OCTOBER 20, 1967 Day School to Dedicate
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Ra 1. JE',-;ISll ll 1S1'0R ICAL ASSOC, 11 20Q A'.i GELL ST• PROV, b, R', I, 0290b '< t , ADL Wins Injunction Against Use Of Name By American-Italian Body NEW YORK - The Anti-Defa tlon and slurs against Americans mation League of B'na1 B'rlth of Italian descent which result won an Injunction last week from the fears and smears against the use of Its name by an- created by either design or by Ig other organization. norance; to make certain that THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY fN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . The 54-year-old league sued Americans of ·Italian background an American-Italian body on the are regarded as equals In the ground that the words, "anti-def Amertcan communtty by virtue of VOL. LI, NO. 34 FRIDAY, OCTOBE~ 20, 1967 15/! PER COPY 16 PAGES amation league," are so closely their talents,· capabllltles and Identified with the J ewlsh group their devotion and loyalty to the In the public mind that any dupli principals that guide our nation." cation would cause contusion. It The confllct between the two said this would be especially groups arose last March after the Jewish Communit.y Center Building Drive damaging for an organization de American Italian .Anti-Defamation pendent on contributions for most League was Incorporated. of Its functions. The J ewtsh organization State Supreme Court Justice charged that because of Its 54 To -Begin Again, Run Through March 31 w llfred A. w altemade, In issuing year hlstory,the words"antl-def the preliminary Injunction, com amatlon league" had "acquired GJC Directors Approve mented: a secondary meaning· to the extent U. S.,- USSR Deny Reaching "Surely, It cannot be said with that generally In the minds of the absolute certainty and the mark public, plaintiff is Identified as be Resumption Of Campaign of finality, that plaintiff's work ing the 'Antl'-Defamatlon League' Arms Limitation Agreement over the past 54 years has not rather than the 'Anti-Defamation The Jewish Community Center UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. - drel A. Gromyko. wlll resume Its building fund engendered for It a measure of . League of B'nal B'rith.' " The United States and the Soviet In Wasnlngton, Carl Bartch, goodwill In Its corporate name campaign Immediately, !twas an Union have both denied cate State Department spokesman, ls nounced today. by Judge Frank which may be worthy of Judicial The· American-Italian organi gorically that a tacit under sued a similar denial about al protection." zation replied that the· phrase Licht, president of the General standing or agreement on limiting leged u.s.-USSR talks . He specif Jewish Committee of Providence. In'hls 10-page opinion, Justice "anti-defamation league" was arms shipments to the Middle ically denied that either Secre The Board of Directors of the Waltemade granted the prohibi merely descriptive of the alms of East has been reached here. A tary of State Rusk or Foster had tion with the provtslon that an the group and that no corporate GJC voted unanimous approval on report that they had discussed discu s sed the subject with Monday for the resumption of the early trial be held for Ml deter entity could claim exclusive right such a curb appeared In "The Gromyko. Bartch said also that drive. mination of the Issues. Depending to the words. New York Times." he was unable to say why this The Center Capital Funds on legal moves, this could take Justice Waltemade, while A spokesman for the U.S. de subject was omitted during talks months, during which the In holding that the Issue should be Campaign, which started last legation said that, "the U.S. Is In New York between repre senta spring, voluntarily came to a halt junction will be In force. decided ultimately only after a in te rested in arrangements tlves of the U.S. and the USSR. The American-Italian group fUll hearing, Indicated his opinion on June 5 with the outbreak of whereby arms shipments to the Bartch declined 10 comment hostilities In the Middle East. announced that the ruling would that the B'na1 B'rlth group had a Middle East be a matter of public on another part of the "Ttmes" be appealed. strong case and was therefore This was done so that the great record as enuniclated by Presi report that the U.S. had accepted est possible community effort Justice Waltemade made one entitled to the preliminary In dent Johnson last June 20. How the Idea that the proposed Middle exception to his ruling. He junction. could be put Into the United Jew ever, It Is quite misleading, and East arms embargo agreement be ish Appeal Israel Emergency a 11 owed the American-Italian "It is obvious," he wrote, certainly premature, to state that postponed 1D1dl the Arab states group to