CS 501 718 TITLE Going on the Stage: % Repcirt to the Calpuste Gulbenkian Foundation on Professional 'Training For
DOCUMENT ..RESILIME , ZD 140 363' r .CS 501 718 TITLE Going on the Stage: % Repcirt to the CalpuSte Gulbenkian Foundation on Professional 'Training for. Drama. INSTI7UTION1 Calousie Gulbenkian Ebundatdon, Li bon (Portugal). , . , , PUB cATk> 75 i . NOTE S7p.; Prepared by the Unied Kingd m and'British ; Commonwealth Branch of the Fouhdation ( a EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$4.67 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Acting; *Drama;'*Employment°001mtunities;* Employmept. ' Statistics; Post Secondary Education; *Professional Training; *Theater Arts; *Vocitional Edhcation; 1 . Vcicatiofial Schools , 6 . IDENTIFIERS *England ABSTRACT - . In'1974, a committeefwas-establisled to e4lore: Various facets of professional drama training in Britain.:This. report cf tbe committee to the sponsoring foundation includes iformation .01,.: F,; background and on apparent trends. in employment dimilble fo.i,:people-, invOlved in theatre'and. allied fields; it describes .the exisiing ,:-: system of drama training; it discusses tbe peed for .drama. training,. *ilat drama traihing should entail, and the problems aild difficulties ih present-training; it eonsiders the Avarious choices'open tcy drama schools, to tie profession,- and to public bodies; and )itprettp4s 7.y recommendaticAs6 'Appendixes indlude lists of those wboHjave!ipilderic to.the comMittee, graduate e9lployment statistids, a ,list of dramaj..", training.i itutiones, and. J(flforwation on financing: (J11) , ' ki. L *#####Ag#31431c#401c#4c#4cf## ##############*#############*########*#*##### , * Documents acguired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes'every effort * -* to obtain tliajlt xOpy available.-Nevertheless, items ofliarginal * * reptodpcithity are often encountered anA this affects the'quality * * of the microfiche,and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes availkble * * via, the ERIC Locpment Reproduction Service (EDRS).
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