Further Reading


For a general background to and a broad understanding of the term see Banks (1981) , Bouchier (1983), Deckland (1979), Eisenstein (1984) and Evans (1982). The material on spirituality may be difficult to get hold of but helpful discussions are found in the articles by Principe (1983) and Webster (1982) and in the books by Muller (1982) and Zappone (1991). The main themes of the book are briefly touched on by King (1984a). For bibliographical guides on women and religion see Bass, Boyd and Hughes (1986) and Carson (1986); for sources on women's spirituality Wynne (1988); for resources on women, religion and development in the third world see Carroll (1983) and Fenton and Heffron (1987).

Chapter 1: Voices of Protest and Anger

In addition to the works on feminism already mentioned see Beauvoir' s classic (1972 edition or later) and Mitchell and Oakley (1986). Rendall (1985) examines the historical origins of modem feminism and Richards (1982) and Midgley and Hughes (1983) analyse the philosophical problems inherent in feminism. Most helpful and wideranging on all aspects, ideas, movements and publications of feminism up to 1980 is the annotated bibliography by Warren (1980). The best introduction to the feminist critique of religion is found in the Reader edited by Christ and Plaskow (1979) whilst document s on sexism in the Christian churches have been published from a conferen ce of the WCC (1975). See also Ruether's (1987) discussion of androcentrism . On new patterns in feminist spirituality see Plaskow and Christ (1989).

229 230 Further Reading

Chapter 2: Voices of Challenge

The effect of Women's Studies on religion is discussed in the articles by Doyle (1974), Ruether (l98Ib), Gross (1983) and Buchanan (1987). One of the earliest and best known feminist challenges to Christianity comes from Daly (l974a). For a historical treatment of woman in the Christian tradition see Tavard (1973); for new perspectives on women in Judaism see Plaskow (1990) whilst crosscultural perspect ives on women in different world religions are discussed in Gross (l977a), Carmody (1979), Falk and Gross 1980, Holden (1983), Sharma (1987), King (1987a) , Cooey et al. (1991) . For women in early Christianity see Aspregen (1990), Witherington (1990), Berresen (1991).

Chapter 3: Voices of Experience

This chapter discusses the pluralism and international dimension of women 's experience. Crosscultural perspectives on women , religion and social change are explored by Haddad and Findly (1985), Eck and Jain (1986) whilst Webster and Webster (1985) deal with Christian women in the third world. A mine of information on black women and religion is found in Richardson 's (1980) bibliography. The experience of black women and feminism is studied by Hooks (1983) and documented in the anthology edited by Moraga and Anzaldua (1981). For the spiritual dimension of woman's understanding of self and body see the fine studies by Washbourn (1977) and Kolbenschlag (1979) . An insightful account of woman's psychological development is provided by Gilligan (1982). For women's experience in the third world see Fabella and Oduyoye (1988) and the bibliographies in Carroll (1983) and Fenton and Heffron (1987).

Chapter 4: Voices of Spiritual Power

Women saints and mystics are found in East and West (Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre 1955) but this chapter looks in particular at Christian women mystics in medieval times. Easily accessible extracts of primary sources can be found in Dronke (1984) , Wilson (1984), Bowie (1989) and Zum Brunn and Epiney­ Burgard (1989) whereas Ruether and McLaughlin (1979) are concerned with women spiritual leaders in the Jewish and Christian traditions . Solie (1984) discusses important themes of Christian feminist identity whilst Giles (1982) looks at the feminist mystic and presents a book of essays on contemporary women and spirituality , as do Garcia and Maitland (1983), Hurcombe (1987) and Bancroft (1989) . A helpful general book for understanding mysticism is Woods (198 1). Christian feminist spirituality is explored in Fischer (1989) and Zappone (1991) , and Jewish women's spirituality in Umansky and Ashton (1992). Further Reading 231

Chapter 5: Voices of a New Spirituality

This chapter is explicitly concerned with the new feminist spirituality outside existing religious institutions. Well-known, influential studies relating to the understanding of the goddess are by Harding (1982) and Stone (1979). Important historical data on goddesses in Old Europe have been collected by Gimbutas (1982, 1991) whereas a general introduction to the religion of the goddess is found in Olson (1983) and Gadon (1989); material on Hindu goddesses is given in Kinsley (1986). Jewish material on the goddess is found in Pirani (1991) and Long (1992). A full-length study on androgyn y is by Heilbrunn (1973), but most material on androgyny and matriarchy exists in the form of anicles in journals or collective works such as Womanspirit Rising edited by Christ and Plaskow (1979) or The Politics ofWomen' s Spirituality edited by Spretnak (1982) with a long bibliography on feminist spirituality. Both works have articles on feminist rituals; more information is found in Budapest (1979a and 1980) and Starhawk (1979a). Very helpful are Weaving the Visions edited by Plaskow and Christ (1989), Dance of the Spirit by Harris (1991), the catalogue on Womanspirit resources by Wynne (1988) and the rich documentation in Goodison (1990).

Chapter 6: Voices of a New Theology

Most accessible is the Reader on edited by Loades (1990). Other introductions to the major perspectives of Christian feminist theology are Moltmann- Wendel (1986), Furlong (1984a) and Carr (1990); also helpful are Dowell and Hurcombe (1981) and Maitland (1983). For a feminist interpretation of biblical texts see Russell (1985) and Trible (1984). A detailed scholarly analysis of New Testament texts is found in Schussler Fiorenza 's In Memory of Her (1983), a feminist reconstruction of early Christian origins. Heine (1987) disagrees with the feminist interpretation of early Christian data and Hayter (1987) examine s the use of biblical passages in the debate for and against the ordination of women. For debates about the ordination of women see Field-Bibb (1991) and Furlong (1991). For the different theological orientations of and Rosemary Radford Ruether see Heyward (1979), Daly (1971, I974a, 1974b, 1979b) and Ruether (1974b, 1975, 1979a, 1983). An overview from a post-Christian perspect ive is given by Hampson (1990). Valuable material on women in different Christian churches is published by the World Council of Churches (WCC, 1975, 1977; Herzel, 1981; Parvey, 1980, 1983). For the women-church movement and women liturgical communities see Schussler Fiorenza (1983) and Ruether (1985) and the texts of celebration in Morley (1988) and Winter (1987, 1991). For feminist theology in the third world see Fabella and Oduyoye (1988), Russell (1988), Fabella and Lee Park (1989), Tamez (1989) and Chung (199Ia). Mollenkott (1988) and O'Neill (1990) discuss women in interfaith dialogue . 232 Further Reading

