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Abdera, 492 , 500 Aegina, 27 , 30 , 163 , 189 Abini hoard, 102 Saronic hegemony, 164 Abruzzo, 637 Temple of Aphaia, 295 Abul, 307 , 491 A ff ula, 127 Abydos Afyon, 387 royal tomb Uj, 116 Agde, 510 Seti I temple, 345 agency, 17 , 18 , 65 , 112 , 140 , 158 , 160 , 162 , 286 , 318 , 326 , 327 , 328 , 329 , acculturation, 11 , 12 , 232 , 233 , 235 , 249 , 256 , 257 , 300 , 454 , 516 353 , 384 , 399 , 400 , 434 , 454 , 598 , 635 acephalous agg er, 232 , 233 cohesion, 96 , 106 Aghia Photia. See Agia Photia industry, 98 Aghios Kyrillos, 533 , 534 system, 76 Agia Kyriaki, 322 Achaea, 170 , 186 , 187 Agia Photia, 324 , 530 , 533 , 534 Achaean colony, 235 Agia Triada, 329 , 654 , 655 , 657 , 658 Achaemenid period, 389 Agios Charalambos, 331 Achaemenid royal tombs, 390 agriculture, 1 , 47 , 49 , 82 , 146 , 150 , 151 , 187 , 331 , 428 , 471 , 475 , 477 , 478 , Achaia. See Achaea 480 , 492 , 493 , 497 , 502 , 612 , 630 , 637 , 638 Achakar, 563 agricultural produce, 491 , 492 , 495 Acinipo, 493 cereal, 47 , 115 , 169 , 542 Acquarossa, 443 , 444 , 446 innovation, 115 , 116 , 149 , 150 , 201 , 205 , 207 , 462 adornment, 339 , 344 , 625 intensifi cation, 148 , 406 , 407 , 427 , 463 , 500 , 514 body, 409 , 578 tools, 201 , 207 , 462 , 467 , 484 personal, 558 , 559 , 63 , 66 , 85 , 87 Adra River, 492 Agullana, 457 , 461 Adria, 646 Ahhijawa , 186 Adriatic, 1 , 157–72 Ahmose Pen-Nekhbet tomb, 361 coast, 60 , 75 , 165 Aitolia, 186 , 187 exchange system, 75 Aizonai, 389 Italy, 79 , 82 , 636 , 644 Akarnania, 186 , 187 Aegean, 1 , 10, 13 , 14 , 18 , 20 , 26 , 60 , 61 , 63 , 66 , 80 , 145 , 147 , 157–72 , 163 , Akko, 204 , 254 178–92 , 202 , 340–44 , 345 , 417 , 636 , 650 , 651 , 656 , 659 , 660 Akrotiri, 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 163 Aegeans, 201 , 356 , 357 , 571 , 573 Akrotiri (Thera), 31 bronzes, 201 Al Mina, 184 , 191 , 493 chronology, 420 alabastron craftsmen, 75 Mycenaean, 98 , 100 east, 209 , 235 Alaca Hö y ü k, 345 , 346 , 348 migration, 253 elites, 147 prehistory, 27 , 178 , 181 , 184 , 186 royal tombs, 147 , 148 , 149 prospectors, 62 , 65 Alagarrobo River, 492 south, 530 Alag ó n River, 496 states, 162 Alalakh, 345 , 346 traders, 166 Alalia, 309 tradition, 346 battle of, 268 , 280 -type ship, 202 , 204 Alambra, Mouttes , 623 Aegean import Alarc ó n, 311 , 542 Aeolian islands, 88 Alashiya, 356 Cyprus, 578 , 630 Alassa Egypt, 356 Palaeotaverna , 626 Sardinia, 98–100 Pano Mandilares, 412 , 630 Sicily, 76 Alba, 644 south Italy, 234 Albania, 160 , 164 , 165 , 166 , 167 , 168 , 169 , 170 Thapsos, 104 tumulus, 169 Aegean imitation Alboran Sea, 1 Italy, 99 Alc á cer do Sal, 491 , 495 Levant, 254 , 258 Alcal á del Rí o, 495 , 500 Sardinia, 99 , 104 Alcaria do Pocinho, 559 Sicily, 84 , 86 alcohol, 143 , 242 , 308 , 461 south Italy, 235 Aldovesta, 308 , 457


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Alentejo, 488 , 491 , 495 , 500 , 502 Andros, 17 , 34 Alto, 556 Anguilla cemetery, 91 Baixo, 556 aniconism, 614–15 Aleppo, 348 animal husbandry, 47–50 , 407 , 623 , 630 , 637 Alfarrobeira, 556 Annales School, 1 , 157 , 158 , 252 Algarve, 556 Anseresa, 466 Algeria, 249 , 555 Anta das Casas do Canal, 556 , 540 Antequera, 492 alloy, 146 , 148 Apennine culture bronze, 46 proto-, 76 copper-arsenic, 146 settlement, 88 copper-tin, 146 sub-, 66 , 77 , 89 lead-copper-tin, 102 Apennines, 230 , 231 , 239 , 443 , 448 , 585 silver-copper, 147 Apesokari II, 534 silver-copper-gold, 147 Aphrates, 660 silver-tin, 145 Aphrodisias, 28 , 149 tin, 44 apoikia , 160 , 231 , 235 , 237 , 301 zinc-silver, 147 Apollo, 285 , 294 , 646 Almanzora River, 492 Apollodoros, 287 Almer í a, 540 Apollonia, 160 Almogrebe, 492 , 495 Apulia, 67 , 79 , 80 , 165 , 186 , 242 Almu ñé car, 492 , 493 coast, 76 Alorda Park, 462 , 465 tombs, 231 Alto Alentejo, 556 Arad, 609 Amalek, 260 Aramaic alphabet, 181 Amasya, 390 Archanes, 321 , 323 , 326 , 534 Amathus, 270 , 659 archipelago, 25 , 77 Ambarderesi valley, 379 , 381 Aegean, 7 , 13 , 15 , 25–35 , 191 , 658 amber, 63 , 84 , 86 , 98 , 99 , 104 , 169 , 201 , 205 , 270 , 597 Aeolian, 58 , 63 , 66 , 74–93 , 165 Allumiere, 99 , 103 Balearic, 40–52 Baltic, 63 , 96 , 166 , 207 , 460 Cycladic, 17 , 18 , 163 bead, 102–103 Egadi, 58 , 76 simetite, 76 , 80 , 82 Maltese, 13 , 58 , 59 , 61 , 66 , 75 Tiryns, 99 , 103 Pelagic, 58 Ambrakia, 186 , 188 Sicilian, 58 Amelia, 446 Ardea, 440 , 643 Amenhotep I, 361 Colle della Noce, 644 Ammianus Marcellinus, 187 Ardila River, 502 Ammon, 252 , 260 Arediou, Vouppes, 630 Amnisos, 651 , 654 , 655 , 656 , 658 Arenalet de Son Colom, 47 , 48 Amorgos, 17 , 28 Arganthonios, 489 Amun Argaric. See El Argar culture High Priest of, 352 , 353 , 362 Argive pottery import Temple, 362 , 225 Amuq, 115 , 122–25 , 126 , 127 , 253 Pithekoussai, 225 Amurru, 184 , 356 , 357 Argolid, 14 , 31 , 164 , 342 , 344 territory, 361 Argos, 578 anaktoron , 90 , 242 , 244 , 245 Argive pottery, 184 Anapo (River) valley, 76 , 90 aristocracy, 106 , 171 , 235 , 244 , 274 , 277 , 279 , 461 , 463 , 465 , 495 , 496 , Anatolia, 25 , 32 , 61 , 80 , 114 , 120 , 131 , 139–52 , 208 , 341 , 345 , 346 , 379– 91 497 , 501 Anatolian infl uence, 26 , 27 , 29 aristocratic network, 659 chronology, 112 , 140 , 161 aristocrats, 587 , 594 , 661 coast, 660 eastern Mediterranean, 166 east, 111 , 120 , 127 , 129 , 132 Etruscan, 591 , 594 , 597 Euphrates valley, 111 , 112 , 114 , 115 , 120–25 , 390 lifestyle, 651 rock-cut tomb, 382 princely, 491 trade network, 29 , 114 rural, 501 urbanism, 133 Aristotle, 187 , 205 , 650 west, 126 Arles, 510 , 511 , 514 Anatolianising, 28–30 , 139 , 142 , 145 , 151 Arno, 585 ancestor, 147 , 323 , 330 , 379 , 382 , 384 , 388 , 580 , 587 , 589 , 590 , 597 , Arquet, 510 620 , 622 Arslantepe, 112 , 114 , 120 , 123 , 125 , 126 , 132 ancestral authority, 627 , 628 elite, 115 , 133 ancestral hero, 482 , 655 , 658 Royal Tomb, 120 , 122 , 123 , 125 , 132 , 133 cult, 333 , 593 , 640 art, 18 , 285 , 286 , 287–94 , 295 , 318 , 337 , 353 , 360 , 362 , 368 , 374 , 594 , 609 , heroic, 207 , 475 612 , 615 , 661 landscape of, 562 artistic exchange, 340 ‘living’, 587 , 593 , 594 , 595 , 596 , 598 , 600 fi gurative, 655 mythical, 277 heroic scenes, 295 , 625 , 626 , 655 , 661 veneration, 151 , 635 historical approach, 338 , 381 , 383 , 202 , 203 , 204 , 307 , 308 , 310 , 471 , 491 , 493 , 561 object, 338 coast, 454 artifi cial cave sanctuary, 642 west, 556 artifi cial caves. See rock-cut tomb Andobales, 466 Arzawa, 356 andron , 480 , 514 Ashdod, 256


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Ashkelon, 254 , 256 Badia, 597 ashlar, 87 , 90 , 327 , 331 , 337 , 339 , 344 , 403 , 501 , 514 , 516 , 627 , 628 , 656 , Ba h ˉrija, 65 , 66 , 67 657 , 658 pottery, 216 Asia Minor, 29 , 205 Ba h ˉrija pottery import coast, 27 , 28 , 29 Sicily, 86 shekel , 201 , 205 , 206 Bai ô es standard, 208 hoard, 207 western, 189 , 191 Baixo Alentejo, 556 askoid jug, 105 , 273 , 275 , 302 Bakla Tepe, 28 , 146 , 147 Aslanta s ¸ tomb, 388 B a ks ¸eyi s ¸/Bah s ¸ıs¸ Monument, 388 assimilation, 131 , 133 , 242 , 256 Balearics, 8 , 15 , 18 , 20 , 40–52 , 41 , 109 , 202 , 205 Assiros Toumba, 184 Balkan import Assyria, 196 , 346 Greece, 168 A šš ur, 388 Balkans, 60 , 61 , 102 , 140 , 146 , 164 , 166 , 168 , 170 , 186 Assyrian domination, 575 balkanization, 106 , 185 Assyrian elite burial ritual, 578 chronology, 161 Assyrian Empire, 383 , 384 Banditella spring, 641 Assyrian infl uence, 578 banquet, 242 , 259 , 278 , 294 , 385 , 475 , 594 , 595 Assyrian king, 385 funerary, 545 Assyrian rock relief, 380 , 381 , 382 , 385 set, 201 , 242 , 245 , 275 , 596 Assyrian state, 379 Baragiano, 240 , 245 Astarte, 493 , 575 Baria, 500 Asterousia Mountains, 528 , 530 barley, 47 , 223 , 478 , 542 Atalaia, 556 Barranc d’en Fabra, Amposta, 455 Ategua, 495 Barranc de Gà fols, 459 Athens, 189 , 658 Basento River, 233 , 235 Acropolis, 279 , 288 , 655 , 656 Bastida de les Alcusses, 474 , 475 , 476 , 479 , 484 Agora, 181 , 182 , 185 Bay of Naples, 188 Athena sanctuary, 656 Beaker Kerameikos, 182 burial, 556 warrior grave, 183 complexes, 42 Athienou, 285 , 292 , 628 , 629 objects, 556 Bamboulari tis Koukounninas, 626 pottery, 41 , 42 , 44 , 61 , 563 Atlantic, 104 , 205 , 302 , 305 , 488 presence, 79 coast, 46 , 67 , 205 , 216 , 308 , 488 , 489 , 495 beer, 116 , 117 , 129 , 308 , 461 -Mediterranean trade, 490 Beiras, 206 , 491 trade, 216 Bel é n, 502 Attic import Belmeque, 559 Crete, 656 , 659 bench sanctuary, 653 Iberia, 208 , 481 Berzocana Sardinia, 278 hoard, 206 Sicily, 219 , 223 Berzocana hoard, 206 south Italy, 244 , 245 Bes, 288 , 295 Attica, 28 , 31 , 186 , 208 , 587 Beth Shean, 115 , 127 , 185 , 357 Attic black-fi gure pottery, 245 , 288 Beycesultan, 28 , 143 Attic pottery, 293 B é ziers, 510 , 511 , 514 Attic red-fi gure pottery, 288 Big Man, 115 , 171 , 457–60 , 462 Aubet, Maria Eugenia, 196 , 225 , 492 , 493 community, 454 Augusta, 63 –type society, 467 Aulis, 186 Biniai Nou 1 tomb, 42 , 466 biogeographic approach, 7 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 19 Ausonian, 66 , 77 , 88–90 bird, 15 , 40 , 48 , 50 , 621 , 646 bronze, 86 decoration, 640 , 653 culture, 92–93 Birgi necropolis, 219 invasion, 88 , 92 Bisenzio, Bisentium, 443 , 587 , 588 , 589 , 590 , 644 metal industry, 92 , 93 Olmo Bello, 592 northern, 66 B ˉı s o ˉt u ˉn, 381 Auza, Libia, 302 Biteli c ´, 167 Avaris. See Tell ed-Dab’a Bithia, 278 , 279 , 280 Aveiro River, 207 B og ˘azk ö y, 384 awl, 548 , 549 , 558 , 559 Ni ¸s anta ¸s , 384 Ayia Irini, Cyprus, 294 , 627 , 628 , 630 Boiotia, 186 Ayia Irini, Kea, 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , Boljevi c ´a Gruda tumulus, 168 3 3, 3 4 Bologna, 270 , 440 , 646 Ayia Triada. See Agia Triada Bomarzo, 446 Ayios Andreas, 33 , 34 Bor g ˙ in-Nadur, 63 , 65 , 66 Ayios Photios sanctuary, 285 Double Chapel, 65 Aznalc ó llar, 197 , 302 , 490 pottery, 63 , 66 , 216 , 220 Azoria, 427 , 431 -style pottery, 67 temple, 65 Bab ed-Dhra, 609 Bor g ˙ in-Nadur import Bab ed-Drah, 523 Sicily, 84 , 86 Babylon, 256 , 344 Borgo Panigale, 640 Neo-Babylonian rock relief, 381 Botrys, 302 Badajoz, 501 Bourdieu, Pierre, 299 , 317 , 400 , 445 , 585 , 587 , 599


