
Cleaning Class

The Characteristics of Energy Fields (the following excerpts are taken from Jane E. Hartman research on the Energy Field)

"The Universe in which we find ourselves and from which we can not be separated is a place of Law and Order. It is not an accident, nor chaos. It is organized and maintained by an Electro- dynamic field capable of determining the position and movement of all charged particles. For nearly half a century, the logical consequences of this theory have been subjected to rigorously controlled conditions and met with no contradictions." The Electrical Patterns of Life: The Work of Dr. Harold Saxton Burr

Energy is expressed in so many ways that human consciousness, limited as it is, cannot grasp the full scope of it. We are familiar with energy expressed as form, but there is also what might be called finer energy, such as the formless “free” energy of electricity and thought that is often active in fields.

At the living system level, an invisible force has long appeared to guide all life functions. In the 1930s, former anatomy professor at Yale University School of Medicine Harold Saxon Burr identified this force as an energy field, providing well-documented evidence that energy fields do indeed exist around living things. Burr found that wherever there is life there are electrodynamic fields that can be measured and mapped. In over forty years of research into these life fields (L-Fields), his most transcendental discovery, however, was that their existence seems to precede the appearance of any trace of the physical forms to which they correspond. This finding suggests that energy fields do not emanate from preexisting physical structures, but rather serve as the organizing principle behind the appearance of these structures. L-fields, he noted, form the atoms into cells and condition them to perform certain functions. In short, L-fields are the blueprint of form.

Around the time that Burr was making his startling L-field discoveries, Russian researcher Senyon and Valentina Kirlian invented a technique for photographing these fields as they radiated outward form living things. Like Burr, the Kirlians found that illness could be predicted by changes appearing in a person’s vital fields. Dr. Thelma Moss, a renowned expert in psi phenomena, began working extensively with Kirlian photography in the United States, where it was being used successfully in psychiatry as well. Other researchers showed that the L-fields of trees observed over a thirty year period fluctuated in response to moon cycles and to the presence of sunspots, lights, darkness, and storms. This work seemed to answer the question posed by scientists and metaphysical thinkers alike – namely, if we are all one energy, are we subject to a plethora of cosmic forces, as astrologers have been saying all along. 1 Chakra Cleaning Class

In the 1970’s cardiologist – turned mystic W. Brugh Joy MD, found that Egyptian mummies appeared to have residual traces of an energy field. The fact that he could feel these vibrations with his sensitive hands indicated that energy fields may hover around the human form after death. How long such a field might remain has little bearing on our understanding since time and space are, like solid matter, inventions of the human mind.

Field itself is an ordered pattern that becomes manifest in a living system. It has been suggested that in addition to a life-field there is an organization field (O-field), which surrounds the universe, governing everything in it. This configuration is sometimes referred to as the O-field of the Creator, and at other times as a higher mind field.

In the 1930s psychiatrist Leonard J. Ravitz, MD, discovered that thought can affect the L-field, foreshadowing O.Carl Simonton’s use of thought focusing with cancer patients, which we now call positive imaging. In addition, Ravitz predicted that a thought-field (T-field) could probably attach to an energy field and, of all things, take a ride on it! Whereas it used to be said that “energy follows thought,” we can now say, with confidence, that “thought is energy,” and as such, thought is a viable force.

T-fields can attach not only to energy fields but also to crystallized forms of energy, or matter. A psychometrist holding an object, for example, can access everything that has happened to the object since it was produced – a practice resulting in many interesting tales about antiques and other historical times. When early Hawaiian priest healers known as kahunas spoke of the aka threads connecting people to everything they have come in contact with since birth, perhaps they were referring to the means by which today’s psychometrists are able to reveal their stories.

The observation that t-fields, or thought forms, can attach to other energies has enormous implications. For one, it suggests that a casual thought can set up a chain reaction with potentially disastrous consequences. For another, it implies that rather than formulating our thoughts, we select them from a “bank” in the ethers via a process governed by our condition at the time. Furthermore, the attachment property of T-fields intimates that the adage “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is misleading, since words emanate from thought and thoughts can indeed hurt us.

As a result of the energy fields organizing the , all its functions are electrochemical. In addition, the cell’s atomic substructure that microscopic cosmos consisting of particles traveling faster than light has magnetic moment, or the presence of a magnetic field. Hence, each cell can be viewed as possessing its own magnetic environment that combines with fields of other cells. It magnetic properties result in part from the interaction of its electrochemical components.

Here’s how this works. Interestingly, more than 80 percent of the human body is composed of water. Although the oxygen nucleus of water has no magnetic moment and does not on its own respond to external magnetic fields, the single proton of the hydrogen nucleus is highly susceptible to such influences. As a result, water is easily polarized by an external magnetic field. And sure enough, the hydrogen protons in the body’s water do realign themselves in response to an applied magnetic field.

In short: 2 Chakra Cleaning Class

All that is, is energy, and every form of energy vibrates at a rate determined by its components All matter known to have oscillating charges radiates magnetic waves. Since everything contains electrons in motion, everything radiates magnetic waves. With this in mind, you might picture the entire universe as a vast array of pulsating electromagnetic fields, with everything from an atom to the stars participating in the cosmic dance. The pulsations produce two opposing forces, such as the North and South poles of the earth, through the dynamics of attraction and repulsion, also know as ebb and flow, or yin and yang. The resulting polarity extends throughout our universe and beyond. Energy and matter are two aspects of the same reality. From an esoteric perspective, begin to think of reality as consciousness, and energy (including thought forms) and matter as its aspects.