Chapter 7: Voices of Prophecy and Integration

Important connections exist between women 's spirituality and political action, best documented by Spretnak (1982, 1986). For women's work in the peace movement see Jones (1983), Brown (1984), Cambridge Women 's Peace Collec­ tive (1983) and Brock-Utne (1987); for the connections between feminism and non-violence McAllister (1982), and for ecological issues Caldecott and Leland (1983) and Capra and Spretnak (1984). New perspectives on feminism , Christi­ anity and ecology are explored by Primavesi (1991), Ruether (1992) and Halkes (1991). A substantial study on Christian spirituality with brief reference to some other religious traditions, but no mention at all of women's spirituality is Jones, Wainwright and Yamold (1986) whereas Mul1er(1982, 1991) and King (1989a) explore ideas about shaping a global spirituality. Works on women 's spirituality include Washboum (1979), Giles (1982), Garcia and Maitland (1983); Iglehardt (1983), Ochs (1983), Kalven and Buckley (1984), Hurcombe (1987 ), Harris (1991) and Zappone (1991). Bibliography

A Centennial Tapestry (1983) The Continuing Journey of Women in Mission: Program Resources, New York: General Board of Global Ministries, The United Methodist Church, Women's Division. Aarnink , Laetitia (1983) 'Frauen, die ihrer Erfahrung treu blieben ' in Mystik, Band 1, Ihre Struktur und Dynamik , DUsseldorf: Patmos Verlag, pp. 189-21 1. Adler , Margot (1982) 'Meanings of Matriarch y', in C. Spretnak (ed.), The Politics of Women' s Spirituality, New York: Anchor Press; Doubleday, pp. 127-37. Allen , Paula Gunn (1986) The Sacred Hoop. Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Tradition, Boston: Beacon Press. Amoah, Elizabeth (1986) 'Women, Witches and Social Change in Ghana' , in Diana L. Eck and Devaki Jain (eds), Speaking of Faith, New Delhi: Kali for Women, pp. 77-87. Andrews, William L. (ed.) (1986) Sisters ofSpirit. Three Black Women 's Auto­ biographies ofthe Nineteenth Century, Bloomington: IndianaUniversity Press. Archbishop Runcie and Cardinal Hume, Basil (1987) Prayers fo r Peace: an Anthology ofReadings and Prayers, London: SPCK . Arthur , Rose Horman (1984) The Wisdom Goddess, Washington DC: The Uni­ versity Press of America . --(1987) 'The Wisdom Goddess and the Masculinization of Western Reli­ gion', in U. King (ed.) Women in the World's Religious, Past and Present, New York: Paragon House, pp. 24-37. Asen, Bernhard A. (1981 ) 'Women and the ministerial priesthood: an annotated bibliograph y', Theology Digest, 29/4 , pp. 329-42. Aspegren , Kerstin (1990 ) The Male Woman. A Feminine Ideal in the early Church, (ed. Rene Kieffer), Uppsala Women's Studies, Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International. Atkinson, Clarissa W. (1983) Mystic and Pilgrim: The Book and the World of Margery Kempe, Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Atkinson, Clarissa W., Buchanan, Constance H. and Miles , Margaret R. (eds) (1985) Immaculate and Powerful: The Female in Sacred Image and Social Reality, The Harvard Women Studies in Religion Series, Boston: Beacon Press. 233 234 Bibliography

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Aarnink, Laetitia 98 Asen , B. A. 179 Addams , Jane 202 Aspegren, Kerstin 45, 96 Adler, Margot: on matriarchy Atkinson, Clarissa W.: Mystic and 139-40 Pilgrim 102 Akka Mahadevi 93 Atkinson, Clarissa W.; Buchanan, Allen, Hope Emily 95 Constance H. and Miles, Ambaji 52 Margaret R. 158 American Academy of Aubert, Jean Marie 47, 160 Religion 158 Australian aboriginal women 92, Arnoa, Elizabeth 128 112 Andrews, William L. 187 androcentrism 20, 24-7 Bachofen, J. J. 24,25, 137 defined 24 Das Mutterrecht 137 holy women considered as Badham, Linda 179 men 96 Bahinabai 93 persistence 25 Bailey, Derrick Sherwin 46 view of primacy of male sex 24 Bancroft, Anne 39, 52, 108 androgyny 148-53 Banks, Olive 15 androgynous godhead 93 Barrett, David B. 97, 133 definitions 148-9 Bazin. Nancy Topping: on Anglican Communion androgyny 149 autonomy of member Beauvoir, Simone de 13-14 churches 183 The Second Sex 18, 94 ordination of women 178, 183, Becher, Jeanne 71 191 beghards 99 Anglican Deaconess Community of beguines 98-100 St Andrew 183 Bekkenkamp, J.; Droes, F. and Anlo people, W. Africa 71 Korte, A. M. 157 Aristotle 46 Bell, Diane 92, 112 Arthur , Rose Horman 50 Daughters ofthe Dreaming 92 ascetic contempt for female Berger, Peter 8 body 89 Berkman, Joyce Avrech 60

