
AprilAir 2015 Line How to Land You r Dream Job, Part II PilOt page 26 Official Journal of the Air Line Pilots Association, International Four Global Aviation ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Challenges » Pilot Commentary page 7 page 24

» The Landing page 37

» Health Watch page 33

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COMMENTARY 4 TAKING OFF ALPA’s Return on Investment 5 OUR UNION Compete with Honor 6 WEIGHING IN Reinvesting in Our Future ON THE COVER 7 PILOT COMMENTARY Photo taken from the jetway Give a Girl a Dream stairs of an Alaska B-737-800 on the ramp in Orlando, Fla. Photo by Capt. FEATURES Doug Branch (Alaska). 24 FOUR GLOBAL Download a QR reader AVIATION CHALLENGES to your smartphone, scan the code, and 26 PREPARE, read the magazine. PRACTICE, SUCCEED

Air Line Pilot (ISSN 0002-242X) is published­ 29 CONNECTING, monthly except for combined January/Feb- ruary and June/July issues by the Air Line ENGAGING, AND Pilots Association, International,­ affiliated 35 with AFL-CIO, CLC. Editorial Offices: 535 INSPIRING AT THE Herndon Parkway, PO Box 1169, Herndon, DEPARTMENTS VA 20172-1169. Telephone: 703-481-4460. INTERNATIONAL Fax: 703-464-2114. Copyright © 2015—Air Line Pilots Association, International,­ all WOMEN IN AVIATION 8 PREFLIGHT 35 OUR STORIES rights reserved. Publication­ in any form CONFERENCE ExpressJet Pilot Helps Bring without permission is prohibited. Air Line Pi- 32 ALPA@WORK lot and the ALPA logo Reg. U.S. Pat. and T.M. Mars Visit a Little Closer to Office. Federal I.D. 36-0710830. Periodicals ALPA Secretary-Treasurers Reality postage paid at Herndon, VA 20172, and Conference Provides Tools, additional offices. Resources Postmaster: Send address changes to 37 THE LANDING Air Line Pilot, PO Box 1169, Herndon, VA Open and Fair Skies 20172-1169. 33 HEALTH WATCH Canadian Publications Mail Agreement Meds, FAA Policy, and You 38 WE ARE ALPA #40620579 Canada Post: Return undeliverables to P.O. ALPA Resources and Contact Box 2601, 6915 Dixie Rd, Mississauga, ON Numbers L4T 0A9. 26


April 2015 Air Line Pilot » 3 Beyond the Page

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ALPA’s Return on Investment

Lori Garver, General Manager members’ dues. It’s a priority for the union, and [email protected] I know it’s a priority for our members. At the same time, the work of ALPA’s staff e all know (and want) the security members who are supporting our efforts to de- that stems from knowing that you fend fair competition for U.S. airlines and their W have assets in reserve in case you workers is another demonstration of ALPA’s need them. Whether those assets are financial assets in reserve. In this issue of Air Line Pilot, or informational, the stockpile is comforting, you’ll find a balance sheet of ALPA’s progress in present, and—when necessary—essential to working with the Partnership for Open & Fair success. Skies to draw attention to the billions of dollars “From your dues It’s true for every member of ALPA’s staff, but in unfair subsidies that foreign governments dollars to campaigns this month during the union’s recent Secretary- provide to their airlines. Treasurers Conference (see page 32), where pilot The job is far from finished, but ALPA intends to maintain and representatives received a crash course on the to mark a “win” in the spreadsheet to give ALPA strengthen the North broad range of tools to do their jobs more effec- pilots—and all U.S. workers—a fair American airline tively, it was the Finance Department’s staffers opportunity in the international marketplace. who showcased ALPA’s assets in reserve. The positive momentum from this campaign industry, the numbers Our union’s Finance Department staff provid- wouldn’t exist without pilot volunteers and always add up the ed the elected representatives their professional ALPA’s dedicated staff. same way: ALPA’s take and the latest details on expense policy, From your dues dollars to campaigns to reporting, infrastructure modernization, insur- maintain and strengthen the North American staff is an asset on ance programs, and risk management: all of the airline industry, the numbers always add deposit for you.” necessary components for those responsible up the same way: ALPA’s staff is an asset on for being judicious and transparent with ALPA deposit for you.

4 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 OurUnion

Compete with Honor

eadlines splashed across newspaper editorial would otherwise be flying on U.S. airlines and their pages, a crescendo of bipartisan opposition on regional and European partners. As a result, U.S. H Capitol Hill, and thousands of signatures from airlines are losing international business and U.S. an incensed public signaled the aftershock of a Part- jobs are at risk. nership for Open & Fair Skies report documenting an But it’s not just a job-loss threat for those who fly or astounding $42 billion in government subsidies given would fly these international routes; it affects the en- to Qatar Airways, Etihad Airways, and Emirates Air- tire system. Capt. Paul (ExpressJet), ALPA’s fee line as they compete for international business. for departure resource coordinator, has underscored For years, ALPA has drawn the distinction between that a decrease in international flights will result the fair competition that U.S. Open Skies agreements in fewer flights to smaller communities and slower are designed to protect and that is supported by U.S. career progression for all pilots. airline workers and the unfair competition spurred In response, ALPA is calling upon the Obama by the government subsidies that some Middle East- administration to open consultations with Qatar and ern airlines have received that have catapulted them the UAE to get the facts and to request a freeze on onto the world stage—and without which they might current passenger service to and from these countries well not be in business. during the consultations. (Unfair competition from open skies It’s important to remember that the unfair eco- state-supported foreign airlines is just one of the nomic benefits aren’t necessarily direct handouts. global challenges ALPA is working to counter. See These foreign airlines benefit from interest-free “Four Global Aviation Challenges,” page 24.) “loans” that don’t require repayment, government as- Finally, on a separate subject, our union continues sumption of fuel-hedging losses, free land, a tax-free to feel a profound sense of sadness at the loss of Ger- home business environment, and a state-provided, manwings Flight 4U 9525, and our thoughts remain state-of-the-art infrastructure. with the victims and their families. As with every As Capt. Mike Donatelli, the Delta pilots’ Master accident, we caution all concerned against speculat- subsidies Executive Council (MEC) chairman, and Capt. Jay ing and encourage the parties to investigate with the Heppner, the United pilots’ MEC chairman, said in a single goal of advancing safety. Today, airline travel joint letter to their pilot groups, “These airlines do not is the safest form of transportation in the world compete fairly, where demand determines capacity because of a dedicated commitment by government, and the bottom line drives growth.” industry, and labor to work together to achieve the The principle of fair competition in the economic highest safety standards. marketplace has long been a core component of the The tragic accident is a reminder of the still unre- American legal system. So, too, has it been a core solved disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. component of air service agreements between the Our industry owes it to all involved to maximize the and its trading partners, including its tracking technology already available on airplanes Open Skies agreements with the United Arab Emir- and make standard the satellite surveillance of ates (UAE) and Qatar. Then, as now, the U.S. policy aircraft during flight. In addition, and particularly was squarely premised on fair competition and a important in the context of the recently issued in- market undistorted by government interference. terim report, stronger transmitters and better battery The massive strategic support that the UAE and technology in emergency locator transmitters must Qatar have poured into their airlines because they be required. consider them to be key assets in achieving the eco- It may be in the pursuit of higher safety standards nomic diversification needed to finance their nations’ or equal economic terms, but the honor comes when futures without oil is completely at odds with this the fight is fair and right. policy objective. Yet, it appears that these countries will stop at nothing to ensure their airlines win in the global marketplace. In truth, these Middle Eastern airlines aren’t attracting new passengers to international flying. Capt. Tim Canoll, Rather, they are capturing existing passengers who ALPA President

April 2015 Air Line Pilot » 5 WeighingIn

Reinvesting in Our Future

By Capt. Randy Helling, ALPA Vice President—Finance/Treasurer

or the second year in a row, I’m proud faced during this time. In 2015, the Association to report that the Association is again plans to allocate nearly $1.5 million to begin F significantly improving its financial recapitalizing this important union asset. In standing. Preliminary consolidated results addition, ALPA’s Board of Directors at its most for 2014 indicate that your union is on track recent meeting instructed the MCF Review to generate a modest surplus of $8.2 million Committee to assess the strategic uses of the on $139 million in revenue. This is enabling MCF and to make recommendations about ALPA to reinvest in the union itself, to replen- future target funding levels. The committee “ALPA and your union ish our various savings accounts, and to find will report its findings and recommendations new ways to deliver even better resources and to the Association’s Executive Board later this leaders are dedicated services to you. ALPA and your union leaders year. to the efficient and are dedicated to the efficient and prudent use We’re making similar efforts to recapitalize of your dues dollars and providing you with our Operating Contingency Fund (OCF), a source prudent use of your the best services in the business, tailored to of supplemental funding available to our pilot dues dollars and your needs. And we were able to accomplish groups facing extraordinary financial circum- this in 2014 while lowering the dues rate from stances. Once nearly depleted, we’ve been grow- provding you with the 1.95 percent to 1.9 percent—the first dues rate ing this fund since 2011, finishing 2014 with a best services in the reduction in decades. balance of $9 million. We must ensure that both We’re using our resources more effectively, the MCF and OCF are properly funded and acces- business, tailored to eliminating nonessential activities, and con- sible to our members when they need them. your needs.” centrating on core priorities—best practices These kinds of improvements are possible we must continue to maintain. But it’s also thanks to our collective adherence to fiscal time to improve the infrastructure we use to discipline and to a recovering economy and best serve our members. Recently, the Associa- airline industry. tion initiated a system modernization project Only by reinvesting in our infrastructure to replace ALPA’s 20-year-old piecemeal infra- can we make the most of what we’ve accom- structure and its dated information storage plished as the largest and most influential capability that supports the union’s finances airline pilots association and the leading inde- and other essential functions. Moreover, due pendent airline safety and security advocate. to budget cuts in recent years, many parts of I recently talked about this recapitalization the software behind the system haven’t been effort with secretary-treasurers from our 30 updated for far too long. member pilot groups, who convened in March In the coming years, the new systems will in ALPA’s Herndon, Va., Conference Center offer several upgrades to the way our members (see “ALPA@Work,” page 32). These pilot rep- share, update, and receive information from resentatives understand that by replenishing the union. In the meantime, we’re making our support systems, we’re sending a strong incremental improvements, including a new message to the airline industry that ALPA is in capability that allows ALPA pilots to generate it for the long haul. letters that summarize their previous year’s We’ve been the premiere airline pilot dues for the purposes of filing taxes. organization for 84 years and have no plans We’re also recapitalizing our strategic funds of forfeiting that status. With sound financial and taking measures to bolster the Major planning and fiscal discipline, the Air Line Contingency Fund (MCF), ALPA’s “war chest.” Pilots Association, International will continue The MCF balance has steadily declined since to have the resources necessary to meet the 2006, ending last year at $44.3 million, and has challenges of the future and remain the stron- been at its lowest level in decades due to the gest, most effective, and most respected pilots economic struggles that airlines and the union union in the world.

6 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 PilotC mmentary

Give a Girl a Dream

By F/O Jolanda Witvliet (United), Chairman, with, engage, and inspire our next generation of ALPA National Membership Committee women aviators: » Commit to inspiring local students by speaking n early March, the three-day 26th Annual once a year at a neighborhood school. Don’t International Women in Aviation Conference know what to say? Log on to the ALPA Educa- I was held in Dallas, Tex. (See page 29.) Why is tion Committee’s part of ALPA’s members-only this newsworthy? After all, hired website and get some ideas. On the site you can Emily Warner in 1973 as the first female airline order free supplies—pens, stickers, and more— pilot. The glass ceiling for women who want to be to give to students. If you have questions or professional pilots must be long broken by now! need help, e-mail [email protected]. Well, maybe not. » Prefer writing to visiting? Write an article for “We must not hinder Just 5.4 percent of ALPA members are women, your college alma mater. The editors of the the same percentage as at British Airways. Lufthan- the next generation of college’s newsletters, Facebook page, and blogs sa reports only 5 percent of its pilots are women. are always looking for good content. Let them potential women pilots By contrast, more than half of U.S. physicians are know you are an airline pilot, describe what life women. Why the disparity between professions? by leaving them igno- as an airline pilot is like (the good, the bad, and Recently an ALPA Education Committee volun- the ugly), and indicate that you are available to rant of their opportuni- teer, Capt. Lisa Mrozek (Delta), spoke to middle- answer questions. school girls. The girls were concerned about ties. Rather, we must balancing career and family. Their questions led » If you have an airplane, consider taking one let our young women to another: Could this perception of “being on young person per year for an introductory the road all the time” deter girls from becoming flight. Don’t own an airplane? Donate a discov- know that the sky pilots? What about male pilots? ery flight from the local flight school to the girl beckons and that we’re Today, more and more male pilots serve in care- who writes the best essay about why she de- taker roles for their dependents. Should the airline serves to receive this discovery flight. Advertise here to help bring them industry adapt and allow more pilot scheduling it on social media. into the proud ranks flexibility? Many of our ALPA contracts provide » Commit to inviting one young girl to the time off to care for sick dependents. However, this of the airline piloting cockpit each month and inspire her to consider time off is often unpaid and limited. Maybe we pursuing a career in aviation. profession.” should collectively bargain for more flexibility in scheduling, such as line sharing, dropping down to Women have been going aloft for centuries minimum hours, taking intermittent time off, and now. When we look back at the extraordinary various other methods to improve a pilot’s ability history of women in aviation, we see smart, to balance family and career. courageous women who overcame tremendous Meanwhile, every ALPA pilot can and should obstacles to become pioneering pilots. Women make a difference by introducing the aviation in- like Bessie Coleman, who in 1921 became the first dustry to our young women—our own daughters, black woman in the United States to obtain a pilot our neighbor’s middle-school daughter, our friend’s certificate (she had to go to France to do so); Beryl niece who is in high school, or a college student we Markham, the first woman to fly solo from Eu- meet on a family vacation. Sometimes the most rope to North America (and also wrote beautifully casual talk can inspire someone to become a pilot. about flight); and many more. The Women in Aviation conference theme was We must not hinder the next generation of po- “Connect. Engage. Inspire.” tential women pilots by leaving them ignorant of Think about it—before you became a pilot, their opportunities. Rather, we must let our young somebody or something had to inspire you. You women know that the sky beckons and that we’re had to be exposed to aviation. You had to engage here to help bring them into the proud ranks of with the industry to set goals. You had to connect the airline piloting profession. with the right people to land some of your jobs. Who knows, they might be your first officers

Photo: Anya Piazza Here are some suggestions on how to connect some day!