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bovines. See cattle Capote, 502 boxer statue, 276 , 277 Cappiddazzu sanctuary, 220 B ö z ü y ü k, 146 Capreria, 87 Braida di Vaglio, 244 , 245 Capua, 440 Brand ö pferplatzen . See votive pyres Caracupa, 644 Braudel, Fernand, 1 , 34 , 230 Carambolo, 105 , 307 , 310 , 493 bread, 116 , 117 , 400 , 475 Caramoro, 544 Breno, 645 Caramoro II, 306 Broglio de Trebisacce, 188 Carchemish, 122 , 348 , 356 bronze, 44 , 64 , 157 , 180 , 182 , 183 , 188 Caria, 390 boat model, 279 Carmona, 307 , 491 , 493 , 496 , 500 fi gurine, 276 , 630 , 644 , 645 , 651 , 656 , 658 district, 500 ingot, 201 Gandul, 495 production, 308 , 476 Carsac, Carcassonne, 507 , 508 scrap, 181 , 207 , 308 , 457 Ç ar s ¸amba Fan, 140 statuette, 216 , 270 , 271 , 272 , 275 , 276 , 278 , 447 , Carteia, 500 479 , 644 Carthage, 67 , 105 , 106 , 216 , 220 , 221 , 224 , 225 , 267 , 273 , 278 , 280 , 302 , votive, 183 , 493 , 654 303 , 308 , 499 , 500 votive breastplate, 291 Carthaginian domestic pottery, 221 weapons, 87 , 90 , 91 , 209 , 563 , 637 , 639 , 659 Carthaginian domination, 221 workshop, 640 Cartheginian hegemony, 489 Broodbank, Cyprian, 14 , 17 , 18 , 20 , 28 , 59 , 67 , 163 Carthaginian infl uence, 268 bucchero , 219 , 220 , 224 , 278 , 595 , 597 , 598 Carthaginian traders, 280 built environment, 96 , 221 , 318 , 399–413 Carthaginians, 109 , 467 , 488 , 500 bundling, 339 , 342 , 343 , 344 , 346 , 347 Carthagian import burial practice. See mortuary practice Gadir, 302 burial rite. See rite, funerary Casa das Moinhola-3, 500 Burriac, 462 , 464 , 465 Case Pietra, 87 Buscemi, 85 Casinalbo, 638 Buskett Gardens, 217 , 218 Cassibile, 66 , 77 , 92 Butera, 222 bronzes, 86 Buto, 614 facies , 66 Temple, 202 Cassibile/Ausonian II facies , 66 Cassino, 637 Ca na Costa, 42 , 51 Cassiterides, 491 Ca na Cotxera, 44 , 48 , 49 cassiterite tin, 98 , 146 , 496 Cabecico Parra, 492 Castellet, 484 Cabezo de la Esperanza, 302 Castellet de Banyoles, 477 Cabezo de San Pedro, 302 Castellet de Bernabé , 474 , 475 , 480 , 484 Cabezo Redondo, 205 Castellina del Marangone, 444 Cabrera, 42 Castello, 63 , 104 , 278 , 279 , 280 Castell ó n Alto, 560 , 561 Caixa hoard, 201 Castelluccio, 62 , 80 , 82 Cala Blanca, 45 , 47 , 49 , 50 culture, 62 , 76 , 79 Cala Morell, 47 facies , 61 Calabria, 1 , 59 , 66 , 76 , 77 , 79 , 82 , 89 , 93 , 230 , 231 phase, 61 , 76 Cala ñ as de Marmolejo, 495 pottery, 79 , 80 Caldare, Monte S. Vincenzo, 87 sites, 79 Calle Puerto, 490 Castels de Nages, 512 Caltagirone, 77 , 85 , 90 , 91 , 92 Castillejos-2, 502 Caltanissetta, 62 , 79 Castillo de Doñ a Blanca, 302 , 306 , 311 , 490 , 500 Camarina, 222 castro , 501 , 502 Campania, 82 , 186 , 440 Castro Marim, 491 coast, 62 C á stulo, 491 , 493 Etruscanising centre, 594 , 42 , 454 , 456 , 457 , 509 , 517 Campidano Plain, 100 , 104 , 277 , 278 , 279 Catania, 63 , 66 , 76 , 79 , 80 , 92 Can Canyí s, 461 Catania Barriera, 62 Can Gallet, 46 cattle, 40 , 42 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 81 , 82 , 148 , 149 , 169 , 428 , 431 , 460 , 476 , 478 , Can Partit, 302 492 , 501 , 542 , 546 , 560 , 564 , 565 , 620 , 621 , 623 , 624 , 630 , 637 Can Piteu-Can Roqueta (Sabadell), 457 , 461 sacrifi ce, 149 Canaan, 116 , 117 , 209 , 252–61 , 614 , 615 terracotta fi gurine, 623 Canaanite bronze production, 258 Caucasus, 111 , 114 , 120 , 121 , 122 , 126 , 129 , 131 , 132 , 139 Canaanite city-states, 253 Caucasian infl uence, 120 Canaanite trading post, 202 Caucasian people, 121 Canaanites, 253 , 256 , 260 Caucasian-style metal, 123 , 132 Cancho Roano, 208 , 497 , 501 , 502 southern, 120 Cannatello, 63 , 66 , 87 , 104 Cave of the Treasure, 611 , 613 Canyamel, 48 , 49 Cazzago Brabbia, 637 Cap de Forma, 46 , 47 central place, 438 , 440 , 442 , 495 , 500 Cape Gelidonya shipwreck, 202 , 204 theory, 441 Capo Colonna, 279 centre (core) and periphery, 111 , 112 , 116 , 120 , 157 , 158 , 159 , 162 , 201 , Capo Graziano, 62 , 82 249 , 307 , 437 , 438 , 439 , 440 , 489 culture, 75 , 76 cereals, 47 , 81 , 115 , 201 , 305 , 428 , 478 , 492 , 501 , 637 , 640 facies , 61 , 82 , 84 , 87 ceremonial drinking, 320 , 329 , 331 , 524 , 640 , 646 pottery, 62 , 79 , 80 , 82 Cerro de la Encina, 547 , 557 , 560 , 561 , 562 settlements, 82 Cerro del Prado, 492


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Cerro del Villar, 208 , 305 , 306 , 308 , 310 , 492 , 493 Etruscan, 443 , 444 , 445 Cerro do Malhã o, 556 Greek, 181 , 186 , 189 , 591 Cerro Macareno, 495 Levant, 360 Cerro Naranja, 500 North Syrian, 348 Cerro Salomó n, 302 , 490 Syria, 126 Cerveteri, 279 , 444 , 446 , 587 , 588 , 589 , 594 , 595 , 644 civilization, 3 , 7 , 11 , 12 , 111 , 112 , 116 , 118 , 157 , 187 , 231 , 320 , 3 73, Banditaccia , 593 399 , 650 Camera degli Alari, 598 Classical archaeology, 3 , 109 , 178 , 181 , 184 , 186 , 215 , 249 Monte Abatone, 593 climate, 1 , 20 , 554 , 611 , 637 Regolini-Galassi tomb, 596 , 598 Cogotas I pottery, 203 , 205 Sorbo , 593 , 598 coin, 371 , 484 Tomba delle Cinque Sedie, 595 Aeginetan, 655 Cessetania, 465 Punic, 483 Cetina culture, 167 , 168 , 169 , 171 coinage, 178 , 180 tumuli, 167 Etruscan, 201 Cetina import silver, 188–90 Albania, 168 Coldstream, Nicholas, 178 , 186 , 266 , 651 , 656 Greece, 168 Colfi orito, 446 , 447 Italy, 168 Coll del Moro de , 461 Malta, 168 Colle Madore, 222 , 307 Colle S.Mauro, 85 Chalinomouri, 427 colonialism, 160 , 250 , 554 , 555 Chalkidike, 186 colonization, 32 , 90 , 109–10 , 117–18 , 166 , 185 , 187 , 215–25 , 230–45 , chamber and dromos tomb, 577 , 580 253 , 257 , 266 , 272 , 278 , 299 , 300 , 311 , 454 , 492 , 495 , 497 , 529 , chamber tomb, 63 , 91 , 218 , 221 , 268 , 310 , 501 , 523 , 556 , 575 , 590 , 595 , 555 , 575 596 , 597 , 656 colony Chania, 169 , 655 Achaean, 235 Cherry, John, 14 , 15 , 50 , 171 , 187 , 441 Corinthian, 188 Chichina, 560 Egyptian, 614 chicken, 492 , 578 Greek, 202 , 218 , 219 , 249 chief, 166 , 170 , 238 , 245 , 275 , 276 , 353 , 460 , 462 , 465 , Mycenaean, 64 595 , 642 Phoenician, 196 , 208 , 249 , 307 , 310 chiefdom, 63 , 86 , 92 , 171 , 320 , 327 , 441 , 495 , 635 , 638 Rhodian, 188 foreign, 354 Spartan, 231 of Hatti, 354 , 356 commensality, 320 , 322 , 329 , 331 , 524 , 535 , 560 house, 242 , 424 , 425 embodied, 330 of Keftiu, 354 practices, 535 , 540 , 549 of Tunip, 354 rituals, 331 , 541 , 545–46 , 549 warrior, 166 communication, 7 , 45 , 46 , 57 , 63 , 82 , 84 , 127 , 131 , 132 , 133 , 145 , 152 , 216 , Childe, Gordon, 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 159 , 611 219 , 225 , 230 , 332 , 388 , 400 , 442 , 447 , 488 , 587 , 622 Chios, 28 (exchange) route, 446 , 482 , 626 , 654 Chiusi, 443 , 587 , 591 , 595 device, 621 Chorreras, 306 , 492 network, 133 , 152 chronology nodes, 157 absolute, 160 , 178 , 184–86 , 191 , 196 , 489 , 636 symbolic, 299 , 606 Aegean, 420 community, 18 , 129 , 131 , 232 , 240 , 245 , 322 , 344 , 395–96 , 399–413 , Anatolia, 112 , 140 , 161 417–34 , 462 , 465 , 527 , 528–30 , 532 , 562 , 572 , 573 , 576 , 577 , 578 , 580 , Balkans, 161 581 , 585 , 591 , 593 , 595 , 612 , 654 Crete, 26, 161, 321 , 420, 526 Big Man, 454 Cycladic, 26 colonial, 274 , 493 Egypt, 13 , 161 gateway, 62 , 164 French Iron Age, 506 identity, 222 , 275 , 348 , 396 , 425 , 446 , 580 , 622 , 653 Graeco-Phoenician, 215 ideology, 588 Greece, 26, 161 imagined, 7 , 396 , 402 historical, 196 kinship-based, 465 Levant, 112 living, 523 , 535 Montoro, 203 migrant, 133 relative, 184 mixed, 278 Sardinian Iron Age, 266–69 status, 219 south Iberian, 556–58 structure, 622 Trebisacce, 238 urban, 437–48 , 524 Chrysokamino, 427 , 428–31 competition, 82 , 237 , 238 , 242 , 255 , 258 , 261 , 301 , 311 , 328 , 330 , 331 , 3 32, territory, 429 348 , 399 , 408 , 413 , 459 , 460 , 499 , 573 , 575 , 577 , 594 , 600 , 622 Ciavolaro di Ribera (Agrigento), 79 , 80 competitive display, 625 Cierro de San Cristó bal, 496 elite, 328 , 575 , 576 , 579 , 580 , 594 , 598 , 659 Cierro Manzanillo, 497 entrepreneurial, 577 Cilicia, 126 , 143 , 144 , 145 , 149 , 184 , 202 , 390 , 624 complex society, 97 , 407 , 526 , 650 Circuit of the Straits. See C í rculo del estrecho complexity, 59 , 74 , 230 , 237 , 249 , 250 , 287 , 299 , 389 , 406 , 440 , 444 , C í rculo del estrecho, 488 , 491 , 500 448 , 466 , 468 , 471 , 483 , 488 , 495 , 523 , 525 , 526 , 527 , 542 , 593 , cist, 120 , 122 , 123 , 125 , 126 , 149 , 185 , 221 , 528 , 541 , 556 , 558 , 559 , 562 , 627 , 643 563 , 564 , 565 , 597 iconographic, 621 citadel, 144 , 147 , 150 , 151 , 152 , 166 , 465 Conimbriga, 491 Cittadella, 66 connectivity, 3 , 7–8 , 10–21 , 25–35 , 40 , 57–68 , 75 , 84 , 96–106 , 224 , 230 , city-state, 190 240 , 249 , 250 , 437–48 , 650 Archaic, 178 consumption, 240 , 317 , 367 , 375 , 631 Canaanite, 253 alcohol, 143 , 242 , 461


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consumption (cont.) Cretan import beer, 129 Akrotiri, 30 ceremonial, 654 Cretan pottery imitation communal, 408 , 534 , 535 Akrotiri, 30 communal wine, 274 , 275 , 277 Crete, 1 , 12 , 14 , 20 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 29 , 30–31 , 32 , 33 , 74 , 75 , 99 , 105 , 109 , 160 , conspicious, 328 , 329 , 332 , 419 162 , 163 , 165 , 167 , 169 , 171 , 184 , 191 , 208 , 273 , 322 , 354 , 425–34 , funerary, 594 , 621 426 , 525–36 , 650–61 large-scale, 461 , 536 Assyrianising style, 660 , 661 patterns, 310 , 311 , 421 , 459 chronology, 26 , 161, 321, 420, 526 practices, 124 , 307 Cretans, 356 public, 310 , 328 elite, 30 , 661 ritual, 630 infl uence, 650 studies, 317 thalassocracy, 12 wine, 129 , 242 , 308 , 461 , 594 crucible, 45 , 145 , 146 , 496 , 626 contact zone, 116 , 250 , 260 Cruz de Negro, 495 , 471 Cuesta del Negro, 557 Contrada Diana, 82 Ç ukuri ç i Hö y ü k, 146 Coppa Nevigata, 76 cult, 96 , 105 , 115 , 237 , 238 , 285 , 287 , 310 , 387 , 428 , 471 , 589 , 626 , 654 , 655 copper, 8 , 40 , 44 , 45 , 61 , 76 , 98 , 100 , 101 , 113 , 115 , 132 , 145 , 146 , 157 , activities, 380 , 388 , 479 , 482 , 607 , 635–46 , 655 , 657 , 658 181 , 182 , 189 , 301 , 399 , 475 , 490 , 491 , 496 , 572 , 659 agrarian and fertility, 481 arsenical, 114 , 115 , 120 , 132 ancestor, 595 , 640 Cypriot, 132 building, 82 , 626 , 627 , 628 , 657 , 658 Cypriot industry, 626 , 628 , 631 civic, 643–46 ingot, 273 , 542 Cypriot, 628–31 mining, 44 , 563 , 629 Demeter, 642 ore, 1 , 44 , 45 , 145 , 146 , 166 , 554 domestic, 123 , 269 , 481 , 630 , 638 , 642 , 654 oxhide ingot, 99 , 101–02 elite, 593 technology, 132 equipment, 653 trade, 624 instrument, 589 workshop, 623 , 630 mountain, 640 Corbones River, 493 object, 613 C ó rdoba, 496 practice, 285 , 294 , 384 , 388 , 627 Coria del Rí o, 493 rituals, 383 Corinth, 186 , 189 , 219 rural, 630 Corinthian aryballos , 596 site, 79 , 97 , 101 , 102 , 288 , 445 , 613 , 615 , 619 , 624 , 628 , 637 , 651 , 654 , 657 Corinthian colony, 188 sun, 640 Gulf of, 169 , 170 cult places. See cult site Museum, 374 cultural encounters, 2 , 249–50 , 295 Corinthian import cultural osmosis, 12 , 104 Motya, 225 cultural practice, 35 , 125 , 129 , 170 , 171 , 347 , 380 , 382 , 445 Pithekopussai, 225 hybrid, 160 Sicily, 219 , 220 , 222 cultural transmission theory, 160–62 Cornia Nou, 46 , 47 cultural-historical approach, 142 , 150 , 252 , 255 , 455 , 593 Corsica, 1 , 16 , 50 , 105 , 268 , 280 , 309 culture change, 11 , 13 , 14 , 17 , 57 , 74 , 159 , 162 , 166 , 249 , 254 , 256 , 258 , Corte Auda, 275 454 , 494 Cortona, 447 culture contact, 157 , 160–62 , 163 , 164 , 170 , 171 , 230 , 231 , 249 , 250 , cosmology, 238 , 587 , 592 , 609 , 621 , 661 285 , 454 Costa de can Martorell, 456 Cumae, 188 , 591 , 594 Coudoun è u, 511 Fondo Artiaco, 594 Cova de l’Avellaner, 456 Custoza, 640 Cova de Muleta, 41 Cyclades, 8 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 17 , 20 , 25 , 27–35 , 163 , 169 , 171 , 235 , 321 , 323 , 326 , Cova des Moro, 41 , 48 , 49 528 , 591 Cova des Riuets, 40 , 42 , 50 chronology, 26 covacha , 541 , 558 , 560 cultural practices, 35 Coval den Pep Rave, 48 Cycladic presence on Crete, 326 Coval Simó , 47 , 49 fi gurine, 20 , 28 , 368 , 370 , 374 , 375 Cozzo del Pantano, 65 , 93 , 188 Mycenaean, 35 Cozzo della Tignusa, 218 network, 17 Cozzo Pantano, 85 cylinder seal, 85 , 87 , 112 , 337 , 339 , 340–44 , 408 craft, 64 , 65 , 151 , 235 , 236 , 301 , 303 , 307 , 514 , 612 imagery, 625 activities, 484 Mesopotamian, 615 craftsmen, 75 , 81 , 148 , 201 , 202 , 204 , 207 , 223 , 235 , 464 , 476 , 480 , 49 3, Cypriot import 594 , 606 , 612 , 660 , 661 Crete, 659 domestic, 623 Egypt, 356 exchange, 236 Iberia, 203 , 208 , 301 itinerant craftsmen, 63 , 652 Italy, 99 product, 594 Portugal, 207 production, 407 , 421 , 428 , 429 , 477 , 611 Samos, 291 specialised, 112 , 113 , 115 , 208 , 232 , 327 , 328 , 428 , 542 , 575 , 631 Sardinia, 96 , 99 , 104 technology, 606 Sicily, 84 , 86 , 87 , 223 workshop, 612 Thapsos, 104 cremation, 61 , 62 , 82 , 218 , 219 , 221 , 267 , 278 , 309 , 456 , 495 , 578 , 580 , Cypriot pottery imitation 587 , 588 , 590 , 591 , 597 , 598 , 639 , 642 , 646 , 651 , 656 , 659 , 660 Sicily, 84 , 91 cemetery, 89 , 91 , 92 , 457 Cyprus, 1 , 4 , 8 , 15 , 18 , 20 , 64 , 74 , 75 , 77 , 102 , 103 , 109 , 126 , 139–52 , creolisation, 232 , 233 , 235 , 250 , 256 , 305 159 , 167 , 169 , 181 , 184 , 191 , 202 , 205 , 206 , 208 , 209 , 216 , 220 , 270 ,