260 Index 261

Bernstein, Marcelle 97, 193 Buddha 38 Binford, Sally : 'Myths and women surrounding 38 Matriarchies' 138 Buddhism Bishop , Margaret: on 'Feminist feminine principle in 52 Spirituality and Kannon, female image of Nonviolence' 208 Bodhisattva 93 Berresen, Kari Elisabeth 45,46-7 nuns 39,94,97 on subordination of women in Theravada nuns request Bible 46-7 ordination 39 Bouchier, David 15 women ask for recognition as Zen The Feminist Challenge 3-4 masters 39 Boulding, Elise 205-6 Biihrig, Marga 184, 185, 186, 194 Bowie, Fiona 98 Burfield, Diana 116 Brahmanism Burmeister, Elisabeth 202 Hindu women's advance 40 Butler-Bowdon, W. (ed.): The Book male domination 39 ofMargery Kempe 101 women seers 39 Bynum, Caroline Walker see also Hinduism Holy Feast and Holy Fast 107 Bregman, Lucy 113 on medieval women Briffault, Robert: The mystics 106-11 Mothers 137-8 Britain Caldecott, Leonie 210 feminism in 16 Caldecott, Leonie and Leland S. Greenham Common 202, 205, (eds): Reclaim the Earth . .. 206 209-10 matriarchy groups 133-5 Cambridge Women 's Peace witches 133 Collective: My Country as My British Journal ofReligious Whole World 202 Education 219 Cameron, A. and Kuhrt, A. 46 Brock, Rita Nakash ima 173 Canadian Anglican Church: Brock-Utne, Sybil 202 ordination of women 183 Brooten, Bernadette J. 180 Canham, Elizabeth: Brown , Rev. Antoinette L. 41, 182 Pilgrimage to Priesthood 183 Brown , Cheever Mackenzie 125, Canterbury, Archbishop of: 147 Prayers for Peace (with Cardinal God as Mother 125 Hume) 202 on Supreme Reality as Capra, F. and Spretnak, C. 210 woman 125 Cardman, Francine 182 Brown, Wilmette: Black Women and Carmody, Denise Lardner 10, 33, the Peace Movement 202 37 Bruner, Charlotte H. 59,61 Carr, Anne 10, 155, 161, 179 Buchanan, Constance H.: 'Women's Carroll, Theodora, F. 63 Studies' 33 Carter, Angela: on gods and Budapest, Zsuzsanna E. goddesses 145 Holy Book on Women's Mysteries, Catholic Women 's Network 205 The 131-2 Centennial Tapestry, A 41 on self-blessing ritual 132 CHANGE 62 262 Index

Chatterji, Jyotsna 42, 157-8, 173 Colegrave, Sukie 216-17 Chodorow, N. 81 Coil, Regina 10 Choices Collins, Sheila III, 158, 166, 168, at personal, social and global 193 level 8 on feminist wholeness 26 feminist choices 212-13 Comte, Auguste 26 Chopp, Rebecca S. 49,227 Concilium 49 Christ, Carol P. 55, Ill, 133, 144, Condren, Mary 123 158,170 Congre gationalism on Great Godde sses 143-4 first woman minister 'Spiritual Que st and Women's ordained 41, 182 Experience' 57 US seminaries adm itting Christ, Carol P. and Plaskow, Jud ith women 41 L. 6, 10, 33, 44 Conn , Joan Wolski: on women's Womanspir it Rising 12, 112, 155 spirituality 111 Christian Conference of Asia 157 consciousness and sisterhood Christian Jewish Relations 187 17-20,48 Christianity consciousness-raising 17-18, 227 attitud e to motherhood 75 false consciousness 18 christian doctrine of man 46 female consciousness 18 demonisation of female feminine consciousness 18 sexuality 128 feminist consciousness 18-1 9 Free-Spirit heresy 99, 104 sisterhood defined 19 male domination 39,40 Conze, Edward: on feminine man/woman created in God 's principle in Buddh ism 52 image 46 Cooey, Paula; Eakin , William and myth of Eve 44, 48 McDaniel, Jay 10, 33 nuns 39, 94, 97 Cook, Alice and Kirk, Gwyn: question of minister as preacher or Greenham Women priest 181-2 Everywhere 202 question of ordination of Cooper, Fiona: on 'W omen in the women 178-84, 186 Peace Movement ' 204-5 rise of feminism 41- 2 'Covenant of the Godd ess' sexism in 163 church 127, 128 subordination of women 46-7 Cox, Harvey 10 Chung Hyun Kyung 42, 225-6 Craighead, Meinrad : on women 's Church of England spirituality 190-1 General Synod 178 Crawford, 1. and Kinnamon,M.: In question of ordination of God's Image . .. 48 women 178, 183, 184 Curle, Adam 111 'Church of the Goddess' 127 Church of Scotland General Daly, Mary 6,19,168,170, 202 Assembly 50 'After the Death of God the Clark, E. and Richard son, H. 10, Father ' article 163 100, 102, 164 Beyond God the Father 23-4, Classics of Western Spirituality, 32, 49, 163 The 104 Church and the Second Sex, Clinebell, C. H. 216 The 158, 163 Coghill, M. and Redmond, S. 219 feminist theology 163-4, 166 Index 263