The Human Energy Field

The Human Energy Field, sometimes called the Aura, is a complex combination of overlapping energy patterns which define the unique spiritual, mental, emotional and physical makeup of an individual. A person's Human Energy Field (HEF) is that part of the Universal Energy Field (UEF) associated with that specific individual. There are three basic ways of describing the HEF: in terms of energy meridians, and energy bodies. Each is discussed below as it applies to energy-based healing techniques. Energy Meridians

Energy Meridians are the internal energy pathways throughout the physical body which energetically connect a person’s organs and their many subsystems (e.g., circulatory, endocrine, nervous, digestive, etc.). These energy meridians and specific points on these meridians are used in healing modalities such as acupuncture and acupressure. Knowledge of these meridians is not necessary for the healing techniques available at Evergreen Healing Arts Center, other than to realize that there is an internal energy transmission system within the human body which allows the flow of life-force energy throughout the body. The Human Chakra System

The word "chakra" means literally "spinning wheel". The chakra system within the human body consists of seven major chakras and many minor chakras. To those who can see energy fields, a major chakra resembles a spinning wheel when looking directly into the chakra. However, viewed from the side, it looks more like an energy vortex somewhat resembling the shape of a tornado. This energy funnel is tight and compact near the surface of the skin, and gradually widens as it extends outside the physical body to the outer edge of the aura.

Each major chakra from the Root through Brow has four energy vortices associated with it: one spiraling upward, one

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downward toward the earth, one out the front of the body, and one out through the back of the body. The upward projecting vortex from one chakra and the downward projecting vortex of the chakra just above it join to form an energy column that runs vertically through the physical body from the bottom of the spine (Root Chakra) up in front of the spine and out through the top of the head (Crown Chakra). The Crown Chakra has two vortices, one opening upward toward the heavens, and one projecting downward into the energy column running through the body.

When a chakra is "healthy and balanced" its front and rear vortices spin in a circular motion. However, if there is a disturbance or blockage in the flow of energy within a chakra, the circular motion may become elliptical or, in extreme cases, severely flattened on its sides. This distortion may be sensed by those able to see or feel energy fields, or indirectly sensed by a pendulum. Further, each chakra has its own specific "frequency" or rate of spin, with the lowest rate of spin in the Root Chakra, and steadily increasing up to the highest rate of spin in the Crown Chakra.

The purpose or function of the human chakra system is to take in higher-dimensional energy from the Universal Energy Field all around us and translate or step down its frequency of vibration to that which can be used within the physical body. Each major chakra vibrates or spins at a different rate, and each chakra will absorb energy from the UEF that is harmonically related to its own frequency. Thus, energy from several frequency bands within the UEF is absorbed by the different chakras and is directed by the internal energy meridians to those organs with which that chakra is associated:

Major Chakras and Associated Organs and Glands.

Chakra Associated Organs Endocrine Gland

Crown Upper Brain, Right Eye Pineal

Brow Ears, Nose, Lower Brain, Pituitary , Left Eye

Throat Lungs, Larynx, Alimentary Canal Thyroid, Parathyroid

Heart Heart, Blood, Vagus Nerve, Thymus Circulatory System

Solar Plexus Stomach, Gall Bladder, Liver Pancreas

Sacral Reproductive System Testes, Ovaries

Root Spinal Column, Kidneys Adrenals

For instance, the particular energy vibrations or frequencies absorbed by the Solar Plexus Chakra are linked energetically to the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and liver. Likewise, the reproductive organs receive their components of energy from the UEF through the Sacral Chakra (sometimes called the Spleen or Splenic Chakra).

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A good analogy of how this occurs is to visualize all the many TV signals existing around us all the time; by tuning to a specific channel (frequency), we get the specific information or programming being sent on that frequency. The human chakra system can then be said to act as a sort of multichannel receiver of vibrations from different portions of the energy spectrum all around us.

Many minor chakras are also located throughout the body, and are usually associated with joints such as the knee, shoulder, elbow, etc. Additional minor chakras are found in the palms of both hands and the soles of the feet, and the ends of the fingers and toes. These minor chakras appear as spikes of energy emanating from the body rather than the spinning vortices of the major chakras. At least one major healing modality (Healing Touch) takes advantage of these rays of energy coming out of the fingertips to stimulate and accelerate the body's own healing processes. Reiki uses the palm chakras to direct healing energies to the client's body.

Energy Bodies

The five-layer Energy Body system is the third way of describing the Human Energy Field. Note that the physical body is counted as an energy body since all matter is ultimately made up of energy. Also of importance is the fact that the higher subtle energy bodies overlap and interpenetrate the complete physical body. In much the same way as many different TV signals exist around us in the same space simultaneously and can be individually identified by a specific frequency, the overlapping subtle energy bodies (which are also defined by different frequencies) also penetrate into the same space as our physical body. So when an energy practitioner places his or her hands on the client, the healing energies are sent not only to the physical body, but also to each higher energetic body. Thus, with the proper healing frequencies channeled through the practitioner, healing can occur on not only the physical level, but also in the etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual energy bodies of the client.

The Physical Energy Body. At first, it may seem unusual to consider that the physical body is an energy body, but that is exactly what it appears to be. And as we explore and become more accustomed to this new paradigm, we are able not only to see the physical body in a greater, more meaningful context, but also we begin to understand the role of disease and the nature of healing. The physical body is the densest form of energy that our consciousness uses to explore its environment and interact with others. By the densest form, it is meant that the vibrational patterns of the physical body are of a frequency low enough to be seen by our eyes (they are within the spectrum of visible light), heard by our ears (about 30 to 15,000 Hertz), and experienced with the senses of touch, taste and smell which are within the "frequency capability" of our physical body.

