2017 Corporate Responsibility Report Table of Contents

Letter from Our CEO

About Omnicom

Omnicom Corporate Responsibility Goals

2017 Omnicom Corporate Responsibility Highlights

 Community

Sustainable Development Goal #4: Quality Education

 People

 Environment

 Governance

About this Report

UN Communication on Progress

GRI Content Index

Contact Information

2 These important actions confirm our support resource group dedicated to Omnicom’s LGBTQ+ of the United Nation’s Global Compact, to community and its allies, expand in India, China, which we became a signatory in 2016, and our the Philippines and the United Kingdom. commitment to Common Ground, an initiative of Omnicom and other leading global advertising Severe weather across a number of our networks to promote the UN Sustainable communities in 2017 reinforced the potential Development Goals. impacts of climate change and the importance of our efforts to reduce our energy and greenhouse As part of this effort, Omnicom continued its gas impacts. Through our continuing efforts to work toward Sustainable Development Goal 4: share office spaces fitted with energy-efficient to ensure inclusive and quality education for all lighting, equipment and systems, we reduced our and promote lifelong learning. In 2017, Omnicom year-over-year electricity use in 2017 by 5.5% and agencies across the world partnered with GHG emissions by 10%. Girl Effect and Theirworld, two leading NGO’s dedicated to empowering girls and boys through All of these efforts would not have been possible Dear Stakeholders, education. In addition, our agencies helped without the creativity, talent and passion of our employees. They are the foundation of our We are living through rapidly changing and advance education through pro bono work and success, in every way, and I thank each of them challenging times, as the world responds to volunteering for non-profit organizations around for their contributions. societal, technological and environmental the world. disruption. Omnicom’s commitment to corporate In 2017, we also continued to pursue gender Sincerely, responsibility is vital, now more than ever. and multicultural initiatives to ensure that our In 2017, we continued to build on the groundwork organization reflects the diverse backgrounds, we established in 2016, advancing our efforts experiences and perspectives of the global across our four focus areas: supporting our communities we serve. In 2017, 54% of U.S. John D. Wren communities, creating a dynamic and diverse officials and managers were women and 21% President & Chief Executive Officer workforce, managing our environmental footprint were multicultural, both representing significant and ensuring a strong governance structure. We improvements from 2011, our benchmark also underlined our commitment, prior to the year. We also saw Omniwomen, Omnicom’s release of this report, with the publication of new professional women’s network, gain ground, with environmental and human rights policies and by chapters launching in Germany, UAE, France establishing group-wide corporate responsibility and Canada, and OPEN Pride, our employee goals.

3 , Inc. is a strategic holding company and a leading global provider of advertising, marketing and corporate communications services. On a global, pan-regional and local basis, our networks and agencies provide a comprehensive range of services across the following disciplines:

ADVERTISING STRATEGIC MEDIA PLANNING AND BUYING CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT PUBLIC RELATIONS HEALTH CARE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 77,000+ 1500+ SPECIALISTS SERVING AGENCIES IN 100+ COUNTRIES 5,000+ BRANDS 2017 CLIENT MIX 2017 REVENUE Our Portfolio includes: Three global advertising agency networks: BBDO, DDB and TBWA; three of the world’s premier providers of media services: Hearts & Science, OMD and PHD, part of Omnicom Media Group. We also manage a global diversified group of agencies, Food and Beverage 13% under the DAS Group of Companies. Pharmaceuticals and Health Care 12% Consumer Products 10% WORLD Technology 9% USA FINANCIAL SUMMARY 46% Auto 10% 54% Financial Services 7% in millions 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 Travel and Entertainment 6% Revenue $15,273.6 $15,416.9 $15,134.4 $15,317.8 $14,584.5 Retail 6% Operating Income $2,059.7 $2,008.9 $1,920.1 $1,944.1 $1,825.3 Telecommunications 5% Net Income $1,088.4 $1,148.6 $1,093.9 $1,104.0 $991.1 Other 22%


People • By January 1, 2019, Omnicom will offer sexual harassment training to 100% of its full-time, regular employees in the United States and require such employees to be trained within 3 months of their hire date and every 2 years thereafter.

Environment • Reduce energy use 20% per person globally by 2023, using a 2015 baseline. • Increase use of electricity from renewable sources globally to 20% by 2023.

Governance • Develop Supplier Code of Conduct by 2020. • By January 1, 2020, Omnicom will offer business ethics and/or anti-bribery training to 100% of its full-time, regular employees worldwide and require such employees to be trained within 3 months of their hire date and every 2 years thereafter.

5 2017 Omnicom Corporate Responsibility Highlights In 2017, we made progress across the four areas on which we focus: Community, People, Environment and Governance. We describe these initiatives in this report and on our website.

• Supported SDG 4 – ensure inclusive and equitable quality education – through partnerships with Common Community Ground and pro bono support of Girl Effect and Theirworld • Strengthened our communities around the world through thousands of agency volunteer initiatives • Provided powerful pro bono client support to non-profits in service of critical social and environmental causes

• Named as one of the best employers in the United States by Forbes Magazine for the third straight year, ranking People 128 out of the top 500 largest employers in the nation • 54% of U.S. officials and managers are women; 21% multicultural • Launched Omniwomen chapters in Germany, UAE, France and Canada, with plans in place for another half-dozen chapters by mid-2018 • Extended OPEN Pride’s global reach, with new chapters in India, China, the Philippines and the United Kingdom in 2017, and Australia and the U.S. in early 2018

• Introduced new Environmental Policy, outlining our approach to minimize our impact Environment • Established goals in energy use reduction and increase in the use of electricity from renewable energy sources • Reduced year-over-year electricity use by 5.5% and GHG emissions by 10%

• Continued diverse representation on our Board, with 10 independent directors (of 11 total), including 6 women Governance and 4 African Americans • Welcomed two new independent directors, Gracia C. Martore and Ronnie S. Hawkins • Published a Human Rights Policy • Introduced two goals to strengthen our supply chain engagement and formalize business ethics training

6 Caption communities where weworkand live. champion urgent causesthatimpactthe contribute time,passion andcreativity to and thepeoplewhowork atthem, Around theworld,Omnicomagencies, COMMUNITY Strengthening Our Approach Industry Collaboration to We know that advertising is a persuasive force Drive Global Change that can change individual minds to create In 2016, Common Ground was launched, good for many. We are committed to applying establishing an unprecedented commitment by our creativity to support our communities and the marketing and communications industry to clients by investing in: put aside their usual rivalry in order to support • Industry-wide initiatives to drive the United Nations Sustainable Development global change Goals (SDGs). Through Common Ground, the • Agency-driven pro bono and volunteer CEOs of Omnicom, WPP, Publicis, Dentsu, programs Havas and IPG pledged to support the 17 • Client-focused campaigns that address SDGs, recognizing that the global issues the poverty, human rights and many other UN has identified transcend commercial rivalry social equity and environmental issues and require broad collaboration to serve a SUSTAINABLE wider common interest. Each holding company DEVELOPMENT GOAL 4 While our efforts support causes important has committed to tackling one area across to local communities around the world, we’ve their organization and through client work. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality chosen Education as a primary focus of our Omnicom’s focus on Education is reflected education and promote lifelong learning global work. We describe our efforts in this in our work with non-profits Girl Effect and opportunities for all. section. Theirworld, and through the work of our agencies described in the profiles presented in this chapter.

8 Advancing the Education Agenda Theirworld is dedicated to putting education Through Partnerships at the top of the global agenda. Theirworld is an innovative charity that helps children to Omnicom, through the donation of time and fulfil their potential. Through research, pilot expertise, is collaborating with our signature projects and campaigning, Theirworld tests partners – Girl Effect and Theirworld – to effect and shapes new ideas to help give children the change and expand access to education. best possible start in life. To tackle the global Girl Effect creates youth brands and mobile education crisis, it is intent on creating the platforms to empower girls to change their public groundswell needed to close the gaps lives. Education is a key component in its in global education. With Omnicom’s mission because education is fundamental Batten & Company, BBDO, Mercury, Porter to empowerment. Girl Effect’s brands provide Novelli and OMD, we are supporting adolescent girls with enriching educational Theirworld’s campaign to convince the G20 Children arrive for lessons at a school in Lebanon, countries to create a $10 billion fund to target where Theirworld helped to introduce the double- opportunities providing them with relevant shift system for refugees. skills and knowledge to fully participate in education in the world’s neediest countries. economic, social, political and cultural life Photo credit: Theirworld / Hussein Baydoun now and as they transition to adulthood. “The Theirworld partnership with Omnicom gives a huge boost to the global movement to Omnicom agencies are providing pro bono get every girl and boy in school achieving the support to launch Girl Effect in India, develop UN's education goal. The engagement of such A FOCUS ON EDUCATION a data strategy plan and provide strategic an extensive and vibrant network of clients, Despite considerable gains in education communications and media support. offices, staff and agencies worldwide has the potential to help transform how world leaders enrollment over the past 15 years, about 263 and communities all around the world prioritize million children and youth worldwide were “Girl Effect and Omnicom have a shared belief in the education of children, whoever they are the power of branded storytelling to empower and wherever they are born. The personal out of school in 2014, including 61 million girls to change their lives. Over the past year, commitment from John Wren in choosing to children of primary school age. Education Girl Effect's partnership with Omnicom has stand by education as the opportunity that is the foundation of individual and societal every child deserves, and the deep investment been transformational for our organisation. growth. It can lift people, communities and In particular, we've worked closely with OMD led by Janet Riccio bringing on board the full and DDB in India on media landscaping and power of Omnicom has demonstrated that countries out of poverty and is critical to analysis that has helped us shape a market this is a serious promise. We are honored to the sustainable future of this world. Young have been chosen by Omnicom to realize our entry strategy for our new youth brand. For children in particular are important. Early our digital and data innovation, we have also potential as a campaigning charity that always worked with Annalect, BBDO, Targetbase and aims for the high hanging fruit. We are ready to education – in a child’s first five years when Rapp on a comprehensive data audit that has work side by side on the huge effort needed to 90% of the brain’s growth happens – is a helped us sharpen our thinking in this area. make the impossible probable - getting every critical factor in a successful life. This partnership is truly forward-thinking and child into school and learning!” focused on creating impact for the world’s most marginalised girls." Sarah Brown, President, Theirworld