GynJEcology 163, 164 Eddy, Mary Baker 51 on women's loss of power of 'Father-Mother God' naming 42 designation 51 Outercourse 163 founder of Christian Science 51 Pure Lust 163 Ehrenreich, B. and English , D. 127 'Theology after the Demise of God Eisenstein, Hester 15, 20 the Father' article 163 on feminist utopia 30 Danielou, Fr Jean 180 Elwes, Teresa 165 Daughters ofSarah: bi-monthly 168 empowerment 106, 112, 200, 207 Davaney, Sheila Greeve (ed.): see also power Feminism and Process Encyclopaedia Britannica 21 Thought 83 definition of patriarchy 21 Davis, Elizabeth Gould 139 on androgyny 148 The First Sex 138 'Witchcraft' article 127 Davis, Judy and Weaver, Juanita: Encyclopedia ofReligion. The 26, ' Dimensions of 33 Spirituality' 114 'Androgynes' entry 148-9 De Pizan, Christine: City of 'Goddess Worship' entry 124 Ladies 112 Encyclopaedia ofSociology: defines Deen, Elizabeth 41 androgynous society 151 Diamond , Irene and Orenstein, Episcopal Church, US 183 Gloria Feman 210,227 General Convention 183 Dickason, Anne 150 ordination of women 183 Donnelly, Dody H. Erikson, Erik 216 on love of God 191-2 'European Society of Women in 'The Sexual Mystic: Embodied Theological Research' 159, Spirituality ' 88 227 Dowell, Susan and Hurcombe, Evangelical Women's Caucus 168 Linda 10,40,46, 160, 169 EWe Update 168 Dispossessed Daughters of Eve 40, 159 Fabella, Virginia and Oduyoye, Doyle, Patricia 216 Mercy Amba 42, 158, 225 on women and religion 219 Fabella, Virginia and Lee Park, Sun Dronke, Peter: Women Writers ofthe Ai 42, 158, 224 Middle Ages 104 Falk, Nancy A. and Gross, Rita Dumais, Monique 45 M. 10,55 Duns Scotus 182 Unspoken Worlds. Women's Durga 54, 146 Religious Lives in Non­ Western Cultures 54-5 Earthforce, the 135 Faria, S.; Alexander, A. V. and Tellis Eck, Diana and Jain, Devaki: Nayak. J. B. 158 Speaking ofFaith . " 65 fatherhood 74 Eckhardt, A. Roy 187, 188 Fellowship ofIsis 135 ecofeminism 9,208-11,227-8 feminism 1-2, 78 Ecumenical Association of Third advances of 1960s 15 World Theologians attitude to women's (EATWOT) 225 experience 76, 77 Ecumenical Forum of European chain reaction effect 85-6 Christian Women 227 challenge implicit in 15 264 Index feminism - cont'd ideal of the androgyny 148-53 challenge to traditional matriarchy groups and cult of the religion 9, 10-11, 12 Goddess 133-7 concept of wholeness 26, 36, 85 meanings of the Goddess 140-8 criticised as power-seeking 84 'post -patriarchal' 218 danger of ideology 16-17 searching for the Goddess danger of separatism 82, 213 117-25 definitions 3-4 sisterhood 114 different voices of 3 various forms 114-17 passim expression of women's identity 2 feminist theology 154-97,223-4, feminist consciousness and 226 sisterhood see attitude to Virgin Mary 176-8 consciousness ; sisterhood debate re God or Goddess 170-2 feminist spirituality see separate debate with Judaism 187-8 entry defined 156-62 goal 3 developed in USA 157 historical development 14-15 ecumenical nature 168 literature on 4 evangelical 168 medieval 'proto-feminism' 100, female image of Trinity 175-6 106 human rather than male god 173 mysticism and 105-11 male and female in Christ 173-5 philosophical problems negative and positive tasks facing 212-13 of 159-60 pluralistic vision 213 orientations 162-9 question of autonomy or post-Christian 164-5 integration 214,215 question of ordination of question of choices for women 178-84, 186 women 212-13 radical stances 162, 163-5, relation to spirituality 5-6, 85, 165-6 86-7 reformist stances 162, 166-8 religious feminists seen as 'soft reinterpretation of Bible 172-3 feminists' 16 relating feminism and 'spiritual revolution ' aspect 6 spirituality 188-97 unorgan ised support 16 relation to black theology 186-7 varieties 3-4, 9 relation to ecumenical voices of protest and anger see movement 184-6 protest and anger - women's Feminists against Nuclear voices Power 202 feminist spirituality 16, 55-6, Fenton, T. P. and Heffron, M. J. 63 114-53, 154,217 Ferguson,John 201 connection with social Field-Bibb, Jacqueline 183,224 responsibility and political Figes, Eva 23 activism 116 Field, Barbara 184 contemporary Goddess Fischer, Kathleen 10, 112 worship 125-7, 129-30, Freud, Sigmund 216,218 132-3 Friends ' Quarterly, The: 'Sexism and debate on 218-22 the Society of Friends ' 29 feminist witchcraft 127-33 Furlong, Monica 180,224 Index 265

(ed.) Feminine in the patriarchy 22, 27 Church 169 Goldenberg, Naomi 151,158,168 'What is Dr Oddie afraid Changing ofthe Gods 144 of?' 172 'Feminist Witchcraft - the A Dangerous Delight 184 Goddess is Alive ' 132 Goodison, Lucy 46, 123 Gaba, Christian R. 46, 71 Gossman, E. 223 Gadon, Elinor W. 144 Gottner-Abendroth, Heide 140 Gage, Matilda Joslyn: Women, Graef, Hilda 95 Church and State 137 Grant, Jacquelyn 187 Gaia 210, 220 Green, Deirdre 102 Gandhi , Mahatma 75-6,207 Grey, Mary 157, 173 Garcia, Jo and Maitland, Sara 10, Griffin, Susan 14, 30, 209 56,219 'The Way of All Ideology' 17 Walking on the Water . .. 189 Griffith, Elizabeth: In Her Own Gateley, Edwina : Psalms ofa Right. The Life ofElizabeth Laywoman 196 Cady Stanton 44 Gerber, Uwe 160, 161 Gross, Rita 10,33,45,55, 71, 146, Giles, Mary E. 10, 109, 219 147, 168, 170, 188 The Feminist Mystic. .. 108, 'Feminine Language and Imagery 189 in Constructs of Gilligan, Carol Ultimacy' 48 In a Different Voice, Psychological Gupta, Bina (ed.): Sexual Archetypes Theory and Women's East and West 151 Development 78-9 gynaecocentric theory 24-5, 26 on women 's ethic of care 79 belief in primacy of female Gimbutas , Marija 122-3 sex 24 Goddesses and Gods ofOld Europe 6500-3500 BC, Hackett, Rosalind I. J. 46 The 122 Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck and on domination of mother in Old Findly, Ellison Banks (eds): Europe 123 Women, Religion and Social on the Great Goddess 122-3 Change 65 Gnostics : Nag Hammadi Hadewijch, Dutch mystic 99, 104 document s 50 Complete Works 104 Goddess 117-48,167 Hageman, Alice L. 158 contemporary worship of 125-33 Halkes, Prof. Catharina J. M. 157, many meanings of 140--8 160,168,171,177,210 worship in matriarchy Feminisme en Spiritualiteit 189 groups 133-7 Met Mirjam is het begonnen 159 Goddess of Maat 135 on 'Menschwerdung' 173 Goddess of Truth and Love Hampson, Daphne 10,65, 179 Centre 135 feminist theology of 165 Goldberg, Steven 25 Theology and Feminism 165 critique of his theory 22-3 Harding, M. Esther defines feminist 22-3 on the Mother Goddess 120 defines patriarchy 21-2 Women's Mysteries Ancient and theory of inevitability of Modem 119-20 266 Index

