Wives of Doctors Victims Of.Cruel H()Ax Byprankster

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Wives of Doctors Victims Of.Cruel H()Ax Byprankster r'"~-'- , All the News of All the Pointes * * .• Every Thursday rosse Morning . ews , Complete News Coverage. of All. the Pointes Homs ot tbe News . --:-V:-::O:-:L-:-U':":""M""':":E=--2-3--.-:-N-O-.-3-6--'-----a-~-thend-.-Pod-..-0ff1-se-~:n-:-t-glua-etro-l-ra-~-t~---~G-R-O-'S-S-E-P-O-I-N-T-E,-,M-IC-'H-I-G-A-N-,-,S-~-P-J""':EM--'I-BE-R-6-,'-19-6-2-----.:.-~-P:-er-~-eIl1'-. ---20-'-P-:A-G-E-S-T-H-R-E-E-S-E-C-T-IO-' N-S--S-EC-T-I-O-N-I- , ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ High School :Finally Has New Bleachers HEADLINES Full Sessions oj the Wives of Doctors \VEER Get Started As Compiled by the Victims of.Cruel Grosse Pointe News On Thursday ..... All Employes of Public Sys- Thursday, August 30 : ~", ~'/. .". ~..,:~'. :",,':;:/.J:';: H()ax by Prankster tem Met Tuesday to ARTHUR J. GOLDBERG will ~; ..::"'\:,:: .:::';' ,'.,. Moronic Telephone Caller Informs Women TheIi Hus- Hear University of replace Felix Frankfurter on , bands Have Been Kidnappedi Police Ask Iowa Dean the United States Supreme . '0, k b I Court. President Kennedy an-',' Help in Trac ing Down 1m eei e Approximately 10 , 8 0'0 £~:~~d a~peOi:~~~t~: r~e~~ '. .~. Three Pointe women, all wives of doctors, were boys and girls responded to her of the nation's highest Victims of a m.orbl'dhoax, in which a telephone caller 0thepenbellsi n g signifyingof school thisthe judiciary ~uthority yesterday. stated that their husbands had been kidnapped and that Thursday morning, Septem- Frankfurter is retiTing because they should awdt word from the kidnappers. ber 6. A professional staff of poor healtho Called "the Th h t t d (0) e oax was perPe ua e on of about 525 teachers and most important single figure in Mrs. P. C. DiLoreto of 265 B 'h P k our whole judicial system" by Vincennes; Mrs. H. L. Dill, of eac ,ar s administrators g r e e t e d the late Federal Judge Learned 365 Mary; and Mrs. Raymond them, aided by some 175 Hand, Frankfurter, 79, has been C. Christensen of 1717 LochN D 36 267 other school employes who off the bench since April 5, moor, on Thursday, August 30. ra'W " man the offices, mainte- felled by a stroke which affect- The caller has been plaguing 0 H lid nance depa:dment and other ~ ed his speech. Detroit area wives for. about ve'r ' 0 ay parts. of the school system. His permanent departure will two years and area polIce be alter the court's philosophical ll'eve that he l"S-'one IOnC'll,1"'r'U- a.' This enrollmen:c represents. a balance. giving the liberal ele- ing out his viciousi1l.L program.-'-',J- e d T t M d ' small increase over that of a ment a definite edge over the Although efforts to' t r a c k row s urn ou on aYi year ago, school officials stated. conservatives. Prior to Wednes- down the culprit have been fu- Area Enjoys Three Perfect In 1961 10,529 pUPilS began day's announcement, the court tile, authorities h a v e estab- Days of Sunshine the year, while 10,643 were on was generally considered to lished that the hoaxer is a hand at the close of the year have a 4-3 liberal bias, with two white person. last June records show. Most "swing" men-Justices William This was proved by a De- While' thousands. of per- of the growth this fail will be B r e n n a n and John Harlan. troit police officer who "tap- sons left the Detroit area reflected in the senior high F kf t ly N W Deal ped" l'n on a phone., call to a school where about 2,500 stu- appointee,ran ur er,hadan eartended etoward Detrol't Vl'Ctun','Porn' te a'ilthorI'- to motor to other sections dents were