Neighborhood Club Planning to by Parents Rebuild Structure

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Neighborhood Club Planning to by Parents Rebuild Structure • we I.... m. OW' All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse ews Complete Netvs Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News VOLUME 25-NO. 9 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICH~GAN, FEBRUARY 2'7, IS'64 $5.00 Per Year 10cPerCopy 20 Pages-Two Sections-Section I HEADLINES Proiects Accompany Study. of American I ollb~ I Neighborhood Fpo}ur.VQuartder WEEK an etoe I. l As Compiled by the i: l",, I .' Club Planning To By Parents Grosse Pomte News Il.l One-Third of Recipients of Tllursday, February 20 I ...~ Letter Sent by Board THE BIGGEST TAX CUT I Rebuild Structure Voice Opinions on Return Cards in this nation's history will go More Details. on Fund-Raising Campaign to Restore into effect by March, with mos1 I H d F II ea quarters to u Use Expected to Be Based upon a 33.9 per- of the taxpayers realizing aD I Announced in Near Future cent return of post. cards immediate increase in take I circulated by parents among home pay. The total cut is The Neighborhood Club building, condemned as un- parents of ~hildren in the about $11.5 billion and it will safe last year and closed up since, will be rebuilt 2:nd put Grosse Poi n t e Pub Ii c affect industry as well as in- back into operation, it has been disclosed. The club's Schools, Dr. Rob e r t K. dividuals. The bill is practically board of trustees met last Friday and unanimously ar- Whiteley, president of the all that President Johnson . d t thO d .. wanted in tax reduction, and rIve a IS eClSlOn. -----.------ Board of Education, 1.ndl'. differences bet\\'~en the House Following the meeting, held at Blood Drleve cat e s that sentiment ap- and Senate were ironed out in the Grosse Pointe War Memo- pea r s to be overwhelm- only three days by the commit- : rial, the board issued a state- ingly opposed to a reorgani- tee that handled the final de. : ment saying that it concurred zation of the school year on tails of the bill. ; with a recommendation of the Condllcted at' f building committee, made after ,a our-quarter plan. '" >;< ... studying the reports of the ac. Cente Toda The latest figures available THE HAZEL PARK Racing tivities and social service com. r Y on returns of the opinion poll Association was cleared of any: mittee, as well as the advice of indicate a ";,.es" response on affiliation with the Mafia, by : architects and engilieers. Accommodations Ready: 342, 17 per cent. of the 2007 the Michigan Racing Commis- . '" 'cards returned, With 1665 par- sion. After a four-month investi- ' Want Public to Know ,for 300 In Fries Audltor~ ;ents, or 83 per cent of the total gation. the agents investigating I Club officials said they wished ium- Donations Urgently IOf the return not favoring im- the track failed to substantiate ; to make no further statement at I Request d plernentation of a four-quarter the claim of former Police Co:n. I this time, but felt that the pub- e; plan. missioner George Edwards that ' lic should know that such a de. --- I In addition, school offiicals the track was "a classic ex-: cision has been made. The two eight bed units i point out that 198 of the 342 ample of Mafia infiltratio;'l of! Some time after the building of the Arr:erican. Red ~ross I p~rents ~astin~ a "yes" vote legitimate enterprise." I was closed last year, a meeting Bloodm.obIle WhICh wIll be: wIsh. their c~lldren to be on • • • was held in the War Memorial set up In the Crystal Ball- I vacatIOn durmg the summer THE CITY CORPORATION i Center to discuss the future of room of the William Frips I quarter, or 57.9 per cent of the COUNSEL ruled that the DSR : .;.it .,.::..H.:, the ccmmunity service organiza- M e m 0 ria I on Thursday to~~ "ye~'~8votles. h 65 h doe", not have to pay City or I Children in Miss Rita Flaherty'~. fifth gl'ade at tion. Many civic leaders, sports February 27 from 8 a m i~ d este f p uthst fe 16 w 0 school taxes 0 l't pot . '" FOWLER. In connection with their study the pupils f' '. ,.. 