
R!S~crtD OSZ V!STICIOE t cue to very hiqh acuts toxicity to I liWllaM anci Bird. For reeail sale to and u£e only by cereitie4 applicator or persons under their dirl~ supervision and only tor ~'os. uses covered by the cereitied applicator's clreitication. Oirc~ supervision tor thi. pr04u~ 1s de1ined IS the cereitie4 applicator b.inq phYlically prl.ant durinq application, mix1nq, loadinq, rlpair and eleaninq ot application equipaant. Co ...rcial certitied applicators lluat al.o ensur. that all penon. involved in the•• .. c:tiv1t.i.. are intoned ot the precaution&%)' ltat.. ants.


:lEIE1A NOV 9 1987 2 1/2% ;.iE:THYL PfIBA'TIlION -10% SEVDIISiDUST ~u~d~~,t':.: i~... ;! '~'I /::.;.~~:i;.~ :~d. An ,\gricultural Dust (IS a - ~'. "'1. L~ I:.u ... oJ~lidde rp~ ;, ,,:';"~19 o'>...:{:l j ACTIVE TIlGREDIE:1I'S -"-\t;y ,', "0' ;)

Carbaryl (1-naphthylmethy1carbawate) ...... •...... 10.00% r':ethy1 (0 ,0-D1methy1 O-p-nitropheny1 phosphorothioate) ...... 2.4\ "I. Rela"::ed C0~':OLLl1ds.. . . • • . . . . . • • • ...... • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . . • . • • . . . . • • ...... 0. cA 't"

:G'IERT INGREDIENTS ..•...... ••.....•...... , .•...••. '.' . . . • ...... • . . . • . .. 81, 50 ~ . ."... ' ..•. TOI'AL ...... 100.00%

@ Reg. TI4 of Corp.

See Side Panels for Antidote , Precaut10na CAN KILL YOU

PEI..IGH::l: AL USARIO: S1 WIted no lee 1nglell, IX) use este producto haata que la etiqueta 1& ~ aido upl1cado ~l.1aInante.

E.P.A. Rm. 00. 5905-327 First letter or Prcduct batch code in11cates \ll"OCllCq establ..18hB1t. '

5905-I1L-l~ • 59Q5-GA.-l~ • 5905-AR-1-wA • 5905-at-l-NJ • 5905--'l'X-2-AT 5905-CA-l-1

!L;' POISONOUS IF SWALLOWED IF SWAlLOWED· Drink 1 or 2 glasses of wlter and induce vomiting by touching OONOT ...... OW back 01 throat With linger or blunt objeCt. Do no( induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconSCIOUS penon. Gel medical attention. POISONOUS BY SKIN CONTACT _: POisonous If touched by hindi Of' spilled or splashed on skin. In eyes or on ~r-... clothing (liquid goes through clotha.) e:: POISONOUS IF BREATHED Breathing vapon, spray mist or dust may be I.tal. OONOTTOUCM STATl!MI!HT 0' PlU.CT1CAL TREATMUn' POISONIHO sn.rOMI Parathion il I WKY dangerous poison, It rapidly _ the body by contact With all skin surfac.. and ~ Clothing wei with this rTl4l8r1a1 must be removed imrnedlll*y. Exposed ~ must ~ prompt medical traatment or tney -1-, may die. Some 01 the signa Ind symptome 01 po/«)nlng ...: Headeclle. na.-vomiting. SS,} cramp-. weakMa, blurred vision, pi~ pupils. tlgt III _ in chest, labored _iog. ~ .-«ng, waI8r1ng 01 ~ drooling or frothing of 00_""'" mouth and noM, muscl. spasms and coma.' Calli doctor (rhysiCian), clinic or hoepil* immedlatety. Explain tIIat the _m h.. -,i