Farah Golant, CEO, Girl Effect

9 Through this global program FH Our Agencies Supporting provided more than $2 million in pro Education bono services to local non-profits, and more than 1,200 employees Agencies across Omnicom have a long history contributed 7,570 hours to support of contributing to their communities through local communities. volunteer and pro bono client work. We highlight just a few of their recent efforts. FleishmanHillard Johannesburg, for example, extended its partnership with the Maharishi Volunteerism Institute, which provides training in business and life skills to disadvantaged youth. Now in Room to Read Partnership its third year, FH Johannesburg has sponsored Since 2008, Ketchum has partnered with Room the postsecondary education of 48 students to Read, a non-profit that is transforming lives and provided training and other work readiness of children in developing countries by focusing In 2018, BBDO was proud to receive AAF’s support to help others prepare for workforce on literacy and gender equality in education. Mosaic Media Image Award for Advocacy participation. for “The Talk”, a Procter & Gamble In 2017, employees raised more The Bucket List campaign. than $20,000 to establish a library Staff from OMD Dubai spent two days in March and support Room to Read’s literacy The Mosaic Awards recognize an agency’s 2017 supporting the children who frequent the program in Vietnam. commitment to diversity and inclusion Bucket List, a club for undocumented street as evident in its creative work and Over the past decade, Ketchum volunteers children in Delhi. Along with playing sports and organization-wide initiatives. have raised more than $300,000 to fund Room games and helping the kids with their art and to Read projects in Cambodia, India, Laos, reading projects, the team donated art, school Nepal, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia. and sports supplies for a year of activities, and refurbished the learning center with flooring, In addition, they have donated lighting and desks. OMD volunteers were also approximately 10,000 hours, providing able to support the Bucket List’s initiative to messaging development, media and have the children documented, required to speaker training, media relations, receive support from government agencies. digital strategy, event staffing, translations and more. At the end of 2017, 20% of the children had been documented and FH4Inclusion Program were eligible to enroll in school. Our In 2017, FleishmanHillard completed its first 2018 goal is to help the Bucket List year of FH4Inclusion, a corporate responsibility acquire documentation for 100% of initiative launched as part of the firm's 70th the children. anniversary celebration that focuses on supporting organizations that champion social inclusion.

10 Agency Focus: One & All Agency Focus: Rabin Martin In 2017, in the wake of One & All is a full-service agency that has Rabin Martin is a strategy consulting firm the devastating impact of been providing creative ideas to clients for focused exclusively on global health. We Hurricanes Harvey and Irene, more than a century. The agency aims to work at the intersection of the private sector Omnicom pledged to match the donations made by our change how the world sees, supports and and unmet public health need to help our employees to the American shares the positive impact made by non- clients become leaders in health. By designing Red Cross relief efforts. By the profit organizations and brands. Its nearly 350 innovative yet practical solutions, we help end of the giving period, we employees deliver strategy, research, analytics, our clients make a measurable impact on the raised a total of $267,030 to media, creative, production and account health of people around the world. For the past support affected individuals management services for national, regional 15 years, we have worked with Fortune 100 and communities. and local clients. They share the clients’ sense companies, major foundations, UN agencies of purpose, applying their experience and and health associations on the development expertise to develop strategies and campaigns and implementation of a variety of strategies, that drive awareness, engagement and results programs and thought-leadership activities, by using imagination, creativity and technology including: to empower the empathy of millions to make a difference. Merck for Mothers In helping guide the strategy for Merck for For nearly 100 years, One & All has created Mothers, designing innovative projects around thousands of successful campaigns for clients, the world and brokering unusual public/ including: private partnerships, Rabin Martin has been able to leverage our greatest assets to • #GivingTuesday efforts for the Greater Boston strengthen Merck’s leadership in global health. Food Bank that raised enough money to It has been a privilege to help Merck bring provide meals for 212,250 hungry people a fresh perspective and business mindset in eastern Massachusetts in 2017 to accelerate progress in reducing maternal • Partnering with Operation Smile to achieve mortality and make a difference for more than record growth by moving from a single- six million women across the globe – from channel program to a fully integrated Harlem to Zambia. approach that includes TV, digital, and direct marketing, as well active donor "Our mission is to help clients reach new journey management populations and improve the health of people around the world. Partnerships like our work with Merck for Mothers inspire us and enable “We have experience—and a track record of— us to fulfill that mission each and every day." helping organizations achieve their goals. Our people are passionate and deeply committed Jeff Sturchio, CEO & President to our clients’ success—because we believe so Rabin Martin much in the good they are doing.”

Alan Hall, CEO One & All

11 Omnicom Agencies Take Bay Path University Free a Girl the Lead on Education "It's My Time" "School for Justice" Agencies across our global networks continue to advocate to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education through client Opening education up to women Highlighting the issue of childhood prostitution work and awareness campaigns.

77 million adult women in the United Discussion of childhood prostitution States do not have a bachelor’s degree. is taboo in India. FleishmanHillard Marina Maher developed the “It’s My supported Free a Girl’s “School for Time” campaign to raise awareness of Justice” campaign, an education initiative the first fully online bachelor’s program that helped survivors of sex trafficking created just for women by The American escape prostitution. Designed to bring Women’s College, part of not-for-profit this taboo topic into public discussion Bay Path University. Elements included in Indian society, the award-winning LinkedIn “InMail” and influencer campaign’s integrated approach included campaigns, and public awareness of the collaboration with judicial officials, a barriers to education. high-profile launch event and outreach through social media, media relations and educational events.

Marina Maher Communications, DAS FleishmanHillard, DAS

12 Tu título sirve Isbank Books VisionPath Education (Your Degree is Useful) SberBank "Ladoshki"

Encouraging reading with free books Introducing teens to the world of Building awareness of the value of a Paying for school meals with the work university degree palm of the hand

The job of encouraging kids to read is Siegel+Gale supports the work of University graduates in Spain are known Children often spend their lunch money never-ending. For more than 10 years, Visionpath Education, a social enterprise to “lighten” their CV's in order to get a to buy anything but healthy food. To help Medina Turgul has supported Isbank’s that helps young people gain the skills job for which they are typically over direct the money to its proper use, BBDO reading campaign, which gives a free they need for a successful future. qualified. DDB Spain created a video to with SberBank, implemented book to kids who have completed their Visionpath works in partnership with reverse the impression that a university Ladoshki technology that lets children school reports. In 2017, we distributed leading employers collaborating on degree is not useful and built a social pay for school meals by using their palms one million books, bringing the total to 12 inspiring and engaging programs that media campaign - #TuTituloSiSirve on an infrared scanner. The program million over the course of the campaign. help smart 14-18 year olds build their (Your Degree It Is Useful) – around it, was piloted in two cities and is now in skills, learn about the world of work and which was shared by thousands. more than 74 schools across Russia. connect with organizations they’d love to work for.

Medina Turgul DDB, DDB Siegel+Gale, DAS DDB Spain, DDB BBDO Moscow, BBDO

13 Education for GirlTalkHQ.com Client Noa Ubongo Employment Uninterrupted (Sharpen Your Brain) Past & Future Tune In

Creating economic opportunities for Highlighting the problem of men Bringing free learning to Tanzanian Promoting the future of American unemployed youth interrupting women youth high schools

Education For Employment (EFE) is Studies show that men interrupt women Noa Ubongo, “Sharpen Your Brain” in XQ Institute and the Entertainment a network of non-profits in the Middle at an alarming rate in everything Swahili, is a free learning channel for Industry Foundation (EIF) invited the East & North Africa (MENA), with a from casual conversations to business youth that offers short video classes public to rethink the future of American mission to create economic opportunities meetings. To bring awareness, BBDO focused on workforce readiness and high schools with a special one-hour for unemployed youth so that they can Canada created an uninterruptable radio entrepreneurship skills. Created and event, “EIF Presents: XQ Super School create a brighter future for themselves, ad for GirlTalkHQ.com, during which a financed by TBWA\ Khanga Rue, it was Live”. MAL\FOR GOOD developed the their families and communities. Impact woman explains the facts surrounding launched with three pilot classes in 2016. integrated tune-in campaign for the early Proximity revamped EFE’s website the issue – where it happens, how it Since then, it’s had nearly 2 million views, September event, which aired live on all and digital communications to drive feels, the root causes behind it and what reached more than 3 million people, with four U.S. networks. awareness for the program, engage we can do about it – all in one single, 12,400+ hours of viewing time. stakeholders and increase donations. uninterrupted sentence.

Impact Proximity, BBDO BBDO Canada, BBDO TBWA\Khanga Rue, TBWA MAL\FOR GOOD, TBWA

14 Client Campaigns that Deliver Change In 2017, our global agency networks continued to help their Fractured Truth HP #LatinoJobs for-profit and pro bono clients drive progress on social and environmental issues in local communities. Here’s a sample of Fracturing common misconceptions compelling campaigns from around the world. around osteoporosis Talent is our only criteria

The Fractured Truth campaign was HP is hiring and talent is the company’s created to literally fracture common only criteria. Dedicated to becoming the misconceptions around osteoporosis, employer of choice for underrepresented educate women on the facts, and urge groups seeking careers in the tech them to speak with their doctors about industry, #LatinoJobs is the latest the seriousness of this underestimated addition to HP’s Reinvent Mindsets talent condition. The campaign has reached attraction series, a collaboration with the over 3.5 million people, and the message multicultural experts at Alma DDB. is getting through. Women actively share the content with friends, comment on social media, and talk to their doctors. The #1 message women took away from the campaign was urgency to treat.

