Pointe Tennis Team Arson Ca~S Park Planning Bodytcooperation Weir Reported in W T V'zz K Pt of Residents AJ C01iif1ikjby IH Woods, Shores An,S 1 Ag~ E Is Requested

Pointe Tennis Team Arson Ca~S Park Planning Bodytcooperation Weir Reported in W T V'zz K Pt of Residents AJ C01iif1ikjby IH Woods, Shores An,S 1 Ag~ E Is Requested

~-~- ....----~------------------- ........-....,---------:-,.."........,---_:=.,.,.,.-""",,.,.,.-.,.,.".,.,.."'--,,-. "',""._".,"",.,.-.-----------------------------~- / THE REo CROSS THE NEWS HAS MOVED; EXPfCTSGROSSE POINTE' COME SEE US IN OUR . NEW BUILDING, UNDER TO DO Gro,ssePointe THE ELM AT 99 FULL OUT'( .N.ews rrs COmplete 'N~s Cooerage of AU t~ Pointes KERCHEVAL , .. VOLUME 7--NUMBER 15 ,~~OSSE POINTI:,~ICHIGAN,i APRIL II, 1946 $2.00 Per Year--5e Per Copy Fuly Paid Circ:uJatioft .' FARMS EMPLOYES GOON STRIKE DEADLINES Champions Coach Pointe Tennis Team Arson Ca~s Park Planning Bodytcooperation WEiR Reported In W t V'ZZ K pt Of Residents AJ C01Iif1ikJby IH Woods, Shores an,S 1 ag~ e Is Requested Gr::~:":pri77' Police Investigating ~yster. Free 1rom Industry Citilens A.skecl to Burn or . A GREAT. RELIEF PERVADES IOUS Blazes at Scenes of ------- Bury Garbag. and Rub-- the UNO ~tirity Council as it New ConstrUction Only Businesses Wanted Are Those Which Serve Residents. bish; Dump ~r.ptred decides to aCcept Russian as- . Direc:~y, Report to Council.States Two recent fires of mysteri- ~------- 'Employes of the PubU" I~r.ni:ee ofC9mplete withdrawal , The Park Village Planning~Commission h;ts ranged itself .. of Iier. troo"" from Iran by May ow origin in the Shores and. 1 d h' . f 't' h' h h bee Works and Pier Departments .... Woods are "iv~g much con- squarely a ongsi e t at group 0 Cl lZens w IC as n of the Village of Grosse e. :whichlakeS. thu question out '" raising the 'strongest objections to the further encroachment Pointe Farms went on strike of the unmealate consideration cern to the police of both .vil- of com..-nercial enterprise.on residential areas. 'Monday moming in. protest ot the Coun~il." .' Iages. Both were at new In:J. report which it made last against the amount of wage . houses in course of construe- Monday night to. the Board of the desires .nd wishes of the . t db' th il : WALTER j.BLATTEJtT, aged . Village Commissioners on the resident. mcreases gran eye V _. Ill, who wu foutid guiltY of kill. tion. proJiosedamendment to ~tion 6 "It for any good'reasons it is lage trustees. inI Mrs. Glil~YI Marsden, is COil- On Tuesday evening, April -Business Districts,. of the build- deemed necessary or desirable to President James K. Watkini vieted ot ma~.sl:ug"hter. '2 an alarm was registered at ing zone ordinance which had revise the Building Zone Ordi. of. the village and' TruSteeS :ARBlTRATION BOARDS iN thj! Shores fire station. The 1;reenreferred to it by the Village niUlce, all revisions should be to William 1'. Connolly. Jr., R. .Commis5ionfor investigation and the effect that any new buildings Gerv~ys Grylls,Williarn G. Chicago Irant a 16.cent hourly fire was foUnd to he in a lurn- report, it Said:- or alterations should be allowed Kirby~ Richard L. Maxon, ",.,e boost. to three operating ber pile wh.ere Henry.. M.. ook is . "It i~ .the opiiu~n of thu COm- only if th~ net effect Is toward Nel'l.S. McEachin and Georg. iailroad uniona'md 15 non.oper~ ' . d' th . 