Harding, S. and Hintakka, M. B. women ascetics 96 (eds): Discovering Reality women saints 93-4 . . . 83 see also Brahmanism Harris, Maria 10, 112, 189,219 Hodgson, Geraldine 95 Hartford Seminary, USA 65 Hodgson, Phyllis 95 Harvard Divinity School 41 Holden, Pat 10 conference on 'Women, Religion introduction to Women's Religious and Social Change' 64-5 Experience . .. 54 'Harvard Women's Studies in hooks, bell: Ain't I a Woman: Black Religion Series, The ' 158 Women and Feminism 63 Women's Caucus 158 Hoover, T. 186 'Women 's Studies in Religion' Horner, I. B. 38 programme 158 Horowitz, Maryanne 46 Harvard Memorial Church 163 Hubbard, Barbara: The Evolutionary Mary Daly' s sermon, 1971 163 Journey 220 Hawley, J. S. and Wulff, D. M.: The human, meaning of 215 Divine Consort. Riidhd and the human consciousness Goddesses ofIndia 124 integral spirituality 216-17 Hayter, Mary: The New Eve in 'presexual' phase 216 Christ 179 'sexual' phase 216 Haywood, Carol Lois 116 transformation 215-18 Hebblethwaite, Margaret: 'trans-sexual' phase 216 Motherhood and God 51, 75 Hume, Cardinal: Prayers for Peace Heilbrunn, Carolyn: Toward a (with Archbishop of Recognition ofAndrogyny 150 Canterbury) 202 Heiler, Friedrich 33, 37 Hurcombe, Linda 10, 219 Heine, Susanne 170 (ed.) Sex and God 54,71 Heinsohn, Gunnar and Steiger, Otto 128 Ibn Arabi 90 Herman, Emily 95 identity 86-7, 217 Herzel, Susannah: A Voice for Iglehardt, Hallie 219 Women 184, 187 Institute of Jewish Affairs, Heschel, Susannah 187: on Judaism London 187 and Goddess myth 187-8 Institute for the Study of Heyward, Carter 166-7 Nonviolence 207 Hildegard of Bingen 104 International Women's Conference, Hinduism Nairobi,1985 61-2,199 devotion to Krishna 93, 107 International Year of Peace, goddess worship 51-2, 123-4, 1986 202 146-7 Irvin, D. 180 image of God 51 ISIS 62 lower place for women 41-2 report on African women under male ascetics 40 apartheid 63 nuns 97 'Women for Peace' 202 position of goddesses 147 Islam Sri Sarada Math order Of male domination 39 women 39-40 Rabi'a 93,96 Vedas 39,41, 52 Shia Muslims 38 Index 267

Sufism 93, 102-3 Kennally , Christine 179 women mystics 102-3 Kenyan Anglican Church : ordination women saints 93~ of women 183 Keohane , Nanerl 0 .; Rosaldo, Jacobson, Doranne and Wadley, Michelle Z. and Gelpi, Barbara Susan S. 46 C. 18-19,58 Jainism : women ascetics 97 (eds) Feminist Theory 18 James, William : Varieties of King, Martin Luther 207 Religious Experience 53 King, Ursula 7, 13, 15,33,39,41, Jannberg, Judith 133 55,74,75,95,97, 147, 159, I am a Witch 133 170,184,219 Jantzen, Grace M. 104 King, Ynestra Jayakar, Pupul 147 on 'ecoferninism' 208-9 Jesus 38 on misogyny and violence 209 women surrounding 38 Kinsley, David : Hindu Goddesses: Jones, Cheslyn : Wainwright, Visions of. .. 124 Geoffrey and Yarnold, Kolbenschlag, Madonna 68 Edward 222 Kiss Sleeping Beauty Jones, Lynn (ed.): Keeping the Good-bye 80 Peace 202 on power and money 84 Journal ofFeminist Studies in on 'spiritual sense of work' 68-9 Religion 187 on woman as 'Sleeping Judaism 39 Beauty ' 80 feminist theology and 187-8 on woman 's need for ethical Israelite women 38 autonomy 81 Kabbalah 10I Koltun, Elizabeth (ed.): The Jewish Lilith precedes Eve 44 Woman 196 male domination 39 Komatsu, Kayoko 135 restrictions on women 's study 41 Koppers, Christiane 191 rise of feminism 41-2 Krattiger, Ursa 219 women rabbis 42 see also Reformed Judaism Lady Unique 126 Julian, Mother, of Norwich 51,98, Lakshmi 147 104 Lampe, Canon G. W. H. 180 Showings 104 on ministry of women 180-1 Jung, Carl Gustav 35, 151, 216, 218 Lampe , Philip E. 151 Lamer, Christine 128 Kali 146 Lawson , Fenwick 2 Kalven, Janet and Buckley, Mary Lerner, Robert E. 99-100 L. 213 on medieval beguines 99, 100 Kannon 93 lesbianism 82 Kaplan, Alexander G. and Bean, Leslie , Julia 46 Joan P. 150 Lewis , Alan E.: The Motherhood of Katoppo, Marianne 14,42, 158 God 50 Keller, Catherine 78, 81, 82 u, Florence Tim Oi 183 From a Broken Web . .. 83 Li, Florence Tim Oi and Harrison, Kempe, Margery 96, 101-2, 104 Ted : Much Beloved see also Butler-Bowdon, W. Daughter 183 268 Index

