




Civic Offices Shute End Wokingham Andy Couldrick Chief Executive A great place to live, an even better place to do business

Our Priorities Improve educational attainment and focus on every child achieving their potential

Bnvest in regenerating towns and villages, support social and economic prosperity, whilst encouraging business growth

Ensure strong sustainable communities that are vibrant and supported by well designed development

Tackle traffic congestion in specific areas of the Borough

improve the customer experience when accessing Council sewices The Underpinning Principles

ORer excellent value for your Council Tax

Provide affordable homes

book after the vulnerable

improve health, wellbeing and quality of life

Maintain and improve the waste col!ection, recycling and fuel eRiciency

Deliver quality in a18 that we do Chief Executive's Department P.O. Box 150 Shute End, Wokingham Berkshire RG40 1WQ Tel: (01 18) 974 6000 Fax: (0118) 979 0877 Minimm No: (0118) 977 8909 DX: 33506 - Wokingham

To: The Chairman and Members of the Planning Committee

A Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE will be held at the Civic Offices, Shute End, Wokingham on Wednesday 14 November 2012 at 7.00pm.

Andy Couldrick Chief Executive 6 November 201 2

Members:- Simon Weeks (Chairman), Chris Bowring (Vice Chairman), David Chopping, Lindsay Ferris, Tim Holton, John Kaiser, Bob Pitts, Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey and Chris Singleton


63.00 None Specific MINUTES To confirm the Minutes of the Meetings of the Committee held on: 3 October 2012 - Extraordinary meeting 1 e 17 October 2012 4

64.00 None Specific APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence.

DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest.

APPLICATIONS TO BE DEFERRED AND WITHDRAWN ITEMS To consider any recommendations to defer applications from the schedule and to note any applications that may have been withdrawn. SCHEDULE OF APPLICATIONS

Item Page Ward Location Application No. Rec. No. No. 67.00 Barkham Manor Farm Fl201112071 CIA 9 Barkham Road subject to Wokingham legal agreement

68.00 , Bowsey Hill House VAR1201211251 CIA 27 and Bowsey Hill Wargrave

69.00 Wescott 28-42 Market Place Fl2012/1678 & CIA 42 Wokingham CAI201211753 CIA

70.00 Bulmershe & 406 London Road, F1201211381 CIA 77 Whitegates subject to legal agreement

71.00 Farley Hill Primary F12012/1796 CIA 96 School, Church Road, Farley Hill

72.00 Former Fire Station F1201211639 CIA 110 Pound Lane subject to Sonning legal agreement

73.00 Sonning Former Fire Station CAI20 1211640 CIA 143 Pound Lane Sonning

APPEAL MONITORING REPORT To receive monthly appeal monitoring information. MU To follow in Members' Update

PRE-COMMITTEE SITE VISITS To consider any recommendations from the Head of MU Development Management to hold pre-committee site visits, set out in Members' Update.

ANY OTHER ITEMS WHICH THE CHAIRMAN DECIDES ARE URGENT A Supplementary Agenda will be issued by the Chief Executive if there are any other items to consider under this heading This is an agenda for a meeting of the Planning Committee

If you need help in understanding this document or if you would like a copy of it in large print please contact one of our Team Support Officers.


Tricia Harcourt Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel0118 974 6091

Administrators Tel0118 974 6054 I6053

Fax 01189197757 Email [email protected]

List of Background Papers / Department Where Held Correspondence held with individual Development Management I planning applications

GLOSSARY OF TERMS The following abbreviations were used in the above Index and in reports.

