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THE REo CROSS THE NEWS HAS MOVED; EXPfCTSGROSSE POINTE' COME SEE US IN OUR . NEW BUILDING, UNDER TO DO Gro,ssePointe THE ELM AT 99 FULL OUT'( .N.ews rrs COmplete 'N~s Cooerage of AU t~ Pointes KERCHEVAL , .. VOLUME 7--NUMBER 15 ,~~OSSE POINTI:,~ICHIGAN,i APRIL II, 1946 $2.00 Per Year--5e Per Copy Fuly Paid Circ:uJatioft .' FARMS EMPLOYES GOON STRIKE DEADLINES Champions Coach Pointe Tennis Team Arson Ca~s Park Planning Bodytcooperation WEiR Reported In W t V'ZZ K pt Of Residents AJ C01Iif1ikJby IH Woods, Shores an,S 1 ag~ e Is Requested

Gr::~:":pri77' Police Investigating ~yster. Free 1rom Industry Citilens A.skecl to Burn or . A GREAT. RELIEF PERVADES IOUS Blazes at Scenes of ------Bury Garbag. and Rub-- the UNO ~tirity Council as it New ConstrUction Only Businesses Wanted Are Those Which Serve Residents. bish; Dump ~r.ptred decides to aCcept Russian as- . Direc:~y, Report to Council.States Two recent fires of mysteri- ~------'Employes of the PubU" I~r.ni:ee ofC9mplete withdrawal , The Park Village Planning~Commission h;ts ranged itself .. of Iier. troo"" from Iran by May ow origin in the Shores and. 1 d h' . . f 't' h' h h bee Works and Pier Departments .... Woods are "iv~g much con- squarely a ongsi e t at group 0 Cl lZens w IC as n of the Village of Grosse e. :whichlakeS. thu question out '" raising the 'strongest objections to the further encroachment Pointe Farms went on strike of the unmealate consideration cern to the police of both .vil- of com..-nercial enterprise.on residential areas. 'Monday moming in. protest ot the Coun~il." .' Iages. Both were at new In:J. report which it made last against the amount of wage . . houses in course of construe- Monday night to. the Board of the desires .nd wishes of the . . t db' th il : WALTER j.BLATTEJtT, aged . Village Commissioners on the resident. mcreases gran eye V _. Ill, who wu foutid guiltY of kill. tion. proJiosedamendment to ~tion 6 "It for any good'reasons it is lage trustees. inI Mrs. Glil~YI Marsden, is COil- On Tuesday evening, April -Business Districts,. of the build- deemed necessary or desirable to President James K. Watkini vieted ot ma~.sl:ug"hter. '2 an alarm was registered at ing zone ordinance which had revise the Building Zone Ordi. of. the village and' TruSteeS :ARBlTRATION BOARDS iN thj! Shores fire station. The 1;reenreferred to it by the Village niUlce, all revisions should be to William 1'. Connolly. Jr., R. . .Commis5ionfor investigation and the effect that any new buildings Gerv~ys Grylls,Williarn G. Chicago Irant a 16.cent hourly fire was foUnd to he in a lurn- report, it Said:- or alterations should be allowed Kirby~ Richard L. Maxon, ",.,e boost. to three operating ber pile wh.ere Henry.. M.. ook is . "It i~ .the opiiu~n of thu COm- only if th~ net effect Is toward Nel'l.S. McEachin and Georg. iailroad uniona'md 15 non.oper~ ' . d' th . 1 t' . 1 I' h putting up. • new hoUse on mittee that the residimu in our re ucmg e commercIa ac IV- L. Schlaepfer ..have iSsued thl. litin( UDlona ••• equa to s Ig t- , ., V' I d it 'I of the property rather than . & more thllD half of the demands ROslyn road. The fire was ex- II age esire to see it develop U to increase. it,. excepting only followiilg .statement, which : . ; £II unions declared it in- tinguished before any. consid., a quiet, clean, modem community those which. result in a direct has been circuldedby mail'to adequ.le but the operating erable. damage was don. e: In affording peaceful.family livhig benefit to the residents. The pr2- all residents 01 the village: brotherhil.ods have not yet deeid- . . and enjoyment. It is our opinion dominant treridand purpose of April S,' 19ft ~ whether. to jolnii'l new. de- examining into its origin zoning rl!lltrietions shouid be to- To Residenu .of. ' mandl., On • daily Quis the Chief Ing~lsbe of ' the Shores tllat; .tolmaintain and develop ward realdentialoccupancy rath- GrossePolDta'j'ar'ms: oper.tin&' ..unions were Iranted . , '. . ;' .. ,' "'.. . '.' noticed n old 1 red such a community, business enter- er than away from it. In July 1945.theVillage Coun- ~ike'll of $L28.dily ••• "the DON BUDGE. (white' sl:lirt).ndBOB~y .RIGGS, (white shorts). impaH some of .. '. a mar~n ~o 0 prises should be restricted as . "We, therefore! suggest that cU appointed a Special Commit. niJroadinr.'ereexpected to apply the knowledge gained in i~a1'lf,of;top-notch net wars, to members of theGrosse Pointe car. with two men m It pro-- much II possible to those which .the PIlIDning CommisSion recom- tee, made upottwo councilmeD ~:h:/~~I~a;:t:~c~~a~~!-- High ~hC?OI tennis team. Irh'e~eet~g,.~eld'SatUrda~ a1t~moonin theTerin~Ho~. ceeding 'very slowly in,.the are of serviCe to the residents., (Coatilliledoill'ap 5) and tw.o llrivate cit~tostud, .iF . " '. • off Tourame roadnearClialf~nteJ wasarranged.6yJohn Marshall of Memweather neighborhood ,of the fire, but The'emting Building Zone Ordi- . :~r:::g:el;~g:err:t:;'m~- ~.mBRI'l'lSH GOVERNMENT road, who was host to ,the net stars while th ey were in townio play theU'match Satur- ",,:lilch quickened' sPeed ~d :fu~~.'.~~as.oi.;.~c~~s t1:e;~:~ W.ood. .8." Gra'nts ings and. (:OD5idered the IlIlItteJ :t:dtf~:u~rrl~."t~O :~o;:as: ~~~~ht at Olympia:. ,.~A,:.U,L,'.~RU. '~,'~.' .~.,veter.iln. •of ,last year.'.s~~J:.tey~tin.;r~a ~~, 'e~ disappeared when the. pollee 'conducteapriniuily for the res- .. . carefully. ;", t '.:<-' ."" '. . . ". 1 t ..... ap.pe'ared. ... identS'of. thel.oc. ality.'. p.....'I .On Febriz;uy.l8thilf'.I6;.the.rl!-, a., prnioua inlematlona even ... . , '. , . . "I'h . ay ncrease.' port of the Committee. wu:.ml).' Of~::::;:;:;:~vitee more War MemonalContestRule's Pastor'sYin Tu::::.~~~~1:~~SO~:; '~i~~~~:s~=m~~~:~~co2 . . :~\~~un~{h~f~~~~~~~ trOuble fpr herself and .n early . ... ",... ., , ". .• ,', . . ~gwh,esayS he bear~ the tire :established and conducted par- 'n'E _1_ Ex'. CI' made, available tGthe emploYee& heaclachejforijie.UNO by her '.Rep.'n,nt.ed.•...,..as,..•.,:..p..,..ointers.Show For' Pop~.or' n..' slr~:r~n.t~~e~~rok' 't'~ 'tihcUhirlYto give 11cerise to ma- A' m,.,...yes" cept .'er 5 ~~o~~:~rt;:::s~~mit~ f!I"bi~, the 'Tram.Jordan . ...• ..' . .' . '. '. en 'ou In c ine shops and light fanufactur- GivenBOosb'y..' ~~...f..1.?I,Percent cte. U!d: .t;\i}il1~~eetina OJ! ~ ..Of .Pal.t1n ...... inde- I' ~..J I' .40'~ 't · ..,PI p . I a new house !;'emgbullt br Stan~ ~ng.Both of 'these descriptive ..-uuv Mafth.' 18th:'th:'--.COUilCil a!teI ~~~~~~:~"~;:,:',~~ ~~ ~tate.', ... ncreas~;Ii-#~~~.":;',:'."'~"~.':lll:,.. an ....'.rO~~,,',":;'"..:,~9~~~~"\;".::::':::5:~::.':~~;~~ley Jankows~aptl7,~~twlck.term.are:verybro;,d lIDd dim- 11.;;;:r~i;~'=~;:~~~~(~..... ' ...... • .tlf $'ll! dift:rence between : Tlie' NEWS\h'aj: ~vedJDWiy.~UesU;to repnnt the .",;' Police .Notw.ecl,., '~pdl~ ,a pil\! of.kiJid1int~R!t off ; :'" ' ....• ,>..... : be.pplicableto'tIie, po1icetneJli'd'~ 'lh&tCertain'I' \ .• thil andth~ Kellorr-Briandplan ,niles governing iJie,conwt' Wirig.cOnduefed ,to ~scertain: Hie ";:<,, :, .-.-.-'-." .., '~nl~eth:a~~~in~.t~ ~i~~~f' FIr-' e. Lo.s's.e's.. !,remeii~hlgil\va:y. water and ~,,~ bdhg tho.ebi"th. Pu:llit:;;::: ,. qf, II doZen years .'0• which' ,form'which the Graue Pointe iWar, Mernorial shall talte. This .,The.Rev., WI~aJJ:l. D. Med- !an alarm by .neJghbors .and the , er ~rvlce empJoyes.and all oUier, and Pier Departmentll'.memben .,;=t~ bfh~~~U.~~o~~I~a~~o~l~ c~nt~~.was started.in J~nuilij:by).n~,P~ririilnent War'Me- 'e.aris •.pastor. ofthe.North East. .quiCk aO,d effectiveeftOI15, of the C' \,- t' • .. p k".~~~rr:pe:lexOc:r::e~~inw:: (e- ..... - ~. J) wU' "aniniP'Ument oLNatiooal m~~IalSt':l;dy: GrouP'j':Pl~.,~~t;ition,'\Vlll ,end at noon on Church of Christ at Hays ,and Woods ~iremen.co~ned theme' U' In. .ar 'granted increases slightly under polie)''1 .••• It'was. good patent June 15 next.. ", . '.1'.,: ~~"'':' , . , ..' ,.., . K.elly. road, came into the todelarelyaOtifVtehlrY~numnl.onrut~mm'agthel!e''u.A_ . 10 percent, in view of the fact It'lt wo~ked, but unhappily the ~rizeswill be 'awarded to,.!b~ tesl den f of GrosiePointe Town.:. = ~. . . that they have .!ready received Pa' -r.1':.'Need.; S p-qt ltatesof the world were w;lters of th~ best esaays.de.J?li ship, ,': '. . Park police station' at 10:30 rival of the firemen would have ~tcord Made by Depar-trnent increases .frDm time to time that . a' ,too involved in their national wlth.the subject of .the memorlal~

.. "~.,~.. are .nswered:(l).dl or, ill :not ii~esI,.iJlfif,. sludent rive-iiade erwallet conJain!Jlg .$48.00; . ¥no H. Garman of. 1644 Prest- -'The Grosse Pointe Park Fire died..5. part-,timf) 'job -has t-n Survey'tole M.cIe,. . . t. oOefep... 'NOLONGER,c;.n~el!ud-bit- siich .aPermMlerit, Wa,'Me-: in lChool'and place this infonna- ~The Revere'nd's storyWa_s UJat wil!k. Their story wa3 ~liat '.t Department reporta.a fire loss of. co!lverted into. full.time serv- . ten re~11ar !lnny 'c~va!ry Ge!1eral morial desirable?' (2). ~.f'wi1l' ti(ni!ih' i,"sepu1ite '.sealed envelQpe h'lf.~ad' beeil driv~g doWn J effer- '.10:35. o'cleek the pre:vious - eve- $3,903.00 or a 37% decrease dur~ ice. This waa Ileeesaary., because m;ne' Present: and. Futll~ .~te .Hell! Yo,:! cali "do .ny- It ;pro~bly cost. to b.ulld,your ieci.iJ:ely .,ttachedto .hiso'r'her ljon .~. noted Tony Kliiiili'poP':' .;ling they had taken t!u!ir dog ing the fiscal year which just .e1\d~ of ~he directly enlarged pumping N~s. Of. YiHa9.• ~ml,wlth good c;av~l~ ••• the ~ugges~ f!le"1?rl.l? .(3,> ,:After ~Y;"1lilc1iwou~ bear no'nlime r-om )\Tagon paikecL either. be- out for a walk' and had passed ed. There was also it decrease of station work. in eOnnection with .. . ~.•va1q' urn ofthe mlhtary.forces It has. been bUIlt ;w~t ~ill be or liddress:'A1ter the es.~ayhis tween. '~rkshire alid Buc~- the llew house at.1677 Prestwick. 35 alarms. The per capita loss .the recent install.tiona in the Th.auaesti01l'WU advaneei

]I a~l1Shed Ill1dthe !Jorse, m war YQU~,pl.~!l . to, ma~ta~ It: an.~ lieen:. iraded ~and. 'not befoi'e,. this ham,: or betweI!nThree Mile and TJ:ley had noted nothing unusual was $1.61 in comparison to $1.00 village's ireatJ.r enlar(ed sewer at the Park Colmcil ilIeetin1 MoD. : _ .. as 1ft. peace, has gIven way to wh_at,.:wIP ...b,e. the,~aJntet:l8llce @nvelope.will be'opened: This AudubOn; he could not'.be cer- abOut the' premises. They com- during the previouS year. There service. ' dayniahtthatajl,additional ftoOr motorIzed .prr"at~:. C~Sn.,(4) hHow: pra.clical }I:your :will irisiJi-eimpetsollal rea~ing:. tltin whi9h .• The yen fo'r pop ple.ted the circuit of the block was no loss of life nor injuries to ------be placed Ul.the Police car.arai. ".THEHOUSE'VOTES a $4<00 p an,and .OW can ,It. be l1l~de .~; 'All"CQrnmliriieatiOns 'becOme corncame'over~and ..he.stop- and on nearing ttreir home six citizens during the year. There R.eckless'. 'Dn"vers in the Municipal.building'withiD per year increase in'the wages work~~(5)_~lIw',fittme"llDd .•11~ theproPertY,'of'and'should be ~.to.bliy some. .. . .: to. seven minutes later saw the was no fir. in the 128 business the heillht.oftlJ,pr~twaJJI. of, Feder.l employes but stipu- p(opn.atewIl,l.your, pl.an be .for .addressed to: Permanent War '!leremembe1-ed taking out hiS new house in flames~ They tum- houses.. .,'.' . Thech&nle would leave the parlt~ l.telI that reduction .in personnel ~onon~g .0u=':V'lt~PIll~..!'~4:",~~ldMf'JJiOri/lJ. Study'Group of GrosR wal,let at' the time but .could not eel in the alarm. They had pre- The' Fire Departinent received. Fined in Park in.g space.,f. or the Ilal...ut cars' U.l thall: be .made to offset the in- It ~ a, credit to lI1.!rcommumty? :Pointe, care .of .GroSse. Pointe recall . putting it back. in his viously seen no one ili the neigh- honorable mention in a :Fire Pre- present but would provide lID ad- ...... a. otherw'.anec'essary m' (5) Howwellwrltten,',readabl4! Council'of 'VeterarisAffairs pocke~ ... ~ethoughthehado1ett lxlrhOodn.or had any of the other vent.ion ' Week contest. This flne di' .. . '. ~,- ~ - . d . tabl' 1 ~ . 'h .' . . In p' k Tr ffi C'urt W-" ..tion.al. floor for storage lIPGI P!1)'rolls. an presen. e'lsyour p .n. lW'Kerclievalavenue Grosse it. on t e counter of the popcOmneighbors. .. record was due to rigid building . ,ar a c. 0 . cu.' overhead. . . " " " (Should.be cle,ar and brief-not Pointe 30. . • wagon~. 'Mr. Koinis. had assisted ,The police insist the fires could inspections, llnd the splendid co- nesday morriing Judge'. J9SC!Ph' Commissioner Gillett criticWicl iTHE.ADMlNISTRATlON'S d-, over 1,500 Wilrds.) hini dilli,ep.t1y in t~e search. but not have. been caused by ypung operation of the citizens. The fol- Belanger disposed of the follow- the idea of making such minOr fOrt., to Ilet a minimum wage'" The decision.of thePermment Ana.' w. ~,,.Be.. U.'.la ..Si-.f itcouldn'tbe found. , children but admit tileymight lowing' classification of fires are: ing cases: . llOost without • rider raising War Mem~rial'St~dyGroup:~ill ...- 'P1ey had alsQ searcljed. over a ,have been the work of ~8:20 year Causes No. of Calls LaMarr :l{ent Silloway, 233 building. changes piecemeaL He f~riii pri~ cnds iiiliiilure: .•• be Ifinal arid not'lubject'to re':' FbrPrOwler;~oa.h wide.area about the. wagon but old boys. The theory of labor Grass 18 Merriweather,' for speeding on ~~id.:.ee~r:ar.o.r~e~p~~~apal!f. under the leadershio of farm vi~,W.. :In" the case of siniilar aug- to n.o .avaiL '. . irouDie, was aiso examined inio AUlomo,uiies ~ u 2i ("t.u:. ..T~ w. ~- ' _'k 1? '"~C! .. . ~ - states' senators II vole of 46 togestions the award will be made . A report reached the City ~- ----__ by the police and discarded as' Oil burners , 7 'fu;;;d'$5-~d $5 c~; -., .. - bullamg, m WlUcnall.of the .viI- 38 is registered to retain the farm on the b~iS,of, first received; liCe at ll:fO p. m, on April. that Two In)"ur'...:.:1 there had been. no trouble in Electrica! , 13 Phyllis .. Smethkamp of 630 ~~;:;~, ';:~~a~ik~~'~ ~rity priC'e's ; Presid-ent Tru- all' othef qualifications' being the~ .was a strange man 'in.:. eu either building operation. Residences ff Lakepointe iors~ing 50 m.p.h. man .has said such a provision equal... '.. back yard at Lakeland who !lad . The maroon colored car was Private garages 2 on JeUel'llOn on April 6, was.fined more room, and proposed that be- would necessitate his veto or. the A prize will be given to the llrst rung the door bell and then In Sh.ore Crash abo tracked down and found to Rubbis~ _ 16 $10 .nd .$5 costS and ..plaeed on fore any.turtherbwlding altera- l1!easure. winner In each' of the three' be- beat a retreat as it was answered.. . . ~Iong to a thoroughly respect- Resuscitator cases 8 • probation for. six months. tions in either the pO)ice garage " " " low classifications. ElIch pi{ie OUicers Dereadt and Reaume able business man of the neigh- Refrigerator gas 7 Nathaniel L.Tucker of 2617 E. or elsewhere was considered the{e CONSIDERING THE WORLD will bea $ioo Victory Bond: . reported that.as they arrived in Two persons were hurt early borhood who explained satisfac- Miscellaneous 6 Congress, Detroit, for failing to should be a careful study made of rpOD SITUATION Prime Min- Class I-Any World. War n their, scout car they caught a Sunday morning in an automobile torilYthe car's presence and False alarms 43 stop at a stop sign on Vernor the vi.llage's pr,essing, needs for mer AttIee says in Commons veteran who is ,a resident of fleeting glimpse of the man run- accident which. ceeurred on Lake movements. Other than fire 53 Highway of Mareh 28, causing an storage enlargement. Such an ex- "we shall do all we can to ,pre- Grosse Pointe TOWnship., Ining towards Neff cross lots; hut Shore road at Kerby. Damage to The best theory at the moment acCident Wlilli lined $15 and $S amination sheuld cover the whole vent, our late enemies suffering Class II-Any student who,~ a ,flli1~ to land him. the cars was estimated by Fann is that it was another mimifesta- 238 costs: field both .with respec:t to imme- from starvation" but if it comes police at $700. tion of the wave 6f,' malicious ------diateneeds,andfor.neededexpan_ to the. choice, one is bound to y 'T"' G' 1"17 'Ie . Ro~rt G. Smith, Iif 2405 Burns, mischief which has been recently T W ld . . sinn in the appreciably near fu- :~1;his friends before hisoung rlO .'oes ty 00 . Hog ~ ~~~~aoc;r~wn~k~YS~; :n~~~~~~th:et::il~~:~tP~ wo or .. War II Veterans' tU~e suggestion was generally " " " I Y. ld" " . road. He had just turned left into Mr. J,ii1lrowski carried no in- B'" P Zt. "F . approved by the commissioners 'R USSI A GETS VALUABLE : Lake Shore when. the car was surance 0.1 his new struCtUle. and a mo~on was adopted actin.g lRANlAN OIL concessions. • . n. ' Ie Ing t.o..Tem,pta. t:o'.. n strUck in the rear by a Dodge ecome 0 lCe-rnen In arms on Mr. Gillett's proposal. PresI- thl': Persian premier announces a 1l0iDl ~t, driven by LeeG. Van------dent Parshall named as the com- signed alI'eement with Russia The temptation which ali un- up there led Serieant Elmer La- derpool, 22, of 1372 Lakeview. Wh' k D ..__..J Two new officers have been He has lived in the Pointe 19 mittee Mr. Gillett, chairman. that her, troops would be with- guarded window holds for a boy bad Ie of the Farms police depart- . Vanderpool and William' Kin- IS ey- Ousea added to the Grosse Pointe Farnu years, attended Grosse Pointe Commissioner Sage and Villai. drawn from Iran "uncondilion- seems to be too great' for'tome ment ,into • closed session with sey of 2511 Lenox, were taken to elM Police Dep't., bringing its reS- High School and Is a graduate of Manager Lane. ally" within six weeks-and also of the small fry in the 'Fanns to lour 1S-year-olds. Cottage. Hospital for treatment. aT s ystery' ter up to 21 members, or two be- the Detroi~ Institute of Technol- _ that a proposal for oil conces- overcome. Their weakness il AU~r. friendly exchange of Both drivers were given reckless low the pre.war setup of 23. 'l:he ogy. sions 10 Russia woulll be present- causing the police to develop fre- ideas this quartet admitted they driving tickets for a court ap' b ffl' new men fill the vac:ancies ere- Sylvester was a Motor Machin- Board 57 Sends ed to Pa r Ilamen. t (Iraman. ) WI'Lh'nI quen t heaacd hes.. '. might l>e deemed culpable. They pearan~.. A th a Fmg reportr wasbookenteredtho ated b'y the death .of Patrolman 1'St'SMate, thl'rd cl-••• ]'n the Navy the next seven months. . A resident reportj!d en April:l .had been playing • game which Poli~ said the VlInd~rpool car on k e anns. po Ice I . 1S Williams Dansbury and the resig- and served for two years in the " ." • h'd h '--- d ed W1!e ,concernmga comp, am t nation of Albert Crooks. Can'bbean and Pac"'I'c Theaters. Six Into Service t at kl s ad u=n throwing entailed. the sailing. of PI'eces of was amag to the. ex~nt of lodged b" Douglas Krj6gh I • Saturday, April II stones at tJo.e.windows of a new ce10texal)d other building mater- $200. The Oldsmobile driven by 308 Mora; ro~d. ~ l'r o. Crooks resigned'u of April 1 He has lived in the Pointe all his NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN house under construction on Elm ial through the air.' Smith got the, worst of the deal Krieger said that while he, was to go to Pennsylvania. where he life and is a graduate of Grosse Six. Pointers .nd one resident DSR employes and City broken court. Patrolmen Yacks and Rob- T!Je"e. w.. as just the slightest and damage to this was estimated attending a play ;n the high will enter the hotel business in Pointe High School. Class (If of Gratiot township were sent

off at 9:30 p. m'l last night. .• erts investigated and fourid the, at $500. school on April 5, his car was Carrolls town with his father. He 1936. by Draft Board 57 for induction Council meets at noon to consid- report to contain the very essence ch'anee, the four said, that one of --____ parked behind the school build- had been & member of the Fanns The new appointments to the this morning, Thursday. er the Mayor's proposal to amend of truth. The,y counted 47 brOken th._ misailesmight have wand- SMALL MISS ON LOOSE ing. While the .orthodox play force since June 1937. department were announced by The group whlch reported to ,the jitney ordinance to permit panes. ered off itS intended course and Mrs. Mullen of 300 Washington ., g . th b 'Id' The npw m~mbers of the de. the Induction Center on East was gom on In e UI mg, Acting Chief Eugene, Bolo. The operation during the strike. Witnesses said they had seen unfortunately crashed through road reported to the police on some horse play was being 'en- partment are James H. Roberts Jefferson avenue in Detroit in- " " " three youngsters around .the the window in question. April 3 that her three year old acted.outsid-e. The air had been and Vernon Sylvester. Both are two shortages now existing in the cluded: Earl J. Mohan of 1511 A THEFT of $180,000 from the house. Two of them had had hi. The boys were quick to agree daughter had wand..?red out of let out of all four tires on' the veterans of World War 11 and force ar.e those of police chief. Anita. Thomas 1.. Matzka of U. S. Malls by a trusted employe cycles. The police ue anxious to' th.til would be a fine thing.if the McMillan store on Kerche- Krieger car. have just received their honor- now being filled by Bolo. and one 1968 Van Antwerp, High J. Stock 1n the jacksonville, Florida, post have an interview with' the trio they pooled together to reim, val where she had taken her on The baffling part of the report able discharges. patrolmanship which is expected of 945 Lake Shore, Alvin Kaplan offiCI!two yeal'lllgo is solvl.'

\ . --- ~ .~A. ~ -- ;".> -~--~-~-~-~-~------.' ::-~, .'-; .;: ,', \~", ~. :~c., ,c,' , ~ay •• ,(P;,',f("9", .'. NEWS '.Two GROSSE POI N TE , " . j .... taryship of the" Navy .... since scan's SCRAP BOOK Strani~ Light B~ff1es iTeteran YIeldS:" the Pauley fiasco, the President Strike Police and ~ret.ker Headlines of the Week will let the mlltter simmer for an To Nostalgia indefinite. period. The, political A ne,ighbor telephoned to the (C_UaDt4t~.pac:e One) investigation into black market implications of that experience .. . l~{ ",?r' of a Wlioa, had voted to reject P~rIc police'headquartersa,t 9 A discharged vetera~ who. ~ operations in lumber ... investi- were too dangerous to invite reRC" DISTRIBUTORS OF AUTO- gation first gets under way here f:H~A~.. the increases 8S "Coni91et..ely un- o'ciock Sa~urday night that a quired an urge to indulge in • ~ tition. • • • 1'1' satisfactory" and, that unless a MOBILES .find 'support in the in'Detroit. li"ht was burning in the James little tareet practice, was ordered : • • • . THE SENATE PASSES THE I ~~~ satisfac~ry a ere erne n t waS A: Passenant home at 1022 Buck. to desist by the Farms polic •. 011 ' HouseBankmg and Currency THE NEW YORK STATE Tax anti-Petrillo bill which is now on of" reache of the place and a thorough ex" were touring ::round with .... iU ;ia's plan for Jll?$t.t0nement of . ... dents of the Nati(lnal Music Camp speak, Aftel' the meeting the aniination of 'the premises was rille, in ~heir car. Th.e veter~ the Paris: Peac~ Conference, YUGOSLAVIA refuses United at Interlocken, Mich .... a radio' Council reaffirmed its former made. Everything seemed to' be acknOwledged he had .been shoot.,; i1lorder but the c'aret~ker c?uld ICheduled to. start on May 1. States' request fOr permission for manager can hire one actor to tJ~i ' . . ac~~. coun~i1 was advised on ing at a dirt pile, ~nd' agreed~ . ... its officers to testify the com- n(lL explain the mystenous light. save his ammumhon f(lr more in play two parts if he wishes; need 6AIl' {~£ftll$1' RUMORS .OF AN IMMINENT. ing, trial of Gen. Draja Mihailo- not pay commissions to nonper- p. ~O Il.£PuQU"ouIIDtP April 5th that these employees op~n country. atrike Of AFL Teamsters Union, vich, who was the principal fig- formers nor hire orchestras which 011 ofllt ""'tltICAK would strike on April 8th. The ANOTHER CHILD BITT,t:N COIt1'llltM1' WAS C . 'I • 'ed. th t th Carol Barnes, aged 4, daughter which. would stop deliveries of ure in resistance to the Germans' do not play .•. outlaws several -(01...< 'OltM]i;I). 1l"~E.ll '" ouncl IS convmc. a e of Mrs.Hariy Barnes of 1447 ~as t(l filling stations. 'starts a in the early days of the war until' other union practices generally co,",PAe1' PR,,",WM UP.'N -(~L +low loIL1ell IlIIl {II! 811l' wages, after the recent increase, YiHapC..... Skof, called "feather bedding" . ., MOIlIl1'A'ItSOf EM1"£.A.1I {~t IPEAL FEMIIIIME I .Of Ill'" represent fair and reasonable Maryland, was bitten by a dog 1"un on lOCal stations. accused of collaboration With the' Kl"'. 19%42ItEIWHII:Vn,.t 0.,11. 0; •• Germans. . th S I 47 to 3 1"tll"L$$!L '" 1112 it ""AIS1"LllttMEA$UU. ,U"L.'oM!> compensation for the work. on th" calf of her right leg so . EVIDENCE OF R'USSIA'S ac- measure passe.s • e • ena e . . ~F ..<:LE5 FIlOM-(ItL'Iu....l11tJ6 'II "~Il. ..,,,,; ll.A.\"5! . ~IlS1""II1"L'" The fullest cooperation of all severely that the skin was punc- paOTO FINISHING • • • C.O~.-m~O>l of ltolt1"~~AIlOLlIt... W~lS1'LU, .....~Io:. ruOTO SUPPLIES ceptance of thepermaner.ceof SUliday, AprU'( I\loOOay, April' "''''t't!. 1l08t~501l""'~ £11;tt1'"UIl 11I,lIu Af(IlA.t.1"S.rl"S residents is requested, You can tured, She was playing at the the UNO is seen in her purchase llAMEl>fl\tfl~1' 'IlIU U.f.Qrli~L £,111."11£$ do your share lIS a citizen as fol~ time in front of her own home. A lErAll AN AGREEMENT TO END RUSSIA, having gotten what .~------~--~ for $1,000,000 of the George du- tickii. waa' given to Elmer West- C_eru a PnStoMft ...... -. LEM::.c'" "," POnt estate for the recreation of the six.day-oJd DSR strike was she was out fbr; i,e. controiofa ------.--' 10~.s~ither.bUrnor .bury your enburg, of 1480 Wayburn, as the Russian diplomats. reached late lastJligh~ ••. pro- large part of .the Iranian oil re- the next three .months, . Bakers against the. 29-year-(lld Soviet ;arbage and rubbish,,' owner of th~ dog. • • • vides for 15c per hour straight in- ~erves, rips open the sore. oc'ca- expected to reduce their output Naval officer, Nicolai S. Redin, 2. If this is inc~n'(enient, you HOOVER 'WILi. VISI'i' india in crease, a 4!l-hour week,at. straight sioned by the wrangle with, the of bread and' convert their. nour recently arrested .at Portland, may carry your 'arbage to a his World fOod-fact-finding tour. ,timc, instead of old agreement for 'western powers, bY, insisting that allolment into high priced bakers Oregon., .. Our State Depart- dump on Villalie property on 4 • • • 48-hour week with time and a the. whole issue be dropped from products .•. bread scarce; cake ment says the question is one for. Chalfonte Avenue between Kerby . THE GOVERNMENT starts an half for four hours ... long de- t'h UNO' d plentiful is .the _Drospect in the the. Department of Justice to. de- and MorosS Roads, where a large , ' . bated que.s"on of. p.ay for twe'nt., e agent a.. • n.ear future. . . , U J Cide .... Attorney General's office hole has been prepared to re- minutes o{rep,orting in and.cheek- GREAT WAS THE SATIS- •• • says there is ample fact to justify ceive it.. ' T. Edward O'Connor C.II 5... ,.. Deal To~ay SO , ing out time to be settled by arbi- FACTION O~ BOTH employes INGOTS _pF' GOLD, SILVER his prosecution.. , 3. ASsist in maintaining public tration within 30 days ... Jack and publi'c wl'th the.settlement of A.ND. PLATINUM, cached in • .' • . ....ace ' Storey. president of Division No. . . BAKERS ARE IN" .ARMS" "-It~'ho';;'-';''''.'.ih~t:the emplo.yees 26 of the street car and bus men's the DSR strike that many of the Tokyo bay by the japs prior to l"'" cars were in service Sunday AGAINST the ialioning of ftour ",illrealizelhatthey have been union; confident fhe arrangement afternoon, hours before the of- the surrender .being recovered by .••. 100M like ab~i1d-up for'.arnisledand'wiU.oonbeback at will ,be approved at the mass fidal settIementof the strike, an- Americans; ••• a JapaneSe met- bllick market in bread. work.,lflhlashouidnot.iesult, meeting in Cass Technical High nouncedfor 4 o'chx:k a.m. Mon- alurl;ist who particiPated in 'the , • '. • the', Council will. take. whatever .~~ School at 2 o'clock this after- day. ingot.sinking was arrested tOday bETROIT COMMON COUN- steps may be necessary ,to resume noon, The Board of Arbitration •• • in Tokyo by United. States agents. CIL impressed by the plans for, full ~e~vicl!5Jrithenear future b1 CLEANING REAL ESTATE bSR,will :havetne men's,representativesunion and ofPolicethe WORK'A VOTEby i13TOinter-plant.RETURN truckTO A FORETASTE• • OF• WHAT. IN- t.h.e G..o..ld.en, J,u.'bilee.':.. of. tl..le ..A u.t.o-.. ' .0mbatya,ln..belll."r!.U_....uCI.,hred,n..ew em,.PIO..Yees as Commissioner John F. Ballenger 'drivers makes jmssibletne re- FLATION'carried.to the ultima m?tive Industry, makes an apo JAMESK. WATKINS President' in theiniddle position. opening of the Mack avenue plant may mean is evidenced in Buda- propriation ot.$lOO~OOO u city's ',' TRU$TEES{ ... . ,A:ND APPRAISAL OFFICES . .• • •. o.f B.rices Manufacturing coin- pest. where one A-nierican dollar official con,tribution to the event. WILLIA. M.. F.'CONNOI:L Y,JR." . SPURRED ON BY ACTION OF pany and Chrysler- PI ym(lu th tl-.IS. is '.worth22,000,OOO. .:. in .19.23, . c •••.. . i R.,GERVEYS:GRYLLS the State Stream Control Com- D;loming.' . during the height of the German SENATE voteli 53-20 to restore wiLLIAM: G...KIRBY, mission' against the contiJ)ued • .'. Mark inflation, . one American .' ". , . pollution .,of the Clinton river, AMOBOF JAPANES~ LEFt'- dollar' was worth 4,200,000,000 a$6il(j,OOO,ooo~ubsiftY item to the ,~C~~M~tA~z:' 1717 FORD BLDG. Mt. Clemens is p~epa'ring to issue ISTS, who stoned the residence of (four trillion'.t\\'o hundred bi!- Government's. h o.m e buildin'GEORGE' L SCHLAEPFER a large block of bonds to provide Premier. Shidehara and de.mand~ lion). 'marks. Wages sored 400 pIaIls for veterans ... intended to . '. .: .• ,...... • j CADiLL C 1234 a sewage disposal plant and inter- ed theresignation of his Govern- per cent last week, prices quol~ encourage the production of ma, Tile s<:heli~li:'~hic&w~I:~.c.' ceptor sewers~ • .ment; are dispersed hy American four times d~ly~ • terials vital to the' building of proved by'the trustees gaVe me~ NIAG ....R 1934 . BITU¥INOUS ..COAL' OPERA- troops in armored. cars and jeeps SOCIALISTS carry Milan, It- houses. 'chanici,' t.ormen and truckdrivers .urrru'se ..that. John L. Lewl's mounting.ma.chi.ne .guns. al'y; I'n Sund.a'y's elections. by,' .. ••• .'. 'of. the public works department tors ~ TWENTY Delroit survivors of 10 percen.t l.'ncrellses, brin,ing ,j plans," after having .cr.eated In .5' 'C'IENT' 1ST'5"at B'erkeley, Ca'.li- 60000' Christian' DemOCratic par- h B '. D th M . h f Ifill $ indu t . 1 cr" b' . 'thh ld' . ty',runs' second and Communists .t e. ataan ea arc u a their wages to $1.33, . 1.33 and . s na. ISIS Y, WI .omg farnia, announce that the. ray of thll"'d. vow made four years ago at the $1.23 per hour respcctiyely. Class Groll. Poirf/. Prop;rli', $ •.~,.{n22 biluminous, coal,.to come forward greeitiight given 011 by mercury • • • fan of Bataan by cooking a pri- B laborers were advanced. 13 per- with'demandi{ forwageiilcreailes atoms ma)' give the world a more" " . son.'~fare meal.on the steps of the cent to $1.13."- .. hour, Class C in excess of. any yergrantedin ... t t .. d ...d fl' . DAILY GOVERNMENT Det 't C't H 11 . ..~~ , $quare ,Deal .. " accura e s an ar 0 mear meaa- SPENDING., o.ff ..aO,AA",Ooo.a day. rOI I y a. laborers were granted a 10 per- anY.m. ajof.:industry .• '.... OPer.ato.rs . . t th . t k. .,.., vvv . • • • cent I'ncrease. to $1..00 pc'r hour . '.' ., uremenan ..ye .. nown •.. for the fl'rst. 276'day. 0•...the cur- have already. alTered an'iric:rease f h' ~ , S A ,I,; Cleaoers& Dyers " scientists say the length 0 t IS rent fisca!"year •• '. still about NEWAUTOMOBILE ND Regular fun time guards, of. the of 18nc an hour, the' increase ray does not vary more than one '1 . NYLON STOCKINGS can be pier department were 'advanced . . GROSSE POINTE' granted in Steel, Autos, and Oil.' fifty-ljillion!hof an inch.' Since $190,~,ooo ~al l' • bought "by the bale" iii caracaS, from $2,5&4.10 to $2,850 per year, UU'CHAiLIVOli .• • ..• c"';,., . 1870 . the world'! .standard of 11 000 RETURNING AMERI- capital of Venezuela. according-to or an increase .of 11.1 percent. LIHx.W5 .. WASHINGTON AP DISPATCH- measurement has.been the meter CAN' SOLDIERS are. s~hedu1ed Professor GeorgeW. Hill of the s;i.ysno. move wilt .bem.adefor d .. f .1 t'.' . 11 ,I U' 't f W' . . h' DOn't Dela;r-PholJe Us Today! ma e 0 a. p a .1,Ilum a oy an_ to!and in New York and San DIvers: y b Isconsm, on IS some time toflll the Under-setre- carefully ~uarded in the Sol"- Francisco tOday. return from .an e~te~ded trip to Driver Cleared.. , . " bonne, ParIS.. ...• • •. ., Soulh Amenca.EVldently, the ~1'l:." c:.,ttTl\Mf/'f., . , ,.... .:.. • • • .. ALL\ MICHIGAN GE~ pr6ducers,'~ he says, "an! sending . ...~7f~-:~-,;,~'..'''!':i~~~;I~..~.';;".''' .~ I A to'Dea.th , , ..,.UI If.t.$,.,'-',l>t.:' .....(,~~~1\£9a,'-'D~E'JmL.~~,ii--. ~,_%! ....~.jh~,:\l,.r:9!!l!c,'-!.t?SOuthAmerican n.. u..,...... ,. . ,. ... Basqu.- GOVertU!'l!IIItl'llL':;~f'. 'T~~ttie"'tft'it.o:~~;~untrl~.to::i:lrcum~~~~~ ~i,,1t~.:.:~-mW.;;A'''_'t+ , ' ., ; ,number ofSpamsh .army o~lcers settlement of the long strike; but 1I1... In.1b~,;c:~ti'Y~ .. r ., .'. 'The~ounty pr~utor's oific:e ~~I'."/,::~~ .... ",. . . ;: have. been arrested In Madnd.:for PatrickJ. Treacy, head of the . . .' denied a warrant. last Saturday ~ lIIJII plotting the overthrow of the steel division of the Civil Pro- GROMYKO ends hIS two-week for the arrest of William J. Me- Franco Gove~~en;. ductioliAdministrationil .pessi~ boyc?tt of .the ~u:ify Council GannOn, whOle carc'lUsed the ~ f mistic on the ':outlook 1.OI':..teel meetIngs, Just In tIme to hear death of Charles T.. Tomlinscn on , SENATOR MEAn of New York !Upplies sufficient to keep auto Iran reql;lest the UNO .t? reject Mack. avenue on Mondaynilht, , gets in an altercation,.jn a Buffa- production 'going':." •. doubts the R~sslan plea ,that ltS. coun-. April 1; ',Io;.notel lobby with a former that even. wi~the epdinl of try's Issue be stnck(~ from the Careful' investigation of the businesS associate and is hit in the the coal strike, not ~ow In sight, agenda. case by the Park pOlice failed to mO\lth ••• The senatorrefuses to they.can catch up With coal pr9------disclose .. any, culpable. circum- 't8k~ 'action and apparently de- ducti9n fast enou~h to prevent B Sh. stance. that would justify. the re- sireli\ ~e mat~er .d,r~p~ qUickl~. steel .manufacturml s~opp~. eer. ortage tention of Mr. McGannon and it . Says ,the generalstee1' situation S ..V " .. was on the recommendation of . 'l':ike-your 'favorite ,ARAT'i'LER ROUNDUP in the is best described as "loIlSY".. Chief Louwel'll,tbat further po. _ gypsum hills of Oklahoma nets.a . • • ~ pawn.s. enom . .. . '\ . .flyrod or brassie; bag of more' than l,o:IlOpounds of 'WASHINGTON 'ASsocIATED IiceacUon waa dropped. ,,.'... ••• "'0 _rwt .... _n4 ..... live rattlers •.• the catch will PRESS tha.t a. con'ference.. of. The beer emporia in the .Pointe ...... be..,- sa"". '. . ll'. ed.. ". The'K. a.nsu City .S.tar. reports. lto,iN"'. ~rt"n.f 1uItre,~ H,to~. r~sports outfit from 'sold in bulk to "snake brokers" the '.Big Four foreign mmillters were pretty"we clos up on , , who will distribute the lot to in Paris this month to speed Sunday on.,account of the pre- thf,tWhitehouse expensu ~er ~. v••... "'"'It.- medic.al labor.atories,muse.ums, final pe.ace settlements with ~r- vailing sCarcity of be1ir•. J.. Di President Trul1)an for 'the al .f/HOIff "'~ 0022 R»'~: . ... IKandI . Hbecomes'. . , . d . . ft' N" d'. . t f th G.. year starli.n" July 1 will :be. in- Circuses an cuno manu ac urers. many's. forme. r .. E.uro~. an allies ar 0, propne or o. .e. rosse a ra pal. Fasliio_ri~d . '. •• now seems assured ••• nocer- Pointe Park Cafe went around creaRd more than 100 per cent, CLARK FORMAN of. Atlarita, tainty however as to the twen- to open up on MondllY. and the The regular number of employes ANNIS fURS GlI.,aays he interprets President ty onecnatioll' European. peace ftrst thing that met his eyes was will be increased from ,52 to 225. '--. ~ for' casual ,e~~se;' TrUman's poll 'tax comments in conference, originally scheduled one of hi! large plate glass win- Cost of opera tint the White House l .. ".r AT UIT ." •• IM, ...~, Chicago Saturday. as meaning to begin in Paris, May 1st. dows completelysmllshed with. will increase ~,ooo to a totat of our 'idisure .clothes' still retain 'that he thiriks he has lost his • .• • . full sized brick lying inside, the $883,660. legislative progrem fight and will Wednesday, April 11, . place. He thinks tha~ some beer I • fthat desired air ..of finesse often. not run''for'election'ln 1948. HOUSE MlUTARY ArFAIRS thirsty would-be patron took thill .•• • COMMITTEE votes to extend the means of eivin. AlOint to his re- lsought but seldom found., THE. GENERAL EXECtJTIvE draft for nine months, .to Febru- sentment; _ .,._. * * * * * * * * * * * BO~oftheUnitedEleCtrica1, ary 15, 1947 .•. the Senale plckl! ----- Radio and Machine Worlrers of up the politically hot potato to- TEASING' DoESN'T PAY America '(CIO) says that "Ameri- day ..•. Truman and War Depart- Sigurd Wenden, 10, of 291 Clov- can foreign policy is. being. di- ment had asked extension for a erly rOl!c!, was bitten on April 5 rected towards the. suppression of year. by a dog which was chained in I N I) I VI I) IJA I~I~Y Y(.UBS every people which seekS liberty • • • the Socia yard on' Kerby road. , as an essential condition to the THE uNITE!> STATES rejeda Accordinc to the Farms police establishment. of a decent stand~ the "'plea otRussia' that the report, theyou1lister was teasiJll ard. of limg." ••. • charges of espionage be, dropped the dog. ., Tuesc1ay, April , E!>WARDBELLM'S EXAM- .\ INATION afler lapie of four months is resumed .•• his wife supports his alibi for the night of the murder...... THE VOLUNTARY. RATION- ING OF FLOUR as a means. of increaSing. our shipments to fa- mine. areas having failed to pro- "T"ne Th'Ilce" duce the volume needed to meet inmae our committments, the Agricul- flu felt. 15.00 tural Departm@nt issues a direct order tor. a 25 per cent cut in the domestic production of flour to produce 1,000,000 extra tons of wheat for shipment in Few perSonal possessions are quite so truly yours 'U • FUI'S fin~'lhat from Whaling's. Here you'll find a shape C1JJ.d • -" "