Lipman, Beata 63 feminist alternative 30 Loades, Ann 10, 159 feminist view of 30-1 Long, Asphodel P. 93, 119, 169, matriarchy debate 137-40 170 matriarchy groups 133-7 creativity and motherhood 142 'Matriarchy Research and Reclaim female deities 119 Network' 135 Lovelock, J. E. 210 on Great Goddess 141 Luke, Helen 80 Newsletter 135, 136 Luthi, Karl 48 philosophy 136-7 Lux Madriana group 133-5, 145 'Matriarchy Study Group' 135 belief in the Goddess 134-5 Matriarchy News 135 Catechism ofthe Children ofthe Mbon, Friday M. 46 Goddess, The 134 Mechthild of Magdeburg 104 Coming Age, The, Meeks, Wayne A. 148 magazine 133-4 Merchant, Carolyn 209 Creation and the Crystal Tablet, Methodism The 134 US seminaries admitting criticises Goddess religion 145 women 41 'Hollow Tree : Feminist women missionaries 41 Spirituality or Sanctified Michalowski, Helen : on Materialism, The' 145 nonviolence 207 Mythos of the Divine Maid, Midgley, Mary and Hughes, The 134 Judith 4,9, 77, 212 on sexism 28 McAllister, Pam : Reweaving the Web militarism 199, 203-4 ofLife 207 Millett , Kate: on patriarchy 24 McFague , Sallie 43, 51, 169, 227 Mira Bai 93 'God the Father: Model or Mitchell , Juliet 151 Idol?' 23 and Oakley, Ann 15 Metaphorical Theology . .. 49 Mithraism: male domination 39 McLaughlin, Eleanor 106 Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey 168, on cult of Virgin Mary 176 184, 226 'Woman in Medieval Moloney, Francis 1. 45 Theology' 176 Moltmann-Wendel, Elisabeth 10, 'Woman Power and the Pursuit of 39,168,191 Holiness' 104-5 on female element in McMillan, Carol 212 Trinity 175-6 Mahavira 38 Land Flowing with Milk and Maitland, Sara 10, 111-12, 156, Honey. Perspectives on 169 Feminist Theology, A 159 A Map ofa New Country 159 Moorehouse, Geoffrey 97 Marseilles Museum: 'The Preach ing Moraga, Cherrie and Anzaldua, of Mary Magdalene' painting Gloria : This Bridge Called My 181 Back 63-4 Marx, Karl 216 ,218 Morgan, Robin 7,213 masculinity Anatomy ofFreedom, The 219 critique of 27-31 on chain reaction of dominance of 80 feminism 85-6 Index 269

quotes covens' manifesto 129 on need to transcend androgynous Morley, Janet 48, 196 mode of thought 152-3 Morley, Janet and Ward, Hannah Women and Spirituality 189 (eds): Celebrating Women 48, Ochshorn , Judith 170 196 Oddie, William 174 Morris, Joan 182 What Will Happen to God? 171 Moses 38 O'Faolain, Julia and Martines , Molt, Lucretia 207 Lauro 37,46,128 Movement for the Ordination of O'Flaherty, Wendy O. and Eliade, Women 40, 178 Mircea 149 statement of philosophy 181 Ohler, Annemarie 45 Muhammad 38 Okano, Haruko 38 wife and daughter 38 Oldfield, Sybil 202 Miihlmann, Wilhelm E. 37 Olson, Carl (ed.): The Book ofthe Mulack, Christa 140, 169 Goddess Past and Present Muller, Robert 7,220-1 123 New Genesis - Shaping a Global O'Neill, Maura 184, 226 Spirituality 220 Open University Murray, Margaret A.: 'The Changing Experience of 'Witchcraft' 127 Women ' course 83 Murray, Pauli 187 Oxford English Dictionary 7,20 mysticism 95-7,109-10 definition of and ocentrism 24 and feminism 105-11 definition of androgyny 148 definition of patriarchy 20-1 Neuberger, Julia : on need for definition of sexism 27-8 ordination of women 180 Neumann, Erich: The Great Pagels, Elaine 170 Mother 138 Papa, Mary Bader 189 New York Congregational Parker, Roszika and Pollock, Church 41 Griselda 27 New Zealand Anglican Church: Parrinder , Geoffrey 33,71 ordination of women 183 Parvey, Constance F. Newman, Barbara 104 Community of Women and Men in Nijmegen University the Church. The 48, 184 Chair in Feminism and Ordination of Women in Christianity 157 Ecumenical Perspective 184 Catholic Faculty's sculpture of patriarchy 20-4 Eve and apple 48 defined 20,21-2 non-violence 206-8 feminist challenge 20, 21, 23-4 Nomengast, Urda 152 inevitability arguments 22 NunnalIy-Cox, Janice 39, 45 religious and social dimension 21, 23 Oakley, Ann 68, 81 Paul. Diane 38 Subject Women 83 peace movement 199-206 Oberlin College, USA 41 governments' hypocrisy re Ochs, Carol 51, 152, 168, 170,219 peace 200-1 An Ascentto Joy 189 non-violence 206-8 Behind the Sex ofGod 144 peace as feminist issue 201, 206 270 Index peace movement - coni'd protest 13-14 women as campaigners 202-3 Pruett, Kyle D. 74 women's peace groups 199,202 peace preaching 205 Quakers 29,37,205 Perera, Sylvia Binton 118 Quebedeaux, Richard 159 Pernoud, Regine 182 on evangelical feminism 168 Pierson, Ruth Roach 202 Pirani, Alix 144, 169 Rab i'a, Islamic mystic 93, 96 Plant , Judith 210, 227 Rahner, Karl 192 Plaskow, Judith 158,161 ,168,169, Ramakrishna 93, 96 188 Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre: on 'The Coming of Lilith ' 44 Women Saints East and on feminists and Judaism 187 West 94 Plaskow, Judith; Arnold, Joan and Raming, Ida 182 Romero, J. A. 10,33 Ratte, Lou 52 Plaskow, Judith and Christ, Rebecca, Meda; Hefner, Robert and CarollO, 112, 155 Oleshansky, Barbara : on Pobee , J. S. and von Wartenburg­ androgyny 152 Potter, B. 225 Rebera, R. 224 Pomeroy, Sarah B. 46, 121 Reformed Judaism: women rabbis 42 Porete, Marguerite 104 religion 23-4 Mirror ofSimple Souls 104 association with sexuality 71 Portefaix, Lilian 180 early religions 38-9 power 15-16,84, 106, 139-40, feminine principle in 52-3 200,217 inadequacy of God the to choose 212-13 'father' 23-4,48-51, 171-2 of dreams 204 men 's domination of economic 84 institutions 23 feminism's challenge to problem of God's sex 50-I religion 224-5 religious experience 53-{j passim of non-violence 206-7 women and see separate entry of women's experience 86-7 , Women's Studies courses 4 213-14 Rendall, Jane 14 Prajnaparamita 52 Richards, Janet Radcliffe 4 Prelinger, Catherine M. 182 Richardson, Marilyn: Black Women Preston, James J. 138 and Religion bibliography 64 Primavesi, Anne 210,227-8 ritual 130-2, 196 Principe, Walter 5, 7 Robins, Wendy S. 173, 225 Pro Mundi Vita Bulletin : 'The Robinson, John 51 Situation of Women in the Roman Catholic Church 178-9 Catholic Church . . .. 62 nuns 40,97, 193-4 protest and anger - women's question of ordination of voices 12-13 women 178-9 anger at injustices of sexism 13, Vatican Council II 179, 194 14 Rome, Ancient positive and negative anger 14 Vestal Virgins 37 righteous rage 13 women's religious role 37-8 spiritual foundation of Ruether, Rosemary Radford 3, 10, Index 271