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285–96 , 341 , 345 , 347 , 371 , 395 , 399–413 , 571–81 , 572 , 619–31 , 620 , drinking set, 206 , 623 652 , 654 , 659 , 660 Attic, 656 , 659 bronzes, 148 D ü mrek, 388 copper industry, 626 , 628 , 631 Cypriot art, 285 , 287 early state, 115 , 116 , 118 , 441–42 , 495 , 541 , 635 , 643 Cypriot cult, 628–31 Early State Module (ESM), 441 Cypriot iconography, 285 formation, 114 Cypriot infl uence, 102 , 104 polity, 114 Cypriot shekel, 201 east Greek import Cypriot traders, 85 Sardinia, 278 Cypriot trading posts, 202 Sicily, 219 Cypriots, 64 , 99 , 102 , 104 , 201 , 204 , 206 , 207 south Italy, 234 elite, 102 , 104 , 143 , 659 eastern Mediterranean, 77 , 126 , 139 , 147 , 157 , 166 , 168 , 169 , 170 , 171 , 181 , 185 , 201 , 202 , 204 , 207 , 224 , 252 , 271 , 337–49 Dakhleh, 204 craftsmen, 201 Dalmatia(n), 160 , 166–68 naval technology, 88 coast, 60 , 166 presence in Sicily, 88 Dar-es-Soltan, 563 sailors, 160 Darius I relief, 381 states, 164 Dark Age, 34 , 93 , 169 , 170 , 172 , 181 , 186 , 197 , 242 , 424 , 434 , traders, 85 , 90 , 204 651 eastern Mediterranean import Daunia, 67 Sicily, 87 Dead Sea, 115 , 523 west Mediterranean, 203 Decima, 594 eastern Mediterranean-type pottery Decimoputzu, 100 Sicily, 86 deer, 42 , 46 , 476 , 546 , 621 , 623 Ebla, 126 , 345 , 610 engravings, 204 River, 457 deforestation, 150 , 447 , 492 estuary, 202 , 311 Deir el-Balah, 372 valley, 308 , 456 , 466 Delikli Tas ¸, 388 É cija, 495 Delos, 28 , 518 Edecon, 465 , 477 Delphi, 183 , 295 Edeta, 475 , 476 , 477 , 484 sanctuary, 288 Edetani, 471 Sanctuary of Apollo, 294 territory, 396 , 465 , 478 , 480 , 482 Demeter, 481 , 642 Edom, 252 , 260 Demircih ö y ü k, 28 , 146 , 149 egalitarian Sariket cemetery, 146 , 149 , 150 group, 44 dendrochronology, 184 , 636 ideal, 588 Deneia cemetery, 371 , 622 social-ethos, 460 Denyen, 357 society, 96 , 97 , 146 , 399 , 510 , 517 , 526 , 529 , 622 depas cup, 28 , 144 egg(shell), 50 , 51 , 578 Desborough, Vincent R. d’A., 178 , 651 ostrich, 201 , 208 , 221 , 563 Desmont à , 640 swan, 646 Dessueri, 90 , 91 , 92 Egypt, 4 , 30 , 32 , 111–33 , 160 , 162 , 169 , 171 , 184 , 190 , 192 , 209 , 2 52, 260 , Dhaskalio Kavos, 28 323 , 341 , 344 , 345 , 346 , 352–62 , 610 , 614 , 624 , 658 diachronic perspective, 14 , 25 , 27 , 42 , 77 , 86 , 92 , 185 , 348 , 379 , 380 , 381 , art, 360 389 , 526 chronology, 13 , 161 diaspora, 117 , 131 , 187 , 231 , 236 , 302 , 311 (colonial) settlement, 116 , 117 , 118 diet, 41 , 48 , 51 , 115 , 256 , 258 , 456 , 478 , 560 , 564 Egyptian hegemony, 255 diff usionism, 11 , 12 , 13 , 17 , 132 , 140 , 171 , 360 , 440 , 441 , 555 , 593 Egyptian iconography, 207 Dimini, 164 , 187 Egyptians, 254 , 614 , 615 Diodorus Siculus, 67 , 88 (high) elite, 352 , 356 , 362 Diogenes Laertius, 655 infl uence, 12 , 361 , 578 Dionysius Periegetes, 205 New Kingdom, 253 , 343 , 345 , 346 , 352 Dionysos shrine, 34 Egyptian import Dipylon oinochoe, 190 Aegean, 184 Dirillo valley, 85 Iberia, 310 Djahi, 355 , 362 Levant, 116 Dodecanese, 27 , 28 , 29 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 184 Sicily, 223 dog, 48 , 81 , 428 Ekron, 254 , 256 , 257 consumption, 51 El Argar, 544 , 556 , 561 Doganella, 443 culture, 540–49 , 541 , 554 , 556 , 559 , 561 , 562 , 564 D og ˘ubeyaz ı t tomb, 390 mortuary rituals, 560 dolia , 82 , 84 , 85 , 87 , 443 , 596 El Calvari, 308 dolmen, 61 , 456 El Castellvell, 466 domus de janas, 523 El Puntarró n Chico de Beniajá n, 559 donkey, 51 , 492 El Torelló del Boverot, 457 fi gurine, 609 Elba, 8 Donousa, 34 Eleutherna, 659 Dorians, 185 Orthi Petra cemetery, 660 Doric-Greek language, 651 , 654 Elis, 186 , 187 Double Goddess, 628 Elkab, Ahmose son of Ibana tomb, 361 Sanctuary, 627 , 628 , 630 Els Estinclells, 466 Dragomelj hoard, 201 Els Villars d’Arbeca, 456 , 457 Drakones Z, 533 Emborio, 28


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Emilia Romagna, 440 , 642 ‘Entrio-Euboean’ wares, 238 emporion, 75 , 85 , 235 , 301 , 306 , 309 , 444 , 447 Euboean standard, 202 Emporion, Ampurias, 308 , 309 , 311 , 456 , 461 , 500 , 509 Euboeans, 188 , 205 , 223 , 235 , 236 , 238 En Besor, 117 Euboean import enchytrismos . See pithos burial Sardinia, 273 En-Gedi temple, 613 Euboean-Cycladic import Enkomi, 86 , 102 , 104 , 402 , 407 , 410 , 571 , 573 , 574 , 575 , 579 , 624–26 , 627 , Iberia, 208 628 , 629 , 630 , 631 Euphrates, 144 , 361 , 390 Ayios Iakovos, 574 , 575 , 577 valley, 112–15 , 120–25 , 126 , 390 Dikaios’s Area, 575 Euripides, 294 elite, 575 Eurystheus of Tiryns, 287 Enna, 79 Evans, John D., 10 , 11 , 13 , 14 , 17 , 74 Ens é rune, 514 , 515 Evans, Sir Arthur, 12 , 13 , 655 , 657 entanglement, 250 , 299 , 305 , 310 , 573 exchange, 32 , 44 , 109 , 159 , 658 , 659 culinary, 307 cultural, 160 , 340 cultural, 249 , 286 , 296 ideological, 221 Entremont, 514 , 515 long-distance, 113 , 118 , 140 , 151 , 183 , 306 , 323 Entrerr í os, 497 , 502 metal, 139 , 144–48 , 150 , 490 Ephesos, 183 network, 29 , 46 , 51 , 75 , 149 , 151 , 162 , 187 , 224 , 291 , 306 , 307 , 309 , 311 , Temple of Artemis, 189 317 , 328 , 437 , 443–47 , 651 , 659 epicampaniform(e) (pottery), 44 , 556 node, 163 , 187 Epirus, 160 , 164 , 171 , 187 , 192 obsidian, 164 Episkopi Bamboula , 402 , 403 , 409 , 410 , 412 system, 82 , 88 , 157 , 178 , 180 , 182 Erani C pottery, 116 textile, 150 Erbe Bianche, 87 unequal, 300 , 491 Erechtheus, king, 656 exotica, 75 , 86 , 97 , 98 , 104 , 106 , 157 , 160 , 170 , 183 , 205 , 242 , 270 , Eretria, 191 275 , 277 , 278 , 322 , 327 , 331 , 353 , 580 , 594 , 628 , 629 , 630 , 654 , Erytheia, 490 658 , 661 mythical, 287 bronzes, 80 Es Figueral de Son Real, 48 , 49 extramural cemetery, 145 , 146 , 149 , 151 , 231 , 413 , 575 , 577 , 579 , 580 Es Pouà s, 42 Extremadura, 302 , 307 , 489 , 491 , 493 , 498 , 501 Es Velar, 44 Esino valley, 447 faience, 86 , 207 , 208 , 216 , 331 , 629 , 652 Eski s ¸ehir, 144 , 387 , 389 amulet, 117 Eskiyapar, 147 beads, 84 , 660 Espinha ç o de Cã o, 500 cylinder seal, 341 Estapa, 495 fi gurines, 658 Este, 645 , 646 vessel, 223 Estela de Assento, 559 Falerii , 446 Estremoz, 556 farm, 96 , 420 , 425 , 427 , 428 , 430 , 443 , 466 , 471 , 480 , 484 , ethnicity, 21 , 112 , 132 , 143 , 252 , 260 , 369 , 571 , 575 , 586 500 , 501 , 511 ethnogenesis, 252 , 259 , 261 , 585 , 587 farmer, 1 , 96 , 278 , 428 , 464 , 480 ethnos , 178 , 186 , 439 , 442 , 611 farming, 98 , 140 , 148 , 187 , 267 , 427 Etna, 1 , 59 , 67 , 76 , 80 farming community, 151 , 152 Etruria, 104 , 105 , 202 , 266 , 270 , 276 , 278 , 296 , 439 , 440 , 441 , 442 , 443 , farming village, 151 , 152 445 , 448 , 454 , 523 , 585 , 586 , 587 , 589 , 590 , 593 , 594 , 595 , 598 , fortifi ed, 484 642 , 643 land, 425 , 501 coast, 280 Fastucheria cemetery, 91 metallurgy, 91 faunal assemblage. See faunal remains north, 104 , 270 , 279 faunal remains, 47 , 49 , 50 , 148 , 149 , 428 , 510 , 545 , 615 , 630 south, 279 feasting, 29 , 63 , 115 , 144 , 149 , 151 , 209 , 242 , 245 , 259 , 308 , 328 , 3 32, 408 , Etruscan, 187 , 266 , 279 , 460 , 509 , 585 , 591 409 , 419 , 424 , 459 , 461 , 462 , 560 , 577 , 578 , 606 , 619 , 620 , 623 , 631 , chronology, 586 646 , 659 city, 587 competitive feast, 621 coinage, 201 mortuary, 560 colonization, 440 Fern ã o Vaz, 495 , 501 elites, 595 Ferradeira, 556 , 558 Etruscanising centre, 594 Horizonte de Ferradeira, 556 inscription, 279 fertility, 201 , 296 , 555 , 590 , 592 , 597 , 621 , 657 , 658 religion, 644 cult, 481 territory, 441 festivals, 276 , 658 trade, 446 , 509 fi bula, 91 , 183 , 224 , 270 , 275 , 457 , 461 , 480 , 589 , Etruscan import 590 , 596 , 651 , 659 Carthage, 224 fi gurine, 59 , 224 , 310 , 322 , 580 , 609 , 614 , Catalonia, 456 , 509 638 , 642 , 644 Iberia, 308 anthropomorphic, 623 , 642 , 658 Sardinia, 278 , 280 bronze, 651 , 656 , 658 Sicily, 220 bull, 630 south Italy, 243 , 245 bulls’ head, 609 southern France, 224 , 509 Cycladic, 20 , 28 , 368 , 370 , 374 , 375 Tiber valley, 446 faience, 658 Etrusco-Corinthian import female, 626 Carthage, 224 horse, 630 , 642 Sardinia, 278 human-shaped, 609 Euboea, 28 , 74 , 170 , 186 , 191 , 591 Ingot God, 102


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Nuragic, 278 Gerdek Kaya monument, 389 Pyrga, 292 Germanos (Sog ˘uk ç am), 387 Reshep, 659 Geryon, 285–96 steer, 149 Gezer, 256 , 345 , 609 Syrian, 615 G h ˉajn Qajjet, 218 , 220 , 223 terracotta, 63 , 292 , 651 , 655 , 658 Ghar Dalam, 17 terracotta bull, 630 Ghassulian culture, 115 , 132 , 610 warrior, 658 Ghor es-Safi , 371 warrior head, 100 Giants’ tomb, 266 , 277 Filicudi, 62 , 67 , 82 , 84 , 87 gift exchange, 116 , 183 , 190 , 276 , 308 , 493 , 656 , 659 F ı nd ı k, 388 Gil ã o River, 491 F ı nd ı k Asar Kaya, 388 Gilat, 610 Finocchito, 218 Glanum, 514 , 516 F ı rakt ı n rock relief, 384 globalisation, 230 fi sh, 1 , 40 , 48 , 50 , 82 , 308 , 578 theory, 215 , 219 , 438 fi shing, 50 , 51 , 267 , 491 , 492 Glykys Limin, 164 salted, 457 , 500 glyptic production, 114 , 625 fl int, 40 , 44 , 45 , 82 goat, 48 , 50 artefacts, 81 , 116 Godelier, Maurice, 454 , 459 , 460 , 585 , 587 , 599 , 635 blades, 80 Gola del Sentino, 638 disk, 609 Golan, 611 , 613 mining, 80 gold, 63 , 146 , 182 , 189 , 197 , 354 , 490 , 491 , 496 , 579 Floridia, 85 mining, 488 Flumenelongu, 273 ore, 145 , 554 Folha das Palmeiras, 559 plate technique, 206 Fonbouisse, 42 Golgoi, 285 , 288 , 291 , 292 , 294 , 295 Fonte Velha, 492 , 495 G ö ltepe, 145–46 Fonteta Rà quia, 482 G ö nd ü rle Hö y ü k, 147 Formazza, 640 Gordion, 388 , 578 Formentera, 18 , 40 , 42 , 46 , 47 , 50 , 51 , 205 Gorgon, 245 , 295 , 596 fortifi cation, 29 , 33 , 66 , 80 , 97 , 150 , 166 , 232 , 390 , 410 , 419 , 456 , 462 , 464 , Gournes cemetery, 324 , 530 465 , 466 , 471 , 479 , 490 , 544 , 624 Gournia, 326 , 425 , 428 , 431 , 534 fossa grave, 219 , 556 G ö yn üs ¸ valley, 387 , 388 Francavilla Marittima, 188 , 230 , 237 , 238 , 239 , 59 , 62 , 63 , 65 , 67 , 76 , 217 France, 201 Granada, 540 Iron Age chronology, 506 granary, 130 , 149 , 150 , 474 , 480 , 506 Mediterranean, 301 grape, 478 southern, 44 , 105 , 169 , 224 , 278 , 280 , 395 , 445 , 457 , 459 , 506–18 seeds, 242 Frattesina, 201 vine, 143 fresco, 337 , 339 , 346 Gravina, 240 Aegean, 615 Gravisca, 279 Minoan Bull, 655 grazing, 170 , 267 , 429 , 501 Fuente Alamo, 557 , 558 , 559 , 560 Greece, 3 , 28 , 34 , 103 , 160 , 164 , 166 , 169 , 171 , 178–92 , 178 , 209 , 224 , 225 , Fuente Amarga, 561 367 , 374 , 454 funerary landscape. See landscape, mortuary Archaic pottery, 188 funerary practice. See mortuary practice chronology, 26 , 161 funerary ritual, 44 , 67 , 85 , 90 , 120 , 131 , 240 , 266 , 274 , 280 , 309 , 310 , Classical, 418 , 650 , 651 , 652 413 , 447 , 471 , 523 , 524 , 533 , 534 , 548 , 549 , 555 , 576 , 580 , 585 , 587 , (colonial) settlement, 184 , 218 , 230 , 231 , 280 , 299 , 439 , 588 , 598 510 , 516 , 594 Funtana, 98 east, 205 , 658 east Greeks, 189 Gabii, 440 elites, 216 Gadir, Cá diz, 196 , 205 , 302 , 488 , 489 , 491 , 492 , 495 , 496 , 499 , 500 , 502 Greek art, 287 , 289 , 291 , 293 , 374 Bay of, 500 Greek colonization, 90 , 187 , 197 , 215 elite, 500 Greek community, 233 , 234 Melqart temple, 302 , 310 , 489 , 493 Greek craftsmen, 235 , 243 , 244 Gaio, 492 , 495 Greek diaspora, 231 galena, 308 Greek infl uence, 31 , 309 , 464 , 511 , ,514 Gandul, 495 , 500 516 , 573 , 594 Gar Kahal, 563 , 564 Greek mythology, 289 , 291 , 390 Gargaliani Ordines, 419 , 420 , 424 Greek network, 67 Gatas, 557 , 558 Greek presence, central Mediterranean, 215–25 Gato, 500 Greek rituals, 238 , southern, 506–18 Greek traders, 309 , 646 Gavurkalesi, 384 Greek world, 185 , 186 , 201 , 222 , 230 , 238 , 245 , 266 , 274 , 291 , 439 , Gaza, 116 , 256 442 , 484 Gela, 76 , 79 , 188 , 224 Greeks, 2 , 109 , 160 , 170 , 187 , 188 , 189 , 191 , 244 , 271 , 299 , 425 , 488 , Gulf of, 85 509 , 585 , 591 valley, 91 mainland, 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 30 , 31 , 144 , 162 , 163 , 164 , 169 , 181 , 3 39, 528 , Gelinciktepe, 121 655 , 656 , 658 gender, 149 , 395 , 407 , 413 , 471 , 483 , 542 , 543 , 546 , 561 , 585 , 586 , 5 87, tumulus, 168 588 , 589 , 591 , 594 , 597–98 western Greeks, 183 , 188 archaeology, 471 , 484 , 547 Greek import gendered labor division, 407 Carthage, 273 identity, 407 , 548 Etruscan sites, 591