Beauty LoUngf: shade interpreted in the.1ight of your. own .personality, NOWUNDfI Scrupulous care in fitting gives 8uch becoming gOod NEW ...... N...... INT :... te-that-yo~rhat seema.parl and parcelof_yourse~,. Specializinl{ in all branches of Beauty Culture. with Harper Method Scalp Treat- ments, I"'STER .,1l"''''NINTS WHAI ..INC~'S M"'BEL DU !lAYA, w,r. MEN'S WEAR. 617 WOODWARD 31\. Marl"'"rtI. at Mid TV. t-"" . " :c" .... ,. ." ; ',':' , ..... :'. ~ )"" ."'i,,.~.,.j,?':-~.:~::.:/.\:j~:'::;:,.j.r:,~'(?,~;::.~:.:,::..;, ';':;';. ~1,~.Ir;J~:' &ROSS.E .POINTE NEWS P-91 ".".. The tire ~ the ,left h-oat Wheelj According to AUtomOtin. .Club '01.. DANCING LESSONS ~4i:~ ~;~:iI~otr~:~~~;il Go. . of yoUr car gets the least ,wear Michigan. greatest ,wear II ~ Park~sPl.atll111lgColllmission I vern.' ment .Lend. ing' Help' . of all four tires, only 14 per cent by the right rearfue;38 PII' ... PLANNED BY,SAGE ''ThIS IS • matter we ShOUid ..p- • . .' ' .. ,

< When fJ~~:~~O~~bli~~~~~~~~~.To Enlarg. e Gratiot School YOUTH DESERVES A GOOD TOE HOLD ON CONROENCI Wants More Fun for Kids the report "f.th. Park dancint classes and juke boxes we " , Village' Plannin, Commissio~' mu¥ consider the matter care. , Dancing Cl.~, Stwlck &lr and Juke Box for Youngsters had been referred to' Villa,. fully," . " ~.f9i~ts .Approved CommissiOner.Sage at, Monc~.y R.baut Disc~',ot~r in County for . . in: Report to ViHage Council . . After the.matterhad been ,in- FeCferal AidiV..eterans to Hjve Memorial nign t's ,meetillg, President Par- 'formally .disc~ a' few minutes. ' shall remarked with a' jrin, , TIle 'Park ~Village Planping Commission covered. a lot it cx:curred to' som~ne to ask Congressman Louis C. Rabaut, Democrat of Michigan. "Well, Mr. Sage, you've ,lot of territorY in its two reports to the Village ,Commissioners ComniiSsioner "w hat he announced the,. approval of four projects by the Federal . yourself a job." I .. . sa,e: Monday night. The Number One report containing much though of it. ".' Works Agency. These projects, ,namely: the constrUction "So I glean," said Comm1s-. Mr. Sage hap~'to be the f W V M ... 1 H 11' D' .d lOund advice On the preservation of the residential character sioner Sage, with only a sligKt' 'CoIDmissionex:, of Parks and Re- 0 a ar eterans emorla a m etrOlt, expansIon an of the Village will.be' generally approved by' those citizens grin. "But from what I. gath- creation,s,torthe vil,lage. He is development of ,the Wayne County Airport, the 'erection who have insisted on keeping' the Pointe area what it was ered frOIll the report as it was il1soa member iu excellent stand: of a six story Unemployment Compensation 'Building, and originally planned to be, i.e. a residential community wilh read, ,1 won't consider ,mySelf, ing of the Board ot six Village an addition to the Elementary School in Gratiot Township, only' a suificient a~ssion of commercial' enterprises td proPerly qualified to digest its Commissioners. Mr. Sage said he directly affect the citizens of Wayne County and the City I4!rve'the immediate needs of the residents. . contents until I, go out and c~t knew nothing whatever about the of. Detroit ••, "- ,.~rt No. 2 h,c wever, cover- ..' myself a few rhumba lessons. matter,not having seen the report Mr. Rabaut informed that estimated cost of 62~774,ll50with ~-..... Corruniss.ion's recommendations, w~ 9 Inr not'only physicali'ecreational this re'port '!S' publl'shed;ft full.' ' nor been familiar with. its sub- a new War Veterans Memorial $86,625 Fetlerally advanced," Ra- seiiia Up exer~ises ~ lIto 14 yeai'll at PIerce Junior jecl matter prior to its. presenta- Hall to be located in Detroit has baut said. facilitiea for the youth"of the vil- It should be kept in Inind that High SChool from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. laie but social diverSions as well, this report i,epre$ents the con- tion. been authorized. The estimated Ml'entl'ous .tudy of the &OCl'alone evening .....r week, which it is A motion was passed referring cost is $2,755,000, of which an A Federal advance giant of including dancing classes, and a ~ "~ . ' r-. for the parade ••• . problems presented by our mod- recomme.rtded should 'be. arranged the report to Mr. Sage for con. advance Federal grant of $67,000 $1,800 fot: an addition to the teen aged center with snack bar, ern childlen by a grO'lP of able for immediately. sideration and recommendation. has been made. . Elementary'School in Gratiot lame room, juke boxes, etc., aU citizens. Their conclusions should . (c) A teen~age cen.ter with . . NEW--A-Tl'-R-A-CTI-ON The. Board of Wayne. County: Township, with ail estimated cost An eYMt like E"ster. '. .. • II real WIder the: 'lead.ership, of a pro- not be li&hily c,onsidered.. snack bar, g.me room, craft room, Road CollUI$sioners is theap- of $42.700 was the fourth ap- Car molesters have not been plicant for anothE'r,approved p'rc- pEoved by the federal Works youth tickler • • • cells feUlonal 'adult .. hired with taX-I. Th.e rePort says-:- .. juk~. bpi.: under the leadership , money' 'may be anoth "To: The ~~ldent and Village and supervision of a professional long in keeping their hands off ject for expansion and develop- Agency. as announced by Rep- payers ..' er CouumSSlOn adult sidled in planning for young the ..:new crop of cars. W. T. ment .of.the Wayne County Air. resentative Rabaut. ' for Ryon shoes. It.ory.. ,. ' 'Re: First Report of Committee people." port, Rabaut 'was advised. A --~ _ .It is not dlficult to envisage II on Recreational Facilities and (d). Additional iceska~ Stroh of 905 Barrington notified Federal advaIlce. C1f $40,000 has SCOUT LEADER' TO SPEAK tne Park police Friday morning been made, with, the estimated red ho~ argumept on this p?~!1t Prograni' . . .. rinks similar to the one on Three before adoption as an offICIal "The Planning Commission re- Mile 'Drive. at Charlevoix; that at about midnight the eve- cost set at $6,524,400. Dr. RayO. Wy1and.llational di- ~t" rung before, while he had his "The approval for anew six arm of municipal 'service, and spectfully submits. the following (e). A ski jump for all ages. 1946 Chrysler sedan parked rector of relationships for. the Boy with more names added to the Re50lutionwhich it adopted at its (f) That'mote playground area alongside. the Ray Russel home story Unemployment Compensa- Scouts bt America, will visit this public ~:yroll!n thll role ,of ex- in~til;g on,March'15,1946:, for small children be acquired at 904 Pemberton, thieves strip- tion Building for .the State of area On' April 25 and 26 during fert EOCIalservice workers. '. WHEREAS. The Plannmg Com~ .m the area north of Kercheval ped all four of the white rilris Michigan to be lcx:ated in Detroit which time he ~ill fill a number That readers may accurately misSion of the Village of Grosse avenue. and all four hudcaps from his has a~ been approved by the of important speakin&engaCe- ud ~airly judge the Planning Pointe .Park Michiganhas{ ap'- Re~Pectfuly submitted, car. Fed'lral Works Agency, at' an ments: . . Ipointed a co~ittee tostudy'arid Lillian M.. Pear; repOrt on the recreationalfacili~ Secretary," . The l;;'w"gives the pedestrian ties and programs existilig in the " Ask for. informal action on the right of way, Auto Club points community arid saidcomInittee (b). ... .' out, but makes no provision for ,(;ustom has.made its 'first'report: and When this resolution had been .funeral expenses. WHEREAS, !tis the opinion of the cominiteethat .theteis lI; great • Tailors lack of recre'ational materia) and pro;ram iti. the whole community SAKS FIFTH AVENUE To ~ntlemeri during. the. winter months.espe- ciallyforthe teen-Ilge group, and SECOND AT LOTHROP a great lack eXists ,for. the whole 'NIfI year. for young c1)i1dreil.in the $pMg .- area north of Jefferson avenue,'. and.',;.., .. , SMm_ WHEREAS, it .l1ithe opinion of FIIbri", the conimitteethat a start' should • ",., hire" be malie to re~edy this condition and develop a planned program by .theinstallation of trained Per- sormel and recereati6n centers in both cent.aliz# and decentralized Saks Fifth Avenue areas using existingfllcilitiez such as !-Choolbuildings after hours whenever-possible, and .' .. ,WHEREAS, it is,theconslder,ed' .', OpiniOIlof .the:Plannilll Commis- sion that, the sum of, $3,000 an- nually ""ould be a reasonable and sufficient appropriation 'III i ih 'which an adequate program coulel be, Open be Commended. ,: . NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RE- SOLYED:- ., , 1; That th~Planning ColnlIllJ- Mo'nday Evenings sion recommends to the Prellident and Village Corrunisl;ion that a special sum in.the amount of $3,' OtHrs $I, 000 be provided in the next bud- tIfIIIl .~90 get:for the purpose of augmenl~ • ,~ '. in, the Recreatlor1&lProgram ~ ~":#fff~~~~;,.~.;~,f~~;i#:~bft;;J;.i\~~iW~~~~~./

• ";l f ' •."'''1'''1:1''.--.- ~".'[.[' ~""s!1i~i\'~~~~, 1 "'''~~'\'..r.'' " .. 5ti~iOil'o(' the' C~ioner ~ . . . otPal'kS.":" , ' { '."'.,:. ' . .. 2. That the Recreation'Piogram : / & O'CONNOR shall include thefollowing:- 10 ,to 5:30. ( ...... '1'..... Ce.) , . (a) A Recreation 1.00 I~truc- bon, 'program two evenmgs a , 4127 L ...... Av.. week for ten-age boy. and girls , at Defer and Trombly schools. LI... 5344/ (b') A dancing class forages


Lake Shore Lane is a carefully pl~nned development which. of'f~rs discrhninatingfam~1ies the' opportunity to achieve better living under ideal surroundings. I .

The subdiVision, has been planned expre~ly foiranch style homes with attached garages.. All sites are. at least 80 feet in width with varied dimensions to accom- mOdate .the individual desires for. different ~andscaping possibilities. Building restrictions.start at $12,500. and $15,000. .

From the .standpoint of location. Lake Shon Lane is more advantageo\lsly located ~ any S11~ivi,Jion opened 1.lPm. this, area for many years. It is close to the many 'Socialand recreational 'advantageS of the Pointes, only a quarter of a mile .south, ofihe GroSse Pointe Yacht Club. Downtown DetrQit is only 35 minutes driving distance and excellent bus service is ..... he. It's" ••,.=c.", 1 UCI EN maintained. Complete information regarding available lites will gladly be furnished by

l[lD. N6 \~\. .,.r" ••.~ U" •

SILLIM'G AGENTS FORD BUILDING • CA. 0060 • DETROLT 2.6 a Deliveries Daily-U:OO; 4:00;.8:00 16926~ liERCHEVSLIVI.


'~:~~~~.~:~~~~~~l\JiJ.~,,:;}£;';it~.:,j;&'~¥i~:~\k~3i~?,4J*:'.dk em ss. srsizt;,:,stsitGtcc.f'oc¥ •• rt,ici en r Ct-•• f:Ud'MW.CMt".m< $ $'CtNt.MctttPMt $$$.$.$$#1 $ttft tt 't t n l1tukday, I 6ROSSE POINTE NEWS Apn1 r. n",; Gentlemen: . We the undersigned 'retUrile~Vf' l>,,"rQ mE-nHnnof 1I li. Pninte flthletes, a heaHhier. IInd IT•.yRltCiI'll .. J:aw.,.. plans to build a 125 footer. RUTH that these early signs of nature's annual rebirth will progress dollars wouldn't have.taken ONE person through an evening brary as a memorial. It seems to more robust population, I must af the swankiest night spot there •.• much less three people. tells me now, that there is a me that some people who are expr~s my complete' satisfaction unbroken by a sr.asonal hiatus of cold r~in .and snow. " Nor-would a head waiter in one of those joints unbend great possibility that they may backing such a proposal have not lor ~lie proposed Field House to By FRED 1\1.KOPf', R.Pb. The spiritual accompaniment of the daily mounting. sun looked beyond the end of their be built in honor of th.: living is incalculable. ';rhe grey depression ~hat has hung over our enough to give an unknown a t~ble for a tip less than fifty be able' to buy back-Yom the go v e r nm en t-their MA I D respective noses. Don't we have and dead of World War II. .Despite I(reat strides made every thought and ae! during live years of war is dillsipating dollars. toward Its eradication, there MARION II. In .which case, I libraries at each of the. schools AS a veteran and former letter. and now, for the first Spring in several years, we are, in the • • • and even in the village1 At nres- man from Grosse Pointe. I feel are still too many ways in normal nwod which hails the warming sun andthe.budding We'll bet a palrof Nylollll that Paulette Goddard, Heddy La- am invited on the fU'st cruise. I ent they aren't even u.sing the thaI nothing finer could be done, which typhoid fever can be leaf. We are already planning vacations for the rebuilding ma~' ~nd B~Uy ButtoD made load. unpleasant noises wben they. have my.sailor lult all readyl available libraries ti> any where nothing fine,. .would be more ap- contracted. of the mInd and body which' for the first time in a hlilI read that blurb aboDt them Inl85t week's TIme iDqulnt. It had . . ;.. near the capacity. . preciatedby both the living and An old well in' the country- . decade we know will not be synthentic forays into the realm to do with falle. 1IoIooll1S••• llloth versa rubber • , • and the Let us have a field house. It deceased veterans from Grosse raw milk purchased unl(:Jard- possibility of their 'beinl deprived ibem beeauseof soMe union Had a dinner party for the will be something beneficial and' Pointe in World War II to help edly - swimminI( in unsafe of spiritual 'up building and bodily renewal. There will be a 0' not just an empty geslure as a our future generations, the vet. places - these may be made genuineness in our play and relaxation which calls for no ruling. Apparently tbe little women' won tbeir point. llO they younr set the other nllht. tG with a "carrier" who unknow- celebrate the third anniversary library would be. erans'chUdren, the deceased's self.deception. , . ,.. needn't lose their Ilamolll OD. .the seree~ ••• eveD If lt IS rubberized! George' E. Potter. relatives. pre.pare for life ,in a inl(ly spreads 'the I(erms of We may be concerned with some man.made troubles that of VALERIE and CHASSY better way. If possible. lyphold. Of forty persons who ,. CLARK. Cbas Is just back from have suffered typhoid, it is .:.', • Sincerely, . loom on the world's horizon during these post war days of • • Our Jane Schernu!rhom ti:.ld u.(In.her inimitable way) what the ETO wbere he orranized and April 3, 1946 Gordon "Scottie" Tanner. estimated that one retains wf- political .andecl?ilomic menEmvers, but a single moment of she thought of the chapter. in Bingay'. :bOok, wHerein he takes up fielent .infeclion to become a reflection tells us how transient they are against the s(eady directed a theatre GI rroup. They Gentlemen: . Veteran Infantryman, ucarrier." the case of Mr. Dodge:going to the' ~oWle of the editor of the followed M I C KEY ROONEY's I !tave just learned of your World War II. march forward ol the King of Day. who so directly rules Detroit Times, to punch him in the nose for ~ blasting editorial about lani by about ten daYlr--and over tentative plans to erect same ~ort Be sure that whether .you both OJ,lr spiritua.l and material lives. '. .. ." are ~t home or away. you and a friend of Dodge's. He. was supposed to have left ~ingay in the the same area, ANTWERP to of memorial for the veterans of The' Editor "In'the Kiss. of the Sun the,re is Heilling," alld it heals your family .are protected middle of lunch ..•. gone to the editoris'MUse; .Iocked him and 'AACHEN. They did the old play, World War II. Grosse Pie News af(ainst typhoid. . both the l11inds andbodi~sol men. Peace and the age-sought "Rope", by PATRICK HAMIL- I, trust that, you are consider- returned unruffled to his steak~d his luncheon partner.. It so mg a necessary and vital con- Grosse Pie, Michiioan Human Brotherhood are nearer our grasp today than ever happened that Jane's uncle the late JameS Schermerhorn, was the el Immunization advice will be before. The Sun's rays mount higher and higher and soon TON. who 11lso wrote" "Anr struction and not one of the usual Dear Editor. ltiven by your physician. Pre- 'sockee'. in, question .•• since 'he owned the T,lmes at that time. street" and "Gaslight." Cllas' is stone monuments' that one can I think it would. be' good to will deck aUk.e, the cottage of the poor man .and the stately scriplioris and. medication The fact is (according to Jane) that it never'happened •.• serious about the stare and has find in every hamlet in the coun- have a sport.!!pale in the. Grosse home ol the rich with the flowers that hrighteilthe pathway taken OWEN LAMONT ll!I h!I try.. IPointe News. I am a student in ~~~~~ ~:u::f[ced to a com- of life. . , because if it had she would have known: about it.' Her family always bad the happy faculty of being able to laugh at themselves nom.l1e.theaire. The aparlment As a World War II veteran I Grosse Pointe. High School, arid His rays will banish the spectre of ,starvation that now 1 . th I go out for sports and erijoy This I•. the 96th of a aeries 01 and tel1anecdotes ON themselves 'without reservation. She also 'Dortare beinr wh.at t ls.ey am very much in favor of a gym. those I don't participate In. But Ed!!orl.l advcrUsemenla apP... rlnll hangs heavy over the war torn fields of Europe and Asia .. are "illitin{. MRS .COR.NEL~US nuium or fleld house as a .f1tting I'm not talking for just GrosSl! In this paper each week. . _' .The anxieties of millions will be allayed as they ~the tells us het. uncle hpt a cUary of the names of all the people who ~ocked him or tried to • " • and Dodge's name is not among VANDERBILT. Until theylnd memorial to those both living and Pointe High.l'm talking for all ._G~at Father of all terrestial life make -ready to feed ~ ICImethlnr better. it ourht tG dol dead that havc served. the schoo1.5 in the Poillte. It children. . . ' those present! • • • Our high school has never had would make it a lot easier th~n . An Hail! the Great. Spring of 1946; the most. wE,llcome that . .' • •. • adequa\e facilities for its athletic paging through the whole paper has breathed its life giving warmth on a chilled and stricken DO YOU READ YOU~ OWN ADS dept. .' k .' .' d proir.m. Grosse Pointe has al- finding a sporta item hert and . .',' world wi~hin the memory of the living. Every DeWlJl&pernil" inio dllficultles at tlJDes ••• unavold- One of the wac y..acts arounways .hown a fine spirit of sport. one there. . . HI&H SCHOOL COURSE able thinls such as JIll.pring. th.at ese&IJe the proof reader'!! notice. town is a guy named DOODLES but has never quite had the space Why don't you think it over? ',or",ty NO.1 Tbese are especially badin abertisementa ••• and no ODefeels WEAVER, at the RUBAN BLEU. nor organization to expand this r sure know that 8U the other TAKEII AT HoME . Pr wone about them than the {uy whOruns the newspaper. He does a takeoff of TED HUS- spirit. ,students in. GrOSlt Pointe will Now you' eM eumplete H~h. School I One.. ite.' of p t bl'g r. h' h th t'"" . . . ING broadcasting the Indian- Yours very truly. agree with me. ~~~~n:~~a~~ntl~~~°ii'o"c~i~::~~ " ,... m os war 0 1 a IOn on w IC e coun 'J Last week, aD eddor 01 a Detroit paper, returned from a vaca- lis t th t . D. L. McConachie I'll b I ki I ta allenli; thoussnlis ot people all over . Amerlcnare l.kln, .dv.nllil or ~fZi~~~~:~~~~~d~,~~~WI~~~~~'~\~~~~~i~1'h~~~~r~~~~i~~::e~,:r~~~!,,~~~W;,~a;i:.:4:':~.~~~t'c~~~~:i:~;:e~a: ::~:~: "-',"."~'rf"".. .APril 2. 1946 paf!~urae v:: ::~ly~r~ a .por courses given by lhls naUonally .~fr:rb1l"":~~~~1Q{;r&c;fv':,",J.iiI;i'i'l!it ;" :riri:dthf:~e~lat~~~hi~~~~~ ~:~~~t~:n :e~~~~~~i~~~~~~I:~ci:: ;~~c:, ::~:~~ ~~~~. ;=P~u ;:~~~ .r~: '~v?r~t~::; ~: othbert~ig~t, at;'Di€lm'~~:r~' 'De~i81~~~:ft/i~~~~~r'~;~;;:''''.'..C'n,."p •.~G~Y~,DUNCAN_"._ ~~hri~l'~~i:tl~;'J~u:r\..~~r111~\~;- re<:ehre a sample ie.son wlthoul when they i9ined' up. Some of them married just be- 111~iodem ~EWERY." ". tearzwo~k ~a~~xc:pUt~nal. .e~~Pointe High School tells me that Ninth Marine Aircraft Wing cbarge. In your oWn home, Itudy for,e they went into the fl, ght, a considerable number of them .. He ca~led his advertisinr manlier OD. ,the non-plush carpet, Ted spoke to her, it was out of Y!l u .are, plan.nlng some. sort 0 f a Fled MarIne Force ~Aa.~'6fedfs~~~d~~'\,~~:::.i~nrl~i picked out their .life mates abroad and million more of aDd demanded to know bow such a }Il'ominellt ad eould have been the side of his mouth and' he memorial to the veterans of War April 1,19-i1 to learn by. our slmpUffcd home, . them are looking for,ward to marrying and establishing .. blatantly misspel1ed.. The sbeepillif ad nu , ~t wun't the never missed a beat. I wondered II. I haven't seen action but if near, Sir: '. sludy mell1od. You,. 100, can b. " \. families. ,.>" . . .' Dsa1d my vole counts I !lul It toward a I agree with the Varsity Club ~....~ry.se~\'l'~o~[.~~~~~(.~~~"c"iy:I~~ , ',This'i!!:.their right, their privilege and their duty to half of It. The ad had been run for THREE'weeks, ..!UST THAT at the time, if he ever got e hot field house or gymnasium. It that the proposed war memorial your pre.ent job. . For (~11 del.1I. and Frr,


':.i'.'e;~~'.L;,ie • 2.

'61( osur'p 0 I NTEN'EWS Pledged Visual Aids for'-'BirdStudy Betrothal Told , By Pointe WAVE

Memorial to Edith Munger Mr. and Mrs, Paul F. McNally of Balfour road announce the en- See other Jacobson Ad on page It The citizens of Michigan will Mrs. Munger, whose death De- gagement of their daughter, Mary have available to them by next em-red at liart, Michigan, on April Ellen McNally, petty officer 2/c, fall some very fine visual aids to 11, 1945. The first public release bird study, says Clarence J. of this information is timed for Messner, of GrosSe Pointe,presi- the first anniversary of that date. dent of the Michigan Audubon Mrs. Munger was. through the Kercheval at St. C'W Society; A meeting of the Board second and third decades of this of Directors of the society is be- century, a well.known public fig- Gross. Poi.h ing held in Battle Creek this ure in. Michigan, cpvering all"the week, at which time final p11iss McNally is to receive her "We are of.the opmionthat the other helps for the student. It is discharge from the United States existing ordinance co u I d be planned, to make these available Navy in. the near.future;, having Church Donation amended to remove the restric- without cost other .than transpor- served two years with. the Bureau lions as to the machinery, horse tation to Junior Audubon. Clubs, of . Supplies, aOO "AccountS 'at To Aid DeStit.ute power and mechanics limitation teachers, and school clubs, adult Cleveland, Ohio; She received her without endangering the primary gr0l;lps or any responsible or- boot training, at Hunter College, New York. She isa postgradu- . On Aprl114. Palm Sunday. the purPose of, the restrictive ordi- ,amzations, which will put them nance. to good use. ate, of DOminicm High School." entire collection of. moneys, at Mr: Labbanciis.a veteran 'of Calvary Lutherim Church. Grosse "Respectfully submitted. More details on this service cari April 5. 1946. .' be supplied after the Board meet- two amphibiouS. invasions .in the Pointe Woods, will be sent to the &uropean '.Theater, md is now Emergency Planning Council for , William C, Oddy, ing, but the Society intendS to , " ,.Bruce N. Tappan," have them ready for distribution supervisor of. management, Plan- Lulheranworld Relief. $200,000 ning DiVisi()niBureau:of Supplies has alreaa.y been spent for medi~ Boiled down, this report says by ,the end of the summer.' For tha,t the passage of the ,amend- infol1llation.ask any MicIJigan and Acroimts, Cleveland, . Ohio. cal supplies. and blankets. while Former engmeeringc,student. '.of 300 tons of used clothing are now ment should .be postponed, The Audubonist in your community, plasiie ~embers belIeve the future de- or write direct to Miss Ethel Rutgers'Umversity.' .. patent Jnakeshining Dn the ocean designated for Eur- Both are registered fOr U;.of.D. ope and .Asia. velopment of commercial interests Staudacher junior Audubon Di- in t~os~ areas of the Pa.rk ,should rector, 510 Salzburg,. Bay City,'or in September. - An orphanage projecthas be<.m be lImited to such busmesses as to Clarence'J. Messner' President :No,date 'has been 'set for the Easter gifts ••• started and negotiations are un- contribute ~irectly to the .service of the Michigan Audubrin Society, wedding~ .f der way to procure the use of a and convemence of the nelghbor- Pere Gabriel Richard School --~~~- for the giving th"eyTref/lshiori :.{ • high power transmitter for. pur~ ing community. This would mean Grosse Pointe. ' COMPENSATION poses of reeducation. and spiritual ., such places as stores, automobile . The ..Michigan 'Une~p.l~yment guidance, broadcasting to be.done servi ", stations, 'beauty parlors, ComPensation Commissioll .paid 0.' : in English, French, Spanish and c looking the. show room. right s~blcHro,m the s'oft unaerarm 0/19 . etc" but definitely not manufac- The Institute display may be out,': total of $4,222,129 tounem- German. t\lring of any description. It op~ .seen. Tuesdays through. Fridays ployedpeopleinMichiglin durili.g .Should altendance at the 11 poses .even the so-called light from 1 p. m, to 10 p. m" and from th~ week ending March 30, . it or tHe perfy"top:nandle poudl with a. m. Palm Sunday service prove man.ufacttir!J1g,undet which guise 9 a. m,to 6 p. m. on Saturdays was announced by E\Jgeile T. impossible, petions interested in a w~de vanety of business might and Sundays. The building is Dormer, Executive' Director. The furthering these timely projects be Introduced, which the Plan.' closed on Mondays. money. was paid to 56,504' in. no!lilhe'aa,tTJm. Thexreflect' so oeautiful1y'( your.', aiding the suffering, starving and ning Commission holds ,would run TherP. is no charge for either dustrial claimants and 57,122 un. dying across.the sea, may contact counter to. the intended restric- show. employed ,World War n,veterans. the Rev. Walter J. Geffert at tion for residel).tial areas. , ()wn.itds~~p~roadi to t~iss,e~~. 1.539 Huntington, Grosse Pointe It approves of the' move under ::',\ Woods; TU. 1-131l2, way to get the so-caled' war plants " out oUhe Park and belleves that ~c:cessorY..Shop'.••..••••••.•••. [.95 .to 3S~OO'. the presen t zoning regu lations are jJ~1: .. _ ample to effect this. If, after the Jesuit Society war plants have. been eliminated it IIhould, be deemed advisable to .Honors Pointers enl!ctthe amendment to the .zon- ing :~rdina,nce )t"mi*ht, be .done . '., The' Very. ReV1lrend'.:William. .J'. thenj .~u~obvioUilly the ,Planning ". "\"" ,c,:Ifillor,,,,.S.wJ'./~;president of.' the CommlllSlDtt,dou~ts 'the necessity . .~ University of Detroit. announced for' this change., ", ' ~., this week the appointments of The Planning Commission's rt!- A Frank L.Charbolineau and Da- commendation 't hat actio'n be \ vid Hinks to membership in Al- postponed, on the amendment :"~ pha Sigma. 'Nu. national Jl!lIwt went 'without debate, and the :;t honor society. Board of Commissioners concur- Rinks, Df 17130 St. Paul. Grosse r~ in the recommendation. Pointe, is prominent in the junior -,' class in the law school of the Uni- versity and is affiliated'with vari- Eo-Ster Flowers "" . OUB campus grOl,:l's.. . Charbonneau, the son of Louis Now on Disp~y H. Charbonneau of 1044 Kensing- ton road, Grosse ..Pointe. is a his- "r, tory major in the. College of Arts The EaSter seasOn wouldn;t be and Sciences, a member of Magi complete without a: trip to the fraternity and, ofllie debating neUe ~sle Conservatory to admire team as well as other Univenity the, brt!ath:taking .array Of Easter organizations. lilies s~rrourded by tulips, hya- The appointments of the new cinths. narcISSUS, cineraria au- members were made on the basis l~l!s, ~d, other spring flbwerS. , of scholastic standing, activities grown and displayed by the De- , and school spiri L troit Departm~t of Parks and Recreation under the direction of STATE DENTISTS TO MEET Henry' Johnson. floriculture su- '. The Michigan State Dentai So- perviSor.' . ciety will hold i\s 89th annual ,An Easter Flower, Show will ~nveriti<:n' at:~he Hotel Siatler also. be arranged at the Defroit m DetrOIt ,Apnl .15•. 1~ and 17. Institute of Arts, where Johnson The ~elegates,.whlch It IS expect- ha.ssetup a display in the foun- ed ":111 number over 2,000, Willi tam room. on the first .floor to • be gIven the opportunity to visit make it possible for' more people the. manr clinics which will be who enjoy flowers to see the va- _b~Jd dlJIL'1gth~ ~}1.ree-day 5e~iO!l, ri~ti~ th~t ~"re t;rpic.a! ~f t.~e to both'see and helll' of a number season. ,'. of new i!lnavations, and drugsre- Both shows will open on Satur~ ccntly d"sl'llvered In theprac.tice d~y,AprH 13. The Conservatory of DentIStry. Wlll"be open daily from 9a. m. ------to dark, aIld.after dark visitors You won't have to stand on may go into the Aquarium until your rights if you are rigM on 9 p. m, and look down upon the your standing.' exhibit from the balcony over- for Easter •. _ your " jewelry turns to .silver! For the Children .- Never before ha~ silver been so good •• " Easter cue it to navy. ~hife or gray! Pile on

paradin.g necklaces and wear several bracelets on one

New, fresh for' Easter, arm. See our stunning earrings. lapel Mary Jllnes In bl/lck P.'lt. pins (!Indrings in sterling silver or silver plate. ent le/lther, 'Ph fo 8, 3.2S :A.ccessory Shop " •••.•••••••. 2.00* to .13.50. "Flu. Fell. Tilt Mary Jllnes in White Elk. sizes 6 to 8, 3,25