to==~~g:~:::.c:.,,~~~~= an UlICOi ,Ie ioua I*'lOl ~ Get medIcII aItentIcn. In CUI of com.ct, immediately ItuIh IIyeI or ski'i with plenty ofw.aer for at i.... 15 mlnutM while rernoWlg ~ clexhlng Ind shoat. See doctor~ NOTE TO PHYSICIAN SInca Inf I)mpb, .. from Ibaoi ~, of !hit ccrnbInaIIon product ... ~ to be tho8e of . pal."" lf1!O'kallDt" 1rMII,IWtIlhouid be clteclad towards the r.tIaf 01 ctlOlln ..... II. inhIbItIoIL AntIdoCII- adminIIIw atlopi1e sUIatIa In IIrge de "., TWO to FOUR mo. intrawnoully or inIram· !lJClilarty • I0OI1 .. CY"IC .1. 18 0Iienxme. R.p .11 at S to 10 minute intervale I.WltII signa of atlOPh'ZallDt,~PAM =.is~~E~~:E~~'~Ri"'" with p., at! dtwI is a sIrOng dloIIi ...... in.'"Iibitor a1fedII i\I the eel ill II and peripheral nervoul sVlteml and producing cardiac and relplratory d~ AI. ftnrt ~ pulmonary edaIN! !be P"l!~ IhouId be gNwt [8EST !~!~lARlE ~~p, ] 5UPP"I"leI1UII oxyy.n ana uellUKl ~ contInuec1 ~ of the poison may occur and fabll relI'PI'. have been ~ after initial improvement. VERY CLOSE SUPERVISION OF THE" PATIENT IS INDICATED FOR AT LEAST 48 HOURS. Consult your State Agricultural Extension SeMc:e or ExperIrr.ant StatIon regarding posting treated ar, ... ENVIRONMENTA~. HAZARDS This is h'41ly toxic to aquatic invertebrates and wildlife. Birds in treated areas may be killed. Do not apply directly to water or wetlands (swamps, bogs, marshes, and potholes). Runoff and drift from target areas my be hazardous to aquatic organisms in adja~ent aquatic sites. Do not contaminate water by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes. This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area .

• •


, 1l:e use of any pesticide in a manr.8(' that may kill or otl'ulC',",is. ham an er.Qanq.~ Ot" tl\~4tan-.d species or .tdv.~ly modify thei(' haOitat i$ a violatloo of fedet"al. laws. the UH of this \lC'Oduct is controlled to \leavent cutll or ham. to .r:darQa~ or th~ataned species thAt OCC'..I(, in the foUowi .... counties 0(' .I..sewh.... in !:heir canoe.

3efoC'e usi .... tIlis pesticide in the followi .... comti.. jOJ I1IJSt obtain tha EPA C~land Endan;aced Species Bulletin. lne use of this pesticide Is ~C'Ohibited in tIl_ counties unless spe<:itied othecwise in !:he Bulletins. '!he EPA BUll.tin is available fl:Qll either }OUt" Coonty AQric:ultu.ra.l £)(tension AQent, the Enda ..... c-ed S~ies Specialist in jOJr State Wildlife '''"ncy Headquarters or the appropC'iate ReQior.al Oftice of either the U.S. Fish w Wlldllfe Service (n.51 or the U.S. E:r.vi~ntal. Protection AQency. nus BllUEI'IN /1UST BE lU:VtEWED PRIOR TO PESnCID£ USE.


Attwatec'. ~teC' I!QtGIO !;!Cd ri. c:hlcMn VIClORIA PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL HAZARDS Do not use or store neat heat or open lIame,

DIRECTIONS FOR USE ~ aitav::,' Federal Law 10 use IhII product In • INIIVW Inooi I8I8I8nt


, ,

( DAN'M!" ArM treated with Methyl Parathion & Carbaryl on (1nMrt dlllei: not enter wIthcM 8PPfOPriat8 Piotec:tl>n cIotI*'II for 41 hcMn (..,.1 DepaItrnent of AgrtcuIbn" ,...... , Interval, If more rMIrictI~). In cae of u:ldeclllll elq)OlUN to Pllt'clde apray or dual, WMh the akin thoroughly with ~.nd water. Remove COIUnWlIfed doCNlIg n wah before IWM. "In..,..., flUIh with plenty of WIIIIar. " 1n."'.11 ~ go to an ... whec'e the Plitickle has not been applied. o.t medIcaI .... Iticw," nII ~" Reentry into treated fields is prohibited for 48 hours after application, unless all prot,=ctive clothing and equipment required for early reentry as described elsewhere on the label are l'lom, WORK SAFETY RULES

The National pesticide Telecommunication Ne lork is available tor recommendations reqardinq poisoninq manaqamant, emerqency treat=ent, and other intormation reqardinq the toxicity ot methyl parathion. The toll tree nUllber tor the National Pe.ticide TIlecommunication Network i. 1-800-8'1-


It bandled indoora provide .echanical exhauat vantilation. Keep all unprotacted per.ona, children,. liveatack, and pet• away tro. ereatact area or whu. thu. i. danqu of cir1tt. 00 not rW:I .y.. or .outh with banda. It you t.el dck in any way, STOP vork and q.t belp ri9ht away, 5_ rint AJ,4 (Practical Treatment) ••ction.

