Swiss American Historical Society Review

Volume 42 Number 1 Article 4


Kammerman List

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Having spent five years compiling our family genealogy, it was only natural for me to want to visit the villages, fields, and farms of where my ancestors had lived. In September of 2000 my wife and I took our first vacation in years and went to Switzerland to explore the Kammermann and Hostettler family Heimats of and . We flew to , where we planned to spend two nights before venturing out into the countryside to explore the family Bauern (farm) Holzersfiih in Gemeinde Guggisberg. It was our first day in Bern, sightseeing and enjoying our first European experience. We entered the Cathedral in Bern awestruck by the beauty and history of such a place. To the left of the main alter there is a vestibule which contains a beautiful statue of the Pieta. It was while praying in front of the statue that I noticed the plaques on the walls surrounding the room. One plaque in particular caught my eye because it contained the name of two Kammermanns, so I photographed it. As we were leaving the Cathedral I asked the young attendant what the plaques were for. She not speaking English and I not speaking German or French, communication was difficult. The only words I could understand were 1798 and . Only after returning home and researching the year 1798 did I have any clue as to what I had seen that day in the Cathedral. Fortunately I was on the Picton Press mailing list when they published Men of Bern: The 1798 Burgerverzeichnisse of Canton Bern, Switzerland, a genealogical treasure trove. I was so sorry that I had not photographed all of the plaques that day in the Cathedral. The only men who had not signed the oath of allegiance in 1798 were those who had fallen in the Battle for Bern against Napoleon 's French troops. I vowed that if I ever returned, I would photograph and publish those names. It was March of 2001 when we made plans to return to Switzerland. One of my main objectives was to photograph the plaques. We were scheduled to fly to Bern on September 12, 2001; a day spent holding our loved ones close and praying for those who were lost. The opportunity for us to travel to Switzerland did not come again until September of 2003. My wife and I were finally able to photograph Dem Andenken Der Im UnglucksĀ­ jahr MDCCXCVIII. Fur Das Vaterland Gefallenen (In memory of the unfortunate - 1798. Killed for the Fatherland.) It is my hope that this publication will help someone make a family connection in their genealogical research. I firmly believe that no one truly dies as long as there is someone who remembers.

John Eric Kammermann October 2005

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In the year 1797, Napoleon Bonaparte was well on his way in his ambitious plan to unite the world under one flag. The French flag. There was however one small obstacle jeopardizing his grand design. Switzerland. The oft-times cruel social divisions and prejudices of Switzerland's feudal society, The Swiss Eidgenossenschaft, founded before 1291, was one of 's last archaic governments. The strategic importance of the Swiss alpine passes could not be ignored: Direct trade from Paris to Milan flowed through these passes. The French Directorate , and Napoleon were not going to let Swiss neutrality stand in the way of their future conquests and the securing of these Alpine passes for France. They first ordered Switzerland to revise their constitution and make it similar to that of the French. It was under this guise of helping Swiss Democrats revise their constitution that the French interfered with Swiss affairs in December 1797 and January 1798. Under the guise of helping to liberate the Swiss from their outmoded society and archaic government, the French invaded the Swiss Jura early in January of 1798. On January 28, 1798 a minor frontier border incident was all the reason French troops needed to enter the Bernese Vaud unopposed . Claiming they were upholding an old treaty, they marched victoriously into the capital of , with an eye next on Bern and its overflowing treasury. The mountain passes and the liberation of the people were not the only things on the invaders' minds. The Swiss Diet, unsure how to react, debated amongst themselves whether to fight or negotiate. They did not know what kind of support the other Cantons would give under the Oath of , Canton having defected in January 1798, followed by Canton Aargau and then Canton Thurgau. The Diet failing to act decisively, only the city of Bern mobilized for a defense. On March 5, 1798, under the command of general-of-division Brune, the French mounted a two-pronged attack on the city of Bern; one force attacking from the North and the other force attacking from the South. The French forces consisted of over 50,000 well-armed and trained men. The Swiss numbered less than half of that, with 24,000 Bernese and an additional 4,900 men from other cantons. The Swiss were poorly motivated and poorly commanded. The battle at in the south was the only victory recorded for the Swiss that day. The northern French forces defeated the Swiss at and Grauholz, occupying the conquered city of Bern before nightfall. The city was looted and the treasury plundered of over 3,000,000 francs. In addition, the French Directorate imposed heavy reparations on the Swiss in excess of 6,000,000 francs plus the costs of the French Occupation. Napoleon ordered the money taken from Bern, which 2 et al.: Kammerman List 62 Review [February