, , 1,

s s • s ara 7 7 ass 5 t 7Fe 1 5 S E we 5 ; 7 'f ESE. nzmtt' t ritn7(SX $ 7 i, ~.. .",-';'_".•'[' ]fiJ,jr' '{;rLO $ SE "0 r R T~ NEW $ Y. " .\. I ...J:~ . . .. /'.::.. ~Soeiety News Gathered. from ~ll of ..the Pointes J From Another Pointe Short and to the Pointe Carroll BallantYne. : of View: Claims English: 'Bride' ~ ESTHER BOOTHROYD. daugh. ack, N. Y. Mrs. Baker had Deen :;" by ter of MR. and MRS. E, BOOTH- Mrs. Seward Reeve Chardayoyne the guest of her son, E. MEAD , .' Jane Schermerhom ROYD of Grosse Pointe boule. . BAKER, JR.. of Meadow Lane, Pointer Will Bring New Wife to St.tes in MaYi Home Being vard, and THOMAS HAR~OW- while Mrs. Wheelock had been . Built for Them on Moran Road . ',(, . , E;R. son of MR. and MRS. J. HAR- stopping with her aunt, MRS. ~ Now tflat one felkS of travels out loud once "g4!lin •• • ROWER of Highland Park, were JOHN s. NEWBERRY, of Lake Good wishes from hiS many Pointe frle.lI,ds reached'Cir. W. tflink the frl",el$ inspired by those eleglnt hcsts ••• united in marriage on Saturday, Shore road. roll Trego Ballantyne by cable Saturday as he clainled,Afu1e the Wendell Anchmcns •• , is really sumpin ••• April 6, Dr. Frank Fitt, of the • • • Garrett his bride in the Church of the Holy Spirit, C~p["am, Back In the Pointe. are DR. AND The Andersons' winter estate, Bellevue •• , Paget, B.rmud. Grosse Pointe Memorial Church, London.. . ..' .. .,'.'." • MRS.-MONT WICKMAN, of Ken- • • • is to be the scene of one, long Springtime houseperty, officiated at the ceremony • • • wood court. whose recent wan" Anne is the daullhter of Mrs. brown accessories and fuJ:;jaeket. .ccording fo .11 rt\ports •• , . derings took them to New Or- Hilda Garret,t" of Highbury, Lon. Ted wil brini his brHeto"the Th. first houleguest to leave the POlnle for the swank MRS. CUI.RK POTIER, of do~, and .Ted s .pareuts al.e the States in mid-M.ay, and Mr. and Barnard Heights, Ann Arbor, was leans. La. environs of the Anderson Bermuda home. , • H?ward P. Ballantynes, of Mc- Mrs. BalIantyne. their :son.~ow- . the recent house guest of MRS. • • • Will be Mrs. Jewett Dwyer •••. .J . The WILLIAM LLOYD BEA. Kinl~!y pla~e. Only. members of ard, Jr., and their daughter; Mr.. . • F • 'f CHARLES FOLEY, of Nell road. th~ Immediate families and close John Norcott, will be at the dock . .. . MER household on GrOsse Pointe ANDERSONS GIVE BERMUDA HOUSEPARTY boulevard is a gay one these f;lends were present at the 2:15 to welcome them. .: ,' .. During their stay in the Pointe, oc1ock ceremony: . The young couple will; male.' While the soigne. Mrs. D. is there , •• also .rriving wi.n MR. AND MRS. LAWRENCE T. days, with LAIRD home from BABCOCK of Los Angeles, Bennett Junior College and !or her weddl~g the English their home on McKinleY'pla~e be: . II.. bride wore a white crepe gown until their 'own house an Moriul Mr. and Mrs. Fred.rick Sw.et Steerns ••• Mr •• nd Mrs. made the Touraine road home of LIEUT. BILL BEAMER back from 20 months in the Pacific. ~ith full skirt of tulle. A V neck- road is completed in the fall; W. o.an Robinson "I)d Mr. Ind Mrs. H.rIeyJ. Eerl ••• the HARLEY J .. EARLS their line and cap sleeves characterized ti~adquarters .. MRS. ROBERT C. Laird's house guest is JESS POR. 'And infh. very. lit. Spring • • • . '1'ER, of San Francisco. the crepe bodice. Her .headdress Mr. end Mrs. Emory Mor.n' Ford of Woodland piece, •• MARTIN, .MR. AND MRS. W. .. ., .~ of orange. blossoms held her full Ann DEAN J;tOBINSON and MR, i}ND length veil of tIllIe, and she car- Brown."Ptck~ will'Pe going down. • • ' MRS. C. HASCALL BLISS feted MR. AND MRS. HENRY K " SANGER, of University .place, ried white roses. ' . . the Babcocks at various dinner Her Wedding Day FOURTEENTH BIRTHDAY PARTY parfj~s. escorted their eight. year .• old Her sisfe~, OaphOe Garrett, wa~ P1ln" ••• ,"d birthd.y .cekel •• , In

Wli.n ~rs. U~erw"'OOCl tOld III ~!i'r'~,~Pa,;,lindjom: hun tl'~i"'Ot;l1alf.e'Sl\cite~i'O.d~ 'ROY"'D,:;'CHAPINS, JR,,,'...,bm, ;,~tte,!1qan~ fo};:the couple w-;re .. "U. p. Mi. Jim. m,~~ ' ,.; .' em ~,~ O.urr:'a:>Ji.m,J]..~,...,'SOll'O'.""~.i:""f" ,MIt"ANn. .. '..'.. .'..Kn&:!.A~L,' .to.. R.AL, .. H 'H • D.'(~,,,,-WIshi~;D. C,,-.-.'I -tnerefOl'l:~/~~ '.:. ~~~t.:'. .~...... head~d Southl~st week for, a they flew, in from Cliicagofor'ii' r~e'~ride's'brother'i .. "law,., ..nd' .LAND"'fT1"d' 0' .~,....,~I(.RALPHHdIOW ...,~' . ,0., o_eo ,0" .•. ,.,'., " .,_0,.",' "i,:",'~i',)l'~.J',;':i. .., ..{';,~,~~.AI:...~lU~1 _"9 President Truman In th. perede: • , ~'f,\;.. ~.,::C' .. ," :':': <,.<,[,~':'.,:~ • . _' fo.rt~lg.ht's slay In Hot Springs, recent week.end. MARIAN CHA- SIster, Mr. and. Mrs. Ja~k Z~der~ June IS-MISS MARGARET ANN WHITEHEAD'" . We were NI'Ili"ded of the chuckling re"wlli,,~1ita.,;tci~."'r; :f}{~.hunlmg In ~rJZona Is Vll'gmla. . ...:J•• :. PIN was also home from Miss who ma~e theJr home m MlalXU 900cl DemOCr.t, wtleft .H.d by I member of I c.lvic C9l'lmitf.. ~ER TYRE~, who will be • • • Porter's School in Fa'rmingtOri Beach. . daughter of MR. AND MRS., JAMES FRAZER.WHIT.E1' if h. thcught it wOllkl be p4'.lssibleto get iiI. Presid.nt to come !oine~ byhls familY when schO?I Two birthdays were celebrated for her spring vacation. After a small weddmg lunch- HEAD, to WOODRUFF BOYD CROUSE;, son; of MR~' to Michigan 40r such I;,dsuch 'n ev.nt • • • IS out. The TYt:ees have sold theIr Sunday when DR. AND. MRS. • • • eon, the new Mr: and Mrs, Mun. AND MRS. CHARLES BEECHER CROUSE. ; ,." "0ft 1f:.t.... W1'd th. Ollmocrat "he'd be delight.d fo home on Washl!1gton road and are ELDON C. BAuMGARTEN, of In Tryon, N, C. is MRS.ll'HEO. roe left for a triP to St. Pelers. , my , 1. ' • . " temporarily biding. on Lincoln Windmill Pointe' drive, honored burg, Fla. They will live in' Mia- BIRTHS ' ':, . tome , •• AN IN& to g.t out of WeshJftgton, YOIIknow .,' road. their. daughter,. PAT, and their DORE H." HINCHMAN, of Ven- mi until their home ln Coral Ga. • • • . dome road, .who is vacationing b . . April.3-To MR. AND MRS. RICHARD S BAR~' ~/~.. .' . • • "! son, TOM, at the Grosse Pointe for a few weeks. I les lS ready. ROWS (Pixie Hamilton), of Cambridge Maas.~'. sOn- THE AUTOMOBILE MARKET MR. AND MRS. JOHN M. ;Yacht Club. Tom, is on vacation • • • Mrs. Stewart MunrOe is' back ~ICHARD SHEPARD .JR. ' ... ' '. . ..~', Mrs. De.vlcl C~it.r Ginis'lak S...... in.., visit to Washington, READY, of. Rivard boulevar. d, and from the Michigan Me die a I It was a b.usy vacation from in her Pointe residence. after a . April 3-To MR. 'AND MRS. JOHN CUDIA.;a, . (e-tiJUled on Pare 7) the HAROLD K. SULLIVANS, of School, while Pat 8J'rived from Denison University 'for Eilie trip to Phoenix, Ari%.. (~dred Mackey), ,,~daughtei',JUDITH ANN...... I .£ "t ' Ann ;\rbor for the occasion. The Boyd, daughter of MR. AND MRS, Baumgartens are planning a THOMAS. A •. BOYD, of Harvard Mrs. Burns and Daughter ja,unt,to Ashville, N. C., this road. After spending a week in Off for Miami Yac.tion j • "', ~ ...... , _. c ;'" wee~'" ... • • .: the Pointe; she joined the Deni. j son 'Women's Glee Club for a Now that the Charles T. Burns MR. AND MRS. JULIUS tour, which included a stop here family has moved from Meadow JnIEBNER 'and their daughter, at. ihe Jefferson .Avenue Baptist hane to. Devonshire road, Mrs. AQELE, of 16355 East Jefferson Church, The Boyds entertained Burns and 'Betty left Tuesday for avenue, have. returned to their th.e 36 vocalists before the con- Miami, where they will be guests home following a motor trip west. cert. of Mrs. Burns' parents, Mr. and They spent a week iil Kansas City • • • Mrs. Albert Parchen, of. Helena, visiting. friends. Adele was en~ WIlen MRS. ERNEST M. BA- Mont. joying her Vacation from Grosse KER . returned to her home in The Burns' other daughter, Pointe Country Day School. ~rnardsville, N. J. last. week, Mary Jane, came in from Michi. • • • she 'was accompanied by MRS. gan Stafe College last wlI!ek.end MR. AND MRS: J. BOYER, rif SUSAN WaEELOCK, of Minr,e- to bid farewell to the travelers, ~reS8 the'.tahle Pemberton, Va" retllJ'Iied MR. apolis, vfho will visit in Claver- who expect to vacation a month. AND MRS .. D. FRASER SULLI- . \ VAN'S visit to' :Virginia last month with a trip to the Pointe /or Llefljliue paraJ. for a week. They were feted. in the Sullivan horne on East Jef- fc:",..::~ .••• ., . Back from a jaunt to Madison,. Conn. where she visited her son- inclaw: and daughter. MR. AND MRS, JAMES F. McCLELLAND. MRS. JAMES TURNER is again in her Provencal road home. ' ..... Spring arrivals in the Pointe include MR. AND MRS .. JOSEPH B. SCHLOTMAN, of Lake Shore road. The SChlotm"ans divided their two months in t.!}eSouth be- Pe,uh wiJ1J Gr.y -..t Winl. Bt'/IIIVMx

It b .. Idolll pOlllbJ. .to find so Tabl~ ntOI'Iy, and ,"ch lovely nog'QlIQI together. In eadl Sch.ttler. Stont Linens :baiw Ii ii i.~ioi~ .. '.'iiv..hvilli which to chOOle. Eest!~'s affer.parede fe

Dainty Ecuter Gifts

•• Sacheted NylOr\ COllt H1Iftgers •• Pin Cus,," ions •• Circulllr Jewel C

.. J' t, ' '. , " . r ~•. : ~ - ~~ '''';'''' -.:.- _:. , ,.-. ." ,,. ,..J " .. ~.~'~ " . /.; .. .

& It os S E PO I N TEN E W S Woman's ~age • • • by,. of. and for Pointe Women 'Many Parties '.Given 'AuxiliaryPlans Celebrates Birthday Newcomers Asked For Poppy' Party To Atrend Dance Peacetime Plans Made Themonthl~eting of the Fo,r Helen Ann _Bay~rie Members of the Grosse Pointe , \' Ragan Lide, Auxiliary of the At Meeting of AWVS - , American Legion will be held at Newcomers Club have been in- Bride-Sed Honored 'Before Her Marriige to Richard 2 p.m., Monday.' April 15 in the vited to attend the dinner dance Mrs. Frederiek Cnfford Ford, New Ghairman of Unit. Arthur Schrag.,. Scheduled for April 30 Women's City Club. planned by the Sunday. Morning Forum of the Grosse Pointe Hostess at Discussion Session in Her Home , Plans are being completed for Memorial Church, for Friday . Parties forspJing brides continue to dot the Pointe social the Poppy Party to be held in the The recently elected officers of the Grosse Pointe Unit c:alenda,r. Hel~, Ann Bayne is one of the most Hotel Statler on May 23. Many evening, April 26. The event will and popular of the Americ1mWomen's Voluntary Services met on Friday, guests of honor at bridal gatherings. Pointers are among the list of be held in the church lYmna- The' da'ughter of Mr. and Mrs." Patronesses which'incl),lde: sium. April 5, at the home of Mrs. Frederick Clifford Ford, new Chairman of the Unit, for a discussion of future plans 'and Evan P. Bayne, of Berkshrre road, Wednesday noon.' This saturday :Mrs. Fred, J,Mulllhy, Mrs. The Newcomers groups met Helen will marry Richard Arthur Mrs .. James E; Coyle, one of Hel. Henry B. Joy, Mrs: KillardH. last Friday evening for an' eve- the appointment of members of the new Board of Directors. .Scharge, son of Mr •• and Mrs. en's.two matrons ,of honor, will ToncraY', Mrs.:R3ymondXBerrY. ning of bridge at ,the home of Other . officers 'present were@> . ., '. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaller, Wendelin C. Schrage, of Devon. entertain at luncheon in the DAC. Mrs. Albert. L. Hart, Mf,s~ Le.o Mrs. }'~dwltld 'C. Bahm. 1st vice. be determined by the needs of 1140 Yorkshire road. Prizes were shire, Tuesday, April 30 at St. ' Both;f' elen and Richard will be Enger, Mrs," Earl Presle"" Mrs. chairma,"!; Mrs. Wendell, salmon, the community and without du- Clare de Montefalco Church at 10 ,,' , ' ' - awarded to Mrs. Bennett Bur- Zn4 vice-o:hair!!'an; Mrs. Gage W. plicatingthe work of some other guests the cocktail party pl'an~ Forest E.McKee, ,Mrs. William goon, Mrs. Herbert' Anderson, o'dock i,n the morning~ ned by Mr. and Mrs. William Kille Judson Hell, Mrs. Philip C. Baker. Cooper, .recordIng secret~y; Mrs. urgani~tion. They hope, with George Lyons and Clifford Lund- Last, Sunliay the bride-ta-be for Saturday, April 2Q. Mrs. 'Winfield S. Jewell, Jr., Mrs. R. G. Sickels, corre~pondmg sec- the help of the friends they have gren. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Huestis, retary; and Mrs. Otis U. Walker, made during the past four years waS' feted by Mrs. Gilbeit Ditt- Her other matron of honor, Mn.J. Bertram Bell, Mrs. Ralph Mr. and Mrs.' David Moore and mer at breakfast in her home on John F..Geymann. will be hostess Thomas. treasure! Mrs. Alger Shelden, in Grosse Pointe and their own Mr. and Mrs. Minard Mumaw Pa~ker.;avenue. ' Mrs. Dittmer is at the Bpins~rdinnel" Wednesday, AlW: ,.Mrs. Roger V~ Walker, retirilll chai.rman, has been ele~t- workers, such an outline will de- were, committee members who ed to the oUlce of honorary chlllr- ve.!op very quickly. to be one of HeleiQ bridesmaids. April 24aiid the Schrages will Mrs. Charles Page, Mr's. HenrY, P. planned the party. Mrs. Joseph A. Schrage, Jr.,''Of give the'l"ehearsal dinner .t the Williams,.Mrs. 'Jr'sse '.MitciIell, man. Unit be- In ,addition, they will holll Llichmoor boulevard, honored her Detroit Yacht Club Friday, April Mrs ..Herman Koestlin, Mrs. Adel- 'Mr. 'and Mrs. Herbert Ander- . The members Df .the . three general meetings during th. son and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lynch lieve that its peace'time achv- year to bring to the member. at a bridg.e luncheon and shower I 26. bert . McChesney;" Mrs. Heleli are the newest members .to join ities, supplant!ng those t~at were som~ subject of present day in •. Gregory, Mrs. 'Carl ..Sterr. M!'S. thegrpup which has been func- necessary durIng the war; shuuld terest. Dates of these meetings iI. ,W. Reinhold, Mrs. .Harry tioning since last October. New- Keintz, Mfs. Stanley A .. MacKen- and further details will be an- Another Pointe' of View comers to the Grosse Pointe area nounced later. Zie, Mrs. A.VI. Goei-ke, 'Mrs. Har- who are interested in joining the Shower Planned (Con~iDuedfr_~~') • oldG; Coburn,. Mrs. George E. club are asked to contact Mr. and D. C" end her brotf1er-m.lilw end SlsT.r, ttM J,m CrowleY' of Padden, MrS. Waller'!uaDler,. Mrs. Frank Lister, NI; 4324; for For Betty 'Sniall Garden Club Will Meet th~CI1pitoi •• '. " ,',' , . OtherS. inClude: Mrs. William information as to qualifications In Emerson Frantz. Home Depends on theproduefion line.:. ~' ", ' ' . . Hoffman,' Mrs. James G. Ogden, for membership.' ' Mrs. Edwin, Peterson, "Mrs'. Ar~ I Mrs. Clement F. KroS& and her FOf'-Mn. Gmil wiq drive cio,,"n in the new, CI1r Mrs; Ol;lwiey's The Village Garden Club wilt iMrents" the C"irie1A.Hughes, ei'e giYing her ••• " ' ,thur Bartley, Mrs. Benjamin Ad~ daullhter, Mrs. Frank J. Towar, dison, Mrs. John Bell, Jr.,. Mrs. meet in the Berkshire road horn. , ,Ncw this 'is 011 little involved •• , bvt it shows how thillCJs , ~;PATIUCIABAUMGARTEN and 'brother, Tom, Marine Honored will honor bride-elect Betty Small of Mrs. Emerson Frantz this Fri- develop.', • fOf' Mr. and, Mn .. Hughes will tollke the CI1r they're. William Ulrich, Mrs. -Stephen J; her BartUSh, Mrs. Hugh Henderson, "were feted. by their parents; Dr. and Mrs., Eldon C. at a tea and kitchen shower, in day .afternoon for business .and giying daughter, Mrs. GiBis ••• dcwnto WoIIshington for Mrs. their home, on Hamilton court tea. . , Mrs. Emma Marsh, Mrs, John L. BaumgartenjofWindfuill Pointedrive,at'a double birth- On Return Home Crowley to dash about in until her car is manilfollefured, ••• this Friday afternoon. . Mrs. Clarence Fox will give a Reed, Mrs. Archie C. Fraser, Mrs. day party ,Sunday in the. (;rosse 'Pointe Yacht Club. Pat MQthers and. daughters on the review, of Lou i s Bromfield'. (then when Mrs. Gillis drives Mn. Crowley', ~r to Washington, John I. Foss. . came from the' University of Michigan, where she is Former Grosse Pointe High she'll return in, her own , gift coIIr)••• guest .list include Mrs. Sidney, R. "Pleasant Valley." And: Mrs. Harry Van HeldorS, majoring in music. Her birthday was Tuesday, while pals gathered 'to welcome Robert , When Mr. end MrS. Hl!ghes l.. ~e WoIIshillCJton••• thlly~n Small with Betty and anothet: Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. Jesse Vincent, Mrs. Carl Tom's is this Friday. Cal'men.of the Marines back from Mrs. Harvey C. Fruehauf, Mrs. go on down to. the Greenbrier It White Sulphur Spring$' ••• Tiedermt.u, Mrs.' Calvin GaUSs; daught~i, Mr •. Frederick E. Har: ,....John Henderson Photo. China &turday J:light, when Wil- ris, Jr., Mrs. 'Frederick C. Kidner H.. MUrr~y Northrup and Mrs. where,Qur rilcOrds show, they're just .bOut the only Detroiten Mrs. Otto Rosenbusch, Mrs. Henry Harry G. Mooeko who hne men.ged r.serntioni theret!lis Mlson ,. ,for which liam C. Emery, 'of St. Clair road, ii.d her dauihteri Katherine; Pichler, Mrs. A. W. Sempliner, ','A'dene' .SL:.. ...b .. A' p rs' Mrs. Julian P. Bowen' and MrS...... envyt!lem •• ~ ' , , Mrs. Frederick' Gould, Mrs. Rob- rKXI __ Sisters to Pay Visit and Charies W. Blessed, of Roose. Charles K. Backus, and Mrs. Har- '., .., ert J. Hesse, MrS. Thomas H. With H.idelberg Choir To Mother in Sweden veltplace, entertained in his ~astem. Woman's Club' ...-. Keating, Mrs. Edmund Klein. rington Eo Walker with Mrs. TRAVEL DINNER PARTIES- honOr ,.tthe Blessed home. Roger S. Morris. :,',' WiN Hold Bridge Luneheon sChmidt,Mrs. Alfred Cousins; Miss Adele Shaub, daughter cif Mrs,ottoLundell of :Bisho~ . Among those enjoying the; reo i:' Others will' be 'Mrs: Hale, V. . Additionolll ~~yel09:' Mrs. H. Frank, Mrs. Lewis " . 309 L. road and Mrs. Thor, Olson Of ~nion ,were George West" George Mr. lna Mrs. GoIIriM. Stroh ••• Ind t.:1ri John Stroh.~ , • Frank and Mrs. Amanda Kun. Mr; and Mrs, A., W. Shoub •. l . &itUey,Mrs. Thoml!S N;Bourke, Till~,S9utheutern W 0 man' • dinger. Nottingham' road,. Grosse Pointe Westchester road; will sail April Brooks, .!darge Homer,' Betty Mrs.. seaboufu;R. LivingstOne, Club WiUbritLg a successful seoll. h.ve left to spend two weeks et Sel blind, Ga .•••• 13 for Sweden to visit. their Mrs. H~.rley G.Hi;llie aM Mr." ;'. '. .... , , The,ir hosts.t .flire .....n dinnerp.rty s"turdey'evenincj, •• P~rk, apPeared \Yith' the Heidel- mother. ' . Sha1VoYlB1Jd NichDls, Pat Foley, William:L.McGiVerin..' lion to aclosewith-a:luncl1eon "er. Mr.• 1IdMn. Georcje O. Johnston of lothrop rOolld., • Grace Kline Chairman berg Concert Choir. of Heidelberg . . Mrs.' LUndell, who is chairman Joe ; JenniDp, Mr. and. MrS. " Still more iUests,will, be Mri, bridle party at uU!:Whittier .DII A dillne,r to f.teth,.' r.turningfrollveler, MrS. Chish'olm Mile- 'At College Carousel ~llege. Tiffin,. Ohio, on Ap;il7 for the Swedish Michigan Coirl~ Georile'Wmialllll'and Aft Powell. Ralph' H..l\ow1aDd,.o1 ,Ti,I~ApHl 15, startin, atl~;J100a.' , donollid of Mira buu , p'oIIce ••• wes giyen ,on Saturday evening in a Lenten Se~n Concert when:. mitteeo! "save the Children," . The'h'ostslioth hav~ outStaad" Mri. Tpwar'I', dalighter, . ~~bai'.~ Mrs. Ma1~, Social chairrnari, and '""' I ~- 'by Mr. Illd Mrs.John J. Woodhouse, •• presented in. the Bethel Evangel~ will visit that organization in mg: serv.ice ,.recorda themselves- Ann Collin8"Bar~"Fjl.:h,Mrs.her Commiltee,luive : been busY • Grace Kline, Grosse Pointe Sweden and bring back a report' , BelUOnPord and ~Sar.BW'Il.. p~ 'favCr.;0 h:enlist t.his month. can reo who will'~~eive the grade, theY this' year's carousei which will Sigma, and1he'YWtA.,Sh~is 'a t";n their old gradeimd h!\ve the held' at dlscharie, and to, t!lOse feature entertainment by both gr~~';l&tJl. ofOrOue Pointe "~,' , ,:opJ=orlunJt,Y:",","of-

'I, I


0,.. io te 5:30 Dolly

AnE YOtrR. F171tS LONiLY and out of d"te?

Consult our mtyling experts who will return your precious furs 10 .he lOCi.1 whirl, nimbly rework sleeves, eollars, body lines. Our workrooms and cold storage vaults' are ri!ht lieu on the premillel, under the comtanl supervision of experts.

if ,.. c...... yew fwJ fw ...... , nll1fty 1.1• ..... wItf .. 1fw'" ( ..,..'''.If J. OW e.w , MrYfc l(C~1M. FUI SJ'ORAM. IUAJI AND lUTYUN4t. SICOND FLOOI 16926. ftERCHEVIL mnt


" " . , . .. . ,- ""i~1~~~~~~i~~~¥,:~~~~iiJ;j,;~.':A~:}:i.J:-L{~:i~~fj~~~~itd~i~e~~)~~'~i:~~;~';._:;,<:;':.::.:.:".-L ,_~__.~.~.~...... :.__..~.:-._.;..:,._'~~~'.'« ,;. 4 • d ."'ce« ...~_.. set « •• __ « '.' e.. '_«« ;"«_':'0=...... '.Cd .« ••• dh«'r.tMbd'sd' <.•...... ".~.,rcd;:« 6%."1 drt'dhCf1e .) •.• '.";,,,"."- G R 0 SSE POI NT E N EW$ Yhufld.y. ?nt ~nI I'" your lift to R~d Cro... Scllilmer Iiooxed by ~ur can~assen 11Mthe ISudden 'Stbp-.v :;::"" Goal Sighted Aid. two sU8lfl;ted meJlllI of getUnl ' . ' ,,', Your check may be mailed to hiJIgIft to the 19til drive to Red ICauses Crash . " 153 Eut Elizabeth, Detroit I, or Cross.", " ," " ' 'oJ' ByRedCro8s you can go to any Detr~it bank The tqt~lCPllt;ribIlJiQIl$.tQ,dllt~Faill\re to .ignalaplanMdliOlt where~shlers' checb WIll be Is- when last repo~ w~~l!~2,152,- ca:u!ed~n lIutomobile aceidenlQn t. ~-r. TL -n 11:300,000 Needed sU.cd,WIthout. charle. The. bal?u 000. Twp divifloll8, ot,lbe .~- lAke Shore Road at 1:I:I0'.. aa. IYKJ IMI. WIll 'alto mal! your contribution . " , " ",' • , A ril...' . ,: , '.~.-",.', Howeverj to Put Drive to Detroit Red Crosa headquar- pal.\ln v..~~ reported to-, have ~ is' M. tt!' f 12775 Ev . . b "tel, passed their quotas.'1;hese we,e ou .use . 0 , • ' . ,ans- f Over TOp y April IS . ". . the spt!ei~1 gifts diviSi.oi)•. ~ilh ton, I?c~rolt, Wil ~e. '!.r~vf;rw~oJ ~trOl~ has never faded the Mrs.J.'Vjncent Dwyer, chllu-man, b~ ~Il! own admllSlo.l1,'.IOp~ Detroit ltill, hie time to make R1 Cr.ou. In all other. earn. and Mrs. W: Dean Robinson: co- wIthout signalling.. His ear ":'11I its Red CrQ15/lHe Fund CIm- .PI ~lI$ .Il has set. a pa~e tor th.e chairman. and the commercilll di- struck from the rear by one driv- palJl1 quota Of n.400,OOO before n.won l,I1 sUP.P

sHoWING New, Exquisite Costume' Jewelry FOR EASTER

'.:r-'"". tb ~,' "V ;:"l:':

(f-'M~ ',' "~r.eme:. G &aslB-e:oXitl£uJ S.effirrg .rot',the JrUTlIl4i:Ilr. ,Fame.os: CroWn ~ She'. &II IDle! hid 10 world1y.,..ioc. . She keep. you JtiwiJoc IlId YOd love ill Enchllllilll bouquet.biend with on .itlu!' udenoDe. 7.50, .... 6.00,3.50. P~Wol.00 .. ~'," :APl'U 'LOS50If. She'. tho etetDoI foluaulic. . HdWR~'. " ~llIurpuoec1 ~pp1eBI_ For !he l'OlIIlC lu heart. of 011.... 6.00, 3.75, . PlUM _tOO

.innru... HeleM. ll.ubiutela'. uulorcdtable /. l perf ... " It • e'fer1thiIll' , , WClI!I&II W&IIta hlll' lP5~ndedJn,,:,o_soli~cryskll:c!ear£I9_'~ol ' '. periull)O 10 be. ,.''~Ii~~l;~~:~'.i.:~.iti"';'~C')";';~;"'i~"'.";i",,+,'.l,,;,;i/.;;; To'. 11lp' It "'.alI th~ 0J!e .~11\U, ""18.50,9.50.' ." eUtll!C!~::1o;ilrrl9:!>eau!y;forjfieH1wonderl-.(I_eerl'--._ Pune oiae 2.so . .~ \' ..... ' It...... E...... Utr ,.- l'Iw ',,

• ~MHmMr~

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laper. I &I: It,. III lOUSE'F "QfUraIILLI

J\ _ exeitin, way to IeIld .SOlD'tllJlfC Iium" PDftJJIa Euler f10wtn ••• a buket foll ~ Goarielu. ~~ widla • of f~ ••• exquililely- . IalWDtllalbeut.ped *bet B<:eI1ted Gourielli beauty sifts. fO;f roocllllCkmd 1lappm- Glamoroos, lon8.1utinC. and ,.' -'~. most -eoll The eoehuItinl "forner after". 1'2.50 blue wicker hIbt pic:tuJed Ex<;:itement for you •.. for him eoatainllllOOMlCBT ~ -lICIlftTIBNC &iii" 1415 • uu JlIE PAaPUJf, ~mx.,. J'AJlftlJI, 5.00,_ 3.00 , MDT JKMIT TAv;, P!I'dt U1STIS &04P,1" TH 1I.u.I., atd :lIAlQ -8CHdiJUNC WLW" DAft LOltON.7.50 s.u::BaD, Box of tbzee, '-SO 20 C~ RAT.S ou.u BMIIly BlISkm ~ frilTr. 6lmtu>roIU aM praak41 Courielli tills, Jr."" 2.00 ,. 25M. "'Is geld&n perfume stirs new cdvenfure, ; :'promis~ conqu~1I 20 Ccrats is the new eregcnc~ in perfume-ond in fashion. PlIl'Mn., the OUnc~, $22.50. Cologne, $4.00. (tax extra)

Store Houra-;10:00 to 10:00 Dally I Deliveries Daily-12:00; 4:00; 8:00 16926 IiERCHEYfIL


~r"',~:~."'t' ...~ ,~ '''. .:, .... , .~.,- '"\ :,~,-....~~.... , . ' - _. _ .... '- ... """";.:":'"-'~_.,_., ...... :.,.-'--.:....;.,...~._._... _""-'~I.....:..-'- ~_~_~ _ I. (0 os sso 4.--.,. o c •

';o'ThurSd.iyrAprn.I.I,.I9-46 .~R Q SSE PO I N TEN EW S . . Popc~tn'.Vendor Home 'for Va'eation Gratiot .Avenue Pop$'N~wPlea'.' . Most Dangerous ... ' . . ~ttom.eyHowardRiChards, .....h.o While Gratiot avenue is the appellredbefore the Park Council moet dalllerousltreet in Dttroit, cn March 25, at the req.uest, he and all such II presently receiving stated~llfthe American Legion See other Jacobson post i~. behalf of Tony Kllinis, tbe the attention. of traJ!ic safety Ad on Pdl:e.S popcorn \'endor, and. was refused 8&encie5, it. has no exclusi~e . !urth!!r conSideratio;i/- on the mat- franchiSe on' accidenl& and there ter. bi: the Commissioners, was on . ha'ridagain at the regular meeting are other danger spots llCattered last Monday 'night. throughout the city, the Pollee , Thi~ time he stated he was ap- Department warned today. • 'p~arfnj(in beh'l,lf. ~f Koinis per- On the basis of high-accident . soil ally •. Mr. KOll1ls apparently intersections, Grand Boulev~rd is '. w~nts a' special dispensation from . the: Park authorities which will only two steps safe~ than Gratiot Your Ea~der Hat permit him to continue to do busi- and such heaVily traveled streets ness from a permanent i1tand on as Grand River, Fort. Woodward the llublic strl.'e1s. and Livernois are nearly as dan- • . Again the commissioners re- gerous. i~ a Floftrer Show ••• fUsed'to'reconslder their previous In a compiiation of the 51 high- decision. The petitil'n which Mr. est accident iritersectioilli in De- whether 'you decide on " flirtatious Richards' tried to present and troit during 1945. it is revealed couldn't. contained, he said, ,a that t4 are on. Gratiot, 12 on large number of names of citizeilli Grand ..Boulevard, 'r ot:" Grand bonnet, •• or ~ 50phisticated sailor ;;, •. fi"itffidly to Koinis' purpose. River and (! each on Fort Wood- The Commissioners' position l! ward. Livernois and ,Wa~ren. . that'~he matte'( has been se~t!ed be sure it's in full bloom for Easter. definitely. by the. Court's deCISion The!filuble with this adminis- and by the expiration of the spe- tration is that the pot has dis- cial permit on April I, which was appeared 'along with the chickens. Come .•. get into the parade from here! given Mr. Koinis at ~the Court's and the garage along with the au- suggestion, to give Iiim time to tomobile.-Tlie Colorado Repub<- :lIIake arrangements for the carry- lican. . Hat Shop ...•....•.••..•. 18.00 and. up 'mg on of his business in con- formity with the. village's amend- ed pedler ordinance," ' . . His cause was not. helped be- fore 1he Commissioners by:Ahe op'en charge that since April 1 he has. persisted in selling from' his Ea~ter ~gg Shad~8 ••• stand. He. moves the truck from ti.m~to time tl? varying Po,int's, 'chiefly along Jefferson avenue, It SALLY THOMAS,the sub~debdaughter of.Mr. and are included in our complete if' charged, . and already four Mrs. Ralph Thomas, spent her spring vacation from tlCK~ts have been served upon collection of Gloves f'or the hiinfor his vioia tiOlI. ,_ Roger -!'fall in. Lowell, Mass., with her pare~ts in their . {At the. very moment !)is. case hOfp.~on Merriweather road. was.beirig,discussed Mlmday night strutting on Easter Morn. his popcorn tru~k was parke~ on -John Henderson Photo jeIJerson av']nue opposite Berk- shire, apparently doing business .Ac,cessory I Shop •• , , •. r .25 fo 8.95 a,S usual. A'rtAss~cicitionPlans, Exhibition.