CIA Conditional Approval (grant planning permission) CAC Conservation Area Consent R Refuse (planning permission) LB (application for) Listed Building Consent S106 Section 106 legal agreement between Council and applicant in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (application for) Full Planning Permission Members' Update circulated at the meeting Reserved Matters not approved when Outline Permission previously granted VAR Variation of a condition/conditions attached to a previous approval PS Performance Statistic Code for the Planning Application Category

For further information and explanation of the above terms, please contact Tricia Harcourt Tel 01 18 974 6091 Email [email protected] Statement on the Human Rights Act 1998

The Human Rights Act 1998 was brought into force in this country on 2nd October 2000 and it will now, subject to certain exceptions, be directly unlawful for a public authority to act in a way which is incompatible with a Convention right. In particular, Article 8 (respect for private and family life) and Article 1 of Protocol 1 (peaceful enjoyment of property) apply to planning decisions. When a planning decision is to be made however, there is further provision that a public authority must take into account the public interest. In the vast majority of cases existing planning law has for many years demanded a balancing exercise between private rights and public interest and therefore much of this authority's decision making will continue to take into account this balance.

The Human Rights Act will not be referred to in the Officer's report for individual applications beyond this general statement, unless there are exceptional circumstances which demand more careful and sensitive consideration of Human Rights issues. MINUTES OF AM EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE WELD ON WEDNESDAY 3 OCTOBER 2012 FROM 7.00PM TO 8.35PM

Present:- Simon Weeks (Chairmacl), David Chopping, Lindsay Ferris, Tim Holton, John Kaiser, Bob Pitfs, and Chris Singleton

Also present:- Beth Rowland, Sam Rahmouni, Shahid Younis

Officers: Mark Cupit, Head of Development Management Sandra Fryer, Development Delivery Consultant Laurel lsaacs, Solicitor Alan Greenwood, Highways Engineer Tricia Harcourt, Senior Democratic Services Officer

Case Office/;' Jenny Seaman

MEMBERS UPDATE There are a number of references to the Members' Update within these minutes. The Members' Update was circulated to all present prior to the meeting. It is available to view on the Council's website www.wokingham.gov.uk

48. APOLOGIES An apology for absence was submitted from Chris Bowring and Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey

49. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST David Chopping declared a personal interest in ltem 50, application 0/2012/0155, for demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site to provided up to 216 new residential units, a residential care home facility of up to 80 beds, a local shop of up to 300sq m, and associated landscaping and car parking; and the conversion; and refurbishment of six halls of residence blocks including retention and refurbishment of 3 existing residential units to provide a total of 84 residential units, and erection of sports pavilion, at the Bulmershe Campus, Woodlands Avenue, Woodley. The interest was on the grounds that he is a non Executive Director of the Wokingham Housing Company and as the application includes affordable housing that potentially the Housing Company may express an interest in.

Bob Pitts and Simon Weeks both declared a personal interest in ltem 50, application 0/2012/0155 for demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site to provided up to 216 new residential units, a residential care home facility of up to 80 beds, a local shop of up to 300sq m, and associated landscaping and car parking; and the conversion and refurbishment of six halls of residence blocks including retention and refurbishment of 3 existing residential units to provide a total of 84 residential units; and erection of sports pavilion, at the University of Reading Bulmershe Campus, Woodlands Avenue, Woodley. The interests were on the grounds that they each have a disclosable pecuniary interest as non Executive Directors of Optalis, an adult social care traded company of Wokingham Borough Council. As the application includes a residential care home facility of up to 80 beds, and as Optalis deals with residential care home places in the Borough they have been advised that they have a personal interests in that part of the application. -- 160. I APPLICATION1 01201216i55 I i Hvbrid a~slication:Outline - Demolition of existina buildinas and redevelopment of site to 1 ipto 216 new residential units (Use class C3), a residential care home facility of ' up to 80 beds (Use Class C2), a local shop of up to 300sq m (Use Class Al, A3) and associated landscaping and car parking. Full - Conversion and refurbishment of six halls of residence blocks including retention and refurbishment of 3 existing residential units to provide a total of 84 residential units, and ,

The Committee considered a report about this application set out on Agenda pages 1 to 63.

The Committee was advised that Sport had confirmed its policy objection in relation to building on playing fields, details of which were set out in the Member's Update, and in light of this objection the recommendation for approval has been amended to indicate that the application will be referred to the National Planning Case Work Unit to consider whether the application will be called-in.

