Scope of Accreditation

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Scope of Accreditation 7/24/2018 National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Eurofins Agroscience Testing Pty Ltd CHEMICAL TESTING LABORATORY | Accreditation Number: 15028 | Site Number: 14691 | Address Details: Contact Details: Unit F6, Building F Ms K Ford 16 Mars Road +61(02) 99008443 LANE COVE, NSW 2066 AUSTRALIA Website: www Availability:Services available to external clients Note: Not all of the columns of the scope of accreditation displayed include data. The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation. ISO/IEC 17025 (2005) Agribusiness SERVICE PRODUCT DETERMINANT TECHNIQUE PROCEDURE LIMITATION/RANGE Analysis for Meat fat Aroclor 1254; Aroclor 1260; GC-MS-MS In-house polyhalogenated method AATM- biphenyls S-190 Analysis for Macadamias α-Endosulfan; β- Endosulfan; 2- GC-MS; LC- In-house residues and Aminobenzimidazole; Acephate; Azinphos-methyl MS-MS; AATM-S110 contaminants (guthion); Carbaryl; Carbendazim; Chlorpyrifos; (including cis-Permethrin; Cyfluthrin ([(R)-cyano-[4-fluoro-3- pesticide (phenoxy)phenyl]methyl] (1R,3R)-3-(2,2- residues, dichloroethenyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1- excluding carboxylate); Deltamethrin; Diazinon; Endosulfan veterinary sulfate; Iprodione; Metalaxyl; Methidathion; chemicals Oxyfluorfen; Tebufenozide; trans-Permethrin; residues) Trichlorfon; Animal feeds; α-Cyfluthrin; α-Endosulfan; β-Cypermethrin; β- GC-MS; LC- Customer Animal Endosulfan; γ-Cyhalothrin; λ-Cyhalothrin; ζ- MS-MS; Liquid supplied and tissue; Cypermethrin; 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid chromatography in-house Cereals; Fat; (2,4,5-T); 2,4-D Plus dicamba; 2-Chloro-N-([2-4- (LC); Fruits; chlorophenyl]phenyl)pyridine-3-carboxamide Grains; (boscalid); 2-Dimethylamino-5,6- Kidney; Liver; dimethylpyrimidin-4-yl N,N-dimethylcarbamate Muscle; (pirimicarb); 2-Methoxycarbonyl-1-methylvinyl Pastures; dimethyl phosphate (mevinphos); 2-Methyl-4- Pulse grains; chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA); Abamectin; Seed oil; Acephate; Acetamiprid; Aldicarb; Aldrin; Ametryn; Vegetables; Atrazine; Azemethiphos; Azinphos-ethyl; Azinphos-methyl (guthion); Azoxystrobin; Benalaxyl; Bendiocarb; Benomyl; Bifenazate; Bifenthrin; Bioresmethrin; Bitertanol; Bupirimate; Buprofezin; Carbaryl; Carbendazim; Carbofuran; Carbosulfan; Carboxin; Carfentrazone ethyl; Chlordane; Chlorfenapyr; Chlorfenvinphos; Chlorfluazuron; Chlorpyrifos methyl; Chlortraniliprole; Chromafenozide; Clethodim isomer 1; Clethodim isomer 2; Clomazone; Clopyralid; Clothianidin; Coumaphos; Cyanazine; Cypermethrin α; Cyproconazole; Cyromazine; Deltamethrin; Demeton-S-methyl; Diazinon; Dichlorvos; Diclofop; Dicyclanil; Dieldrin; Difenoconazole; Diflubenzuron; Diflufenican; Dimethoate; Dimethomorph; Disulfoton; Doramectin; Emamectin B1a; Emamectin B1b; Endosulfan sulfate; Endrin; Epoxiconazole; | Accreditation Number: 15028 | Site Number: 14691 | Printed on : 24-Jul-2018 1/5 7/24/2018 