb. cotton, used, fit either cot s!oO can no longer appreciate! ..!!!f enjoy or Army wool shirts, allghtly used, A- -l condition $ them. 2.60 Kefreshments of ice cream . Khaki shirts, now $ 2.60 nd IT. wafers were served and all S. Army Khaki pnnts. Ured bottom, slightly used $ 1.60 were glad to ox-- 1 do honor to this Canvaa legglns, brand new, ront or side lace $ 1.15 rollen t woman. Thoee preaent ware Wrap leggings, brand new, ' nietinnin weigh .16 Mandantes Sliorton, Muldrow, U. 8. Army rainroata, new sin on MatheHon, Mullane, Hteph-enso- n. V. 8. Army ra I noon Thorne, ta, used $ jqo Sarah Crawford, Prlckett, jiwy marcning snoea mat Werefor e, Henry repaired, new Inekson. Dishman, Lltile, heels and solos, excellent condition f 4 50 with a lilley. Illlcr, Qlvan, Stanford, A. ronrhoea, used, excellent condition jjog Moore; Miss Kngllsh and Hev. Cleo. We aUo carry a full line of wagon covers, H. Oivan and a number of little paulina and tent flies and will bo glad to qiioteprlcea upon request. Mall check Western Electric glils. Mrs. .Singleton received some or post money office order with order. No goods C. O. nice tokens or remembrance i rom I). Satisfaction guaranteed or money s.t her many friends refunded. All prices f. Washer and Wringer o. b. Waco, exrept clothing wlilch Is sent parcel post prepaid of Carlsbad er-nl-l have ell such You'll have more time for the movies more sidewalks limit and shall asses the cost thereof against said property ARMY EQUIPMENT GO. time for visiting more time for shopping-m- ore and tlio owner or owners thereof aa provided by men-- the Ordinance ! DEPARTMENT E 210 Praetorian Illdg., Waco, Texas! time for your children with a Western tlonnl in Section 2 of this Electric washing machine. C,"k f n'r0",-6;- . .T",6 BOJORQtTKI! RBGBNT shall, as soon as APPOINTED ON STATE uiuiiiuiiiu tmici eiieoi ihhuc, )l l l (.i: I . I ; How It Works and the CJty Marahall serve, no-- upon tice each of the owners or Tho fifth persons In charge member of tho board Hot soapy suds are forced through the clothes of each of the of Stale JACOB J.SMITH 2 sir; ?f. " m' Dojorq;r .he., rrZrZ by the action of the revolving cylinder. All j i ,1... - friwywKju ntu' county and former member of wriks to duiiu tne same as herein the dirt is state legislature. Governor Ibarra-sol- o the forced out and the clothes left puvlded by delivering to each of persons announced his appointment spotlessly clean. mid a true copy of this following Ordinance together copy this week his return from with a true Las Vegas. Ho said Mr. of the Ordinance In Sec- that FIRST CLASS mentioned Ilojorquex hail accepted ap- tion 2 of this Ordinance; the and If pointment servo re- such owner is and has and would as a no agent gent. reaidlng in the City of Tho governor Carlsbad, by poatlng in conspicu- had not received TAILORING a any report II Down ous placo upon said premises a of tho rat meeting of $10 the new regents. Mr. Ilojorquex true copy of said notice. The City Marshall shall a Is tho fifth member and completes Balance payable in 12 equal monthly make return in board. Ho Is The writing showing the of ull the a democrat. Cleaning:, Repairing service other democratic member is Mike installments. You can almost pay of said notices. Ma"llel1 ot Albuquerque Section 7. This Ordinance shall and Pressing for it with the Having in laundry bills. tako effect and bo In full force from and after five days alter lta Com In or Telephone for Demonstration publication as required by law. And All Work Done in Finally passed and approved this C. H. DISHMAN the 9th day of July, A. D.. 1920. the 3. D. HUDU1NS, Attest: Mayor. CONTBACTOn AND BUILDER TAILORING LINE A. It. TOFFELMIME, i i PURDY FURNITURE STORE (SEAL) City Clerk. OM.