April 2015 Air Line Pilot » 7 manager and former NASA percent increase over 2013, Airline Industry News deputy administrator, has reported the U.S. Department been awarded the National of Commerce. The agency Space Society’s 2015 Space said travelers spent $43 bil- > DOMESTIC NEWS the new chairman of the Pioneer Award for “sup- lion on travel expenses with NTSB, reported The Hill. Hart porting launch privatiza- the remaining going to food, „„ According to AAAE Security has been the NTSB’s acting tion and new technology drinks, souvenirs, hotels, and SmartBrief, on March 4 U.S. chief since April 2014 when development that will allow other purchases. President Barack Obama Deborah Hersman stepped more effective human space signed into law a bill to fund down from the position. Hart operations both in low earth „„ The Wall Street Journal the Department of Homeland has been a member of the orbit and beyond.” reported that Boeing has Security through the end of board since 2009. already sold all of the B-777s the budget year. „„ Per the Los Angeles Times, it planned to manufacture „„ Aviation Week & Space international travelers spent this year and next, and half of „„ Per the Associated Press, Technology reported that $222 billion during trips to those planned for 2017. American, Delta, and United Lori Garver, ALPA’s general the United States in 2014, a 4 have stopped accepting bulk „„ According to USA To- shipments of lithium-ion day, on March 3 JetBlue batteries because of growing opened its new four-story, evidence that they can po- 196-room hotel in Florida tentially cause catastrophic to accommodate JetBlue inflight fires. crewmembers who visit the airline’s Orlando support „„ On March 12, the U.S. center. The airline uses “the Senate unanimously con- lodge” for new-hire orienta- firmed Christopher Hart as tion and training, with almost

F/O Jolanda Witvliet Witvliet writes, “By contrast, TheSidebar (United) tackles a more than half of U.S. long-overdue topic of physicians are women. This month, plan. Capts. Paul “Connecting, Engaging, Why the disparity between we feature two Ryder (ExpressJet) and Inspiring” the future professions?” There is still articles authored and Spencer generation of female work to be done and many by ALPA members Rowe () airline pilots (see page ways you can help (see that focus on continue to give 29), highlighting what page 7). developing sound advice to ALPA, along with other We all know that the airline ALPA members organizations such as maintaining a strong and piloting profession: who want to advance in Women in Aviation as well vibrant North American career advancement and their careers (see page 26). as individual pilots, is doing airline industry requires increasing the number It’s good to be prepared as to help increase the number having a large enough pool of female airline pilots. the authors write: “...keep in of female pilots. of potential future aviators Both are constant topics mind that others are doing Although there is slight to draw from and creating of conversation for ALPA the same and investing a progress—take United, a career path for those who members and staff. lot of time and effort to be for example: of the nearly want to advance in their “Prepare, Practice, successful.” And given the 550 pilots hired between profession. Enjoy the read. Succeed” is the second list of 11 U.S. airlines hiring October 2013 and February article in a series on career in 2015, there is sure to be 2015, nine percent were Namaste, progression—a priority stiff competition among female (nearly double Sharon B. Vereb within ALPA’s strategic qualified airline pilots. the national average)—as Editor in Chief Photo: iStockphoto.comPhoto:

8 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 7,000 employees visiting its called off an 11-day strike af- bris has been found � Reuters reported adjacent JetBlue University ter reaching a deal on March despite searching that the Interna- facility each year. The hotel 10 with the airline. The pilots, along the depths tional Civil Avia- has a 24-hour, 2,000-square- who are employed by Norwe- of the southern In- tion Organization foot gym and fitness facility, gian Air Norway, a subsidiary dian Ocean, where governing council a saltwater pool, complimen- of Norwegian Air, were seek- authorities believe has elected Fang Liu tary guest laundry facilities, ing closer ties to the parent the airliner crashed Fang Liu as its next secretary and an on-site restaurant. company to safeguard work- after it ran out of fuel. general. Liu, who has worked ing conditions and job secu- at the Civil Aviation Admin- „„ The Dallas Morning News rity. Under the agreement, „„ According to Trade Arabia, istration of China’s Interna- reported that Southwest Air- the pilots received a three- Middle East airlines recorded tional Affairs Department, is lines grounded 128 airplanes year employment guarantee an 11.4 percent increase in the first woman to hold the on February 24 after discov- while agreeing to changes in international passenger traf- position. ering that they had missed a insurance programs and more fic growth in January 2015, required check of a backup flexible working hours (see reported the International Air hydraulic system. The airline “Front Lines,” page 11). Transport Association. Front Lines resumed flying the airplanes after the FAA signed off on a „„ March 8 marked the � Per The Wall Street Journal, plan to have the inspections one-year anniversary of the Emirates Airline President \\ALPA’s President performed over five days. disappearance of Malaysia Tim Clark said on March 4 that Calls on CEOs of Middle Flight 370, reported USA the airline could buy as many Eastern Airlines to Be > INTERNATIONAL Today. The airplane, which as 200 A380s if Airbus up- Transparent NEWS had 239 passengers and grades the airplane’s engines. “It’s time the CEOs of these crewmembers aboard, disap- The airline has been urging Middle Eastern carriers open „„ The New York Times peared while enroute from the manufacturer to upgrade their books and explain the reported that hundreds of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to the A380 with new engines to numbers,” said Capt. Tim Norwegian Air Shuttle pilots Beijing, China. No airline de- improve its efficiency. Canoll, ALPA’s president, as the CEOs of Etihad Airways and Emirates Airline arrived in Washington, D.C., in mid- Act Now to Protect the Airline Piloting Profession March. “Because these airlines DenyNAI #5 installing secondary cockpit barriers on receive massive government A decision could be reached certain passenger airliners. subsidies, they are growing any time now on Norwegian Air Participate in ALPA’s Call to Action today at an astounding rate and ex- International’s application for by going to alpa.org/issues and urging your panding their global presence #DENY a foreign air carrier permit, so federal legislators to cosponsor H.R. 911. without concern for financial NAI it is important that the Depart- returns. As a U.S. pilot with ment of Transportation and the Support Ex-Im Bank Reform more than 25 years of experi- White House continue to hear objections The U.S. Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank autho- ence in commercial aviation, from Capitol Hill. Please make your voice rization expires on June 30, which gives I can see that if Qatar and the heard, even if you’ve weighed in before, by ALPA little time to impress upon lawmakers United Arab Emirates continue going to alpa.org/issues to take action. that the bank must stop financing wide- giving their carriers billions body aircraft for foreign airlines that are of dollars in unfair subsidies, Secondary Cockpit Barriers state-owned or state-sponsored or that are they will cannibalize American Bipartisan support for H.R. 911, the Saracini creditworthy. Take action now to level the pilots’ jobs and undermine our Aviation Safety Act, is growing, and ALPA playing field for U.S. airlines and to protect nation’s aviation system. It’s needs your help to keep up the momen- your jobs. Let your members of Congress imperative that all involved tum. H.R. 911 was introduced on Febru- know that you support Ex-Im Bank reform governments abide by our ary 12 by Reps. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) by going to alpa.org/issues to participate in Open Skies agreements.” (See and Steve Israel (D-N.Y.). The bill calls for ALPA’s Call to Action. “Four Global Aviation Chal- lenges,” page 24).

April 2015 Air Line Pilot » 9 » Front Lines

\\Ex-Im Reauthorization lawmakers to capitalize on and its workers. case of widebody aircraft, the Is Key Opportunity for the reauthorization of the “ALPA supports the bank’s financing decisions Reform, Says ALPA U.S. Export-Import Bank as reauthorization and mission are harming the U.S. airline On February 23, ALPA sent a key opportunity to ensure of the bank,” said Capt. Tim industry and its workers’ abil- a letter to members of its financing practices do not Canoll, ALPA’s president, in ity to compete in the global Congress calling for federal harm the U.S. airline industry the letter. “However, in the marketplace.” The letter explains that the bank has frequently provided below-market financing to U.S. airlines’ foreign competi- tors, who are both profitable and creditworthy, so that they can purchase widebody aircraft. The bank’s support View Headset Video can result in a $20 million per airplane financing cost sav- ings advantage for an airline. While U.S. airlines are not eligible to receive financing, foreign airlines can use bank- financed aircraft to compete directly with U.S. airlines on international routes. “Congress must make cer- tain the bank ends its practice of financing widebody aircraft for state-owned, state- the headset for the jet set. supported, and creditworthy Hybrid electronic noise cancelling for best-in-class active noise reduction. foreign airlines,” continued Superior communications and music listening via Bluetooth® wireless Canoll. “This is simply fair and sound policy.” technology. Plush, leatherette ear seals and head pad. A rugged, yet In the letter, he urged feather-light magnesium alloy suspension. All in a sleek, new ‘rest-on-ear’ federal lawmakers to use the design. Order the technologically advanced, intelligently designed DC PRO-X upcoming reauthorization as online at www.GO-DCPRO.com, or call 1-800-298-6235. a key opportunity for reform.

ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT “As you work to reauthorize the bank before its June Made In USA 30 expiration, I urge you to © 2015 David Clark Company Incorporated ® Green headset domes are a David Clark consider how registered trademark. WWW.DAVIDCLARK.COM the bank’s cur- rent financing practices affect the U.S. airline industry and the hundreds of thousands of jobs it sup- ports,” Canoll concluded. To read the letter, scan the QR code.

\\ALPA Commends NTSB Confirmations “Mr. Hart’s long history of

10 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 230-30633REV DC PROX 450x725AP.indd 1 3/11/15 4:33 PM champion- through work in “ALPA looks forward to con- least twice a year to consider ing proactive the Commercial tinuing our well-established important union movement aviation safety Aviation Safety partnership with the NTSB business and policies. programs and Team and beyond, and to working with Chairman preventing ac- ALPA pilots have Hart and Board Member Dr. \\Ryder Named ALPA cidents through witnessed first- Dinh-Zarr in their new roles Resource Coordinator improved data hand Mr. Hart’s to further our mutual goal of Capt. Tim Canoll, ALPA’s sharing reflects commitment to da- achieving the highest stan- president, has selected Capt. a deep commit- ta-driven decisions dards of aviation safety.” Paul Ryder (ExpressJet) from ment to using based on informa- a distinguished group of ALPA Christopher Hart safety informa- tion beyond what \\ALPA Offers Support member candidates to serve tion voluntarily shared every is found through accident or To Norwegian Pilots; as the union’s resource coor- day by thousands of ALPA pi- incident investigations,” said Strike Comes to an End dinator. In this role, Ryder will lots,” ALPA said in a statement ALPA. On March 10, after 11 days work closely with ALPA’s Fee on March 12 regarding the “In addition, Dr. Dinh-Zarr on a strike that canceled most for Departure Committee to U.S. Senate confirmation of has a long history of working of the company’s flights, assist pilot groups’ negotiating Christopher Hart as the 13th tirelessly to improve trans- Norwegian Air Shuttle (NAS) committees. He will also work chairman of the NTSB. ALPA portation safety. From her pilots reached an agreement closely with the Association’s also lauded the confirmation work at the National Highway with management. During Collective Bargaining Commit- of Dr. T. Bella Dinh-Zarr as its Traffic Safety Administration, the strike, ALPA expressed tee, other ALPA presidential newest member. AAA, and the FIA Foundation, support for the NAS pilots as committees, and the master “Beginning decades ago Dr. Dinh-Zarr has demon- they fought for fair working executive councils of fee-for- with collaboration on the strated a lifelong passion conditions after the two par- departure pilot groups to ad- Global Aviation Information for pursuing transportation ties failed to reach a mutual vance the pilots’ agenda and Network and continuing safety improvements. agreement, in part due to ensure that pilot groups can management’s insistence that easily access ALPA resources. the pilots’ contract be with Ryder, an Embraer ERJ 145 one of the company’s subsid- pilot based in Chicago, Ill., also iaries and not with the parent serves as chairman of ALPA’s company itself. Fee-for-Departure Committee. With the new agree- He was named to that position ment, the pilots will remain in December 2014. employed by the airline’s subsidiaries in exchange for a \\Latest Edition of Guide three-year job guarantee. To Part 117 Flight-Time Limitations and Rest COMING SOON: \\Canoll Elected to AFL- Requirements Now CIO Executive Council Available ALPA’s Government Affairs Legislative On February 24, the AFL-CIO The third edition of the Guide Summit Executive Council welcomed to Part 117 Flight-Time Limita- ALPA’s Government Affairs Legislative Summit will take place Capt. Tim Canoll, ALPA’s tions and Rest Requirements June 1–3 at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. president, as one of its five is now available on ALPA’s The summit offers pilot reps and pilot advocates an opportu- newest members, along with Flight Time/Duty Time web- nity, no matter their experience level, to enhance their advo- Lori Pelletier (Connecticut page. This edition includes cacy and PAC leadership skills through hands-on training. AFL-CIO), Jorge Ramirez all FAA legal interpretations The event will feature workshops, legislative briefings, (Chicago Labor Federation), to date. If you have ques- guest speakers, and a Capitol Hill reception with members Sara Nelson (Association of tions, please contact ALPA’s of Congress and their staff. The summit ends with a lobby Flight Attendants-CWA), Legal Department at day on Capitol Hill where participants will use their training and Marc Perrone (United [email protected] or in meetings with senators and representatives on relevant Food & Commercial Work- 703-689-4326. pilot-partisan legislative issues. ers International). The Ex- Scan the QR code ecutive Council meets at to read the guide.

