Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Humanities, History (05H)

Kaunas, 2008

The dissertation has been prepared at Vytautas Magnus University in 2004–2008

The doctoral study licence is granted to Vytautas Magnus University together with the Institute of Lithuanian History by resolution No. 926 of the Government of the Republic of on 15th of July, 2003

Scientific supervisor:

Prof. habil. dr. Egidijus Aleksandravičius (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, History 05 H).

The Board of defence of the dissertation:


Doc. dr. Saulius Pivoras (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, History 05 H).


Dr. Daiva Dapkutė (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, History 05 H); Doc. dr. Algirdas Jakubčionis ( University, Humanities, History 05 H); Doc. dr. Antanas Kulakauskas (Mykolas Romeris University, Humanities, History 05H); Doc. dr. Rimantas Miknys (Institute of Lithuanian History, Humanities, History 05H).


Prof. dr. Juozas Skirius (Vilnius Pedagogical University, Humanities, History 05H); Dr. Vitalija Stravinskienė (Institute of Lithuanian History, Humanities, History 05H)

The official defence of the dissertation will be held at 15 p. m. on December 18, 2008 In the auditorium of Adolfas Šapoka (no. 508), Vytautas Magnus University, K. Donelaičio 58, Kaunas, Lithuania

Summary of the doctoral dissertation was sent out on November …., 2008.

The dissertation is available at the National M. Mažvydas library, library of Vytautas Magnus University and library of Institute of Lithuanian History.




Daktaro disertacija Humanitariniai mokslai, istorija (05 H)

Kaunas, 2008

3 Disertacija rengta 2004 – 2008 metais Vytauto Didžiojo Universitete

Doktorantūros teisė suteikta Vytauto Didžiojo universitetui kartu su Lietuvos istorijos institutu 2003 m. Liepos 15 d. Lietuvos respublikos nutarimu nr. 926.

Mokslinis vadovas:

Prof. habil. dr. Egidijus Aleksandravičius (Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05 H).

Disertacija bus ginama Vytauto Didžiojo Universitete Humanitariniu mokslų istorijos krypties taryboje.

Pirmininkas Doc. dr. Saulius Pivoras (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H).

Nariai: Dr. Daiva Dapkutė (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H); Doc. dr. Algirdas Jakubčionis (Vilniaus universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H); Doc. dr. Antanas Kulakauskas (Mykolo Romerio universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H). Doc. dr. Rimantas Miknys (Lietuvos istorijos institutas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H).

Oponentai: Prof. dr. Juozas Skirius (Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H); Dr. Vitalija Stravinskienė (Lietuvos istorijos institutas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H).

Disertacija bus ginama viešame Humanitarinių mokslų srities istorijos krypties tarybos posėdyje, kuris įvyks 2008 m. gruodžio 18 d. 15.00 val. Vytauto Didžiojo universitete, A. Šapokos auditorijoje (508), K. Donelaičio g. 52, Kaunas

Disertacijos santrauka išsiųsta 2008 m. lapkričio.... d. Su disertacija galima susipažinti Lietuvos nacionalinėje M. Mažvydo, Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto ir Lietuvos istorijos instituto bibliotekose.

4 Introduction

In the 21st century the research of migration processes became very important because of the increased globalization and its influence on the social development. The recent migration studies pay relatively more attention to the formation of migrant organizations abroad, migrants’ ties with the homeland, and host countries’ social and political influence on the features of migrant associations. However, the studies, which present the historical development of diaspora and migrant organizations in the world, have significant impact. The collapse of the Soviet Union influenced scholars to study migration, because researchers of the Baltic and East Central European states could now easily analyze this issue. Secondly, the diaspora activity of migrants from those countries prompted the investigation of diaspora organizations over the world. After the Second World War refugees to the Western countries declared very clearly their willingness to fight for the independence of their countries. After the former Soviet states declared their independence in the 1990s the activity of such ethnic groups became the object for researches in the host lands, as well as in the countries of origin. The studies of emigrant associations and formations of emigrant community abroad are very important in the present context of Lithuania, because of the increased social development of émigré organizational life in the receiving countries. Furthermore, such social changes also motivate scholars to analyse the development of migrant organizations in the world in historical perspective. One of the most important émigré organisations is the Lithuanian World Community (LWC, or PLB (Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenė), in its Lithuanian acronym), which was established by political refugees with the goal of uniting all the dispersed Lithuanians over the world. After Lithuania declared independence, the Lithuanian World Community continued its activity in the world, establishing new Lithuanian communities. For this purpose, it is important to analyze the formation and development of this organization and organizational features of Lithuanian émigrés, as well as the lessons of a diasporic citizenship. After the Second World War political motives were essential in mobilizing émigrés, so the organizational and political aspects, in connection with other closely related problems, are analyzed in this dissertation.