predicted to enroll. conservatism in later years, be- ties said. The woman called .of the state and country to Junior high school totals were coming the court's' leading police immediately after she spend:the Labor Day week- fexpectedl to be dohilwnslightly spokesman for caution and de- received a call'from the hoaxer. rom ast year w . e element- < ference to legislators. Goldberg Says He Is Policeman end, other thousands re- ary school projections suggest. I is an avowed liberal. Liberals The new bleachers at 'Grosse Pointe High School's for many years. The lO-row stands are of steel con- In carrying out his moronic mained at home to use rec- ed tha.t about the same num- already on the bench include athletic field are practically complete. Work on the struction permanently mounted on concrete, founaa- prank, the .ph9ner picked his reation facilities in their her cOl'ld be expeded. i Chief Justice Earl Warren and press booth is aU that remains to, be finished. The tions. The first row is ,sufficiently elevated so that victims, recently the wives of Employes Gathered Justices Hugo Black, William O. stands, which stretch from goal line to goal line, have spectators seated there will, enjoy an unobstrucfed doctors and lawyers,. identified respective communities. Last Tuesday all school em. \ Douglas and Byron R. White, a capacity of more than 2,000spectators. They are a view.of the field :at all times. Initial use of the struc- himself as a policeman, and in- In the Pointe, according to ployes gathered in Parcells' another Ken n e d y appointee. 22 formed the victims that their official recordS, 36,267 remain- auditorium to hear a keynote long overdue replacement for 'the wooden portable ture will occur September when the Blue Devils l Conservatives are Justices Tom bleachers which have been". cons,idereda saf ety hazard entertain Port Huron in a non-league. c,ontes,'t. husbandsb hr' had. beend thakidnappedth "d at-home residents crowded the address delivered by the State Clark and Potter Stewart. y t ee men, an t e ki - waterfront parks, enjoy;.ng day- University of ...Iowa's dean of Goldberg's successor' as Sec- .. nappers would call in a few long' leisure picnics, boating edUJOation,Howard Jones. Dr. retary of Labor ha$.,.1lot been Metro £flub A' t' £ S' 't .' " F 'C'.t~. minutes; and the viclimsshould and swimming, Saturday,' Sun. Jones, formerly of the Uni- announced •. but Willard Wirtz, , '. b ' ,.ecep, ance ,0, ",:ra-uger."s " '.ar.ms~..I Y "doexactIy as the kidnapPeTSday and Monday September 1, versityof Mkhigan. chose the the La:bor Department's No. 2 F. ld D command. 2 and 3. All welre perfect days, topic "The Magnum Leap in man, and Joseph Keenan, sec. Ie . ay Invitation to Ride Motor . Fish Rodeo In making his initiJedcall, the weather-wise. Tomorrows Teaching" for his retary of the International hQaxer used his natural voice, address which was very well • ~ ETh L d G. I' D h SRI d' but in his second call he re- .In the P.ark, attendance, at received. School Board Presi- =::.th:~~ot~nEI:;~~~n:or~; B ,"tg u uccess , .': e ...ea ' s to,\ lr s ". eat . ,ets .,ecor' sorted to a drawlip.g, southern the wart:.erfront park .for the IdeDIt Robert F. Weber shared possible replacements. In an- _'__ -------'--- accent,. plyingI 1 questions and three--d.ayholiday totaled. 9,9~5, the platform mOthD'r. Jones a~ . d usmg vu gar anguage., of whICh 795 persons showed did Superintendent James W. nouncing Goldberg's appoint- Firemen and Police Play Failure to Wear' Glasses .