J > rt-TT- (fr-»i ,lZ% "

20,000 PEOPLE read this paper ercry week. Larger circulation thnn all other papers In 'county combined. THE WASHINGTON STAR


Warren Mothers and No 0 Freeholders Ask Beer Now Medicine; Parent-Teachers Railroad Men Say ! Christmas Fund Railroad Strike •? ?°McL.n strikc for $000,000 From Drys Justly Incensed All-Day Session ' Pay Exaggerated! '^i For Borough's Poor 1921 Road Funds Nowiii Balance •• Tin- Wurrcn County Council at ^ ' I .Mothers'vCoiiRl-PHH and Pnrent-Teueh- l • Warri'ii County J'oard ut I'VIH- •Mellon's Decision Heavy era' AHHOcIntiniiH mot In the Wntdilng- Declare Published Figures i "J...llif is S,,"'',n rs at the Hireling yesterday ado-.i- ton Kchool Sntunlay morning ttt eleven i Let Us AH Help To Make p •iolulion to build Iuii'i-<>v<-d roads Committees Discussing Mo-' I'hlilipM.urg fi ('I'jom.HlJurv on Blow; Drug Stores To o'clock and continued' in all day tms- Injure Cause; Give p HIOII. Thocounty chairman Mrs. Hitter Merry Xmas; STAR • No. It. antl friiin (.ru«ndyke :i men to us Problem; Sell Beverage. of Uolvidcre pre.sldcd. After the wfng- Correct Wage. Starts Xmas Fund. .Mill in HackettMown lo J>anvil!<' and Decision Soon. ing of America, und the rending ot thp mar.shalled to inbat-hunger in not .M.'idli.Ws. on Route Xn. 5, The The Drys In the National Capitol und mlnute-i, reports w«re received from 17 The STAR last w«.e|; printed a Hche- I« only eight I Plan I* t*> ask the Suu-s Highway De- Railroad executive and employees aro In all parts of tin* country are upset dule of railroad wages .showing that only ttds Sta aim supply niucli of the thirty associations within the "f tlie demand in tin- .Ww ' Vijrl* and Weeks off and tin- STA It hopes it will \ pai tin-iit in approve ih.- new roads .md nfiw meeting with Government repre- by the fact that Secretary .Mellon of county. The reports show tho vital paid to those threatening lo strike, and ill l isiiui-i',1 under th< the Treasury tool; the unexpected ac- Philadelphia markets. mean inoiv in !'.r_'l to .•i-y resident j tliv-y sentatives and developments of tho concern that citizens now reel In school to those not con.sldeilng a .strike. c-f Washington than it • bus before, imburs,.] nt net .'ind will b- paid for imxt 24 hours will decide whether, thero tion In promulgating regulations per- affairs, thp earnest effort thai is being The table 'Hinted la** week was taken Alittfo I.. Clark <.f \h<- stilt.' llun-.tu mitting tiie line of beer as a medicine. »>f Markets pointed oni tin- possibilities id that there will person, I under tl I!•:••! fluids. The Hoard auks in to be a railroad strike or hot. Th« m:ide to Improve .school condttlotiH, and from the ,\\ y. Tribune, and was iintur- rich «r pmir. big or lithe, who will not •i under the HIM a-'W-'prin- l'.e?r now enjoys a full legal status. HI New .1. rwy's I'm mini: Indusiry ut 1 C. S. .Rallmud r-'ibor Hoard called tho to bring jibout :t closer relationship be :illv considered an hniKut and hnpartinl !>•• able to rejoice more than they have \r I;: l.-ft after th' two rn.MVi CUD fere nee and tho heads nt the labor Issued in accordance with an opin- tween the homes ami :!»• schools. ••••"••"•••••I mi m'livai -inn impartial ; ,.,,„.•,...,,.,..„ ... . „> .:.. llM| it,, , r. • , " !>•• aide to rejoice more than they have statement. Presumably the figures- I.','1.1,r i i H ll''< ••! \ i rJ • I "V-r before at the elarin,, rail: "Hark re eompletrd j- will be \,:i,;\ unions and tin- e.\"(;utlves of the Rreiit ion submitted by former Attorney Gen- (Cciiuiimed on pagt* G, Ntetion LM V: eral Palmer hint March 3. holding the were .hose obtained from authm-inthv j ^r'-lv-v V/,V /wi - ,^ v ,'* ii •»•• "->*»"' '*'•«•'-« *"'•«• ' '"" "" on ntliei* ii.:iil.-i. [ railroads are seated nn oppositn HUICH. medicinal urn; of beer to he legal un- «•"•''<•"«• I ',J. J.;';. ,'••,'"'•, -.,..,'• K»ri»t -lo'd Will lo Men:" A dei.K.itl'.n iir.n. Soiii.nei rvmiiiy. Mutfi sides will have many things to headed by David V..UIIK. fnnnerl.v A,*;- j-'Xplnin antl the Jtailroiid.s have denied der tlie prohibition laws, and after be- I-ackaw.mna chplnj,,-* living in | ' ' " . '« '"''£ ' '" ''• "'' ,\ ';•<-'"" >• It in with r-Kret that I. ha* bee,, im- ing wit held Hlnce then in anticipation Retail Food Prices ncniblyniiiii ;iml n j'nniifr liieinher of i tlir lirmrd'.s plea to defer further wng.i WiwhiiiKini). however, claim that they | "'),''' i i • ' pn-wwd upon us that, Ilk- all 'coin- tin- Slate riigliway C.iiiiiiiissl.,n. vlwit.-it ! flits u> avert tin- strike. of early action by Congress on the pend- do not revive anything like the ^vages I ,'/:. ',.' ,,. ,],. if the conference us a complete surprise to prohibition The Vi'tail cost of mod I.. the nvci- II. H jilulry .tillilill.-s in .•; leaders. the gr<<;t j,uM.l:iyy IIIITK m IM;I Cni.l-u. .Mr. V-'iniK. ii-tjiinw •'.Hue mi d*" .t not result in an .* rainily In S.-pi.-mln.r w:tx I.I j I'ills I I, iarli il,i-lari-il. "in one ,liiy t Stocks of real beer, containing from nt lew than the iivenige eost hi Aug- - i-ill<<.s II, t.l l n"I.test si.okehinan. Mated tint ib" wmk imw I a«ret'Mi.-nt. but the general nplmin of Hiiirci'. AS MI'IM beini: dune In Warieo u:i.-; the b> ••.\pet-if-Mi:t'mid when h«< g;ivc the Wtiv- giiiund ainL that home means will bu available under 'physicians' pn-scrlp- articles are reported each inontli t«i 't(ii- iiuclis selves many •••unfurls in order to glvo tioiiH yesterday. .Many big breweries hiircnu by reliill denters iii flftv- Illlll X upjily mi.v- p-n road work his uiuiiialiileii tndorj-e- ! lalcen tu .ivcrt the threatened strike. [)H> children sotm- little gift at Christ- tiif-nt and si'oki- the wi.rd.-; unoted il j . ,^ . announced their intention of beginning villn iniiiil Jiviiiu.s uf num. There niv also, iitihapplly, lint a tin- manufacture uf medicinal beer to Wholesale llgureH f.ir Sej few whom, w*- fear, in' previous yonr.** was htKlily eonndini-nuny m ihe Wai- | will K8» Law Deliiv Hit Kkvlrlral replace stored stocks when exhausted. >t cliange materially f; re.i Hoard and the contractors in t-hnrg- ' j.|ani "Uegulalionn under which manufac- llltVe b'I'll coltinelteil. tliioiiuh tilt! high 1 In August, the survev disclosed. cojst of living, l.i sec ChriHtmas; paaa MI Mi.- iii.provein.-iii. i A p:)W- tii;i! j>i I3S year;: old and turer:* have to operate to manufacture ' wbieh was enact! d before development. Due largely to the sharp advance In f Ml'litlllitl n Ilial biivers have Kl wilhoiit being able to have Sanlii • medicinal beer or cereal beverages in sldt-rabb- •ilianti'lie.-. of whea of ek-ctrlc jiuwer frfnu streams was dellnlicly ilswl miller certain slriietur- raw cotton farm product.': Increased :t !«»•!IfvH • ' Clans in (be hom>' to CIH.T tin' little Icy Weather HIT cent In average price, wbilt- t«-xUI«« wiibin iln- Still.-, and nun-It i even a subject of drouim, IKIS byeii al reuillrement.s," said -Mr. Ulrsl. "Tlie ii.-. !ir,e. " ••"""•"• found by prommcrH of th*1 project to Rushes Road AVork Maud in tin- way of the comprehensive plan.*, for erecting damx to create elec- irk- ein-rgy at M-vcml points along th.; • upper Utrlaware river. Although (be Kseh Act of Congress permits the building of the giant power stations electrical engineers Hud that h>-Un-f wint'T absolutely nothing can be done in IL p A: Koi-ji. the material way toward their construction wa.V-X-W Vill- until the project is approved by con- d ii 1.IHU1M nf eurreiil legislation of the States of New fli> extra tti e;ieh man if tthl e paveinenl j'-rsi-v jitiil 1'fnnsylva.nia. is laid »t the rah- of a mll<- in lift i j The prohibitive'law was paused Iti

lU-s under whiel from uncertainty soli) and prescribed ithln and nn the Dc*- poses. l-:t»y aware river. Tin- authors of the act These regulations were placed in the Wn-kn- •,.„• ii, mind cblffly the protection of the desk of the yecretaiy of tin Wa.tliingi'Tii !.mut,. lisliiiiK and navigiLiiun rights. Thu mouth.* ago by Com •used opera- I lau- provided tlmi each state should mlt-Kldiu-r nf Internal KnVeuue Ulain . . i.v ihe Will-maw concurrent jurisdiction, and tho but upon the suggestion of I'residen laid in a ji.jini ju.si oppusiii-|,irl w-as ma,H. forever irrevocable by Harding were held up until •I, A. .1. Ili-yanV -.'iv-mli-pUK". i eillifi- uf the slates without conciu-

nown l,y thv phyMdun j In iho e.mnty building, and i.s famlllar- ,.,11-,.,-IHK. Nut mmv thair a Hint STAR is y,U,\ ( I IK himself with the work in this wevfi-. of ih Cumin A t'iiiioii. tin- ot her eon tract- j eounty as rapidly as possible. Ho is anil tlrenu>n ovs, are atsi. hurrying alnn^ ami are i :t .vnuiip man full oC enthusItiHin and by the. s-ime person within any now well jia.si the '.iinekihiH belnw Stew- | energy ami fines to work at his difTlcult ,Vhen period i>r ten days by one or more phy- Ovfonl •"inally Ihife.it rts ill..'ill , ThiThis lllrlm is als wideninld g gh (letermlnot" 'l to solve thu sicians. l*et us male il a real Christmas for problems that present themselves to Tin.- tie i-as broken on Sunday after- j n in WnalmiKtoti. Cwtilri* n! New Villag lint was When spirituous (distilled) liquor I: hiKli ' n 1S11* and is s this important branch of work. n be • Oxford A. A. hascbnll I Philip Polls who cari'i.'s Iho mail be- ; SL.,1OO, (tri:Ul.sU.;i furnished and I bnio in fund ;ij;il hiivi- a sharp in down as g-o.1 ween the oxk.nl .station and pMStnHi.v. j [lu,n. W.IS ., V(U.:ll dll).( ,,v us ilu- ,la>- h was laid. IIL> has had good training in old Sus- Win. | milking happy. Mnlte \ho lit11' sex by competent tutors and • gives' Ml also ttie parents, wl: WasbiiiKti;n stivois are no to play Waulu in Sy torn up condition but. i( in ln>p>'., d tl; promise of solving many of the prob- iiuished ! h'liis tliat worry and annoy so many lets at th, drug store and inMvsui of ; J^ ^£^1 i^Su C.wil-H ii'r^ a-1 Ih^iw,. h-inios' they would dosiiv Uilch in H h .llowliu; the directions to lake -me \ The i\.attir, of the SOOKII was the i to do. l^ltwlw Santa visit ••vcr*' ' farmers, particularly the young and t aiu ; inexperienced. He is making his hom« •y half hour, he -*i\allowt d thivi- .-a address by Rev. S. IS. Williams, past* home this year. once Within hiilf m he was- WASMINCTON (II'KIIA II01T.SK. al Hotel I!elvklere for the present. of tho Nii-fiown Haptisi church < A systematic cam-ass nf tin* borough Howard Mason, who has charge oC taken seriously ill ;uu •ly abl.'i frill be made and the names of every Opera llimsi> lYiiyrain. to r.-ach Ihe ollk-i Philadelphia, formerly nf Washinstoi the juvenile branch of this important • worthy child will be obtained bv :i. coin* 'I'—Thf b!.-: piitrtnv. 1). "U". i-ork, Iiml a large Held for conscien- peh'iil eomniittee io 1 . :ip|i )iii"t;'d. The fjritlith presents '-The Idol g nn H ( tious work and endeavor in Warren names ol" i-vi-yy wortiiy fhild will bit Tin- liilu of true love and wild adven- 1 thus obtained and th.-v and tiie parents ture, imiont," tin- eitnnibals head, hunt- county and is doing his utmost to niOt. *; will be invited to the school house on ers ;uul blackbirds nf iln» Suutli K.-u the demands made upon him by. the Dee. TA, to roc:-ive gifts ami also pnr- Isla:id>-. Tills h~ tlic picture In which young people of the county. taki- of a real Chiistmas dinner. Let Mr. (iriilith and his juirly almost lost, His lield of labor is a most Interest- us .see what "Washington can do intheir live;- in :\, len-ibli; storm, which is ing one and (.lie young* people who look forward to farming as a life business'. -• Th this respiiet. Tin- resident.'! have al- shewn in ibis pieluiv, Kvcry |»vi>r oC dictinff an Immediate ways responded nobly Ut cv.-ry appeal inotb.ii pictures should see this won- lind him a very willing and compcteiiL Ihe Treasury's uniiouncemeni in the eil to score. Two weeks an instructor. The County of Warren Is played an eleven inning g;i I Local Dri-d Stores Will Nut Sell Itcer. that has ever been mail.-, hut some- derful production. Xo advance En direction of Increased pressure to effpet how ii seems no inn-'has i-ver thought prict'. l-'ul! nrchestra. J'I n.-nts in- fortuiiiiie in having these two young enaetmeiu of the iinti-bei-r bill, dry ad- score was l-l antdi ihllue- weeweki later an- j In regard to ihe right tit drug utm-pH men to till the positions tu which they other game w of this before. The poor ynu alwa.vs eludiiiK war tax. vocates in and out'of Coni'roHN did not wiin j-liiyuil and the game \ to sell beer, as a. medicine, inquiry tit tiirium an adji.Hirn have with you. "III-IHIIUK'II as ye did 1 have been appoinu-d. conceal their disapproval of the de- wc-jit twe!' umings anil the .score was i Washingtiui drug .sior.'s ivveated "lhat . I-TIIIU ' NICIIIT—lleneiii of Pas- tho K.vinn:isium. wii il. unto one < of these little ones, my tors' Aid Society of' Presbyterian partment's action. Wiryne IJ. Wheeler, 2-L\ This game gives tho liili neitlu-r.Is anxious for tho busiiu-ss. Th' held, followed bv Brethren, ye did il unto me." Glass and J'liiiy. general counsel for the Anti-Saloon mis of Warren and Ilunti rdot church. .Millie Knrke in "The Kdiu-a- Opera House Pharmacy states lhai hlliiy. tion of KHwihclh." I'lishively two Ilarnel and Walters, Hardware, Un- League, described II as "less doiVnsi- unt to Oxford. Xext Sunday aft' will tleprud upon wlK;llier tin- d.icii S IMMllh \ Ide than at liny other time." while ti will no doubt be the last gatr r.loriu .Molor Ci full shiiws: T.lf. iiu-i !t.rtt). l-'ull oivhes- :iuest tluit It be kept in Kticampni nt rmbc ipauy In Avlioti ll':i. \ Senator Willis ((Henn . O,)), joinj t author the son: when the li; •«*>•' A. A., ply ."patients" who find ii ,.,,-™, . What looks HU \f th tiber bill haractrized it as 11 Kellnws iVnn Wai id .Nnrihampt iva! iiisinesH was SATiniPAV, DC'OIUM- L'Dlli—Kugrni' asliinKtnn Wins at Clinton. th e anti-beer bill, characterized it a which title they, call themselves U\ have-such iircKi'i-ipiions lilled \h- "i,.i counties wi visit Sin dl lay when a force- of about Tli Iiiea! higli school football team outrage, utterly indefensible.". Baugor on week days and the Hangnr kins, or Jenkins & Meeker ' ' 0'l.irb'ii in "Tlic Figur,- Head." tini-h day night - hen si class ,,r lyft i-iindl- a do^ei men lit-giin work at the old I'ollurd ami tiun.shine Kaniiny in tlu-ir joun .v,;.l io Clinton Saturday and Ldue Stars when they play Sundahllllll! yv j emphatic in declaring lli:i Arlcrai'i factory in Taylor street, near While the- new rules, covering com- i ',' ,f ifi, i \ *' < 1 '- t *>nip»titU' in declaring thai "we dn nut dates will 1 inltinted. Tho iwt sido-splilliiig comedy—a scream from en im nff with the long end of a 12 to prehonsively the use of wine and «i»Ii* *.amoi, wilt lie here to e.loso the sea-i w;uu any of the'dirty business, wheth- ncaiii]ini ii!s fn 'd briclKP and is giving the old start to finish. Pa the Xews—the ".score. Tin- game was a battle from H0Ilp Llm twim is Ollt th" '*.«"!» i!t]i'O'*s a*;-medicines -n v,*i:!!';n'' • - ' «! tl»> .I;ISM>SI I ,.r (i fu ),.,;.,(.(>,. in..K-.!. ir- •..•„.,•.. .. . It wond Dciore your i-Ves. Oi-fhcstra. start 10 llnifh, with .neither, team at ii'Tli JiI 'limilimit of twoo and ' one-onhl1 f I tl'>"»» il] [llLs li:irL "ftlio county and a | subterfuge"lo ia-ii i n Vxica nVVr i' h kd d gallons, the cciuivalcnt of a case, on the amount of beer that may be prescribed to the same person at one Him*, no ar- .More for Lejrion bitrary limit is'placed on the number Marry II, . SiSmitth hy.terdn erdnd yy left $.1 at of prescriptions one person may obtain tho STAR Ollice for the America1.!'' Le- within a.given period. Kxcept that the gion fum:. Tho,amount pri'vioiu.ly re- amount for a, single prescrijujon is ported was ?")l.no, and this brings iho limited to two quarts, the wine, regu- amount to Jiili.OU. lations arc the same, while spirimouH The ioys lire going ahead with tin Illinois are limited to one pint within woi-k of furnishing quarters in the any ten-day period. Opera House blpck. anil they can use additional funds to good advantage. It was evident yesterday that a race 1 between" tlie brewers, who want to TJit^ pc'ppi'. cf WitiHhlnston will no make medicinal beer and the Ami-Sa- doubt be glad to raise thin amount to loon League Is on. at least JlOu.on, and additional funds Two breweries, tho Anheusor-llusch are snlioitod fi»r this puritose. Send in being one of them, applied Cor permits your coiiti'itnitfmi and It will be listed under the regulations issued by the and duly credited in the STAR. Commissioner of Intermit Revenue. Wayne H. Wheeler, chief of the dry ' Lanterns. lobby, demanded action fn the Senate, Burnet und Walters, Hardware, Co- on the Antl-Ui'er Bill. He was so suc- lon'Sq., Piiillipsburg. cessful in.his efforts' thai he got the promise of u tiolure rule and an early Don't forget lhv big Halloween dance vote. Monday evening, Oct. Illst, under the Meantime 30,S0"» doctors in the Unit- ausiUces of. American Legion, at Vcv's ed States can prescribe beer for their Garage, llackett-stown. Scripps-Ilodlli patients. Of this totiit. T»,284 reside in Auto to be given away tqr the lucky .New York. But the brewers have some number. Several used Ford ear.s lo be .formalities to go through before.' they given away to tiie highest bidder, can make thQ beer necessary to 1111 the Everybody welcome, with without mask. ..prescriptions. .scriptions. Mr. Wheeler has rallied his forces to tie up the permit mill's of the Government until ills legislation is Ait-traction1 Extritonlinary! enactedd. Thursday evening, Nov. li, tit the It is said that, regardless of what Artistic Garden Studio, S o'clock. Sail- action Congress takes on the Antl- or "Wharton's" Original Deep Sea Ja/.v. llcer BUI, the brewers will' go ahead Band—cx-aatlors from Now "York and with their plans to make' medicinal Virginia. Come and henr these boys de- beer and go to'coutt and demand per- liver their famous "Briny Deep .Jazz." mits tin tier the. ISlghteenlh f Amend- Admission, Including war tax. 7!ic. ment, which simply prohibits the manu- Directon, Louis It. Dlldine. 10-20*21 facture, sale and transportation of. liquor for uevorage purposes. They Onus, Shells. are ready lo fight this question • lip to Barnet and Wiilterj), •Hardware, Un- ihe highest-court. " ,. ion .S(i., Philllpsburg. The Palmer beer decision wus sweep- y g team). Ing, as ii pointed out that the dry re- pumping station will bo losatcd on more tlmi one Inlf of 1 JKI tent If ilt, f.oth ' id* teun of Xomnn i Cu\U\ Lom] Mil.is (1 tin Inn! of tin, mil strictions on dottois md diut,t,Ists \i « is to be used loi medicln il pin poie*» loll on Ol Ills 1 olated tin. spit it of the Piohibltion No idmK Ion— i mission Ilk Not too Hit to bu\ i *. i |( Milieu mil 1II nil 1 llu quuntltv of IKU md wine pus on tul it ii si i ( od di in-. Ijjiw. Jt put beu md wlni foi mtdl etibed - m \ot hi. limltid bet it use tin dooi UHldun hi low tlu . 11Hi \\ ilui II ii cm iisi-,- Shitlei v—LM.I1 FI esses. dual pin posts on m crtiml footing law l(.n\es lint to he diseution of tin iompmhp d In MOUU 1 111111 !slim „ iiLt md \\ ittois Hmduaio Urn with whisio He asserted lh it tin. DUi— Thuisddm NNm mi mil 1 Hi ii 1 hlllb docloi In tin. i isi of -A hi lie th* 1 Commission*.! uf InLumil Hum in. In im! « ill ((s II 1IlK Us Hi limicl m t 111! law ustilcts ptcsciiptlons to one pint 1 refusiii), oi limiting petmlts loi llquois f IT* 11 i"lishui ni t ^no | II Hill Iht 1 mmnnlns lt(f,is)MV.II...L. *'» iniiifc nil illlllirit I l/l I""* I IMi Lii.li(s i h U m 1 ppoi(unit\ nl,fnm „ ino and lnei und otlui milt mils c. it hit tocilh oi foi tlu t,ouuli\ . ^aslilngton Avi 1 nuu I uid \\\ i Hudw nt tn nilA\dlUi^ Hn-dwaio "Ulu i with an Alcoholic content of. us u whok \\ hi1 hinfitot n N J \\ IT.MORI.S j.0 *0--t on fc.ii illlb £fc^ •H .,..'..-..: •;,

. ' * ii JPageTwo- THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1921 Honored for^4 Washingtorr««n» •Churche mivfnnus sniill moment hup I foiii'tut line a jton umucncb M „,„,uu ,t lllir!ll, ,mi i I.UIIUI WIISIIIIIBIIIII W. Ii Churrh N'olcs. Ilifiunul tiInn i ufi linn tk lilliiutumtli i liu1 lilit witl inh st\ (nu o| Ull'Ke coiiKri'Kiitlons fratluTiil, on Instill,, l.lmliifi will I lint tiuiij on •.mill ii fm inninliik unil nuihiis woi tiki snilll tin lmil lllv Kttlulllil ihlp. lii-olhi-r Ali'iizo .1. ilryaii hull lliilinii-ilii 1 i IIIIIIK I"'' " * 10 IjuiutlfulK il.tmitul tin i Inn ill ultli U -I . -1 I." law fi-ntM mitt qiiiuitltl's nf inn" Sti\k*s t\ii\ sutiiln nioilillir. 11 mouth iilnli «hlti uml • liow «.!u\H oilml ( mkti slmllo Ml mi liixltiil iintlioinunM. Tlif ivry utmosnlii'io of tin. mom Imltniil to minim- I lion was the iVlilfMii'i- ol" a tine ilevotlonal | spirit, ami tin- SITVII-C* wvie nlo.st help fill Tin siimnni l> 1>I I" T Isli I hart of Julian. In wlili'h lie »ho«vil j elearlv .hipiin'H necil of a wivlliy re Ht,ioii uml how tliuliif, tin |iist fo t\ dllitMM" tint ulWim hi" lion 1m i plmt.il »n M it.fnlU m liulln tin huiiihuli "lio hill tin Mioil faltuiu to1 luiir Ihiin. Si'tli Si:fo:'inln?.' nn««u " ' Are You Going- Shopping serve to -Show the Seopu of lliml'l" Cl KliiKiloni iietlvity. uml lo impcll tin For a New Pair of Black and Colored folk* it homi toil pi loniui itlmi , mil MI ilit ' •' ^l intlciplti . ii turn trip from Dr. Isleliart. whvn Ii will give «s a •lemipti.-wi li-eturc nil Sport 1 mtlfiil I il in The leetltre B«n». V "ll> »> Dress Bodds noumiil. will !'<• eiill'luet"! liy the *""• or Dress ilav-Mi-hsinl. There will In- flvs llot.ilil. c opi ik is Id Cllil' s I ..»01 11 ol Now York will n>li> "I"" /;"" The Story nf • the Vanli-e." a nr>st For Fall and Winter Mhlckln »•" ™inl.I> "Mull Mo" lilting llunie. for all Anui-ieail auili' *» at tht fo.li.lh nnKu-.^ of in i neu. "II tin- ive of Ar.nlK.loe IMy. Ill It So, Walk Up to the Cln that she ciiu.ul 'hi impkn m CooiU'tr* well known ]inl]ilt anil plat- i Urn I^itib.ch nml "ion- In 1 i-- on u form power make . uniH'ei's*ai\ in\ i the close of taiiln"* tli ii ston. one of "tlf wt i iceillui tin stoio lit "C \Ii^ ^nn K t r ni][ t () i, nl, ( ^tIl NEWCOLORSAND WEAVES DIS- IBJ Mill i- » toUn ot ilipin lit""" 1 I ' ,„ ,„,,,, „„ 11,, l ,„., „ In , ,md sec tlio Lugest displ.n itntul h.i ^Ith i LII.in loil --lii ,m' In , 1|llin ,„ i M -VI i ot Oxioids in the cit\ Jl.ide MM bnn In tl" In ">', mi « « •"• , , «,u imiH, >u) „, , ,| c „ rin i PLAYED IN LARGE VARIETY ikptrtmenikpirtmenl oe - tII.l . «tou li urn, was intoilnp lits i liuli n Mill il im hi 1 1 111 « II < 1 11 li "I Ciood\cai welt and miibl si\t s nilv in tin nnininf, in tl 1 Hi tim Is ni 1st t o! I' milii-l in ntlnmv Mill 1 110 V.1* slllKk I SUBL.IIIIK II U 11 111I in ] il 1 In Al 1 ill h s snlij it sen ice 01 a new pan uill be ilu reir 11 hi- k niil o\ 1 11 >! 11 tli I ini, I •! s Mtl 1 il s il rii j!i\en 111 lotuin ri'CC ol VISIT to our Piece-Goods Department is a little trip to .1,101 . ttlu mil" H' i" .«' >" ' II 1. ill 1 ' 11 li 1 1 01 ' tin 1 1 Cliaifrc A In tlim turn 1 ili 11 ' 'I' "' ' " ". ' , -Inn IIMI 11 111 111 1 sinn mil fashion land. For, here, in beautiful lengths of ser^e, inn tow ml, tin utioili Ml M k i " ),, „,, ,, U: 1 tins \ u I Ills I duvetyn, velour and a host of other fabrics, one may visualize Alm pilntnin liuKtl li li * s ill 1 1 ,„!„ lt s ]1[s j JMUIIIU 111 t uni 1 l'i ices Kanumu livl In in ch is. il li li nil I- mil t 1 I | ,„ „,', , - ih In ill I li ins lofuico linliliul ll" ililil- '1 mill" , 11 1 tttill stun I ill 11 .nil Mill il just the smart dress, suit or coat that one has dreamed of for P10s.CK.uu1 I II Kil v 1 imllii- nn in 11 1 II- "1 1 li I mi nils .69 to $8.29 Fall. Ion c'nnt\ issu.it 11. tins tu 111 -1 " I' 1 tn is 101 mini ti 11 h iiiiiniiini im\ to 111 mum nistuuils, si it 1 I (\ 1 iiwimi mini itliiiiiu lonskki 111 imllttmint n-ihist tli «" On h u IK ills 11]. 1 1 lij ills 111 \o Hiiihei No Wai Ta\. ( 1 You may choose from, a myriad of lovely styles just the 01 louis LKiU tin n U" illi- il 1 ' 111 1 th !i\s ultluut s nu not! s hue oontcssiil tint hi kill, il Tim '11' tu I 11* I it 1 s, Iwol III. clime li WIDTHS A A TO E ones that you love best---and transform them into garments MntlliU Huss,, it 1 1st Mum t »u \ ,s , t m_ , u Inn o. it, , ,1 l,i,s,,i s r lust luni U Hi si liiililnu. li 1 I 1110 mini t "'1 11111 itln s h 11 1 11 A Uujio assoitment ol Satin with all the smartness exemplified by the famous designers. II, eh mm Imi.lkit.s his ,,ln tli !,„ !.* n .1 t I n. 11. n.st Hi 1 • ...llT\i\ I!" is sililf ln\ inn 1111 s.nis Ii l<\ 1 h tnci fu mot m- ind Pat Sliap Pumps it Cut A^rrAtrrrv.1 !'!, 'yi:11 .,,,,"'i! ,„„•"«• :-.A Kate Pi ices Suitings and Coating of The Mode i^'1,,!^.;^ nVi-iil!',/,r,,'ss,,,,::i r.i. ...::•••:'. BLACK SUEDE K I ihu ot KINI\ clidilicl in Hi" m mil I'" » "> «">> '* "" '' >' Europp as well as America con- READ0NA CREPE \ conslililicl iLiinst II Us »,l llis s,, 1, , u,,l I, 1 ^ Hi I n HIGH TOP BOOTS urfe Mlio Ml" mi si 1 .11 MI I I n I V nn, n 'I tributes to the beauty and glory of M Hli I 1-1 follmilim Ills Illklit h>s I 11 li II n 50 in. wide, $2.50 yd. III, II 1 1 111 si2 01) \aluc milady's tailored suit and coat. Jill on end is 01 ni hi ml J«" *>' mil i 111 I '"I Hi" All the fashionable colors. Used ,1 is Intlktul i«i miii'l ' llM Fabric^ woven to give warmth Mil J 11-ilnlh c sni.lu I 11 I M 111 pi ten mil 11 h 111 snnilu without bulk, to drape and tailor for suits or dresses. his institutel ll" i-'iliini 1! II' t( 'I'll..' Uealh lit* .lolill l:;u'l Hobokin in whldt I Inw <• fciiMu I"1;' SEK US FIRST finish that adds'richness to the soft COLORED STRIPES AND hi-, HU »hm hi. «1. tu»\ll l!i|i!ist lllllllll Soles wool fibre. uUHtlun tu his ntt. t.tl his pP.iH-- i-nn.ti\ si h, ol .t _ '0 1 lu Hilltn OPEN EVENINGS PLAIDS wliu urn. dt |Kml* tit »l"m I""! ll l ui||is.i uill 1» LIII ilu IJI'-L ( A variety that includes every de- thiiki-tl th it tht Lnl'Jiiiil I nut in o | \nVtnit« i i i]>t un*- uill !>•- ' li There is a very large assortment laat tin tinii <>C llit luc « is ""I 'l» I1 . m \t ^liutl i\ uul Mih will iNn sirable and fashionable weave. "for prd with pio|.t.i mi ins .it . s. tpi th n ,,|HUII I MI\ Mlmln tnn tiMtil i of these for children's school dresses thi hoti'l u i-> n(lt- finpiniii IU ll 1" I. 1" \t s.1,,,,1, Autumn and Winter. and women's skirts. iht niini^-mitiL ftil.tl i" .111 ill I'll .1111' t iuli wuiiluu on lii' tlilid IE"1' ' ' " '" l in <-»n i ti LI MI I\ HI H i' n» •- " IL leist it 11 n «t in 1. n lii "nit i ' > ,iu s iuil u*- It i 11 11 ••ill 11m- i STLYERTONE Widths vary from 36 to 66 in. itmhtil, ind tint ni) 1,'MII. \ is P'11 »1 1 , U((,.s ,nit -niti Mi,n\..l li\ il Prices range from 50c to $3.50 yd. in the (.miiUoi tub> <-iiitult it 11 ' 1 l , , , in "»09 Northampton St. 54 in. wide, §3.25 yd. In Grey, Brown, Taupe and Blue. Surptis, Minn .1 II minl.it. ' » ""»"•"'" (ll"-hl" S""KC t1""" ^Llt |ll Hi •..-». • EASTON ? . tiowd of llttv lKfipl f.itntiMl 11 MI'J. a Pvnlisiui^ L nn For either suits of coats. tht, licmi ot ! it ol) W S(.hu\l i >i BLACK GOODS Mikiwiniu Il'Uhts SiMinlu -^ mn- BOLIVIA COATING T HE turn, of .fashion's wheel U l Mil |( I Mi '-.huUu u is ( mm uliir, ' .brings black again into psj)u: filtiul Aithut Ctstmi 'i M' V»^ 1 t tin ! - 54 in. wide, $4.50 yd. \\hen h. tiowd ^uh.t.11 tt th- *. in larity.. .The richness of the weaves mil miichtn,, thuiush tin lull t>» ll A very popular coating in all ml" tlu Hn'in L illitit- - itpn 1 "itt "11 1 and the simple dignity attached to \oii \!i t«.iiu\l< 1 \li ^ 1" vi ] wanted shades. , .• the costume of black is ever a con- i'ic«.d with ilum tint u 'iii' «!•, I'm u nu 1 • I'K ni.l i "1 Ui ti ill ,1 Miiim i. iml ,iu tmm in 1 1>- 'iL\ U if Hi < imnu ul U 1 i ill. \\ 1 sideration among style arbiters. - [ ll t Uih ti 1 il.tt 1 ui ti If.t.tl \ 1 ll l Nil nt v CHINCHILLA COATING _ V luotn \nv '•nun r>i ""''I if" " in 11 < 1- I , t )>\ ^nm 1 '.\ i»( 1 sons 1 h ill 1 Our very complete .assofttrientVof int, ind 1 10IK -'0' t nn w i- oh-* i "• it? .linns I_UHSL in 1 -I Lit Ol «1 bv T! \lu )• li 1-1 tl"t HI 1 in n I W W U>-h 1 it tli. «,',unt- \ I s 1 r ipti in. 01 u '^ ;• $4.50 and $4.75. yd,'. \ weaves and styles affords a choice AmUrson iml \iuu-. 11 i «-ui. Uii^ ' „ \\ ii,n (I < . is d to im-LtiL tlii, U 111 L.I J ]H .. IU 111 KIS ilso ftnnish d In i Wcuo i N iunt]T- fp ' • '"' I tllL '1 L L Ot Slid r I Mil iit< 1 .11 iii^lulint, l" Sidtariia'Charmeme -'• ol bimlwicht s pit-KKs (hu. 1 * iK» mi J?MW VELOTJR -'-5W . .. ~,h 1 1 \n .1 i\hil>lt I !!•. ..1 lu 1 (1 inns r . 5 itfii in. u wuhiii Lli> u iimili-il \ HI - i Oil! low, i NUI.il ^ I . I h II. Ill 'ihhniV \ I j'- JERSEY CLOTH ,-. . Mi s Ihilhn lint llimir n Mi J H t'1"1*' V- Silk iutd iVool Poplin < t aidmt Cililtn 1 uni v in i in \ ,. /;". : 54 in;-wide, .$2.25 j/u. ;, ;..':. maun H n.1 Utl u_ni \ Mt ^ \in '40ih. 'A very popular weave for jumper, Cio i -, DEMOCRATIC Ihc nawd Kit dresses and one-piecei'dresses. SPrMtly All Wool Gypsy Cloth houi Mislui -, Ml 1 CANDIDATE moic lupp\ i ip I'll £ ,46in,wide, $2.50 yd,r- _. 11-, i nn ti in ron ; Mis Linni t I i|>pin< »l( \sl s ' a ll Wool 'Crepe Egyptfr '%• Ustinmin w s til LII I ii! t ! : \\ H Wiltus SIKULI M isti Member of Assembly ^ $ $Jv : ~.... M in. wide, $1J75 y&,7y ;$\ lipsbuih in tin. i] fit' "itit iiM In Mi 1 mini 1 n i !"**'jri Grey, Bro^n, Tau'pe'i , SUk Mohair, Premier and Poplin 1 other wantedjcojlors.,. Foriv wtti shown tli it shui.li itU t )K ittu 44-in. ydAB,4^25io $3.50 yd. •••' LCI ftom \\ u m I LIIII n\ 1 »11 Lipi Harry Runyon v Dresses, •.-" '• •• , , . : \r c/Jtt who tin n nsklifl ir HELVIDERE. X. .1. ..•., x^ \ W \ MI t The nm|»l( \v i niniKil vii 1' Pulls O|K'ii rt-oni li ;l. iu. lii 7 p. m. 1J01) in New ul ind tlu illi j ul di Used fpr,:dreises; .and^ tion look phii.1 lib s un v us lit • YOUR VOTE AND , . It UTS (iiH tint month lint tht. Mi skirts. 'A;rarige'o£-colors,. iHind i tuintU fiom « it mtl pi.nl n SUPPORT RESPECTFULLY ,i lay uith his vifL UHI in n 1 it «n tup ol tun \\cel I i «m his uttun li SOLICITED \l was onh m \\ ishinU m i •Oioit thn uul then tkpulid mil hi not h Ol Icicd mil 1'lnl ioi li\ It Ruinoti ;^;| lien shut i \uis lid It r /a& to.52 in. ^fo,$ffv he is in Hit \\ st Hi uuiil< ln\ u childrtn Ih» \ ik ustiiktl tint iHnn u , For suits and.^epaicateTskiri;s...jSlI tin. ten \urs of miiud nu hu hu iwantedicolors. .' . i./jii,,;,.*. bind dnl \ iv Utt! tu supput liti H Repubiican Candidate itsidtd with hi uiti uul ills I uliu n I in orcki lo suppoit luisdl Mis 1 i plncott w is t-innpi.lli.il l> \MJ! iimsi i tlu. tlmt ^ For Freeholder ,62" iri,y^M, $2:56 Molhoi ittleisul (in KHhiinpuir, (Inui ,,{;-•• luOgc John 1 I I ill I illo of th ."'A' ';£ihe dwias weave \\ nidi CounU Comt list wul ds chaibccl Mis Lilllin I tith fiom tin. Brown, Tauife;. New Bl UKWciL jill when ^lu hul li n cmn ; mltUil li> m Oxtoifl Jtisiict (I tht Coperi. and G««Bn. pt'itt on Ihi UlLnd ihiut ol UMii lo 1 itln ip hu Tittle l \ it old mi nn OF lMllMJPSIIllliCi, N. .1. i lik-tnt Sinul u "MlS It Illi ^ l^ <1l\ "ii nl ihnilt i 1 month i(,o li om lu t ih st hush iml Election^ Novembei S, 1921 j;e, $1J5 Fl,raoi UI m< httid mil 11 lims to h t\i •jliuio lu.cn mini U d to 1 iid 1 t It li ot This v»ry/popuiax and ^elllaw Bi Idgojjoi I Conn 1 UL < JIII I did not 1'olls Olii'ii from li A. M. lo 7 I'. 51. serge ia)in,/a,fuirrarige of .colors. taltL i sufnus \h\\ nl tin < iv iml slid tht worn In 'UlJit nil tn 1. luld qn UID Lhaij,<. W lun slit was com Your V<)te and Support mltttd to Jill b\ Itislitc HiKt ol 1 I \iduo iho plcidul \u\ 1 uni not to h loOiu^l. u.» ad aid i lu. \ould iclct Respectfully Solicited htr *iht \\ luld K n tin ttatc it once Jui't'J vl>P» leknsttl anil Onlaal mil 1 mil /ol 11; ll'i/liirai P eht waa l l Vi Hut ton

'TT r~SECTION ONHl '• • THB WASHINGTON STAR,, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1021 I'HIIiMI'SIIUIIfl. A numlier from lu-re iittendetl tli« former JInyor of Ilnckeltstrnm. This cclehmtlon «f tlie Mid nnnlvemnry of Mrs. JIulllo Uriilie tiitnrlnlncd Mr. Jialf-ccnlur. y. ot service represents near, Columbia CouncM No. 11, HIIIIS ninli and .Mr«. Taylor and Mr*. .Mary Kducr- l'*y ' al"11l t«hhe yycnrca i .MrM . TnmlilvTbn lh:i» Ii Uaiwhtera ot Uherly, |,i K..«lon, on THE WEEK'S REVIEW Ion of Dover Hiind.iy. | a ri'slrtuiC cif that place, lie |m lillc ncdncnlny night or lust week. I Itlchnnl O'Connor of .lolinKon, X. r., various IIOHIUOIIK .in a. .sehool olllci JOHoph M'nko and Adam 1'UHIHI of WUH railing on olil frleiul* here hint from teacher to Kiiperlntendcnt Al near Aluhn, were nrreMcil l,y i week.. present he Is the Iren.'-urrr. ulo CIII-IM. Itchfux.s for violation* Be In A mi N'e«n Mnforci-nient Aet. The urnilgnwl liefoicj .Indue J. 1. |:. nnd enrli mis ulven a line. Aloi tho ;ini'.st of tlie men lli.tirnuu with thrift by saving as .in . I'H'it. UCIIMIHH .-.^I^L'II ' inn visitlnj.- her sister. .Mrs. William Lee." -Mrs. Sarah A. IMiiliarl of Cranf.iul. ren on the Kaston tMvl w..,M I,,i „ home of.-, rilea.1 for a m..ni." \vuii'. , A Hallowe'en entertainment and with whom they will .spend som.' time trolley line. II,. „„„ „.„', lr)th c t , Hallway Company to give four Wiles Hospital vvhirv his condillnn Is n,,t ,,. for M corns, metal tokens, smaller there, .she .s.u,|. Bhl. „.„„ „,„,,, ,m| pumpkin pie social will be held In thebefore they return West. They have Bartled serious. than ihu slz.. of a dime, were .sold at ill Inks of whiskey and Vemembei ed school house hero .Monday IIIBIU, Oct. not seen each other in over forl> f'nir for 30 c.nls. Kaeh passenger re- noililnK. She wan di:.eliar«ed and le-iv- years. His first sermon as a Luther lii K»' i •.•.,;;: Ilalioek Whltliehl of Lafayette Cob the church on October Kih. National Bank It'fte was a week-end cuest of liis p.u- SsiVnuth'lhr,,^,"',."1,.'1' T''""° '""m' enls, .Mr. and .Mrs. I:. A. Whltllcld. .Ml. I'iscali A. JI. K. ChurcH. EASTON, PA. I!-!V. and. Mrs. w. I-:. Crusler are Tiegulnr ipiarterly mcollng on Sun- day with Love Feast at lo'.SO followed •* pressin with ,^ , ). >"""' »"",' eimsyl spendhif,- ,1,1s week in Madison. h I l llty- |!I l1 1 1 Mrs.. LewiLewis JJ.. Deremer of Great I'.v preaching hy Presiding Klder didntes In the ranks of paK,. „„,[ l;s,Mi|",". full force. S f families have left, I o',l or .'i '' " " " ", wero fli* Kamuel Hun-gin nt II a m A,,, bin many win, mlshtt better their concon-- ffi ' ,,Crli ii "!',.|llVt""B-", 'V'C" '"'"y w"h friends Whore Northampton St. Crosses 4th The decree team of Zenas Knnmn '"' F'' ill™ '"'" "'"'"' '•' prenehlng nt !UQ ],. m. and - |j „ m ment No. :il. I O' O K wen dill.,.™ elsewhere are without means to SCIII. Communion will follow ihe eii-Mlne service. liev. A. Willis, paslor. ll.stown Tuesday 'evening ami worked A family of skunks hi ;e taken pi The Chlr.iKo unlive ale looking fv I'iriy Vears in Sunilayscliool. Che "Ciolden Unle" degiw for llw on f'*slon of the basement beneath Un- !v|il,the sendea r of a box of polson-d eamiv o have he..,, .IWK-IH.,1 in Mliii.lnv ranipinent In that rlly. The tiln w s church of till. Holy Tilnlty South i •siiolislble for Hi,, erltieiil ol woik for more than llfty y,..n's- made liy uutninnljflL., I i ' ord held by .lames Tamblyu ., The Hotel lx>lhli;h a mnilDi-n «t..i>,. ture,..'ll-35 Booth Main .s.iLi I ,„ 1 "en leased to Lewis .Mnak.iwitii .f Kisiui ( 1 T'-nry t a l ! to how and the entire iirst n,,,,,. «| lm" , to ilrlv*' tlie ;uifm;ils tiw.iy, Tht-v IIJI inn we. ii (.•ontalncil linn ately e.,nverte,l hit,, a shin f.,,.,,,,., catihefl no irimbl.' :iiid mv coiisklcrctl "flHlK*'." AllillyhlH HllDWL'll (I.ullv Tlie propriotm- ,,f ||a. enleiorlsL wl himnU'tH imk'KH (IMtirhfd. sou pcrriiiMtcil all of ilii> t';inily. move his plant from the u'ar l.ulli The Ucv. ./. f:. liiukot'ton, .s|»rnklni,- rto.senlVM c:imi! from Austria arul li;i'i Ing, K-iHton, where ii has been In sur li^foro tlio wi'okly mpctiiirJ of Motli- ln'C'ii ii .studsnt iHir.su in tin- liowpiml ceKsfuI oiienilion for some l'lm< (ull.st clerKynu-n of PhiliuioliJliin :iml nine inontlis. Whether the other floors ot tlie hot. hullcliiiK will lie.utillwil for faclorv nur For the woman who objects Hoses. Jlr. Jlo.skowllz was not prepare has new, and for less, prices on Furniture as to say. Inn ho saUl cnlnrgomenl will I, wild is iinstor nf the Union Mciluxltal Kent nnd iiprcltct In his diuifs in I'lilla- to Oxfords -as not dressy Kovorneil hy Hie market. The ,,!.,„, |, clnircli, Twontiotli anil IJiumnnd HtroctH. (h'lDhin. Thin was couiilcd with tin- well as Rugs and the public is not long finding I'.a.stou has h n elo.swl about tw> issuin.tr or Win-rants Toi- the un-OHt of enough, we have a Patent W -said (.'hurehtnon wwo h(i|iintf foi- nilA. R Slut;r. McConnclt'H former s„ ilr0l.,.». •arly alinlltlnn of Hit- "drink Unit- WHK Leather Strap Pump with out where to come. Here are. a few good Having Mr. Jloskowlt/. the sole pronrie ealinir tiio'vcry luy.in out of ISimluiid," rotary ami If. W. licnntr, who had lor. About nriy hands will l,u cmiilov tlu-ee straps buckling in ed as soon as the I'hlllipsburi,' nlani 'i thinghi s for you: ready for operation. of copnor coins, which have haf-1 the centre which is beyond yK,,.a(,f ve liirth lo her 22nd The Claire Silk .11111. at Second an lied troaKiiry ollicialK. Cliildren'M httnks •hlld the day in Texas. Mr:;, a doubt dressier and pret- llroud .itieets iras closal ,I,,w,, Satunla iv'i'o licit) responsible at lirst fur tin;Uown y became a bride at fourteen LINOLEUMS for an ImlWinh,. period, on onlers froi h(»rtiiKc and an apin-al from the Irotis- H of aye and a mother at sevenfjen tier. tile Cer^ola- silk CV.rpoi-atloii. ,»f X... ry resulted in the eXflmnKu of many ywir:ii of ase. #hv liml. been married A Special Selling at York.city. 'I'he jerieo .Mill oll tj|i|ii't's for silver mnney. "\\> an; •- r.y her (IrsI husband .she ha doui\s lanla ii]i befoi-e dawn off tmng to keep your floors free from the of Jiinios A. Sinlt!,. Harry lioyor a •lii'iiwl. Several men have ap- ! Uf,'ht.«hip. Admiral Karl Uoutty nf tin'' see it, ' • clinging dust. During the' coming week .Jolin Jtnlay. .1,-.. was appointed i*or the 'li..-d for roonw 'hut have licon turned j Hrill.sh navy arrived .horp today as tin innpose. DurlliB lite evenhlB . The hotel is run undei KUest of the American Lt'Klnn. Tli. we will oifer at a special selling, linoleums ehestra furnished music. Adtlrow •ieo.s nf the V. W. C. A., and irrH. .lolui batti'rk'K of l'*orts Hamiltn]) and ^.VIKIM- were ikliveied by James A. lii.n-ihu Roekeffller, Jr.. Chairman of th worth thundered a saline of l[) •tun-i. of the finest quality, in a wealth of pat- and President Cariiart. A eomnii,ti- S'aUrnial noi.rd'f: Tlntislnff Cummltti-i Airs. Louliin i-'redei-ici CoO.v terns and colors, at only 90c pel yard. If consistiiiK of .Mr. Carhart. Lester Hv ms tfikun an active interest in viuip-' >lonfl Witliain K. Cody, '•IHif- and Harry LlKlilatp servuti refresh .lie Imlldinfi. The ] ill wl liome in Cod; you have been planning to cover your meuts. tau'.s hold and every momher of the She was in seventy-ninth ritcl staff, with the. exception of tlio year, iieari di-soase was said !>y lies- floors, don't miss our special offering; •Tlir^ruperijiot Private AnKelo-Tarsi if,-ht clerk anil the purlers, is-a wo-Phy.-iieiaus to have caused her death. come in and see our big attractive values whose "body was 1,,-oUKht to liis iiome inn. and no tips are »ermitted. The Mrs. Cody's Kiimrichlklrcn and John here from an American cemetery hi utel can care, .for -100 KUosts and IsI (Continued on past.' S. Section 11 anyway. ]• ranee, was condiieteil Sunday . after- noon with miliuiry honors. The funera was from tiie home of his mother, Xo Sou -Mill street, at L' o'clock, and u,L servlees were at HI. Mary's Catlioll, Overstuffed Rocker, $45 church at Alpha. Tho -Mothers of 1!M7 attended in a. body and a delegation members of the American Legion look Has Roll Arms part in the services at the Krave in > -Alaiy's cemetery. Private Tarsi w, If you desire comfort at a killed in action witli American troops m minimum cost we cannot too in Arsonne Forest in lltlS. strongly recommend your coming in and seeing "this $ Vrjio IlaiHrsts to (iivc .Mnru (i» CILTCT; overstuffed rocker. It has PIiHNl 'I'Jiu Now Jersey R-iptist Coiivemion K-'ivc Rev. Thomiis I'. il;il](>\v;iy, for- the comfortable roll arms, M mer Stnti.' Hocrvtiiry, ;i rousins rc'sitonst 'J'ucsdiiy night at Allinitic City when wing back. Seat full spring ho plwuleil-for Iji'ttor recognition of the construction. Covered in tap- | ministry.' Hi; willed nttentiun to iho The Utmost in Style, Quality, Value estry. Priced at iji-15. Sf S • fact that 11,000 i;;i],tist pustors h;ul lefi mm tin- puljjit Ijocausi; of inability lo sup- port tlitfir l'iimHicfi. One rultred min- ister ho wtid who hail K(HH« into busi- Always at Lov/est Prices ! JR.SS, made yooiV to t»e extent of mak- life ing $5,500 in throe hours). .STATB NKWS. A Added Beauty For Your Home KouLh .Idi-soy mtto drivers are look- ing for a IJIJLT snakt- so as to glvo it a wiilo berth. While driving with lii ; Fringed Velvet Rugs 9x12 fiimily, Jolin-.Jtitrriiclirr ot Klmor s:iu- Ji pine KiKiko CIO-SK the io.irl in fr Winter Coats at Special at $45 of his car. Tlie 'reptile whs oijfhi I h You can arlfl tlie tonu of indivkiuality and clislinctneness to in loiiKth and almost aa' thick a: your home•"by'tiiii" ca'rei'ul sclcction'of door co\cnngs. With fence rail. this in mind we sugno.-'t your cumin? in and seeing: oui special display of high grade frinRcd velvet rugs. A wealth of coloi- ings and patterns. They arc priced at only ?-15.

