Nomenclature Abbreviations
Abbreviations * As a prefix, indicates a proto language word /?/ glottal stop 2′ compound for 3 = 2 + 1 or rarely 1 + 1 + 1 but numeral for 4 2″ distinct numeral for 3 but 4 is a compound, usually 2 + 2, rarely 5 - 1 or 2 + 1 + 1 AN Austronesian languages BC or BCE Before Christ, that is before the Current Era taken as before the period of Christ BP Before the present CE or AD In the current era, that is after the year of the Lord (Domino/Dominum) Christ CSQ, MQ Counting System Questionnaire; Measurement Questionnaire d. dialect IMP Indigenous Mathematics Project Manus type Lean used this to refer to counting systems that used subtraction from 10 such as 7=10-3, 8=10-2, 9=10-1, often with the meaning e.g. for 7 as 3 needed to com- plete the group MC Micronesian Motu type Lean used this to refer to counting systems that used pairs such as 6=2x3, 7=2x3+1, 8=2x4, 9=2x4+1 NAN Non-Austronesian (also called Papuan) languages NCQ, CQN Noun, classifier, quantifier; classifier, quantifier, noun NQC, QCN Noun, quantifier, classifier; quantifier, classifier, noun NTM New Tribes Mission, PNG PAN Proto Austronesian PN Polynesian PNG Papua New Guinea POC Proto Oceanic QC, CQ Order of quantifier-classifier; classifier-quantifier respectively SHWNG South Halmahera West New Guinea (AN Non-Oceanic language of the Central- Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, a subgroup of Proto-Malayo-Polynesian) after Tryon (2006) SIL Summer Institute of Linguistics SOV Order of words in a sentence: Subject Object Verb SVO Order of words in a sentence: Subject Verb Object TNG Trans New Guinea Phylum Nomenclature The Australian system of numbering is used.
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