ORDINANCE NO. 152. of lot or Jots: and 14, Blk. 34, Stevens, (that Owner. J. H. James, Lotl, Dlk. part facing on Halagüeño Street.) Aa Ordinance Priovidlng; for the 37, Stevens Addition, (that part Owner, Wilson l'rowell, Lot 10, lta lifting of Certain Sidewalks facing on SUeus Street.) Blk. 34, Stevens. Within the Umita of the Owner, Mrs. eFannle Bitting (W. Owner, Kate Hanson, (H. C. Goodyear Skill ii) of Carlsbad, Nevr F. Mcllvaln resident agent) Lots Kerr, resident agent) Lot 8, Blk. as Represented Mexico. 2 and 4, Ulk. 76, Lowe Addition, 34. Stevena Addition. (that part facing on Canal Ctreet.) Owner, Preebyterlan Church, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Owner, W. H. Merchant, West Lots 2, 4, and 6, Blk. 34, Stevens in Tires for Small Cars part on CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF one-thir- d, Lot 8, Blk. 6, Original. Addition, (that facing both OARL8DAD. NEW MEXICO: Addition. Halagüeño and Shaw Stroe'i. ) SeoUon 1. That It 1b the opin- Owner, E. H. Weaver, Lot 12, Owner, Olive C. Tracy, Lot 1, ion of th City Council of the City Blk. 66, Lowe Addition. Blk. 34, Stevens, (that part facing of Carlsbad, that It ia to the beat Owner, Horace Hutchison, Lot on Shaw Street.) The high relative value built into City, It 14, Owner, F. E. Little. Lots 11 and Interests of said and that blk. 66, Lowe Addition, (that 3- -, la advisable and necessary that part fclng on Canon street.) 13. Blk. 32, Stevens, (that part Goodyear Tires, of the 30 x 30 x taHng on Shaw Street.) concrete sidewalks along certain Owner, Mary Bock, Lots 4 3V2- - 4-in- di- and M. K. 60 ft. and 31 x sizes, results streets and abufting on the prop-cit- y 6, Bik. 66, Lowe Addition. Owner. Clark, East hereinafter deslgnsted within Owner, S. L Roberta, Lot 13, Lots 10, 12 and 14, Blk. 32. Ste- rectly from the extraordinary skill and the limita of ibe City ot Carlsbad, Blk. 75, Lowe, (that part facing vens Street. care be built on Hagerman Street.) Owuer, R. J. Toffeímlre, West applied to their manufacture. Section 2. Therefore, notice Is Owner, C. D. Rlckman, Lota 9, 90 ft. Lota 10, 12 and 14, Ulk. :'2, hereby given to Uve owners and 11 and 13, Blk. 21, First Addition, Stevens Addition, (tluit part facing To make their quality available persons In obarga of the property, (that part facing on both Canon on Shaw Street.) lot or lots, adjoining the sidewalks and McKay Streeta.) Owner, A. J. Crawford, Lot 4, widely,Goodyear operates the world's hereinafter described, to build or Owner, R. H. King, West half Blk. 31, Stevens Addition. largest I tire factory devoted to these cause to be built such sidewalks, Lot 2, Blk. 37, Stevens, (that part Owner, F. E. Little, Lot 8, Blk. In accordance with the specifica- facing on Stevens Street.) 31, Stevens Addition. sizes. tions hereinafter set out, and they Owner, Belle McCord, East hair Owner, Marie McLenathen. Lot ara so ordered to build the same Lot 2, Blk. 37, Stevena Addition, 10. Blk. 31. Stevens Addition. If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, In acconlaueo with Ordinance No. Owner, Hester B. Pillion, (W. Owner, Anna Brown, West two. 75 of the Ordinances of the City A. Moore, resident agent) West thirds of lots 12 and 14, block 31, Maxwell or other car taking one of one-thir- 3tevens addition, (that part facing of Carlsbad. d Lot 13, Blk. I, Original. these sizes, Section 8. That the sidewalks Owner, A. F. A. M. Lodge, on Halagüeño street). you can equip it with Section 4. Tho grade of the so ordered to be constructed are East one-thi-rd Lot 14, Blk. 2, Goodyear Tires at our nearest Service follows, and abut on the fol- Original. sidewalks herein specified to be aa by lowing described lot, Iota or part Owner, W. O. Brown, Lots 12 built Is to bo determined the Station. City Engineer. The specifications for the sldewslks herein specified Go shall bo as follows: The sidewalk there for the exceptional value