
Parish of The Holy Spirit, Bovey Tracey & , Ugbrooke part of the R.C. Diocese of Plymouth. Charity Number 213227

Parish Priest: Father Pat Costello Secretary: Mrs Angie Hill The Presbytery, Ashburton Road, Office hours: Tuesday – Friday 9.00am – 1.30pm Bovey Tracey, Devon, TQ13 9BY E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 01626 833432 Website: http://www.holyspiritbovey.org Safeguarding: Marian Lancaster 07761 058653 Cheques: PRCDTR Bovey & Chudleigh RC Parish Sunday 20th June 2021 TWELFTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Year B PSALTER 4 Sunday 20 June 8.45am Mass, Ugbrooke (People of the Parish) Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time 10.30am Mass, Bovey Tracey ------Monday 21 June NO MASS ------Tuesday 22 June 10.00am Mass ST JOHN FISHER & ST FEAST ------Wednesday 23 June NO MASS ------Thursday 24 June NO MASS THE NATIVITY OF ST SOL ------Friday 25 June NO MASS ------Saturday 26 June NO MASS ------Sunday 27 June 8.45am Mass, Ugbrooke Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time 10.30am Mass, Bovey Tracey (People of the Parish)

PLEASE NOTE whilst Churches are open for the celebration of Mass we are reminded strongly that the COVID-19 rules still apply, so care must be taken to ensure that names and contact numbers are recorded, hands sanitised on entry and exit from church, face coverings are worn and that social distancing is maintained. The latter is particularly important when coming to receive Communion and when leaving the Church.

PLEASE PRAY for Albert Lawes who will be ordained to the Priesthood for the Diocese, at the Cathedral on 25 June.

SUNDAY REFLECTION: Why are you so frightened? Fear plays too large a part in our lives. Love casts our fear, and God’s love endures for ever. Fear maybe due to a lack of faith that God really cares for us. Christ may be seem to be asleep, but he is with us always, and has the power to calm even the stormiest troubles of our lives.

HYMN FOR THIS SUNDAY: The Lord is alive! Alleluia!

1. The Lord is alive! Alleluia! 2. He brings us great joy! Alleluia! He dwells in our midst! Alleluia! He fills us with hope! Alleluia! Give praise to his name He comes as our food, throughout all the world! he gives us our life! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

3. So let us rejoice! Alleluia! 4. The Lord is alive! Alleluia! Give praise to the Lord! Alleluia! So let us proclaim, alleluia, He showed us his love, the Good News of Christ by him we are saved! throughout all the world! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

5. Christ Jesus has died! Alleluia! 6. Sing praises to God, alleluia, Christ Jesus is ris’n! Alleluia! who reigns without end! Alleluia! Christ Jesus will come The Father, the Son, again as the Lord! and Spirit – all one! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

POPE’S INTENTIONS FOR JUNE: Intention for evangelization – The beauty of marriage. Let us pray for young people who are preparing for marriage with the support of a Christian community: may they grow in love, with generosity, faithfulness and patience. See also https://thepopevideo.org/

LIVE STREAMS: ’s Daily Mass: Daily Mass with Pope Francis

Plymouth Cathedral: Mass daily at 10.00am available on the Diocese YouTube Channel https://www.plymouthcathedral.co.uk/ https://www.plymouth-diocese.org.uk/

Bishop’s Conference: Bishop's Conference https://www.cbcew.org.uk/home/news-and-media/news/

SAINTS OF THE WEEK: 22nd June: Sts John Fisher and Thomas More – Both men were executed by Henry VIII for refusing the take the Oath of Supremacy. Fisher (1469-1535) was a devoted bishop and a fine scholar. More (1478– 1535) was also a celebrated scholar and the first lay Lord Chancellor of . He is patron saint of lawyers. 24th June: Birth of St John The Baptist. John the Baptist was the forerunner of Christ and as such a pivotal figure in our salvation history. The significance of this particular feast, however, lies in the fact that it falls on the summer solstice and so was used to attract people away from paganism. (Patron of motorways!).

INVITATION TO PRAYER: Bishop Mark and the Bishops of England and would like all people of faith to pray daily at 6pm, where they are, at this time, for an end to the pandemic. For Catholics, this is a traditional time to pray the Angelus. During times of great hardship or upheaval, in history, Our Lady has often appeared to her people carrying the rosary. This is how Bishop Mark hopes to mark that moment of 6pm each day, following the Angelus.