Patients & Purpose, DAS Alma, DDB

15 UN Foundation State Farm Procter & Gamble Disaster +SocialGood Neighborhood of Good Relief and Tide Loads of Hope Crime Stoppers

Collaborating to inspire solutions in Localizing & personalizing purpose Providing unique and needed Putting a stop to sex trade trafficking support of the SDGs for State Farm disaster relief services

The UN Foundation wanted to encourage To reinforce its brand values and Since 2005, Procter & Gamble has Trafficking of young girls into the sex change makers to gather to share ideas positioning, “We're Here to Help," provided everyday essentials and free trade is an issue, even in Canada. Crime and inspire solutions in support of the State Farm introduced Neighborhood laundry services through its disaster Stoppers had DDB Toronto create a UN Sustainable Development Goals. of Good™, a program to encourage relief and Tide Loads of Hope program campaign to help stop the practice. FleishmanHillard and FleishmanHillard volunteerism. to families affected by natural disasters. The campaign generated positive India were engaged to launch a new hosted monthly Neighborhood of In 2017 following Hurricanes Maria, results, including the rescue of a young platform—+SocialGood—in Mumbai. Good™ events in three cities and micro Irma and Harvey, Ketchum provided girl after a citizen saw the campaign, The project included execution of a experiences across 28 markets. Within communications outreach and on-site and recognizing the danger, alerted turnkey event, including logistics, event the first month, nearly 16,000 people support, helping distribute personal care authorities. management, content development, volunteered approximately 4,000 hours, and cleaning kits containing brands such media relations and social media to and a campaign total of 37,000+ acts of as Always, Bounty, Crest, Gillette and amplify the collaboration. volunteerism solidified the State Farm’s Pampers and helping wash 2,300+ loads reputation as a nationwide enabler of of laundry. The campaign generated 1.2 positive social impact. billion+ media impressions.

FleishmanHillard India, DAS The Marketing Arm, DAS Ketchum, DAS DDB Toronto, DDB

16 Unilever Turkey Lipton Texas Bathroom Bill There are Many Ways to Audi #It’s time to talk I Pee with LGBT See the World

Recruiting designated drivers in Supporting talk with silence Defeating discrimination Raising the visibility of the Blind real-time Institute Of Bahia

Audi asked Verda to develop its holiday In an increasingly polarized world A concerted effort was launched in Texas Morya worked with the Blind Institute season designated driver campaign. where digital media tops face-to-face to defeat the discriminatory bathroom of Bahia to raise visibility of the Institute Verda’s video featured the auto-maker’s interaction, Lipton commissioned Medina bill known at SB6. GSD&M partnered and funds to maintain and expand real-time search for a responsible driver. Turgul DDB to create "It's time to talk". with the ACLU of Texas and Legacy services. Through a branding initiative, The hook was that once they found him, Employing a media event, the agency Community Health to launch “I Pee with a commissioned song to reach the “Bob” as he was dubbed, was rewarded dramatized the issue by closing Lipton’s LGBT.” A video, shared across digital unsighted, and donations from media, with a new Audi on the spot to drive his prime time commercial, broadcast and social platforms, created awareness the Institute increased donation revenues, friends home in. The campaign garnered simultaneously across 17 national about the discriminatory nature of SB6 and the campaign created more than 600,000+ views, 1,500 shares and 5,000 channels, with five minutes of silent and ultimately contributed to the bill’s 50,000 impressions on Facebook and reactions in two days. packshot. The event reached 17 million defeat. 16,000 views on YouTube. impressions within 15 minutes, and 300 million to date.

Verda, DDB Medina Turgul DDB, DDB GSD&M, DAS Morya, DDB

17 IKEA International Day Against National Safety Council Thai Heath Promotion Department for Violence on Women Prescribed to Death Foundation Hearing Rescue Transport Pink Kittens

Raising awareness of violence on Humanizing the effects of opioid Helping alert the hearing impaired Revealing what you miss when you women addiction to danger while they sleep glance at your phone when driving

DDB Italy supported IKEA to Opioid addiction is in the news so With Thai Health Promotion Foundation Distracted driving is dangerous practice communicate the brand’s support for much we can become immune to its and Deaf Association of Bangkok, BBDO among young drivers. AMV BBDO International Day Against Violence message. With the National Safety Bangkok surveyed the hearing impaired created THINK!, a video to show young on Women, in partnership with non- Council, Ketchum and BBDO conceived in Thailand and found that 100% take out drivers, a third of whom admit to using profit Italian Association Telefono. “Prescribed to Death” to humanize the their hearing aid at night. In response, their phone while driving, how much they The campaign created a web-based effects of opioid addiction, etching 22,000 the Foundation created the world's first miss and the disastrous results when they awareness-raising video and an in-store faces of real overdose victims—the hearing aid that not only amplifies sound, glance at their phone, even for just a few activation, drawing customers attention average number who die annually from but also detects the sounds of danger seconds. to violence against women with “walls” of opioids—on replicas of actual pills. by turning the hearing device into a personal audio stories. vibrating wristband.

DDB Italy, DDB Ketchum and BBDO, DAS BBDO Bangkok, BBDO AMV BBDO, BBDO

18 DB Export Beer Asia Pacific Transgender Energy Upgrade Bottle Sand The Blind Spot Network ‘Change The Clap’ California: Eclipse

Campaigning against the Driving awareness about energy Reducing the impact sand dredging Making people aware of a disease discrimination of transgender conservation during a mid-summer has on our beaches they are not affected by community in Pakistan solar eclipse

To advocate for the reuse of valuable How do you get someone to appreciate BBDO Pakistan was tasked with the The client wanted to help Californians resources, AMV BBDO headed out on a a disease when they haven’t experienced mission to bring the issue of transgender minimize their power usage. The roadshow featuring machines that turned it? To support Light for the World’s fight rights to the forefront. Launched on campaign built on the first total solar empty DB Export Gold beer bottles into against preventable blindness, PKP BBDO International Human Rights Day in eclipse experience in the United States sand that would supply the construction simulated the symptoms of cataracts December 2017, the campaign was picked in 40 years, engaging customers using industry, do-it-yourself retailers and with an overlay ad published on Austria’s up by celebrities, publishers, magazines on-air exposure, social executions and engineering firms, and thereby reducing online newspapers and prompted with and news channels, in Pakistan and event activations, complete with branded the reliance on sand being dredged from a call to action. The campaign achieved globally. The public awareness and viewing glasses, to get Californians beaches. a 125% increase in donations in one day lobbying prompted the government to talking about their energy use. Site compared to donations in a whole month. add a third gender option to national traffic doubled in August, with 76% more identity cards and passports. conversions than prior months.

AMV BBDO, BBDO PKP BBDO, BBDO BBDO Pakistan, BBDO OMD, Omnicom Media Group

19 Channel 4: Paralympics Burt’s Bees Social Buzz ANZ #holdtight The Bridal Uniform

Changing the nation's attitudes Helping the plight of the honeybee Helping Australians to make Raising voices to put an end to towards disability for the better through social media marriage equality a reality #childmarriages

To raise awareness of the Paralympic Burt’s Bees has a mission to protect To celebrate 11 years of Mardis Gras and At the end of this year’s bridal week, one Games, OMD UK created a three-minute the honeybee. PHD created a media to champion marriage equality, TBWA outfit caught everyone’s attention. It film featuring an entirely disabled cast, campaign that drove awareness of the Sydney—Eleven inspired Australians to was a school uniform, embellished with launched across the Channel 4 network mission using a bespoke Snapchat filter, stand proud and #holdtight through a PR heavy motifs, worn by a girl. A striking and retargeted to give engaged viewers which, when shared by users, would campaign that went viral within 48 hours symbol to raise awareness and highlight access to behind the scenes footage and trigger the planting of 5,000 wildflower and wearable wristbands that lit up as the horrible trade-off that takes place athletes’ stories. Almost half the UK seeds. The campaign overachieved its UK two people held hands. The campaign when a child is deprived of her right to population tuned in, and 75% believe target, with 267 million seeds planted and reached 6 million people and distributed an education, and instead married. This the campaign has helped them feel more an 8% lift in average sales in Boots. 6,000 wristbands. bridal uniform was used to question the comfortable talking to those with a unfortunate nature of many marriages disability. that should not be a cause of celebration.

OMD UK, Omnicom Media Group PHD UK, Omnicom Media Group TBWA Sydney - Eleven, TBWA BBDO Pakistan, BBDO

20 One Love Foundation The Humsafar Trust Behind the Post Equal Toilets Mission NYPD: Build the Block Proudly Made in Aba

Fostering communication between Raising awareness of relationship Defeating transphobia in the toilets NYC police officers and the Creating a sense of pride in locally abuse of Mumbai communities they serve made products

It can be hard for young adults to Building on the notion that people Build the Block, a partnership between Despite the fact that Nigerian brands are acknowledge they are in an abusive wouldn't discriminate among the NYPD, Police exported globally, they are not valued relationship when social posts are “liked” transgender people if they knew what it Foundation and Omnicom agencies, is locally. Nigeria Concept created “Proudly at face value. MAL\FOR GOOD created felt like, TBWA\ India executed a social facilitating communication between NYC Made in Aba” to increase Nigerian’s a campaign to raise awareness of abuse, experiment using a viral film designed police officers and residents, creating pride in locally made products. The highlighting the warning signs of an to drive home a hard-hitting message. accountability, respect and productive documentaries showcasing the energy unhealthy relationship by showing the Overall, organic reach totaled 7 million relationships. OMD created a robust and passion needed to produce high- real life that happens behind social media people through a campaign that included media plan, starting with a radio value local brands received 22 million posts. The campaign generated 13 million pledges and digital, print and radio campaign to target African-American impressions, 5.8 million views, $150,000 views and 38 million impressions in one coverage. males. The campaign is a first step in of earned media and produced a 35% month. OMD’s ongoing support of the NYPD. increase in sales.