, ..~~~,a.rosse:l'~'~~e Artists' As- Among those plaimm'gto .~t" Fall Fr()mRoof sqclation :will .. have 'a general tend Friday., are: Mrs. W. 'R. ~eating and criticism .onFriday Meier,~rs. Charl~ Wright, Jr., JttjuresYouth eveqing. April 12, iri the home of Mrs. LongyearPalmer, Bert Rqck! Mrs, 'E. P. Wrjght~LaSalIl! place. off, Frank Williams, Mrs. John Robert Coe, aged 13,'of 1115 WallaCe Miichehi:of. CranbrooK Goodman, Mrs. Frank Lindeman; Beaconsfield, fell from the roilf Academy will be 'the' guest criti~~ Mrs. "l{obei't E. Thibodeau, ¥r. 'cif the five arid ten store at 14940 ,. '-he as:;ociatiOli isimildng plans and Mrs. Rocco di Marco, David ;Kercheval Saturday: afternoon for a spring exhibition, to be held O. Hamilton, Mrs. 'John Pear arid 'lmd serjously injurea his head. He in Alger ~ouse. : Charles Luniiey .. C;was.t~ken to. the' Bon Secours in this soft, sheer woo) dress Hospital,wnere he was held fdr ....- , observation. It Was determined hf' had fractured his skull. , styled in the two-piece m~nj,~r with peplum There i$anoutsidestliirway In the' rear of the store .andboys in - the neighborhood h!lve tr~uent- trim ollndprinted gilet. It comes in grey oril~.O'.: ly gone onto the roo~. by that . " '- ~"; means. • . , ..:-; ..~ Sizes 10 to 20. Dress'Sho!,, . : : .' .21.95 Legionnaire,PI.It " ~ "Welcome Home.Day'l

", Mlchlgah< AlnericanLelilon': 'naifes" 'tl1an 'a.: "Welcome Home Day" for World War 11 veterans ;on Aug. 14, 1946~ the first anni- ,. versary of V-J:Day.: They have asked Gov. Harry F.' Kelly to. de" clare a \'lublic holiday and urge every community, and the state at large to 'celebrjlte the oCcasipn. All American Legion posts will ask civic and fraternal g~oups to join with them in arranging a fit- ting program for "Welcome Home par". T~e .wdr's. ending .. will be. telebrated and tribute paid to' all who served. ' Youn, Window Break. Make. D.,h to Freedom

A 'small' boy, 8-9' years old, broke a. 24,,28 pane of glass iii the beauty parlor at 17003 Ker- cheval on April 5. Mary Ann Don- nelly ~hased the youngster,to Neff road, where she caught him but couldn't hold hira. 'The last she saw ,of him he was making fast tracKs east on Kercheval then turnedinorth on Lakeland. '. .. TiJ.e ,police scoured the neigh- borhood in a scout car but could not finll any promising youngster with a "green jacket and cordu- roy p:.nt:." I

that Long look •.• not actually longer by rule or tollpe , •. eut

longer to your eye bec<'Juse lines are dropped

SpriJagthne All time FURS ••• all to make ollslimmer. more

. Furs ore' the eleg"nt focal point flollttering you. M<'Jkethis sllit, of fine twill gabollrdine, . "

of the Spring picture. I\nd, of course,

jodet is the most dependobfe gorment Suit Shop .•• , ••....•....•••••••.•• ~••.. , , ••. 69.95

"Womolln Colin own. Choose yours from

our collection of S<'JbleMink Dyed

Squirrel ••• Grey American 8rolldtollil •••

On WJP.I!;,]O,TuPr.,W~d,. Thur,. tilt. BlollckAme;ican .Broodtoil. SMORGASBORD Swrday ... .from 5:30 p. "" Fur Shop 349.00 PIllS Fed. Tu Kercheval at St. Clair 7..., 'WARDELL SHERATON . Grosse 'ol"te

W0~""'WAO(!.a~ lo! :>~. - - ~ - - - - _. - - - -. ------~- ~~~-~---:"'-.-"'. ------. - ,., _, $Ill' '$Ill. , , , ., _

•. '. ," ,',.$

"h' . ~~~:~~'/j . ?,'r&::" Page Ten ., ~. ~ R OS S E' POI N T E, NEW S 'T1vsCIey, .~,. Ir: )9<46\' O'Connor OPens Industry. Stitkd Tw~CanC~h: LAFF.A.DAY At Stop Light In. Ford Building By' Re~~imis ~----: ~y.~::::::::1 -'~-, Diunq-e ftItiDl.llted at _wu I .' , . ::r~~nN'-- !~~~ T. ,Edward O'Connor hat an- automobile, i.ceider.Jt 'I[:::::::[~!~: &lDe iil ~:ad Gear,e presi- an :1 After three years in ~ar SeI'- yean. Fifteen. months W'l!,:e T. ~'. Succeeds Adrian Heyboer' nOUGCed the openin, of his new ~Df at. Xerd1evalmd. Fiaher nrly .• vice 21 months of whIch was spent in the_ ChUla-Burma-Indla ., I dent and,eoeraI iIle Mooday~. . t spe~t over seas. STANLEY D. area during which Pvt. Slyfieid Ray Brickley Is Made Jl real estate olfiCN at 1717, Ford Packard Motor Cary ~y, J5ui1dinc. where he will eonduet iaid Th\l.!'tday at a prNS. COIl1er- .1 HORSINGTON was discharged was flying the "HUMP". He is Vice.President Norma C;Taylor cf 1_Vi]- ': from the army last week. home now with his ~arents Mr. a ,eneral real estate and appraisal enceiJ:l Cleveland that the'autO'- Ja,ce lane, was stopped for: the 'j He is home no,,'; with his mo- and Mrs. Henry Slyfleid at .895 mobilei n d u s try c:ouldbetter light when her carwu hit from Fred .~. Madel,vlce-president achieve full production IhroUCh I th M Manni n of ~15 No- Edgcmcnt Park. Grosse POinte in cha,ge of sales for the Borden the rear by olle driven by .Tames I er, rs. 0 , Park. the elimination of all ,ovtJ1!JMIlt Park of i53 Lewiston road. • .I tre Dame. .• • • Farm Products Company of Mich- igan during the past 10 years, restr ietfOn5. • Park aaid )u! was unable to t • • • GIBRALTAR-LT. (j.g.) R. D. has been appointed president of :"However. if the covernment stop, and would pay for all'dam- I MAJOR ALEXANDERS. SICKLESTEEL. 285 Moran road, the organization. succeeding Ad- ii:ulists upOn. some rerulatioA,". he a,e. lfis car su,ft'ered to- the : CHARLESTON has arrived at his GrOSlle 'P"inte Farms. Mich., ar- ex- rian M. Heyboer. who retired auerted, "itlhould let up Oft1y tent of home on Hawthorne road and is rived at thiI port recently, while $200. i _-\pril 1 after 32 years of service. those . bu.Iineu _trOll which " on terminal leave after having serving aboard the USS Cone. a Madel, who joined Borden in 'would permit a reuoiiab1e profit The amber li,ht is 1I0t a ,ilDll . j been stationed in India for the destroyer attached to the l],th fr 0 m Coo d' manllement and L'past 30 months. He landed. rec- Fleet. 1921, became assistant sales man- to start. It is iiltended to clear which would :eetablith equal reo- an intenection, ac(ordm, to Au. enUy at Seattle, Washington, on The, Cone is one of two de- ! spoiWbility on the paJ't.of union tomobile Club of Miehican. f the General Hodges, and enroute stroyerll escorting tI,e heavy cruis- and industrial lTlanat~e'Ills. I to the United SUltea he had atop- er. t,1SS Helena, fiagship of the are the major' for lovers in Singapore and the Phil- 12th 'Fleet, which brought Ad- "These eauaes the prt'Jent laek of volume pro- ) ippine Islands. miral H. Kent Hewitt, USN, com- d Ilctioo." • , . : Major and Mn. Charleston are mandoer of the 12th Fleet, and Happy , leaving for a vacation in St. U. S. Naval Forcel in Europe, to .Chriftopber, - in Cleveland to Petersburg, Florida. Gibraltar. At this port, Admiral addr_' the: AmericaaSOeiety of Tool ~ineen"Nid: .."NatiOJla1 L .• 0 • H~wilt transferred to thl' USS Landings ., -. LIEUTENANT (igl D. ROGER Missouri, which .it carrying to economy, on ,.aaound, butt re- r MacNAUGHTON, USNR, 174 Istanbul. Turkey, the ashes of the quire. tbatconditi~.of. 'oPera- Fisher road, has reported for duty late Turkish ambusador to the tion .encoura,e blWiw!M to .'mak~ in the Patents Division of the United States. a 'rtlQOnable prolIt. ':rhla would . Ollice of Research and Inven- • • • iUllport wale. to employees; at- lions. Navy Department, Dr. M. PFC BRUCE J. RENO, son of blWriesr'withemphasls on Grosse ford a rich BOuree ot.taltesto'PBY O. Hayes, the director, announced !\fr. and Mrs. James H. Reno of l'Omte .propertiea,. He has SPe- for loVemment operatiOlU "ndr~' today. , '.' . ' .' 722 Notre Dame, arrivea home eiAliz4ld.in.poiJ:lte rulestate .since aucethe'll,ItiOllll ~bt,j~pro:- Lieutenant"Cjg) MaCNaughton Thursday night on furlough from 1922...... '. vide money fOr tI{e. erga.aaion ot reported here froni "the Thir- Fort LewIs, Washing'ton., He wa~ WMnWr.' O'Coririorstarled in theindU8try. OIl iDlproved' .ancf te.enth Naval District. Prior to ie- inducted into the Army 'last Au- the. real estate busineSs. here the new' productl." . , porting for dllty with the Navy In8ust and had expected to be home present GroSse . Pointe. H i g h .. 1I~pOinted 'outfhea~~bUe 1943 he was a student at the Un!- on furlough for' the holidays: S.:ho01' p~operty was': cow pee indLiatry' pays. hieber 'wqathall venity of Michigan at Ann ,ATbor. Meanwhile lond parenls had tUre. Lake. Shere road was io any othermanufacturjq ind~ The pfll.ce 'of Research. and In- kept a Christmas tree decorated narrow that two cars could bare- try c;,omparable in si~e or impor~ vent ions is a' comparatively new and in its accustomed place to lypall. Kercheval avenue ended tanc~, and that the automobile is Navy Deparlment. organization. carryon the holiday home com- or the educational instit~tions Jr at Fisher roaa and Washina:lon a ,reater. Producer of taxea thu It'Willl !!stablished in. May, 1945 ing spirit, against the uncerlain their choice. road boasted one house alxlve any other euentiai product. by the Secretary' of the Navy: day of his arrival. FRED J. IlIADEL . EmplOyers and educational tri:. Kercheval. To critics who contend elimina- 'Merged "in t!iis':otfi.~'e are the Spe:..: • .• • ager in D~troit iii 1930. and six stitutions are not universally .He has been in close touch with tion of government reStriction. cial Devices Division of the Bu- CHARLES RAY BOL9, yoe- years later was made a vice- aware of the value of' the vet- developments which have raised would cause the automobile. in. reau of Aeronautics, the Naval man second class. son of Acting prel!ident. He is a member of the eran's training and: experience. the Pointe to an enviable position dustry to run wild, Christophel Research Laboratory, the ..Ofllce Police Chief Eugene Bolo of Sales Executive Club, Detroit Ad- .They should be encouraged to ~ amona: "clo!e-in" $uburbll declared, ~'No. automobile com- 'triJa .. etI :-:~f Paknls and Inventions, and .GrosSe Pointe Farms, is enjoying craft Club and Deltoit Sales ~aiJ- :Operate in the evaluation of the throughout the entire United pany would 'be .,1~lish is. to -the Office ot Research and De- a30.day leave at home. He served agers CluQ. veteran's educational develop- ~tates. Mr, O'Connor lives at i257 price Haelf. out of competition. Vel!Jpmimt. . !n the Philippines for two years Ray P. Brickley succeeds M~del ment in such a way as to insure Yorkshire road. And comP.etilion. hi thci: in(fliatry bass'inettes .. . and 'expects. to receive his dis- as vice-president in charge vf its 'proper recognition.' Local alwa:ra Ji~ taken 'care at itielf-"- Chatgea with coordination and charge in June. Normally, ereditis available to. school boards, joint labor-man- Romanian AMVET Pott to the benefit. Gf the ~Dti'al ear-I ehttm without .nd sPonsorship .of research'. to .tnei!t Following his leave he will veteraDll for their service-acquir- 'agemerit commit.tees, colleges, hi- Navy' neeeds an.d to help keep our buyinr public!,. '. . I •.• gorgeously don. ed skills. This credit. takes the dustrial personnel directors, and Will Conduct Rally ....t' t th' Offi R repOrt back to his ship, the USS Christopher Aid JllO!Itautomo- ill 0lK own shoppe. ..,a Ion. s rong, . e . Cll of. e- Rigel,. a. r.epair .ship now stationed form of academie credit in some the like should be indoctrinated. . '. 8earch and InventionS lorward- bile cOmPanies prcbebly will be ..~ looking research - plamiijlg' pro- in Sa~ Franc~~. ~ cuea.arid inothers)t iltranslat- Because of the large number of The l\omanian-American AM" ed . upcradini. of veterans in jobs which . require graduation VET POlit 53, will stage a mem- !? !Iram for thee immediate future ...... ,... ., •. into unable to. produc. "really new" LILLIAN'S ,~ 'ails ~ N '.' .. MEL ADAMS, Seaman 11C their oceupations.It'must be em, f~m high school. or the equiva- hership rally on April14 at 2:30 models until 1-'7. ' . Lssin8tt. ShOppe i,',C or livy, ••university;indus- wiS.h.ono ..ra.' bly: dischar"ed .. last phUIzed that'iucli credit i! in no lenti IItI a condition of eligibility, p.m .• in the ffiiln.anian Hall, 1423 Ii: :itrial analD.....d.epen.dent .labo..r.'a.tOry • . '. < IS d tJ Saturday at : Great Lakl!i. IlL sense '. "Cilt" to'the veteran. It it.is urged that the, use of USAF! Farnsworlh street. Prominent 'Itu ies in .many scien nc" _fields, aller serving in the Navy' for 28 Anticipate your right Ind Irft 11661 au,.... "".,.. - is merely recocnitiOl1 of that' G ,en e r a.1 Educational Develop- speakers will befeaturlid; indud- turnsj be in the proper Wiead- whichtbe veteran PossesSes. It ment Tests be stimulated. ing ot!icers. in the state' and na- vises Automobile ClubotMIchi. VE. 7.1204. '.'-~:,c:adm~~~~~~f:c:?' ~.on.ih~.;,~~n:~~h..~0is.();~~.~~.*.~~ is a tral1lliationol his qualiflca- Local vet«an r.ounseling cen-' ti!?nal departments: Djs~ussions .!,h..Yslcs. ylec.t~!1ics; malh~ntat1cs;ri~=h' '; gan. fie9phySlCS" propulsionahd: mis- IS. p'ahm~;':}~ft.anrSeeber. resides. ment and educational cOUlllelors at 8 p. ~., at the Burton Abstract Starting with Borden in 1923, .as l~rge country e~t/lto home. in Community Mvilory .Centers building, located at 15023 Harper SURPRISE BIRTHDAY .~ I!~.' After tralnilic' '.tGrut Lakcil, a route man. Brickley later en- keep this f(.ct ill miJ)d. Veterans avenue. ' A surprise birthday partywu ~ Mi::IUPJI,'D( 3/c seeber em- tered the auditing department and '~ . SPftlalBlq barked Kay INS for overseas should be .ur,fd to avail them- All brokers on the East side aM! given for Mrs. Adalbert Junrbert in 19'16 was appointcd director of selves t:Jf whateVer credit may be invited to attend this session to of 1658 Broadstone, Grosse Pointe 5400,Wall.d lake RCN~I Mil.W.st of r .in duty in the J!'hilippjnes,' purchasing, insurance and'l\8fety. granted:them. by their employers hear the mayor talk. Woods on Saturday, April. in He hubeen awardecl the Asi. He became a vice-president in e, i 'el'llll~ _tic-Pacific Ribbon and the PhiJ- 1944.' . her home. The tabl.wu Mt ill O~ch.rd Lak., on Upp.r Stroight.L.k. ~ ippin Ltberr.tion Ribbon. He is This is the time' of year when a their recrcation room and the '." Promotions in the sales organi- garages. D •.vid 'ii. Wilaon, who . f now 'let'V!ngc' III "-electrician on started with Borden u a route weather forec8!ter wonders how center piece wu pink and 'red zationinclude the appointment'of in the world he ever decided to ~ Villip .... ., .., board the_U_S_SYF__ IlM_O_onLuzon. William T. (Peg) Joyce and man, wasnamecld.irector of per- rOlies. Twelve IUati were then Neriltweatllrn Highw ...y to OrdNrd LA." take iile inb in the 'first place. to ,reet their aurpriaecl' bosUa. George Parnham as district man- sonnel and labor relations TWIll.eft on Welled Like ilNcl 1112 Mi. 1 1\'1\ ....,.,!~ Children from 5 to 14 years old agers. Both have been with Herman Kaelz continues u J 1211 ~ A".. con.tinue to be inihe safest age Borden since 1923. vice-president in charle of pr~ . . .. .• (roup in the country, due largely In the plant, Carl J. Reichle Thi, bNuliful.mension h05 bHn ,5Okland poi~s~ion lT1url .f Cpen Evealllil 111'Appotn~t to the proteclion. athazardoU.'l duction, supply and properties, becomeS' superintendent of" ma- .l:i.given by ApriH9th. Owner ~dered by physicion to chsnge i Appola .... te=--LI:. IW conten by' Selety Patrols, says chinery and mairitenance, while and Oscar' C. Call .. urlJtant I Automobile Club of Michigan. ~. W. Schroeder- hecomes su~r- secretary - treasurer and camp- 0" account of h.. lth. 1 mtendent of transportation and troiler. Monum.nfil carved mohogeny'Tiff.ny Chime Clock, C~rved i. Easter 'hoDDe~s Telegraph Florist Deliver.y Servic. EJjlabeth;n slyl,,' Q,urt Cupboard, Cor'ved Grldon msrble " :stetue and pei:lest.I,.8'pie:ce carved Md inloid Ro~wood Twin' I ; Btidroom'suitl!, (I.piececarv~ walnut glesstop Dining I~ite, I pair larg. mottl.d blue glezed PoHery Ewer5: Carved w\lnut adelaide eolyer I twlrJ1uffed S4lHee, down-filled lounge clreirs, beautiful Vietorien eheifl\ Finest Robert Irwin TlIbles. 15beoutjful Orientel Rugs milinery d.signe, Ind Runn.rs .. 42b~eutiful Oil Paintings; lorge painted corduroy Hots for the Modern Woman I penel -4 ft. widex23 ft. rong, 41.~ge Chineie Anc~tral peint- We Do Restyling ofH/lts _ illgs, mor~1 'Bust on crysllli peelestll, c"rved";'elnut'louil xv 1391

'f I \ P •••• -""7-:-~"""'-""'-- TJ-...... rr,,-- "..--"...... ~ ,-,,--, ...... , $ .$ ".~ ; ~e!'...... ;, ..... ' • :; SSg so 2 5 5 $ J .Ib' 2 ., UPS;:»; .J ;: a;.1 _Ai . .# ....• ; F.L •.... .-"!... ~ . " ,.'.1" ',' " j (-

~YIApni If,',,," & I 0,55 E POI N TEN EW S /' .... ' • ...• aTOwnlJ'rotteur of belle printed and zOIIeof ~upaUon need not Most of u. af1'~ ~ Pointe Birthday Girl silk. KDifepleated panelJ back be .hown on mail addressed to should De done aboj,Jt th4t .lMl!I' and froat on the Daisy PrUit mod- Berlin. . the wOrld is in-!hIIl CO .bou' Gard nerCha rdavoyne el. AJId strategically 'placed Mllil addressed "General De- our own business, hopiDf 101M. pleals and shirrinc highlight both livery" will not be accepttd. / one else will do it. for!Jlal ~nd informal coa.tumes. THE ANKLE LENGTH SIL- Nuptial, Vows Spoken HOUETTE. Prilphetic of the low- JOHNNY' BOYDEL1J decided ered hemline is Mrs. Piercc:'. &lI- :Young Couple Fly. East Following Wedding Cer~mony to revolutionize eatine methoda kle Jimj:th m~el of sheer bl,dI: Performed in Grosse Pointe Memorial CI1urchat ~ party last F:riday night. He Mantilla lace, with it. mocIeitly • R'educe for moulded, laidriU .of palM nab White flowers an~d-l~ig-h-t-ed-c-an-'-dl-es-filled GrOSSE:Pointe invited some fri~nds for dinner. COIOM ebiffoca. SbeerbUlck~ Memorial Church Saturday evening for the So'clock wed- but when they sat down to eat is .. &in imertecl i1i.tr~ar qing of Miriam Frances Gardner and Seward Reese Charda- they discovered that he had cno- motives iJI _ black coektail frock. Health and Beauty voyne .. The bride is '.he daughter of Mr .. arid Mrs. Henry sen to overlook the fact that they , SCARFsl BOWSI Quuwl- Bates Gardner, of McMillan road,. and the bridegroom is the were accWitoml!ereiJnials comeciut' a~d' 110rif)i Pi.erc~'. .~ollec:ti~m, thelIe p~ "'''''Li.-AC number. prcrriDce .ild __ ::of E. lIfelIlbe11..0fPOIf)te Players' Who the'wearer season afier'_aScl). wlJuung llUJovaUOnlwon critieal oc:cupation ..lIhld ..belDelucled •• took pS:~tin 'tl)e' play v.:ere Bill The formula of the:fashioD8 in approval I .• part 'ef the ~_ if 1aMiwa, Moll,. DiCk" WlDkler~ ~l ",Bulk, thiS custOm collectioD lles in the, PL~TS'. PLEATS! PLEATS! but. mail 'trill be, aeeepted. with- BonnIe r:ee,Ann LeJn.~ler, Bc:b perfection IIf silriplidty IDd.W The first llROe the wer. An all- out thisiafcJrm.atjClli.. provilice • , • < ' n. "::.i,,"',' ..'., HalbrooJ.,. Joan Wylie, Cal~ .ilrip1icityof perftictio~ Thud. ,l.l'OUDdpleated akLrt appean on Purdy" B.U5ter Knope and. Bill ja@ieved by GIl.-the-fiiure' deIian ~ " ,'" McBrid.e,,Those,.on,the .~taff ,'!"ere u1d' hand wroueh t wo~kma.alhip. ~ Tom Rlee.. Herbll~ O'Neil, Shirley ,.,.. '[.. Somers, '.. ,Trumbull, " Pete -MarY daJIce. Mary. Thom .and DGmJa /-- .... ~<, Klaver, Sallee Slocum.: Loll Buell: and DOtti. ~nder. \' Dablen are, auperviaina' . all the . . CQ~111ft'IL'.um. .,a-':, ;'1.4£' ; • > : .;',.. • plan., 10 it 15 -ure to be -load dance I K~ OfhPmw.ancl ~rutI:~;Ij ... ~ DON OLIVER invited 50me'of '-DillE ...... :i! fila pals over ,on Saturday night . aeiedica atTeduetiolJll up iD 20~ of oriIiuI yalull.: ";~t ..,; for d~ing and ,Pepsi. Kary'Ro- At , WIIiDot&abaclvUial • .t:tIl1IIaUe1 '" .ii'.," TIM W1IIlM, /woo . ner wu'""ith Pan. Vonnie wei- Weiavite;Ou.til ~ in ~ IIIII*t .r... ,...{ dill" """,,;tl '011 '. man wi~ J~",Hild, Janice Oliver val-. wWUlOobJilatioa OIl J'QW:Part. , '>1 with Roy Leinwebber, Flo Michie m'n-" with JOhn: Boydell, Kay Morris S. J. SKAFF .,.j,~j "0rJ,..." '., IN '. b., ...... I j -..... ,. f with Jack "'Leverenz, and .Mule Bull with Die~ Carter. . S-l.~ ;. DMWI" ilMelnt . .",I:.JDflIll8OK 'U.7III' 1 at ...... ' ':'." l : ...... The Lii;ett sophomoreS h~...e Wifuitl Ii" added a 'neW line to their many * lalenls -fashion modeling. Last IILDCU,_. 1'14 I...... M~ ------'"17008" KERCHEVAL Wedllesday. aft.er sc~oolthey 10 Ih, smoolb modeled, the latest fqbioJU tor .11._ ~. , •. the rest of, Lia:gett School.: J oi.n' rl"/MS .•. of Kui,,,iiSl Lu1lClleoni kn'ed* U:» to 2,. iwIor 1111',1"" McBride' did . the annoupcing' CHARLES COSTELLO Mall Ill.-. ~ ',.to:JO P.... ',i. while those who modeled iDclud~ his tw,lmlrll , , • ed Frannie. McMahon,. Jlilie BIOI- .. .w , • ~'~." 10m, Grace Roehm. Mary Ann Shapero, Joan Cockrane .Patty ~.u)~. TIE .1I1mEI ~'TJ:LI:I'BGIIID..1ea-a: Lovejoy• .Myra Moorhou~, Judy el'!la ,;, Stanton, Joan Maybery and Hel~ C~A.S~ U.9000 Prmta~ '-..,. -r""'-' -a.• WilsOn. . . .;' :; thM: __ wt.idl-- - • 1M -- .. 1107 ~. Wanea. at o.ter Dmie _I~,...... ' '-~ia..iddlcli&,wep,.. ... , 'Ie' The gals of Grllll5e Poinfe ~ ~ _ ~ erpul __ ~ it em hrJi. have got their plans pretty well made out for the coming SatUr- -, - 10 JeCIflIIlR --...... , ..... day night.. The "Turnabout" "-!i~ ds- _ d:lc .. Of Dot ~ . Twirl". whi~h will h. 101.. 11'1 ;_ +lo\. dJroct. Ie ..tbau_cific '-rr ~II '.. ,irb' .iym; is the..;~~t;.l; baa: TICER. FAVORITES ACIlVOL ..... clia:.. uipa I ..... '. OWII utvnl, ~ _taDCli.,Abaorbecl. br thII akiA, ic bcIpt. J'aCOR.1IOnDa1 ar-dl1O yiDc :and Thei.r Families .eeIb...... AJw",. _ foi: ... IIIIIIt If" . ENDOCRP.Ml:.' Maer report lllariad~ .. 3 ia-Jr)oaa,.. THE FAMOUS Pidorial Pages 'LEKTROlITE ' FLAMELESS' .' Fint,a page color photograph clthe pi)pU1ar Steve O'Neill, JIWl- Make your. "evenln,c. &tit" a agel' af the Tiger Cbarripioos I llU\U'Y event by chOMinc .Then, a .. two-page collection' of . gt'oup phot.ognpm of the Trouts, L I G H T E R S ~o':.' 1 The' Benton&, HitehcCK:Q, Bridges and I othet' Tiger families mapped by A. I ~ ~" ... , 10 ... , , ., ... litdek, ', ... VAN DYKE Wm. Kuenzel at the training .. to tia,. N. taae. WIt'b JIb . camp at Lakeland, FlOrida. \ :::::: . Ute 1JI1a&er ill )'.....eat. It', ...... ett1Ilu'. e...-. at Uroe .and CLUB Don't fall to acethia timely feature. c::r.1de 1(/1 • lIP&« ., ate war. ft', UIe Detroit's smart east side Jllght sPOt. Accessible to an sec:t.iorII :n~1~1...:ItI.~:~_eoIa)llele ennlWi PlletEaee •• , of the city, it is. particularly Witll 11lltter ucl laid. .u.: It'. convenient to Grosse Pointe and Indian Villa,e .pleuure _I,.. ... Fin&. .... IrI& _ken. SuperblY prepatlN SUNDAY~- . , IN .eenedl foo4 and the choicest liq liOn are served. Danci114t eveI'J' nillht, to the ~mooth. rhythm of ('.ordon Welch's Music. The Detroit News Your host of the evening WUTZKE!'S TH& BOld nWIPAnR DEPIITIEIT STIlE. James Lewis roa aESS:."4TIOKIl CALL Gnw1II,( .f'a*r .." Sent. WIer For ..... DeN"",_ Call.anciolpla 2000 ME. tal. ME. tHI '711I.1'7•• Hn'UION Near Belle Isle Brldee 'I'ttI Eut Jeffmllll "

\ -~-~---~-~-~~~~~--"""-".--"'._-----"'--- _.~.a._.-a"_IIIS ' ,•• _.., ,., .

T1tursd"y, April II, 1946 Feature Page * l!iic * * * * . H:"r. * * e, " Pointers' of Interest By OLH'E LARNED A,.';; who, where and wha~not '!L~:: Alger House ~, 111' By'Whooz;' • Museum Notes r (jJ "';:,PERSONAL APPEAJtANC£S , A STAINED GLASS. WINDOW Yt:

:.~'" more; the silver medallions or Helen's eyes, which are Gugliemo W3$ born in 1475 in Ihe )'eill' 1"01/" goes h"nd i" "let down" feelln&,s than th~ pur • .y': .radiant with happinesS.. • • France and died in Italy in ,1537. himJ with Ihe QUEEN CLEAN- ehase of a new headplete.' Al

::;":, , Hl!rcules Is the quaInt cognomen bestowed upon the pint-shed i The wl'ndow was a gl'ft of'thA' ERS AND DYERS. Shlmld YOII JACOBSON'S I saw some reaU,. .., French poodle aJiswerln( the wblstle of his mistress CORINNE Founder's Society to' the Detroit wish picllllp -a delh'er)' serv- lovely .bonnets, a black ,straw 0'.7 GROCH. Ulldel'lltand he does tricks. and when, I last saw this Irlstitute of Arts. It was executed /.i(e (flU .Ihe;,. mlli" offite on "bait hat ... cover~d with daisies .j; adorable pup, It wu' quite a trick for him to conducfLEETE JAMES for the Calhedral of Cortona. Ita- }II)' St., PUz;.oy 4100. Tholl is and cherries. IIlost amazlnK 01 and CorInne aeross Maumce as they took their dally promenade. ly. /0" ei'erYlhi"g Iml rugs," fo,. nil, the price WI! only '16.SG He was adorable and 'Iery Intent upon leadln.c them in the rlght h" ' II t path: GJ,lgliemo had been convicted of " e lI'Omtlllllhe",Me~. 10 IW.llmped and it you h.lYe been prlc~ a! ~~~: • • • a death .upon circum~tanlial evi- wilh rug tle.",;"g Iblll' MR you'll agree that that, .1II 'just Ii. . EnE\' WOODRUFF looked terribly smart in a navy suit dence alone,and 10 CJ;cape punish- QUEEN lells me Ibey (",,'I Ide living it away! There are loll 01 Ii~ topped 'by a ~ length tweed coat combining toast. naV)' and green menl he sough I refuge' in the' IIny mOre, for _';OUI two, WeekI. new designers liJ*he realm. of -"',~ in a striking combinatiOn. To complete lhe eostume she wore a Brotherhood of lhe San Domini- HOtQ'Slbtll 'few " r;~ommetulll- millinery. Karo makes a small '!l~' tiny toast nilor. with a navy. biu; gr~~grain ribbon decoration. fan Monastery. Here his work as 'lio.?Lttrger f,"ilil;es for Ih'e'brimDted hat of toast straw wllh a stained glass painter became I .' / 10'h" 'bl" h' m-.,- .• reen ,•• tl'n, bo';'s ,'a,dd lIo 'Iliee to lIee ELLIE FORD out after ber Illness, looking her known far and wide. Whe!} Pope (ell'''''g. 0 . &, I .eS.t:tr4 es I. em v.... D _ n. ~::,ellarm1D&'lelf In the brown tweeds she alJeets; Not that it matters Julius 11 commissioned the archi- 10 stllislY you j", Ih",. direr#01I jrapes ... Bernice Charles created ~ wlult .ElIIe wean; ,she Is 50 Iracloll8 that one forgets such matten tect Dramarite for windows in liiS ;mmedilSlely. The, dell";"g' 0/ a very smart lookint model with ~ . whea' talldDi' with her. . , ' '. . palace in the Vatican. Bramante me" "rid ullnne,,'s pi";" SI/;ts beile, .pink and dusty rou .rueh. ~; . ANNE .BLACK in trey .•and •MARGIE• SMITH in a brOwn suit. sea'rched' about for a ~tat"ed~ u. tS,ul jr~;es, i/'deliverefJ, .will iilt. around' the brim. '"t;HE1''' .-._ tI'OrJl with a't dWi y pi nk blouse h'aVIIl& a COZy t.lIIte at Iunc hcon an d gl~ss.... painter to decorate the Jel )'014 blltk $1.2;.' Shol/ld. )'ousaythat ; shiny, slraws, TukillJ lookillj well lroomed at the same lime. windows. Through the efforts of be ilderesied i" Ihe "Cflsh ,fflJ.~ce, Ind Shantung straws are the • • • the French ambassadors, and. his C.,rr:/' sir f! ice t"ke ')'our thiDp' this Sprin( and the Shan- One of the best looking costumCJ; I've seen in a long time is.a friend Maestro Claudio, Gugliemo "soilde~s' 0 '10 1714(). Kh(bel'tU, tU.ilg is particularl)' IIlht. alld ,::, ...ngllr b,r,own cloth suitSTASHIA BUHL wears with a' black jersey I R CI d" d G . . ;> , ' " •..i1k blou.lie,:; And black shoes, gloves and bonnet add the tinal I"came f'p orne.'d' auf" 10 an It. ug- the lillie grey house". i" the EIIs/and cool fOI: SUmmer. I was :eD• note of chi-chi; ' lemo' . orme a pro eS~llona, .' par ,- flex'I I'0' the' mtlf".".e.J and J't'ou'Jl trauce1i with .an umbrella \ hat -",.:. • •. , MRS. LILiiAN PEAR is the prize ~niry. i'Old Cider Mill" is working for he~ masier'J; de-. ~~;:~i~h:n~i:~:~h;:r ~he: ;:t~= Q"ly be sel b,,~Jc $1.09, Four by Allrieda: POPPy red waw Add te, tile eon(enlal "sisters act" BETTY IUUlR POTTER, wife of John, molher. of. Robed evoked g'reat inlerest as the origc grec at Wa' e U' '1 h 1ft" 'a"ys sen,i'. is _" force with an open crOWD the' br - .In OIverSI y. er can.' Thel'r efforls were' recel'v"" 0 ~e, • .~., " '''''! l ~ .• ftdMIOOE'MUut HOTCRIUSS. The SCHERER lals; MARION and Richard. the laller, members inal mill at. Franklin. Michigan. minoI'. subject being general his- C'4 bUl '1" 'I Ih " re covered with I 'Ik 'p. LIVINGSTONE and DOTTI HIGBIE seen orten together anet pf the United Stales Navy. These is famoljS, being over 100 ycal1! tory, lllid the major, history of Wit/! ;'nuch enthusiasm, and, the "o~" ~. III" ,e., 'me - " arge SI .,PO Pies, FLoSSIE ALLINGTON EVANS with ELLIE ALLINGTON DUF- facts could be about any ,woman, old and. one of the fe}v of its al.t When asked.'ifshe e\'er're- commissiorul began to come in 'luifi,d ~ mu(h' ."S il.is, Ihe This is a slickeroo, a "bound to FIELD who are. so eompanlouble. ,bl!t Mrs. Pear is a far Cloy'from kind in .pur country. Mrs. Pear laxed, she laughingly .. replij'd. rapidly. This parlne.rship d,id not IfII4I#yof (Ielltfi"g, IItkl THA:r ,et him" creation! l'?I • • • • ,being just any woman. In COIn- comes naiurally by her. interest "Indeed yes m t. bl h'. b' fi f' QUEEN • • • .h ' , .' ,y mos enJoya e last too, long because of the death I e.J "r:e .1..or, .•" .' ,. i.;• PJLFERINGS.". her.man first,WIt .interesls. mosl women,are hc,r.though,hus- !'eslorsin Americanalanded asat"someJamestownorher ari-in relaxation. '1' b'at k"lhe, "'h'momenl. d f~s..in of Claudl'o' due largely 'to l'n't'emp-" . Did y,ou' ever hear 'of J'um'ping ~-,,,. . '..,.DiJ'. )'fll/. '.he,"!".bou,''. B,F:rT}'. 1I11l~..DONA. W expltShled. her band and children and there the 1607.' ' ablewn mgwomanaoo is .,vorking. .... IS on,'.a.'In e com-~tlg- erate.living,, and no doubt .w~s a PROPER'S'" windows . are Illed orchids? Neilher had I but I

.,..~"". ',~/!,!g ."The,Egg ""'! I?" Upo". hei"g asked, ','h o~ come", sh'e ana Iogy, ceases. She. is past presidenlof the prehimsive' history. of, Grosse I:!lessing in disguise to a. man of with entlc:in;'-... bi'.WI of JUa. kl 1iH:".. seen ' em. WI'th my own .little (1..,-,ePIHJ; "1 hllve II gorgeous looking sister lI"d whener'er II hare. In her own ..words, "illterna- Grosse Poinle Artists Group. and Poinle, which she will iiJuslrale r~ligiolJs principles such as' Gug- and thili week they have added peepers .al PASELK'S. Th~y arll IJ.lISk*'".her /ew II dille she'd Sll)', "I (a"'1 mllke it bul .;ny sistertiona1"ciliienship is .one. of my is on the 'Slate Arls Commillee wilh old' maps, and .original ll'e'mo. . . all ap~altO the .femilline lIiCl.-ekept in an t .. I' h'd roc w>I", "/ ..' Wh tffftJ~'ersome m"" wou l.J.. 01f er h er" 1.0h Sl~eroml 'dered ideal.s. But one canOl' 1 attain that.. of the .Anierican' Association of ske'tches 0f pOlO. tso. f h'ISIorlca. I f ' II P '_I f . ex ra specla .orc I "'- ~IDD,. , "JIll or tII i"su6idenl fNsy, she'd sa)', "1 '"11"'1 IRleeil b1(1IrlY withoul being. 'conscious of the' Universily Wilmen.'She 'has a inlerest.. She expecls to complete Accordin" 5. to his )'o'Jrmils, he 'of the alii y. a... eJ lICar II cas~ which set MR. PASELK back W Il tl hI" h k studio in her hume on 'l'rombley Ihis in about two years, so ,Mrs. was given tlie commission for from London, •• the challis a lidy sum, but that only proves s,d.er. WI.u(u... ~, ,!~tJ "y, II, pSi IS er [U ea my sister. 10 civic needs in one's own commun. road, bul most of. her '.painliO" P .' .. I . d . ". . 5~'I"-.' ...... b L If 't • .. ear lS enjoymg a ong peno of '~The.Natl'v'l'ty" I'n"Febl'uary, 1517. t"pe •• '. III stunlllll(' reds, yel- t,hat he gl'ves hi" or.chl'ds t.h'e ':'_-t !i ''WTHe_", O(J,. •• ~. ", '. I Y. one s 0\Vn state and onp's own is done during the summer at "relaxation." .. ., ....', ' '. , ~..,,;;l ~: '. 'l;.. I." ,,:' , " '...... " na~lOn, for moral leaders~ip." Sagatuck."an artists' haven. Mrs. She is. chairman of intern a- Cardinal Passerini ,: of . Cortona lows andbl_ •• , for $1..... of ~are,anci you lucky gals 'who <", ,PLJ:ASANT'.aU"Oas-"',:,' " ,ThIS douhless explains her bel'n.g' P~"r be.I,'e\'"s lilat'.l".e. ar'. c.an' '" h d 1." It I d'b' h' 'k"" bo' th. . "' • ~ , ~u • II.... tional relationS in, the Grosse a, ""en a rac e y ISwar In Neekwear coma In" ut fee reCeive orchids.,benellt. 0Y.l).aving ~, Hl': .~;~L'.o'f':;i.e.'m>os' t','ch'a'r"m.'ng'homes I-n Grosse p'ol'nte l'S that of appointed.by ... the"G,rosse Poil1tr: be the common lan,auag'e' by P' t 'b 1.~I'lt . d' 'h' C h"'" ..... ' ha' th' 1 u .. e co om e ranch of lhe A'merjcan remame In t e' at edral. ~eii a week anillow they ve em ast longer. This 'case ,has 't' .g'lhe ;W-illi'am"u,Ha'rts. '0'f C'ape Cod archl't~ture. the II'brary I'S' a Village.. PrCJ;lden+' t.o the. VilIa.ge which we may understand all As . I' f' U .' "t W. u... . '1 't I f' ., ' ~~ PI C;r socIa Ion 0 mversl y omen. in Cortona unlil'1874 when it was 'slik ties .for u.S,. DolI'i ,et the an e ec r c an which draws the " ~~r!ec:t,llX,BmPle Of,~~k ihterest in'Early Americana. The room an~mg ommlsslOn.of which. lhe peoples of the world. Tofur~' Her efforts have b'een directed . d d en b S' ..... moisture from the case (orchids ~;,.' , ;o,oill':-pranelf!d'in'pine and the floor is cOrultructed of ,wide pine pegged ~h~~,s ,t~e ~ec~~ta~::\ln addition, ther pr6'mote.good .wili' allli un.: to m,axe Grosse Pointe \vomim rem~ve an own ..y linor .wtGnl" .Impressloll; tbey -.Il1O hay,! do~'t like wet) .and the vibration' '".,. ""~~ 'c==.....,. --.:.....~T' hoo'"-" "'_0..." '"'- ~ ,IS,S e~s ,e IS orian of;the. derstandi!,%she is.' planning:: art conscious 'o(iliek elvie, national, .. Cor~~. 0 of_ C,orto~~. ( " .'.' _,': __ ". __ , "'-. ,'1. a. up. "W."':- .....ow. f £;," '. ~ . . ... '~\~""'''?~;''''~.'~'i"~, ".~?"'9ICII'''':''''''~f.~~.',':'le;;,~.~,tto, ,Fme.""Arb, ....~rou. f.'l1i'ob.~Ii:hi. lam :exbibita',:~.rom:<,forei"n

