Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics Volume 3 P–Z, Index

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Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics Volume 3 P–Z, Index ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ANCIENT GREEK LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS Volume 3 P–Z, Index General Editor Georgios K. Giannakis Associate Editors Vit Bubenik Emilio Crespo Chris Golston Alexandra Lianeri Silvia Luraghi Stephanos Matthaios LEIDEn • BOSTON 2014 This is a digital offprint for restricted use only | © 2014 Koninklijke Brill NV Table of Contents Volume One Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... vii List of Contributors ....................................................................................................................................... xi Table of Contents Ordered by Thematic Category ............................................................................... xv Transcription, Abbreviations, Bibliography ........................................................................................... xxi List of Illustrations ......................................................................................................................................... xxiii Articles A–F ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 Volume Two Transcription, Abbreviations, Bibliography ........................................................................................... vii Articles G–O .................................................................................................................................................... 1 Volume Three Transcription, Abbreviations, Bibliography ........................................................................................... vii Articles P–Z ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 Index .................................................................................................................................................................. 547 This is a digital offprint for restricted use only | © 2014 Koninklijke Brill NV scientific vocabulary 265 verbs in the first person) and closer to standard Thesleff, Holger. 1966. “Scientific and technical style in early Greek prose. Greek prose”. Arctos 4:89–113. Wenskus, Otta. 1982. Ringkomposition, anaphorish-rekapit- Philo of Byzantium’s Belopoeica and what ulierende Verbindung und anknüpfende Wiederholung im remains of his Mēkhanikḕ Súntaxis (early second hippokratische Corpus. Frankfurt am Main. century CE?) are even more discursive, with a few cases of denotative letters but far less math- Francesca Schironi ematical structure. Mechanics seems thus gener- ally much more concerned with terminology to ‘describe’ the machines rather than with the syn- Scribes, Mycenaean tax to explain them. However, like in medicine, in Hero and Philo terminology is still not unified 1. Introduction and monosemous. Mycenaean scribes are the anonymous individu- Bibliography als (Bennett 1960) who wrote, in the → Linear B Acerbi, Fabio. 2008. “Disjunction and conjunction in Euclid’s script, texts on the clay administrative docu- Elements”, HEL 30:21–47. ments discovered in excavations of important ——. 2011. “Perché una dimostrazione geometrica greca è sites (most often palatial centers) throughout generale”. In: La scienza antica e la sua tradizione. IV Semi- nario di studi (Gargnano, 13–15 ottobre 2008), ed. by Fer- clearly defined territories of the central and ruccio F. Repellini and Gianni Micheli, 25–80. Cisalpino. southern Greek mainland and the island of Crete ——. 2012. “I codici stilistici della matematica greca: during the period roughly 1450–1200 BCE. dimostrazioni, procedure, algoritmi”, QUCC 101:167–214. The Linear B texts do not preserve any identi- Aujac, Germaine. 1984. “La langage formulaire dans la géo- métrie grecque”, RHS 37:97–109. fiable words used to denote (a) the acts of writ- van der Eijk, Philip J. 1997. “Towards a rhetoric of ancient ing or reading, (b) individuals who write or read, scientific discourse”. In: Grammar as interpretation. Greek (c) the materials that are used to write (writ- literature and its linguistic contexts, ed. by Egbert Bakker, ing implements, parchment or papyrus scrolls 77–129. Leiden – New York – Cologne. Federspiel, Michel. 1995. “Sur l’opposition défini/indéfini dans or pages, various forms of clay documents) or la langue des mathématiques grecques”, LEC 63:249–293. (d) the places where written materials are ——. 2003. “Sur quelques effets du ‘principe d’abréviation’ stored (archives, deposits, formal libraries). This chez Euclide”, LEC 71:321–352. Hellweg, Rainer. 