1 t' . 1 I' h putting up. • new hoUse on mittee that the residimu in our re ucmg e commercIa ac IV- L. Schlaepfer ..have iSsued thl. litin( UDlona ••• equa to s Ig t- , ., V' I d it 'I of the property rather than . & more thllD half of the demands ROslyn road. The fire was ex- II age esire to see it develop U to increase. it,. excepting only followiilg .statement, which : . ; £II unions declared it in- tinguished before any. consid., a quiet, clean, modem community those which. result in a direct has been circuldedby mail'to adequ.le but the operating erable. damage was don. e: In affording peaceful.family livhig benefit to the residents. The pr2- all residents 01 the village: brotherhil.ods have not yet deeid- . and enjoyment. It is our opinion dominant treridand purpose of April S,' 19ft ~ whether. to jolnii'l new. de- examining into its origin zoning rl!lltrietions shouid be to- To Residenu .of. ' mandl., On • daily Quis the Chief Ing~lsbe of ' the Shores tllat; .tolmaintain and develop ward realdentialoccupancy rath- GrossePolDta'j'ar'ms: oper.tin&' ..unions were Iranted . , '. ;' .. ,' "'.. '.' noticed n old 1 red such a community, business enter- er than away from it. In July 1945.theVillage Coun- ~ike'll of $L28.dily ••• "the DON BUDGE. (white' sl:lirt).ndBOB~y .RIGGS, (white shorts). impaH some of .. '. a mar~n ~o 0 prises should be restricted as . "We, therefore! suggest that cU appointed a Special Commit. niJroadinr.'ereexpected to apply the knowledge gained in i~a1'lf,of;top-notch net wars, to members of theGrosse Pointe car. with two men m It pro-- much II possible to those which .the PIlIDning CommisSion recom- tee, made upottwo councilmeD ~:h:/~~I~a;:t:~c~~a~~!-- High ~hC?OI tennis team. Irh'e~eet~g,.~eld'SatUrda~ a1t~moonin theTerin~Ho~. ceeding 'very slowly in,.the are of serviCe to the residents., (Coatilliledoill'ap 5) and tw.o llrivate cit~tostud, .iF . " '. • off Tourame roadnearClialf~nteJ wasarranged.6yJohn Marshall of Memweather neighborhood ,of the fire, but The'emting Building Zone Ordi- . :~r:::g:el;~g:err:t:;'m~- ~.mBRI'l'lSH GOVERNMENT road, who was host to ,the net stars while th ey were in townio play theU'match Satur- ",,:lilch quickened' sPeed ~d :fu~~.'.~~as.oi.;.~c~~s t1:e;~:~ W.ood. .8." Gra'nts ings and. (:OD5idered the IlIlItteJ :t:dtf~:u~rrl~."t~O :~o;:as: ~~~~ht at Olympia:. ,.~A,:.U,L,'.~RU. '~,'~.' .~.,veter.iln. •of ,last year.'.s~~J:.tey~tin.;r~a ~~, 'e~ disappeared when the. pollee 'conducteapriniuily for the res- .. carefully. ;", t '.:<-' ."" '. ". 1 t ..... ap.pe'ared. ... identS'of. thel.oc. ality.'. p.....'I .On Febriz;uy.l8thilf'.I6;.the.rl!-, a., prnioua inlematlona even ... , '. , . "I'h . ay ncrease.' port of the Committee. wu:.ml).' Of~::::;:;:;:~vitee more War MemonalContestRule's Pastor'sYin Tu::::.~~~~1:~~SO~:; '~i~~~~:s~=m~~~:~~co2 . :~\~~un~{h~f~~~~~~~ trOuble fpr herself and .n early . ... ",... ., , ". .• ,', . ~gwh,esayS he bear~ the tire :established and conducted par- 'n'E _1_ Ex'. CI' made, available tGthe emploYee& heaclachejforijie.UNO by her '.Rep.'n,nt.ed.•...,..as,..•.,:..p..,..ointers.Show For' Pop~.or' n..' slr~:r~n.t~~e~~rok' 't'~ 'tihcUhirlYto give 11cerise to ma- A' m,.,...yes" cept .'er 5 ~~o~~:~rt;:::s~~mit~ f!I"bi~, the 'Tram.Jordan . ...