<;,:;;L. u(;..,:~r:n.. In:..,: S a esJ• • . n ,mteres Ing: loue are'. t e two off.ers.to .. buy )1. In. 19'1' sh,e' \"on many ho.urs teachl'ng the I'll and . d H k ,..... 't'. " I was going.. t.o.. suggest somethin" cop~ ash trays made from the original plates used for their the first ,prjze in oil with '=hile' wounded, I'n an efforl to enrl'ch color. and. design the'results a.re mm.. e. ep. expenmen 109 West~n~, Urn''on. message to else:-blit when I think or all thll• .--"'d'- -. d t'". 't t. "f .. . .bound to make an attractive ad- ,vlth. his tools and .with. his; me- HENRI'S MARKET from 'Reno, . weu 109 an recep Ion mVI a IS'lS. . Colors" at. the Grosse Pointe Ar- their lives through an ciulsi.i:Ie in- " ,varieties of orchid!; ••• well YOIl ' 'A:chuming old .cobbler's bench is used as a colfee table. On lists'. annual, exhibilion:' In 1940' leres!. . dIllon .to the Easter parade. dia. He. used .the brightest colol1l Nevada .... !'PleIiSe ship by air just must be. #'.~ I: oDe~~iI;~..',ar:e.bujlt ..~n~_~k case:s. with ...a ,recess in the. ~enter f~r' at 1.he Mj~higan Artists show her In her '''spare .tilnen Mrs. l3ear Ne:zt W-«-k-M-r.-'A-lbe-rt Senti fnr the, most impOrtant figura, two of '1o,u'r AneSt, Jteaks' tod,ay ...... • ., ..hununclUP~" on their rllck. There. are two blue marlm swords , . . and create1i perspective' by caUl- to Relinald 'Astorbilt" '" •• The :Haw's, 'JOr " trip" 'PEPPEr ' mounted (In wOOden bases' which were caught by Mr. and Mrs. Harts . . , ing the objects or figures to ad- name is fictitious but the J;lIes~ AND BLOCKERT, INC. will . the: Mine day:... •.... . Que t.; , d A.' . F ,. 'vance or recede by degrees 10 saie is authentic, ~on~lIy:. ~n't ",de Ir'!vt:l!i"g so com/Of'tlSbt. .. Ori~ •. Opposite wall B bookc"ilSe opens to reveal a b~r with ' . S Lons an . ..ns wers ..0'rum that there is a f~ling of space that .the height ofsomethl~g or few JOU ..wlth Iheir (lSSes 10 avery .oorivenience:includinge a conceaJed opening to allow service . "or atmosphere .between th~ fjl~ other.? .But a great com~lunent IltUwi,- IIll MeJs. So".. ,hree from'til kitchen. An'aeroplane propeller blade from Mr. Harts' . .By ,..M..rs' •.. An' th.o'n'.y ... d h. 1 "._' . , to Henrl, you must.adlmt. "On p;eu .UII lire of ~.h;e~ke.d,gi;'". nist ,'plane is mounted over. the ,doorway. . ' ., ures a':l . t e .an""".ape or ~,enlC .the other liand the man 'just may b ." : ,Mis. Harts has a~ interesting collection .of; beautifully background. He was clever at con- be s~art!Henri's ill J;O famous II::: ::hr,~d o;qrwb$~~f:J".g;~~: ,ar:ved .wooden dogs, and horses and reproductions of three ";elcome to our friendly cor~ 'icorner" for "e"rs'on'al.l'e.tter's from' a cealing the joining in th~ folds o,f for. thequalily of ils .m'eats that "s ff' " h . hUn~ing dogs inporcellrin. a're particularly fine; The Harts' ner of' personal queries. Ad- your readers~ Wh'o -is Mrs. An" Dear Mr. M. F. ft.: the vestments or. garments. For one man lIies here from New I"c:4S:e~o:od,t:',~/kn/::" w::"1~; love of sailirig is brought into the room through the medium dress all letters to Mrs. An- thony .•. Or is that" a secret? . ¥ we'l;ollld ~nnter THAT one, shadows he used scales or flakes York every; week and buys his, it "SclI1fies" ISS 1 Jid.'I, ihty of Il boat picture. '. ~:~~e~;;OSS:v::~~~e' ~~~s~ s~ I and my family will be. looking we Wouldn't be writln. this col- of iron to model dresses, hair, or so H~ri,tells me, andneit ~aUse tlf"_ bedroom slippers,. Ibough .... On one wall is hung a leopard. skin; a 'gift from Haillie Pointe .Fanns 30. Mich. For. forward to your new section and IlIIJJJ for .our daily bread! , buildings, l!.nd.witli scales of cop- t.':teu's any shor~e t}lere ei~her, the~e is "0 IISw 10 prevenl.Jour , Selassie to Mr. Harts' father, when the latter was sen'ing personal answers include :l 'you'U be hearing from'uS 'often. • • • per he produced the lighter flesh you old doubtmg Thomas. I u'ellri,,~ Ihem in the driJlIJitig as an Army Genera1 in Ethiopia. This room epitomizes the sell-addressed, stamped enve-. Sincerely, April 9. 194.6. t .. th . f f' . g saw the "boys" in the ,vegelable 1'0. om 'I .1'014 are the informili. H ts' I f h . 'd' fl' il' d fi h d 1 Mrs. J. 0, Goathson. ones, In e processes 0 :rlO d'.'t t d th t inCludes ar ove 0 untmg, r! 109, ymg, sa mg an sing an . ope. • • • Dear "MrJ;. Anthony":. Ii I A h d t " lied La . ,epar men an a. type! T 'ere lire 3.piece 'r"I'el yet does not appear' .as. a "games room" but rather as a Editor. Grosse Pointe News t .e.g ass.. If s one ca . - Ernie. he being the youn'gesl. in (lISes o/tUie of r"yon '''1fe,,, from charming room full of "interests." Dear Readers: Dear Sir: 'My family and I read with in- piS Amohca was used to 'burnish $pirit! cutting up the most ap- $7.75 10 $22.00 'IRa one' with ------. This will serve as my per- . We read with. interest, the fact lerest, the fa!=t tillt you 'were lhe gold. . petiling looking vegelabll!J;. ThC.5e a u'"ler repel1e"/.U"ing i" bIN'" II sonal invitatioll to .you. to be- that you .are going. to have a going to h!,ve a 'corner' of ques- When he first .came to Rome 'were being put in cellophane SISti" ew .11I ;;'C,.. 1I blll'glli" III I "F '.t.. O . aVOr! LSmS comemyguest'onthispageas feature page'devoted.lo Grosse !ions "n'd answers in the Grosse he felt he was not adept at draw- hill!" with fr""h peM, bean" and $.~1::;{j!~A fJ~ry.~iellel'. weeiemi often as you wish. I am Poinle:News. I'm afraid I'm w'n,'t- ing so he studied lealouSly. There other greenery to be used in -tllSei,,' blue .or. billlt'hils. '(;0,;.. I anxio t h . Pointers. Since you asked for . t a vegetable salads. r- of us 0 .ave your ques- ing this letter too late for this is one record of his attempt at sou sews, r w '/NJTlfIU!'J! ,,/0" ,':sO,(h, hti,,/tiu, . b tions and hope that the suggestions. how about s~mc week'J;'~ue, but next week.'t.oill oil p:linting in the chU:reh of San 'or any other way .y~u choose. As gloves' ""d lingerie. A f'l4&e Mrs. PheIps New erry answers will be satisfactory sports features?' My teen-aged Francesco in Areizo.'He made a long as yo!:,. buy: 1. m sure that for ('S:erJ.tbi"g.~ullbtJ c"t! Thi.r I to you. Should your pro,blems children and their friends ~re you please tell us if ~'ou know . . '.' they don't care If you want to. 1 $6'0 Fl. I I" d I MY F R T be of a personal nature which very interesled in sports of all of any RAT-Killer that will not picture for th~ Chapel 01 Con- serve them with ice cream! JI on y .,' !. .. '!.""e .. J"~ AVO IE." ld hOb' . kind,; and I think we lould use b ... t ception. • •• - 'jewel. bilgs (Ofilplele lbepidiir., l_ Flower Green Orchid wou pro 1 It P r i n tIn g, . e lnJunous 0 any pets if used b .d .eed l,s"J ",ore'> Color _ Blue pleasedd enclosed a stamped" self- sportsmore ininformationthe Poinles. about the in the garden? To condoneh b' f thhis Saa anD onment.. ' The EIlsier ",",,,ies Nve A lidiii- . ••• BOj)k Gone With the Wind" a resse envelope and be as- '/lhat kl'nd of questl'ons doe's thl' O~r vegetable garden is over- of the a It 0 e n ommlcan reatly tJrrit'eJl tSI KOPP'S. h" One u:nJa1ly associates arlt!try Author ~ DeMaurier sured that , all such matters Mrs. Anthony answer? The. chi!-.S run with rats an.d ,"e don.t know Order for the BrOtherhood at su(h Im"",es!"t,.Pink "rUJ wIle,~ With a KoocI h:i.irilreSser but .Chara~ter .in bopk Rhet,t 'Butler will be considered strictly tiren have a iol they'd like to what to do abo~t it. roince the San Pie~o, he constructed" beau- lMge "lid S. 1/, Ibi,. or fill, InCyril'.f'8LANCRE AND CYRIL Colurnni.st : \Valter ••Lippman., confidential. No names will ca~k. We are glad you are going city,doesn't seeRt to take care of tiful window for the Chapel of /11(1 ""y Jize ,or sh"iH JOllearriesJt 10 the "nth".derree and PI ay , : Romance ever be printed with the let- t0 h ave thOIS ft..ea ure. it. We would also like 'to know High Altar for the Dominij:an. ,'.Or. c,ou lJ' .WIS h' for. • Also . BIIsler rea II'y. pamb. )lie. tures. One Is. Poet : , : : : Keats ters. It is our hope that this Yours truly. h t 't ..' del' in Arezzo. On this he painted btuktls filleJ wilh tsll sorls of 'bailCiririll "their shop On: FiIJIer Actress Lynn Fontaine ~For!'imdwhi~l seHrve as"a sorht of •M~. ~. C. Johns. ~'o': ~TI e Jo to ~~I;e our °boPin~a ,.one to represent "The Tree of goodies: (ht>~ohsle'b",.sl' Eb':ASterrtia4\ ,~lIeIL "Old Ro~tead" a Actor Alfred Lunt rJen s Ip ouse w _erp. Ion a u a memoria or the ys' . egg \ttmdies, g~m, .jeJ y e""s portrait lit Cyril's mother-it;-Ia",'., .Movie •...... : "Mrs. Minniver" you may' bring your questions. D~r r:.rs. Anthony: in the Service. n's about time Religion." "lid 1 don', /mow wh", _11; farm house. QIIite a compliment MOVle" 'A n.ctress :...... Z azu P iUs problems,th' t hIo'r commentsh Id on in:ormalionlie ews printedthat youlastcouldweek andthe something was done Ilbout this, This M~!ndow . inthe~lgert . I These. Me Iud in cel1opb"n.eh . I should say, not many men en. Movi~ Actor Herhert Marshall 0 ers poems s ou you would answer any. and all que;;- but is anyone doingt regular habits. and a man much ih", T'll be (f"uJhed if ,he Ett#er ill pral5e indeed, Mchildren are' Magazine : Time appearance in Grosse PoInte, I 10\'Cd b)' the people. ~n apP~iliia- """It")' Joem'l leal'e one of Ibese not alwaY5 too keen abOllt goinK Costwne ;:...,..., Tea Go\vn am nOllurally interested in every- lion they presented lm WI 11 btu els III mv aoor. tll the hairdrCS!!I'll. I overheard .?dateriaI : Satin thing you add to it. Thereforc, I 1 WIIJ born i" 1879 • , • the SO" of It shoellllSRer , , • I small eslate. ,>l< • • that darlinK Debby Mitchell, Penume ..; ,Sirocco \vas plc!,sed tO read IOlst weedk IIltended theological Ieminlll'y .'. , expellea for polifhlli IC.Cwll.ohnenOfhgeladsisl!edshhel'sll~n{sttnhlimSeCn°ts1- SlIC&kiftKef. ba.'kell, aren't yotl arter a halreet; ask Cyril. "Do f Jewel Emerald IaboutI' your newf eatured' page, an pro"aK""d4 , •• Iliter hUII",e i"teresle d In. "gr'(f(. l"atllre " and hl'S dra lngs• to h1'S d,'seiple relllilHlea of the DeW Jlal,? SlI_ '"/III always !rive !'Veryone, a City . , Philadelph ia amI wasO'l.'{ingpart icul"rlyorwar tointerested.It. il) ;"d/(1tr)'/' • , • 'lI1d pnlithJ •.• "m II widower •.• m)' SOli IPastori.~ of nSiena. He was -the J've see-. are tnnltinr to a laely's dOllting at! when YOlI're throul:h?" • ,,Person (excluding family) My cook your Queslions and' Answers 1UIlI'" prnoner in 117orid Wllr 11 • , ,111m ;'lttrestcd I,. first masle!" of Georgio Vasari. 'fInlty. let ~~ne ber ~ntellir~~~ If ~o, that's ,~~ nn!~' !l~" W1~., ,Aversion : Thunderstorms F9rum idea. having often won- world "ffll;rs "nd e:o:pRn.


.. '"

o..::,:..:.J~ ...... ',,' 'I• .t~' . -.~.'RO SSE P 0 I'~~T E . NEW,S .: '~"'".,~ '. '. ' HNI'J4HY, "',." I 7~ '" ::;;ilIl., ~ . _ "_ .. , ... , , .Jt ,;. ',:~..rcu ~ atridet 'l\1th.q.;.: I~werllll tr-:"' q,uestl~ in a dull badt and Uke'this murder char.? uCcrvantei uld 'There IIIa rern- probably meaD U' inspe~,or'. "Bllt how c!:Ollld~ pi '1M.iiln;~.. Do)o:IIAll of )louiN DlClDOt~\IlI:toile. . If.be'd killedSuejbncbelter, he lid» for all thinp bllt death';' ill. badge for him. . the pearls ~hen thew",_ at U;~ ",. ..' . ' ';1 , 'J'bebonWtirea't' 1IIl~ The "YOIl}l,.d these drinks !,Ione?» had probabl7 killed Miranda toned Monaco. , "Theeustom officers,picked her table the ~Iiht ~ey w~.le,Q ,tr.ed1Cf,1 examiner wU'~ totrOm Carroll. A.me., .. welL My, how Cervantes ,at uound th to C' d" h 1 asked him. . .Yl.tJ" 1/' " ". N tbt 800r liIi they bOUhdediDtothc "No. I w.. with ,~er BrooJu. c1rrilll crdered ODeo'r hla men in hilda)'. Mlybe Sue wal well up ~n e;aYt ~a C:'dl e ~t.CarroUtmi~ ..Rot- Jkooka ' '~AJ'l1l ~:F1aah bulbl'.mobd the'i1ir. "And wbat dilS you do when to brinJ in Don J4aMCOand hii out of it. Married to Monaco, plalned. ea war r nan y, was' at that table," .' ' , .. ,.. " Tbf:.. COM wm OU,'t'virettLDC earn- )'o,u,came. up here to youJ:room?.'.' polite 'Ilard. , ahe'd be • paAioIl ftower-cru.ht:d ahe would have ,otten by. But "Then your set-up II that JlQ;tr ~ . ~ ~ -...... ' erap~ ,1ro!n the photograpb. .I tOok out my Beethoven li "Wh.t are you 101nCto do With in a volu.'Jlt of CerVllnte2. He'd ODesUck lad there had done c?s. stole th-e- pe'arb',' hanW; them :-UWUNCSUNJ)ALIi" . eTt. : " . - br.1.l'Yof ~dI. I thoJ1iht 1 .Pendleton? You haven't lIDYevl. keep droppint ltale. cracks In bed. to~ duty on ocean llnera comUlILover to her. plotted wiUt,heT to .~~. t'IIId tot ...... ', tAt bodv; !'lash Corbett ,milht pIa,. m.. )'Jelf to s!eel?; I. un. denc:e, Only con;e<:t'.Il1l." .Carroll .1ookecl It his w.'ch. Into Montreat He knew ~II the kill Sue Mlnch~ter 1IO she . ~I . . - ". ~ .nd stretehed out. "Get dresaed" he ordered Mona- JlIluggllng dodges. Heliilld 5he couldn't spill 'the storY of their .'i:., '•..vO~-..... ,,_:. -"' room,~, . ;._-...... '...'- d~., . 'The', m\jt~;"Man.!...... a' ...... ~ bridel",What • story. carroll'u'eeI wa... oxel '.to ,"~'''a' "WhCarroll.t' ",'-.'N,id c:ontemptuOU!lly:t.,..'- ..-"7: A.....~."_.' Ii... " -hu'rrv• It isn't 'for.. a was almost too.eagerd toThhave her In' trJ'''u~--and" ~_ let her ,,'ear..... out." . Co~ h=eiO Gr~ PoiD.te, w;.u,'werehUDI with Van Dyke, -.>M1_.~'w 'lb't b 'd' ...... CaPehart, checked, OIl. the "J;ec' "1 ab ....b.you wan •t7'u;' KI.'eeJ1 .telt, I'mloint to taken baolthil.ani..e ••~;pal~i~nU~~boute~:r. ~: "Simple., isn't 'It?" he be.amed< brilllanfyoungLARRY publicist . , adstoeraUc ruffiilrlll, w1'i~_stim)', ~Whatsh ateds ath'. fI e _-e' ordl. '. :'. ..,. - 'd"0-::: y•• owaecoun 0 J:X.1ur.you with,Pendleton. ,', . a matt-er'.o-ff:.t,'h. was all read v "De"eivln"ly ~n.' U-, 'Role.r. Gro ..RANDALL f1ndl I'utfled necks' had bent only 10 Carroll ou a un. .', ".ndl&ton went -,velrllv:."I er. , .'C ' '11 '" ,_ . I' -I th _ a~ ,~_ _ . , ••• pointe shocked by the 'the luJllotine. 11'1the bedroom "That'l>' no lal. 'Didll't .you c:outdn't sleep. u.~ mind was in Don Monaco IItalk mto: e .' 1 "'~AI." 't, "G W ~ • n • , .. - ...... oJ th arro turn= ....:a p aln c 0 es ... pass har. But u "he was "'alk. sll'pped ,l1er ~he pearls, w,'by ."n.~tionaI~~ ....murder ot . was a canopiedin bed of theaon Imow, Lie..utenant? ShalI we IlVe'.. I 'pjnwheel of rm-'.~.. .' SPlnninl- room,. betweeJ1.,, two. c:ppt.. He copt In"b,.;n"l1l'a OU_!",llACrth;oB ook.SUI nUm0 m'g off, he eJ"'.,.~pAt'-d th" emerald didn't he clear out... with !Jer.. ? 'MI'DA"'DAAMES, whom' he so swasl1buckl .. IUn..s die In.. .. . VOU, the story now or e you fea sp;nnin .._"., NU,,f"_ revo .... 1 y ..n...,.,.- ,_, ,,_ H 1 tv ut .o'nhIS' boal • • Ill"' _ ~ . . 1 t ct 1~_"", 1"-' I ha ""_...... ou an... .-...... r. • ~Iasp on the pearls she was wear- ''Too rl'.ky' for '''em' 'A "0 to- desperately..... , loves he vows to kill She iaid,-.. apologetically...... ,M it" in the papers?_" . . ---"ExacUy 'what wu troubllnC.li.>i-iY....,;n" .- that ~ uI 9'l'U• delY. Where""I'. e.doessee ...this0 Gardner eirl Ul'g on her n~k.•• Her sablesd"had "ether. He ~ould~ bl"-I"OUt,..... he the killer. ]OU can't rest here. Larry, try oM 'J:he ~I examiner' was 1t.i11you?" , . . . P01itemen. A.clU5lc ot .lieea~ ttay,-.RalldaJl?" .. . . l>lip~d down on her shaul era, figured, and follow her .,1a*,,'. The fabulous beauty and heir.. of the other rooJXIS.They're .11 ~'ovflr the body, punctuat. "Nothine 1 coutd point to. The il1.hls,&reen and IMuve Stl"lped .•"A'ttlie um,'hotdq' Zln". exposing the emerald shamrock "You'll release Pendletoq tbm? ess of the world's Iru.lest motor empty •. Business is. very bad iii, his examination ,,!ith ya\lVl)ll,whole ua1Y.,plCturt ot the last iaUI;J.raDe. A Palm Beacbc:Otilber.. _ claps. You can't have two mu'rdermto fortune Is towid I1aIn on the pier l:i&htnow. 'Good. !1iIht." .: P.\UIiJJJ OCCIIi~l1J.1ly.1!1 his rou~ few daYJ.I .• UCJf. ,I took a s1~~ ,"MUre lie D*r' ~OIlaCO ~una You'd betteI' lefme call.Zin, and "Wearing them1 Don't tell one cor!3se. You saidPerid1etoJi. of the Grosse Pointe Golf Club. ..1AW that ,old toUettbilJli ~d tine to ~.wl OIl '. prmted, form. ~ c.p$b.le."" ;:.' ~ ' . . hiinsd.t. on the rua,.~line ten- ha:o'~I~:C.brln'l.ll\er i~:::"Alt me." was the only one who could 10lie- FAY. AMES. Miranda'iI, &tep- p)'jam ... had ~n laid out fo.r ,F1Uh la~ed,.;"v.:0ulcl-n t that A.t~!Jtt t!J;ni1; ., .:" dedi. .over' the ..~y. "~y've' :';;~' ~ro. ',r~. -'er "Sure. They don't ~ii1Uelllejew- ally have kiiled Sue Manchester." mother •.'3'cbam"" lilondewith me. Sbe.m t'bave ~~wn 1'4. tilcw,. your ,top! DJC:1atyou really "AtabOuU.Q!1r:~w..•entY,I'dsay," done:it?" .... ," .' .. VI.e,ve'~heclced out thIS c:o~se b d "f I I C 11 h d 't apparently aco~l'fUl.PIit...NEILl , D . ,ta.y' tbe,ni-"t.:lfshe- - p'l.ell.ded'kOOw,Carr... 0II...... ''''ftt Sue U...ances-h t Pelld1e~, wasv.ague... 'I '''''uld.- 'see Carroll "~""ht.- ... '~-t...., ,w.e .11,.•h.,ave the rooms flushea. I els across the or er 1~'.. a seth'.tH::' workedana. out thatan, detail A sharP, COR. ' .. US Y""N.V.4', publiciyt .with me. T "',."p~ we.rily. into er. WBl . "-"...". m h0 Iy...... ~1~1..~.... ear.Iy "'."A11d yo.u.,~...... "-"-'t. ."-ncar,d any p.lu.ral. .,',' •.up...... r.-.,.. there',.. a house. r1l,le In gage bott.omsor the heels of .. ell' set of ,knuckles lilt.... the door It ma,nate, rushes to the investiga. the a~reale• of..the--..bed. Irri~8ieJ;le'~.w.edn'-;'''-~y. a.at IIttl.. e" town U1 .....-~~y~... ..I.. ~, I o~ ' tur.b . Uoft'~o.....- bl••_...... --" hl;...... •• lf. ,It"""...... ' tbe... clUb,.abo.ut.t}ie. kee.pmg.Look de,adlike shoesWearinganythemmore.openlyThat's likeold coshat.•. opened and.....a.aeputy. l.et 1'1\, ....~o- tlOII dashlnr I storYtlln.nd Fay,An;eI',tory were O~IO? ' ..,. '. .~1 ,> .. ,..: .: ".', . ,up,.trembling.' "It's '~;.iat&niC ~ol1lan l1l '~m. s" tume J'eweiry ;o.the new strategy. gene Gardner. She noddedbnlht- GUY ZING~ER, ace N~w York lCut '; lroWldmy mInd. So Flashl,mfoldeda ~heel ~m hiI :f~e~ 1h.~IC.hlahead. . curse?. The evil Monaco 'Clin!e! !hat sort of a prIg-pen to me. '. ,.. I to I ked u toward Car detective, .*0:,aid. Grbi5e . Pointe Kar~ waa the ~uar~;pe~l Fay p?cket. Carr,oll whl!,ped It ou~ ~ '.~~ you ~~ that Sue Man. It's,tllFpursum, mel".~e ueitI~. "-,'.1,waiked throulh. the French Thatemerall1 ~lasp was the h'iv,e ~ll'l> ~e;kC.IC p.. .. I. ._ PoEce.':hti.'ded by ...' . "ouI.dn't ~et.. And. the...... uare heel .h.IS.hands .. '"Has thIS story bo;:w..,. ~'h",~, ha4 pIIrrJed Don M.cnaco? ol?llv.io.U$'of the.eat.~. ' . ' ..M. ; cloo.rs. to the balco.ny;. as the. away. The' pellds might.ave ..•.. . . '; .. LIEUTENANT' CARROLL..• sci- v'he Coudo't 'getMiianda...... And pflnted yet?," .. ' ~. e,larlnet player In your lic~. "~e'r aiD~ ',the'teventee\ith"" ..Itrft cher m~n came Int0 the r~m caughtpasSed:theButgreenhe saidfirewhenin thehiSerner-eyes youngShe JJaddresses,on onesimpleof herasp~celeU• m.. - "entific. h0nJ!~lde, ,:xpert. Larry 'did' Sne#l ,uspi!c:t, oi"kl1ow.-that "What do Y°l,ltlunk we do Wl~ ~7", ' '. 'centurr{ it's..,bteA punulni my for Sue'sb-', ...:''Y~! 1 !mow it.'.' _'-~.' ,f~; Ev.e:..I~'Pedto~¥.~C) :Y(ith..inconJruous Cheer 011 the out of old beer bottles. ,They were for a debutante wheeQlme out. ot . ROaER BROOKS. allnltu .ns- Ame..' I)&d follo~ea.. Miranda: to graphed copies to our readers? ''Wtte. 'you' a,p-eeable to 'UtiideieHlid the.follliwers:oNlilatilia lparking blue of the lake. Qne of t ff' . I' . k t She' :t'~r'atl';' 'fia'n:'e. 'of 'Miranda, n'ow . sniffed 'FIasb Corbett. "I'm set m..-i.-'-?...', ...... '.:...'....,.."" ..",':.J:, 'I;oc, y..la. -.•-.e..6'on.,.. of..h,ti.lhi...... ,'...;;e the shi1n.lIJ. ,.rin"rays hit a,',smail strictly orlhodox. .You see. we'd a ra :c VIOatl~n ~IC ~. N" ~ • ~ the pier' that riight. No. tha.t .... 7" Tb .. IJ.aI;l - .' ,"',"".c:I~ . thoUilfa ed' b et -f tIt f t flaShed the exact description. of down without !D-Vltatiol),'~_ "'r:!~,;~thGARDNER,,h_. ='\;:~hl:;~~~::';;":':".';""~::;,'~:.:.m~,m::'f.'i:':~'::;.\~':~.> ~~.~~t~iF,Xm.. ,,,~I.I::iook.?I~",,~:..':.~:w;";.:':::,':'i:::::.~~~~db.H:.:~::;: ::;,.:.~";:!ti::.'~~~.k hie: crook, bent on extorting It Won iii. o'clock by ~ ja~ the.bride. 'But 1 can't quote .th.;'C;lIlrf:t..,ijP..JI~lluilY.:ll1:-bis hiescapable, .. "death and belBo:,- chameat tncQ.lpent dllJi'n and. (e tiJllIecl N xt W k) . money froin,millionaires. ... ' clock 'on the table by the bed when corPH....cari..11" ( '~'. , . .;~P5\:t~ ..Qi~t .tlie,'~;c1a&h';and ~~":,-: ;", ',,If< ':., ':' ,.',:\;;picked It'up: .W:iriust.:~l~ng ~o her any minute.... .: . ~ .e ee ' . MISS'SNEED. Miranda's inor- the clall&U1Iof the pbolle biasted ,Sol1l'!._o~~ shouted: uWhere'~ :~t~fW~I~;~~~fl!!:~~:.S~:a"~'C!l~,~l) ~Io.i:l" sna~{ledC.r~ Sue. But, ~h.t was it dOlne In .. bid former-governeSs; hail'ng and k . the groom? . . ,..! ~~~\:,:';\;,..'..'.:i.':'./<:',i. :''';:c'. :roU, I :;;.': :.:;!" : i', '~:"."'., P~cUet0!lI" dl!or;way} -'.Su e ha~~inl;~veryone. . . m~,ta~~e'ThIll i, Jock. 'Pendle. ,Flash ,i;~, /'What def~.ts me J.~~l?,u-';werti .' tereated., in' ,'this " .."But; it'" so, I tell, :You.. '.FrOm: wouldn't ..~",e~ryirlg.::iJ.. 'il.l the. ' JOCK.PENDLETON AND HIS ton." His !volce.. wal. slJalQng. lI,why/he/'m~mI~ per ...... '.iCi;rl~y'¥~ • 'J~a~;~'f~ctt:,. f#~/,ofihectJl\~h,.w(ve be- .n~i'volI!l!tal! Ihe. ~~",i!l last TODA Y'S HIGHER PROPERTY. VALUES CAN 'PLAYBOYS; tile big name band '~GC!d!i'veeiillM you everywhere~ ':, CarrC!llwas.,lanng'at the phO:{:::.!, . , _ JW:~na1)y. i:qme; paupers 'pf the;lI1;ate.',Isn.t rulht.. Or woulef 5he?'," ..... " . leader at. the .c!.llb, incriminated I'm in the damndest mess. I jUstto&lIitlc copyI"~f Sue's m.arriaJ~'~ ::li;Vi~":~l19x:.!>tJ!ce ]t;'.l\#.OUi11.thaih~ulder.Spe. Manch~~ :;:»,,: 0!,1{~1~\Y9ii?~~f~~',(J,er.. .~'shui youf: thea.flical trail;:%' another look at the Pln~WedneS4ay mo~"l :.lIl:!'~I}~,:~£:ir.~~mAfez:.:an~::r!t ~aco. Turn off.thIS Spa~:.tr~(~ !,Qll.'.'.. " •. " _ . ~larli\et player, spouting phil- o,ut the wench." , been the bride of pan Rodnque; ,~~,~\1'-':~~~'\lP'.~~foq!l~ tidy and getdo~.~~i{ic~ ,y.r:~e.,,},i~..1Jftedthe ..aheel.,~ •. dark .000phy.,., ." "I can't. .She's.dead!" . , Do(i:ilnlque,del Monac.o. .' .'1 'h~t~:.y'q,o/~;.:~tfi~~;~d' y~U,mar1'i~:to IfiLflJrln:~\1:::" 1 )1lll:u~Iant 'arc~es of .~ue s eye. ' BIRDIE' . MACLEAN, Grosse '. .,. ..• .,..' " .. ~.~.a~ll~ t\ltned ,to 'one ofhlBUp,:-'Bt~lO!i\'~~'1~f~'5:.:,; ~': I.,~.< t;<"I:Buty.~1;.~9or'!1ittl~~Slie::56e pr.o\\(sweer l>tll.1unplucked, Sue. . .!'oirite 'Goll. caddy, tracing tune ..., ... ", ". ,,' heeloelickm, youn.c cOJ>S:"Go 't?: :.:~~,!~~'t<;b.~I.p}.~,ti.!~.I:-~(.!r¥trIgI~' my. heart's blOO,!il;::~'.;f{;:i.'-;~. ,hli.?n't beel)usJng any ~:.veezers. '.t the.niw:der.is~ene.. :. . '. ". ing .Half an hour later rwas stan.d•. Mllna<;o's,r.oom. Hold hun there' 'tol'gJVe'lyou.,my>eve'ry, COIJICIOUSc' "You call'sell tHose dialogue' 'Thanks. That corpse ought to ,'SUE MANCHESTER, red hot ' In' Jock Pendleton's room;' and bring him in here in teQ mIn- thought.:...:...... , c drippings ,to ,IIollywood. All I be buried in a double coffin with. 'torch'5in;er' With 1?endll!tonand starlni down at Sue's body, out- ut.es:~:He turned to another ,plaln' . , "Your .COiJJsclousthoughts. yes," .'!Vantis facts •. Did you MOW she ,a dummy. She won't be able to' .ART~UR J. RO~Df His: Playboys.' in' a breakdowri,. l>tretched by' ,the rue, Tbe head clcthes cOp and l>aid: "Pai'k1hese' Carroll liCOIfed."Aren't . , yOu. was. dead? ,Do ,you kJlow who sleep alone." •• c ~ • ~ .• ~ A, ••• .•af~er stoppipg Ii' national broad. with its soft cloud of dLisky'black new.pa'permeQin an empty room, ,ware that thIS anilitylyou took killed her? Did YOU kill. her?" . I went downstairs 10 th~ phon,!. cast of the .band. . . ". hair lay at the foot ijf hIS' bed; cut the phQne wires and stay wIth is an hypnotic iedatlve? ,Under. . "No! Who did' kill her?. Tell ,room, got Zillg on hi~lIne at the . '.Tne' eadaverous' Miss', Sneed; facinl the French doors that led them Wltil.I:releas'e them. Boys, its influence your subconscious mi. I,kill him.Orlly • !!w,houI'll hotel and told him of Sue'smur- disappearing on' Lake 'St. Chiir, to it balcOllY. .' ~. • .; . you'reunderarrestl"!" impulses into Positive aetIonso-:-'~ .,0. ahe:wu asleep In my trIllS?" del'. I told hill. Carroll wanted wrilesFay Ames She lied because ' Scarlet 'lipstick still1lal>hed. '''Hey. you' can:t. hold us." pro~ .' "Are you a~Uslrig me :ofkillmg crIed. MonacO.: . ;.' him'to bring Imogene t? head- 'oI,a mother eotnplex lor the dead grotesqueiy on her serisuouslipl>; tested .Corbett. "What :,charge Sue Manchester as a sub-coilsci- "She was sleeping ,with ,you aquarlers on some convlnc1l1gpre- Miianda, and taunts Fay'for het. invi~in,ly parted III if she hlid covers',this1~" '. bus wish fulfillment?" PencUetOD:few,hours ato? .Then how did she text. . . iuirtquited:love for the knavish niet'dea~ with a ieducting smile•. )'There isil'tlnY ..cover.chai'le, demanded in feeble .rage. . ,let in here?~!' Carroll's cold eye" Zing seemed reluctaiit. Finally . . .' . Karl KarliOn.. 'Birdie 'MaClean 'She wore .il, trat1llparent flesh- Corbett. Juatmy own discretion', . "For God's sake, Carroll!" I chilled the,black torch in Mona- 'he said: ."Hold the line. I'll see If ~~ ~.:" ldentill~Pendleton'5 new song as co~=0~t~~0;:~~6ed; 'tIie,;~m You've got the: W~dinl story: protested.. "This subtle' perter- co:s ,eyes;. .'. :, ; . ~e's asleep In her"'room now," . . .: ;:~ . tune whiStled by. murderer. lmO'. before. me. He had tikm. 'Com. Y0';l~U.etth~ murder slory when mon ~oH6i:ic is more brutal than ". "~at is 'Yhatyou shall:haveJo .' He came bac~ to.theHne."R,an" .. ,',:,;: .. ' 1 .l~ne G.ardn~~~~its blackm!tiU!i&.mlnding Itance: lM!u.tlie'rrench I.llve It .to.you:" . " • ':-ou,tnc~l'nrong 1r1'!1. stuff. PeJi:explaln.to me. I demand Il lam, dall. I can~t .brmg,h.er out there. '.' ./', (¥-', . 'oller '.Broob: ilfter their huon, dC)IJrs,talti~ In ever;rthiniwith "But~e're lettin( out a dally d1eton nlay h«ve been WIder the her. husbantJ.,' I,nn't stand here ,Imogene .nls, cleo.."'edout. of her, ~. .. . .' tnplicatln," him at,.the'scehe' ot an:' .imperSon;,lly.' .Photo,nphic 'p.per.'J:i?t, a 'ye.r book." .. inftuenee 'of this sedatlve. The and l>eeher mUrdered without an IUIlI(e' and 'In.. 'Not. tr.ce of: A" . , the crime., '.ollowing a night '#I eye.' .,. ,' __. : When, .the ~e",~apermen h.d who}e club wasn't IUlder sleeping exp1.abation ~m you.".. be,~.'~' _ ....., ': ',...... which Fay Ames bBres her colet- . On the bed Nt.PendletOl1j'; till fPed. OUt,yit1.l~t:ahvel~, the med •. ~JlIules. It Sue had been dragged Carroll ~ar1edath~:. Yl?u. That means.lhe .knew about If) ful paBl, Larry .• wakes to the hi pajamas. His gray ey .: Ical examiner 5tolid Importantly m he~ IJllhlugged by him, some~ say you were sleeping wltb her. Sue'l>murder. She nol only knew 'JI' harrowinrnews that.Sue 'Man. heavily foaled his ge.~lul,::"an:~~ on his stubby'.f~ and' handed • one would have been roused by When. did she come to your it, she was in on it." . " . 1 cllester is ,found slain in Pendle- J«r wIth nerve;. hi 0I'c t .h " scrawled fonn to Carroll. her screams - someone would room?" . "How could she know about It? ton'I'; ~90m., ~t .th.~GroiIie tant: and bI~ ~:0 :mao;: :e~?, "~ath VIis probably i!Jl5~tan~ have heard IItru,ule. Pendleton , "!'h; t must think. 1 came up,. Zinc. protel~ - "She Y'II' there PDinte GoU Club.. .. teIJees .'. '. ZOIl!, he IntOlJed DJonolOnoUJ1y,dgetin't have 10 fall, into your stall'S after the dance. It was p~o~ .IIlLmght.RiI,ht up until an hour ... $15,000 REWARD FOR THE ear;ollH.idUghUy'.iiookwh'at .and cal.tsedby a swift.blow C!n ~l'IP:":'. :_.c.-: , ... '_ " . ably three thirty. I undielll>ed or so ago!' . '.'; ~'J VIl'rl~''''''''S''I''"'s.•''' 'r"'s"'y"" . KILLER STILI, AT LARGE. IN the liUkWUh ~'BI k B the front8re~ ofber~.ead. The. "He'Siet~'lI'hii OY'n. trap,". an~ Wai~:.~.,~ .....1Q~.\.~~ .... /;.In'her~room1~~I~~~;'l';»' V eo agO 1 '; n GROSSE POINTE I . • .. *-d'lft"witlt th "d ~. ay medlcal.term 'foX;thiI .area beinc Carroll ~p]ied.; "In making the whIle s1)e came mto ~y room. In my room. : ZlJIg J:eplied.. Made D&i1y. ' ""... ,. i duction is' GedUCtl~D~'e. e .d!!- ~-.cllpital. fron~liJ.', : I'll tile ", point ~t the~. "".. n~ outcry, You' .had • thick.headed poUc'e. :'~ my r.oom--:-allnight!", .' " .~ D.ri':R9'~.',P~* ' i.. ':'. . Cliapter)S . '. Pendletcm ., . ~hi '. _ fomueport !Itthe OIflce,"" . ~!1 l'~ whatever, It prov" m~ UJ~the. halland. a thln~llpped '. 'ISt!e.~eet me ,?ver .t .head. ," . TOO MANY CROOKS' .' sltive fin )~r~'ths "How 10JJ«,would you I8Y she', JllIt OIIething. Sue came into this nune'm her room. Both l\1ard- quarters. wIll.yol,l?I to1d Zini. W~I~Il.: N Cboice,SOllpS "FayAmes stolid up. She was .. gel1l,w . e OCl~ve beeA de.id7 .uIr;ed Carroll room of her own vplition. Shees- ing'h~.'.I\h, that>mustbi! the 1 put in a.call to Dunn. He V Gro8se.pamte; ' ,It ill abstracted. She hadn't eVen ~~f:r=~ qH\v~:~~t~~:t " "A~ijtan hour .and. aha.If." c:aPcd;,troD!the. n~ and,u81'd .thin-Hppep nur~:: th,ere•. "She wasn't ~oing to like this b'uslness , ••• ' ~~ l ')01:.( .: :noticed the ,ash on' my he.d. 1 ldddJriC.';J.!Y ie'd' . L;.y .'I ~ pompOUI,littJe D:Jan rephed. to see hint '.Why7 OiJJ.yPendJe:. went to sleep Slttilic .up, In her of hold~g Pendleton, Brooks and V Piping Mot Drug(;Aj~ : ? . followed .her alone the.hall pUt iee 1- tOOk't In n.a, a,.".:". ,~u, Can'oU ,~a~ him out. He. ton can'lUJIiwer.that qLiestlClD." chair; Sue.1old m~:',. :. .. .~ Monaco.. .' .; '_." .' Frankfurters, .15c. .I line of doOI'lIajar. Rooms de- ' . W~.IJIl}ltal. c°tlP.e ltood, scowlill& In thou&ht.. . "He doesn't an to alllwer. any . Carroll pounoed on. the nurse ': "Hello, Randall~ His voice was &:~"val.t St;;~ ,.1«..q." lerted III • resort hotel out. of cf"~~~~f,~c 11' I" luif.do~.on the ~ besic!e inci-lptinatIn, . qu~tiims. Youvenomo.Ulily: "Y,ou told, me Sue pneumatic with ~rl!!llUf';'~"Yhl:t'J .> RUOn. She switched on tile ' ...... a~ro I.VO ceJod1: Pei1dIetoA,He'4.beeJ1watch_ know it, Carroll". . went into .the bathroom and es- up?" " .. - liIhta in. room, at the ericI of ~-:eda the al~ Why did you iii, the 'procedure ~th dazed lie~ "Let the lirl drop tor the roo- caped. thr.ou,h:the. WUJ4ow, You •.~ 1 gave ilto him In.del&i}. '0;' . . the hall. I saw a, huge. slttin, ~1 ~ t:'tuff7. .' " tac1iment. not utterml a word. ment:,1.4ibe!>he crawled throujh .Ald you were ,.awue.ned. ,Y~~ '. "There's only one thU\~lorm~. "VIhad to ,e~some ,leep. Now. ~e Itrl.l.chtened l.lp wIth .p- the keyhole, killed herself, and YOl.ldidn't.turn in th'e •.larm until to do," he' wound up. "I'll. come W. ~~ couldn t y~tlZe~o slee!;)? par~t etfort.:'Maybe if 1 take an then. ¥i ~e weapon,'l .~id C~ .. five forty:Y:ou.lied, .Yo~ were right out to Detroit. I'll ch,arter.a by LYNETTE: CWI~I'8I'.'Porfrlill . u l~r;e ~l! ur nee go- Ice cold.ihower" I'll collie to my. roll,lcathinily, "PencUetoll. dId asleep. EIther that, or you too~ p~e. I can e.et it at La.Guarcl~.. .1Af onOnly ." .. ,: ..' , . seU-'~... ". you lock the dOOrto the hall and .. bribe to ;let her escape:\ ,Field. That will let me to DetrOIt 'p 'nd1 UWde. Jay,head,. replied. "Not ..o fast. PendletOn,"'CIJ'~ the door 10 the' balcony, yo~~ ,The nune,wiltetn1~ller ~islashr a~~t ..eleyen !fo!:tY~five•.~'I'll 10' e ,~to.Q wan~y. . . roll~ed. "You'll have to self?". . ' ~eutenant, I h.n "~'Y~ Cl,te .you at headquarters." . I; li.ii!. ~ t ,'lOll order hun cle;u: upa few points rllht Jlow. "Yes, I locked both doors my- reeorci:of faithful l>ervice-"~ou can't do that, Neil. You're ~e ~ee: ~U7 :ou can Atwha~timedidyou wake up.... self." . .. '.' "well you've hit the police rl!C.not strang enough. Besides, you The cmann and. Ulimatlon of ,~ the man s InDOa ~k.'.t P if you were asleep?" . ". . "And the keys to both were in 'ordiiij-t," he:silenced.. her...... never .apPear In Court. Can't you ,your children C'lptured in phO' ColI •. DII~ h . c~ tlI .~e '"About, ten minutes to sIx,' 1 their locks iJls.ideyour. room when ,. Doi1'Monaco's eyes roved gent~. p.t one of Consolidated Motors' 'ton-lIM that will dell,lfhteven amy!&l..fOlrl', t'.way/ . t ,wa~ w.. ,01lJc to Il'lb ano.ther sleep.; I ~ them," Carroll con- ly over each curve of'Sue's body. laW)'erJi,to come 0l!t here?" the m~ critical lI8reJlt. . theutnurse. apeaklnC,:~e on,etheY'd iD& capsule. I 38t up to reach for tin':led.' These, are not automatlc I felt embarrassed by his erno. ., "1. could. but this.iJ. my jcb All lIhotoeraphi' talcell.in the HP onhru&h~d!ltr.m.Suel}'OOUJ. the bo~', Tner~,on.the lloor wu l~ks.' The.key, must be turned. tio!!81 exhibitio~., . . "" no.w~.:1.do,n't.• ive a d.,mn .bout comfort of, your own home.' ow s.e reaard~ herse~ .. an that boQi.... DId Y!1U ha~' any. 'dupllcate Carroll said to Monaeo:. "Wis this 'WUlClJJIger's murder, u~ authoflt~ onanythintwlth her "'Bodyl" shot qarroll. "How 4ld keYl>?" .. .there anythIng un~ in Sue's cept ~'at 'it obvi(]usly: has iome By Appointment On!)' [own,~tlent. deed ODdie ~oor,. I you.lUlo~ It WI.lI a'body? How "No," 'l!dmitted' Pendleton. .ctlon ,when she came Into_your connec~im with Miranda'l> del!th: t ~gure o~~ , did you ?now she was dead?" , "1 ,know that's a 'fact, Pendle.- room7 What did she.'do or say?" rve lOt to h.ndle it." P~otoeraphy by CC~cSn T1iebcl,~elte 11]0 Pell~leton s Pendleton caueht hiinsel!. "I ton," aireed Carroll. "I found ."She didn't say mucb. She was . Hia voice ..wa decisive. "Just .~an~ .urn:tdown~. a~n l>eari don't know,~aybe 1 senaed it, oU.t.• bollt thekeYI in"this club trijhtened., Cold, and l>hivering tel~ Pendleton, Brooks and~o.: ;: -. ~ wISp w~n. 11 UlR~~. or COuI'lleI dIdn't actually knt;N,o this '¥tk. Tl\e Grosae Pointe with,. fear. I soothed her and naeoto keep q'uiet. I'll meet you J. I1J. fii'ijinJ lit ~d handed alma fr~h cigar- she. was dead untll I ~tood up Uld Golf Club doesn't jIve out dupli. waniled her. She seemed to know .tIl ., Randall.". ,. f'" w.IlW $I::r.s. ~ $17i ...... ! er . . No. noilollI. i.,erltniot.. , . , ., IIA. ,.,. Nt 5111 e,t~. He puUed. mechamcall~, looked at her. r saw the lasn on cate keyl.¥ the keyS are lost, she was in danger, She was too: l.nunr up. 1stoOd froun .t the H~ve.)'.ou any Idea who kille~ .her head. She Wllln't bru.thinl." the locka are chan,ed. It's. nui~ terrified to. talk much; She was thought of Cornelill! Dunn, the I. , . ,'. J S~~? I asked Carroll. . ft.:!ouch tt,J.e body?" Carroll ~ce, but it's for the proteeti~m v-...ry .weak alid tir~, 5h~. had great R1pre5! agent, d~d!ng,~ A . '~ ...... ::_ ' Of, C()u~ ..I . h1!v~ ~n. !~ _ .. ~. . .. . at the mernben. The manage~ barely the strength to tell me appear personally around police /1. ~l_ P~ndlet?n mUl>t:lul,ve'kl1led her . \'No/' ~coilln,.t the JUgges- ment keeps 'a locksmil4 ill its about thcm-" .. l>tations. . hunaelf, C.rroll. retorted eurtly. bon. 'I pIcked up the phone. My employ.".. "Who was she afraid of?" Car- His presence couldn't ~. soft ~~'JUUIf'.~ I ". I 0. "BoUi o!.PeJ1dleton's a~~swere finlt thought was. to get Larry .. "Someob~ could have &tolenhis roll demanded: pedalled. His suave personage Ioc~ed-and from the, IlISid,e.!f0 RandaU here:' keys, had duplicates made." 1, "Roger Brooks and his girl," would stand out in. headquarters Kerchev,,1 at St...910ir .~.i on~ elseC:~,uldluil,-c-,gotten JnSlde "4n't it customary in murder put in, SBid,Monaco. "What is h~ name, like a silk hat, at a circus. ., ; .th~ ~oom. ... cases that Y!lur first thought ''That wouldn't change this sit~ the sharp little harpie?" Carroll was directing his cara • Deliveries u~tir 8:00 P. M. .. Nla,garll 1827 .'Fllld any. weapon? 1 :ven- should be to call the police?" uation. ,Even with a duplicate "Imogene Gardner," I supplied. van of. newspapermen and the tured. ' "r don'tlmow what's cuslom. key,the locks couldn't have been 'Carroll 'listened with impati- suspects through the side doo;; ~ "Not yet., She WM. struck onlU'y, 1 never woke up to find a turned from the outside.' Get thil> ence to Don Monaco's accoWlt ofc:elebrity entrance.. oi ., '. . '" .' the head. Like the other murdj!r." dead woman in my room before:~ Itraight. The keYl>'were in the Ro¥er and Imorene. It 'was Sue's Out in the lObby, I found Zing. [i E'. C un' t.s' ,A clatterizJc knock: rattled the "When did you last see Sue keyholes iDsIde this room. Pen. ft.~on of tht: story, withhersel! Sartorica.ily Wall Street. a brok- ill 0 doo~. Carroll QPe'ned ~t.a tenta- Manc~ester alive?" Carroll was dleton admits that himself. You as the victim. Roger and. Imo- us suit and epilrammatic tie, he ~ XperLenCe ' ~n cr.ck for t:he medical exa~- Ih,ootJn, his questions with rapid couldn't lock a door from the out. jelle, she feared, would do some- nevertheless l,ad the droops. His H iiJer, a pudlY man who couldn t~~"er technique. . side Ind leave the key IlIlIIdethe thlnl terrible to her for telling moustache was at half mast. ,- IN REAL 'ESTATE. tale thrOUlh the. crack. '~the 'In, the ballroom yesterday room. He says he 'fas the only Miranda of their affair. They "We've got them back, Larry!" d?Or widened, to .eco~od.te mo:nJnI, when she had hys- one inside this room last night. Were violently anlry at her. ."Got; what b8ck?~' .'" hIm .nd II retmue ~f.JIOhce pro. ,t-.-~cs.". . '. Therefore, he must have let Sue "Do you.think they were anll'Y "The pearls;" he boomed. "Got Th•. Cr.st Co-mpany tOiI'aphers and homICIde experts'. 'You re sure that's the last time Manchester in. her' himself. He eDoUih to kill her?" asked Car. them and the gal. Shewas wear- I CloSS. AVI. • ~e of De~P8permen P'!t a YO~l>8w. her?" . let her in, 'bul he d1dlJ't let her roD,.., .. ing them when they picked her * ,., •• * . coUect1ve f~ lAthe .opt tung. . Positive, Sh! phoned me to-: out.'" "I didn't. say they had killed u~the Gudner girl. Innocent ._ FOR BUYING • SELLING • 1.EASING. eA. 2141 .. IfIr.U PAUIU '%'hey pushecxInto the ~m. F~h IliCht ~o ~y she was, sorry she "But C.rrol}!" 1 cried weaKly. her," sobbed Monaco. "I wouldn.t Imocenel" , , Corbet~ wu over Sue I body. U1 ~Idn t llJIe my new song, She "But nothln'," he retorted. acc:use anyone of murder. It "Innocent Imogene-the smug- ii FINANCING - ReFlNANCINS a leap, IIJd she ~ada nurse ill her room "We're de