April 2015 Air Line Pilot » 11 » Front Lines

\\KCM Hours Extended Reagan Washington National ALPA members submitted those reports to substantiate At DCA Airport (DCA), which began fact-based reports to the the Association’s views that One of the newest additions operations in February with Association about the need longer operating hours were to the Known Crewmember two access portals, one each to extend the access portals’ needed at DCA. (KCM) program is Ronald in Terminals B and C. Several hours of operation. ALPA used The Transportation Se-

Engineering & Air Safety Update The council also spent time during “advocacy” ses- from the group. such as transitioning from sions discussing activities, “You are success- first officer to captain or trends, success stories, and ful because you after being out on extended challenges at their respec- take the time and leave. Capt. Frank Cheese- tive airlines with the hope the resources to man (United), ALPA’s Human that others can benefit from represent pilots’ Factors and Training Group these experiences. interests,” said chairman, commented, “The Hogeman during FAA is poised to release ALPA’s ASO Steering his introduc- some regulatory material on And Oversight Safety and Training tory remarks. “Your efforts mentoring…. What it’s going Committee Meets Councils Convene not only help us achieve to look like, we don’t exactly The Association’s Air Safety Pilot representatives from consensus within ALPA but know yet.” Organization Steering and ALPA’s Air Safety Organiza- within the airline piloting Capt. Dave McKenney Oversight Committee (ASO tion (ASO) Safety and Train- profession as a whole.” (United), the Association’s SOC) held its first meeting ing Councils met in early ALPA’s ASO Training training director, spoke to of 2015 on February 12–13. March in ALPA’s Herndon, Council held a breakaway the group about automation Capt. Joe DePete, ALPA’s Va., Conference Center to meeting, with more than 20 and exercising manual flying first vice president and discuss the work of the pilot training representa- skills. Capt. Doug Branch national safety coordinator, largest nongovernmental tives attending. Capt. Don (Alaska), a member of his led the meeting. “I am over- aviation organization in the Dobias (United), ALPA’s pilot group’s MEC Train- whelmed by the talented world. Capt. Joe DePete, Training Council chairman, ing Committee, explored folks we have working ALPA’s first vice president was the meeting moderator. considerations for online on behalf of our 51,000 and national safety coor- F/O Jolanda Witvliet distance training for pilots. members to make aviation dinator, and Capt. Charles (United), the Association’s McKenney and Cheeseman safer and more secure, not Hogeman (United), ALPA’s Membership Committee led the participants in a only in the United States aviation safety chairman, chairman, discussed the discussion about develop- and Canada, but around the welcomed the group, which United Master Executive ing evaluation standards for globe,” said DePete. “This also heard detailed brief- Council’s (MEC) new-hire the crew resource manage- is the largest and most ings from each of the ASO’s mentor program and how ment and threat and error prestigious nongovernmen- technical group chairs. it has benefited her pilot management programs. tal aviation safety organiza- “You roll up your sleeves group. She noted, “We Robert Burke, manager of tion in the world, and I am and do the job every day,” started the program because the FAA’s Air Carrier Train- looking forward to working said DePete, thanking the there was a huge need for it. ing Systems and Voluntary with our dedicated staff and safety reps for their hard There was a void.” Safety Programs Branch, selfless pilot representa- work and commitment. Delta and Hawaiian have talked about how his agency tives as we increase our vis- “Give us the feedback that introduced company-based is encouraging airlines to ibility and influence around we need so that we can all pilot mentoring programs, include “startle” in training the world.” do our jobs to better support and meeting attendees talk- and the certification training The ASO SOC met again you,” he added. DePete ed about the need for this program prerequisite to get on March 19–20 to con- talked about the ASO struc- kind of support during other an ATP or ATP with restricted tinuing planning for the ture and fielded questions phases of a pilot’s career, privileges. future. Photo: Chris Weaver

12 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 A WINGMAN HAS YOU COVERED, from takeoff to landing.


Disclaimer: The descriptions of the Air Line Pilots Association PAC are not a solicitation to contribute to the PAC. Only ALPA members, ALPA executives, senior administrative and professional staff personnel, and their immediate family members living in the same household are eligible to contribute to ALPA-PAC. ALPA-PAC maintains and enforces a policy of refusing to accept contributions from any other source. ALPA members may learn more about ALPA-PAC and about contributing to ALPA-PAC by entering the members-only portion of alpa.org. A member service of Air Line Pilot.

1876 March ALP-PAC_wingman_ad_fullpg.indd 1 3/30/2015 9:29:12 AM » Front Lines

curity Administration (TSA) portals from 1:00–5:00 p.m. For more information ments about the new KCM reviewed ALPA’s findings and at both locations. ALPA’s goal about KCM, including rules rules, contact ALPA’s Engi- as a result has added more is to have the KCM access and procedures, go to www. neering & Air Safety Depart- operating hours at both termi- portals open for the entire knowncrewmember.org, ment at 1-800-424-2470 or nals. In addition to the posted day and to have the num- which can be easily accessed at [email protected]. morning hours of operation, ber of portals at the airport using ALPA’s smartphone app. the TSA has opened the increased. Stay tuned. If you have questions or com- \\Hundreds of FedEx Pilots Gather to Show Support for Negotiating Education Committee Update Committee In a strong show of support for their Negotiating Com- watched as a tion Operations Center mittee, more than 700 pilots B-767 was readied and the Flight Office/pilot turned out on March 1 to for flight, and ex- lounge. demonstrate their dissatisfac- plored Delta Tech Special thanks to the tion with management’s ap- Ops. They also Delta MEC, United MEC, proach to contract bargaining. spoke with pilots Delta, United, and all who The parties have been from the line and helped make these tours actively negotiating since the Chief Pilot’s successful. They were great 2011. Discussions started in Office about their learning experiences for 2011 under a special interim ALPA Helps Aspiring daily activities, and visited the students as well as a fun discussions agreement that Aviators’ Dreams the Delta MEC office for an reminder of their ultimate both parties originally ap- Take Flight interactive presentation career goals. proved to help narrow the Through its professional about ALPA. The ALPA Education field of open items in order to development and men- Approximately 50 stu- Committee is dedicated conclude formal bargaining toring programs, ALPA’s dents from Purdue Uni- to helping promote ALPA in a timely manner. Formal Education Committee has versity and Parks College and the profession to those bargaining began in January been helping collegiate of Engineering, Aviation, interested in a career in 2013 when the collective bar- aviators’ dreams take flight. and Technology at Saint aviation and ensuring that gaining agreement reached The programs reached new Louis University were in the future generation of its amendable date. On Oct. heights in the 2014–2015 Chicago, Ill., to gain opera- pilots is prepared to join the 31, 2014, management filed academic year, as the com- tional knowledge of United ranks of ALPA members. In for mediation with the Na- mittee coordinated with the Airlines. Students listened addition to its ACE Clubs, tional Mediation Board, which Delta and United Master to the airline’s morning which are student-led resulted in no bargaining for Executive Councils (MEC) operations call, which was professional development the remainder of 2014. for students to receive an followed by a Q&A ses- groups at Embry-Riddle “The time line is ugly. Man- inside look at Delta and sion; toured the Network Aeronautical University in agement has had an abun- United. Operations Center; and met Prescott, Ariz., and Daytona dance of time to fully develop In Atlanta, Ga., six aspiring with the Chief Pilot’s Office, Beach, Fla., and the Univer- an agreement that is fair and aviators from Embry-Riddle Flight Operations, Employ- sity of North Dakota, ALPA respectful to the pilots who Aeronautical University in ee Relations, and Revenue has university mentoring significantly contribute to Prescott, Ariz., and Day- Management Departments. programs at Parks College, the corporation’s success,” tona Beach, Fla., and the In addition, students toured Purdue University, South- said Capt. Scott Stratton, University of North Dakota O’Hare Flight Operations ern Illinois University, and the pilots’ Master Executive experienced a different where they explored an Western Michigan Univer- Council (MEC) chairman. type of classroom as they A319, B-737, and sity. To learn more “Our pilots are unhappy that toured . Over B-777 parked be- or to volunteer, scan these negotiations have not the course of two days, they tween flights; went the QR code or send concluded. They know how flew the B-777 simulator, up in the ramp tower; an e-mail to Educa- much time has passed, and toured ramp tower controls, and visited the Sta- [email protected]. they fully understand that

management has become the Photo: flickr.com

14 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 impediment. It’s past time to ing process. The pilots have incentive for Envoy’s pilots or 200 percent of OT picked get this bargaining done. This never wavered. With the kind to pick up open flying as up on a critical coverage day; prolonged negotiation is do- of pilot unity and support we well as enhance the pilots’ restored OT premium for ing damage to the corporate/ are witnessing here today, quality of life. pilots flying on their vacation; pilot relationship. It is up to management should take Highlights of the LOA a provision to keep the OT management to get back on notice and understand there include critical coverage premium when trip trad- the right track.” is no longer a future expecta- declared by domicile, equip- ing between OT sequences; Capt. Scott Larsen, the tion. We sincerely hope that ment, and/or seat; an increase the option to trade an OT pilots’ Negotiating Committee management understands the in regular open time (OT) from sequence for critical coverage chairman, expressed his grati- meaning of ‘Contract Now, It’s 120 to 150 percent; an in- OT sequence; and a guaran- tude to the pilots, saying, “It’s Past Time.’” crease in critical coverage rate teed overnight hotel room if great to see a packed room. from 150 to 200 percent; an a pilot shows up for work and It’s a shame that we have to \\Envoy Air Pilots Sign increase in extension and ju- something causes the pilot to gather under these circum- New LOA nior manning rate from 150 to overnight in domicile. stances, but my team has The Envoy Air Master Execu- 200 percent; a company-paid “The opportunity for certainly been energized by tive Council (MEC) and man- hotel room when working increased compensation, this show of support. Every- agement recently approved OT on a critical coverage day; flexibility in changing OT one is closely watching as we a letter of agreement (LOA) for first officers, the greater schedules and the assurance progress through the bargain- designed to provide greater of four hours of straight pay of accommodations when Stay Connected ALPA has many ways to keep you up to date on everything ALPA.

To learn more, visit www.alpa.org/stayconnected A member service of Air Line Pilot.

April 2015 Air Line Pilot » 15

1650_StayConnected_ad_halfpg.indd 2 3/30/2015 9:54:53 AM » Front Lines

they are expected are posi- group that will help Envoy pilot group’s Master Execu- so the two sides reentered tive signs that the company pull out of the current down- tive Council (MEC) chairman. negotiations late last year. The recognizes the value this pilot ward spiral and grow again.” “However, we remain opti- parties reached a deal in early group brings to the success mistic that the structure of February, and the MEC began of this airline,” said F/O Sam \\Kelowna Pilots Ratify the new agreement provides conducting road shows in Pool, the pilots’ MEC chair- New Agreement the company with the foun- Hamilton, Ont., and Vancouver man. The recent LOA “is a The Kelowna Flightcraft pilots dation necessary to attract and Kelowna, B.C. welcome step in the right overwhelmingly voted to new flying and continue the direction, but more work ratify collective agreement long-standing tradition of \\JetBlue Pilots Set remains if Envoy is to retain #4 in late February when 90 exemplary service provided To Open Contract or recruit the quantity of percent of the pilots who cast by the Kelowna pilots.” Negotiations pilots necessary for long-term ballots voted in favor of the In early 2014, the pilots rati- On March 2, JetBlue pilots success,” acknowledged Pool. agreement. fied an agreement designed sent official notice to man- “This MEC is prepared to “We understand this wasn’t to facilitate the company’s agement requesting to open work with an easy decision for our pilots successful bid to continue fly- contract negotiations under Group and Envoy executives to make given the tenuous ing for Canada Post Group of the Railway Labor Act. The to enact comprehensive and circumstances of our flying,” Companies, its only customer. notice marks the first labor positive changes for the pilot said Capt. Derek Porter, the That bid was unsuccessful, negotiations of any segment

In Memoriam “To fly west, my friend, is a flight we all must take for a final check.”—Author unknown

2014 Capt. Richard B. Garner Eastern December Capt. Ronald E. Taylor United January Capt. Robert P. Zacharias United February Capt. Bernard L. Hahn United December Capt. Roy G. Utter Delta January Capt. Gary M. Burrus United May S/O Donald H. Hartman TWA December Capt. Gaylord Keith Vasconcellos TWA January Capt. Robert S. Hayhurst US Airways August Capt. Francis D. Hopkins United December Capt. Raymond L. Acheson February Capt. Robert A. Anderle TWA September Capt. James T. La Sasso United December Capt. Larry J. Byars Northwest February Capt. Thomas W. Turner United September Capt. Allen H. Locher United December Capt. Victor D. Carlock, Jr. Northwest February S/O Wilson W. Baumgras TWA October Capt. Alexander H. McCleery TWA December Capt. Richard L. Capt. William M. Dean TWA October Chappelear Delta February Capt. E. Neuburger TWA December Capt. Vernon E. Capt. Charlie H. Cox, Jr. Delta February Baldeshwiler United November Capt. Kenneth R. Slaten TWA December F/O R.A. Ekholm United February Capt. Richard J. Conway TWA November Capt. John C. Van Goor TWA December Capt. Alonso S. Fuster United February Capt. James M. Corley TWA November Capt. John P. Van Wie United December Capt. Richard D. Haddon Northwest February Capt. Kenneth C. Ewing United November Capt. Darrell D. Weaver TWA December Capt. M.L. Helin Eastern February Capt. John Lein TWA November Capt. Joseph G. West United December Capt. Robert Hillegas Delta February Capt. Ernest R. Meyer TWA November 2015 Capt. Richard S. Lambert Delta February Capt. Clarence C. Nixon TWA November Capt. Wesley W. Bass TWA January Capt. Robert L. Stokes United February F/O Kenneth M. Plumb TWA November Capt. George E. Borgmier TWA January Capt. Donald J. Teeple Delta February Capt. Robert L. Swofford United November Capt. Kingston Bowen United January Capt. Henry S. Weigel United February Capt. James O. Wallace United November S/O Claude M. Coldwell TWA January Capt. Robert W. Wallace TWA November Capt. Richard F. Hamm FedEx Express January Capt. Robert F. Adickes TWA December Capt. Victor R. Hansen United January F/O Walter L. Baker III United December Capt. W.E. “Walt” Haught United January Capt. Thomas A. Bennett United December Capt. Nathaniel E. Key, Jr. TWA January Capt. Neil T. Brooks United December Capt. Joe. E. McGlothlin US Airways January Capt. Robert S. Crump United December Capt. Paul A. Miller United January Capt. Robert T. Dobbins United December Capt. Ralph L. Pasley United January Capt. Thomas R. Compiled from information provided by ALPA’s Emmett, Jr. United December Capt. Phillip D. Sabin Delta January Membership Administration Department Capt. Hurbert E. Foster Eastern December Capt. George C. Smith, Jr. Eastern January