But there are many octaves, frequencies, and vibrations beyond the capability of our physical senses. Beyond what we can see as visible light are the higher frequencies of ultraviolet, x-ray, and cosmic radiation. We are beginning to understand that what we can physically sense is only a small portion of the vibrational energies around us. And if we look within our

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physical bodies at our atoms, molecules and cells, again we find patterns of vibrating energy that we have traditionally called "matter".

We need to become aware that our physical body is really a field of vibrating energy that has coalesced from higher less dense octaves. But we also need to remember that as vibrating fields interact with each other, one field can affect another field through the phenomenon of sympathetic vibration. If a violin player produces a note an octave above Middle C, and a second violin lying nearby on a table has a string which is tuned to Middle C, the second violin string tuned to Middle C will sympathetically begin to vibrate as well. So as we also begin to understand that there are several vibrational fields of energy around our physical body, it becomes easier to understand how one field affects another through this principle. And this is the key to understanding how energy-based healing techniques can achieve such visible and profound results in the physical body.

The Etheric Energy Body. The etheric body is the first energy body in frequency above the physical body. It exists within the physical body, and extends outward about an inch outside the skin of the physical body. Its purpose is to form an energy template or matrix for the development, maintenance and repair of the physical body. The etheric body contains a vibrational energy counterpart for each organ, blood vessel and bone found in the physical body. Indeed, the etheric body contains the energetic blueprint for the pathways that guide the location and development of every cell of the physical body. Our physical bodies exist only because of the vital (etheric) field behind them. This etheric field exists prior to, not a result of, the physical body.

Since the etheric body is the physical body's blueprint, the two are very closely related. The energetic vibrations of the etheric body determine the pattern for not only the physical tissues and organs, but also the state of health of those tissues and organs. If the vibrations are not clear and pure, this disharmony will be reflected in the physical body as disharmonious function -- what we call "disease".

Conversely, traumas to the physical body (e.g., broken bones, burns, incisions and scars) will in time be reflected into the etheric body unless there is some interceding process that either prevents this reflection into the etheric body or which restores the original vibrational pattern which existed prior to the trauma. The ability to work with a client's vibrating energy fields is precisely what forms the basis for rapid and effective energy-based physical healings.

An illness can appear in the energy field weeks and even months before it appears in the physical body. In his book, Vibrational Medicine, Dr. Richard Gerber, a Detroit physician, notes that "The etheric body is a holographic energy template that guides the growth and development of the physical body."

The Emotional Energy Body. The emotional body contains the emotional patterns, feelings, and vibrations that determine our personality, and also how we feel about ourselves and interact with others. If we are constantly angry, always feel helpless, or are consistently fearful, these patterns or vibrations get locked in our emotional energy field and become a part of our personality. This determines to a very large degree how we interact with others on personal, social, and cultural levels.

The emotional body generally follows the shape of the physical and etheric bodies, but is somewhat more amorphous and fluid, and extends from one to about three inches outside the physical body. It contains energy "blobs" of all colors of the rainbow, depending on the specific feeling or emotion. Highly charged

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feelings such as love, hate, joy, and anger are associated with energy blobs that are bright and clear, while confused feelings are darker and muddier.

The Mental Energy Body. The mental body contains the structure and patterns of all the thoughts and belief systems that we consider as true. And there is a very strong connection between the mental and emotional bodies. Although a thought or idea can in itself be very powerful, our reactions to those thoughts carry even more energy, and different people will react differently to the same thought.

For example, consider the thought form "If you are not a Catholic (or Protestant, or Muslim, or Jew, or whatever), you can not go to Heaven." One person might hear that thought or idea, think it was silly, and give it absolutely no energy. But another person might become very passionate, depending on his greater belief systems, and argue strongly either for or against the truth of that statement. His emotional body would then record the intensity of the reaction to the thought stored in the mental body. However, the person who thought the statement was silly in the first place would not have any resonance with it, and no energetic pattern would be stored in either the mental or emotional bodies.

The mental body usually appears as yellow light radiating around the entire body from head to toe, and extends from three to eight inches beyond the physical body. Within this area, individual thought forms appear as small blobs of light of varying form and intensity.

The Spiritual Energy Body. The spiritual body (i.e., all vibrational patterns in octaves higher than the mental body) contains all the information related to our experiences, and reflects our gestalt consciousness of all that has been learned and experienced. It contains our higher intentions, our sense of what is right and wrong ("conscience"), and our desires to increase our awareness of our purpose, place and mission for this lifetime.

These five energy bodies make up one's Human Energy Field, or aura. Its outer shape appears roughly egg-shaped and extends out to perhaps 1½ to two feet beyond the physical body; however, this shape can be extended even further out or contracted closer to the physical body depending on the situation the person is experiencing. For example, when a person is feeling emotions of unconditional love, the aura may expand to several feet and radiate bright hues of gold or white. But if the same person is feeling threatened physically or emotionally, the entire aura may collapse to a much denser pattern within only a few inches of the body.

Blocked Aura

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Here are some Mystical Notes regarding the Glandular System from Billie Topa Tate

The PITUITARY gives BALANCE. IT is as a blue sapphire.

The PINEAL opens up communication with the GREAT CENTRAL AND EMISSARIES. The color is a beautiful diamond, with the iridescent spectrum. The PITUITARY has a password. IT is DECISION. To decide right or wrong, the virtue is in making the decision at all.

THE THYROID, base of neck in front, the jewel here is the butterfly golden topaz.

THE THYMUS is your gland-chakra of youth. It is supposed to dissolve when childhood matures but there are some individuals who are the ETERNAL CHILD and the thymus remains. The thymus is thrilled at all that stirs the being. You can be tired. a phone call and an invitation to go out for dinner will cause a great ripple of joy, and you are not tired anymore. but full of energy and excitement. Emerald green is the jewel of the thymus.