abutting on the West me third of in these tires, made possible by Good-year'- s lot K, In block 6, Original CarlsbadV and the Wost ono third of lot 13 resources, experience and In block 2 Original Carlsbad and demonstrated expertness'in tire Nichols & Riley the East one third of lot 14 In block 2 Original Carlabad shall bo 10 feet in width with a base five Inches In 'thickness and tho wear- PLUMBERS ing surface to be one tuoh in IhtcK-nes- s. - All of the other sidewalks We have opened a shop in the build- herein ordered to be laid shall bo' injr east lire feet in width with a base four of the Palace Hotel and Inches In thickness and a wea'ing solicit your patronage. Our prices surface threo quarters of an Inch la thickness. The proportions of Sí' are RIGHT and work guaranteed. all sidewalks herein specified t be built la to bo as follows: The base Is t9 consist of one part Portland 30 x 3V4 Goodyear t Goodyear Heavy Touriit Tube co.t no Cement, two parta clean sand end Double.Cure Fabric. O1--' more than the price you arc pay parts g'avel. All a.krd to four clean The weal- Wcather TrcaJ. less why ing surface to bo one part' Port- for lubes ot merit ri.k co.tly catinga when uch sure land ceiuent and two parti c'.:ui. 30 x 3Ui Ooodyear er protec aharp screened sand. All sand and Binaje Cura Fabric. P 1 tion ia available f 30 X 3', j ue in $450 to be free from any dirt Ami S.kid Tread ..'.'i. iejt iron and Paper 5iavel deleterloua substance, i Sootion 6. In case the owner or person In charge of the prop- erty adjoining and abutting on said DEMAND IS INCREASING sidewalks or any part thoreof shall fall to comply with this Ordinance Call us up while they will sell within thirty days after tho str-ric- e 4 of a notice to so build, to be- gin work upon the same or con- GOOD VALLEY HIDE. tracting such work; and shall fall PECOS & FUR CO. to completa the samo within sixty daya after tho service o' such n Uco; tho City Council of the CI !

THK CARI ABAD CUBBK?TT, FRIDAY, July IB, 1WQ, fÜÍRfó) UNDER lílfíE TAILINGS 2 joTCK-pnr- rr company City of Deuthat In Oklahoma. Over- loVCH-IMU'i- T COMPANY whelmed Whan Bpout Dtlugcd It With Crushed Flint

In tlia atnc mining district of Ok- lahoma, practically unknown even by tha residents of tba atate In which It lita, la tha burled ctty of Douthat Surrounding It la one of the richest mining rampa In the world. The Mon- BUY THE UNIVERSAL CAR treal, probably one of the moat famoua alnc minea, la In tha city, aa ara also The Ford Model T One Ton Truck with its tha properties of federal of the lead- ing alnr mining companies of the Uni- manganese bronze worm-driv- e is really a ted States. necessity for the farmer because it solves kit The city waa not burled by a sud-de- n WISEL Y problem of economic transportation from the flow of molten lava, aa were the cities of I'otnpell. hut by the "Islllngs" farm to the city. And in farm work alone, it it-oth- of the Brings of th.: camp, ANY SHIRT looks well when you buy erwise well as a because, It will be found a great money saver as la MM, of difference between ownera it could not be sold. But every big labor saver. Has II the merits of the Ford of the mine, a ml merchants and land- owner does NOT come tar multiplied by greater capacity with greater of the town. One day the shirt back from the clothes line tailing smuts of one great .trength. No cost in operation. We'd of tha with its original beauty. You extra minea was turned on the town, delug- - can't tell from with farmer. Bring Ing It m like to talk it over cwry with crushed At. The i pi'' . looking at a Shirt whether it will or whether your Ford car to us for necessary repairs and moved their home nnd business placea In a mnd runli escape it won't. But you CAN tell by the Label. thus get the genuine Ford parto und reliable to the downpour of dust nnd rock partkiea. Store, Ford workmanship. cottage, tuirn and tenia hnd to be moved, nnd now where once tnod the IF AN EAGLE I ITS SHIRT AUTO thriving city an Immense pile of SOUTHERN Vim I " enntnlnlng thouaand of car- you load. 0m trect n''d a few dnxen can buy with assurance. Eagle Shirts have stood COMPANY home only were spnrert.'snd here the the test of over Pity years' scrutiny. We back thriving business of the little town la stand of carried on, the once prosperous liusl-nea- a EVERY EAGLE SHIRT WE SELL. So if you want to buy district I.. 