All high-grade materials, many are silk lined and warml.v interlined. Some have handsome 1'u'i: collars and';'•'• FLOOR LAMPS cuffs of luxurious - furs. Materials With Double Burners and Silk Shades, from ' are bolivia, broadcloth, velour, nor- it's toasted, of mandy, duvet de laine, chinc'liilla.'mix- $16.00 to $50.00 courise. To seal ture's and seal -plush. Extra large sizes «p to53 , included in this, assort- Cheev the home by getting one. H s in the flavor—— ment. Dad the kind of Arm Chair he needs' Plenty of them in our annex at 11 OTHER COATS; in big variety usual Ford Store low prices. From $17.50 and up to-$145

Fur Coats Children's Coats Nine can be purchased at veryjow prices » Sizes 8 to 14 years now. We have a fine variety Priced d $7.98 to ,$25 Pieces in on sale at Newest Fall styles in all high-grade $55 and up to $350 materials. "Walnut Dresses SALE OF For Every Occasion Handsome Suits 1*1 Street, Afternoon, Dinner and Dansant ill ;! Frocks in. a glorious collection' of For Women and Misses v newest models At $35 and $45 Prices are $1-7.50 to $45 These aio veiv unusual v.iluob Each one lswoilh al lcas.t horn S10 to ^25 moic Choice of the finest materials in all-the" riie tiuantity JS limited, so ar eailv choice new, dainty fashion features. is advisable All sizes while they last The FORD STORE, Washington, N.J. II THE WASHINGTON fctt'Al):, WASHINGTON. N. .T:, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27,lfl21 SECTION ONE STiiKu 'Four •••'. ttifli l-l!H>Nt-* Hrlliiln*- Min-pi-i-.,- Tlmi-.-^ iilnu'l Al'i-s. I-MKIII- uvli.li .-I' Illiwi-I. | uivfii a n-ciil In lln- aelionl liall I-Vlilay t&vtHsuiHllMUiijmA ,. i i-iYilV,,- ,-v,-,,iim . :ifl-f r ivIiJ-u-.ivIiJ-u-.'-il l .Mr .li.li.li.lin •<» li> <»< • .Mr,-.. :»>'<.111,] >•'"•.Mis . •'«»".laini-n" SlwilSI,nilxs ..»fr Wai.ltXVimlinl;:lu- nl;:lu. . IHan I Iniliik'i-t-slln; ^ l|iro:;iais n Is In-lnim:: : r D f . . "' '.'!':', , .',' .1',,,,'.|,' u ,K l-i-m lv -,l'- pniM'il. inn I'I' I III., hum,, ,,I,,II.-. lull .MI ! Imit.m mi,I Jim. l-V.-,l..i-ii-k Ni'Winun of |>iv|,aiv.l. ; PI BOUNTY SCHOOL NOTES f i,, II,,- .M..ilin.li-.t . limli «•-- .'.I- '• •" . , '. ,".; ' ' ,, . h j,,. | N, .,, V!iHi will |i.in i.r Smiilay wllli, • -—" O 1 : ! | lemleil.- tnai.y .;••"•""•• '.",;" ." ;;.';!•.";; • I;, ,,.;,,.,!' ;,, •,,,;! '",,;hH,' ,,f " '.lulu I ill*, .-l-u.v Mluii'lii! nl »111 :i*iO Olllril In HilM-iilli-liluilK Vall.-.v C'lnn-i-li. if® 1 8 "' ,".''", ' '"'|| II.V/iTi I'li'ii.-lT New' V...-I. i K1JI.T. .-I I'JIMI al III ' •»•-»"• 1' W. \V. «tu.|.l.-|. In lilHMIm: -ii ll.-u-! ,\| „ |, ,.| ;ill,-i,,l,-,l IUIIIIIIIB ft Ille lias a (litTci-citt moiiiiitijf t» *svi'i*y 'I'll'.- Coiilinitl.il- on Arillmu'llr 1* al ! *,.,.,,,,,| |.,, »i,vi, lrl! y i^mMmmfmiMvwww^ V '' ";'"..,,,!. .,;LL,.,| 1,-.- i.v-il ml.-iil. I lilm ;nnl mi K.JIIU I" •->•• .vli..m II .nielli kn » « rarni al X|.ili.i:imiii on Hi,-; .Miisrmi,- n Vull.-y nv.il..vt. rl.ili in(tivi:1! -" ' — '•' - •''" '*,,!,.u . J, Trim,;- •tin '•'•• >!>•' "n.-in milkiM-ln inii.-li 1" Ai.-. i MIK- s>f •! I'.-ini "In.-li IVUM i-,-.-.-iilly j ,.|,,nvl, |.,,-t Tlmmlay I-V.-IIIIIK a mtwl quality at the mo.sl reason a lilo Not ions at-o County Sui.t. IS. (!. | ^ \ ,, ,„ ,,„. ,.|,,,,,-li at II..::..). , ..l imv.iW.iK '' :;- '" >' ,', ,, .,; ,,,„.,. i „.,... ,,,n,, .,, ll u -,•.•."111.ln1 UvIV.-»l,vter>nn rluml. V.m >»• -"l" .i'''"'", '', iv ( I HvMn -irll.l ' .Mm* t.,i, u|>.-1-,. ami in,... ,1 Hi- il-ini- : ''•" " •' " "- i ll.iirly anil i-lillillsla«tl,- .Mil mis «i- : l vl : liriccs. . • •: Sunto.il- apiiolnlwl a i-oiiiuy i-ommltlw i ' vlt.-.;n.jM l 1,." s,.,'uti.'ii'.vi.:i..l , .»»]lu•, i « '".-,,„;:,V '". > l.'"y tl-.t-" ! •ivn'l.-i--; . ,•"'" " VI.;.. . ,:',.,.'{,11. ,y £ ' ,„..,..wini.->,', :,,,,r„ IiI,,.. .• ! v.T.or.,-,fl,y vAim .v:il. .1i . lilm hi u ii.n-.t .I.-1I;<1« rnl I ~""~ ; li'ii.U'il IIi-v. .1. A. I.uuiUw i.r ISarllau u 1 1111 • VIl; Snii.lav |i v j ,nc! tin- i-hmvlli ati 1".::..)v . t, :nl aciv.»i«- ;".- ';,>j, .in,,.': .,.„.,•- !«.n. I,,II,,UT,I U-IHI ,vrr.v!iiii-nl~. : ;->••••' l.llMi VAI.I.HV. |l.. •Hi.- |,i,Hl.inik'. Dr. l.iimW l»au Wo art oircrhttf mir j^oods to iicvis... VSJ!",,"'!-,.' !!!^. "Vwliv.-'^"" ' ''• "" ' ";i"'"|.''•, ,';,'!'. ' 'rv" . Ku'i4"«iih', <••".'. \-.«-.i'.«' i-wit. \ ,<-i-'.i-,,-1,..- v l,,.|,l t-ml'ulil Cl-humin.v) ."I >'•" ••"»*'•••?*«"" "li 0.-1H..-1- I from fj to y(J pt»i* t'eiit. less tliim 1 1 1 1 1 vni.-i. .Mr. .-iii,i .Mi-... Wlll.li:- !>• : . • : ,,s 111,- lii-.-ln.-ii'a Lull nl X |i. 111. , I "" " « 1"'OH.III1 s.'lii.li.i-ly mill il.viily yplrltunl or oiilor, fioni now on Ontil .Hie • .11:-. J. ,-. ,M|MM-.I .i.-lli.l,.! a .'.-i- i I,,; .„•«:.,; M,'«. l-Vi'ink I-,'I,I,.,- ,,| ij.ij,. ; miinii.^llBk-Hl ll^l" isit.Mci Hiiy.lliiil m.t ' Hulitiajf, we {{uai'uiiU'u ^vcry- (liiu/r to be just J)K it is ITJH'C- scnti'd.' (Jive un :i trial :m,:•, Jli-,. Am:...-I.i ;-MII;I. i« .-p.-n- ; ,,,, .u,,.,,,,,,,.,, ;,ti;|ii,,:,m Kl|, j,,,,, ,„ til,- llaiuls of till- l.-ai-lu-l-s. but tlu-y i!o I'l-i-a.-llllis al ,..." |i. in. '•• '"• ^ ,,,,,..,.,1 -|-,,,.. -!:,y :,; IIIIII^II-I- --« nu.-s n li,- ,-iMnns !.'M- I ;i!,-a-aiiuy. .:-.-.'-ia I n.-.-l.a at .u.;ii ist.m.i. „.,., ||iM |lj|n 1(1 , ,H. ,.,,I,,II,III,|1V. Jewelry k >1:i - f 1,1.;,,. in li.-l,. unlook tl.u J-w.-la oontala- , j, ,-.. "I:, ii.l.-'.'.. -•• »;'••,:»; ,-,',. • ,': ,„• M,. . s,,i-.-.i. \v..lf. _ Tl,,. ,,Klllilv. ,.,,..,.11,,,. ,,r I:,,- W. i-. T. ! . -"i-« •-•••".•liiii' ' ;''''',,'",„ "> " "'.- •••••«i.l.l-r-- ,.f 111,- i;i,'-n shop ,-.l ill tiiat iiuillOBi-apll. .,«,uii,ili-i»«.'ii ,;-.-•••- .M1- u lllrim l.-.-D i.- ••—_;.-- ••'•'• |-.,vil |,,,|,| ,,,-,:i ri,,,i ,1 ;, • .-..-i,',,,.. ' '-•;'" "•'''">•' ":'•..."."" .,',-,..,.,.,... "ai.li,,-, l'i..,i., 1,-,-iai, ,-l,,,,,-l, u 11! Olit'n: IliiuKi- l.lnck Mls.« .Moiiwa COJk. Jin- ».-»' li-.'I|;inB ulna ..( lln- «'-:• ?'' ,•.''." ,.V'.'" a-,1 .M,-... -bill'-' lHar..-li'-i'.l I" flv-r.',,n. „, I!H. h,,..,,. ,„• M, . A. ,,,,-,,., T, .,.,,„. ... -Mi', ami >h-.. I I.;! Al.-- I I ail-I ,„.,..,,.,„ .„ ,,,,,, „„„,,„,. .„„, ,„„,„„,„. 1 1 loadl.-i-. is formiilatliK KIIS=-.-.tl."!* i in- in,- ,,u-.i, • v- «• •• , ,. ,.,, K,, ,-,„;, ,,.,.: ,.„.,;;„. ... ,.,. v.-, ,-,- .-i».lj.> ...•:.';'';;' '•"' I' -; :••'.;• cilly. u-.ll .-.vt. ill- 5,111- li.ni-tj- ami WASHINGTON, N. .!. lil-.it will <"ius,- IM l» upi..v.-iat.. Ill,- »r- ln-1,1 X..v. IMli. . . ,,.« '.,|| -,.1 ,.-.|,:.-;- .nfvili.-. •.•-:'-•• ,.,, ' i, ,.....:.. ,,,.', !,v <|- ! ,1 • ,,~ ' JI'-;""1 •"'•'• .-iililuah-stl,- .all 1.. IH-. l.lllii|.,>-: »lm 1 uortatlCL- of !-:ipl.l, "nil ivm-fc i-.'n-ll 'lay. • Sai.m, ,:- i.l "• •• '•'".""' ... .V...',,.. •'..,• 1 ,1 ,n. •• - 11. llal'i-v.- :i ,', ' v..., ,"'.,,', ,- |.',.iu.' ,',... .,,,.-. t -,, ' ' '".'}•""";' . , '« 1, , , „ .„, , »•" '• '" .-arii.-i.llv I I. l,,-™n,,- |,as- : ;1 l ami in' ilu- liavmful inllu. nr,- of. mi-t!i- , Th,-r,- u.l! 1;.- ' fi-;_ -i'" ;:" "';:; ^' ,'," '.I;..',,,:-.:-:!i,'. " .•!..•> .-,. .i.l.- ... ,1 1 1,111.) .1. •>. .1. ... , 1 „.. |.,i:l,,,,,n Min,l;,.-.-M-ii.,,i. unl 1.,- „„. ,,,. ,,.,.,, ,.,l,,;;,.,.w,ti,,l,s. mis thai wnniL : : 1 MIJW \'ora Ttflf.-r will !-.-omiiliii i..',i'MV. .!-"l'ii-''."•.'•k'-'..- ,'i',^ Vl,--V',- i;" "i NKW HAMPTON. • Uio lmiwrur.ci.' of ih.> foi-.y-Uv IIII mviiuil tymblnntion** sr >.h.U t-.i.-. .-.111 A. ... ll.-ll-r. •l.r.,,;hl,-i-.j 1.I..I >-n at ;li^. l'[a,-.- iia.l^wlm l« a^JHr.-ni.in .n !

j work out a i ,,:' li!,--l w.-.-k. 'I'll.- ,'.iaiil.- i.|-- uti.v i.C thin- may v-Iilii,!.' :i:|> in l:,-MU,;i ,i;,.l i -l ch in-esonlliiK t:> -:>(tli :"'' =;i • -\ : vicar oiitltiu- ot ti.- u..;•.: :.» .- il,. |-...i>i :ii- .';-.- k ,.f i-l, -.li-i y. j !>...,,1;; W'.-lsh ,,!' I.--I,.,il,»n way a UH-U-.1 111 tMfli Wi't'l-- -M^ ,h. :,---l -',::• .1; MI, Silili illt-l I:,111- ,' \|.. ;i,.,i .\]ls. ii,ri,-ski,i!--i-il,;s.M I'.'l' TT llOUMT. Win- :s u-^l.iiU •" ii" littondfiu of :n- I'iuii.i^Mi.^ - U:w bi'i-ii i>iTsu;i.!'-l ;i »••••!• •li' ituvk'L-ft 10 Hv'.p In t!i- i' ^-!i-:'- :;:l! 'Mi,;...''''" A"' -..-•-•!•. -'- - • . ^-^^ ^ ^ s,.-r.i I -> -Mr. ,,,;,! All'. I 'I.-: .\lii-.-.-i.-.: \Y, i.-i, ,,1' ..i|,hvi,'k an,I :\il\ :n-i! • fuiulaiiH-ntats--. S- M- ' * -"-•''"- mail ct thr niiniiii:!--, will *'-;sl

•.'iiuk'ins ViiUf ttm- f» tliinU "i1- and'So Do'the Dollars You Save I-.1UU- an.swrr Lilsin- i-u-lusiw in iii -fill "jwwwlcsrt lask »f maiilmi a l Inures With i lk U-.i-.l H,-i--iil- .M.ry'llir.1 Till- lllvinIn.-1-s of .-11-.. .1. ->,- :Sih.;i!--!! v:.i> at the "Asco" Stores • h S B. WASHINGTON AVE. WASHINGTON, N. J.

• K^."^.-^f^ -SEIPLE. CANNON i* COO . y lb. 1 1 i 1 l i ;; law sSlKMtto'i";!!"™™" '" """"",•".'^. ''.'. ^.,^'',"1"j|,., N,,.., ..-„. .••"•••• "ii'l-"-! I ••>•••• - """- '"• " "' •"• "t tin- Ilariift House SiaWf EASTON, PA. Try a jwuni'l o( l!iis iv::Hy thlifimiri (.-OIVCM. You'll like it ui:d want ,'; • • ..1"! .1 1 '.r-.--- n:.•;-!•. Our i^'tniiicci'-lo-C'Jii.-ini'.ci- I'lup ciuii'I'-s IH t^> sc-H it ;it itlxmL lialf Pi-,-.-, at. A .In. tlio in'itv I'linr^pil {.'Iscv.'lipvf Cor I'nirccs of Ike t-umn liii^h ;;r;uli\ CO. FARM GLIB NOTES Oil and After Sept. 12;

VIXK.V .MILLS .Miiiuil'i'.i-ttir,- '.I:- O.;c- lo:wl i.f liitrli da.-s hot-sc-f ilit-i-rt Hic-Iif-! (ii-a.l.' -mil Hi-.-t 1'ai- S-:ik "Asco" TS«S, C'i-IH- ik- C!H,,.- tl'.IH ..-;i[l i," lim!'-. ih'i'.Vi. ;:i-n""':'i |itti'|)'i>.io." (liiv'lmv \m\ Everything Keedfal for the mail" i- ..["ill-ll'IM fll.m'illB nl il;.. Tj-n- •--.-r'..-I Sliced >a(l-.ll< I-.-. Si-i-t-ial m.'iitiull i.. iv.a,!.- of ion lnt.-i'-Sl.ii.. l-'.iir llii>. •-•-.- „..--, I- : A |,.,nv | Siivc Moiiey—iH'.y Dirod r Our n-'lllar (Ui- ]i:n-]s;u;c ell! tt» 7c Tul- this Sl l-:lii--v. -Mi:--.- .W-< inn- jviii- of ^i.rn-ls y.---ii, liill!,.- -'^"'itl II... ins li. tin- ..III.-I:.! li.J "I -'••-.-"••<>• '•''•"•- -in. '- •> Hallowe'en Frolic wi.-k only. Slict-il .'I-- ihil! ,iV :i waf'T—vciy H"l- 1 try oluli !ii.r.-.:.','< «r,.- ,-MH-,-I..I1> .-,,. - , I-..-.III. ;,i I'.uv ilii-i-i'i I': "ni nil'.' -nill •"•"..' iil.-.i dm- i.ilu-i- miiluil ti-am.-i. All HIT 11. ('. .Miii'iirniiiiB in .irr unit ti-sty. ; 1 l>1 ll \-,i.in:.l ami :,-n'.:d. lla\ Ciililorni.-i AiiiiiinilM . ..i---i:i>!.- s;.il,lli-r.-. 'i'h.-.^n animals' will II; (7r i l.u Kt- ill:i/.il -Nllls M, li'r Till- .lalry Jmluilil! 1-1,111 i-.mi,»'.-,l "t; «.,- v-i-.,l. 9 wi',,. ..,.,,,. .[m{ );,,, lih,r.. -|-|,;,t j,'rar c!,,sV-in.-p-.-i-limi iimi will IK-I'll.-IM'- ! vi 1 : l-'ii u-.v • I'illn-tt.s , .• HI j:u-ub it..-isi.-. i..-..,, r.i-.a.i. i-.. w=n .'.I.- ;v, :,;:;:,•,: j;',, ;: ::••.. .:;';;;:'• ^:,l:\ .3 ,,.n, n.. ,tn.-r.,.i .-,-,,,-...n,i,.ai .->.-"- a r,,iiv, !,.,«•„ a,-..i «i,ii,ii,,i i,, m-.y n,-.- S^Peas 12ic : l\i fy \\';ill-.llls ...ni t7i 1 1 :i li v 1 1 ti 1 "Awn" Silk-d Tins can lik Sai^'u-aJ'T'^ii"^* r,';, , :i','i",'.i..'.-;AI',-< ;-!:,;.M i>.-i- .•' u. ^ n' j ^- ";' "".; ;;,.;:;;,' ..'';; ,. ";:"';j- | •":";•^•'•'•" -' - co.™-ami iu,.k uu-m v IJi-s; ,\liM-,l Nuls ni J'tr i v»- "Asen" ISxlra Siflt'tl l^as Hiu -Ht- • I'll jiiiiii-i Si-i'dlr*. liniiin.-i . • !'l>r. JOc" •; " ', M-n" I'oantit linttiT ... Ii, I.'H- ',- S-SiiffS:^^ S'S^S'S ""• .<;.•:<»««». v. si-:,,,.,,5 ,Kr. ": I'll ,- .li'llics . ^l:i~s UK* >z ti Hi i.t "i • 'IV ilin- I'ri's-i'ivcs jiii- 11 was 111,- |.ii!l-\ ..t Hi, \i\-i, Silk Mil!-. Mr.Viii.il. I'a. 3 -- !{,- 1 I'ln-i- A|i|,Ii- Itnlti-r c:iii i i Hi. pki;. 12c: '; Hi. liku. 'JSi- :'• lia i.T's Shri'ddi'd Cnrnllul 1 !«--• ".'. 11<- l-'i-.-, ,|ii:iht'- III, nils I" <-||,>"M- rr.iiit- -liL:!: y>"ir :•' i>ll i.-rV Cm-oiml (I'ri-sh (iriili il) rant.'n- ra\,-iii,--- I'iiin l:ia,.-l.. 1IM .-.-ilill! y Slyt'-. linlia 1 Tlli-1-ofuP.- UK- '1 ---. "1 ii.'-ri'-.- -«"•- •: N. !:. (.'. Spin-il WiilVrs Hi nil- i-i-ylini. Oi-anu. I -! MiNid. Wai-i-yu raiuuy l,,s>i.-;il;s :h,. s;,|.-.i,:i-l -; "A sen" (iinsi-r .Mi- lull. 11 > jc ' w-ut-k lj..-ini; ,l,,ii-- I,,'- ill,' ilciir,!:.-;!!-:!','!-- li |i!;,-. !: :i "-^ ,-(," I'l-i-i/i-ls ,i I -If \i -. In tin.- Junk.i- KMi-MM-.u \\'"i-k ii.-i-.i- :' "A -co" ,\!iisi.-iril -.... jut- 12K' ' Tim ulllcl.il list ,-( iiwi,nl-= ;,• M'.-.i-r. n "Asco" Macaroni'"' .9c u-y (lii,-i-n (I'.ivcs li ii. inc. -He .-iiuiuy toliuws: . ! ' 'A/;:v/|'.f Son/ctliin""'• 10c -I ':,,. non limps Hi • I i'iviiv •k (.:.,.••;,.•]•• 1 • | Self rising—;i!l tin- iH-ivs.-ary injjreilii'n'.s-- : • f id Ui'-iU'-t Hun, W": tsilliTtit'i'.l. ! . '.r am .Mints ...... Hi '1'K ,^',-n milk. -Iti-l ;i,i-l wnli r :iinl p.-in- ,,u «n,;,lk-. LSiii-n- • 1 I'lvm (Hiiii U> i'-k L'""L- • i I'....,,-.. 1!l •.slu-.V« Clmcnlnu- lt.-!ls . ..'•: Ill 1 "Asm" Titlili- Syrup run lie; :l c:in.s 2."ic W;s; im iM>i:>. l<:. e ror a s lli-iii:ifi. ;i '1'. ISnrvv vi Ply it K.M'il liL t H - j; J'tilt.-i • M »•••', 1 iin.1 iJir-ilir!'II:III. W I .-iiii.^tf.r. I-' Kibbed Ur.iim Suits, size 3! io 1 1 l'on i .I OKI 'IJirti:- . !:. 1. L:>.'.:.--- '•• \",!1 • : • Wintei U;i\ . K Wit1 K; :... : '. Si.75 1'fii >.jl1 Ul'l Kin!--" }.v.1::;;. . '"'^ We h;ivo anything" you \v;uil in: l.iiilt j ""•Kihbcd Seiisu'iiie (Jarmcnls $1.10 { .•k--\V:,H' r :or Bread • - $ Whil'_• i..-Sh' IVn, lie .Milli-il FVsli, i'ii,-li.-il l-'ri'sli. h'lilil I'ri-sli

i'Jall Cant! .Rubbers V.'ool Union Suits $3.00 A h\~ . wh.,k.,.,:il.. i.rtf iVr only .-is ,-,-n .«. 'I-] Til,- wry i-!n,ii-f-sl v.ilil,- ,>:lls i;niu-n—sl,-;im-.-.l .-. Wan- i'V .ltitlyi;i^ •|',-.;i; in:i<-,l. ^isiiy pi-.-iinrc-,!. y-.-vy illipvliziii^' uful lioui-isi •v.-r nl, Lafkawanna Separata Gar- ifii:;il i l" ihf \>-.<: li-.me-jntule yi.<\i ""—i:; ,.l.,rs». 1! Hip Boois Is.. ments, best grade $1.75 1S--A1U' - Whin; Stovm King- Boots i:iui!.i Fieece-iined Separate Garments, VqSp1 Codiish ....pks. Be; :j Cor 2:>c 1 Ligh't and Heavy Rubbers ll-.uikl-.-l-t-rii,-^ — Xir.r, s,,-,;,, . .,: each.. 1 $1.10 "Asco" Sliced Kacon pkR. 17c Quality Canned Fruits f 2-4.-6 Buckle Reel Rubber Arties Fleece-Hned Union Suits $2.00 Ar tli^so. roiiinrktilily low icos it will ptiy you to I: "Asco" Cocoii..." !ji lb can l.*)C [: lay in you-.1 vvintoi' .-upply. iy now ami Have money, p IllWdu:.: V:,:-i,-iy - •_-;. .-,-!> . • II,r 2-4 Buckle Cloth Arties, red sole :i Hawiiiiini (Jrali-il I'i!u-i!|i|)li' nli'il can 19c; do/. ?2.2;i t: Best Lima Buans lh 10c ; Htiw.iiinn Sliced IMiu-apiik- m«l can 2:lc; iloz 52.70 S Coon tail & Russian F?<- '?;<;!:: % Ilitwaiiiiii Sliced l'ini-a|i|i|i- ....lilR can 2!lc; iloz S.1.10 j i'lmiW—ll'a-/,-l ilu'h! il.'.!-n:,,iiy. =i-' •KLANXEL SHIltTS — liliui. New Caiif. Evap. Peaches ...... lb i!)c And ilic jL-ctho Work ''hio'j i'v.v.'. :; Calil'ornia Sliced 1'caclict; tall can IGc; iloz SI;R". | klntki, MTC.V $1.50 It) Sfi.50 New Calif. Evap. Apricots :...,-.. lh ^Mc t; Chnicil Calilnrnia 1'raclli-s liiu can 2.'!c; iloz S2.7I) !j is gaining a great T?;2r-Ui- I.KATIIEii JACKETS... .¥10.50 j l-'ant'.v Calil'oi-nia I't-acla-s liis enn '2'Jc: duz S:t.-lo| Young's Hand Soap can (ji/ic med can 2Sc: doz S:{.:JO ;; .SW'K A'l'EUS — nil iteci-iptions ~% I-'ancv California Chorrius tion at S4.76. ji.l'ancy C'aliloniia Cherries bip can 33c: doz SI.10 | ln.|lvi,|u:il Kim: Kll.'i' II kB. in- special SI.50 tc ?5).5O Fals Naptha Soap j Cite 5'/2C :; Fancy California Apricots ....bitf can 2flc; tlnz S:l.tO V Ms can 25c; iloz S2.90 g i.-h,.n-;i-—ii.,,.-.- K-ni-ii". Ill-ill,,..,,|t. P. & G. Naphtha Soap(5 ' 27c j! Fancy California t'luins We can show you a full line of ca Kes "•irlsvlllc: -Itli. Illa.-liln-ri-i.-.-:—.M.i-I.-I.-.,.,| lliii-niMii:.-. Rich Creamy l'L-a»a,ll Grm-i- ,V Srlinulrys .M Iain Hunting Seas»on I'uslm-. Have You Ever Tasted the Delirious lOKcSla Butter? The r.i-v. l'aiii .it. JM.-l-.k- ,,f -|'i-,-,,toi, is coming soon—prepare Tiie Finest liuttcr in America Cheese'" 25c will l.o i-.-i--iv.-d into lh.. Pr.-si-.ti-ry v< Very ;,'ood .snappy Mtirr-s mill Orans,- ;,t.,l i,,s,a!l,-,f as IT nut. try a potiiul toilay; '.'e know, it will more than please you. liimtur uf tlir l'1-iisiini (lr.i\,- anil Heavy duck pants, never rip.. $3.50 eliec.«e. S,-liuuli-\s MinniLai,, I-:-,-si,vr. r:..n i-!itn-i-!i.-.s on 'I'nis.ia.v. ,\,,v,-nil,, r Isi. Htsiv.v Wool Socks "iCc. i.'ic, 75c For Thursday, Tin- insialialloii s-ivi, -s will In- lu-hl Genuine Horse Hide and at III 111" S,-lic,i,!-\-s .Miiniitiiin <-),i,;-.-li :,t l.e.u.uiii.iv Arties, liiill Band , ...'.s:;.oo Friday, Saturday HI.30 a. 111. anil In 111,- I'k.an.uil llri.-.-i- rig-lit prices i-lim-i-li nl 2.30 p. 111. 12 inch Shoe;; s(;.r,o Tin- Ui-v. Holm I-'. Patl.-rsmi ami K,-v. i Huslang (rlo'ves, goatskin. 50c. $9.00 Hiii-moii Mi-tiuilkin. i.i.ii, ,,!' ui',1,1^- l(i inch Shoes Small, Lean Sugar Cured Regular Hams .... 23c lb l:-v. llalpli Davy uf Siii-i-asiiiiiia. H-i- - Canvass Gloves of all descriptions Hunting Coats ..L$'l.5t) I .& ..-•••> •: ll.-iiiweil S. lii-iii,]^. ui: s.uminli. nii.l Hi 1 -Owiiur In. exiKtin,-; i-oinlitioii;; you Mhotihl buy eitlii.".' whole of luilf liani, ., l!.-v. II. II. Lnulolan i.f i-t-wartsvili Driving Gloves : will 11... Hi,- oliii-ialimi iiiii,ls|.-is. '^"K"-"'- ^ ,'sjl.oo

Mnnli-r Trial -Inr.- llis;ii.i-i-,,,l_llis. Dress Kid Gloves CITY DRESSED PORK Tin- jury In tin- trial "i.r l'as.|ii;,l,' Viili-lilhii, i'liiliiipu .Minisanii anil fi.n- 1'ork Chops <>i' Roasts.: 25c lb. Little 1'ig sliinlin-- lK-liiQssn. win, w-i-,- ,'1,;,I'I.M-,I in tl,- llunu-rilon C.iunly C(»url will, Selected Cuts '..., 32c 11>., Roasting Hani 20c lb. till- innrtl-r „( Kali,!, (iar^am, ,,( Hay- -nut- l-'i-ljrnai-y _r, last, ad-r ln-ir.i; uui Our Fall Stock of Ladies' and Men's Shoes Iw-iil.v iKiin-s wi-ro inialtle Hi ivaeli il Fresh Kilied Roasting and Stewing Chickens :...... -..•• ••• • 32c lb. vorili.-l l--ri(las- afti-i'iuiim. 'I'ln- ;ini-y was illsc-llnl-.m-il. Tin- trial slarli-.l Mon- are about complete. Many styles of Ladies' tan calf and black and tan Kid ilay. P : r Tin., court, si-l UL-IM-IIIIH-I- HI aK tin ' •" Oxfords of all the latest cuts. cv , ' 7 FINEST NATIVE BEEF • ilau- I'ur ainitlii'i- trial.

liny DI-UBSI-II liy I'mv. Rump OAAS3 T 9^f lh John ilruialom-i'Z. s-v.-n y.-ars old Hound I^-^^' * &i«JC 10 ui i I a Huni|,i:«i, fai-im-r. is In th, (Children's Shoes Girls' Shoes IC-.istan llospilnl. Ill- lias a si-vou jicalp womul and a fra.-uir.-d l.-l'l 1 .. din Inn nl 1 ii" Mints—lot I ill i*. Un ninsl ' \\ 0 I1 0 ii l\ 0 I lot, ot 'lowing gills' Best Cuts, Finest Standing Rib Roast "' 22c lb. Ik- was ilrassi-ll ab),ul a stony llt-lil In a. cow wiinsi- i-li.iin lu- liad ivrapprd unnnlik Im in tins sttlimi I \i.n ntiillttt ^.j,,^, sl/ts 2l'j to 0 hlOdrt toe, to (it lllo Thick End Rib Roast ISc lb. Steiving Bcei 12c !b. aronml Ills hoily. Hi- Inn! U-i-n sent to i, ml-- hti ,lulil s Indt lilted nrnn.ih 1 ui\ ~ , , ,, , , ., 1 o Hi. pastim llt.i.1 un! tin i o\\ 1 m_ SIIIKS m i ul< t.i I'll III, 1001 Jcot So nunv people lnivc r illod Joi this U'lltl lu silppul tin illiln iioiiml Ins 'waist. Anotiii-r'i':ioy lilt 111- cow with i «t i ..M , hiu or, lit lit,,, Lmlduns M,IHS ^hofl th l(- "e ^ple compelled .0 stod, il, GENUINE'LAMB whip tin l,ov u.l- r .11 wn mil — \iil>k i!i ict mil \rth supiml C0A1UIM I) Oooch Cdl well, till c ill Legs > ..25c lb. Shoulder Chops ..20c lb. Loin Cheops 35c lb. Shouldeis _ 16c lb. Rib Chops 25c lb. Bieast 5clb., Fresh Country Sausage - ,'-25c lb. Pure Pork Sausage -.

iH' ^-^ TW /| ^

; : : ; ; • :/;: \ :;••:: r: ;:;;;'; :'r; • ' : •;•-• ••;::;•• •>•• •-••:•'--' ''^: ':^^ :


lo Mia (!Diiti'iiutorH, i WAXTKD—Cuoil mil i-.sluli', } FOU SALK—\ very productive farm; i TMKttK Wll.l. IlB a clilckon mipnor IIDII country piojH'rtlc.H, I c j about J10 acren, luniHe, Imrn. WUKOII i line dny IIIHI w thi i lU \v. l<\ I j hoiisi! and well at barn, and fine apple ! InRton, N. J^an aecondciass nw-ttor^^ WitMhliiKton, HU3 In tin- l-'irnl DWrlcl; C;]I."H (jjniileY, .\\T.' m*i*7*»tn ,1 27IIIS nil .-no Invlttil. lU-13-Ht i orchnrd; loi-nted l.wi> miles from ilaek- i;.SKD CARS I.-Olt SAI.K—Onklill«l F, A. nobortnon, Editor and Owner. 71.H In (he SI-I-OIHI JJiHtrlrl and Sift in LOHT—NVw .lorwv llcvtixi' lax No. t'tujtuwn, price $-11)110. Walter L. Cookc. »•'« Third. , Urtftf-I; lilntlly kiivv ;it STAIi ollice coupe. Chuvi-olol ncil.-in. m-wly linliitcd: JlaekcItHtown. N. .1. 1U-2(KII Inspiration and niMnitili:;illy perft'et. II. a. KrlttH. With Harvey Cul.-mmi JIM IUII:IIOIH.TI\ ttp • FOK J5AUK—2R White U«horn cock- tViLvlihicion. O-ir.-rf Cclcbrntcil Krrnntmi Cunl 'I'liCMitul'i' Suiltli mihl elKlileeii enWM at ! I-'Oft HALK—Oooii fjirm timw. will I elfin, Cornell strain. 1-Mw. NeWidfc, rait SAUJ—ICiNKTu rurm on Stuloi At ttio 1). L. & ,W. It. It. Klcvatctl itiii-tlon nl Asliiny. Thvy IHDUKIII |ni- Ml i-hi>ii|». (ii-or^r (J. Iliirimiin, Hart- I'ust Oillce llutldhiK. Washington, N. J. Information Clinics. • road mul liolky lino lit WimhliiKloii;! i-iH iiveniKlnj; ulmiil $pjl), \ liv.m'x (,'iinn-r. Oxford. N. .1. 10.27-Uti) tUvi;]lin« of Movon rofim.4, m-\v luirn, a1 Delivered ovcr'scrceim. Yiiril price A IMaii-Ktuwn i-onv-siiMinli-nl myn: \ MOXKY WAXTWII—We offer, gilt , SXA1' THIS ItAltCAlX (|iileklv. an real l»:ir«aln at a prk-n IOXH Ulan $."0 '' Ki-jil. 1, l'.):M. , "CminU'd lilt* iiulMinuliilivs rmrlteil cliwc- i dm*, li. |j.*r i--nt Investment* In first ! aere of Biound oil the State Itu/iil; 7- Jitr iirr.-. .-a.My tt-rlnH: pos.si.K«l(Hi April i Jtiirkwiicnt $ i!7r. i«!i- tun | room house; slate roof: all ueeessary "Thrift has found ii firm 1st. Vrs:. K. It, KlnlHtill, U'liHliliiKliill. : street "ii it i'i..i:i>nl S'llinday 'iiifflit ;imt tuii, lu, invi'fi'tii-s worth twice tin- '• out bitildli'tjis; close to K"f>d nelf;hboiN; i ' Vl Inn 1 : -">'• J. in-::!.it • lit, - ihr-y iiiitntii'ivd mi , with out' i>n«i\ hme ' itmount asli.d; ilth'M Kuaiiinlerd, I'.in! school; store* tiiid'clMiri.-li; pi'iee fL.T.00; foothold among: the people of - Stovo ID.".' jmr tun i In.-jic IMMI W:IKniiy, liesil Kstnte i terms. K, II. ClnlHiiII, WJIHIIIII^IOII. U ANTKI)-I:IIIM1I,B MiMal.li- tori shirt f.-i.-lory In U'aHhliiKioii. Hoin<-- i V.HK Ml.r.H |M>r t'JII nu'»Kt the linked States, according Unite la.ti*) JUT ton KaMlou, fit. IO--J7-:tl tlilni,' .similar lo oltl ArUTafl llllillii" i f I-'OII 1JK.VT—Xcw iii'lviUo KuniKM. to tiie records of the Savings Apply 10. (iirfiini mill,.Want. :i;i I-;. I STOVI-3 WOOD Mrs. C. M. \V. I-IT (iuiftl of llonnr al WANTKD—l'iwltli'pii as huiis;-!i.'o|>»r. j rear Ik-nimn 1'cUy. Apply Ciroffs* with lliri'i- Mirnilt i-hlldren. .Mr. Win. ChuivlL SI.. Waslilnjjtmi. lu-Ll-lfpil : Rcrvlco cost, carry delivery, per ton. M;isf|iiciailc I'arly. I Store. Division of the U. S. Treas- ; $1.00; Bliovcl delivery, jinr ton, V.- . Mr*. Joint KaniKey I.|H>IK'<1 her linme O'ConnMi, ISrtKidwiiy, X. .I. ltp \VANTi:i)-(loi»l plain i»mk nml J •.\ 11KIIK IS TIIK I'LACK you arc look- or-nta; % ton, 6.1 coins; Vi CUOCJIKTKIW WA.NTl-M)~-linniire ury. The savings of small Kcniral IiiaH.iwoilii.r: at K'm\ »aW; In ' ccnta. '•-' • " i nn Monday evening 1M honor of .Mrn. ins for at the price you want to pay- U. M. W.'I,.-.- apered and painted, who wiw Ihe former rntiniv wcretury I't'lRilll itKNTIEKXT—KcVeii-ioiii— Kewn-r.min li(iut>i>liotwc. Joe ; double lot with barn. UrMl come, lirst mately to TWENTY- KOI: SAI.K—U'lilli. IMila liri'Lillui;! open without :i ' box of ..r ll..- V. J|. C. A. ami n-side.l in Wash- Kiv!l,«l. 1.:trlKnii\; Mill; I'. O , W ! st-rvi-T; 10. V,. liliilHiiI!, Washington. , iltii:kH. *2.i>0" wirli. Williiim' i;avlllw. ' Infcton last year. IIIKIIHI. ,\. J., K. l>. It SEVEN BILLTON, or a pel camly. You always have l ol: i •••-.."• . . 10-^0-tf the fnclin^ that ?omc dear Atmiit sixty fii.iuls or MM. I.<-e fniin I "' MALI-!—A nli: i FOU SA Ll-:—Sawed '.vi.nl :J: L-IOVC capita saving of about $250. A'lTKNTIOX! Antiinml.ll.. UvvriTs—' Office nml yard, ttHviitoro avenue ial M. V. cliinvh and l-'-iHtiTti ! Hop;- 1,-aniK.' now i>p.-a to i.iciv,. w.jrk; • friend lias lieon loft out of ami Morris Canal; Tirlcnhuiio f.1. WtiHl.lti tu N. J. loiiKthH, $n.00 a load. Garner Cole, 01' this vast sum they have K Wn-ahiiitftoit, X. J., K. I). 9-J3-tf l-'-palrin^ anil f.vi-rlianliiic a .^ai'tially the party. Invite Uio Can- L invested $21,000,000,(100 in tnb.-M vnl(aai.'..-.l: nu i,.|,;ii,- worl; doiii. .IAMKB HI1M>LI-: & SON of Asbury «» SalimlnyA Hi.],,- r.aram . Mop... N' dy Witch to K« ram Wing will buy RIKMI beef cnltK vtnl cnlvos Government securities with , >ui'l linns. Plinnw nr wrllP.. T.-f.-lf with you. .Sim will assist l-'OX llOl'XIt fur Sal.—Tivri v..'irs in the entertainment. j HOW AHOUT THIS OXK. Three six billion to their credit in oil il... iini bi-i,k<.ii: alsr, imr f...v j acres; t'i^lit-room house; out hnildhiKK: Our ty.iwli/ tnnUrn uoml be wnlkliiK distance to schools; churcheH, Banks." hiuiiul |.iii«. I;. A. \svij>.|., llampt'm. ' all denomiimtlons; stores of all kinds .N. .1. Hl-ii-lf vmisf if.", vuulc uootl and llailroad Slation: fruit: price I^'IOO, That short item of news is euckfri'ls fruin 'HW-vtiU strain. Chan. terms. K. I'.. liirdsall. Washington. thi- inaH(iiii'radci-rt tried to ! 10-20-tf WASHINGTON KRAI, IKfATK ach other, the niakd-upx VoiirhvcN, lid Taylni- Si., VVIIHIIIIIKIOH, carried by the Associated I-'Oli SAIJ-: —TIII.'-IM.UII iViir'n- V.. uciv or larnl. urif* $7."n). very i.Tijoyablf i.'Vt'iilnf? KOK SALK—Out- Konl torn-inn car; quantity. Adam Wandllng. Port Mur- KlvuTitrirn tmmti dwdlint,', HIJIIC ront |»rk'(! $9!).(]«. Applv at Imyward Tire ray, N. J. 3-C-tf packed full of information with larj;e Int. pricu JI.OIJLI. ! FOR SALK—Six-rormi Jiotlw. $1100; .V- Itfjjiili' Station, IVimlihiKtoii, X. .1., l-'iv.-n.'.in lYiimr (hvrllliif,' witii x\nw' Mrs. An-llifiiild Cole. i six-ioom bouse, part Improvements, and inspiration. We'stand j $ISO0: four-room houHe. eily water, roof, mnvly d'tvnraf.l ii^ldo :uitl nut. TROLLEY .Mrs. CHIC. s:i vearn old. widow IIOIISM KOIt KALK—A K, K.>li»:ii.n. In I'xii .Min-iiiv. She is s Oxford. X. J., Ii. I). Up ; part imiirovements: mn; of the most if it will ever lie,paid, and Mlirht-riiiun fram.' dwHim: wiili vlvcd by Him- iI;niKlHern and one M»- I**OU SALI-;—A tc.im uf bay nian-s, beautiful homes In Washington, li-room ili-, vi'oi, part impntv.itidit:! mi linil- 1 Northampton-Easton .Mrs. Itfiiicxun, Mr«. Kiln (;il.«..n nf i>rk single '••' dollhle. wvi^hl |:!H<) then we meet up with ul iivemu-. in-k-i? jU.uOO. LAUGE. padded Motor Vans for lonjr i liou.'ie, centrally Incited, price reason- | diwtum.0 moving. J?a.tc-.s reaaonnblo. & Washington Traction Wii.siiinjiliin. Ahs. ilrm-^e Thoina.s s. each: iil>;u colt IS ininiih.s ohl. Lin- •nlilc; a beautiful prnpr-rly near the f Also .s.-vi'i-al other pn>|iorlh'.s wltli i,ll SlniiidsMirj; ittnl darner Coir of Wash- nl Colt, l^luwiuv. X. .1, li fact that the small .savers, | i Kisser Bros., olllce and garnse, 134 K. i Alain St., Komerville, N. J.; 'phone Companv liiKiini. Tin- li.i.ly wan tn-miKlit IILTK CKN'KKAL STOHK liUSIXKSS for sipiaiv at a reasnnable in-lee: six-room i have the the thrifty men and women I'iirn in \V:i SonnTviUoSonn'TviUo , :>•*:. 6-3-t63tf 1 HUM I 1 UV.il tuiil ftiiictMl wrvIi:"i-.H will bo hold nt NUII?: Kimil l< . "T". cure '• house with barn and 1 V> acres of land. • tiinty fo tcnn. sni ; $2-100; two-family dwelling on Jolinstnn of America, could wipe it out CONTHACTOlt' and naiLDER—Sea . _ Ihinitil llonnil K ''""in Hie horn.' of STAH OHIcc. ]O-27-tf odonldl y a .slir.rl distaiKv fn.m l. •f Mis. CiLson in Nmth .Iitckw WANTKD — CruoliM j street, price reasonable; two-family me before you build and pot my csti-; dwell lllf?, Well Incited, par I impniVc- tomorrow from their small umto on ytmr jfih. I do the work com-' c. it. If:.'Ar«h'!"*!!i! i!.v_* ivis iii;>. K.-V. W. \\\ HnilKliinii will lli- boulccs; work utiii ran iced all year nr full luirlloulnrs CJII .nid y™, ttlliiTMoll CJiltl- 'I..W ij.iri -iatt- and Imrlal will lie in Wa.stiin; ruini'l; no CXIU'MSI-S, Ktirmctl Knitting ; nients. $2700; two larfte btilldinu* lots K. CI. llihlcbiant. Hrok-r or \\ V. Hit- pk-lf frfun bawmeiit to attic. P. W-i •with j,'rtKi»i\ Kood location. $1200; one savings and have a balance Tltoina.s, Cariiont'-r shop M7 Bclviderts": 1 .Mills, :tll East •-•Oth St., New York. dohratit. -sah'.sinan; all Idmln of Heal WHst/n's Ct-oH^hiR *'" •J!IH Tjt|, \ acre of laud and barn, Well located. left in Bank of TEN BIL- Av>'., WnshlnyUm; opposite Cattclle's' ^.II'J lU-27-L'l Kstjite mid IiiHiiruiitM', Notary I'libllc. HcnHfout Crossing '.'. •liis i Sir.OO; six-room house with all improve- (iilir-. n:t Kant Chiiivli ril.. W.Nnliluifi.ni. LuniSer Yard. 3-3I-tri CI»II!'H Switch it.:tr. TKKSI'ASS N0TICK. WANTKIJ—A Jtih mi a farm l.y the , ni"itlM. centrally located, SH'iOO; six- LION! Don't waste time I'ort- War run ItrfilKc . All pr year; i-x|n-rline.'d. man. X. .1., •J'lunic Sl-Hfl. in-n-[f WISH SHIKLIXS—AH sizes in .stock', "*!!s anna are WJII' ,'d i In room bouse, well located, $2(J()0. It. C. iK u|ion Uu> lands of those, whoso hoy. Addri "X". STAR ! Wdi'iiitin & John T. Aekerstjii. IS School blubbering- about the "Na- cut to fit: fiuit'k Kc-rvice. Warren Coun- mimes appear liolow, in any manner Olllii', ltp i St.. Washington. - Up ty Unit: Store. S-4-tf Hnylor'H I.nnc LOST Ij;\ST WI-;i;K~l!la(;k cnnviiss tioiyil Debt." It is yours to STOCIC SAI.KS.MA.V—To all ill your WANTKD—Corn liuHkem. pay elsht1' New Vlll.-ino Switch .. •-Ml whiitsoi'Vcr. without purmlaslon. c-.s- New Vlllatro l»- O. ... eovfi- un (Ktmir ill Wa.sliin^lon bridKO. FOR SALK—-Kiinl-ims. Japanese Silk- worry about your share in iwn community ttif stock of a wl! ffi- tx'iitH u shock. John K. 1'etty, Jones* H;:[: poi.'ially for tin.- pnrpo-s.- nf hunting. ies, the kind that win; prices iiirlit. IvdiKOn lload IM" llshlnj;. trapping, pk-UInK nuts, vie; near Uini to ChimwwiitiT. Nmlfy W. .a!)li.slieil company with a liij,' jiast ill- Farm. Hazen, N. .1. 10-13-Sto' . PiivlH's Switch II. Ki'llrr & Son. lOaslon. Hewanl. It Fred Oliver, Oxford, X. 4. It these savings. The world is .iilontl rcconl. moil only who aru af> IVJIt i!.ir> unikf penally ot th« law. FOR SAL I5—Seven-room dwelling, Hroadway Post 0(11 ce Nunii-s itiHortt-d under this liiadiiiK CIVIL KKKVICI-: fxaminalions X.- .'listomcil to .soiling liirili-i.'la!iH -scctiri- Belvl.lero rioad centrally located. Hurry Christine. separating its assets from .ifs. ^Vrito or call Mr. Kldmnan. In- Miiifti-al SnrlriKH ..... at $1.00 a line for the HWIHOII. A lint- veinbcr. Positions $1.400-$l.CO0. Ap> > Washington, X. .1. 10-l!U-tf .Miirlntl'fi Ur().M.slns ... ii.suully consists of six words, each Ini- IS upward. Experience unnPcesK;iry. its liabilities. Where do you dian Quuen Hotel, Strouilstniri,-. l'a. -.10 j FARM TO RKXT— Productive farm 10-13-31 .Murlatt'K ywltch tial bi-ins (.-ounlL'ri as a word. For In c partlculiLi'.s, instruction, wril<; with lln>> buildings In eoni])lete repair belong? Steadily the assets Plaid Blankets John It. Xnnn AinkTsnii .1. Leoiuu'd (t'oniK-r Civil Service ex- 1"OU SAIyiO—Sa-acri' farm near Uurrord'B* Crossing .'.'. u.:t c ait is in valley sAtth of I!elvi(lere. X. J., to Country Clulj. all Isvi'l ami tillalilc.; can Mill Direct To You l-'.fMl William I'errlnp, Anderson KchoolhouHi- aminer) 5IS1 Kqultable IWdf,'-. WIIHLIMIK- of this Agricultural Couiv rent on shares of grain. Mrs. Mary W. bo hout-Iit on easy terms. Frank !•'. Full size—70x80 inch—5 Ib. John L. Smith Spriii^town tnn, I). C. 10>27<»tp Iloscberry. Helvldere, X. 4. 10-l!0-tf D. U .t \V. It. ll. Arel'i Chan. W..HlmpHon .. Washinj:ton, N. .1. WAXTi:!)—Chk-kens (old mid yotitiKf try are being gathered in Smith. -U'l) Xortlaiinpton St., Kaston. absolutely all-wool—warp and I'ort Cnlden -.III ^.(111 The n.'I. Laek. ,>i W. U. 11. Co.. s potatoes, a11]ilcs and pears, for rash .SATURUAY. XOV. "ith— Public sale fill—Blankets—pinJt, blue and Power House known as I-'arm No. :i, Uxforit, N. .1. lii'iisfhen, Ciirl* of Personal Property by J. K. I'ickel. •OU SAI.K OR KXCIIANIHv-I'iat- 1.,'iS on ihe llarvey S. Cole farm above the tan plaids; limited tiuantily to WaniMrnL''8"(}roi«HinK"'. -.-t.'l Henry I'. Titus H'lpo, N. .1. ion A\-i . Wa nn to U)-i7'til| /I'he Old lorm spring u-af;on with tup: tanacitv be sold for i.r,T John Hi-inliixb'y canal bridge hi Washington. N. J.. will- j 1S0U lbs.; in Al uomlltlon: for a lu\v- SlilL'lil'a CroHsInt; .... SpniiKlown Kiu FOR SALK—Oak .siii.'h •ardr in lirst- sisting. ..f 4 horses. S cows and some ! Hiird's Cr'jssliiK ..... W. 4. .Miek.-ii.s, fi I'ort Col'l.-n elas.s condition; lack of use cause of heeleil holster truck wa^-on. Inquire 1 jtOod rurmitm niachlnery, nearly new. ' First National Bank i Term C'ottn Works .. •-•.-) s l.Ii" and I'ort Alnnay silk . .Inquire at :J0 West Johnston St.. : Fred lluela.linieyer'.s, ."\Iountain Only $9.98 «?*'. I'ort Murray ,.. ^•..".11 ' t.M|) XOTJCK—Tlie corner garage at As- ; a A. L. Uosclifii-y, near Port ColiU-n WaKhlnt-'ton. 10-^7-i:t bury now open for .service; iiutoniobile : of Washington ke. 10-i:t-:ltp Sent Prepaid by Parcel Post IJuimUl AliK-kenzie flanipt.iii, N. .1 FOR SALE or TCXCHANOE—Over- Curs linn Kwry Hour on l!ic Atovu LIVH I'OIM/I'UV WAXTHD—Let repairing and nver-hauling ;L .specialty; | J/OIIC'B Jlr/nuilctl' If Xol• Sallnfial. Charles II. Sinter Aniierson, X. .1 me know how mativ you have, hnw also wagon repairiuff; lui.'os vuleanizec], ! land truck, will hold 12 mill; cans; also Hciicditle from (i.r><) A. ->1. (u ll..'<) Win. II. WydniT Anderson. N.-.l where they are SAFE and four-cyhu-.k.r studehaker tuurin« car. Plymouth Blanket Co., lark-e and how old, Win. !!.-Cypher*. Ualrymple & Son. " 10-:iO-:itp i 1 1*. M. .1. W. ',Sh UKXT—Six or stv.-n- LAltROWE FEED Cor cows—The \ 3-S9-.it 1.. A. I«Ui.'e. '.m."if CliauKOWut'-i best thor'o is; try it and bo convinced. I'., ll. liird.xilt lias .'inl.l t\.i- ,laiii Inoin house; all or part Improvements: -l.i-.-niiah Wnllrrs, . .n.-ar Chan^'-watci will consider ixiyiriK. If suitable. Ad- Cuttelle & Scliultz Coal and Lumber • C;ir.-.\- ai IIiniiiit.'ii hi/ L'l acn- far Co.. Wuahlncton- •' 2-20-tf Tlir twii .liiind'pahlK-tl pnsl.-is I-:xra K. Mryun.' iiroadwa.\ dress "li. I." euro,of. STAIi uttice. ltp Hi. N.uionul Fire rniofint,' Company, I-'All.MS. IKH'KNS and L(.)TS for HAVI-: CUSTOMKRH • for rarms; if \ woi-U nt llai'tild .MintMil, anii'>u yours is fur sale write Harry Christine. I th.- 'Kplsauiiil ntiiiinsw- liiili-;'| , ,. Port Murnij s:d" al fili-n rlJirdner anil Chtuim-wut -r; bar«alns. Wriie '».- I1. Hill. Mi^i Washington. X. .1. ' Mi-^o-tf j has Mx- making ' AUTO TRUCK SERVICE—We are I HLAUK .t SOX, praetleal liainters lirld^'e or Clian^ewiiler. . ltp ; ;ui :it Li II.' has iv-civeed niu>-li now Cully -eaulppcd to haul freight. ami paDerliiiiiycrs. Infitiire at L'.i K skill I'X)U SALK— I'arlur -stove, like new, movings, -etc. At short notice. Local i .InlitiMtnn St.. Washington. ]0-i:!-.1t Th.- Kiv*liin:in Class .if the U'ash- ! cheap; also out-dour broader, canopy and long distance, movings. No job too JIOX1CY "WAXTEIJ—on sound va]u> top. very cheap,- nuisi be seen to be large.. 'Phono 21-R4 or 178, Lanning i iiifitun hif;ti Hchonl. whicii ntimln-rs T.'i. I l'*il-Ht AIortKa^e City Real IC.state: l^lr "ON THE SQUARE" held a ••.ki^^i.' ruast" yesl.'rday afHT- appi-fcliited. Albert J.ast, Calil'on. X. & Compiler. 10-14-tf i J.. .Spring Valley.- Up WANTED—Von I calves, slioats, eliick- and Tornado Itisuraiiee written in £oo nciftlt in IVUy's gr'jv-:. suiilh uf thp Stock Cos. -Farm •jpocial- iiurmifili. -MALK A XI) P1CMALK A(iKXTS fill rattle, rlioiil»li« o Ci-ilil]- , O^. -I•. WAXTKD lo liik'e orders for* I'ersoual Ket'erL-nc.-: Any l«mk or business Bust New Mixed Nuls, lb J3 pntiylMSM Ilini.-litrl;i:iin<-liirli. Many LI... SmithSmith.. i-aXCIXtf WMPXMSIfAV VXi'.- Ilmvoll. 7-14-lf huiisi! in Phillipsburg ur Kastou. S. D AiHli.my Ziiniilll, .luiui W.-II.T iiud K. I N"IX'iS :il Jr. ti. r. A. M. hatl.._Kl.-\v- (ir'-etlnj; Cards for Christmas; liberal New Paper Shell Almonds, lb 15C i commlKHiuu. I1'. I'. Kueh. I'hillipsburj;. KOIt SAI.K—Fifteen suod nseil ears «f Fitzgeral'd. Phillipsburg, X. J. Ul-lIS-lt iliH'erent makes at ^rei'.t reilnetiuii in FOR KALI-;—Tlolstcin cow calf four New Cream Nuts, lb jo l>'m 'fooihiill Jsime Satuii'li'i".''"'!'!!.'"'rip *"^- Alusi.- by fyatfs OrchcsLra. X. -f. KJ^7-:tt t FOll KALK—Fine Imlldiiifj lot. OOx prlce.s to make room for ncv." ones. years old. John Hopkins, UridgovHIi Big; Chestnuts, line boiled or roasted, Ib. Jit f " " iiCitnulilU-. •' 10-27-rn Bowlby & Xewliaus, AVa.shington Ave.. X. J., 11. D. * 10-ia-4tp An t-iKlit [H-Und baby boy arriv.-M I'l'l I'l-.dl :;"11t i' '"'OK SALK— ISO Chnictr Khode Lslai l!)0, located on Rodmans Avenue next "Washington. X. J. 7-14-tf NOT1CK—I will move dea-l home ..f .Mr. an.l Airs, iliii-ry Kos— | li'-'d and Haired Rock plilluts. KtV ta S-famlly house. Inquire uity Carl- New Smyrna Fitfs, Ib ..;..3."»c iuH, 17 Voutnans Ave.. .Washington. PIAXOS and OKGAXS tuned and iv-- and cattle for $IM. .'I'lunti; 4-KS4 Excellent .Mince Meat, II). . 20c miliiy iti lie hu-r brui Vjumat.uu I'huiu- 10-. 10-^7-t Dromedary Dates, pkir. 2">c i-'OIi SALK—Twolamily IIOUHU, i 10-UO-2lp paivvd by exiierleneed faetoryman; .sat- •Washington. C. -H. •Wiseburn. Port Mihee !\Ieat, l>j:tf. f)c. iiiini'-.l ihirry. Jr. isfaction KiKiranloed. Arthur Taylor, Best Hulk" Dates, lb :(2c :n»jilo\i.urlieiw»'ii Chesu-r: onis viifli -side: i>art iniprovi>tnenl.s I-'OK SALK—Uwtllini: on IC. Wash- Murray. X.'-l. . 10-fJ-f.ti Best Citron, lb.' Tic Ui<- | K" entile ' I'?'"' " "'full" imrtk-ulurimrtk-iiliirs fall and see K. C, class condition; large jjimU'li: $l,S00 can mortgage, I'hlllipsburg property. All ing live rooms: recently painted; in •uiilo n this fii'Oiion to .Moi-rictwn Mildebrant. broker or !•'. I'. HiUk-bnint, remain on inortwiqt; at "i jier cent in- titles guaranteed, liy expert title search- ; &ood eimilition throughout on .State Come in next Saturday and sample n cup of HOTEL ASTOR n: :i:s Kast Church .St.. Wasli lerest; price $JSOO. Wm. Murd, Wash- ers; G per cent interest. Twenty-foui'i Highway: elo; to village conveni- it!) all nn.is Inirton. X. .1. !0--O--'tp COFFEE—the finest drinking; Cotl'ee on the mar- Af\ n.td i-omlition. A concrete mul. ex- iiiKtiJii, X. J. Ki.L'7-ti years hi business and as yet ivo li lines and Railroad Station. K. P.. Hint, kct. Per pound 4UC pL for a xtrt-u-h of a mile, now i-un- HOi;sr-:iCKKlM-:U WAXTKIJ-A mid CIIJKi: Ai'l'LKS $1.00 per 100 de- not. hail a. foreclosure, proceedings dur- I sail. Washington, ,\, j. 'iits .M'orri.stown and Chi-sU-r. dlu ni;i'd woman; reliable; respectable livered ill Cedar C.rovo .Milt. Jnhn "W. ing that time,-showing the carefulness j KVTl'K'DVV OCT 'MUh I *iriield M. 1C. church: if New Seeded Raisins, lb I'OII SALM. l-'OIl WAXT OI-' USIC- ton. , 10-'.'0-2tp Best Cranlieri'ies, (jt 20t a variety of •d (.'»rn he hits III-IIWII. well. 1920 Maxwell. 1921 Max- ! stormy, "tho lollowinj," SaXurday ove-, Seedless Raisins, lb Baldwin Apples, qt lie •'ililify. Octobtr L'Slh. all I'arloi- stiil in wood condition: n!«3 : IF ITS IXSiniAXCIO call or write well, Ford delivery 1017, Kurd delivery ! ning. ' - " • 10-G-ft employe.^ of the Taylor-VVharion Iron parlor oi^'an. .Mrs. Charles Vuss. 1U7 Harry Christine. Washington, X. J. 1920. neu s])eod.waf,'on VJ19, J)utliru 131(1: COWS ' WAXTflD-HStnto breotl. i West Washington Ave., Washiimton 10-L'O-tf touring: Harley-Uivison mutorcyele i milk prodtietlon, price ami when fi*. Wiseburn's or Kishcr's Pie. Ruckwlicai Flour. 5-lb. baR-. "~>t nml Steel Company will be paid bv It i-hfck. • The -Vational Hank will lie open SATriiDAV. Oct. 20th«I»uhlle Sale of with side car; all of the above caiVai-e j W. !•'. Itnlte. Cnlifon. X. -\. 10-G-tf New Fat, White Norway Mackerel. •;., to 1-lb. each, lb 21c every 1-Yiday from -).!." p. in, until the I-'OII SALK—Two work horses weiyh- Personal Property by M. Mikkelson oi in first-class mecimnical condition1 ' A RRTIHIN'CI DAIRY KAH^t of 3-1 i liii; 1^)0 to l.'tlO Mrs., can iiave choici employees are utki-n care of, but road Icadini," from Jonestown in Hart demon st rat ions will b .^ LI.« r' .crcs in the MtisconiHcong Valley, extra Extra Fine Storage Eggs, dozen 10c Inter than 7 oVIock. tutu of four. K, K. Trimmer, llacketts- man's Corner. Isaac. Stickles, ,\ii" Stanhopo Claratre, "Phono ttS-.T Xc'Jot con j;. good pasturo nml Imy land: also soon ! r-nvn. X..,/.. 10-i7-2tti Charlos Mlkkel»on. ClorH. 10-20-2tp X. J. - Unljri-t M. Inscho. S-lS-:. f ,' seven-roo. m house, largrc barn, wa^pii The Ihn-kottstown HasulnUl Club h'-lil i ' $-!:t.1 on IX CASH IO lie distribmsd bv Coffee Special—Our 0. (!. Iilend this week, II). 2k :. nu-KiiiK Tumiiiy :imi ,,:uill4 tlJ KlVt. , „ t.H.*XSMKLLS have •arrived. Same <. ARTKSTAN Well Hrillor. Prices j house,^hennery, etc.; nrice price, as last year. Wm. Khret. Ander- reasonable and work suamntoed. Clar- ' this anil oilier bargains see "W. p.. New lot just in. We can grind it course, medium or venil sm-ials ami L-nicrtainnuMHs dur- j exhibition ami utility .poultry at* Uo'r" on. X. J. - 10-^0-:jtp JtiH' un> winter months and hu ready ristown 1*011)1 r> '"' ence J. Jones, Vail, X. J. S-lStf j Brown.' IHtoomsbury, X. .1. S-tS-lf fine, just as you like it. Other brands are Hotel Astor, i'itifi n & IV stoj'k At'CTiOXKI^U—Try '.M. L, Hurdle. WANTED—Cattle, hogs, calves and I KOR SALI-:—New Forrt with fiuulit when the season opens. Association slm Hrjl. Sunbeam and Royal Scarlet at -10c lb., and Yuban at Kids,: will bu received Xovembur L' Si-lilKi-vlllc. >'. J.; he". KUiiraiHcos chickens at highest market prices. truck, boon used one month. II. A|i- Othei- ]vj,'iil;ir and speei: cash pr roni|it mioiition nud ellk-lent service August Bevelacqua, New Village. pleby. lioatyesiown, N. .1., 'Phone Macit- 45c. )>y the U-'niTun Ccntnty I'.anrd of l''rcc- cup's, etc. •!•'. K. l-'raml. holders foi- the ^radini; nml Hravelint; iw Sin:- t all salt's. Call ur write. llM'O-Up ctistou-ii C-R12. ' S-23-tf retary. (Jruystone Parlt. X. .1, I-'Uli UKXT— Liai-atre at 120 1-ielvidure , of the AValL-rloo : road tiiroiiKli All-i- 1 Kcst Jlolasses, qt '. '. JOc nuichy. The work on the Uackelts- I-'OU SALK—Kord runnljout in K'^d venue. K. l\ 1 lowers, Washinston. WeSeli town section Is underway on Ihe Musky condition; will sell chonnr-'-Kurl Crt>'»-ir ' lO-SO-l'lp SKINNERS JIapIc Syrup, j>t 30c brirftfe. end. The roadbed alony the '•'-••-• • •• x. J. up SALKS3.MAN WANTED—Our Tea ami :he highest grade Macaroni, "Busy Biddy" Pens, fancy, sucot SU'])!iens' homstead farm is hdny wid AUK YOU interested in liny you Coffeu route is open In Washington and am! Uimloi', cm 18c enod and Ihe heretofore hazard will ho own hume? We have several Rood op- vicinity liir a Salesman-thathtt ccann pprro spaghetti, ,Egg Noodles and licsl Pic Pumpkin, Ib k ptiflimitiss in town.tw . Properties on alioli.siiod. p duce l Must furnish bond and ther Macaroni Products. ...SiiMai' Cuni, Paris Bui., can 20c every street that are alll ixo Xi bbuys, .•t'ot'ences. If you arc'a live wire and County KuKineur • Veltfr h:is bu-fiun If interested call and . Mirvey for the concu-te road that i want, to make good call at GHA.VU UNION TEA CO., Euston, Pa., j. ii. 'ui-SL'il. Mgr. . . S-13-tl' ESTEY .NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL Life _nauranco Co.—Harry TJ. Smith, "War- ren County Agent,. Washington, N. J. IQ-3-tf RUBBER STAMPS, Fountain Pens, Let "MUNSING WEAR" Union Suit You Typewriter Kibbon, Carbon Paper. Free catalogue. Brimncr & Crunner, at th Enston, Pa. . 1M9-U PIANO STYLE torium, ;inl. The H&trae.lui' f MAHOGANY CASE" JeflVrson. the mm ne by—| Hi Joseph Jefferson. D of condition, this liietutv. it's o for truck and poultry farm, rui-i." thai, is rcullv all kinds of fruit, running wale,- in admissinii, l:iil a sihe house anil chicken coups. Two coops Personal 110x14 an.l HO.vir.. barn, ;;ai-age, wtiffon The Pastor's A ill S > I'I Special is "Quality Wear" hniise. summer, kiteheii, K;m\ Incntiou. byferian diuirlt ' will KI Price $;!;ion. terms, (iriiniii \- siekles —but not confidential pieJmv jditjw in Hi'- (iperji llmise ln- On theK.iuare. Wasiiln.nlon, X. .!. |n, mon-uwevenliiK enlilied "Tii'e Kdilca- XOT1CK—Xotiee is liereby given that The must sensible, comfortable, economical Undenvcai lion »( Klizabcth." Admission 2R'c. my wife. lOinma Howel. has left my bed at $75.00 you CUM buy. We are sole agents for Munsins Weai Kaym..nu\ \au Undenve i I cie rad 1 ep \ urn t 1 ttlc co t 1 \ I \ lie I „ < I cs t! It d 0 C 1 i lu S I rl No i b r 11 Iro Con L is i TEMPLE OF MUSIC 0 1 10 iO n I 1 (I i i d b J. D. FLOCK, Inc. 1 i 1 c 1 n co si He 1 f tl c ri idol ce ( f Mr lol i OI i \ \O 1 f 1 Ml 1 b o H cc EASTON , PENNA 156 Mam St ' - Hackelt town, N J . 1 ln( } 1 1 ID 26 W CHURCH ST Cor MADISON Six -THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. X, THURSDAY, OCTOBER.27/1921- ~T SECTION ONli I -