MAL\FOR GOOD, TBWA TBWA\ India, TBWA OMD, Omnicom Media Group Nigeria Concept, TBWA

21 France Nature Jane Goodall Institute Chicco’s TurnAfter2 Environnement Australia Rewind the Future Campaign CARE

Promoting nature at its best Helping turn back the clock by Changing safety behavior with a Providing urgent assistance to the inspiring action simple message world’s most vulnerable people

Re-Mind PHD obtained €1.7 million ($2 The Jane Goodall Institute Australia Cone Communications and Chicco, a , as part of its multi-year million USD) worth of free space across wanted to encourage people to make their brand known for its top-rated car seats, global pro bono partnership with CARE, digital and print consumer platforms own positive change for the environment. launched a campaign to keep children brought the Global Emergency Response to disrupt and electrify the French with TBWA Sydney’s Rewind the Future safer on the road. TurnAfter2 reminds Coalition to life, working along with other messages promoting nature at its best campaign, in support of Jane Goodall’s parents to wait to “turn” their child committed agencies, through a two-week and pollution free. The campaign included national speaking tour, drew attention forward-facing “after two” years old. campaign designed to help those already placement of more than 5,500 panels, to the current state of the earth and how In just one year, the simplicity of the going hungry and on the brink of famine published in 28 daily publications and Jane is inspiring others to make a change message helped increase awareness from to survive and lay the groundwork for magazines, and more than 3.5 million - as it's not too late to rewind the future. 58% to 73% among parents of children recovery. impressions delivered on the Internet. under the age of two.

Re-Mind PHD, Omnicom Media Group TBWA Sydney, TBWA Cone Communications, DAS Porter Novelli, DAS

22 Caption we serve. we serve. perspectives ofthe global communities diverse backgrounds, experiences and each bringsto ourwork–reflect the people –andtheunique contributions world. We are successfulbecause our of peopleinevery cornerofthe communications thatreach millions campaigns anddeliver innovative employees create award-winning Across ouragencies,Omnicom PEOPLE Strengthening Our Approach Measuring Our Progress Omnicom is dedicated to helping our people Omnicom discloses our five-year flourish, providing them with advancement progress for U.S. employees against opportunities, competitive benefits and creative key diversity metrics: workspaces. Underpinning each of these is our abiding commitment to diversity and inclusion, 21% of U.S. “Officials and For the second consecutive year, which we foster through: 21% Managers” are multicultural, an Omnicom received a perfect score increase of 31% from five years ago on the Corporate Equality Index, Leadership: Reporting to Omnicom’s Chief with improvement among each of designating us as a 2017 “Best Diversity Officer, diversity champions across Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality.” the Equal Employment Opportunity our agency networks help ensure we meet Commission’s Hispanic/Latino, our diversity and inclusion objectives, while Black/African American and Asian representing the unique needs and cultures designations within their organizations The U.S. “Professional” talent base Measurement: Omnicom discloses our five-year is 28% multicultural, an increase progress on key global diversity metrics. For 28% In May 2018, Omnicom Group was of 23% from five years ago with named as one of the best employers in our 2017 report, see Measuring Our Progress. the United States by Forbes Magazine improvement among each of the for the third straight year, ranking 128 Accountability: Each year, qualitative factors, Equal Employment Opportunity out of the top 500 large employers in including diversity, are considered in Commission’s Hispanic/Latino, the nation. determining Omnicom's CEO pay. Black/African American and Asian designations Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is core to our People initiatives at Omnicom and Women make up 54% of U.S. across our agency networks. In this chapter, we 54% "Officials and Managers" explain how we are: • Building an Inclusive Culture • Attracting Diverse Talent Of the approximately 24,000 U.S. employees th At the 44 annual One Show Awards, • Developing Our People who are “Professionals” and “Officials and Omnicom Group was named Creative • Celebrating Difference Managers,” 26% are multicultural, 55% are Holding Company of the Year. In total, 51 women, and only 34% are white men Omnicom agencies won 332 Pencils and • Expanding Our Influence Merits from approximately 20 different Of the 11 current members of Omnicom’s countries. Board of Directors, six are women and four are African American

24 another half-dozen chapters by mid-2018, Building an Inclusive Culture in New York, San Francisco, Diversity matters, to our people, who seek an and other global centers, each focused on inclusive culture where differences in gender, expanding networking, career opportunities age and ethnicity are embraced and supported, and skills development (see Omniwomen and to our clients, who increasingly are using Canada Launch, page 26). diversity as a way to build diverse cultures. International Women’s Day At Omnicom, we foster an inclusive work March 8 is a time when people all over environment through our Omnicom People the world come together to celebrate the Engagement Network (OPEN) and its vibrant professional and personal achievements of employee resource groups – Omniwomen and Attendees at Cannes 2017 women. Omniwomen joined these celebrations OPEN Pride. through a number of events and activations: OMNIWOMEN AT CANNES Omniwomen • Omniwomen Next challenged the women Omniwomen France, which was launched in March 2017, convened an Omniwomen breakfast of Omnicom to share what bold action With women representing more at the OMD Oasis during Cannes 2017. The they would take to help drive gender than 50% of Omnicom’s global event featured interviews with 10 inspiring parity and inclusiveness, in honor of the 50% workforce, their professional Omniwomen, and an unannounced guest 2017 International Women’s Day theme appearance by Omnicom CEO John Wren. progress is not simply a gender #BeBoldForChange. Hundreds of women issue but a business imperative. from around the world participated in the Founded in 2014, Omniwomen’s global initiative and their stories were posted on mission is to drive the advancement of tumblr. women to senior leadership roles throughout • Omniwomen chapters were launched in Omnicom. We are proud to say that great Canada, the UAE and Germany, where 150 progress has been made with the ascension of clients and employees attended the kick- GOAL women into high-profile leadership roles across off event in Berlin. • The third annual Leadership Summit was In 2018, in advance of publishing our networks. this report, we established a new hosted by Omniwomen UK. Approximately company-wide goal: By January In 2017, we experienced a groundswell of 350 women gathered for inspirational 1, 2019, Omnicom will offer sexual support, with Omniwomen chapters launching stories focused on leadership journeys harassment training to 100% of in Germany, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and offering encouragement to aim high, its full-time, regular employees in France and Canada and plans in place for be authentic and believe in yourself. the United States and require such employee to be trained within three months of their hire date and every two years thereafter.

25 Omniwomen Canada Launch OPEN Pride In March 2017, Aileen Virola, Managing Director, Launched in 2016 in New York, OPEN Pride GMR Marketing, Carolyn Ray, Managing Director, leads our company-wide efforts to promote Interbrand Canada, and Anika Latif, Principal, awareness, acceptance and advocacy for Daggerwing Group joined forces with Omnicom Omnicom’s LGBTQ+ community and its allies. Group to create a new Omniwomen Canada Through our global chapters, we are fostering chapter. brandchannel spoke with them about an inclusive and engaging work environment by their plans to be a catalyst for leadership creating opportunities for leadership, visibility, development. We’ve excerpted and condensed community involvement, networking and their conversation: business creation. Our goal is to engage our OPEN Pride China launch participants Inspired by what we’ve seen in the UK and workforce wherever they are in the world and US chapters, our mission is to serve as the then, with the launch of new chapters, adopt catalyst to increase the influence and number an approach that reflects and respects local “OPEN PRIDE TRIES TO FOSTER AN of women leaders throughout the Omnicom issues. INCLUSIVE AND ENGAGING WORK network in Canada by bringing them together In 2017, OPEN Pride extended its global reach, ENVIRONMENT FOR OMNICOM’S in an open and supportive environment for with inspiring groundbreaking initiatives in LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY AND ALLIES. I networking and learning. We want to inspire, India, China, the Philippines and the United AM PARTICULARLY PLEASED THAT IN empower and support one another to reach Kingdom. In the first part of 2018, new A VERY SHORT TIME, OPEN PRIDE HAS our full leadership potential and drive improved chapters were added in Australia and the BECOME A TRULY GLOBAL INITIATIVE business impact. WITH THRIVING CHAPTERS AROUND United States. In 2017, we also launched a THE WORLD AND PARTICULARLY Our first priority is to focus on mentoring and Facebook group with the aim of creating a safe IN KEY CITIES IN ASIA PACIFIC, A coaching, starting with a speed mentoring space for members plus allies of Omnicom’s REGION THAT IS HOME TO 60 PERCENT event, where our members can meet with LGBTQ+ community to connect, communicate OF HUMANITY AND THE WORLD’S strong women leaders, exchange ideas, and share. LARGEST LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY.” insights, information and experience with Among the 2017 highlights: senior leaders. Serge Dumont, Omnicom Vice Chairman and OPEN Pride Global Executive Sponsor OPEN Pride UK was launched by a group of We have big dreams for the Canada LGBTQ+ volunteers from agencies across the chapter. We aspire to have an Omnicom Group in the UK. At the official kick- engaged base of 250-plus active off in May, the founders declared their modest members and subscribers to the target to have the group come out at the 2017 Omniwomen Canada group and, Pride in Parade, just 66 days away. The perhaps most exciting, have an challenge to UK colleagues was to produce all-Canada summit with incredible, 60-second videos on the Parade theme, inspirational speakers in 2018. “Love Happens Here.” Eight videos , from UK

26 agencies Hall & Partners, Haygarth, Proximity, Progress, DDB Remedy, FleishmanHillard Fishburn, RAPP and TBWA, were showcased on a truck-mounted screen along the parade route. The launch ignited an important conversation that continued through 2017 as OPEN Pride UK expanded its engagement, reach and membership.

