
Michelle’s personal notes on and A Supplement to YogaFaith’s Body Mapping Handouts [, ’s, Vayus and Koshas]

” is the one life force that permeates all living things and in fact all . This cohesive, ​ animating force is also known as “Maha Prana” or great prana. In the , this universal prana has been observed to move in specific ways in specific regions in the body, regulating and controlling physical and mental function. Though there are 49 distinct prana vayus or types of vayus in the body, five principle vayus or “panacha ” are important for the to recognize. The word translates as "wind," connoting all-pervading movement. The root ‘va’ means “that which flows” – and so a vayu is a vehicle for activities and experiences within the body, or a “force” that moves throughout the system controlling functions such as digestion, respiration, nerve impulses act.

These pancha pranas are categorized as: Prana vayu, Apana vayu, Samana vayu, Udana vayu and, Vyana vayu. Though they function in unison together, each governing a specific area of the body. They can be thought of as forces that are not just the physical, but govern emotional qualities and mental energies, fundamental to physical, mental and emotional well- being.

The practices of , especially and , optimize the functioning of these vayus as well as bring them under our influence. Their energies can then be used to uplift ourselves and restore vibrant health.

1. Prana Vayu– while “Prana” is the general name of the life force, the prana vayu is one of its ​ specific functions. Prana vayu literally means “forward moving ” and moves inward toward the center of the body. Prana vayu is the that receives things coming into the body in the form of food (eating), liquids (drinking) and air () as well as all sensory perceptions and mental experiences. Prana is propulsive by nature and is the driving force for all the other vayus. The energy known as prana vayu governs the region from the abdomen or diaphragm to the base of the throat, corresponding to Jalandhara (see bandhas). The “seat” of the prana vayu is the , and this vayu ensures that the heart goes on beating. It is associated with the element of air. It works to maintain the proper temperature of the body relative to one’s environment, and sustains one’s vital organs, particularly the heart. Though its seat is in the heart, it moves through


Michelle’s personal notes on Vayus and Koshas A Supplement to YogaFaith’s Body Mapping Handouts [Chakras, Nadi’s, Vayus and Koshas] the center of the body in a downward direction from the base of the throat to the , as well as from the navel back up to the throat.

2. Apana Vayu– Apana vayu translates as “the air that moves away”. The dominant energy of ​ Apana vayu is a downward and outward movement. Its energy moves primarily in the lower abdomen from the navel to the floor of the pelvis. Apana is the aspect of the prana that governs the ability to eject or eliminate what is not needed to the system. Just as with the breath we exhale what is not needed after assimilating the in-breath, the apana vayu is behind the elimination of waste in general, working in the kidneys, colon, rectum, bladder and genitals. It is also the moving force in the process of reproduction – which essentially moves new life ‘out’ into the world – from insemination to childbirth. The healthy functioning of the apana vayu is as vital as that of the prana vayu. Without the healthy functioning of apana vayu, one lacks motivation and determination; one feels lazy, dull and even confused, indecisive and befuddled. Apana vayu is associated with the element of , and is the energy of the which is concerned with having a strong, sure and reliable foundation, especially in fundamental matters of survival.The seat of the apana vayu is in the core of the pelvis, and it governs from the navel to the perineum, corresponding to the area in which we practice Mula bandha. As with Prana vayu can have both a downward movement in the body as well as an upward movement* within its primary region.

*Prana vayu and Apana vayu move in complementary opposite directions during inhale and exhale.As you inhale, Prana vayu moves upward from the navel to the chest, while Apana vayu moves downward from the navel toward the floor of the pelvis. On exhale, both move in the reverse direction; Prana moving from the base of the throat down to the navel and Apana moving from the perineum back up the the navel. Both oscillate from the center of the abdomen or kanda.