Over your kidneys is the ADRENALS. Their motto is "MOVE QUICKLY". I am thinking of a cat jumping twenty feet up in the air to spring out of danger. Also, if you wish to arise at an early hour just ask the adrenals to awaken you. They will awaken you right on the minute you ask, they may also warn you of impending danger. Their jewel is twin rubies.

SOLAR PLEXUS. You are really an ORGANIZED system. This is their modus operandi: PITUITARY AND PINEAL get together and send an impulse-essence (throat-blue) the thyroid. who in turn sends the impulse- essence to the thymus-heart green and soft ruby pink, who sends the S.O.S. to the adrenalins (over the kidneys), thence on to the gonads:

LIFE ENERGY unto the solar plexus to the spleen, left side of the body, -YOUR SPLEEN IS THE "TRANSMUTATION STATION".


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How to Take Care of Our Energy Field

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How to Take Care of Our Energy Field Continuous and Mindful Effort to Keep the Energy Field Balanced Esoteric and Exoteric Practice

Continue to Study the Universal and Esoteric Wisdoms Regarding the Human Energy Field

Continue to Study the Universal and Esoteric Wisdoms Regarding the Universal Principles

Have a deep understanding of why Masters: Maintain, and Create Sacred and Empowering Space

Maintain a Sacred Space within your home

Daily Salt Bath

Daily Pot (Breath is very important)

Daily Meditation and Movement Practices

Practice Good Solar and Lunar Rituals (Sun and Moon)

Continuous and Mindful Effort to Maintain Good Quality Thought Forms (use thought like medicine)

Continuous and Mindful Effort to Maintain Good Quality Food Fuel for the Physical Body (use food like medicine)

Continuous and Mindful Effort to Maintain Good Quality Emotional Food for my Emotional Body

Practice Mindful and Wise and Efforts Daily

Learn and Practice Noble Mystical Techniques

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The Antah – Karana The Antakarana

The complete, four fold instrument of the mind which functions between the Self (Atma) and the physical body. This internal mechanism has four major functions:

1. That which gives identity to the concept of oneself (-kara) 2. That which gives an evolution or an interpretation (correctly or incorrectly) to the sensations and ideas (buddhi) 3. That which compares or classifies ideas and reflects on them (manas)

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4. That which collects and stores these sensations and ideas (chitta) the chitta is often referred to as the “lower mind.” Manas The instrument of action in the mind. It is this instrument of action that produces and modifies objective things

Buddhi Means, comprehension. The term buddhi denotes the higher mind, or the wisdom component, as contrasted to the lower mind (manas). The buddhi is the subtlest and the deepest feature of the psyche. Buddhi also menas the first derivative of pre-matter (matter know as prakriti.). It is the first most sublime and elementary form of matter. Thus, it gives rise to all other spectrums of “formed” matter: the so called material and mental.

Chitta The lower mind or mind-stuff. It is this section of the mind that we must first master. It is in the mind stuff that all the sensations experienced in a lifetime are stored as information (correct or incorrect), and are available for use when needed.

Ahamkara Means “I-Maker”. It commonly refers to that which applies to the bundle of traits embracing the body and mind, and referred to as “myself.” It is often used to express one’s own ego, or the principle of individuation. In the yogic tradition it is stressed to move from ego- awareness to (True) Self awareness

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The link between personality and soul is called the antakarana …. The rainbow thread… rainbow because it has many qualities which are formless but can be interpreted or “seen” by their qualities, which correspond also to colors and sounds. Causal matter is formless but has quality. By infusing similar qualities in ourselves, mainly through meditation techniques, through serving mankind and through certain rhythms of breath, we can attract the “matter of the Atma-Buddhi-Manas” planes into the aura. It is from this substance that both the antakarana and the third eye are formed.

The antakarana has to be built out of the atomic essence of the planes of atma, buddhi and manas (out of the spirillae of the higher planes). This is what we mean when we talk about the reconstruction of the aura. To achieve this there has to be many personality changes and periods of meditation. Every time we manifest Atma or Buddhi or Manas in our daily activity, we build the material of these planes into our auric egg. This growth of the permanent and enduring part of our nature, which survives death and comes with us again into rebirth, goes on slowly through the many lives we live on this planet and under what we would call the normal processes of evolution. In our last few lives, or under the stimulus of meditation, or in serving mankind (the world), or in breathing rhythmically, the process may be accelerated in what is called the “quickening of the soul.”

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Buddhi Atma

Spiritual Triad or higher soul

Buddhi Plane (higher mind)

Lower half Mental Body of Antahkarana

Physical Incarnated Part of the Soul that Astral

Body is born into the physical body Body

The Personality (the incarnated Self

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Marma Points - Location and related Symptoms

ARM Front-side View 1. Wrist injuries, inflammations, stiff finger joints, stomach problems. 2. Wrist injuries, inflammations, stiff finger joints, heart problems. 3. Wrist injuries, inflammations, stiff finger joints, wrist pain. 4. Wrist injuries, inflammations, stiff finger joints, wrist pain. 5. Wrist injuries, inflammations, mental problems. 6. Tennis Elbow, stiff elbow. 7. Tennis Elbow, stiff elbow, Metabolic problems, liver, spleen, pancreas & gall bladder problems. 8. Cramps in upper arm. 9. Poor circulation of blood to hand, muscle cramps. 10. Poor circulation of blood to hand, muscle cramps. 11. Pain in neck & shoulder, shoulder weakness, frozen shoulder, numbness in hands, difficulty in finger movements. LEG 1. Poor circulation to feet and legs, numbness, feet injuries. 2. Pain in feet, leg injuries, dropped arches. 3. Ankle injuries and swelling, arthritis. Kapha - 4. Ankle and foot injuries, arthritis. dominated- 5. Ankle problems, arthritis, reproductive problems. Area 6. Muscle cramps in calf, varicose . Pitta- 7. Knee injuries, arthritis, oedema. dominated- 8. Cramps in calf muscles. Area 9. Pain and cramps in thighs, poor circulation. 10. Poor circulation to leg, leg cramps. Vata- 11. Infertility, Constipation, Hernia, Menstrual dominated- Area problems.

