REG. NO. 140721026




MEDAN 2016






Dr.H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S Dr.Drs. Umar Mono, Dip. Trans, M.Hum NIP.19541117 198003 1 002NIP. 19600122 19860 1 001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A, Ph.D NIP. 19541117 198003 1 002 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara,Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara on September 28th, 2016.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S NIP.19600805 198703 1 001

Board of Examiners

Dr. H. MuhizarMuchtar, M.S ………………………..

RahmadsyahRangkuti, MA,Ph.D ………………………..

Prof. Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, M.A ………………………..

Dr. Ridwan Hanafiah, SH, M.A ………………………..











Signed :

Date :














Signed :

Date :


First of all, praise and gratitude I send up only to Allah who has given the mercy, the blessing, guarding, and guidance in my life, especially in accomplishing this thesis as one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from English

Department at Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara. Shalawat and salam are expected to be exerted by to the lovely prophet Muhammad SAW.

Along with this finished thesis, I would like to thank those who have given their help either directly or indirectly. The first sincere gratitude is given to my beloved family. Words cannot express how grateful I am to my father, Ir. Irwan

Sugiono, my mother, Almh. Asmah Lely, my brother M. Bhaskara Putra, S.H, my little twin sister, Zulfita Sari, Amd who always give support, advice, motivation and prayer to me in finishing this thesis.

I also would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. H.

Muhizar Muchtar, M.S, and Dr. Umar Mono, Dipl. Trans, M.Hum, as my co- supervisor who always inspire, encourage and stimulate critical thought as well as guiding me in finishing this thesis.

My next sincere gratitude goes to all my lecturers in English Literature Department who have taught and given me precious knowledge during my study. I also thank Dr.

H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S, the Chief of English Department, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti,

M.A. Ph.D, the Secretary, for their attention to all my academic affairs and Dr. Budi

Agustono, M.S, the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies of the University of

Sumatera Utara as well as the members of administration for their valuable help throughout the academic years.

I would also like to thank all of my best friends, Teni Nur Safitri, S.E, Dina

Marini, S.H, Tri Suci Rahmat, S.Pd, Rizky Juliant, Amd and Rizky Alvionita Sari,

iii UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Amd who always present in any situations, for all support and motivation you have given to me and thank you for being there in every struggle, sadness and happiness I have been through. Thank for your prayer, love and care. Thank you for your motivation and support my classmate Tissa Milaqmar, Amd for always together with me doing thesis.

And thanks to all my friends in D3-English Department 2011 and English

Extension 2014 whose names cannot be mentioned one by one, thank for spending our great times together in four years.

And last but not least, I would like to thank my beloved dear Gilang Pratama who always supports, cares, advices, prays, loves, and gives financial support in all my activities when I am doing this thesis.

Finally, I am truly appreciates criticism and suggestion from the readers to make it better. Despite my effort to produce a faultless thesis, I am well aware that the readers will find numerous imperfections, for which I apologize.



Reg. No: 140721026


This thesis entitled “Translation Methods of the Translation of Sapardi Djoko Damono‟s Poems in English" aims to identify and analyze methods used translator and how the translator conveys the message and purposes of the poems by Sapardi Djoko Damono. The poem is “Sihir Hujan” translated into English by Harry Aveling. Analysis of the data using the theory of translation of Newmark. This theory divides translation into eight methods: Word for Word Translation, Literal Translation, Free Translation, Adaptation Translation, Idiomatic Translation, Faithful Translation, Semantic Translation, and Communicative Translation. The method research is descriptive qualitative method. The data used the written text in the Indonesian language (SL) into English (TL). Besides, the data collection used library research. Based on the analysis, from 21 poems for 125 sentences, there are six of the eight methods: Word for Word Translation (32), Literal Translation (78), Free Translation (9), the Adaptation Translation (1), Faithful Translation (2) and idiomatic Translation (3). There is no Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation in the results of analysis of the poem "Sihir Hujan" by Sapardi Djoko Damono translated into English by Harry Aveling. As the result, “Sihir Hujan” poems are Literal Translation because most of poems used literal meaning.

Keywords : method translation, kinds of method translation, English translation of poems


Skripsi ini berjudul “Translation Methods of the Translation of Sapardi Djoko Damono‟s Poems in English” bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis metode apa yang digunakan penerjemah dan bagaimana penerjemah dalam menyampaikan isi pesan dan tujuan dari puisi-puisi karya Sapardi Djoko Damono. Puisi tersebut adalah “Sihir Hujan” yang diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris oleh Harry Aveling. Analisis data menggunakan teori penerjemahan oleh Newmark. Teori ini membagi penerjemahan menjadi delapan metode: Word for Word Translation, Literal Translation, Free Translation, Adaptation Translation, Idiomatic Translation, Faithful Translation, Semantic Translation, and Communicative Translation. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data tersebut yakni ditulis dalam bentuk Bahasa Indonesia (SL) kedalam Bahasa Inggris (TL). Di samping itu, dalam pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dari 21 judul puisi untuk 125 kalimat terdapat 6 dari 8 metode yaitu Word for Word Translation (32), Literal Translation (78), Free Translation (9), Adaptation Translation (1), Faithful Translation (2) and Idiomatic Translation (3). Tidak terdapatnya Semantic Translation and Communicative translation dari hasil analisis puisi “Sihir Hujan” karya Sapardi Djoko Damono diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris oleh Harry Aveling. Sebagaimana hasilnya, puisi “Sihir Hujan” adalah Literal Translation karena keseluruhan puisi nya menggunakan literal meaning.

Kata Kunci : metode penerjemahan, jenis-jenis metode penerjemahan, terjemahan bahasa inggris dalam puisi-puisi





ABSTRACT ...... iv

ABSTRAK ...... v



1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1

1.2 Problem of the Study ...... 7

1.3 Objective of the Study ...... 7

1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 7

1.5 Significance of the Study ...... 7


2.1 Definition of Translation ...... 9

2.2 Function of Translation ...... 10

2.3 Kinds of Translation ...... 12

2.4 Process of Translation ...... 14

2.5 Method of Translation ...... 17

2.5.1 Word-for-Word Translation ...... 18

2.5.2 Literal Translation ...... 18

2.5.3 Faithful Translation ...... 19

2.5.4 Semantic Translation ...... 19

vii UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.5.5 Adaptation Translation ...... 20

2.5.6 Free Translation ...... 20

2.5.7 Idiomatic Translation ...... 20

2.5.8 Communicative Translation ...... 21

2.6 Translating The Literary Works ...... 21


3.1 Research Design ...... 23

3.2 Data and Data Source ...... 23

3.3 Data Collecting Method ...... 24

3.4 Data Analysis Method ...... 24


4.1 Analysis ...... 26

4.1.1 Word for Word Translation ...... 27

4.1.2 Literal Translation ...... 33

4.1.3 Free Translation ...... 38

4.1.4 Faithful Translation ...... 39

4.1.5 Idiomatic Translation ...... 41

4.1.6 Adaptation Translation ...... 45

4.2 Finding ...... 47


5.1 Conclusions ...... 49

5.2 Suggestions ...... 50

REFERENCES ...... 51




1.1 Background of the Study

Language is the main topic of any discussion about translation. It is a way to able to do an interaction with other people. The Oxford dictionary (2008:247) defines

“language as a system of communication in speech and writing used by people of a particular country”. It means that every country has its own language. Since every country has its own language, translation is a very important thing that is needed in interaction.

Nida (1982) says, “Translation is an important phenomenon that has a huge effect on everyday life.” Another statement comes from Goethe, the great German writer, which is quoted in Hanne (2006:209), “Translation is impossible, necessary and important.” Translation is needed because of its function to launch communication and to avoid misunderstanding between one language to another language. Bell (1991: 122) states “the purpose of translation theory is to reach an understanding of the processes undertaken in the act of translation and not as is so commontly misunderstood to provide a set of norms for effecting the perfect translation.”