16 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 On Investing To read the latest issue of On Investing from Charles Schwab, go to www.schwab.com/oninvesting. It’s an added benefit for members through ALPA’s partnership with of JetBlue’s workforce in prevail as we work to secure Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., as the the airline’s history. JetBlue long-overdue improvements Association’s preferred financial pilots are currently the only to our existing working con- services provider. unionized workforce at the ditions.” airline. Negotiations were sched- “Our negotiators have uled to begin on March 31. mediation efforts would not Conference Center to honor all worked hard to prepare for be productive and extend an of Seattle’s pilots who served this day and look forward to \\Sun Country Pilots offer to arbitrate the dispute. their fellow aviators with their successful negotiations for a Authorize Leaders to If either side declines arbitra- ALPA work over the years. first contract,” said Capt. Jim Call a Strike tion, the parties enter a 30-day Bigham, the pilots’ Master Sun Country pilots have “cooling off” period and are Executive Council (MEC) overwhelmingly voted to free to exercise self-help 30 chairman. “While we see authorize their union leaders days later. the bargaining process as an to call a strike if a mutually “We do not want a strike. opportunity to make positive agreeable contract cannot be We want a contract. But Sun changes for our pilots, we reached by the completion Country’s new owners have hold no illusions that this will of the federally mediated profited and doubled the size be an easy process. However, negotiation process. of the airline since nego- while attaining our first labor A resounding 100 percent tiations began. The airline agreement will require in- of the Sun Country pilots who industry is enjoying its most Zack Mooneyham, ALPA’s political tense focus and commitment, cast ballots voted in favor of prolonged period of success representative, is presented with we also will continue to work the strike authorization ballot, in years, and the time has long the Public Affairs Council’s award with management to ensure with 209 of the group’s 216 passed for management to get for Outstanding Association PAC. we contribute positively to eligible pilots participating in this done,” the MEC said. JetBlue’s success. the balloting. \\ALPA-PAC Recognized “I’m optimistic about the “After years in negotiations, As Best Association PAC group’s opportunities for we remain the lowest-paid Earlier this year, the Public success. We will work hard B-737 pilots in the United Affairs Council presented and efficiently, but we will States, and we fall further ALPA-PAC with an award for also be careful and take the behind our peers year after Outstanding Association PAC. time necessary to ensure year,” said the pilots’ Master This award, the first ever giv- that the final product is Executive Council (MEC) en by the council, recognizes done right. All pilots have leaders. the PAC that best motivates a right to expect this ap- “This vote demonstrates its community and finds ways proach, and it will govern with unmistakable clarity to raise money that fit the everything we do moving the unity and resolve of this association’s organizational forward,” Bingham said. pilot group. We hope that Sun culture while complying with “We hope the attitude and Country management does applicable laws. atmosphere of cooperation not underestimate the pilots’ \\United Honors Seattle “By using a common and professionalism will determination to achieve a Pilots Who Served theme,” said Hannah We- new labor agreement that Fellow Aviators solowski, senior manager Solution to this month’s recognizes this pilot group of the Political Involvement ALPA sudoku on page 38. On February 28, Capt. Jay deserves to be treated on a Heppner, the United pilots’ Practice at the Public Affairs 1 5 9 7 2 6 4 8 3 par with other airline pilots.” Master Executive Council Council, ALPA-PAC was “able 4 3 2 1 8 9 5 7 6 The pilots and management (MEC) chairman, presented a to tell a compelling story and 7 8 6 5 4 3 9 2 1

6 2 7 4 1 8 3 5 9 began contract talks in April plaque to Council 27 (Seattle) build a year-long campaign

5 9 8 3 6 7 2 1 4 2010 and started working during the farewell celebra- to increase its visibility and

3 1 4 9 5 2 7 6 8 with a federal mediator from tion at the Museum of Flight build momentum, resulting

9 7 5 8 3 1 6 4 2 the National Mediation Board in Seattle. Council 27 closed in its largest year in the PAC’s

2 4 1 6 9 5 8 3 7 (NMB) in May 2012. In order the beginning of February. history.”

8 6 3 2 7 4 1 9 5 to go on strike, the NMB must The plaque will be dis- Special thanks to the more first decide that additional played in the United MEC than 8,000 ALPA members

April 2015 Air Line Pilot » 17 » News Round Up

and all those who helped friends in Ocala, Fla., where lines Flight 370, a Year In achieve this accomplishment. he lives. James Caldwell, his »» Number of Female Pilots grandson, is currently an En- Slowly Increasing \\Former Pilot deavor CRJ900 first officer. Hits the Century Mark To subscribe to ALPA Daily, scan the QR code, select On February 24, Capt. Howard \ALPA Daily: \ E-mail Distribution Lists, Caldwell, a former Pan Amer- Your Source for and check the box for ican-Grace Airways (Panagra) Top Aviation News ALPA Daily. and Braniff International pilot, ALPA Daily, your celebrated his 100th birthday. one-stop shop for the Capt. Howard Caldwell with his A previous U.S. Marine pilot, grandson James. day’s top aviation news, has \\Check Out ALPA on Caldwell flew his first airliner recently been enhanced. Instagram on Oct. 20, 1940, transporting to Dallas, Tex. He continued Not a subscriber? Here are ALPA is always looking for passengers from Lima, Peru, to fly privately for many years some of the headlines you’ve new ways to connect with to Cristobal, Panama, in a Pan- after his retirement and has missed: members, industry insiders, agra DC-2. Caldwell logged actively supported commu- and the general public, so the »» U.S. Airlines, Unions more than 27,000 hours and, nity organizations like Meals Association has added Insta- Outline Evidence of Gulf on his final flight, captained on Wheels. gram to its social media chan- Airline Subsidies a Braniff B-747 on Feb. 18, Caldwell spent the day nels (along with Facebook, 1975, from Honolulu, Hawaii, celebrating with family and »» Search for Malaysia Air- Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube).

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18 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 ALPA Negotiations Update The following is a summary of the status of ALPA contract Instagram, an thing else you see during your easier for us to work with negotiations by airline as of online mobile flight. Send your high-quality a portrait- vs. a landscape- March 13: social network prints from a developer or oriented photo. Please for photo and video shar- high-resolution digital images remember to adhere to FARs Air Transat—A notice to bargain was filed on Dec. 30, 2014. Negotiations ing, enables users to share taken by your DSL, etc., to or CARs and company policy, continue. media content instantly on a [email protected]. including regulations regard- Air Transport International—A Sec- variety of social networking Let us know who you are, ing using personal wireless tion 6 notice was received on Dec. 5, platforms, such as Facebook, who you fly for, the names of devices in the cockpit, when 2014. Negotiations are under way. Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr. the pilots in your photos, and taking photos. Air Wisconsin—A Section 6 notice Join Instagram and follow what we’re looking at. Your Wondering if there’s any was filed on Oct. 1, 2010. Air Wiscon- we_are_alpa. photo could make the cover payment associated with sin filed for mediation on June 17, of Air Line Pilot. Or inside photo submissions? The 2013. Mediation continues. \Air Line Pilot Is the magazine. Or in a video magazine does not typically Atlantic Southeast—A Section 6 \ notice was filed on May 20, 2010. A production. Hoping to get pay for voluntarily submit- Looking for Your Photos joint Atlantic Southeast/ExpressJet Air Line Pilot is looking for that coveted cover shot? Hint: photos—unless brag- Section 6 notice was filed on March your photos of airplanes, Turn your camera sideways ging rights are considered 28, 2011. The pilots rejected a tenta- pilots, skies, airports, and any- and take a vertical shot. It’s remuneration. tive agreement on Jan. 14, 2014. An application for joint mediation was filed on Feb. 12, 2014. Mediation is under way. F/O Stephen Price, Vice As of March 10, the EBCB New ALPA Chairman (F/O Rep) certified election results for the Canadian North—A notice to bargain was filed on Sept. 2, 2014. A tentative Reps following local councils: • Kelowna Flightcraft 212 agreement was reached on March 17. As of February 10, ALPA’s S/O James Warankie, Road shows and a ratification ballot Secretary-Treasurer (S/O • ExpressJet 179 Capt. James Election Ballot and Certification are scheduled for early April. Rep) Lowe, Vice Chairman Board (EBCB) certified election ExpressJet—A Section 6 notice was results for the following local As of February 12, the EBCB • Piedmont 29 Capt. Charles filed on May 20, 2010. A joint Atlantic Southeast/ExpressJet Section 6 no- councils: certified election results for the Schaefer, Chairman (Capt. Rep) tice was filed on March 28, 2011. The following local councils: pilots rejected a tentative agreement • Air Transat 200 Capt. Jean- on Jan. 14, 2014. An application for Francois Brodeur, Secretary- • 146 F/O John • Piedmont 29 F/O Douglas Gettelfinger, Vice Chairman joint mediation was filed on Feb. 12, Treasurer Sharkey, Jr., Vice Chairman 2014. Mediation is under way. (F/O Rep) (F/O Rep) • Kelowna Flightcraft 212 FedEx Express—A Section 6 notice Capt. Ryan Best, Chairman • Wasaya 236 Capt. Tyrell • Sun Country 15 Capt. Brian was filed on Jan. 22, 2013. On Sept. (Capt. Rep) Mikkelsen, Secretary-Trea- Roseen, Chairman (Capt. 15, 2014, the FedEx Master Executive surer • Kelowna Flightcraft 212 Rep) Council and management reached tentative agreements on 20 of 31 sections of the collective bargaining agreement. On Oct. 31, 2014, the company filed an application for me- Mailbag diation. Remaining sections include work rules, retirement, insurance, Thank you Flying Tiger/Seaboard became part of the Flying training, compensation, and duration. We really appreciate John Reunion Tiger Line when the two Mediation continues in April. Perkinson’s “Our Stories: The I am writing to inform you airlines merged in 1980. All Hawaiian—A Section 6 noticed was Wizard of OGG” about our that the annual Flying Tiger former Flying Tiger and Sea- filed on Feb. 17, 2015. Negotiations dad, Capt. Bertram James Line Pilots Association (FTPLA) board pilots are encouraged to be scheduled. “Jimmy” Hogg (Hawaiian), in reunion will take place May to join us in the Big Easy. JetBlue—A Section 6 notice was the November 2014 issue. 6 in New Orleans, La., at the For more information, visit filed on March 2, 2015. Negotiations continue. We will always be proud New Orleans Marriott Hotel. www.flyingtigerline.org or of him and your words. The event is a joint reunion of call me at 208-699-5909. Mesa—A Section 6 notice was filed on Sept. 10, 2010. Negotiations Aloha. the FTPLA and the Seaboard For information on SPAR, visit continue. Capt. James Ashton Hogg Pilots Association Retirees www.seaboardairlines.org. Sun Country—A Section 6 notice was (Aloha, Ret.) and Kay Spencer (SPAR). The former Seaboard Capt. John Dickson (FedEx sent on Feb. 23, 2010. Sun Country Hogg (Piedmont, Ret.) World Airlines crewmembers Express), President, FTLPA filed for mediation on May 9, 2012. Mediation is under way.

April 2015 Air Line Pilot » 19 » Have You Read?

The Blades Carry Me: Inside the Helicopter War in Vietnam By Jim and Anne Weatherill

he Things They Carried, a collection of “I pull the thrust up, and we leap into the short stories about a platoon of Ameri- sky. We are back in flight. The bucking stops T can soldiers in Vietnam, was a finalist and the rain begins.” for a Pulitzer Prize. The Blades Carry Me, by Despite Weatherill’s rescuing the Chinook Capt. Jim Weatherill (Continental, Ret.) and from certain destruction, a major chewed him his wife Anne, is as good. out for being “aggressively insubordinate.” Dedicated “To those who came home, Weatherill recalled, “In the cockpit I’m those who didn’t, and those who waited,” the home in the job I have long dreamed of…it’s Weatherills crafted a joint memoir of his year the bullets and the bullshit I don’t like.” (1968) as a U.S. Army Chinook heavy-lift helo He would field lots of both. Genre: Memoir pilot in Vietnam—and her wait for his safe Shot down near a besieged firebase, Published: 2014 return. Weatherill and his crew (copilot, crew chief, Pages: 266 two gunners) plus 10 soldiers take cover in the Publisher: WxillWords SOMETIMES WEATHERILL’S jungle: Press WRITING IS TERSE: “…Tualang trees reach more than 200 feet ISBN: “The briefing is short and sweet. Hold Ameri- overhead. Huge roots jut out like barricades.… 978-0-9915430-0-7 can positions. Save American lives. We leave We settle among the massive roots…. Available: amazon.com Holloway at 11 p.m., loaded externally with “The snap of breaking twigs…broadcast the 6,000 pounds of ammo and half a pallet of approach of the NVA soldiers…. Then, we hear C-rations for the troops at Kontum. Three men at a run…. Chinooks in and out, we make two trips from “The enemy sounds stop. My ears strain to the logistics pad at Pleiku City and return so hear. riddled with holes we’re sent back to Hollo- “Suddenly, an NVA soldier appears around way for repairs. Precious sleep, too, if we can the root I’m trying to graft myself to and steps keep our eyes closed.” on my left boot. I shoot three rounds into his chest. He falls lifeless beside me. A second en- OTHER TIMES THE WRITING emy soldier scrambles over my root and spots IS RICH WITH DETAIL: his dead comrade. I shoot him, too.” For example, to unload troops on a tiny LZ, The Blades Carry Me includes much combat; Weatherill’s aircraft commander lands the officers ranging from superb to despicable; Chinook’s rear wheels and hovers the nose fear, tears, and nightmares; honor, courage, over a canyon. A strong gust rocks the helo; and heroism. The dialogue is crisp, raw, cred- the pilot overcontrols: ible; the men with whom Weatherill served, “Instantly, the helicopter jumps like a prod- so utterly human. ded animal. The violence of the buck locks my shoulder harness and pins me to the back of A FAVORITE SECTION BY ANNE: my seat. In three to five bounces the Chinook “Every night [Jim’s younger sister] Janie burns will self-destruct. a votive candle in the bathroom.… The flame “We only talk about ground resonance. We seems to give assurance that all is well. never do it in training because of the terminal “The candle also serves as a night light for consequences—flying machine to hundreds the times our growing baby uses my bladder as of pieces of aluminum in four to eight sec- a springboard. Tonight, I get up and grope my onds. At bounce three, a bang fires through way down the hall. As I touch the bathroom the aircraft like a rifle report…. door, it swings inward. The draft blows out the “Horton is unresponsive to our eminent candle. The darkness grabs my heart.” destruction. “A grinding noise floods the ship. —Reviewed by Jan W. Steenblik, Technical Editor

20 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 Photo: nationally remains.” nationally implement program the of work by FAA the to fully yetcountry, deal agreat across the select airports at to be realized starting benefits of are NextGen NextGen. Some net beenhas made on progress clear“It that is careers than our less are at stake.” threatenwill entire our industry. Nothing “If this situation allowed is to continue, it news conference attheNationalPress Clubwithrepresentatives from American, “Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization: Enabling a21st — Capt. RickDominguez, ALPA’s executive administrator, duringajointMarch 5 (R-N.J.), chairmanof theHouse Subcommittee onAviation, on Delta, andUnitedairlinesregarding the$42billioninsubsidiesthatMiddle March 3atthehearingtitled Century Aviation System” — Rep. Frank LoBiondo Eastern airlinesEmirates, Etihad,andQatarhave received since 2004 »