OPEN Pride New York was well represented in New York City’s Pride March in 2017. The group Attendees at the OPEN Inclusion Summit in also secured a Platinum Sponsorship with the New York City NYC Pride Organization for 2019, which will Hearts & Science celebrates Pride Month be an especially important year as the city of New York will be the official host of World Omnicom at Davos advanced our OPEN Pride OMNICOM OPEN Pride 2019 and will also be celebrating the mission during the World Economic Forum’s INCLUSION SUMMIT 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising. The compelling panel, “Progress in Peril: How As we navigate increasingly challenging times, it’s sponsorship is in exchange for in-kind branding Business, Philanthropy and Media Can Lead important that we come together as a network to share ideas and best practices to connect and to Achieving 100% Acceptance for LGBTQ and PR contributions with support from RAPP build lasting relationships. On November 8th, Worldwide, FleishmanHillard, Interbrand and People”. Speakers at the January 2018 annual 2017 Omnicom hosted our first annual OPEN Ketchum, among others. gathering in Switzerland included Serge Inclusion Summit in New York City. The one-day Dumont, Omnicom Vice Chairman and OPEN immersive experience convened more than 100 OPEN Pride China launched in in Pride Global Executive Sponsor, Jim Fitterling, diversity leaders, diversity champions, allies January 2018 with an inaugural Omnicom President of Dow Chemical, and Brad Smith, and advocates to focus on creating a culture Leadership speaking series. Fittingly, the of acceptance and building the workforce of President of Microsoft, among others, who the future. Content for the day included case series’ opening event featured a dialogue discussed their companies’ initiatives to drive studies, presentations, panels and networking. between Serge Dumont, Omnicom Vice LGBTQ+ equality. Topics discussed included: employee resources Chairman and OPEN Pride Global Executive groups, talent development, workplace culture, Sponsor, and celebrity Jin Xing. Jin Xing, a Sponsored by GLAAD, the Ariadne unconscious bias, crisis communication, and dancer, choreographer and TV talk show host, Getty Foundation and Omnicom, client work. is an icon in the LGBTQ+ community. With the highlight of the panel was the 100 million weekly viewers, she is the first announcement by Ari Getty of a transgender woman in China to receive, in the $15M gift to fund the newly launched mid-1990s, official recognition of her transition GLAAD Media Institute, a training, as a woman. The candid and engaging consulting and research venture to conversation centered on Jin Xing’s personal effect positive change with LGBTQ+ story and aspects of leadership that helped advocates around the world. her succeed.

27 Attracting Diverse Talent Leadership in Talent Diversity and Inclusion In today’s changing media landscape, it’s critical that we seek out and champion talent In 2017, Omnicom Health Group continued from every corner of our communities. Around its network-leading partnership with the 4A’s the world, Omnicom agencies are reaching Multicultural Advertising Intern Program out to young people to raise awareness about (MAIP), hosting 13 MAIP Fellows across the the different opportunities in our industry and Omnicom Health Group network. Under the rolling out initiatives to attract – and retain – leadership of Edward Frankel, SVP and Director our young leaders of tomorrow. For example: of Talent Acquisition at OHG, 2017 was their third successful year of participation. Since Welcoming MAIP Fellows at Omnicom Health Group FleishmanHillard’s FH4Inclusion Campaigns Frankel initiated the program at Omnicom, he support education, scholarships and outreach Top (left to right): has hosted 24 MAIP Fellows with nine more in underserved, diverse neighborhoods in Asia, • Marcia Hu, CDM NY, Brand Coordinator, participating in the 2018 Summer Internship MAIP Class of 2017 South Africa, Russia, the EU and the United Program. • Eduardo Benavidez Jr., CDM NY, Brand States. In the UK, for example, FleishmanHillard Coordinator, MAIP Class of 2017 Fishburn (FHF) partners with Career Ready, a MAIP offers full-time, paid internships for • Artiana Wynder, Patients & Purpose, Art charity that gives 16 to 18 year old students diverse young professionals with more than Director, MAIP Class of 2016 from lower income homes access to the 100 agencies across the industry. • Theo Chiong, Patients & Purpose, Brand Coordinator, MAIP Class of 2017 professional world. FHF has provided three, six-week summer internships to Career Interns spend 22 weeks in virtual Bottom (left to right): Ready students, who gain first-hand agency and in-agency training, to gain • Julian Soto, Patients & Purpose, Senior experience, practical employment knowledge, exposure, experience and networking Copywriter, MAIP Class of 2015 as well as inspiration, through one-on-one • Carlos Estrada, DDB Health, Art Director, opportunities. MAIP Class of 2017 mentorship from FHF staff and master-class sessions on networking, communication, In return, the agency gains access to top talent, personal branding and interview success. with the aim of hiring MAIP Fellows at the end of their internships or tapping into the talent CPM France’s CPM Académie, the first of pool down the road through alumni events. its kind, is a business development and marketing school formed in partnership with Building on the success achieved placing the CFA CODIS, an apprenticeship training interns across OHG agencies, the network organization. Through a 12-month training In 2017, Edward Frankel, SVP and continued to expand OHG’s talent acquisition Director of Talent Acquisition at program, CPM Académie apprentices gain the programs, identifying historical black colleges Omnicom Health Group, was honored expertise required for jobs in the sales force, & universities (HBCU) to partner with to by the 4As Multicultural Advertising merchandising and sales demonstrations. In Internship Program with the Pantheon build awareness of career opportunities in 2017, 20 new apprentices joined CPM France’s Award for his transformational the advertising world. Educational efforts sales force, sales activation and merchandising leadership in talent diversity and are already underway with Tennessee State, teams. Since the program launched in 2014, inclusion. Howard and Hampton Universities. 70 young people have been trained at CPM France. 28 Partnerships in Diversity harmful gender stereotypes in advertising. Driven by the United Nations, the Unstereotype In 2017, Omnicom Group advanced its diversity Alliance is committed to drive, measure and and inclusion efforts through two significant new deliver decisive change. commitments:

Omnicom Group CEO John Wren joined Omnicom also continues to collaborate more than 300 other CEOs to sign on with a variety of industry and community to the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion organizations to create opportunities for initiative, the largest CEO-driven diverse talent. These include: business commitment to advance • AAF Mosaic Center for Multiculturalism: diversity and inclusion within the A leader in multicultural marketing/ workplace. advertising and inclusion issues. Omnicom Group is the premiere sponsor of the AAF As a signatory, Omnicom is committed to Most Promising Multicultural Student providing employees time and space to have Program (MPMS) and sponsor/producer conversations about topics like race, delivering of Most Promising University (MPU) unconscious bias training to employees and • The Brotherhood/Sister Sol: Comprehensive, sharing actions to help advance diversity and holistic and long-term support services to inclusion. In January 2018, almost 250 Chief Black and Latino youth who range in age Human Resources Officers and Chief Diversity from eight to twenty-two and Inclusion Officers from CEO Action signatory • Ghetto Film School (GFS): An organization companies, including Omnicom’s Chief Diversity that educates, develops and celebrates the Officer Tiffany R. Warren, convened for a summit next generation of diverse filmmakers Young filmmakers participating in the Ghetto Film School to learn, listen, and support CEO efforts to lead • GLAAD: A dynamic media force that tackles with action-oriented steps and drive diversity and tough issues to shape the narrative of inclusion commitments. LGBTQ acceptance • LaGrant Foundation: Scholarships, career Omnicom Group joined global advertisers, digital development workshops, mentoring and media partners, advertising agency consortia, internships for multicultural students in PR associations and industry champions at the and Communications Cannes Festival of Creativity to launch the Unstereotype Alliance affirming their commitment to a global and universal agenda to tackle