Generally, translation is transferring an idea, knowledge or purpose from Source

Language (SL) to Target Language (TL). Catford defines that translation is an operation performed on languages: a process of substituting a text in one language for a text in another. Newmark (1988:7) states, “Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language.” The activity of translation consists of SL or the language that will be translated into and TL or the language as

1 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the works that is being structured by the translator. The purpose of translation is to reproduce various kinds of spoken or written texts in another language and thus making them available to wider readers. It can be seen from the definition of translation from Wills (in Noss, 1982:3); “Translation is a transfer process which aims at the transformation of a written SL text into an optimally equivalent TL text, and require the syntactic, the semantic and the pragmatic understanding and analytical processing of the SL”.

Translation is not an easy thing to learn, it is not just replacing message from SL to TL. There are many aspects that must be considered. Different countries are not only having different languages, they have different culture too. It is Nobar (2000) who says on her journal, “Scholars believed that translation could be used as a means of transferring one nation‟s culture and science and ideologies to other countries with different language.” The different and problematic aspects involved in translation— such as form, meaning, equivalent, proverbs, style, idiom, etc between SL and TL and also the variation in their cultures make the process of translating a little bit harder.

English and Indonesian languages have different cultures which influence the language used. Many English texts have been translated into Indonesian and vise versa. From the differences described earlier, it requires the process of translation.

Which translation is a general term that refers to the removal of reflection ideas from the source language (SL) and the target language (TL), which translation is the process of transferring message or meaning from one language (SL) to others (TL), so a result of translation must have correspondence relationship with the source text whether it is equal or not.

Eugene A. Nida (1974:48), a professional linguist and Bible translator, has given immense influence and has helped to show the significance of the correspondence

2 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA between target text and target culture in translation works. Moreover, translation facilities the cross-cultural communication necessary in today‟s society by converting one language into another. The following extract comes from Nida‟s approach, Principles in Correspondence, outlining his two fundamental orientation in translation, namely: formal equivalence translation and dynamic equivalence translation with special emphasis give to the conformance of receptor language and culture. Otherwise, dynamic equivalent translation refers to the nature that transfer message contained in the original text so that the response of the people who read or hear the message being transferred is equal to the response of people who read or hear the original text.

Translation as an activity, not only involves the source language and target language, but also involves the source culture and target culture. According to

Niranjan Mohanty (1994) in Teaching Translation and Interprating2, translation in essence is not only a bilingual activity, but at the same time a bicultural activity. The translator, though his act of translation, generates a symbiosis between the source culture and target culture. The translator not only requires a good knowledge of two languages, but also has a good understanding of both cultures.

In process of translation the translator must be careful to identify the source language into the target language when she or he stars transferring the message. He or she must realize the different things between source language and target language, consequently he or she has o find its equivalent in target language that is suitable and has the same sense in source language. She or he has to find the equivalent in the target language but another problem faced by the translator in translating process can eventually cause the inaccurate, unacceptable or unreadable translation.

In the translating process, the translator has to deal with two different languages expressed in the form of words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. The translator must

3 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA concern himself with finding the target language translation equivalents. That is why in every stage of translating process, a translator often finds some difficulties which can be classified into (1) difficulties in the analysis and understanding of the source language, (2) difficulties in the process of transferring and in finding target language equivalents, and (3) difficulties in restructuring the transferred material to get the best result of translation (Soemarno, 1991:1). Dealing with these difficulties, to make a good translation, a translator sometimes has to make several adaptations or adjustments.

One of the causes which make a translator difficult to produce a good translation is different grammatical structure of the source and the target languages. As started by Baker (1992:183), differences in the grammatical structures of the source and the target language often result in some change in the information content of the message during the process of translation. For example: the different grammatical structure between English and Indonesian.

In translating Indonesian poems such as reduction changes, addition and modification from the intrinsic element of the poems is often unavoidable. As a poem source language into target language dubbed, not all words can be changed just like that. To discover what changes are made from Indonesian poems, we can do a comparison (analysis) from the Indonesian poem version and English version.

On the other hand, it is different in translating literary works and non literary works. The literary works are concerned with the world of the imagination and centered in human being, sometimes reflected in their physical characteristics and theirs natural and climatic background. The vocabulary can defines literary work as

“imaginative or creative writing”, it explains that literary work is the work of writer, anything expressed in letters, every motion of the writers that can be imaginative according the writer wanted. There are many kinds of literary works such as poetry,

4 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA novel, lyric, etc. Literary works translation can be distinguished into literary a non- literary works in a way that the first one is “symbolic or allegorical”. While translating a literary piece of works the most attention is paid to connotation and emotion in imaginative literature.

There are many translation jobs can be chosen by a translator according to their own interest. One kind of translation that can be chosen by a translator according to their own interest. One kind of translation that can be found in literary works.

Literary works have many types and poetry is one of them. Poetry are included into literary works, so literary translation is focused on this study.

Taber in Purwo (1990: 193) mentions that the primary purpose of translation is to make a message originally within one language available to people who have the knowledge of his first language. By translating a source work, for instance a poetry, many people can read the poetry in his first language so that they can understand the content of the poems or literary works.

Landers (2001:106) states that translating literature, the translator should not forget about the fluency, accuracy, register, a feeling for style on appreciation means, and transparency. It is not easy to translate a literary works, thus, to bridge two languages, the translator should have particular qualities. Poetry “Sihir Hujan” by

Sapardi Djoko Damono is a work description with poetic and many idiom atmosphere, shows the real of life. In the data, there are 51 titles of poem in “Sihir

Hujan” by Sapardi Djoko Damono and the writer only collect 21 data to analyzing because it has completed aspects of the real of life about God, human being and the last day.

Sapardi Djoko Damono was born in Solo, , on 20 March 1940, and spent his childhood and adolescent years in his hometown. He studied English literature at in , and has translated many works

5 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA of fiction and poetry from English into Indonesian. He was editor of the Indonesian literary magazines Basis, Horison, and Kalam. Now he is Professor Emeritus at the

University of Indonesia‟s Faculty of Humanities.

The publication of Sapardi‟s first poetry collection, dukaMu abadi (Your Sorrow is Eternal) in 1969 may in a way be seen as a rebirth of Indonesian lyric poetry— after a period of rough ideological rift during the 1960s

In here the researcher is interested in analyzing about translation methods used in poem “Sihir Hujan” which published in Malaysia (Dewan dan Pustaka, Kuala

Lumpur 1984). This poem was awarded the “Second Putra Poetry Prize” in 1983, in a literary competition sponsored by the Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad, and organized by GAPEN, the Malaysian National Writers Association.

The researcher would like choose the translation method as analyzed it is because the translation method related with the translation result in the diction of the translator used in translating the poem.

6 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1.2 Problem of the study

Based on the background of the study above, the problem discussed in this study are:

1. What translation methods are used in the English translation of Damono‟s


2. How Damono‟s poems translated into English?

1.3 Objective of the study

In doing the analysis, there are some objectives found in this analysis:

1. To find out the translation methods are used in the English translation of

Damono‟s poems.

2. To find out how the Damono‟s poems translated into English.

1.4 Scope of the study

The data for this study are in the “Sihir Hujan” poems of Sapardi Djoko

Damono translated by Harry Aveling in the “Black Magic Rain”.The writer must limit the field which is going to be analyzed in order to minimize the problem and to make the analysis can be focused on. The study of the student itself is limited only analyzing the methods of translation in 21 poems from 51 poems inSapardi Djoko

Damono translated into English by Harry Aveling.