41,55,66,128,158,159,171, Scanzoni, Letha 168 173,174,176,181,182,186, Schimmel, Annemarie 90, 95, 96, 209,210-11,227 102 on 'Androcentrism' 26 on Islamic women mystics 103 Faith and Fratricide 167 'The Feminine Element in feminist theology of 162-3, 165, Sufism' 102 166-8, 170, 196-7 Schreiner, Olive 59, 203 on God in sexist terms 49-50 Women and Labour 61 Liberation Theology 167 on changing fate of women Mary - The Feminine Face ofthe 59-61 Church 167 'Three Dreams in a Desert' 59, New Woman, New Earth 167 60, 112 Religion and Sexism (ed.) 45-6, Schussler Fiorenza, Elisabeth 10, 167 44, 168, 170, 180, 193 Sexism and God-Talk . .. 155, 'Feminist Spirituality, Christian 159,167 Identity, and Catholic on Virgin Mary 178 Vision' 154 Womanguides ... 167-8 In Memory ofHer 155, 173 Women-Church . .. 167, 195, women-church 193, 194, 195 196 Scottish Churches Council 5 Ruether, Rosemary Radford and Setta, Susan M. 173, 187 McLauglin, Eleanor A.: Women sexism 20, 27-31, 109 ofSpirit 54, 167 comparison with racism 27-8 Russell, Letty M. 63, 158, 166, 168 defined 27-8 Feminist Interpretation ofthe endemic nature 28 Bible 44, 172 feminist 27 on struggle for freedom 192-3 institutional 29 Ruysbroeck, mystic 104 manifestations 27, 29 Shakti 51-2, 52 St Bridget of Sweden 104 Shiintii, N. 97 St Catherina of Siena 104 Sharma, Arvind 10, 33 St Hilda Community, London 196 Shinto religion: women in 37-8 St Jerome 96 Shiva, Vandana21O, 227 St Joan's International Alliance 179 Siegele-Wenschkewitz, Leonore and St Teresa of Avila 96 Schottroff, Luise 161 The Interior Castle 102 Simos, Miriam see Starhawk St Uncumber (or Wilgefortis) Singer, June 150 cult of 175 'Sisterhood of Wicca' 127,131-2 legend of 174-5 Sjoo, Monica and Mor, Saiving, Valerie: 'The Human Barbara 118-19,149 Situation: A feminine The Ancient Religion of the Great View' 158 Cosmic Mother ofAll 118, Santa Cruz conference on 'The Great 142 Goddess Reemerging', Smith, Margaret 95, 96 1978 126 Snyder, Mary Hembrow 168 Sarada Devi 93-4 society Sarasvati 147 choices 8 Sayers, Janet 22 crisis today 7-8 272 Index society - coni 'd on spirituality 221-2 nuclear threat 7 ' Unity of Politics and Spirituality, paradox of pluralism and search The ' 200 for integration 7 Sri Ramakrishna 40 religious consciousness 7-8 Sri Sarada Math 39-40 Society for the Ministry of Women Stanton, Elizabeth Cady 25 in the Church 178 deletes antifeminist passages from Solie, Dorothee 10, 166, 168, 171 Bible 44 on 'mysticism-liberation­ The Woman's Bible 172 feminism' 109-10 Starhawk 158 Sophia 50, 92-3 belief in witchcraft 128 Sorge , Elge 161,219 on cult of Goddess 130-1 Religion und Frau . .. 189 The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth ofthe Spencer, Herbert 25 Ancient Religion ofthe Great spiritual heritage of women 91-4 Goddess 128 experience of mother earth 92 'Witchcraft and Women's goddess figures 92-3 Culture' 130 lives of women saints and Stenger, Mary Ann 164 mystics 93-4 Stone, Merlin 146 primal vision 91-2 Ancient Mirrors ofWomanhood spiritual resources within 138 women 89-91 on Goddess worship and spirituality 85,218-22 matriarchy 120-1 defined 5,7,221 When God was a Woman (or The false 'spiritualisation' of femin ist Paradise Papers) 120-1, claims 31 138 feminist voices on 9-11 Strachan, Elspeth and Gordon 151 matriarchy cults 11 Sufism and women 102-3 politics and 198-9, 200 Susan B. Anthony Coven Number relation to feminism 5-6, 85, One, Los Angeles 131 86-7 search for viable Tamez, E. 225 spirituality 220-2 Tavard, George: Woman in Christian search for wholeness and Tradition 47 integration 27, 219 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 90 space for women's 111-13 thealogy 126-7 women 's resources for 89-91 Thompson, Betty 158, 188 women 's spiritual heritage see Tillich, Paul 164 spiritual heritage of women Times, The 180 Spretnak, Charlene III, 139, 145, transcendence 222 210,219 work as an act of 'Are Goddesses and Matriarchies transcendence 68 Merely Figments of Feminist transformation 82,218,221 Imagination? 138 transformative potential of on 'lost goddesses' of feminism 217-18 Greece 121-2 Trevett, Christie 33,51, 182 Politics of Women 's Spirituality, Trible, Phyllis 44, 173 The 6, 198,221-2 Turner, Kay 131 Index 273