use the words "anti-def "that the words 'anti,' 'defama Fund, which was conducted by the at this time we have an under had received replacements for GJC. When the center's drive was amation league" In the promo tion• and 'league• are common standing or an agreement with the the Soviet-supplied arms which tion of a rally scheduled for Oct. words and, when combined, are stopped, It had reached slightly Soviet Union on registering or Egypt, Jordan and Syria lost dur more than one mllllon dollars In 19 In Madison Square Garden. descriptive of an aim or purpose. curbing arms to the Middle East. ing the Six-Dey War last J1D1e, The court noted that It had However, descriptive woi:ds or pledges towards Its goal. ,'This suliject was not dis re-establishing the Middle East The action of the Board of DI "- wide ~cretlonar·y powers In words of common sP41ech, may, cuss.?<! In talks with Foreign Min.._ arms balance. granting injunctions, and added by reason of their use and asso rectors of the General Jewish lster Gromyko and other USSR In a follow-up story, the Committee, as part of Its com that "there are· no allegations ciation with a particular enter representatives in New York." "Times" said that Washington Is that either the plaintiff or the de prise, acquire a special slgntn munity planning process, came The Soviet delegation said It understood to have made no sub after full discussion by Its Exec fendants are acting with Im cance with the general public. 0 conslders it necessary to stare stantial progress on arms limita utive Committee and representa propriety In pursuing their ideal Justice W altemade said that that this Information constitutes tions talks wtth Moscow. istic and Important endeavors." he would permit the American tives of the Jewish Community an invention." Foster had been reported as Center. The approval of the GJC In revtewlng the history of the Italian organization to use the 11 According to the Times" re being reasonably optimis tic that was given with the specific un B'na1 B'rlth league (the two words "anti-defamation league>• port, discussions have been held the Kremlin had been receptive to words are Hebrew for children of for the Oct. 19 rally because of derstanding that the Center wlll between William C. Foster, chief an agreement wl th the U.S. start Its campaign Immediately the covenant), Justice Waltemade contract obligations made before U.S. disarmament negodator. and Canadian Foreign Minister said It had been "combating prej the start of the lawsuit. and complete It on or before the USSR's foreign minister, An- Paul Martin told the General As March 31. udice, bigotry and racial dis sembly that his Government fa crimination for the past 54 After the directors' decision vors registration of arms ship at an overflow meedng at GJC years." ments to the Middle East. "Its first budget In 1913 total Israel's Minimum Demands For Peace headquarters, Judge Licht stated: Jens Otto Krag, Denmark's "I urge the fullest cooperation " ed the modest sum of $2,000 and Foreign Mister, said that an ex " the 1966 annual budget amounted and wholehearted support of the ' Reaffirmed Al UN By Foreign Minister change of data, through a UN entire community of the Greater to $4.2 million," noted the ruling. UNITE·o NATIONS - Is age,u:y, on arms trading on a The court also commented tortes (the other Is Arab recogni Providence area In order to make rael's Foreign Minister told the tion of Israel as a state). global rather than regional basis that the Jewish organization pub the Center building fund campaign General Assembly last week that Jozef Wlnlewlcz, Poland's could lead to an International lished six national periodicals, an outstanding success." peace must now be negotiated on Deputy Foreign Minister, said agreement to limit conventional Sidney Meyer, president of the maintained 28 regional ofl1ces the_ basis of what Israel won In that Poland would "consistently weapons trading. He asked Secre with a professional staff of 300, commUnity center, thanked the the war and what she demands as oppose any expansionist policy of tary-General U Thant to poll the GJC for Its vote of approval and and a library "which Is reported the minimum for negotiation, that Israel." 122 member nations on his Idea. to be the largest In the world of said that the leadership of the Is, the Arab renunciation of bel Mr. Eban made a vigorous re LONDON - British arms printed, fUmed and taped mate Center looks to the continued ligerency. buttal, which he began by accus sales to the Middle East, halted support of the GJC and all In the rial, all on the subject of racial Abba Eban said that all past ing the Arab countries of having during the Six-Day War, are re and· rellglous bigotry, prejudice community to achieve Its dream agreements have been shattered, Initiated the fighting.