5 Chronological boundaries of the work. The earliest margin represents the period of DP camps, when VLIK (The Supreme Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania, or Vyriausiasis Lietuvos išlaisvinimo komitetas VLIK’as in Lithuanian) analyzed the problem of Lithuanian dispersal in the world and the Lithuanian World Community was established. On June 14, 1949 the Lithuanian Charta and temporary constitution of the organization were adopted. According to these documents, Lithuanian communities were organized in several countries. The discussion about the representation of Lithuanian émigré community among the main organizations (Lithuanian World Community, Lithuanian American Council, VLIK) continued until the late 1970s. It influenced the delayed formation of the Lithuanian World Community. By the late 1970s the main organizations decided not to restructure their organizational principles and continued their activities independently, according to their chief aims and methods. This agreement influenced the organizational features of the Lithuanian émigré community and the stable organizational forms of the Lithuanian World Community. Therefore, the chronological boundaries of the present work comprise the first stage of the development of the Lithuanian World Community. However, the idea of a worldwide Lithuanian organization emerged in the First Republic of Lithuania (1918–1940). For this reason work analyzes the mobilisation of Lithuanian during this period. In the first place the idea of establishing a colony to consolidate Lithuanians abroad is researched. However, the main attention is focused on describing the origins of the idea of the Lithuanian World Community, so the organizations Draugijos užsienio lietuviams remti and Pasaulio lietuvių sąjunga, their purpose and main tasks are examined. Object of research: The Lithuanian World Community in the 1940s – 1970s. Aim of work: Reconstruct the organizational and political development aspects of the Lithuanian World Community in the 1940s – 1970s. Principal tasks of work ƒ Review the mobilization ideas of the dispersed Lithuanians in the world; analyze the basic activity and organizational features of the Draugijos užsienio lietuviams remti and Pasaulio Lietuvių Sąjunga associations. ƒ Describe the organizational aspects of Lietuvių tremtinių bendruomenė, reconstruct the establishment of the Lithuanian World Community, present the

6 main organizational motives and principles, and reveal the attitudes of the VLIK and Lithuanian American Council towards the Lithuanian World Community. ƒ Analyze conditions and features of establishing Lithuanian communities in the world, explore the WLC head institution, and describe the cooperation among the Lithuanian World Community board and Lithuanian communities over the world. ƒ Explore the Lithuanian World Community’s role in mobilizing Lithuanian youth in the world and the impact of the organized second generation on Lithuanian community institutions; describe the development of the relationship between the Lithuanian World Community and the World Lithuanian Youth Association. ƒ Reconstruct the position and activities of the Lithuanian World Community in the political organization of the Lithuanian émigré community, analyze the issue of the émigré representation problem between the main organization the Lithuanian World Community and VLIK; to describe the attitude of the Lithuanian World Community towards the question of communication with occupied Lithuania and the question’s influence on the organizational changes and facets of political activity of the Lithuanian World Community. ƒ Describe the relationship between the Lithuanian World Community and the Lithuanian American council in organizing lobby in the USA, present the influence of the Lithuanian World Community in mobilizing Lithuanian communities over the world to lobby for the interests of the Lithuanian diaspora.

The above mentioned aim and tasks determine the structure on the work. The work comprises of an introduction, four chapters, and summarizing conclusions. The first chapter features the lessons of the migration policy in the first Republic of Lithuania and the ideas of mobilizing Lithuanians over the world. Colonization’s plans to mobilize Lithuanians abroad are explored. Further, the impact of civic associations Draugijos užsienio lietuviams remti and Pasaulio lietuvių sąjunga in organizing dispersed Lithuanians is analyzed. In the second chapter it is explored how the policy of the Western countries influenced Lithuanian mobilization after the Second World War. Secondly, the establishment of the

7 Lithuanian World Community is reconstructed, and the relationships between different waves of émigrés organizations are discussed. The third chapter describes the conditions and explains how the Lithuanian communities were established in the countries of immigration. The organizational structure of the Lithuanian World Community board and the development of its relationship with Lithuanian communities is analyzed. The mobilization of the second generation of Lithuanians in the world is investigated. The development of the relations between the Lithuanian World Community and the World Lithuanian Youth Association is also analyzed. The fourth chapter highlights the political activity of the Lithuanian World Community and analyzes representational problems of the main organisations. The Lithuanian World Community’s attitude towards the occupied homeland and the change of the conception of political activity are analyzed. The chapter then proceeds to describe the plans to change the organizational structures of Lithuanian émigré organizations. The influence and organisational features of the Lithuanian World Community’s lobby in the USA and the world are explored. Research methods. When carrying out this work, descriptive, analytical and semi– structural interviewing methods were used. Historiography. The organizational and political aspects of the establishment and development of the Lithuanian World Community are not well researched. Although the present historiography allows the researcher to explore the main features of the activity of the Lithuanian World Community, there are no studies that analyze the mobilizational aspects of the dispersed Lithuanians. In her book Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenė 1949–20031, Vitalija Stravinskienė, a pioneer of the research of the history of the Lithuanian World Community, describes the key facts of the organization’s history, presents persons, who took part in the organization, describes aspects of the organization’s activity and purpose. The author, however, ascribes higher relevance to the Lithuanian World Community, than to the organisational problems of dispersed Lithuanians. While the book describes the development of the Lithuanian World Community, less attention is dedicated to the organizational (including political) problems of the Lithuanian diaspora, which