the Directorate had placed at his disposal, transmitted to Toulon to help finance his Italian campaign. To his credit, Brune tried to maintain discipline and to prevent plundering, as indicated by his declaration to the army on March 9, 1798. Nevertheless, French troops committed numerous excesses against the Swiss people. The bears in the Barengraben or bear pit, a symbol for the city of Bern and a source of pride in the community since its founding in 1160 by Berchtold V of Zahringia, were captured and dragged from their dens. The Bernese nobility, aristocrats, and city leaders were tied to the backs of the bears and led down the streets to taunts and jeers. When the French were through humiliating the aristocrats, they killed all the bears, even the newborn cubs, in a final gesture of humiliation to the Swiss people, marking the fall of the ancient regime. One newborn cub managed to stay hidden in the back of the den. The cub was later found and treated but finally succumbed, being too young. Its small body was stuffed and is on display to this day in the Swiss Historical Museum in Bern. Napoleon's new did away with cantonal autonomy and as in France it gave power to the people through a centralized five-man executive branch. The new constitution replaced the archaic group of communities, privileges, and mutual distrust that the Swiss had lived under since the . Napoleon failed to take into consideration the cultural history and boundaries of the Swiss. Also Switzerland would soon become a central battleground for skirmishes and battles between the French and her enemies, with troops from both sides raiding Swiss farms for their supplies. Finally in 1802 the Swiss had had enough. Centuries of feudal divisions ended when the Swiss came together, Catholic, Protestant, liberal, conservative, rich and poor, and rejected Napoleon 's constitution. A series of skirmishes and rebellions broke out, mostly in the mountain cantons where Landsgemeinde and revolutionary rights had been held for over 500 years. At the battle of Nidwalden, 400 Swiss were killed, nearly one-third of them women and children. Only after the loss of more than 2,000 French soldiers was the rebellion put down. Under pressure from a united Swiss front, the French were forced to withdraw in 1802. Civil war immediately broke out, causing Napoleon to step in as mediator. Under Napoleon's mediation the Swiss came up with their own constitution, which restored cantonal autonomy and laid the foundation for direct democracy at the national level. Switzerland had its first nationwide referendum. A nation was born.

Publisher's Note

This list of all Bernese troops killed during the Napoleonic invasion of Switzerland in the first week of March 1798 is quite an astounding

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2006] Kammerman List 63 document. In it you will find the names of every one of the 704 Bernese killed by the French during their invasion of Canton Bern March 2-5: a total of 19 officers and 688 enlisted men (including several women and one "Volontar"). Each man is listed with his Heimat (the nine Landsassen listed, men who at that time had no Heimat, are simply listed as Landsass), and thus genealogists can relatively easily determine where these individuals fit into the various Bernese family trees. This was a staggering loss for Canton Bern. Perhaps 704 military dead doesn't seem like a 'staggering' loss to you. Look at it this way; it was 0.3% of Canton Bern's total population of about 250,000 at the time and 1.3% of the roughly 55,000 Bernese men of military age of 20 and under 69. Put another way, the loss of these 704 soldiers in Canton Bern is equivalent to America, with its current population of close to 300 million, having 900,000 soldiers killed in just four days of fighting. You can learn all the names of the 55,000 Bernese men of military age who survived the French invasion, together with a myriad of other details on each of them, by reading Men of Bern: The 1798 Burgerverzeichnisse of Canton Bern (Picton Press, 3 vol., 1999). The Introduction gives a good overview of the invasion and the history of Switzerland for that period. An interesting sidelight to the 1798 invasion and Switzerland's crushing defeat is that most of the various Bernese Gemeinden decided not to include these battle deaths in their voluminous, detailed, and otherwise generally complete death records. Discretion is the better part of valor: perhaps they felt that it would be dangerous for the French conquerors to know which Gemeinden fought the invasion the hardest and lost the most men. In one case I found that a minister found a way to record a battle death in a rather safe manner. For Rohrbach And., v. Wattenwyl (i.e. Andreas Rohrbach with Heimatrecht in ), the minister of Wattenwil did not enter Andreas Rohrbach's death in the Gemeinde death records but instead discretely put next to Andreas' 26 Jan 1777 baptismal record the notation O G [presumably for obit Giel, i.e. died as a young man]. Since these battle deaths are generally not recorded in the various Gemeinde death records, this list will help you fill holes in many genealogies. We have made only a few changes made in this list from wording of the original monuments as transcribed by Mr. Kammermann. The first is that the abbreviation "v." for von when it occurs in surnames and also when it is given before the person's Heimat has been expanded to 'von' . In the former case it is simply part of the surname while in the latter case it indicates that the person held Heimatrecht in the Gemeinde listed following the 'von ' . Hence "v. Allmen, Peter, v. Lauterbrunnen" means that the man's surname is von Allmen and that he held Heimatrecht in Gemeinde Lauterbrunnen in Canton Bern. The abbreviation 'B.' in the names of Gemeinden has been expanded to 'bey' - although the current spelling is 'bei' .The third change is that we have alphabetized all surnames beginning with 'von' under the 4 et al.: Kammerman List 64 Review [February

letter'v', while the original monuments index them the old-fashioned way , under the second word of the name: in this case under Allrnen. Note that Carl Ludwig von Erlach held Heimatrecht in both and Bern, and that two of the officers, C. May and von Graffenried, held Heimatrecht in Bern but were living (i.e. 'zu' ) elsewhere. The multitude of abbreviations of given names have been left unchanged as there is no way to be certain whether "Chr. " stands for Christian or Christen; Joh. stands for Johann or Johannes; etc. However , most of the abbreviations are rather obvious: Jak . for Jakob, Andr. for Andreas , etc. The original list is entirely in capital letters; we have changed them to initial capitals both for clarity in reading and to save space . A number of the Gemeinden now have slightly different spellings: Riiggisberg is now spelled Riieggisberg , Rugsau is now spelled Riiegsau, the term 'bey' (as in Hasle bey Burgdorf) is now spelled 'bei ' and sometimes was abbreviated 'b .' in the original monument, the town name ending -wyl is now spelled -wil, etc .