The Members' Update also included details of: e Amended recommendation B e Amendments to condition 2 Additional information requested for clarification of: existing and proposed floorspace; parking provision; public transport provision; traffic generation; community use of playing fields; and a plan showing the relevant area of the Site of Urban Landscape Value (SULV).

Phil Challis, representing Woodley Town Council, spoke in objection to the application.

Jenny Lissaman, representing Earley Town Council, spoke in objection to the application.

Neil Rowley, agent, spoke in support of the application.

Beth Rowland, a Local Ward Member for South Lake spoke in objection to the application and read out a statement of objection from Kay Gilder, the other Ward Member for South Lake who could not attend.

Sam Rahmouni, and Shahid Younis, Local Ward Members for Bulmershe & Whitegates, both spoke in objection to the application. The Committee Clerk read out a statement of objection from Lesley Hayward, the other Ward Member for South Lake.

It was noted that Members had undertaken a site visit on 28 September to assess the site and the impact of the redevelopment.

Concerns were expressed in relation to the proposal to build on part of the playing field area which forms part of the Site of Urban Landscape Value. This area is highly valued by both communities as a 'green lung' that separates the Woodley and Early and forms a wildlife corridor through the area. There were also concerns about the impact that the development would have on the adjacent Highwood, a designated Local Nature Reserve and Wildlife Site. Officers confirmed that mitigation measures would be put in place to protect Highwood and that the existing hedge across part of the SULV would screen the houses in that area.

The impact of the traffic generated by a development of over 300 residential units was also a concern for the local community, as the local road network already heavily congested at peak times, particularly with three schools in close proximity to the site. Officers indicated that they were satisfied that future trip generation from the development would be lower than that generated by the campus when it was fully used. The existing use data was from an independent traffic survey undertaken in March 201 1. It was also confirmed that there would be no need to modify junctions in the wider road network.

It was noted that the community use of the pitches and sports pavilion would be formalised through the S106 legal agreement.

Objection to the inclusion of a local shop in the redevelopment and its potential impact on other shops in the area was noted. However it was pointed out that there was an existing small retail unit on the site.

It was acknowledged that the site would be sold on to a housing developer, and it suggested that any reserved matters applications relating to this site should be considered by the Committee. Following concerns of the occupier of 72 Church Road, the applicant had agreed to relocate the house on plot one.

RESOLVED: That application F/2012/0155 be approved subject to referral to the National Planning Casework Unit for consideration whether the application will be called-in, and to:

1) the completion of a S106 Legal Agreement, as set out on Agenda pages 2 and 3, with provision 3 (d) amended to make reference to Earley as well as Woodley;

2) the conditions set out on Agenda pages 3 to 16, with condition 2 amended as set out in the Members' Update;

3) the clarification of the wording of conditions 16 and 19 relating to hours of construction work and service deliveries;

4) any Reserved Matter applications related to this site should be determined by the Planning Committee.

These are the Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee

If you need help in understanding this document or if you would like a copy of it in large print please contact one of our Team Support Officers. MINUTES OF A MEETiNG OF WE PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD ON WEDNESDAY 17 OCTOBER 2012 FROM 7.00PM TO 9.45PM

Present:- Chris Bowring (Vice Chairman), David Chopping, Lindsay Ferris, Tim Holton, John Kaiser, Bob Pitts, Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey and Chris Singleton

Also present:- Keith Baker, Angus Ross, Pauline Helliar-Symons

Officers: Clare Lawrence, Assistant Head of Development Management (Operations) Keith Rogers, Team Leader, Highway Development Mary Severin, Corporate Counsel Tricia Harcourf, Senior Democratic Services Officer

Case Officers: Ashley Smith, Nick Clark, Coralie Ramsay, Trees and Landscape Officer

MEMBERS UPDATE There are a number of references to the Members' Update within these minutes. The Members' Update was circulated to all present prior to the meeting. It is available to view on the Council's website www.wokingham.gov.uk

In the Chairman's absence, Chris Bowring the Vice Chairman took the chair for this meeting.

51. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 19 September 2012 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

52. APOLOGIES An apology for absence was submitted from Simon Weeks, Chairman

53. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey declared a prejudicial interest in Item 57 application F/2011/2071 for the erection of an agricultural workers dwelling with detached garage at Barkham Manor Farm, Barkham Road, Wokingham, on the grounds that her father lives near the site.

She indicated that she would step down from the Committee and leave the room during the discussion and decision making.

54. APPLICATIONS TO BE WITHDRAWN OR DEFERRED No applications had been withdrawn or recommended to be deferred.

/ APPLICATION TPO 142112012 Eirmatignof~ree reservation brder 1 1 at i Trees on land at: 1 Coombe Pines, Mulberry House and Winella, Lower Wokingham Road; 1 10-3 Salamanca; 30, 28, 26, 24 Wellesley Drive; 1 GarsdaldHouse and TimEy,Timberley-Place, Crowthorne 1

4 The Committee considered a report about this Tree Preservation Order (TPO) set out on Agenda pages 5 to 13.

The Committee was advised that the Members' Update included clarification of why the Area designation was used; and how the new TPO was assessed.

Tony Boss, local resident, spoke objecting to the confirmation of the TPO.

Angus Ross. a Local Ward Member, spoke in support of the TPO

RESOLVED: That Tree Preservation Order 142112012 be confirmed without modification

56. APPLICATION F1201211243 -- I / -1 -d Erection of a detached building comprising 4 flats (Retrospective) at - Land rear of 1-4 The Parade, Brecon Road, Woodley -1 for Mr K Hussain 1 L d

The Committee considered a report about this application set out on Agenda pages 14 to 28.

The Committee was advised that the original consent for the block of flats was granted on 21 December 2007, not 2012 as stated in the report. Also that the dimension on the plan showing the distance between the rear of 30 Glendevon Road and the single storey north wing of the building should be 11.82m not 11.2m. The Members' Update included details of recommended amendments to conditions 1, 2, and 5, with an additional informative.

Ray Duncan, representing Woodley Town Council, spoke objecting to the application.

Andy Stokes, representing himself and other local residents, spoke objecting to the application.

Keith Baker, a Local Ward Member, spoke objecting to the application.

It was noted that Members had carried out a site visit on 12 October 2012 to assess the impact on the character of the area, neighbourhood amenities and parking.

Concerns were expressed about the excessive massing of the building which dominates the adjoining properties. Comment was made that the new building seems to be higher in relation to the adjoining dwellings; with the possibility that the ground level had been increased making the finished building higher than stated in the plans. This extra height increases the overbearing nature of the building and the detrimental impact on the occupiers of the adjoining dwellings, particularly 30 Glendevon Road, including loss of light. Also that it has been built nearer to the boundary.

Concerns were also expressed regarding the lack of parking provided and the problems of on-street parking in the service road and immediate area. The Highways Officer confirmed that the number of spaces provided does comply with the Council's parking standards, and the parking in the service road is an existing problem on a private road.

RESOLVED: That application F12012/1243 be refused on the grounds that the massing and built height of the building is harmful, by being overbearing on and detrimental to the amenity of the occupiers of the adjoining residential dwellings. Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey having declared a prejudicial interest stepped down from the Committee for the consideration of the next item. 57. / APPLICATION / F1201112071 1i Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling with detached garage u 1 at / Barkham Manor Farm, Barkham Road, Wokingham 1 or _/ Mr Roy Maslim -- -I

The Committee considered a report about this application set out on Agenda pages 29 to 45.

The Committee was advised that the Members' Update included: further comments from the applicant in response to the Parish Council's comments; recommended amendments to condition 8 to limit occupation to people working in connection with Barkham Manor Farm; recommended additional condition re certification of the dwelling under the Sustainable Homes Code.

Pam Stubbs, representing Barkham Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application.

Lawrence Heath, representing himself and other local residents, spoke objecting to the application.