.'. ~".' '.,' - -, ,., .. ... •• " ...... "." .. II .... ".... 4.:...... -~--....-,~~~~~~-.-~,....,..- •.--- ...... --- ...e...... _F Z.. L...L ., -- .... ,....----- ... ' .. 0.. ' _ ... __ !..tlll4ll..a..... 'lI!ic...i'!'l..... ,P{Llllf~.U(~.....el

. t;'R'OS S E . POrN T E . NEWS.

•. MAlL '1'0 KUSSIA . Effective at o~ce, regular mail, Neighborhood' Club GiriBas ketball Champions . air mail. Jlnd parcel post pack- ages, addresSed for delivery in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania may be accepted' under the post- age rates andofher conditions ap- Dressed WIlII.y.. Woit plicable .to the UniOll of Soviet Socialist RepubliCli, Postmaster Q.alfty Clclck... Huston.announced today. The ad- i,!. ellMl .... ' dre's$ of such articles should in-. , ,. chide tbe words, "Union of Soviet '- Socialist Republics or U. S. S. R. IEIGEBAUER i1S,C(l,untryof ~estination. Poultry Ir 1ft w.,... HOUSEHOLD HINT 17GU Mack. Deal' 'UalnnUy. Linoleum. cut to fi!, makes • Store: NI 8IU 'I'U ae.: z.utJ goM lining for kitchen sh'elves and drawers.

"" SAME OWNERSH'IPI .", SAME STAFF! . ."'" SAME LoeA nON! IUT We've Remodeled! ••• "fl~. yo;'!Nft.r s.rvlc.! . THREf DAYS -,THURSDAY. FIlIDAY AND SATURDAY We hut. remodeled completely. CASH" thua markinK tbe sixth OUIniver- c "sary or Grosse Pointe's Dwn ex- -RoastingChickens, •.45 cARtY clusive Cllrialn Laundry. THE GROSSE POINTE GIRLS BasketbaliLeagUe chainpiorishipcwaswori by the Neighborhood Club. team composed of;, Back row left to'rig~t:EIL~EN~cHARqU~, DOLLYDERSIN,'BARBARA' HANJARAS and; COACH PAULINEMASAK; Front .. c row left to'right:GLADy':':;'GONSTATlNE;.ELA~m}, W()LF,:CA1'T~IN .MERLE Fricassee' Chicken. . i': 39 .:bONNER, (the team's high 'scor~r and ,hol,d).ng fnte~est -in- sij"ch"-.: ----- 1...... 11.~.,', ... 420. 110lEY BEAlS , .. 121" . .' ~ ' . leagueaIld'will have'teams'otit H.O~Love Enters for pra,c~ce on Thursday'nights FARM If-DVSE-N •• ! c_ at the Club~: .' ' '. . . .' C Rae . .Wh~n the leagUe is' completely ongreSs. . e_ EARLY .lU1E PEAS.. , . , ... 141 .... Rt ., .. I." .. ~ 43c organized, a schedule will be drawntipliild ihe~gariies will bt! HarbldO~Love.of 1610'Ford -' 5 lb. lag played: $In, Ule' Club. playgrounif courl, GrosSe Pointe Woods,'. has 1 lit. Thursday" eveniilgs '- starting litentefed. the race. for Congress' in B:30p'm.' the 14th Congressional District. . Jat' 'T1ie.'league is opehto all' girlS Love's petitions were filled this 'SUGAR . of the communit.y. An.:1 gir.\t; who week. by GeOrge Nichooon,'Jr., I are inlerested in t~ lively sport as leader of a group of infiue.ntial c ~_ .... Republicans who prevailed upon 34 Mr. Love. to' seek the Republican RU'I IE'L L' I nomination. Mr. Love, justreturned.in 'Jan- .....~. ~. 1 ...... I ~.".e..'21• • • I ------SirIeiI ...... 11 .. , .... ~ 43e_ .. C..... i. La.tMIry uary from thiee'years' service in Treat:yourSelfllndyour.fllmily to ourOVEN-FRESH'baked goods;'. the United States Naval ReServe, ::ft'A"/c~plete",:!c'.l$~ortmenlo,f! pies. :.;French .and. Danish'pllstries."" i<,' ..• ,.,_CLEANIIS, a, is 37 years old: mariled .. and has one son, He -.didliisundergradl1~ Orack..,.r 1 '.J 1eIf, I. ,,.1"27. : cookies, layer 'cake's'llnd sweet buns is llvailable at 011 times. If ...... ,'. SpeeWists hI. LawiderlDc ate wone at Butler University; _-_ _-_ _--- you prefer your I?okedgoods di(ed from the oven. (a matter of ud. clea.nin«' line cu- where .he was graduated 'with taim, draperies, lace table highest honors, ahdsubsequentlt lorl.SIII, 2 for .'.. ' ~.. 1501Lee If ..... I .... : .'.. I~3le . minutes)'we.suggeslyourdrcipping, into our shop dailyot3 p. m. claib.s. chenile ud uDdle- received the dfgreeofDoetbr of ••••••••••••• _._.....i~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• w •• j ~k bed. spreads f. Jurisprudence. frOPl the Un\versi" 1IIOf't: tbu 11 :fears. ty of Michigan Law SchooL "'. . Zoot Sl.~'. ':£>;01"'08 c.riala Lo_ :'A"'Great'Sell~g of Libby's,! Fine Foods .')' fo. Plet-.p •• d VeTlTur Mr. Love wasveiy'ai:tiveill Senlff. civic aiIliirs in Detroit when. " 14 oz. ;CAN--LlBBY'S . .~ oz. lAJl,-.l,JBBY'8. Call TU. l.ono resident there. He.was twice pres- MODEL-HOME ,BAKERY' ident of the City .Plail. 'CD~ '...... I~.3.fer. ,:2Ic SIIff. OJi',iI, . ,.,.~ .., .121 12874'EUt Jefferaonnear C~ntinental RUSSELL'S CUITAIN sion. In 'the' early years of the NO: % CAN-4iBBY'S a oz.-ullay's war, before enteriilg ~e' service, LEnox' 4411' LAUNDIY • CLEANEIS he was a member of the Regional _.Veptllllls , . , ;',. ,lie. S..... ~ .. ,; .. ,.. 1•. Defense Planning Committee; He .... X.. IHilt_ NO. 313CAN~rs n OZ.-LIBBY'S J was 'chairman for two'. terms of the' Fourteenth Congressjonal Re- QicetI Carnls ...... • . , 140, Dilil 'icicles ...... 21c publican Committee',', and for NO. :Z*CAN~Y'S .' I oz.-LIBBr~ many years, a member of the Wayne County Republlcan Com- h.iII .,'.'.,,..... ,'.lie S.... HIli., " ,.,....,lie. lI1ittee. I •..•.....•....•.•.•..••Y•• ""A'w.rs FI.d r.ot~.__ FI.. .Foo4sc. ... Firs~ t. NI,lrilri,., ..~. N'avyRecruiting Future Fli~rs' Armour's Dried B:eef 218%. 81m 14-= . t J . Enlistm~ntS wer.e opened this I week for the fall class of the AWIEY lAID DELICATESSEN' Navy's peace-time Naval Avla- _os CURR.4.NT FBtllT , . . • . SMOKED UVER ' tion training program, which 'will train fliers for the nation's post- .IIICoIk L:,> , •• 2!cSlisaIe. III. 390 war Navy. . • _ • . . WAFER SLICED High school seniors who will .J)ELlC1OUS PLUM-F1LLED C!..... _ .. 11. graduate in time, to enter .college H IL 2..... in the fall are eligible provided c.ff.'''1I, '... .. vpi~, i'2 ; ,.. '15 they are 17 thro\lghl9'h years of, !1gc. ::rc' in normal .~. 1t6YALCIIOCOLATE (Fri. 1/ Sat. Only) _ _ Slicetl Bacu, I~ 41, h!!alth. and are capable of. suc- ~W~"'~!". ~.... 3k1 ARMOU~'S ',' . • .ce5$ful coUegework. College ~IMED TO SEITYEYOU IETTtR! students 17 through 2()'h years of ,'.'..~""~em-.~ S-eiCfI~' .. ThIeri"c., .. . 43c age are also eligible. Carryi., all ti_ •••• clcoicest of Meats ••• f1c1llift Groc.ries ... . at Of Enlislees will select their own . COWlplete of fresJt.cloily Fnits aad Y~ ••• Sealtest .10 Hig"er, Jetter Cobs 3 'Ibs 68e c1ep.rnc.1It coJiege, enroll, . and pursue any: I W~ New 511... Mia: o. Cr•• ",•••• lirdsey. a.d HOIlor IraltdFroze. foods .•• Awn., 101I114 course c: study chosen. While ill CRISCO' Goods ••• leer, WI.. CIItCI Soft lend'OC)eS. ~ollege enlistees' w:i1I we~r civil. I I~n clothes and win be on inac-. I live duty. The Navy will pay .t.~. IEW:iAiPlWtl f?t tuition, boo~. fees, and $50' "A A" a, month for other expe~ 'IVORY Vacuum Packed After completing four college semesters enlistees will spend 15 months in fiight .training before SOAP Short Ribs being cornmissioll'ed ensigns .. .ZLAR" ....15 II 1& OF Chase &Sanborn .SPAIIIIS 19' .'Lrg.' Pkg. Coffee' Ib.. 33c FIUL TLESS ,.. LARGEn •• OXYDOL 13c BEEF Newport - NO.2 Can DREfT -13c !~.18c • I Early June' Peas c IVORY SNOW . OI.D e 2. for 13 Send :flMl1' ~ boccte ...... DUTCHtarge 2.3 fabrles .ad cZry eleaJlha,r to • earl,.. Exc:elleM ~ _. Av .... Ute -E .... ncsI!. We 1II'Naeeyer &lie__ tII&ireantUa::ity wiUI... _a.-_ CLEAllSER Deliverie's pielnl...... deUver:f,. ter"tiee. IVORY .FLAKES • NI..." 9811' . - Also easII aadany. I 4 fir 27< Large 23< FAULTLESS c:maTAIN LAUNDItY FO R:M ER LY ALGER MARKET • CLEANEU 4737 EItRhrSt . HO 111' 2. BIG FREEPARKING' LOTS

. ; l. • . '!"T I, ...... / \, .rii.,M.v,;(J,d Hi~l94&" S:IO SSE POINTENEV.is ... , ~-. Page RHeet,- "~ ...,.". ',: ~. :'. :}" -1~"t,:~ -. - ,,~,.': ODD FACT cwsed of killing 32 taxicllb'driv- Were we directed lrol1l Wuh-I CC,;;";':~~.~:'~l;fi~'p.'-TW.~~;' ': B'aked:l:.ima.!Be~n Casserole Seven years 'ago a youn. ,.f.ws- en. This is carryina: pedestrian ington when to s(;w and when to THE GROSSE POINTE trauan' woman had an a.bsc«Ss~ .ve~geance too far. reap, we should soon want bread. , HOME BAKER1 ,'~ tooth removed, treated"an'd' re- -Thomas Jefferson. :.:".~..'.:' , ~l-!tha ngefclr Saf~rd~yNight " Hor~eshoes. we relld'in Facto. At the Lilllit, .. w.... pla.~ed in. her gum. X'fayed re- * • •. I -;r , BETSY' NEW-M-AN-~'.-. '--O-amw.-' -. ---'-with may.onnalse and eeiltly.,;.by hex: dentLst,< it;was graphs, come in 300 dilferent sizes Th~ U. S., owning 387 million Fresh Glazed DanU+s found to'be perfectly';/iea1thy. ,and $hapes. What, no two-toned At 8:00 and 3:00 "L.nrl:A', 13~ari' C&S$er'ol~ is ! a w'.te.rcreaa: Four .salads. acres. is, next to ,Russia. '.he I ~ce fro.m. the ordinary' bak;e01:... IllTllA 'ANe' ~ CltOWlll CAU'OIHIA ellrw-RUM " TIMC TO ~l"' . pile vegetable mixture in -eaep: IUMlHn • •• u.. 231: lamb" •• 3.d.~ 'Ic 0...... a Ie .," •• 1-,. ,--' '." • 'AAF WTIIt EGG D¥'ES: ,~' ... , . 3 fltgs,25c AHFANCT QUALITY -GOLDIH '.. l' 3' lresh;~I:f,~m~~'Qok~d:: ; HilMI alAN or .' . .i WHOLE CORN ••• ' '.~~. 'c; ~r..... SMf ~ n,:::-J " ~. :~' 'f . , . .:. j ,II';.';;;~ •. " , ;:":'0'"..•. "',' :.' "D. " 5":,:: . STIlATrotlD ,_ a.t ~>...... F 0 iONrPEASTl.~~.3~29c' 'R"'QIIf. • • ~ lie .DR MOIfTI . Fauy fill .i JI~ Zf. IICHLAND PUP"',ID. 'PnIIII :. •• ~ 11. kiDNEY BEANS. ..,:~ 11~. LAlCDIDl c:a.uw. . DlLMONTe RED 'c : ,~ .Coon • • • 1:i~lie , , .... ,J'ull.rJ'l,'.lIfrdl •• SIM Delicicuslypr e.p are d', '--~,.p.. ell" ••. :..,t;.11c ANGEL', 'FOOD: )111&. foods tha~ need only to ',' WA~Aru .Q#ltllt ". . :....- TOMATO SAUCE .•. J••• ;bs warmed for serving. ; .tIiIII.u .i • • • ~ Zle P.,'u F-!uT...... i"ioiC I'OWDIa Co",plelll V'mtty oJ: J~ lie, .'RHUBARBPIE' .' 27-oz.12c,eM... ' ,. ' ,.rIIITOILET JON" :..• • , OUING BROS, - SAUERKRAuT. • . ON., ... ' •.••• .... Ie' i; 'ACIAL SOAP" ' ' " CoI~!... Is ••.• ...". •..3c....lki S/iutl 10 Order C ALL.PUIlI'Oll ' . Viennas. Salami, Met-.: 't:.21 Till 1, IIan 110 TANGERINE JUICE s.tteioo s.a,_ w_•• . : w u I'S t~; Knackwurst. i cAIR~'S SWEET ORANGE , Brausschweiger and" Ik many others. ' 2-Lb, , ."1..'.'.. ~ Jar 37c..' ... ";" ._' MARMALADE:. • .' •••.,ltDVun. •• ". . RI~!O: ' :.""B ..... '.FIU.'1I1 OXyeCL 2-U;.:a.,'l' Lr Lge, 23'c. '14e.2,,3"Pltg: ' C' P1tg. P1cg. ~.23c:' ,SERVICE W1t1l'f AVAILAIU • W1tPII AVA.ft.A&II _it.VAMaI Sltrtdw;~hes _ iJRilipRiJiEs.~. ZION GQU)IN IllOWH c:oiilpf.... Hot PlIIIeL"ubes DAIlY., ~~lihJ. JiAIL ~ rt/MiL," \.' , G"d FIG BARS•. ,••• , 2~~.42c IAKEn LAd utll-l.AllGi ' DE~ FRESH PERCH.•••• ~:27c Foods. 'SHEEPSHEAD ••.•• ;,~-lOc,

, , 'The. Heret. of' cortee' iavOriSfrnlnl"s. That's 'irIiEPIKE ~. . . . ~27c • Aai:P CoIfee ulOId I onf,. in the whole. roast- et'-fresb bean. Thm it's 1~C. F.R'E:'SH SM'ELT. .~""23c Ground for you e:~:~'.~ Cusroin CIscIes • • • • 14. 29c wbeR1O'l buy. No "'Oft. 'IlESII . "'QMn' C;;;AM -A- - du .iiiiom at coliee Larp Cirp • I u.. 10cI"""" ••14. 21c GHck .... ' •• "' ZIc lovers say: "There's no LAJ(ECAo<:tIT."ISH ~M. MlATY . 'ANeY Snwl_! filMl' coftee .in an,. ,.x- Wllite ilia • •Lb.2tc :iIIrt RiM • • • 14. lie .... _ * • • I L"'3Ic .ge It any price;~ 'APlC'r. a~DY TO &AT . ..ISttlY 'AHCY_ La • lIP. one of the' three OM Stuks I • UI. t1c II'IIIId ,eat I • UI. Uc Tn.".... UI. Uc bsriltJ A6:P. bImcIs 10- rLA VOIlfilL ~I. LEAH. IOfftlESl IIU11lITIOUI .,1 ' Fillets .. I ••• ,.-.31. lilt S...... 14. Zic' lilt IJnr • il Lb. 3Ic TASTY JlF.ADl' TO COOX _TED SIHIP CASING c. Fillets .•. I~.' 35e ltat leins •• 14.. ,... • .' •• UI.... lOAn All AVAILA"'! 'N LIMITE. ~, AMO AilE DUrLAYID WilE!,! aEQIYl1l~ ... _

FOR Flta FAIIUCS HOU5lHOLD CLEANER lATH SIZE MIGHTY SOFT ••• .12738 EASTJEFFERSON, Comer Kitch ener-Across from Continent.1 Motors . . ..' . . . LUX FLAKES .SPIC Be SPAN .PALMOLIVE NORTHERNTISSlI .' DMi". Remember lOU'S for Finer Foocl~1 Cloud 16-oz. c' Lge.'23c Pkg. ,21. ,7'1I..1FJ, to l,2,to ... ,.."?,, C;...... M _Uti Ibis slor, for '""Hlfl SIi~YI P1tg 2c~es19c Rons WHIN "VAILA.La WIKII AV~lLA8LI 2 9c WHIN AVAILA'"

••••••••••••••••••• ~f cO ••••••. ''', J eo.- .•..••.. ' •.•••• • •••• .s','s.' 1 .... ". '~ ~. <.; ..'. ;'-.- ' .. .. ~ ,,-'.'" ' '.~ . , .. I "