A Nonl'oolliis AsSfirfffon f1** 'lJO'rfofhV.thOT'fuiict ions* Intended"hy OIL citynH lionpw <1ot« In his m\/i OflkuH T^vcivhm1> wolconitji J - „ turned Ui New York. • nflcr • paaslflff .Riiflh of N'ew Vork. % RentEJitate Trane Mantel* Frank WortH visited. Holjt. tho Hummti htfc on theh Xum A plea mni miipiiHP un« ttnrtoiril Mr Millet 3 WUle\er ct al to Kitherlnv Clint ginns that the Dull \ men H oilBlnal Dilivmontt Li iRim Llabllltj have been i-lo'ctoit and nlr aintiip'iiH'nt.i : of'•nujmbiu'h'.wlll- be—limited to- three mntlc fttr-viif prntPc tdtn Hit III.JI c»r Jllllor at Aii(Ii>i'iit)ii Sf.llirday. Sovernl .from thin plnce attended a and Mrs CJaunct. AnileiHOn on TiitH 18 l»2i on Lcthtit Co opcintUt c AKsocIitfof n ft i .MIHH Lytiisa Xhivr'lms'jiurdinsctl a party Iield al Jacob Hchuyler'H at day cvunliiK, TIIOHC preaL-nt were: Air. £land In Greenwich and CIOMKI moniboi'Hlilp corporation con- contH per.100 pounds of milk *H>ld hy tirn;iiil/--Ulon in HUIJI fxprcsKfrt: "Tii:U 1 new car ' Hamilton Satunl i\ c\ciihi(, und Mr* loski CfiHtnt Mr nnd Mm 'consideration S'500 aistlng of a. Mmnll numlHi of nun \%ho tliurn. The,central orKiinlzntlon will ho \vv limy lie lirtlci' [nvpan-il tn (,•<•( that i controlled'l>y nienil'ei'H rather tliim tin, blnl with tlu wlu lutliiit, l» Uf Hit Tlio.m- that panned 'Saturday In • Has- Mr. and 'Mm. Carl' CiiMtner oC Wusdi- Leon Ctstmr HonuM Castner nnd * Vincent DeWItt ct al to Sarah T nr« 8L ekInn'to crenti? a monopoly of 1 family, Mr. Hlmmrlc nnd family. Au« miHiinri'M by. tin- central organization (,-Iioxt that- tears iIfiwti'"nl»K-l«j. (if i "i n Ion won? .Mrs. •Frank. ' Snyilur and- Intiton (railed »n Mr*. Ciuitiior"n molhor, Al!6n dated JO" IS 15-1 nmu< lot the production and sale'of'milk'In Xew- diin^htuH Mai) and 1 thfl MNH Una Airs. Joiinlt' Cielmrt. Kunday RtmtUH Cantnti and family I rank i Hopo York, -Xcw Juncy ttiicl adjacent, terri- The articles; of incorpatlon were i\\f tlin hi issliojipi i llml Mt! H« i\ with proved -liy 'Sitptvnu* Court JiiHtlri.', Al- lluiiimavllk- and AIIKH,' Dor;i ^iHtner. Tlio District' auporintendent. Ilev Woivu Mi nnd MIH Moitftn nnd Otoi \\, Smith ct nl to Di\ld tory, a committee of fnrmerH ropro- Hilrki'nx, Pti?., In it wuinfl ifknl',w«y. dauj,hlti DILII mini) fikmlH it Ht-'titlntr milk producers In the" tongue' verson of • Watertowh. A minilit'i* of .votniR'pooi)lo gathtTt-d Clu'iH. Woodruff '(fiivc nomc' very.. In- uughlaml And wife dated Uiff U at tlit' home oT .Mr. mid MYH. l-'rank ti't'OHthiK iiifturos at the M, 'fi.' church turned homo In tin smull liouis of tho 1\ con\t>H lot In Phllll|)iliui&. territory hiivi- formed a liDii-poollnB HH- CHANfiKWATIHt. muitiiiih nhhlith Ihim mnn> mum tociatlon for tlic proti'etlnii of tht'li I Mrs. W'Jiii. Cio«;tr Uaynionil llarki'tt, AIrn. Samantha entortitiiicd on Sun- IHL (.onguj, ttlon of the Mist Hip spu id to otlit-r Lountki 1 IK fmmtiK tla> Mi and Mis AHjut HVUIHUI and nlKhmithmin ilitunud Aug 23 U.l con\i>s u tin. nuitlni. In Ho'il I tlci llttiui or WaiOtliiKttm luitutcil ^timliiy at llii AlrH. ICdivard Cnstiirr liad :u* her tht cluiiih or PhlllipsbiiiR him nccipt iiL prmolad imr tht di pudatlon^ <>r plJtLt. Ill \ UtK 11 1I1R t> i 1 lit jTin-st on .Monday her ulster, lira, Atis Mr. and MIH. KUSHOII Ciordon of (Hen I'd the re.Hlirhution of Kev. W. J. I«*ore- ot In PMlHiiaburs illutlois mil ilicwn All no fi ttt sp iust.i-4 huntiiH mil otlms 1 In \ Un CaMtntT of Port Coldoii Ourtlnei IitUKh is pimoi of the chinch H( 1 MatlUU l'htl to IewH Tinnci urn Nt,\\ \oil stitt i\npt "\h Cnmpb II proposi to tuotcct tluir prnpLitlis nid t Joseph Saverost ' . h:is, lttiilt a new AIIRH Sailio Castner had a.s.KiieHtK on will preich his fauutll stimoim ^tin dated AUK — 1000 tonujs lot who I- fiom \»tinn \ ' Williams Don t fi>if,.t tin hid n ill] i|n i u L ii.li ninlV\u\ unmlici uill taU (Ii 1.. IHM In Hi ui nut i 1 iiu \i 1 Imn^alow on III.H farm Tui-Hitay. Mr. ami'.MI-B. Calvin of 1'hll- ilij IIL will u.u.pt a call In South In hipff Rhod * of ! Ittl* I ills w IM (Ii linnan tt j 1 suiit Inltrist iti liN tu^p.liboi H ]>top thin LII i\ tut ~tii .Insejih Savi'rewt iiml family havo IP« U]iHi)iirK. I'^iiKeno • Stull aud-MrM. Lou Jersey, near to Philadelphia. ft Pntrlik Iiutumti to \ittlt Men lit tin mt in in nil <1i* smslon IK hind \h\ns:\ lat«l Atif. * U-l fonu\i lot In dofnl aoot* AXiHml R' Ptntt) oC r piillllpilitirt iontlrt.1 itlon $ 00 L tk i ts ittoi m\ fni tin commlttw lkmk tr iiilnj a il to I dw ltd B ditw up Ui utic1 •* of iiKoipoi ition Zeller imd wire, duted .June 13, 19-1. \ftti (i" in* iu i •.tutmoni \\n* onveys lot in l'hlllipsrtuin. Nmitd with tlusi out^t unlink Tui

io\ca Ilmi-liv In lirt\ m mliis mil it i.s ^upos.<1 tu mnnopolj- or liroittn- guisf. \ in isl ilmkim -ii l«.i I'll , „„„ ,,,j gi-ji.iir n,ii|c i,y „ tiaiiUCul of nared ID C mm « < «'s' » ls "" „„.„ oil ii Ih Hi. luli-i 1 I " " u was rliiimi'il that of tin- JO.000 lenul is uiMmMU Mi\nr •"""," ix'Ol.'i'M oiiilnu'il l>y tin' Pairymi'ii'H uml C nnmillion.is liltton Flnh ijKll.,,,. co-oiK'ntlvV Association, Int.; HouHousecr Ii 1 I ills nfli In utunlinc j ,,„, „„,, ,,,.,. ,.,,m ,lvlv !10tllal monlliiTS Gas or-Electric 1 'ilhd each deliveivd an atldress as did of 111. nirponitlimp . As iioii-m..nll nl«o ilr. JiiUz. In all the siwclies th< they have no vet'-* or control. 'services "f thf vnlunteer ilremen of tlu The new orcan teat ion will not en- DOMES town M i ini rd Mr I ntli liso -,i\ i gage in inanurat'iurln^ milk, but will' 'ii rccltiititili n nnd c Kd tl Mrill. ont of tlu most i tht meml»« < f tin Company, ulso delivered an add tThe otllcer'K of tht.1 Phlllipsburn l-'iri Compinj me It.sidtiit Plillip Hit •>ico picsldont f io tt Lu\iHii(s DON'T FORGET fln-inclil nnd ucoidinh fu.».•. *. miiifiK'Int; at 1 \>. ill rttlll]p! siiniiilaniila> i ."ih l bibinderd . -ft. tw new Farmers* l-'.iv rito Ki-ain .drill. 10- bsed one seiison: Osbonie 10-l't. hay rake; side delivery Sandwich hayntke: flat, hay.sideM: fnur-hoe wnlkinK »nek- eyc cultivator: Uiu-keye ridlnw culti- vator; Oliver riiiinir cultivator: 2 Oli\or No *.l plows: ntsw Syracuse sulk\ riding plow Hinerson manure runners for milk ivaBon;' Ii5-ft. ladder, A High Grade "So. 2-Doylestown threfher and deanor. Monday Evening, Oct. 31 Ileautiftil Art filnss finVnnd Klcirti^rJDonicn baRKer nnd tnilliifr clfvatorr 7 H. 1'. SIcsfilnBcr gasoline i-nt,'l"T" trtoiiiited on under the auspices of HO ittfforojit pat torus fo'^clcet frrmi. • Prfpc r.t :i~o steel tril'elt: *K tin tuck y corn planter: from SHO.iH) down fn S«;M'- "" feed Kririder: set bob .«lo-ls: hay fork: American LTegibn rope md pulk*od brood sou . KVKRYHODV \VF;T.(O.MK • -I. S. PICKKL. with or wtUtout niask. It is made from Pure, long fibre cotton l^elt, ancF"comes-ih a high grade of woven M \ I'tcrbon MIL ticking, in one or two parts' with Imperial .'stitched edge. Buy one now and save $5.00. $1.00.\per week pays for one. Now Is the Time to ONE'-THIRD^QP" YOUR LIFE "Mfiij c:in live hut f<*vi'ii (l:i.vs wkSmi! slfoi'V Stiii-t- ' I«\CK Clirfl'AIXS lini;. isn't El, Imt HMVrtliL- A DeLuxe FOB YOIIR HO3II5 AT J.0W TRICES Uw a fact. Slwp js Ihn A' .splendid nrrny of Ilanilsoine l.ui* (*iir::ii linlmict' whwl of life. K»- for ynur selci-lion. alt urouti.r rcilini'ii pii'j;\= Luxurious Some at SI.50, $2M, $"2.iiO, .-'.nil ntlic:\< rp orpy Hows from ti? with Sifi.On.iier iniir. •-. - • Prices will not be this low next Spring ovory daily rfforl. Jt Bed Spring Huy. tlipm and pay on our CU:b Ti:'.:i, '. I roiiics l::n"!; tn us with pv- and we cannot urge you too strongly to ory sl'fpinc inhntniioii. Is* [he most luxuriously comfortable' bed-spring . come in and look at these splendid bar- In a sons;* livinc is t'nnk- .Vmadi?. ,;It-will give you a gams. Int;. Thp energy we draw • .lifetime of satisfactory - service and more soothing,- uyton hy day L« doposlted at delightful, healthy reposo . niirlit in sli'Ci*. ,To po wHh- . ".'lhan you havo over known. out •" plrnp im'iins "••MihiM.t that we draw IPWII our ro- COMMENCING TODAY, we are starling- an unpre- KPrvp. f»i](>ray--:iii. ;V. u Because you | COMFORTABLY v which,vare -the extra long. h^jhly figure and Bupporii Acvwfaole body 90c Varnished Tile Bath Room, no^ . 59c To slo,['p I^T'I m'.'inis • tempered conicalcoilstied-togetlieF bnoriuitlpinajQ2tatai'aj3d thenfore • pne;fthird; of your life • p1 • TRICED - llmt you 'mv.-s: :v;r •ri.Thi. • diagonally at•' tlie,top ,with elastic .healthfiil'ppsidijn. Itdoesnot saj 85c .Duplex Oatmeal, 30 in: wide, now iu:<\ \\\o rlslit •'•''••: nui nn- in - bed is reason f or You ennuot' do with- 59c Iy lie had by fl--v'/\i: upoii helical coils. These, helical coils are like^hammockotpjtch to tic side aut Comforts wiicn .cold 1 securely attached to the large coils,. of;nWieSr:weight "wluJh occupied i you";to look into the (-With Border, which is sold at regular price) I!".. yrnpfM* !i!ii:irr hpd- tvlnds blow." .«pring. ' "Fit" nr1.-,:?^ com- good qualities of a- . ; Buy all you 'need and Viirt—n ftniili'v .lust as cs- All sidowali papers sold with cut-out border only at pay for them • 6a our snntlnl in » !;-il-sprinir. ns this special price. No charge for.trimming-. club plan. ; ,___ li Is in a' imi/ of shoos. its many inferior imitations. Each : Try our Rex Cold Water Paste aE 15c llj.''' BLANKETS The rlttlu lipd-spring 2)tLv*4 h Jtandumuttr finhiud in Rmt Cray BR*mi? cn^w; slioulrl flt your linrly.' It All tho different should PfiMally (Hstrihuto grades are shown here. your weight .and mould Sold Only by Serviceable, , Durable) ymir Torni: It should ^ the hollow? and ..yield .to Raisbeck & . . Blankets , You wil' bo anw.ed at the sBlendid values in this big tho lilgli sriotP. It should nt prices 80% less sale, On account of the late arrival of the'bulk of our enable' you m sleep with than last fall. • :. your ppine in a perfectly 1 Diehl new fall line of papei, we aie foiced to make some deep easy position and give full Suy what you • noetl cuts to-mo.ve this line -before winter. and pay for them on relaxation to every nerve our Club Plan.--: ,. . . and muscle. - ' • ' "It'i theBiiilPiiDiq.-flqttiie-bed.ioryisttreM that.imkes all the dificrence." ' Grofh9 Sons • Ndt-thamptbii St. G.ioceues, Diy Goods and Wall Paper. Ne.ar;« <• Phone 64 WASHINGTON, N. J. .. Ea'stpiij;

1 ill .a'jtfS".<....<& ' t-ted^ - ! Jay( IIiir\ej $mUh. Tho bullet Jlred on Jul> 21, 1920, li»* Mifl?, Maude 'Ansttock, ^--«,,. — Andrew Mnlfrzack 17 > eni s old of ^Ir-j»^l Mrs CharloH Anaback o£ Eas Whnrton, caused Ja> Hifnej Smith or (on, was manled Saturday aftcrnofin, Stewart M Co. HackultHtown to t)e completely j>aral>z> pctobci 16, (o 3ohn llailej Ji", son ed from the. hips duwnt for fltffl&n ot Mr and airs. John Harloy of (lamp montliH and v\a»,lncltrj;cU} responsible ton,* Tho groom Is,a fireman on the 436-438 Northampton St. for hln rttath last Thursdaj /"But tho N.i J Csntral. The ) happ> i i couple immediate CIURC of death was tllph- *ame ,totihc. home of the briddgrootn'R EASTON, PA. ihcrln which hc> contracted two weeks #arpnt» Sunday and on Monday eve IWdro. Tho Lo\ in ser\(ng a1 term In rilng wire rovaiiy sor naded They will the Jamesbuit^Btato Home for Uojs muk« their Homo with the bridegroom'H Tho degenciate jouth shot the faim- pnrcntH foi the proscnt ei down in cold Model flrlnn fl\o bul- iqtH Into hit bod> One lodged in the spine and caused the helploss condition Mr. Smith wai 30 >eur« old and in HUT- j- Mini Augusta Trun Wacir diughtor \l\ed bj his mother and sister, Mrs pf Ite\ and Mrs W W Wagar df Darbj of Hackettntonn The bod} was Verona, formerly of Oxford and Re* Hundreds of laken to Poit Plains, N Y, for sen iocs JnmeH Bernard Mulder, of Somcrvillc iliie Winter Coats and burial formerly of Michigan were t married Wednesday in the Presbyterian church at Veronn The ceremon> was per- A Big Vital Sale that proves our reputation for value-giving—Involving the biggest values Mr* William KInno>. formed b>, the bride s father The Mrs Euphcmia Kinney G7 >cars church ^vas decor ucd In autumn of the entire season—Coats for every occasion for every type. died at her home at Hiinesburg Tuon ^ouglls and ferns The bridti IK I diy, Oct 18 of dropsy, following an ill snduate of the C C I of Haeketts nesi of several months She It nurviv town ed by hei husband William Kinney. and the following children, Bcrt DichI daughter of Ml Frank at home also nine grandchildren and Mrs Archie DIehl and Harvej and) the following brothers and one Oliver Eckhardt, son of Mr and MrH Models Types sister Milton Wid of Oxford Mich Otto Kckhardt all of PhilllpHburg, William of Hamburg, Albert of Idaho, were man led Saturday it tho parnon Isaiah of Blalrstowrt and Mia Jennlo age of the TirHt AI R chinch in Caw Docker of Portllnd, Oregon ton bj Re\ \\m H Ford Thej will AITH Klnnej Joined the, PrOHbitorian icside at 185 Hudson itrcet The bride rhucch at Blairstown In Hei gfrlhoVd haw" been a telephone operatoi and tho days The funerul waH held at her lato bridegroom is employed b> the Ingor home Siturday morning with interment toll Hind Companj in the Halneiburg cemeter> I MaRcrson-Bercaw. Jucob MIet. - Miss Cora Louise Bercaw and Stew 'Jacob Vllet 71 ions old died Sutl art Magerson both of Philllpsburg day at his home In Asbiiry whore ho wore/married Fridaj evening Jjy Rov Good-looking, practical and A specialized, collection of had bicn a resident for near]} 3r XI C Moulsdale at tho parionago of the jcarH Doath was fiom a compllca First M B church The brido Is a desirably inexpensive. Man- typical higher priced aris- tlon of lilmonts lie is survived b> daughter of Mr nnd Mrs Ilcnn Her tocrats:— embracing luxuri- six children Mm Lulu Holmes and ca-v and thp brldt groom Is In the cm nishly smart in line and cos- Mrs- I Id i kitchen of Asbur>, Mrs, plo> of the Central Railroad ous fur-trimmed types of Tdna Hiwmi residing at homo Tiki* ily warm. .Correct for both son ofUundkn Wilhrd of T llntbpth rich soft-textured in sea- and UIIII\ of llninlltld Also those Mills-Heater. town and country wear. son's foremost coat innova- brothers ind sist^is Garret George Miss Anna Ma> Hciter daughter of Alice and Emm i of Aibur>, Henr\ of it James Heater and Lewis J Mills tions. • ' ni6omsburj Samuel, of £• tendon Mrs of Easton were married h iturdaj night Lid la shipman of 1 lemineton and Mrs by Rev G C Moulsdale pastor of the Marj Martin of Tort Uajnc Ind Philllpsburg First M J: ehuich The Polo Models ceremony w is pe form til at th home Bolivias The deceased man w is a member of of 11 P bild^ » mcthor the Aibury M B church Tuncral Velours ftorVlces were held >enterday afternoon Normandies from tlie home at 130 and in the Goff-C'orrlffan. Bolivias church at 2 oclock with burial in tho Hnnj Goff and Miss Julia Coirlgan Yalamas adjoining comotciy daughter of Mr and Mrs Stephen Cor Noveliies Hgan both or East on were married Pollyanna Frtmlt Knuinfeltcr. Thursday,.night by Rev. Jl. A. Weave!' Frank Praunfelter, a well"' known at the pai-sonago of Grace Lutherat resident ot Raston.i died/Sunday af church In Philllpshurg. . Silk Liriecl Models ter an illness of throe, months with All Silk Lined cancer of the mnuth. He was 68 years AMamueliy Man Fined. old and had been a.cii'cUK man, show- _••-, Alexander Itussack, an unnaturalli;. man, restaurateur and fruit and oyster ed rcsidorit of Allnmuchy Township, dealer, lie v.'u.s CIIKSIKCII In the fruit was eonvlcted Wednesday night in iniHlnc'HH when his health failed. •Hackett.stown of having unlawfully a shotgun nnd vide in his • poaBcsslon; .' Jacob VomifT. , The ponulty was 120 line and COKIH of Jacob Younpr. formerly of 'PhlUlps- $3.30, Jmpoaod'.by JliBtlceiof the- Peaco liurg, died Sunday ut Selpsyllle, I'a. He E. J. Wildrick, which Russaek paid Sensational Selling was 78 andd wim employed,, at.',lhe;Warat,h i under protect. ;,. . .; , I'LMi Foundry for 3iiyearnuntil3ii.yearn,,until;; ho'rer' ••i^e'^eapons wore found lasLSunddy d 14H anatlvo In the'home of Rua.tack by, GJune War- tired 14'years ago. HeAvas anatlvo 1 of Greenwich township."-Warren-colin'i' - dons-Har^y E.;Cudney and John Cox. .They will be 'fient'io-the State-Fish l fill Ms ty and -: leaves u* b'roth'er',' Howard Young. Foiner.il was'.holdV.Tuesddy in' and Game Commission for disposal, as TOitHton, with Ijurial In Easton Heights cemetery. t t -.,...,, Fashions Smartest '".-•" •:' Robbery-'at Oxford.. 11.. ; Mm*. WalUs O. Delrick. •: r. f ' • he/'gafaga; b£ John^L., .Crykn af 0x- Types Urid'erpriced Mrs. Wallis G. Detrlck, ;29;!years 'okl,' ford, 'was entered'; during • the night died Oct. IS "at tho Crissman;• HVJuTSe,' Wednesday and tires, tubes and acces- 1 Mllford. She ihad^beenIlKiTCpt^aerernl sories to-thoi.vaiiie of between $300 and diiy.s of tansilitis and heart troiible;'de'-| t-100 were carried away. The robbery veloped. Her maiden name" wits' Myrtle was 'discovered- Th'ursflay riioni'irig by • Glhlw tiiid she went to Mllford in 1913 Mr. Cryan, who linn been proprietor of lh?,.garago' during.:. the p.ist seven .75 with her parents, Mr; and Mrs/ Howell months. -;The ime.itigation leada the Oibbs, when they, purchased tlie'Criw- .uthpritlts to tbp VioIioC that'.the rob- miih HouHe. Her fattier died* In-1$17 t-i-y was coinmiltt'd by local people. anil .since then she had assisted her They point out thai had..a stranger mother in conducting tHe. well-known yialtpd/the", r-'ace lie would not have The'smartest, of the new hotel. She nuirrlcd Mr. UetrickMn'lOl*. gone" to', the bosemt-nf, but'w^uld have The family Is known in this section, the attempted entrunce through tha first models!, Employing ..new mother of Mr«. 'Detritkv-beiii'g' Miss floor. The Cryan garage Is located in trimniings-rin.-all .colors Elizabeth Sklilmitn .of HfimiJton. Mill street. ;. . . ,• ..-•.. including black. In Vel- " •; ..Mrs. JohiVIWnlsli. , , SnijRO. Mrs. Btidget-Walsh, 79/wlfciOf'John r vet, Duvetyne; Felt, etc. Walsh, died Siitunliiy in.-.PhnliiJsbitrg-.1 . The. final registration of men and wo- Every type—in fact the She leaves her husband' antT-' two' men, voters of Phllllpaburg has been daughters, Mra..'James: Mooney arid completed.. The total registration • in very one you need to suc- ^Ir.H. Thomas Jim-ray, both of PHIllips- the town..was as follows: First ward Ilrst. district, 316; second district, 37l! cessfully complete your burn. *••*,.'• Special in Second ward, first district 374; second Fall outfit. James Drjiko. -., •• .i-i.:. district, 34G. Third,ward, first district,'^ 3 Groups James Drake,;a retired busings J;"T>rake, first district, 259; second district 270 died Tuesday at his 'liortie IK P^hllliiis- Fifth ward, first 'district, 300; second _;Expressing tlie.;most;fascinating-last rai.rij.itf style..yer-. I>urjf. He had-bcen ill.twonidnihs.ijHe district, :367. Sixth ward, first district ; was 79 and-lcilves u-wifo/aiid-'Orifc'.ioni 289.;., second .district;-337. -Total'4,066 sions; .of 'Paris. and America at incoiiiparable : si.yiiigs! Frederick, mid k daughter,-' Mrs-:Le\vis ;•; • —N-O T,E— :. ; No matter, from whichfgrdup'you choose ypu'ai-.fe certain Holler, of Philllpsbiivg/ :He..'.wa'Hi .bofii on Schooley's Mountain"; and; resided' in .See ;cmi\ Window, of maximum style, quality;and value. Tailored, after- Philiipsburg half a cihtury.':.' Fo'r,:-I2 1 years he conducted'a'1 groceryViind i'fctlt'- ..., Catarrh • • , Display of noon arid seini-f ormal types; in wide variety. j.Catarrh.ia a.local dlaeaae"greatly irinu- cd^abo'ut eight;.years Ago. Huhvasiiin 4nc«d:!••:byi-1-iconstitutional::. Econdltlons, .elder;ln the -'Presbyterian cliiirbh airiU HALL'S^CATARRH.. MEDICINE''is- a : 1 J ; : . ; Caritdn- Grepes, .P6iret:Twills., Tncbtities, - •J(ft^ -'UlSO;'aui-t«i--.i ia-'-a'--iiiuiiVovr^ur - -'iiw- -.Tc.a!easa!.BIoo3.Purirn3{V:-«By-uleuiiaiiirir3{V:ByliiiB r Hoard of Education: He" was hj.m'emtier" tho vWood,andr: buildlriB^up: trio, Syjft&m. /-•Tuxedo or SHpon HAtL S CATARRH MEOrclNE restores 1 RosKsinai'a Crepes ,and:-iCrcpie. Satihs.'. In of DcMolay.VcjCo'mniatulcry, i normal renditions and allows Nature to types'of, fine qual- Tomplnr, oT .WiiHhlngton. do'its :woritVT.i7 •. - • • ity Zephyr or Shol- One-Hiindred-and-One Unique Innovations Charles Goi-gas. ; *'. -. .. Charles Gorgan, a1 formcr-iresldent.of lam wool. Trimmed with cuffs and Pliillipsburg, died Sunday'at*peiaSyafe,* collars of Squirrel, Ra"c- Ohio. ,IIe.wasJ8 and leaves tywife;iiiid : two children, Edward and Miiry'Gdrgas, .75 ebon. - ahd Muskrat. at home. ,,,1-IeOeft Philllnsburg 30,.years it' ago. Prior,.;td. leaving tho ..comity .'-'ho' Prices range was engaged":in tho butcher,,business and conducted llic same in Ohio.. -;. • . Actual Values Four; brothers*, Edward 15. Gorgas,' •75 to chief of ipoilcb; David and Frank Gor- I •to $10.00 , gas, of Phlllipsburg, and Wit If am Gor- giia, of South Side, Easton, and one ais-; ter, .M^rs. Simon". Fnieo, of 1'hUlipHburg'-' Saving You Money survive lilm. Chief GbrBas;left"TiieS-- -Ejctradrcliriary Rallies day nibniiug ;fnr Delaware, to attend i Factory Over-Prouuetion and : thi' funeral se.rvice.s. , : blemished tires at great S#s of^-Velduxs,.:;Tric6tiries rand • /••',::,. !'Jaijrtl's K.Aycrs. . • •- • -, Yaiamas;with..tri2imings.of fashion-; Jumes^H:,'Aye'rs, GO years old.^died Coats able.iSufs ,,6r stunning plain;,taii(jred last, wiiek .at his! Morris cqiiu)Ly .fat-m, Bearing SeiTico Station. , models. All are silk lined models... ' .'.i^Tinken, anai:Standard,JroIl« Mr'"""" sUHtained'two.months ago., A wife j^iid . ^bearings for ail cars and trucks. one daughter .survive, FuncfiU «ei-vti:t's were held Saturday with burial.hi Union ' SprihBS-ttrid'vix'les for "all El cemetery. ;.; \i'.''•' • :•-'•' "•' , /•',••'.'; • mateiof cars aiWays carried in ,'' :"i NeSv Gostunie ,, 'stbck.t,;;;.. •,;. .;,:. • ,',: I»lulIIpsburg;vDemocrats Ratlfy/TicljA; Clever Styles Judfiing from the entliuaias^:.-shown Thursday night at the .TAckBonin.ii Big Selection rploiises Ucnjocratlc AH«oclation in PhilllpHliurg Ford Parts tberc is. noi mistaking the ''cntliuWiasm m shown for the .two.candidates. Assem- •'' Send' or^'phono] your, order. j Exquisite, Refined blyman Harry,; RunyiiV. 'of. \Belvidero;, for ree.V;clion and Cliarlos L.lStrykor. of >; Day and night service on Fashioned .of . Bolivias, •,.•; Models at Cost Washington' for a rhumbcr of the Board truck' tiros. . - '' of Freeholders. ; Tlie .f'cclingJ (predom- Velours and Broadcloths. inate in the meetings-was;that tljisis a Some with big'.fui- collars; . Democratic ' yt'iir anii 1ft the '.'forerun- ner- of greater things - to come rne'xt ' all are warmly lined. ••;• $3.90/ yean-'Prosecutor-S. C. Smith, Jr;, imhia keynote spiioch1 referred ,to tho visit^of Governor Edwarda; ijtiul ptliei*.prominent : Uemocnits;to Warreii' county and :also i .. Saturday Only npokc of tile exedptiojial •sei'vlcos'reh"-' Specially Priced at ( fWred by-1 Aasemblymaii Ruiiyonand of Pilet'Lace trimmed, elegant- the marked ability of -Mr. Strykor foi; ly B.eadedin Georgettes and tho. poRif,l6n.' to^whlch.ho :aspirc^.:;.:Mr; Stryker. made, a,speech^ In • which..he] Crepevde,Chene; sizes for all; asked ..the members ofihcorKiinlzfttiin to Support the part^v^lhis - year*' at id ;ih"-- variety to satisfy every taste. surd success. In.' years . to. cornel '.-Ho •gave thanks for the support already' given lilmeelf• und J^r.-Runyon-at^the primary election and asked'' th«l:coh- SERVICE tHAT jlnucd support iirNovember,, /,,:.;,.,.. , —" THE WASHINGTON STAR. WASHINGTON.!?. X. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1921 SECTION ONE

)r. J. .1. UfivtM of 1 t(!d miieiiUv Thursday niRht In a Mluml Mriawari •holly for Ihu h nml !U*o Atlanta mill will Hlnrt homt 4 v-v • 1 /-y T\ ntvoi'Mlty of Win* lioii'l was Ulerulllod- tonight nn Warren report this year's crop w Tnun.a.» I A. Davidson, O. D. 'I ho iUfro\(i\ made thai iHuotlnWe '