•• !Wft)LI TO CONctldRATB OHLr WJID WUJlDfQ' TO FOr.t.OWDCQ PRO'l'IC't1091 CIDrJIlOHQ AlfI) IQ11lOPKD'Ja W.u • protective .utt ot one or two plecea tha1:: COVer8i all parta of the bodJl except the buct, handa, and t.et. Wau chea1cal ruiatat qlov•• , chulcal rulltant aprea, and ch_1 cal r ••iatant aho.. , eoe c:ovuinp, or boota.. Weu q0991 .. ,r a tace ahield. ,.au a pa.t1c14e ( re.pirator approved by the Katloaal lOnitltute tor OccupaUoaal Safety and Health \Ul4u the proYi.ioftS of 30 era paZt II. OSK OKLT WHIII WDlU:IfQ ft:I rOt.I.C1fIl(Q nan:ctI91 CI.O'1'KINQ ).lR)"IQOIPlUM' DOlUHQ IUXDiQ/TDlD1!fQ, APPLICATION, DiAn, AJfD CLZAJIlOJIQ or Al'PLICAnO. EQUI:rrwtr, DUPOUL O. PUTlOc:Itm AlfI) um.t R.I!1fl'b' DI'tOT'ltZM'ID'UZUa pZ'Otec:tbe.w.t of one or two p1~ covuiq all parta of tile bodY except the head, bancSa, aDd f ..1:1 chea1cal re.)Atant ql.,.. , chea1cal r ••1atant eoee (or chuical reeiatant eoe covuinp o~ cheaical. re.iatant bcou), q0991 •• or fac::e ah1eld, hood or wieSe brl =ed hat, HIOO approved re.pintor. IF MIXI~G!LOADING !S ?ERFO~~D USING A CLOSED SYSTEM, THE FOLLOWI~G ?ROT!:CTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIiML'rr XAY BE WO~'( AS AN ALrnwATIVE: lonq­ sl.eve shirt; lonq-laqqed pants; chamical ~esistant qloves; chemical resistant apron; shoes and socks. Goqqles or tac. Ihield mu~t b. worn when tb. system is under pressurs. All other protective clothinq and equipment required tor u.. with open eyst-=­ must be available nearby.

IF APPUCATION IS PElU'ORl«D USING AN E:NCLOSED CAB OR COCKPIT, TK! FOLLOWING PRO'nCTIV!: CLO'l'RING AND EQUIPMENT MAY BE WORN U AN ALT%RNAorrn:: lonq-.le.v. ahirt and lonq-leqqad pants, ahoee and socks. Chemical resistant qlov•• muat b3 available in th. cab or cockpit and IINSt b. worn durin'l entry to and exit :ro th. application vahicl •• All oth.r prot.ctive clothinq and equipaant required tor us. durin'l application .ust b. av.ilabl. in the cab and mu.t" b. worn when exitin'l th. cab into tr•• teci area. When usac:t tor thi. purpo.e, contaainatad clothin'l lI&y not b. brou'lht baa into th. cab unl... in an enclosure .uc:b a. a plutie bac;. REKEMBD.-'l'RIS CLO'l'llINQ IS IlfAO!QUA'R TO ~CT YOU OTJRINCJ R!!PAIR .um CLEANINQ 01' APPUCA'l'l:OK EQUIPMEN'l' AND !ARLY R!!!:N'.~ TO TlIUTSD AREAS I RUn TO PRO'l'!:CTIv& CLO'l'llINQ AND !QUlPK!M'r R!!Q~S ABOVB. IMPOltt'AN'l'1 It pesticid. cau. in contact vith akin, _ah ott with .oap a:Dd vat.r &lI4: contact a phydeian ilDadiately. AllAY. vaah bend., tae., and arma vith _p and vat_ batore _kin'l, aatin'l, drinldn'l, or toUatin'l.