29 based on situations that face our agency leaders Omnicom University changes people’s lives. Here Developing Our People on a regular basis. is how a few of our participants describe the Omnicom has a deep and longstanding In addition to Omnicom University, our networks experience: commitment to developing our people. Dedicated and agencies offer a variety of training and to making our organization a place where people development programs. Below are just a few “THE OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN can build their careers, we have continued our highlights: SUBSTANTIVE AND RELEVANT focus on education and training, from basic skills Omnicom Emerging Stars brings together top young CONTENT, TAUGHT WITH PASSION… to the advanced programs of Omnicom University. talent from across Omnicom agencies to help THE MOST INSPIRING AND Omnicom University is regarded as one of the kick start their careers. Our Emerging Stars are pre-eminent executive education experiences and SUPPORTIVE EXPERIENCE OF MY submerged in a crash course in innovation and a major source of “cultural glue” for Omnicom. CAREER.” creative methodologies, introduced to leading For 23 years, Omnicom University has built the thinkers and see inside some of the world’s best Sharon Callahan, Chief Client Officer, leadership muscle of our most senior leaders Omnicom Healthcare Group agencies. The three-day experience culminates in by using hundreds of real world cases – from the creation and pitch of an integrated marketing Omnicom agencies – to help leadership navigate challenge to senior client stakeholders and industry challenges and opportunities in our Omnicom leaders. “THREE DAYS OF IMMERSION AND rapidly changing business. To date, more than Interbrand Academy is an open-access, global TRANSFORMATION. …IT HELPED ME 4,800 students have gone through our programs, which include: learning platform offering live-streamed sessions CHART A LEARNING COURSE FOR throughout the year, available to every office in the MYSELF. MORE IMPORTANTLY, I Senior Management Undergraduate and Graduate network, across every level of experience in the HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO MEET Programs (SMP), designed for the most senior organization. The on-demand sessions, available WONDERFUL PEOPLE AND SHARE executives in the company, with course content on our employees’ mobile devices, offer how-to SIMILAR PROBLEMS.” over the two-year commitment focusing on skills sessions, trademark law and image rights individual leadership, including balancing modules. Ranji Cherian, President responsibilities as a producer, manager and leader, Discovery and Development provides high- DDB Mudra South as well current critical issues facing our industry. performing professionals at Porter Novelli with Advanced Management Program (AMP), which the opportunity to immerse themselves in the introduces future leaders and “rising stars” to the work and culture of another office. Participants “THE SMP FORMULA IS FUELED core principles of managing a professional service expand their knowledge and skills, build lasting BY THREE THINGS: 1. RELEVANT firm, with a focus on our case-study method to relationships and share their experiences, splitting stimulate discussions of issues and trends that CASES ON REAL ISSUES, 2. GREAT their time between home office existing projects challenge our industry. TEACHERS TO LEARN FROM, 3. LIVELY and local client work at their host site. Twelve staff CLASSMATES TO LEARN WITH. IT Agency Leadership Program (ALP), a hands-on members participated in 2017 and another dozen, course tailored to new leaders to hone their representing 10 cities and visiting offices in the PROVIDES GROWTH, INSPIRATION, decision-making through simulation challenges U.S., U.K., Belgium and Mexico, are taking part MOTIVATION AND DIRECTION, AS in 2018. WELL AS AFFIRMING AND ENDURING SUPPORT, BOTH IN AND BEYOND THE “The Discovery and Development program was hands-down the best experience of my career BABSON CLASSROOM." thus far. I got to meet my fellow Omnicom brethren, got a fantastic understanding of the business challenges and opportunities in the EU that I’ve been able to put to work in DC, and Cilla Snowball, Group Chairman & got to truly feel how global and respected the Porter Novelli brand is.” Group CEO, AMV Group Rebecca Mark, Vice President of Research in Porter Novelli’s Washington, DC office, travelled to Brussels for her Discovery and Development assignment

30 DAS Accelerate Military “The most valuable part of Veterans Program the program was the ability “OUR GOAL IS TO BRING THE BEST to get a glimpse into various TALENT TO DAS, AND SOMETIMES WE Now in its fourth year, the DAS Accelerate careers that we’ve never NEED TO LOOK BEYOND THE OBVIOUS Military Veterans Program (MVP) provides been exposed to. Being able to see the dynamics TALENT POOL.” training and employment for veterans of of how an agency works Special Operation Forces (SOF) including prior to taking on a full-time Dale A Adams, Chairman and CEO The DAS Group of Companies SEALs, MARSOC, Para Rescue, Rangers and position gave me the chance Green Berets. Veterans rotate through three, to craft my leadership and four-month training stints at one of the 40 soft skills appropriately.” participating DAS companies and are offered Maria Samantha Moeller (Veteran positions within a company on completion of Staff Sargent US Army), Account their residency. The program aims to add three Supervisor, Dieste full-time candidates each year moving forward. “I look back at the last year Currently, 11 program participants – new job, new organization, are employed at DAS/Omnicom. new boss, new goals – and how much the DAS Accelerate MVP program has made an impact on my life. I like to think about the The DAS Accelerate MVP program has impact that I can make in unleashed an impressive and under-tapped return, not only to Omnicom pool of Special Forces experts whose deep Group, but to other military training and unwavering commitment to members who are looking to excellence makes them superior candidates start their new career.” who enrich our culture, thinking and business Mark Allen (Veteran Navy SEAL), and bring a diverse set of perspectives that Project Manager, Integrated help us learn and grow. Merchandizing Systems

We’re proud to profile four program “What this DAS Accelerate participants: MVP program has given me over the past two years “My time in the DAS has been an incredible Accelerate MVP program understanding of how has given me incredible the mindset and Special insight into the breadth Operations Forces skills of agencies that DAS has that you develop while in to offer and given me the military are directly confidence that my career applicable to a wide range path is the right one.” of career paths within DAS.”

William (Veteran Marine Raider), John Unsworth (Veteran Navy Accelerate Resident SEAL), Client Relations Manager, Healthcare Consultancy Group

31 Unconscious Bias Training Our diversity of experiences, backgrounds, locations, viewpoints and ideas are what makes Omnicom a great place to work, and differentiates us as an employer of choice. SUPPORTING EMPLOYEE In an effort to help support this culture of HEALTH AND WELL-BEING openness, three of our networks—BBDO, DAS, DDB and TBWA—have introduced unconscious Omnicom continues to offer comprehensive bias training for their employees, with and quality health care benefits while Omnicom Health Group having launched its maintaining a reasonable degree of training program in the first quarter of 2018. Kendra Clarke, VP of Data Science and Product individual choice to meet our employees’ Development, Sparks & Honey at the 2017 ADCOLOR Unconscious bias training provides the tools Conference diverse needs. and resources needed to work effectively in our diverse workplace, including the ability to Many of our agencies offer health and recognize the biases we all carry with us in our Omnicom agencies presented on panels, wellness incentives, including: interactions with others and more mindful of including “A Briefing on the Now, Next and • Health screenings, nutritional such behavior and the impact it has on others. Future,” with Sparks & Honey, and “Programs counseling, stress management That Make Impact,” with BBDO. In addition, a highlight of 2017’s ADCOLOR Awards workshops, mental health awareness Celebrating Difference With ADCOLOR and Employee Assistance Program celebration featured a conversation between (EAP) Now in its 11th year, ADCOLOR continues to rapper/disrupter of culture Snoop Dogg, • Wellness fairs, gym membership lead the way, championing individuals and Ryan Ford, Creative Director of Snoop’s ad discounts, massage programs, yoga companies that go above and beyond to agency, Cashmere, and Doug Melville, Chief sessions, meditation and ergonomics make a difference in the creative and tech Diversity Officer, North America, TBWA, and assessments industries. Its annual awards celebrate the Disruptor Series co-founder. As Snoop Dogg • Smoking cessation programs achievements of people of color along with says, somebody’s got to use their voice to • As well as incentives for public members of the LGBTQ+ community and other make a difference. “I’m disrupting to push the transportation via free or subsidized underrepresented groups. A complementary culture forward.” Listen to the engaging and commuter passes, and bike-riding industry conference convenes innovators, provocative conversation at Disruptor Series encouragement with onsite bike racks, experts and thought leaders from multiple Podcast. rentals and discounts creative industries. And ADCOLOR FUTURES, a third initiative of the non-profit, focuses on “ADCOLOR created a new status quo, identifying and nurturing the next generation and we continue to do so by honoring, of leaders in the advertising, marketing, media, discussing and supporting those who rise and public relations industries through career up while reaching back. As always, add color and advocate.” training and mentorship. Tiffany Warren, SVP and Chief Diversity Officer, Omnicom and ADCOLOR Founder

32 Across our businesses, we are both acting on Expanding Our Influence our clients’ requirements and driving uptake Omnicom is committed to expanding our within our own networks. We are responding supplier diversity efforts. to the continued increase in the number and size of client requests for diverse suppliers, 52% of the 30 million businesses ranging from 5% to 25% of their total creative operating in the U.S. are minority- spend. In addition, our diversity executives 52% and women-owned, yet they receive continue to create a broad range of tools and just 6% of the country’s business- tactics to introduce the broad range of talented to-business procurement spend. supplier services to our creative and production We think this is a huge opportunity, and while directors. For example: E4 Youth initiative participants we still have a long way to go, our diversity GSD&M created vendor partner discovery officers across our networks and agencies are training capsules using a new electronic BRINGING YOUTH TO initiating the conversations and connections mail technology called “EYEMAIL” (developed THE TABLE required to involve more diverse vendors to the by a minority/woman-owned enterprise) In 2017, GSD&M took part, for the first work we deliver to our clients. that introduces 60-second executive-led time, in an E4 Youth initiative designed In connection with the Omnicom Supplier educational videos promoting the importance to establish pathways to careers in Diversity efforts, we created the Omnicom of vendor diversity. The first, Leadership and commercial creative arts by removing Supplier Diversity Database in order to expand Commitment, was released in December 2017. barriers for talented yet underserved and access to diverse suppliers across our global Four others are following in 2018. underrepresented youth. The agency network of agencies. The database is a TBWA is developing One Sandbox, a web-based coordinated an E4 Youth/Southwest Airlines resource that spurs collaboration with clients platform listing qualified women, multicultural project, under the direction of Kirya Francis, and suppliers and currently includes more than and LGBTQ+ vendors that will be available VP-Strategic Solutions, built on a creative 1,300 minority- and women-owned vendors. By across its collective of US agencies in 2018. roster of students (two high-schoolers and successfully utilizing these relationships, we a graduate) who were submerged—with no BBDO, DDB, Organic and others support Free the help meet the diversity goals that we have set prior advertising or agency experience—into Bid, which builds diversity by having networks for Omnicom as well as those of our clients. developing a campaign to drive engagement and agencies pledge to include one woman among millennials. director’s bid on every job they produce or bid on. “THESE KIDS HAVE NATURAL TALENT. WHEN THEY ARE EDUCATED, AND MENTORED, THEY SHINE!” Max Rutherford, Vendor Partner Diversity Director at GSD&M and advisory board member of E4 Youth, captured the campaign’s success

