
Ancient Greek and

Language linked the ancient together Greek today

Communities of Greeks lived all around the Mediterranean region from Over time, most of the writings of the ancient Greeks were lost or in the west to in the , and from in the north to destroyed. Some important works by the Greeks survived because in the south. Naturally, there were many differences between ways Muslim scholars valued them and translated them into . Later, of life in different parts of the Greek world, but all ancient Greeks were scholars in west and north recognised that the Greeks’ writings linked by their religion, language and literature. were still useful and began to re-use and adapt their ideas.

Different groups of Greeks spoke the language in different ways, called Scholars often borrowed words to explain their ideas and , but they could all understand each other. They referred to to new ideas and inventions. For this , many ideas and people spoke other as barbaroi (‘’), because words in , technology and education come from Greek. You can their languages sounded to the Greeks as if they were just saying ‘ba-ba- see some examples below and there are many, many . ba’. Greek word Greek meaning English words μικρος (mikros) small γραφω (grapho) I write or draw graph, The earliest examples of Greek literature were two long poems by a poet φοβος (phobos) fear any phobia, for called : the and the . These two poems told stories example, connected with the legend of the . They were known across arachnophobia the whole of the Greek world. λογος () thought, reasoning any -ology, for example, psychology Many of the most famous writings from ancient were written by πολις () city words to do with Athenian authors in the 400s and 300s BC. These include and plays, speeches, history and works by thinkers called philosophers. Some philosophers were mathematicians and scientists who tried to describe and understand nature. Others tried to work out the best way to lead comes directly from ancient Greek, but has many your life and to organise society. Later, many important and differences. It is spoken by about 13 million people around the world thinkers worked in the city of in Egypt which had the greatest including in Britain. library in the Greek world.