1 Pasaulio Lietuvių bendruomenė 1949–2003, sud. Vitalija Stravinskienė, Vilnius, Artlora, 2004.

8 influenced the organizational patterns of the development of the Lithuanian World Community. The works of Giedrius Janauskas and Juozas Banionis on the Lithuanian lobby and the political activity of the Lithuanian diaspora should also be mentioned. G. Janauskas’ work (‘Congressional Action’ of Lithuanians in North America in Relation to the Policy of Non– Recognition of the Soviet Occupation of the Baltic States: late 1950s – 1990) shows the importance of the Lithuanian World Community, as well as the Lithuanian communities the USA and Canada in organizing the Lithuanian lobby in North America. Although G. Janauskas does not analyze these organizations in detail, he nevertheless shows the correlation between the activity of the ethnic group, and the political and social system of the host country. In addition, he demonstrates how the second generation integrated the organisational elements of the political activity of the host country into the lobbying actions of the Lithuanian community. J. Banionis’ works show the activities of Lithuanian émigré organisations in the international sphere. The author asserts that the organisations were collaborating in the political activities, and representing the Lithuanian émigré community; he also identifies the problematic aspects of the organization of Lithuanian associations, but he does not investigate them further. The ‘people diplomacy’2 aspect of the Lithuanian World Community, and its relationship to the home country’s institutions in exile is little explored in Lithuanian historiography. In contrast, Laurynas Jonušauskas’ book 3 emphasizes the problems between the Lithuanian diplomatic service and the VLIK regarding the issues of , but the author less investigates the importance of Lithuanian diplomatic service for Lithuanian émigrés, and their lobby efforts to preserve it. The Lithuanian World Community as the main diaspora organization became a partner of the independent Lithuania’s diplomatic service in exile. Hence, it is important to note the aspects of this collaboration, because it shows the features of political activity of the Lithuanian World Community in the host countries.

2 Aleksandravičius Egidijus, Išeivija ir Lietuvos užsienio politikos uždaviniai, Oikos: Lietuvių migracijos ir diasporos studijos, Versus aureus, 2006, nr. 1, p. 12. 3 Jonušauskas Laurynas, Likimo vedami, Lietuvos diplomatinės tarnybos egzilyje veikla 1940–1991, Lietuvos gyventojų Genocido ir rezistencijos Tyrimo centras, Vilnius, 2003.

9 Sources. The most important material for investigating this topic is preserved in the funds of the Emigration Institute* at the Vytautas Magnus University. Vytautas Kamantas’ “The Lithuanian World community archive” is the most valuable, because it contains the protocols of the organization’s board sessions, as well as correspondence with Lithuanian communities over the world, and members of the organizations. The archival documents of Valdas Adamkus’ fund show the political organizational problems and reform plans of Lithuanian organizations. To reconstruct the establishment of The Lithuanian World Community the protocols from sessions of the VLIK and the correspondence of Mykolas Krupavičius were used. These documents are preserved in the Archives of the Lithuanian Historical Institute ((f. 54) „Prelato Mykolo. Krupavičiaus 4 ir Lietuvos krikščionių demokratų sąjungos” ). The document publication VLIK and protocols of sessions of the Lithuanian diplomatic service5 were particularly adjuvant. These data allowed to explore in the historiography unknown details of Lithuanian mobilization after the Second World War and the difficulties connected with establishing the Lithuanian World Community. In addition, sources of the Lietuvos centriniame valstybiniame archyve (LCVA) (f. 648, f. 656, f. R– 754) were used to reconstruct the émigré politicians’ attitude towards the Lithuanian World community. In exploring the First Republic of Lithuania’s features of migration policy and the ideas for mobilizing Lithuanians in the world the document collection “Lietuvos Respublikos emigracijos politika 1920–1940 m.“ 6 was the primary source for this investigation. The journal Pasaulio lietuvis (The World’s Lithuanians) and other publications produced by the Lithuanian World Community 7 were important for reviewing the organizational ideas and aspects of the organization’s activities. Important sources used

* Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Lietuvių išeivijos institute archyvai saugomi ir moksliniai tyrimai vykdomi Išeivijos studijų centre (ISC). 4 Mykolas Krupavičius (1885–1970) – kunigas, priklausė Lietuvos krikščionių demokratų partijos įkūrėjas, VLIK’o pirmininkas 1945–1955 m. 5 VLIK’as ir Lietuvos diplomatinė tarnyba išeivijoje. Berno ir Paryžiaus konferencijų protokolai, Sud. Asta Petraitytė, Vilnius, Versus aureus, 2004 6 Lietuvos Respublikos emigracijos politika 1920–1940 m., sud. Vitalija Kasperavičiūtė, Versus aureus, 2006 7 PLB seimo vadovas, (1958), Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės Antrojo seimo darbai, red. A. Rinkūnas, Torontas, Kanada 1963 m.; PLB III seimas New York 1968, dr. K. Valiūnas, dr. J. Kazickas, „Neris“, International Inc. New York, V–sis PLB seimas, 1978 birželio 30–liepos 4, Toronto, Ont., redagavo Romas Kasparas, Chicago (Ill.), Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės valdyba, 1978.