3. Samana Vayu – Is literally “the balancing air” Moves primarily in the region between the ​ navel and the heart (solar plexus), and its seat is said to be in the navel. It is the controlling


Michelle’s personal notes on Vayus and Koshas A Supplement to YogaFaith’s Body Mapping Handouts [Chakras, Nadi’s, Vayus and Koshas] power of the metabolism or “digestive ” and the functioning of the digestive organs and glands. It also governs the assimilation of from the air we breathe. It is also the vayu that unifies the two opposite forces of prana vayu and apana. It corresponds to the area in which we practice Uddiyana bandha.

In its work with food and digestion, this is the force that separates nutrients from toxins: when it is not functioning well, one may retain toxins, leading to shortness of breath and gastric disorders. In the case of the , the Samana Vayu is the power by which we separate out or discern beneficial from detrimental, which allows us to assimilate information for the sake of making choices. When there is a disorder, one can be delusional or of unsound mind. For this reason, in the yoga tradition the power of digestion is very closely linked to the power of the mind – particularly regarding discrimination and judgment.

Samana vayu is associated with the element of fire. It is associated with the chakra, and when unbalanced, its fiery energy can be used to assert one’s or to dominate, especially through anger. In the yoga tradition, anger is the direct result of a combination of desire, delusion and lack of discrimination.

4. Udana Vayu– Udana is "that which carries upward." It rules the region of the throat and ​ head,and is seated specifically in the throat. It also rules muscle function and strength in the extremities as well as the sensory function of the eyes, ears and nose. It’s said to be the force behind all growth, our ability to stand erect, speech, effort, enthusiasm and will. While apana vayu is concerned with elimination or outward moving energy in general, udana vayu is the specific force that expels air with the exhalation in a way that is particularly concerned with speech and the production of sound. In the region of the head, it's function is mental and expressive in the form of ideas and speech. When udana is unbalanced, speech is disjointed and one cannot speak or articulate ideas properly. Imbalances can also cause shortness of breath and other respiratory problems particularly associated with the throat, which can have their root in


Michelle’s personal notes on Vayus and Koshas A Supplement to YogaFaith’s Body Mapping Handouts [Chakras, Nadi’s, Vayus and Koshas] obstacles to self-expression, or emotional repression. Uncoordinated movement in the limbs or loss of balance are also signs of imbalance of the vayu. The energy and movement of Udana is particularly stimulated by Jalandhara Bandha. Either or space is the element associated with this vayu as is chakra. This upward moving energy continues through the upper chakra, the chakra, to the , and is purified during the upward journey.

5. Vyana Vayu– literally means “outward moving air” and moves from the center of the body ​ out to the periphery. This vayu pervades the whole body, and is a coordinating, connecting force. It has no specific seat, but rather coordinates all the powers such as sensory awareness, and runs through the whole network of the 72,000 nadis or passageways of prana in the body, connecting the functions of the nerves, , muscles and joints and circulates nutrients and energy. Its function is cohesive and is associated with the element of . Vyana vayu is fundamental to making one feel and function as an integrated whole. Though it governs and coordinates all of the as well as the functioning of all muscles, both voluntary and involuntary, it is felt especially in the skin. Goosebumps and perspiration, and all of the various actions and reactions of the skin to the environment are manifestations of vyana vayu. It functions at the “surface” or outer boundary of your energy body, much like surface tension on a drop of water, and is associated with a of boundaries through which we define ourselves and interact with our world.

Within the body, Vyana vayu governs our internal sense of coordination, balance and physical integrity or cohesiveness. When unbalanced, one feels uncoordinated and clumsy. Coordination between mind and body suffers, and one’s own thoughts can be disjointed, fluctuating and rambling. Dysfunctions in Vyana vayu can also lessen our power of sensation. Though Vyana vayu itself has no specific seat, it is associated with the energy of the Svadhisthana Chakra. In general, vyana vayu is strengthened by the practice of . More specifically, because of its association with the energy and concerns of the svadhisthana chakra, the subtler energies involved are enhanced throughMulabandha.