Lewi s Bunker Rohrbach , CG


von Erlach, Carl Ludwig , von Oberli, Sam., von Rliderswyl, Lieut Hindelbank , von Bern, General Schori, Niki., von Dampfwyl, Lt von Ryhiner, Carl, von Bern, Oberst Siegenthaler, Peter, von , Stettler, Carl, von Bern, Oberst Lt von Crousaz, von Bern, Oberst von Gumoens, Sigm, Em., von Bern, Oberstlt [name s and Heimats of the 685 May, C., zu Theirachern , von Bern, soldiers killed, including two Oberstlt women, follow] von Werdt, Albr., von Bern, Hptm von Graffenried , zu Vilars, von Bern, Adam, Hans, von N.- Hptm Aeberhard , Nikl., von Bucher, Carl Lud., von Bern, Hptm Aeberhard, Bend., von Graffenried Gruber, Em., von Bern, Hptm Aeberhard, Hans, von Zuzwyl von Graffenried, Bernh., von Bern, Aeberhard , Adam, von Graffenried Hptm Aebi, Chr., von Heimiswyl May, Carl Lud., von Bern, Hptm Aerni, Bend., von Blank, Nikl., von Bolligen, Hptm Aeschbacher , Joh. Jak., von Heimswyl Gatschet, Dan., von Bern, Lieut Aeschbacher , Christ., von Lombach , Sigm., von Bern, Lieut Imhoff, Joh. Jak., von Zofingen, Lieut Aeschlimann, Hans. U1r., von Rugsau

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Aeschlimann, Hans, von Riiderswyl Bind, Jak., von Ober-onz Akermann, Andr., Landsass Bind, Jak., von Ober-onz Allemann, Hans Ulr., von Farneren Bind, Jak., von Ober-onz Althauss, Hans, von Hochstetten Blank, Niki., von Bolligen Amacher, Hans, von Bonigen Blaser, Sam., von Lauperswyl Antener, Joh. Jak., von Orpund Blaser, Peter, von Langnau Arm, Hans, von Landiswyl Blaser, Sam., von Lauperswyl Arm, Chr., von Blaser, Joh., von Lauperswyl Bachmann, Joh., von Rothenbach Bohlen, Chr., von Riiggisberg Bachmann, Gottl., von Bohren, Anton, von Sanen Bolzli, Hans, von Hasle bey Burgdorf Bachmann, Chr., von Boss, Chr., von Sigriswyl Balsiger, Hans, von Biimplitz Bossard, Chr., von Zaziwyl Balsiger, Joh., von Koniz Bracher, Chr., von Balzli, Hans, von Bolligen Bracher, Chr., von Radelfingen Banwart, Chr., von Biimplitz Brand, Peter, von Ruderswyl Barben, Jakob, von Spietz Brand, Casp., von Biigsau Barthlome, Nik., von Miinchen- Brawand, Chr., von Itramen buchsee Brawand, Chr., von Scheidegg Bartmann, Sam., von Meykirch Brawand, Chr., von Matten Baumann, Niki., Landsass Brechbiihl, Bend., von Lauperswyl Baumann, Hans, von Wyleroltigen Brechbiihl, Bend., von Lauperswyl Baumann, Joh. Jak., von Brudermann, Conr., von Rurnisberg Baumgarter, Wilh., von Bruni, Jak., von Ober-stocken Baumgarter, Chr., von Trub Brunner, Conr., von Lauterbrunnen Baumgartner, Chr., von Bremgarten Brunner, Jak., von Adelboden Baur, Jos., Landsass Bucher, Bend., von Schiipten Beiner, Niki., von Schiipten Burgener, Ulr., von Scheidegg Benz, Chr., von Arni Biirki, Joh., von Berger, Joh., von Inner-birrmoos Biirki, Bend., von Worb Betschen, Peter, von Scharnachthal Burri, Andr., von Beutler, Peter, von Buchholterberg Biitikofer, Niki., von Zuzwyl Beutler, Niki., von Buchholterberg Biitikofer, Jak., von Beutler, Peter, von Buchholterberg Biitikofer, Sam., von Kemenried Beutler, Chr., von Buchholterberg Biittler, Bend., von Bhend, Hans, von Beatenberg Biizberger, Andr., von Kleinholz Bichsel, Joh., von Hasle bey Burgdorf Christen, Durs, von Hasle Bigler, Hans, von Muri Christener, Niki., von Walkringen Bigler, Sam., von Muri Christener, Jak., von Bigler, Bend., von Vielbringen Dallenbach, Chr., von Otterbach Bigler, Chr., von Vielbringen Dallenbach, Bend., von Oberthal Bigler, Joh., von Vielbringen Danz, Abr., von Gross-affoltem Bigler, Franz, von Vielbringen Dennler, Jos., von Untersteckholz Bigler, Chr., von Vielbringen Dietschi, Niki., von Heirniswyl Bigler, Joh., von Vielbringen Dik, Hans, von Gurbrii Bigler, Joh., von Enggistein Dik, Bend., von Ezelkofen 6 et al.: Kammerman List 66 Review [February