10 during the preparation of this dissertation were the periodicals: Į laisvę, Akiračiai, Aidai, Metmenys, Lietuvių dienos, Tėvynės sargas, Draugas, Dirva, Naujienos, Tėviškės žiburiai, Santarvė. Published memoirs allowed to explore in the first place the conflict between the two different waves of Lithuanian émigrés, and secondly, the political aspects of the organizational issues of Lithuanian émigré organizations. Memoirs by Bronius Nainys Lietuvai ir lietuvybei 8 , Leonardas Šimutis Amerikos lietuvių taryba 9 , Vaclovas Sidzikauskas Lietuvos diplomatijos paraštėje 10 , Valdo Adamkaus Likimo vardas – Lietuva11 deserve a special mention. In collecting material about the World Lithuanian Community organization, interviews were conducted with the following representatives of the organization: Mykolas Drunga, Algimantas Gureckas, Antanas Saulaitis and Elona Vaišnienė. The work analyses the organizational political aspects of the World Lithuanian Community, which have not been explored yet. Most of the sources employed preparing the theses were used for the fist time. The impact of the World Lithuanian Community on the history of the Lithuanian emigration is very important. Not all areas of the organization’s activity have been analyzed so far, although the organizational and political aspects of the World Lithuanian Community in 1940s–1970s explored in this dissertation are expected to expand the knowledge of the organization’s history, and to influence further comparative research of the Lithuanian migrants’ organization, both historically and today.

8 Nainys Bronius, Lietuvai ir lietuvybei, JAV Lietuvių Bendruomenės 50–metis, Chicago, 2001. 9 Simutis L., Amerikos lietuvių taryba /Lithuanian American council, Chicago, 1971. 10 Vaclovas Sidzikauskas, Lietuvos diplomatijos paraštėje, Vilnius, 1994. 11 Adamkus Valdas, Likimo vardas––Lietuva, Santara, Kaunas, 1998.

11 I. The organization of Lithuanians in the world: genesis of the idea and experience

During the years of the First Republic of Lithuania the economic situation in the country caused a large new wave of emigration, so migration management policy was very important. In the 1920s the legal database, which defined the features of the operation for emigration offices was prepared. Then in the late 1920s and 1930s the situation of the emigrants abroad was addressed and their importance to the homeland was emphasized. Lithuanian politicians considering the problem of dispersion of Lithuanians in the world offered to organise Lithuanian colonies abroad. Such plans were influenced by aspects of the migration policies of other European countries. In publications dealing with the colonization topic, the Lithuanian media emphasized the benefits of organised Lithuanian émigrés to the home country. The pattern of a colony was an attractive form of mobilizing Lithuanians abroad, because in this way the Lithuanian state could control and influence the relationship with émigrés. Lithuanian politicians claimed that in a colony a strong community could be formed, which would be able to provide economic support to Lithuania. Secondly, a colony isolated from the host country could help to preserve the national identity. The Lithuanian government began to study potential countries where colonies could be established. The research about Lithuanian migrant communities abroad was made, however the colonization plans were not implemented. In the 1930s the society’s attitudes, the country’s political situation, and the unstable international atmosphere effected such results. The situation also evidently changed in the immigration countries, which reformed and tightened the immigration laws. Those changes occurred in the countries where Lithuanian émigrés constituted the largest communities – the USA and the countries of South America. Thus, plans to establish a colony to mobilize Lithuanians abroad were not implemented, however, Lithuania established relations with Lithuanians abroad. On the other hand, various associations were established by the émigrés themselves, which also contributed to the collaboration with the country of origin.

12 In connection to the colonization plans, a new non governmental association Draugija užsienio lietuviams remti (DULR) was established in Kaunas on the 7th of February 1932 with the goal of preserving the national identity of Lithuanian émigrés. The most important task of this organisation was to find a proper organizational form for maintaining links with émigrés. The founders of the association stated, that there were no ties, nor an existing tradition to tell the home country how to communicate with its émigrés. The main purpose of the DULR was to support Lithuanians in foreign countries, care about their national culture and educational issues, and maintain relations with Lithuanian organizations abroad, as well as to sponsor the publication of Lithuanian émigré newspapers. The DULR also emphasized the importance for Lithuanian émigrés of associating abroad. In 1935 the chair of the DULR visited the main countries of Lithuanian immigration and noted the economic, cultural and social differences of Lithuanian associations abroad, thereupon inviting them to collaborate and strengthen their relationship with each other and the country of origin. For this purpose the World Lithuanian Congress was held in Kaunas on August 11– 17, 1935. The World Lithuanian Congress played a crucial role in influencing Lithuanian émigré organizations to maintain relations with Lithuania. It also provided an opportunity for the different Lithuanian associations from around the world to acquaint themselves with Lithuanian activities abroad. During this congress, a new umbrella organisation The World Lithuanian Association (Pasaulio lietuvių sąjunga (PLS) in Lithuanian) was established. The purpose of the World Lithuanian Association was to unite different Lithuanian organisations all over the world. In November 1937 this organization started to publish a new journal Pasaulio lietuvis, where information about the life and activities of Lithuanians in the world was provided. R. Skipitis, head of the DULR, claimed that in the 1930s Lithuanian society supported the World Lithuanian Association, but not the Lithuanian government, so the activity of the association was limited at this time. In conclusion, the established Draugija užsienio lietuviams remti set an important pattern for Lithuania to maintain relations with Lithuanian émigré association, to support them and motivate émigrés to associate. The most important lesson of this period was provided by the establishment of the World Lithuanian Association.