Michelle’s personal notes on Vayus and Koshas A Supplement to YogaFaith’s Body Mapping Handouts [Chakras, Nadi’s, Vayus and Koshas]

[May draw on the Body Map]

Direction of Pranic movement (vayus) in the Physical body: ● -Prana: moves down from the base of the throat to the navel (the pranic center or kanda) and energizes and all the vayus. It also moves up from the navel to the throat. ● Udana moves primarily up from the throat up to the head ● Apana moves from the navel down to the floor of the pelvis. ● Samana moves from the periphery of the body into the core. ● Vyana moves from the core out to the periphery.

Vayus and corresponding chakras and elements summarized: 1. Apana Vayu: Seat is in the Pelvis, Muladhara Chakra, Earth 2. Samana Vayu: Seated in the Solar Plexus, Manipura Chakra, Fire 3. Prana Vayu: Seated in the heart/chest, Chakra, Air 4. Udana Vayu: Seated in the Throat and Head, Vishuddha Chakra, Ajna Chakra, Ether 5. Vyana Vayu: Emanates from the navel (kanda) but pervades entire body, Svadhisthana Chakra, Water


Michelle’s personal notes on Vayus and Koshas A Supplement to YogaFaith’s Body Mapping Handouts [Chakras, Nadi’s, Vayus and Koshas]

Koshas The koshas are energetic layers or sheaths that move from the outermost layer of skin to the deep spiritual core. The koshas provide a framework for conceptualizing ourselves. Much like the chakra system, the layers come packaged with their own individual physiological function and psychology. In some respects, the kosha layers mirror the psychology of the chakras. For those of you wondering what the individual koshas are and how they relate your being as a whole, below you'll find brief descriptions of each

1. Annamaya kosha The first layer of the koshas represents the physical body, including the skin, muscles, connective tissue, fat and bones. When you pinch the side of your waist and feel the skin and muscle under your fingers, you engage with annamaya kosha. For a lot of people the first layer might be where we spend the most time hanging out, locked in our physical senses

2. Pranamaya kosha The second layer represents the pranic or — in essence, it's the circulatory system for prana, or “life-force energy.” It also includes the fluid, physical aspects of the anatomical body that control the movement of blood, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid through the body and the circulatory movement of breath through the respiratory system. In psychological terms, pranamaya kosha controls our bodily and spiritual rhythm.


Michelle’s personal notes on Vayus and Koshas A Supplement to YogaFaith’s Body Mapping Handouts [Chakras, Nadi’s, Vayus and Koshas]

3. Manomaya kosha The third layer takes us into the deep recesses of the mind, emotions and . While modern science has developed an acute understanding of the inner working of the brain, the mind, motivations and emotions still retain a mysterious quality. The manomaya kosha makes up the control panel for the emotional and physical body, sending messages through your brain synapses and the central nervous system. It’s this layer where you move from physical feeling and rhythm to emotional feeling.

4. Vijnanamaya kosha Diving underneath the sea of emotions in the manomaya kosha, we reach the wisdom body of the fourth kosha —Vijnanamaya. It’s here that we develop awareness, insight and . Emotions left unchecked by awareness are destructive. The awareness of vijnanamaya kosha illuminates our deeper desires and motivation and allows us to see the choice we have in all things. Instead of simply feeling or acting, we choose to feel or act with intention. Sometimes the intention is simply to move past the emotion into pure sensation and bliss.

5. The fifth and last kosha drops from conscious awareness into the pure and radiant bliss body. Within the anandamaya kosha, you might experience connection with all things, liberation from suffering and a state of being often described as “in the flow.” Throughout the day, notice yourself shifting between the koshas layers: Right now I feel hot. Right now I’m paying attention to my breathing. Right now I feel upset. Right now I understand why I reacted that way yesterday. Right now I’m deep in . Right now I feel bliss.


Michelle’s personal notes on Vayus and Koshas A Supplement to YogaFaith’s Body Mapping Handouts [Chakras, Nadi’s, Vayus and Koshas]

Yoga helps you to create a track to the deeper subtle kosha layers, so they’re easier to access. As asana prepares the outer body, yogic breathing turns your attention to the pranic body. Lastly, yogic philosophy provides the tools for bringing awareness to your fluctuating emotional state of mind, so you can embody and radiate health and bliss.