NEW DATE FOR THE CATHOLIC CHILDREN’S SOCIETY (PLYMOUTH) ANNUAL MASS The date of this year’s CCSP Annual Mass has been changed from Thursday 17th June to Tuesday 13th July. The Mass is being held at Buckfast Abbey at 2.00pm and children from the local school choir will be performing. All are welcome to attend and if you would like to join in, please contact the CCSP office on 01364 645420 or email [email protected]

Online Event: The God Who Speaks Through Creation Following the launch of the Diocesan Environmental Policy, you are invited to join Caritas Plymouth at an online reflection and discussion on how God speaks to us through His creation. This event will be on Saturday 17th July at 10-11.30am via Zoom. Join Bishop Mark O’Toole to reflect on climate change, our Diocesan Environment Policy and the call to be Stewards of Creation. The Guest Speaker is Sister Margaret Atkins OSA, a Canoness of St Augustine in the community at Boarbank Hall, Cumbria. She is a lecturer and author in theology with special interest in the ethics of the environment. To register for this event please visit: https://forms.office.com/r/6zMtmFn2fJ or email [email protected] or call 01364 653421.

Mental Health and Covid-19: The ongoing pandemic will cause many people to feel stress and anxiety. Caritas Plymouth has put together a range of resources to guide Catholics in looking after their mental health including access to prayer resources and links to organisations offering support. https://www.plymouth-diocese.org.uk/wp- content/uploads/2020/12/Mental-Health-Note.pdf

NEWSLETTER: Copies of the Weekly Newsletter and Sunday Message are available on our website www.holyspiritbovey.org For those who cannot access it, please let Angie know if you would like a copy posted to you. Newsletter items can be sent in by email or please call Angie. Please note the deadline is Wednesday at 11am.

PLEASE CONTINUE TO REMEMBER IN OUR PRAYERS OUR SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: Bishop Christopher, Ronald Asbury, Nick Martin, Susan Smith, Horton, Pamela Lekis, Mary-Lou Daniels, Elizabeth Newton, Mary Colver, George Lentern, Chelsea Fowler, Richard Dowse, Peter Dowse, Adriene O’Mara, Diana & Ron Linfield, Colin & Maureen Parnell, Mai Clifford, Jean Humphrey, Jill Huish, John Long, Christine & John Horton, Claire Bovill, Pat Smith, Tony Potter & please remember in our prayers all the priests in our diocese who are ill. At this time we remember in particular both those who are suffering with the coronavirus and those looking after them.

COLLECTIONS: Thank you to all who contribute so generously.

DAY FOR LIFE: Please support the crucial work of Day for Life by giving to the second collection being held TODAY. Information about the use of the Day for Life collection can be found at www.dayforlife.org

PETER’S PENCE: There will be a retiring collection at all Masses on Sunday 27th June – our offering we make to our Holy Father as a sign of our communion with him, and for him to use for the proclamation of the Faith.

SEA SUNDAY: Sunday 11th July is Sea Sunday, when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. There will be a second collection for Apostleship of the Sea, the official maritime welfare agency of the . It provides practical and spiritual support to seafarers visiting our ports. As it is dependent on voluntary contributions, please give generously. For more information about its work, visit www.apostleshipofthesea.org.uk

RED BOXES: During 2020 our Red Box collections raised £288.57. Many thanks on behalf of Missio and the Mill Hill Missionaries. The communities supported by them are living in such difficult circumstances, made even harder by COVID-19, and your efforts and donations are much appreciated. Red Box collection dates for 2021 will be in July and December, and a reminder will be posted nearer the dates. Thank you – Reg Gregory.

SAFEGUARDING: Our parish Safeguarding Representative is Marian Lancaster: if you have any enquiries or concerns about Safeguarding please contact Marian in confidence on 07761 058653. The Diocese of Plymouth’s Safeguarding Team is available on: 01364 645430 or by email on [email protected] SAFE SPACES: The Safe Spaces team is there for those who have experienced church-related abuse of any kind through its helpline and live chat service between Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm, apart from Thursdays when the service is open 12-8pm. Tel: 0300 303 1056, Email: [email protected], LiveChat: www.SafeSpacesEnglandandWales.org.uk , Website: www.SafeSpacesEnglandandWales.org.uk

TARGETED T.H.A.T. FOODBANK UPDATE (Teignbridge Homeless Action Today): On behalf of the Moldova shoebox appeal I would like to say ‘thank you’ for all the assistance given in donations of wool/money for wool in order that our talented team of knitters could produce the loveable friends and essential warm weather garments. Thank you also for all the clothing so generously given and continued support for THAT foodbank. Veronica Sharam 01803 872909.