1.5 Significance of the study

The writer expects the significance of the study has benefits both theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this paper aims to prove the theory of translation, especially translation methods. Besides, this paper enriches the knowledge for the writers and the readers in translating Bahasa Indonesia poems to English poems,

7 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA especially on methods of translation and describes how methods of translation are used in the translation of Sapardi Djoko Damono‟s poems into English that make it happen. Thus, this paper increase and expands the writers‟ and the readers‟ knowledge about the methods of translation in the poem‟s translation studies. Then, practically, the examples of the data from this paper can be used or applied in teaching about methods of translation studies. This paper is also valuable for new research concerning on translation since it provides reference about translation studies especially on translation.



2.1 Definition of Translation

Translation rises as an activity to translate message from source language containing meaning and words, and to reproduce them in a target language which can be understood by its readers. Although the elements of translation - source text, meaning or information, and target text - are agreed by translation experts proven by the presence of those elements in their definitions of translation, they have different ways to express the definition of translation.

Catford (1978:20) defines translation as the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). From the phrase 'equivalent textual material' above, it can be figured out that the main thing which should be replaced is the information. In other words, a translator has to be capable of replacing the information in source text with equivalent information in target text.

Another definition of translation is also presented by Nida (1969:12) stating that translation consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. On that definition, Nida explains clearly that the main activity a translator has to do is to convey the message from source language to target language as natural as possible by regarding its meaning and style.

Besides meaning and style, there is another thing which should be considered by translators if they want to create a good translation - the intention of the source text's author. The concept is derived from Newmark (1988:5) who states that translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author

9 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA intended the text. Therefore, before translating a text, a translator has to read the whole text to understand the intention of ST's author in making the text. In other words, a translator is like a bridge connecting the intention of ST's author to the readers of target text.

A balance between forms of language and structures of meaning which creates a complete package of a proper translation is delivered by Larson (1984:3) who states:

Translation is transferring the meaning of the source language into the receptor language. This is done by going from the form of the first language to the form of a second language by way of semantic structure. It is meaning which is being transferred and must be held constant.

On that definition, the first activity translators have to do is to transfer the meaning constantly from SL to TL continued by delivering it in the appropriate form of TL to prevent any loss or distortion of meaning.

2.2 Function of Translation

Translation is studying about the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation and cultural context of the source language text, analyzing it in order to determine its meaning, and then reconstructing this same meaning using lexicon and grammatical structure which are appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context (Larson, 1984: 3). It means that the function of translation as the bridge for human‟s communication keep going on, especially in international communication.

As inter-lingual communicative activity, translation plays an important thing in developing countries to get the information and the technology, especially for

Indonesia. The existence of translation as a subject in the university helps the students to grasp the information about scientific things. Translation function as the

10 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA medium across linguistic and culture, berries in conveying the message from a SL to


Without translation, the scientist will live behind and can‟t follow the scientific development. That is why the translation is not only important for developing countries but also for developed countries. The need of translating is not a sign that the country is under develop. On the other hand, it is an activity to exist the changing of information from one country to another country.

Beside of grasping the scientific information and technology, translation is also used for other multilingual notices which have at last appeared increasingly conspicuously in public places; where it is too often produced from the native into the „foreign‟ language by natives as a matter of national pride; for official documents, such as treaties and contracts; for reports, papers, articles, correspondence, textbooks to convey information, advice and recommendation for every branch of knowledge.

Some people also use translated book for learning foreign language because they are easier to understand than study foreign language by using the original books.

Many universities in the world include translation in their curriculum and show that translation is very important activity in the process of teaching and learning.

Nida (1964: 2) states that the translation means communication because it has three essential elements to form a process of communication. These are three essentials are source, message, and receptor and these elements can be found in all communication activities.

11 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.3 Kinds of Translation

Larson (1984: 15) divides two major types of translation, they are:

1. Form-based translation or literal is translation attempt to follow the form of

the source language.

For example:

SL : Look, little guy, you-all shouldn‟t be doing that.

TL : Lihat, anak kecil, kamu semua seharusnya tidak berbuat seperti itu.

2. Meaning-based translation or idiomatic is translation that make every effort

to communicate the meaning of the source language text in the natural form

of the receptor language.

For example:

SL : Tell me, I am not in a cage now

TL : Ayo, berilah aku semangat bahwa aku orang bebas.

According to Larson (1984: 15) translation is classified into two main types, namely form-based translation and meaning-based translation. Forms-based translation attempts to follow the form of the source language (SL) and it is known as literal translation, while meaning-based translation makes every effort to communicate the meaning of the SL text in the natural forms of the receptor language. Such translation is called idiomatic translation. A literal translation sounds like nonsense and has little communication value (Larson, 1984: 15). The literal translation can be understood if the general grammatical form of the two languages is similar. Larson (1984: 16) says that idiomatic translations use the natural forms of the receptor language both in the grammatical constructions and in the choices of lexical items. A truly idiomatic translation does not sound like translation. It sounds

12 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA like it was written originally in the receptor language. Therefore, a good translator will try to translate idiomatically. This is his/her goal.

Catford (1978: 21) divides the three aspects of translation differently, those are: extent, level, and ranks.

Based on the extent, the types of translation:

1. Full translation, it is a type of translation in which the entire SL text is

reproduced by the TL text materials.

2. Partial translation, there are only some parts of the SL text to be translated

into the TL text.

In terms of level, the types of translation:

1. Total translation, the TL material replaces all levels of the SL text.

2. Restricted translation, it is the replacement of SL textual material with

equivalent TL material at only one level; whether at the phonological level,

graphological level, or at the level of grammar and lexis.

In terms of rank, translation is divided into:

1. Rank-bound translation, it means that the selection of TL text equivalent is

limited at only one rank, such as word-for-word equivalence, morpheme-for-

morpheme equivalence, etc

2. Unbounded translation, it can move freely up and down the rank-scale.

Based on the purposes of translation, Brislin in Choliludin (2007: 26-30) categorizes translation into four types, namely:

1. Pragmatic translation: it refers to the translation of a message with an interest

in accuracy of the information that was meant to be conveyed in the SL form

and it is not conveyed with other aspects of the original language version.

Example: the translation of the information about repairing a machine.

13 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2. Aesthetic-poetic translation: it refers to translation in which the translator

takes into account the affect, emotion, and feeling of an original version, the

aesthetic form used by the original author, as well as any information in the

message. Example: the translation of sonnet, rhyme, heroic couplet, dramatic

dialogue, and novel.

3. Ethnographic translation: its purpose is to explicate the cultural context of the

SL and TL versions. Translators have to be sensitive to the way words are

used and must know how the word fits into cultures. Example: the use of the

word „yes‟ versus „yeah‟ in America.

4. Linguistic translation: is concerned with equivalent meanings of the

constituent morphemes of the SL and grammatical form. Example: language

in a computer program and translation machine.

In his famous essay, On Linguistic Aspect of Translation, Jacobson in

Leonardi (2000) identifies three kinds of translation: intralingual translation

(monolingual translation), interlingual translation (bilingual or multilingual translation), and intersemiotic translation (verbal sign into non-verbal sign).

Intralingual translation refers to a translation in which verbal signs are interpreted by means of other signs of the same language. It happens within the same language

(monolingual). Interlingual translation is the one which refers to different languages whether it is bilingual or multilingual. Intersemiotic translation refers to an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of non-verbal sign systems.

2.4 Process of Translation

Before explaining the process of translation deeper, one thing to be considered is the meaning of process. Oxford Advance Learner's Dictionary (2000:1050) provides three definitions of process and the first one is appropriate with translation defining

14 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA process as a series of things that are done in order to achieve a particular result.