John Maslim, representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application.

Concerns were expressed that the scale of the proposed dwelling in this countryside location, which is in an Area of Special Landscape Importance, was out of proportion and would be harmful to the character of the area. It was felt that a site visit would enable Members to assess the character of the area and the impact of the proposed dwelling.

RESOLVED: That application F/2011/2071 be deferred to enable Members to undertake a site visit to assess the impact of the proposed dwelling on the countryside location.

Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey returned to the meeting.

-PLICATION / F1201210212 Erectlon of 12 apartments with associated parking, amenity space and landscaping. Demolition of existing dwelling. -. Fairway, The Devils Highway, Crowthorne I- I- -- ji 1 for Mr Freeman

The Committee considered a report about this application set out on Agenda pages 46 to 62.

The Committee was advised that the new ecological information submitted was considered to be acceptable by the Borough Ecologist and, in light of this, the recommended reason for refusal number 2 relating to the protection of bats had been deleted.

Lauraine Newcombe, representing Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application.

Mr Miller representing himself and other residents spoke objecting to the application. Pauline Helliar-Symons, a Local Ward Member, spoke objecting to the application

It was noted that Members had carried out a site visit on 12 October 2012 to assess the impact on the character and highway context of the area.

Concerns were expressed that the proposed flats were out of character with the area which is semi-rural and has large individual dwellings on large plots. The addition of the ancillary development required for the flats such as the hardstanding for the large area of car parking, bin stores; cycle stores would have an urbanising effect in this location.

In answer to concerns about the effect on highway safety in The Devil's Highway, the Highways Officer confirmed that the road as it is could safely accommodate any additional traffic generated.

It was noted that the site is within the protection zone for the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area, and if refused the standard reason relating to the required mitigation should be included.

RESOLVED: That application F12012/0212 be refused for the reasons set out on Agenda page 47, with reason 2 deleted, and the addition of the standard reason relating to the required mitigation of the impact on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area.

59. APPEAL MONITORING REPORT The Committee received and noted the appeals monitoring report giving summaries of recent appeal decisions, as set out on Agenda pages 63 to 67.

60. QUARTERLY ENFORCEMENT MONITORING REPORT The Committee received and noted the quarterly enforcement monitoring report set out on Agenda pages 68 to 74.

61. PRE-COMMITTEE SITE VISITS The Head of Development Management had recommended that a pre-Committee site visit be held in respect of the following application:

F/2012/1639 - Former Fire Station and land to rear, Pound Lane, Sonning, for partial demolition, conversion and extension to former fire station to create a 3xbed dwelling with garage (including demolition of redundant store, levelling and infilling of air raid shelter) and proposed erection of one 4xbed dwelling with garage, new vehicular access and landscaping. The site visit would enable Members to understand the character of the area, and the neighbour and highway context.

The visit in relation to the Bowsey Hill House application VAR12012/1251 agreed at the last meeting was not held on the 12 October, so will be held at the same time, if the application is to be considered at the November meeting.

RESOLVED: That pre-Committee site visits be undertaken on Friday 9 November 2012 in respect of the following applications:

1) F/2012/1639 - Former Fire Station and land to rear, Pound Lane, Sonning, for partial demolition, conversion and extension to former fire station to create a 3xbed dwelling with garage (including demolition of redundant store, levelling and infilling of air raid shelter) and proposed erection of one 4xbed dwelling with garage, new vehicular access and landscaping, to understand the character of the area, and the neighbour and highway context.

2) VAR/2012/1251 - Bowsey Hill House, Bowsey Hill, Wargrave, for the variation of conditions 2 ad 4 of planning consent F/2008/0415 to allow elevational changes to basement frontage, alterations to basement layout, addition of retaining wall and steps, plus change of design of gate to parking area (part retrospective), to assess whether the proposal would be detrimental to the Green Belt.

These are the Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee

Ifyou need help in understanding this document or if you would like a copy of it in large print please contact one of our Team Supporf Officers.