1985. Stilistische Untersuchungen zu den sets Mycenaean ‘scribes’ and scribal systems Krankengeschichten der Epidemienbücher I und III des (→ Mycenaean Script and Language) epistemo- Corpus Hippocraticum. Bonn. logically apart from their counterparts in the Jouanna, Jacques. 1984. “Rhétorique et médecine dans la cuneiform and hieroglyphic cultures of ancient Collection Hippocratique”, REG 57:26–44. Langholf, Volker. 1977. Syntaktische Untersuchungen zu Hip- Mesopotamia, Anatolia, the Levant and Egypt. pokrates-Texten. Wiesbaden. The English word ‘scribe’ has many associa- Lanza, Diego. 1983. “Quelques remarques sur le travail lin- tions from the long history of its use in studying guistique du médecin”. In: Formes de pensée dans la the education, training, work habits, assign- Collection Hippocratique, ed. by François Lasserre and Philippe Mudry, 181–185. Geneva. ments, and the social, economic and political Lloyd, Geoffrey E.R. 1983. “The development of Greek ana- statuses and functions of writers of formal docu- tomical terminology”. In: Science, folklore, and ideology: ments within the power hierarchies of different studies in the life sciences in Ancient Greece, 149–167. Cam- cultures, ancient and modern (Pluta 2011:250– bridge – New York. López Férez, Juan. A. 2000. “Algunos datos sobre el léxico de 256). Because of these strong associations and los tratados hipocráticos”. In: La lengua científica griega: the restricted uses of writing attested in the orígenes, desarrollo e influencia en las lenguas moder- Mycenaean palatial culture, the term ‘tablet- nas europeas, ed. by Juan A. López Férez, vol. 1, 39–51. writers’ has been used lately in discussing the Madrid. Mugler, Charles. 1958. Dictionnaire historique de la termi- roles of Mycenaean ‘scribes’ (Palaima 2011:34, nologie géométrique des Grecs. Paris. 55 n. 39). Sumerian and Akkadian scribes in fact Skoda, Françoise. 1988. Médecine ancienne et métaphore. are literally called ‘tablet-writers’: DUB.SAR and Le vocabulaire de l’anatomie et de la pathologie en grec ancien. Paris. ṭupšarru, respectively. von Staden, Heinrich. 1998. “Andréas de Caryste et Philon de In contrast to Near Eastern scribes, Myce- Byzance: médecine et mécanique à Alexandrie”. In: Sci- naean tablet-writers are distinguished by their ences exactes et sciences appliquées à Alexandrie (IIIe siècle anonymity and by the limited range of areas of av. J.-C. – Ier siècle ap. J.-C.). Actes du colloque international de Saint-Étienne (6–8 juin 1996), ed. by Gilbert Argoud and social, political, economic or religious activity Jean-Yves Guillaumin, 147–172. Saint-Étienne. for which writing was used. None of the names This is a digital offprint for restricted use only | © 2014 Koninklijke Brill NV 266 scribes, mycenaean recorded in the Linear B documents can be tions of quality, or technical vocabulary relating identified securely as the name of a tablet-writer. to the transactions involved and the obligations No tablet-writer wrote his name, or impressed pertaining to the materials with which these his seal as a personal identifier, upon any of devices were associated (Palaima 2000). the three standard shapes of clay documents The records that the tablet-writers wrote were used within Mycenaean economic and political of short-term use. They were probably meant administration. The absence of signatures or seal to be kept for a single administrative period, impressions implies either that the tablet-writers rarely longer than a year, perhaps with some were not required to note their responsibility for overlap into the next or from the preceding the information they recorded upon the tablets period. Related to the ‘historical anonymity’ of or that such information was otherwise known the records of Mycenaean scribes and to the cul- when the texts were of active interest. tural expectation that the information on these documents had a limited time span of relevance 2. The Tablets or validity is the absence of any dates designated by period of a magistrate’s office (e.g. historical The texts that the Mycenaean tablet-writers Greek ‘archonship’) or day and month within recorded deal with the operation and concerns the year of reign of a royal figure. There are three of the palatial centers and the territories they to five month names within the extant Linear controlled, directly or indirectly. The surviving B tablets from Pylos and seven in the larger documents focus on economic management. (in terms of numbers of documents) corpus There are no literary texts, lexica, compilations of tablets from Knossos (Palaima 1995:627–631; of laws or judicial precedents, decrees or proc- 2003:169–173; → Names of Months). The tablets lamations, annals or reign lists, religious hymns, also have references to religious festivals and prescriptions of cult ceremonies, standard- ceremonial
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