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Greek import (cont.) Hittites, 346 , 354 , 356 Iberia, 301 , 308 , 459 , 464 king Hattuš ili III, 384 Levant, 185 king Muwatalli, 358 Malta, 218 , 223 rock-cut monument, 391 Motya, 225 rock-cut tomb, 389 Pithekoussai, 225 rock relief, 380 , 383 Sardinia, 273 , 278 , 280 state, 348 , 383 Sicily, 219 hoard, 87 , 101 , 102 , 637 , 641 , 660 south Italy, 234 , 235 , 243 , 245 Abini, 102 Greek pottery imitation Bai ô es, 207 south Italy, 231 Berzocana, 205 , 206 Greek-Euboean settlement, 591 Caixa, 201 griffi n, 243 , 342 , 625 Cave of the Treasure, 611 , 613 Griff zungenschwert. See Naue II sword Dragomelj, 201 Grotta (phase), Naxos, 34 founder’s, 88 Grotta Calafarina, 85 gold, 205 Grotta Chiusazza, 85 Gualdo Tadino, 640 Grotta del Colle, 637 , 639 , 644 , 646 Jatt, 206 , 209 Grotta del Mezzogiorno, 638 Kadmeion, 340 , 343 Grotta del Prete, 639 Larnaud, 201 Grotta delle Mosche, 638 , 645 Lipari, 105 Grotta dello Sventatoio, 637 Llavors í , 459 Grotta Misa, 637 Madriolo, 201 Grotta Morritana, 637 Mahmatlar, 147 Grotta Sant’Angelo, 637 metal, 46 , 133 , 308 grotticella , 79 , 80 , 82 , 85 , 86 , 87 , 90 , 91 , 92 Monte Sa Idda, 270 Guadalhorce River, 305 , 492 Piediluco-Contigliano, 270 Guadalimar River, 493 Pila del Brancon, 641 River, 471 , 489 , 493 , 495 , 500 S. Francesco, 270 estuary, 490 Schiers, 201 valley, 307 , 311 , 488 , 495 , 499 , 500 , 502 silver, 371 Guadiana River, 202 , 491 , 495 , 496 , 497 Villena, 205 , 206 valley, 488 , 495 , 499 , 501 votive, 102 , 459 , 637 Gubbio, 446 Homer, 164 , 182 , 187 , 190 , 243 , 273 , 571 , 594 , 655 Guerrero de Medina de las Torres, 498 Homeric epics, 655 , 660 Gymnesic Islands, 40 Homeric literature, 223 Homeric rite, 596 habitus , 7 , 299 , 303 , 304 , 306 , 307 , 317 , 321 , 326 , 587 , 600 Odyssey , 656 Habuba Kabira, 112 homogeneity, 44 , 74 , 75 , 85 , 88 , 331 , 402 , 526 , 626 Hacinebi, Birecik, 112 , 122 homogenization, 75 , 114 , 125 , 143 Hala Sultan Tekke Vyzakia , 410 homogenizing, 32 , 151 halberd, 543 , 544 , 549 , 559 , 561 , 563 Horden and Purcell, 3 , 7 , 8 , 25 , 34 , 187 , 230 , 437 , 438 , 440 , 659 Halif terrace, 117 Horizonte de Montelavar, 556 Hamilcal Barca, 500 Horned God, 628 , 630 Hassek Hö y ü k, 112 , 122 Sanctuary, 627 , 628 , 630 Hatip rock relief, 383 horse, 51 , 81 , 159 , 242 , 478 , 481 , 546 , 660 Hatti, 346 , 354 , 356 , 362 bits, 457 , 459 , 591 Hattu š a, 346 , 348 , 383 , 384 burial, 170 Hazor, 127 , 131 , 345 -drawn chariot, 285 Hebron, 259 , 371 fi gure, 658 Hecateus, 67 fi gurine, 630 , 642 hegemony, 35 , 164 , 255 , 258 , 310 , 489 , 575 , 594 , 600 sacrifi ce, 578 heirloom, 217 , 323 , 326 , 580 horticulture, 48 Heliopolis, 362 olive, 115 Hellenisation, 215 , 241 , 242 , 571 hospitality, 143 , 308 , 330 hellenicity, 243 household, 129 , 131 , 149 , 395–96 , 399–413 , 417–34 , 471–85 , 506–18 , Helms, Mary W., 157 , 162 , 166 , 170 , 630 , 659 , 661 562 , 623 Hera Lacinia sanctuary, Capo Colonna, 279 archaeology, 395 , 401 Hera sanctuary aristocratic, 597 Capo Colonna, 279 empowered, 306 Gravisca, 279 head, 590 Samos, 291 , 292 identity, 126 Herakles, 287 , 289 , 291 , 293 , 295 -idol, 613 Seleukid, 381 organization, 125 Weary, 373 practices, 129 Hercules. See Herakles production, 133 Herdade do Montinho, 559 ritual, 630 herding, 115 , 149 , 169 , 170 , 480 social dynamics, 126 , 406 , 407 Herodotus, 187 , 189 , 191 , 204 , 292 , 296 , 308 , 650 house-tomb, 326 , 330 , 530 , 531 , 533 , 535 heroisation, 587 , 593 , 207 , 216 , 273 , 301 , 302 , 306 , 311 , 489 , 490 , 495 , 499 Hesiod, 181 , 287 , 289 , 655 hunting, 1 , 48 , 51 , 267 , 592 , 623 High Friuli, 201 gear, 484 Himera, 222 ground, 501 Hittite, 345 , 348 , 379 Hurrian, 122 , 385 Empire, 383 Hvar, 160


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hybridisation, 2 , 4 , 77 , 84 , 88 , 92 , 127 , 131 , 152 , 160 , 163 , 166 , 170 , 171 , state-based, 133 215 , 220 , 231 , 232 , 249–50 , 252–61 , 266–80 , 285–96 , 299–311 , 326 , western Phoenician, 310 380 , 454 , 572 , 579 , 591 , 594 ideology, 274–77 , 328 , 354 , 460 , 461 , 484 , 489 , 495 , 502 , 523 , 577–79 , hybrid, 29 , 66 , 157 , 160 , 169 , 219 , 220 , 222 , 225 , 232 , 337 , 353 , 354 , 605–07 , 609–15 , 619–31 , 635–46 , 650–61 356 , 384 , 390 , 594 collective, 585 hybrid pottery, 116 community, 526 hybrid practice, 162 elite, 585 , 593 hybrid society, 233 , 235 funerary, 302 , 594 , 595 , 596 visual hybridization, 286 hybridised, 575 hydria , 238 , 245 , 288 ideological change, 159 , 500 , 607 Hyksos ideological exchange, 221 king, 361 ideological innovation, 595 post-Hyksos, 356 kingship, 362 hypogeum. See rock-cut tomb Orientalising, 497 power, 546 I Faraglioni, 63 , 84 , 87 princely, 593 Ialysos, 32 , 347 warrior, 311 Iberia, 99 , 101 , 105 , 169 , 270 , 273 , 274 , 276 , 396 Î le, 510 coast, 517 , 471 east, 301 , 308 , 310 , 311 , 466 , 467 Iberian inscription, 478 Ilici, Elche, 309 Iberian revolt, 467 Illa den Colom, 45 , 471–73 Illa d’en Reixac, 309 , 464 Mediterranean coast, 307 Illeta dels Banyets, 310 , 475 , 477 , 558 northeast, 308 , 311 Illot des Porros, 48 northwest, 308 Illyria, 171 , 186 , 192 south Iberian chronology, 556–58 chief, 166 southeast, 306 , 545 , 559 , 561 , 562 , 564 proto-Illyrians, 166 southwest, 499–500 , 558 , 560 , 562 , 564 immigration, 254 , 554 , 555 Iberian import impasto pottery, 75 , 76 , 82 , 84 , 86 , 242 , 278 , 587 , 595 , 596 , 597 Pithekoussai, 224 Incoronata, 230 , 233 , 235 , 236 , 240 , 243 Sardinia, 96 , 99 Indibilis, 466 Ibero-Phoenician import Indiketes, 464 Motya, 225 territory, 309 , 464 Pithekoussai, 225 Indo-European invasion, 140 , 142 , 18 , 40 , 42 , 44 , 109 , 205 , 302 , 307 , 308 inequality, 63 , 310 , 441 , 461 , 476 , 483 , 579 , 605 Icklingham Bronzes, 373 institutionalised, 619 iconoclasm, 612–14 social, 171 , 399 , 474 , 500 , 546 , 611 , 625 , 637 , 638 iconography, 276 , 285 , 286 , 288 , 291 , 294 , 295 , 337 , 338 , 339 , 340 , 345 , ingot, 46 , 103 , 104 , 146 , 205 , 626 346 , 358 , 362 , 390 , 598 , 612 , 613 , 619 , 629 , 630 , 631 , 636 , 653 , 654 , bar, 201 658 , 661 bronze, 201 Egyptian, 207 , 615 bun, 98 Mycenaean, 207 copper, 273 , 542 Near Eastern, 575 iron, 481 , 484 Philistine, 257 lead, 145 , 146 of power, 209 mould, 148 ritual, 621 oxhide, 63 , 85 , 87 , 88 , 98 , 99 , 101–102 , 104 , 105 Ida, cave sanctuary, 651 , 661 plano-convex, 98 Idalion, 293 , 627 , 628 , 630 Ingot God, 628 , 630 identity, 21 , 152 , 215 , 219 , 221 , 242 , 250 , 253 , 257 , 259 , 300 , 305 , 311 , 331 , fi gurine, 102 339 , 347 , 348 , 352–62 , 381 , 395 , 396 , 402 , 408 , 417 , 488 , 525 , 528 , Sanctuary, 574 , 627 , 628 , 630 542 , 571–81 , 612 , 625 , 631 , 653 inhumation, 80 , 87 , 120 , 220 , 267 , 278 , 280 , 309 , 541 , 589 , 590 , 591 , Aegean, 257 659 Archaic, 186 individual, 81 , 85 , 185 , 219 , 221 , 266 , 531 , 556 , 558 collective, 240 , 546 , 549 , 580 , 585 multiple, 82 , 91 , 221 construction, 590 , 594 In-Nuff ara, 65 , 66 cultural, 57 , 89 , 105 , 125 , 126 , 255 , 256 , 323 , 434 insularity, 7–8 , 10–21 , 61 , 76 , 82 , 92 , 650 , 651 elite, 422 , 626 intramural burial, 171 , 558 , 559 , 562 , 563 , 564 , 565 , 574 , 575 , 576 ethnic, 445 invasion, 13 , 88 , 93 , 142 , 145 , 171 , 185 , 359 formation, 45 , 132 , 260 , 400 , 409 , 413 , 554 , 565 Iolkos, 164 , 187 gender, 548 Ionian Greek, 390 bowls, 245 group, 255 , 418 , 524 coast, 75 , 79 , 230 , 231–39 household, 409 islands, 164 , 168 , 169 , 171 Israelite, 259 Italy, 82 Kura-Araks, 132 Revolt, 292 , 296 marker, 126 , 127 Sea, 1 , 165 , 188 Mediterranean Phoenician, 220 Ippari valley, 80 , 85 Persian, 390 Iran, 120 , 343 , 381 , 390 self-, 236 , 254 , 400 , 405 , 547 , 548 iron, 99 , 180 , 181 , 182 , 183 , 188 , 205 , 206 , 301 , 457 , 491 Sicilian, 225 ingot, 481 , 484 Sicilian Greek, 219 slag, 480 social, 400 , 402 , 406 , 438 , 540 , 546 , 547 , 560 , 573 , 578 , 607 , 621 , 631 , technology, 651 650 , 651 , 654 , 658 tools, 207 , 208 , 457 , 464 , 467 socio-cultural, 125 , 132 votive, 183


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iron (cont.) Kastri Group, 28 , 29 weapon, 181 , 208 , 311 , 457 , 461 , 462 , 465 , 467 , 576 Kastro, 427 working, 359 , 497 , 502 Kavos, 20 , 370 , 374 irrigation, 219 , 564 Kavousi, 427 , 431 island Kazaphani, 293 archaeology, 7 , 10 , 11 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 25 Kazarma tholos tomb, 342 , 343 , 344 colonization, 8 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 41 , 42 , 44 Kea, 28 , 30 , 32 , 33 community, 7 , 10 , 11 , 17 , 21 , 27 , 31 , 44 , 573 , 579 , 591 Kef el Baroud, 563 as laboratory, 7 , 11 , 14 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 74 , 525 Keftiu , 354 , 356 , 362 islandscape, 11 , 18 , 26 , 27 , 66 Kehf Taht el Ghar, 563 isolation, 7 , 8 , 13 , 15 , 17 , 18 , 40 , 44 , 57 , 96 , 105 , 113 , 151 , 185 , 311 Kelin, 475 , 476 , 478 , 484 isotope analysis, 48 , 51 , 101 , 308 , 542 territory, 483 Israel, 116 , 206 , 252 , 355 , 367 , 371 Kenamun tomb, 202 , 353 ancient, 252 , 260 Kerma, 361 Israelites, 252 , 260 Keros, 20 , 28 , 374 Museum, 372 hoard, 374 State of, 372 , 373 Keros-Syros Group, 28 Issa, 160 art, 18 Istria, 166 Kestel mine, 145 , 146 Italian import Keswani, Priscilla S., 145 , 523 , 574 , 575 , 579 Crete, 659 Khaniale Tekke, 105 Iberia, 301 , 481 Khirbet en-Nahas, 185 Motya, 225 Khirbet ez-Zeraqon, 615 Pithekoussai, 225 Kilise Mevkii tomb, 389 Sicily, 219 kiln, 235 , 480 , 484 , 500 Italy, 66 , 76 , 164 , 165 , 169 , 171 , 184 , 188 , 201 , 202 , 204 , 205 , 514 , 517 Kimolos, 33 central, 75 , 88 , 103 , 273 , 437–48 , 444 , 523 , 585–600 , 646 kin. See kinship Italic infl uence, 516 kinship, 151 , 178 , 187 , 277 , 408 , 424 , 425 , 454 , 455 , 461 , 462 , 482 , 484 , mainland, 74 , 75 , 82 , 88 , 91 , 92 , 99 506 , 508 , 510 , 523 , 563 , 575 , 576 , 577 , 589 north, 75 , 76 , 88 , 103 , 646 -based community, 75 , 465 peninsular, 1 , 59 , 66 , 104 , 188 , 192 , 270 , 274 , 277 , 439 -based events, 622 Raetic area, 636 , 645 -based feasting, 623 south, 25 , 75 , 84 , 92 , 99 , 171 , 184 , 188 , 216 , 230–45 , 279 -based system of control, 627 Ithaka, 164 group, 82 , 240 , 434 , 457 , 467 , 577 , 580 , 587 , 595 ivory, 63 , 207 , 307 , 491 , 563 , 578 , 594 , 597 , 629 , 659 , 660 system, 460 buttons, 44 Kissonerga Mosphilia , 143 , 148 carving, 609 , 191 , 204 , 302 , 410 , 572 , 575 , 624 , 627 , 628 , 629 fi gurine, 100 sanctuary area II, 406 objects, 306 , 493 , 609 , 652 , 660 K ı z ı lda g ˘, 384 ornaments, 341 Knossos, 12 , 13 , 20 , 27 , 30 , 31 , 164 , 182 , 320 , 328 , 329 , 330 , 331 , 333, 344 , relief, 291 425 , 534 , 535 , 536 , 651 , 654 , 655 , 656 , 658 , 659 seals, 322 North Cemetery, 656 , 659 tessera hospitalis, 279 palace, 654 , 655 , 656 working, 208 , 301 Shrine of the Double Axes, 654 ˙I vriz, 379–82 Spring Chamber, 654 Teke Tomb 2, 660 J. Paul Getty Museum, 373 , 374 territory, 656 Ja é n, 540 knowledge, 14 , 15 , 44 , 57 , 61 , 64 , 67 , 102 , 157 , 162 , 171 , 235 , 331 , 332 , Jebel Aruda, 112 339 , 359 , 382 , 396 , 408 , 533 , 547 , 580 , 587 , 612 , 630 , 659 , 661 Jordan, 127 , 129 , 130 , 379 exchange, 233 Judah, 252 ritual, 606 , 622 , 624 , 631 Judean Desert, 613 ritualized, 61 Justinus, 216 , 474 , 484 system, 605 tradition, 57 , 59 , 60 , 65 , 528 Kalavasos, 623 transfer. See knowledge transmission Ayios Dhimitrios, 403 , 405 , 408 , 409 , 410 , 626 transmission, 129 , 201 , 203 , 303–305 , 311 Kalopsidha, 620 , 626 , 628 , 629 koine , 29 , 32 , 33 , 145 , 151 , 186 , 224 , 591 , 593 Tsaoudhi Ç iftlik , 402 Kolonna, 27 , 163 , 166 , 167 , 168 Kaman Kalehö y ü k, 143 infl uence, 169 Kamares ware, 329 komai , 187 , 192 Kaminospelio, 323 Kommos, 104 , 169 , 203 , 208 , 301 , 529 , 654 , 655 , 657 , 658 , 660 Kamose, 361 Temple A, 658 Kanl ı ge ç it, 150 Temple B, 658 kantharos , 224 , 242 , 245 , 278 Konya, 383 Kap ı kaya, 389 Korakou, 168 Karabur, 385 Kor çë , 166 Karanl ı kdere. See Ambarderesi Korphos, 164 Karata s ¸ cemetery, 146 Korucutepe, 112 , 126 Karata s ¸–Semay ü k, 28 Koryfasio Beylerbey, 419 , 420 Karkemish, 660 Kotinoussa, 205 , 490 Karmi, 620 kotyle , 218 , 222 , 224 Palealona , 620 , 624 Kouklia Palaipaphos , 572 , 573 , 579–80 , 624 , 627 , 628 Karphi, 653 , 659 Eliomylia , 574 , 580 Kastamonu, 390 Kato Alonia, 574 , 580 Kastri (Syros), 28 Lakkos tou Skarnou, 579