Another definition of process is also provided by Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia

(2002:899) defining process as rangkaian tindakan, pembuatan, atau pengolahan yang menghasilkan produk. Two definitions of process above can be concluded that to achieve certain goals, there are a series of actions should be conducted. The same matter also occurs in translation when a translator has to undergo a series of processes to translate texts from SL to TL as stated by translation experts below. Our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help.

However, the process of translation mentioned above is a very general way of looking at the translation procedure. Translation procedure is actually more difficult and complicated than such an overview might indicate. Larson (1984: 17) says that translation is concerned with a lexicon study, grammatical structure, communication, situation, and cultural context of the source language text, which is analyzed to determine its meaning.

Moreover, Newmark (1988:19) divides the process of translation into four levels namely the textual level, the referential level, the cohesive level, and the naturalness level. On the textual level, translators have to find the equivalence of SL grammar in

TL, translate its lexical units, and put them in the appropriate form of TL sentences.

However, there are some words having more than one meaning including idioms and figurative expressions in the source text and these are the task of translators in the referential level, to define the real meaning behind those expressions and put those meaning in the appropriate expressions in the target text. To link the textual and referential level, translators should advance to the next level namely cohesive level.

In this level, translators use connective words which can unite the text such as conjunctions, enumerations, reiterations, definite articles, general words, referential

15 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA synonyms, and punctuation marks (Newmark, 1988:23). In other words, to secure the meaning of the text, translators have to secure its form first because if the sentences in the text are not linked together, the readers will not get the meaning of the text.

Finally, on the last level, focusing on constructing translated texts, translators have to make sure that their translated texts make sense and read naturally for a certain kind of situation because the translated texts seem natural in one context, may not seem natural in other contexts. Nothing translators can do other than to read their whole translated texts, underline some unnatural expressions, and replace them with the more natural ones.

Nida and Taber (1974:33) cited in Munday (2001: 6) divide the process of translation into three stages namely:

1. Analyzing of the source language

The analyzing of the source language is the process in which grammatical

relationship and the meaning of words or its combination are analyzed.

2. Transferring the message of the source language

The transferring stage is the process in which the analyzed material in stage

one are transferred in the translator‟s mind from source language into target


3. Restructuring of the transferred message in the receptor language

The restructuring stage is the process in which the writer re-write or re-

express the material in such a way that the translation product is readable

and acceptable in terms of rules and style in the target language.

16 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.5 Method of Translation

Translation method is a method widely used in teaching foreign languages. The principle is premised in this method is that the mastery of foreign languages learned that can be achieved by exercises translation of languages taught in the mother tongue of students. The exercise of this translation is the main exercise in this method.

In their attempt to distinguish between methods, strategies, and techniques,

Molina and Albir (2002:507) define methods of translation as the way of a particular translation process that is carried out in terms of translator's objective, i.e., a global option that affects the whole texts and their definition is strengthened by Newmark

(1988:81) stating that translation methods relate to whole texts, while translation procedures are used sentences and the smaller units of language. It can be concluded that the result of translated texts is determined by the methods of translation used by translators because the aim and the intention of translators will affect the overall result of their translated texts. Newmark (1988:45) draws the methods of translation in the form of a diagram dividing them into SL emphasis such as word-for-word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, as well as semantic translation, and

TL emphasis such as adaptation, free translation, idiomatic translation, as well as communicative translation.


Source Language Emphasis Target Language Emphasis

Word-for-word Adaptation

Literal Free

Faithful Idiomatic

Semantic Communicative

Source: Newmark: 1988

2.5.1 Word-for-Word Translation

This method is used on the pre-translation phase where the TL words are directly put below the SL words as so called interlinear translation. Cultural words are translated literally out of the context. Translators only need to find the equivalent words from SL to TL but the position of those SL words remains intact in TL to understand the mechanism of TL and as Catford states (1965:25) to illustrate in a crude way differences structure between SL and TL for further studies.


SL : I can read

TL : Saya bisa membaca

2.5.2 Literal Translation

This method of translation is between word-for-word and free translation where the words are still translated out of context as in word-for-word translation but then they are placed based on the grammatical structure of TL. The SL grammatical forms are converted to their nearest target language equivalent. However, the lexical words are translated out of context.



TL : Jangan bawa tasku

2.5.3 Faithful Translation

In faithful translation, translators try to reproduce the contextual meaning of SL to TL and place them based on the grammatical structure of TL. Cultural words are translated but its grammatical and lexical abnormality still occurs. Faithful here means the translation attempt to be completely faithful to the intentions and text- realisation of the SL writer.


SL : Could you close the door?

TL :Dapatkah kamu menutup pintu?

2.5.4 Semantic Translation

This method of translation produces a more natural translation than the previous method since in semantic translation, the aesthetic element is taken into consideration and cultural words in SL are translated into its cultural equivalent in

TL. Semantic translation is more flexible than faithful translation which Newmark

(1988:46) says as an uncompromising and dogmatic method.


SL : She is a book-worm

TL : Dia adalah orang yang suka membaca

19 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.5.5 Adaptation Translation

Adaptation as 'the freest form of translation' is commonly used in translating poetries and script of plays where cultural conversions occur from SL to TL without changing the themes, characters, or plot of SL. Therefore, if translators want to adapt a script of play, for example, they have to maintain the characters and plot of the script while adapting only its dialogues from SL to TL.


SL : The rising sun is found not to be the rising sun

It is the world goes round

TL : Matahari ternyata bukan matahari terbit

Dialah yang sebenarnya mengorbit

2.5.6 Free Translation

In this method, the content of source text takes more priority than its form so paraphrase is commonly used to assure the message from source text can be clearly delivered to the readers of target text.


SL : Killing two birds with one stone

TL :Sambil menyelam minum air

2.5.7 Idiomatic Translation

When translators reach this method, their translations will not sound like translated texts anymore since in this method, the message is reproduced in TL with more natural and familiar expressions sometimes using colloquialisms and idioms which do not exist in SL.



TL : Kamu kelihatan ceria

2.5.8 Communicative Translation

This method prioritizes the elements of communication such as purpose of translation and readership (Machali, 2000:55), so translators have to translate the contextual meaning of SL both its language and its content to be acceptable and understandable for readers of TL who expect no difficulties in reading translated texts.


SL : Beware of dog

TL : Awas ada anjing

2.6. Translating the Literary Work

In translating literary work, the translator may face the linguistic, literary, aesthetic and socio-cultural problem. The linguistic problems include the collocation and absured. The aesthetic and literary problems are related with poetic structure, metaphorical expression and sound while the socio-cultural problems arise when the translator translates expression containing the four major cultural categories such ideas, ecology, behavior and products. Translating literary works is perhaps always more difficult, than translating other types of texts, because literary works have specific values, aesthetic and expressive values. The aesthetic function of the work shall emphasize the beauty of the words (diction), figurative language, metaphors, etc, while the expressive function shall put forwards the writer‟s thought (or the process of thought), emotion, etc. And the translator should try at her or his best to transfer these specific values into the target language.

21 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Based on Belloc, there are six general rules for the translator of prose texts, they are:

1. The translator should avoid his works word by word or sentence by sentence,

but should instead tackle the work as an overall unit and keep in mind the

whole sense of the work when carrying out his translation.

2. The translator should render idiom by idiom and idiom of their nature

demand translation into another from that of the original.

3. The translator should be rendered into an equivalent target language

intention, and as the weight that a given source language, expression may

have is often different from the weight of its counterpart in the target

language (stronger or could be weaker)if it translated literally the translator

might find it necessary to add words to make up for the difference.

4. The translator should avoid the pitfall of similar word in different languages,

for example of the sign „brutal‟ which signifies „serious‟ in French but has

different denotation in English.

5. The translator is advised to transmute „boldly; Belloc suggest that the essence

of translating is „the resurrection of an alien thing in a native body‟

6. The translator should never embellish. He does stress the need for the

translator to consider the prose texts as a structured whole whilst language.