National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Eprinomectin; Esfenvalerate; Ethion; Etoxazole; Fenamiphos; Fenarimol; Fenbuconazole; Fenhexamid; Fenitrothion; Fenoxaprop; Fenoxycarb; Fenpyroximate; Fenthion; Fipronil; Florasulam; Fluazifop; Fluazuron; Fludioxonil; Flumetsulam; Fluquinconazole; Fluroxypyr; Flusilazole; Flutriafol; Fluvalinate; Glyphosate; Haloxyfop; Heptachlor; Hexaconazole; Hexazinone; Hexythiazox; Imazalil; Imazapic; Imazapyr; Imazethapyr; Imidacloprid; Indoxacarb; Ipconazole; Iprodione; Ivermectin; Kresoxim methyl; Lindane (γ-HCH); Malathion; Mancozeb; Maneb; Mecoprop; Metalaxyl; Methidathion; Methiocarb; Methomyl; Methoprene; Methoxyfenozide; Metiram; Metolachlor; Metosulam; Metribuzin; Milbemectin; Moxidectin; Myclobutanil; Novaluron; O,S- Dimethylphosphoramidothioate (methamidophos); Omethoate; Oryzalin; Oxadixyl; Oxamyl; p,p'-DDD; p,p'-DDE; p,p'-DDT; Parathionmethyl; Penconazole; Pendimethalin; Permethrin; Phenothrin; Phorate; Phosmet; Picloram; Pirimiphos methyl; Procymidone; Prodiamine; Profenofos; Promecarb; Prometryn; Propachlor; Propaquizafop; Propazine; Propiconazole; Propineb; Propoxur; Prothiofos; Pyraclofos; Pyraclostrobin; Pyridine; Pyriproxifen (pyriproxyfen); Pyroxsulam; Quizalofop; Quizalofop-p; Sethoxydim; Simazine; Spinetoram; Spinosad; Spirotetramat; Sulfotep; Tebuconazole; Tebufenozide; Tebufenpyrad; Temephos; Terbufos; Terbuthylazine; Terbutryn; Tetraconazole; Thiabendazole; Thiacloprid; Thiamethoxam; Thiodicarb; Thiram; Tralkoxydim; Triadimefon; Triadimenol; Trichlorfon; Triclopyr; Tridemorph; Trifloxystrobin; Triflumuron; Trifluralin; Vamidothion; Vinclozolin; Xydemeton- methyl; Zineb; Ziram; Fat - Bovine; 2-Chloro-N-([2-4-chlorophenyl]phenyl)pyridine-3- HPLC-MS-MS In-house Fat - Ovine; carboxamide (boscalid); Chlorfenapyr; method AATM- Cyproconazole; Dichlorvos; Flubendiamide; S-190 Fluquinconazole; Flutriafol; Imidacloprid; Metolachlor; Propachlor; Propiconazole; Prothioconazole; Pyrasulfotole; α-Chlordane - Cis; α-Endosulfan; β- Endosulfan; GC-MS-MS In-house γ-Chlordane - Trans; 2-Chloro-N-([2-4- method AATM- chlorophenyl]phenyl)pyridine-3-carboxamide S-190 (boscalid); Aldrin; Bifenthrin; Bioresmethrin; Chlorfenapyr; Chlorfenvinphos; Chlorpyrifos; Chlorpyrifos methyl; Coumaphos; Cyfluthrin ([(R)- cyano-[4-fluoro-3-(phenoxy)phenyl]methyl] (1R,3R)-3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl)-2,2- dimethylcyclopropane-1-carboxylate); Cyhalothrin (cyhalothrine); Cypermethrin; Cyproconazole; DDTs - Total; Deltamethrin; Diazinon; Dichlorvos; Dieldrin; Dimethoate; Endosulfan sulfate; Endrin; Endrin ketone; Ethion; Famphur; Fenitrothion; Fenthion; Fenvalerate; Fipronil; Flumethrin; Fluquinconazole; Flutriafol; Fluvalinate; HCH - Alpha; HCH - Beta; HCH - Delta; Heptachlor; Heptachlor epoxide; Lindane (γ-HCH); Malathion; Methidathion; Methoxychlor; Mirex; o'p-Dicofol; Omethoate; Oxychlordane; p,p'-DDD; p,p'-DDE; Parathionmethyl; PCBs; Permethrin; Phosmet; Pirimiphos methyl; Procymidone; Propachlor; Propiconazole; Prothioconazole; Prothiofos; Quintozene; Carbaryl; Indoxacarb; GC-MS-MS; In-house HPLC-MS-MS; method AATM- S-190 Analysis for Fat Avermectin B1a; Derquantel; Doramectin; HPLC-MS-MS In-house | Accreditation Number: 15028 | Site Number: 14691 | Printed