13 Although the organizational model was not implemented in creating the World Lithuanian Community, the cultural aims of the World Lithuanian Association were important to the World Lithuanian Community institutions. After the Second World War even more importance was given the world émigré organization, due to the occupation of the home country. The ideas of organizing Lithuanians in the world emerged again after the Second World War, when Lithuanian refugees faced the dispersal problem.

II. The organisation of the expatriated Lithuanians after the Second World War

The relationship between the Western countries and the Soviet Union influenced the situation of the refugees from the Baltic States. The political situation of this region, the refugees’ declared intentions to re–establish the independence of the occupied homeland, to preserve the national culture, oppose the Russian policy in the country of origin were very important aspects in the foreign policy of the Western countries. Nevertheless the refugees from the Baltic countries became partners in the ideological war with Soviet system; their destiny was defined by the work migration programs, conditions and requirements. Lithuanian refugees realized that emigration would cause the dispersal of the tightly– knit refugee community from the DP camps. First, it was understood, that it is important to prepare to emigrate from the DP camps and ideas of colonization and compact emigration to one country, close to the homeland, were discussed. However there were no possibilities for the implementation of such plans. On the other hand, such plans showed the significance of the ideas of Lithuanian unity abroad and influenced mobilization of Lithuanian émigrés in host countries. On March 3– 4, 1946 in Hanau, VLIK established the Lietuvių tremtinių bendruomene (LTB), an organization dedicated to uniting the diverse Lithuanian refugee society for the general purposes of the community, including education, as well as social and cultural aims. The association project was based on the principles of voluntary national self–government, similar to Jewish community organizations all around the world. In the first place this organizational model functioned to unite

14 Lithuanians and futhermore, it was expected, when the political situation changed, to transfer gained experience back to Lithuania. However, the problem of emigration from the DP camps was inevitable. When emigration from the DP camps started, common emigration to few countries was recommended. Also, was important to avoid dispersion in the host country, so VLIK prompted émigrés to associate with old Lithuanian émigrés organizations or to establish a new one, based on the basic model of Lietuvių tremtinių bendruomene. A change can be seen in 1947 when the numbers of emigrants increased and the project for a new organisation (WLC) was already underway. At this time VLIK stressed the importance for émigrés to associate according to the organizational principles of the Lietuvių tremtinių bendruomene, and the laws and conditions of the host countries. The former DPs emphasized the importance of implementing the experience of Lietuvių tremtinių bendruomene in the new organization – the World Lithuanian Community. We can conclude that Lietuvių tremtinių bendruomenė was an important basis for the refugees’ associational life in the DP camps. The dispersal problem and the cause of uniting all Lithuanians in exile were important motives for establishing the new organisation – the Wold Lithuanian Community. If Lietuvių tremtinių bendruomene was established for the purposes of the refugees, the Lithuanian World Community was intended to include also the older waves of Lithuanian emigration. In 1947 VLIK and the Lithuanian diplomatic service in a common session began to discuss the problem of Lithuanian dispersal in the world, and decided to establish a new association – the World Lithuanian Community. However, Lithuanian émigrés had doubts about the new organisation, because it was not clear what its relationship to the already existing organizations would be. Especially American Lithuanians, represented by the umbrella organization American Lithuanian Council, saw the newly established organization as a threat to its own existence so opposed to such plans. The old émigrés’ attitude was noticed by VLIK, and, in a meeting of April 19, 1949, it was decided that the Lithuanian World Community would henceforth be not merely a private association, but an organization representing all Lithuanians, like the Lietuvių tremtinių bendruomene had been before.