-as~equire. on His License Total of 392, Contestants In the Detroit case, where up, on S.aturday; 4,200 on Sun- Bushn.'ng. William Proscoeor'. ment, President Kennedy 'i,old M H B C f F I A 'd t th I 1 .' '"' D his news conference: "He has Hosts to 3,762 Kids 'at ay ave' een' ause 0 ' ata eel en Land 58 Fish. During e po iceman istened m on a day; and 5;000 on Monda.y. teacher of business education an envai bIe recor d 0f accom- AnnUBI Event at N eig.h on Lake' Shore Road II12I1 H'ours S,aturd"ay phon~appearedextension,highly' skeptical,the .victim T,'1....e-number 0'£ persons us;......g at Brownell, and .pr.esident oof plishment at the bar. and his b h d e'l b '. S " needling ,:the caller and, giving the Woods 1'akefront park dur- the teachers aS~OClatlonpresld- character, temperament and or 00 . u A 132'year-old Woods, girl died in Bon ecours A record turnout of' 392 him as' good',as he sent. ing ,the long weekend totaled ed at the meetmg. ability superbly qualify him for Hospital Wedilesday,,August 29, a few h0';lrs.aft~r ac- young anglers from' the. When ~e wOma.D. .refused to 11,323. Of this number, 2,037 Reports concerning the ori- service on the court." Of Frank. The 21st Annual Grosse :cepting a stranger~s.;carelessly proferred .llVltation of FarmS and the City made .answer hIs.que,stIcns, the. used the park 0 on SaturdaY; entation workshop held for the furter, Kennedy said: "Few, Pointe Metropolitap Club a quick motor bike\tour, of Lakeshore. 1 t S t d ' R d h ld hoaxer became angry and' ex- 4,142 on Sunday, and 5,144 on more than 70 newcomers to persons have made. so important Spirit No. 20 Field Day was Linda Ozark, daughter 'o~ Mr. G> : I ~s h a ur ,ay~o 0 cO eh' cited, and in his frustration,: Mond<ay.
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    DOCUMENT ..RESILIME , ZD 140 363' r .CS 501 718 TITLE Going on the Stage: % Repcirt to the CalpuSte Gulbenkian Foundation on Professional 'Training for. Drama. INSTI7UTION1 Calousie Gulbenkian Ebundatdon, Li bon (Portugal). , . , , PUB cATk> 75 i . NOTE S7p.; Prepared by the Unied Kingd m and'British ; Commonwealth Branch of the Fouhdation ( a EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$4.67 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Acting; *Drama;'*Employment°001mtunities;* Employmept. ' Statistics; Post Secondary Education; *Professional Training; *Theater Arts; *Vocitional Edhcation; 1 . Vcicatiofial Schools , 6 . IDENTIFIERS *England ABSTRACT - . In'1974, a committeefwas-establisled to e4lore: Various facets of professional drama training in Britain.:This. report cf tbe committee to the sponsoring foundation includes iformation .01,.: F,; background and on apparent trends. in employment dimilble fo.i,:people-, invOlved in theatre'and. allied fields; it describes .the exisiing ,:-: system of drama training; it discusses tbe peed for .drama. training,. *ilat drama traihing should entail, and the problems aild difficulties ih present-training; it eonsiders the Avarious choices'open tcy drama schools, to tie profession,- and to public bodies; and )itprettp4s 7.y recommendaticAs6 'Appendixes indlude lists of those wboHjave!ipilderic to.the comMittee, graduate e9lployment statistids, a ,list of dramaj..", training.i itutiones, and. J(flforwation on financing: (J11) , ' ki. L *#####Ag#31431c#401c#4c#4cf## ##############*#############*########*#*##### , * Documents acguired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes'every effort * -* to obtain tliajlt xOpy available.-Nevertheless, items ofliarginal * * reptodpcithity are often encountered anA this affects the'quality * * of the microfiche,and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes availkble * * via, the ERIC Locpment Reproduction Service (EDRS).
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