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Plakes , 574 , 579 , 580 social, 255 , 528 , 563 , 579 Skales , 209 , 301 , 574 , 579 , 659 symbolic, 384 , 385 tombs, 579 trans-corporal, 322 Xerolimni , 579 urban, 396 , 410 , 413 , 417 Koukounaries, 33 , 34 Languedoc, 42 , 202 , 308 , 311 , 454 , 459 , 507 , 511 Koumasa, 322 , 326 , 534 coastal, 509 Kouphota, 534 eastern, 506 Kouretes , 661 Languedoc-Roussillon, 506 Kourion Kaloriziki, 659 Lanuvium, 643 krater , 129 , 222 , 223 , 236 , 245 , 347 , 408 , 576 , 655 , 656 , 659 Laouret, 507 Euphronious, 373 lapis lazuli, 148 , 341 , 343 , 354 Kroisos, 183 , 189 beads, 340 K ü ll ü oba, 28 , 146 , 149 , 150 seals, 344 K ü ltepe, 144 , 150 , 151 Lapithos, 620 , 622 Kura-Araks, 111 , 115 , 118 , 120–33 Kastros , 659 infl uence, 126 larnakes , 323 , 326 , 330 , 526 , 531 pottery, 114 Larnaud hoard, 201 kurgan culture, 131 Las Cumbres, 500 Early Kurgans, 126 Las Minitas, 556 , 560 Kuru ç ay, 143 Las Palomas, 560 Kush, 359 , 361 Lasithi mountains, 331 , 651 , 653 King’s Son of Kush, 361 Latium, 266 , 279 , 440 , 590 , 594 , 637 , 642 , 643 , 644 K ü tahya, 387 , 388 Lattes, 506 , 509–18 kylix , 245 , 278 , 424 Laurentina, 594 Mycenaean, 65 Laurita cemetery, 310 Kyme. See Cumae Lavinium, Pratica di Mare, 642 Kypia, 653 Lavrion, 29 , 30 Kythera, 27 , 34 , 163 mines, 163 Kythnos, 29 Laxe Auga dos Cervos Petroglyph, 204 lead, 44 , 46 , 98 , 102 , 197 , 301 , 307 , 308 , 475 , 480 , 481 , 490 , 491 l’Alt de Benimaquia, 308 ingot, 145 , 146 L’Amastuola, 230 , 231 , 232 , 233 , 235 , 236 , 237 , 239 inscription, 465 , 474 , 484 l’Oriola, 461 isotope analysis, 101 La Almoloya de Pliego, 559 mining, 488 La Bastida de la Totana, 558 oxide, 490 La Calcara, 82 sheets, 596 La Colomina, 461 slag, 480 La Femosa, 461 weights, 208 , 306 La Fonollera, 456 Lebanon, 381 La Fonteta, 305 , 306 , 308 , 309 , 310 , 311 coast, 254 La Joya cemetery, 307 , 490 Lebena, Yerokambis II tomb, 323 La Muculufa, 79 Lebrija, 495 la Muralla Nordeste, 461 Lef kandi, 28 , 182 , 191 , 209 , 223 , 301 , 659 La Palma, 461 Toumba, 170 , 659 La Pedrera de Vallfogona, 461 Warrior Trader Tomb, 208 La Picola, 309 , 310 Lef koniko, 293 La Savina, 46 legumes, 201 , 305 , 422 , 428 , 542 , 637 La Solivella, 461 Lemnos, 28 , 29 La Traviesa, 556 , 559 , 560 , 562 Lentini, 92 , 188 , 466 Leontinoi. See Lentini Lachish, 256 , 345 Lerna, 80 , 168 Laconia, 418 Levant, 111–33 , 139 , 145 , 189 , 196 , 202 , 208 , 209 , 341 , 345 , 346 , 360 , dialect, 243 372 Laeetani, 465 chronology, 112 , 127 Lago delle Colonnelle, 637 Levantine bronzes, 201 Lagole, 645 Levantine coast, 169 , 183 , 347 Lagos, 493 Levantine pottery, 220 Laja Alta rock shelter, 204 Levantines, 201 , 207 , 266 , 267 , 270 , 271 Lake del Monsignore, 641 southern, 185 , 252 , 524 , 609–15 , 624 , 654 Lake Van Basin, 389 Levantine import Lampedusa, 42 Egypt, 117 , 356 landscape, 139 , 150 , 160 , 232 , 238 , 318 , 333 , 434 , 441 Iberia, 301 agrarian, 431 , 434 , 488 Malta, 218 ancestors’, 562 Portugal, 207 archaeological, 367 , 371 , 417 , 443 Liatovouni, 187 archaeology, 17 , 380 , 438 , 471 Libu, 358 of contact, 235 Libyans, 352 , 358 , 359 cultural, 438 , 564 Licata, 79 of fear, 612 , 613 Lidar Hö y ü k, 122 mortuary, 417 , 558 , 571 , 590 Liman Tepe, 28 , 146 political, 186 , 253 , 433 , 434 , 441 , 442 , 572 , 576 , 591 Linear A, 35 , 328 of power, 462 , 595 , 598 Linear B, 35 , 181 , 327 , 419 , 420 , 421 , 422 , 656 ritual, 417 , 445 , 637 lion, 243 , 245 , 279 , 296 , 342 , 388 , 578 , 625 , 661 rural, 417 , 433 bronze, 278 sacred, 238 , 388 skin, 291 , 293 , 295


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Lipari, 59 , 63 , 66 , 67 , 74 , 76 , 77 , 82 , 84 , 87 , 92 , 104 , 188 , 222 , 270 Mars, 447 , 644 Acropolis, 82 , 88 , 89 , 92 , 105 Marsaxlokk Bay, 63 , 65 Bay of, 62 Marseille, 509 , 514 , 516 hoard, 105 Marsiliana d’Albegna, 443 , 444 Piazza Monfalcone, 92 elite, 443 Liqui è re, 507 Martela, 502 , 491 , 495 Mas Castelllar de Pontó s, 462 literacy, 178 , 181 , 186 , 190–92 , 606 , 631 Massalia, 280 , 308 Livari, 323 Massalian import livestock, 48 , 49 , 50 , 98 , 102 , 106 , 170 , 482 , 488 , 492 , 542 , 615 , 657 , 658 Sicily, 220 Livy, 308 , 466 , 477 Mata de Campanario, 501 , 502 , 303 , 305 , 306 , 310 , 491 Matachel River, 502 Herakles Temple, 303 Matapeces River, 497 Temple A, 310 Matar cult, 389 Llago de la Virgen, 556 Matelica, 447 longboats, 13 , 59 Matera, 240 long-distance trade, 8 , 45 , 115 , 133 , 150 , 189 , 190 , 301 , 624 , 630 materiality, 4 , 7 , 25 , 35 , 104 , 299 , 306 , 310 , 318 , 320–33 , 337–49 , 379 , 384 , longue duré e , 2 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 65 , 164 , 170 , 252 395 , 400 , 401 , 407 , 523 , 547 , 588 , 605 , 612 loom, 149 , 473 , 475 , 478 , 479 , 480 , 481 material practice, 1 , 2 , 132 , 257 , 327 , 390 , 396 , 441 , 442 , 447 goddess of the, 237 , 238 Mati, 166 vertical, 243 Matrensa, 65 , 85 , 188 warp-weighted, 148 , 149 matrilocality, 562 , 565 loomweight, 148 , 237 , 254 , 256 , 257 , 457 , 475 , 478 , 481 , 483 , 640 Mazarr ó n shipwrecks, 307 Lorca, 558 -Rabat, 217 , 224 , 225 Los Millares, 558 Medell í n, 497 , 501 lost-wax technique, 147 , 201 , 205 , 206 , 207 elite, 497 Lucania, 186 , 230 , 231 , 239 Medinet Habu, 184 , 202 , 204 , 253 , 352 , 356–59 , 359 , 362 Luni sul Mignone, 82 megalithic tomb, 42 , 43 , 45 , 51 , 80 , 556 , 558 , 559 , 562 Lusitani, 502 S’Aigua Dolç a, 44 Luwian megaliths. See megalithic tomb inscription, 380 , 383 , 384 Megara Hyblaea, 188 , 218 , 219 , 221 , 222 , 233 -Phoenician inscription, 381 megaron , 32 , 145 , 150 , 151 , 164 , 421 rock relief, 380 Megiddo, 115 , 116 , 118 , 185 , 206 , 209 , 345 , 609 , 615 Luxor Temple, 358 Picture Pavement, 614 Lycia, 146 , 390 Mellaart, James, 139 , 140 , 142 , 150 Lydia, 181 , 189 , 390 Mellie h ˉa, 220 Lydians, 189 Melos, 14 , 28 , 30 , 32 , 33 , 164 Melqart, 575 Maa, 410 temple, 310 , 489 , 493 Palaeokastro , 412 memory, 152 , 205 , 240 , 270 , 320–33 , 348 , 379–91 , 395 , 400 , 409 , 523 , 524 , maat , 353 , 362 525 , 527 , 528 , 529 , 536 , 585 , 593 , 615 , 622 , 655 Macchiabate necropolis, 238 Memphis, 362 Macedonia, 27 , 164 , 186 , 187 , 192 M é ndez Núñ ez, Las Monjas, 490 Madonie mountains, 76 Menkheperreseneb, 353 Madonna del Piano cemetery, 92 tomb, 354 , 362 Madre Chiesa, 87 Menorca, 40–52 , 105 , 205 , 307 Madriolo hoard, 201 mentalit é , 158 , 160 , 605 , 606 , 612 , 613 Magacela, 497 Merneptah, 253 , 359 , 360 , 362 Mahmatlar hoard, 147 Merthies, 323 maintenance activities, 546 , 548 Mesara, 321 , 323 , 324 , 326 , 327 , 529 , 530 , 535 , 657 Majorca, 40–52 Meseta, 501 , 502 Mala Gruda tumulus, 168 southern, 489 , 495 M á laga, 216 , 302 , 310 , 500 Meshwesh, 358 Malaka. See M á laga Mesopotamia, 111 , 118 , 131 , 132 , 341 , 343 , 360 , 610 Malatya (plain), 114 , 121 , 348 cylinder seal, 615 Malhada das Taliscas-4, 500 mina , 188 Malia, 27 , 30 , 320 , 327 , 328 , 329 , 330 , 331 , 534 , 536 shekel , 188 Chrysolakkos cemetery, 331 , 534 Mesopotamian import Mallorca, 105 , 205 , 307 Greece, 341 Malpensa, 640 Messenia, 164 , 165 , 417–34 Malta, 7 , 8 , 13 , 14 , 17 , 18 , 20 , 42 , 57–68 , 76 , 79 , 80 , 82 , 215–25 Messina, 79 , 218 , 222 (-type) pottery, 65 -Torrente Boccetta, 81 Temple-period, 58 , 60 , 61 metal Malta s ¸, 388 consumption, 139 , 144–48 Manfria, 62 , 79 , 80 , 81 exchange, 144–48 Manika, 28 ores, 267 Marathon, 578 production, 144–48 Marche, 638 , 641 tools, 120 , 122 , 542 , 543 , 548 Marcita, 87 trade, 29 , 101 , 114 , 125 , 132 , 157 , 159 , 205 , 459 , 499 , 630 Marianopoli, 222 weapon, 102 , 120 , 166 , 171 , 543 , 559 maritime trade, 33 , 59 , 74 , 90 , 93 , 167 , 168 , 206 , 630 metallurgy, 29 , 44 , 65 , 96 , 98 , 99 , 102 , 120 , 123 , 129 , 133 , 150 , 1 51, 186 , maritory, 57 , 59 , 61 , 65 , 67 188 , 207 , 223 , 270 , 273 , 406 , 407 , 457 , 462 , 479 , 480 , 484 , 488 , 490 , Marki, 620 514 , 542 , 543 , 606 , 623 , 628 , 629 , 630 , 651 , 652 , 654 Alonia , 143 , 144 , 148 , 403 , 413 , 623 activity, 301 , 306 , 308 , 457 , 475 , 479 Maroni Vournes , 626 facilities, 406 , 484 , 490 , 628 , 630


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innovation, 29 , 144 , 180 Phylakopi, 30 metallurgical society, 541 south Aegean, 30 Orientalising, 496 Trianda, 30 resources, 490 , 541 Minos, king, 650 , 655 , 656 , 661 Talayotic, 46 Mirabello Bay, 425 , 426 tools, 101 , 102 Mittani kingdom, 361 traditions, 122 , 123 , 563 Moab, 252 , 260 wealth, 145 , 146 , 147 , 149 Moarda, 76 , 79 workshop, 90 , 101 , 145 , 148 , 406 , 476 , 478 , 479 , 480 , 484 , 623 , 627 , mobility, 2 , 4 , 7 , 8 , 42 , 48 , 57–68 , 104 , 109–10 , 121 , 132 , 151 , 17 8–92, 630 , 640 215–25 , 230–45 , 250 , 299–311 , 437 , 438 , 442 , 443 , 446 , 448 , 549 , 561 , metalwork. See metallurgy 564 , 573 , 591 , 659 Metapiccola, 66 , 92 Mochlos, 326 , 331 , 427 , 428 , 534 Metapontion. See Metapontum cemetery, 167 Metapontum, 188 , 235 , 237 , 245 Modica, 218 territory, 233 Mogador, 307 , 491 m é tissage , 250 , 591 , 594 Mokarta, 91 Mezzano lake, 641 bronzes, 91 Mianes, 461 Castello, 91 Midas, 183 Cresta di Gallo, 91 Midas City (Yazı l ı kaya), 388 Mol í d’Espí gol, 466 Angdistis sanctuary, 389 Molinello, 188 Areyastis Monument, 388 Molinello di Augusta, 85 ‘Broken Monument’, 388 Molino della Badia-Madonna del Piano, 66 , 92 Midas Monument, 388 molluscs, 48 , 82 middle ground, 118 , 225 , 249 , 250 , 266 , 277 , 591 Monastir, 280 migration, 12 , 13 , 32 , 57 , 67 , 109–10 , 112 , 132 , 133 , 139–52 , 233 , 249 , Mondego River, 207 , 302 , 491 252–61 , 299 , 301 , 309 , 311 , 359 , 360 , 493 , 571 Monkodonja, 166 , 167 migrant community, 133 Monolithos, 34 Milatos, 659 Montagna di Caltagirone cemetery, 67 , 91 Milazzo, 82 , 222 Montagnola di Capo Graziano, 87 cemetery, 87 , 89 , 91 Montagnoli, 222 Milena, 87 Monte Arci, 17 , 105 Monte Campanella, 87 Monte Bubbonia, 222 Serra del Palco, 87 Monte Canalotti cemetery, 91 Miletus, 31 , 346 Monte Cetona, 637 millet, 201 , 478 , 637 Antro della Noce, 638 mine, 491 Monte Cimino, 641 copper mining, 44 , 624 , 629 Monte Croce Guardia, 641 Etrurian mining, 270 Monte da Cabida, 556 fl int mining, 80 Monte da Velha, 556 , 558 Iglesiente, 98 Monte do Trigo, 208 Kestel, 145 Monte Grande (Palma di Montechiaro), 62 , 80 , 87 Lavrion, 163 Monte Iato, 222 metal mining, 145 Monte Luna, 280 mining, 146 , 267 , 270 , 302 , 484 , 488 , 490 , 542 Monte Piombone, 446 mining community, 145 , 146 Monte Polizzo, 222 mining district, 493 , 500 Monte Prama, 106 , 276 mining resources, 306 , 591 Monte Primo, 641 Sierra Morena, 491 Monte S.Angelo, 637 tin mining, 146 Monte Sa Idda hoard, 270 Minerva, 646 Monte San Giuliano, 62 Minet el-Beida, 347 Monte San Paolillo, 63 Minoan, 12 , 27 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 163 , 164 , 203 , 525 , 526 Monte Saraceno di Ravenusa, 222 ‘colony’, 163 Monte Sirai, 276 , 278 , 279 , 280 Crete, 30 , 169 , 320–33 Monte Torre Maggiore, 447 cult symbols, 653 Monte Vetrano, 279 cultural practices, 35 , 171 Montemol í n, 493 culture, 527 Vico, 495 demise, 650 Monterano, 444 grave goods, 171 Monti Iblei, 59 , 76 hegemony, 35 Montilla, 492 infl uence, 169 Montlaur è s, 510 Minoanising, 12 , 29 , 30–31 Montoro, 203 , 204 , 495 state, 157 , 164 chronology, 203 -style wall paintings, 356 Morgantina, 66 , 92 , 218 , 222 trade route, 164 Morocco, 302 , 554 , 555 , 563 , 564 traditions, 356 , 650 , 651 Atlantic coast, 307 , 499 Minoan import coast, 491 Akrotiri, 30 Morris, Ian, 3 , 170 , 178 , 181 , 230 , 523 , 587 Ayia Irini, 30 Morro de Mezquitilla, 216 , 306 , 492 coastal Asia Minor, 30 mortuary Cyclades, 30 landscape, 417 , 573 Egypt, 30 , 347 practice, 152 , 302 , 329 , 523 , 554–65 , 571–81 , Kolonna, 30 656 Miletus, 30 shrine, 620