33 Caption training. environmental policies,procedures and for developing andimplementing our companiesto take responsibility stewardship framework andempowered has establishedanoverarching global networkoperates, Omnicom and nationalcontextswithinwhichour the resources. Recognizingthelocal – everywhere wehave direct control of increase efficiencyand reduce waste stewardship –to promote innovation, Omnicom iscommittedto environmental ENVIRONMENT Strengthening Our Designing Space for Approach Creativity and Energy In 2018, Omnicom introduced our new Efficiency Environmental Policy. It outlines our approach In 2017, we continued our real estate strategy BRIGHT IDEA to minimize our impact by encouraging our to transition our global agency portfolio into companies to consider their environmental DDB Hamburg DmbH moved into its new shared office spaces, designed with innovation footprint in terms of: location in May 2017. By employing open and efficiency in mind. Our open-plan floor plan designs, eliminating individual • Conscious design of office space designs have the dual advantage of fostering offices and creating shared spaces, the collaboration and creativity across agencies company increased collaboration and • Energy efficiency • Travel and community and of helping us use the space we own and fostered a dynamic creative environment. lease more efficiently, resulting in reduced More than that, by reducing the total amount • Procurement • Recycling and waste management costs and environmental impacts. We opened of space occupied and making more the door to shared spaces in Beijing, Stamford, efficient use of it, the Hamburg crew reduced We describe our initiatives in each of these CT, and Berlin in 2017. Similar projects are set energy use by 25% compared to its former areas below. to open in New York City, and Dallas in office residency and drew all of its electricity 2018. from renewable energy sources. GOALS From an efficiency perspective, we are We also established goals to help maximizing the use of our real estate footage, us drive performance against our through shared use conference rooms, commitment: reception, wellness and other common spaces. From a design perspective, we are minimizing Reduce energy use by 20% our footprint by building and retrofitting to our CARBON SAVINGS 20% per person globally by 2023, using a 2015 baseline new planning standard, which includes energy- In 2017, TBWA Sydney began a major efficient lighting and heating and cooling, and energy conservation project with the Increase use of electricity reduced material use in ceilings and flooring. from renewable energy intention of significantly reducing its energy 20% sources globally by 20% by consumption in 2018 and beyond. The 2023 Standardizing Efficiency of Building project will see the installation of 244 solar Operations panels to the roof of the offices on Pyrmont Street, with anticipated investment pay In addition, as part of this long-term initiative, back in under four years (with a return we are standardizing operations across the on investment of 26%) and, importantly, Collectively, our efforts underpin our millions of square feet our global network reduces carbon emissions projected at 100 commitment to the United Nations occupies. As a result we are reducing tons per annum. Global Compact, to which Omnicom is equipment needs, and saving energy, through a signatory. centralized printing and duplication stations and pantry services, while also achieving purchasing and administrative services efficiencies. 35 Smart Travel and Commuting Our Performance GHG Emissions (MT CO2e) Our business is built on relationships, and As Omnicom continues to grow, these new 2017 2016 2015 these are strengthened when we meet with policies and goals reinforce our commitment our clients face-to-face. Air travel is our largest Scope 1 23,961 39,764 49,277 to managing our energy use and carbon source of carbon emissions, so we promote footprint, the areas where we have the largest Scope 2 77,445 73,905 75,532 smart travel policies that reduce the need for environmental impact. Scope 3 176,016 160,325 air travel when possible by combining business 158,016 trips to minimize travel impact and employing In 2017, we used 152,841 megawatt hours Total GHG Emissions 260,233 289,685 286,134 video conferencing where effective. As we (MWh) of electricity: continue to implement our shared workspace 2016 Scope 1 and 2 emissions have been restated to strategy, we target locations that are close decrease compared include a previously unreported emissions source in the to public transit in order to provide options 5.5% to 2016 United Kingdom. for employee commuting. In addition, some reduction of total energy Omnicom companies provide incentives for 6.5% use year-over-year Offsetting Our Carbon Impact Using employees to use public transportation, cycle In addition, we reduced our company-wide Renewable Energy and car pool to reduce their environmental greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 10.1% in footprint. At our new location in Stamford, 2017 compared to 2016. This reduction is the As part of Omnicom’s strategy to reduce our CT, for example, we provide shuttle service result of a 40% decrease year-over-year in our carbon footprint, we derive a portion of our from the local train station to our workspace. Scope 1 emissions as the positive impacts of our electricity needs from renewable sources. Our We work on a case-by-case basis to create office consolidation efforts continued. We also efforts in this area are spearheaded in the UK, opportunities for tele-working to allow reported a decrease in air-travel related Scope 3 where we control our electricity purchases and for better work life balance and lower emissions, from 176,016 metric tonnes of CO2 are buying green power through our purchasing environmental impact. In 2017, our Scope 3 equivalent (MT CO2e) in 2016 to 158,016 MT agreements. In the United States, 90% of our emissions fell 10% compared to 2016. CO2e in 2017, which was offset by a 5% increase electricity spend is under the control of landlords in our Scope 2 emissions compared to 2016. in our leased spaces and we only have the Minimizing Our Waste Impact opportunity to manage 10% of our spend. In 2017, total electricity purchased from renewable As a holding company, we encourage our Energy Footprint resources remained steady at 10.1%. agencies to implement programs to maximize 2017 2016 2015 reuse and safe recycling of electronic office Electricity from Renewable Sources (MWh) equipment, paper and other office resources. Total Energy Used 175,964 188,365 191,128 2017 2016 2015 Total Electricity 152,841 161,903 167,585 Used (MWh) Purchased (MWh) 15,689 16,401 13,353 Total GHG Emissions 258,963 288,806 286,134 10.1 10.3 (MT CO2e) % of Total 8.0

36 Caption standards. we are upholdingthehighestethical that across ournetworksand agencies, and diverse pointsofview, andensuring of directors withexceptional experience our governing structure, buildingaboard Omnicom iscommittedto strengthening GOVERNANCE A Strong and Diverse Board and CEO. The Board carefully considered shareholder perspectives on Omnicom's Omnicom believes that workplace diversity leadership structure through extensive creates value for the Company, enhances the engagement in which shareholders indicated quality of work we create for clients and fosters they were largely supportive of combining a positive corporate culture. We know that these roles. a workforce reflecting the demographics of our society is better poised to create effective Long-serving Board members Jack Purcell campaigns for our clients that resonate and Reg Murphy also stepped down from the with a diverse population. With our global Board in May. We would like to recognize both presence, we believe it is important that our Jack and Reg and extend our thanks for their workforce reflects our global community. This outstanding leadership, dedication and loyalty New independent directors: Gracia C. Martore (left) and Ronnie S. Hawkins (right) commitment to diversity starts within the to Omnicom over the years. boardroom. Our Board includes six women, a INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS majority, and four African Americans, including In the past year, we also welcomed two new Leonard S. Coleman, Jr., our Lead Independent independent directors - Gracia Martore (2017) Since the 2017 Annual Meeting, two new Director. A majority of the Audit, Compensation, and Ronnie Hawkins (2018). Ms. Martore was independent directors, Gracia C. Martore and and Governance Committees are comprised of recently the President and CEO of TEGNA, Ronnie S. Hawkins, have been appointed female directors, with female directors Chairing formerly known as Gannett and Co. Mr. to the Board. Ms. Martore is the former both the Audit and Compensation Committees. Hawkins is a Managing Director of Global President and Chief Executive Officer of Infrastructure Partners. TEGNA Inc. and Mr. Hawkins is a Managing Director of Global Infrastructure Partners. Board Refreshment With these changes, Omnicom’s Board has 11 Each of Ms. Martore and Mr. Hawkins bring In 2015, we undertook a Board Refreshment directors, with ten independent members, critical skills to the Board’s overall mix of skill initiative that has led to a number of including six women sets, which strengthen the Board’s collective meaningful steps, including expanding the ability to effectively oversee management responsibilities of our Lead Independent and the implementation of Omnicom’s Director, adopting a mandatory retirement plan for long-term strategic growth. Ms. age for Board members, and bringing greater and four African Americans. Martore serves as a member of the Audit diversity into the Board and committee and Governance Committees. Mr. Hawkins leadership. serves on the Finance Committee. At our May shareholder meeting, Bruce Crawford stepped down as Chairman. Bruce These changes strengthen Omnicom’s has been a remarkable leader and we thank governance structure and demonstrate our him for his wisdom, guidance and numerous commitment to onboarding exceptional contributions to both Omnicom and the Board candidates who bring a wealth of experience of Directors over the past three decades. and diverse points of view.