0 no avor e o:a--quarter n s r per y In Kerby School are pl'ctured wI'th proJ'ects that were an d Igures clergymen and other In th . t 9 . th Detroit. However. it must pay ma e replicas of Mount Vernon, the Washington Mon- "'d . - e mornmg 0 p.m. In €: organization at all, add up to State and County taxes on DSR outgrowth of their study of American history. Left ument, the Liberty Bell, as well as pictures and sculp- i:~~J::~~~u~~~nat~~~~~~~lh: even:~g3 will accommodate' 92.8 per, cent of the 2007 cards property outside the city. The: to rig~t are DAVID LARSEN, JOHN VAN ZILE, tures of early American heroes. clear-cut concensus that the club near~J. 00. blood donor~ to, returneu. statement was made by Coun-: DIANE MOHNACH, DEBBY FISHER and DAVID was a far too valuable asset of replemsh. tne Grosse Pomte ; Other Periods Unpopular swel.lI,RObebe~I'v~eneSteoWtheedncesodmClYm'olntI'D' ~--'----B'-----la'--~k-' ---- the community to be allowed to Commumty B I 0 0 d Bank In addition to the 198 "yes" '"'- 5 'Br:~k Wall' pass out of existence. There was and all the many church proponents who favored a Sunl- Council today when it meets to og n .et II. Water Users in Park, ~ definite evil'ence that much sup- and other organizational mer break for the children, the consider the City;s transporta-' port could be 'expected in any blood banks in the area. figures show extremely small tion problem.s. * • IBlamed for Woods to Share le Rebate Foils Thief kind of a c~mpaign to restore Very few donation appoint- numbers for any o~er t~ee n the club to Its full use. ments had been received by qua~ers: 24 favore.a va~atlOn Friday, February ~1 \ B k K 0 d d h SCAt Park Bar Program Distributed the Grosse Pointe War Memo- durmg fall, 4.0 dur~ng wlOter, .I' ff" . i 30 during sprmg. WIth 50 par- TEAMSTER PRE SID EN T 1 TO en nee r ere upreme ourt Since the building was closed" rIa s ? Ice, It was reported ents undecided. Y the varied activities of the club early m the week. Tbe Red, A t tal 5925 . f th t James R Hoffa. on trial in Chat-l R f d f $12 027-B-'--S-'-'t-A-- H 0 have been carried on in schools, Cross likes. to have near~y 200 'page ~etter da~::I~e~rWl~ ~~~ tanoga. Tenn. on a jury tamper- I Takes Eyes Off Road to e un 0 '. e,"g. p I mong. orne wners Successful Entry ()f Doct- churches and at the Memorial on record In advance t.o.Ins.ure were d~livered locally. School ing charge. accused Attorney \ Make Pooch Comfortable; and Comml9rc~a' Proprletor~ W~o Paid ~~m~nd- or's Home Nets Burglar Center. The outdoor program the. su~cess of ~he vlsl,tatlOD. officials term it simply as an Genel'al Robert F. Kennedy of t Crashes Iron Fence Charges for Water Used '" Air Condltlomng Camera, Radi~s and has continued on the spacious whICh IS .expenSIV~ to set up instrument of gauging public . -------- 0 GI grounds of the club bounded by ~~ OCCUPI~Sthe tIme of many opinion regarding the possible ab5conding with a $600,000 I Bild Pillars Approximately 115 Park and Woods home owners pera asses Waterloo, Charlevoix, Neff and ors an nurses. 1. utilization of the school ~Iant Justice De par t men t "stool 1\ --- and commercial proprietors who have paid a demand- 81. Clair. Grosse Pointers are urged to during four-quarters of the pigeon fund." Hoffa charged Mrs. Eva Morrison, 58, of \ charge on wnter used in air conditioning units during the One burglar virtually ran It is understood that a fund- donate their blood if they are year. fu~her that .Tam~s F. Ne~1.1Lakeport Mich. suffered a years 1957.61 will receive a refund of $12,027, it was into a "brick wall" trying raising campaign will be con- able. Emergencies are con- They mention that when a chief prosecutor m the tnal " d d' losed on Mondav February 24 to break into a Park bar, dueted to finance the cost of reo stantly arising and particularly bond issue for building pur- and a special attorney in the 1 broken kneecap on Mon ay, ISC v ,. and another made a sue- building the structure. Definite at this time of year supplies poses is su.bmit~ed to the voters, Justice Departme~t. got half of February 24, when she lost At ~ts regular meeting .Mon-. dates and more tietailed plans are low. Any healthy adult up ~he questIOn 15 oft~n heard: th~ fund. He sal~ he wou~d. control of her car and day nIght, the Park counCIl ap- charge a flat rate to the1r water cessful entry into a doctor's are expected to be announced in to age 60 ~ay donate as often When are schools. gOIng tn the lmng charges against certam . proved a refund of $8,210.87, to consumers.
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