LXPERT in eye examination and in fitting proper KIUSHCS for the relict

in tuwn Ins M'.-x. 0. Ai. W. L'-v <-f l'teinlnKton lh(l (mi,,r uftl>r It* membership hail cranlifrry orop tlil^ yonr of any ot of foriy-slx; with the blowing In of! Mr-' tt *peni from Friday mull Tuesday with i mit-n 10 a* low as ;i total of US. Al- the States, has the laiK«"Ni aviviiKo ami j furnace No. :i at the Ohio worku or tin* '"•••-. «"*s r-.k-i> Miss Kililh Smith, i nia-t every number of the artier was lias a fiop oltfht per cent, bettor than ] Carnegie St;»*ii Company this' woek. USL—the econ- [••!i r. .Mrs. C»*.: !i.« 10 tilt? .if lu ir .Mr. and Mrs. It.'nJ. CiwoIIn;-' enter- . ^HRHVSI In tin- Civil \V:ir whU'h iic- the ton-year averago, tlic Department : This stack h;td boon ld!e since the ihHt .-.vviiu-. !:i-: 1 omy battery 1*.. JI.ill t»» it-tTh.'-.- i;titii-it th*-lr s>'ii, John ami his wife i>l ; vomits for tlit low water mark of •>r Agriculture estlmatrs in a report j of the year. Thursilny. v.h-t.> sin- V rhillilisburg mvr Sunday. . membership at that time and the rapUl given"nut today. WKDNKSDAY. of i:r. C. It. SmiiSi, Mr. William ISownes li;is t»vn uu* duty , growth afterward. Herman A. Miller Plans for renovation ami enlargement , bald wiKle. measuring seven fe«t [)i. nn'.I Mr*. L. M. at Johnston's hardware store this «wk j of Ka.ston, tin- National Seen-laiy. was tnlnucl ill.- forH.^r'.-i Siu f tin- ptilo Crtomids, .Minimtan'.s great ' frlim wine tip to wing tip, w,in killed .-:;is:; nivini.' to IlliH'SS. i present at the exercise*. lia.'i'ball park, .whloli will hu'ivns!* Us ; at Vamlrrlioof. 1!. c. It nttemjitod to • ,if 1G yt»i»iK !:!. • .li««.s Wlllard will attempt to n'giiin Ouy M-lt.hil iii tlifir 1: Keating eapu.lty from :tS.O0u to So.in»). { ,-arry away a nim-yeai-old niil, from Iirc-'klyn mi.tur.d her.- and spent Sun- I ill'- world's heavy.wlnht championship have ) ecn complied nmli-r the dh>i-- I the [loreli of her home and her mother 1 AC I iv ul'tli tin- former's parent*. Mr. a Ml : j from Jaek Pi-nips •>• at .k-rw-y City in XI ti-m i.f Citarlcs Stiiurnan, presldon: of | and a nelgiibor nish<\l I 1 tin* it-sciie. •u Mr-. Henry Cum nuns. They \\>v ar- July I. Tex Uiekard, pn>niMl«-r. *HJ\ i-.nipani.d' by Miss N'ina Nunn, wliu [ today. the New York .National League Hub. '. Tin- man beat the digit*' to death. Your Battery's Tin* wnvk will lK-gln, In the late full. t\v j Th). rily of AiorriHtown nhiaimil 100 WHS iht- i:u.>t of lur mo'.hvr, Afrs. Anna ' VM\,O1 :intl Kutli quit his linrtmtormlnK eonllng tn present plans and be com- j bun}iels of corn from the acn* and li;ilf , Mr. und Mrs. !•". A. lS"l»t-rtHnn an-t Xunr. ' ' ""'i s*tjii'U'«l to return tit New V^irk. plttiil in time for the opening of th" of land under cultivation nt the new- soil, Jnhn. >|i.-til fi-imi Thumiay until Mr and Atr-*. Chus. HoUlon of Phil-t The other Yankw playirs on iht- trip lttl'S 1"; ... - ! use disposal plant. Monday M UKII- inrrsi. :• l: week-end In I'hilmlfliihla. i claims h-.- was ill ailvis:d. lie will played with an nrehesti-a in an Kas-.nu j of liionisburg, Pa., has a bull, that ILL your battery stand up to its The Kw. .Idhii I'.- VMnu'.ta itn-1 wifr lam."* Pktenc^r of Newark was an i throw himself upon the tneivy of Jiutsi* tliineo hail Saturday night was a small would not hurt anyhodv, hut In m'gbty • of Clurkshi'.-u W.EV jaa-t> l.t«t uvi; ;it dvVr Sunday' sue.st of ills brother, • LiintHi*. work this year and next? The 1 pox pjiiient in'an isolation ward in St. strong on curiosity. Whenever a: W the liuHlf iif -Mr-s- .%'.-l«('M iJi*iii!»'!. , IMtt.'iiL'ei- "HoUliri ," a fshcphi'l'd tins, in thi* Luke's hospital. i;?ili!ohom. tiiday. All j strange man v.omoa around lie wants to answer is in its: plates. When they're All* Il *"I'hambers • • , >liss Kuth•• - ' lu'i-o nf Coimr^s. Ohio, lie risked his the member* «r tho orehe.strn wire find out all about him. When the mil- Valley KlhlnV .. Vi-ltini; t.- vi.-U iviatjw;,. vv'.iw S ha nil >a 11 ore and MIHS Mary Har- life In saxe six oivvs for his imi.stei-, prt-.mptly vact-iuated' and all who at-I mnt saw .strangern Hitting In a group: "done for," you'll need a new battery^ SllO n-Itlillii-^t !!IKil .Unilu:l.V llinnilllg. i'is;';i will sp-nd the w*H-k-ond at their Walter Johnson, ilurint a tiro on the , tended the datuf wei-f Ufgotl lt> get 1 in his pasture Held lie decided to hi- .lohnson farm. While the hum Saturday win- wii* .1 tr.rmb-r M .1 llM.l'i;: ['..sinctivi f litunes on Icavi* of absenee nt lii vnet-lnuteil at mice. ; vestlgato, and into that group of poker : 1 That's why the USL Battery—the one imriy win' n-li-ii th.-it Hi.k wi !'r-ini.-,-.t . Newark City Hospital wheiv •tliinn finnaoe "P.»uinee" was fr;tm the to ln-inj; out the COWM. The Aag uueyi-d. Palsy Alutarcliu. a Alorristown butch-! players the animal charged. Seven of with the Machine-Pasted Plates—means i/um !-:ik •- taknm a fi'iirse of study. 1 er, was Uuul ^l.^OU, tlie maximum tho men climbed the same treo ami llic • . MY. (iiitl Alls. '!. W. l.uuii-i* ••! .SV> d .Mrs. V.-rtt.-n Oakes t-nU-l - brtiiKinc tint one vow at a time, Itark* nmoiint, when he pled guilty before! eighth ran for nearly two miles hol'uru > economy for you. The machine packs taiih d .1 ritniiHH company of ffrit-nils Mon- Intf am) snuimitiK at the hfel.s. l'lam- COllg Were mirsis uf .Mrs. A. i.\ Hardier Hll thi ,!udg.< lWward K. Alills to knowingly j he stopped. the life-material into the plates with sure- last Thursday. day ninhn t at a Hallowi.'t'ii party at their h i !: Whi Mr. and Mis. Wiiiiam i.'ivisniau .- ;petu in !:;isi Washingto acting power. It makes tougher, longer- Sunday witli rilntt\.-; \r AU.-nt.-wu. M . ml Mr.-. Khner KttKroff of New- Mrs. (i. .1. l.iltl- ••!' K-h.» \.-i\it- v.m. re visitinu liis hroOu*r. Kenneth wearing plates. "fur wwi'al diy.- l.i-t v.—k/- Our USL complete SERVICE means .Miss KliKiiu-lli Kckil ot IUitin-i-ft.nl StartLiif: Sixth Si'ries. full knowledge of the business of making Hpent tin- wei»lwnd »"Hli In]- imulu-r. The Washington lluildiny and Loan Mrs. Sarali Kck-I. Assfviatlim is about 10 start the sixth batteries last, and it also means square Miss Alma Simj^i'ii i-mertaiuvd six- series. Kifty shares haw already heeii dealing ar.d courtesy. We will sell you teen of hvr yomii: rrir-itds al :nt aiuuni- sold. Tiu-re are now ^OS;t active shares turtle t'Kgs were laid on thi which inemb >rs of the t'l'fW found dead of asphyxiation in an mailer pieces. Her training was such ' nal !»arty :u nrr Imim-. 1'ine Hivl: in this inosl vahiabl..- asset to the 1-or- Kotir men are dead, nine i apartment building in Cleveland. They that she could linger an ambitious pro- : a USL Battery only wheni your old one Kami, lait l-VUliiy evening. iMudiif.' oimh's prosperity. ed and the streets of Orange. Va.. wort had been dead apparently for twelve gram lineally and executed complicat- is rxt p.'psvrab'.e. ' , unit games made the ewninu |us* wry patrolled by special deputies, some 01 hours when found. Fumigation was ed rhythmic ligures satisfactorily. being done in a restaurant on the llrs A hen owned by Airs. .1. N. Cooper of refreshments arrived the party as.s.ui- Weekly News Review m ; rov nX' ShU. 'J'wo .K^'Tlirl? «'«l'»«o,,il .lours of the same building, j On, Vu.. has raised two Hocks of ; L.i'ii umler ;< IIIK jjpieadmw tree by ;ln- iCoiHinited from pnfi:1 :!. Section 1) R. C. STOCKTON 1 hiekeiH tills year ami is now Ketting ! brook, I mill a : .ft "Li l lire and had :i i ! L.w i i s ana. t-'fife vs. «I«m" «"ait,r well and caught th. I.,,- her third time this year, she hatched un 71 B. WASHINGTON AVE. tlm- m intiii ml t Hllker. ti'e fostt-r n of Colonel Cody. shot all who approached. ' J? without warning. lnr lirst ehk'kens April 1J and one of W'sv ai IHT iK'dsi when she died, her diickens laltl her lirst egg Aug. In ; I'iione :t7. - 1>a-vam i Nin'il'SJ'^vicf Air. and Airs, tt'iilt.-r K. Atar-dt.n of Julius Culien. silk tn-nitlf:iriuri-r Wa'kiim from New York, with iMi- n0' fm^"J,/'diman'r'wi'th "the 'puhll'f and now has ten little baby chicks. Moitu-talr nmloidl lu-rv .•{ the f ih uf «llk thief vvii> w inlB 1)t tt01 ])U tlin H ilIul iHno t southern trip, having left Washing- '• latter'* paivnts, Air. ami Ali>. K. ('.. •1 stole hundreds of thousands of .stive- New \ork, reached Pittsburgh ' iy- { . pi.1(-es for elaborat, fur- with tholr thu-tcen-mon hs-o!d daughter ,,1^1,^1, in theatres are to be discuss- ion Tuesday and reached Pdrmlnghum ; l-'itis. .Mr; Kilts, v.h.i lia.l b ilnllars' worth of silk, was found Ktiilty today, lie will visit Camp iiennlng [ •tt^mmum Monlclair (>n- M.-vera! uay>. L- 1 in United States IHstrlel Court at Tren- in a baby carriage, which they_ liny,. (.tl , ,n,. As,SDC[au.ti Kli-si Xatijnal Kx- home wltii ih.-in, Mi>. l-'ilts - , ton on 1 ho fourth count of tin ilullcl- pushed the 400 miles over thv Lincoln ],iWlors :il their convention in Chicago. paiiiod tlifin lo AlutiU'luir and - ' nient uharging him with having In \n>»*Highway from New York. 1 hoy lelt OlRl !unulml :intt tif[v (i:le«ates will 1 New \ork torty-hve days ago. mui . lvprosent the ^.500 •members of the or- main for a IV\\ days' visit. lion one bale of .stolen ^ilk. In ik - have slept by the roadside. i;anization. Alr. and Airs. Wiilam Yming nm| Mr. f»uli «»f i'^Mh bail llxoil by ilu> i».\u t, ami Alrt*. Vcniim Yi.ung spent Sunday . pcnaing sentence. Cohen was taken to Oen. Ludemlorff in his new book. " The third death in five days quickly with Air. and Mr.-* .Mm Voting at tht' Ah-rcer County jail, where lu- brokf "War and Politics." which is to ap- following meals In cheap-food lunch- Strond.sbu!•[,'. . 'l»>w» compleu'ly. p:ar next week, appeals to the flerman . rooms of New York occiirrfd today, l u people to rally under tlu old Prussian tills time ill Ihiiiem. Physicians ot'tho .. .. Air. and Airs. Hoy Kk-hlin and liiiuslt- ' ' '° involuntary petitions in liank- jr-mlers and prepare for the next war.! Aletlical ICxaminors' ottice warn that ters. Florii and .V.ln-rtn, of Washiiigum, iuptcy wuiv lik'd in the Fed»-ral Court This hook, which at the time'of tlu- the only safe thing to do when acute. Mr and Airs \\:-.-. ['•• r\s ;m,l liiiytnn:'..! against I'aterson silk concerns, one 01 Armament Conference probably will b<- . HUUKL-JI 'soon follows eating is to hurry lieers of Aluitsma W.-LV tfiir.ilay KIK-M.: H"-i" '^"'K W^'» I'OI^PIH. The latter the talk of all (Jertnany, might he eiill- m once tn tho nearest haspitai or con- of l'ri.-nds in l'!iil!i|!s-bar^. was til«;- Next War" »( mil. highly imimrtant factor in suuerssfUT Ihu- Str.ail) und iiaUKliu-i-, Mr. and Airs. Compnny of ISO I-Mst Seventh street. A remarkable exhibition of pluck treatment of victims of food-poisoning Kttvmord .b.hu-i'r:.«on nml '• hon .Manufacturing Company of Hi I while hunting in North Payeit.- Town-! TUESDAY IT HAS BEEN YEARS SIN.CE WE HAVE HAD son. John, moioml 10 Salisbury. Aid.. ! Ka.sl Tw.-iny-.sveoiHt siri't-t. I'jilersnn. .«hi|) hue one afti;rnoon. walked and • Agents of Sussex county holly deal- last Thursday and r-'turneil Sunday. • Th- llahllitlfs were given at 5-UUKlil ;md crawled to his home, om- mil;* distant. ' 'li'S, who havt sooiirctl North and Aaron !T. Vough. PhillipslnirK. ,v. ^ «H'(uwets at *2R,000. The -man of mystery" who commit- South Carolina. Virginia. .Maryland and 9 . turned Tuesday from l'uluski. Va.. VlL'n '• 'Vrshing sat I for home from where he visiu-d his brolher-in-Iaw and I1 ramrt; on tho stenn • (ifurtfi* Wash- Women's and Misses Coats family. \V. Clar); Van Uoivn. former- inpton, Iv of Washington. They had not met ' "^ nn-mbvra of the crow of the 'for thirty years. 'steamer William H. Wolf lost their Like These at $29.90, $24.90, $19.90 and Airs. John O'Siu-a li:is liven Very ill ;tt lives when tho vesst-I biirnfd oppo-ito her home mi YnuiWins tiw-mie. Alarine City, Aliu'h., this morning. C:ip- Jir. ami Als-s. Wm. Jeiimng.s ami »:hil- lain J. P. HaiiKim, of Uetroit. who Daisee Gold Coofeef clren have '•<•.-n•in .N"i-v.-;>rk im- ;!•.,- |i::s; i:-si';ip.-il l>y jumping into' a small boat. two weeks. The ininins.. ..f the Jnuriu-y ^uff.-rwl fniomres lu both less. Tlw WINNER NO. 1 •was w take itu-ir dau^'hli-r Muriel to vtetims wero Kiiuani lU'ttry. of Detroit. The Hen-man Co., ;i city huspliiil fi.r the n-mt.vai ttf -id— lirst maw, and Tony Smith. Ashhtml. all the rich new fall shades, silk lined throughout. Putcr.-on, X. J. Many coats arc richly embroidered—some in more Mr. mill Mrs. Eii Smith, nd Mr. and raid on a baby farm rrn tho out- tailored efl'ects. Mi-!;. Georji- Kinilli and lilt s of ihe village of Isli ). L. I., dis- Gentlemen: Tuesday in Newark. Why, you ask, doe? the prudent hous-ewifc grace her table with Alrs.'^aruh ICv . all living- in iiuiescribabk- -squalor and Daisee Peas on* the occasion of. the minister's visit? Simple indeed. pahy ladie her tilth. Tlie tilight of the youngsters was Uerausc, primarily and conclusively, it' is the most proper thing for Washiinijtoi U" la i Krida> so desperate that they were' rushed al her to do. once to Brooklyn. One of ihe babies, a Being- actuated, no doubt, with the logical theory ihat physical Supervising l'i Uuve-mouths-uld -_'irl, iliett on ihe way Chic New Dresses and four ot th- ! satisfaction is a convincing attribute toward spiritual contentment, eiulitioii she becomes keenly anxious to serve such a distinguished guest with Al Less Than What. You Would Expect lo Pay Scliool Conft'i A tomobile shoijnim; trip to 1'ort- edibles that are known to her 10 he only of the highest order. ! ondcr! today in the death of four In her selection of peas, ihnvofore, knowing that in finality and Sfiturd 1 ohn K 1 iinri I m«*n and sewiv injurii-s ui :i lilih flavor they are incomparable, Daiser Peas are her only alternative. at $19..9O, $14.90 and ill al her linni Krui •n-i-l a- i'ii Uieir machin struck by Furthermore, upon Hewing a mon\ in which she has, thoughtfully, now nonvak-v.-iiji:. o train ;!u- .Mainii - CCe included Dai.sce Peas, .she experiences a feeling of utter satisfaction .u-U< j Rui hieh I • in knowing;-that-the comments or' her.guests cap. be naught .but vfilort Satins. Clmrmeuse, Crepe.de Chine. Canton her mother. H»:ni in-.- uvi/k-i-i windshield, is favorably upon her ability as a hostess. ^tVipndjt in 1 :i .i..kiy>» :;oi* nml $15.00 to $25.00 Values dtiuKbloi-H. of I'in.'livM. Mass.. h;iv» ivtlif:y on lln-si- two-siibji-ctK, At pres- been visili-vu- ili.-h' uvo .-sters, Mi-s, Ar- ciU, Ih- saiii. there are l.TOU.OOO IIIT'SUH;: thur HairU's mid Mrs. iinemplnyi-il. and ncMed thill [he XVM- Tin- family wns L-nnmtf est uneiiiployni'Mii. to Hie extent of JT per .:••!!!. was in ill-- nutal iriides. Terribly burned in ii giisoliiif.- .'xpltw- If Ever Opportunity Siioke to You it is Now—You Can Mr. andMrs. Wi-liiim Wyokuff ••nfi-- ton. Louis Turnei-, world war veteran i»f inwl S nday ttn-ir .-ruwlns. Mr, and lilnominHtftii. Ml., was 'nut uxpected tu Save at Least $5.00 to $10.00 on your Mrs. Hmn i'H Klslu-r. Mr, :md Mr;,. Win. rci'uver. In a hospital nl Ijivenport. la., th la H Kraiiriil'iiKliu-i-, .M lirnwvvr, tiu- «!ii» of Uu> American ville. also Miss Ci.-i-iriide i;iu-k\-.eil o ,'> \\'ashin^'nn, aiHi Mr. an Mvn. Walte Imdy and lie is tv.nv out. cf danger, Tin; - 'W\v!volT and family of I' twn men did not know Turner except New Fall Suits . About 21 trleiuls i.f Mr.-i. William that lie was "a buddy, otu nC lue.k.'" AVenu'r. from Kast.m. 1'lilir.D.ihurtr. SATl.'KDAV. 1 Marvelous Values at / . Clmngowiu-r. E'on Murray and Wash- Have you a satisfactory heating plant? If not, why not? If you are consider- ing a pipeless furnace do not buy any $ but the best. There are a great many '32.50; '29.90 24.90 THIS YEAR MORE PEOPLE THAN on the market today that have a guar- ' , Made of all-wool tricotine, velour, broadcloth, in the popular browns EVER WILL DECIDE ON antee from 30 to 90 days. and navys, fur trimmed'and tailored models in great variety! Choose one of these suits,1 take pride in your smart and up-to-date appearance and Why Not Buy One That save .?5.00 to $10.00 on your purchase. . '' The Photograph Has a 5-Year Guarantee Fall and Winter BOYS' NEW FALL AND WINTER the Photograph as a happy and most inti- We have several features that no other TRIMMED : - mate taken to give to those whose friend-' furnace has and can guarantee you a ship they wish to hold and cherish. saving of coal over any other make. OVERCOATS A photograph conveys an expression of Let us call and look at your house and ' $12.50, $6.98, $5.95 and 1 ft:"- sentiment that can be realized in no other tell you how we can save you money. The finest Overcoats we $7.95, $4.95 and way. There is something personal about have ever presented to the Tjrpcs for Miss and We guarantee to install one 24ohours mothers of Easton and: Matron! .Models f«r a photograph, something big, something after .we receive the order. . vicinity boys at so low a .every occasion. real and genuine. price. Exceptional well- Sold on easy terms. . ' , ihado Overcoats of nobby c j Fa'shioT.able, und becoming models wool mixtures, all heavily lined,.the latest of Velvet, Panne •Velvet, Duvotyne; st^os Sires fiom i lip to 17 ycais t timmcri with new. ornaments, ostrich AJEMIAN STUDIO Wlth Two Pairs feathers, cii-o ribbon, etc. 'All the now . A. Cooke Boys,' Suits Full Lined Punts. and pomiUii sh ulet 11 at" oi sumWi 10S High Street $9.90, $7.98, $6.98 and $5.98 quuliU aic soiling clscwl cic foi Hackettstown _ :: New Jersey Hackettstown, N. J. $2.00 Lo $4.00 moie. \ TIIE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., TITUnSDAT. OCTOBER 27, 1921 HACKETTSTOWN A Great $5000.00 Sale of Young Men's and The I'nri'iiuTenvherx Association will Mpcnt the week-end with tier parents, hold Nov. 1st i) fidid at the publji Mr. nncl Mix. 15. Al. Osnuin. whool building O. C. Clover WIIN a week-end vislmr Herbert Nefl" (if NVwnrk wntt a week- In 1'hlltipsbiir^ end KtU'Kt nf Ills parent*; Itev. ami Mr*, Mr. >md Mrs, Miller MnrL-itt of Wnsli- NYlY. fliKtnn wvtf visitors in Huekeltslnwii I'nlnn eolCttfi* pmycr incelfllK" wrr Sunday. held !lil:i week nt Hie hmnc of Churle .Stewart i. \-'lwk #u VcMnnl. ** Cliiircli Mreet iiml William Viu>Hycl< A speeial mei'ltiiK nf Die llo.'ti'l of at about 60c on the dollar from last year's prices! of .Sharp hired. Trade wiw held Monday UIKIII. .Mr. and Mrs. R. It. tlnldcn, ulin were Mr. and Mrs. 0. It. M:ind<-vil)>- of recently miirried, (*pnit lanl week with Caldwr-ll nnrt Klmer L*»nnn:issf thx- s and Hatchery a innmpierade dance. nluatiotift for .Mmor Vehicles, tlie noe name. We have already sold a great many Overcoats Mr. mid Mrs, K. l>. Itcatty arc oc-IiLld in Haekettstowu will IK- held th<- cupying, their new home, having taken (Irst Friday of the month at the,Ameri- but the past week we have received pome large ship- posxe.^slon the llrnt of this week. can llou.se. ments, bought at very special prices, and we ofl'er the • Miss Porn Ilunn returned nn Kami*- rtsciie lias advanced lo IT eents a en's Suits day from a visit to relatives In Newark gallon. same to you. Just now you need an overcoat and we and Now York city. Miss Stella CmiKle lias a position In Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houdors enter- llUi confectionery of 11. Selnvi"tz»i-. ask you to see our big stock before buying, wo feel at prices that mean much to you tained al their home Thursday evening .Mrs. r'rank IMvis is vlsithm In ,Ww- (|uite sure we can please you. » number of friends. ;iik and Xutley. Mixn Ncllylnu CiirdiK't' attended tin- Mr. niul Mrs. Kreii .Mattisnti and fiun- Mr. Buyer week-end of Ocfiber 15th tlie i-eiinlnti |ly ai-4_* preparing to mow nnm Wax Every Overcoat is marked in plain figures at our of Huckncll .University Kraduutcs nt InKtnn street io Die .Maxwell huildii low selling prices, and hero's just a few lor your con- Lf^ Vj''ifi^(wj$$tsi-i Not a Suit or two stuck in the window with lluitfcnell I'nlvcwlty. Li-wUmrt,', 1M. ui .Main street. and also witnessed the liuekuell-I/irny- Mrs. Kn-derick 1'owler has been eii- sideration: a card on il at a ridiculous price and when you ette football Kanie on friturday nflisf- lertalninir fur several days Miss Iliiz'1] noon, ptnyed nn (ho fiue.knell grounds. Kllsworth nf New Yoilt Hty and <'•. !•*, go inside there are no more or none to fit you. .MI-SH M. Ilann ontertiiitwd over the (.'orwln of Venniii. We oft'ur complete lines of nice new merchandise week-end nn out of tbvi.nu< ' This coal sold last year al SM.OO. colors al $14.00 Abe Srtlinnn opened Tuesday his i»lace reported s<-rlous]y ill at bis home. of l.uslnrss whirl) li:is l.eu close'l fur Philip Zulauf of Phlllip^burj.', a for- Men's dark mixed all wool Cas- several• WeelCw'wlwH whilwhile In>IL>: ;nuiiml l MrsMrs.. Su|S..|- iiHi- reshtent here, spent Wednesday in Mion were vi-sltlttK the pai'ents of Mrs. ti'WII. At $25.00 siinere Suits, in conservative models Snliuoii at ftalllmoiv, Md. Mrs. MM]- Several persons intended on Monday —One ol' the lie.;l Overcoats offered this season, line all al $15.00 mon remained for a • visit, niKlit \Uv lilrtlnliiy party of llollowny wool material, fancy backs, in I'orin-lit or Ulsteretle KavhiK coiu-liKk-d a visit ooff *evi'i-al Kai'Kent at Kohooleys .Mountain. weeks at Younystown, 0., .Mrs. Cora fillbert Ader visited relatives at models. Sold lasl year al !?:>.',.01). Vouiif! Men's Douhle Breasted KuullniiT retii rued last wi'rk tu ilu* INd-kavvjiy last week. nice all wool Suits in nice mixlures, honic of Mrs, Charles Weber. MKss nilmhutli Duvine nf Xaurhrij,'lit al $18.50 Mrs. Sarah Itauh of Hlairsimvn vis- .spent s.-vetiil days last week with her Itftl last wufk her cousin, \>r I',, u.num. Mis- A- J. MartenlK. At $25.00 Vliet. The 1 tucket (stnwn linard «>!' Tmd'- -.Men's Conservative Overcoats, in rich, dark mixtures, Yoimsv Men's all trool brown pin The condition of Mrs. IhilshiZ'T, who hus bail cm-nil reeently "w.Ieonie" medium or loose litlinu, lull lined or tinlined. Sold lasl strinc Cassinicre Suits in a snappy • .suffered several weeks a«o a paralytie SIKIIH on the main hi«liwriy a|»proaebes stroke, remains iiinhan^id, one ^Ide l>e- and nl.so at tht> stalio.i of tbt> I.-tcKa' year at S:i.").ni). model at ,.. _ lrit,r parali/.i'd, wanna Rnlliuitit, Mrs. .1. \\\ Maityn is visitliiK her .Mrs. Ituell fiitertiihteil fur tlie we.l;- Men's fine all wool Cassinierc daughter. .Mrs. U. I:. Welsh, at Hart- end several out u\ tow'n ri'lativos. At $29.50 ford, Cum. I [•'oliowliif,' Ihe business meetillif h.-i.l Suits in hrown mixtures and other •—Youiitf Men's fancy back Overcoats, in snappy model. )• 20 Mr. :tud Mrs. Wm, KlemhiK .'tu<1 j Thursdiiy :if(entui>n at the publlt- colors al daiiKhtur spoilt the wedi-ond with his M'lmot. hy the i'uivnl-Tvachers' As^n- very attractive ami real value; lasl year's price $-t liarenls fit Vienna. eialion, a rcwmimi U>v the new iniin- Would he cheap :>' i?2."i.()0 Harry I,uKiio Is now employed nn ll)e liei'M uf tlie l'aeulty was belli. Kolf course nt the Miiscuneti-oiif; Cmin- Three or the children of Mr. and MIK. At $35.00 IJlue Serge Suits of pure worsted only try Club. j Ik'tiry Ader have liei-n ill with a bail Young Men's and Men's models at The stildL-lits at the C. C. I ftijnyd sure throat. —Some very attractive Yoiuijj Men's and Men's Over- ihe wuVk-und ut their homes. .Mr. Vr.nAtiken, whose barn was ile- coals. They sold last year at $5(Mi(). Airs. Parley, who is substitute rural Htroyed by ilru la.si Kuinlay aftenni.ui. .1J20.00, $25.00, $29.50, $38.50 mall SPECIAL has been on duty for llfteen days. At $39.50 Young Men's Sport Suits, in new Harvey Kiish, the earrlei-. has bi-i-u hav- The concrete silo was tijully daniaK>d models al ing a vacation. by Hi'-- heat of tin; lire. —Here's one oi' our ijreatest oll'erinjis—-a coal with a This Week Only! $25.00 Mr. tuul Mrs, David Lundy atlt'tuled f Tu remain on the farm wh.-re [u>ru is quadruple guarantee. Absolutely all wool, wind, snow and on Krlday • thu funeral of tin- cousin nf | not the lut of every one. but has been Buy 2 ['airs High grade Suits from the best inaisc'rs'in the new tin* former. John Armstrong whieh was | m' Oeorj;!1 Parks, who has lived itvt-r rainproof, color and wear warranted, in all models and Worsted and Clicviols-r-at a new price held In tlie Methodist clnirch at .Mm- fi5 years where hf now n.-sld«-s In lu- colors, sizes up lo 4S. We sold this same coat last year MEN'S CANVASS MiiiburK* dependence township, nt-iir what i* al $(itM)O. • • (J LOVES $35.00, $38.50, $45.00, $50.00 Mrs. Miiry O'Connell of Phillip.-biiry known as Kinu'a bridge. al We a pair - A Few Other Styles of OvercoafsT and we will give you New line Worsted CRAVAN- STKWAKTS\ILIJ;. POUT Ml'ICKAY. AN EXTRA I'AIR U'lTE RAINCOATS, can use them The annual masipiermle party nf the Mr. ami Mrs. Cha.s. .Maybeiiy. Air. :imi in special makes at X-l.i.W), S,">O.iH) to XIM. Automobile FREE. either as a fall overcoat or Raincoat. C. !•:. society of the Lutheran elniich Airs. Lloyd Aiayl.orry. Pearl and Koy Overcoats and oilier heavy coals for driving. Specially priced at '. will hr hold In the hnseim-nt of ihe .Mayherry spent Sutulay with Mr. arid church l-'riday ovoninK. Airs. U'o M'avherry in Newark. Miss TJllian Soy lor sjient Sunday with A Jitiu-y supper will bi> held in !li>. Mr. and Mrs. ICnu'Ht Wiikcns at Port f!:i]itist church by the Voting Peuplrs" Warren. Society I-'riday. OctS.OO Men's Fur Hats at $2.00 Montana Wool Trousers $2.8o Ivirkeiulall. Ivirkeiulall. will be led by Abrain Landis. Men's Union Suits S.'S.5O $5.00 Men's Heather mixed hats at $2 This s;im*; fiootls wold last year at S5.00. Alfred a Colu and Mrs. Sadie Cole .litney supper In church Friday III spent Sunday with M.V. and Mrs. Adam Oct. as. Kegular bill of fare, clam Men's Union Suits $4.50 ?(i.0() Men's good Fur Hats at. .$3.00 Men's good Wool Cassimore'Trousers $3.85 Me.sser at PhilllpsbtuK- clluwdci" ami ninny other dishes, Ynti Men's Union Suits Sfi.00 i?S.00 Men's Blue Serge Trousers S4.50 Rev. Uonaliue of PhilllpsburK preacli- pay only for what you. order. . . Men's extra quality Hats at $4 Men's extra quality I'ure Wool Serges, plain or -i-il an nb\u Mfiinun hi the 'Presbyterian The pasuir and wife received a royal Men's'Fine Ribbed "Shirts and Drawers, ecru ov church aundiiy. welcome-, on Thursday- when 'ibey re- Men's Silk Lined Outline Velour Hats, in fancy weaves, at .....'...; :...... $5.00;$6.00. $6.50 Ltii-lla Rush' 1DI8 been unable to at- lumed from their live- weeks' vacation, Silver color, in all sizes, best makes and strict- several new shades at $5.00 tend HCIIOOI the past week owim: to a spent with, their son-in-law, Dr. L. H. ly perfect, at garment 75c J-ligh Grade Velour Hats in all colors, nice- very .sore font, resulting from n stone Stone, New Haven, Conn. They were bruise. met al the .station, taken in an auto- lien's best quality Fleece-lined Shirts and Draw- ly silk- lined, at $«.OO and $0.00 Gloves, Gloves Wilbur Cole moved his family to mobile tn tlie parsonage, then to Alr.s. ers, colors ecru or silver, at a garment $1.00 KunlliiKton last Wednesday where 1M> Samuel Perry's for supper and Hum We carry without doubt the largest stock of is employed In a parade. Hay IIul- to the church where the. congregation Light and Medium Weight Shirts and Drawers, gloves of all kinds in this part of the State and the .shlxcr moved in the vacant Cole house. was wailing lo give them their welcome Percey JJoW'Ht will move in the linuse home. A plea.snnl evening and a col- in colton. wool mixed or wool, at per gar- best makes. Men's Dress Gloves in Mocha, Cape, vacated hy llulshlzer'ii and Chirk Coo! lation were enjoyed, and a lot of fuuil ment : HOc, $1.00, $l.")0. $2.50 Suede. Silk and Wool. of Harmony will move in the Melliek wan sent to the parsonage. The church house vacated by DL-\\'itt. always has some pleasant surprise fur Men's Kid and Mocha C'lovcs...$2. $2.50. $3 to $4.50 Mr. and Alr.s. tJcorye LIitlshiKer enter- tile pastor, lie and his coiigreKalien You men who.se chief sport is hunting Men's Kid Driving Gloves $.1.00 and $1.50 tained lust- Wednewday .Mrs. MarKiirm are hound, together in Christian love. WE HAVE HAD A SPLENDID 1 Warinan and Misses Annie and. Sadie Kiirrttville Union Suniulay school has will not have to wait lon^ now. We have Men's Wool Gloves, all colors Sat. $1.00, $1.50 Stone. elected the i'Mllnwing ollieers; Super- an entire new stock' of Hunting' Clothing Auto Gloves of every ]£? were week-end quests of her parents. An explanation of why in many an scarce; plenty here at.. - 50c pair .Mr. ami Airs. R. Zeitler. ca.su*! "that never never came" is be- Little Tots' Sweaters in all colors and styles, 2 pockets, at 1, «p<3 " 'Canvass Gloves of «very deseriplion. Air. and Mrs. Chui-les Shafer of lieved by Postmaster General Hays lo Cranford werouveck-end visitors of his lutvo been found in the'vevelation that to 8 years $2.00 to $5.00 : SHELL VESTS mother, Airs. John Shafer, an average of .seventy pieces of'mail IN Have you seen the little Tots' Slipovers with the HUNTING TROUSERS of the extra Mr. ami Mirs.'Charles May berry were found dally in cini>ty sacks and pdiiches i> fancy stripe on body—just like the big boys' heavy duck, snag proof. Can't Two Specials For the Coming Season' Sunday fyisltors jot' Mr. and Airs. IJudil sent to the mail bag repair shop in Willev.er at Washington. Washington. at : .". ' : $2.50 tear them $3 Men's good qilality Doiuet Night <[• | •» jr Mr. and Airs.' Frank Coleman and About «S,000 sacks are received daily HUNTING TROUSERS o.t heavy Shirts, cut full and roomy, sizes to lilij) I • 10 children, tilanuhc, Frank and Howanl, at tho reiJair shop and .several of these. duck were Sunday visitors at the home of acOording' to figures by Air. Hays, is with double fronts: very (jJQ lien s i,iod quality Dome! Paianu1- <1> | E[A Albert Colemnn, at Wu.st^Portal. found to contain a piece of mail rang- Men's Sheep-lined Coats special at «p \ lit ol new thin,,*, m Tojs md ChiHten's Il.it? were Sunday visitors of hui* sister, Mrs. light nuich mall matter unaccounted Do You Know the "India" Uiniiclla— GLOVES for hunting, in any kind or1 qual- md C tps foi iin'oi von TIICN o vci r at i Mr. ami Airs. John Nunil and family Tor. r The Ladies1 Aid held-a New Kn^lund The Postmaster General has .sent out it has 10 ribs and is warranted for one year. One ity 50c lo $-1.00 ti ictnc mrl the pneo )s _ '0c to SJOO .supperln tho basement of the church an order to all points where tlie sacks of, if not the best-umbrella made. ,, ' ' last night. and pouches are stored for an immedi- KHAKI HANDKERCHIEFS, soft silk fin- Still cllmj IIIOH \,ow Good Wciiing Stockinc*. ate inspection and ".slinking; down" nf Men's at :.'. $2.00. $2.50, $3.00 up ished 15t 1 i;Will You SIMMHI (i5c on Rjtt-g-,iap lo each in order to ascertain if any con- in si^cs •> to 'I /; it 19c pair Save S100? lain mail. Such mail if found will IK Ladies' at $1.50, $2.00 $2.50 up Sans Pith Robe*, in finest qutlitv ol maleuate One G5c plctf. can kill IiO rats. Tho specially marked and forwarded .so that uvcrttgo rat will rob you of $10 a year the addressee may,know the cause of tt\en sptcnl luioes M> 00 to SI 1.00 In feed, chicks and property destruc- the delay. Tlie order also provides tlmL tion. HAT-SNAP is deadly to nits X^ostmnstcra.aro to be held hlrlc.ll> it- Cremates after killing. s Leaves no spnnsible ami imi.st see thai even suk uniell. Conies in cakes. Rnts will pasa in the future must he thoroughly in- Washington ' J[ xip meat, grain, cheese to. feast . on spected before it in cast aside, RAT-SNAP. , Three K!KC«, 35C,, U5O, SI.2S. Sold ant] guaranteed by Jcnkiii» Star and Thrice-a-Wcek Now York .& jVlccktiV;' Floyd JVIujor. World, ?2.75. Jl U THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON/^ J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1921 SECTldN TWO GE W THE WA SHITOT ill"* mm.K>sm :pa oN m&m there IH hrcInnInK to Itc a ilem&nri that } lVimxylvniiiu Uwiil which tin- ral|w;iy this ho ilone in order that more iimney TOO MUCH OVERHEAD he raltted for the OHICIIIIH to xpeiul. The Washington Star Tliiit lit where tin- inmudlMi' origin nf j lh>> Uin-uH-tici strllfp mir U« fnm.l.) .See. now, how that would worlt out 1 1 1 Pnlea^7.y Tlial Is* wlit'i* uv must i*n nt fui'rn tin • for the man who owns IIIM home or ^ 4 t'ifc Urilll'iiK' judgment HI) the ini'I'lts of ! who i-entH a hotiNe to live in. - To In* 1 Year by year litxcH arc 1 Entered at tlie postolHce at Washington, Warren county, N. J., thin cyntrnveray. Ami the cotiollifdnn j creuHo the UKKOHtmu'til on u lionm rrotn COD., I up iromenilouslyY 'In tin* lust' four JL'.OOD to |3,000 would udd JK.-10 to t)it> • as second-class mutter, in 1868. i* lhut tln> railroads on llu-lr purl tmiAt ( years, in many places luxes have about tiixoK on Unit hotiHe, at tlu pu\svnt i coin*- iti under tin- Ti'niiHpiirlntinit At'l j doubled. Kvery |.i-rnon ban lu pay bin WiiHlilngton rate. ! ami Klvi' .•vidi-niv of a purpos*.' to stay j PLEASE- or h'T MtMtv of thiM tax uhother that F. A. Ilobeitaui, Ediloi nmlSole l'mnnelnr .',•'•••'• !'ih(-iv III good fllltll. ' r ALL YOU'VE I person owtm properly or not. Tlie man who lived In his own house THE WASHINGTON STAR. < The uniutiH on tlK'Ir part IIIIIHI do the i m • • would pay $38.40 direct to the tax col- 1 same thhm. They h:iv<> committed a GOT.!!! i^ Hnnv people think that If they own lector. The man who lived In u rented | hidemw blunder l» y.xWUvj. a sir Ik?. par- no properly, they pay no taxes. On house would have to nay the Jncreani'd , that account tlu-y do not cure bow high tax hy an inerenne in h!« rent. The ; (ii-Ul-ii'ty :u this Map* j 1 laxen are belter for (hem than low out thnt (A9.00 a year increase in taxen ] far as jii.HtiihMtkm for tlicir action tit \ , taxex; became when laxen ura lilf*b nii*ana $3.32 per month. " No landlord imhlk- opinion U cnucrrncl. Thry have j ' more public money IH spent mid they would increase a tcnunt'x rent exactly ern New'Jersey. That'this is*also a fact Is • proven )>ytho Ubercil ' HiU'V tliiniMi'lVf's :ii'p<-:ir u« s11"IUInK , j think "they have uchanci" - ttoo genett Homo $3.12 a month, lie would Increase (he 1 u?e of its columns rvoiV" work in the year, avoraBtnif ncai'ly 100 ;**-*:i!rwt '!>•• r.l-jn'r-<1"iil. wau" reduction t PMLlt-hilt.. 1'omician1'olltli'litHHs ofi trourMittnirtw? proprofim" t wnwwneni j ront t0 oven mowy, ][y dm- process ; t xtrn tnx )}l|t the cnftncCM lirc thal because they arc compelled to by contract. Anyy advertisedti r IIss ?t own no property. would mid $5 per month to the rent to under tin- Tiaiisporiatlon Aft, ami that j mako up for the tuxes Ourinft any liberty to discontinue any time he choose. ; as a reason for llu* strike is* absurd ' Taxes aiv passttl along from nnc Th lt d ot eputable business months tho house might be vacant. : ami tlK-y know li I.I lie absurd. They J * person to another, until (lit* end of llu" • • * oitnnot stand up u moment ill tlu* bar : line is reached and they can be passed What is -jfiflrt hero aiwut taxpn In ; nf public juricun'tit with m> more of a ; alnns no funhrr. Kinanclnl Hbarpfl Washington and about the rrian who [ cause tliati that. They too imiHt cotw call the man at the end of thutax lino millions in bank depsit, Hie "ultimate coiiHUmcr," because he is ultimately pays the tnxes, applies to 1 every other town nnd rlty and boroush t be obtained through any other newspaper. luck uniliT ihi' law ivh.r.' they hnd the last man upon whom thi.* tuxi-M fun and towiiHhip In Warren ' county,' unil None but a newspaper of high utandinjj and 'indisputable busino^s- hct-n In i-vltli'in KOO.1 fiillh i tlllM be shovctl. to every municipality in tho. state of ; (anil Jump in llif "l>- «'Hh Xe wJersey ami In'the entire United -i»"U!ns ability can nlToid to conduct its business along such broad, Tin* landlord who owns a house 1 Stntes. The.only difference la in the fair lines. in ' which he rontH, adds to r»'Ut tht IUKVK total amount of taxes apent by each < The t*Utllii try's palie n< • lit* pays ou tho hmino, and thu. tenant I : baustio li ean not live• iin P • and : municipality-and in the nmbunt ot the I I pays Die tax tm part of the rent. Tho tax rate,, The same principle applies ...... 'Democratic Ticket .-.im fort ui mler this per.'litlial 1 taxes paid on Washington property, everywhere. .ThVtnx IH iiaaacd ulons For" Assembly : r.f a hit nsportatio h t lip. : for In*tmire, IH J-1.S4 on each |1UO which from one to another until.tho end of 1 must and will tic f(Mind ti 1 nil it. ', is UHsexHed ou that hou.tj. On a bouHo the lint! is readied. , Ilavry Uunyon, of Ilclvidero ° \ ashcssod for $2,in)I) tho tax amount* to For Freeholder i A CIVKANDTAKK BASIS ON Till; ) • ?9, Tin* landlord has to add the Any proposition to mcrcitsc taxes, or Charles L. Stryker, of Washington | MimitlS CANAL. ! ' amount of tax to the rent, otherwise bo to provide additional money for otticials j i Prom the Newark News). j would "ronu> out of the small end of to apend. thus especially concerns : Uio horn" himself and would eventually thorn* who own .property which they | Tho Morris Canal problem, with j I Itu broke. occupy therhsidvea and those who own ELECTING A (iOOI) MAN. ihe ^n wi ciul liiat •oi mil which New .b'rs.y has .been faeed for; no property hut who must, pay their •WllM more than a I of ^duration tliat it get liehliw business. When he llxcs tho price a ftevenlyMlve- years ago. Concerted rf- • Neither of these proposals is now. his business sagacity and untiring tahm* will sell his groceries lie foi'la by the business.men of "WushliiK* ihcn lovt-nu'iit to h:ive tlio State Rnhonl which In 1 ; Th>- Lvhiuh Valley made pi:iedc;illy tho Washingti'ii "Stfir" wns built from tercaved fruin two and ihreo-quar* makes thIT price* high enoiiRh to cover ton would aid the town In many ways. • tin* same nff:T last winter, but it was lax li tbt- landlord has paused along Kine as the town now Is as a place to there la hick of .system. Tilers •must be niit vor ONTK VM :iu iiu'tiiispi.'tioUs newspaper to one nf ,i) s'.x mills on < h<> dollar should the t t in tins public mind frt'edmn from soi.1- i not given serious consideration. Sena- ill.- blggesi c-uuiiliy newspaper plants to him. In that way the urocer p live and us a business town, there are ( I).liry[lien's I^>ngiie News'.) tor Parry introduced :i bill for con* have come from .Mrs. Cr One Ki.^t blis^rul inomems ileinnaliou. Inn instead of parsing It. Krocorlea at his store. He ban to do that It was road weekly in hundreds uf entinty. The IJovu- board of educa- this or IK; could not stay in business. business men would K" far toward ob- open charged and "wo must cm out ; which member as a boy was • he fan that tin. Le^islat.nv put through an a PUb- i -^.pu),]!^,,, |,omcs. «L tion sonii- 111 n f nqo coin plained that taining thesis in.iirovements. waste," One of Mr. Strykor'x ennv ! when at let* the einvs. hare- slUuii* :i rexoUuion ealllili: for tlie »P-i [, „ D,.m U»1..H« something was done to hicri-ano „ , palffii pled^t's has nppenlc-d to thv' ! foot, earl •Ul fall niornihKs. nnd ; WitH Thfi m polntineiu of another special eomnils* ; jls vt,rv ]((vtl stipi th UHlidale: tlh- school moneys, the rural districts wh(( rciUfi „ storo to '8J,U S,ID(>S Ol. cl()tll I almost foi-Rot to tell you of stop- thoughtful public more than anything f aftfi* driving u- up, .'.tundliiK on where she had lain 1 and report a new pkm. tlovernoi VA~ .' Mrotber StryUei' upon his It happ.-ns thai ill.- taxitic amliori- j w aiiythinn elst*. The .«ainc thing ii Kails, it is only uo miles this side of with tho public for all my lime. If during the nl«lii. We'll miiimntee that whti owns the wards llk-d this resoituion in the bj^is- noniinutiun. Wo. bespeak for him nut tit s of K«jex Con my have cliari-eo too. of thi Xlanani. and you shouldn't visit oii'j this job I twek isn't worth all my time . tltouKiiuls of fanners who read this store which h" occupies.- 1U1 t latlve morgue. HHIH preventing It from only the- full Demncintic- vote uf the t,h:it prnperty In Morris County has In in ex- j without, seeing the other. it isn't worth any.of it. , I don't b<»-j |, had the same experience as a actly the sjimc bout as Uu- other store Watkins Glen IH renowned the world becoming a law. northern lownships "f his county hi-eii crossly midervulutd by ihe local lieve. that the biiHiness oC Ihis tirent boy. keepers. Tho taxes which he has V over for Its wonderful- scenery, differ- No need .'Xlsis for another investl- (Allainuchy. Kivlitifihuyseii, HanlwicU. assessors. If the charge is true, then xs which h to county corporation can be directed and j The .story Is told that sm«f iwenty- pay are added tt fng In all Us characteristics from any Kiition. f"t- all th'.- laets involved have I'abarmurry, niaiiMtoWn, Hol'e and Morris county bus been contributing he noils. If lie tindid- pricnoet odfo ththie things lies other of tho remarkable exhibitions of supervised by its Board of Olrcetors I five m- thirty of the greatest railroad been set forth elearly In previous in- ICnowltuu) where the Herald has no in- bis business and I lens than its fair aha re to tlu; Ktate ; money li nature's capabilities. It consists of a the Board of Freeholder*.—by giving It • |,.ni|f.| country Wen; qulrios. Hcnaioi* Carry endeavorort to considerable circulation, but very gen- school fund, :m• voters of our inaive counl>• uf War- debt nf $40,000,000 to i care of. \ %*£•£ ^^ ihR compensation for his bo.sl is libi-ral. ' tvlib bis b;n-i« f.-et mi iliu bluil, took cogTii/taii'.-.. of lilt' issue, but bination of glem mountain,, lake and and st:!m II UpliU thu Unard of Chosi-'n I'ree- Action upon .Mr*. ll * P^P* [ for tho thiimx th«-y b Mr. Strykor has a ivputiuinn for .k-^p- where tin? cow had Iain, all they did was lo pledge their party y "and use. They valley. The walls of ihe glen are 130 warm pl;i Giv.:;-;blin nnd bis ri' os-ition was deferred because of the op- [are- the "itUimat •a."" " There 'feet high at the "on trance; contracting Ing faith. He is a Mi-Vessful -iHiMiin-sK•; j tiilkiiu iver the incident with the "to use its '.'Very endeavor to eftV'cl a hoidol's: ' uning m;ite. AfN.emblym:.n Kimynu. the In re- position made by other members of is no one, else along thi* Hii" lo whom just within the entrance an If. they man. He is capable of discovering and )( her men later, it developed that sfttlcnu.'iu of tliIs important mutter, est Democratic majority possible, and tho Ptat" Hoard: and Inasmuch as the they can pass the taxes. The tax Htops would meet and form a cave. It covers eliminating waste nnd his majnnly ' n ore titan ball uf them had done tho which has been a snurce of t;u])st:inl ; 1 thus put Warren County in splendid Leuislaturo created a special commit- when it gets to them. They nay the over 100 acres. It. has hundreds and ought to be so lar«o as to free him from s-; ime thing. annoyance for many year. -." tax bill. hundreds ol concrete steps winding any political, or soctinn.'il obligation!*. form next year lo cast its usual Jarne tee to fonnidor and report upon the Tlie almve ineideiu, was amither ex- So far as tin? two parties are con- iriajority for (iovurnnr, CiniKi'i'Ssman. j millago tax. action may well be.-post- here and there, carrying*tho jtightJwer Tho dcvelopmont \w am pushing ffu-- ; .,,npli- of tin1 fact Him :t majority of Tho man who owns a home of bis up and up, and bringing Into view most cerned, th.- cr.nal prtiHh-m Is left up in ami local ticket. Ax loii^ as ib>- lVmo- 1 poned until that committee: has finish- own. like the tenant who rent a from a ward to In Warron enmity shmild nn ''tj, ivho have succeeded in America 1 beautiful pools and rapid-s one abovo t ihe air, The It-i'iiblicans are afraid cracy of Warrrn placts in nomination 1 ed its work. Xo ehiuiRi- should bo landlord, pays tin* taxes on bis home., the other. to do anything except invt.-stigate made in tbe school tax rat", no mat- lontjcr be KUhjccted to a policy nf delay. ; ln ;ill nnmches of industry came men of the lit ness and lii^h charaett-r j Tin- landlord can pass ihe tax along I F. A. R. llnRer.anfl wait. Charlie Stryker is a , ill{1]jv fmm th(, fai.nit mil]]y of thpm whore no investigation i.-i necdetl, while of Charles L. Htrykvr for public nltlire. j ter what tiic special committee may to tbe tenant, who pays it hi his rent. J The tenant \H the "ultimate consumer," I good'Democrat, a c newspaper mnn. frill] .Ighty poor farms where i t!u. [^'miienits do not kaow wh;u tlu>y it need have nn foar uf their election.— '. iiTT.niiiK-nd, until after tin; State Hoard MAS AS A TOPIC. t-UtK* and stockings were a luxury. , , y,. '>^ unless some- nf Taxes nnd Assessment has equaliz- where the tax stop£. When a man | :L goofl citixen. and a want u (I h t m ld owns a house which he occupies as ai {From X. Y. Tribune). mnn. V>6W need ibihis combination in our i Certain it is that there is no other • l}linfS ij( (]o,,,, IlV lno s,^^^ thtf Lehish 1 >L\K1N<* A SHOW-DOWN. ed the assessments between the coun- homo he is the "ttlUmaU1 consumer" in I "Why i.s woman a topic while man 1 county affairs.. place ii American life where real char- j valley ltailrond Company will get a i (Tronion Times). ties. thai cast , for there Is no one-'to whom \ is not?" complains Hose Mttcaulay, aeti>r fi liabltf of responsibility which ; npw Hrll) on tho c:inal ,irOpcrty that i Two weeks ago. in the United Stritos he can pass along .e '. -\ Httli more taxes than the man who zines and books, while man Is over- on the way the suiiirpls arc piling up Neither sido of the railroad quarrel groups who have studied the problem j freight rates must continue until there lives in a small rented house, but not looked. Women are the sex, a prob- nuts and some on,tho report that musk- is honest In its pretensions. The ruil- in tho past. Former Speaker Carle- > has !RVH a reduction in the high wages Hood advice on this .side oi* the Atla;i- i much-more. A good deal of the taxes tic. where cars have left-hand drives 1 loin to he investigated, analyzed and rats have-thick fur. and some,. on the- j j-oails are as wrong in charging that j ton Godfrey, who headed one. of thu in- i and bonuses allowed during sove;-ii- is paid by the "ultimate consumer" in 1 nnd machines keep to tlie right in pass- : explained. While men—well, men arc fact that ducks have come South soon-1 tiie brother ho jds arc-merely striking i ve^tigating commiticna, held lhat the ! ment control of tbe roads. Ucrerrlng Lin; price |i;im iur «iui:mw "~I*'"'^''^ ; mere people. No ono talks about the cr than usual. ' against the (.lov&rnment as the lirolh- , Pavry plan would give the rail road I to Hit- Uireatencd strike of railroad ing other vehicles. C a S However, it is cood advice to those ^ !!^: ,n''u,°c^n^ U!:,:i:S!-y .-.«• do .Mr h,h-. whether ...hoy Tho government attaches rnv'slirnl- ,?i-h0[Kis arc in giving- tho 12-pe.r-cein i much more than it was en titled to, and •, worktu-s, ho Paid he was getting tired who are obliged lo walk on country nott eatemmuc muchh mormee ann d does not 'wear j arc fitted for fatherhood;-an; d the. vote, Hcancs to special Industry on the part } wngfl * reductioreductionn ooff JulJulyy l1 aass tbtbee causcausee jj lhathatt ththee stiustatee would lose, under tho j O£ threats to tic up the transportation much more clothes than the man who and whether they are better-or wor.se of squirrels, or to any of. these other of 'their, action. • • measure's terms, more than S247;aOO i systems, and thought there, should bu rnads. following this advice would pre- liveli s in a smallell r rententd house..houseThi. This \ than their grandfathers, Man la taken things. Nor does it consider reports of The motives sink 'deeper than this annually. If lhat claim is supportable, j a show-down. vent many accidents. 1 tends to equalize, 'theflaxes paid per for granted,-but , some one is always early; flight of birds to the South., a anil go back further. The railroads are j the bill could be amended so that "Let the people understand once to\' A person is much more safe when family. * , a attempting: to -. discover and - publish walkinir on-the left sido of the road. truewarnirig inat winter--will seL'-In trying to •break thy power" or lln> im* iiup.sibility of making a bargain unfair I all what thc'is mon mi-an by threaten- Xo'man therefore should delude ^oadca.t what is called -the -truth .sooner-' than usual.. . The government ions and have-bad that purpose, in ; to the state would.be climinatt>d. - ing to strike," exclaimed Senator Xcl- in tho direction he is going, and especially al night.' hfcause be can himself with the idea that because, ho nwtit .woman. • /hiologlst-and meteorologist regard these mind ever since _.the.; great triumph of; Tho slate, however, would not bo- son; "let them understand the stopping ' phenomena us Interesting, but no mor , the unions* in the Atlnmson not of Con- I jnxtilir-d in taking, steps that would j of foot! supplies and other essentials. thnn see the machines approaching owns no property he pays no taxes. His airs. JIneaulay ventures tho opinion him, those lie hus to avoid, and if :i full share of taxes is, in the prices of that Ibis . differentlatlon in treatment lo be relied upon thnn the pretty story j sn?ss In 1010. Tlie unions have been 'j,seriously cripple the Lohlgh Valley and .starvation in our cities nnd 1 driver is not attending strictly to busi- ithe things he buys and in the rent ho , may have 'come about because for 'a-.-,i of tlie ground hog and his shadow. ., j main extremely sensible of. this pur- ! and that would deprive ihiit railroad ot towns, and 1 venture llu; prediction pays for his home.;"He Is tho ultimate i i literature and thought have .V "The filet is." suys Dr. A. K. Fisher, j pose cvor siiu;e the voads were Uirnett I terminul faeilitics on Hie Hudson wa- that.1 Ihe. .American people will rise in ness because of a girl on the seat be- onff t mc side him, or for some other reason, the consumer. He is. at the end of the tax- h cn, In ,the hnnds of men and- they of the biological survey, "wo have, no j back ib their owners under tin; Trans- } tcrlYom. The company should lie given their might and wipe ihese. men from e ilon proof that animals are supplied, in ad- ! jjorUilion Act of 1020 and think- to "beat : a fair deal, tinder which it could re- the face of the earth." Tbo greatest pedestrian has n chance to get out of ;ro^\rc.i H^mSViirbiV ^ «•«»- vahce with innUnctilvc warnings of j them to it," as they would say, by this j lain property necessary to its exis. boom in tbe building industry ever thi> wny. On Ihe other liniid, if tbe ma- no one U«L. "t.Pas.s^tiic ntn. | aito narbey iipeopl' separate ande havspeciese believed, ph;o the dism- storms or cold weather. If birds could |Tnuil test of whose power is the great- ] tence as a trunk line, while at the same I seen in this country was predicted chine, is approaching from behind, the tax rate in Washington and ii walker has not ihe advantage of see- man'^oYbcr^lacoVVii'^Varren county counts this theory, somewhat, howevehoweveri , aense^storms far ahead, we would.not 1 And ilher case thi. contempt lime the stale, should not bo deprived j tbe bricklayers, carpenters and oliiM ing it. He may keep well to the'right and In the cnuntryat large Is about as because women; themselves have; of late hear of. .1,000,000 Lapland longspurs bo- of conseiui to tlie rent third of Its just and reasonable right to re-i house buildin:.': mechanics would come and trust lo the driver seeing him in high as if can he made to go. In spite eagerly joined In these discussions of ing beaten to the ground in a driving party, the public, 'cuial. inuneratlon. Tbe .solution of the prob- | down from wages of $1(1 and $]2 a Hay plenty of time, but the driver may have of the high tax'rates, there is a. con- fcmliiliie peculiarities. , llut .though storm in Minnesota." Birds really mi- | it is apparent, herofore, lhat botli lc;m should be on a give-and-take, bit.sis to $4 or ?«. bin '(jyo on another approaching car, stant demand Iiy -officials that more women i writers aro a'myriad the busi- gnite.-'pr. Fisher ?ays., not-because they-; sides are in equal u?ed of a lesson, and.i thai would be equitable to all parties , Indications strong that there is and more money, he'raised. The tax and, conse'iuontly, nol see the. ped- rate can't gb.mucli hisher.'tor it Is now ness of publishing and editing Is' still anticipate cold, but becaiise the' food one administered short of tbe sliirva-,' at' interest. ' " •lo bo a show-dow made by the rail- estrian in time to,avoid hitting him. as the full rate of inter- iHn't it i-just possible - that men hav« supply is .disappearing. . : tion of the cities and the breakdown of An''open conference between the re-| roud workers, and tlie. pey ilo pretty overnment bohda. : largely, in •- the hands of-.men. And Cold Makes-Fur Grow. ! ail industry" which a general strike prcsematives of Ihe railroad and ot i thoroughly understand tho sltuntlon. If on the right of the road the walker ; 1 • » • ' j so tender a feeling for th61r own clmr- Animals do- have thicker fur in cijld would mean. The railroads hava acted the state ought to be held in an effort Goner '.! strikes have hc-'ii o ilered, and must bo constantly looking behind him actcrlstlcsi'Habtts And weaknesses Hint winters. -Animala in very cold climates badly. They havo refused to respect and stepping away OUL of tbe road to K'ut thero is another way of getting to bring about co-operation for the pas- I we .shall soon sou whether Senator Nel- more ,money for 'officials to spend out- they refuse to publish 'th'6 trutlj about have* thicker coats .th:i'ri similar species those- provisions of ihU Tnuisportation sage of a bill lh:it would he satisfactory. |' son is a true prophet and the peoplle bo safe from machines. : side of raising the tax rate. That way themselves? JIuch as they may 'appre- farther south. The overlooked fact Act which itHirm the principle of col* Secret ncgoUations in the past, have will visii their wrath upon the men who On tiie left of the.road machines ap- Is to raise tlie asseasment on property. ciate! sly,digs 'and-.thrusts Individually, here Is that the warmer coat is fur- lective bargaining. The pi-oof of this been responsible for the scandals lhat. will be responsible for not only slop- proach him from the front, and it Is A house, for" Instance, that is assessed or tolerate personal,; frankness, they nished by nature after the cold sets In, is lo- be found in certain decisions of have been tho usual accompaniments ping nil food supplies, but the malls hot usually necessary lo walk in the for ?2;00fl could be'raised---to an tiss'esa- 1 staunchly uphold tho dignity of. man In not .before. ^"Roughly speaking, the cold the Railroad Labor Dourd against the of canal legislation. and business nf every kind. The great gutter to insure safety. ,, . .- ,ment of $a,000. Throughput the state stimulates the .skin to produce thicker general. •• •>"•-.•. - * .. '-••"_ • _fur."; ~—Surly* ••-iiiuL'i;iititioiiis"v uEiL-ii"";i)oIiiie'u out as one of the signs.of approaching A COMMCNOABtt cold. Aa a. matter of fact, animals^do not hibernate so much on account, of OCCUPATION -WHY , cold as; because of Uicir iibtlfly condi- DID YOU PlCKTHATOUT. tion. 'Whom a bsar hasan-inch of fat < on his body, or whatever he .needs for the winter, he tu'rls up in a protected place, iiiid • sleeps.: • Ground •squirrels in The mvmVit , -the-.West ;go inlp _ the ground In.,.July, ' and atay there the balance of tbe sum- mer. • •• •' ' •''• • ' •-...;••••' - ••' Clancy ; ;, , Thfl.,("roimil.H(>B.Myih.... . •.... / :u The ground hog, ori:\yqodchupk-, is • '\=i _' •supposed;, ,_to ropulato jthe' goming 'of spring.,'The stoj-ygoos tliat the ground 'hp'ffi• comes but 'ot.his .hole, on Candle- mnada1.', Pebruaj-y 2, and loo Its around. If Me: sees bis shadow,' he returns to Oh! hla • hole, thereby • informing • the ' world that;winter is not oven Ifthe'sky in That's the Reason cloudy,j, ho vontiives oyt to enjoy the spring days'that are doming. "! '"'" , The story would bo more' reasonable if the fate of the; winter rested'on Ihe By stemperatuve of ground hog day, rather PERCY L. CROSBY than tho .aun.- -.VLiday. of., freezing.-tom- jriibt.brib* McClur* Ktwtptper ijttiilt porature'may.be bright nnd sunny...Yet

