
United States Office of Public Affairs Illinois ;lr|rfiaha j Environmental Protection Region 5 Michigan Minnesota Agency - vv.-..---vsi*r-"- -230 South Dearborn Street . • Ohio Wisconsin Chicago, Illinois 60604 •'^'.'"••---"'•- -*'''.-'• .'•' Sheboygan River and r..;- > ^>.r---"^*>: ,"» '^J •-.'-•;-:; W-: :/-.'"' -^''-.'^ •/"--

Pilot Studies Begin ..•••'••• ,i' -*••-•'- 1-. :'••....-•-" .". - • -. • ^^ . * ' —:-

This Fact Sheet:;/

V describes supplemental studies .to begin at the site %; .'•- .; -.

'. •. outlines the projected schedule -./ - "'for site activities" \:^'-^_:"- -,..'- ;

• //explains where to obtain addi- ';'.-.'• '•'•;.' t'ional site information"-:1"- '-. . • -•

v ®4500ppm SHEBOYGAN RIVER AND HARBOR SITE v ^ ^.-'-:V-;;>'4300pp• 4300ppmm SHEBOYGAN^CO^WISCONSIN ^v^v.;/:?.-1-'- -• - INTRODUCTION EPA TO START SUPPLEMENTAL STUDIES '-- •• -I \v'"*""-"-"•-•'- •'- • ' • \ *x •This'fatisheetpjovides an update of. '. - r - • ~: ~~' ~r ' '*' -**'-;-••' '•••'• \- .-.'*.'- the Viiited States'Environmental Pn>''. :.-.:, Many activities have been completed tection Agency'sJEPA) activities_at ';„ 'during "the Remedial 'Investigation .ihejShebpygaif River and Harbor X'.(RI) conducted at the" site from May 'Supertund'$ite''(nereafier referred to ;"*i."4'986. through June 1988. These fas ih^^iie'^'durinjg the ongoing r • activities Include "a sediment survey Remediai^Hyestigation/Feasibility ••, in the. upper river, river and harbor EPA Region 5 Records Ctr. • ""' Study (RI/FS) initiated in the spring of .sediment sampling, soil sampling, 1986. 'This fact s_heet describes the and water sampling during high, Alternative Specific Remedial Investi- -moderate and low river flow condi- 224«20 gationfASRI) phase of the proj- . -lions. -Previous fact sheets have out- 'ect, "and includes a projected sched- ''•\' ''•.:.?'^'^£ii':-'';,&is'~'r-'. ule forihefil/FS.tA glossary of terms •; lined these activities. An Rl report used in this fact sheet is presented "has been written and is currently 'on page 4. -. Words and phrases under review. The final report will be defined in the glossary appear in available for public review later this Printed on recycled paper bold print on first reference. summer. SITE HISTORY AND proposed for inclusion on the to finalize plans for the ASRI. National Priorities List, EPA's list- BACKGROUND ing of hazardous waste sites eligi- REMOVAL OF RIVER SEDIMENTS ble for investigation and cleanup At a minimum, the three "hot spots" The Sheboygan River and Harbor under Superfund. Hn April 1986, of PCB contamination already jdenti-' site.'js located on the western EPA and the Wisconsin Depart- fied will be dredged frorn the river.: • shore.of Lake Michigan, -approxi- ment of Natural Resources Most ofihese dredged segments will A mately 55 miles north of Milwau- (WDNR) signed a Consent Order be placed in a confined treatment t kee.'The site consists of the with Tecumseh Products Compa- ' facility (CTF). A small portion of the ] Sheboygan Harbor, which occu- ny, one .of the three potentially sediments will be used in the bench- Y pies approximately 96 acres and responsible parties (PRPs) iden- scale treatability studies (see discus- ."• is located on Lake Michigan, and tified for the site. Tecumseh sion of CTF and bench-scale studies : 14 miles of the lower Sheboygan agreed to conduct a remedial below). River, which discharges into the investigation and feasibility study Sheboygan Harbor (see Figure 1). .and hired BJasland and Bouck ARMORING OF RIVER SEDIMENTS Engineers to conduct the work Select sediments in the riverbed will In September 1985, the site was under EPA's_ oversight. be "armored" in place (see Figure 2). Armoring consists of confining sedi-!f uring '' Rl, three "hot spots" of effective and consistent with ments in place by covering them.wim olycht^tnated biphenyl (PCB) Superfund and other State and successive layers of materials to sntamination were identified in the Federal laws. keep them stationary. The first cover Dper portion of the river between layer will be a geotextile or" fabric e second Kohler Dam (Waelder- The ASRI pilot studies will consist of liner, foNowed by a layer of silt or ius Dam) and the Sheboygan Falls .many activities which are listed and sand, covered with a layer gf gravel am (see Figure 1). As part of the explained below. These activities and/or cobbles. • • «• vlternative Specific Remedial Inves- and the subsequent .results will pro- jation" (ASRI) phase of the project, Vfde important information needed to WATER COLUMN MONITORING iese "hot spots" .will be removed [• complete the feasibility study arid will The water column (refers to a speci- "help Identify the technologies that orri the river and used in pilot fied section of the river from the jatability studies. The ASRI, which are best suited to address the con- tamination at the site. water surface to the riverbed) will be 3gan in April 1989, is 'being con- .sampled arid tested for PCB.s, to jcted by Tecumseh under EPA's determine the effects of the ASRI /ersight. "Supplemental testing"of SEDIMENT SAMPLING Additional activities on the water column. This /ailable remedial technologies for sampling of the sediments in the upper river was completed in April sampling will be done before, during sating the PCB contamination will r j con !ed as well as laboratory 1989 and the results are being used and after sediment removal, "armor- jatabiliiy studies of river and harbor jdiments. ='.. ..: SILT/SAND LAYEHT R