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TRUNK 1. Hemorrhoids, Rectal prolapse, Constipation. 2. Difficulty in urinating, prostrate problems, cystitis, reproductive organs. 3. Constipation, diarrhoea, colic, Indigestion. 4. Heart diseases, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, poor circulation.


View 5. Mastitis, engorged breasts, tender breasts, lack of milk production. 6. Mastitis, engorged breasts with inflammation. 7. Shoulder cramps, injuries, breathing difficulty, bronchitis. 8. Bronchitis, asthma, difficulty in breathing, panic attacks. BACK 1. Sciatica, Pain, muscle cramps & weakness in leg, paralysis, arthritis in hip. 2. Arthritis in hip, injury to hip. 3. Low back pain stiff back 4. Sacro-iliac joint problems, lumbar back pain, scitia, reproductive organs. 5. Stiff neck, neck injuries, headaches. 6. Shoulder pain, injury, Muscle cramps in shoulder blade. 7. Weakness in hands, paralysis, numbness. NECK

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Kapha- 1. Headache, speech difficulty, paralysis. dominated- 2. Stammering, paralysis, sore throat, cough, thyroid Area problems. Vata- 3. Stiff neck, speech problems, throat infections, dominated- thyroid problems. Area 4. Stiff neck, headache, neck injury, stammering. 5. Dizziness, vertigo, deafness, inflammation, in ear. 6. Loss of sense of smell, catarrh, rhinitis, nasal polyp. 7. Trigeminal neuralgia, headache, facial paralysis. 8. Migraine, vertigo, loss of hearing, loss of memory. 9. Migraine, vertigo, loss of hearing, loss of memory. 10. Migraine, headaches, vertigo . 11. Loss of smell, catarrh, pituitary problems. 12. Headaches, convulsions, epilepsy, memory loss. 13. Sinusitis, frontal headache. 14. Headache, migraine, memory loss, paralysis, loss of energy.

Fundamentals and Concepts believes in treating the individual rather than the ailment. In order to treat a person, all the details of the person must be known to the Ayurvedic doctor. Ayurvedic medicine is based on the three Doshas or 'Tridosha', Doshas are bio -energies, literally a Dosha means a Fault or a disorder, the combination of the three Doshas and the predominance of a single or a combination of Doshas decide the kind of an individual and also the specific treatment for the person.

The Three Doshas

i). Kapha ii). Pitta iii). Vata Ayurveda unlike other forms of treatment also takes into account the mental attitude of a person, the spiritual beliefs of a person which are very useful for the right kind of treatment of a person based on his/her spiritual self and way of thinking. Based on this people are of principally one of the

Three kinds of Minds

i). Sattvic ii).

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Rajasic iii). Tamasic According to Ayurveda, we are made up of seven Dhaatus or elements (tissues), these elements are physical in nature and they follow a sequence. The Dhaatus are formed from the food we eat through the process of metabolism. The health of these seven elements in the body decides the overall health of the person.

The Seven Dhaatus are

i). Rasa ii). Rakta iii). Mamsa iv). Meda

v). Asthi vi). Majja vii). Shukra Oja The elimination of the waste products is as important as eating and drinking, the dissipation of the waste gives space for fresh material and the cycle goes on, this cycle should go on smoothly which can be easily achieved through following a proper daily routine or the 'Dincharya'. Principally there are

Three types of waste products or Malas

i). Shakrit ii). Mootra iii). Sweda Márma or Mármasthãná Our body is supposed to be composed of a matrix of energy points, these 107 energy points distributed all over our body stimulate the functions of the body and keep it healthy. These points are called as Márma or Mármasthãná.

Marma Therapy

Marma therapy focuses on energizing the body to relieve occupational illness and stress related diseases. Often, it helps the couples to reestablish harmony in marital life. Here, Kalari master is the spiritual Guru, counselor and physiotherapist all rolled in to one. Marma Chikitsa (therapeutic treatment in vital spots) is an offshoot of the Kalarippayattu, Kerala’s martial art. In Kerala, Marma therapy joins the streams of Sidha and Kalari. Penetration of any of the 108-marma points causes injury and knowledge of these points are used to align the upset equilibrium between the tridosha vata (wind), pitta (bile), Kapha (phlegm). These three elements form the essence of life. Marma chikitsa is basically a neuromuscular and orthopedic science. In southern Kerala as in Thiruvananthapuram, the Agasthya system is practiced, the chikitsa 19 Chakra Cleaning Class

(therapy) is an amalgamation of the Kalari Sidha Veda and Ayurveda forms. Oil therapy or Snehana – is an important part of marma chikitsa, warm, medicated oils are applied in large amounts all over the body. The medicated oils are used in specific body sites, such as on the charkas and marma points or at specific trouble spots. The body is then massaged using these oils; this specific technique of massage is known as Abhayanga. Marma Abhayanga is different from Ayurveda Abhyanga.

Marma Abhayanga

Abhayanga involves the use of major and minor marma points. The success of the chikitsa depends on two factors one is the patient’s faith in the system, god and the master. The second factor is the master or “Gurukkal” himself and his experience that play a pivotal role in the treatment process. Although the marmas are the junctions of all 5 principles (flesh, veins, , tendons, bones and joints) at each point pre-dominance of one principle exists. It is at these points where Abhayanga can most effectively restructure or rebalance the system to function most healthily. Further, Abhayanga helps develop the body’s immune system and longevity of both the body and mind, by ensuring the proper balance and flow of hormones, fluids, immune factors etc.