.1 '-m*?l


ANNANIULE. New .IITM'.V SI.-III- IHKII Krliiwl T'nnfi'r- DruiofTiilH Ate In :i !fii|H>riil Motnt j A lit-!rnf Inrteiiliin.—It .Shows IIIIW Hoys "ftrt out tli«- VOIP and \v<« will carrj'J ItliU-ldilnl I'LiKiir. ! Tciispimns tn Ilei* Moiniicli. UCOI-KC lfnfrninn of NViv.uk vimtrd i .. . *«<* "' BUIBW. WITH Artli'lwl fy I/i'iirn Trades a 1 1 we <>inwVt;(I finm ind mind nnd was under trc .•vt-ry druibifiil county." 1 Century AB<>, The nnHrnt pln^ne of loc-UHts \iit;i ix.t j l...i''l .^..!.'. "!''"*"?. ^' ': 1 mfi'ch worso (lian lite |>la«Uf of blacl;' 1 Hurl i w;is thr- ini-RHnj;" Hi>- DMIIO- i In those i!ay« wlmn there itre few, Ktomnrti of .Mrs. Tlosl n e TiicJiff Co-j fliie (-Men thrfatciied" to " awallow,t'or! f? >r-'itlir Slulc urKnnlMiilrtii win tn tin- if any, apprentices tt-arnlnt; irudi'M the hin I1s with which tlio torment Ai-oun'd J u aHi "o1 f1 Tod11 1•d" """"•>County l '. Ky.>» , wiicnwhen.. di*0um» j ciaimciclaimedl ttoo havhavee :mvnllmvcd,ii|)0onn, but3 loyal, folluwiiif,* a nu'ciliiff <»f the Slitd- { folllwhif; irnN'titiiH' HIIOWIIIK Haw Unyr.1'iiX I*'(ki- Midi and the coU-iff r*i \ Wllllir' "I'operant ' *'' 'd' •"on' th<»'>' *»thcotherr dadayy a att JcnnlJonnluu t nu-onnu-onuu nvoisve"r «a\»aW-fici r do KO. -ShOwlH^ cominittw at Tn-nltm Thursday. | wci'v a[)|>ri']itlcc(l to karn trades In old WUO an-left'thfie nre arflictr.1 tUN fall. I nosplmi. She ha.J liven or un- prohahly reeovir. 'Vhv party aim lias tlnw tliliiKrt to tinicH will In* InteiVMliiiK, The old ;nj vvvyy rmir deelarct". ' •—•"••• JIl'M. jluy Kii'ii, ill lliunpt lit bewail ft f».»iv weeks .*i|;u, when titwiitil ltul- rciHiilr iw It fiiti-w UIKUI Ihp last idiirv (lucuint'lit in the jiroperty uf JUSL-JIII 'A. Mm. Win. Illllil nil,! Mill. AllxTl. m 1 ..f tlK ti-ulNliii(uilitlhv ...... l . Otilicrt of Farmhiuilalo. lltHtkn of liniuideiil blackbirds, mtmlH-r- fciiilunliiy m lljuiipioii. ultli nmrnihf;. Oi :. lti>r tens of thousands, made Uiclr ;IJI- Lowell. »«. llurhiK Ihc- ,lny urnitr KdWiiifljt cherishes mi mn- Thin Iiululitun- wltneNM.-tli. That lvv ' Will 'In.' lll'llt ftir ftirllirr ••'•Iltintl honnrH. bill .Nf^L'plt Cilbert with tlw coilKfiit of Ills jiivinuifc mid not only filled th<> air i -ij i« \iiuu \,.,.i ! " l"'|i"i't.'i:il t conlVn.'iHVK fur Hiitirr- in rtiiiNlnu tin nfj;!iL anil day wilh llich' louut s™l». Tonic. ••Tin. tiiiMiM'iiiiinni It"?"Itiiic." ' "."™: '"'m'? '". " '"" ""IHT* Hud IliKll uf lUln of (IK- Slate cninmlt- uthi'i' Koot\ caiiNi'H dull), voluntarily and on yards and farniM, attiiclted . ducu, . tr'C will not hf r-nVctrd until a year uf his own fre<> will and acord. put cafs*. plffK nml she«-p. and in wveral In- j li.•!!'•". with Hi'- Ihimt" fnr'M'X imi'lllC >•• himself it j) print Ice to .lulin .Mat men to ftioires ohuKi'd children t« cover. ilictaU' .laiiK.4 linker'* Jiwi'iitliUicy. li-iirn the art. trail'1, and niynli'ry of a 'i'Jiey steal unythlnj,' th'-y n\n lind In th'.* rr-jji'if «'Vfj)l of ;i Demucitnin Coach HiniDi, unit ;ift«r tUt' winner of itnil slinw :i sjie*-i;ij fmiihirtSH for ivJjJter iniiji'iity on Joint hcixlalivt-'ballot n.-.xt an aiim'entlc.e to nmvc the Maid John wheat that ha;i Jllst been sO'.ved. ulntrr. ChnrkH S. SK'VCIIK will In; a Niiiiiiiml ' Miiicai'iii'n ,\>I«I. I-;ii7.il)ctli, haH i. tir.-.l from Hi.- Slato fiiininlltii'M ic'xcutivi1 liriin'1!) to di>vo(r< •.all whii-lt tcriTi. Die said aiiprontI<-'< 11.1 ! Tlio llrcu ci-iii-nil .«'"t*lun nf (lit- i doth tovt.-nant and iiroml^e his j/ald AT ITS BEST innn- time lo ilw L-.trm- of UVtmrti \ niiiHf.'r faithiully to HI.TVI-, his wit-rets of Mr. ami Mm Blair Knonit at C:n • ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^ Mrs, to k'.v\}, and his lawful comniundx The strongest com- :t idily to obey. He shall ! pliment ever paid to !(•>><< i.i!ii.._n>ii .u.-i .\u>.t I.II/.I f-hiin^ipdin i:n; nl of I'Miimthn. This Erwln of Ikiht... ( • will Kiuuui of Mr. iliul Mrw. 11. W. H follow.d hy the nunuiil :<;onfer- tun. * j; ,once dinner a---•••t whic•h th• iprakrm will Oovernor Kdwnrds, Stat<- Chnlrtuan t"r. Id* whall not waste his aaiil ma.— An Exception to all Rules Mrs. (joorpf MnxwHl itinl .son?*. HUM., - *j ».»!• Hoaii Wnlt.'i- T. MeUonnld. James R. NiiKfin and Sec- tit's KOO(K nor k-nri them unlawfully ;:i'll and Lloyd, utut family WIIL- HUH- ! . retary l!:ik<>r all lohl th<< Slatt? ••mrmilt- lo any Un K!I:II1 tint coiniiHt fornic.'i- is the vain attempts at day visitors in NVwarlt, • e thai tin- only HIIIIK ni-ccnsary f.n- tiou riMitnu't iiKitrliininy wltliui imitation. Those ,Q. i You uhv;iyts expect to obtain an imitation for Mrs, S.'inh Ticnr wan a ^tunlny picet Mir ,,»ir " ti.n i .1 \ iss W rtiii'I term. At cai'tl.t. tlWn: or any lllimls l leet-MH November K mi.t (o lirlnj: otil lass Uian you'd have to pay for the original i,f liiT IinithiT and wlfv. Mr. nr.il Jlr«. - » \ u m I ie voter- .Mr, Nimeiit referred to the r unlawful Kami.- lie shall not play, who take cod-liver x. THIV hift caiil muHtor may Iiavu dam- from which that imitation was copied. On Saturday tli" corif«-n>iioli- fiht from his will master's m-i'viee. -ALSO MAKERS Ol ICI* of lidiiixl l!rni>k Wri'i Hlimlav vis- '•ni'i'H, Ph.VBlcx, Chi'iiilwtry, Tliif Arts. ilcal honors, hut will •!•• all in mv without IIIH Icavo; nor liaimt itk-li(iiiH>-s, Wagon, none has been able to duplicate its itors «.t aim. Kliz.ibotli IIIKKX. Ph.w-icii]. (Mm-iilion nml :i niirnhfr <>( |ioui-r Tor the elci'tion rif the Urtno- tiivcniH. or L itliiyhoiisfs; but in nil John AlfiaiiKh. win. luis IH-CII KtuyhtK otltor Intel's./ Amoiitf the prominent •i-;ilit: milii-niiitorial nominee in ne.\t things behiLVe ltlmwir an u faithful up- high ofliciency or low upkeep. :it tlut-litiitif in Jlr. nml .Mr* Wyclc.lT MirnkcrH who will dflhvr ndilnw-TH :nv: year's eaiii].:ilKii." liii'iitlce r>uKlil lo (lo, ilurlnK Die said A|>K<'ir, \v;i:t In ken Salurdity Hi tin- I'roffssfiiH ThiitiniM II. IlriKKH. Carnliiiii .lames Maker was spokesman for UK1 term. Am! the sai.s|)ititl. liiiniilu. KIlH-rt K. 1'ivtwli niul: iCiirh* connnUteemeti aft"rwjinl. AwtirdlnK "• iloth covouiiut iitnl promiijo to use the (Tablets or Granules) | T. HIIRK "f Columbia Pn I varsity ;ni»»n him the governor Infinriifd the ronfer- tmoHt of his endeavours to tearh, or FOH in manufacturiii!;-. Diihi'l WIII'II In S,w Ili-'r l-'irst Iliislmml. \ A. W. llntinion. .Vow Vorh t-iUvnrHliy; r-e* tlint the H-rit-s uf Iteinuuiati-- din- au.Si! to bo taught or instruct •>r!t iHTK would utfl bo earrii'd into I-Xscx said apiirontittf in the trade or mystery As a result—and this is a condition unpre- <>>< IIVHI'II .'I miulLI' H.l.t IMIIIIKIIl II.V > IT. I. or Moivor ''.MUitiitK. Tin; governor Is of a Coach .Smith; anil |»rocurc> and nm- Austin Howuian ot Scliooley'ft Mountain Drama .. •; .Mr. M. S. Small.' Knitei! cedented in commerce—they have to charge satisfied with Xiifjenl'M handthiK of vldc for him HUlIIeicnt meat, drinki , :tud iiKaltiNt lun wife. .Mrs. .Mary J. Howtittin SUitea III of I-Mui':itIon;Ai-* utiff, dur- more for the imitation than we price tho on the- tihiirne of desertion. The hear- Ziekert. SUttc Thr» 1!»2L' legislature will choose a stu-- ing the Haiti term; anil plvo him thirty iliff was hi'lil Thursday before S. C. VMIF;1;K.' i'."Ke."ter Killtor ot - tli-c fV -• • < i in> i;<-- legislature Will CUo(se a stu dullai-K per year in lieu of clothlnc; ntul original at. Sriiltll at lii:i ollke In I'lillliiwhuiK. For- lvnnhi lartiicr: l)r. 'llcn (|f lj>]<' I'enn- j censor to State Treasurer Head, or wanhlnt;-diirint; said torm. mer I'roHt'cntor Win. A. KtryUer re- iienlx>r(r, V. S. PnWic Ilralt Farmer: Dr. Henjumln C, j cnmdonyna, rwh tero wilm l Acompletril 1.o, hiWits hsecon thadt premjntL'd th> linsliaml. klli'. IIII . RK. lHowel , NNationa'•l ll "'" three-year term April 1., With that And for the truo performaiice of all In the testimony before the master Council; Dr. tlel II. Tans; , Jlunte thought in mind tin li.-mor.ralic lead- mid siiif,'iiljir tho covenants and aproe- It wan liroUKht out that the couple was CoiiiKt; iroftisfirProf H ShirleshlrlVy Il.wHjpr ers are .••coutiiin for a ntmiiihte. At tuents aforosulil, tho said purties bind married In Xuw Vork city, January *;, ami Cordon M. Cerould of I'rini'eton the .session of the c.in Mtee. whk-h \va thcinselvoM each unto the other firmly I'JIS, :ind went to live at the 1 Pli Prof. Vict held in Hie Stacy-Trent, the name of 7.'! E. WASHINGTON AVE., • "i mv n-»nnf in t imivorsity; I'rof. Victot- KraiKois. of Chnrl'w S. StPVi'tiK. r.f Capr- May. was by thru? Presents. In Witness where;* Itownian at Sehooleyn .Mountain. Tliey . [{lt. COIICKC t.f tho City of N'mv 1'cn'k. of the said parties' haw IntorelinnKt!- in New York City alone from kid- wt»i"> happy, ami .Mrs. Hcnvman became 1 A L-ft'-it comti;inv of teacher-i is ••v- pnipiisrd (Miletly an an available can- ;ibly set their hand und .seals hereunto. v ,ey trouble !asl year. Don't aliow ! favorite with her l'"« ; pected and fmtn'tli didate. Mr. Elevens is u former mem- WASHINGTON, N. J. relativesil faVOllt. C FoWitr hon h.e Tmont n..hW everythintmul.-n.l-ug J .. . • .-'..• firoKt-nin It i ber of th» Itnarrf of I'rtoon In9pretor.«. Hated the 27th flay of .lan'y. Anno yourself to become a victim by j \Tfnc appar-.nilv well. in- Kreatenl etlUeit- and at present uii the New Jviwy Domini, one thousand c-'pht hundred neglecting pains and aches. Guard | On tho morning ot February fith, of Hie year will .occur HPIIIKC and Tunnel Commtsslon. iiid twenty-seven. Keo Motor Car Company, Lansing, Michigan the faim.1 yi-ar. twn men appeared at In No JOHN" JIANCiAX (L S) against this trouble by taking i the Muwiiian farm ami iniu!red for Mr. Wiutl (o Klimluale Accncv. (•'old !u lion's Craw. JOSEPH OILBBRT (L H) Uowman. They'were directed to the The Luhlsli & Iltidurm Railway Co- (). II. Willard is In doubt whether 1 Sealed, delivered and jickti wlcdped, (ickls, where l.'owman wan about hip has iK'tltlonuil the Public Utilities Com- lias an undlwnvered sold mine on ii >efore mo the Htibscrlbei". one off tht e :irk. Approaching VM - i —missio' ••'Ion foior authoritautiiority to changciiaiif,rt>e Tran- place at Cottase (irove.Ore., oorr wbetln ildermen of the city of Philadelphia. h lial s kith'kithd a HH-n wbicli bad di.sco PETEI! CHRISTIAN. i 1 Chassis work. Approachint: Konman one of j (|lli_ ,Uy._ from •„„, JlKenr..v. ,...,..iiopenitcd t point. red a method nf tninsfurnilnK silv $1245 uiminted w.tl h Mary.l" C. Mon l0 ) n ilJ n v (JI answere! ualnfed"wd thaTh i ii'Vi'v'he kurtl Cl mtli. >*" ' rownrnwomani. I•contlnuintr i" "', lhowever' :" "- , t*o Pf«'paldmaintai( n the liiilliiills into Kohlen ntifwtsntifwts, twnn of whinwhi, mM Thi; .HtnuiKer then demandi.'d to learn station huildinrr for lioth pa«seri(,'ers am! werre fmirid in ttho chichickc e CASTOEIA • Tho world's KtslKtart! remedj' for kidney, 51.13ii with Canopy Top Express frelKlit. In the com]iany's petition it raw whll i Vver. bjnddcr and uric ncid troubles, her wheivaboiits. mit llowmau wan ro blliiK prejiared a tin; pi ce tic resist BoarB tho signature uf Ohas.H.FIotobor. hidtant, iluclat-ini; that he wanted to Is salil that the hnsitieHS done lit that e for a noonda meal. The he ' Holland^ rational rcaied/ sine/; 160G. i arc I-\ 0. B. I.inisinj,', plus special federal lax know hin btti'itiess. The man, u'li» taitatiomn ins not Hiiltlcsultlciciii t lo warrant or hnidly iteuiioff'tho Wlllard "place at an; In UBO for ovor thirty yoara, and I All dry ;r,-i v:, li-.ioo aizer. GuurantcoiJ. { then yave hi.s natitc a-s Pellet, declaieil Justify CDiitinuitiu' th accney. time, and must h'tve found the nutlet The Kind l'ou Have Always BougM look foi tho »™. Co'J Mc-lut or> evtry bo I that the,woman was his wfc. ConitnlHHloner OOwbtJinw e off Newark has) lbd i within a short distance of the Willnr. Whili- llm i'«uvi'rHatl'jii was golnt; on lb;dia meeting of the utilfty board in home, which I tlu IJowman'H mother arrivi'il. Shu heard the Hackettstown Town Hall on Mon- within tin; city limits. part of the story and hurried biiek to , day morning, November 7. to bear ob- the house. There she Uild her s;)u's j jet-Lions to tin; petition. wife' what was taking place. The wo- "Tlit'su Hats Wouldn't Eat My lies man declared lhat .she wunM have to .ltidf;e IMeads (Miiltv; l';i,vs Himself SID .. drain," Says l'Yml Lamb. depart immediately, and lost no time Fine. "It's hard to keep rats out of a foe in paukliiK h.ir beIoni;inKs in two milt Juili,v .1. H. UKlufnot. of the. Ilcm-lulu .store. Tried fm- year*, A nofguborln. CUML'H. The diler Mrs. !.!rnvrnau :USS!H'.- police court. wa« arrested tlio other day store sold mo :rome ItAT-KNAI'. I od her to tin.- railruad station at Or- and ehai-K'-'d with violation nf one nf worked wonders. Gallic-ml up rjdjllitl^l.that on the following murnintr. entered u wouldn't, cat my best yrain when IV'lletl was hvr riKhtful lin«ljat»l. and pba Dfpufliy, ami lined himsftlf, $H'. throw HAT-SNA!.1' antilud." Thr.. that ulio would have tit depart. Then "I Impn this may teach you a decent siaus, 35tr. G5«. ?l.'J"i. Sold and puar Kite hid tcucxl-hye lo Mowmau and h iv.xpect for the law," he wiid-iis be- rc- anteetl by Jtsnkiiiii & Meeker; Floy second hUKband's m«tlu-r. TimL w ei>iv*'r| the Si "—front himself. Major. the last sucn of h':r.

Crooks' Iliinjiy Home Wrecked bv Checks. A "homo for crooks" would aooti have been cstahlisht'il In ;L farmhoitsts aL Ijcbanoil. X. J., had not the plans of Deleviin .1. I(t'«t.>f{<, f:Mca|ted -Massa- chusetts cuiivict, KUIIL' wronK. tin-- New- ark police a.sseried Tinir.stlaj-. An Invitation Koners was arrested Tiu^day through the eleverncs of Alice Uounetly, youim daughter nf James I1. Monuclly, a New- ark real estate de:ili.-r, Rogers, the jiolice say, Kavc lionuelly a $S0H eheck as deposit on a iwiiilv-aca; farm at Jrf'banoii. .Mis;; TJonnelly. suspeciinc somcthiniT WI-OUK, '•ommunicattiil wit" If you appreciate, well made, the KociH-stH-. N. 'V.. bank mi wlik tho chock was drriwii 'ami learned Ihii honest, reliable shoes in the latest ItORurn had no ncomiU there. She lioti I ted the police. styles and at reasonable prices, why Rogers, nrcordint; lo tho police, salf his visit (o Newark \uis fnr lite esprr^ not come to a store which has a purpose or huylntr Mu- farm on whir. hn was to establish a rendezvous fo reputation established by over fifty <:rooks of all sorts. Hut he claims li wave a pah' ihc'SiiOO to deposit in tli years of square, straight forward "-•' r bank and was dtjuhlt dealing behind it? NOT TO KNOW Our lino for Fall is now in stock IS NO EXCUSE and we will be pleased-to show them ( to you. To Know How to Keep Well Is Better Than to Call in a Doctor to Get Well. Sickness Is a Penalty Nol an Accident. One of-thu. best and most depend- able and important prcventEitivcs of Kctting sick, one of the surest ways of keeping well is to form and main- tain the exceedingly good habit of regular, thorough, daily bowel evacu- ation. •W0L SLAYER'S. That is Nature's "best bet1'. You should do your best to help Nature, not hinder her in her efforts to keep Old Reliable Family Shoe Store you well. With tho best of good in- Here is a new low price, effective is black or g'ray leather upholstery, tentions you may employ many me- October 2nd, that places the hifth qual- thods. Strong, drastic acting medic- 455 Northampton St., Easton nickel trimming and other options to ines thnt force the bowels to act sim- ity Velie Six within the reach of thous- more than satisfy your desire for an ply replace one evil by another evil. ands of buyers who never expected lo It may secure temporary action but it individual car. entirely apart; from the produces more than temporary ir- obtain such a wonderful value at this commonplace. ritation and other bad effects. Don't low cost. judge by promise in selecting a sim- •;. Ayhy^c!v.Rn-.cc.iisider-M:Foi;r-v,-hGiv you „ pie. remedy, to «ssi>t; ..Nature.•••- Por-- • •••=•- Veiie lias made jirice reductions be- formancc "is the true test.\ Take can now have a silent, flexible, smooth- Beecham's for example. '* fore, but this cyt places the Vclie Six 1 Over 70 yoars ago people began running Six for such a low price and to take Becchnm's. Today millions beyond all competition so far as value of people nil over tho world take in Oil Stove ownership is not pride in hav- at lowest cost is concerned. Here is by with it all a Six that is setting' the inost Heocham's, recommend Beecham's to ing the price, nor pride in public approval. astonishing" records in economy of fuel, their friends, hand the use~o£ Beech- It iB pride in securing the best Oil Stove on far the best price ever quoted on this am's down from father to son or the market.' The remarkable cax\ tires and upkeep? from mother to daughter for sener- Red Star Detroit ation after generation. That mcona Vapor gives the best The demand is already enormous— much. You never hear any unfavor- results of any This is the Velie with the Grand it will grow as the news spreads. able criticism or complaint regarding oil stove offered to Canyon conquering motor,'with style Beecham's. j That means much If the family — gives Touring- Car, Sedan, Coupe and .Road- not more. It takes real merit to intense heat, directly and beauty unmatched within several ster—also the larger Six—the Model <1S withstand the tests of time and trial. beneath, the cooking hundreds of dollars. Here you have ex- - You can do much to help Nature utensil. No wic|cs or ;r—all correspondingly low-priced. Make l

73 E. WASHINGTON AVE. Wilson Stove:& !¥%€& WASHINGTON, N. J. 211 Northampton Street Easton Pa. SECTION TWO *1 'race Fonx — THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1921 \ IKNNA II Ntguinc Silm genlHiff, Sumlij who* recently • duntalticd a' Rtrolcc of w *• BLOOMSBLKY. Mr nnd MIH Haltiw Ciouno of An Mr and MiR I'riust Race ind d IURII pnnl>HlH .'- acorgo V. Y. UosonborgHi. a grndu Ma«*f»r Clmlct a*"* '« •'Ick with 1JUI\ mil Mi and Mif ttlwarrt MMM fi Mnrj Louise iniwitl Sutulij with Mifl, William' Cosa nnd , daughtci ' ato nurse. Inn left for the AWst lo c-ire chlckin ii3\ of Hunionj utre Suild i> \isitois of Mi and Mm lamt-H Mills Sr llitzcl ban returned from a week's The Hackettstown National.Bank !.- for a rfcntlcinin , , , S ludson Ulgh nml famll) ^ptnt the Ml and Mii Artlun Kt id Sir*. Mary Loo In visiting at the visit with friends ut Newton and Pa- Jrtrics BUt«< Jr of Hilton United wcclvcnd ultli fiUndi ind iilithei In Mi in I Mi« Harr\ Huinmei and home of Sirs. Jame» Mills, sr. piktttlnt. HACKETTSTOWN, N. J. ilr nnd Mm <3 M PMcock Trenton and Phil uUlplili j,randdniKhtir lUttj* of Cranfou| pwi Mm. -LMIn Wlilenor spent Friday Mi ami Mis Tohn \l YOUIIR and Harry Harrl«on hxa mo\(.d hla fnml Mm Hannah Dmniwrt inn Instill ul bJtuidi\ md suiidi\ with hu \m with her aimer at Oxford. Mr. and Mrs. IJliilr Crlnmun of MarkM* invites your attention to its resources of over a MILLION .- ly from Little Yoik to thin pi IU Into **\ electric light* in h r residence uits. Ml and Mm J I Ulllo-* Mi n Louin t Hio'fuw ft|u nt Katun horo urevlBlthiK rvtr, nnd Mrs. (icoi'KC AND*A HALF, and respectfully solicits your business. William Stlmm Itoum? jmitlmsul ro Mr and Mis Thro Wni of Toit du\ uith her duifjitu at I'L1\1I1CU' Winters at l*ort> Tort Pa ccntb bj Mm tin HitirlHOii MonN snuit stnidu with Mi and Mr and MIH 1 t\mm.e Smith nnd 1 -on of DuniifUeii spent the weekend lfaac loudenbsrt; IH visiting at the Clnrlc Klnne1 y nnd non Herbert it A nurpriui i»ut> »a«t h^«-ii to Mm 1 Mm lohn \\ htilti with Mr. and Sirs. F. l\ Smith. homo of Mw. LUIIe Wldenoi turned bonu Sunday. - They came Interest paid on Checking Accounts of $500.00 and over. Huth Jones TliursJaj i\inlng at tht Miss LIU Cummins of Niu.uk Nor Mrs. Lizzie 1'olton, who has \x.-%x an V. U. Kaylor has aolj hla'blacksmith here to ntti-ml the funoral of the foi- Z% interest paid on Savings accounts of $6.00 and'over. , home of Miss Bdith Farley. mal School 'spent part of last .veek at invalid a IOUK time, is critically III business to Edward D. Kirby ot Ucvl- mer's mother Saturday. Travelers* Checks sold, good anywhere and easily cashed.' Mr. and Mrn. JlowarU Anderson and nor honirhere. with no hopes of recovery. ilere. - • •'•' Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Kcrr returned to daughter Myrtle, Mr. nnd MM. Rihv. Mrs. "Win. Bird and stint Forrest spent Sine Fronk'-Itlildlc and chltdren nnd their home In Morrlstown Sundity* Safe Deposit Boxes for'rent, $2.00 a year and upward, according . Anderson of Surliigmills were rtwut tlv> week-end with her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Ruth Green »pent Sunday with Mrs, Ken* had been with her sick to size of box. - Sunday gUt-HtH o£ Mr. and Mrs. B." U. CJllM, at Washington. KKKK VX10X. Mm. John'RkWIe nnd -fnmlly.- mother for the liast four weeks. House*. Those wlio attendid tlu- Cnunty Strs. Rosa La Rue docs not Imnro/o Isanc Loudenherg and Mrs. LilUe Church services Sunday night. Mm. Oneur Hummer and Mrs. Ceo. Cotittclt of the I'arent & Teacher*' As ; Wliletnir »p"tit*- Sunday with Sir. and Jacob GrlssinK and Frt-il I fuller vt Hall will entertain tlie Ladies' Aid So- j xoelal'.on at Washington last Friday Mri'. Kinniii Hlldobrant had iw hen Mw.-P, R.-Hayior nnd ftimlty. Ci'tlar. (li-ove returned homo' Tuesday. I CALL ON US WHENEVER WE ••-CAN" SJSRVE YOU1 : '-doty of the PrcakyU-i Un dun eh uii i were Mrs. A. V. lloweil. Mrs. C. Carey, fiucm> > Sunday Ml*1 , and Mrs. .Tohn Al-1 Srr. aiul .Mrs. Peter Wilson ;md Sirs. after vislling sevprul duya with Mr. { .Thuml.-iy afternoon nt-the home ut j Mrs. Wm. l.lrti. Slrx. J'*. A, LJnnberrv, m( i '(ii)il ilnuphtt )', Mr. anil Mrs. J. 'tv houlKt Mcssingcr motovvil to WusMnp* and Mrs. J. U. JJt-ck. .Mrs. Oscar Hummer. Mrs. C. ink's. Mrs. DeWill Uowrll. lllldebrant and daughter :tnd by her sister. Mr-*. 1. W. > Misses Kdna llroinvr and Viola here Sunday; ' (!. K Sloan, an express messenger ul the evening <•! Nov. 6. Ltise, of llackttlstcivii. ; Zmyi-wkit spent Sunday with Sirs. Sir. and Mrs. Slathor and daughter Kmporiit, KaH.. saw snakes the ollu-r «. Mrs. J. orevn ISDIIIIIIM of IMtttdmi-g Mr. and Mrs .(, A. l.inaberry spent ; Charles I-iRue. Verna of Princeton visited Sir. and Mrs. moniiiiK. twenty-elf:ht of them. Sloan's returned to her Iwim.' Tnwtlny aft»T the wi-ck-ctid with their sun Harold at , Mrs. Caroline Lusk spent the week- Albert Smith over the week-end. vision, however, was perfectly good, us spending the sumnuT with Mrs. Jus. romptntt I«i\kf4. enil with Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. Lusk at Reba and Grace Wackod visited Alice the snakes wore there. A crate In Mr. and Mrs. Theodiw Hill tott Frt-: IVqiicst. Jtayneau of Summerileld Sunday. which'the reptiles were beliifj shlpp^U 'Ucv.*unif*Mr«. William Hawthorne d:iy for a visit with frl-'iiils in Newark. ! John LnKue has purcliased a new fronr Harper, Kan., to Michigan broke} cnttrlolnnl Mrs. .I.um H I.. " ' Mr. nnd Mr«. Naif Wln-i-ler and son horsf. .open and th? snakes began to crawl In t .nml '•oafln, Mr-*. .1. (invii 1 t. at Kljyd. iuromiHillitl l.v .Miss IS.Mtba i Win. KlshpaUBh sp-jnt Hit* week-end IIAINKSIHIHi. all directions, among the express i«wk- [ I dinner Thtn>day ivviiinj:.. Wluelor and frit nd, .Mhs Nina tijtrrl- ; with his family here. Sir. and Mrs. Hail Oy:r of l-:aston agt-'a. Sloan raptured twenty-four «f; ' Miss KIi/.ibuth Williamson has tn.-i.-n son of P.n-i-r. t-jiciit Sunday with • Sir. nnd Mrs. Charles La Rue lias visit'tl over the week-end with Sir. the fugitives and killed four of them, j • on the sick list. Stewart Stout at Delaware. ln'tm raring for his mother, Mrs. Rosa ami Mrs. liirl Oycr. The incident occurred In jm OXPIVHH \ Mr anil Mrs. .!. S. Plekio and son .loht: CummiiH has Installed a pipe-! La Hue for some time, William Snydcr. Jr., is on the sick car. ; . • i iKorl K|i?nt Sunday with their son, [i-si farn'ice. j Mrs. Charles Green and son Charles IIHI, .• Itussi-U L. rU'kvl, ami wlfv. The Pari'iu A Teachers' AH-oolmion - s|ient Sunday with Sir. and Mrs. N. Sirs. J. S. Andreas called recently on Frank Hoffman and William V. Little will sfve it play tomorrow (Friday) Hoyt. her cousitij.-Slr.s. Ida Miller, at HunKor, New Scries .intended the football pame. at ICiston -"venlnj: in the Central School House, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cummins have re- Saturday. after wh". u ref-fshnients will bp on turned home aft IT a few days' visit CLOGGED BLOOD. The home of Mr. and Mr-. I''ml sale. • | with her brother and sister In .Penn- SEDAN •Stone has buvii LtUhU-ntd with a baby The M. K. Epwyrth Leatnic will en*[ sylvania. daughter. tortain tli - young people ol tin1 com- \ Sir. and Sirs. Russell Coolco called on DANGERSJF A COLD !•'. O. 11. Toledo Mrs. Thou. TEnsm.m attended the mtiulty in the Central school house nil j her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Jayncs. funeral of her In-other. William Hanee; Saturday i-veiilni: liy holding a Hallo, j Sunday. WashhiRton People Will Do Well to at New York City dminc the uvek. vo 1'it in.ish'-'d fto'j.I. } Sirs. lOmma HiUlebrant is Improving ' Heed Them. mm_m eon • Mr. and Mrs. lii-ome M. I'ldcock en- Mr?. .lohn Cummins enterialned at f rapidly. let-tained at luncheon Tuosday lam, t«a Tuesday t>vtnlng Mrs. Hide ami i Sliss Mildred Hopkins spent the Woikeis Sick and Weak from ' ,3Ir». Jamt-H L, Crevellns and cousin. week-end with her parents. M;iny hm\ CIIKPS of kldupy trouble re- Way Ahead! Mrs. J. Given lU'bbins. n-.oihr and Miss Helen Hill. ! sult from a-cokl or chill. CoiiBosloil Exertion Take Mrs. Marshall Miller will save a I NORTON. kidneys fall bohlnil In filtering the ]iol- When you compare values, the Overland™ nWMiueradc party S.tturd.ty evening al, ANTHONY. Hrm-liiiicii Mood -and bnckacho, liPitd- Glide's Pepto-Mangan' L The Toadies* Aid Society wilt1 hold :t iiuhe. dizziness mul ilisonloroil kblncy Sedan is an easy first. It spells ci-ii-a-l-i-t-y, -the Smith's bungalow. Mrs. William Cohan Is on tin; stck i ?oe!al In the basement, of .the church • Mrs. CMutrli's Civvollni? has return* d list. lotion follow. Dou't nt'Rlcot a cold. >Ten and women wlio toil, either '. on Saturday cveninp, October 23. L'sc 1 Joan's Kidney Pills at the lim inside and out. Good-looking and.'io'hifoi'.t- home after s-pendlnt; thr-*e weeks ear- Mrs. William II. Ilann entertained | Mr. and Mrs. P.loomllotd Appar nnd physically or mentally, use up euorKy. Ins for Mrs. Charles Lliilwell, near Mil- h.T hr&iher. II. W. Hoffman, and Miss IRII of kidney • trouble. I'ollow this When they overwork they use up mure ablc. Dependable as every new. scries Over- i Mr. and Mrs. Li'ster Tomson anil baby VnshiiiRton lesldent's cxnmplc: ford. Clara Peaters Saturday ovoniiiR. i fon Miirklt-y were Riiests of Iva energy, nnd snmtimes the lilond gets land. You really wonder how the car can be Mrs. Sara CollUrd of Dover spent Frecl Kuhns is able lo be out ajMln. i Crouse of Perth Amboy last Sunday, Mrs. AMlurdsc. 7 \\\ Church street, hi a riin-dnwn ennditinn. AVllhout rest .several days with hoi- sister, M'«. Wil- Mis. I'Yank Apcar i>ntertain'.>il her i Mrs. Karl Starnar of Annandnle iays: "A cold which t contracted nbouf the blnnd cannot got buck to normal, turned out al the price. liam Vliet and family. sister a l' cjt-;-.-.'! ItUiyd virtually withers Ovcrlnnil Sedan has four doors, adjustable plalc- MV-s. Harry Snv.ler and iliuish\«r i-rd. ; in New York city after a visit with toward night they beennio worse nml Hie iimiv. *"!i' ."trained looks on j);ile Klass windows, ventilator in cow!. Wire wheels arc •Lola spent 111" week-end out of town. MY*. Clavt'iu'o 1'i're is able to be her sister. Mrs. Solitus. I fell .is though I could'hardly-stand fiux\'\ tiu- thl.i i»:on«ltfSM arms, the sunk- standard. Completely equipped, including electric - Wolsjy Ilmt has inircliasi.il a new arour-ii nu.ibt. i Mrs. Harvey Ilackett nnd little up. I hart a tired feeling most of'the en chocks :unl itoMis, the dcad-tlroil lights, starter, speedometer and horn. Gasoline car. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. II. Hiinn had as '< daughter, Laura Mae. spent Wednes* time ami wnsn't as .strung as 1 ;:hould foeliiiB. are tnli rtHiiilts of stale bluoil economy of 25 miles per-gallon is common.- ;• -• Mr. and Mrs. William Krinic and «ii?sts Sunday Mr. and .Mrs. John I day with her father, neors? Trout. h:ive"heen." Jly kidneys weren't acthiK depriving the systoin uf lifo-givius; oxy- daughter Esther of KlemhiKioii spi'iit Sh.uib and son Aimer, Mr. and Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trout passed IH-oiierly ami at timex they were too gen. the week-end with his father, Martin ("•rant Ap^ar and family. Mr. and Mrs. i from Saturday until Tuesday in Trcn- Woikcrs go to the ilrim store and Maleyacer. U. W. Hoffman. Miss Clara free and then again they became in fre- •Krinie, and family. tun. quent In abtton." I roiitl ao nnicb of trot CJnde's l'eptn-MruiKan when tln>y The Kpworth League of the M. K. Posters. Doan's Kidney' 1*111." so I procured a I'ft'l weak and run down. They take It Bowlby & Neuhqits •church fiavt' a "dosjpie" roast in the Mr. Oscar Gouhrr s|>ent the week- HAZES'. box at the Warren County Drue Storo. in cither the liquid or the tablet form: Kill same llelil Friday night. end at his home here. MIKS Anna Paul, who has been quite After using- Doan's I had no further That makes the blond rich-nnd rod ami 73 B. WASHINGTON AVE. Charles Tuxhorn has purchasttl a (leoi-tfe Gopher "pent Saturday in ill. is recovering. trouble." . , > . drives out the poisons. LU'e-givinw touring car. t:i •!! Uardn^r. : Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. nice and dnuj;h< 1 Price (>0e, nt. all dealers. Don't oxygen. I'iirrlwl by tho little retl eclln. Mr. and Mi>. WoNey Uuit ami sen Do not foi'fiet the box social Friday 1 t:-t- Marian passed Wednesday with her limply "ask for 'a kidney remedy—pot it-news the strength.and builds up thu1 Thoman spent over the wtek-t-nd with I'Wnitm, Oi". "*• in tin' school house. • tiiirents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. L. Spangcn- Doan's Kidney' Pills—the same that ciilitv system. Look for the niini' "A, GOOD IN VESTM.E.N'.'l " ' friends at Newark. W. H. Haii-i is the lirst fann.'r in : her jr. Mrs. Burdfie had. Kostcr-ililburn Co.. "Glide's IVptb-JIangan" on the. pat-k- Mrs. "William UwM -v\y fell at her •his mction t- liave hl< corn husked i Mr. nnil Mrs. (ii>orse M. Amey on- Mfrs., liitffalo, X. V. age. Advertlsirtnonl. home Saturday mornim;. a ml in- h.'is a line crop. . u-rtaini'il Mr. and Mrs. Win. Amey nnd Mr. and Mrn. J. S. I'.flc-l i-ni.-i't.ilned i chihlren of Harmony nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. on Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. WlU.ml # IHtOAOWAV. i John Sunday and daughter - Geneva of HolTman and two son". Mr. unit .Mrs. ! Uflvidei'e Sunday. Lester Hoffman and son "f Liehiiletf. Koi-p and Korp have offered their Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Street of 1'itila- men that work :tt the mixer a bonus of I Miss Emma Snancenb'M'p of O:.'ord deluhfti. Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. I'iekt-1 ami $10 apiece provided they lay diif* mile I passed Sunday at the home of her daughter Doris. Mr. and .Mrs. lltissjl of concrete in iifteen il.tys or less. On i srandptirents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Pickel and son Frank of town. Monday th.>>- put down -1^0 ft. i SpunccnherK. Ilev. Hairy Swam of Philadelphia : The Mission Hand hehV its monthly Mrs. George Ci'citz and four children will occupy the pulpit here Sunday at | meeting Saturday at the hom.- of Mrs. spent the week-end ut Siatlnfjton. both the morning and L-venlmr services. ' Karl Thatcher. Sir. and Sirs. liymon llousel and ' Tiie C. K. topic for Sunil ;y eveninc DEUWVARK V.VLLKV. two children of Hampton were the 1j will bo-How Can We1 Apply the Cinld- Mrs. Paul Dewitt. whu has iieen Very guests of hi. SI. P.. Snyder and three i ^[l^ and Mrs. James Mills. Jr.. and The youns people of this viehuty at* fhilih't'ii of Smith Orange motored here : ilaushler Miriam were the guests of tended the oyster Hipper at Summer- Saturday aiut vMUil Sir. and -Mrs. A. her-paroius, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Spa Held last Thursday niu-ht. Margaret Vannatui spent last Tues- ilay and Wednesday with relatives in Easton. This is a Stitdehaker ~¥ear Sir. Abrani Painter and family spent Sunday with relatiws in I'hillipsburs. Where Everyone .DINES in Comfort Sirs, Margaret DeKeamer of town, who has been spending a few days here with her daughter, k-ft last Sunday to •spend the winter with her sons in Eas- ton. SBIFS-CAFE For,the first eight months of 1921, our sales of Stude- John Smith spent the week-end with hi." parents near Slontana. Stewart Stciut ami son anil daughter baker Cars were 41% greater than for the same period of Delaware called on Mr. and .Mrs. Boardman Sunday. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY EVENING The roads in this vicinity are being of 1920, and 101% greater than for the same period worked this week ami

On September 1st, 1.921, there were approximately 116*000 more Studebaker Gars in operation-.th'an/ two years ago, and yet our parts business is 3% less 'han- it- was in 1919. This proves conclusively that—

Studebaker Cars are standing up in service y and staying out of repair shops, to a degree "Kerosene costs only about unexcelled, we believe, by any cars of what- half what it did last year" ever price.. . ; • ' ' A pi actual way to save coal this fall and, vjinfer 'Hit PeifeUion Oil Ilotci ; only a few raimiios-cach will prove more econom- day arc an added ;;6urccof ical in over a million homos wasted heat, greater, prpb- The Studebaker Corporation of America. Ait; vfiur tlrulcr akaut the /Vr/f'r/™ Oil llnttr Co;.- tliis year than ever.'before, ably, tlian you imagine. A. R, ERSKINE, President Uil- 55,000.1111 /,.. f,,i- . Coal prices have changed e: Use your coal hen'.,:.- t'i l.ecp ihc ' - NEW PRICES-OF STUDEBAKER CARS but little in the last twelve L " ''"' '" ~' •'•-^-^•--'-.--•---;v..\ - ^ — b, factories, effective September Sih; i$2i '••-••--•—^---.^r •.;-:.-:- .--;^.,.; "months; while7\.laddiri Se- weather, insteacl'tf "ruahiiiiiV the curity Oil, the best kero- fire all day, make tlje lii'in^ rooms . Tearing Cars and Roadsters: l! Coupes and Sedans: sene you can buy, has gone comfortable by ufiih^ a Perfection, just where you w=::t ic—in the bay" t- u. c- -i'o'~Li T>«nr1ot(». $1125 Light-Six 2-pass. C.QUpe-Roadster.... .v...... $sso donn ne irly 50%. ." < window or the opposite side of the ulht"l!x Tfuffig Car ZZZZ !. ~Z... 1160' ' Li|ht-Six S-p?8..;Sidin 1SS0- 1 ; 2450 Ihe Peifectibn is an effi- room-frbm'the radi.it'jV. ' ' ;; cient hciter. There's no jL.ght-s,xTggm* £5-: :..... jgs,-r, |^i°[-|;«|-p^» ^^- : •••• "25SO You can burn a Perfection for 2850 ' waste of fuel, no ashes that 1985 2950 about 10 hours on n single linllon Big-Six Tourins Car • m 7-Pas». Sedan ., represent many of the of kerosene. Your hardware or 1 pounds that go'to makeup department store salesman will '! ALL STUDEBAKER CARS ARE EQUIPPED WITH CORD TIRES Jilndly point out its simple con- jour ton of coal. Rooms struction and smokeless wick ad- w nnd hallnays that aieuscd justment toion. ^ STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New JciseO Howard S. Fritts PERFECTION Show Rooms at 46 E. Washington Ave. ^N Washington, N. J. OilBeaters tl Kf .3

tf>, 1 INDEPEN'DENCK—The Ind.'pcnfl. f inent. K Is encouraging to note th enco Parent-Teachera'Asfoeliitlon, liMd I hearty co*opcr;illon of member^. . We infHHiigc', voiiKuqucntly her nudloncos their membomliip cmbraso the repre- Kleld Day, June 14, Kacti < uunll wan have 130 paid up members and $207.13 uiway» carry/away; Bomcthlng that I« extent "Ini nhyL other; .way.'wi Tho -Warr,en „ County (Council of | going to accomplltUi'good rw-u,tw. 1 cr-p sentative citizens of tho community HO stated;that tho educational,.- Mothers'- Congress and Parent-Teach Kivcn.nn lee cream cone. We cleared j in'tho treasury, = •' that when they make a suggestion o» 1 $G.8C en the sale of Ice cream. • M, o, JltiAM, l'res. convincingly did she show the need of recommendation to the Board tho Jat- Wnrrcn,; U'li^fllarmlriff •; and ITS Associations met in the Washing- teaching etnldien to UKI> HOOKH. A cm- hoen-Trorsci^lcrscIy'duo^tc. _,.„..»,» ton school Saturday morning at eleven With the co-operation of the Board of WASHINGTON* — The Hume und Keit, xlic Hiiid IH one wiio docs his Job ter, will feel that in, fulfilling it they : o'clock/{imrcdnUiiUM In nil day ses-: i- , * HJViii'llMCIlUrH ___. Education, a permanent stnge has been . School Association lian an enrollment are carrying out the will ofihoso whom trained touchers. ,•• ElImInntIns-^htf;hlS] 1 held itrf first meeting for (he yeitr at (lie hi the very best wny j>OH.H|I>Ie from the they represent. < schools uf,;the'.county there•'flroltoHI; jilon." Thp'county chfiirmim Mrs. Hitler J >chool house October 8th. The attend- hullt In the auditorium and We arc go-1 of over 100 memherH. Interest in theVt-ry best iiosniblt' motive. Svhiwt'*' "-e \at Helvldcrc.iH'cflided. After the HIIIR- 1 1 Ing tOo gififvew Hifini imtni-inltimnnuitutainment lYIdui.'-t,i...t. . t<» "give this training,-but In -addltlori 12%; of'the .teachers Mvh'o.liayojind^j nilPt WUH vi-vy good. Plans were mndi l Oct 28 to h'lj>defm> the ex meetings IH constantly ^Increusliig, Mr. Sanford outlined tho province o£ Ing of America und the rend Ins of the for a Hullowo'on muHo,u«irndo 'social i K. uu. -a io nriji the ex Meetln«s arc held the third J-'ridny In to HvhmA training, nooks it re neirdut than^bisK/schVbl.ltrainlngjo^T^ftfjiJUpl minutes, reportti were received from 17 ponse of th'i Htugu. The entertainment the Board of Education n»' defined! til J'Vlday evening, Oct. -SH, The people In each month. Last Spring an eittertalit- Cblldivn must, bo shown thai thoy ca th« State liaw. He" believed that the ent. , Teachcrs;/canriot;;afrord'4.th^*^ this eommunlty arc very -pood about will begin in 8 o'clock and will coiiHlst nient wan given, proceeds from which (hid how tn earn a better living I tienao of. di, train I We -coursoi.nt:-.i of Hi'IcctioiiH by the M, E. church or- books—things that appeal to common needs of theschools should be ltrbvided helping In theso social events and necm chestra and two short playH. After th amounting-lo about $TG, were • uswl t from public funds nnd would not recom- paid now In \y»rren "countjVwfil 10 enj<»y them We have $70 in the chestra and two short playH Aft h furnlsli a teachers' rest room. The HeiiHc. MIHM AKkew's uddrcss alinutidocl entertainment nlon, erullers, coffop urn in apt Illustnitloiis of 'the use books mend that they be. "supplied to a large (Continued-on liago,- treasury Ice croiim will be on sale in thoba: Association had voiced protests against miidMQ improve school eoniiJ lions, «nd j IM^I ^MU'nK^ciiii''' Vnrpiit-Tp'iic ment. admitting carnivals of the harmful sort might bi> put to. She urged thtlt to 'the town,, had caused an inventi- be purchased by pnrcnts for ihclr ctni- IP'Urine oLoiit a closer relaHonshln be- \A ^tiS'Sir^mim&.VS 110. drcn rather thitn dainties and flnorlCH. tweon the hornet and tho schools. , inemlay of each . ...LMPsnunti—iioweii nuiidins gation of tilf ages of children attending Wc mm thp lhlrd Woi The AnHoclntlon has a memberships moving picture.** unattended, etc. TwoIt m.'itterri nitiuh moro, she said, wl KMOHIh. 1 montli. Lust .March wj pivsentWI<"**} J3. having only the lower grades classic -pictures were given last spring iS'ln.side the head than what dccomtl'mn draw from.and a large percentage (.o the two rooms Helling .the niont tick- are on t/.e uutsldt*. Toaeh boys mid foreign families among these. It ets for tiie entcrtalnmeiH. Two decor- girls to read—to learn tho trutli—and •IKIIeult to Sfct tlitau imi-tMils interest atlve,, potted ferns were given ins '.ho truth shall make them free J'I i .'nougli to attend meetings. We hav month to the two classes having tin noni this year programs along educational Mrs. Kt-ymuur Cromwell tho first wo eelved Installation of lights In the Hov lines have been planned. The Associa- niiin* to ho elected to the Stntc tloar ell ISulldlng. We have had a very sue tion had UIHO brought it about that of Education, spoko on ""The Public' ressful balte salo from the proceeds oi lEcsponsiblllty to the School." Shi- stir T council had Improved the street leading which wo started .1 school library sul to the school. ;\ ed that the rural ttchnor districts wor For Infants and ChUdre'h.' and ten dollars. doimtVbv "tb" Hta7'>] df,nt P^'-Wjtod « iwnnimt marked able for our grades. On Juno 3rd w -tot linked closoly CIIOUKII to tlie n« commission, our association ulno A* • "£**}• Attendance' to the room having held a picnic for pupils and parent* After the reports had been heard. mrtrnent at Trenton nnd it was he. niiti'd ton'dollars tn tim KiifaiiMin IV- > tht largest attendance for the month, with refreshments und prizes for game; .Mrs. William Down of CJlen Ridge, vice purpose to make known 'it the cnpilol lief Fund. i.uropenn Kt . Tne ^ocu,ut£n wiw U prwont ;l ,Metun, for the children. 120 children nre en president of the State Council en' llie wftnis nnd wishes of the count iiefFumV ' ' "^ .«~> »;'*i'''.«» »* present a ju rolled in these three grades and th' Mothers Know-That We had 25 members present at our; "? >>rtyc at cIos(? of sch°o1 to tIlc Mothers' Congress gave an address set- schools. June meeting held In the Hill Crest ninjf room. .., savings of those children during tin ting forth the aim of Mothers Congress pnst year amounted to $560.89. work and Parent Teacher Associations. County Supoiinleiidenl Sanford .--IKIKI' HChbol. At this most interesting meet-» The November meeting will be Fath- 11 "The Relation of the Parent-Teneh- Inc a boudoir cap, donated by Mrs. Kir- era* night and membership drive. MUS. A. II. CASK, Sec. Mrs.' Down brought some very Interest- Genuine Castoria FUERMAX nUILDIXO—The Asso ing reports from the National Council rs' Association to the Ijonrds of Kdu- JiLCOHOL-3 PER CEST Kendall was offered :is a prize to the ' Twelve new members worn added last at which 43 .States wore represented atlon." He pointed'out that the lat- room having the monl mothers present.', meeting. The treasurer reported $77.87 elation has earned the mon^y to pay foi ,i'r ar« the iieojilo'.s roiiroKcntatlves and AVe^ctablorrcparaliaifeis Throe of the. rooms were represented \ >n lll0 treasury. electric lights amounting to (211.SO a and which has'a membership of -lOD.OOO tho meeting each month we would havi mothers. She stated that one of. the as such are not to be nagged at or FdfEgta by-" 41 mothers ; each rind. tho fourth; * At Heititnibi.-r mooting we adopted greatest problems.in be worked out to- harshly criticised but are to be helped. either a guess cake or a guess pachngi The Associations must .strlvt* to hnve room by eight/So we conducted u draw- 1j the plan fflven us through the "I3ulle sums. In February we held a bake anil day Is that of keeping the children in liig and .Mrs."-Chester Krey won thi ' *'"tin,"" to.sc••* —t usld"e- -ten cents each month , variety sale which netted us ?05.(19. In school. The Mothers', Congress biu; cap. .Our proHldent, .Mrs. Fulton do .for. six months for Chi Id-Wei fare Work ) April wo sent fin to Near East IU-1! jccn waiting u cumpalgnKliicc the clone ifalpd lolly-pops and each mother pro- 1j lo lie-ihanded in at our February meet 1 We also sent, two delegates to the Na Jf tho World War to get tho children sent received a lolljvpop for each of 11 Ing for the national 25th anniversary tloual Convention at Washington, T>. back into the schools which ihey left her .children.-children. •,. This wawa.ns done, thinking Fifty-one members took envelope.' then becautio of the wage inducement*. Cheerfulne that the children writild urye thoir C. This tfall we started out with 32 marked "Juliilec Birthday Gift," \V( members and have Increased to 40. Wi Now .Jersey ranks 4th among the neither OpIom.Motphlnenor mothei'H to tittend the mct'tfny In order itatcs in educational standing. Acenrd- lo Bet lolly-pops. Wet voted to. pny.half have ordered loan papers and pliinnot' aim to fit up a rest room for the teach lIineral.NoT NARCOTIC our year's work. ors and pupils, A largo banner has ng to the amount of money the State i .of tho ejcjiense for the commencement tuts Into Its educational .system, it I urflgruim; also pay for the use of the High school students arc serving hot boon presented to the room having the COCOA lo out of town students. most voters attending tho meeting. JURIII to rank firct and no doubt would, Inger.soli'ciiib HouHe our Com- WtllH. GKO. GAItlUSOX, Sec. vere It not for the poor attendance of moncement excrclse.srclse.s. We. sent two delegates to the Na- ,)upils. A child who IK kept out of YES, SURE! tional Convention and are .feuding one IIOI'K—The Hope Parent Teachors* u time for jiaylnB the annual dues to Trenton. Association was organized Wednesday jchool'falls behind his classmates, be-. WM^chamjed from April to September. evening, Oct. 19, 1021, for tho sehoor omcH discouraged and finally causes a At. tho Octliher meeting a short pro- ' SAREI'TA—Tim nrst meeting of the year 1921-22 with a fairly god attend vaste of the stales money. Tin- schools i The Horse. Blanket Kram pcrtalnlnK to CdlombiiH Day was Harepta Parent Teachers' Association >f today are to prepare the child to tit \ rendered by the pupllH of the various W;IH held on tho evening of October »Uo his-place In thi- next gi-nfration. makes the warmest ...... u, .,„• j.upi.M 01 uie various | nth."Th1 lth. "Thoe neneww president president., MrsMrs.. OlngleHQlngles,, A committee wns appointed to pur- between 30,000 and -10,000 children be-, rpom.s. Two essays on "Fire Preven-; preside. Committees for membership chuso a plnno for tho school, also to .ween ages of 14 and Hi leave sclniol i Aficlpfuy lion." by pupils or the Krammar schoolH| ,,r0Kmm, refreshments nnd t-mergenoy imrchaso new shades for tho building. •ich year in our State. j Constipation andDiarrtioc' yjere read and much appreciated. It, wert, ayp0|nted. Tho assoclutfon an a The matter of arousing more interest In Motor Robe and Fevcrlshncss anit was voted that tcitchers be given mon- j whoie UBMWi l0 consider *wuy* to bent the community In behalf of the associ- oy topurchaflo Vlctrola needles. cooperate with the teacher in'raising IOSSOFSIEEP ation WUH discussed, also a means by FDuring the noon hour refresh in eirts j 1 It wus-votod-ta make our next meet- thc atandard of work done In tho school which to bettor the attendance, that , ore served in the school by a com- -unless ybu get a'Plush fW Ing 11 "ilhcvH meeting. • • ;i,l(i to improve tho military conditions we may receive a full share of the State littee of Washington mothers with .VIIH....-,.-S, Ti-lforwaimvi-'Wiusi prose..present. _an d tallie••".d : auouabout "ththu builiUngbuilding. Itt waw«s voted tto money was brought up, after which the Irs. George Morris ami Mrs. .Iniin Kobe with rubber in- about the meeting of the Warren Co. \iavs ut each regular meeting, u speak- mooting adjourned. Viseburn in charge. tcrliner. which is wind- .ParontVTeachers' Assbciiiitoii und urged 1 n ••" -- iiitlon und urged or |0 tjl]]c on subjeets pertaining to tht; At tho afternoon session Miss l-tiuis* proof-and heat creat- all who could possibly do snoo tu"> attenuttenfdl I IIA»»«» • -* ... • - JOHN FIRTH—Tho John Firth As- I In ton, soprano, .sang in a pleasing is. she thought a good program was In betterment of tho schools ami tlu» ne- sociation holds Us meetings every first ing. We have all kinds s(oi"e. Mrs. Fulton appointed three cessity of nlose cooperation between Thursday in the month. We havo mniier "The Mothers' Hymn." Then delegates to attend. S.ivernl others ex- the parents, school and pupils. It will about f>0 members. We gave out rainy beautiful moving picture exhibition of Motor Robes. pressed their Intention nf going also. be tho duty of lb> program committee day lings to the children of different •fts given, showing the ponce time work families nt the end of lust term and • "Service" of tho Red Cross, Miss -Probably the most interesting pparrt ofr this luslast meeting of • ours siou at tin* moftings in oideoidr that susub when they worn handed in nt tho be* Lrah Askew, of the State Library Coni- spelling bee of ours was :i Jcets rtC • most iniportancc may y bbe ','bming of this year wo had $1(5.00. We tfsslon gave an inspirational address _.,.„ a utl.- miiuuBUM ubyy Mis.t Tulferv..«.|. Uniu!iibroughut n'-iurbeforce niltht** AflsoclutfonAssociation. . TheTTherne .iavc had lights installed in our building ...i "Tho Malting of CIU»