'Inn now burled under wisely, buy EAGLE an Immense mountain of crushed SHIRTS. rock. PRICED FROM $1.50 UP AND HE DIDN'T COME BACK Man Looking for Houaa Seemingly We are offering SILK SHIRTS at 25 per cent discount. Had No Dealre to Meat tha Mid- dleweight Champion. SPECIAL Men's English Walking Shoes in "Excuse e. ma'am." enld a gentle- mohagony and black at $7.89 per pair. man, n hi ring at the door wa an- swered by the lady of the houae, "but SPECIAL Choice of Men's Palm Beach and la tlda houe for rent?" Summer weight $3.95 "Do you we any algn up?" ahe an- Pants at per pair. swered very tartly. SPECIAL "No, ma'am, but I didn't know but Men's Interwoven Hose, extra thin, what It wa Tor rent. I pas and re- mercerized lisle, quality at 79c per pair. A Week of pasa the house quite a number of ft time, nnd I am rather taken with It SPECIAL Genuine Palm Do you rent the place yourself?" Beach and Sumner "Yen, air." weight suits $10.00 to $22.00 we urge you to "And could you tell me what It buy one now and get the benefit dur- renta for?" from it Bargains "We pay five ing the hot weather. . thirty dollars month," she answered. "Ahem, thirty-liv- e dollars, eht Why, SPECIAL Many other items throughout the I am willing to pay fnrty-flv- dollars. store. WELL WORTH YOUR WHILE Would you have any "Meet Ions to my going to your landlord?" BUY WISELY BUY NOW "You had better come In and see FROM my husband tint." TO LOOK AFTER "Why should I sec your husband, mu'nm J" JOYCE-PRUI- "Premise he Is the middleweight T CO. champion of the world, and after ha get through with you I don't think STARTING WITH THE you would even want to pay ten dol-ln- r QUALITY SERVICE PRICE a month for the hnue. I'll tell him to expect you thl evening." Greatest reduction in the price of Ladies The man has not returned yet. He Iteady-to-We- ar probably never will. He want to rent n ever offered in Carlsbad rolling uplands lay near, lack of HOUSE n house, hut he don't want lo i t a STOCK RAISING direction and foresight resulted IIADLY CUT BYRll!l? champion. In the loas of vsst numbers of fina lallst'a Prescription Prevents ALL LADIES' HATS IN STOCK beef cattle. Complication. The Applan Way. IN PARAGUAY "Such conditions, however, are not The Applun way I the oldest and likely to continue today, for the In telling of the arcldent to htg most (feBMW of the Itoman military for meat product has quickened horse, Mr Luther Carmen of Valley ONE DOLLAR EACH mad. It was commenced by Applus the actlvitlea of stockmen the world lark. Mo. stated: "My horse fell (Maudlin OaSCwS, while censor, in 312 Look to South America to Cut over, nnd skilled rattle raisers have down and cut his knees all un. I B. C, and originally Bought newer fields, win re aultahle dressed them with Dr. extended from the Cost of Meat. Antiseptic Porta 'apena at Home to Capua, a and natural conditions will enable Healing PoerdeTnd they are healing fine. distance of I JO In 30 them to develop their Industry, and In U ft won. and then we offer trille. B. C, the uu"!d), for healing Applan way Mas continued to Brum-- their search they have gone to hitherto horses .. sores on M'.tl STEER nndeveloped regions. i tulle from Jtome. By FATTrENEDJFlW $1.60 thML,f;ar,n!n Un,Dl'' oicing meiiim of Its It "Pew, If any countries furnish a MEN'S PALM BEACH SUITS lirain lies runnected of hundreds of oth- ROM with all southern Italy. Dur- better Illustration of thla statement ers who feel that having Dr. La ing the rule of Pope Pius IX (1840-1S7S- ) AJsVndsnce of Qrsilng Lsnd saJ Im- than Paraguay. The scarcity of popu- Person,! prescriptions hand on a part of Mils road, extending proved Breeding Point to Boom In lation, eatlmnted at 1,000.000 persons, at all times la nearly . 