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mortuary practice Near East, 30 , 111 , 133 , 157 , 159 , 168 , 185 , 190 , 197 , 275 , 381 , 399 , 563 , Aegean, 578 595 , 613 , 650 , 659 , 660 mortuary rite. See rite, funerary archaeology, 215 , 384 mortuary ritual. See funerary ritual burial practices, 575 Moshe Dayan, 371 , 372 craftsmen, 660 Motya, 105 , 218 , 219 , 220 , 221 , 222 , 224 , 225 , 273 , 493 elite, 216 mouffl on, 621 , 623 history, 360 mould, 66 , 145 , 236 , 626 iconography, 575 axe/ingot, 145 infl uence, 578 , 652 ingot, 145 , 146 , 148 Near Eastern immigrants, 660 Mouliana, 659 Near Eastern seals, 341 , 343 , 344 Mozia. See Motya Near Eastern states, 162 Mt Kynthos, 28 Near Eastern tradition, 277 , 216 , 218 , 220 , 224 Near Easterners, 224 Murcia, 540 , 559 religions, 615 Murlo, 443 , 444 Near Eastern import Mursia, 63 , 66 Aegean, 184 Mycenae, 27 , 31 , 164 , 168 , 655 Crete, 660 Mycenaean colony, 64 , 188 Malta, 217 Mycenaean community, 164 Nebrodi mountains, 76 Mycenaean connections, 74–93 , 157–72 Nemi, 642 Mycenaean craftsmen, 201 Diana sanctuary, 642 Mycenaean demise, 181 , 186 , 187 Neo-Assyria, 260 , 346 Mycenaean expansion, 35 rock relief, 383 , 385 Mycenaean iconography, 207 state, 572 , 575 Mycenaean infl uence, 27 , 35 , 167 text, 256 Mycenaean interaction, 25 Neo-Hittite, 252 Mycenaean king(ship), 169 , 171 network Mycenaean naval technology, 88 analysis, 20 , 163 Mycenaean pottery, 63 , 65 , 75 , 82 , 87 , 164 , 166 , 169 , 188 , 204 , 254 , 25 5, Anatolian, 114 256 , 339 , 347 Anatolianising, 28 Mycenaean state, 157 , 160 , 164 , 169 , 185 aristocratic, 659 Mycenaean trade, 202 central Mediterranean, 18 Mycenaeasing, 31–34 client, 454 Mycenaeanising pottery, 164 , 166 communication, 133 , 152 Mycenaeans, 63 , 65 , 99 , 104 , 169 , 188 , 204 , elite, 151 232 , 654 Greek, 67 palace, 169 island, 67 shaft grave, 166 , 171 , 182 kinship, 433 , 456 Mycenaean learning, 129 alabastron, 98 , 100 long-distance, 625 Mycenaean import maritime, 28 , 45 , 47 , 88 , 99 Aeolian islands, 88 , 89 Mediterranean-wide, 109 Albania, 166 metal, 145 , 180 Iberia, 203 , 204 Minoan/Mycenaean, 34 Sardinia, 96 , 98–100 , 104 node, 34 Sicily, 84 , 86 , 87 Phoenician, 67 , 308 Mycenaean pottery imitation of power, 467 Sicily, 64 , 66 , 84 , 85 , 91 ritual-commercial, 493 Mykonos, 32 settlement, 186 , 302 , 413 , 417 , 442 , 445 , 492 Mylai, 222 social, 65 , 413 Myrtos-Phournou Koryfi , 534 , 535 thinking, 438 Myrtos-Pyrgos, 534 trade, 29 , 31 , 33 , 35 , 76 , 125 , 306 , 353 , 354 , 499 Myrtou Pigadhes , 627 , 630 trade and exchange, 126 , 279 , 443 myth, 238 , 606 , 646 , 656 Uruk, 114 , 132 of Geryon, 285–96 Neval ı Çori, 122 Greek, 289 Neves-Corvo, 501 religious, 635 New Archaeology, 109 , 252 mythology, 291 , 390 , 625 , 631 , 635 , 636 , 640 , 644 , 646 new archaeologists, 317 , 523 Nichoria, 418 , 419 , 420–25 , 434 Nages, 517 Niebla, 302 , 311 , 490 Nahal Mishmar, 610 , 613 Nile, 357 , 361 , 362 Nahr al-Kalb, 381 Delta, 614 Naqada, 115 Valley, 12 , 116 Naqsh-i Rustam, 390 N î mes, 511 , 514 Narmer, 116 , 117 Nimrud, 578 King, 116 Nin-Privlaka, 167 Palette, 116 , 360 , 362 Noceto, 638 Naro-Partanna culture, 76 , 79 Nopigeia, Drapanias, 332 National Archaeological Museum of Athens, 375 Nora, 280 Naue II sword, 169 , 183 stele, 216 , 273 Nauplia, 578 Nor s ¸untepe, 123 , 125 , 126 naveta , 42 , 43 , 45 , 47 , 49 , 50 Nubians, 352 , 360 , 362 Naxos, 28 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 87 , 221 Numana, 447 , Napels, 188 Nuoro Neapolis, Sardinia, 280 the Nuorese, 267


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nuraghe , 96 , 97 , 105 , 106 , 266 , 267 , 269 , 279 oxhide-shaped model, 104 , 105 , 269 , 276 , 277 altar, 493 Nuragic aristocracy, 277 feature, 498 Nuragic bronze boat model, 279 Nuragic bronzes, 270 Padana, 201 Nuragic community, 277 , 279 Paestum, 186 Nuragic elites, 106 palace, 34 , 169 , 196 , 208 , 240 , 243 , 245 , 320–33 , 362 , 420 , 425 , 489 , 493 , Nuragic fi gurine, 275 , 276 , 277 , 278 , 279 525 , 526 , 536 , 597 , 656 Nuragic grey ware, 104 demise of palatial system, 178 , 181 , 201 , 202 , 207 , 422 , Nuragic pottery, 273 424 , 425 Nuragic society, 96–106 economy, 63 , 186 Nuraghe Albucciu, 102 Mycenaean, 86 , 164 , 178 , 186 Nuraghe Antigori, Sarroch, 98 , 99 , 100 , 103 , 104 palatial centre, 31 , 32 , 33 , 169 , 187 , 434 Nuraghe Arrubiu, Orroli, 97 , 98 , 100 palatial polity, 187 Nuraghe Gennamaria, 270 palatial society, 571 Nuraghe Palmavera, 270 palatial system, 66 , 185 , 418–24 , 572 Nuraghe Sirai, 275 , 278 , 280 treasury, 340 , 344 Nuraghe Su Mulinu, 270 Tyre, 302 Nuraghe Su Nuraxi, Barumini, 97 Palaepaphos. See Kouklia Palaipaphos Nuragic import Palaikastro, 326 , 654 , 655 Carthage, 273 , 278 Palamari, 28 central Italy, 105 , 87 , 219 , 220 , 222 Crete, 105 tombs, 223 Etruria, 276 Palestine, 184 , 252 , 355 , 610 Iberia, 208 , 276 , 301 , 302 Palestinian Authority, 371 Nurd ò le, Orani, 277 , 278 Palestrina, 594 Palma Campania, 76 , 79 obeloi , 270 , 578 , 580 , 659 , 660 Palmela point, 556 , 563 object biography, 109 , 317 , 318 , 367 , 374 , 375 , 400 Palu, 390 objectifi cation, 317 , 528 Panarea, 63 , 82 , 87 obsidian, 59 , 106 , 323 Pani Loriga, 279 Lipari, 8 , 76 , 82 Panighina di Bertinoro, 637 Melos, 8 , 14 , 17 , 164 Panormos, 28 Pantellerian, 76 , 109 Pantalica, 66 , 90 , 92 , 188 Sardinian, 8 , 17 , 105 bronzes, 91 Oenotrian people, 235 culture, 75 , 77 , 90–92 , 93 Ognina, 60 , 63 , 67 , 80 , 85 , 87 North pottery, 87 oikos , 236 , 590 pottery, 89 oinochoe , 190 , 222 , 224 , 278 Pantalica North/Montagna di Caltagirone , France, 309 , 511 culture, 66 Olbia, Sardinia, 280 Pantanassa, 659 oligarchy, 493 , 495 , 598 , 59 , 62 , 63 , 66 , 67 , 75 , 76 , 82 , 84 , 105 , 109 olive, 1 , 201 , 320 , 428 , 475 , 478 , 492 , 501 Paphlagonia, 379 , 390 horticulture, 115 elites, 390 oil, 117 , 307 , 308 , 328 , 480 , 483 , 484 , 491 , rock-cut relief, 383 492 , 629 rock-cut tomb, 382 , 389 press, 473 , 475 , 480 , 483 , 484 Parall í , 461 Olympia Paros, 33 Altis, 62 , 168 Passo di Spluga, 640 sanctuary, 288 pastas , 242 , 243 , 245 Onuba. See Huelva pastoralism, 49 , 96 , 120 , 123 , 125 , 142 , 146 , 150 , 151 , 152 , 187 , 4 25, opium, 322 , 629 , 630 564 , 565 oppidum , 309 , 310 , 466 , 479 , 480 , 493 , 494 , pasture, 67 , 149 , 187 , 496 , 501 497 , 500 Patern ò , 85 , 222 Ops Consiva, 642 , 644 Patsos, 659 Oral, 484 Pech Maho, 510 , 513 Oristano, 104 , 273 , 275 , 277 , 278 Pef kakia, 28 Gulf of, 278 Peleset, 357 , 358 the Oristanese, 267 Pella, 192 Orthi Petra, Eleutherna, 184 , 660 Peloponnese, 28 , 29 , 31 , 32 , 65 , 99 , 164 , 168 , 169 , 187 , 192 , 235 , 243 , Ortigia, 85 418 , 425 Orvieto, Volsinii , 443 , 446 , 447 , 587 Peloponnesian import Belvedere temple, 446 Sicily, 219 Osmankayasi, 578 Peloritani mountains, 66 , 76 ossuary, 331 , 531 , 533 , 587 , 589 , 590 , 596 , 609 Pe ñ a Negra, 306 , 310 Osteria dell’Osa, 523 Les Moreres cemetery, 306 ostrich egg, 201 , 208 , 221 , 563 Pe ñ alosa, 302 , 490 , 542 , 558 , 495 peraia , 27 , 29 Othoca, 278 , 279 , 280 Perati, 169 , 208 , 209 Otricoli, 443 , 446 performance, 133 , 151 , 328 , 329 , 330 , 408 , 523 , 527 , 528 , 535 , 548 , 585 , Ouka ¨ı meden plateau, 563 588 , 595 , 606 , 619 , 621 , 630 , 635 ovicaprines, 40 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 81 , 82 , 428 , 431 , 476 , 478 , 492 , 5 01, 542 , 546 , competitive, 331 560 , 615 , 620 , 637 ritual, 624 , 625 , 626 , 630 , 631 Ovid, 67 ritualised, 620 oxhide, 104 Pergine Valsugana, 640 ingot, 63 , 87 , 88 , 98 , 99 , 101–02 , 104 , 105 Perugia, 446


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Petras, 320 , 326 , 329 , 330 , 331 Platanos cemetery, 167 , 531 , 534 Peyia, 288 , 292 Plato, 650 Phaistos, 27 , 30 , 320 , 328 , 329 , 330 , 331 , 534 , 536 , 654 , 655 , 657 , 658 Plemmirio, 85 , 87 palace, 657 plough, 115 , 148 , 150 , 638 Pharos, Hvar, 160 Podere Tartuchino, 443 Philistia, 184 , 252 , 254 , 255 , 256 , 257 , 258 , 260 , 261 Point Iria shipwreck, 204 Philistine hegemony, 258 Policoro, 235 Philistine iconography, 257 Poliochni, 28 , 147 , 167 Philistine infl uence, 257 polis , 178 , 186 , 188 , 190 , 192 , 230 , 231 , 232 , 233 , 235 , 236 , 239 , 438 , 439 , Philistine Pentapolis, 252 , 254 , 256 591 , 651 Philistines, 252–61 , 355 polity, 100 , 361 , 413 , 418 , 425 , 434 , 454 , 467 , 606 , 624 , 630 Phocaea early state, 114 Phocaean (colonial) settlement, 280 formation, 625 , 626 Phocaean trade, 499 hybridised, 571 Phocaeans, 299 , 308 , 490 peer, 113 , 189 , 190 , 192 , 220 , 274 , 454 regional, 462 , 467 (colonial) settlement, 105 , 191 , 196 , 205 , 208 , 216 , 218 , 249 , 274 , 279 , state, 106 280 , 299 , 492 , 493 , 495 , 500 Polizzello, 66 , 222 Phoenician alphabet, 178 , 181 , 191 Polla, 188 Phoenician city, 196 Polybius, 465 , 466 Phoenician colonization, 196 , 215 , 266 , 278 , 454 Pontecagnano, 270 , 440 , 593 , 594 Phoenician diaspora, 231 , 299 , 301 , 303 Pontignano, 270 Phoenician elites, 310 Populonia, 270 , 587 , 589 , 590 Phoenician factory-cum-sanctuary, 491 pork consumption, 258 , 260 Phoenician graffi ti, 208 Poro promontory (Calabria), 84 , 88 Phoenician infl uence, 222 , 225 , 495 , 578 , 594 Portella di Salina, 63 , 84 , 87 Phoenician inscription, 307 , 493 Portugal, 216 , 554 , 555 Phoenician network, 67 coast, 307 , 491 , 499 Phoenician presence central Mediterranean, 215–225 elites, 492 Phoenician script, 652 south, 556 Phoenician seafarers, 654 , 659 south-central, 489 , 493 Phoenician shekel , 208 postcolonial theory, 160 , 249 , 250 , 301 , 438 , 454 Phoenician ship, 273 potlatch- type society, 459 Phoenician temple, 276 Potnia Theron, 660 , 661 Phoenician trade, 208 , 310 , 457 , 460 , 493 potter’s wheel, 30 , 201 , 304 , 329 , 331 Phoenician traders, 279 pottery production, 67 , 122 , 126 , 186 , 219 , 234 , 235 , 299 , 305 , 310 , 311 , Phoenician-Luwian inscription, 381 484 , 650 Phoenicians, 2 , 3 , 106 , 109 , 180 , 187 , 188 , 191 , 196 , 197 , 202 , 205 , 206 , power, 98 , 102 , 115 , 146 , 162 , 164 , 222 , 238 , 239–43 , 269 , 280 , 299–311 , 266 , 271 , 274 , 277 , 278 , 279 , 460 , 488 , 489 , 490 , 491 , 492 , 493 , 49 4, 348 , 368 , 408 , 417 , 441 , 444 , 459 , 461 , 462 , 489 , 501 , 576 , 577 , 578 , 495 , 509 , 571 , 573 , 575 , 585 , 591 589 , 591 , 598 , 599 , 605 , 621 , 625 , 631 , 655 Phoenicians in western Mediterranean, 299–311 ancestral, 331 , 332 , 575 western Phoenicians, 273 centre, 465 , 467 Phoenician import ceremonial insignia, 594 Catalonia, 456 , 509 cosmic, 353 Crete, 658 dialectics, 320 Cyprus, 209 discourse, 332 , 605 Etruscan sites, 279 , 591 divine, 293 Gozo, 217 dynamics, 329 , 331 Iberia, 208 , 307 , 308 , 457 , 459 , 460 , 461 , 491 , 501 iconography, 209 Malta, 217 , 224 ideology, 546 Morocco, 307 landscape, 462 , 595 , 598 Pithekoussai, 224 military, 346 Sardinia, 273 network, 467 Phrygia palatial, 31 , 419 cult of Matar, 389 political, 33 , 388 , 410 , 418 , 442 , 443 , 593 , 626 , 627 , 628 Phrygian script, 191 relation, 171 , 233 , 238 , 359 , 402 , 408 , 438 , 448 , 462 , 466 , 467 , 496 , 560 , rock-cut architecture, 383 , 391 605 , 609 , 626 sanctuary, 379 , 382 ritual, 585 , 587 , 593 Phylakopi, 14 , 28 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 royal, 118 , 354 Pian della Conserva, 444 social, 98 , 605 , 624 , 627 , 631 Piano del Porto, 82 socio-economic, 593 , 611 Piano Quartara, 82 source, 462 , 466 , 478 , 484 , 580 , 631 Piediluco-Contigliano hoard, 270 state, 384 , 417 , 418 pig, 40 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 258 , 428 , 431 , 476 , 478 , 482 , 492 , 501 , 54 6, 559 , 642 structure, 120 , 408 , 495 Pila del Brancon, 641 struggle, 575 , 605 pilgrim fl ask, 104 , 218 , 223 , 224 symbol, 105 , 106 , 207 , 245 , 594 , 596 , 598 , 622 , 626 , 644 pit burial, 185 , 266 , 276 , 324 , 556 , 558 , 559 , 576 , 577 , 588 Pozzi della Pian, 637 Pithekoussai, 188 , 191 , 205 , 223 , 224 , 225 , 308 , 591 Praisos, 651 , 653 , 659 Pithekoussan import prestige good, 102 , 115 , 117 , 132 , 157 , 166 , 181 , 242 , 275 , 446 , 447 , 457 , Sardinia, 274 459 , 464 , 465 , 467 , 476 , 480 , 481 , 490 , 491 , 495 , 496 , 497 , 498 , 501 , southern , 224 558 , 626 , 627 pithos burial, 152 , 235 , 526 , 531 , 560 , 656 princely, 443 , 593 , 594 Pithyusic Islands, 40 aristocracy, 491 Plakoura, 323 status, 587 , 596 , 598 Plan de la Tour, Gailhan, 510 tomb, 170 , 245 , 275 , 279 , 497 , 523