Marma Abhyañga Another form of abhyañga is the use of the major and minor marma points. Marma is discussed in one of the four main , and also detailed in the classical Áyurvedic text, Sushrut Samhitá. The marma points are similar to Chinese acupuncture, only no invasive use of needles is involved.

Marma points are positions on the body where flesh, veins, arteries, tendons, bones, and joints meet. They may be seen as the junctions where Váyu, Pitta, and Kapha meet; where sattwa, rajas, and tamas meet; or where eternity and relativity meet. Some say they are also the points where the three aspects of Self-realization meet, i.e., inner Self, outer world, and between the two (knower, known, and process of knowing). They may also be the junctions between the physical, astral, and causal bodies. In short, they are points that have great importance to a person’s body, mind and spirit.

Although the marmas are the junctions of all five principles (i.e., flesh, veins, arteries, tendons, bones, and joints), at each point a predominance of one principle exists. It is at these points where abhyañga can most effectively restructure or rebalance the system to function most healthily. Further, abhyañga helps develop the preventive 20 Chakra Cleaning Class

health and longevity of the body and mind by ensuring the proper balance and flow of hormones, fluids, immune factors, etc.

One hundred seven marma points exist on the body. This makes it much easier to remember and work with, compared with the thousands of points in Chinese acupuncture. Áyurveda details major (mahá) and minor marma points. The major points correspond to the major chakras on the body, while the minor points are found around the torso and limbs. Thus, healing through marma abhyañga affects the chakras, physical health, and the doshas.

The purpose of a marma abhyañga is to stimulate the various bodily organs and systems. Like acupuncture, these points are measured by finger units (anguli or angula) to detect their correct locations. Many marma points are larger than acupuncture points. Thus, they can be found more easily.

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Marma is discussed in one of the four main Vedas and also detailed in Sushrut Samhita. "Maryanti iti marmani" i.e. the energy points when gets affected can lead to death.

In ancient India, it was cautioned that these marma points were to be guarded from harm. If these points were pierced by arrows or hit forcefully it could result in disease, trauma or even death.

Location of the Marma points Where flesh, veins, arteries, tendons, bones and joints meet. At the junction where vayu, pitta, kapha meet. Where sattwa, raja, tama meet; or where eternity and relativity meet. Can say they are also the points where the three aspects of self realization meet i.e. inner self, outer world and between the two (know, known, and process of knowing). They may also be the junctions between the physical, astral and causal bodies.

Measurement of Marmas The size of the marmas are measured by finger breadth, called anguli or angula; anguli is the width of one's own finger. All marma measurements are made with the patient's own fingers, not the fingers of the practitioner. Most of the marmas have the same meanings as their position, making it easy to remember their location

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Writings are from oral tradition and teachings – Billie Topa Tate Excerpts from Harish Johari – Chakras book and Ramacharaka

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The Nadis

The word comes from the Sanskrit root “nad “ meaning “movement. In the Rigveda, the most ancient Hindu scripture, the word nadi is used to mean “stream.” The concept of Nadis is based on the understanding that they are channels; any channel through which anything flows is a Nadi. I can speak from my clairvoyant experience that the nadi system does look like whirling energy channels very similar to how water navigates itself through water ways. Often when I have sessions with my clients, I am viewing the on-going flow of energy via the nadi system, which can help me to understand where energy is congested or needs balancing. Normally, the nadis are white, but, often, there are tinted with various colors which convey current states of wellness or illness. There are multitudes of energy channels which are part of the Nadi system. Clairvoyantly speaking they look like whitish whirling channels that run along the systems of the body. These channels are mainly (but not exclusively) affected by the following:

Food (what you eat, how you eat it, and blessing your food and yourself is good) Liquids (water and natural fruit juices and plant juices serve the body best) Past karma (this will be reviewed in during our discourse) Thought forms (all constrictive thought forms develop a congested flow of energy) Physical activity (cultivating your garden – which is your body, is important – balance is key) Spiritual activity (cultivating going into the “quiet” which is meditation daily is important) Breath pattern (all breath either enhances or constricts the flow of energy in your body)

There are two types of Nadis:

1. Subtle, non-material, invisible channels of subtle energy called Nadis. The subtle Nadis are again of two kinds; the channels of mana or the mind (manovahini or manovahi nadis), and the channels of chitta, the feeling of self or being (chittavahi nadis).

2. Gross channels of subtle energy, visible as cords, vessels, or tubes. Included in this concept of Nadis are acupuncture meridians, nerves, muscles, and the streams of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, such as arteries and veins.

Pranic energy is carried by nadis that belong to each type, subtle and gross. The nadis that carry pranic energy are known as pranavahi or pranavahini nadis. The gross pranavahi nadis work with the nerves of the central, autonomic, sympathetic, parasympathetic nervous systems. To some degree, these nerves, and the work and sense organs that are operated by them, are influenced by the Yoga Nadis such as Ida and Pingala, which are linked with the charkas. 24 Chakra Cleaning Class

Thus, the charkas work with nadis of both kinds, gross and subtle, but only works with the most subtle of the nadis of the sushumna. When kundalini is awakened and is absorbed in kundalini, the other nadis stop functioning and the working of the charkas is temporarily suspended until the kundlini becomes dormant again.

