
GJCL FALL FORUM 2013 | | JUNIOR VARSITY (follows theme and format of the National Mythology Exam)

1. Charon is A. a centaur who rears , Actaeon, Asclepius, and Jason B. a creature with the front of a lion, the middle of a goat, and a snake for a tail C. a ferryman who carries the souls of the dead across the River Styx D. a whirlpool-like monster that terrifies sailors

2. The mountain on Crete where Zeus grows up is A. Cyllene B. Ida C. Olympus D. Parnassus

3. According to an oracle, Oedipus will A. be murdered by his grandson B. bear a son that will usurp him C. kill his father and marry his mother D. sacrifice his daughter in order to go to war

4. Rhea is to Hestia as Leto is to A. Artemis B. Athena C. Clotho D. Persephone

5. In the underworld, Sisyphus A. desires food he cannot reach B. frolicks in the Elysian Fields C. is bound forever to a stone chair D. rolls a boulder up a hill

6. Orion is changed into a constellation after he is killed by A. a boar during a hunt B. a discus thrown by C. a scorpion D. his own hunting dogs

7. The baby born from Zeus’s thigh is A. Aphrodite B. Athena C. Chrysaor D. Dionysus

8. From a snake Melampus acquires the ability to A. change anything into grain, wine, and oil B. change form at will C. predict the future D. understand the language of animals

9. The twins who attempt to storm Olympus in order to woo Artemis and Hera are A. and Zethus B. Castor and Pollux C. Otus and Ephialtes D. Zetes and Calais

10. “Your leaves shall crown my brow,” says A. Apollo to Daphne B. Echo to Narcissus C. Apollo to Hyacinthus D. Philemon to Baucis

11. Orpheus, out of love for his wife Eurydice, A. carves her a marriage bed from a living tree B. descends to the underworld to retrieve her C. rescues her from a sea monster D. volunteers to die in her place

12. is transformed into a A. bear B. mare C. sea monstser D. weeping rock

13. The winged monsters who plague the seer Phineus and whose name means “Snatchers” are A. Erinyes B. Gorgons C. Harpies D. Stymphalian Birds

14. Daedalus and Icarus flee from Minos A. in a serpent-drawn chariot B. on a golden-fleeced ram C. on a raft D. on wings held together with wax

15. After Perseus gives her Medusa’s head, Athena A. fastens it to her aegis B. gives it to her favorite hero, C. puts it into a chest and entrusts it to the daughters of Cecrops D. uses it to petrify Atlas 16. A female deity that is NOT one of the Muses is A. Clio B. Liriope C. Thalia D. Urania

17. Narcissus is loved by Echo, a nymph who A. kidnaps Hylas B. tends Zeus for Rhea C. tears apart Orpheus D. is favored by Pan

18. If a ROMAN were to pray to the goddess of beauty, he would pray to A. Aphrodite B. Diana C. Minerva D. Venus

19. Eris, the goddess of strife, disrupts the wedding of A. and Helen B. Peleus and Thetis C. Jason and Medea D. Perseus and Andromeda

20. is sliced up and served to the gods by A. B. Procne C. D.

21. In a contest for the patronage of Attica’s chief city, Poseidon gives it A. a spring of seawater B. an olive tree C. fire D. seeds

22. Daphne is to Apollo as Syrinx is to A. Dionysus B. Pan C. Poseidon D. Zeus

23. Meleager dies when his mother A. cooks him and serves him to his father B. exposes him as a baby C. rips his head off while in a trance D. throws a log into the fire

24. Omphale does NOT make Heracles A. clean out dung-ridden stables B. serve her for three years C. spin wool D. wear a woman’s clothes

25. Phaethon falls from the chariot of A. Eos B. Helius C. Selene D. Zeus

26. Bellerophon kills the Chimaera by A. dropping a lump of lead down its throat B. firing flaming arrows at it C. solving the riddle it poses D. squeezing it to death

27. Orion falls in love with a princess on A. Chios B. Crete C. Delos D.

28. The caretaker of the winds is A. Aeolus B. Boreas C. Notus D. Zephyr

29. Before he goes to Athens to meet his father, Theseus must A. capture a hind sacred to Artemis B. fetch Geryon’s cattle C. lift a stone to get a sword and golden sandals D. plow a field with fire-breathing bulls

30. Atalanta will only marry the man who can A. defeat her father in a chariot race B. defeat her in a foot race C. hold on to her while she shifts shapes D. avenge her dead brothers