Domi, Hans, von Oberburg Gammeter, Peter, von Liitzelfltih Dreyer, Sam., von Trub Gaumann, Chr., von Vechingen Diirig, Jak., von Hettiswyl Gehri, Hans, von Lopsigen Eberhardt, Nik.I., von Buren zum Hof Geissbiihler, Hans, von Lauperswyl Eggen, Anton, von Nieder-stocken Geissbiihler, Hans, von Lauperswyl Egger, Chr., von Bussalp Gerber, Nik.I., von Langnau Eggimann, Isaac, von Gerber, Nik.I., von Langnau Eggimann, Dan., von Sumiswald Gerber, Ulr., von Sumiswald Eggli, Abr., von Meyenried Gerber, Hans, von Arni Eichenberger, Hans. Ulr., von Trub Gerber, Hans, von Langnau Ellenberg, David, von Muri Gertsch, Peter, von Lauterbrunnen Ellenberger, Peter, von Landiswyl Gillomen, Margar., des Obigen Ellenberger, Mich., von Riidiswyl Ehefrau Ellenberger, Hans. Ulr., von Riidiswyl Gillomen, Joh., von Langnau Engel, Hans., von Bowyl Glauser, Peter, von Krauchtal Etter, Chr., von Bargen Glauser, Mich., von Krauchtal , Joh., von Schwarzeneck Gosteli, Hans, von Bolligen Falb, Peter, von Walkringen Gosteli, Bend., von Bolligen Farschon, Joh., Rud., von Buren Gosteli, Nikl., von Bolligen Felber, Jakob, von Nieder-bipp Gosteli, Mart., von Bolligen Felber, Ursus, von Nieder-bipp Gosteli, Chr., von Wohlen Felber, Jakob, von Nieder-bipp Gosteli, Bend., von Bollingen Feutz, Jakob, von G'steigwyler , Chr., von Lauterbrunnen Fischer, Franz, von Zofingen Grieb, Joh., von Burgdorf Fliihmann, Chr., von Neueneck Grossenbacher, Hans, von Hasle bey Fliihmann, Bend., von Neueneck Burgdorf Fllihmann, Sam., von Neueneck Grossenbacher, Hans, von Hasle bey Fltikiger, Joh., von Rohrbach Burgdorf Frank, Sam., Rudolf, von Langnau. Grunder, Hans, von Vechingen Franz, Peter, von Walkringen Grunder, Joh., von Burgdorf Freudiger, Conr., von Nieder-bipp Grunder, Jakob, von Burgdorf Freudiger, Conr., von Nieder-bipp Gruner, Sam., von Meykirch Frey, Nik.I., von Orpund Gygi, Chr., von Kappellen bey Frey, Bend., von Hettiswyl Freyburghaus, Hans, von Neueneck Gygi, Heinr., von Kappellen bey Freyburghaus, Hans, von Aarberg Freyburghaus Haas, Georg., von Giimrninen Freyburghaus, Rud., von Neueneck Haberli, Joh., von Miichenbuchsee Freyburghaus, Bend.,von Neueneck Haberli, Nik.I., von Miichenbuchsee Friedrich, Nikl., von Rapperswyl Haberli, Nik.I., von Deisswyl Fruting, Sam., von Bern, Volontar Hager, David, von Ailigen Fund, Hans, von Nieder Bipp Haldimann, Hans, von Bowyl Fund, Hans, von Nieder Bipp Haldimann, Nik.I., von Bowyl Furimann, Seb., von Durrenroth Haller, Sam., von Zofingen G'feller, Nik.I., von Riifenacht Hani, Joh. Ulr., von G'feller, Chr., von Vechingen Hanni, Bernh., von