3A has specified several goals to j accomplished during the ASRI: GRAVEL/COBBLES I • to "remove contaminated sedi- V merits from the" upper "river and conduct testing of selected 'Vfemedial technologies; :."<./ 7

'.To provide "sufficient information TEXTILE "to make objective, detailed, com- LINER .parative evaluations of selected ; remedial technologies; . ANCHOR BOLT IN PLACE SEDIMENTS 1 To assess the results and . impacts of selected pilot study activities at the site (i.e., dredg- ing, armoring and blodegrada- FIGURE 2 tion); *SEDIMENT ARMORING IN RIVER ' To assure that the :i^^,T.r-=-,c:-j j 'This des,c;-i is conceptual oniy. Exact details will be determined during remedial action .-. casioie. cc:- ing of sediments and placement of CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTE- the material. those sediments in the CTF. NANCE OF A PILOT CONFINED TREATMENT FACILITY A pilot con- CONDUCT SUPPLEMENTAL IN- FISH MONITORING Two types of fined treatment facility (CTF) will be VESTIGATIONS Supplemental fish monitoring will be conducted built consisting of three cells, each of investigations will be conducted to "during the.ASRI. The first type, which will create different testing envi- fully identify and characterize river ."caged fish .studies, will be conduct- ronments. Sediments removed from, and harbor conditions and contami- •. • .. • • • " - •- •' v-i'^".-'T<--. - . ed to 'monitor the impact of the pilot the river .will be placed in the CTF to nation. These investigations will studies (sediment removal, armoring, study the 'effectiveness of destroying include, among other activities, addi- etc.) on aquatic life. The fish will be the PCBs by means of biodegradation. tional water column sampling and analyzed for PCBs and fat content. further studies on the movement of BENCH-SCALE TREATABILITY contamination. '.."•-.- I STUDIES Studies of various pro- The other type of fish monitoring is cesses and treatments being consid- supplemental to the WDNR monitoring The ASRI pilot studies will begin this ered for addressing site PCS con- program. The information gathered summer, with construction of the CTF, tamination will be conducted in a will be used to assess the impact of laboratory environment ("bench- sediment removal and sediment .the studies on the environment and to scale" studies) utilizing contaminated armoring projected for compfetion by evaluate the current health advisories materials, removed from the site. the end of 1989. Pilot and bench- ^.aced on fish consumption. The Tests will also be conducted on sedi- scale studies are planned to contin- species to be monitored include chi- . ments and ash resulting from two of ue through December 1990. Below nbok salmon, rainbow.trout, small the studies to determine to what is a chart with the projected sched- mouth bass and carp/ "" ' . " extent heavy metals will leach out of ule of site activities.



Q3 Q4 Q1 02 Q3 Q4 01 Q2 Q3 1989 1989 1989 1990 •1990 1990 1990 1991 1991

Conduct Supplemental Investigations

Construct Pilot CTF .. ' - * . . . - • Remove/Armor Sediments

Conduct Bench and Pilot Studies

Submit ASRI Report

Draft Final FS and Proposed Plan

. * v • "•-•'"-.'' Public Comment Period - -

Rod Signed ~v. ; '•'.'.'•- .-.: •

(1J Note: Schedule may vary from projection, due to weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances. (2) Years are divided by quarters. ; . " ' ,:. " •"•-.' nMAILING LIST ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS If you would like your name and address' placed on the mailing list Name: for the Sheboygan site, please fill out and mail this form to: Susan Pastor, SPA- 14 Address: Relations Coordinator Office of Public Affairs U.S. EPA - Region 5 Telephone: 230 Deart-rn Street Affiliation: Confined TrertnrttntFacility A diked GLOSSARY been identified as potentially area


v AVAILABLE INFORMATION Anyone interested in receiving more information about the Sheboygan River and Harbor site is encouraged to review the various docu- ments that have been prepared for the site. Copies of the Consent Order, applicable laws, the work plans and the Community Rela-- tions Plan are available for review in .the "information repositories "located at: ••"-.-';. . - ; .

Mead PubHc Library Sheboygan Water Quality Sheboygan City Hall 710 Plaza 8 .~:-V r? " TaskForce V ~ • _!828 Center Ave.; 2nd Floor ... . Sheboygan, Wl .53081 . -631 New York Avenue : Sheboygan. Wl 53081 . . (414)'459-3400 ' / - \ V . Sheboygan. Wl 53081 .(414)459-3364 .Hours: 9am-9pm (M-F) (414)457-9491 '. Hours: 8am-12pm (M-F) . Hours: . 9am-9pm (M-F) Hours: 9am-5pm (M-F) 1pm-5pm (M-F) . •'•' .-: ~-s.'"Ip^Spm (Sun)

The following EPA personnel may be contacted if you have further questions:

.Susan Pastor, 5PA-14 • -'. ~ BonnieEleder.SHS-11 U.S. EPA - Region V . •'".;..': Community Relations Coordinator Remedial Project Manager - 230 South Dearborn Street" . ; • Office of Public Affairs ' . .Hazardous Waste Enforcement Chicago, Illinois 60604 « (312)353-1325 , ••.'• .Branch.; .Toll Free Number:: 1-800^621-8431 9:00am to 4:30pm Central Time (312)886-4885

" ;lliS..Environmental Protection Agency

: f 1 . * '"*•" ~ • ~ ' ••' "" - .""""»•" " ~ !*-""• '.JteglorfS - . i -'.'•".":' " . '- ' - ' V '- •'•'.*• * ' . •»—" - ;6ffice of Public Affairs (5PAr14) Stir : " >>23p South Dearborn Street - V? ^Chicago, IL (50604 ••'"-;