He accepts that there is a moral responsibility to the original, but feels that the

translator process in order to provide the target language stylistic and

idiomatic norms.



Research method is a kind of systemic work plan in order to make its main purpose easier to achieve. This research method is arranged based on the problem analyzed and the main purpose of the research. The research method in this study covers research design, sources of data, data collecting method, data analysis method.

3.1 Research Design

Qualitative approach is used in this study. According to Arikunto (2010:27) states that qualitative approach is a kind of methods which does not use numeral when collecting data. The writer uses library research to get the data. Further this study also employed descriptive method to explain the data found in the unit analysis, using the proper theory and examples.

This research described the translation of poems and marked the data. Then, the writer collected and classified the data, and found what methods of translation in the translation of Sapardi Djoko Damono‟s poems into English by Harry Aveling. The last one, the writer found and classified how the methods of translation used in that translation‟s poems.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The object of this research is poems written by Sapardi Djoko Damono entitled

Sihir Hujan and its translation Black Magic Rain by Harry Aveling. The SL Bahasa

Indonesia and the TL is English. The writer analyze some titles of the Damono‟s poems, thereare Kami Bertiga, Di Depan Pintu, Hatiku Selembar Daun, Apakah,

23 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Sehabis Percakapan, Bertebaran Sayap, Percik-Percik Cahaya, Kugenggam Erat,

Salamku Matahari, Maka Perpisahan, Seruling, Hitam Berkata, Ditangan Anak-

Anak, Ruangan Ini, Sunyi Yang Lebat, Percakapan, Sihir Hujan, Dendam,

Kuhentikan Hujan, Kamar, Aku Tengah Menantimu translated into English by Harry

Aveling, Three of Us, Outside The Door, My Heart Is A Leaf, The Problem, After

Conversation, Spreading Wings, Splashes Of Light, I Hold The Flowers, Hello!Sun,

Explosion, Flute, Black Said, In Children‟s Hand, The Room, Endless Silence, Black

Magic Rain, Bitterness, I Stop The Rain, The Room, I Wait For You.

The data of poems was taken from internet where the second volume of poems produced under the Department’s Literature Series started in 1993- the first being a collection of poems by Sutardji Calzoum Bachri.

This volume published for Academic Session 1994/95 ISBN 9971-62-353-6 in

Department of Malay Studies National University of Singapore.

3.3 Data Collecting Method

The writer collects the data poems of Indonesian and English version took from the internet. In process of analyzing the methods of translation, the first step that the writer did was collecting the data from many written linguistics that talk about translation especially related to methods of the translation and compared them to find out the method of translation and how the Damono‟s poems translated into English.

3.4 Data Analyzing Method

In dealing with method of analysis, the writer will describe the translation especially in methods of translation that translator used and this analysis using descriptive qualitative method, too. During the process of analysis, the writer use

24 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA grammar book and translation book to describe the methods of translation. But, the writer use descriptive method to analysis the data

The steps in the data analysis are as follows:

1. Reading the SL and TL text which would be analyzed

2. Analyzing and searching for the data what methods of translation can be

found in the translation of Sapardi Djoko Damono‟s poems into English by

Harry Aveling.

3. Displaying the data in table

4. Collecting and classifying the data

5. Classifying the specific about how methods of translation used in

6. Checking in dictionary

7. Drawing the conclusion



This chapter presents the data analysis to answer the problem of the research.

The problem is formulated in order to know the methods and how the method used in translating Damono‟s poems “Sihir Hujan” into“Black Magic Rain” by Harry

Aveling. Based on data analysis, the writer found 6 methods from 8 methods of the translation according the Newmark‟s theory such as word for word translation, literal translation, free translation, adaptation translation, faithful translation and idiomatic translation. There is no semantic translation and communicative translation.

4.1 Analysis

The researcher collected, analyzed, and compared the translation methods, which are shown in “Sihir Hujan” into “Black Magic Rain”. Then, the researcher describes the Translation Method used by the translator and gives its analysis of each sample. The researcher also gives a code for the data collection. This can be written in this following structure:

Code Translation Method 001/1/SL-1/TL SL TL

1. SL : Source Language (Indonesian)

2. TL : Target Language (English)

26 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Number of Translation Method/Source Language-Page/Target Language-


Translation methods in “Sihir Hujan” poems translated into “Black Magic


There are 8 types of Translation Method which are adapted from Newmark

(1988:45). They are Word for Word Translation, Free Translation, Literal

Translation, Faithful Translation, Semantic Translation, Idiomatic Translation, adaptation Translation, and Communicative Translation. Below are some examples of Translation Methods:

4.1.1 Word for Word Translation

Word for word Translation Method is the source language is translated word by word. They are translated using word for word translation method as follows:

The title of the Damono‟s poems is Hitam Berkata translated into English Black Said has 4 lines. This poem also used Word for Word Translation Method. Some of the example:

Code 12/186/SL-186/TL Translation Method SL hitam tenggelam kedalam putih Word For Word

TL black sank into white Translation

27 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The third line of this poem in the source language above is translated using

Word for Word Translation method. It is because the words are translated singly in their most common meanings. The words in the source language have the same construction in target language. The clause hitam tenggelam kedalam putih here but translator used word for word translation by translating literally it as black sank into white.

It shows that the word hitam in the source language means black, tenggelam means sank, kedalam means into, and putih means white. This is often interlinear translation, with the target language immediately below the source language. The translator use word-for-word translation is either to understand the mechanics of the source language or to construe a difficult text as a pre-translation process.

This line used simple present tense to translation the source language (SL). The translator didn‟t change or made the equivalence because it probably the reader can understand what the message. The translator makes its translation word by word. The grammatically, there is S+V+O. In the source language (SL) “hitam” as subject,

“tenggelam” as verb, “kedalam” as conjunction and “putih” as object. It‟s same form in the target language (TL), “black” as subject, “sank” as verb, “into” as conjunction, and “white” as object in the sentence. The writer thinks that the translator make the

SL message can be delivered well to the reader without make a change because the translator knows about the culture especially in religious. Besides, the writer thinks that the author‟s text is the connotation or like a figurative language. Based on the SL

“Hitam tenggelam kedalam putih” the writer mentions that nowadays, all the people in this world ever make a wickedness or fault and they proud of themselves fault than make a bad things like help another people. Many people like steal or kill someone than praying to their created. How the egoist and arrogant they are. It seems like a

28 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA human live who lives full of the mistake. The author‟s make a connotation word for this beautiful message.

The title of the Damono‟s poems is Kamar translated into English The Room has 12 lines. This poem also used Word for Word Translation Method. Some of the example:

Code 20/169/SL-168/TL Translation Method SL suara langkahku, nafasku Word For Word

TL my footsteps, my breath Translation

The third line of this poem in the source language above is translated using

Word for Word Translation method. It is because the words are translated singly in their most common meanings. The words in the source language have the same construction in target language. The phrase suara langkahku, nafasku here but translator used word for word translation by translating literally it as my footsteps, breath,

It shows that the phrase suara langkahku in the source language means my footsteps, and nafasku means my breath. This is often interlinear translation, with the target language immediately below the source language. The translator use word- for-word translation is either to understand the mechanics of the source language or to construe a difficult text as a pre-translation process.

This line used a simple word. The both phrase in this line has same form. The translator makes the translated word by word. It‟s not complete sentence because the author often use unclear and short sentence. In the SL “suara langkahku, nafasku”

29 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA into English “my footsteps, my breath” in the TL, it means that the translator knows well the culture of the author that “-ku” means “aku or saya”. So, the translator used pronoun “my” for the equivalent because English has possessive pronoun “my” for translated “-ku”. It is the different structure grammar between Bahasa and English.