15 Another issue discussed by the émigrés was the definition of religious aspects in the constitution of the Lithuanian World Community. Although the attitude to religion was diverse, the discussions eventually led to a comparatively liberal definition of religion in the Lithuanian charta and constitution. This demonstrates that although the Lithuanian émigré society was diverse, it was important to combine different ideological influences in establishing a new exile organization. However, the American Lithuanian Council did not agree with the result, which problematized negotiation of the basics of the Lithuanian World Community organization with American Lithuanians, especially the Catholic stream’s association. The influence of different ideological groups also played a role in the establishment of the World Lithuanian Community. However, as a democratic institution, the World Lithuanian Community represented the broad range of society. In addition, such influence in the activity of the Lithuanian World Community was not so important in the late 1970s. The declaration of the Lithuanian charta and Lithuanian World Community constitution were the basic principles establishing the Lithuanian communities around the world. Although the Lithuanian World Community was supposed to unite all Lithuanians in the world, the rights to organize political activity were delegated to VLIK – the founder of the Lithuanian World Community – and the Lithuanian American Council, which agreed to support the idea of the Lithuanian World Community for social and fundraising purposes. The Lithuanian American Council’s efforts to defend the so – called DPs’ (displaced persons) rights to enter the USA was a very important sign of Lithuanian solidarity; however, the possibility to establish the Lithuanian World Community showed the conflicts determined by different perception of the political and social aspects of the organization of émigré society. Due to the identity differences of émigrés’ flows, the organizational development of the Lithuanian World Community was problematic. While organizing the Lithuanian communities in the world, the question of the political leader and representative of Lithuanians abroad emerged. This issue was especially salient between the old and new waves of émigré organization. Thus in the

16 late 1940s, the Lithuanian American Council and VLIK took the responsibility of representing Lithuanian émigrés in political matters. Although the Lithuanian American Council and VLIK decided to realize the establishment of the Lithuanian World Community, the situation changed when the Lithuanian World Community was about to begin functioning in the USA. The question of reform of the Lithuanian émigré organization came to the forefront of discussion. The political refugees strove to organize the entire Lithuanian émigré community as the nation in exile. At the same time, the Lithuanian World Community endeavored to represent all members of the Lithuanian diaspora individually, rather than as members of their organizations or ideological groups. Even more importantly, the founders of the Lithuanian World Community stressed that this organizational structure would allow to embrace all Lithuanian communities in the world. In contrast, the American Lithuanians attributed higher relevance to their own organizational traditions, than to the idea of association and connection of all the dispersed Lithuanians in the world. In the early 1950s the idea of uniting émigré flows in the USA in a single organization gained in importance, and reform plans were offered. However, the American Lithuanian Council refused to implement the idea of the Lithuanian World Community, but rather defined clear boundaries of activity in the Lithuanian émigré community in the USA. Accordingly, the Lithuanian World Community was left with the responsibility to preserve the national identity of Lithuanians in the world and to fund the activity of political leaders. With these conditions, the Lithuanian World Community was established in the USA. Due to the divided spheres of interest, the Lithuanian émigré society failed to organize common actions in the 1950s. The Lithuanian American Council was an influential organization in the 1940s and 1950s but the refusal to reform its organizational structure caused stagnation. The emergence of the Lithuanian World Community brought out the differences in the way earlier and later immigrants viewed issues of organizational Lithuanian life in the diaspora.

17 III. The development of the organizational structure of the Lithuanian World Community

The constitution of the Lithuanian World Community constitution regulated that the Lithuanian communities in each country should act according to their statutes, the host country’s conditions and laws, and the constitution of the Lithuanian World Community. This rule marked the Lithuanian community as an independent unit, although it was expected to collaborate with the Lithuanian World Community board. Due to the relationship between the Lithuanian émigré flows, the establishment of Lithuanian communities was delayed, and communication with the founders of the Lithuanian World Community was problematic. It was observed that Lithuanian communities were established soonest, and faced the fewest organizational problems in those countries, where the largest part of Lithuanian émigré society consisted of newly arrived refugees. Consequently, Lithuanian communities in Germany, Sweden, Australia, Austria, and Venezuela were the first to organize successfully. The countries with the larger old–wave émigré community, and a significant number of newcomers faced more difficulties in combining the interests of the social organization, as was the case in Great Britain and Canada. Well–organized social, cultural and political associations of the older waves of Lithuanian émigrés in the USA were a source for the protracted conflict around the establishment of the Lithuanian World Community as an umbrella organization. In the first place it was claimed that it was important to integrate both flows of Lithuanian emigrants into the Lithuanian World Community. Moreover, the organizational network established by the old émigrés was essential for organizing the Lithuanian World Community. For this reason, and due to the social features of Lithuanian society in each country, organization of the Lithuanian World Community lingered. By the 1950s, work towards the creation of the Lithuanian community was underway in 22 countries. However, the situation was diverse, and for the first Lithuanian World Community parliament, which took place in 1958, 20 communities were organized and represented. The parliament of the Lithuanian World Community elected the Lithuanian World Community‘s executive institution for the implementation