..&'R'O'$ S E PO IN TEN EWS TJiuridliy,. '~F*n I 1', 1946

I fact-findjll& orclW.izatUm.,For 'In~ stance,in such ~wires were Ghod Soil Secret i'~Niagara Falls to Attract ,. Church Notes Reel Cross sent to' the 'sOldiel" home town Red Cross Cbapter, which in- Of Good Garden vestigated the situation, as ,out- - .,.',...... - . Record Number of Visitors PEACE EV. LVTIiEu,N Answers iined, and sent, back a factual Good soil is the first secret of Monday at 8 p. m. - SChool high and about, 1500 feet wide. report. Upon' this report the COI11- a iOad iarden. ' Jack Rose. ex.ten- By the Old AAA Traveler Board meeting. • while the Canadian falls are 156 Questions manding officer bas e d his sion iardening specialist at Mlchi. We may 60rt of &mile at Niag- Wednesday at8 p. m.-Sunday decision. gan '.Stale college, ~onten~ that feet high, with a width ot 3000 school teachers' meeting. ara FaUs as II great meecafor .Since the end of the war. the no matter what ordmary soil you feet-a deep curve giving them Thursday at 7:30 p. m.-Choir (Editor', no~At the request WfJf Department has permitted start with. it can be made into ~ honeymooners, .but that magnifi' their name of "Horseshoe Falls ..., rehearsal of the Chairman of the Red Cross cent wonder of the world. still Down below the falls the walls of fund campaign we are running the: Red Cross to give free food good garden soil for growing either ftowers or vegetables. ,: stands as one of the country's top the deep gorge rise 200 fttet to CALVARY LUTHERAN, the f.:Jllowing letter which c.on. and lodiing to all servicemen , attractions for the tourist. This 350 feet almost perpe.ndicular1y, Palm Sunday is the day set tains his answer to criticism of overseas. Start building the soil before , •year, inquiries at Auto Club tour. and through this narrow channel aside for a spe<:iel collection to , the Red. Cross), COrdially you plant, he sugges~. Improve •. in; bureaus indicate a new high the river pours into a series of be devoter! for relief purposes in . Dear Editor- E. A; SChirmer, Chairman soil texture to make it crumbly "in Falls visilors will be :et. rapids in the world-famous "Ni. Europe. ar.d Asia. Proceeds wlll '1946 Red Cross Fund and mellow l\l work. Soil must It would be ridiculous for us be in porous condition to allow :; The Fallllare the main lure, of agara .Whirlpool." be distributed under the direc- to assert that the entire Red plant roots a' supply of air. Yet . .:.'course, but Buft'alo is the natural And no visitor. wO\lld think of tion of the Emergency Planning; Cross program, as carried out by it must be able to hold moisture :: gateway into the going. to Niagara Falls without a Council through itsrepresenta- It was a C'.ase' of a 'note for a note when those two our workerS, was perfect. It had and plant food. " g rea t..Niagara visit to the Cave of the Winds on tiveS already at wnrk in d...ugnat- piano men, Rolly Rolfs anq Joel Nash got together in a the mevitable shortcomings of Film Romance ;. frontier, and the Goat Island. That's reached by ed areas. / musical discussion during the afternoon coCktail hQura~ .;iny human organization'engaged Whether a soil is clay-heavy, a bridge from the American side, _ _ _ route over which ,The London Chop House. in a .world.wide operation. In wet and hard to work, or very . most Michigani- and when you l)ave Cl'OSSed the April 18, Ma,undy Thursday . analyzing spedfk criticisms, we sandy-easy to work. it can be . oms travel when river you don raincoats and go Holy communion will be celebrat • iniproved by the same treatment. ST. JAMES LtlTllZUM MESSIARLlJTIiI:BAN . have found upon 'investigation .r. they're heading down an elevator to the base of ed commemorating the Last Sup- thal most of ' them werebued Add organic matter in the form ,.' into the' Finger the cliff, then you follow a series per, beginning l!t 8 p. m. . At ther. service on Palm Sun- On Palm-Sunday:. April H, a upon rumors rather thlm facts. of rotted 'manuse, compact, peat ,.,La" e s oountry of bridges. and footpaths to a • • • day; the .following will be con- class of chilchen. and a class ,of . moss or dried sheep or cow " and on into New point directly in front of the April 19. Good Friday. Two firm~: David Carr. Carol Colby, adults will bc!coIifirmed and will . 0) DID rifE RED CRoss manure: Clay soil can be per- . ,England. American falls - that 'Is, the so. services will be held. The first: Gordon Faust, Phyllis Frank. thus be' received Into communi- SELL CIGARETl'ES? It has been manently ,improved by adding. called "BI'idal Veil Falls." De~otions with Passion History Marlene Hesse. Lulher Neeb, and cant membership'with the church. charged that members 'of our and' working in said. Likewise, .' You 'will re- On Good F.i-iday, April 16. ,a Armed' Forces were Sometimes ,~member that it Behind Bridal Veil Falls is the from 1 to 2:30 p. m., imd second, Mary Rohn. saqdy soil can be improved. by ;,.was n ear the cave, about 100 feet from floor' the evening service at 8 p. m. • • • service approp.date to the dB}' will compelled to pay,for Red' Cross adding clay. A clay soil will have present. day to ceiling and penerating into the This service will be highlighte4 On GooQ. Friday,. ~pril 19, 'the' be held at 1:15 p. m. and close at cigarettes. This isilot true: Un~ ,better texture if it' is plowed in congregation will hold a' 5p:eCial 2:300'clock. doubtedly this rumor arose from ... great city cif Buft'alo'thatLaSalle rock about 200 feet. It's an expe- by the rendition of Bach's "Christ, the falL ., built his ".Griffon." thellrst.sail- riencl; you'll never' forget when Thou Lam~ of God," arranged by service from 1 p: 'm. 'to 2 p. m. 'The schedule for'Easter Sunday the fact that sometimes soldiers A good ~oil must contain or- i,ing ship on the lakes. That was you stand within' the cave and Christiansen. The Easter lervice begins at'11 will be as follows: Sunrise Com- would . sell . packages . 'of .' Red ganic. matter. Manure should be a:m: The choir,' under the dtrec. munion service at 7 a. m.; Sunday Cross cigarettes' which they: ha~ . in 1679. Came 1813 and the Brit- listeD. to the roar of millions upOn ,t added at the rate of one pound t,lsh captured Buft'alo.and burned millions 'of gallons of water pour- POINTE METHODIST tion of W. F. Fenske, .will aid in school at 9:158: m,; late service obtained ,free .. Furthermore" in a il,i to each square foot. The same beautifYing all. ofthi!se services. at 10:30 a, m. number of areas the ¥myset up i',it. Two Yearl later Bulfalo< was ing,overbea.d. And. of course, the ~~~ 'application' of compost is recom- The Woman's Society of ,Chris- During Sunday' school on EUter ~ __ -'-''-_ Post, Exchanges (PX-s) 'in Red ~. tian Service of the' Grosse Pointe mended.If p,eat moss is used, 300 SWl,day. the pupils will, be shown ST. PAUL EVANGELICAL " Cross hilts. and. cigarettes and JAMES C~ ...IG'and FRANCES to 400 pOunds .per 1,000 square Methodist Church will meet at beauti11Jlly',coiored slides de'pict- On 'Maunday Thursday Holy lDany other ,sundries .wer'l sold. the home of Mrs. F.O. Jordan, GIFFORD. 'who. score'd romantic- feet is enough. ingUie Eaalerstory. • . Communion will be celebrated at But,these wereArfuy Operations ally,in "Our Vines ,Have,Tender 277 Moross road, on Monday, .• • • th En ".L ,,_ . in Red CrosS quarters,-and some April 15, .at 1 p. m .. Mrs, 'Lee S~ "e. g>.=J~rvlce at'8'p.'m.' A ~oldiers thoughtlessly assumed Grapes,". get anottler Charice at Waiker, 865 Bedford road, will TlIe'exanihiation of the,l946 special, service will beheld in that they Paid the Red Cross for love in the ne'w 1\1:-G.M'race have charge of the devotions and cdnllimatiOI1 class, in the:pres- English on Good ,Friday; evening these cigarettes. ' track comedy -romance; uSh!! .,Beautiful the program will be in charge of ence'of the parents and elderS of at 8 p. m: Pastor Grewenow's went 10 the 'Races .... current at' Mrs. C. R. Wylie, 1253 Kensing- thecongiegation, will take place' sermon. topic being "Th~ Vigil (2) DID THE RED CROSS traclion at the Esquire Theater. Summer Home ton road. on-Thursday 'evening,\April II, of the Cross". All Holy Week' CHARGE FOR MEALS AND Ava Gardner and Edmund Gwenn' • _ • at'7:30p; m" at the home of Mr: Services will' be held at the Jack# LODGING? Yes, in leave. areas are others in the ~ast. On Loke Erie near Oxley.' Th M ' Clob {'th G" and.MIs. John',Heinz .. e,,900 Ri- sonSchool. .. ,., .. (ollt-o!' combat zones)', the. Red e ens uo e rosse 'lard. ' ., Speda~:Musie will be rendered Crossmade'asmall,below.cosf , 25 Miles from Windsor Pointe' Methodist Church will at"all services by the. Senior charge for.' mealS and lOdging. meet al thehome ofT. J. George, .'., .. ... - - 'Chotr under the diredton of Rob- The RedCross"durilig the war, 6toue'Pointe: 5252 LOdewyck. on Mondayeve.TI).e Advls(jr)r Council.'on con- ert A. Stratton. workS under the. supervision and Methoclist Churdl .:FOR SALE ning, Apri115,at 7:30. DanGuy; grela,tional activities, meets on orders of.the War Departmenl 1l%eeUng Iii Kerby ~hOol 420 Rivard boulevard, ",ill be'in Mon,day, 'April' 15. at 8 .p,' m., at On. May' 20,1942, a leUer ,'was Kerby 'Rd; near Kei'clleval .Th.e quiet, restful Summer Ho~e an ch.argeO~ the. ,m.,eeting .an....d..... th.e hom.e ~ftheP. as.~o"~'"Ch!1irri:l Canada .Lee tent to the Red'CrosS by the late Mornln~. 'iVOroldP" at..1cS:45'. oH~e IlIte leo 'Wendel is noW Brotherh!lod; wIll continue ~~.Ilis Walter Wilson, preslliing. Secretary" of' War StitllsOri,. in~ Su nday sebOOI -t~r' Pre-Scbool available. Completely furnished~ "Thumb., Nail Sketches'~of: in. ". _. ,. ../ . In New'Play , structing the'Red Cross to make . , . Chll<1ren. 10:45-12,'30 . LllIldscaped. For full details and teresting' haPP.enings in ttlelives 'I'hi! r;utheran Laymen's League. ...,.,. nominal charges for. the 'above; Sunday SchOol ~or.Ad.uiS' and " of the members present. Three of of St .. James church' meets on • mentioned services. The WarDe- All Young Pe<>ple. 1Z,12:ao ' 'terms address Box 1059, Detroit r J . '. " , ' ~ the men have been around. the Tuesday, April 1S,beginning with ' The play"of Maxine Wood, "On pa!irnent, worked 011 the theory, You!JI Fellowsblp at '.:30 Po .... , : ~rllll ~ress. . , rebuilt, but it was neit 'until 1825, lover of the beautiful and the, un- wor.ld a..t 1.ea.st. once and one Of.t.he another .fe.ll 0 ShiP.. dinn. er .a.t 6:30 Whitman Avenue," that Canada undoubtedly, that ourservicemen Rev. H"gb C. WhIle. 'MlnJltft . I 242 Sireet. at McMUJ.u ' . I'. f with'thecoznil:l,'ofthe,Erie ca. usual will want to take the un- men)sa.veteran of, both world p.. m.;_ at the Gratiot-Harper' LeeandMarkMarVln,jri'aSsocl~, neitHer 'needed nor .. wanted au C. VALADE, 2SS1 Flsehe!'. TU. 1.U29 '.. c. !lal, that 'BUffalo 'rl'ally, 'start!!d forgetabll!! ride on the steambo,at, wa.r.s.•..h~..':'Jng. s.erv.ed In. the Navy Y'.MC#\-.,:No~.man....' ..' •.Zi..'eg.ler., lerving. tionwith(korge' McClain,ar~ to charityiil leave areas. The result , . ,DeLrol,tl4, Talephone PLaza :l1Zl '!" ;'.' 'I its Ilellt growth. 'T~y B!!1fa~o "Maid of the Mist." It takes you in thIS war. all, the w;;.y from as host. Another lI'Oup of return- present at the Lafayette Theatre was that' the Red CrOss was llble ~'~".":"''''i!: ,i':lUW, "'eIghth in the:na, t.ion lis a right in,to the oo.se of the falls. Guadalc.anal to. the Marshall IS- ed.veterans,w1llbe guestsof,hon. for two weeks beginning Monday, to' Serverilore men, inoredays,at ... manufacturing ceDier, 'and it has That ill somethinc else you can landS; or at this' meeting, thl lpeakerAprl1;15.:is.im.indicationofthe more pJaces' ..with more food.Le.t ~ ~"the larfeS:lllaln distributilll fa- ~ever forget., :" At the last meeting ,the follow- being Lawrence Riley_ aceuracywithwhich the Ameri.' me emphasize; however, that Red ~i "r~ilitles lD;the~United Sta.tea. : ing ofIicers'were'eleCt~Dan'M. • • • clln theater. always reflects life 'Cross Clubmobiles which':went ... Jtlilit "...... ,..,. C.rcIt I; I;~Then, Of'course,'Niagara'FaIl!; - GUy, 420 Rivard boUlevard. Men', The.'.Young' PeOPle's Society in this oountry.. '.' into cOmbat 'areas distributed ., (Te~Pckservice; Ap~l c l",:w~ youth camPi will be shown. r more a dra~a~lZatio~ of the blood each day was' shipped' to <,. fie, FranCes Butterfli!ld, Mitzibave .. a special1.entenmuslCal ... - '. • .eep.roo,ted pr:e)lIdlce wh,lch mo- laboratories for processing, and Spiers, carole' Stoneking; Con- serVIce. The combinedchoms of OnWedneilday at '8 p. m. the t1va:tes the w~Jte population. ~e immediately became the property stance Pl!cvey, Alice Jane Mooreso,'boys, women 'and menf'wilI CommimionserVic~ will be held varl!,~ ~eactions .of the w.hlte of the Army and Navy. and Ann. Elizabeth Bacon. Mrs: sing. Sir John Stainer's'Cruc'£::". in Rlchai:d schoo.1. Preceding the families In. a typIcal AmerIcan .(4) EMERGENCY FUR" 'lli J. host d M . A ...... ,. . th Ch h M locality to 'the prese.nce of a d-" ,.. . 1..'- W1 am 0 on an rs. r- io.n',under the directl'on. of. Char'les setVl.ce: e, urc' embe,:ship . ~- LOUGHS So t Id tho H B. th cen.t Negro family. in the nei"h- •. me lInes a so ler ur •... acl1n are, e sponsors Allen' Rebstcick, organiSt Uiii commltteewillmeel'Thefulll;'w- borhood,.provideemotional c6n- wouldb!a~e thll R~ Cross for of' the groilp .• ' " . choirmaster. ingmel!1bers compose the not obtam'"" for hIm an e e ." . com~ fiic.ts of an exciting' nature. On.. e . -;-'0,.' m :- . ' The group has taken several in" ,The. soloiSts are Charles Grin- mittee: Deaeeros: Harold W. Beat- flUnily in particular flnds itself a gency furl~ugh. I mlg?t> exp!am terestini;1riPs., After~lain1ig yer. tenor; Glenn Lewark, Frank tie, Jaml!ll T: Huette, Frederick house divided and the outcome of that onlyhlB commandmg officer 'A the ap~us and work .. of the 'Morgan. Paul Gard and Charles V.,Sloeum," Paul Giffin,. Donald thiS internal dissension supplies could, grant such a furlough. ~e fire department, one of the' men :Rebstock, Jr., basses. T. Lester, FredL. Sli'erwood, Ed~ the theater with. drama of the function of the Red Cross durmg slid dowIi,the"pole, much to the ---___ ward Kay, Starr L. Wade, Abram highest order. .the war, as requested by our Distinctive group'li'.am~me!lt. While :visit-' ,/ W90DS l"KESB'ITEJUAN L. Brp~; DeacOneSses:, Mes. Armed Forces, was to act as a ing the

, .

< "/:';'f:.:.~~~:~i~;~~i~4{~_~~~~~~j~{~~~~~~$~~ji~~~;;,,:;:. &ROSSE POINTE NEWS Don B~dgeand Bobby "Riggs. GQ~h- Pointe Tennis Team High'Sthool Net stars Get T ...... ;. Pointe Enters Grosse',Pointe's Baseball' Lesson from Wo~ldC~amp~ Track Team League Now Reorganizing. In Carnival Additionall Tearns and Backers Sought Befor. Sc:hedul. f$ . . Drawn UPi Four Outfit's Signify Readiness _~~ Next Saturday the Grosse By FRED RUNNELLS ~. Pointe Blue Devil thinclads Several years llgp each Grosse Pointe community sup- ported a bc>sebaU team and games were played when meet. will travel to Ann Arbor for ings could De mutuaUyarranged. In 1940 Arnold Deising the six.th annual River Rouge and Bill Shearer thought it would bea good idea to organ4:e High School relay carnival. a regular league and have regl,llarlyscheduled games ea~h :Otficially there is no state week. Deising.was elected pre'sident of the league, a poIi. hign school indoor track tion he has held each year since, because of his conscientioUJ work in building up the league. ., championship meet, but th~ From 1940 through 1942 the ....,...... ,.....-...,..------...,..- ~}ver Rouge affair is fast be- l"ague flourished and the leaiUe but is $till looking for a backer. co.ming the "unolficial" one. Originally the meet was so champions were. sl:nt to Battle A.nrone wiihini further informa. small that prelimniaries were not Creek to vie fo!' baseball hOllor •. fu>n regardln( backina one of the netdt!d in several events but this With the war. the league was' teams should call William Sheu. DONA:(..DBUDGE, one time champion of the tennis wofld, tells the members of¥ear's affair haa spread into a forced to suspend operation.l be.~ti~, at~~,1.2553. Also any play. the Grosse PoiJite High Sch.ool tennis team some of the fundamentals of,the game.' tW9' division competltiQIl which cause of the lack of players and er who wishes a tryout with on. He and Bobby Riggs gave-the local lads several hours of their time in the Tenrtis:House'. will Jnvolve more than 800 ath. because those who were still of.th ... team.l should contact :Mr. here in the Pointe Saturday afternoon.: . -Picture by Fr~ Runnells Itit!:s from 67 schools throughout around Wl!re working six andsev.' Sheater Dr :Mr. Deisinll .. JlL . \II the State. en days a week 'war wot:k. 1595.. . ' W. crld mafks lInd a new national Brooklyn DQd"e~ cai~hir:is.on .' 'saginaw Eastern, the defend- Now that the war is over' and The learue has POltlXlned draw- .. .• ing champion, will head the Class our serVicemen 'lre returnlnfj the In, up a playing schedule at tht. record for the 220. yard breast his way home today becaUse De A' schools in the first division player situation looks bright and time in hopes of gettina: at ., THIS WEEK stroke event. In the finals Ver- is homesick for his old Dodger while the ClasS B, C and D the league will resllIrie its scheel- 'two more teams entered. . , . III deud won 'both the breast stroke fans and is fed up willi tIie Mex: schools' will make' up the seconCi ule this spring. At. the, leallull .. Games ~!11 be played atitta arid individual medley events .• , ican, Ba~eball: lea"ue' di.!al. 'HiS di~lsiQn, :with separate team and meeting April 3 four teams stated. Mason field. Neilhborhood f,:1Ub ,SPORTS' WAYNE UNIVERSITY'S "W" •. d"d 1 . a d they would be ready w~ez:1.the; ~d"the Y'm Dyke. Field next to club is up ltiarms over the ~~ss .Branc~Ric~er.:saYS~I~w.~n In ~l".a;rel~ inchide21 ,By. .' i:~, Swill s~ason .Jlllg,lJ,!;,_';1'WQ. Q! ~the.'.teams. tM..Ll~' bi&1l school" wltll. the "rutbleu. ti;eatment" accorded to will not slay around ~he DOdger sch!lOls, among t!lem De LaSalle are, ,fr(lm. py.ke~ ,Vl!icl\ .W:it.;.IiJDe,~!ledu1~ for Mai19. FIlED BUNNELLS YliD;. tl1~ Joe; (iembis, recenUy deposed. as quarters because plans < are, to .of. the Catholic League, the lone LUD1ber,~~tpp~y;(.t.eafn:~.d; Th!l ~e;.itai1ies wql ~ officiated by . THURS;,'ApR.~MONTREAL Wa y n'e .'University's football sell Owen or work a good trB-d-e. Dcjtroit entry. GrossePointe',,:,iIl Blazer ,Auto:SuP!!ly Company; ;; :~'if;Btleball!'ederaUon' \un.. CANADIANS' defeated the Bos- coach o'n the recommendation of 'Rlckey says Owen's action can- head the'suburban lIchools which 'TWO Gross'e :cPo1ilte .te~#Is: a~: ptresand ICOtm.: i ....' ..' .._ ., r,:ady ..to 'resume_play .. with ..1he":"~'lJ'e.leiiue '.lihouldpic'llde .• ton Bruins~ 4-2,. for seventh con- Alden W. Thompson, new' athletic t' b .doff lightly" , .! ipclude Royal O~k, Ferndale, . . ... head. A. delegation ..from the "w" no . e pass,e .. '._...... "'. I, East Detr.oit, , Hazel Park, Dear~ City of,Gross~.Pointe team'-bema: ~:w.eltbrand. of 1:IUebltlHlir GftIiise secutive .' Stanltiy Cup . playoff club will appear before. the De,- " WEDNESDAY •. A P .R',I..L' 1"".\1':"'" b9rn. anel Wyandotte, agaInst- suc\! backed by the .Jefferson Lincotn; Polnler! th1'otiihoutthe 'summer, gam.. e

tricks again: .Jop c. louted'his six-. '.. ' .. 1702 fans . Th CI ''''''' h 01 I' c'l de . ~ M.urr.ay Knapp,.'.wa, stlfe first lar"e' • ...... e aSS.D ac 0 s n u teeilth home ~rtin of the spriiJg bollt to be placed in. the water.. ------.' .. ';.' • . 'A''1m' a,.. M' t'. PI easan'. t , T raverse. training season today to pace the C.t B' . h F nton' Eco e . .. , . thi,•• pring .. Bli.tz'en is. en..tere..dlii It ..Ca' .'s".'ua"' .It.r.es....:....,..;,' ~y, lrmmg am, e , 1'll, Yan~ees t'o .an'. 11-3. victory. over. the Newport .to Bermud. a :rar-,e GO' " ' . .., . }bve,r,"'R opge, T ren ton,. W ayne an d Dallas ••• DETROIT BOWLING Y I' th Th "c" n' June 29.: She will leave Detroit:T B'" R- oc '~'iw+.,..1 a eamong 0 ers. e e ~ A5sociation. prese,nted,Detroit's J '1' 0 e etn~eu :triej. total 17 schools, while only bid for the 194.TAmerican Bowl- une , .•• , '. .. '. .. . .' : tnree, teams. will comPete in the ing Congress to'urriamenl; That, .sUN';ll.PR. 7~BENHOGAN , ,.... ,:_..,-_._ ..',.. ,'. Class uD" division. . :'. Detroit will be awarded the 45th three-putted the eighteenth.greenMrs. WilliamL,i.McGiv'edn,~f .' The program will consist of the annual. classic is'assured as ~here in , the ,Masters Tournaineritj: at Rivari boulevard, Grosse "Pointe; 60 yUd dash, 65 yard hip and was no 'anno'lmced opp~sili<:i1 ••• ' A1Jgus't.a, 9fO~gia; and gave ~or~. of the Detroi t,Women'" GfM A!I~ idlii hurdles, 12. Pound 'shot put, "FRI;, APRo ~BIRMINGHAM, mer b!ueJacke~.Herma~ KeIser sociation ai:ici.Mr~Robett'Eo'iiow~ 'hj'g~jumP, poie va~lt, 440Y!lfd, '~#\B!\.MAresidents', honored a one stroke ..~lc~ry •. Chlck Har- ell of the Detroit'D15tdcCGoU ,hal1 mile'and one nule runs, half Army. Edu.cation . Virgil' Trtlcks, Detroit Fire baU Mrt of. DetrOIt. tIed, ,for ,seven~ AssOCiation/will cb'o})etilte"li\i'put~ 'inileielayiind medley relay. Pre- pitcher, today." Trucks used to pla.:e ~it~ .. Sam "Snead, . Ciayton ting on the Junior Events for thli limiharies'wll1' start at 1:30 p.m. ~rogramPral8ed. switch boxcars in the local yards Haefner and' Byron Nelson .'. _' coming' year. . ... ; '. with .the tmals starting at 6:15. .: ~- of',the .South'ern Railway before. ST,. ~GAR~ ~RY. DetroIt 'There wiit ,be' two 'e\rents.::36 .'GrOssePointe .• p'~rs to ,hi . President HitroidW.D&idl of joining the Tillers a few years major, league chamPton, def$lted hole Medal Play at Red Run on 'strQng in all the .running ~vents Ptlnl:eton Univeraity, Princeton, blck .•'. '. '. ' Cleveland's 51. ~eo1iie, 63.~2, for July 8 and. 9: Bh,d a'di!trict 'cham~ bjitweak'in the, shot put, :high N. J" "expres&ed his approval of -: SAT. APR .. ll-VERNON STE'. ~l!elC??e D~tr~.lt vIctory mt.he pionship to be'held' at tOChmoot jlimp:and Pol~ val!lt, although the 'educational. advantages. of- PHENS St to.' B h 't mter-clty CYO, basketball senes on August 5 through 8.: ' ' _th'l!te is ..' gOod pOssibility the fered to arJl)Y enlistees under the , .,. • UIS. .~o\~ns ~, or - being played iil 'Ch!veland • '...... , BI' D '1' I . stop and 1~45. Amenca? ,League BOSTONBRUTMS . 51l0iled the .These juniQr': everiis.wer~", ~ "ue eVI. S m~y spr ng a surprl~e G.I: 'Bill of Rights. home run kmg, rejOl!led the Montreal i Cimadi~hs chanCes' of casualty. during ,the war and, in ~n the hIgh jump event. ThIS "Skill 'in technololY i& im- Lnlwns after his short lived bolt setUna' a new record fo'r theN-a- reinstating them it is hliped tha~ ISn't countt!d on too strongly. porlant,". said PresidentDod~, 10. the Mexican League last week lional Hockey.' League;' Stanley even more interest. Will b4! del Coach. Ba~ach: has hopes .but wlll "But it alone will not save us and ~'m.welcomed hom~~ithout Cup serie< when they won the '/eioped than ever before...... : be cOllte,n.t to )ust make ad~ent ""nally by'th club leall\ fl'" G . " '" . '. . ." \ showillC: III the ~etandfi&ur",! in the atomic ale •. Wli niustlP- "'; .,,' e " Ie. o~. fourth g,ame g! the.' series 3~2,'af- ,olfers m., thIS section can well. the squ:id will. det valuable ex., :Illy i.he knowledge, ,.whi.ch the clalsh and Baseball Commissioner. t~r bell'!i lOundly u:ounced' m. the remem b er:yo~~s ters 0f bY••" o~,~ perience for the• coming Border sodal" sclenCH~ . art, literature, ~er~~t~;r ~1l;e'a~~~:~~TgE t~r~ first. three g.~mes • •• . years, such 88 .Bllly :~yiOl'. Ja~K, City League outdoor track season. ethics .and phllosophYlupply .•il . .M 0 N DAY •. APRIL 8--IKE Emory, Lloyd M~,.D,rew. ~d, . InCHEYAL" we are to' preServe the tradition- add~ the AAU Championship. to WILLIAMs,' N II A 1l ht ei ht Chuc~ Egelston, ;D!C~ .Whitmg; Fl5H • .1 IO~ ' Rl.moral values' whlch'f&1oiie;",lll itl ..l.e~dy bulging trophy. coue. title' .holder ;:kri~k'ed~ :ut~~fe Wally ~urkemo, MarjorIe .-~owei hold' tlie' world' to,eUier:This Eor Joe,~Verde}1d .of the Philadelphia, G,jo.sa" iil.Phil.....~.d,.elphla, In ..th. e fll.'.sfI Hope Signous. 8n.•d'.~arga. ret'RUs'r means that America can. and Turners. ',splash.ed to two miw . .' - ______sound •. ,G1osa, battered to the:' . .. "; . , Luncheon FRIDAY. must encourage thebr0ll:4est pos- fllXlr '~ri!t!:tlmeS: in .theltirst' The. ,Mlch,zgan'State:Am,ateur:, sATul:DAY .~A,,"':12-U 'THE,WINE.SHOP sible e4ucatfonal 'proVam.: or Ditmer lor round .failed.toansw-er the' bell ChampIonshIp I tournarneI!t; ,an-: 1Z7';'~ IW9. "., impOrtant service in the regular .iJ.,;,.;, .. Pi_ . ; Ya J..... ~.L.;;;rT~'" ~;':;.: : 'al.1 its youth. '. army.' . fiJr th~'s~con(fround ••. TWEN.' other war casualty,'~i1l:be.play"l R-r-t . ,: ':. Cllonj,ttte. .I .... r. I...,.. ~.Wiltii';:~ .. '-.' . , ,,} have been glad ~ see that "This program should. be thll T~ .LE'r1'ERMEN from last seaJ oed O? .Julyll.to:'U Jnclwllve:"t CQ'l~reS5 has el(tended the edu- means ot not only 'helping to son's .lfotre Dame football .team. B<;lvl.dere Go!f ClubJC~BIIevOlx, 'WEDSEW. cational prlvileges of the G. L give this country the kind of and. nine, ex-servicemen, letter: Michlg,an. ThIs. P.ve~t .WI~ .be run ,''ffm-EJID:AT.UE;WILDOIF".: wihners'm:'former years, were; by .James ,D.' Standish, Jr;jRS, Bill of Rilhts to ~ounl men who regular army it requires, but Frld.yDoen OwMa .. ':10 ,; II. enlist in the reluiar army todlly. also helpiriJ ..to improve the .among Jll players .who •. turrred! chalrJ1)a~; Fred •. Ka!Mllei"i J~:,:, e. ROOm*. 'rp.ese privileces make it pOssible educational . slanding of our out for the opening footbaU.prac- C.hrls BrmkeandRoberl E. How-. Sat..... y, cMtt ..... froa 1r-tl ,.~ for'.n\aiiy ambitious youog.men future generlition: an absolutely t1ce'at Notre.Dame ••• BOBBY ell. In 1941 Sam Koqis'won'the' .. i'65 E. }EFIlERSON who. might. oot be' able to' alford necessary achievement, if we are RIGGS defeated Don Budge, event aUer a spirited. play-oft. ~ a....u .. AlotodIo higher education, to eet stich to keep pace with the de\'elop~ 6-I,7-5,iri'East Lansing and !i.-ow with Roru,tie.Williams. _. SUNDAY. MONDAY. TUU~AY A'IIL 1...11-16 ed.1:lcationas a rew~i'd .for' their menls .of thr,: atomic age." . holds a 14 to 4 advantage in their .The MIchigan State ,Amateur . YYH.~rI •.• 1M C...... The army. recruiting olfice "best ot 40' gameS", tour. .., , Championship tournament 'was localed at 21 CadiIlac square, i. 'TuESDA Y, April 9-P AT. S Y first played at Saginaw in 1906.~ open nights until .9:00 'p. m. to STARR!!.'T, U. S: Bad mill ton Play ,was. suspended during, "FROITIEI ill" give further" information on this champion, has. quit the game be- World War one and; World' War: . . I. T.dMllcoier ~ubiect to inlerested applicants. cause he gets too nervolis • . • two. WINDSOR SOUR C E S report. SUSPICIOUS, that a syndicate. of Detroiters WEDNESDJ,l.Y.THUISDAY 'A'IIL 1701. Moiti; 'PO:rVLAaTBAN 'Eva . The anonymous telephone call- hav! purchaSed the former Wal.' Anlwlf' .To .', : Fer' . er is still It work .. The latest kerDiary f8rm,twlimllesnOrth- Arice Fay•• D~ u.HIa De""'1 ';: . SINk,. Cltick. 1.11 SNfMII. 'complalnt comes from Mrs. Bal- east of Windsor as a race' track "Who Am [7;'; HI-LITES' lincer ot 874 51. Clair. She says .site. Present. planS' are. to run p~ ~" ". . "FA" "' ,,: . At Mod,rote "rices some party has called up her trottinl rateS in ttJe' fall but .the . . rr- .8M In EntertalDlIlent home on sev.eral -different ceca- track' can be used for running 'Pege Ii sions recently. This l)ar!v alwavs races if the Mli:higan Supr!!me WILLENS UiatiDciive .Danee Music Nirbtl1 ans.wers in a male voice; "Sorrr, Court rules the sport unconstltu~ '""",., THf VOCAl-AIlS but I called the wrong number." tional in Michigan .•• THOMAS '" ~ .. L"tnlude SpeelalU .. by IThe lady has the distinct im- GRAHAM, Detroit reslaurant .1hwlni RAIUtY l'JtF.lI"CII"lI"ontllent SI.. t pression some one is calling tl) ownel', plans to build a race track "OSE~STALIN JA.''lOr. WATERS. Q •• .,. .r III.. l .. ries learn whether therc is anyone on the sile of the old Kenilworth Depart- Cater! te Weddin home. track .:. MICKEY OWE~, 11III 15311 E. JEFFERSON TV. Z.2764» Open Mon. to Thurs. S:45 P.M.:s.t., S.... a.Hc1a11l1%:U P.M. I APRIL U.1) fRIDAT. SATURDAT I Eddie 'racket •• d W...... Iter I.

Steaks-: I and I Yeroll£c. L~k. hi '1IIe Crt. Chop's .. "Hold TUI ..... " hoIIr'. w.,...." . D,.el...... Prillti .. S\lNDAT. MONDAY •.TUqDAT APlIL 14015-16 Cupid's, .ven thrOilgt,out the: 1 DAT'SllYICE Loretta Y0.'"1 .Rd ~ MJ"""'" '""' wor days, continued alwoiysto New Fealtl .. Gary Cooper Is, . Dett A-cIte ... - . . I serve st"ks and chops ; ; • and' CAIUA' J4.71 "Aloll C " " ..... icII Willacl" then, os now, al~ays .t ceilin9 WITH CASE G. M. Exposure . WlDNESD.. T.THUIS T~ ~! prices. The $llpply is better now '. Meters !I.ZZ U" Crlttinl(' Board...... 6.15 ••• o!ndyou"1 want a Cl.lpicl Roto Dryer _.~18.t6 'EnJarrlnl(' EueJ... ~...... 5.17 steak or chop tonight. G. E. IAtern] Timer...... '.51 .Atlljw&allie Devel'pilll(' '. TaDQ __ Z.ts yokllf Projeeklr IU5 -1tI~~ ClOlf4 Tundaya Co ..."_", Ih.. ef AItefs hi IHck CRAIG_ ~ . ". ~ ~~ ...G1FF9RO JOHNSON'S BAR ..' .....r~ rH.. -~ Ho",. of Chok. lhm II1Jd W;rus .:-14319 MACIt' AYINUrJ _ _ ~ .'CfUQ ... A Fine Place to Relax and Meet Your Friends Bet. LaItew_ Ind ChallMlll h.l.tt. CiodHnl. Fred MtlcM~y 1. IST"UIANT .1711 BARE. AVB. Behve.n i . . OpeD 'tn. SAd Sat. Eve-. . It. ClaIr Sheres Mile . Till. P.M., ."IT'IDI" OILyn .. .t I" MACK HARVARD RD,

'J;' e •• «. me •• 'n' •••• . . tn. ft. tr. « ,-; '~~iits\. ;:,;'«. • • ..... H.' • e ••• s ••• ...•..•. • ... 'I.~","'~.""""."""-.:'~'."'.''''' ,.; ,' ,.~~ '~ ,." " •. ~, .• ,_.,.I , •...,''''~.\ .., , ~ ;, ..~,." ;,;.• :.....•• ".;. ..;.," \, ' , "_.--'-"-'.'~"~"';"""""""'f,", ' ...... ' .. .: ......