In addition, this line, the writer thinks that the author‟s text show when the people passed away, they can run and walk or breathless. Then, the writer thinks that when someone dead he or she can see or hear that footstep and anything in this life. He or she can talk, eat, see, hear or feel the time run away again. The author wants to tell the reader that spends your time as good as possible because if you die maybe cannot do or say something that you like or do before.

The title of the Damono‟s poems is Kuhentikan Hujan translated into English I Stop the Rain has 9 lines. This poem also used Word for Word Translation Method. Some of the example:

Code 19/164/SL-164/TL Translation Method SL dan cahaya matahari Word For Word

TL and the sunlight. Translation

The seventh line of this poem in the source language above is translated using

Word for Word Translation method. It is because the words are translated singly in their most common meanings. The words in the source language have the same construction in target language. The dependent clause dan cahaya matahari here but translator used word for word translation by translating literally it as and the sunlight.

30 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA It shows that the word dan in the source language means and, the sunlight means cahaya matahari. This is often interlinear translation, with the target language immediately below the source language. The translator use word-for-word translation is either to understand the mechanics of the source language or to construe a difficult text as a pre-translation process.

This line used a simple word. The both phrase in this line has same form. The translator makes the translated word by word. It‟s not complete sentence because the author often use unclear and short sentence. This line, the writer thinks that the author‟s text show when the people passed away, they can run and walk or breathless. Then, the writer thinks that all things and the human being created of

God. Everything that we cannot do as a human, only God can do it. So, don‟t feel high class, beautiful, handsome, cleverer, kinder, richer because it‟s only God to do that‟s all because He created live in this life. He is the king of this world and the last day. Human cannot stop the rain and make the sunlight because only the created can do make those real.

The title of the Damono‟s poems is Hitam Berkata translated into English Black Said has 4 lines. This poem also used Word for Word Translation Method. Some of the example:

Code 12/186/SL-186/TL Translation Method SL hitam berkata kepada putih Word For Word

TL black said to white Translation

31 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The third line of this poem in the source language above is translated using

Word for Word Translation method. It is because the words are translated singly in their most common meanings. The words in the source language have the same construction in target language. The clause hitam berkata kepada putih here but translator used word for word translation by translating literally it as black said to white.

It shows that the word hitam in the source language means black, berkata means said, kepada means to, and putih means white. This is often interlinear translation, with the target language immediately below the source language. The translator use word-for-word translation is either to understand the mechanics of the source language or to construe a difficult text as a pre-translation process.

This line used simple present tense to translation the source language (SL). The translator didn‟t change or made the equivalence because it probably the reader can understand what the message. The translator makes its translation word by word. The grammatically, there is S+V+O. In the source language (SL) “hitam” as subject,

“berkata” as verb, “kepada” as conjunction and “putih” as object. It‟s same form in the target language (TL), “black” as subject, “said” as verb, “to” as conjunction, and

“white” as object in the sentence. The writer thinks that the translator make the SL message can be delivered well to the reader without make a change because the translator knows about the culture especially in religious. Besides, the writer thinks that the author‟s text is the connotation or like a figurative language. Based on the SL

“Hitam berkata kepada putih” the writer mentions that nowadays, the black world win than the white world because human or people always do the criminals and fault so it makes the good people enough. It means that people not afraid about their wickedness and their created. The writer also thinks that the law in this world is not make the people scared but what people do in this world they will be responsible in

32 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA front of God in last day‟s life. The author‟s make a connotation word for this beautiful message.

4.1.2 Literal Translation

Literal translation Method is the source language grammatical forms that are converted to their nearest target language equivalent. They are translated using literal translation method as follows:

The title of the Damono‟s poems is Kuhentikan Hujan translated into English I Stop

The Rain has 9 lines. Most of this poem used Literal Translation Method. Some of the example:

Code Translation Method 19/164/SL-163/TL SL menembus tanah basah; Literal

TL thrusting through the wet earth Translation

The fifth line of this poem in the source language above is translated using

Literal Translation method. It is because translator tries to make it sound natural in the target language. The translator translate the word menembus singly but rather converted the word order in the source language to the two which is acceptable in the target language construction. Menembus itself means through, but the translator translated menembus freely into thrusting through, because he wants the target readers to understand what it meant by the word menembus in the target language.

33 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA It‟s not complete sentence because the author often use unclear and short sentence. Grammatically, the SL word “menembus” translated into English become

“thrusting through” the phrase in the TL. It shows that the shift happen of the translation. The shift occurs when the translation equivalent of a SL item is a member of a different class from the original item called class shift. It is the theory of

Catford (1965:79). This line, the writer thinks that the author‟s text show when the people passed away, they can run and walk or breathless. Then, the writer thinks that all things and the human being created of God. Everything that we cannot do as a human, only God can do it. So, don‟t feel more high class, more kind, more rich because it‟s only God to do all because He created live in this life. Human cannot stop the rain and make the sunlight because only the created can do make those real.

The title of the Damono‟s poems is Kugenggam Erat translated into English I Hold the Flowers has 4 lines. Most of this poem used Literal Translation Method. Some of the example:


08/178/SL-178/TL Translation Method

SL setelah mereka reda Literal

TL when they have gone, Translation

The third line of this poem in the source language above is translated using

Literal Translation method. It is because translator tries to make it sound natural in the target language. The translator translate the word reda singly but rather converted the word order in the source language to the two which is acceptable in the target language construction. Reda itself means go, but the translator translated reda

34 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA freely into have gone, because he wants the target readers to understand what it meant by the word reda in the target language. The different rule of the sentence structure have gone in the word reda occurs that there is the different structure to translated Indonesian into English. The other word, in the dictionary reda translated with let up and the meaning of have gone is telah pergi.

As a pre-translation process, this indicates the problems to be solve.

It‟s not complete sentence because the author often use unclear and short sentence for each line. Grammatically, the SL “reda” is a word translated into

English “have gone” in the TL. It means that the translator faced some problem to translate “reda” in English. The translator used “have gone” for “reda” means that the author makes the sense of disappear. This line tells about the children plays with their father and their mother only look at them as usual because father usually busy to work and mother always beside them to keep their kids. Because of that, the children want to play with their father. The writer thinks that the author wants to tell the reader about family. If the women got married and they have children, they must be keep themselves from another man and keep their family. As wife, they support their husband working and serve them. They try to be a good wife and good mother for their family.

The title of the Damono‟s poems is Kami Bertiga translated into English Three of Us has 4 lines. This poem also used Literal Translation Method. Some of the example:

35 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Code Translation Method 01/160/SL-160/TL SL takpeduli darahku atau darah kata Literal

TL my blood or the blood of the word Translation

The first line of this poem in the source language above is translated using

Literal Translation method. It is because translator tries to make it sound natural in the target language. The translator did not translate the word tak peduli because it means the translator make the equivalent without changes the meaning of.

The translator also did not translate of and the singly but rather converted the word order in the source language to the two which is acceptable in the target language construction. He left the words of and the untranslated to comply with the intended construction in the target language.

This line, in the SL phrase “tak peduli”, it is not translate in the TL because it not change the message from the SL. The translator tries to make a simple translation for the reader to understand. The translator used article the or of the for presents the

TL text to show the different structure in English. Then, the writer also S thinks that the author wants to tell the reader about the human being-social. When someone makes the relationship, they often got a different think and different opinion or idea.

They can break up their relationship with small thing and sometimes different think ways.

The title of the Damono‟s poems is Sunyi Yang Lebat translated into English Endless

Silent has 6 lines. Most of this poem used Literal Translation Method. Some of the example:


19/164/SL-163/TL Translation Method

SL mencari jejak pancaindera Literal

TL searching for the imprint of the senses Translation

The fifth line of this poem in the source language above is translated using

Literal Translation method. It is because translator tries to make it sound natural in the target language.