14 OFF THE REGULAR PRICE so might be maintain- .rood aa having Dr. about eleven miles out of Home, was Industry In Paraguay W. A. Raid fur below whut they LeGear where Is Is of conditions tend could reach h laid hare. It remarkable for Ita of tha Union, After ed. one the that iiiinutea. "w pavement, which consist of large hex- to draw outside capital, tempting the Survey, Saya Country Only Lacks Wounds and aores must and agonal blocks of ha nit ; hut mora great corporation with Its various ac- en be tak- Capital ' enre of lmmedlaely. Future Prospects Bright develop virgin fields. For- Get a can especially for the ruina of the once tivities to of Dr. LeOear's Antiseptic Healing magnificent tomos that line Ita aide. eign corporations are now In sufficient Powder from your The low price at which CM hp dealer. Dust The ventral part of the roadway, 16 number to make themselves felt com- on enough of It to MEN'S STRAW HATS fattened, the nhundiiticp of gruxlng wound cover the feet wide was designed for the pas-ang- e mercially, nnd the fact thut Die newer or sore. form lands and Unproved breeding In Para- - It a of Infantry, while the two aide companies are progressing. If not octlon against Inaecta InfeeT tuny, point to a hru l.i future In ion snd at passage, each Hi feet wide, wera cattle returning dividends. seuks well Promots. a.althy alo ralalng. an Industry lita I Is trendy . heat' use for boras n and vehicle. Tha I for future prospects. Mo0' I"a"P Md' well under way In thp' country, ac- " Itom-i- called the Applan wuy Heglua Decline In United Ststes. cording to William RaM ONE - HALF PRICE Vluruui .'jileen of Iloads). of the Pan "Today the vast pampas of Argen- American Union, after a eurvcy of IlK'TTKH GET YOUB tina tire furnishing more beef for for- PIANO conditions. eign consumption than do the plains TUNKD NOW Powerful Magnate. In I 'am cu n v the fattened steer suit- In r-- of our Golden West; tho United I Will nnlv h, in m . It I a cry able for on I lie average Is -- far from lifting a tack market the growing of cattle Is de- week riauan one by mean nearly years States more. After that I will of magnetism to the lifting fire old. About eight clining year by year, the farmer, the probably of acres be out of town for sever- musslve Iron plates welghlug four, of land are required to support mechanic, the miner, taking the place al months. get sis and twelve tons by tills same one steer. At a land coat Hatter your force, of 00 centa of the romantic cowboy, and cereal tuned now. Cell S3-ac- Is now an acre, me at tba e We 1 which done every workday In the Interest at 7 per cent la cropa being grown where the lowing Hotel. have not forgotten the Kiddies a number of larga slightly ateel worka. Elec- more than 4 cents a year; and herda once graced. In other words, F. M. tromagnet lam, allowing eight DENTON. of course, Is utilised, acres a head about the laat two decades have seen a de- Play Suits, $3.00 values at $1.50 tba form of magnet being usually 33 V cents a year, a $1.00, tha or total of crease In certain western cattle landa Word from Dr. Glacier and fam- rectangular Is Interest ity, who for this work and present- the on lsnd which produces of over half billion acres. are spending tha summer Romper Suits, $3.00 values at $1.50 ing a flat aurface to tha pintea lifted. a steer ready for slaughtering. In sightseeing on the west "To use sunther comparlann and at coast and Tba magneta are suspended by chaina oUier parta of South America where quoting from s report of the federal the Grand Canyon, annonnoaa from cranes, their probable aod pick up tha platea cattle activities sre well developed an trade commission. It Is shown that return to Carlsbad by up- the last of tha simple contact. Tba metal platea Interest charge of $10 a year and while our population (from 1880 to weak. can I, Be wise and buy now be lifted by tha magnet lie still ward is not uncommon. In the United 1010) Increased more than 83 per cent, ao CARD OF THANKS. hot that It would be impossible for States similar charges are much larger; the production of btef cattle grew only men to handle than them. The ratio of those given for South America. 