Al'TD WOU, bator. r_u. 'llov•• , vaa.b. th_ with soap aJl4 _tar.. Taltal ott all vor" cloth.. and eho ••• Shover usin'l .oap and _tao Wear only ol.an cloth•• when laavinq job do not vear eentaainatad clothinq. Pu.... ' elothinq vorn durlnq 'verle must be .tor.4 and lemduacl ..,arately troa prot.ctiv. clot.hi.zl; and h_ehold artiel... Store protectiva clothinq eaparataly troa pu.enal clothin'l' Clean or laWIISer protective elethin'l atter aacl:l. use. Re.pinter. .u.tt be cleaned an4 tUtus raplaeeci . accordin'l to inatructiona inoluded vith the re.pirators. Protective clothin'l and p~tective ~paant heavily contaainateci or drenched .with ••thyl parathion must be d ••troyacl aecordin'l to .tate and local requlation•• Hl!AvtLt CON'l'AKIlQnl) OR DJlDcm:D CLO'l'BINQ CANNO'1' BI ADEQUATELY DECOK'l'AHDl'Anll. OTJRINQ "DIU. APPUCATION, H1JMAIL-1LAGGDS AU PROHIBIDD. • @}t~~,~t!.§~

_ .. _~ _____ .-. -.:'~ ... -:"'_ ...... _.. :-:::. _. _1··.~ -".~ . _ ... Storage and Disposal PHtIdde Storage Do not store below 20"F, (-7"C). Do not use or store near heal, open name or hot surface .. Keep out of reach ot children and animals. Store in Ofiginal contai'IerI only. Store in a cool, dry place and a'tOid excess heat. Carefully open containerS. Alter par1lal use, replace Iida and close tightly. Do not PIA corMh Ib ate or dllut. material into food or drink cantaInera. Do not contaminate other pestlc~ I, tertlKzers, water, food, or feed by storage or dlspe.... In case of spill, awid contact. isolate arM and keep ()I.( animala and unprotec:tecl persona. ConfIne spill •• Call 901-761-0050

10 COl lIIi It spiI: 11 liquid, dlk.1UI'I"OIning arM or abDb with MIld, cat litter or oomrnetcl* clay. If dry rnat.riaI, CCNer to pr .... dIIperMI. Place ~ package In a holding ccntainer.1dentify COl I~ Putlcldll DIapo'" Pesticide w.... .,. acutely hazardoua. Itnploper dfapcl •• of.xcesa peatlclde, spray mixture, or rInsate ie • violation of FedarII Law. 11 theea w.... cannot be dlspclI:l of by usa accoIdllig to label instructione, c::arUct ytJIJI SWta Pettk:kla or Environment. Control Aganc:y, or the Hazardoua WIllA repraentatIve at the "...... EPA R8gionII 0fIIce for guic:Sanot. ConUiIner Oflpal" ! ape:- and plastic bC10S- '~o:-::;-)letely er-:pty bag into applicatici. equipment. Then disp:lse of empty bag in a sanitary landfill or by incineration, or, if allo;;ed by state and local author­ ities, by burning. If burned, stay out of smoke.

( ._ ..... ---. ---- COTTON: Boll W

SOYRAHS: Mexlcon ...... " ...... loot ...tI •• V.Ive~ CaterpIllar. Fall Armywonn. Com Earworm. Stink .... - Apply at tho rat. of 15 lbo. per acre.

Of'- InlOClo: ThrIpo. 11I.t« ...,,... CllrnlMng Cutwomoa -"..... aII

00 NOT apply within 20 doyo 01 "",-". Do not ~Iy mar. "- _ appIlcatIano per growing _.

Apply thl. product anly QI _1fIod an thI. lcobol .




The directions on this label are believed to be reliable and should be followed car~fully. Insufficient control of pests and/or injury to the crop to which the product is applied may result from the occurrence of extraordinary or-unusual weather conditions, the failure to follow the label directions, or good application practices, all of which are beyond the control of Helena or seller. In addition, failure to follow label directions Inay cause inj ury to crops, animals, man or ~he environment. Helena warrants that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label and is reasonably fit for the purpose referred to in the directions for use subject to the factors noted above which are beyond the control of Helena. Helena makes no other warranties or representations of any kind, express or implied, concerning the product, including no implied warranty of merchantibility or fitness for any particular purpose, and no such warrant shall be implied by law. The exclusive remedy against Helena for any cause of action relating to the handling or use of this product is a claim for damage and in no event shall damages or any other recovery of any kind against Helena exceed the price of the product which causes the allegeu loss, damage, injury, or other claim. Helena shall not be liable and any and all claims against Helena are waived, for special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages or expense, of any nature, including, but not limited to, loss of profits or income, whether or not based on Helena"s negligence, breach of warranty, strict liability in tort or any other cause of action.

He~ena and the seller offer this product and the buyer and user accept it, subject to the foregoing conditions of sale and limitation of warranty, liability and remedies.