18 of the chief purposes of the organization. The most important task was to maintain relations with Lithuanian Communities over the world, and coordinate common actions. The moral and financial support of Lithuanian Communities was essential to the Lithuanian World Community executive in organizing its activities and realizing its main purposes. The activities of the Lithuanian community were influenced by the political and social features of the host countries. This situation was common for all Lithuanians Communities in all countries. The purpose of the Lithuanian World Community was to make this social network function smoothly. Due to the fact that the establishment of the Lithuanian community lingered, in the 1950s – 1970s the collaboration among the Lithuanian communities in the world and with the Lithuanian World Community board was not everywhere strong enough. On the other hand, at the initial stages of the process, the Lithuanian World Community board was still in the process of planning, and had no financial recourses to support intense activity. Even so, the Lithuanian World Community sought ties with Lithuanian communities, especially in terms of cultural links. As the Lithuanian World Community board was organised in North America, inevitably there was close collaboration on all activity issues between the American Lithuanian Community, and the Lithuanian Community in Canada. In the early 1970s the Lithuanian World Community took steps to animate Lithuanian communities in South America. At the same time, the relationship with the Lithuanian communities in Europe was rather weak. In the late 1970s the Lithuanian World Community coordinated the activities of Lithuanian communities, and started to integrate them as partners to decide which activities should be carried out by the Lithuanian World Community in the world. In order to keep close relations among the local communities, cultural, educational, organizational and administrative issues had to be coordinated with the Lithuanian communities around the world. During the period of 1950s – 1970s the organizational issues of the Lithuanian émigré community were essential. Consequently we can observe that different mobilization features of Lithuanian émigré community appeared. In the fist place, in the late 1940s and 1950s the problem of social organization between the Lithuanian émigré flows influenced some of the aspects of the implementation of the Lithuanian World

19 Community. In the 1950s–1970s the Lithuanian World Community contended with the problem of the relative inactivity of Lithuanian communities, in contrast to the old Lithuanian émigré umbrella organizations, which continued to function, especially in countries, where the old–wave émigrés constituted the majority, as in Argentina, Uruguay, Great Britain and the USA. The Lithuanian World Community verified the relationship and the situation of Lithuanian organizations in each country, and the rules of Lithuanian representation were liberalized, along with the internal regulations of the Lithuanian World Community. However the situation in the USA diverged and the controversy between the old and new social organization forms of the Lithuanian émigré community remained. Moreover, in the late 1970s the issue of mixed families and Lithuanian integration into Lithuanian community institutions gained considerable importance. The network of Lithuanian communities was important in mobilising Lithuanians in the world. The Lithuanian World Community’s relationship with local Lithuanian communities was crucial in coordinating the activities of Lithuanian diaspora. However, the most fundamental aspect was the time factor, so it was important to guarantee the continuation of Lithuanian community institutions. For this reason, the mobilization of the second generation of diaspora Lithuanians began. At the same time the younger generation of Lithuanians chose to participate in the activities of the Lithuanian émigré community. However, clear distinctions could be identified in the organizational features between the generations in the Lithuanian émigré community. For the older generation of refugees the social organization order was based on the experience of independent Lithuania. In contrast, the associational features of the second generation in exile were influenced more by the social and political context of the respective host countries. The identity question was also important for the second generation, which emphasized the problem of home and host country identity duality in the 1950s and 1960s. The Lithuanian World Community recognized the importance of the younger generation, and influenced the mobilization of the second generation of Lithuanian diaspora into Lithuanian community institutions. For this purpose, the World Lithuanian Youth Congress was organised in 1966 and other important activities were held in the Lithuanian communities in order to attract and mobilize the younger generation.

20 The second generation was very important for the organized émigré community, so it was crucial to integrate the youth to preserve the continuance of the The Lithuanian World Community. Although the younger generation of Lithuanians was significantly involved in ideological as well as diverse purpose based organisations, it was important to integrate the youth into the general umbrella organisation. In addition, the younger generation was comparatively better organized in North America, so it was important to mobilize and establish relations with representatives of the other regions, where Lithuanian communities were present. The host countries’ social milieu influenced the features of émigrés’ association, so for the young generation, who developed in the liberal country’s tradition, the democratic structure of the Lithuanian World Community was more attractive. Such sentiments were represented in the World Lithuanian Youth Congress, where the second generation emphasized the exile context, which Lithuanian organizations had to take into account. The second generation was critical of the political organizations of Lithuanians, and their failure to adapt to the émigré context and support the interests of the younger generation. For these reasons, representatives of the young generation sought to implement the democratic form in the émigré organization. The Lithuanian World Community was supported and recognized as the suitable organization to unite the dispersed Lithuanian youth around the world, and the youth was encouraged to participate in Lithuanian community institutions. These initiatives marked a new stage in the development of the Lithuanian World Community. Mobilization of the second generation of Lithuanians proceeded after the World Lithuanian Youth Congress, followed by the establishment of the new World Lithuanian Youth Association. Even more importantly, the second generation demonstrated an interest in maintaining relations and collaborating with young Lithuanian émigrés around the world. Furthermore, due to the preparation and organizational work for the first World Lithuanian Youth Congress, the second generation was readily integrated into Lithuanian community institutions and their activities. As a result, representatives of the younger generation became leaders or members of the executive committee of Lithuanian communities. This collaboration strengthened the relationship between the Lithuanian World Community board and Lithuanian communities over the world.