Po _"--"-~.-=ge~--'Ei.:....9Meen~._. ._G_R_0_S_S_E_P_0_1 ~N_T_E_N_E_W_S _ • n,urscI.Y;'~ (I,' '" .... WANT ADS • • • I ~ •. To Place a CIu.rIa All '7 .n-.Ca~, ~)tI[~fljj r~ft '>II I TU." 2..- 5-SITUATlONS WANTED 5-SITUATIONS WANTED Pr-ARTICLES FOI SALI I-ARTICl.ES FOR SAU I13-1EAL ESTAn FOR SAU 21-SEIYlCES 21-SERVICES GROSSE POINTE NEWS (M.I. ..d Fe.. I.) (Mal. aN Femal.) (al-GeMral (.)-CllStoM COrsets. 1 BLUE rug, 8xlO. $10; two pair of LANDSCAPE and seascape water LOCHMOOR BLVD. (3 '1'rllt1k Linea te Suft !,,,) Je SPENCER CORSETS blue rayon drapes: $1; two pair ~olors; automalic electric wa:r OCCUPANCY MAY I UPHOLSTERY AND CAIPETS Iron; gallon glass bo}t1es; bUlld- INDIVIDUALLY designed. Dl_ CBABGEKATIS of men's slackS imd housecoat, ers hardware; odd pieces glass, First oJ'l'~finJ( of th.is beautifu'ly Cleaned in Your Home' and Surgical garments. Over II w... Me MADAM size 40; hat. 7, $10_ TUxedo china and" silverware .. NIagara designed .~9rllsse ~ointe home. Ead, &ddltl.uI W.. ~ . 1-1183. 4449 Three bedrooms (2 ar.e)arge mas- 13 years experience. Maud • Join the Hourly Aide Club to relax by enjoying the . , ter bedrooms). 2 baths .. center Domestic and Oriental Bannert, 368 McKinley. Grosse CASH KATES servjces of tr~jned children nurses, housemaids, cooks, IVORY, bedroom suite, Simmons hall circular staircase. Gothic fire- Pointe. Call. NIagara ~27 01' It Werd. _---Mo~ FRENCH chaise lounge. all-down place. 2 car attached garage. Well Guaranteed Moth-Proofing TOwnsend 7-4312- Eeeh &dllJUeul W... ~ laundress, cleaning women, seamstress, companions cushions, per f e c t condition, day bed. "Ideal" for cottage." landscapped lot .115' by 163'. Call Library table. LEnox 7589. and nurses for elderly people. Selected and placed $125. Carved walnut arm chair, Mr. Joachim. TU. 2-8839 for ap- DURAWAY FAIRIC SERVICE {f )-IefrilJ...... CLOSINS riME pointment or stop at Branch of- ; I:" A4I w1U be with you by women of culture and experience. upholstered with needlepoint. FlNE' SELECTION of clothing fice-Mack aJOxford Rd. TUxedo 2-6249, VErmont 7-4377 REFRIGERATION - Guaranteed and art, china and antiques. A=pted at $100. Carved 'walnut piano service on all makes reirigera- d~':d'wS'o~'" Catherine's Resale'Stor~. ~411l2, ARTHUR J. SCULLY Mrs. W. K. Williams Mrs. LeRoy Pelletier bench, $30. Small walnut table, 2417 Penobscot Bldg. CA. 0'252 LA WNMOWERS SHARPENED. tion "nd washing machines. Li- Your Ad will be accepted Wl- Kerc~eval Av~ .• between New- censed. honded. Written guar- tiI 4 p. m. Tuesday at the low NI. 0792 'UN. 1.6544 $20. NIagara 2631. port and Eas~la wn. Pickup and delivery. Phone NI- . Philip nr.Warren agara9420. antee. Bonded Service, 13131' Cash Rate at-anyone of the Harper. PIngree 4120. following stores: FORD radi~ for car .o~ boat, $15. BEAUTIFUL nin'e"footmahogany 5-3 income. face brick. large rms .• cal'pelinl:, stove, and J'eiligel'atol' VETERAN, experienced to tend 7-WA,NTED TO RENT 25p Hart, Detroit bar complete with beer tap and incl., rec. rm .• and garage. early (j]-Paillf ud Dee.... ~.~=-Jack. Gr. Pte. Woods lawflS and do odd jobs. TUxedo (Hollses, Apts" Flats, .tc.) running wa.ter. ; Marble' back possession up and down. 1\1r. INTERIOR decorating; .reason- BLUE cRoss DRUG . 2-3557. OIL-FIRED space heater used har and mirrors. Has 'only been Woodard. PI. 4600. Modern -, .._:,-.1'lS1l Maek at Neft R4. DISCHARGED veteran. wife and one season. May be seen at used in recrealion room in pri- able, rates. Call D. Sherman. H ANN' A N Roseville 1164-R, or BUSCH DRU~ EUc ~ HANDY MAN wants work as year-old baby want a furnished Quonset Hut, 16829 Kercheval, v;ot", home. Will consider any Carpet. ENterprlH .....--. - . gardener and doing ,odd jobs or unfurnished apt.. 'house or ave., at Cadieux . reasonable offer.M,ust be sold Real Estate Exchange. Inc. 6018. CUNNINGHAM'S . about the house. Grosse Pointe flat in Grs. Pte. Will deposit 14900 liarper at Outer Dr. --xe.-..IwYa1 .t Notre DeDM complete and buyer must re- OUTSIDE painting, cementw'orko references., TU. '2-7133.: rent 2 mo. in advance. Good BAUMMARTEN dyed skunk CLEANERS DRUG 00 •. move. 1,tAndolph 9070. Carpeting. rugs and upholstery GR03SE m. background. TOwns~nd 8~j943. j a Ck e t. Excellent. condition, , Nottingham nr. Morang Dr. repairing. Call DRexel 3193. ~ .Ken:hl!YaI .1 5t.. ClIW , c 1e a n e d and automatically EXPERIENCED laundress wishes $1,25. NIagara 7744.' CLUB CHAIR, f ram e hand Nr, Morang Dr. mothproofed' in your home. FOR the finest interior decorat~. 2 or 3 days' steady .. No, clean- COUPLE-Minister of Grs. Pte. ,~~~~~ Blvd. HAINES baby, grand piano; carved; also pure silk brocated Brick 4'h rm.. 'h duplex bung., , All Work Done by Machine ing and outside painting at ing. Call TEniple 2.238D. a,k Methodist Church and wife fireside bench, cushion down- Experienced and References KOFP IArdleftI chairs, dressing table, dinette, Gas A.C ..ht:. J!aral(e, fenced, tile reasona ble cost. s~e Charlp.s A. i'~.. for Vera. want 'house or apt., furnished filled. B(;th pieces like new. features. near schools. bus and Insured & Guaranteed Schraeder at DRexel 0388. . box springs on legs; tables; ~.. wu.:ER PHARMACY . or unfurnished, in Grs: Pte. by TUxedo 2-0630. stores. quick posses ion. See this. For PJ;ice. and Estimate Call copper and bra~s; miscellane- ,-"--_~ at. W"""'" NEAT colored' ,irl needs' day July 1 or sooner. No children. Mr. Woodard, Pi. 4600. TUxedo 2-8385 ERNEST Dujardin, painter anJ! w 0 r k. References. TEmple No pets. TUxedo 1-11"29. ous. MElrose 1573. • 9-ARTICUS WANTED N'::.~ DAME ~~ HANNAN decorator. 820 Notre Dame. 1-7357. TWO, twin coil springs, $4 ea. ATTENTION! 'Grosse Pointe. NIagar... 5069. SCHE'M'LER'S-..J5324 Eo J'eUeno!! $15~ CASH to boy or girl who Fttll Real Estate Exchange, Inc. size brown metal bed. and. If your vacuum cleaner ,or any TWO experiencf:c1. veterans 'desiJ:e furnishes vacancy tip leading to 14900 Harper at Outer Dr. PAINTING, Decorating. W.ll ::~ii.~~'atKa_ spring. $16. Girl's hockey make washers troubles you, call small' accounis (bookkeeping) rental of house, terrace, l11'~. s\<.ates, black shoes, size 7. Boy's WANTED NIagara 0585 for ':!Uicient service. Washing. All work guarantei!2, 3A and Repair now and save the wear. _~,TlT~IItn.-.... Campfire Girl who furnishes for a fine country home adjoining (H .. MS, A,m.,. Flats. de.) vacancy tip leading to rental of 4A, $1 a pro Girl's clothing, 12, BEST PRICES PArD 2 state parks. New 3 bedroom 1 Also stair carpet shifted. D.ay THE MANOR house, terrace. apt. (top $165). 14 and 16, including formals, $3 FOR MEN'S SUITS, floor plan ranch type bungalow or ,:vening. NIagara 0703., I::11 DISCHARGED veteran. aingle, with barn and stables. 15 acres DECORATING NI. 8244. ea. Wool and crepe, $3 ea. . , I'" '. FOR BEST RESULTS, , wishes a room or' apartment. Teddy Bear ,coat, $8. Green TOPCOATS AND SHOES fenced post and rail. Direet ac- .. SERVICE ... 12yrl.. resident in. Grosse winter coat, kolinsky collar, $10. cess to riding trails. Owner must GROSSE POINTE ... ADvERnS~rNTHE' NEWs! VETERAN and wife want a fur- TYler 4-3625. sacrifice. $32,000. Mr. Donovan • PIe. Park. can PLaZa 7130. 10 Sweaters, 50c. Skirts, $1 ea. .. nished or unfurnished flat. PI. 4600. Olive 4560 . Prospect 5278 to .. ' . :NIagara 1424. 'LAWNMOWER SHOP house or apt. Best references. " telephone cllil will bring us , :.l-PUILIC .~OTiCES Call LEnox '1556. to you immedilltely! HANNAN HOUSE.30r " bedroom. No Real Estate Exchange. Inc. Hjlnd and power 1awnmowers. FOR YOUR painting, decorating, sharpened and repaired. , --.' , ,CHICAGO' children. GoOd references. Ex- FbRMER Naval officer, now ~vith 14900 Harper at Outer Dr. paper hanging and wall wash. cellent care of p!:,operty. Tux. FURNITURE WANTED-If you mg. Worknianship and ma- $3.80 iNCLuDtNGTAX established concern, urg~nfly CLOCKS .have anyth1ng in the line of 4150 CADIEUX 8alIlle •,.. n,2i' ' CI1IItoa'; . . RM 1-]982. Grosse ,Pointe Park terial guaranteed. Call WUUam needs furnished house or apart, For All Occ~sions household furniture and lUg!, JolUlSV!lle . $2.42 ~ : ~'l'O Large brick home, 4 bedrms .. 2 Eigeman. 'ruxt:do 2-9083. 'Coldwater $2.~ Slur . . $3.57 . :men, for summer months. C. H. call Th. Neatway Furniture, TUxedo. 1-2029 ALL CLOCKS SOLD BY' US baths. lav. on first'lloor and base- THRp;E ADULTS Fleming, RAndolph, 4320. . 13930 Kercheval LEnox 2115. A-I PAINTING II< DECORAT- ~x..A£,~I'rLJ~.711~R :tt.Ga~~ FULLY GUARANTEED ment; beautiful carpets and ,1&015 CASS, AT BAGLEY:. JlMl ING. Interior II< exterior wall &10.. House. terrace or. flat with two I-ARTlCLES FOR SALE .USED sewing machines; any con- dra'Res throul(hout. Roll screens CUT and se\" slip covm,drap- washing" wall paper' eleaninl. or more bedrooms. No pets. We Repair Any Type Clock dition. '::ash waitipg. Brandau stove and built in ref.; oil steam eries and curtaillll. Call NIagara GROSS1;;PoiNTE EXCHANGE CATCHER'S outfit, leg guard. heat. 2-car garage. Call Mr. AU worle fully guaranteed. For Sales executive "Don't Waste Time, See Us!" Repair Shop. FItzroy 3237. 4795. . - opening soon. Anyone interest- mask, body protet:tor, glove $20. Burns. PI. 4600. free l!JItimate' call Dre:ul 1131 in placing their handiWC1rk ed Call'DRexel 1007. Al.so track shoes, size 7 and 9. BOOKS bought in any quantity. or Pingree 3.29. call at Krause Sales. and Ser- H ANN A N .1 !:lRAPERIES and curtaillll made. . Call TUxedo 2-7978. EASTSIDE. CLOCK SHOP Entire librariC8, bookcases and vice," 20947 Mack, for partic- Real Estate Exchanlle. Inc. Your material. Expert work- 13234 Kerchevlli Ave. paintings: Bronzes. B. C. Claes, , ul8:rs~'. EX~.A1Ll\!Y olficer and wife, both SILVER rox furs and hat. Good 14900 Harper at Outer Dr. mllnship. Speda! attention to PAINTiNG emPloyed, nee d apartment.' lEnox J645 1670 Leverette. Phone CHerry condition, $50. TUxedo 2-7952. 4267. . ,styl. anli detail Alterations. OST AND FOUND Gordon Wilson. 266 Lakeland, after' 6 p.m. r Balfour AND DeCORATING TU!1~2ll. . WORK benches, maple top, steel EmolYJi McCarty. UN. 3-7920. dS't-:"Near NeJf an~Kiircheval, 3 bedroom brick colonial, 6.years BRITTANY wool topper, beige legs. 5-6 ft. long, good condi- old, gas A.C., I(aralle, nat, fire- Compl.te SarVic. .\a silver Parker No. 51 foLintain ATTORNEY, member of estab- and brown, herringbone,. size . tion. Suitable for hobby room. WANTED place. well land.~caped, Mr. Don- FUKNlTUU REPAIRED Interior-.nd_tor ;.~pen,Has SeJ:ltin:!4mtal'valiie:-Re- lished'llrm. wantS 2-4 ~room. 14. Cost $75, sell for $25. Worn Children's sand boxes, alumi- ovan. PI. 4600. Buemenu and. Rocl~ Sprayee. .',ward:Phorie.~Ingree .7162 after furnishpd or unfurnished house 3 times. Grey kidskin coat, size REPAIRED IN ~our homel num bottoms, $5.50. TUxedo OnlY "6:3011. rn:orTUxedo}-6900' . or terrace, fofoccupancy about 14. Good condition. $25. TUx- HANNAN Sprit:lgs, chairs, sofas; reliable, W~r'b~~I:;'~~L~.-c 2-8324. 3516 Devonshire. SINGER DROP HEAD FREE ESTDlATEl!I . 'June 1st. Waldo K. Greiner at edo 2-2667. Real Estate Exchange, Inc • guaranteed work; very reason- ..... OST-PerSian tiger female cat RA. 6419 or TU. 2-1488. 14900 Harper at .Outer Dr. All Work ~uenntee4 MEN'S suits, 2 are size 4.0.. 1 size SEWING MACHINES abl., City-wide service. DAvi- . in Viciniiy" of 728 Neff road. DINING SET, walnut. perfect 33; ,men's shoes, 3 pairs,' size William D.cSmyth~ ~ c ,..-.:aEAL'ISTATI ;WANTED ~und:iy;:Ap'ril'7. - ANwers to DISABLED veteran 'and' wit~de- "~dition.'-" need1epoint,'.:seats. 9'>2D; l'drl!Ss!abirt. 15....; NI. .00.2883; ,c ~ name of "Tiger." Reward. Call sire furniShed .or unfurnished ,'Haviland. .complete service. ___,_ . ~j!.ct9!'_ ~J506; Usable. Will pay $17.50 WANTED-Building lot near, St. E ~ijljl2;' ...,'. apartment;>flat' or inooine. Bookcase. Electric roaster. Paul's ~chooI. Restriction un- LAWNMOWERS sharpened and Roseville JIl29.W or 1548-J BED, sl?ring and mattress, $10. der $8,OOIl. Can pay cash. HO. repaired by experts. Household ~ £OS~ ;tr,nd ol'cwtUred ~:d~~~~d~:e~~.:~, t. e~l~~: "~~~2~l~~~~~~k:~~cts.:E;,1tz~ repairin,; and sharpening of all ~'o~~ Underwood p 0 ~ tab 1e type- UN 2-9158 2331 from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. INTERIOF.:OECQ~ATING. Finlt ~ • ':Pearls in the village or Grs. Pte. kinds. Rapid service. writer.; $1A-~alnut cedar chest, clasS 'painting 'inside 'and out. ' 'Ilbankare~,. TUxedo 2-977.. PHYSIC,IAN Veter~ ami family OUTDOOR steel aviary. 6 ~t~ by, $5. TUxedo 1-28.63. 887 St. Clair , FIX~lT . SHOP .. wish' lIat, lower.' 3 bedroofll!!, 6 ..ft. by 10 ft. Good condition. 1926 CHRYSLER and cash for Wallwashlng.QlJick servi~ avef1:Y';:. 14221 Kercheval Ave. i. LOST-Brown wallet in' vicinity be! Po t J 1 t. Call Reasonable. 1670 Ford Court. 1930-1934 car; Preferably Model . LE. 4352 Call PRospect. 4.4~~....' , of GtS','Pte. Yacht Club on Sat- ore or a u une. s . \ t-,". ':! ..... A Ford. TUxedo 2-9350. WANTED '~_uTdaYJ ~arch '30th. ,Reward. LEnox 9610 between 2 and,5 BROWN tweed boys' suit, size" EXTERIOR house painting,.]ont! 'DAYTIME DRESSES LAWNMOWERS 'Call :N!a~ar.a 7~80, . p'.m. dailY',e16" $12.50. ,Girls' tweed jacket" CHILD'S chain drive tricycle. experience. Outside city .service " Grosse Pointe Sharpened and Repaired Call NIagara 0049. available; Mr ..Brown, ,MUrray I", ..... WI\!> bI ...... ADULTS, _ ...... ,,' .nf.. - •• , dre ... ore n. GOOd re.di- Evening Dresse, and Coots • Also-Traded :W'n.,..ty f' St' P ut' ch ch . nlshed; hicome; .apt., .;1Iat or tion. Call NIaga'ra 0767. . 4.997. ladies' Riding Habit WANTED for RC8ale: All. kinds MOOSE SPORTING GOODS r Properties , . COMPANY ' :c....~.•,. ,.~~,tshollpingj:enter,•.'. . • •. '•Reward.." ...... no pets.by ....Tyler'y I";4."1019,no ,,"d'M;' DOG basket and pad, 23 inches. of children's clothing. Cath- (II-wan W.dd .. • luagralS14.... " " . .., Reasonable. TUxedo 2-6134 af- Size. 12, 14/lnd 16 erine's Resale Store, IH32 Ker- ALL SIZES 3910 McCloellan IVanhoe 0895 '. ., ", IS'lT pOSllible;thBt *oiJiewhere in ter 4:30 p. m. Few Hc:iusehollArticies cheval Ave., between Newport CASH BUYERS WASHING machines and vacuum EM"PI~~~TID _~:.:).. Wayne collniy then! Is a small and Eastlawn. sweepers, expertly _ repaired. .. ( home or- unfurnished apt. for TAILOR made man's suit, light WAITING! Wall Washing _'." a.,a,"!,,"._ TUXEDO 1-1880 12-AUTOS WANTED _ All makes. quick servicoe. DR. • LIABLE. woman. for . general I an. ex-officer and: his wife; no weight, all wool; gray; size 48. Call us for free appraiSaI- 1082. :work, ,white; to stay In. Two chddren; .no pets. Excellent 17540 Mack ave., Grosse Pointe. A REWARD for information 18 years experience in the & Decorating LADY'S black dressmaker coat, villages throughout the PointE LAWNMOWERS sharpened by children. tTU;cedo '1-:4.294, : ,,:eference.s .. Call Tuxedo 2-1748 'LADY'S golf clubs, four woodS size 14. Girl's brown Chester- which results in my purchase I" , ... . 'J • and l'eV1!'r'se charges. inset, like new. Single silver machine. and repaired. Saws HOUS~PER, white, c;ooltiD& field. also girl's apparel and of a good. clean car. Cali UN. CeO LEnox 0100 BOOK WITH US NOW FO~ 4-4299. ' sharpened by machine and re- and Cleaning for smallfamUy: DENTIST needs I or 2. bed- ~ox fur. TUxedo 1-3767.. several men's suits. size 38 lon(. toothed. .5523 Gateshead and ANY GENERAL HOME' Very pleasant home. Live in. room house. inoome or apt. CUSHMAN make 'dining room Call NIagara 5634. A LATE model Buick, Chrysler John t.Staudt Che.ndIer Park drivoe. NIagara CLEANING .AND Refer.ences.NIagara' 2M2. . Furnished or un fur n i ~he d. ..furniture; Bennington glass- 0530. .. . B FLAT CLARINET. Good con- or Pontiac. Price no object. lnc. MA1NTENANCE ~. . '. . . TUxedo ]-33l!9. '.]" t 1 ug etc UNiversity 4,.299. f,EFINED companion arid atten~ ware; amps; onen a r, .. dition. Reasonable. NIagara ACE CARPET Clearung Service 5634. I5322 E~sf Jefferson d~.tiAays~ce GroSse Pointe UNFURNISHED, o'r. fum.ished 3 NIagara 3886. 13-1EAL ESTAn FOR SAU Inc. Carpets and upholstery Farms home for, lady recover- or' :4-bedrOom house :with large BABY equipment,' 1 scale, steel FLOOR MODEL R.C.A. mahog- rFtVE room anll six~ cleaned, moth proofing, insect Arlington 7123 house. About 8 yrs, old .. Be- ing .from illneSs, Confidential. living and dining rooms re- folding carriage, play pen, Py_ any' radio. Call NIagara 2691. extermination. rug tinting in Write. Box 4oo"Groste Pointe quired bY:British Consul Gen- rex> bottles;' electric bottle tween Wa~'burn and Eight your own home.; :workmanship CAll AFTER, 12:30 P.M. r NewS" . . .,' eral in Grosse Ppinte neighbor- warmer, rocking horse, walker- PAIR of rose Brocatel chairs, ma- Mile. south of. Warren. Broker, guaranteed. Lenqx 7446. GROSSE POINTE Stella M. Lachat, 508 Notre " . hood. Up to $300 a month will stroller, 2 folding gates, wicker hogany framed. 5574 Haverhill. WINDOW &. WALL wuhiD£ . APPROX. 3 hours weekly. Thurs- be paid for suitable accommo- Dame, NIagra 1731. P. A. SYSTEM to rent out with f rl 'ReI" bl f clothes chest, 2 baby auto seats, plIinHng. Storm sash. IICI'HIlS • . J)re.erre__ _." l!!. .e person.o dation. British Consulate Gen- I large maple finish mahogany MAPI.F. kn",,-hol .. rl""k. new. '«2. REAL ESTATE ."rvkes Available all times. SMALL' 2 bedroom home not and awnings reversed. General r""'"' ,cut !lnd trim. grass. Call after eral,RA ..• 776.: bed. spring and mattress. Ma~ Jl{Iagara 7332. ., . Call Tuxedo 2-1782. over seven years old in the home cleaning, maintenance. 6:30..1", ""~ NIagara 3333. h . .. h' b- ,.... ', AJ>ARTMENT, income. or. single, ogany s~wmg mac me ca NATURAL wild mink coat, mod- Grosse Pointe area. TUxedo (~}~ic Repairs' Call MH ..1343 till I p. m. (EoJat EXPERlENCEDwhite woman for . furnished or unfurnished; two inet. boy's bookcase, bedroom em lines, perfect condition, size 1-3389 . Siders.) I. :'generaj, cleaning. .Friday and adults. No children or pets. folding screen. 4 kitchen chairs; 14-16. Some men's suits, size TOLES ELECTRICAL WIRING ~ .\ Sli."atu~day. No wash~g. Near bus Price not importanL LEnox reasonable. TUxedo 1-1450. 39-40. TUxedo 1-4242. A-I WALL WASHING I:< nes. NIag. ar,Ul3, 3.. 9000 Apt. 718 e ; And RePllirinl~ ,. TWO' girls' standard size Colson LADY'S riding breeches. Never WANTED Ha.. AU Available Material 1D SI2. only $7,700. Hurry! Mr. Wood- TUxedo 2-5607. ard. PI. 04600. Phone for Estiml!lte wor1:men. ~,~~I txPERIENCED G:u-dener. or TWO ADULTS want tlat or in- Brown suede jacket, size 32, .,,' I maintenance work. . Open lor come, . no children, no pets. MAPLE couch with spring cush- Black Persian lamb trim coat, HANNAN Haines ,Carpet Cleaners] R. & S. PAINTING & WASHING CO. ions;' walnut coffee table. Per- ~,' : engagements. Grosse Pointe ret. Lived 18 years in Grs. Pte. Need muff to match, size 12, All rea- Real Estate ExchanRe. Inc. For Free Estimlltes Call TW. 2-7Hl ;: I trences. TOWJllleZldMIa." IDUIlJer quarter .. LEnox 7Ug. 'fect condition. NIagara 1039. sonably priced. eaU NI. 730S. 1.900 ~rper at Outer Lr, TUxedo 1.1260 I I'-

.. • • me sa • aM•• sam. $ • ?I aa 7 77$ SV.tt •• 2 7 a $ '6 k 0 SSE " 0 I N TEN E W S ~'

Blaclcwr.U'a canned loads. The store hu ao varietieiJ of readY-lo- serve foods prepared by il.$ own The home of Fred Auetl atl:wt New York cooks. There are also fresh bake'd Buckinlham was eonsiderably Ads goods and dairy departments. damaged by a roo! fire Ulat broke , Classified- j The Man Who's Kown as Lou (;'a"\7al~ade out at 3 o'cloek in tb•• ftemooa * e..tiMe4 m. .... Z1 * sayll' he' has combined 20 years .,.'LOVI!fSOBOL of experience with' 20 . years of on Sunday. The eaust of the ftrt planninl and dreaming to make could not be determined. NOTESATaANDOM! 21-$U'lCIS ' LANDSCA'I" his Ilusiness meet the m'odern .(IJ.... W.. W~ - HOLLYWOOD: Curly - haired MR. O's LIQUID FERTIL1ZER housewile'sneeds. This, he adds, William'GOt!tz, head of Illterna~ service, ad,'ertised in such mag. is more than the delicatessen shoP IIrilhten Up Your Home Stop & Look!! tional Pictures, had me over to azines as Good Housekeeping and of yesterday could do. his lot. Notl'eally his lot at that SunSet, ha~ now come to Grosse . . . Wal1s~Cellinls and Paper Cleane~mp- Pointe. RONALD BASTON of THE GROSSE POINTE CUR- by Michi,an's Lar,est . plclure? Window Clean in, Com~ny orarily, I. P. is'using its facllities 19397 Elkhart avenue is the cOm- TAIN LAUNDRY at 15129 Ker- ; , • There was nO particular ac- pany's. local representative and cheval, ha~ rpmodeled its entire CA. 6006 Listen! ! tivi,ty except the scoring f"r "The . his trainf:d men, with the much plant. . . W;ATwELL MUrray 8469 featured Mr. O's Red Wagon, are Ha\'eo )'(mr la\.\"n spring cleanH by Strangers," whtch is starring Ed- Repr~ntative velerllJlJ. LaWlIJ maIntained - oeed. ward G. Robinson' and Lorella servicing many ')f the Pointe's VACCINATION ADVISED Inl! - fertlllzlnl! - raklne - loddlne Young .•• So sat and listened fine lawns. (IJ~W'''' Wtnld .. ,"d llradlni. . . we "Every person who has not' been while 100 musician.;. more or 1(;55, • • • successfully vaccinated for small- VETERAN'S Window Cleanin( ROY AND HOWIES under the guidance of Nat Shil- CHARLES DuCHARME 0 f pox in the past five years should Service. Sto~m windows re- LAWN SERVICE het (of the old Rialto Theatre Ford court, whorecenlly returned. see his physician immediately for days) . were urged on or halted from service, is again in the em- this protection." This warning is mov'ed, acreens installed. Ref- or scolded or. praised ••• ploy of GULF REFINING. COM- issued to Michigan citizens by the e~ces. DRexel 8033. '. 'ruxedo 2-7511 , "Wonderful, isn't it?" exclaim- PANY, where he specializes in state health commissioner" Dr. Alt~r 6;00 P. l>I. ed Bill enthUsiastically. "All" this handling fuel contracts for thll William DeKleine. following noti- nil WINPOWS cleaned on call or by ONTHE HOM~5vn;eT -an outgrowth of the piano play~ HOME' FROI'iT-, Pointe area. ' fication from the U. S, Public ,contract;' screens and storm er in .the good. old silent days? ... . Health Ser'vice' that the west .. ehanled; caulking,'evestrou'llhs TIME FOR LIQUID PQWER You paid a fellow may~ $~ One of thebigest shipments of coast has an outbreak of smallpox R"'rfs.IeneI cleaned; kitche.n and bath FERTILlZIN$ maybe $6 a day'-and that was Libby's fine foods since the early introduced '!rom the. Orient. clealled. Murray 3123. Trees, Shrubbery, ~ergreerls, etc. all. This costs us thousands .of Junior was rebellious-or ll$ on days of the war, wa~ received by COIVEI" dollars-thousands." one occasion whe'n he picked up NIGHTINGALE MARKET, Mack ~*********************** . PRESTON TREE EXPERT 8. 278 McKinley Rd jlt Manistique, early this week. Wall Washing . SPRAYING CO. "What's so" wonderful about his teacher's lipstick and ate it:- Grosse pte. 30, Mich. . . . VETERAN'S BURIERS lInd Pain!inl this, then?" I inquired, w10 my Mark would punish him by mak- Dear Sir:- . Storms, Screens & TUxedo 1-3930 NI~g/lrll 5+40 'MRS. DOROTHY DeNEEF, ';ho customary bluntzless. "It's woli-ing him sit in a chair for a cer- As a War Veteran of two, and ABAAmOVED Awninls Installed derful,"_he 'said, "lhar when .a wilhher husband,'llollis. founded a half ~ears, having fought on the Hawthorne House. is back in Landscaping piclul'e gets d\lll,' insPQts, .you tain length of time. "r don't know Saipan, Tarawa, arid Tinian, I • Law. CuttilH) Hl'Yice WINDOW WASHING. SERVICE can always 'fallback on, a swell, 'how else to punish you," he said the Pointe, from California. Mr. W•• ave n•• '11. D'.,'., favor the eredion of a field house LandseaPc GardeDIDI' . Robert Fairbairn ' musical background. Not that sadly. '''Oh I dun no:' said young DeNeef is el'pected back early * 'MMEDIATE Landscape " Dr a gYmnasium as' a war mem- in. May. ,. LaWD Maia!eUDCe DEUYII" 'this picture ia dl.lll:' he hastened' Mark, snappily, "how about th,e * DR.~xel 6988 SERYICE orial. • •• * TrimllliJIl( • FREE ESTIMATES to point 'out.: "It's exciting from .Yours tr'uly, . * PIantiDl( * Pram,r; 1385,.:t:Utlawn' 'Call after !i.P.M. MAINTENANCE beginning to end. It's cops and strap again?". • • , Stanley Mumford. LOU'S FINER FOODS, 12738 SeediDJ[ .. Jtemovinr East Jef(erson avenue, is doinl a * Lawn BuiJdirlc robbets. It's got universal appeal 'We joUfneyed over to Slapsie • • • * Leaves .. SocJd iDl' , , . Top Dressinlt great business in ready-prepared . Raked' * FerUJisirl,r; BROEDELL FIRS'I' . CLASS wl!llwashinc, It has heart-th,obs and mystery. 'Maxie's-o~iginally •founded, by 420 Notre Dame, foods, .in addition to 'carryin~ .. • HIATING SERVICE wall, paper ,cleaning .. Experi- 'Pruriin,r; aDd.PlanUn&, It's really wonderful!". Grosse Pointe 30, Mich. .' ' '. .,., Maxie Rosenbloom, the fightma: Dear sir: . such famous brands as. Orlini's U'75Z MACiK: 'IU. 2.17" enced and reasonable. TUxed!l meat products and . C,~osse and TU.1-0365 2,9671. • We 'sat around in the neat lit- man.,. Now Ben Blue and B~ I served overseas for' nine ~+++~•••••+•••••••«.~.«« Sliovert' Bros. f . t months in the Philippines and WINDOWS, .walls. and ceilings (VETERANS) tie dining roOID. NObody talked Lessyand a flock 0 zanies ear didn't have much time for ',rec- :•••••••••••••••••• *•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,••~.~••••••••••• ~...... w~shed; wallpaper and kalso- 5065 Marseilles TU. 2.2361 shop especially. Someone - I've the joint apart wi~ their tom ... readon. Fellows who I have met mine 'cleaned: screens, storm forgotten whether it ",as "Leo foolery and blackouts-'--a sort of are interested in sports so much SaSh;' awnings serviced. Call Spitz or Producer Leonard, Gold- H6ll)'wood branch of the old 18 that I am clad .~ h'ave a, chance to 6032. ' sl~in:-wa~ reminded that Ferenc ' ., 'expr, eS3 myself. A field house o,=' IV,. Molnar wasdiscoveredina gl,oo- Club when' Jack White was kin"g, • ' gymnasium ,here in the Point~ ,}I _ 'GUIDE TO GOOD SERVICE, 11 . CARL'S'SERVlCE';'" Wind.nw my moDel., recently ,"Why the ., ),]t's livelyfun:and a rendez- would, be 'swell. Fellows coming cleanin' ....and wall washinl. l'lumps?" a friend asked. ~'l.have vous for the. sleepless folks who !lack' are -interested in relaxing *•••• DRexel 1973. pm118ROs. just fO\lnd out," Molnar,~epUed, want to stay out late ,';'; But no and indulging in sports. Facilities « « ...... : ART Wiridow & House Cleaning "beginning with today. you •CaD liCl,uor alter midnight. • • here r,re few and this new project . Co., wall. washinl', screens, OARPET SEIVIDE send money to Budapest." Some-' ' •• • would' be an outlet f'lr the many ;; alarms ',and 'window service, one else was worried that the Another night-tiiistill1eou"t th.tarecoming back. CarPet. Furniture . NIalara, 7060. . ana forthcorriing atomic bomb eXPeri~ with.roanCrawfotd ana the Jer~ Yours truly" CleeK In .Your HOme mentwith the battleships might ryWalds ••• TP.e Crawford gal Eugene Del Barba. WINDOW precipitate a tidal wave of such was among the strongest contend- • ..' . <. C.J-a". ... Bepa.lrin,r • Layirl,r; • BiDc1iDI' . , proportions as to sweep on and ers: for this'. year's AClidemy '. .31.Coplin RADIOSERVJCE 3566W, Lafay.tt. 'lNyeL inundate co n tin en t s. Edward Award' for her ~rforniance in Detroit 13, Mich. CLEANING SmaU's l)l)servation was it could "Mildred' Pierce" ••.• ' Out heft! .'. . . . April 5, 1948 and " .AT ONCE Xen 'aJId EdPeten riot be worse than some of \he they. call.ilthe greatest CO!,tle- The War. Memorial ~omrnittee • teir])hon. wi will brine a man to HollywoOd' rains, whenever he back jn.years::,but I can't see it clo The Gt'olSePointe New. )'our, door. ltadloo repalre

couple of dozen rooms, terrace5--" ment that they had }nade up.It's I. ~d .Ind Light .•Hluling as,wlmlIllng pool in back, a sell" .the-,oldc.old,~\ory. )heconfllct .lItti.., Up ScreHI MARK E'T ...... MU~"" R. F. arate'lHtle'projectionhouse. and' betwee!1.two peop!r:'1Jl love 'Nho .'c ~:o$ r#".'r,o:t"",'(\-~"''':,..;:, ~., MEEK co. rumpus room-gates, that open' have car~ come: ~t~eenthe1J1 . ~.MI A",.I.,. .1211 .~ITlAU and shut by electricity .•.. Here: •• In. this cas~,. BrL~kJn, who. IS lUll Conner at Charlevaill> we met the .two bright Helling~ Indepeni:lently ""ealUlr, .tJu, W. youngsters Mark Jr.' and Gladys; many. men, hoped that. perhaps ,' ... ' LE••• 3467 .(pJ-FIU'.Ift,.. l~ Jr •••• Once, ,~he~ Mark, Jr., his wife ~iiht&'ive u'pt~~.~ovies ,ALL-BRIGHT kicked. over the traces, Hellinger ~or a whtle.~. Now they VI! come An expert- tootc tlle strap to him __then de-, to S,' .. '" ...... ~..; • '...... , ~, , ",'. _ .' '.. , .. ' ' , ,,, ,. " ",.... ., r..: ~'" ,'.

. ";~.' ..

"~ '6 R 0 SSE POI N,TEN E W S several others he sai.d he saw Park Sees Profit. Corregidor' ye~eran Tells Japs shoot helpll'ss. surrendered FilipJnos and a number of sur- In Bond Switch Rotarians His,"Experiences rendered American soldiers. On this experieru:e lie expressed par- Finance CQmmissioner BloociS- donable bitterness. FHA Seldom has .any group of men small a;my that was charged worth recommended at the Park n ....s Following the sinking of their in the Detroit area been privileg- with the responsibility of defend- Collncil meeting Monday night big'our Eastern einpire ol more rescuing ship he served more that $30,000 of the Park's own ed to listen to a more -personal- than 7,000 islands, and nearly 17,- than 20 months as a Jap prisoner bonds held in its sinkin,1 fund be ized st,'ry about the war than was 000.000 people. the good fortune of the Rotary of war. This experience, he said, sold and the proceeds invested in Club at its meeting last Mon'day. Se,geant Slymenski saw much was one. of indescribable 'hard. IecNtf hard service in the "early engage- U. S. Government Series "G" Ghip. He gave few details of this at Tech. Serg'!. John Slymelski, ments in the northern end of Lu- bonM. .native Dctroiler, held the mem- As the Park's' bonds carry a tow Cost zon and was with the remaining further than to say that they had bers tense for a halt hour as he forces (In Corregidor when the to Jive largely by eating such fairly high Jnterest rate and are recounted merely some of the capitulation came. This. he de- roots and weeds as they could also tax exempt. a big price could pletllant ,"rroultding. personal experiences that had be- scribed, as the most heartbreak, forage. be obtained for them now. Mr. for leuure momentl fallen him since the day early in ing experience tllat ever befell Prior to his final cap~ure he and Bloodsworth figures that if they 1936 when he joined up with American soldiers. His descrip- hiS few remaining comrades can get the price tor them which Waterplag- Quickseal- Thoroleal Uncle Sam's Infantry, I tion of the emotions ot the spent many months in guerilla they have every reason to expect, applied by Th. THORO System method. proyid •• c:r His first tour of duty outside soldiers on that bitter day was warfll;e in the islands. . there. would be a net profit for .. ot the Conlinental United States Follow i n g Slymelski's talk the village of around $3200 by dry. aonitary. wCllhc:rble and permanent do<:orc:rtiou., convincing argument to everyone was in guarding the Panama of his listeners for the mainten- there was a showing of moving the time maturity date for ,the tor TOW' baHme'llt or recreatioa room. . Canal "Zone. December 11th, 1941 ance of our army,henceforth in a pictures taken in the Philippines bonds rolls around. ' however, found him in the Philip- slate of complete preparedness in and on Okinawa. issued by the The Board of Commissioners "pines, in the 32nd U.S. Infantry. every detail of personnel and War Department. authorized him to make the deal. HAYWOOD CONTRAC.TING CO. as a part of MacArthur's pitifully equipment to meet successfully any emergency. The sergeant said TRI.lty 1-4'00 one of the commonest resent- menls heard from the soldiers CALL US ALL MAKES was that thEW were forced to sur- render to an infe! ior race. A small group of men. of which We Pay High Dollar-Car or Truck . r he was one. suceeded in escaping RECAP NOWI from the main body of prisoners ~"l Am.at(e Delivery and got to .the beach. These men :7 .6.00x1& $700 Met.,..d 1"volees were 'evacuated by an heroic small British steamer, but on the EARL HOLlBAUGH ~ . SPECIAL • sixth trip of this boat, on which , Co~plete 1'rake Adjustment and S 19 ,c. A. DuCHARME trip it was his ill luck to be, the Il1900 - ,FORD. DEALER LENOX l.~ ~ ;'~ Alllnment. Checkup ...... ,...... 1 Grosse Pointe Representative boat was sunk by J'IP naval fire CHARLEVOIX nze TO ..... 522 and.all but eight of the men were Ii,X=iiii-. , ,DRIYE IN NOWI ' 10sl. On this occasiol\ as well as t~i , ',BOYER, & SONS, OLDS~IOBILE ~ i, 1947 STUDEBAKER A.tlt.ril.d I ; MOT8RCIn ,TIRE SERVICE SOOIl 011 DI.play fit : J4U I. JEFFERSON MILITOSE 3455 SERVICE ~ I :. WOltLD'S LAJlGEST DBIVE-IN SEaVICE ! GEORGEWILSHER AUTHORIZED S~LES AND SERVICE llAKE RELINING - WHEEL ALIGNING. LE'~OX 1450 13123 Mack at D~xel " WHEEL IALANCING - MOTOIT OYERHAULING I Insulation . CARIUItETOR SERYICI - IGNITION SERVICE " ~ No better t.lmetG lDsalate for Sum- WASHING - SIMONiZING - IL~E COItAL mer and Winter eomf~ Get every ~ aeed at Powers. . .tAIIAILE' AT FARIS IARIET, . Ca",pl~f. l.airlcfltloll ServIn LONG-ACTING, ODOURLESS. EASY TO US! Fact.ry.Tr.I ••• ,Meellall/e. 51.LEY'

Yea, this: Is the do-over season, aa~ Powers hIlAthe Paints aad V~mlsh~ . W. w~II•• yor accept yotIr.sed cor L.yaER YOl:l'n"n~ed. Wall paints and paints oil a HW OlclsllROltii. IIOwl ler 'lIl'IIitlire are here; too. . "HU-MAR" SAVE 1'Y PAINTIl'1G!' For ...... , Fl••• ,., .Veptablls Sird'ii .3~':'CE.TRE~ This is the soil conditioner and fertilizer that M6I ~ .. 11111 L o.tw 1r'1:11M71' "~.'.i) WHYTE OLDSIIOBILE £0 ~ ~ U.'l"It'iaIIN* 1-'" ,...... _, .! ivel")'thlnl does not burn and is so highly preferred all for the . ~:38 to 6:11 "ro.r G/'IO'" '.IlIt. Deal.r" ,. ~ BlIi1der over North America. J[~cin:VAL Y~D OPEN BAT. AlITDNoON .;.ti.I.: .. .Sat1lrda,.. 1:3t to 5:11 - Placil YOtJr Order Now - ~ ' 1521. EAST JEFFEISON crt lEACONSF!ELD . ~ Ma". 'Olt W.,. Alter"' •• " Ih.".I":H •• ' ~'. r",' "-.J ~ . T." } 1t743 .....,...... 7 ...... __ TU. 2-4101 ." $65 . 355 FIS~iE. ID.' TU. 2.5100 At Last~ HERE'S THE LAWN SERVICE "HAYEYOU Ai~ROOMTHE YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FORI

TOM BOYD SUN. MAKES,"LIKEAN' OYEN"?• t. INC. KOOLSHADPSun SCreen w111 'j Bl!lIdY.ar'~ make it delichthill)' cooler! ." This .s,ri... < " .~.' 'C.~ose Slbl~y'. Co•• & Carry for ro.r N.. d,'/~.' '* FORD * BALSA.\tWOOL, ft ' S%c 4;' ROCK\VOOL; b~tb; ft•.... ;; ~. :::iic=. . PLASTER BOARD, ft...... •••..•.•• '... "fC A New Scientific Way to * M~RCURY * UpSON: TIL~ BOARD, ft. , ...•...•••..... 7e Fertilize Lawns! AND SCREEN DOCiRS,2'()"~~'8"x7 /8" .• ,. $3.68 ~ No Muss! No fuss! .No Work! . No Worry! " . Otber S!Zes hi Stook .. .': Clean! Odorless! - POlIitive! PLASTIC ROOF CEMENT, 54b. can ..•.• "sqc Free of Weed Seeds arid Insects! PLASTIC ROOF CEMENT, Gal. can .....• 75C * L'INCOLN*. MR. 0,', LIQUID FERTILIZER COMBINATlO~ DOORS 2'6"x6'8"xltls".$8.36 IRONING BOARD CABINETS, , .$7.50 . ' :. . . SPRAYED ,ON .BY.TRAINED MEN ASSURES YOU A Pratt &: Lambert :Palats and Varnisbes

BEAUTIFUL GREEN LAWN ," " SERVICE n;LEPHONE CABINETS ...... _....~.•.fC.5I at the CEDAR FENCE PICKETS _ ••~....,.JJe' NOW IN' OUR A.enlllt' Low Colt .f 'he _ SlJHr. 'oot Eas, Pap, .. f If,BairN. WE SPECIALIZE IN PORCH ~CLOSURES, • .4 ...•, \ FOR SERVICE or FREE ESTIMATE .Phone us for demonstration at home without oblll'ation. 'New Home Window sad DoOr Combinations - Sash and Sertlen. . ellll or Write at We «:an re-screen your present frames ~ilh "Koolsha4e". SUPERIOR SASH I SCREEI ca. RONALD BASTON 20460 JOHN R. 1.397 ELKHART Pltospect 1224 15401 TO. 8-5466 DETROIT 24, MICHIGAN Service Under. One, Cover East Jefferson

AT NOTIINGHAM to Owners of AU Makes 'of Chrysler Cars,: ; ,

MallY Iftotorists .... ftate ~ drivetlleir car case .t Groue Peillte Motors.O1Irstd" AS ALWAYS. AT YOUR SERVICE ill for IIKe'''ry IICItntwteRh ... d mi.or tralHd lII.cheRie. Issaflci.lltty larq. to repolrs for fear of .... weits .N irkso,"_ Ifteet all ordillorY demands. Drive I. today -let tIS prove "r: sta.hIMM. . TU.1-1600 .Iay' ill .btoilll", "nice, Tilat's IIOt the Grosse Pointe Motors;' Inc•.



' ..'.' .....'" ( , ~"' . ,&~~,.~-tJ,~j}.. At •• _ '" •• 1-:4 _H,s.,,-.".0d) ! , E'sSd i; ."'. «¥"" -1 di +. '"1 c< .• '.' c ... ,..~.<• *bIN.',.,.'. pf 0