Manish Pole Founder: Manish@21stCentury.



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LEARNING OBJECTIVE Today we understand that everything in the cosmos is in a state of vibration. if this is so, that means that each vibration has a frequency. this also means that we have a certain frequency.

So the question is: can we alter this frequency? and if we can, then how does altering my frequency impact my daily life?

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CREATION According to ancient Indian thought, initially there was only the primordial Consciousness. This consciousness manifest as the primordial Energy at the moment of creation. We call this Consciousness as or Shiva - and we call Energy as Prakriti or .

Tantra tells us that at the moment of creation, the first thing that occurred was a Span dan or wave - which became Nada or sound. And from the Bindu, an infinitesimally small Point containing all the potential of creation; the cosmos got created. this is similar to The Big Bang Theory; the only difference being that there was Consciousness before the Big Bang.

Thus, Energy going back to Source or consciousness - is the Journey of Shakti from the base mooladhara where it is dormant all the way up to chakra or the seat of consciousness.

KOSHAS According to yoga, a human being is composed of five different Koshas or sheaths. These move from the gross to the subtle dimensions of experience.

The koshas are: 1. Annamaya - refers to the physical body. Anna literally means food, so the body created from the food we eat. 2. Pranamaya kosha - refers to the body. this is the energetic sheath. 3. Manomaya kosha - refers to the mental body. Here all the thoughts are experienced 4. Vijnanamaya kosha - refers to the psychic body; where psychic experiences are had 5. Anandamaya kosha - refers to the Bliss body; the most subtle part of our existence.

when we study the chakras, we are Studying pranamaya kosha. Prana means livingness - it is the quality of being alive, the equivalent Chinese word is Chi. there are five major sub- : prana, apana, samana, udana and vyana; and 5 minor sub-pranas.

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NADIS Nadis conduct energy throughout the pranamaya kosha, the word means ‘to flow’; and is the Hindi word for a river. That are 72,000 nadis moving through the body. The 3 Nadis are important.

1. IDA Nadi - flows from the left of Mooladhar chakra and ends in the left of chakra. This conducts the Intellectual energy - Mana shakti. 2. PINGALA Nadi - flows from the right of Mooladhar chakra and ends in the right of Ajna chakra. This conducts the Physical energy - Prana shakti. 3. SUSHUMNA Nadi - flows through the central channel (associated with the spine; although it is not a part of the physical body). This is the main nadi that conducts Kundalini shakti upwards. It needs to be cleansed and activated.

CHAKRAS Chakras are vortices of energy. There are many chakras in the body but traditionally we concern ourselves with six; plus, one that is outside of the body. This 7th one - Sahasraar; is not really a chakra - but contains all the others.

In the video we have gone in great detail about the chakras, so you're really just share table with the basic properties of each chakra. Literally the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in your body. It is said there are at least 114 different chakras in the body.

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KEY CONCEPTS The quick reference to chakras: Acknowledge for the below artwork.

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• The chakras depicted symbolically as lotus flowers, each having a particular number of petals and characteristic color. • The lotus symbolizes the three stages the aspirant must pass through in spiritual life; ignorance, aspiration and illumination. It represents the spiritual growth from the lowest state of awareness to the highest state of consciousness.

ASSIGNEMENT To complete your course, you will have to give 20 min. presentation on the learning from your chosen Module. This presentation will be done as a video recording uploaded / live on Online group so your peers can give you encouraging feedback. Manish will email you critical feedback to enhance your learning within 10 days.


You will immediately have lifetime access to our closed online Community of fellow doing the Beyond Asana course. Every Saturday Manish be going Live for 2 hours on Zoom exclusively for this tribe- to teach and to answer questions on your practice. Even after the course the learning doesn’t END! and you can continue to attend the Saturday Live sessions.


Yogis, We have designed this course with complete sincerity. If there are any errors, please do forgive us and let us know. Learning Yoga is an ongoing process and in the years to come we will keep updating based on more information and wisdom that we are able to understand.

The PDFs supplied with each online module, are only support documents to the online content. As a student and learner, to get the best out of Beyond Asana which is a purely online course, please make your own notes to complement the PDFs Confidential (Only for Members) |

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