22 per cent From 1010 to 1910 the We wish weight ; through tha columns lifted rarlea with the machine although these figures vary In different United States population Increased of the Current to In some cases this ratio Is 80. A mag- localities. thank those about 14 per cent, while the number friends who manifested their kind- net Is operated by current from a dy- reason country, comprising of cattle decreased about 10 per cent ness to us during tha namo, controlled by sickness and switches and 100.000 square tulles In the heart of "Bearing these facts In mind. It la death of our husband and father. South America, haa been backward In no wonder that cattlemen and packers we f6el mUful to developing Ita new lands for producing the Odd Fellows for their courte- two principal Industrie should seek sy towsrd us, Psrsonal Poison Factorías. st o, i. ralalng and quebracho exploi- foml animals. Argentina wlt'i her snd also thank all for their floral offerings, and los- Numbers of people who live In poor tation Is sttrlbuted, not to the Iscle beef rattle, not to mention vaat ing assistance. health do so, writes e medical of rich graslng itsstures or to the herds of sheep and swine, la gradually MRS. ALLEN RUSSELL vurd MERCER thorlty, by keeping a personal scarcity of timber lends, but to the extending her gracing lands north. OSCAR MERCER AND FAMILY ixilson factory on their bodily prem-lae- need for capital for their development. to the Gran Chaco. This fact and the M. L DAVIS AND FAMILY Peoples Tbey do not know it, perhaps, "When the call for larger supplies success thst hss followed auch enter- .iam 1..W1H AND FAMILY. but It Is there all the same. This pot-so- u f food Is still echoing around the prises have turned the eyes of corpora- factory Is usually situated In the world," ssys Mr. Reld, writing In the tions tq the virgin lands of Bolivia BAPTIST CHURCH. nose, the teeth, the tonsils, or tha bulletin, "It seems a and Paraguay. Sunday School at 9:45 . m, Co. digestive great company nunoeamg .' ..n p. Mercantile In which canal. The dental buhdIv Is pity that some sections ot One United States m. Weill nn liw ii.flrl4lil miIaiib lo.lt. South America only a few years ago ntered Paragüey several years ago, Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 and stumps, a badly many were allowed to perish by and whose property now includes mil- p. in. cared for plate, cattle mk. v - . . . . 1 "WHERE THINGS ARE NEW" or (worst of all) pyorrhea. Septic drowning. 8ucb an Inatance came on- - lions of acres ot lands, one tract alone, ne i .oí o waa wnn Us in s Inr bavép - fli.jB ..wa tonaila are another common cause der the observation of tba writer while locally known as Plnssco. comprising WMMl.n 11 1 ft 11 I, Mil of wa Will havn I ho iT. 1,230,000 aerea, Is engaged In ,,Mlh..u "toxemia." aa It la called. And there traveliug through tba lowlands of sctlvely i H 11 t next Wliniti.v OVOnlnu-- 1 T am those who by perslsteut neglect I'arsgoay In the wet season. Ki (twi canning aud packing. Slaughter 77 - .... a cor meal dial Invitation is extended to one of natural functions turn their badina stvs areas ef thla country were sub- houses snd plsnts, operated at conven- and all. luto ao many tub slant cesspools. merged owing to a ported of unusual- - ient placee on the Paraguay river, are T. C. MAHAN, Pastor. 7 heavy rains, snd aitho'ugli hills and raiialde o' idling 3,000 bead