On the Record the On paramount over of all these goals.” of transportation,safety air however, must be The technologies. UAS new of development country’s ability to compete leading in the our of importance the and applications, of employing commercial them certain in systemsaircraft [UAS] for recreation, the value recognizes the popularity of unmanned International Association, Pilots Line Air “The industry stakeholders. industry statements bysignificant informing membersofrecent these viewsbutratheris not necessarilyendorse documents. ALPAdoes clips, andotherpublic testimony, speeches,news compiled fromcongressional The quotesonthispageare — Capt. TimCanoll, ALPA’s president, inarecent inUSAToday opinioncolumn

good-paying jobs.” of of thousands tens endangers foreign airline, and [at] a advantages unfair economic establishes labor standards, undermines scheme flag-of-convenience International’s] Air “NAI’s [Norwegian Foxx todenyNAI’sapplicationfor a foreign aircarrieroperating permit March 5,urging U.S. Departmentof Transportation Secretary Anthony — Rep. NancyPelosi (D-Calif.) on April 2015 AirLinePilot



» Market Stats

Baggage Fees Baggage Fees Collected Per Enplaned Passenger Ancillary revenue, made up of baggage fees, 2014 2008 reservation cancellation and change fees, as well as food and Internet purchases, continues to be Industry Average a major contributor to bottom-line revenue for Southwest JetBlue most airlines. While the government does not Alaska collect data on all types of ancillary revenue, it American does collect data on baggage fees and change Delta fees. (The Department of Transportation is United Hawaiian considering making airlines report all ancillary Sun Country revenue of any type in the future.) Baggage fees US Airways emerged during the recession as airlines saw their revenues decrease due to the decline in Frontier consumer travel. Nearly all airlines now charge Spirit passengers to check a bag, with fees ranging $0 $5 $10 $15 from Allegiant’s $15 charge for the first bag to Spirit’s $30 for the first bag. In addition, many air- lines charge for checking second and third bags. JetBlue and Southwest currently do not charge Mishandled Bags Per 1,000 Passengers for a passenger’s first checked bag; however, Jet- Blue charges $50 to check a second bag. South- 2014 2008

west charges a fee for the third checked bag per Southwest passenger. The top chart shows the baggage fees American that airlines collected per enplaned passenger in United 2008 compared to 2014. The industry has seen a US Airways more than 200 percent increase in baggage fees since that time. Alaska If an airline is going to charge for checked Delta bags, passengers expect that their checked bags Hawaiian will arrive at their final destination at the same JetBlue time they do. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always Frontier happen. The data for 2014 (see chart at right) Virgin America show that, on average, airlines mishandled bags more often last year than they did in 2013. How- 0 1 2 3 4 5 ever, there were more mishandled bags in 2008. MARKETWATCH AIRLINES PARENT COMPANY STOCK SYMBOL 2/28/14 2/27/15 % CHG. JetBlue JetBlue Airways Corporation : JBLU $8.83 $17.19 94.7% Hawaiian Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. NASDAQ: HA $12.04 $18.51 53.7% Alaska , Inc.1 NYSE: ALK $42.99 $63.65 48.1% United United Continental Holdings, Inc. NYSE: UAL $44.96 $65.18 45.0% Jazz Aviation Chorus Aviation TSX: CHR.B $3.89 $5.56 42.9% Air Transport International Air Transport Services Group, Inc. NASDAQ: ATSG $6.39 $8.99 40.7% Spirit , Inc. NASDAQ: SAVE $56.48 $77.78 37.7% Delta, Delta Air Lines2 NYSE: DAL $33.21 $44.52 34.1% FedEx Express FedEx Corporation NYSE: FDX $133.18 $176.78 32.7% Envoy Air, Piedmont, PSA , Inc.3 NASDAQ: AAL $36.93 $47.90 29.7% Atlantic Southeast, ExpressJet SkyWest, Inc. NASDAQ: SKYW $12.70 $14.62 15.1% Bearskin, Calm Air Exchange Income Corporation TSX: EIF $21.59 $22.89 6.0% Air Transat Transat A.T., Inc. TSX: TRZ.B $10.25 $6.99 -31.8%

1 Alaska Air Group announced a $0.20 dividend on Feb. 20, 2015. 2 Delta Air Lines announced a $0.09 dividend on Feb. 18, 2015. 3 American Airlines Group, Inc. announced a $0.10 dividend on Feb. 5, 2015.

22 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 » Sharing Our Success

Highlighting ALPA pilots’ commitment to flying for SHARING OUR successful companies, the following is “good news” from SUCCESS our pilots’ airlines. To read these articles in their entirety, go to alpa.org/success.

» HAWAIIAN IS NATION’S MOST ON- at $594 million, Boeing’s current list Adjusted pre-tax earnings from TIME CARRIER FOR 11TH CONSECU- price. The new airplanes, four sched- continuing operations increased TIVE YEAR uled for delivery in 2016 and two in 19 percent to $17.7 million. 2017, bring Alaska’s total of locally Continuing a remarkable streak of » Adjusted net earnings from manufactured jets on order to 79. on-time consistency that began continuing operations increased “We’re delighted Boeing is able in 2004, led the 11 percent to $10.8 million, or 17 to expedite delivery of four of nation’s carriers in punctuality for cents per share diluted. these new 737-900ERs, increasing the 11th year in a row, reported the the number of planes we’ll receive » Revenues were $157.9 million, U.S. Department of Transportation next year to 19,” said Andrew slightly higher than a year ago and (DOT). Harrison, executive up $19.5 million from the third Hawaii’s largest and longest-serv- vice president and chief revenue quarter of 2014. ing airline averaged a 91.9 percent officer. “These comfortable and on-time performance rating for » Adjusted EBITDA (earnings highly efficient jets will expand the full year 2014, earning the top before interest, taxes, deprecia- and strengthen our already leading ranking in 11 of the 12 months and tion, and amortization) increased Pacific Northwest network.” exceeding the industry average for by 15 percent to $50.8 million Alaska operates one of the young- the year by 15.7 percentage points. from $44.3 million a year ago. est fleets in North America. The “Our employees know the im- Full-year adjusted EBITDA grew by airline is transitioning to Boeing’s portance to our guests of arriving 14 percent to $179.5 million from most modern and efficient 737 at their destination on time, so they $157.5 million in 2013. next-generation models. Over the work incredibly hard to have our next few years, Alaska’s remaining In January, ATSG completed a flights arrive on schedule better B-737-400s will be replaced with multi-year commercial agreement than 90 percent of the time,” said B-737-900ERs, which transport 25 with DHL that calls for the exten- Mark Dunkerley, Hawaiian Airlines percent more passengers on the sion through March 2019 of the president and chief executive of- same amount of fuel. Boeing 767 freighter leases and ficer. “That we have been better operating services that ATSG has at this than our competitors for 11 ATSG POSTS IMPROVED 2014 provided in support of DHL’s U.S. years in a row is a testament to the RESULTS AS AIRCRAFT LEASING network for more than a decade. Dry passion and commitment to the PORTFOLIO GROWS leases for 13 ATSG-owned Boeing customer of Hawaiian Airlines’ more Air Transport Services Group, Inc. 767 freighters already leased to than 5,000 employees.” (the parent company of Air Trans- DHL were extended through March ALASKA AIRLINES ANNOUNCES port International), the leading pro- 2019, and two others operating ORDER FOR SIX BOEING NEXT- vider of medium widebody aircraft for DHL will be converted to four GENERATION 737-900ERS leasing, air cargo transportation, and year leases. ATSG’s businesses will related services, recently reported continue to operate and maintain Alaska Airlines’ fleet of fuel-effi- consolidated financial results for those aircraft through March 2019 cient Boeing airplanes is growing the quarter and full year ended Dec. under an amended and restated CMI again. Seattle’s hometown airline is 31, 2014. (crew, maintenance, and insurance) purchasing six more Boeing 737- For the fourth quarter of 2014: agreement. 900 Extended Range aircraft, valued

March 2015 Air Line Pilot » 23 24 1. A » convey that same message when meeting convey thatsame messagewhenmeeting tion onsubsidies, statingthathewould voiced hisagreementwithALPA’s posi- Board andCEOoftheLufthansa Group, Carsten Spohr,chairmanofthe Executive tion’s 2015AnnualAviationSummit, the U.S.ChamberofCommerce Founda- tion marketsaroundtheglobe.During is nowbeingheardfromotherkeyavia- transport agreements. provisions containedintheexistingair and theUnitedArabEmiratesunder ment tobeginconsultationswithQatar Fair Skies—iscallingontheU.S.govern- including thePartnershipforOpen& continue tosurvive. international airlinesmustdealwithto lying commercialconsiderationsother without theusualregardforunder- have enabledunprecedentedgrowth, provide theirairlines.Thesesubsidies two smallnationswouldbewillingto the massivescaleofsubsidiesthatthese aviation policynowbeingpracticedor could havepredictedthetypeofnational Arab Emiratesin2001and2002,noone agreements withQatarandtheUnited with theUnitedStates. the agreementstheircountriessigned their governmentsthatareatoddswith now well-documentedsubsidiesfrom supported airlinesreceiveenormousand These threestate-ownedandstate- Staff ALPA By Leveling the Playing Field Around the World Four during the upcoming 2015 IFALPA Conference and Global Pilots’ Symposium. during theupcoming2015IFALPAConferenceandGlobalPilots’Symposium. work continues.Belowwehighlightjustafewofthechallengesthatwillbediscussed the safety,security,andindustrialpolicyinitiativesthata International FederationofAirLinePilots’Associations(IFALPA),havespearheaded Air LinePilot Vocal support for a level playing field Vocal supportforalevelplayingfield As aresult,ALPA—alongwithothers, When theU.S.signedOpenSkies and OpenSkies Emirates, Etihad,Qatar,

International and its members in both the U.S. and Canada, along with the International anditsmembersinboththeU.S.Canada,alongwith to hitcloserandhome.Foryears,theAirLinePilotsAssociation, s industryexpansioncontinues,challengesfromaroundtheworldcontinue April 2015 Global

Aviation Challenges Aviation 2. widebody aircraft financing. widebody aircraft financing. targeted reforms specificallyrelatedto and thebank’smissionbutiscalling for million savingsperaircraft. The bank’sfinancingcanresult ina$20 have onU.S.airlinesandtheir employees. the bank’scurrentfinancingpractices Congress toconsiderthenegativeeffect pires. ALPAandothershavebeenurging port-Import BankoftheUnitedStatesex- On June30,reauthorizationfortheEx- marketplace. designed to ensure a fair global aviation tained inOpenSkiespoliciesthatare light onimportantprovisionscon- ing dailynewsandfinallyshedding bring anendtothesepractices.” mission “toadoptacommonstrategyto partners andtheEUExecutiveCom- they wanttheirEuropeanUnion(EU) German transportministershavesaid to newsmediareports,theFrenchand considerations. Additionally,according ernments withnoregardtocommercial billions ofdollarsinaidfromtheirgov- state-subsidized carriersthatreceive playing field,butitcan’tcompetewith ny willcompetewithanyoneonalevel Eastern carriers,addingthathiscompa- attacked” byheavilysubsidizedMiddle global airlinesarebeing“increasingly with U.S.governmentofficials. ALPA supports the reauthorization ALPA supportsthereauthorization The debateonthisissueisnowmak- In hisremarks,Spohrsaidthatother Import Bank The U.S.Export-

ffect airline pilots. And the ffect airlinepilots.Andthe

3. 4. competition inthefuture. that similarschemeswillnotthreatenfair international aviationpolicytoensure NAI’s application,butalsotoreformU.S. for theU.S.governmenttonotonlydeny the DenyNAIpetition,continuetocall and 37,000individualswhohavesigned Congress, aviationindustrystakeholders, including bipartisansupportintheU.S. while itspermitapplicationispending. lowed theairlinetooperateU.S.markets air carrierpermit,whichwouldhaveal- from therequirementthatitholdaforeign denied NAI’srequestforanexemption U.S. markets.InSeptember2014,theDOT rary andpermanentauthorizationtoserve of Transportation(DOT)forbothtempo- gain anunfaircompetitiveadvantage. and tobypassinternationalagreements seeks toavoidtaxesandemploymentlaws model. The“flag-of-circumvention”practice wegian AirInternational(NAI)business associations, continuestoopposetheNor- ALPA, alongwithotherIFALPAmember youngest professional pilotsinEurope. are nowcommonplace formanyofthe competition andworkers’rights. Yetthey of thesearrangementsisdetrimental tofair as currentdevelopmentsbythe study.Each employment techniqueswereall identified pay-to-fly schemes,andotheratypical porary workagencies,zero-hourcontracts, issues inthefieldofsafetyandliability.” ers’ rightsaswellraisesimportant which affectsfaircompetitionandwork- nowadays isatrueracetothebottom, dustry andthat“asaresult,competition pilots intheEuropeancivilaviation- outsourcing” arebecomingprevalentfor ent formsofatypicalemploymentand aviation marketconcludedthat“differ- University inBelgiumontheEuropean A recentstudyconductedbyGhent ALPA and many other supporters, ALPA andmanyothersupporters, NAI hasappliedtotheU.S.Department Self-employment, fixed-termwork,tem- convenience Flags of

models Atypical employment

Background Image: iStockphoto The study exposes the problems when gitimate safety-issue concerns. In this As new aircraft technology and there is no direct employment relation- respect, a fair balance between safety international trade continue to shrink ship between a pilot and the airline. It provisions and employers’ and workers’ the planet, the global challenges pilots concluded, “Both airlines’ and flightcrew rights is of paramount importance.” face will continue to hit close to home. members’ concerns should be taken Professional pilots need to be aware ALPA’s important relationship with seriously both with regard to legitimate that these atypical employment methods IFALPA and its member associations will demands for flexibility and workers’ are now being practiced in Europe and continue to enable the important work rights, fair competition [between airlines other areas around the world to lower of developing a fair opportunity and as well as between flightcrew members], labor costs and shift risk from the em- level playing field for all its members no and—last but certainly not least—le- ployer to workers. matter what corner of the globe.

