
Spanish (SPA-101 & 102) Student & Parent Agreement

Bristol College course Description: This course offers beginning training in the four skills: reading, writing, speaking and aural comprehension. An introduction to Hispanic culture is included. One hour of laboratory practice is required.

*Spanish is not a graduation requirement. This course is offered under stringent prerequisites due to the challenging nature of the course and the outcome, if passed, of obtaining 3 college credits from Bristol Community College and 6 credits (equivalent) at an honors level will be added to the Tri-County Transcript.

Requirements: Students must have earned a 3.0 GPA (weighted) and meet two of the following requirements to request to be enrolled in this course:

 Honors or AP level English with a B- or better  Passing all courses with a B or better  Have taken and passed another Spanish course with an B or better  Permission from the school principal

If more eligible students enroll than there is space available, priority will be decided by administration based on intention, grades, and attendance.

By signing, I recognize that I will attend every class meeting. I understand that the expectation is that I will complete all assignments and will not be given an opportunity to withdraw. If I stop attending or I am asked to leave the course, a permanent college transcript will be generated that includes a failing grade. The grade earned in this course will be included in my Tri-County GPA & Class Rank. The $100.00 book fee is non-refundable.

Student Name:______

Student Signature:______Date:______

By signing, I recognize that I will encourage my son/daughter to attend every class meeting. I understand that the expectation is that (s)he will complete all assignments and will not be given an opportunity to withdraw. If (s)he stops attending or is asked to leave the course, a permanent college transcript will be generated that includes a failing grade. The grade earned in this course will be included in his/her Tri-County GPA & Class Rank. The $100.00 book fee is non-refundable.

Parent Signature:______Date:______

This course will be held after school. Attendance is mandatory; absenteeism will lead to removal from the course. A student is required to maintain an email account, provided in the registration paperwork, that will be monitored regularly.

Updated 06/08/2021