Ugandan Anglican Church: Becoming Woman ... 71-2 ordination of women 183 on menstruation 72 Umansky, Ellen M. 188 on need for children 74 Underhill, Evelyn 95 on pregnancy and birth 72 United Nations Decade for Women Washington Six O'Clock Club 25 Conference, 1985 61-2 Weaver, Mary Jo 161,195 United States of America Webb, Pauline: on sexism 28-9 black feminism 63-4 Webster, Derek H. 5, 158 feminism 16, 66 Webster, John C. B. and Webster, women ministers 41 Ellen Low (eds) : The Church and Women in the Third Valenze, Deborah M. 182 World 62-3 Venus of Willendorf statue 92 Weidmann, Judith L. 161 Vesta 37 Welch , Sharon 9,212 Vetterling-Braggin, Mary 150 Whitmont, Edward: The Return of violence 66, 206, 210 the Goddess 144 vision 197 Weiler, Gerda 151 feminist as spiritual 218 wholeness 113,115,215,218 of the human 215 Wilber, Ken: on difference between integral 222 Great Mother and Great need for 223 Goddess 142-3 North American Indians ' vision Wilmore, Gayraud S. and Cone, quest 197 James H.: 'Black Theology and prophetic 218 Black Women' 186 Vivekananda, Swami 40 Wilson, Katharina M. 101-2, 112 Von Kellenbach, Katharina 187 Medieval Women Writers 100-1, Vorster, W.S. 42, 158 104 Wilson-Kastner, Patricia 173 Walker, Alice Winter, Miriam T. 48, 196 Color Purple, The 190 witchcraft 127-33 describes God-experience 190 covens 127, 129 war 203-4 cult of Goddess 129-30, 131, Ward, Lester F. 25 132,133 androcentric theory 24 manifesto of New York gynaecocentric theory 24-5 covens 129 Pure Sociology. A Treatise on the modem compared with Origin and Spontaneous medieval 127 Development ofSociety 24 persecution of medieval Warner, Marina : Alone ofAll her witches 127-8 Sex. The Myth and Cult ofthe rituals 130-2 Virgin Mary 177 Woman ofPower magazine 204 Warrack, Grace 95 Woman 's Bible 44,172 Warren, Mary Anne 22,29, Womanspirit journal 115 115-16, ISO, 151 hymn about Great Mother Nature of Woman, The 115 Goddess 141 on 'spiritual feminism' 115-16, women 116-17 experience of see women's Washboum, Penelope 70,219 experience 274 Index women - cant'd question of room for women marginal historical role I in 34 minority voices in media 3 Sophia as Wisdom Goddess power as peacemakers 90 50-1,92-3 selfhood 78-83 studies 33-4 suffering as source of sybils 37 strength 89-90 theories of women's women and religion see separate inferiority 43, 46-7 entry women founders of religions 38, women-church movement 194-6 94 Women Included 196 women lose power of naming 42 Women for Life on Earth 202.208 women mystics see separate women mystics 95-105 passim entry beghards and beguines 98-100 women and religious concept of 'feminist experience 53--6 mystic' 107-8 women in sacred literature 44--6 feminism and 105-11 women's dependency in Christian Islamic 102-3 churches 40 medieval 98-105 women's place historically 33 paradigm for contemporary women's questioning of women 95-7 androcentrism 27 Women Opposed to Nuclear world crisis and 35--6 Technology 202 Women Strike for Peace 202 Women Oppose the Nuclear Threat 'Women in Theology' group 161 (WONT) 202 women's experience 57-87 Women for Peace groups 202 biological determinism 86-7 women and religion 33-56 black women's feminism 63-5 breaking out of seclusion re bodily existence as source of theology 41-2 70-8 'depatriarchalising' the Bible 44 changing 59--61 distinction between religious and concept of motherhood 75--6 theological language 43 experience of self 78-83, 109 early religions 39-40 female experience 58 female shamanism 37 feminine experience 58 feminist challenge to religion 32, feminist experience 58 33-4,34-5,41-2 global dimension 61-5 institutional roles and status interpreting 57-8 36-42 longer hours of work than lack of spiritual equality 43 men 67 language and thought 42-53 menstruation 71-2 mate image of woman 45 obstacles to work 67-8 mother image of woman 45 pregnancy and birth 72-3 myth of Eve 48 role as mother 72-3, 74, 75 ordination of women 40-1 separate from men's 76 question of God as 'father' 23-4, social experience 65-7 49-51 spiritual dimension 83-7 question of goddesses 52-3 struggle for self-identity 82 Index 275

tendency towards self- consultation on sexism 28-9 sacrifice 79, 108-9 'Female Sexualit y and Bodily Third World feminist Functions in Different awareness 63, 64-5 Religious Tradi tions' 7\ violence against women 66 Nairobi to Vancouver 48 work experience 67-70 Orthodox Women . .. 185 Women 's International League for Subunit on Woman in Church and Peace and Freedom Society 184, 185 (WILPF) 202 work of women in 184-5 Women 's Party for Survival 202 World Parliament of Religions, Women 's Peace Alliance 202 Chicago, 1893 41 Women 's Peace League 202 Wren, Brian 49, 227 Women's Pentagon Action 202 Wulff, David M. 171 Woods, R. (ed.): Understanding Wynne, Patrice 10, 117 Mysticism 104 work 65-70 Yates, Gayle 219,221 as source of identity 67 York Minster Pieta 2 as act of transcendence 68 You Can't Kill the Spirit: Yorkshire spiritual sense of work 68-9 Women Go To Greenham 202 housework 68 Young, Pamela Dickey 159 World Conference on Religion and Peace 202 World Council of Churches 47-8, Zappone, Katherine 10, 27, 112, 173,224 189,219 'Community of Women and Men Zoroaster 38 in the Church ' study 29, Zum Brunn, Emilie and Epiney­ 47-8 Burgard, G. 98, 104