Fair Competition, Fair Skies Around the World

By Capt. Philippe attention to the revenue that our airlines direct or indirect subsidies from airports Raffin, SNPL Air generate are finally waking up. They’re and local authorities, which is distorting France ALPA beginning to understand that this is a huge competition for flag carriers operating from threat, that thousands of jobs are at stake, our major network hub cities. And like in lease allow me and that our home economies are threat- the U.S., EU flag carriers are competing with P to be blunt in my ened by these carriers’ predatory practices. airlines that are benefiting from low-inter- best English. Euro- Here’s how I see the EU playing field as I est financing from export credit agencies. pean flag carriers are write this article. In the EU, air transport supports almost 8 at risk. This is why Our governments currently lack any million jobs and generates more than 475 the European Cockpit Association (ECA), in sense of real urgency on the subject, and billion euros in revenue, and also contrib- close cooperation with ALPA, International, our airlines’ CEOs seem quite reluctant utes to tax income and social security sys- is calling for fair competition, fair skies, to make public statements against the tems. The industry and the jobs it provides and a level playing field for all competitors Middle Eastern carriers and their unprec- continue to be an enormous stimulator for in today’s global aviation marketplace. edented subsidies. They seem conflicted. economic growth, tourism, and connecting After last year’s International Federa- On the one hand, they see these airlines as lands and people. tion of Air Line Pilots’ Associations annual dangerous predators (revenue on EU–Asia Our policymakers must recognize the conference, a Fair Competition Task Force routes has dropped by 37 percent within critical importance that the airline sector was set up within the ECA. Like ALPA, the the last few years). On the other hand, they plays in Europe’s overall economy. EU ECA has published a white paper titled see the possibility of joining these carriers member states play a key role in ensur- “The Case for Fair Skies in Europe’s Avia- as potential wealthy partners. ing that the playing field is level and tion.” Please scan the QR code and take a European pilots face another challenge. that strategic elements of their economy few moments to read the paper. Lobbying Unlike the U.S., the EU isn’t a nation—it’s (airport infrastructure, airline ownership, campaigns have been launched, and we’ve only a market. Many still believe that the market access) are not traded away when been meeting with European Union (EU) unique monetary system our politicians negotiating air transport agreements and and state representatives. Unfortunately, created benefits the EU. Unfortunately, cross-sector trading partnerships with thus far we’ve had limited success. they’ve forgotten to provide similar and foreign companies and governments. ECA members believe the tide may be compatible government regulations that ECA pilots face many of the same chal- turning, however, with the very powerful would ensure a fair and level playing field lenges that our good friends and longtime campaign recently launched in the U.S., for all businesses. Thus, unfair competi- colleagues across the Atlantic do. Like you, now commonly referred to as the Partner- tion in our industry in Europe is not just we do not fear competition. We support ship for Open & Fair Skies. The partnership limited to Middle Eastern airlines. Nor- fair competition on a level playing field. and the evidence of massive subsidies to wegian Air International, Norwegian Air Together, the ECA joins with you to ensure Emirates, Etihad, and Qatar are creating Norway, Ryanair, Primera Air—these and that our politicians and regulators level the quite a buzz in Europe. dozens of unprincipled operators are using playing field and that those who’ve signed Journalists, government officials, our loopholes or nonexistent EU legislation to air service agreements with our countries own airline executives, and even the trav- set up new business models, often at the abide by those agreements. We believe eling public are beginning to discover the very edge of legality. Bogus self-employ- this fight is the defining issue for the next potentially dramatic consequences of the ment, zero-hour contracts, and pay-to-fly generation of professional pilots in Europe incredible growth of these three Middle schemes are challenging issues that pilots and in North America. We also believe that Eastern airlines—very much to the detri- in our countries face every day. by working together with ALPA we can win ment of Europe’s airlines. Even worse and despite restrictions, this crucial battle to save our industry and Politicians who never before paid much some discount airlines are now seeking our profession! For more information on which airlines are hiring, minimum pilot qualifications, online applications, and more, visit ALPA’s Fee-for-Departure website at ffd.alpa.org. Prepare, Practice,

“If you’re looking to make a SucBy Capt. Paul Ryder, Chairman, ALPAceed Fee-For-Departure Committee, and move in your career...create Capt. Spencer Rowe, National Coordinator, Furloughed Pilots Support Program a clear career progression he only constant in the airline in- both flying and other knowledge of you plan—and take the time to dustry is that it’s always changing. and would serve as a testament to the T Right now, there’s a notable shift value you’d bring to an airline. prepare properly and fully in pilot hiring at large jet airlines—from and practice to succeed.” virtual stagnation over the past few Stand out from the crowd years to an increasing need for quali- Being successful in today’s competi- fied pilots—due to pilot retirements and tive job market means more than just some growth. This is a welcome change meeting the minimum requirements and for many of our members, especially operating the airplane safely. Airlines are those in the fee-for-departure segment looking for pilots who will best represent and others who aim to move on to large their carrier. The best way to show them jet airlines. that you are the right fit is through your Getting there takes significant prepara- in-person interview. tion. Think of your career progression as Remember, you only have one chance you would a flight—analyze your path, to make a great first impression. Consider identify your threats, practice minimiz- using a professional interview prepara- ing errors, and wait to take off until tion service that specializes in working you’ve verified that everything is ready. with pilots. As pilots, we have a technical To put your best foot forward, you skillset that may not always translate need to go beyond the basics of getting well during a human resources interview. your records in order, auditing your To help you articulate all of the qualities logbooks, gathering letters of recommen- you possess, it can be very beneficial to dation, and keeping a logbook of your use the services of someone who speaks situational experiences. both languages. The next step is preparing your appli- The simulator part of the interview is cation. Each airline has its own process, equally as important, and you may want but you can start by chronicling your to again look at using an outside ven- residence and work experience for the dor to help you prepare. Although each last 10 years, as well as your full educa- airline has its own method of screening, tion history. This should include all col- it’s clear that they are all looking for leges or universities you have attended, candidates who bring more to the table— and an explanation of any gaps in your those who best fit the culture, training education or employment history. In environment, operations, and more at addition, collect contact information for that particular airline. A simulator evalu- your previous employers and supervi- ation can look at several factors, includ- sors. This will aid you in determining the ing a pilot’s ability to learn new callouts best people to use as professional and and techniques, personality, use of CRM personal references—those who have skills, and basic technical knowledge.

26 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 U.S. Airlines Hiring Pilots in 2015 ALPA-Represented Airline Pilots Alaska (Hiring Windows)* Yes American No Delta Yes FedEx Express (Hiring Windows)* Yes Frontier No JetBlue (Hiring Windows)* Yes Southwest No Spirit Yes United Yes UPS No Virgin America No

* The airline is hiring at different times throughout 2015. Visit ALPA’s Fee-for-Depar- ture website, ffd.alpa.org, regularly to keep up to date on the latest hiring information.

Image counts Fair or not, image matters and clothing is hemmed properly and taken in/out for another time. Also, don’t draw atten- a big part of that. Interviewers are looking at the waist for a perfect fit, and the tion away from your answers by display- for someone who portrays professional- jacket should be tailored to the correct ing tattoos or wearing flashy makeup ism and instills confidence. Jeans and a length and fit at the sleeves and all or jewelry. Men: the standard for most t-shirt or khakis and a polo shirt won’t cut around. Women: your suit should be interviews is one ring on each hand—no it. And if you show up looking rumpled, tailored to fit properly. chains, earrings, or other flair. Women: the interviewer is going to think that’s a single earring in each ear and one ring » Be conservative; think dark colors like how you’ll present yourself to passengers. on each hand are the standards. navy, black, or gray. Make a good first impression—wear If you’re looking to make a move in your a suit and take the time to look polished. » Keep your tie professional and career, keep in mind that others are doing This will help the selection personnel conservative—no zipper ties, holiday the same and investing a lot of time and envision you wearing their airline’s wings. ties, or cartoon ties! effort to be successful. Don’t make assump- Here are some additional tips to keep in tions. Create a clear career progression » Wear shoes that are new or freshly mind when selecting your interview attire: plan—and take the time to prepare prop- polished, not worn and frayed. erly and fully and practice to succeed. » Pick the right size and style suit that Women should wear closed-toe shoes works with your body type. If you with a low to moderate heel, espe- This is the second article in a series dedicated to need assistance, ask a sales associ- cially if there’s a sim portion to the in- career progression. The first article, “Landing ate. The expense of purchasing a suit terview. Both men and women should Your Dream Job” (see March 2015), included is something that you may need to select a conservative style—no boots. interview preparation tips. Look for more budget for, but it’s a wise investment. » Pay attention to personal hygiene. A information on career seminars, how to ace » Have your suit tailored to ensure fresh, conservative haircut and style are your interview, ALPA’s new Fee-for-Departure

Photos: Getty Images Photos: the perfect fit. Men: pants should be the basics. Save the cologne and perfume website, and more in next month’s article.

April 2015 Air Line Pilot » 27 Sponsored Airline- Career Track

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Connecting, Engaging &} Inspiring

at the International Women in Aviation Conference

By F/O Jolanda Witvliet (United), Chairman, ALPA National Membership Committee, and Kevin Cuddihy, Contributing Writer

onnect. Engage. Inspire. The power leges, airlines, corporate flight depart- of these three words echoed in the ments, military services, the FAA, and C ears of attendees at the 26th An- aviation organizations—including ALPA nual International Women in Aviation (see “ALPA Members Connect at Women Conference held March 5–7 in Dallas, in Aviation,” page 31). Tex. ALPA members, male and female, WAI fielded more than $606,000 in attended the event, which celebrates scholarships (see “Scholarships and Hon- women in aviation and encourages orees”), including some for type ratings. young women to consider a profession Many social activities such as luncheons, within the industry. banquets, and meetings of individual or- Twenty-six years ago, Women in Avia- ganizations—including the International tion International (WAI) held its first con- Society of Women Airline Pilots (ISA+21) ference; about 100 people attended. This and the National Gay Pilots Association year’s event drew more than 4,500 people (NGPA)—were also held. from all around the aviation industry. And while this effort has been under Young pilots and future pilots took in way for the better part of three decades, leadership seminars; education sessions; with only 5.4 percent of ALPA members airline hiring information sessions; meet- female (contrast this with female physi- and-greet opportunities with several cians in the United States, who have an airlines, including Delta, FedEx Express, even split with their male counterparts) JetBlue, Spirit, and United; listened to there’s still a need to reach out to poten- authors and speakers; and mingled with tial female aviators. So what’s a pilot to more than 120 exhibitors: aviation col- do? That’s simple: Connect. Engage. Inspire.

April 2015 Air Line Pilot » 29 30 5 4 » & Honorees Scholarships & Engaging Connecting Airforce ServicePilots(WASP). tory oftheorganizationWomen preserved andrecordedthehis- mother-daughter pairwhohave and pioneering airshowperformer; mercial pilotcertificateanda United Statestoearnacom- Omlie, thefirstwomanin rate AngelNetwork; Pat Blum,co-founderofCorpo- Certificate Scholarship. Boeing B-757/767TypeRating both receivedaDeltaAirLines (Atlantic Southeast),who (Envoy Air)andFatimaShafi arship; and Type RatingCertificateSchol- received theAirbusA320 Higbee (IslandAir),whoboth Treppa Scholarship; 737 TypeRatingCertificate sin), whoreceivedtheBoeing Capt. LauraAssia(AirWiscon- International (WAI)event: during theWomeninAviation Air LinePilot In spiring , a Deanie andNancyParrish,a during the event: during theevent: the WAIPioneerHallofFame women wereinductedinto

ed someofthe ALPA memberswereaward- available in scholarships available inscholarships Diana (Envoy Air)andDiana F/Os Sheila Dill F/Os SheilaDill , } Capts. Leslie Capts. Leslie April 2015 Women in Aviation Conference at the International Phoebe Phoebe $606,000

Photos: Paula Grubb & John Riedel it important to remain active and give it importantto remain activeandgive next generation offemalepilots.“Ifind on payingitforwardandmentoring the in thefieldawhile,emphasis nowis internship ended.” tor androlemodeltomelong after the commented. “Shecontinuedtobeamen- going totheconferenceseversince,”she Aviation conference,andIhavebeen the internshiptookmetoaWomenin with hersupervisor.“Mybossduring 2003 andstartedafruitfulrelationship internship withAtlanticSoutheastin her involvedwithWAI.Sheacceptedan Hacken creditedamentorwithgetting CONNECTING WITHAMENTOR away. Thisiswheremypassionbegan.” trips tograbdinneroraweekendget- they wouldtakemeontime-building explained, “andduringoursenioryear friends wereinflightmanagement,”she among itscoursesofstudy.“Manymy nology, whichincludedaflightprogram lege yearsattheFloridaInstituteofTech- into aviationbychanceduringhercol- always beenthingsthatinspireme.” integrity, andstrongmoralprincipleshave excellent rolemodelsforme.Theirfaith, was ahomemaker.Bothofthemwere many yearsbeforeheretired.Mymother was averywell-regardedphysicianfor school attheUniversityofMinnesotaand uated summacumlaudefrommedical inspiring tome,”shesaid.“Myfathergrad- ily. “Myparentshavealwaysbeenvery cited theinfluenceandinspirationoffam- since childhood.” naval aviator,andinterestedinaviation they saidhewasanaerospaceengineer, such anindelibleimpressiononmewhen (United) ofherearlyinspiration.“Itleft walk onthemoon,”saidCapt.BebeO’Neil “As alittlegirl,IwatchedNeilArmstrong an importantstepasparticipantsnoted. It’s thefirststeponalongjourney,but various places,andatdifferenttimes. Inspiration comesinmanyforms,from THE IMPORTANCEOFINSPIRATION For Hacken and others who have been For Hackenandotherswhohave been F/O NathalieHacken(United)came Capt. LisaMrozek(Delta),amongothers, industry who are well established in their industry whoare wellestablishedintheir am inspiredby womencurrentlyinthe part fromwatchingthosearound her.“I said shecontinuestotakeinspiration in tant toengagewithcolleagues. Glasow In additiontomentoring,it’salso impor- ENGAGING WITHOTHERS speak totheoldergirls.” with aviationprogramswereonhandto sentatives fromcollegesanduniversities women alreadyinthesepositions.Repre- while providingrolemodelsforthemof jobs availableintheaviationindustry gave thegirlsanoverviewofmany crafting wirebracelets.…Acareerpanel a sectionalcharttobuildinganairport in activitiesrangingfromlearningtoread included “girlsages10to17participating experience. AccordingtoWAI,theevent tion toaviationandsomehands-on and theirchaperonsgotanintroduc- 192 youngwomenfromthelocalarea a “GirlsinAviationDay,”duringwhich ACE Club. for theUniversityofNorthDakotaALPA (ACE) Clubmentor,andGlasowmentors national AviationCollegiateEducation mentor forhercolleagues,Mrozekisa ance toothers.” and hopeIcanprovidethesameguid- grateful forthosewhoencouragedme Glasow (Compass).“Iwillbeforever mentors didforme,”saidCapt.Lindsey mentorship andsupportasmyprevious back totheaviationcommunitythrough This year’s conference also included This year’sconferencealsoincluded To payitforward,Hackenisanew-hire

Photos: (top and far right) Anya Piazza Capt. Lisa Mrozek (Delta), left, and F/O Kandy More Opportunities Bernskoetter (FedEx Express), right, prepare to talk with ALPA members, aspiring aviators, To Take Flight industry representatives, and other aviation en- thusiasts at the Women in Aviation conference. 1. ALPA’s Cleared to Dream website. The site is geared toward students who are looking for information about becoming an airline pilot, student pilots currently in an avia- always trying to meet new people,” she tion program at the collegiate level, and said, “and asking my friends and contacts aviation educators who can use the site as to help me pursue my goal by introduc- a source to retrieve information from the ing me to the right people. These people Association. For additional information, were the ones who were in a position to visit clearedtodream.org. hire me for a job at the next level.” 2. The Young Eagle Program for 8- to 17- WHY IT ALL MATTERS year olds. The program shares the joy While WAI has made a huge difference of aviation by offering free introductory over the past 26 years, many pilots recall flights. For more information, go to EAA. why there was—and remains—a need org/EagleFlights. for the organization. “My family was 3. Women Soar You Soar day camp for high- unsupportive, and it was difficult to school girls. The camp introduces girls in navigate an industry with few mentors grades 9–12 to the opportunities avail- career as pilots,” she acknowledged, “but and role models,” explained F/O Kandy able in aviation and aerospace. For more also serve as volunteers and are mothers Bernskoetter (FedEx Express). “I think information, visit EAA.org/womensoar. all at the same time. These women im- the industry is different now because of press me with their energy, and without groups like WAI, OBAP [the Organization knowing it continue to encourage me in of Black Aerospace Professionals], ALPA’s my next pursuit in aviation.” ACE [Aviation Collegiate Education] Mrozek explained how engaging with Clubs, and airline mentoring programs. others can advance one’s career. “I was It’s easier to find the advice you need.”