Ayurveda mentions 72,000 different nadis. One’s pulse is also called nadi, and medical diagnosis often commences by observing the throbbing of the nadi in the carotid . In the yoga shiklopanishad it is clearly stated that there are 101 Nadis that are connected to the hear center also called Chakra. It continues “the Ida Nadi is situated on the left side and the Pingala Nadi on the right side; between these two is the main Nadi, the Sushumna. Within the sushumna is concealed the Nadi, which is pure in character like the supreme consciousness (Brahman). The brahma nadi is the void that connects to the Brahma Randhra, a void between the twin hemispheres of the brain, located in the uppermost chakra, the , the Thousand-petal lotus. One who know this is the knower of the Veda.”

Aspirants who are able to master the nadis can attain the highest states of consciousness and gain the powers known as (perfections), giving them full command over the elements and gunas. (see our glossary for more explanations of gunas). The tantric treatise identifies fourteen principal nadis. Of these, three main nadis; ida, pingala, and sushumna – are considered the most important for aspirants of Yoga and aspirants of mystical traditions. They are identified with the three main rivers of India; Ida is also known as Ganga, Pingala as , and Sushumna as Saraswati. All three of these nadis originate in the same region, the kanda, the fibrous material below the Chakra around which nerves interweave. This junction of these three holy streams is called yukta triveni (yukta – combined, triveni – three streams). It takes the form of a downward-pointing bow or triangle in the center of which the kundalini is coiled. The left side of the triangle is the Ida Nadi, the right side is the Pingala Nadi, and the top the Sushumna Nadi. The three Nadis proceed upward from the Muladhara Chakra, with the Ida and Pingala alternating from the right to left sides of the Sushumna at each succeeding chakra, until they reach the Chakra, the point between the eyebrows, where they meet again, forming a gentle knot. The Ida and Pingala Nadis terminate in the left and right nostrils respectively and the Sushumna continues upward to the Sahasrara Chakra at the crown of the head. The meeting of these three streams in the Ajna Chakra is called mukta triveni. A yogi who has passed through the Vishuddha Chkra at the throate to the Ajna Chakra transcends the five elements and become freed (mukta) from the bondage of time-bound consciousness. That is why this meeting of the three nadis is called the mukta triveni. The scriptures say; triveni yoga sah prokta, snanam maha phalam, “this union is called triveni, and one who bathes in this triveni achieves great merit.”

The fourteen major Nadis identified in the Shiva Samhita are;

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1. Sushumna The Sushumna is centrally situated and is the only Nadi that passes through the meru danda (spinal column). Certain studies of anatomy contradict the description of the Sushumna given by the tantric scriptures, stating that the central canal contains only cerebrospinal fluid, no nerve fibers, and that it is impossible neurologically for the spinal cord to have an opening at the top of the head for the inflow and outflow of prana. It is therefore difficult to provide an accurate anatomy of charkas.

According to the Shiv Samhita, Yoga Shikhopanishad, and many other scriptures, the Sushumna originates in the Muladhara Chakra, pierces the talu (the palate at the base of the skull), and terminates in the Sahasrara Chakra at the crown of the head. Before it reaches the Ajna Chakra (situated in alignment with the eyebrows), the Sushumna Nadi divides into two branches; anterior and posterior. The anterior branch goest to the Ajna Chakra before reaching the Brahma Randhra, also known as Bharmara Gupha (gupha – cave, bhramara – bumble bee), the seat of supreme consciousness. The posterior branch passes from behind the skull before it arrives at the Brahma Randhra.

According to some tantric text, the Sushumna is not one Nadi but is made up of three principal Yoga Nadis, which are the subtlest of the subtle. The outermost part of the Sushumna is the fiery red Sushumna, which is beyond the limits of time. Inside it is the lustrous Vajra Nadi, also known as Vajrini, which is the nature of the sun. inside the Vajra Nadi is the pale Chitra Nadi, which is of the nature of the moon and nectar dropping. Inside the Chitrini Nadi is a void called the Brahma Nadi, which connects to the Brahma Randhra. The Sushumna and the void are both of the nature of inertia (tamas) whereas Vajrini is active (rajas) and Chitrini is pure illumination (sattva). Chitrini radiates life energy; it is extremely subtle, pure intelligence and is revealed through Yoga to . The Chitrini Nadi is responsible for dreams, hallucinations, and visions and is automatically active in visionaries. The terminating point of Chitrini Nadi is called Brahma Dvara, the door of brahman, through which Kundalini ascends to her final abode in the Soma Chakra within the Sahasrara Chakra.

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The Sushumna generally remains dormant when the other Nadis flow strongly and is activated when the flow through the other Nadis is restrained. The oscillating force of prana is responsible for breathing, causing most breaths taken in any given hour to be drawn in through only one nostril, thus activating either the Ida or Pingala Nadis, and through them, the other Nadis. The Sushumna Nadi is activated only when the breath comes through both nostrils simultaneously, which typically happens only ten breaths per hour, at the change over from one nostril to the other. Through the yogic practice of (conscious breath control), the Sushumna can also be activated, though in this way, it causes a temporary suspension of inhalation and exhalation. The other Nadis then stop functioning and Kundalini is aroused to rise upward in the Sushumna through the Brahma Nadi. When the spiritual energy of Kundlini ascends in the Sushumna it harmonizes the energy of the Ida and Pingala Nadis, which encircle the various charkas.

The Sushumna is the only Nadi that is not time-bound. A yogi who has established himself or herself in meditation at the Ajna Chakra (the midpoint between the eyebrows), in whom the spiritual energy of Kundalini has risen into the Brahma Randhra region, becomes a knower of the past, present and future, trikaladarshi (tri-three, kala –time, darshi – seer). The yogi goes beyond time (kala) and cannot be touched by death (death is also called kala in Sanskrit). When breathing becomes suspended through pranayama, the functions of the physical body come to a standstill and the process of aging is stopped.