The translator also did not translate the and of the singly but rather converted the word order in the source language to the two which is acceptable in the target language construction. He left the words the and of the untranslated to comply with the intended construction in the target language.

It‟s not complete sentence because the author often use unclear and short sentence for each line. In this line, the SL word “mencari” translated phrase

“searching for” in the TL. It shows that the shift happen of the translation. The shift occurs when the translation equivalent of a SL item is a member of a different class from the original item called class shift. For the article the or of the, the translator not translate it word by word because the translator want the text SL original in transferring the message.

The translator thinks that the author wants to tell the reader about people make this earth broken up. They cut the trees in the forest and they kill the animals for own business. They did not know that they do can make flood and make the animals usual we eat lost. They make a victim for their life.

37 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.1.3 Free Translation

Free Translation Method is reproducing the matter or the context without the form of original. They are translated using free translation methods as follows:

The title of the Damono‟s poems is Sihir Hujan translated into English Black Magic

Rain has 8 lines. Most of this poem used Free Translation Method. Some of the example:

Code Translation Method 17/162/SL-162/TL SL waktu menangkap wahyu yang harus Free kaurahasiakan TL as it touchesyour deepest secret Translation

The eight line of this poem in the source language above is translated using Free

Translation method. It is because translator tries to understand the matter or the context without the form of the original. Compared to literal translation, due to the reason of preserving mainly the message of source language not the construction or style. The clause waktu menangkap wahyu yang harus kaurahasiakan has different translating in the target language as it touches your deepest secret.

Grammatically, there is S + V but it can be said as complete sentence because there is conjunction “as” at the beginning of phrase. There is pronoun “your” which is refers to the word “wahyu” in the SL. Then, the word “deepest” in TL as an adjective which is expresses very strongly felt or experienced and usually lasting longtime. The phrase “waktu menangkap wahyu yang harus kau rahasiakan” does not exist in the TL; the translator tries to deliver what the author‟s SL thought into other words by idiomatic expression. Unfortunately, it‟s a little beat hard to

38 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA understand English idioms. In other hands, English idiom are not suitable in

Indonesian language which have different culture and the forms of grammar so that the readers SL does not get the message of what the author‟s SL means in the TL.

In this line is stressed by word “touch” that represent the SL phrase “menangkap wahyu” is not reliable and does not have the same meaning. Meanwhile, wahyu can be defined as petunjuk Alloh hanya kepada nabi dan rasul melalui mimpi. The writer thinks that the translator make the SL message can‟t be delivered well to the reader because the translator does not know about the culture especially in religious statement of the author‟s SL into TL. While, Benny stated in his book that the message SL are determined by SL‟s particular intention. Moreover, the writer tries to concern in the real meaning that there is something difficult to explain even though the SL phrase uses a simple language but in the TL meaning have many possibilities to explore by using aesthetic values.

4.1.4 Faithful Translation

Faithful translation is tries to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraint of the target language grammatical structures. It transfers cultural words and faithfully follows the source language grammatical forms. They are translated using faithful translation methods as follows:

The title of the Damono‟s poems is Sihir Hujan translated into English Black Magic

Rain has 8 lines. Most of this poem used Faithful Translation Method. Some of the example:

39 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Code Translation Method 17/162/SL-162TL SL Hujan mengenal baik pohon, jalan Faithful

TL The rain knows the trees, the roads Translation

The first line of this poem in the source language above is translated using

Faithful Translation method. It is because the translator translated in the source language is the same as its literally meaning in the target language. Literally the words hujan mengenal baik pohon, jalan into the rain knows the trees, the roads, but translator keep be faith by using the rain knows the trees, the roads in the target language.

The translator uses faithful translation to express the same feeling with the author‟s SL. Grammatically, word “hujan” is a subject of noun in the first line is transfer into “rain” and the translator adds “the” as determiner and uses simple present tense. Uses faithful translation in this data is suitable to describe about the distinctive beauty of rain that seems to be mysterious. In this line, there is an element of metaphor and using imagery that is function to support the description about how the rain implies to the magic is? The writer thinks this line uses imagery visual; which the author describes several objects such as trees, roads, gutters make the readers imagine the sights when it rains drenching the object. For example, in phrase

“hujan mengenal baik,” the word “mengenal” translated into “know” can be defined to be familiar with or have experience and understanding of. Besides, the writer also argue about the phrase “hujan megenal baik pohon, jalan,” have methaporical meaning in TL. The writer argues that the phrase “mengenal baik” refers to the word

“hujan” where the rain likes a human that can recognize other creatures. In this case the author treats t e rain as metaphor itself. So, in this line the author wants to express

40 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the SL‟s message through metaphor (use standard metaphor) and there is no change which the translator does grammatically.

The translator attempts to explain what the author means; what the message contained in this line that the writer thinks there is a hidden meaning to be conveyed in phrase “hujan mengenal baik pohon, jalan,” that is related to our life that we must learn how to live such as the rain that can respect to each object that is around even the rain was able to explore aspects of human life that is often discounted, especially the problems of life. In real life, people often avoids when they faced to difficult situation in which a human being is equipped with the gift of a reasonable minds; the man supposed to be known what is right and wrong. While, mengenal is defined as mempunyai rasa. Through the word “mengenal” proves that human is expected to be more sensitive to everything around them. As Newmark (1998) said that poetry present the things in order to convey the feeling, in particularly, and however concrete the language each represents something else_ a feeling, a behavior, a view of life as well as itself”.

4.1.5 Idiomatic Translation

Idiomatic translation Method is reproduces the message of the source text but tend to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialism and idioms. They are translated using free translation methods as follows:

The title of the Damono‟s poems is Hitam Berkata translated into English Black Said has 4 lines. This poem also used Idiomatic Translation Method. Some of the example:

41 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Code Translation Method 12/186/SL-186/TL SL "aku luntur,kau tahu, dan kau kena Idiomatic hitamku." TL Translation "if I run, I will spoil you."

The third line of this poem in the source language above is translated using

Idiomatic Translation method. A translation is included into idiomatic translation method if its translation sounds originally like written in the source language (SL). It means the result of translation is not like a result of translation. The result of the translation should sound natural like how the speaker of the target language said it.

The translator uses Idiomatic Translation Method by translating "aku luntur, kau tahu, dan kau kena hitamku." Into "if I run, I will spoil you." The translator translated it directly like its meaning in the source language. It makes the translation result seems like written by the real speaker, and it is not like a translation sentence.

The sentence "aku luntur,kau tahu, dan kau kena hitamku." in source language is translated into "if I run, I will spoil you." in the target language because in the poems many word, phrase, clause or sentence sounds like real there. It is like a man who talking to someone but nothing and it called aesthetic function where aesthetic function of the work shall emphasize the beauty of the words (diction), figurative language, metaphors, etc, while the expressive function shall put forwards the writer‟s thought (or the process of thought), emotion, etc. And the translator should try at her or his best to transfer these specific values into the target language.

In the SL, the translator using conjunction but in the TL is not translated and not complete. The translator used the equivalent to translate the target language.

The writer thinks that nowadays, the black world win than the white world because human or people always do the criminals and fault so it makes the good people enough. It means that people not afraid about their wickedness and their

42 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA created. The writer also thinks that the punish in this world is not make the people scared but the last life they do in this world will be responsible in front of God. The author‟s make a connotation word for this beautiful message.

The title of the Damono‟s poems is Sihir Hujan translated into English Black Magic

Rain has 8 lines. Most of this poem used Free Translation Method. Some of the example:

Code 17/162/SL-162/TL Translation Method menyihirmu agar sama sekali tak sempat SL Idiomatic mengaduh TL weaving spells so one complains Translation

The seventh line of this poem in the source language above is translated using

Idiomatic Translation method. A translation is included into idiomatic translation method if its translation sounds originally like written in the source language (SL). It means the result of translation is not like a result of translation. The result of the translation should sound natural like how the speaker of the target language said it.