on : 24-Jul-2018 2/5 7/24/2018 National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION veterinary Eprinomectin B1a; Ivermectin B1a; Monepantel method AATM- chemical sulfone; Moxidectin; Praziquantel; Spinetoram J; S-187 residues Spinetoram L; Chlorfluazuron; Fluazuron; HPLC-MS-MS In-house method AATM- S-141 ISO/IEC 17025 (2005) Environment SERVICE PRODUCT DETERMINANT TECHNIQUE PROCEDURE LIMITATION/RANGE Analysis for Soils Fenarimol; Iprodione; Myclobutanil; GC-MS Customer fungicides Tebuconazole; Vinclozolin; supplied and in-house Analysis for Soils 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T); 2,4- GC-MS Customer herbicides Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D); 2-Methyl-4- supplied and chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA); 6-Dichloro-2- in-house methoxybenzoic acid (dicamba); Ametryn; Atrazine; Clopyralid; Cyanazine; Diflufenican; Fluazifop (fluazifop-p-butyl); Fluroxypyr; Glyphosate (n-(phosphonomethyl)glycine); Hexazinone; Metolachlor; Metribuzin; Oryzalin; Picloram; Prometryn; Propachlor; Propazine; Simazine; Terbuthylazine; Terbutryn; Triclopyr; Trifluralin; Analysis for Soils Aldrin; Dieldrin; Endosulfan I - Alpha; Endosulfan GC-MS Customer organochlorine II - Beta; Endosulfan sulfate; Endrin; Heptachlor; supplied and pesticides Lambda-cyhalothrin; Lindane (γ-HCH); p,p- in-house Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (p,p-DDD); p,p- Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p-DDE); p,p- Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (p,p-DDT); Analysis for Soils Azinophos-methyl (guthion); Azinphos-ethyl; GC-MS Customer organophosphate Chlorpyrifos methyl; cis-Chlorfenvinphos supplied and pesticides (chlorfenvinphos Z); Coumaphos (co-ral); in-house Demeton-S-methyl; Diazinon; Dichlorvos; Dimethoate; Disulfoton; Ethion; Fenamiphos; Fenitrothion; Fenthion; Malathion; Methamidophos (monitor); Methidathion; Mevinphos; Parathionmethyl; Phorate; Phosmet; Pirimiphos methyl; Profenofos; Prothiofos; Sulfotep; Temephos (abate); Analysis for Soils Bifenthrin; Deltamethrin; Permethrin; GC-MS Customer pyrethroid and supplied and pyrethrum in-house pesticides ISO/IEC 17025 (2005) Food and Beverage SERVICE PRODUCT DETERMINANT TECHNIQUE PROCEDURE LIMITATION/RANGE Analysis of Juice α-Endosulfan; β-Endosulfan; 2-Methoxycarbonyl- GC-MS; LC-MS; Customer pesticide concentrates; 1-methylvinyl dimethyl phosphate (mevinphos); Liquid supplied and residues and Juices; Abamectin; Aldrin; Atrazine; Azinphos-methyl chromatography in-house contaminants (guthion); Azoxystrobin; Benalaxyl; Benomyl; (LC); Bifenthrin; Bioresmethrin; Boscalid; Buprofezin; Carbaryl; Carbendazim; Chlordane; Chlorfluazuron; Chlorpyrifos methyl; Chlortraniliprole; Deltamethrin; Demeton-S- methyl; Diazinon; Dichlorvos; Dieldrin; Diflubenzuron; Dimethoate; Dimethomorph; Doramectin; Emamectin B1a; Endosulfan sulfate; Endrin; Eprinomectin B1a; Ethion; Fenamiphos; Fenarimol; Fenhexamid; Fenitrothion; Fenpyroximate; Fenthion; Fluazuron; Fludioxonil; | Accreditation Number: 15028 | Site Number: 14691 | Printed on : 24-Jul-2018
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