Buick is the Pioneer Builder ©f ¥alve^iri-Head Motor Jfiars The Best Gasoline Twenty years of service have ;Costs no More given Biiick yalve-iii-head motors URING our many years' experience in producing gasoline we have dis- their years of painstaking experimenta- ' Unequalled ^feipiitation for power covered i that the proper blending tion. It is uniform in qualit). quick- aiid dependability. Saying "valye- of basic crudes is necessary for a well- firing, clean-burning. It is the besl gaso- balanced fuel. And our access to prac- line obtainable, and costs no more than • , 1 in-head^ today means "Buick" iically every developed oil field has in- any other. as mucHi as it did two decades ago. sured full utilization of the various types The consistent use of "Standard" Motor Jaiid grades pf;7erude in exactly the pro- Gasoline tull go far towards correcting uick^ixes : Buick Fours portions needed. many of the more common difficul- 1I-4S Five PauiTourin4 • ISIS 32-Four-34 Two Pan. Roadatar t 935 iieti of motoring. If your engine over- 22'Four~35 Fira Pan. Tputiod 97S eess I I n " The improved "Standard" Motor Gaso- i" " ' 232S 22-Four-36 Three Pass.'Coupe UTS heats or gives of? vile exhaust gases, if ,.J735 22-Fout-37 Five Pals. Sedan • 1650 line is produced through the efforts of Paul iCoucs •2S3S yoi'r cylinders mi^s or carbonize quickly, " All Priiea >.' O. B. Flin t, Michijan . y our Development Department vx ;jcrts. own f>MJ,'S«fMi ikobdatttttG.M.A.C,Plen if the oil in your crankcase becomes These men have devoted their liven to the diluted, it is probable thai you have beeu (CJJ) istudy of oil refining and the relation be- using the wrong gasoline. tween the properties of oils and the uses Fill up nidi die improved "Standard". Oil 331-333 Morris Street to which they, are adapted. "Standard" No. 5 Broad Street sale wherever you ficc the fuinilii'ir "S.O.'' PHILLIPSBUR6 Motor Gasoline represents the fruit of W. Y: Rash WASHINGTON sign. '"Rcmniiilier—ii coSls no more. : Buick and Cadillac Sales and Service S TANDAR;D;; PIL COMPANY V. S.—MAIL UECEIVEU AT KITJIGBJlDDKESSr WILKINSON GARAGE, Sales and Service, OXFORD, N. J. (NEW JERSEY) WHEN B£rn-RAim)M0BILES ARE BUILT. BuiEJTwiLL BUILD THEM if^^


;Woman 'Altnrhx HUIIIT Si'lii-nit—Not f * Now Jersey Will I'OOJH-1'.II*. ^.iV. .- ,,- Holvft Pniblmi.' ' '< WIUInciRvifl on the pan nf New Jcr WARREN MOTHERS- TEACHERS MEETING ^^•'.•Mrs; Rono MnrlP "In Hrojillt. of lfilfi ffT y tn cn-opcratr with HIP I-Vderat Gnv professional Cards '"•APnrrusiit Avenue, Ilnrrlinan, Y'it.. for-1 pnuiiPiit in al tovl.it lug the uiirtiijilny (t;ollllmlnl m .. wurdeil ir> the Trenton Times a state- M>.u.»ituatlonl.yc..«ii- ' !lnBVn;a;i"co;..i_ <>° -«'»* 5-^cUon 2) u £" ment crlt.ctatnn the State Hoard »f ;ini''tinn Is Indicated by CJnvernor Kil-I t Index to those Prom- InstitutionH and AK'Mieios for Its ef- iVardH in a telegram to Secretary of behind nil tin1 real in this matter. fort to |jut ovvr the fourteen million Jntnmerce Iluuver. Hoi-ivl.iry ll.iover .Miirrow of tin- Mint*- Hoard of inent in Law, Medicine, dollar bond bill. She is vjry caustic iskcd for information as to th" road KdiH-mlni ami IU the invi- Dentistry, Optometryj in her comnieiu upon the motives of nllciiKf which cmdd he started within tittiou of .Mrs. Uittcr made ti short iul> dress, in which he decried the con 4>-:: the Interests back of the bond scheme, nim-ty day.s in tin* i>iit of udriitluuul Insurance & Undertaking arguing that. If adopted, the project iw ItoliiK made nvallable by dition of iIn- schools untl the small Mil- will merely provide immry with which ;

DR. S. SANDLES CHIROPRACTOR uate I'almor School.of Cliiropractlc (Olilroiiructlc Fotintalnlicad) cent, politicians. ! IK1---'""- "This upward SWHIR of .the MiHiness lJavenport, Iowa "Dr. H. C. Sharp's trivial operation ! "New Jersey has ciintrarted in the pendulum is clearly dotlncd to thnne At HIC1I HltlllCi:, N. .1. railed vnseetomy represents the only j >'*•:!!• mil for over 200 miles of road. : who can rouil the economic signs of Tuesdays tind TlmrsuayB way to live down embalm-d princi-! and w planning to cmiiniot I'nr an : tht> times." his tncusago said, "it is At UOVKlt. X. .1. pics on saving lives thlt arc a bnnb-n j 'quivaleni amount, sr, far as the funds , ,11 the hank, the railroads, the post Mnn.. Weil.. r-Vi., and Sat. to themselves and an Impediment to | tn pay r-n-sain.-ean be mnde nvail:ih|.>. . nilic-•, the mill and the Held. And it intelligent an-I [nduxtrintis mm wo-j Keep in tmich with me. ,^o that intcl-• ™»« >"•-•>• •• "«ii-it nf nntimkni -.n.i >m 1 •alts for a spirit of optimism, and at _.. ji and children. - -; tM.nppiMtIun may lie maintained. attitude of sflf-rfliant forw.ird-looliliii,- "In 1913. New .Ier.«<\v p-tiUon.d fur 'niiiidencc on the part of ihe liusiiifss DRS.BEAM&OSMUN seventy-eight thousand dolfcirs for this men of the L-oiiniry. very same puii'o^—s**»firfi;[ii!i)M of th" Found Sl'M.*)0() Cash I'ndee I'il "To no section of tin* country is this DENTISTS mental defectives, et al. and now they Hags. of more Importance than to N.'w Hug- Gas. -Vnpor nnd Oxyuon for Painless want millions. Tiieri.-'s something In a will drawn up l»y li.'r only a f<-w land. It In at once tlic duty and Uu- lCxtrnctton anil Cavity Preparation rotton in Denmark.' that's certain." days prim- ICJ her death Sept. l'» last, opportunity of tin- business men of Mrs. Joseph Simms. widow of the 86 So. Main St., Phillipsburg, N. J. w.irld miwller and eccentric scientist, Di' business optimism into the conduct OrdiTs ("ill iu Freluhl Kates. left $20,000 tn her iieph-iv. Robert Ili-n- Pliona 9C9 it was loarm-d Thursday. lierulry if their tiff.'llrs. to the end that til In a HWoopinswoopinKs decision involvininvolvli.gB tth.h ' dry. it was loanud Thursday. lierulry • '';,, .,— / ' j£',."',,, ," ,t nn:vl

1 ttl^l.ii r (ILMil4 ux^d k -.it4i.k.iLr.4i i i.i.f^v L-^•..1V"'. [ luiLini v i — t itrwv .11 1:141k .11 ti.hi 11.4411 .< h entire railroa. . d. , yUtmtlon. .. .wng » scales.. , foun. d 1124.50. .. 0 . In. . bill, s - i.n. hi.s aunt'SMccuiis .speedil' \ , ,,rctutn' ,'y. ,returne.

Ltitle- bam PIN- InUnst on ttli lib There Is A Great'Buying of Fall and Winter Pumps io sell special 4 1 \ 1 1)111 The unfuhm, ibil t\ of [mil Sim Fabrics and Dainty Silks Philadelphia Dental Rooms to pjj ins mini t tml tin upw ml mo\eimiH n th Lil)iin 1 nd mulct Belt Telephone Easton 1865 constituti two fietni uliidi h li> Li itissuu hold i<- thit tlu\ ii i\ i mill no mist il < in 1 pi in thtu I il 11\ FASHIONABLE BOLIVIA COATING a pr. I ontlb CommttiLin-, \\nh Oitoln l tli tli Watches &- Jewelry huj,e sum ot M n " i i to bn dis at $3.25 a yard ljmstd i\ iIn ( o\ i inn nt i th" stnu | Lunuil intucst 5t tin i nut i I ib u There is no finer material for Winter Coats than this REPAIRED Loin Bonds it wlmb i tin dm-, to i olllttil (it,uie tliui uu '-I Jjf 01 7 0 all wool, soft silky Bolivia cloth and it has not been with accuracy and dispatch outsttndin- m UIL I IUIU lounti \ on 1 at most reasonable charges. ^U\ (J li_l It is stimit^ thu in any too plentiful this year, shades of dark gray, • • STYLES LEATHERS th'o Second J ulu tl Us \^ Dish let done il wilt iLquiii ibont $o0 000 000 navy and brown, 54 inches wide. Newest 3-buckle mod- are aJl of dependable Io pi\ tlic LOUJJ HIS iitont ind m a kli Davidson's Jewelry Store tionit sum OL b t\M n &S 000 000 md els with the buckles quality and include $10 000 000 his IR n <-i.tit In tin. iim Washington, New Jersey. Ul\ Dtpiitmtlit in the term I/L CI\LL1 S centered over the in- to i tgisteied hold*.is FRENCH SERGE CANTON CREPE step. Patent Established 25 Years. Soft, fine weave, closely The season's most popular OASTOEIA woven, a beautiful quality, 5G fabric, of jiurc silk, closely Two styles of heels: Black Kid BearsthoslgnaturoofChas H Tletohert inch wide in navy, bmwn and Low and medium Iu uso lor over thirty years, and woven and hang's gracefully— Black Suede T/ic Kind } ou Have Always Souqht black at SJ.50 a yard. •10 inch wide jn navy, brown, height. HOIJSANDS black and while, .S-i.'Ji) a yard. have found foot comfort by using , TRICOTINE T GREEN LEAf CORN PLASTER How Old Are You 50-inch wide, fine close woven • 40 IN. CANTON CREPE veuve, heavy quality in brown Of a good .serviceable quality A thin medicated plaster that re- By Your Hair? and navy, $4.50 a yunl. —black, brown and navy, $2.7."> You may choose your pair from six charming styles. You moves tlic most stubborn corns a yard. and calluses in 72 hours. Takes couldn't err in choosing any one of these, they're all so de- up no room in t'Yc shoe, protects \ou ma\ Ix tuih ihii t\ but n li ild CHARMING SILKS lit idid rrn\ oi MIIII li ih is hi ml NOVELTY SKIRTING cidedly pretty and fascinating. The new, lower price is par- the corn from pressure and stops s<.rtbt,h and in,h ! ol hit, ptnpk will The Silk Department is show- the pain. bjrel\~vuk( \ ou to 11 mu li oldu ing the Newest fashionable Dark blue ground with fancy ticularly interesting. ' s,/ If jout \\i nt i lot ot ^ood lookuif, 15c package at any drug store. Jnit Unroots inuot b immi.iu UL1\ \i weaves in Satin Duchess, Char- color novelty stripes, 50 inches tullztuVaml kt.pt in< pelK nouiishcd meuse, iMessaline and Taffetas, wide, $-l.;"iO a yard. ;\i To do tliis quii-kh ind s> U( 1\ t,tt Horn Hendershot Drug Co., all marked at New Low Price 52 inch all wool, fancy plaids Williams Opel i HOUH I hunm\ i Newton, N. .T. Distributor. holtlt ol PuiNim Smt \ little it levels. and stripe patterns, $2,115 yard. lt.ntlon now wi'l insuit jikntv il In iu tiful lull foi MIIS to toim Paiihian STJ,I is j,im inttcd io 1 tip a\\a\ all cUiuhulT sto]) be tip itch ind Fabrics for Your Halloween Costume fulling: h Ui and sihnul He t ULU CHICHESTER SPILLS Mouth oi moii(> iefundid It s in Get them hero; we have^ill the wanted colors, 15c a yard. W-— , TUB DIAMOND nilAHD.'iJCl j,re\t demand b\ disci imiintini «n men bn.auSt, it makts tin, h in hoft lublroilh oas> to mi ant, i ittnUiviJ, and uppeai muc1! laivkr thin it r«. il Just Received a New Line of Tubular Jersey Cloth \y is Parisian Sago ib tas\ to use not In these shades—Tan-Jiei, Java, Belg-Blue, Navy, attcky, nnd daintHj ptifumcci—in in Scailet, Black and Lapm, Piice $2.23 yaid. ^ CENTRE SQUARE—CASTON ' thejiiic, dun liquid th U su])plics ill Star and'Thrlcc-a-Wcek. Now Torlt .World. J2.7G. «K>W. wxh^ -> )- "frq^' ^' ^J! l)'nj*i»«ii,.ai,is<,.aai!_-, BfeCTION THREE TUB WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J.f THURSDAY, OCTORER 27, 1021 Page One HAMPTON. la RpcttitliiK thlH weiflt :it tho home ot I Hix-ntUim a w-i-It u-liti lur Hivt...- AII-M It- Is with a feeling of unbounded Councilman mid Jlr«. IloK-rt Hordon. | Jc«i".TSHIII,. HIKU-I, JIIH. pleasure that your HCiibe make an an- Rev. W. S. Coeymaii Mpunt Monday Air. urn) .\II-H. Philip 1'hilMpM mid nouncement of the completion of the In WhltehouHc. 3iam|)ton-Cltcn Gardner road. ,TlifH r'hlUlmn nf near Alpha tipr-nt. Sunday ' ltev. Frank It.- flitter will occupy the with Mr. and MIH. Decker .Miller. thoroughfare for tnonttiH hud been » pulpit of the Presbyterian church rcpi-oitch to .any clviilHuil contmtinlty -Mr, nii'l .Mr». Utiymond U:iulv Mr. Uuntluy. i ami MI-H, .u-ttHi- Haul, .-tint .Mr. und wus provocative of more profanity MrMrss . tfenry HjiWi-Hlittur of \VI.KIIII.\VanliiiiKl KHI.IK'I- -,t . i,.,,,„. ,r the Hampton hill wun it terror to mitt or- Iflts nnd many a broken Hprlup and axle er, from Wednesday until Friday ItiHt. .Mr. and Mi*. Waii-.n ll'.rmcm, ir-ii rcHultod from JKIHHIHK over It. Il WIIH ' I Joy In ami brother Frank •It, Klltni'ilny of UniH'lkM) ami MIHM Xelllo Conlr-y nf . .-iiul ,\lrn. Kiii-j l-'rcv nl" qulto tiDci'MHuiy for lliu unforUin;it< & Sons Hpi-nt the Wectt-i-lld at Hit' lit* siii'iit Snniliiy wlt'li li. citizens who wui'e comp Ik-cl to walk i|0,m. or J,inic» A. Cunluy. I lii'i-f. OF EASTON,, P E N N A. It ttcroflft 11 to usu an ultitm ot;I{ • ' I \\'n MiirouRh Cli-l-l; iiml.Mi-M. I-Yjti»i>. I'.lll-lil..-..- or i MrSir. mid MrsMns.. WalteWiilter ArAit l piili'i'tiiln- liraMlM.. Afnc.-.AflH'.i (.'RIII(.'Rll|.|T- bus ntiiriiiilltUlll.Mll I K''v" •"•.•r-Hiinihiy c"<»ls "f .Mr. mill >anese Baskets suitable for making Masque- cd Thm-ailay .Mr. anil .Mrs. Ktai.-i.-y Itai-c- frcini an i-.\timl.-il vlmt to rilallv.'.H in •"','"• '''""I' u "''•''•• rade Suits. All tbe wanted of BloomHlmry. . ,'•:• I .W-ivtirlc. I-Ilizjilntli. l'iil..n.,,ii ami ..'".• ll-1"1; I'-"-"-"'' hii« h.i.l itnni... Dci:ornlcd and NovcPy Trimmed Mrs. Haall Oil und win lire unending < (Iri'l-nivood I.ak.-. , , I1"'-' "istiill.'il In Ills torn-. > ' shades are here priced at ISc a Home time with lu-r parent* In Wattli- \ Ho%vlan«l Hawkins M still iiinsiai; a I , ''• I""i ^'l'-'- V\'illi:iin Am-y ami ingUinrlllii, N. Y. vt-ry «ori- foot which i-.-imi- from bcinir I '•1"'<»'''» »I»nt .Sunday with li.r par- 11 runjtli special flfurt m liuvc seemed ;i ^real yard. 1 In Lupatcom;. Horatio linn* has boon nursing .i I '"i"''" •'"»•' I'luyliiB bastbii iiuml'L'r of liiesi; useful Japanese Baskets—and Wt t; .MIHS Alice Crnts of vury sort- hand. A most painful boil i ' k« aK'J. Glen vtsiltil Mr. und Mi 1 vJ, nnin.i; tomorrow they, will be on sale at LINEN—for making handker- formcil on hia right hiind nrar lliu I <• -A. ttilson In on the alck.llst. rymple tin- pn.nt wveii. pLCial j-riees. Ihorali. The luiln «•», «,. ,.,.vere lie was I , «"'nn;I Ilosenheriii I- la trwitlng hi chiefs; white and colors; 36 iitble to work for n few days last- '""""• '"." f"'"1' '"•» "' l«'I"t- Mr an.I Mrs. Itoy Am. y ami cliiMren •CClt Kl« M. It. AlljrlKliI i» ills.) ILil.M-i.liU- | "I Allnilowii iiml R.'iymmiil Aulil, iiml I litre are live sizes in (lie lot. Snine are indies wide; priced at 1.50 a 1 l 1 1 1 1 11 1 Mrs. J. W. llouiwavri of l>lilllImliltrK '"?. J' " '™, ,' - I J " '" " ' . »'il»"i»« "I Sl.,1:. ,i,raii I1 i-n stained liiinined wilh varied crilur heads, yard. 12 inch squares, 17c. .IS tho guest of hi-r mothw-ln-lnw, -MIss, ''""'"' LVIII-IIIIIH ouloi- ,il Smiilnv ivilli .Mr. im.l .Mr«. .1. .M, Aim-}-. C 11 ie.se O»ins. Tassels and Bracelets. Others II i-8. Lydl_ _a" IJowlb.. y fro_ m Wednesda. y' i>|t..roveri lit.thf> . .t>iki.lwt'elwnd-.MlH- i.n.l r 111 s. . M.llck-iIi L'oykft .. - until Krkliiy. Mrs. lioivlby 'also enter- of'Xew Hamptonp . nt natural colur novelty trimmed. SATEEN —This material is Ui SltsSpx (iels Isi- or s:i;,.«|ll) ,,r Morris tained lust week Mrs. John I'rail of yoiniK ladles of iheI lamp ruiitls. to he used for lining purposes; ion tt i;n;d 'H t ihle for sewing baskets, lunch haskels and Ho^elle, Mrs. Jlnttk* ApKur iiml dati^h- Hfhrjol i»Ii;nl(;i-d lust ISy III" aeilmi ..;• tin- Jloi-riH Oniiilv day.afternoon near Clian^ewattM-. They tor, .MfHM . DewltDl t of WoodRlen andd MisMis n Cl I !uanl i,r l-'iet.h.ilderii. iimwes (J.iunl'y nnnv other uses. Very acceptable a? Christ- plain colors only; 36 inches enjoyed a mar.shiu;illow toast ami Sarah ICverlU of Katontown. I.-' l« h:ive the us,- ,if J;:r,,Diti) ,,f siai'e "tlogRlo" roaHt. .Miss Uutli liamKuy. the mas 'gifts. wide; priced at 35c to 75c a .Mr. Poi'clvai HuKhcs of Klizabeth , - , Highway L'MIIIIIIWIIIII tun.Is I,, wlileli Kpont one liny last tvec-k wilh his sis- Physical training teacher .M'.rt-i;,-is entitled, but wilicll it due-; m,l yard. 1 tor, Mrs. Thomas Slater. '"'•, I"" '*' neetl thi, year. Tli< innney will lie- n 1 Priced According. to the Size

•Mr.Ml . . UlMlkOcorgV IIUIHIIItle llorfmal Mi «><.:tt«4||n oV f tl Newarllfi kJ wau- l .''"4 . ie|»'' «nlll ,„ ,), FANCY PRINT SATEEN—36 a ylaltor at tho home ef II. II. .Merrill »oclation attemled the County l-aront, ;,',,,, r ,.,.,^ .;,'','•!,"'," ,'"','• inch 7 inch 8V4 inch 10 inch 11 Vs inch inches wide; priced at 59c to size size GtZC size •^"Kft^, ,,„„!„. 3.™x; .as J^;^" -;;, ^™ 'j»™> - „ ;t ;,f 75c a yard; wide range of pat- IT, hna iiurchimuii the Kobei-L ThoniHon KiUvjinl Dunn nr Mrooklyn 1ms i-ur- nviil-ilil.-' n,"t,".,,- '-m iii • •' i 1 i i terns. honio.- near the .station, ami will n- fhiisvd » unutli frinn near Charle.trowu ;s llri,..i , v .,,'|M.. . , ' mentHmodel'wit. h alt Mw mtittc-ni Improve- summe'""1 I«r havinpliome.: S-MIIK' remodeled for a I'lit-oiu-h ii'om V. ,1. •• -iV•.,',!•! ''(>""»K 25c 65c 89c $1.50 $1.75 John Moran uf EllwilK'th «pcnt Wed- j Tlie legion will hold a iljuiei. in [,... SILK AND COTTON LIN- nesday witli his mother, Mrs. Mary | KIOM Hall I-Vlday HIKIH. An orclifHtm On sale in the art department Monin, •' ^ ! from Koinei-villE! will furnish nmslo. INGS—Durable quality in the Mr. aiul Mrs.' David (ierard nnu'ed ! Airs. Mary Moran and daughter J-o- 36 inch width. Printed in a their houHohold f;oodn from ihe W'lllhitn 1 I'ettu MjK'iit .Monday in Kaslon. Com)it house into Mrs. Ollle HUKIK'M' | Mi's. F. .McCarthy visited in Ka-stou variety of colors, 1.00, 1.25 1 hows** on MIRII Htreet last week. Saturday. and 1.35 a yard. MISH Sarah Ft'iiwidk of Monteliilr Airs. Kllzubeth limit and dulicht-,'!1 Hjient a few days last week wilb lier Max..1! of I'ltyuniic weic Snndav uuests parentH, Mr. and ,MI*H. Uoljt'i't Ki«nwick. «r Mrs. Ilimfs father, David (lerant. ' MisK Ft'invick is a stiak'Ht at MoiitHair. Mr. and Mvs. Joseph Mcliulre, daiit;!i- Miss Uernice Uvnii.ii of Newark spi-nl [ tvr I'-lnle and son Stanley recently visit- tin- WL-i>l;.i'iifI wilh Hie Misw.-s Aloran. Finally Relieved by taking ; ed their, parent*, Mr. and .Mrs. .M. M. .Mrs. Ihirli-y llacluitt nm\ son Cent Lydia E. Pinkham's of Timely Interest Flaconettes Lottt at Norton. " ! of PlillllpHhurLr haw been rer.-nt visH- MIHH Gladys Cooper of AndiAvr. a , urs with MIH. llai-kelt'H mulliei-, .Mrs. Vegetable Compound A New Wrinkle that former tcaclier hi mir publie scliool. i TiHie Coqiirt. 1 IIl k | !l r s pU These autumn J;ivs when lionsecleanin.ee is in order und rearrang-e- WUH a Siiturdiiy and .Sunday KIH-.«1 of' f-l'V'?! * -' ''!i'(]' f i '"' ^""'!«>• with ; will be popular. Mr. :mtl Mr.". Kdward Sllf.'s. ! Mr. and Airs. I-Yan'k SlirOpf wen- ' RavonswootJ.W.Va.—"Forsevcnionf; IT. J. Dalryinple ami son Junior siu'iu I inenl ol" Ihe home U one nl' the tastes, seems io he the proper time KtieKts Saturday -jf Arr. and Mrs, (ic" ' years I suffered from a female trouble Saturdny wilh Mrs, Jus. Limbeck in i nd Mrs, Ceo ' Hhiconettes are neat little : U'elliT liliov.' Imlnyilalx and inflammation so I-MHton. and Sllil'!;tv ! to select a new piece of furniture for one room or another. Here vlsiti'd .Mr. and Airs, llu Unsavi-l ! that I was not able vials tilled with the world's Miss Agnes Hill, a Ktuduiu In Muii- • on the IVt-r Crcxur farm. to do my housework. rarest perfumes. A Flacon- leniiei-K hnnpltal at I'lainlicld enjnj'ed ; .Mrs. Tlujtmif Hl.-m-r iv.-nr In .MiUlnn-n \ are a few items specially priced which might interest you: a two-day vacation hist week willi her i I consulted several Tuwulny ami spent Die day with iit-r • doctors but none ctte in your hand bag is pni'viitti, Mr. and Mrs. Malhias l:ill. i daughter. Mrs. Uichard CoUHhlan. ! Air. and Jlr.i. John L. Smith uf New i seemed to give me worth two bottles of per- llampton wero Sunday yuusts of Mrs. liorutiKh Clerk Krcd^rick llalvburio'n < relief. I read in a Htnilh's father, Mr. Charles Wuttt-nt. ' and Karl 1'%'iiwli'k stari.-d last Hundav I paper about Lydia fume in your boudoir. ! Odd Dressers Mr. anil Mrs. JndHon liowlby enter-I for Laekawnnna Lake mi a du.-k hunt- E. Pinkliam's Vege- High Back Chair talnod at Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. jinj; expedftiun. After spending three table Compound so Priced $1.00 and $1.50' I'reston Ilaekett of Want i'ortal. days :ii tin- Kami' iv.snrt tlf.'y n-tnrned 1 decided- to try it, and $oo $ on \\\'dn«\«day with om- mild ht-n and Air. and Mrs. Charles Toiuey and j a nimr nn-'ss of jiickuivt. and before the first Priced 35 daughters. MJsst'.s Florence und Jessie i bottle was gone I W.-ilter Shrope of WnHhinKton spent Tomcy of liiyonne. motored here Sun* I . _ found preat relief so Odd Dressers made of Mahog- day und spent the day with Mr. and ' tlu.» week-end with his sister, Airs. Aus- llijlh I'iick Wlnjj Chair covered Airs. II. llarrlH. ; tin Kitehett. I continued using it until I bad taken any, Oak or linished Ivory. eight bottles. Now I am very well and wilh :i good quality of tapestry, -Mr.> I-'. O. Itaymond of Alleittown ' It is repntrteil that James Curew Una MARY ANN erected IL monumeiu last week on thesol' d his I'iu-ni in Mr. iiakkej- of Hrook- • can do my own housework. I can gladly ChiiTniiiers ai these prices also. desirable pattern; comfortable grave of his father, th move theru i to sutFerinff women," —Mrsi RERTIIA Former prices S5t and S52. Cake Shell Pan cemetery. ; iIIRT I- .! LiivUiNfi, R. F. D., Ravcnawoori.W. Va. N'ext week Heems to IJH niovinj; w-ck . '} - The ordinary day of mo.s' housewives' in the borough. Mathi;is Chamlieriain i IIAK.MONV. ; is n ceaseless treadmill of washing, wiii move from the Kiddle house into Mr. ami .Mrs. Kivd.-ridc Felir cst. i cooking, cleaning, Tnendinc, KwecpiriK, Odd Davenport the lioiiMc recently vne.-itcd by Winlidd \ Kiislun sp./iil. Stimkiy with her Hi*, dustinfiand caring for littlo ones. How Odd Brass Beds lCuhns. Altlfii -McLean will "nmve lulu i Mr. and Mrs. Abrum Kaub. t , ' much harder tho tasks when .some de- S the house vacateacatedd by y Mr. C!iaiiilji>rliiiCli n Alis.s Cai'fir Kittt if I-Iast.i rangement of the system causes head- vtor" ami Mr. iiml Mra. |.>ank Finn .'i:t In j Mr. fieurKe Luuinsmi Satm aches, backaches, bearing-down paina Priced /iO Priced 150 move their hoti.spliold yimilH ri New-1 Air. :uid .Mrs. Clark Oil entertained and nervousness. Every such woman ark into Uioir recoiilly iitirclia'-scil hotui relatives from J&istim nver Sunday. Just one Davenport; covered in this borough. Floyd Major of Wash- should profit by Mrs. Lioring's experi- Briglit and velvet finished rir.-is" .Mrs. GtnrgL' Kudrei! and tlmv- SOILS ence. Remember this, for over forty ington is Installing a pt|i._-le^K lu'ater nf liififrsoll Il-iiyhtw spent Stindav with line quality of tapestry; years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable into tbc l-'inn home nnd Jolin IVI-KOM ivilh Mr. and Airs. Codfruy W'.-iMb.-iaer. beds; al:-o a \'c\v Satin finished. loose sprinj; cushions; loose in redecorating the interior. Mrs. Finn Airs. J ...-i irMinriiulKon of Ka:ittm l:i Compound has been restoring health. jt Formerly fold at VI.SO; now piliws; s.| inch arm?. For- GPONQE CAKE SHELLS Tho new mode in dessert, are bakBfl markcil special S25. merlv ?..'O.i. In .Mary Ann's Calce Shell pan, light rts a feather, richly tirownad, filled with gelatine, custard, merlnpie. fresh or canned fruitd and berries. Cut and BGIT« at the tabln. Tdo pan Is a solid ploco ol aluminum, cleaned ns easily T3he rBas©itm©!nif Sale of as a china cup and lasts forever ?1.50 each, houaoruruishinc deport 'fiousefurnishings BlBCt Will 'Omtiiiiu' :t few Jays to make room for Holiday Goods; here are a few of (he many specials included at special prices. See our ad of Hallowe'en last Thursday for complete iist. is Near at Hand . G?Jva!>£zca 'Wash- Tubs Stone Crocks • Hallowe'en with its parties and fit

•Ilaliii- -?1.|.-.: ^i-.-rI:il ;.. ..!>.-„. the time to make preparations for i - for t'lis sab III ilnllini • -lii'i-i-t! DENNISON'S CAMEL. S,!.i-, Viili..- n.™...... •.-.,-... -•*-l-"'« I-.1 CIIIIIIII :... :t.-io S Goods is now complete; all are SI0..1H viiliH'.- nl ...... ;•:...... I*7.."MI Into this ONE BRAND, we put the utmost quality. marked at attractive prices in the $10.7.". Millies II! ...... ^7.7r. | White and White Enamel Nothing is too good for Camels. They are as good as it's Sll.oU \alll*-.- nt • •. .*7..)'J | Ware Reduced book department in the basement. possible to make a cigarette. •.: One- Lit of alxmt'i-.O jiii-iTs. .ill |iirfcrt, Crepe Paper, ISc, 25c and i" si...Diiils. viihu-s iifi ti. ^..-.n, iiK-linhvl Camel QUALITY is always maintained at the same high, Ciothes Lino ' I 35c j| at tl. vn-lii.. I!),-, ,,,„!„! „, . ,., jil "lit- jirk-p, sppci.il Silc. exclusive standard. You can always depend on the same •1110 fl, viilm. liSu. .-|,.-,-i:,l :,t....'.'.]"'.:£ , .\tititlii-r Itit ini-huiin;; 170 pioi-t-^ tint Festoons priced 10c. nr,. vnhlivl nt SS..MJ. market nl. lltu- ape- ' mellow-mild refreshing smoothness—the taste and rich ti;il 'prin- SI.Ill ,. |,. I ' Napkins, Sc and 15c. flavor of choicest tobaccos — and entire freedom from oU'tt. viilue U!IL-. >fn-i'i;i!...... ^^'ill,'; | ac cigaretty aftertaste. Lunch Sets at 45c. Fiieless Cookers Reduced Masks at 15c and 18c. And remember this! Camels come in one size package | Grey Enamel Ware 7Sc •IllHM ii! Tllis lot iii.-hnliM WiitiT 1'nils., 17 „„,I I •Illlli-S lit Silhouettes and Cut-outs. 'only—20 cigarettes—just the right size to make the greatest, •2|.(|t. Disli J'jnis, 'I'.-n Ki-lllpy, Cr,trvl. '• iilui-i I.I iiiul.'LVn I'ula. a siw« ,,f licrliii Kctlli-s Place Cards. saving in production and packing. This saving goes S-i|l... l.'nw.-rviii); K.-Ulcs. I-.|t. Dnulilc • Tallies. straight into Camel Quality. That's one reason why you KciHprs mul Ilruul Knism-s. Valma lu : Clothes Baskets 1 can get Camel Quality at so moderate a-price. •i-1.7^ ' ! ?1.7!' vnl-.ire. spcoial .*1..||) Post Cards, etc. Speciai 75c ; 91JIS values, ftneeiill $1.11!) Here's another. We put no useless P2.411 values, =jH'ciitl Sl.ns • frills on the Camel package. No "extra wrappers!" Nothing just for show! . Such things do not improve tho smoke ORDERS TAKEN NOW for Plumage Hair Combs any more than premiums or.coupons. And A New Vogue 1 their added cost must go onto the price Ppfsona! Greeting-Cards or come out of the quality. The newest and one of [he smartest voijue* nt the For Christmas One thing, and only one, is responsible season..— 'lie Plumage Hair Combs—made up of .Avoi'l'tlii' inM-mijmtr* nish fur Chrislmi, Tiinls. UnU-r tln-m Bright colored Plumage. for Camels great and growing popularity imw M> tlmi. Ihi- pnpr»vt:w will Imo ;mip|.> limp Io do liic —that is CAMEL QUALITY. work with i-iiiT iind milky ilmir (lclivi^icy uronuittv. These new Combs in their rich contrasting hues ire t.lin- HWjirttnetit of ?lylc.=i (liis sni^ni exm-ils jiin- former i-(tllt'rtinti. Von run usr ynnr own jilnti? if von Iiiive om1— in true harmony with the current demand foi Span- if not vnn fim Imvn rnn- nnulti nl, a rrnsoiinbN- jirii'f. ish iiieme of costuming. Printed Christmas Cards, 40c, S5c and 60 doz. . ;' On sale at the Jewelry section Printed Christmas Booklets, 1.20 to 3.00 doz. ' on the main floor at l.aubach's i ' STATIONERY SECTI0W 1 Priced 3.50 to 5.00 .~ ' LAUBACH & SONS, EASTON, PENNA., .I , PagcTwb THE WASHINGTON-STAR, WASHINGTON, N. .T., THUnSDAY, OCTOBER 27,1921 SECTION THREE

Belvldcriiin Is laid up on uctunint of in- 'ItiK "I -I"-1 Immiuet. imith Louis and MHt 1 tlhi Smith nC- Mi iml Mi-; lo^'ph Mllu juries received" while at work Mrs. Charliw Smith of Irvln street, iore t,ue*itH at lnubiool Suudtn Jittk I toot PlilllipsburK spent Tuesday at the home Mis 0 "U A\hlU «f I ilk Vi id( ulm Air. and .Mrs. .1. II. Sinwnt sitiil JJtul- CLINTON of lur -tLi, Mis Willlim Ptff of Un pint la-n W*.L! ullh IK I btuthir Ii tm l.-y Si'lnk.-t w.-rc vjHltnrri .Sunday with BELVIDERE Miss M ibtl 1 IIM! ii fomipi t» al i lontown. L II ill ictinnul to ]u i In IHL s iluidi Mr. aiirl .\h!!. Crovci' Aprar til I'ottci'ii- t i THE < MiHH J. Claxtou ami Alisa 1 lot me* MIH I 1 \anlnltt nf summit is villt , ; •In tin sthool IILIL npuit tin. unit end Rrckwilh. leaehcrs at the IJiilontouu with UN i TCIHIC koc.1i pending the tuil with Mi and Mi Mrs, M. K. I'HKl cnlcrtaineil over Ihi I scliojl. will hold it Hallowe'en social hi J L. Hall wtd uul ( oi . C I MI if 1< tint ! Some." parties,- who arc ; quite well Lnniont Crimcf- has iciMied III"* the school house Friday evening uf this f position In the Poictliln wotkti uid In "Win CJiubt of llUh 1 tuU nn.tcKd Veiuon. Mm. ISelln Urt of Lonj,* Viillc.v. , MORRIS, COUNTY kh(nyni 'fnViidett' the barn'' oC Jamos week litro Sitmd ij ind tu ul i \I It to i\ Mrs. I-'riink liettm and son Kdrm*. MP.M ^'rimo'In ZWhltu township a few nights now notlvini; foi I \\ llnli\ K. Frank Cllne and sister. Mrs Jliwit'H Taylm- and .Monruc Hawkins nfo -uiil cut down «- bco neo iobbc-t1 it Mm 1 \\ Gimlet has \n.tn con lined Anna Ihimlln. motored to Port Colden PI ii fi lends Iicob 1 litts hit in tu ul of ili-u Oaliron. ..Inlin W. I'nst or piii-t Coli of Its Tiohcj and then dcpirtcil Tin to her horn*. b\ lllius" foi n few dn\*< on Wednesday and visited their sister, ainl,.lolin ijinifieL* ot* \\'nnhinnton. SAVINGS, BANK treo fell over In .Mr. I-'ionif'-i Rralnllo'il Mint iq«u'hinc i oinull ib \lslilnp Alt*. Albert Schoole> inithm rind at this writing Is still lylns there. fiknds hi Philad< Ipiiia foi i ft\\ da\s AHSH Binma SeKUlne of Newark. In tm Mtubli lisIUdNiwul I ut M! i \ftsi Oia Pottisbn spuit I umd-n In of last uttlv ind llu Ii iln WH In i A Mutual Savings Bank If "the parlies do not remove ,ijie tree comiiany with Alt', and Mrs. AIOITIH IJ. mut nccldtnt Wluiiju u JM),li 1 iId-* In.a short.jtlmo they AVIH be.proceeded "Neu \oil( Snyder and family, of South Oninse, some mtn ULIL filliitr, i hwi tici < n -'nghihst'fo'r tlnmaffp. " They nre riulto Ft oi Mi(.iule\ Ins taken i position motored to Rroadway Saturday even- t btnk ncii tin iiilioid A tlu li In well known anil will find themselves in with M W ItobliisQit inc and remained at the home of -V.rs. nppio iclicd Hit tut i' H i "in1 l'"»n iSE JLOAN'S TO The ONLY SAVINGS BANK in Moms County trouble very sooivlf they tlo_iiot*"mTil;o Coi i Iniekwonli oi Pittuitmrir n|« nt HnyiU'r's jiarentt-. Air. and Airs. A. K the bank and just nu -dii,, tin li I i nmcndn* for •thJiriliiwlessnosft/ •'? •\\M1I»S(H% with Mn 1 A Stockton scK'ulne until Sunday mornliiK, when in hitting the slips llu d tin » t top Thc"3toclcholdcr.s of ihe" 'Delnwni< Mi -ind Mih Tolin \\ Him hut m toni]iany with the latter, they spent pid but nut much ilunij, \ is doin 4% Dividends. Paid since 19,06; Bridge Co. liotd a meeting last Saturday tumined Ki\ ind Alis Mut th u\ if l!n« day with Air. Snyder's brother and (•i milin Hi\ Dioin is Houston iiiul •dssitir-iii-law'. Air. and Airs. George l* Mi ind Mi 1 lin tloi ( sniitli ind OU cm t do >otir Iv* L when to ratify•the-aCtipn-tukoii'byilie'noaul Snyder of Carpeutersvillc. AIIss Se- "Mis S A 'MiilthMsiud I i t ii'Jimln join bncL ^nd c\cry inn L!C at 'a ]JreUous niecthip •tecSpHni? Hit "UNs Li^/li Viul^ison Tuiwliv ^uine was the guest on Sunday of her last \\cel Yaclica with fatigue. offer: of-J-VJSOQO by:the*inter-Stntf Com- Clnienu O lohn*>on of 1 It nihiM m MSUT, Airs. John !•:. Inschu, return I ng " Twenty Million Savers by 1930" mission for the bridge anil all the rights Applv sic m «t I iminent frctl> t; /- *tu|H ilutuidi nt of (Jail •« en inn r\ to their homes Sunday evening. IL outsldi mil tli * up* til i* ui 1 u P;U rnhbing, anil -enjoy a penetrative 1 ami-'privileges'belonging thereto.'• Tin movtd hN tin 'H to Clinton on dn This it; tlu slogim of (he Mutual Savings Hanks of America time; Is'not-for distant when this valu- Air. and Airs. William Puff, sons ilslilnt, the intuiui !\lo\v of Wiinntli and comfort. till unl Harold and William, of Unlontown, Win L UIJ,1I ul i ( Ii i C mln i tm able" property- wilt be •owned l»y the two, Mi ind Mi1- \lltn W iui*-< n h tu u Good for rheumatism, net'ira'sia, We arc proml of the word. Mutual if, States. TJits will greatly benefit Bel- spent Saturday evening with Airs. l itito tup luu M< nd i\ sprains and strains, nclics nti(J pains, tutIUd front lln.ii «lpht smni, nip Paff's parents, Air. and Mrs. Thomas Piul Cowtll tmitoi d t Lilliim 1 it It nuMiiri OUK Kiicwss is (he success of OUR DEPOSITORS vldcrc and vlclnitj.. ' ncriKvs the continent. sciatica, sore muscles, stiff joints and Educational day was observed quilL* Cornish, of Phillipsburg. day. | N'elson FicI'tM went to Mt. Pleasant K. l-'rank CiiiiL' has been surveying Win. ItiiHtiKi. who has U-i-n llvins the after effects of weather exposure. \\v want 1181 (our quota) new savers in" this Bank'by May 1, 1922 Kcncrally by the ciiurchrs of this sre- ! Saturday to attend the funeral ,«>f his tlon.bn Sunday last and it w:is gratify- laud at Huntlngton for the erectiou-of liere the past two years, bus gone i>> a For forty years pain's enemy. Ask ! aunt. Miss, Louise Fiekel. who died in a new home for Alnrris Apgar, who now motor HCIKIOI at Detroit. ing to.ftrid th:it tlv? people turned out j the Smith. your neighbor. Keep Shan's handy. to learn more along'nil linos rehting to resides on thu Purrlna Farm, near Mrs. J. \V. Apgur visited l-'ernbrouk OPEN AN ACCOUNT NOW ! .Mr. and Airs. John Wijrcins and Mr.iliunttngton, John K. Inscho of this Saturday. At ail c!russists-35C|-7Cc, 61.40. the important subject, so ably humlU'd j and .Mrs. Albert Van Xoss enjoyed a place will move on the farm vacated by preachers"and'toatiliors. Some nnf- | trip to Connecticut for a ft-w days', vis- by Air. Apgar. which Is owned by K. Inluic'sl allowed on amounts from $5 to $10,000. has .well said that thru* of this most I HitifT .Mrs. AViBRins* relatives. Puree 11 of Fairview Heights, Phillips- ri.rvswr f.ito\K Important things of the present uvddlim of town one day. last week to survey land Mmlth iftn M \d il «M 1 -. 11\ witl 21 South Street, corner DeHart Street The dulvttatvs to the \V. C. T. l\ I Miss Mary Hoffman, a tinier of Mr*. tor Clarence Kichlinc. her vistti "Mis-? ( uttudi I iti in in n State convention held at 'Ocean City I Knox. Aliss Pauline Hooker, a trained Mrs l.,u^i( Hinii ind «•>» \ |( t »i <>] have returned, much pleased with their 1 j' Another J-*hl escaped from the Re-nurse of L"nfi>ntown, has returned to Litlli 1 look WLIU j,m "-Is mi stinil i\ 11 Morristown, New Jersey trip. i formatory Wednesday night but washer homo after several weeks' visit at her d uijJiUi Mi*- I'm Tlotlman The Methodists of town and vicinity 1 . pliskcii u'p hi 1'hillipslmrK the next Atlantic City. Mi ind Alls How ml I iltf- IIH lire'planing for a liig chureli rally th> '• moruiuc ilauptiler 1 c i tli i ni ^ti phui'-lnnf. first Sunday in November.. There will i Miss Sara Voorhi-es of Husking TEidiie ias.std ihuiMliv ut l^t «nk witli lu be ..special services, music of a high or- j has been visiting IHT cousins. Misses STILL VAhLKY. der,' addresses and tin;" ivci'tition of a I Mary and Kllwibuih Vnorhies. Krank CiardiHT, son of Mr. nml Mrs. clafis of young people" from tlu? Sundiv •lames T. tlardn.-r, Is diiitc ill at his tichool into the church. H in'omi.scs tji. home hero, IH-IIIR unalile to leave Ills be an occasion of much Interest. ! I'NIOXTOWN. 1-ed. 1i J|r. and Mrs. ClmrU-a Slieplierd and Mr. anil Mrs. 1-Vanklin P. Nixon spoilt Sweet eider is st'lling Ht 60 cents :i daughter and Mr. and Mrs. William Sunday* with their tlaunhU'r, Mi-.s. Her- gallon "about here. ! Shepherd of Vhillipulnirg were vnter- 1 The IJuckhorn Springs Water Co. hasi tiiinud Sunday nt the home of Mr. and man Polly :tt New 'Villiitft . Mr. Putty found it necesary to ciiutlcn consumers I Mrs. Clcorsc Pliillips. is Kiifferint; with a sore hiiinl, tlic result against the undue waste of water on '< Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Smith, son Trod of a kick from one nf his 'cows'. nccouht* of'."the continuance of the | mid Miss MarKiiret Harbor, William Mr. iinil" .Mr.". ICllsworth A'orliesse drought! The spi'lngs supplying the i Harbor and William Mamber motored, to ere Sumlay Ktiests of their .son nml reservoir are very low and the supply I "Roxlturp and attend.'d the Larkin Club u filter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey of water is therefore greatly lessened. : dinner, which was held nt the home of orliesso. To waste water-at this time i.s crim- 'Mrs. Smith's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wtir- l-'lmer lieers spent Saturday evening inal and~the company appeals t" con-! ion Herman. and Sunday with his iiaients at Hur- sumers to be reasonable and to uw] Mi1, and Mrs. William Faff and two ony. good judgment and practice economy i sons, of L'niontown were Sumlay guests Mrs. Franklin .i*. Nixon visltnl with during this trying time. There should I of Mrs. Amanda Fiorson of Fliitlips- her daughter, Mrs. tient'Be Hutehin.son, bo.no abuse by any one, no waste of i luirg. In the afternoon, in company in Kastun, Monday. water anywhere. t with Mrs. Fiersnn ami Miss Ruth The friends of Captain Nicholas j Fiorson they motored to llutolilnson WOOIK'LKN. Lamps}]ire will bo pleased t" learn th:it I Station and wi-ro guests u( Mr. and !•:. l». DeWiit is innn-nvliif,' his prop- lie has left Hie iiuspilid much littpntveil | Mrs. William Luudoiiljury. ly l.y KivitiK his barn mid Kilo a cuM and Is'1 now visiting his daughter at ! The "IJIVO Wires." a rktss of lioys in | the St. Jaint's' Lutlieran Sumlay- ' paint, t'. I-', l-'ro.'liel Is the artist. Xorriatbwn. Pa. I scliool and the elasn of girls taught by Mr. and M'rs. I-. Ilalberl tool; ;i trip MVH. John Roson berry, who has been ;Mis.s Klla Shlpiunn united in giving a to Glen (Jiinlncr Saturday. in the Corrnll hospital, Ka.ston. suffer- I Mtrjiriso party :it tin- lionn- «if Mr. and H. A. Smith visited Hampton J;OV- ing on account of fractured hip, hisi Mrs. Kuyinmtil Koeh. In Itonor of their L-ral days last wr.'k. returned to her home in Lower .Mount i «on John, who Is president of tin- class .lark Lewis made a business trip to Jtctliel, Pa. She has iilnuwt n-i-rnvml i and whom* teaeher is .Mrs. I). S. Ha-Calif on Monday. from her'accident. ! I'er. A delii; lit fill evening was spent .Mrs. M. K. Cain spent Sunday with George Hny of Philadelphia, a former i in games and music. !iefreshnn.Mits her sMn-ln-!iiw and ilauj-'hier. .Mr. and resident here, lias been un a brief visit ! wore JUTV.HI. MI*, and Mrs. F. K. Shlp- Mrs. S. A. Smith. to Belvidcre. His parents tivwl here | man and son William and Kymer IlmvU Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Smith were for a number of'years. of this place wore among tho members quests of Mrs. P. C. l.imwr Sunday. Wheat has taken u tumble in price j and guests that attended the surprise. 1 Preslun Farley of lloffmsms visited and flour is much lower than formerly, ! Tlu; "LiVH Wire" boys des'jyve thulr I-Vrnbroi.U Sunday. still we are paying nine and fourteen ' name, as thtjy hold tin; banner in their Miss Chrissi- Ilobinsoii nf Harrison cents a loaf for bread. • < class every Sunday. is a Client i>f Mi', ami Mrs. I1. C. Jlrnver. Roy Xaylor.' n young mechanic of j John Lake and son ;i Fliillipsbm-g ;*«ln'm Sunda:.- with William nnriier. 'Fho mon an* mil P'pairhitf tin* roads town, has purchased the atari ha MU- ; and pultii'^ thi-'in in irim fur winter. tondort property on Paul street ami will St"warlsville tlrangi; will meet in thr> occupy ifat once. I. O. O. Hull on Thursday evening of Mrs. I.. Jlaiherl has ri-cnvrrcd from Miss Hope* Trimmer, an employee nf ; :l:is week, and the new member:; will an attack of blood poisuniiiK in her the Surrogates* oltice. has I'em appnim- hand. • have cluirge t,r the leftm-ers hour. Tin' condition of John 1,. Hall re- ed u special deputy by Surrogate Smiili 1 1 She is wull nualilk'd t»l tin; p.i.nlii.111., MIHH PuuUni' Knsh was giv-jii a sin-mains nhoiil tin sanu . William Pursel. son of Town CU-i-kI prise m;is<|u<>radL> at the home of her KU-hunl iK'U'iit is atlcndiiiK a pre- Pursel. while' hunting musknits in !!ul-i parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jamr« liusli. at paratorv M-ho«»l al .Mcchank-svilk-, I'a. , gin's brook, thy-latter, part of tlr- week, > j-iil(iiitt>wn I'Viil;iy. A ili'lfghlfiii .-ven- S. A. Smilli. Mr. and Mrs. T1R><>, discovered a break In the water imtin, : n'ltvsimiL'iits were surved. caused by the giving wn.v of the cntli- I .Mrs. .loini I-:. Inscho attcndetl thu so- ing. -f Repairs were miule at niteu ;tml ' ci;il uniler tin; auspices of the St. the flow of. water chocked. • James* Ladies' Aid Society, which was New heaters were placed in the Fir.«L; held at the home of one nf th- ni'-m- Presbyterian church and parsonage last ; JN.I-S. MIS. Cora Wilson of I'hiUipshurg Week. i cm Wednesday afternoon and evening, Rev. Ilertu-ri C. I-ilalr, "f Korea, an i It proved a success, both sui-ially :md old associate of Kev, Harry Jlrufii. tit I tinandally us over $-lo was netted. The thc-missionary field of that far-off land. i furmer remained as the guest of her preached, in the First Presbyterian I sister-in-law, Mrs. Myrtle C. Inscho. of church of lielvidere on Sunday last. ! ttnllman street, until Thursday. Here's a wonderful opportunity to get. a mornins and evening. : William Harbor. William Slumber. world famous Watch for only 50c down! To Mrs. Harry Lnltermnn is in the ICas-I John H. rnscho and liussol! Inst-ho of our knowledge this is the first time in this city that tonlhospital for sursicut ireatmonl. ; F.irt A\"arreii and Mr. mid .Mrs. Kclw. Mich a wonderful Watch lias foiron offered,at such a • Mrs. naiilet P*>rry. a furnivr n^kloiu ] Cole nf I'niomown altetulwl the* an- low price on .such low U>rms. Itcsidi'S, youncl nbso- of Belvidore, is seriously ill al lu-r Imini; | nuai banciuet of Hit- Men's Club at tin: liiU'ly free a wonderful gold S"i Knife and Chain. in Etuuon. i Stewiu'tsville Fresbytcrian eliurch on Think of it! Ahsolutely free! Conic in- (iimnrrow Harry-Townsutid, an employee vC theI TIuirs