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Prinias, 659 regionality, 178 , 186 processual archaeology, 16 , 139 , 140 , 143 , 150 , 255 , 402 , 523 Reitia, 645 Prosymna, 168 Rekhmire tomb, 354 Protocorinthian import religion, 286 , 291 , 296 , 369 , 574 , 609 , 615 , 635 , 636 , 643 , 644 , 646 , 6 53 Sicily, 222 , 223 , 644 south Italy, 234 votive, 294 , 295 Proto-Elymian tradition, 66 Renfrew, Colin, 3 , 13 , 14 , 17 , 28 , 181 , 320 , 374 , 375 , 635 proto-state, 159 , 163 , 320 Requena, Valencia, 483 proto-urban centre, 8 , 63 , 86 , 96 , 440 , 441 , 442 , 446 , 587 , 588 , 642 , 643 , Reshep fi gurine, 659 644 , 646 resistance, 117 , 129 , 133 , 189 , 253 , 285 , 287 , 368 , 408 , 493 , 555 , 614 , Proto-Villanovan, 587 627 bronzes, 92 Resulo g ˘lu, 147 Provence, 202 , 309 , 506 , 509 , 510 , 511 Retjenu, 356 proxemics, 405 , 409 , 27 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 191 Pseira, 425 , 427 , 530 Rhodian import Psematismenos, 620 Motya, 225 Pseudo-Scylax, 67 Pithekoussai, 225 Psiloritis Mountains, 651 Sicily, 222 Puente de Noy cemetery, 310 Riotinto, 189 , 197 , 302 , 490 Puglia. See Apulia Risco, 501 Puig Castellar de Santa Coloma de Gramenet, 465 rite, 622 Puig de Sant Andreu, Ullastret, 309 , 311 , 462 , 464 , 467 , 517 commemorative, 535 Puig de ses Torretes, 42 , 44 domestic, 480 pulses, 478 , 501 funerary, 61 , 151 , 238 , 267 , 278 , 460 , 461 , 462 , 524 , 525 , 529 , 533 , 535 , Pulur-Sakyol, 122 , 123 540 , 541 , 545 , 547 , 596 , 622 , 635 , 651 Punic, 279 Homeric heroic, 596 coin, 483 , 500 initiation, 459 infl uence, 51 , 500 propitiatory, 637 , 639 , 646 traders, 309 ritual, 59 , 67 , 89 , 102 , 111 , 120 , 123 , 132 , 160 , 238 , 242 , 245 , 276 , 285 , 287 , Punic import 320 , 389 , 400 , 424 , 440 , 461 , 475 , 481 , 535 , 575 , 577 , 578 , 589 , 591 , Iberia, 464 596 , 605–607 , 619–31 , 635–46 , 650–61 Punt, 356 activity, 295 , 310 , 385 , 481 , 578 Punta Castelluzzo, 92 centre, 20 , 494 Punta Milazzese, 87 ceremony, 535 Punta Peppa Maria, 82 change, 500 Puntal dels Llops, 475 , 480 , 482 , 484 context, 275 , 278 , 382 , 526 , 585 Punto Chiarito, Ischia, 279 domestic, 126 , 475 , 484 Purullena, 203 , 204 eating and drinking, 222 , 330 , 331 , 332 , 576 , 577 , 579 Puyemere tomb, 354 , 356 hearth, 480 , 637 Pyla Kokkinokremos, 403 , 405 , 408 , 409 , 410 , 411 heroic, 594 Pylos, 32 , 164 , 165 , 418 , 420 , 424 innovation, 237 Palace of Nestor, 418 landscape, 417 , 445 , 637 territory, 421 o ff ering, 80 , 597 Pyrenees, 44 , 454 , 459 practice, 123 , 221 , 294 , 370 , 384 , 389 , 442 , 556 , 558–60 , 564 Pyrga, 288 , 292 ritualisation, 606 , 619 Pyrgos cave, 323 , 326 sacrifi ce, 242 Pyrgos Mavrorachi, 623 site, 97 , 493 , 498 , 501 , 629 , 642 pyrite, 197 , 488 , 490 structure, 126 , 627 , 628 pyxis , 238 , 291 , 324 , 656 text, 384 Protocorinthian, 287 Villanovan, 587 Roca Vecchia, 75 Qadesh, Battle of, 358 , 362 rock art, 204 , 207 , 380 , 563 Qal’at Siriani, 122 rock-cut tomb, 43 , 45 , 47 , 62 , 63 , 66 , 75 , 79 , 80 , 85 , 152 , 219 , 225 , 324 , Qatna, 346 523 , 528 , 541 , 556 , 558 , 559 , 560 , 620 Qode, 356 Rod ì -Tindari-Vallelunga (RTV), 75 , 76 , 79 , 81 Quinta do Almaraz, 491 , 495 pottery, 79 Roman(s), 2 , 109 rabbit, 431 , 478 , 482 conquest, 269 , 455 , 458 , 463 , 467 , 506 , 491 Romanisation, 215 , 502 , 506 Ragusa, 79 , 80 Romanou, 164 Ramacca, 222 Rome, 3 , 280 , 418 , 439 , 440 , 443 , 500 , 502 , 588 , 642 , 643 , 644 Rambla de la Alcantarilla, 483 Auditorium, 444 Rambla de Los Morenos, 483 Roman-Carthaginian treaty, 268 , 499 Ramesses II, 359 , 362 , 381 Sant’Omobono, 279 Tanis II stela, 357 temple of Vesta, 643 Ramesses III, 184 , 202 , 204 , 253 , 254 , 256 , 356 , 357 , 359 , 360 , 362 Ronda, 492 Raphina, 28 Roques de Sant Formatge, 461 Ras Ibn Hani, 572 Roselle, Casa dell’Impluvium, 444 Ras Shamra. See Rousset al-Amir, 122 raw materials, 1 , 8 , 25 , 35 , 40 , 44 , 82 , 88 , 98 , 109 , 113 , 117 , 129 , 132 , 133 , Royal-Athena Gallery, 374 157 , 299 , 323 , 331 , 427 , 471 , 491 , 496 , 542 Ruecas River, 497 redistribution, 30 , 112 , 114 , 133 , 310 , 320 , 327 , 328 , 443 , 459 , 460 , Rusaddir, 491 605 , 621 Ruscino, 507 Red ù , 638 Ruvo-Satriano pottery, 242 regionalism, 33 , 34 , 178 , 579 , 651 rye, 201


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S. Angelo Muxaro, 66 , 87 , 91 , 93 , 222 , 224 Santa Vittoria, Serri, 275 S. Francesco hoard, 270 Santarem, 491 S. Rosa di Poviglio, 642 sarcophagus, 219 , 220 , 221 , 267 , 590 S’Aigua Dolç a megalith, 44 anthropoid, 372 S’Arcu ‘e is Forros, Villagrande Strisaili, 102 Sardara, 279 S’Arenalet de Son Colom, 44 Sardinia, 1 , 8 , 13 , 42 , 50 , 61 , 67 , 74 , 90 , 96–106 , 100 , 101, 103, 109 , 201 , S’Hospitalet Vell, 47 205 , 208 , 216 , 221 , 224 , 225 , 266–80 , 500 , 523 , 659 S’Uraki, San Vero Milis, 275 , 280 battle of the Sardinian Sea, 499 Sa Caleta, 306 , 307 elite, 100 , 104 , 105 , 106 Sa Domu ‘e S’Orku, 98 Iron Age chronology, 269 Sabine region, 440 , 636 metalworking, 98 , 104 Sabucina, 66 , 91 , 222 Sardinian bronzes, 270 krater , 222 Sardinian craftsmen, 270 Sado River, 491 , 495 Sardinian import sail, 28 , 59 , 63 Crete, 659 sailing, 74 , 75 , 87 , 196 , 197 , 332 Etruscan sites, 279 sailing ship, 1 , 67 , 225 Iberia, 208 Saint-Blaise, 514 , 516 Portugal, 207 Saint-Pierre-les-Martigues, 510 Saronic Gulf, 163 Sala Consilina, 188 Satricum, 443 , 642 , 643 Saladares, 306 , 307 Saturnia, 443 Salamis, 209 , 571 , 574 , 575 , 576 , 579 , 659 scarab, 160 , 216 , 218 , 223 , 224 , 372 , 461 , 576 , 578 Cellarka , 574 , 580 Egyptian, 615 city-kingdom, 577 , 579 , 580 ring, 217 elite, 577 seal, 276 Koufomeron , 574 , 580 Schiers hoard, 201 Royal Tombs, 574 , 577 , 578 , 580 Scirinda, 87 , 91 , 92 Salento tombs, 233 Scoglio del Tonno, 75 , 188 Saliagos, 13 , 14 Sea Peoples, 202 , 204 , 253 , 254 , 255 , 355 , 356 , 358 , Salina, 87 , 88 359 , 360 Salor River, 496 pottery, 254 Salso River (valley), 76 , 91 seafaring, 15 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 59 , 63 , 68 , 74 , 629 , 630 , 659 salt, 1 , 76 , 201 , 205 , 302 , 491 Second Punic War, 466 , 467 mines, 491 secondary products, 1 , 49 , 50 , 115 , 139 , 148–50 , 500 salting, 457 , 492 , 500 Revolution, 148 Samaria, 184 Seeberg (Bolzano), 640 Samos, 292 Segesta-Monte Barbaro, 67 Heraion, 28 , 291 , 294 , 216 Kolaios of, 204 Se ñ a, 476 San Bartolomé de Almonte, 302 , 490 Sencelles, 44 San Calogero, 87 Senorb ì , 279 San Fernando, 500 Corta Auda, 275 San Giovenale, 445 Monte Luna, 280 San Maurizio Bagni di Zolfo, 641 Seped, 358 San Pietro Montagnon, 645 Septem, 491 San Rocchino, Versilia, 273 Serbia, 170 San Sperate, 280 Serra de Tramuntana mountains, 40 , 44 San Teodoro cemetery, 233 Serra del Palco, 79 sanctuary, 20 , 183 , 189 , 238 , 285–96 , 406 , 443 , 444 , 447 , 490 , 493 , 498 , Serra di Vaglio, 240 572 , 574 , 636 , 643–46 , 654 , 655 , 656 , 657 , 658 , 661 Serra Ilixi, Nuragus, 101 artifi cial cave, 642 Serro dei Cianfi , 87 bench, 653 Serro dei Cianfi (Salina), 82 cave, 271 , 651 , 659 , 661 sesi , 105 domestic, 475 , 480 Sesklo, 167 extramural, 188 Setefi lla, 307 , 491 , 496 , 500 , 560 Greek, 183 Seti I, 361 network, 493 Settimo San Pietro, 280 Nuragic, 98 , 102 , 104 , 269 , 270 , 273 , 277 settlement hierarchy, 97 , 99 , 328 , 417 , 418 , 427 , 438 , 440 , 441 , 442 , 462 , open-air, 294 , 295 , 386 , 387 , 390 465 , 471 , 476 , 494 , 512 , 542 , 638 Portonaccio, 644 Set ú bal, 491 rock-cut, 387 , 496 , 500 ruin, 655 Sevso Treasure, 371 spring, 381 , 500 urban, 446 shaft grave, 166 , 171 , 576 Sanctuary of the Ingot God, 574 , 628 Shechem, 259 , 345 Sant’ Anastasia, Sardara, 275 sheep and goats. See ovicaprines Sant Jaume-Mas d’en Serrà , 457 shekel Sant Julià de Ramis, 465 Asia Minor, 201 , 205 , 206 Sant Martí d’Empú ries, 308 , 456 , 509 Cypriot, 201 Sant’Anastasia, Sardara, 102 Mesopotamian, 188 Sant’ Antioco di Bisarcio, 101 Phoenician, 208 Sant’Angelo Romano, 637 Syrian, 201 Sant’Imbenia, 208 , 216 , 272 , 273 , 274 Shekelesh, 357 Santa Croce Camarina, 85 Shephelah, 253 , 256 , 260 Santa Olaia, 307 , 491 shepherd, 1 , 50–52


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Sherden , 254 , 357 Sparta, 651 shipwreck Artemis Orthia, 658 Cape Gelidonya, 202 , 204 (colonial) settlement, 231 , 245 Mazarr ó n, 307 craft tradition, 236 Point Iria, 204 dialect, 243 Uluburun, 166 , 182 , 202 , 203 infl uence, 243 shrine, 654 pottery, 236 mortuary, 620 spelt, 201 Sicilian import sphinx, 243 , 578 , 625 , 661 Crete, 659 Spina, 646 Malta, 224 spinning, 148 , 149 , 150 , 475 , 484 , 589 Sicily, 1 , 8 , 13 , 20 , 57–68 , 74–93 , 104 , 105 , 184 , 186 , 188 , 192 , 201 , 233 , state, 320 , 327 , 328 , 361 , 396 , 417 , 418 , 434 , 467 , 542 , 575 , 610 280 , 439 , 500 Aegean, 162 Sicilian bronzes, 87 Assyrian, 379 sickle, 44 , 47 , 637 , 641 city-, 126 , 178 , 181 , 186 , 190 , 219 , 252 , 253 , 348 , 360 , 443 , 444 , 44 5, 591 Sidi Cherkaoui, 563 discourse, 384 , 391 Sidi Messaoud, 563 eastern Mediterranean, 164 , 182 , 190 , 209 , 260 Egyptian, 360 Sierra del Algibe de Aliseda, 491 , 501 failed, 359 treasure of Aliseda, 496 formation, 27 , 29 , 126 , 260 , 441 , 442 , 573 , 619 Sikel, 218 , 223 Hittite, 348 , 383 Sile River, 637 institutions, 126 , 166 silver, 113 , 180 , 182 , 188 , 196 , 208 , 301 , 302 , 323 , 354 , 475 , 476 , 490 , 496 , of Israel, 372 , 373 541 , 579 level polity, 106 bullion, 190 Minoan, 157 , 164 coinage, 188–190 Mycenaean, 157 , 160 , 164 , 169 , 185 cupellation, 197 , 481 , 484 , 490 Near Eastern, 162 exploitation, 197 Neo-Assyrian, 572 , 575 ore, 145 , 554 organization, 196 , 502 standard, 132 palatial, 425 trade, 490 power, 384 , 417 , 418 sima , 243 , 245 proto-, 159 , 163 , 320 Siphnos, 28 , 29 , 34 society, 187 , 201 , 320 Siris, 188 , 235 Syro-Hittite, 379 , 383 Siruela, 498 system, 636 Sissi, 326 tribal, 178 , 186–87 , 192 , 442 Siva, 531 Urartu, 390 Skales. See Kouklia Palaipaphos vassal, 255 , 348 , 383 Skarkos, 28 Steno, Leukas, 168 skyphos , 184 , 218 , 222 , 223 , 224 , 273 tumulus, 167 Skyros, 28 Stesichoros, 287 , 294 slaves, 182 , 299 , 302 , 484 , 491 Strabo, 308 , 489 Slovenia, 201 Strait of Messina, 76 , 79 Snodgrass, Anthony M., 178 , 181 , 183 , 651 , 652 Strait of , 46 , 196 , 202 , 204 , 205 , 303 , 305 , 488 , 554 , 563 , 564 social complexity, 4 , 11 , 13 , 59 , 92 , 97 , 145 , 148 , 159 , 170 , 441 , 454 , 489 , Stromboli, 82 517 , 518 , 542 , 624 Su Benatzu cave-sanctuary, 271 social dynamics, 27 , 408 , 409 Su Monte, Sorradile, 275 , 278 , 279 households, 126 , 406 , 407 subsistence economy, 47 , 48 , 457 , 555 social exchange, 408 subsistence strategy, 8 , 47–50 , 181 , 186 , 187 , 441 social hierarchy, 407 , 411 , 471 , 476 , 578 , 467 social organisation, 51 , 125 , 266 , 269 , 274–77 , 395 , 399 , 400 , 407 , 454 , Sulcis, 225 , 272 , 273 , 274 , 277 , 278 , 279 456 , 457 , 462 , 471 , 473 , 510 , 517 , 523 , 525 , 526 , 536 , 560 , 593 , sulphur, 62 , 76 , 80 607 , 635 swan egg, 646 Big Man–type, 458 swine, 81 , 82 social practices, 2 , 8 , 58 , 223 , 242 , 308 , 320 , 339 , 382 , 384 , 396 , 433 , 524 , Switzerland, 201 542 , 555 , 571 , 573 , 576 sword, 46 , 87 , 166 , 207 , 276 , 543 , 544 , 549 , 558 , 559 , 561 , 591 , 637 , 638 , socio-ideological, 546 640 , 659 social reproduction, 59 , 67 , 396 , 399 , 402 , 555 , 593 , 600 Danubian-style, 166 social stratifi cation, 29 , 98 , 460 Naue II, 169 , 183 soldering, 147 , 201 , 205 Thapsos-type, 85 Solunto, 220 , 222 , 224 Sybaris, 187 , 230 , 231 , 235 , 236 , 237 , 239 Son Danú s, 44 area, 238 Son Gallard, 41 , 44 symbolic(al) violence, 585–600 Son Matge, 41 , 44 , 48 Syme, 651 , 658 Son Mercer de Baix, 45 symposium, 209 , 242 , 277 Sorek Valley, 256 , 258 set, 245 Sorgenti della Nova, 642 Syracuse, 63 , 79 , 85 , 87 , 188 , 218 , 221 Sotira Kaminoudhia , 144 , 148 , 403 , 623 Athena temple, 219 , 222 Source of the Tigris, 383 , 385 , 391 cemetery, 219 , 222 Spain, 188 , 205 , 216 , 273 , 554 , 555 , 564 elite, 219 Atlantic coast, 301 Syria, 112 , 114 , 125 , 126 , 184 , 624 , 660 eastern, 396 north, 337 , 348 northwest, 491 North Syrians, 187 south, 223 Syrian infl uence, 578 southeast, 558 , 565 Syrian shekel, 201