In anticipation of Mr. Crawford’s retirement, For more information, see OmnicomGroup the Board determined that at this time it would Proxy Statement 2018. be in the best interests of Omnicom and its shareholders to combine the roles of Chairman 38 Continuing Shareholder Engagement Human Rights and Anti-Corruption At Omnicom, we recognize that we have the power to create positive change in Ongoing shareholder engagement is a priority Omnicom operates in an increasingly complex society. As a signatory to the United Nation’s for our Board and management team. In global environment and is committed to Global Compact, we have committed to 2017, we reached out to shareholders holding supporting and respecting human rights. Our “supporting and respecting the protection more than 70% of our outstanding shares commitment to the highest ethical standards of internationally proclaimed human rights and engaged with approximately 40% of in the communities where we do business is and making sure that we are not complicit in outstanding shares. Mr. Coleman, our Lead outlined in our Human Rights Policy and Code human rights abuses.” To further underscore Independent Director, actively participated in of Business Conduct. In 2017, we began an our commitment, in 2018, we published investor meetings with over 20% of outstanding update of our Code of Business Conduct for our Human Rights Policy. It outlines our shares. Broad topics discussed included a 2018 release. We expect training to rollout responsibilities to our employees, clients, company strategy and performance; Board across Omnicom in the second half of 2018. suppliers and other stakeholders, and the composition, refreshment and leadership; We also implemented global policies to ensure mechanisms through which we will inform inclusion and diversity efforts across the our compliance with the EU’s Global Data about and uphold our commitments. For organization; sustainability initiatives; and Protection Regulation, which took effect on more information, visit our website. Omnicom’s executive compensation program. May 25, 2018. Omnicom directors, officers and employees In addition, key topics discussed with are required to comply with all applicable shareholders included: GOAL anti-corruption and and-bribery laws, • Board Leadership, with the majority In addition, to underscore our including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices of shareholders indicating they were commitment, we have established the Act, the UK Bribery Act of 2010 and any other following goals: supportive of combining the Chair and local and anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws where we do business. CEO positions as described above, and • Develop Supplier Code of • Board Refreshment, with shareholders Conduct by 2020 We provide robust processes for confidential responding favorably to the level of • By January 1, 2020, Omnicom and anonymous submission by employees progress Omnicom has shown to will offer business ethics and/or anti-bribery training to 100% of of concerns regarding accounting or auditing meaningfully refresh our Board, including its full-time, regular employees matters, as well as potential violations of our adoption of a mandatory retirement policy, worldwide and require such Code of Business Conduct or Code of Ethics which is fostering a smooth transition, and employees to be trained within for Senior Financial Officers. Procedures for in ensuring that our Board is representative 3 months of their hire date and submitting concerns are available on our of all of our constituencies – our clients, every 2 years thereafter. website at http://www.omnicomgroup.com. our employees and our shareholders.


This report provides a high-level overview of Omnicom’s corporate responsibility commitments, activities and progress in 2017. The report is organized to reflect our four main focus areas: Community, People, Environment and Governance. We have included some of the top case studies from our diverse network of agencies to characterize our impact on social and environmental issues around the world.

Material Topics Identification In developing this report we consulted the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, the CDP climate change framework, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Marketing and Advertising sector guidelines, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the Sustainable Development Goals to determine relevant material issues. Stakeholder Engagement In addition to consulting global reporting frameworks, the content of this report was developed through stakeholder interviews with Omnicom executives, subject matter experts, network company representatives and key supplier and client feedback. The Governance section of this report was influenced by our ongoing shareholder engagement including, specifically, the direct dialogues we had with our largest shareholders in 2017. Scope The data in this report covers Omnicom’s global operations in FY2017 (from January 1 – December 31, 2017). Unless otherwise noted, data within the report reflects our United States operations. Our last report was published in 2017. We plan to continue publishing an annual comprehensive corporate responsibility report that fulfills the requirements of the GRI Standards and the UNGC Communication on Progress.


In May 2016, Omnicom committed to align with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), a leadership platform for the development, implementation and disclosure of responsible corporate policies and practices in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. This report confirms Omnicom’s ongoing commitment to continuous improvement in our own operations, and through collaboration with other organizations, to advance best practices in corporate responsibility worldwide. This report provides information on our corporate responsibility strategy and performance for FY2017 and covers the UNGC Communication on Progress requirements.

Human Rights Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. Omnicom’s commitment to support and respect human rights is embodied in our Human Rights Policy and revised Code of Business Conduct. The Code of Business Conduct covers our commitment to comply with all laws of the places where we do business, our prohibition against insider trading, our duty to advance our employer’s legitimate interest and our commitment to equal opportunity. The Human Rights Policy and Code of Business Conduct are available on our Corporate Governance website. For more information on our commitment to respecting human rights, see the Governance section of this report.

41 Labor Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor; Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labor; and Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Omnicom’s directors, officers and employees are required to comply with our Code of Business Conduct, which sets the foundation for how we should do business on a day-to-day basis. We are an equal opportunity employer and do not discriminate against employees or job applicants on the basis of race, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, pregnancy or any similar status or condition. For more information on our commitment to fair labor, see the People section of this report. Environment Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. Omnicom is committed to promoting greater environmental responsibility, and regularly reports on environmental performance throughout our operations. Omnicom’s Environmental Policy outlines our approach to minimize our impact by encouraging our companies to consider their environmental footprint in terms of conscious design of office space; energy efficiency; travel and commuting; procurement; and recycling and waste management. For more information on our commitment to environmental sustainability, see the Environment section of this report. Anti-Corruption Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. Omnicom operates in an increasingly complex global environment, and our commitment to the highest ethical standards in the communities where we do business is outlined in our Code of Business Conduct. Omnicom directors, officers and employees are required to comply with all applicable anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act of 2010, and any other local anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws where we do business. For more information on our commitment to ethics and compliance, see the Governance section of this report.

42 2017 GRI Content Index General Standard Disclosures Disclosure Number Description Response ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE 102-1 Name of the organization Page 1 of CR Report, Page 1 of Omnicom 10-K 102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services Page 1 of Omnicom 10-K 102-3 Location of headquarters Page 6 of Omnicom 10-K 102-4 Location of operations Page 2 of Omnicom 10-K 102-5 Ownership and legal form Pages 1, 7 of Omnicom 10-K 102-6 Markets served Page 2 of Omnicom 10-K 102-7 Scale of the organization Page 2 of Omnicom 10-K 102-8 Information on employees and other workers Page 2 of Omnicom 10-K 102-9 Supply chain Pages 4, 33 of CR Report 102-10 Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain There were no significant changes during the reporting period 102-11 Precautionary Principle or approach Pages 35-36 of CR Report 102-12 External initiatives Page 40 of CR Report 102-13 Membership of associations Pages 29, 32 of CR Report STRATEGY 102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker Page 1 of CR Report 102-15 Key impacts, risks, and opportunities Pages 5-6 of CR Report, Page 3 of Omnicom 10-K ETHICS & INTEGRITY 102-16 Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior Omnicom Code of Business Conduct GOVERNANCE 102-18 Governance structure Page 38 of CR Report, Pages 5-6 of Omnicom Proxy Statement 102-19 Delegating authority Pages 22-23 of Omnicom Proxy Statement Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and 102-20 Page 40 of Omnicom Proxy Statement social topics Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social 102-21 Page 40 of CR Report, Page 7 of Omnicom Proxy Statement topics

43 General Standard Disclosures

Disclosure Number Description Response 102-22 Composition of the highest governance body and its committees Page 38 of CR Report, Pages 14-22 of Omnicom Proxy Statement 102-23 Chair of the highest governance body Page 38 of CR Report, Pages 14-22 of Omnicom Proxy Statement 102-24 Nominating and selecting the highest governance body Pages 38-39 of CR Report, Pages 20-21 of Omnicom Proxy Statement 102-25 Conflicts of interest Pages 30-31 of Omnicom Proxy Statement 102-30 Effectiveness of risk management processes Pages 21-22, 56 of Omnicom Proxy Statement Reviewed and approved by Executive Vice President and Chief Financial 102-32 Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting Officer Pages 30-31 of Omnicom Proxy Statement, Omnicom Internal Control 102-33 Communicating critical concerns Line 102-35 Remuneration policies Pages 8, 22 of Omnicom Proxy Statement 102-36 Process for determining remuneration Page 43 of Omnicom Proxy Statement STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 102-40 List of stakeholder groups Page 40 of CR Report 0% of Omnicom employees in the United States are covered by collective 102-41 Collective bargaining agreements bargaining agreements 102-42 Identifying and selecting stakeholders Page 40 of CR Report 102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement Page 40 of CR Report 102-44 Key topics and concerns raised Page 40 of CR Report REPORTING PRACTICE 102-45 Entities included in the consolidated financial statements Pages 15-17 of Omnicom 10-K 102-46 Defining report content and topic Boundaries Page 40 of CR Report 102-47 List of material topics Page 40 of CR Report 102-48 Restatements of information Page 36 of the report includes a footnote restating 2016 GHG emissions 102-49 Changes in reporting Page 40 of CR Report 102-50 Reporting period Page 40 of CR Report

44 General Standard Disclosures

Disclosure Number Description Response 102-51 Date of most recent report Page 40 of CR Report 102-52 Reporting cycle Page 40 of CR Report 102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report Page 47 of CR Report This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: 102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance with GRI Standards Core option 102-55 GRI content index Page 43 of CR Report 102-56 External assurance This report has not been externally assured MANAGEMENT APPROACH 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary Pages 4-6 of CR Report 103-2 The management approach and its components Pages 4-6 of CR Report 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach Pages 4-6 of CR Report

45 2017 GRI Content Index Topic-Specific Disclosures

Disclosure Number Description Response ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed Page 4 of CR Report, Page 8 of Omnicom 10-K 201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans Page F-12 of Omnicom 10-K ANTI-CORRUPTION 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption Pages 39, 41-42 of CR Report, Page 5 of Omnicom 10-K ENERGY 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization Page 36 of CR Report 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption Page 36 of CR Report EMISSIONS 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Page 36 of CR Report 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions Page 36 of CR Report 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions Page 36 of CR Report EMPLOYMENT Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to 401-2 Page 32 of CR Report temporary or part-time employees DIVERSITY AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees Pages 24-25 of CR Report HUMAN RIGHTS ASSESSMENT 412-2 Employee training on human rights policies or procedures Pages 39, 41-42 of CR Report, Omnicom Code of Business Conduct LOCAL COMMUNITIES Operations with local community engagement, impact 413-1 Pages 7-11 of CR Report assessments, and development programs PUBLIC POLICY 415-1 Political contributions N/A

46 If you have questions or comments regarding this report, please email [email protected]

Read more at csr.omnicomgroup.com

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