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Hanni, Nikl. , von Seewyl Hiihnli, Ulr., von Unter-langeneck Hanni, Joh., von Koniz Hurni, Hans, von Gurbrii Hanni, Chr., von Koniz Hurni, Sam., von Gurbrii Hanni, Abr., von Hiirzeler, Hans, von Aarwangen Hasler, Joh., von Rutschelen Hutmacher, Nikl., von Gysenstein Hasler, Joh., von G'steigwyler Hutzli, Nikl., von Sanen Haueter, Hans, von Aschlen Hutzli, Joh. Jakob, von Sanen Haueter, Chr. , von Imboden, Friedr., von Unterseen Hauser, Sam., von Rufenacht Imhoof, Nikl., von Bollingen Hauswirth, Peter, von Sanen Ingold, Chr., von Inkwyl Hauswirth, Jakob, von Sanen Iseli, Jakob, von Grafenried Heer, Friedr., von Madretsch , Ant., von Ober-diessbach Heimberg, Nikl., von Landerswyl Jaberg, Chr., von Radelfingen Herren, Chr. , von Neueneck Jaberg, Nikl., von Radelfingen Herren, Joh., von Muhlenberg Jenk, Hans , von Biimplitz Herren , Peter, von Neueneck Jenni, Hans, von Nieder-huningen Herren Barthol., von Neueneck Joost, Chr., von Eggiwyl Hiltbrand, Chr., von Ditmtigen Joss, Hans, von W orb Rimi , Hans, von Aarmuhle Joss, Bend., von Oberburg Hirsbrunner, Hans Ulr., von Joss, Peter, von Oberburg Sumiswald Joss, Chr., von Worb Hirt, Dan., von Worb Jost, Andr., von Wyningen Hodel, Peter , von Juker, Bend ., von Bollingen Hodel, Hans, von Stalden Juker, Hans, von Bollingen Hofer, Jakob, von Arni Juker, Sam., von Bollingen Hofer, Andr ., von Walkringen Juker, Nikl., von Bollingen Hofer, Joh., Landsass Jiini, Hans, von Miihlenburg Hofer, Bend ., von Walkringen Kahr, Hans, Ulr., von Lauperswyl Hofer , Jakob, von Arni Kahr, Hans, Ulr., von Lauperswyl Hofer , Chr., von Walkringen Kammermann, Joh., von Vechingen Hofer, Peter, von Walkringen Kammermann, Hans, von Bowyl Hofmann, Joh., von Oberburg Kasermann, Joh., von Batterkinden Hofmann , David, von Oberburg Kaufmann, Chr., von Grindelwald Hofmann , Nikl., von Oberburg Kayser, Joh., von Leuzigen Hofmann, Peter., von Lattrigen Kehrwand, Friedr., von Aarberg Hofmann, Nikl., von Oberburg Keller, Sam., von Biberen Hofstetter, Chr., von Langnau Kiburger, Chr., von Worb Holzer, Nikl., von Kiener, Nikl., von Hochstetten Holzer, Nikl., von Zuzwyl Kiener, Joh., von Muri Honger, Peter , von Roggwil Kipfer, Nikl., von Riiderswyl Horisperger, Casp., von Rohrbach Klopfstein, Sam., von Hubacher, Joh., Krauchthal Klopfstein, Joh., Rud ., von Laupen Hubacher, Jakob, von Motswyl Knorri, Jakob, von Urtenen Hubler, Joh., von Batterkinden Knorri, Hans, von Urtenen Hugli , Joh., von Seedorf Kobi, Nikl., von Seewyl Hiigli, Joh., von Seedorf Kobi, Joh., von Miinchenbuchsee 8 et al.: Kammerman List 68 Review [February

Kobi, Bend., von Miinchenbuchsee Lehner, Hans, von Buchholterberg Kocher, Bend., von Biitigen Leiser, Albr., von Geissenberg Kochli, Barthol., von Biirfischenhaus Lempen, Joh., von St.steffan Kochli, Hans, von Biirfischenhaus Lenepp, Hans, von Aarwangen Kochli, Jakob, von Miihlenburg Lerch, Hans, von Riigsau Liithi, Nikl., von Riiderswyl Leu, Jakob, von Rohrbach Kohler, Casp., von Sumiswald Leu, Jakob, von Rohrbach Kohler, Hans, Ulr., von Landiswyl Leuenberger, Chr., von Lauperswyl Kolb, Sam., Landsass Leuenberger, Joh., von Trachselwald Konig, Bend., von Wiggiswyl Liechti, Chr., von Heimiswyl Konig, Joh., von Deisswyl Liechti, Nikl., von Landiswyl Konig, Joh., von Locher, Hans, von Hasle bey Kormann, Nikl., von Biimplitz Burgdorf Kramer, Hans, Jakob, von Sumiswald Loffel, Chr., von Krauchi, Jos., von Bariswyl Lohri, Hans, von Tagertschi Kropfli, Sam., von G'steig bey Sanen Liidi, Nikl., von Bollingen Krummen, Hans, von Muhlenberg Luginbiihl, Niki., von Bowyl Kiiffer, Ulr., von Ober-steckholz Luginbiihl, Joh., von Aschi Kunz, Hans, von Jegenstorf Luginbiihl, Chr., von Oberthal Kunz, Chr., von Bollingen Liithi, Chr., von Liitzelfliih Kunz, Hans, von Grafenried Liithi, Nikl., von Lauperswyl Kunz, Jakob, von Miilchi Liithi, Nikl., von Lauperswyl Kunz, Joh., von Liithi, Chr., von Lauperswyl Kunz, Durs, von Bollingen Liithi, Chr., von Lauperswyl Kiinzi, Chr., von Wyl Luthi, Chr., von Langnau Kiinzi, Nikl., von Wyl Liithi, Joh., von Kurz, Jakob, von Adelboden Liithi, Chr., von Liitzelfliih Laderach, Hans, von Luthi, Nikl., von Ruderswyl Laderach, Joh., von Worb Mader, Chr., von Neueneck Laderach, Nikl., von Marbach, Dan., von Ober-wichtracht Landolf, Jakob, von Biiren zum Hof Mariz, Joh., von Burgdorf Landolf, Hans, von Biiren zum Hof Marthaler, Chr., von Biimplitz Landolf, Joh., von Biiren zum Hof Marti, Joh., von Sumiswald Landolf, Hans, von Fraubrunnen Marti, Jakob, von Fraubrunnen Landolf, Bend., von Biiren zum Hof Marti, Jakob Franz, von Mullen bey Landolf, Hans, von Fraubrunnen Erlach Lauper, Franz, von Seedorf Marti, Hans, von Riiggisberg Lauss, Nikl., von Ober-diessbach Marti, Jos., von Miilchi Ledermann, Hans, von Lauperswyl Marti, Ulr., von Trachselwald Ledermann, Joh., von Lauperswyl Mathis, Anclr., von Ober-onz Ledermann, Chr., von Lauperswyl Mauerhofer, Ni.kl., von Langnau Lehmann, Hans, von Ami Maurer, Peter, von Walkringen Lehmann, Chr., von Lauperswyl Mausli, Hans, von Hochstetten Lehmann, Joh., von Ober-diesbach Maybacher, Hans, von Diirrenroth Lehmann, Chr., von Lauperswyl Messer, Hans, von Ezelkofen Lehnen, Dan., von Twann Messer, Friedr., von