ALPA Members Connect At Women in Aviation

undreds of ALPA members navigated and its efforts to safeguard and enhance Huncommonly icy weather to gather the airline piloting profession. Highlights in Dallas, Tex., March 5–7, for the Annual from the conference included meet-and- International Women in Aviation Confer- greets with airline employment repre- ence. The event brought together women, sentatives (many of which were airlines men, and young people from all facets with ALPA-represented pilots), an exhibit of the industry—pilots, airlines, aspiring hall with more than 120 booths, and aviators, government regulators, military more than $600,000 in scholarships. personnel, engineers, universities, and Numerous ALPA members distinguished others. Under the conference theme of themselves from a pool of very strong “Connect. Engage. Inspire,” participants candidates to win some of the coveted took advantage of educational sessions scholarships that companies, Women in and social networking opportunities to Aviation International (WAI), and other learn new strategies, share experiences, organizations donated. Congratulations and support each other on their career to all! path and life journey. WAI’s next conference is scheduled Top: Left to right, Anya Piazza, ALPA staff; Showcasing a new booth garnering for March 10–12, 2016, in Nashville, Capt. Brian Petricone (Atlantic Southeast); F/O rave reviews, volunteers from ALPA’s Tenn. Jolanda Witvliet (United); F/O Erin Parsons Education and Membership Committees (United); and Lydia Jakub, ALPA staff, attend the International Woman in Aviation Conference. and staff spoke with countless members, —Lydia Jakub and Anya Piazza, Bottom: Capt. Lindsey Glasow (Compass), industry professionals, and aspiring avia- ALPA Strategic Member Development background, and Capt. Lisa Mrozek (Delta), fore- tors about the Association, its resources, and Resources ground, offer advice to aspiring aviators.

April 2015 Air Line Pilot » 31 ALPA@work Advancing the Profession…Pilots & Staff ALPA Secretary-Treasurers

Conference Provides Good Governance Capt. Randy Helling, ALPA’s vice president–finance/ treasurer, talks about the importance of being fiscally Tools, Resources transparent and communicating with members.

By John Perkinson, Staff Writer expense policy. They received administrative responsibili- a detailed explanation from ties associated with his job. erving as secretary- offered a series of instructional Lori Garver, ALPA’s general Capt. Todd Gruber (PSA), treasurer for your pilot segments throughout the event. manager, about the role of the who was recently elected MEC S group comes with its He addressed topics like dues Association’s professional staff secretary-treasurer for his pi- share of duties and obliga- allocation, the recapitalization and how they work together lot group, noted that learning tions. That’s why more than of ALPA’s Major Contingency to support ALPA’s members. about required reporting and 20 of these pilot representa- Fund, and policy changes that The pilots also received a where to find the appropri- tives descended on ALPA’s the Association’s governing briefing from Beth Robinson, ate forms was of particular Herndon, Va., Conference bodies have implemented. ALPA’s chief financial officer value to him. “Also just having Center March 10–12 for the Reminding the secretary-trea- and finance director, on the access to the people—finally Association’s 2015 Master surers of the need to be fiscally Association’s plans for upgrad- putting faces to the names of Executive Council (MEC) Sec- transparent and to openly com- ing its IT infrastructure that people I’ve talked to a lot has retary-Treasurers Conference. municate with their members, supports ALPA’s financial and been huge,” he commented. Dovetailing with ALPA’s Lead- he said, “The trust of our pilots membership networks. Traveling all the way from ership Training Conference, is something that shouldn’t be This three-day event is Edmonton, Alberta, F/O Doug- this annual event enables taken lightly, especially when presented each year to give las Fleck (First Air) has been these pilot reps to meet with it comes to their hard-earned secretary-treasurers not only his MEC’s secretary-treasurer national officers and staff and dues money.” a comprehensive look at the for three years and attended to fine-tune their understand- In addition to their finan- tools and resources available, the conference once before. “It ing of what it takes to practice cial role, secretary-treasurers but also a broad view of the was time to come back because good governance. serve as the union’s admin- environment they work in I can always learn more,” he “The jobs you’ve stepped into istrative gatekeepers. Capt. and how it influences their said. “Pilots ask me all of the are some of the most critical in Bill Couette, ALPA’s vice responsibilities. Perhaps the time, ‘What does my money go the Association,” said Capt. Tim president–administration/ most telling aspects of the to?’ and Randy’s presentation is Canoll, ALPA’s president, who secretary, discussed how his conference are the segments particularly helpful in answer- expressed his appreciation to office can provide support the attending pilot reps indi- ing that question,” he noted, the conference attendees for in interpreting policy and cate they value the most. adding, “There’s something their service. Canoll spent time addressing questions about “The secretary-treasurer’s positive to be taken from every- with the pilots outlining the past practices. “As we look at job is complex and can have thing discussed.” “state of our skies,” examining resolutions and how they are a number of consequences,” Some ALPA MECs elect to the strategic initiatives and addressed in ALPA’s Constitu- said Capt. Sean Hansen (Alas- separate the secretary and issues driving the union. He tion and By-Laws, we have to ka), secretary-treasurer for treasurer jobs. Attending his observed that as many as two- make sure that the smallest his pilot group’s MEC. Hansen third conference, Capt. Darrell thirds of ALPA’s pilot groups pilot group and the largest filled the position just last Cox (Mesa), his MEC’s trea- could be in some phase of pilot group are always treated year and was attending the surer, stressed that the most contract negotiations by later equally throughout the entire conference for the first time. important lesson for him was this year, noting that the Asso- process,” he noted. The B-737 pilot said that many how to effectively manage a ciation will need to continue to ALPA secretary-treasurers of his duties to date have been budget. The CRJ900 pilot said manage its resources wisely. learned about budgeting prac- tied to the treasurer’s role. He it’s important for him to know Capt. Randy Helling, ALPA’s tices, reporting requirements, noted that he was glad to have what resources are available vice president–finance/treasur- litigation and risk manage- the opportunity to learn more and the specific people he can

er and conference moderator, ment considerations, and about the legal issues and the turn to when he needs help. Photo: Chris Weaver

32 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 Health Watch

Meds, FAA Policy, and You

By Dr. Quay Snyder, arlier this year, the NTSB issued its lize some medications more slowly ALPA Aeromedical Advisor “Most Wanted” list of transporta- than previously thought, the FAA has E tion safety improvements for 2015. extended the mandatory waiting time The FAA has increased the Among the 10 items was “End Substance between last dose of potentially sedating Impairment in Transportation.” or cognitively impairing medications mandatory waiting time between The safety board’s recent study re- and performance of flight duties. The taking certain meds and flying; garding drug use among fatally injured agency’s new rule is that an pilots showed that “the most commonly airman must wait five for Benadryl, it’s now 60 hours. found impairing substance in fatal dosing periods or five crashes was diphenhydramine, a half-lives of the medica- sedating antihistamine found in tion, whichever is longer, over-the-counter medications.” before flying or engaging in [emphasis added] activities pertaining to flight Even though the overwhelm- such as flight planning or per- ing majority of these fatal accidents forming preflight inspections. The involved general aviation, the caution FAA previously required pilots to wait for ALPA members is the same: Whether only two dosing intervals. you’re flying for your airline or doing Of particular note, the FAA has any kind of military or general avia- extended the waiting time after tion flying during your time off, taking Benadryl or other source diphenhydramine (the active of diphenhydramine to 60 hours. ingredient in over-the-counter Dextromethorphan, the “DM” in Benadryl and many cold and many cough medications, requires a allergy products) and other minimum waiting period of 48 hours for potentially impairing medica- the same reason. tions could put you in the accident For example, for hay fever requir- database. ing antihistamines, the FAA’s Guide for Moreover, based on recent research Aviation Medical Examiners advises, “The

Photo: iStockphoto.comPhoto: that showed some people metabo- nonsedating antihistamines loratadine

April 2015 Air Line Pilot » 33 Health Watch

I’M SAFE [Claritin], desloratadine [Clarinex], and MEDICATION DATABASE fexofenadine [Allegra] may be used while The FAA does not publish a list of “ap- The FAA-endorsed “I’M SAFE” flying if, after an adequate proved” medications for pilots. How- mnemonic is still excellent trial period, symptoms are ever, several of the federal aviation broad guidance for pilots to use controlled without adverse regulations, FAR 61.53 and FAR 67.113, in assessing their own fitness side effects.” specifically prohibit flying while having for flight. However, an aviation a condition or taking a medication that As the FAA Aeronautical medical examiner (AME) may might affect flight safety. Information Manual explains, certify a pilot “with seasonal aller- ALPA’s Aeromedical Office provides, “Aircraft accident statistics gies requiring any other antihista- on its website, www.AviationMedicine.com, show that pilots should be mine (oral and/or nasal)” only if the a database of medications that the FAA conducting preflight checklists pilot refrains from flying until commonly allows pilots to use during on themselves as well as their flight and while performing aviation » at least five maximal dosing intervals aircraft, for pilot impairment duties (e.g., conducting a preflight inspec- have passed. For example, if the medi- contributes to many more ac- tion), plus restrictions on medication use cation is taken every 4–6 hours, the cidents than failures of aircraft and medications that the FAA does not pilot must wait at least 30 (5 X 6) hours systems.” normally allow pilots to use. For detailed after taking the last dose to fly. Thus pilots should use the descriptions of the medical conditions “I’M SAFE” personal checklist »»at least five times the maximum ter- that these medications are used to treat, before every flight to con- minal elimination half-life has passed. please search for related medical articles firm that they’re physically For example, if the medication half-life in the Medical Articles Database on the and mentally safe to fly: is 6–8 hours, the pilot must wait at website. least 40 (5 X 8) hours after taking the Remember—the primary issue Illness—Am I suffering last dose to fly. with the FAA is whether the medical from any illness or symptom condition for which you are being of an illness that might affect me On a related note, pilots receiving treated is compatible with safe in flight? desensitization injections for one or flight. The question of treating more allergies must wait four hours Medication—Am I taking, the condition with medication is after the injection(s) before operating or have I recently taken, any of secondary concern. The FAA also aircraft. The FAA allows the use of nasal prescription or over-the-counter will ground pilots who experience side steroid sprays when flying. drugs? effects from permitted medications. Medications must be reported on each Stress—Am I undergoing any A FEW OTHER CAUTIONS application for an FAA airman medical psychological or emotional » Read carefully the literature certificate on Block 17. Applicants should stresses that might affect my that you receive with any medica- indicate the reason for using the medi- performance? Am I suffer- tion; it should include warnings cation and the absence of side effects. ing from anger, grief, anxiety, about any potentially harmful results Consult an ALPA Aeromedical Office depression, or other debilitating of taking the medication with other physician if you have a question about a emotions? medications. For example, silde- specific medication or need a full expla- nafil (Viagra) should not be taken Alcohol—Have I met regula- nation of current FAA policy. with some blood pressure and heart tory and company requirements medications because the combination for time elapsed between drink- ALPA members may contact the can lead to a potentially dangerous ing any alcoholic beverages and Aviation Medicine Advisory Service drop in blood pressure. Certain foods reporting for duty? ALPA Aeromedical Office, free of charge, at can also greatly lengthen the time 303-341-4435 Monday through Friday, 8:30 Fatigue—Am I sufficiently required for your body to metabo- a.m. to 4:00 p.m. mountain time, or visit the rested to be fit for flight? lize a particular medication. When Aeromedical Office website at in doubt, contact the physicians at Eating/Hydration—Did I www.AviationMedicine.com. ALPA’s Aeromedical Office. consume appropriate food and For more information on liquids before the flight and » Be aware that medications obtained aeromedical issues, scan the do I have adequate supplies to in or from other countries may con- QR code. complete the flight? tain unknown or illegal substances.