• ..' . .' . '. '. en 'ou In c ine shops and light fanufactur- GivenBOosb'y..' ~~...f..1.?I,Percent cte. U!d: .t;\i}il1~~eetina OJ! ~ ..Of .Pal.t1n ...... inde- I' ~..J I' .40'~ 't · ..,PI p . I a new house !;'emgbullt br Stan~ ~ng.Both of 'these descriptive ..-uuv Mafth.' 18th:'th:'--.COUilCil a!teI ~~~~~~:~"~;:,:',~~ ~~ ~tate.', ... ncreas~;Ii-#~~~.":;',:'."'~"~.':lll:,.. an ....'.rO~~,,',":;'"..:,~9~~~~"\;".::::':::5:~::.':~~;~~ley Jankows~aptl7,~~twlck.term.are:verybro;,d lIDd dim- 11.;;;:r~i;~'=~;:~~~~(~..... ' ...... • .tlf $'ll! dift:rence between : Tlie' NEWS\h'aj: ~vedJDWiy.~UesU;to repnnt the .",;' Police .Notw.ecl,., '~pdl~ ,a pil\! of.kiJid1int~R!t off ; :'" ' ....• ,>..... : be.pplicableto'tIie, po1icetneJli'd'~ 'lh&tCertain'I' \ .• thil andth~ Kellorr-Briandplan ,niles governing iJie,conwt' Wirig.cOnduefed ,to ~scertain: Hie ";:<,, :, .-.-.-'-." .., '~nl~eth:a~~~in~.t~ ~i~~~f' FIr-' e. Lo.s's.e's.. !,remeii~hlgil\va:y. water and ~,,~ bdhg tho.ebi"th. Pu:llit:;;::: ,. qf, II doZen years .'0• which' ,form'which the Graue Pointe iWar, Mernorial shall talte. This .,The.Rev., WI~aJJ:l. D. Med- !an alarm by .neJghbors .and the , er ~rvlce empJoyes.and all oUier, and Pier Departmentll'.memben .,;=t~ bfh~~~U.~~o~~I~a~~o~l~ c~nt~~.was started.in J~nuilij:by).n~,P~ririilnent War'Me- 'e.aris •.pastor. ofthe.North East. .quiCk aO,d effectiveeftOI15, of the C' \,- t' • .. p k".~~~rr:pe:lexOc:r::e~~inw:: (e- ..... - ~. J) wU' "aniniP'Ument oLNatiooal m~~IalSt':l;dy: GrouP'j':Pl~.,~~t;ition,'\Vlll ,end at noon on Church of Christ at Hays ,and Woods ~iremen.co~ned theme' U' In. .ar 'granted increases slightly under polie)''1 .••• It'was. good patent June 15 next.. ", . '.1'.,: ~~"'':' , . , ..' ,.., . K.elly. road, came into the todelarelyaOtifVtehlrY~numnl.onrut~mm'agthel!e''u.A_ . 10 percent, in view of the fact It'lt wo~ked, but unhappily the ~rizeswill be 'awarded to,.!b~ tesl den f of GrosiePointe Town.:. = ~. that they have .!ready received Pa' -r.1':.'Need.; S p-qt ltatesof the world were w;lters of th~ best esaays.de.J?li ship, ,': '. Park police station' at 10:30 rival of the firemen would have ~tcord Made by Depar-trnent increases .frDm time to time that . a' ,too involved in their national wlth.the subject of .the memorlal~ <Clw,:m':':Ariy other resident Friday ,night and rePOrted. found, the . fi;ebeyond control D' F' I.Y. Sh were not extended to the other G-. ambjtions .to remain faithful to .In the awa:ding o~ the:pri~ .o('G~'Poirile.Township. th t.t .. be) t. 5 'I k that ~ the buildmg doomed. urlng Isca ear OWs 'ell'\Ployes. ara,'.,.. g" ,. e..•...',S. InJI. ce Ill Ch e the p~onuae which more than due regard V: ,~ given to ~o~ ,'Eiich I eoi!tesu.ntlh'ould clearly '..af. iem..a.00. : ..' h.~\iad.fos.c tOC.a....l,eath. ~ Woodseckpoinll~cethl'ne. t;nereV1~ewmeodrnMring.~~de . .37 Percent Drop 'w"hTI.hChhPasumhPeinr'et'o'f~O'reti0beenll.le1'Vlha'cen_ ... .. ¥- forty 9f them laft. well these Important questi01lS Writihill' or:h~.name and.d~ . _. .. ~ .. "~.,~.. are .nswered:(l).dl or, ill :not ii~esI,.iJlfif,. sludent rive-iiade erwallet conJain!Jlg .$48.00; . ¥no H.

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