In addition to its brief operation each hour at each change of the nasal cycle, the Sushumna automatically operates at dawn and dusk. It has the effect of calming down the system, thus making meditation easy. That is one of the main reasons that meditation at dawn and dusk has been incorporated in the religious practices of many traditions. Also, just before death all human beings breathe Sushumna breath, both nostrils working simultaneously. It is said that death with the exception of accidental death – is not possible when either the Ida or Pingala Nadi alone is dominant. This is, death does not occur when one’s breath is predominantly in only the left or right nostril.

In acupuncture there is a meridian called the Governor Vessel Meridian, which has some correspondence with the Sushumna. In this meridian the energy flow starts at the tip of the coccyx, ascends the spine, reaches a point at the top of the head, and then course down along the meridian line to a point just below the navel. In general, the acupuncture meridians may be equated with the Nadis that carry pranic energy.

2. Ida The Ida Nadi is white in color. It starts and ends to the left of the Sushumna and is therefore considered part of the left channel of the Nadi system. It is the carrier of lunar energy currents. Yogis identify Ida as being a carrier of pranic energy and claim it to be one of the most important mental Nadis. The Ganharva Tantra chap.5 says that the Ida Nadi is in the form of the moon so it conserves energy in the body and restores calmness to the mind. Ida is feminine in nature and is the storehouse of life-producing, maternal energy. As it nourishes and purifies the body and mind, it is called Ganga in tantric scriptures. In the depicture of the Supreme Self as a cosmic person (Kala or Virat ) it is shown as the left eye. Like the Sushumna Nadi, the Ida Nadi originates in the Kanda, the region below the Mulahara Chakra, but it is also connected with the left testicle in males. The Ida Nadi terminates in the left 27 Chakra Cleaning Class

nostril, In Svara Yoga it represent the left breath, that is, breath flowing in the out of the left nostril. All of the yogic breathing practices of pranayama commence with inhalation through the left nostril which activates Ida Nadi, with the exception of surya bhedan pranayama (breathing to increase one’s solar power).

In the system of Svara Yoga, practitioners observe the customer of keeping the left nostril open during the day so that its sattvik lunar energy will balance the rajasik solar energy that is received during the daylight hours. By creating a balance in oneself, one becomes more relaxed and more alert mentally. The Ida Nadi is responsible for restoring energy to the brain. Ida is situated on the left side of the spinal colum (meru danda) and has been wrongly identified as the chain of nerve ganglia connected with nerve fibers called the sympathetic cord. A close similarity exists, because the sympathetic system controls and influences respiration, and because respiration is connected with the nostrils. However, the Ida nadi is neither a nerve nor a sympathetic cord; it is a mental channel (etheric channel). According to ancient writings, the Ida relates to the female or moon. And the moon relates to the psyche. During ascending moon cycles (from the new moon to the full moon), Ida is dominant for nine days in a fortnight at the time of sunrise and sunset.

3. Pingala The Pingala Nadi is part of the right channel of solar energy currents. Like the sun, the Pingala is masculine in nature. It is a storehouse of energy that, is consumed in muscular activities requiring physical strength and speed. The Pingala Nadi makes the physical body more dynamic and more efficient, and it is this Nadi that provides added vitality and male power. Unlike Ida, Pingala is calming, mentally focusing, sattvik lunar energy, Pingala’s rajasik solar energy causes diversification of the mind and it is therefore not suitable for meditation. Like the Ida, the Pingala is also purifying, but its cleansing is like fire. In Svara Yoga, the Pingala represents the right breath, that is, breath flowing in and out of the right nostril. All the yogic breathing practices of pranayama (breathing to increase solar power) in which inhalation begins through the right nostril, thus exciting Pingala nadi. This pranayama is performed to increase vigor, stamina, and solar energy.

The Pingala, like the Ida, is a mental and etheric nadi. It is more active during the descending moon cycle (from full moon to new moon) and operates for nine days in a fortnight at the time of sunrise and sunset. The Pingala Nadi brings energy down from the center of combustion of the brain where matter (oxygen and glucose) is converted into life-giving energy (prana).

Gandhari The Gandhari stretches from below the corner of the left eye to the big toe of the left foot. Gandhari is situated by the side of Ida Nadi and helps support it. It is used to carry psychic energy from the lower part of the body upward to the Ajna Chakra. The Gandhari Nadi is energized by practicing the form of the lotus posture, in which the practitioner crosses the arms behind the back while sitting in the lotus posture and then grasp the big toe of the left foot with the right hand and the big toe of the right foot with the left hand.

Hastajihva Stretches from below the corner of the right eye to the big toe of the left foot. Along with the Gandhari Nadi, it is a complementary Nadi to Ida; the three together form the left channel.

Yashasvini Stretches from the right big toe to the left ear and is a complementary Nadi to the Pingala Nadi.

Pusha 28 Chakra Cleaning Class

Stretches from the left big toe to the right ear. This nadi, along with the Yashasvini and Pingala Nadis, forms the right channel

Alambusha Begins at the anus and terminates in the mouth

Kuhu Originates in the throat and terminates in the genitals. Kuhu helps chitrini nadi to serve as carrier of the bindu

Shankhini Originates in the throat and moves between the saravati and gandhari nadis on the left side of the sushumna nadi, terminating in the anus.

Sarasvati nadi Along with the ida, pingala, and susshumna, the sarasvati nadi originates in the kanda of the muladhara chakra and terminates in the tongue.

Payasvini nadi Flows between the pusha and sarasvati nadis. It termination point is located in the right ear.

Varuni nadi Situated between the Yashasvini and Kuhu Nadis. Helps purify the toxins in the lower trunk area.

Vishvodara Flows between the kuhu and hastajihva nadis and residers in the area of the naval.