We also cany a large line of Healing Stoves and Ranges, Columbia Graplio'phoncs and Records. • ( only a limited n u m b ci- o I' Watches in this s ill1, you must A. G. RINEHART hurry the number of Complete Home Furnishing Store Knivt'it and Chums ;n't! limited. T;tk


Silo Building and all concrete work Crushing done f01; individuals on the job. Do Your Feet Show Now is the time l« These Symptoms? think of your Christmas C. W. GIBBS —tire easily when walking? Hope, N. J. —pains, in the arch? •j Chri.simas giH KK1HK proWcm! —.shooting pairs at Uie base, of Come into mtr.,s.tori.\ solwt any numb i your tou.s? • ; ' nrticlcs of jcwci'ry, lal«i them wilh you now —pains in your lower leg, knee ur have (licm laid away in, our vaults until or thigh ? Christmas. •Payments don't atari until all —dull ache in your heel? Chris) mas anyway. Mi'sidef, yoii pay in such —hurt after islanding? r. minis' Ihal voti will hcvetv never HUSK, the Scripps-Booth Gramm-Bcrnsfcein —burn after wearing your shon.1* ; Motor Cars ' - Motor; Trucks an hour or two? ' TRY A PAIR THIS WEEK S.ALES AND-SERVICE Widths AAAAA to E. ,. Just Bring An Honest Face SOLIJ; ONLY- IN EASTpN AT Jewelry p Your Credit Is Good Here GEO.-'H. ZINK, Distributor %n Shoe _ New Jeisey and Pennsjlvanw Temtoiy. 5 Store 511 Northampton St. Easton, P InvinTSt. Gaiage Phono 531-M. Phillipsbmg, N. J. 427 Northampton St, Easton if-

SECTION THREE THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1921 ,Pagfe TKree*' Philadelphia, it wan owned by Hunt- ,R(gliri'Mit, X. J VfitunttfiH, held HIM of \Vunh Ing km. .Mm. Uullck in a It \a just an well to remember that without Htriklne nn attitude. At 1 Wilkinson & Co., and throe- adjoining annual reunion In Washington. A fen- daughter of Mr. Skinner. wc fi buildings were also destroyed. The loss ture was the presence, of-the old Com- Ciipt. and Mrs. Which nnd f-:mlly. in two days tomorrow will be yesterday. f el like hitting something or s In The Days of Auld Lang Syne was moro than half n million, mander of the regiment (lenerul Win. who have been camping occasionally Mont of' us can't even ]«y our taxes body. i Horace P. Wallace, 7G. died In Colum- H," PonroHe of the U. S. Army, now at Camp Pevoo this summer, have bia, leaving two daughter*. stationed [n Utah, It was the first moved iholr belongings and returned Mrs. Hannah Cllnu, 02, widow of meeting of the commander and the regi- to their'homo at Ucrgenfleld. Ten Ywirs Afio. of that place. The ceremony was per- Michael Cline, ut near iStewartsvillc, ment Hlneu tho war broke up 2$ years fell and broke, her hip. ago. Tho ollicem elected were Presi- Mr. mul M.ra. Wm, IItiff entcrtflincil William K. Lambert ot New Vlu formed by 'Rev. Father O'Connor. dent, General \V. II. 1'enrose; vice- .Mr. and MI'.H. Lloyd Huff and sou Wil- and JIIHH Jjutli Mulvi'tiii Hcndursliot, The body of Rev, I'etor Groveling, an John W. Wyckoir, 80, father of Mr«. bur anil othui* friends ot Xcw York for W. H. Morrow, of BeMdere, died in president) Cupt. Lewis VanHlarcom; daughter of Jtolwrt Hendei'Hliot of An- Episcopal minister of Long Islund, was secretary. Lieut. \V, II. Wyekoff; treas- tho week-end. (IPI-HOII U-LTO mnn-Iert liy ltov. F. h. buried In the Asbliry Presbyterian Muton. He had been a prominent resi- Arc You Worried? dent of Warren county. urer Comrade W. II. Cawiey. Lewis Van Vorst and son Harold and Worn, at tltc IUU'HOIULRC uf tho Wash cemetery. Ho wus a former resident of -»"Sn-H. Elizabeth Taylor, 82, died at her daughters, Naomi and Marlon, ^nont About your investments? Infcton M. n. dmix-li. Asbury and k-ft a widow and a brother, Tin- now Lnckawanna station at IDo- homo in Hncketitttown. Sunday out of town. Mm. CuminliiH If. I-'olknor, 72, riled John Crevolinjf, of Allentown, ver was completed and the opening was scheduled for Nov. 1, when the officials Hw. Thomas Houston, Hit* blind at her l]Oin±> In Mi-lvlilero, Death was Miss Sarah Elizabeth McCatherln, Morris Albrifiht. a prominent rtrug- ovanKi.-lI.Hl, wlio has liwn conductliiff Arc they worth less than"they cost? from pnratyHiH.- Hhc left u liusbamt. daughter of John .MeCatherln of High of the rallrond wrre Invited to a ban- | gist ot Hampton and Miss Margaret 1 Dr. M. M. Hlas"*. 70, tiled In Dover, iti-iitKo and Chark-s Henry Apgar of quet to bi? Kiven by grateful citizens. Nnaon, only daughter of Ezrn Nn.son, (•vaiiKcllHtlc sr.-rvlceH ncai Clinton, In Are they all paying you Ifo regularly' from jmralynts. IU> wus a veterun of .Summit, wero man-fed by Rw. !•*. L, It cost Knowltou township 390 lo pay were married by Rev. A. L, Kefly. being entertained at the Maxwc-lt fann. . tlie Civil War mul wan confined In West, at the Washington M. E. the bounty offered for groundhog scalps, Tho rielvlrtere Catholic Church was Miss Elizabeth Ileitty of NV-wton IKLH and promptly? Tjtbby PrlNOti for nino months. parsonage. Mrs. Sarah Holden. S3, widow of a completed and the congregation was returned from a visit to Bart ley v'i He. Winflcld Sprout ami Mlsa Nellie Prey, Miss Ida Hall of Xeshnnlc and JOH.one-thno famous Lopntcontf miller, died worshipping In the edifice, but it hnd John Head tins inatailed a. new milk- AFF.TY If not you should get acquainted with (laughter.of Mr.'and Mrs. Elmer Fiuy, M. Kcrshaw, station agent for tho Lo- In PhllllpHburg. not been formally dedicated. ing machine in hift dairy. ERVICE Dollings Service. Our customers are happy high Valley at that place, were married of Phlllljjshurd wcro rnarrlrtl. Jacob S. Sleight, 5(>, died in Phlllips- An encampment of Odd Follows was EVEN PER CENT and satisfied. Not one1 of them has ever JOB. Wilson Tomson and Miss Viva at the M. B. parsonage In High Bridge, burp, leaving a widow, mother, two James Stucliy Says, 'R'at Cost Me 5125 lost a riollaii in Principal or Interest. instituted at Rclvlderc with forty for Plumbing: BtUs." S4TISFACTION Kthel Fooso, boi li (if Holland, were The Ancient Order of Hibernians brothers and two sisters. charter members. iHiiriltil by Hev. ilujjii U'ulker at the lodge ut Hampton disbanded after tic- Chestnuts were selling in Bel vide "Wo couldn't tell what waa clogging parsonage of the Greenwich Presby- ing In existence twenty-five years. TlUrty Years Apo. at six cents a quart and shcllbarks at up our toilet and drains. We had to terian church. The Morris County Grand Jury re- Alfred Spr-lr's big wine warehouse at $1.00 a bushel. tear up floors, pipes, r-tc, found a rat'H THE R. L. DOLLINGS COMANY Forty members of the 15th HCR. >?.turned fifty true bills of indictment. Pftssftic was destroyed by fire 100,000 nest In basement. They had choked Mrs. Whit Ik-Id Stirmi of near Mil the pipes with refuse. TJt» ^mmiier'.s COLUMBUS, INDIANAPOLIS, PHILADELPHIA, PITTSBURGH J. Volunteers, many being accompanied1 Dr. Benjamin X. Baker, who efltab* gallons of wino wore consumed. The ford kicked at a pig in the yvrd nnd by their wives, were In reunion In liahed the Baker drug store In Clinton total loss was about $150,000. This In- ruptured her spinal cord ao that she bill was $125. RAT-SNAP cleaned the Waahlncton. Tho headquarters worn hack in the GO's, died at Rliinebeck. N. eluded ihn entire season's grape crop. died shortly afterward. rodent out." Throe sizes. 35c, C5c, $1.25. Eastern District Oflict—117 N. Third St. at iJit- Hotel Windsor and the business Y. Ho was a brother of ex-Judge W. H. Sold nnd guaranteed by Jenkins & Isaac KInney died In New Village and Charles S. Carter, of StewartsvUlo Meeker; Floyd Major. Mtislon In the Jr. O. IT. A. M. Hull. Tins Baker of -Clinton. was burled in Welkr's cemotory. was married lo a young woman of Wil- officers elected wi>re P nisi il out Theodon; At tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ii cost Easton nearly $134,000 to fn- mington, Del, A reception was planned Kcllfs of -Klemlnfiion, vice proHklfiitH, S. Trimmer at Middle Valley. Miss ntnll the "main finwers. to be held at the home of UHS bride- J. H. ViiiulerveiT of Chester and Mar- Mable Trimmer was married to Leslie Archibald R. Johnson, G9. died at Glen groom's uncle, William Welier, in tin It. Klnttwr of Newton; rwrelury, H, Apgar of Califon, by Rev. Wm. Help. Gardner, after an 11 Incus of a few days. Washington, Nov. 4. W. Gordon of Newark; treatum-i-, W. II. Bids for tho state road from Clinton Cawiey of Komcrvill'1. Dinner was wrv- o Hampton were reclved by the Hun- There wero Sf>0 registered voters in «H! In the M. R. chupcl by tho Ladles' terdon County Hoard of Freeholders; Washington. 420 in the Western and BEATYESTOWN. Social Circle. Theru wen; 187 |irescnt There were* live bids presented and they 430 in tho Eastern district. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Button and at tho dinner and the address of wel- ranged from $.ri:t,6(11.30 to 9G1.44S.ZOJ MISH Anna Vllet and former Post- children,' Mabel and Franklin, went STORE HOURS 1I wan II chart man Karr of Newark, son of Joseph 1 member of Good Intent Council, Son 9. Tho trinket had been trampled In Karr of Ml. Bethel, wero married at Newbui'K Sunday. and Daunhtoi'H ot" Liberty. She wu the dirt and heavy rains later uncov- the hnmo of the bride. Postmaster and Mrs. Jacob Skinner Know what you're gettini survived by lier mother, u brother an ered. A large reward had been offered iind Jacob, Jr., spent Sunday with Mr. three* Hlst>-i«. one of whom was Mr for its recovery. Eighty of the survivors of the lGth and Mrs. Clarence Gullck and family Archie .Uuice of Washington. Twenty Years Ago. MI«H"C. Lillian Kennedy, ctdc Samuel Gibbon and MIHS Emma in Clothes this Fall • . daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J, c. Keim Winkler of PhilHpsburg were married dy, died In l[a<:kr;ttntown. She was at Man un It a Chunk. Hradua.ti» of the Haekettstown hlgl A Temple of True Americans was or- school, Tienton Xornml schdol and to ganized ut PhillliMiiurg with 70 mem- llVcV years wan a teacher in the Ora bers. When You Purchase a Floral Token J OOK for QUALITY and get it when ford .schools. Site was III ton days wit The. old Republican wigwam in Ox- heart trouble. : ford was being torn down for the timb- A' catiimount was frightening tli ers it contained. it was formerly the *-' you buy your clothes this Fall. This realdentH or IJlair.Htown vicinity. Whl stock house of the old blast furnace and HE need, usually, unexpected, allows little driving noai- Cedar Lake a furmt had been the meeting place for all big heard tha wienl wills of the beam an gatherings. T time for contemplation of where your selec- store offers you 100% value at prices one- , saw his tmck.H In the mud. The fai tion should be made. In consequence the im- mer'H hortte WHS no badly fright o Liberty Council, No. 4-1, Jr. O. U. A. that It ran mviiy. M., of Oxford planned'tn celebrate the portance of knowing where utmost quality pre- third less than last Fall's prices. "Mrs. Charle.i Canp.M-, (It;, ili^l In phi lL'th anniversary on Nov. '26. llpaburg, leaving a husband and tw The residents or Newton appointed a vails and your instructions \yill he followed to children. committee to devise means for build- the letter. The man who appreciates the best in clothes is gen- Mrs. Kmma .Miller, fiL',wll V of Fred ing a three mile track to connect with rick IJ. Miller, illfd In I'hlllipHimrj,'. iti the Now York. Susnuehunnn and West- Our Wreaths, Sprays and Designs are made erally most particular about wliat they cost. Yet when ter an illm-.sx with' dliibstett. ru Rail mint. .Fames lirotscnmii, 1)1, died in Phillips While using kerosene to biiild a to the highest standard of ai'tistic beauty, and it is a matter of obtaining the best, a small difference in burg, loaviiiB a muther, brother am kitchen (Ire. Mrs. Patrick Hastings, 70, two slaters. was severely burned at her home on the delivered to destination in perfect condition. price is of no consequence to him. Charles Martin, son of Mrs. Marj Port Colden rojul. Her husband was Martin of Phlllliiabiirtf. wan heard from totally blind as a result of a had fall Ho was located In Utah, was In gooC and therefore could not help his wife. Prices upwards from That's what we're doing here, giving you "better health and proHiterous. Ho left Phil Hummer Skkiers, a tiloomsburv live dollars llpaburp thirteen years ago and hai blacksmith, died of paralysis. value," greater variety and more for your money than Wtm reported dead. Fred 0. Schwartz, 21, son of Gottlieb Jolyi Funk, 70, of Jersey City, eng Schwartz, died In Helvldere. we ever w;ere able to give you before. We're setting a neer on the Central Ttallroutl, formerl Tho home of iCr. and Mrs. Samuel Simply phone Hackettstown 100 of I'liUlIjisburf,', died in Hot Springs, Robertson of Port Colden was the ' fast pace for value-giving and we don't intend to let Ark. scene.of a pretty weduing, when their Mi'H;..Miiry IHvely, widow of lienja- daughter, Elizabeth, was married to Ar- anyone in Easton or elsewhere pass us. mln Hively, died at the home of he thur Christian of Elizabeth, by Rev. daughter, Mrs. James A. Foster, i *. W. Bell of Beatyestown. Philadelphia, she wan formerly c Horace Mann, 41. died at Ttlairstown. Phlllipsburg. Df»tth was from consumption. Ho loft HERRICK See our large assortment of y^ *>'• Mra, Ellen,I'oworn, widow of Martin a widow. He was buried beside his lowers, find mother uf "Dick" Powern, parents, brothers nnd sisters, alt of tiled In I'hJllipiibiirjr ut the ugc of 7 vhom died of consumption. Florist years. E. II. Carhart of Uelvidere raised a Samuel .McUwshllti, •»)' years old, oi iiie crop of peanuts. PI.ORt.ST TELEGRAPH SERVICE TO ALL OTHER CITIES HSighteen lives were lost in a fire that Winter Overcoats Philadelphia, who was employed In tin HiiffhesvLle paper mills, was struck bj estroyed an eight-story building in a Lehlgh. Vall^ytrain at Alpha, whilf for Men and Young Men returning from Easton. where he wen to ptircha.se some clothing. The boclj was found the next morning and wa! $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00, $27.50 badly mutmated. Miss Virginia Cooper and Fred Mar- tin wore 'married at the home of th OPEN CLOSE SATURDAY'S AT 6 P. M. $30.00, $35.00 and up bride's father. Elmer Cooper, near TranquHlty. There were nearly 100 present and the ceremony was perform Ulsters, Ulsterettes, Great Coats, Box Coats, Belted Coats, ov. F. W. A.M. RADER'S Johnston was clmirman and there were EASTON, PA. 100 prohibition workers present from Dover, MackettHtown, Washington and other places. Kev. C. M. Mead of QUALITY and STYLE the National Temperance Sbei-Jty gave -tho main address Hev. c. L. Eang- ;hart of IJetliol. Me., told of tlie pros- porlty that.stale as a result ot pro- hibition. Winter Suits£ ^^"jamea A. Anthony of Xorlon, 75, How Eager Women Are died oC heart disease. Hu left three (laughters, Mrs. LOWIH Walters of Jlnmpton. Mrs. Walter Parks and Miss $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00, Mary Anthony at home.; also a son, For Their OC-OI'BV Auliuiny oflJioomsbury. «P<^».JV, ipou.UU, ipOO.UU Up Iwiiic S. Smith, who lived in Wash- Ingion Movoral yours ago. died In Mor- rjHlown. Ho was an engineer on the Sport Suits, Business Suits and Suits for Dress Wear in all Lackawaniiu for 40 yearsi and left a widow ami four children. JIe was the leading styles and materials that are guaranteed strictly all- burled In Hackettstown cemetery. Rev. John J. Iteed, 72, died in Loonia wool. 3lo was pastor o( the Washington M K. church 1S77-S0. [ And, never with greater reason. It- does not Philllpabtiry had a new paper, th seem possible that styles were ever so beautiful Men's Shirts Dally PresH. It was to Htart- imblica. tlon Xo. 1, with 15. TI. Wulk-r us city before. They are thoroughly smart—graceful of Sheep Coats, Sheep Vests Neckwear Underwear- editor. me, richly colored and boast fabrics of wondrous Pea-jackets David LauKhlaml ofc Phlllipsburt,' an beauty, with trimmings of fur that add a regally Hosiery, Pajamas John s. Hawk, of IluntiuKton, were Corduroy Pants Belts, Suspenders and married ut the .bride's homo on Out. IS handsome note. by Rev. Hush Walker. Sweaters, Caps and Gloves Hats to complete Twelve miners were drowned at Hi- Notable for their hand tailoring, beautiful lin- hernia, when a blast caused water from for cold weather wear your winter outfit , ., nn old shaft to penetrate the level ings and general style—smartness are the coats in vyhere the men were at work. There this showing, comprising— were about ill) in the shaft, which was 300 feet below the surface. The othera swam to surety. They were mostly Im foreign^ born men whoJos tj, heir., liven, Porj;ed Cheviots, Velours, Broadcloths Boys* All-wool Two Pants Suits the foreman. J lo wan ut work where" --^^•••••-•^•-jjaTOiniej-^Kivblia,'' Normandie, 8.50, 10.00, 12.50, 13,5.6 and 15.00 ho could have saved his life, but went to the rescue of tho others mid lost Pollyanna and others. his life In the vain attempt. The mines Guaranteed strictly.all-wool Qualities, pants full lined, wero run by the Wharton Siuul Co. •Squirrel, Beaver; Fox, Sltunk and Australian Opossum' The body of Mrs. Louisa D. Call, many new styles t6 select from. The best values\and • widow of Wm. It. Call, who di«l Jit the ae the favored fur trimmings. home of her daughter, Mrs. P. J. An- largest assortment we have ever shown. ' ~ tonJa, at Clark's Summit, was taken to Oxford for burial. She was 72-and left six children. Prices Are $27.50 to $150 Moe Schwartz, 1!), who had boon dis- Boys' Overcoats Boys' Mackinaws Jr. Boys' Overcoats charged from the navy owing to ill health and who was working his way 8 to IS Years (i to IS Years 21/4 to 10 Years i, from Buffalo to New "York, fell from a, There's a Pleasing Individuality of Style About Every One of freight train at Delaware and was $7-50 to $22.50 $7.00 up $5.00 up mangled by tho earn. Only ll/centa was found in his pockets. Ifo waa Guaranteed All-Wool Guaranteed All-Wool Guaranteed All-Wool identified by his discharge punera. The New Dresses •George A. V. Ilankinson of Westfield died in the Presbyterian Hospital in Boys' Sheepskin Lined Coats, $7.50.'up New York, after a surgical operation. It is not surprising that this should be so when one considers the delight-.- Ho was formerly from Delaware and fulness of tlie new fabrics and the exquisite way in which they adant them-' Boys' All-weather Corduroy Suits, $7.50 to-tight the village school there twenty- Hvo yearn before. Ho was born near selves to the soft lines and fascinating drapes in vogue. And it is this very Blairs town and manned Miss Alice Also Boys' Sweaters, Shirts, Blouses, Neckwear, Hosiery, Under- Smith, afterwards goliiff lo ^Westfield 'individuality' of styling that wins them instant favor with all women where ho embarked in tho1 newspaper wear, Pajamas, Belts, Suspenders, Toques, Gloves, Hats and Caps business. There are Canton crepes, Satin-face crepes, Charmcuse, Poriet twills ieVSey S ychilrniln models Mrs. Amanda Stevens, 88, fell -down and°finished ' *" '™' S . beautifully trimmed RtHlra at High Bridge and waa badly injured. Slio was currying a>;'lighted lump at the time but it did not ex- plode, but wont out WOOL JERSEY DRESSES, at $4.95 to $14.75 Mib Maiv Get man, an aged Bull?- TRICOTINES, at $17.50 to $45.00 Jacob, Mayer villo icsldcut, dijrt leaving fl\e chll- (lion Mils Agnes Ko*m Meado, (laugh**1**-"" SILK FROCKS.jit $17,50 to $110.00 M^, and Mi 4 John Jtteude, wa On the Square -« Easton, Pa. lied hi High Biidgo to Tuuik III ' Page Four THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THUItSPAY, OCTOBER 27, 1921 SECTION THREE Uroat intent Sunday evening with Aflr. Mr.^npjl Slra. ncuhen Runjon n])ont Htayinif a few days with Mr. and XT. full time and about 3000 more on part UJUUSKTOWX, Suiuluj null Mr. aniLMiu/OlUcr l'lum- L. liunifw. One , of GCOVRO ' CioupeV* cons was and "Mrs. l-'reTPiW. time. A (•tiritinuatloir of tho business atiuck by an automobllu onu tluy lout Mr. and ah* Win. Seliilc of llart- crfelt near VIeiiim. ' A'Hallowjeii social will bo held.at Imiirovemeiit is expected. OF INTEREST TO FARMERS week and it« leg was broken It had ninn'H Corner and BrainlilauRhtcrsj, the Huttzvlllo church Halloween -nltslU. to be killed The cons «cre beltiR driv- Francis and'Grace'Henderson, of Ox- BUTTZVILLB. tn home from past mo ulonp the. public ford spent Saturday with tlie former's Mr. and Jim. -Edward Smith of this Itrilrr Times nt Itelhlehi-iii. road when this one ran In front of the sister. AIIH Jessie Illttenhousc. ucc and son, William of Kaston. spent The Uethlehem plant of the nethle- New Jersey Has Mnrltcl Athnufiijte-r. important late Kiimiiwr ami full crops Misses Oracu and Iteba Alnckry of IncreQHwl adv»mn i'H or Nen Ji>i»e> " Now Jcitoj tiiick fu mit K dUlililti, machine and bjfoie the diher could he week-end with relatives hi Scmn- licin Hteel Corporation reports a wrad- Increased nvKB stop hla car the animal was stmck Hnzen spent Sunday with Mis- Alice i. '•• ual Increase In tin: Mteel biiHlness, Kit 'tor''farming,"••••••-• lesuHiii• K -fro• m - K- - larslj ljccuiHt*_ ofr thtlue- LtlULiitlonaiuii(iuionul cnnvv Koynne. . • 1 paigiiH of public health agencies 1'or with the nbove result. The monition*-uf-the-Lnriie* Aid nre far as It effects that mill, esiiccially for conditions, tire described in the unnnitl Mrs. John A. Van Scot en is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sunday of Horden- rory busy these duyw mahtnt; quilts and commercial steel. Charles L,Slryker report of Secretary.Alvuh J\KOL> of the tho use uf salmis and greens contali town spent the week-end with Air. and Inj,- minerals bencilcial tu health. her sister, Mrs. 11. B. Unabeny, this fancy artlcleH f«r their annual supper At tin; forty-six andforty-clsht Inch S'ntc BnirU\ and Airs. Jesse Gruy ami three Mrs. Clinton Sarson has been con- time, a condition that had not prevail* Democratic OUp invented In farm p, oporty. uffonltnK Lrajiue l*rk'c for November, children are preparing .to (to to Or- fined to the houKO with u badly Kcalded John Sarson and tlautihler-in-law, ed for u long time. Other mills at the homes and ft means of livelihood tit 30.- TThh e producersproduce ' pprice for tlulil milk lando, Kla., to upend the- winter. Be* foot. .Irs. Prod Sarson, drove their pet car- plant etiKttKcd in structural steel work Candidate 000 farm owners itnjl a living to lufoor- during NovembeNb r wililll b e ththee name as fore, going south they will spend a Walter Rittenhouso presented his riage horse to Itelvldere last WednesWednes- are worlttiK steadily. There in nothing era receding $18,000,000. in OctobeOb r In accordancordance with the rere- short time at Yonkers, N*. Y. ' wife- with a handsome Victrola last day.ay11 While In town the horse was (loinK In the rail departments because 'a long • commendation made by the Board of Mr. and Mrs.' J". L, Sounders of week as a birthday gift. sick with Indigestion and died at of dull times fur the railroads. Scranton spent Sunday at 13. O. Van- taken For Freeholder Wdwarrt Dalrvm»Ie of Hnssen spent he v terinarian'1 s stable. The Sancon plant reports 20.000 more Scotcn's. • • • • ,' • _ • lust week with his uncle, Kdwurtl Cole. ii* veil T1 iiuiritu Ci i » sinuiL*d M. Miss" Margaret Stoll of East Orange .Mrs. T.-Craig• nml Mrs. II. Stevens tonntiKo In Ingots this month than last S.unday school J.lfi o'clock. Preach- month. About UOOO eni]>loyes are on Is visiting" her mother, who will return ing1 at 3 o'clock. All nro invited to ore cnl|orn In Washintfton Tuesday. REPRESENTS with her and spend the winter. come and help'make the Sunday school Mr. and Mrx. Siimuel (Jeis and grand- The funeral of Mrs. Mary O.smun of a success. ' son were guests of relatives in Ku.ston, Broad Experience, Maplcwood was held at the Johnson* Lewis Lauber and sons. Willard and Sunday. burg M. K. church Sunday afternoon 3Ir. and Xfrs. Harveeyy Koltuierolkner, :Mlswes conducted by Row J. C. VanAuken. In- Walter, of Phllllpsburg, wort- guests of er Tarry, Clara Tferncy, Lena Mature Judgment, • Air. and Airs. Peter Melroy Sunday af- r and Mrs. S. Clarko attended the terment wan in the Al. E. cemetery at ternoon. f hat place. orth League rally at Oxford Tues- Business Ability, Edson Pierce of Fleminpton and Miss Tho oyster supper held at the Stim- nisht of Iu*.st weelt. mernold church Thursday evening rs. Krcd Sarson sold her hluelt- Ida Derrick were guests at the home under the auspices of The Ladles' Help- No Sectional Bias, and even whi-n a loss must lie token In I CIaila , ,s au|,,|fv|,icil Into two classes, of his mother. Mrs. A. M. Slpley, and th shop and duellint,' to Mr. Miller production It is not cunipamlik- wltli »A and 211. 2A milk Includes that used family over the weekend. ing Hand Society, proved very success- StroudsljurK. who is conductiutf tlie :t ful. The gross receipts were $153.t>;i. 1 A locality that'has not been that suatninml :it this llino !»• producers I in tll0 mamlftu'lmv of soft cheese, nml Miss Gertrude- Albofitson and two The net gain Is $114.35. This society p and will move lien . remote from market." i Witl be sold for $2.50 per hundred friends, tho Misses Mclntlre of Har- thanks all who donated or assisted In Halloween social will he )u>hl in represented upon the Mr. Apee said thorc mifiht have been | Il0Mmls. The ju-ire fofor milmilk sosol!d in bourton, spent the week-end at the for- any way.in making the supper a suc- Imsemeiit of the church Monday. relatively little loss in Xew Jersey's i class Hi, that used for.cream amul Ice mer's home. Oct. 3131. . Tho pcu'ttpeople will wear cos- Small Board. agriculture durinff the present season ii, will W J2.25 per hundred. Jack Qulgley, the new owner of the 'SS. s and masks. HefrcHlimcntK "'ill but for the ureat IIHIIUIKO by frost ami Class U milk, used In the manufac- hotel, has named It "Blairstown Inn." Frank RittenhotiHe of Helvidere spent erved free to all. drought. Frost destroyed seventy-one ture of sweetened condensed, evaporat- nder his able management this place Sunday with his mother. Airs. Jessie . and Mrs, Harper, who moved on per cent, of the stale's apple crop and ed and powdered milk, will be 40 cents ; receiving liberal patronage. Rlttcnhouse.' iry farm at IlackettHtowu a Mhurt Absolutely Free of any prom- eighty-five per cent, of the punch crop. above the jirlco of milt; fpr butter baaed Mr. and Mrs. John Silvers of Belvi* Air. and Airs. J. I-\ Alatthows mot- ano, have returned herewith her An extraordinary drought nearly ruined on inside and outside quotations for ere are spending this week at the ored to Hackettstown Monday and her, \ ises, pledges or entanglements. the state's potato crop, amounting in UO-Lil score and outside quotations for lionie of their .son, Joseph Silvers, and spent the day!' ' ur former pastor, Rev. O. f", NVlsnn, S20000 bhl hih ld family. Air. and Airs. Edw. Kush spent Sun- . forces Son 1920 to 14.S20.00C bushels, which wold 02 .score butter In New York city whole io\v of liuccasunna, 'preached Sturdily lor $1S.5-J.O0O, notwithstanding ex- salo market during November, Miss Huddle Andress is visiting her day at Mountain Lake with Air., and 'or hhiis brother-!u-law at Vienna. Some Ordered and paid for by Charles L. iraordinarlly low prices prevailing in | Tho price of Class 4 milk, that used lunt, Mrs. Jacob Andress, In Halnes- Airs. J. T. Thatcher. here went to hear him. . Slrylwr. the latter part of the .season'. Tills year ! in the manufacture of butter and jurg. Airs. O. C Miller and Gladys Barrett rs. Emma K. Allen returned Satur- Cemetery Memorials thi? potato yield is less than fifty per \ cheese, will be determined by the aver- Assessor Jos, A, Dtlgan lias purchas- have left on a trip to New York" State. after .spending two weeks with her cent, of last year's crop. : age wholesale price of butter (!)- score) ed an automobile and received his Afrs. Cloves of New York has been at his home in Newark. Her son 101 Broad Street , "These losses, due to more or loss ; and cheese (average run colored and driver's license la*S Friday. spendinR a few days with Airs. Lnimnn. wife brought her home, returning ' vuwvuuwyuvuuuvuvwwuuuwtnni local causes," continued Mr. Agee, "are j niicolored Hats) during the month of Over -10 guests were entertained nt Mr. and Airs. F. Brost and the lat- unday. WASHINGTON. N. J. a big factor in reduction of the farmer's November, .he Valley View House Sunday. ter's mother. Mrs. Jessie HIttenhouse, Miss Bessie Jones went to Roselle nbillty to" purchase, but they are k>ss Under the pooling plan the producers There was no preaching service in motored to Belvldere Thursday after- •ark Saturday fur a two weeks' stay. disheartening than the more parman- will receive an average price based on :\\e M. E. church Sunday ns the pas- noon. AirMr. an.anal MrsAirs.. J,. D. Ketcham enter- ent loss due to the lower level of prices all milk sold in all classes. tor, Mow I. C. McXulty and Mrs. Me- Hanford Williams and daughter, Ida, taineallied Saturday IlevIlev . and AirsMrs. LooloiitLooloinn for- wheat, corn, cotton and livestock j Hoard of Directors gave eonsid- Nulty. were called to Farnhamville, spent Sunday with relatives at Oxford. and sun and daughter, Wilbur and Inu\. by the serious illness of her fath- Tho Ladles' Aid Society of the Sum- Ruth, of Stuwartsvitie, and Mrs. Com er, Edward Wyatt, Sr. There will be mcrfleld 'At. K. church will hold an eii- laldwin of "Washington. no preaching services next Sunday, lertuinmout and social at the church on Airs. Krediluckenmyer, Air, and Airs, Silas A. Unaberry, who lives with Saturday nlRht. Oct. 29th.' The play Is .owls Uuekenniyer and four children its brother. Hiram C. Linaberry, in entitled "Tho Old AlaUVs Convention." f Mmjiitaiu Lake were guests of Air. Berwick. Pa., is visiting relatives and A Rood time is promised. If stormy, the nd -Mrs. Alfred IJunl, Saturday. . -mInlrv» piv^-nt industrial depression tho . frJends here for two weeks. following Saturday night. Necessity for Increased cn.-dit facil- i rec-ommendL-d was fair and would be .so Mrs. David IX Everltt of Sussex vislt- hies for the farmer are stressed by Mr. [ considered by the farmers. ?d her mother, Mrs. Stoll, a few-days (iKKAT MEADOWS. BRASS CASTIJ3. Mi1, a.sd Mi:<, i-^uniet Every of Binfc'- Agee, who describes the situation exist- ; last week. Mrs. L. AI. Rush Is visiting relatives imr as follows- ! Farm and Home Facts. Mrs. Catherine" Smith has i*eturncd lamton have lut-u visiting their sun .o her home here, after visiting rela- and friends in New York. Alorristown, uul daughter-in-law, .Mr. ami Airs. ----- wlI1 ives in New York. Newark and Paterson. Robert Every. Tho Blair Academy football team tie- S Nculs, accompanied by Atessrs. A son has been born to Air. and Airs, "eated thi? Allentown Prejianitory Augustus and John Buttl, of Wood- lurry Goble. i. MAD£ BY FRANK G. WILLTAMS— EASTON, PA. team in a garni- here Saturday. The haven, L. I. spent the week-end at tho Airs. Edith Henry has returned frutn score was 13 to 0. former's home here. visit with relatives in Portland. W. K. Bird of Hamburg "spent Satur- A nine pound daughter was born to Air. and Mrs. Harry Rtmyiin of Ili'l- credit by soiling goods on time. Sucli School lUiys are the days of indelible day and Sunday with his brother, I. B. Mr. and Airs. Win. Bamford, Jr., last •Idere passed Saturday and Sunday an arrangement place* both buyer ami pencil stains. Soak the abused gar- Bird, and on Saturday they attended week. •vltli their parents, >h*. and ^Irs. .John seller at a disadvantage in th l nis in alcohol and wash with soap the funeral of their sister. Mrs. Wil- Airs. Jacob Force was tho guest of iunyon. run. Thh o credidit of thhe tannef r iIs pood. am, w m. waah m.i 3t witlil h un|1d liam Kinney. at Hainesburg. .Mrs. Jessie Rittenhouso at Cornlsii AIls.s Lila Cummins, who attends from Friday until Sunday. or otherwise merchants could not carry i t , ppIy no[assium permansa- Homer Van Syckle of Vail has -pur- s'ewitrk Normal school, recently visited DO NOT USE SEITZ KEGS Ilis ]>apepperr aand the State Cankers' Asso- chased Eugene Beck's tiro vulcanizing After the regular meeting of Wash- ler parents, Air. and Airs. J. c. Cum- ciation, co-operating wlrh the ; naU}iSunshine is a welcome guest, invite >quipment at Hnlncsburg and will de- ington Grange on Tuesday evening, a ulus. Hoard of Agriculture anil farmers' or- it in, remembering that faded carpets vote his time to tire surgery, social hour followed, when coffee and Airs. Jennie Fleming has returned ganizations, should be abk> to devise and wall na|)5r can bo replaced. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Albert and chil- cake were served to the members. lome from a trl|> to California. FOR HOME BREWS means for direct financing of our pro- Take out a life Insurance policy for dren of Mt. Bethel, Pa., are visiting at Walter Frambes of Belvldere gave a Airs. Uuvid CJuble of Franklin vis- ducers. your chilli in the form of hot school the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. talk on "Overseas Service." ted her friend. .Mrs. Hairy Headers hot. A great many people are attempting to use Seitz kegs "The banks finance other operations lunches, H. Quick. Airs. Charles Force and son Robert a«t week. to the advantage uf all (.•(uiecriH'tl. The success of every single thing we Jacob Maring has installed a gaso- of Washington spent Saturday at the Airs. Charles Cortrisht spent Satur- for home blew. These kegs are lined with pitch and will Some expense in production can be eli- wear lies in its suitability to ouraetf.— line engine power pump for drawing home of Jacob Force. ,ay witli her son. Joseph, and fitmlly. minated to the profit of both producer Catharine H. Ciriobel. water from the deep well on his hu-u\ Mrs. Charles Opdyke and Aliss Jos- Airs. Alice Vanatta of Aloutclalr has spoil your attempts at home brew, furthermore, these and consumer i£ a cash basis is uni- i You can't always be .sure what kind occupied by Harry Messier, near ephine- Opdyke., spent Thursday with been visiting her parents Air. and Airs. kegs are our property and are registered, any one gsing versally adopted. The organization of i oE recordds your childrehild n heah r on thhe •Cnowlton church. Airs. Geo. Hartman at Hartman's Cor- Edward Aimer. farmers for collective action should \ neighbor's victrola, but at least you Since purchasing the sharer of his them is liable to prosecution. A reward will be paid for make possible some basin of financing ' can censor what they hear at home, two sisters, Mrs. William VVKson and Alr. and Mrs. Jos. Botline, accom- that would be acceptable to those whose i Have you paid your rat bill? In Mrs, Jacob Fleming. "William IflblfV panied by Air. and .Mrs. E. C. Snyder, BRIDGKVILLK. the arrest and conviction of any person guilty uf the business it is to provide funds for the ] Virginia the annual damage from this ias become sole owner of tlie Ilibler recently "mopored to West Hoboken Mr. nml Mrs. Hewitt Crcisliy of MaDlf.- \ above offense. - production and marketing of goods." i [)tiSt -iS HCt at $3,000,000. lomestead farm where he lives near •here they were guests of Air. and vood spent the w^ek-ojul with .Mr. iinil ; One of tlie ivcommenduilons in the I Crusty wllh n rb"f-vf compnninn Cedar Lake. Aim. John Stuber, ', ' Mrs. H. Orn»liy. ! report is for a law to properly control keener plfusui-u than "suup to Mfss Leola Picrson has resigned as dogs and prevent their running at targe,. Air. and Mrs. Edward Sexton and Mrs. T. IS. Utko roturned to her homo | " seasoned with discord. substitute teacher of the* Howard daughter, and Airs. Blanche Sexton of ianivdny cvt-niiiK. fiuio spending a lVw ! The Seitz Brewing Co., Easton Only by -such means, tho report ndiU . ai*_.e. niadt_.._.. -_ fo._.r .grown-ups, ,. school and George Bowman has taken Easton were recent guests of Air. anrt lays witli ]K-r daughter, .Mrs. .1. AV. ! can the sheep industry be developed as J not children. Don't flirt with provi- charge of the school for the remainder Mrs. Adam Beers, Mrs. Blanche Stx- ;eoll. : k should be in this .state. ' deuce by leaving the boxes within of the term. ton expects to make an extended visit .Mrs. X. .A. Bowlby of Uolvidw i« • o . ; reach of little hands. with her sister. Alirs. Bcors. The pot of gold at the end of the CORNISH. War Prices in Cities; Lettuce Wastes rainbow may be nothing but a steaming nn I-'arms. hot baked potato. Air. and Airs. J. V. .Matthews spent FREE UNION. A crop of 100,000,001) heads of lettuce p Sunday afternoon with Air. and Airs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hendershot spent is going to waste.on New Jersey farms Let salads, soap and sunshine go U'm. Alauhews at Washington. Sunday with their brother and sister- because the public can not get it tit hand in hand with the 3 r*s in your Airs. Almeda Lannlntf of Washington in-law, Air. and Airs. Fred Hendershot. reasonable prices, .says a hulk-tin of tho child's life. spent Wednesday with her granddaugh- Bureau of Markets of the State IX- ter. Mrs. Almeda Stout. Mr. and Airs. AI. R. N'unn and chil- paitmt;rit of Agriculture. Growers whu A Good Suggestion. dren were Sunday guests of Air. and Airs. Jacob Force of Brass Castle Mrs James Sutton in Townsbury. 1 Value is the Only True Yard Stick i are anxious to sell it at little more than Growers of fruit, and farmers gen- spent part of last week with Airs. Jessie the cost of packing and marketing in erally, are continually suffering loss Kitten house. Mr. 'and Mis. Charles Gruvor have order to recover some fraction of the and annoyanco from the depredations commenced housekeeping in Hncketis- 1 .John Pittenser and son. El wood, and cost of production but find the big city of iieopk wiio ride in automobiles and daughter, Minerva, and AIlss Mary town. They spent from Saturday until markets blocked claim their investiga- rob Holds and orchards practically Monday with Airs. Gruver's mother. tions show ibis condition exists because every day. In view of the lar.s'o and Mrs. Susan Moore. consumers are being charged "wa increasing number of travelers on our for coal not of top grado, and If corn Mrs. Sarah Stiff has returned to her Men who buy price alone run the risk prices, plus" for the product. Com- ; roads it can readily be seen that tho can be used successfully in the power home in Hackettstown after a visit with parlsons of prices paid the farmer and • losses to farmers and growers because plant, the city will buy a large amount. her sister, Mrs. Alary Gruvor. of making a great mistake—lots of things prices charged tlu; housewife show a j of this* potty thieving, is very great. It maximum spread of from 400 to UOO per ; is not surprising *hai the people in- that are low in price are actually very nt., state market otliciiil" s declare. Jured are trying to devise some means I'lIlI.I.IPSULItG ADVKHT1SEMBXT expensive,, because they are neither serv- Many growers are plowing under the Iof protection. One good suggestion is )TICK \n hereby given that I. John S. Randels. Collector oC the Taxes crop because wholesale market prices . that every automobile driver caught Town of Plilllipsiiiirg will'on the ISth day of November, 1921. at - iceable nor satisfactory. lme dropped below the cost of market- ; robbing fields or orchards .shall be de- in the afternoon of that day. in the olllce of tho Collector of Taxes, I Ing the crop. One firm alone has ! prived of his license forthwith. Surely •i own Hall, Flilllfpsbur?, expose for sale the following described properties plowed under fifty acres of lettuce this I thieves should not be allowed to carry upon which tlie taxes for the years mentioned below together with the as- Value is the only true measure. When month. The gross return to these ' the State's licenses in their pockets at'.ssmcms. Interests and costs, which remain unpaid of the 1st clay of jsovem- j,iowera was from two to three cents I 1-er, llllil. This siile is made under the provisions of an act of the legislature while, they rob the St'ate's citizens. concerning unpaid taxes, assessments and other municipal charges on real S a man buys a Suit of Clothes, Top Coat a. head, the net return a fraction of a - - . property, approved March -Hh, 10IS. = or Overcoat here, he is making an invest- I tent, while through town and city [ Burning Corn in West, The sutri land, and the names of tho persons in arrears and the amount of same to November Jst. 1921, are as follows: market consumersa , tho bureau declares, j With corn at 25 cents a. bushel, the ment in Clothing, which will prove profit- me Jiskwl t" p y ffnm ton in itvcTiiy ; '•i'y of wiii'ioTn, Minn., .will, use.-It for UNPAID lliO TAXES . cents a head. The latter price pre- I fuel at the municipal power plant, it able, because he has bought something \ uled in one Southorsey town, within : was declared the other day. Many Cor. Utites nml ^HirrLn Streot .sight of which the plows were at work runners have announced an intention Tllock Lot Name Amount which is of real value and not clothing Kl) • :>TA William Epplur 19-0 :s.ia— .21 the profltlc-ss crop. : • to burn corn instead of coal this win SU f.fil William 'Bppler ....;..•... 191S _.,which has been cheaply constructed to Lettuce IIDS become one of the most tcr. The city is payingr $10.70 a ton 89 55-1 William Bpplcr .1019 2.U— .'37 CorllHJi Avenue.' = sell down to a low figure. 0 131 Laura Miller 1917 .SC .£G Centre Street .Tames Duffy 191S 23.01— f.,47 24.48 James Duffy : .1018 C.,4S— 2.0S 8.-IS And this season we are gratified to be m .Tames Duffy 1913 22.20— -1.32 2G.T>2 James Duffy 1D10 0.20— 1.09 • able to sell ClothirTg of "HUB" type, James Duffy 1920 27.8G— 2.22 James Duffy 1920 7.7 S— .77 •' Quality and Value at prices much lower lildtr Street Sarah Holt. 2.iU— .21 than in recent years. - : StTI 91 311 Luta •',83 91 :i4i LiiU . .. tOtS .90 91 B44 1919 .03— .0G '.69 for Suits, Top Coats Lulu ...1920 Mnln Street 70.GR—18.86 • 9S.D0 Farm Products and Geo. \V. Ktocker 191S S3.S0—12.1R 35.05 and Overcoats Geo. W. Stockcr 1919 30 836 64.62—15.31 79.JI2 •Win. V. flavin 191S 20.70— G.C3 27.3.1 36 S3G Wm. P. Gavin ...191S SO US GO.OO— 0.20 C9.20 Wm. P. (iavin 1919 20,00—,3.07 - 23.07 Manufactured Articles Wm. P. O:ivlr^rs. 1919 75.op^-r T.TiO 82.50 8ISB . "Win. P. Onvi'if .;\\ 1920 ""fi's.aa—"S.-iiit - 64. S9 ' Wm. p. c;:i\Uh..>X-. ..r... .T.TV... vr: i9L»o 25.10— 2.G1 27.C1 2r,D Wm. ]'. CuvVn ....V^N. 1920 Fall Clothes for the Boy The process of bringing the price M«)\V|H Street Bertha Kueler .W. .^? 1919 • 2.B0— .37 of farm products and manufactur- Bertha Koeler Trrf:. 1920 3.14— . .'31 There are bigger assortrajsnts.for selection—There are better qualities for Snyrc Street J! ed articles into equilibrium is nat- Rinokot Katullcky & etc 151!> the money—and there are newer styles and the price is much lower than you'll urally slow, but it will be brought ninolcut Kiiloliuky & etc .1920 TbonuiM Streut find elsewhere. • .' ! '' ' > • • •. ," - s • C.9G about through properly balanced HoberL Miller i iStr i ...1919 FIT-IS Alfredo Pcrent .1920 12.90 co-operation. Call on us freely Frederick Slrvc. Boys' Suits and,Overcoats $5.50 up 91 312 I'eter 1,. Thomas .1917 .43— whenever you need the service of a 91 312 Peter 1.. Thomas 1918 -02— strong, dependable, obliging bank- 91 312 Peter I-. Thomas 1013 .r.0— nt 312 Peter L. Thomas 1920 .63— NEW FALL 91 308-9 Jonas Hartman .1319 -1.00—• _ NEW FALL NEW FALL HATS ing institution. 01 308-9 , Jonas Hartman ". 192,0 1.26— ttrnee Avenue " $3.00 upwards UNDERWEAR Uf! ISO GcorKc A. Phillips 1917 .13— .41 .84 1 SWEATERS . ,;; • Checking Accounts arc invited. 180 Gcoree. A. Phillips 191S .52— .30 ..91 s!IoO 180 G cor KG A. Phillips 1919 .HO— .08 .r>s •III ISO Georuo A. Pliillips ....' i.lOUO .03— .07 .70- DO 201 Georee Savercool 1920 .«3— .07 .70 rr IIIII Struct E§ BATES- , DENT 1.10 Alfred Fetras i 131» 1.00— .16 H STREET : C3 160-1 Anti Stri R.00— .48 , . 3.48 V AND ' fit r.HS 'Marfiuren t VsmOrOen . ••1.29— .08-' 1.97 G4 MS irKiiret VtinOrden , 1.S5— .04 2.13 m., SHIRTS- . HANSEN G4 T.38 rgaret VanOrden l.r>0— .24 1.74 64 MS rgiirct VaitOrden . 1.88— I..19 2.07 ; v Mill Street , <•••• FOR •GLOVES Sylvester FrlKXOl 1917- 1.72— .82 -2.fi-i Sylvester Friz/.el 191S 2.07— '.r7 ••••• FALL 07 128 Sylvester Frlzzcl \ 1919- 2.00— .32/ UNION SQUARE ••• NEAR DELAWARE BRIDGE «7 12S-'- Hl'lvester Prizzel ,.\.....t'. ..1920 2.51— .25 73 1U7-S John Bncho1.'! 1920 2.51— .2"5e 2.7i Any of the ufureaald tructfi or lots may be redeemed by tho puynTent-.t. ' the imdi raigned before the sale of tho amount due thereon, plus 8 pur ceiit 228-230 Northampton St. EASTON, PA. PhilIipsburg,N. J. « Interest ami "r> cents oo t from No\embei 1st 13 '1 Gi\e [i under mj hand this l^th da> of October, 1121 JOHN S, RANDEIA Collector of Taxea \ w tik/Mk i I. / '' '*"""' "* '"*' SECTION THREg ". fllE WASHINGTON STAB, WASHINGTON, ft. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1921 "* irorE.; • •••• ""••••••*• "cAiAFoti;" •' Nailer Ut Volcrs. Mr. anil Mrs. Wm. Cumminkey and Mr.'nml Mr*. IX S. Ajiffar vlwltod rela- v.i.v.crms Nctnci:. plater of Newark, Mr. and MVs. John tives nt Roonton Sunday. Tho .WiiiTeii County Uoard of RIPC- NOTICE irnrtunfr and son, John V. of Jersey tlon will fdt in Iho Town Hall, Phil-1 Notice in Iicroby given Hint thn Dhl- t Upsbui'R. on Thursdny, November 3rd, Irlrt Ifunrdu «T IlrKlstry nnd KIcrtioii elwct-n M.\ry A, Crc In nnd Tor tlie TiMvn of l'hillipKburg Tim GC.VEHAL 1921, nnd In the Court House, Jintvl- or el nl, will iiicot In Hie plart-s lioivinafler Tim CENEIlAI, ELECTION dere. Friday. N*ovembiM''-lth, 1021, from AXD AND 1 p. m, to 0 p, m., for the purpose of •'•>••"ffuit• -ii lH'tw<.'*-ii 1 lit* honrK of 1 p. and ;» p, in. for the rcglstr-iUcm T0UXHII1P Kf.ECTIOV - r TOWXSIIH' J'cvljilng nnd • correcting, llio - Primary iMirposcs unly, on v;lll bo held for tho Towimhlp o£ win' ba. hold—for-Muo^Townahlpf IJoe|»ti*y^lookM iind to add or remove - TiirMiIitr, Ucfubrr IH, I1ISI, Mansfield, County of Warren, N. J., In ,aroonwjcli,; County of • Warronj-mf« inflmo" from "wild btiolfs. • "All persons On Hill for Finally,'on ; ; ' , ,tlm Jr. Mechanics* I rail, Port Murray, in tlio flc)iool,bull(llriL-At ytcwarUyU entitled, to tijc-tfghl of.'suffrage nt the Partition. . ,on • •-- ' ". of $r>0 Inst Frirtny evcnlnjrby HjV next general clectloh.ln "Warren coun- ' TiiCMiliir, Nuvi'inttcr S. Ut^l TUBS B.IY, NOVKMnEIt 8, 1021, . . 1 - O. D. J.'Connol, Sol'r, helweeh' llie'lHUirM of fl'a. 111. ami 7 i>« •'r.TUEBDAV; XOVKSIDBr trustees of the M/TC. chiSrcl) nB'n!'rfi- WhlteWwi. ; ; , s^ ty who* have fnlled'to register after between tho hburs of nix o'clock A. SI., l Ity virtue !l in. for' tin? ptir'iDHf nf cmduetlitg 11 and seven o'clock I'. M. for the pur-^between tho hours of fllxo'clock'AijS ward for services an their organist the Tho Ladies* Aid Boclety will liold their proper evidence under oatli that such of nn orit«T' i)f the Cour Cent-nil' Kloetlo'n"'for Mi-niber of the ' jmat 2fi years. This occasion was matin annual chicken and wafflo mipper In person Is a legal voter, entitled to vote of C'ham-ofo of conducting a Uenernl Klection and cdyon ro'clock V.;>U Xor_XiiplPVi dny of Ht-n'ii-cmlJt"- , lUZl, I, SylvuHter t*, Cenornl Assi-mblv. MeuilKT ut th» for crnfertalnlnfr.' by MnMriVmontat'"''''KOIOH; borough ijaU^Nov.tlo. '{ at «nld election nnd that" ho tnndo ;i Snillli, one ltonril of OliuNrti Vrccliolderw, .hl.stiecs "'duetti, chorus nnd quartettes; vocal Mrs. tydlii-Hoffman entertained Sun- reattonuble effort to register and that' cif llin SncJJii] .Masters'.) nf tlic I'OJH'I; nnd (.'oriHtiibl'-H, A Member of the General Assembly; J the Court ..if. Chancery,' will offi-r foi A Member of tho G on oral AsflcmblJ 'holosniiirduc'ts arid rccltaildnS. '" .- m day.her dnughtor^Mlrff.Eugene Sharror, for some reason other tlmti his ownsitlo- lit''otiblli : 1'lnt'fM of IlcHlMiry nnd Klfcdnn. A Moir.bor of the Hoard of Chosen •"•• ven'liie at tlif'Ui»lin Freeholders!.'. .- A.Member of tho Hoard ot-1 ', Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar Uenaon,,daughter of Mt. Lebanon. ' * or forRCtfulneHs,' he failed of K'luiiie'Jlotcl, in iho Town of 1'hllllpi willi a Nhort 'I'.-K-.'1-liMlon of tliu bomid- Freoholilcrs; gc or forgetfiilnettj),lie of 1 C 1'Jllli arli-ji of each election fJiHtrU-t. A Ttiwnohlp Clerk: nnd sister, MlH.VSfiUon'ofl.iaktvlIop'nN •- flebrgo' Nolghlmr of;JerHcy City has registration, may apply for burg', N. J., on Frldiiy, the" 1Stli d;iy'oi A Collector of Taxes:' A Collector of Taxes; ' •cong. visited their brother, Thomas Sut- registrar An Asgesaor of Taxes; purch,aH(;d>.aJj)f^oj);Jj[.ofTjin,in Place and tlon ut t)u:w meeting!* of the sultl Novt-nilii-i*. 1921, i.t \! o'clock j*, in., l)*i. nnuifii'H ClK'*r .Store. Union K'ltiarc, An Assessor of Taxes; ton and family, Saturday. wfff'builtf a'residence thero hi the near folio win (j Inftds and premises, all «itu A Constable; Two Conatables; Countty Board of ElectiElectiono . llotindarles—The third wanl line on Tuo Justices of tho Peace! , "MidR-Nettlo VnnHorn-of Hnckottfiown future.- -' *• .-•••- —---.; '.. - »•.... -NoticeNti . (0 AA'^ciitc' c :V(ile)"s; nto in the County of Wamn. the v.\M. tlm Delaware Kiv<>r *>n the Two Justices of tho Peace; visited her brother, Clnrcnce and \iXtc, Rev. J. 13. ottlnger, pastor of the Pot- west, thf sixth ward line on tint nori'i Two PotindkceperB: ? Two Sttr\e>ers of-thQ Highway,/ ; An absoiitoe. elector shall he deemed FIRST TltACTIs nitimtt-1 in tlm llor- Two Surveyors of tho Highways; A Member of tho Township^ ~ over the. week-end.:: , tpr«vilie Reformed church,, will preacpeach to be :i ([uuilflcd, registered elector who oush of Alplia. formerly ti.e town und thr Jln«- on Tlulliiiiut street produc- mlttco. v " f Mr. and' Miv.-Jrl'.n Ltipiio.of New SundayKnndny"u aftprnbonafternoon5r ntat' th I'i : Whitakcr, in tho County of wan ed ly the Duliiwnrti River. A Member of tlio Township Com- the I-'airmount by reiwon of inability, through llfncn.s " 1'lrtH Word, ^ml IJi.strlct. l''burg mittee; And to voto upon tho followin York city visited Ms wlster,'Mi vJose- church^ and Vtntc of .\*cw Jeniov. imti ' ' 1 proposition: or absence .from tbo; county in. which L-iI and described as follows: l''irn Co., So. I. Market .S'.. Ili-undaiies: And to vote upon tho following phine Swnyze, li*/-t week. .Jphn*. la a Anna Ilrjavers-and Miss Daisy he or;ishe> Is "unable to cast his or her Metiveen llulliiini* Strode produced to proposition: Ihill tho Act t entitled "An native-of this t'jwn nnd spent liis I|fo were gucsUr'of. Mr^and- Mrs} baliot-onMhe diiy of thegeiieral .elec- HcRlnrifnK'at » point on the westerly the Delaware It her the third ward lino authorizing thn cr*>fltion of a debt^O*- hoVo*'untlI marriage., ' '""• >. Hea i|do=of Fifth AViMHte. «aid point being Shall the Act entitled "An act the btate of New Jersey for tho con- Heavers rit'lllfih BrMgo 'ortr Ylle tion tit the polling place In the election .lie 5fiutIie,iHt corner of lot *•>>(>. 41 and t.'u> fifth ward lin«> on the mirth. atithori-ftiif? the creation nf a debt of structlon extension and concerning ..Mr. nnd Mrs, Kdgftr Burd and chll- week-endenndd. district in which he or she Is registered. and rime " ' Jersey Street. Synth Main Street. Itlvtir the State of New Jersey for the con- die in-nitmionn of tlio State undet; ilri^-Miv and'-llrs.. Harry Grostuof,. , RRev,.Honi)oUgii of Springfield jneach- Any absentee elector desiring to vote tion a I.>n ly dlr. Street ami Klvcr Street produced to struction. ''XteiiHion and concerning the .State Hoard of Control of Instlttlj }Jolvidertr, mm Mr. n.nd Mrs, ^\;pv Vnn-: at a general election shall make appli- llir DeliiWitn- Itivtr. 1 ,o(l 'Sunday at tinio Lower Valley IYcs- Sccoml Ward. 1st District. Lowell tin; InnUtiitlons of the State under tion« and Agencies, by tho issuing di . Arsdal6 and daughter. Glndys, 'of \ynr-: by'terlnn churchrch.. cation for an ofllclal ballot to the mu- ichool building S<>. Mi-in St. limiml- tho State Hoard of Control of Institu- bondK in an amount not to exceed wick spent Sunday with their parents, ''VMIKS" Margueri nicipal clerk of the municipality In tions and AgencicH, by the issuing of fourteen mil Han ""'dollars: provldins v Marguerite llqacli of Plalnflcld irfo.s—Hetwor-n ,ler««y Street, South Mrs. Isaac Gibbs. -';' • •.:.-,..•••' •'. v: Clent tho week-end •with Miss^Elma which '-said*elector resides, orto?thc Main Street. Itlvor Stri'nl i*roduced 011 IIIHIIIH In an iimount not to exceed the ways and m can a for tlio payment County Board of Klection. If said ap- fourteen million dollars: |in of tlio Intercut accruing on said debt Mr. nnd'Mrs. Joseph Foster of Ne\V- Boatyy. ; ' c '' . " •; tile north, the 'lfth ward line, .Stockton the ways nnd means for the payment and for the payment of tlie principal nrk spent Sunday ntithelr homes here. RevR . 11. P, King was confined to hift plication 'i.<a;ild. • nnd'Is liruen Alloy. I-'ilmore Strt-et, Siiuinilt Frank Snow. ti'Ifo hnd'fiori spoilt Sat- spend tlie' winter in''Newark.' . M. B. EEKSLKY, Soc'y, liotinded 'and dcsci'fbcd as follows: Ave.; ChamUur Strcot and Tyndnll Ave. urday and Sunday, with? relatives "at ml between the sixth ward lino and FrankvSutfon-,ot*Etui\gp waa a Pun-' DANIEL PJTTENdEtt. Chairman. iieginnlnfc iin;l'ie rust side of Fifth he llrst ward line. XOTICK .NOTICE ; Allentown. . , .*•'' , day guest*or Mr,1 ond.'Mrs.'Lyman Siit- Avenue., cnrnciv.t 1.I0L Xn. "iU.1: Ihcnre Mrs, Virginia McNIecc, of-No\yark. is Third Ward, Hiid District. Km-man floiHh '2Ti9 fcPt. n.orc'or lesf. to lot N". ehool building. Kilniorc Kt. Ifaunil- Till* CliNintAI, EI.KCTIOX Till; GCNKKAl. KLKCTION visiting her cousin, Mrs. AdellnvAlbert- NOTICK. COMi: Lltence eahViJong. last natnoil rles—Hetween (Jri*en Alloy, Ptltnorc AND . son. •'_"*'' '""'. • . " '• /' "*•' T".; In tlie Matter of tho EH- hit' ]2r- , fout to loach All"*" "•" Street, Summit Ave.. Cbattiln>r Street AXD ••'.-, CLEN QAxaxsm.;-' Into »f Ml elm el nonouGii KLECTION ;/;,,., Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hixon nnd rnoth- • Mrs. Milton-Hunt-., spent, Srttimlny taid illIcV in-1 Tyndnll Ave. and UUIIHOII Street TOWNSHIP ELKCTIO.V Mrn_ 'Vllet; are O'liagan, doecuseO. . und heiweon the .ilsih ward line and will be held for the Town-illip of Off* will bo held for tho Borough of Alpha, visiting • relatives wltlijher aurit, AfrsV Llvertt*WoRn>r,'ht In* first 'ward line. near Oswepo, N. Y. nioom«burj\ fttilo to Bar 'I ford, County of Warren, N. J., in tho County of tVarrcu. N. ,T-i la tho Boro- Fourth Ward. 1st District. Jersey Oxford Theatre on, / ugh VITQ House, on •, .~*2 Edward Fullor spent a clay In N'ew Miss Mable Krauss' of KHzaboth is Creditors. lone Co: So, Miiin St. Uotind.irJes— York city recently. spending some time with her grand- Purftuant-tn ilio order of tlie Surro- R.iKt of South Main .Street to sixth and TUESDAY, NOVEMllEn 8. 1051, TUESDAY, NOVESinEIt S. 1021,^ The Ladies' Auxiliary will meet Sat- gate of iho County of Warren, iiindn "iftli ward lines aiid from Jefferson between tho hours of nix o'clock A. M.. between tho hours of six o'clock A. M.> parents, Miv'and Mrs. Naham Crcgar. and seven o'clock V. M. for thn pur- and seven o'clock P. M, for the pur- urday afternoon with Mrs. George :V, Mrs. Kliza Frittfi has returned home on the fourteenth day of October A. D. tren to flxlli ward lino on tliu south. Vinetoeri 1 hi ml red and Twenty-one, Fourth Ward. Und District. L. O. pose of conducting a General Election JIOHO of conducting a General Election llmvell nt 2,30 o'clock. Ladles' Hlndly. after a stay with Mr, VanN'nttn'.s fam,- for notice IH linreby given to all persons leers KChool building. So. Main St. • •"•>?$ brinfr patterns. ' • "• " ' ' ' ' Ily'at; .Martin's Creek.-.* ,'•'*• •. - ' - laving claims against tlio 'Kfltnte of • Mrs. Jehnlo R. M"cDavit and dnugh- Boundaries—West of South Main St. A Member of tlic General Assembly; ^ .Member of the General Assembly; . Mrs. Prank''Miller hns returned home Michael O'Hagan. l;ito of the County Deeds, pages IT.O, etc. o Delaware Itiver »nd fruu, Jefferson A Mcnr.bcr of tho Board' of Choaen A Member of tho Board of Chosen tor AIIPC of Irvington and friendd from after visiting her parents, Mr. .ind Mrs. of "Warren, deceased," to present the trcct to nlxth ward line on tlic south. Freeholders; Freeholders; '• "4^ South Jertjoy cal|p[lon fril .lame, to tlio subscriber, Ills adminis- THIRD TKACT la .iltilated In tlie A Mayor; . :>.';^ 1; ieiuls hero Sat- I Chester Lou. at Dover. . Horougb of Al--!ia nforcKald. and is Fifth Ward, 1st District. Reliance A Collector of Taxes: urday: ' " " ' ''''•' '•'•''''' •'•"' tratrix, on or before tho fourteenth lose Co. Chamber St. Houndaric.«—Bc- Three Councilmen; '•'"Mr/ami Mrs..,InmcB'Hughes and BOII- day of April A. D. Nineteen Hundred bounded and describe'; as follows:' An Assessor of Taxes; John AmstrongArmstrong, Sr.. who died at in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. i wcon Lewis Street. IL'eckinnn Hlrect. A Constable: Tlirco Justices of tlio Peace; ... u Clay Centrent , KKansas , hihi s ffarm home, and Twc*it '.T*vo, being Bix Months Beginning at a point iilk Ave. and Stock tun Street nnd tho Two Justices of the Peace; And .to vote upun the followlnsfl •Welghorst,_nnd Miss Daisy Plum of from tho date o.', said order; and anytcrly corner of Fifth ._ ami ). U ,t \\*. It. It. and between Hudson proposition: '-^.'-a wn.s brought to Johnsonburg. for Inirjftl, Clinton were gucsta Sundfty of Mr. and' creditor ncglectl-iiT to brlnfr In and ex- Aven Two Surveyors of tho highway; Klirinfftov.'n Kond.and runs thenci >>y Street nnd the sixth ward lines. A Member of tho Township Com- Shall tho Act entitled "An nets} Friday afternoon. He lived "several Mrs.'Chfis.'Castncr. hibit his or her claims under o:ttli or Fifth Avenue lUJi font, morn" or , Fifth' Ward, 2nd District: Peter years at ReatrB, Rest where Raymond mittee; authorizing tho creation of a djjbt ofa N'ichola.s Klule of Stapicton, S. f.. is aHlrination, within the thne.se) llttiilcd, to corner of Myrtle Alley: thenen wes- Lyncli's Store. j-Iccktiian St. Ilound- And to vote upon Uie following" Clio State of New Jersey for the con-1 SmlOi'iiowlivosr arid'waft lilghly appre- vlsilliVg "his "dnuBliter,' SD-8. 'Sillier Pot- will be rorov«r burred of his or licr terly by Myrtle Alley "liD feet, more or arics—Hetween Hudson Street ...... Htr'iction, extension and concerning] ciated as, a neighbor. action against the wild'administratrix; less, tii.SijrIngto-.vn lioad: thence by Stockton Street and between Lewis proposition: ter. • >' •"•: ' . : •'.- • • *)ated October It. 1021, Khali the Act entitled "An act tho institutions of the Stato underL "Apple blossoms are to bo seen here Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potter of T.ny- Sprlufrlown Itoad J2B feet, moi'o or Slroot and the sixth ward line. authorizing the creation of a debt of ihe State'Board of Control of Instituia and-there on the boughs that hang In ! NKM.TI-: O'HACIAX, AiImlniRtratrix, loss, to a corner, in nald road: thence «Ixth Ward. 1st Hist rift. Lincoln tho State of New Jersey for the con- tlons and Agencies, by tho issuing otf .onne' spent Sunday with hi.s .rparents, ' 370 Ifcckmnn HI., I'hillipHburg, N. J. still by said road easterly course 17." Engine Co. Lincoln St. Houndarie.v— bonds in an amount not to exceed warm places. ' Many Columbia red JIV.'nnd'Mrs. Cliiis. Potter, ', H. ('•• Smith, Jr., Proctor/-*- feet, nior<; nr 'less, to placi Hclwecn the old town boundary anil struction, extension and concerning raspberries have also l)oenj)icked, the Institutions of the State under fourteen million dollars; provldlnBa •Mrs.. Wm.- McClclIati Iiafi returned l'liilllpsburg. New .lerney. nin^-. Jtrhi-i lots numbered on plnn the Jdipatcoiiff Township llm;, and the State Board of Control of Institu- tho ways and means for the payment! homo1'after spending' sow.1', time with north from the I'J. i,. & \V. It. II. to of tho Interest accruing on said debt! nt lots of wnitakor r,2r>. r.:;o, MI, ::i:', Delaware Ulver. tions and Agencies, by the l.Hsufntf of Unite Jr. K. (Jliurch Xotes. her brother and Klster-ln-law, Mr. and v bonds in an amount not to exceed and for tho payment of tho prlnclpaul "Zucclieujt Climbs. :t Tree" IK the 33:.', 531c' , ihtiiiSn,- 530 anA'637. • •fiixih Wanl. "Jnd District. Warren fourteen million dollars: providing of flaid debt at maturity, and Xhn ex^a Sirs. Charles Urcvti. iit JJunellpn.' S'I'ATH •»K. XKH' JKHSKV tmc'hind Cliemlcat Co. Mil! St. Hc-uiularleH—I!e- •„ inorhini; sei-uiou theme at St. John's Mr.and 'MrK.'Hilberl Ulnt-k of New- STAT13' IIKJinV.W COMMISSIOX Willi.'ini the ways and means for tlio payment penscs in connection thorewith, "Atiftjl .' MetliodlKt l-|)isco|»ai chuicli on Sunday, • • • •. -TIIBSTOX • • VeyiHl to thn «al• dHohr -AVmiiuiy • a Dcpiic by tween the old town boundary anil of the IntoroHt accruing on .said debt urovldltif? for tho .lubirinslon of thiBl j ark were over-Sunday guests of Mr«, hopatcuni; Township lini* south from nnd for tho payment of the principal law to tho people aft tho next generals ..•; October 30th at 10.30. At the evening Black's parunti-, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. NOTICB 1« l[l-:ilHUV CJIVHN 'that deed dated January-, 17,' lilOu, ami re-the D. tj. & W. li. It. to the I'ohateonfe' 1 : ! : spaU'U bids will be received by the corded In Hiild Ulerl:'K Oflice in Uool; of said debt at maturity, and the ex- election," approved -— 0110 tliou-jl scrvfcif fit 7,:iO'thc topic will bo "Votes Carllng. ' ][" ' ' • State Higlnvny Cotninisdlun of New 171 of Deeds, pages fi-, etc. Township lino. • penses in connection • therewith, nnd iumndl nine hhundred >and twenty-onojj Kor Women." " , ' Abram Ilendi'rjjon and Wilbur Lance -JCI*S»J.V rot- tlic followIiiRr: • ' And to vote upon the following pro- providing for the submission of thin be adopted? Twit steel I-beam trolley bridges at There is execpted out of tlio said position: law to tho people at tltu next general The ICpworth League's Halloween attended, the HiiyV conference sit L;un- nn-ifj.; 3. M.P. s.L'-W and Bridge I. third tract a certain tract of land con- Khali the Act entitled "An Act au- CLEVELAND M, Social at St. .John's school room takes bbrtvllle'from Friday until Sunday eve- M.I1. 7.7-W*. 17*0" and 17*1" Kpuni*;. 5'0" veyed by Arltiimla. Hepue to Ktiielyn C. thorizing the creation of a debt of the election," approved 0110 tliou- sand nlnnine hhundred and twenty-one jilnce on Monday, October 31st. AilmiH- II Ing. . iihutmcius ntu] .Parsons byileed hcarim? date August Stutc of New .Jersey for tho construc- be adopted? Kion Is ir, cents, including refreshments, The Etnuunl bazaar at the First Lutli- UllH, H1.C1 1-benHi frames to •M,'1!MC,'and rcfoideil In t^o V»ai-ren tion, extension and concerning' thn in- and the invitation is to all. •rau church will he licld.Nov. lift!;. Xing].' Uti. nf. trolluy tnictsm County Clork'H offlee.iu !<6ok ^07 of stitutions of the state muler the Slate LEWIS IT. WILDMCK. Our orgauisffi Jubilee Concert'held • 'Miss"Nancy Alurry'Is spending cornet • No. Ill, Hrtiuti i 1. near Wasli- Deed,*-, |>;iKe.s -I", etc.. an.l; l.'niinded find Hoard uf Control of Institutions and 1 r i'l-uiilclln TowiiHliiii. Warren described In said'I'mL mOttUoii'.d Uoed Affi'iicles.'liy (hi: i.ssuing of bonds In an NOTICE . on' Friday,'October "1st was a crowded time,with friends in Plainfleld, Kliwi- a» follows: W'--/; niimuiu not to exceed fourteen million demonstration of popularity and good- both, Jersey City, Vn.1 rson and New • tlic abo will lit*„ recisived dollars; providing tlio ways and means THE GENERAL ELECTION will." The 'choir, (itiartctle. duet, aoki. Durham.' rjiiicc of the StStatet * HiRhway Beginning mi the ."oiilliwi'st. -jfii-ner jinn. Broadh fit. Hank «"«•' of Hawk Avenue ami William", Str<*<*t for the payment of tin* interest accru- AND cliiritiet, viojin and piano music ahd'th'17 Frank -(Smith of , N. .1. on \VcdneKdu> JJn_i!iliiin. formerly SprliiKliHvn Itd.-id; Mlieuiie ing.on said di'bt aiul for Hie paytnpiit reeitatfotiH left llttlo to tiu dcHlrcd. Tho Kuesl Sunday of his parcnts,.'Mr; and nf the principal of said debt at maturi- TOWNSHIP ELKCTION ID-il, ,it 11.00 A. M;,.fi; 'd*opencd .IIOIIR WJlliiiiii'Slrecl.fcas; t one liu.idred 1 /program,.was. a line compliment, to it; Mrs. \Vm. Smith. « - itnii r>>*i(i hiiiii*'dfati>ly tfi'>r<'ii. lp.r1. tevt lo 'a' sijiki :-'iheiicf si .•mtitiif-rly ty, and ; the 'expenses in connection IU; (JEVEKAI, KLKCT10 will bo liclfl "for / the Township DrawingH. rspfcifk-atiunK and form c-inirse * one hundred iiiiti-" J.'.''cnty-.six, thev.-with. and --n-vidiiig tor tlic sub- rolmcon*;, Cuiutty of Wurrun, N.~u.,a author 'and extended over two noun 'Mrs.'JIoracc.A. Itonnell and daughter of Idd. contract nnd bond'for tlic pru- mission of this liui' to the people at AM) for the first district in ShImor's school-1 excluding all possibility, of encores .and son-Iiirlaw, M|i*. and Jlrs. Frank mur« or.less to' Myrtlo Alley; tliom:e 'J'OW.VSHlI* KI.KCTKI.X juiHeil work'ar1 c on (No in tlic oillcc nf niung said -Myrlle Alley a westerly th ex general election, approved I KI. house, and for the second district: fltl Some' of the dlstinguishud' visitors were Bruh'lngi:. • and Ulna Evelyn Hliannon the Slat. Highway Department. 'IVen- thoiiNii! ni! n i Il will bo nsh tho JIUKiiesvillc acboolhoiise, on ;' 1 inn, N. .(.. .anil oll)i:o of Clmrh-H A. course ono Inindred tent more or loss* Innuli'(.'d'uini"twcjity. will bo liold for the Tow ship of Wasli- good, enough to t'ay' "it -was likii' carry- of Monroe were •ovur-Suiiday guests of Mead. Uriiipre Engineer. 79« Hroad St.. to Ifawk Avenue: theiH-'^a" nortliofly bo adopted? intrtointrton.n ''CountC y of Warrre N. J., In 'I'UKSDAV. XOVEMH13H S, 1021, ing coal to Xewcastlo to assist Hope the, forniiirV'mother,' Mrs. Sarah Sii'tti- Newark. N. J. Jind may bt!: Inspected course along ICawk Avf'niii;-,one Imn- ,. • ''- lrATtViSl' G. WiyMHIt/ th Township Ilall, on between the hours of six o'clock A. Jir.il —they had no Idea it had such ciiKir- 'non.1"" '•'" : -1 '' •' • ... ; • hy.'iiroapui-tivc l.idders. 1'lan.s wll.lie dred and twenty-six, more or leas to Cferk ot the Town of I'liillipsburg:. TL'KsillAY," XO'VK.IIIIEK S, WJ1. and seven o'clock ]?. M, for tho pur-B fiirnifilu'd on deposit of tun -($10.00) the place of beginning. ' •'/ Dated lette and choir music." We are the Tlic Board of Trade will hold, a mas- dollars for these l>rid*;cs upon applica- between the hours of six o'clock A. pose uf condiictine :i General Election.I clebtorcebtora of those friends who ".travele.traveled qUcradc! dance in^Hornby's halj, Friday tion to dial-led A. Ateail. Bridge En- FOUJiTir TRACT is situated in Hi and seven o'clock P. M. for the pur- for . -• •-.;«•• ffar"" 't' o ' hcil v includulnilddunl g Mrs. Hitter, night,' Oct. 2S, / ' .:..;..- gineer. I'M llruad St., Newark. .Uiils Township" of"iliiniioiVy. in"tbii County pose of conducting a General Election A Meniber of the General Assembly;! jriugsbcrgcr, HunsHunsbergerb , . Hartu'ngHt' . Mrs. Frank McEvoy nml. .sou and IMI.HI bo ni.'ulu nn the standard i>ro-. of Wiirt'cn and State ot New Jersey, NOTICE for A Memher of the Board of Clioaenl Searing and Hiimlin and the Misses posul fontiH in tliu manner designated and is bounded anil described as foi'v Freeholders; daughter and son-in-law of Newark thcroln .iiniL its required., by the 10-1lows: A Member of the General Assembly; j\lK»n, Addfs, Albortson.and Maring and were over-Sunday guests of-;31r. nnd KpocIilratioiiH. Hiiine -to .-.be 'enclosed In ^ THE GCXEHAL KLECl'IOX A Member of the Board of Chosen. Dr. Cummins of Belvidcrc. The pas-'Mrs. George Siegfried, t' I .sealed tfiiceiul iuldruut-ud envelopes ns at ti slake sixteen at: ; Freeholders; A justice of the Peace; bearing the name and address nf ''bid- ffive-tenll; ftftjcr-sotuh of tho riplil 1 • / • • AND ; . ' - ' An Assessor, of Taxes; A constable; tor's presentation speech reviewed, the '• Me. rand : Jiral* George > Conkling andder-and the-number of ,tiie. bridge on ivay , '" year's 189i\to 19l!l mentioning the min- : \b Uelvidei'e and' Delawai * TOWA'SIIII* JSfiKCTION "A Collector of Taxes; A Surveyor of the Highway*; ( sonrGeorgc, hecompn'nied, by; MJHS-Mary the out»idn,.;ind' must'be accompanied itai.Ii--6 at a point IS'.K feet.west t will he held for the" Township of A Constable; , A Poundkoeper; • , ...- isters with whom Mrs. HildeuranL had. B. Mliller-and...E.'C/iGrecn motored to by-a certilled check drawn to tlie ord-, A Foumlkecper; : A Member ot the Townslilp Com-B •sided a ci- nt the .Stalt* Treasurer for not less .. .n«..ii; iiionumcnt In the-*said right < Franklin, (.ou'ntyof "Warron, N. J., In 1 pros I t Uu> viz: Pastors'Wal- Alt, Hormon "Sunday 'and visited Mrs. than t«n (10 per cent) per cent of the, way.y. ,tlie -sflid moniiit.ehi., being tl] Uie Township Hall, on A Member of the Township Com- mittee; ' • :;.- ^;'| tors, Fbwlor, Carson, HtiRgerty, Durley, 0911kting's,brother, Howard Kversulp., amoHrtt of th« bid. provldedtlmt said norlh '"•"•*rn_". o,.f ])roi>e.™ty bclf'tip mittee; ,TUBSI)AV, XOVG.llimit S, 11)21, 1 And to vote upon the following:'! . Clarris, Collerd,. S'uiiderl;fnd, Cdbley. • Mrs;".r6seph' Snnisey ot Lebanon was rcrliliod check .shall uoi Ix--less thiin Ing to one . Uador. UL ... , be I we en the hours of six o'clock A. nr., •And .to voto upon tlio following proposition: - ' -AW Fraser, Sutton, Haiue.s, Fnasitt, Wilson a guest Saturday..of her sistetv-'Mrn. 8ft(;p-:ii(tr more thnn '¥20.000 "aml'Miiy a loud between said right ot way am proposition: Shall tho Act entitled "An act! hiK^ Foster nnd felicitously wished Jjpr Lhu land .heroin•-conveyed • .ir, depr and seven o'clock P. JI. for the pur- authorlzlr-authorizing' tli"•o- creatio' n- of' n debt otl i : Joseph Siegfried. ,.,. '• i I'OKO ofcondUL'tiitK a-tieneral Election Shall;, tho Act entitled "An act Jong lifi'and liappiness* h'dro .ind'here-'J > 'Mr;'Uhd'Mfs-'Moiiiifiuu tSliker and son', fore*'tho lit'ii.v t naiiH-d;' -Copies* of the ^." ml 11 sites ivest )'S!S.-i fe'oL tii">a sta the .State of New Jersey for the con- H nftcr. In the" "many man.'Jtoiisl';a, high Avliich sinltl ststktt" is,,sixteen and <> the State of New Jersey for* the con- struct Ion, extension and co:cernlnff;H Andrew of Grestmoor.. visited his moth- .stjinilard,itrn|)usiil fonii and .special a'd- h:f tli " A Memher of tlio Getiaral A.ssentbly; : ulllcc iti the heavenly.ch'oirs. iJr,s. Hil- 'eW'Mrs. JoseiJli srcgifr'Icd. Sunday. .•By' order-of"the'.State Hjyhway Com- ho State Hoard of Control oMristitu- be adopted? visitors of Mr. and Mrs. I'uttsr Krinic, hommo 'of'JIrHof Mrs. FrutchoFrutclie y tftftt be citrutl for ,.— ant] Agonoins, by the issuini? of during her illness. *. '.'• :(': bonds 'i"n a•»n" amount nut to -exceed Township Clerki near Springtown,, : ...... ,- •-.. _ lllon dollars; providing Warren, N. .L.Sopt, 3. 1S21. 'SfrVrJo'lin-'Fox of Washington was a r*:"--a-ijrsrr.'Hprry'.'.-ijJiinaberry jjiito-'jaiiieo thfi'.M-ays ahd lucitts "for Uie payment Washington, N.-'j..' Sept. 3. 1921. week-end vlsitqr'of .Mr. and Mrs. W. B.- jErs! Qpric'li aVdiiiner. Thi'rouay. of tlio interest accruing on sfiid delit Ilfrier."'1'- "••"V1 l'"lVI> ^ S1' ""••• "" ' (."Miv.an'd/.'Mrs; .foseph.Lobi>ll's yoting- itnd for the payment ri>f tlic principal est'.soi^ was.ti,uit_e .Hick.t'roin. a cold on Xoijcc. ' The-sons; and their; families' were, : v of said debt at maturity, 'and the ex- called'home'oir'Sttmlay by the death of liis- lungs'-last •We6k.'" ' '-'7! •* :n the Mattel of the Es- -ensos in connection ' thorcwlth. and l their father, Jacob Vliet, early Sundaj"' .,'J'lio water tank for tho wpll was de- tale of •roviditifi* for tho KUbini,ssioii of this •J IH3 CEXKUAIJ ELECTION 1 • T!ti]c to Har morning iit Correlt's Jiospitnl, Ea.ston. livered iHst'wiiekV•'I't'is 16 ft. lotig and.| John G. Herbert, aw to tho people at the next genera! TJIE CE.VEItAti EIjKCTION .• AJN'D "! . > ^ •1 ft. in diameter and weighsjaljput twd'j , •,Credltors-/e •lection,"- approved ono thou- ". ' ' AND ' , TOWXSIIli* 13I.BCTI0X Mrs. Martin Hawk, spent last. Wed- ''•" Pursuant to the order of 'tl)c Stiri'i iitnd >; niiie 'hundred, and twenty-one 1 totis. It will bit placed in a 'co'ricrbto r will he. heliL-for .the , Townalilp niM nesday with Mrs. H. Ilouser l in Illooms- sate of the -County of ••WarrCn. 'mat. 10 adopted? ' itOHOUGII ELECTION' bury. . hole C ft. deep. - A pump.,'mri by-giisb- bn'ttH! Seventeenth day of August. J G13ORGI-; B. COOK, ;will be hold for the Horougli of Waali- TjopaieoiiK:, •County' of Warren, N.. ,T.Vr-8 lone will punip;;the\yA'tcfjInto the. tank1 P.,'Nineteen Hundred and'TwQiity-.Orii iu the rosidenco of .Isaura -Frey, Hens•" Miss Aiina WyekofT enjoyed a trip to 1''tO all persb: Broadway, N. j., Sept. 3. 1321. the First District In tlicschoolliotme, Mrs.!Cyphers;"still for Africa. I 'tlirdilgh'Hnjj! tliejHoe pfpH^I'to.Hlie..'plttcu. pla s to be liavinp claims apainst the estate u 'and for Ihe Second and Third Districts TUUSDAY, NOVKJIKKlt S, 101!I, ",. ! [ JohnCl, Herbert,, late of., the County 0 Mls.s-lSll7H'ibcth Thompson left Friday supplied, no piiwsiiis j'etjare Np s In the Borough Hall, on between,th re hoursof six o'clock A. M;;'£H to spend her vacation with her brother! charter:wilIJJc-.t:(kenVbuti.thdsb wisjiiiifi,' !,\f-avi en,' aeCea>3Gil.',!td presenftho "eaxtv arid* seven o'clock':!?. M!. for tho niir-'-',H 1 'to the'subscriber, his. sub. ailtninistra tho Matter of the'TCs- • TUESDAY, -S'OVEMimR S. I1KJI, Byron Thompson and family at East to oo-''bcnciltteil by a supply..'oit-.'sood 1 r pose of'conducting* a General I51cctloh;;| htor.T.'b.t.a. bn" ot- bctofo' the? Seventcfin'ti tato of Mary A. Shafe'r. bctwccn-'thc hours of six o'clock A. M., for Orange, Her niece, Miss Marion Shropu : and even oclock " •" ••••• 'f' ' '' -' A';•>''•: •;. '•• ,,_ y 1 1 water may by sharing:,thef coat which i.s day of February. A. D., "Nineteen Hun Dcccased ' ]'" and seven o'clock P. M. for the pur- of 13aston,' joined'her Saturday. '" "' Hired ;- aiia;i.T,Wi!nty-Two,T •Ybcinff.'-M: pposo e of conductin A Member, of the General Asscmbly;l-fl : ;sald, to. be.about t^;00i).: There-artf'iiow' •lulo to liar Creditors. f d a General Election A Member of tho Board of Cltosen'ii Afr. and Mrs. F.,\T\ ', Cawlcy,.'. sons, four Ktocklioltlerii, Janies Diotricii, J. W. • months from the dale "of said 'order Piato the; order of the Sn.rro- Preehblders;' ' : ' • • .;•• \;-,>B Theodore 'ami Franklin, and'daughteri r and any • creditor neglecting* to brltif ;ate of the County - of' M'nri-en, made A Member of tho General Assernjfly"; ! Angle, ,'Kdrl ,;Ioii6V •'ami;. Russoll JJatcs- in and'exhibit his or her clainis undo A Township Clerk; . . Clara, and Stanley K, liutter\Vick 'inbt-, maman.n , ThThe v^Jl Is. on '.a. Int jhonglit of ilt"'tlie-se'vontecnlh day of; September A Member of. tli: o -Board of Chosen ored to New York on Saturday to wit- Mrs.' R;"B, oath or affirmation, within the time m ' D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Freeholders;:' ' ' ' '• • •• • • •A Collector of Taxes; i , itisK'^ahtl'situateitisKahtl d on Col- limited,, will bo forever barred of hi: p : A Mayor; Ati^Assessor of Taxes; ness the Lafayette and Fordham foot- umbia street.nlpne". the r :i ), notice Is Iicreby «riven to all pev- ! : 1 Tetnlpin theh.'&K. E. K. R. or her action Hpainst"thc 3aId substi n havin-j claims ngn.In.st the Estate Two Councilmen; A., Constable; - - •:• • ' " ••' ' .".• ball game. Mrs. T. F. Cawley remained Mr;' hnd Mrti, i?olin'' tuted administrators, o.t.a. ; Two.'Justices-of tlio 'Peace: .^n for a visit with Miss May Gemmelfiri1 — .11 .mo. juiiu 'Rico'ariIVICO aiUm Air.. anandd f M'ary j\. Sliafer lam of tho Comity of A Collector of Tuxes; MrsM . GilberGilbtt HHarris visiteitdd ttheih r grand- Dated August 17, 1921. ,, •'-irron, decensed, to present the .same An Assessor of Taxes; A Member, of the .Townsliip' Com-^0 Jersey City. • * • • tho'iiiibsei-ibpr, lifer executors;'on or Throe. Justices of tho Peace; mother'at Sliawnee, Sundjiy. , t • •••'- WJLTJIAM' FV' HsnBanr, d to ote upon the Geo. bsmun oC Broadway was a Sun- Mr,.aiid Mrs...l^atlian Sing(!i-'s' young- orr e th'venteonMthcsoventeo i day -of-'March And to 1 . - -US Fayette SV.V Phtllipsburff, N; J. .. IX Nineteen ifiJ-ediftii , and Twent .•otc upon the following proposition: dnyy' Wsftor of his |);irents. Mr, and Mrs. est chil(l,.about two years old, wan" sicl< /JpllNCHEItnERT, :proposition "ShlShall the Act entitled "AnT 1 „ C7i "Washington' St,,; Cam*deri,; N. J. "v "lh j sixi 'M M.ontlif«-'fronj f i * thod 'thilo Jamees Oamuu' :last "Wfiitf. ; - •".•', •' '. .. '. • •••' ' ' " said irdcr: and any creditor -negr- Act cnlitle.d "An a at .iiithorlzliifi' the creation of a debt ofi'S *3(rs."T. D. •James received^ word last aubstltutod administrators, c.t.a. i 1 1 the State!'of'Now-Jersey for ttio con-'^fi week that, her nicco had'.scarlet fever sctins ' to'bring iirand exhihlt'hls or ' creation of a dclit 1 struct ion,"", extension'! and concorninff.fH MT. r cr claims' under oatli "or afllriiintlon. tho1' institutions' of:fthe Stato under;^H Abram Ijartow is visiting his parents aneVthe"famlly \va.s quarantined in thuir Notice. ,.*ithin tho time so limited, will bo -tlib Statb "Board' of Control or Instttu-^B for a fortnight. home at Dover. She wa« expecting hpr" In1 tlio'Matter of the'Es- .forever, barred of his or her-'aclio'n """•' ind Agonclcs.lby tho Issuing"of^H slaters to visit.-het' this week. . -The a'pivlnst tne"'aaid''executors. ,;•* ' ; iil .'an .'nmourt.t-: riot to' exceedt-fi Mrs.'Spitz and family of Now* York i-oport that dlj)thcrla' was. in thtir fam- tate of -Dated SoiHpmbtir "]"- 3Qal*. •Uions and Agencies", by lli'o isauin'-j" 01 s spent tlie week-end at her summer,cot- Francis .James Drake,' • -: 'bonds In an amount not to exceed fourteen million dollar's; providlnff b H ily was false. • • ' ; • Deceased. > • ' - " U.-iry'lKabelle Shafer and the ways and moans for tho payment^H , lage on Sipp avenue. ' "'"'"'"'•'' ' ", fourteen million dollars! : . providing of itno.MiUcrcet'rc Himday to see 1 ; . C. • MrwVA'nha, S'ivayzo;- '-". i ,," •'• tl'ix, on or before' the Tenth dny of 'In Attachment ' ., >'•-- ,• f Horougli -Olei'k. Mr;i*inul-'Mrs..'Wilbert McCain, and March. A. 1)., Nineteen Hundred and : 1 1 "' Tlie touchers t^ninlng class; will meo Twtmty-Tivo, Jifilng six ni'onths from! Xotieo is: hercby-'piven th'af-a writ •"•"-•lilngtpit. N. J., Sejit, 3, 1921. •I. :'*' Mr. and Mrs. Unri-y!' Uush -and family' 'nt tlit> parsonage I'Vidhy nighl. _.' attachment was lti.sucd out of the spent Sunday In Tension. the-tliitn of-said order; and any credi- Warren Cmihty Court of Common Pleas tor neglecting to bring in and exhibit Seivtenibt-r 1", -JilEl,'".'n^nin'st the XotlLicc e ^of^SettIiimrtit.7 '•'•'=;A^Si Mr. a.iirt Mrs. Chester.... AfcCain (if his or her claims under oath or ntHr- l Hope' spent Siindny"\vltV his "aunt,-Mrs: Wiorc There's a ltuby on I'lirm Keep ,t3.tin*urslii(j bottles i attract. rats. ' •"'•TIEl'iATClilSxeoiitrlx' . ^"Jlp'rind iho same -lias• bcbir;served Don't forget the Halloween social at Sreak' a cakp of^lAJt-SNAp. and throw 570 So. Main St., nn] duly cxccutodaiiil was returned on' the school lioiise Friday nlghl. PhMIIpaburg, N, J, •Jeplemlior 21, .I3?,l;'bytno'Slierllt*. of it around, It \y|ll surol; '.lie County of Warren.1" Star ;-HTH1 Thriuu-ii-Weck 'New York .•XIM'Oetoltpr 11(h, 1!)2i S,-1!121.. • Y. ni3I£SR TXitudSGTfttyiiiiWi. CASiMin-A*. aiLsici. Voriron"~TaTnraxcor, Assignee. Attorney. Blldtir & Dllder, Proctor • 120 I'tisaaic St., Pass. 10-6-21 780 Brod St y~:-r- TV. :• _..:'.....-: \^^Pl-URJOl'',K0W^»;Wv";B-2|-?f;^ SECTION THREE •=" Page Six '" • THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. .T.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1921