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Messerli , Joh . Jakob , von Poleren Risen , Sam ., von Riiggisberg Messerli, Chr. , von Rohrbach, And ., von Wattenwyl Meyer , Chr., von Grindelwald Rohrer , Sam ., von Bolligen Meyer , Mich ., Landsass Rosch , Chr. , Landsass Meyer , Chr., von Grindelwald Rosch, Chr. , Landsass Michel , Hans , von Neueneck Rosch , Chr ., von Ersingen Moosmann, Adam , von Wyleroltigen Rosti , Chr., von Adelboden Mori, Bend ., von Roth, Andr ., von Worb Moser, Chr. , von Biglen Roth , Abr. , von Saxeten Moser, Ulr., von Arni Roth , Chr., von Itramen Moser, Hans, von Zaziwyl Roth , Chr. , von Mirchel Moser , Jakob , von Ruchwyl Rothlisberger , Ulr., von Langnau Moser , Peter , von Biglen Rubi , Hans , von Moser , Chr ., von Scheideck Rubi, Hans, von Schamachtal Miihlemann , Chr ., von Bonigen Rubi, Ulr. , von Bussalp Mtihlemann , Hans , von Bonigen Ruchti, Abr. , von Biiren Muller, Peter, von Lauterbrunnen Ruchti, Friedr. , von Hornberg Miiller , Joh , von Zollikofen Riifenacht, Bend ., von Meykirch Millier , Peter, von Eggiwyl Riifenacht, Hans, von Walkringen Mutti, Bend ., von Bolligen Riifenacht, Chr., von Hasle bey Nacht , Hans Ulr., von Riigsau Burgdorf Neuenschwander , Mich. , von Langnau Riifenacht , Joh. , von Riifenacht Niederhauser , And ., von Eriswyl Riifenacht, Nikl ., von Walkringen Niklaus , Hans, von Miinchringen Riifenacht, Joh ., von Walkringen Niklaus, Chr ., von Miinchringen Rufer , Bend., von Urtenen Niklaus, Jakob, von Jegenstorf Rupp , Joh. , von Hindelbank Niklaus, Bend ., von Rychen , Mele. , von Hasle bey Nyffenegger, Chr ., von Signau Frutigen Ohrli , Caspar , von Aarmiihle Rychener , Hans, von Signau Oppliger, Chr. , von Sigriswyl Ryser, Hans, von Surniswald Oppliger , Bend ., von Heirniswyl Ryser , Gideon , von Neider-onz Otz, Anton , von Vechingen Sahli, Chr., von Frauenkappellen Peter, Jakob , von Radelfingen Sahli, Hans, von Wohlen Pfaffli, Peter, von Bowyl Salvisberg, Sam., von Miihlenberg Pfund, Hans, von Agerten . Salvisberg , Chr. , von Miihlenberg Liithi, Chr ., von Langnau Salzmann, Hans, von Oberthal Ramseyer, Ulr., von Oppligen Sarbach, Chr., von Agerten bey Raz , Hans , von Rapperswyl Frutigen Reinhard, Ulr. , von Riisau Schadeli, Jos ., von Bremgarten Reist , Chr., Oberburg Schlideli, Joh ., von Langnau Remund, Hans, von Miihlenberg Schaffroth, Sam., von Rothenbach Renfer, Anna , von Langnau Schaffroth, Sam., von Rothenbach Reusser, Chr., von Schaller , Hans, von Walkringen Reusser , Chr ., von Steffisburg Schaller, Chr., von Walkringen Riben, Jakob , von Gutenbrunnen Schar, Hans, von Rothenbach Rindlispacher , Christ. , von Lutzelfliih Schar, Joh ., von Walterswyl 10 et al.: Kammerman List 70 Review [February