34 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 Our Stories www.alpa.org/ourstories

Shuttle Service Above: The space shuttle Atlantis docked at the International Space Station on May 16, 2010. Below: Capt. David Witwer (ExpressJet) evalu- ates changes to crew procedures for astronauts in a shuttle mission simulator. ExpressJet Pilot Helps Brings Mars Visit a Little Closer to Reality

By John Perkinson, Staff Writer Houston. Witwer says that, contrary to To spice things up, Witwer also worked what some might think, nearly 80 per- as a controller in the Mission Evaluation ruising altitude for airline pilots cent of those working at the command Room for 50 of the space shuttles’ 135 mis- can run as high as 43,000 feet, but post for NASA’s astronaut corps are sions. In a famous scene from the movie C Capt. David Witwer (ExpressJet) contract employees. Apollo 13, a team of engineers is tasked has had reason to tackle heights far with using a box of odds and ends, which above that. When he wasn’t navigating SHUTTLE SERVICE would be available in the space capsule, his way to Newark, N.J., the Houston, As an employee for Lockheed Martin and to design a device the astronauts could Tex.-based, ERJ 145 pilot was managing later Science Applications International construct to transfer power from the lu- engineering projects for NASA. Until Corporation, Witwer spent the early nar module batteries to those in the com- four years ago, Witwer’s responsibilities years of his NASA tenure assigned to mand module. Although not always that included support for space shuttle opera- safety and reliability working groups sup- dramatic, Witwer says that’s exactly the tions and the agency’s more recent plans porting the space shuttle project. He was kind of task he and his fellow engineers for a manned mission to Mars. specifically responsible for evaluating performed. On numerous occasions, this “I was always fascinated with flying,” piloting tasks associated with the landing group would apply its problem-solving says Witwer, who earned his pilot’s phase of shuttle operations. This required skills to help shuttle astronauts and other license under the guidance of a Texas the upkeep of training guidelines, check- flight controllers make the necessary ad- A&M professor and mentor he befriend- lists, flight rules, and other directives. He justments to ensure successful missions. ed while attending the university. With a updated Mission Control handbooks and And during their 30 years of service, degree in aerospace engineering, Witwer maintained webpages to address topics the Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlan- became a government contractor work- like best practices for spacecraft reliabil- tis, and Endeavor shuttles transported, re-

Photos: Submitted by Capt. David Witwer (ExpressJet)ing at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in ity and maintainability. covered, and repaired satellites; allowed

April 2015 Air Line Pilot » 35 Our Not That Orion Stories www.alpa.org/ourstories The Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle that Capt. David Witwer (ExpressJet) worked on should not be confused with NASA’s Project Orion proposed using previous Project Orion. While a spacecraft both are considerations for those on board to conduct zero-gravity directly propelled by manned deep-space missions, research; and made the International a series of explosions Project Orion proposed using Space Station possible. However, there of atomic bombs behind the craft. Early versions of this ve- nuclear pulse propulsion, an were also some dark moments in shuttle hicle were designed to take off approach that has proved prob- history. from the ground with significant lematic. Research continues at On Feb. 1, 2003, Witwer manned the associated nuclear fallout; later versions were presented for use Penn State University. console when Columbia broke up during only in space. reentry. An investigation would later reveal that a large piece of foam fell from MAN WITH A MISSION of space exploration. Columbia’s external tank, which fatally In 2005, NASA began to shift its focus Despite these setbacks, NASA still plans breached the spacecraft wing. Witwer as- from shuttle operations to a possible for future Orion launches using the Space sisted with what NASA called the “return return trip to the moon as a precursor for Launch System, a heavy-lift rocket being to flight” efforts for the two years that a manned mission to Mars. The agency developed at the agency’s Marshall Space followed the accident. dispatched numerous orbiters and rov- Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. With this ers to send information back from the 70 metric-ton propulsion system, Orion NEEDING SOME AIR red planet. To move forward with this will be able take humans to deep-space After years of working in research labs plan, NASA initiated the Constellation destinations such as an asteroid and and simulators, Witwer began to get Program and began developing the Orion eventually Mars. In fact, NASA plans to restless. A friend had recently been hired Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle as a means launch Exploration Mission 2, Orion’s by (now ExpressJet) to travel to Mars. first manned mission, as early as 2021 to as a pilot, and Witwer decided to follow Once again, Witwer was called on take a two-person crew for the first time suit. He had the requisite certificates and to provide his expertise. “My team was to a captured asteroid in lunar orbit. flight hours, so he tendered his resigna- given the dimensions of the cockpit and In 2011, Witwer accepted a downgrade tion as an aerospace engineer. However, told to fill it,” he says. The Orion Cockpit to consultant status as others in the space his boss convinced him to stay on as a Working Group conducted research and program were laid off. Now married with part-time employee and work as an engi- made recommendations for optimum- a two-year-old daughter, his reduced neer on the days he wasn’t flying. size windows; the best hand control- work schedule was actually a blessing. “They called it unscheduled profes- lers; the ideal number of displays; the In 2014, with further cuts, he was forced sional status,” he says. On his days off, he appropriate labels, checklists, and alert to “hang up his protractor” as funding was back at the Johnson Space Center, systems; and anything else the group levels could not support further work. perfecting procedures and weighing the could think of that would be needed. However, Witwer continues to fly for human factors and other considerations “We produced a number of mockups and ExpressJet. He serves as his pilot group’s associated with low-orbit space flights. simulated displays to better illustrate Communications Committee chair and is what we were proposing,” notes the a member of the Scheduling Committee. ExpressJet pilot. In his free time, Witwer enjoys aerobatic Unfortunately delays and budget over- flying, a skill he developed while flying runs added to the challenges of the project, with that influential professor from his and the recession of 2008–2009 certainly college days. didn’t help matters. U.S. President Barack But the Texas native fondly remem- Obama gave a speech at the Kennedy bers his 17 years at the Johnson Space Space Center, saying, “By the mid-2030s, Center. Witwer watched with pride as I believe we can send humans to orbit NASA launched an unmanned Orion Mars and return them safely to Earth. four-hour, two-orbit test flight on Dec. 5, And a landing on Mars will follow.” But 2014, authorized before the passage of the he recognized the uphill battle of funding 2010 legislation. And like all Americans this kind of endeavor at a time when fiscal who remember NASA’s proud legacy and conservatism was the mandate. Several its historic Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo months later, Congress passed the NASA missions, Witwer anticipates the day Witwer Honored Authorization Act of 2010, shelving the when the United States will once again Astronaut Eileen Collins and a NASA engineer present Constellation Program and leaving only launch humans into space, a day when Witwer, center, with an American flag carried aboard Discovery in 2007. Witwer was recognized as a nominee the most current contracts in place until we will once again journey to infinity for the Rotary Stellar Award. the federal government revisits the value and beyond.

36 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 Sign the Petition Etihad Airways, Emirates Airline, and Qatar Airways aren’t telling the whole truth about their rapid expan- sion. Join the thousands calling for the U.S. government to open consultations with Qatar and the United Arab Emirates and force these airlines to open their books. Sign the petition today at www.openandfairskies.com



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2007 2014 2020 Photo: IStockphoto.comPhoto:

April 2015 Air Line Pilot » 37 ALPA Resources & Contact Numbers

National Officers Executive Vice Presidents Want to know more For complete biographical For more information on which pilot groups executive about ALPA’s EVPs? Scan the QR code. information on ALPA’s national vice presidents represent, visit alpa.org/evp. officers, visitalpa.org or scan the QR code.

 F/O Andrew  Capt. Larry  Capt. Russell  Capt. Mike  Capt. Jeffrey  Capt. Paul  Capt. Dan Massey Beck (United) Sklenka McMackin Pruett (Air Stuart, Jr. Adamus (Jazz) (Delta) (FedEx Express) (JetBlue) Wisconsin) (Alaska) Air Transat, CommutAir, Air Transport Alaska, Com- Bearskin, Calm Endeavor Air, International, pass, Envoy Air, Air, Canadian Hawaiian, Air Wisconsin, Island Air, Mesa, North, CanJet,  Capt. Rick Dominguez JetBlue, Atlantic South- Sun Country First Air, Jazz Executive Piedmont, east, ExpressJet, Aviation, Administrator Spirit PSA, Trans Kelowna States Flightcraft, Wasaya

Capt. Tim Canoll, Capt. Joe DePete, President First Vice President ALPA Sudoku (© paulspages.co.uk) Complete the sudoku puzzle so that each The solution to this month’s ALPA sudoku can column, each row, and each of the nine be found on page 17. 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid con- Too easy, too difficult? Tell us what you think. tain all the digits from 1 to 9. E-mail [email protected].

1 5 9 7 2 6 4 8 3

Capt. William Capt. Randy Couette, Helling, 4 3 2 1 8 9 5 7 6 Vice President– Vice President– Administration/ Finance/ Secretary Treasurer Photos: Chris Weaver 7 8 6 5 4 3 9 2 1

6 2 7 4 1 8 3 5 9 HAVE YOU MOVED? Please call Membership Administration at 5 9 8 3 6 7 2 1 4 1-888-359-2572, then press 3; e-mail your new address to [email protected]; or clip out this form—along with the mailing label on the back cover—and send it to 3 1 4 9 5 2 7 6 8 ALPA Membership Administration PO Box 1169, Herndon, VA 20172-1169 Name 9 7 5 8 3 1 6 4 2 Member # Airline 2 4 1 6 9 5 8 3 7 New address

Apt. City State Zip 8 6 3 2 7 4 1 9 5

38 » Air Line Pilot April 2015 Air Line PilOt

Director of Communications Cathy St. Denis Editor in Chief Sharon B. Vereb Associate Managing & Production Editor Susan Fager ALPA Information Numbers Technical Editor Jan W. Steenblik The following ALPA resources may be reached by e-mail or by dialing, toll-free, 1-888-359-2572 Staff Writer John Perkinson (1-888-FLY-ALPA). Once connected, press the # key on your phone and dial the last four digits of the number listed below. However, the ALPA main number, ASPEN, the Membership and Insurance toll-free Senior Advocacy Writer Linda Shotwell number, and Membership Administration numbers need to be dialed directly. Magazine/Graphic Designer Susan Boulter ePublishing Editor Jesica Ferry Accident Investigation Discipline and Discharge Membership Administration ([email protected]) ([email protected]) ([email protected]) Web Coordinators Chris Weaver, Suzi Fenton 703-689-4312 703-689-4226 1-888-359-2572 Supervisor, Creative Services Kelly M. Barrett (1-888-FLY-ALPA), option 3 Accounting and Finance Economic and Financial Analysis Supervisor, Content Strategy Molly Martin ([email protected]) ([email protected]) IT Operations and Services 703-689-4144 703-689-4289 ([email protected]) Supervisor, Multimedia Productions Eric Davis 703-689-4245 Air Line Pilot Election Dates LEC/MEC Contributing Writer Kevin Cuddihy ([email protected]) 703-689-4212 Organizing 703-481-4460 ([email protected]) General Manager Lori Garver Engineering and Air Safety 703-689-4179 ALPA Aeromedical Office ([email protected]) 303-341-4435 703-689-4200 Publishing and Design Services Air Line Pilot is not responsible for unsolicited­ ([email protected]) manuscripts,­ photographs, or other materials. ALPA Main Number FAA Enforcement or Medical 703-481-4441 Unsolicited materials will be returned­ only if sub- 703-689-2270 Certificate Action mitted with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. ([email protected]) Purchasing ([email protected]) ALPA-PAC 202-797-4033 Opinions expressed by authors do not necessarily 703-689-4226 703-689-4319 represent official ALPA position or policy. ASPEN 703-689-4220 Government Affairs Representation ([email protected]) Subscriptions: Subscription rate for pilot members,­ Balloting ([email protected]) 703-689-4375 $27.50, included in ALPA membership­ dues; for stu- ([email protected]) 202-797-4033 Real Estate dents, $41; for U.S. nonmembers, $55; for foreign, 703-689-4173 Human Resources ([email protected]) $71.50. Residents of the state of Washington must add 8.8 percent sales tax. To subscribe go to alpa. Cashiering ([email protected]) 703-689-4105 org/subscriptions or call 703-481-4460. To report ([email protected]) 703-689-4262 Retirement and Insurance address changes, call 703-689-4311. 703-689-4385 Information Technology ([email protected]) Advertising: Any advertising appearing in Air Line Communications and Services 703-689-4114 Pilot cannot be construed as being an endorsement ([email protected]) ([email protected]) Strategic Member Development by the Air Line Pilots Association, International or its 703-481-4440 703-689-4237 and Resources members. The publisher reserves the right to reject, Computer Help Line Legal ([email protected]) ([email protected]) discontinue, or edit any advertisement. For advertis- ([email protected]) 202-797-4096 703-481-4467 ing information, contact [email protected]. 703-689-4357 703-689-4326 System Board of Adjustment Address Changes for Members Only: E-mail to Council Services Membership Insurance ([email protected]) [email protected]. ([email protected]) ([email protected]) 703-689-4226 Air Line Pilot is printed in the United States and 703-689-4311 1-800-746-2572 published for professional airline pilots in the United States and Canada who are members of the Air Line Pilots Association, International. Membership Administration ALPA Headquarters: 1625 Massachusetts Ave., Island Air–AIS MEC NW, Washington, DC 20036 To obtain membership account information or to update your 808-838-0188 records or your postal or e-mail address via the Internet, go to the Postmaster: Send address changes to Air Line Pilot, Jazz Aviation–JAZ MEC PO Box 1169, Herndon, VA 20172-1169. My ALPA area of Crewroom.alpa.org; or dial the toll-free number 1-800-561-9576 1-888-359-2572 (1-888-FLY-ALPA) and choose menu option 3. JetBlue–JBU MEC Listed below are the telephone numbers of MEC offices. Other Organizations 603-303-2195 ALPA Aeromedical Office 303-341-4435 Air Transat–TSC MEC CommutAir–CMT MEC Kelowna Flightcraft–KFC MEC ALPA Federal Credit Union 1-800-747-2349 1-888-337-2033 440-985-8579 250-878-7950 ALPA Accident/Incident Hotline Air Transport International– Compass–CPZ MEC Mesa–MAG MEC If you are involved in an accident, incident, or alleged ATI MEC 952-853-2373 602-306-1116 violation of a federal aviation regulation, contact your 505-263-8838 local or central air safety chairman, regional safety Delta–DAL MEC 404-763-4925 *North American–NAA MEC chairman, or the worldwide ALPA accident/incident Air Wisconsin–ARW MEC 513-257-7662 hotline at 202-797-4180 (collect calls are accepted) Endeavor Air–PCL MEC 1-800-ALPA-ARW for an immediate response 24 hours per day. As a 855-PCL-ALPA Piedmont–PDT MEC backup number, call 703-892-4180. Alaska–ALA MEC 206-241-3138 339-987-1277 Envoy Air–ENY MEC To report a safety problem or airspace system Atlantic Southeast–ASA MEC 817-685-7474 PSA–PSA MEC 616-405-3962 deficiency,­ call 1-800-424-2470 or e-mail EAS@ 404-209-8566 *Evergreen–EIA MEC Spirit–SPA MEC 765-481-9033 alpa.org. Bearskin–BRS MEC 618-401-1284 Sun Country–SCA MEC 807-628-5683 2015 EBCB Schedule ExpressJet–XJT MEC 952-853-2393 The Association’s Election and Ballot Certification Calm Air–CMA MEC 281-987-3636 Trans States–TSA MEC Board’s schedule for counting ballots is April 10, 204-471-1000 FedEx Express–FDX MEC 412-780-9036 May 11, June 10, July 10, August 10, September Canadian North–CNP MEC 901-752-8749 United–UAL MEC 847-292-1700 10, October 9, November 10, and December 10. 780-718-6012 First Air–FAB MEC Wasaya–WSG MEC Any ALPA member in good standing may be CanJet–CJA MEC 1-877-459-3272 807-624-7270 present as an observer during any meeting. 1-800-959-1751 Contact the Association’s Membership and Council Hawaiian–HAL MEC *Pilot group in custodianship Services Department for scheduling. 808-836-2572

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