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Syria (cont.) Tell Nami, 204 Syrian standard, 208 , 122 , 184 urbanism, 133 Tellaro River (valley), 76 , 80 Syro-Canaanite import cemeteries, 80 Cyprus, 209 Temessa, 182 Syro-Hittite Tenos, 32 , 33 rock relief, 380 , 382 Tepecik, 125 state, 379 , 383 Termitito, 188 , 232 Syro-Palestine chronology, 161 Terni, 446 Syros, 28 Acciaierie cemetery, 446 S. Pietro in Campo cemetery, 446 Taanach, 209 terracotta, 291 Tabara el-Akrad, 125 animal fi gure, 657 , 658 Tabbat-al-Hammam, 184 anthropomorphic fi gurine, 62 Tabla de las Cañ as, 502 bull fi gurine, 630 Tagus River, 207 , 302 , 488 , 495 , 496 , 502 candelabra, 578 estuary, 495 cattle fi gurine, 623 valley, 501 decoration, 443 , 446 talayot , 47 fi gurine, 63 , 651 , 655 , 658 Talha de Chaparrinho, Serpa, 556 goddess with upraised arms, 653 Talo River, 491 mask, 630 Tamassos, 576 model, 620 Tanit, 481 north Syrian, 626 Taras, Taranto, 75 , 188 , 230 , 231 , 232 , 233 , 235 , 236 , 237 , 239 , 24 5 sarcophagus, 221 craftsmen, 236 , 243 statuette, 288 , 290 , 291 , 292 , 294 , 481 , 595 Tarhunta šš a, 383 warrior, 292 Tarhunzas, 380 , 384 terramare settlements, 638 Tarifa, 204 territory, 27 , 40 , 44 , 74 , 97 , 105 , 132 , 219 , 236 , 249 , 255 , 256 , 270 , 273 , Tarquinia, 271 , 279 , 443 , 444 , 587 , 588 , 589 , 594 , 644 280 , 301 , 360 , 409 , 410 , 412 , 417–18 , 422 , 427 , 428 , 431 , 433 , 434 , Arcatelle , 588 , 590 440 , 441 , 443 , 455 , 462 , 463 , 465 , 466 , 471 , 477 , 497 , 500 , 501 , 620 Cavalupo , 270 colonial, 232 Doganaccia , 593 Egyptian, 357 Le Rose, 588 Egyptian-controlled, 355 Macchia della Turchina, 593 Etruscan, 441 Monterozzi , 593 Greek, 233 Pogg io Impiccato, 588 Knossos, 656 Selciatello , 588 Philistine, 259 territory, 446 Tesorillo de la Llaná , 556 Villa Bruschi Falgari, 590 textile, 65 , 151 , 207 , 606 , 629 warrior tomb, 591 production, 148 , 149 , 150 , 188 , 406 , 407 , 479 , 481 , 548 Tarragona, 462 , 464 , 465 technology, 148 , 149 Tarsus, 144 , 145 , 146 , 148 , 149 , 150 , 184 tools, 589 , 591 , 596 , 196 , 202 , 204 , 488 , 489 , 493 , 496 , 497 , 499 , 500 , 501 wool, 149 , 150 , 151 Gulf of, 491 Thapsos, 63 , 63–65 , 66 , 67 , 74 , 75 , 77 , 80 , 84 , 85–86 , 88 , 91 , 92 , 104 Tartessian colonization, 495 bronzes, 91 Tartessians, 491 , 493 , 494 , 495 -Milazzese culture, 75 , 76 , 77 , 84–88 , 90 , 92 territory, 196 , 197 , 302 -Pantalica tradition, 92 Tarxien, 12 , 13 pottery, 87 , 91 , 188 , 216 cemetery, 17 , 61 , 62 , 76 , 278 , 279 cemetery pottery, 79 , 80 Thebes (Egypt), 352 temple, 17 , 61 Amun temple, 362 T as ¸kun Mevkii, 125 kings, 361 Tas-Sil g ˙, 65 , 66 , 217 , 225 tombs, 352–56 , 357 Taureana, 82 Thebes (Greece), 27 , 186 , 341 Taurus mountains, 122 , 123 , 129 , 132 , 133 , 145 , 382 hoard, 340 , 342 , 343 , 344 Bolkar Dag ˘, 379 New Kadmeion Palace, 340 Tavira, 491 Thera, 27 , 28 , 30 , 34 , 163 , 164 Tejada la Vieja, 302 , 311 , 490 eruption, 31 , 34 Tel ‘Erani, 115 Thermi ware, 60 Tel Bet Yerah (Khirbet Kerak), 127 , 131 , 133 Thessaly, 19 , 28 , 164 , 186 , 187 granary (Circles Building), 130 Thiessen polygons, 97 , 440 Tel Beth, Shemesh, 258 , 260 tholos , 87 , 185 , 254 tomb, 32 , 63 , 164 , 321 , 323 , 324 , 326 , 328 , 330 , 331 , 342 , 419 , 421 , 422 , Tel Hadar, 185 524 , 528 , 529 , 530 , 531 , 533 , 556 , 558 Tel Kabri, 346 -type tomb, 66 , 75 , 85 , 86 , 87 , 88 , 91 , 93 Tel Qishyon, 127 Thorikos, 28 Tel Rehov, 185 Thrace, 144 , 150 , 164 Tel Yaqush, 127 , 131 Thucydides, 184 , 185 , 186 Tell Abu Hawam, 184 Thutmose I, 361 Tell ed-Dab’a, 344 , 346 , 356 , 362 Thutmose II, 361 Tell esh-Shuna, 127 Thutmose III, 354 , 360 , 361 , 362 Tell es-Safi , Garth, 184 , 254 , 256 Thutmose IV, 361 Tell es-Sakkan, 116 , 117 Tiber, 440 , 585 Tell Halaf, 348 estuary, 280 , 184 valley, 443 , 445 , 447


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Ticchiara cave, 87 Tur ó de ca n’Oliver, 462 , 465 timber, 113 , 142 , 150 , 492 , 629 Tur ó del Calvari, 459 Timmari, 240 Tur ó del Montgrò s, 466 Timpa Dieri (Siracusa), 80 Tuscany, 76 , 273 Timpone della Motta, 237 , 238 Tu š pa, 390 tin, 44 , 46 , 146 , 147 , 148 , 157 , 181 , 182 , 491 , 496 Horhor Odaları ’ tombs, 390 -bronze, 132 , 144 royal tomb, 390 mining, 146 Tuthmosis III, 217 ore, 554 Tylisos, 651 , 654 Tiryns, 31 , 168 , 655 , 659 Tyre, 196 , 209 , 220 , 260 , 276 , 302 , 489 , 499 Titri s ¸, 122 Tyrian foundation, 489 , Tarragona, 477 Tyrrhenian Tjehenu, 358 , 360 coast, 82 , 88 , 91 , 182 , 437 Tjeker, 357 , 358 elites, 594 Todi, 446 , 447 islands, 44 , 202 , 205 Logge cemetery, 446 Italy, 74 , 75 , 82 , 87 , 92 , 225 , 274 , 275 , 585 , 636 , 639 , 641 San Raff aele cemetery, 446 Sea, 1 , 63 , 75 , 76 , 77 , 82 , 89 , 103 , 183 , 201 , Tomba dei Polacchi, 637 , 638 , 645 202 , 224 , 585 tophet , 220 , 274 , 279 Torre del Mordillo, 188 Ugarit, 122 Torre di Satriano, 230 , 236 , 238 , 240 , 242 , 243 , 244 Ugarit, Ras Shamra, 122 , 123 , 125 , 184 , 345 , 347 , 572 tombs, 245 Temple of Baal, 202 Torre Galli, 216 Ulina, Monte Castellazzo, 87 Torre Mordillo, 237 , 238 Uluburun shipwreck, 166 , 182 , 202 , 203 Torre Vedras, 495 Umbria, 270 , 442 , 443 , 446 , 637 cemetery, 492 Urartu, 379 , 389 Torrej ó n de Abajo, 499 Haldi, 388 Torrepadrones, 495 rock-cut architecture, 390 Toscanos, 205 , 310 , 311 , 492 , 493 rock-cut relief, 383 Tossal de les Basses, 477 rock-cut tomb, 382 tower tomb, 389 urban centre, 233 , 280 , 431 , 437 , 440 , 442 , 443 , 448 , 492 , 494 , 495 , 497 , trade 511 , 572 , 628 , 629 and exchange (system), 169 , 347 urbanisation, 113 , 118 , 127 , 129 , 131 , 133 , 151 , 192 , 230 , 327 , 399 , 437 , long-distance, 8 , 45 , 115 , 133 , 150 , 189 , 190 , 301 , 624 , 630 438 , 439 , 442 , 446 , 448 , 502 , 506 , 610 , 611 , 619 , 624 , 626 maritime, 33 , 59 , 74 , 90 , 93 , 167 , 168 , 206 , 630 delayed-, 440 metal, 29 , 101 , 114 , 125 , 132 , 157 , 159 , 205 , 459 , 499 , 630 indigenous, 440 route, 29 , 33 , 164 , 224 , 275 , 447 , 659 , 660 proto-, 440 , 442 system, 77 , 79 , 82 , 88 , 90 , 310 urbanism. See urbanisation unequal, 307 urn, 218 , 220 , 225 , 495 , 541 , 558 , 559 , 588 , 594 , 656 wine, 273 barrel, 225 trading post, 168 , 235 belly-shaped, 656 Transcaucasia, 139 biconial, 588 trans-egalitarian society, 63 , 166 ceramic, 558 Transylvanian import hut-shaped, 588 , 589 , 590 , 595 Greece, 166 Phoenician, 274 , 67 , 76 urnfi eld, 89 , 456 , 461 Traversant, 507 Uruk, 111–33 , 113 Trayamar, 205 , 302 , 310 , 493 infl uence, 133 Trebbio, 447 -style wall painting, 114 Trebisacce, 237 , 238 Ustica, 63 , 67 , 76 , 77 , 82 , 84 , 87 chronology, 238 trench burial, 219 , 221 , 266 , 268 , 279 Vajz ë tumulus, 166 Trianda, 27 Val Camonica rock carvings, 636 tribe, 92 , 170 , 327 Valdegamas, 498 Libyan, 360 Valencia, 202 , 456 , 457 , 471 , 472 , 476 , 517 tribal society, 97 , 187 Valledolmo, 87 tribal state, 178 , 186–87 , 192 , 442 Valsavoia, 80 Troodos, 101 , 145 , 626 Varna, 146 Tropea, 76 , 79 Vassallaggi, 222 Troy, 28 , 80 , 140 , 144 , 146 , 147 , 149 , 150 , 151 , 167 Vassiliki, 534 elite, 147 , 151 Vega de Granada, 492 Troyan treasures, 148 Veii, 443 , 587 , 588 , 589 , 590 , 594 , 598 wine merchant’s cellar, 150 Grotta Gramiccia, 588 , 590 , 591 Tsoungiza, 168 Macchia Comunit à, 593 tumulus, 169 , 170 , 171 , 389 , 444 , 501 , 523 , 556 , 559 , 562 , 595 Monte Michele, 593 , 596 Albania, 169 Piazza d’Armi, 644 Boljevi c ´a Gruda, 168 Portonaccio sanctuary, 644 Cetina, 167 Quattro Fontanili, 588 , 591 Greek, 168 territory, 446 Mala Gruda, 168 Vaccareccia , 593 Steno, Leukas, 167 , 168 V é lez river, 492 Vajz ë , 166 Velika Gruda tumulus, 168 Velika Gruda, 168 Vel í ka Skordhá kis, 420 Tunip, 362 Velitrae, Velletri, 643 Turdetanian culture, 500 Veneto, 645


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V é raza (pottery), 42 grave, 169 , 170 , 181 , 183 , 201 Verderame, 67 -herding culture, 170 Verduron, 511 ideology, 311 Verucchio, 440 , 447 , 645 king, 166 , 168 , 170 , 359 , 502 mythical, 661 Vetulonia, 105 , 279 , 587 , 588 , 589 , 590 , 594 , 595 stelae, 207 , 209 , 495 Aule Feluske stele, 598 tomb, 590 , 591 Tomba del Tridente, 598 tri-corporate, 285 , 286 , 287 , 288 , 290 , 291 , 292 , 295 , 296 Viale dei Cipressi (Milazzo), 62 wealth accumulation, 115 , 457 , 459 , 465 , 467 , 471–85 , 543 Villabartolomea (Verona), 646 weapon, 219 , 270 , 289 , 293 , 385 , 459 , 466 , 480 , 481 , 484 , 545 , 558 , 559 , Villagerc í a de la Torre, 498 561 , 563 , 580 , 588 , 589 , 590 , 596 , 630 , 637 , 641 , 651 , 658 , 660 Villanova, 266 , 273 -bearing elite, 622 proto-Villanovan, 89 , 587 bronze, 87 , 90 , 91 , 209 , 563 , 637 , 639 villanovan ritual, 587 iron, 181 , 208 , 219 , 311 , 457 , 461 , 465 , 467 , 576 Villanovan/Etruscan weight standard, 201 metal, 543 , 559 Villanovans, 266 , 270 miniature, 642 , 658 Villanovan import specialised weaponry, 541 , 543 , 544 , 549 Iberia, 208 weaving, 148 , 149 , 295 , 409 , 457 , 475 , 479 , 480 , 484 , 547 , 589 Villanueva de la Vera, 498 Weshesh, 357 Villasmundo, 218 , 223 western Mediterranean, 660 Villena hoard, 205 wheat, 201 , 478 , 637 , 639 vine(s), 1 , 115 , 201 , 320 , 428 , 429 , 475 , 478 , 492 , 501 wheel-made pottery, 30 , 75 , 91 , 114 , 120 , 122 , 125 , 129 , 140 , 143 , 145 , Vinha do Casã o, 556 , 560 203–204 , 217 , 273 , 302 , 303 , 304 , 307 violence, 150 , 152 , 171 , 185 , 301 , 310 , 311 , 456 , 457 , 460 , 462 , 466 , 543 , wine, 117 , 129 , 223 , 224 , 242 , 273 , 274 , 275 , 277 , 278 , 279 , 307 , 308 , 310 , 544 , 549 , 561 328 , 457 , 458 , 460 , 461 , 483 , 484 , 491 , 492 , 500 , 594 , 654 Vis, 160 drinking, 273 Vitsa, 187 press, 388 , 475 , 478 , 501 Vivara, 62 , 188 production, 623 Punta Mezzogiorno, 82 trade, 273 , 308 , 311 Volterra, 594 , 597 winery, 479 , 480 Casale Marittimo, 595 , 597 workshop, 33 , 112 , 126 , 203 , 285 , 306 , 340 , 406 , 443 , 464 , 579 , 630 , votive, 654 , 655 , 656 , 657 , 658 , 661 652 , 660 breastplate, 291 , 294 artisanal, 612 bronze, 183 , 493 , 654 metallurgical, 90 , 101 , 145 , 148 , 406 , 476 , 478 , 479 , 480 , 484 , 623 , 627 , Cypriot, 291 630 , 640 dedication, 183 , 189 , 389 palatial, 344 deposit, 80 , 238 , 380 , 447 , 459 , 637 , 641 , 643 , 644 , 645 , 656 , 657 , 658 pottery, 126 , 204 , 219 , 220 , 242 , 278 , 308 g r a ffi ti, 310 sculptors, 292 hoard, 102 textile, 406 , 407 , 627 iron, 183 world-system theory, 157–72 , 438 o ff ering, 102 , 475 , 636 , 638 , 640 , 641 , 644 , 645 , 646 , 658 writing, 88 , 112 , 178 , 190–92 , 208 , 209 , 327 , 328 , 331 , 352 , 464 , 467 , 495 , pyres, 578 , 636 , 640 , 645 , 646 606 , 651 relief, 285 alphabetic, 178 , 181 religion, 294 , 295 implements, 208 , 301 Vounous, 620 , 622 , 624 , 631 system, 606 Vronda, 427 , 431 Vulci, 278 , 279 , 443 , 444 , 446 , 587 , 590 , 642 Xobourgo, 33 Cavalupo , 588 Osteria , 588 , 590 Yalburt Sacred Pool complex, 383 Pogg io Mengarelli, 588 Yaz ı l ı kaya, 348 , 384 Tomba dei Bronzetti Sardi, 588 , 592 Y ı lan Tas ¸ tomb, 388 Yumuktepe, Mersin, 143 warfare, 168 , 169 , 170 , 171 , 183 , 540 , 542 , 544 , 549 , 611 Warpalawas relief, 380 , 381 Zamant ı Su valley, 384 warrior, 171 , 209 , 276 , 543 , 544 , 589 , 640 , 642 , 645 Zancle, 222 class, 559 , 561 , 588 , 598 Zas Cave, 28 cremation, 642 Zentral-italische Amphoren (ZitA), 273 , 278 culture, 169 , 171 Zeus, 285 , 650 , 656 , 661 elite, 159 , 541 , 543 , 549 , 561 Zoquete, 483 , 484 ethos, 169 , 170 Z ú jar River, 502 fi gurine, 658 Zygouries, 168


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