Scharer, Joh., von Konitz Schneider, Gottl., von Buchholterberg Scheller, Hans, von Aarmtihle Schneider, Bend ., von Nieder- Schenk, Hans, von Signau wichtrach Schenk, Hans, von Signau Schneider , Hans, von Buren zum Hof Schenk, Hans, von Signau Schneider , Hans, von Arni Schenk, Sam., von Schneider , Peter, von Trub Schenk, Ulr., von Buchholterberg Schneider, Bend. , von Btirnplitz Schenk, Ulr., von Rothenbach Schneitter, Jak., von Fahrni bey Schenk, Chr., von Langnau Steffisburg Scherler, Adam, von Radelfingen Schonenberger , Sam., von Schertenleib , Dan., von Krauchenthal Kriechenwyl Schertenleib , Peter, von Heimiswyl Schoni, Mich., von Sumiswald Schertenleib , Ulr., von Heimiswyl Schopfer, Peter, von G'steig bey Schertenleib , Nikl., von Vechingen Sanen Scheuner, Hans, von Btimplitz Schori, Abr., von Dampfwyl Schilt, Chr., von Bonigen Schreyer, Franz, von Schindler, Bend., von Rothenbach Schreyer, Hans, von Brtiggelbach Schlapbach , Chr., von Ober-langneck Schuler , Chr., von Schlapbach , Peter, von Ober-langneck Schupbach, Nikl., von Landiswyl Schlatter, Chr., von Gysenstein Schupbach, Chr., von Biglen Schlatter, Hans, von Gysenstein Schupbach, Chr., von Wyl Schleggel, Joh., von G'steigwyler Schupbach , Chr., von Wyl Schlupp, Joh., von Lengnau Schtirch, Bend ., von Heimiswyl Schlupp, Hans, von Rtitti Schtirch, Coor., von Heimiswyl Schlupp, Joh., von Lengnau Schilz, Joh., von Schlupp , Sam., von Lengnau Schilz, Chr., von Sumiswald Schlupp, Hans, von Gross-affoltern Schilz, Joh., von Heirniswyl Schlupp, Hans, von Lengnau Schwab , Joh., von Wyleboltigen Schmid, Gilg., von Adelboden Schwarz, Hans, von Langnau Schmid, Bend ., von Bollingen Schwarzentrub , Christ., von Oberthal Schmid, Hans, von Adelboden Schweizer , Hans, von Btimpliz Schmid, Bend., von Bollingen Seiler, Friedr. , von Bonigen Schmid, Joh., von Adelboden Seiler, Peter, von Bonigen Schmid, Jakob, von Walkringen Seiler, Hans, von Walkringen Schmid, Joh., von Worb Siegenthaler, Andr., von Arni Schmid, Chr., von Btimplitz Siegenthaler , Nikl., von Arni Schmied, Hans, von Muhlenberg Siegenthaler , Nikl., von Arni Schmitz, Gottf., von Fraubrunnen Siegfried, Chr., von Hochstetten Schrnoker, Ulr., von Beatenberg Siegfried, Ulr. , von Arni Schrnoker, Chr., von Habkeren Siegfried, Hans, von Arni Schmuz, Anton, von Vechingen Spahr, Nikl., von Langnau Schrnuz, Hans, von Vechingen Stalder, Jakob, von Ltitzelfltih Schneeberger, Friedr., Landsass Stalder,ulr., von Rtigsau Schneider, Joh., von Buren zum Hof Star, Nikl., von Brenzikofen Schneider, Nikl., von Buren zum Hof Staub, Hans, von W ohlen Schneider, Hans, von Diessbach Stauffer, Joh., von Rtitti

Published by BYU ScholarsArchive, 2006 11 Swiss American Historical Society Review, Vol. 42 [2006], No. 1, Art. 4 2006] Kammerman List 71