40 Inch Novelty 36 and 40 Inch All Silk Peach-Skin Daeetytt-^ Silk Georgettes- j.oo Sale Price,- a Yard ... Sale Prices a Yttrd

Multi-colorod floral and figured tffecM mltablo for »epar- no>ifc A ntneb oostrlboUon tot •to wnls'.i, emlro ilresse« or combination frocks with any plain trlmrajnxi, «(•.. color. This Is aromarkable value—nt about the price it would Hfl^gJl' «nrt •yonm colon «M btodt. ooBt to dye- and print them. Velvets Mail Order* Ftlled— Samptes Cheerfully Submitted— The Savings Are of Tremendous Proportions, Prices Averaging From. SO to lOO Pw Cent Lower Than Last Year —

Tikis is a most heJpfal-sate-evewt broaght about Raw si5k today is qii©le

Involved Are the Season s Most Modern Weaves and Wanted Colors Right At a Time When the Demand Is At As Height

r te,T r^-.cs Ci-"5J" Sa'c'rii, Charmesase, Shirtings.- Crepe as Chine, Novelty Silks, Coat Linings, TricctJettes, Lf»ongees, Taffetas, Chiffon Velvets, Costume Velvets, Sofia

Inflrt ^S^^^5 i,5W CHG wasted is here ire colors suitafe'e ior children, misses and growmi^ups^PIenty'of the popular blacks in both Sllks-and Voirots. .• • ••> •• 40 Inch Supple Yarduride Chiffon \ pjfi\ Yardwide Novelty Figured 40 Inch Silk Satin Sole and Radium Silks $1.55 Crepe Satins— .95 Faille Silk Poplins— \ / ^^ and Wool Poplins— Sale Price, a Yard . . Sale Price, a Yard Sale Price, a Yard . . ) 8 e Sale Price, a Yard l-'or durable fur. cloth or velvet coat linings. Pure silk warp, soft worsted woft, a durable l'hi> um- iluiaMi .Hid bi-t lookintc iuexpi'iisive This silk fabric shares equal popularity with Sciniu designs arc entirely suitable foi" iai('.erlin- combination for good wear, and pleats beautifully. Canton Crepe. Soft, supple, luminous; draping I .ilk lamii m.ulp .Splendid for girls and women's Newest Autumn colors and black, for separate itigs or nombinalioiis with ])kun, silks or cloth. beautifully and used for dresses, blouses, etc. I »-fMi line rm 1'iiinr'- ui'1 petticoats. Kieh colorings and unique designs. skirts or oiitire dresses. Colors are navy, black and brown. 1 "> 1 T! i ,.'.J ddil.-^ii MS also black, navy, brown 40 Inch Weighty ....(I irll'tt 40 Inch Luminous re Satin Charmeuse— $1.55 Crepe de Chine— .DO 40 Inch Satin Suede 34 Inch Nature! Ecru Sale Price, a Yard Sale Price, a Yard Charmeuse— Pongee Silk— In the season's three big colors—"Navy, Black Heavy four thread construction for'the better Sale Price, a Yard Sale Price, a Yard and Brown'' Satin Glinrmensp enjoys wide fash- kinds of dresses, blouses, waists and underwear. ion popularity for entire dresses or combined with Wide color range of 25 colors to select from in- Weighty surah back Charmense that will'not cluding black, wliite, navy, brown. Pure heavy >iik. imported quality, a year round woolens, georgette or velvet. wear fuzzy. The proper weight for dresses and favorite I'd- (inrc.ble dresses, blouses, men's shirt?, jaoket suits, and very effective when combined bop' blouses, flapper drosses, pajamas, etc., Yardwide "Radiaknit" Yardwide Colored with cloth or velvet. tlsoroujehly washable. \s) Jersey Silk Tricolette— $1.55 Chiffon Taffeta- Twenty desirable shades, both light and dairk, Sale Price, a Yard Sale Price, a Yard . , plus black, navy and brown. 40 Inch Colored UI .15 Best quality lock-stitch, non-ravelable construc- Plain and changeable effects in day and evening Silk Georgettes— •> tion for blouses, tuxedo ooats, scarfs, dresses, etc. tones; also black, navy and brown. 40 Inch Radium and Sale Price, a Yard . . ) The season's best sports and dress shades includ- Taffeta is the premier silk fabric for youthful ing black, white, navy and brown. effects as well as maturer styles. ' Pussy-Willow Silks- .25 i-jtandard stock quality, pure sUk^-.sctft and Sale Price, a Yard crepy. Georgette, is indispensable for dressy waists, dresses ar overdresses. A couple of yards Yardwide Standard qualities of established merit. Soft as of Georgette mil brighten up an old dress won- finest kid, and drapes beautifully. Employed for Satin de Luxe— BLACK SILKS blouses, dresses,-cloth and fur coat'liningii. derfully. AlLlke. best light, medium and dark Sale Price, a Yard shades, also black. eBy >w. .> .$1.15 AU oolors, including black, nary and bnyvn. . Lustrous surface, firm ttj>.rfwH weave and'pore1 skein dyed. About 35 day,.y.vening andohargBableBable- hfwi a- yawl, $1.25 40 Inch All Silk effects; durable yet mi/pensive for girfe —•* Yardwide Satin $1.19 women's blouses, dresses, etc. iOInohBteotSwiss KJd*TKf{otBra.-jard . .$1.55 Crepe de Chine— Imperial— Sale Pricej a Yard Sale Price, a Yard Tbi6 is always a favorite. Afore particularly at A registered pure silk, skein dyed quality, suit- thiB time, because of its gift-giving qualities for VELVETS AT SALE PRICES able for any occasion or environment, be it day or dainty hand-made things. evening •wear. The newest color tones, plus black, About 25 light, medium and dark shades; nlac •white, navy and brown. ; black—for dresses, blouses, lingerie, underwear, 27 Inch Black Venetta 42 Inch Black SUk Me. Costume Velvets— Chiffon Velvet- Sale Price, a Yard Sale Price, a Yard . 40 Inch Yardwide Satin Crepe Meteor— $9.45 $1.25 bWl .thick pile, twill back and i'ast colors. Best. In popular blaok only, rich deep-dye. Blaok ohif- Sale Price, a Yard Charmeuse— fon vervets are greatly in favor for dresses, suite, Sale Price, a Yard "Worrall" dyed in rich deep black only. Blaok velvet is, gaining in popularity and is going to be wraps, millinery, or combined, with silk and geor- One never tires of a good Grope Meteor, they are i'Jver dream of purchasing silk charmeuse at very big for coat sujts, dresses and combination gettes. ., so soft, pliable and gracefully draping qualities thib price, nevertliless, it is good eveu though it stvles. that have no equal. 25 evening and street shades, is marked very low. JiiKt black, navy and brown. including black. 27 Inch Imported 42 Inch (All Silk) Genuine \ t 40 Inch Pure Silk Yardwide Satin Costume Veloets—: $1.65 "Cheney" Chiffon Velvet— ( $, .85 Sale Price, a Yard . Canton Crppes— $0.95 Sale Price, a Yard . . ) Sale Price, a Yard Sale Price, a Yard . Our own importation—ganuine '' Worrall'' dyed In rich deep blaok only. A pure silk chiffon vel- A weighty, crony dress quality, enjoying first guaranteed fast pile and color. vet of established merit. "Cheney" brand is a Wouldn't beasals-atall•wsthont sigood messa- criterion by itself. In the face of blaoks popularity place tor present day fashions. llne; this is both good and inexpensive. 20 medium and dull coat, dress and suit colors, inch'tding blaok. this is a great find. Day, evening and smart high color tones, for All best light, medium and dark shades, lor waists, blouses and dresses. trimmings, linings or outer garments, Yardwide Vanetta 40 Inch (All Silk) Colored 40 Inch Satin Faced 32 and 36 Inch La Jen Colored Costume, Velvets— .45 Sale Price, a Yard . . French Chiffon Velvet— ., Canton Crepes— '$9.3.5 and Tub Silk Shirtings— Sale Price, a Yard ••">•• Sale Price, a Yard Sale Pries, a Yard ,. n Bioh, deep pile twill back and fast oolors. Ai fine j Stripes in broad and cluster efljwtes and Jdain weight and good width for coats, suits or one Our own importation for dresses,, wraps and \f. A heavy Canton weave with pebbly surfaoej white with satin stripeB, washablu and oolorfast; piece dresses. strong, durable and supple. This is a silk fabric costume'. 15 true French colorings including deep for smart drosses, newest blouses and waists. All for •WBists, dresses, men's shirts and boys' blouses. Colois—black, navy, taupe, myrtle, plum, Bui- colors and black. Anticipate your holiday needs for gift-giving. gandy and Delft. Lyons' black

.. r i jJ&titoMt