The translator uses Idiomatic Translation Method by translating menyihirmu agar sama sekali tak sempat mengaduh into weaving spells so one complains. The translator translated it directly like its meaning in the source language. It makes the translation result seems like written by the real speaker, and it is not like a translation sentence.

43 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The clause menyihirmu agar sama sekali tak sempat mengaduh in source language is translated into weaving spells so one complains in the target language because in the poems many word, phrase, clause or sentence sounds like real there. It is like a man who talking to someone but nothing and it called aesthetic function where aesthetic function of the work shall emphasize the beauty of the words (diction), figurative language, metaphors, etc, while the expressive function shall put forwards the writer‟s thought (or the process of thought), emotion, etc. And the translator should try at her or his best to transfer these specific values into the target language.

In the SL “menyihirmu agar sama sekali tak sempat mengaduh”, the translator uses phrase “no one” in the TL is to implicit the phrase “agar sama sekali” and pronoun “mu”. Besides that, the phrase “no one” is considered more appropriate to express SL phrase because the translator think about the power of that word can produce images (especially images of feeling) and support the word “menyihir” which claimed as figurative language so that the function of figurative language is able to excite emotion from the author‟s feeling. As Perrin (1995: 83) says

“Figurative language is a way to increase the intensity of the feeling of the poetry and convey his attitude.” The word no one defined as tak seorang pun; which is resumes between ”agar sama sekali” and the pronoun “mu” in the SL tells about no human can‟t be complained or escape to what something will happen. Then, the TL message stresses by using word “weaving spells” that if the translator transfer it phrase word by word it will be ambiguous meaning becomes “menenun mantra” in the SL. While, weaving (weave + ing) defined as to make cloth by repeatedly crossing a single thread through two sets of long threads on a loom (special frame).

Spells means spoken words which are thought to have magical power or (condition of being inder) the influence or control of such words (magic). Meanwhile, in Bahasa

44 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA sihir defined as memukai, memesona, membuat sangat terpikat (penonton dsb). So, the translator uses idiomatic expression to represent the SL word “menyihir” into

“weaving spells”. In the meaning, there is figurative meaning in phrase

“menyihirmu”; through the rain, the author to imply that the rain is a gift of God that we can‟t deny a lot of blessings and benefits for human survival. Moreover, the figurative meaning in the SL is representation of the author‟s spiritual experience about the majesty of God creating the rain.

4.1.6 Adaptation Translation

Adaptation Translation Method is used reproduce for the deplorable practice of having a play or poem literally translated and then rewritten by an established dramatist or poet has reproduced many poor adaptation, but other adaptation have

„rescued‟ period plays. They are translated using free translation methods as follows:

The title of the Damono‟s poems is Hatiku Selembar Daun translated into English

My Heart is a leaf has 4 lines. This poem also used Adaptation Translation Method.

Some of the example:

Code Translation Method 03/167/SL-167/TL sesaat adalah abadi sebelum kusapu SL Adaptation tamanmu setiap pagi the moment before you farewell your TL Translation morning guest is eternity

The eighth line of this poem in the source language above is translated using

Adaptation Translation method. It is because translator tries to translated plays comedies and especially poetry; the themes, characters, plots, are usually preserved, the Source Language culture converted to the Target Language culture and the text

45 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA rewritten. The clause sesaat adalah abadi sebelum kusapu tamanmu setiap pagi into the moment before you farewell your morning guest is eternity is the deplorable practice of having a play or poem literally translated and then rewritten by an established dramatist or poet has reproduced many poor adaptations, but other adaptations have „rescued‟ period plays.

This line used the structure that difficult to understanding. It‟s the poem with the mystery message there. The writer thinks that the author wants to tell the reader about people always forget to thanks God and pray. Like we feel now, all people more like to continue their activities than pray to God or some people forgot to thanks when they get many things in their life. For grammatically, the translator make adapted with the clause “sesaat adalah abadi sebelum kusapu tamanmu setiap pagi” translated into “the moment before you farewell your morning guest is eternity”. The translator try to transfer the message based on the culture of the reader.

It means that culture of the reader is very important to know for translator because it possible happen the ambiguity word from the translation.


Table 4.1 shows the findings of the method used in the poems Sihir Hujan translated into Black Magic Rain.

Table 4.2 Translation Methods used in the Sihir Hujan poem translated into

Black Magic Rain.

No. Translation Method Quantity 1 Word for Word Translation 32

2 Literal Translation 78

3 Free Translation 9

4 Faithful Translation 2

5 Idiomatic Translation 3

6 Adaptation Translation 1

According to the table 4.1 above, it can be seen that the translating methods used in “Sihir Hujan” poems translated into “Black Magic Rain” are word for word translation, literal translation, free translation, faithful translation, adaptation translation and idiomatic translation.

Literal translation method is more frequently used because the translator tries to keep the meaning in the source language coverts construction of the source language into intended construction of the target language.

Word for word method is less frequently used because the translator tries to understand the mechanics and find the equivalent word from source language or to construe a difficult text as a pre translation process.

47 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Free translation method is reproducing the matter or the context without the form of the original. Compared to literal translation, due to the reason of preserving mainly the message of source language not the construction or style.

Faithful translation method is used to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraint of grammatical structures in the target language.

Idiomatic translation method is used to reproduce the message of the source language but tend to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialism and idioms.

Adaptation translation method is used reproduce for the deplorable practice of having a play or poem literally translated and then rewritten by an established dramatist or poet has reproduced many poor adaptation, but other adaptation have

„rescued‟ period plays.

There are no some methods of translation such as Semantic Translation and

Communicative translation.



5.1 Conclusion

The conclusion is described based on the formulated research questions in the first chapter, whereas the suggestion is intended to give information to the next researchers who are interested in analyzing data using the same theory. After analyzing the research findings and discussing them, the researcher draws the conclusion and also gives suggestion to next researchers who are interested in doing similar research.

The purpose of the researchers conducts the Translation Methods found in translation literary work “Sihir Hujan” Poems translated into “Black Magic Rain”.

All the data are 51 title‟s poems. The writer only analyze 21 titles of poems for

125 sentences and the writer found out 5 kinds out of 8 translation methods in translation literary work Sapardi Djoko Damono “Sihir Hujan” Poems translated into

English “Black Magic Rain” by Harry Aveling. The writer was found the methods of translation, there are Word for Word Translation, Literal Translation, Free

Translation, Adaptation Translation Faithful Translation and Idiomatic Translation.

There are no Semantic Translation, and Communicative translation.

The researcher found Word for Word Translation (32), Literal Translation (78),

Free Translation (9), Adaptation Translation (1), Faithful Translation (2) and

Idiomatic Translation (3), Semantic Translation and Communicative translation (0).

Based on the analysis, the writer found Literal Translation because most of the poems used literal meaning. Literal Translation Method is more frequently used because the translator tries to keep the meaning and the message in the source

49 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA language coverts construction of the source language into intended construction of the target language.

5.2 Suggestion

From the statement above, the suggestion would like to be given to the students of Faculty of Cultural Studies, especially English Department in University of

Sumatera Utara, the people and the translators who want to translate Indonesian text into English. They have to comprehend and master the basic theory of translation, especially translation methods.

Furthermore, the translators should pay attention to the following suggestion:

1. They must be more careful in using translation methods in order to make a

better translation

2. They must choose the closest and the most appropriate method in translating

a text so that the result of the translation can be understood easily.

3. Hopefully the result of this study will be able to provide valuable information

and knowledge about translation, especially the translation methods.


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