Stauffer , Chr ., von Landiswyl Tiiller, Matth. , von Sanen Stauffer, David, von Rothenbach Ttischer, Niki ., von Limpach Stauffer , Hans, von Rtitti Ultschi, Abr., von Oberwyl im Steck, Bend., von Walkringen Simmenthal Steffen, Sam., von Lengnau Vogel, Bend. , von Gurbru Steffen , Ulr. , von Dtirrenroth Vogeli , Niki ., von Grafenried Steiner , Chr., von Signau Vogeli, Rud., von Laupen Steiner , Jakob , von Inner -bimnoos Vogeli, Niki ., von Herbligen Steinmann, Chr., von Oberthal Vogeli , Chr., von Wilderswyl Steinmann , Niki. , von Gysenstein von Allmen, Ulr., von Lauterbrunnen Stempfli, Hans, von Bollingen von Allmen , Ulr., von Lauterbrunnen Sterchi, Hans , von Walkringen von Allmen , Peter , von Lauterbrunnen Sterchi , Ulr., von Matten von Allmen , Peter , von Unterseen Sterchi , Hans, von Rtigsau von Guten , Chr., von Sigriswyl Stettler, Chr., von Oberthal von Guten , Peter, von Sigriswyl Stettler , Oswald , von Walkringen von Kanel, Chr., von Scharnachthal Stettler, Chr., von Walkringen von Kanel , Jakob , von Scharnachthal Stettler, Joh., von Walkringen von Niederhausem , Hans, von Stettler, Bend., von Bollingen Stockli, Ulr., von Guggisberg Waber, Hans. , von Kiesens Stockli , Hans, von Bieberen Waber, Chr., von Mtinsingen Strahm, Sam., von Aschlen Waber , Jakob , von Teuffelen Strauchen , Jakob , von Teuffelen Waber , Jakob, von Gerolfingen Strauchen , Jakob, von Teuffelen Waffler, Chr., von Frutigen Stucki , Chr., von Ausser-bimnoos Waffler , Peter, von Frutigen Stucki , Niki ., von Kirchdorf Waffler, Joh., von Frutigen Studer, Hans , von Grafenried Wahli, Chr., von Bollingen Studer, Jakob, von Grafenried Wahli , Bend., von Bollingen Sulliger , Chr., von Zweysimmen Wahli, Chr., von Bollingen Suter , Sam., von Buren Walchli, Jakob, von Wyningen Tanner , Joh. Ulr., von Eriswyl Walker, Chr., von Sanen Tauwalder , Hans , von Habkeren Wallert , Sam., von Ober-diessbach Thierstein, Chr., von Bowyl Walter, Chr., von Nieder- Wichtrach Thomi, Ulr ., von Landiswyl Walther , Jakob , von Kemenried Trabold , Anton , von Zollikofen Walther, Chr., von Oberried Trachsel , Sam., von Thun Walther, Hans , von Zauggenried Tritten, Peter , von St. Steffan Walther , Bend. , von Trauchthal Tritten , Chr. , von Matten Walti, Peter , von Ruderswyl Tschabold , Chr., von Steffisburg Walti, Hans, von Arni Tschannen , Hans, von Wohlen Walti, Bend ., von Biglen Tschannen, Bend. , von Radelfingen Walti, Hans , von Arni Tschanz, Chr., von Oppligen Wal.ti, Bend., von Arni Tschanz, Chr., von Oppligen Wanger , Peter, von Koniz Tschanz , Chr., von Ober-wichtrach Wanner, Jakob, von Ezelkofen Tschanz, Chr., von Nieder-wichtrach Wegmtiller, Peter , von Vechingen Tschanz, Chr., von Nieder-wichtrach Wegmtiller, David, von Biglen 12 et al.: Kammerman List 72 Review [February

Wegmilller, Chr ., von Vechingen Wyss, Jakob, von Ober-dies sbach Wenger , Hans, von Ober-langeneck Wyss , Ulr ., von Arni Wenger, Hans, von Rothenbach Wyss, Ulr. , von Arni Wenger, Chr ., von Wattenwyl Wys smiiller, Joh., von Liitschenthal Wenger, Hans , von Rothenbach Wyttenbach , Chr. , von Goldiwyl Wenger, Dan., von Wattenwyl Zahler, Joh. , von St. Steffan Widmer , Ulr ., von Surniswald Zahnd , Hans , von Wahleren Wiedmer, Ulr., von Heirniswyl Zahrli , David, von Laupen Wiedmer , Hans, von Eggiwyl Zaug , Hans , von Trub Wiedmer, Adam , von Jerisberg Zbinden , Ulr. , von Guggisberg Wiedmer, Chr ., von Trub Zimmermann, Jakob, von Habkeren Wiedmer, Peter , von Heirniswyl Zimmermann , Bend. , von Zollikofen Wieland , Jakob , von Schiipen Zoss , Hans, von Bollingen Wieland , Joh. , von Wohlen Zurcher, Hans, von Riiderswyl Wieland, Nikl., von Schilpen Zurcher, Chr. , von Trub Wisler, Hans Ulr. , von Surniswald Zurcher , Jakob, von Riiderswyl Witschi, Andr., von Bollingen Zurcher, Han s, von Riiderswyl Witschi, Jakob, von Hindelbank Zurcher , Chr ., von Trub Wittwer, Hans, von Eggiwyl Zurcher , Jakob , von Riiderswyl Wittwer, Nikl., von Trub Zurfliih , Ulr ., von Wyningen Wittwer , Abr., von Trub Zwahlen, Jos., von Sanen Wittwer , Chr ., von Einingen Zwybach, Hans , von Grindelwald Wittwer, Sam ., von Trub Zwygard, Dan. , von Bremgarten Wittwer, Hans , von Eggiwyl Zwygard , Chr ., von Bremgarten Wyss , Joh., von Arni Zwygart , Nikl ., von K.rauchthal Wyss, David, von Landiswyl Zysset, Chr. , von Balm Wyss, Nikl., von Arni

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