21 On the whole, the Lithuanian World Community mobilized the younger generation of dispersed Lithuanians in the world, and influenced integration of the youth into the structure of the Lithuanian community as members, and then as successors of the organization. The relationship between the Lithuanian World Community and the second generation was reciprocal, as it was important for the youth to establish and unite the Lithuanian youth in the world and to support the activities of the Lithuanian World Community. This correlation functioned as a feature of the mobilization, as well as was important facet preserving the national identity of the second generation in the host countries. In retrospect, the influence of the consistently developing relationship between the Lithuanian World Community and the World Lithuanian Youth Association can be seen. If in the 1960s the Lithuanian World Community initiated the organization of the younger generation in the world, then in the 1970s this generation was integrated in the Lithuanian World Community structures, serving as active members, who introduced new forms of activity. The initiative of the Lithuanian World Community to integrate the second generation into the structures of the association guaranteed the maintenance of the organization.

IV. Organization of the political activities of the Lithuanian World Community in the 1950s – 1970s

VLIK as the founding organization for the Lithuanian World Community presented itself as the political leadership of the Lithuanian émigré community. The situation changed when some of the political groups left VLIK in the 1950s. Even more importantly, the exile situation changed the basic principles of the organization once the resistance facet was lost and the members of VLIK renounced their Lithuanian citizenship. However, the organization preserved its rights to organise political activity, which fact was criticized by the Lithuanian World Community. In the late 1950s the Lithuanian World Community board tried to resolve a political crisis of émigré organisations. Although it was offered to concentrate all Lithuanian émigré political power in the Lithuanian World Community, support for this initiative was marginal; however, a consistent reform plan was maintained. In the late

22 1950s VLIK’s failure to adapt to the new situation in an attempt to solve organizational problems moved the Lithuanian World Community to coordinate the crisis of political organization, and the idea of establishing a political institution was announced. At the same time, the struggle for leadership positions in the émigré community began, and opposition to the participation of the Lithuanian World Community in political affairs grew. For this reason it was extremely difficult for émigré organisations to find compromise, or to eschew the interests of ideological or political groups, which is why the formation of a new common political institute did not occur. Nevertheless, the Lithuanian World Community disapproved of the idea of maintaining VLIK, based on the representation of political groups, because such an institution would fail to represent Lithuanian communities, and would also prevent the integration of the second generation into political matters. For these reasons, the renewal of the political organization was problematic. In the 1970s the Lithuanian World Community sought to define its position in the organization of political activity. Finally, in the late 1970s the Lithuanian World Community and VLIK defined the rights of representation in exile. The two organizations’ principles were mutually exclusive, which is why VLIK defined its priorities as representing the nation in exile, while the Lithuanian World Community reserved for itself the representation of émigrés. On the other hand, it was evident, that the Lithuanian organizations failed to implement reforms and to unite for organizing the same activities. Nonetheless, due to its influence in the Lithuanian émigré society, the Lithuanian World Community could mobilize Lithuanian émigrés all around the world for political and cultural issues, and integrate the second generation into diaspora matters. The activity of Lithuanian émigré organizations allow us to trace the changes in the conception of political activity, which was influenced by the ties with the country of origin. Although in the 1960s the Lithuanian World Community participated in the discussions among the Lithuanian émigré society on how to promote ties with occupied Lithuania, after the cultural exchange program was signed, there were no clear plans how to organize communication with the homeland. In contrast, the Santara– Šviesa organization began fostering close ties with occupied Lithuania.

23 However, discussion of the controversial cultural exchange program revealed the importance of the Lithuanian World Community attitude. It was argued that the protracted discussions on the political organization and representation of Lithuanian émigrés distracted Lithuanians from their real purpose, which was to help the homeland. Late in 1970s, the Lithuanian World Community critically evaluated the émigrés’ missions to liberate the country, so organisation attempted to help the occupied nation regain its right to decide, without any concern for determining the political system of the independent Lithuania. In contrast to the activities of the Santara–Šviesa, (to go to the country of origin, to communicate with people in occupied Lithuania) the Lithuanian World Community, in order to promote closer ties, organised a lobby with the hope to ease the regulations in the occupied country. Another political organizational problem occurred in the Lithuanian émigré society was due to the lobby issues in the USA. Although in the 1940s–1950s the Lithuanian American Council had fundamental experience of the political system of the USA, which it used to defend the rights of refugees’, the situation changed in the early 1960s, when The Lithuanian American Council’s political activity became conservative and stable. Reform plans for the Lithuanian American Council and the Lithuanian community in the USA were suggested. However, these plans did not see implementation for decades. At the same time, members of the Lithuanian World Community organized their lobby in the USA. The relations between the Lithuanian umbrella organizations in the USA were influenced by mutually exclusive concepts of how to organize political activities and lobbying. While the Lithuanian American Council supported the USA in all foreign policy causes in order to keep the US nonrecognition policy with regard to occupied Lithuania alive, the Lithuanian World Community also attempted to defend the interests of the Lithuanian émigré community, and to promote the occupied country. Apart from this, the PLB emphasized the importance of organized lobbying not only in the USA, but also in other countries of Lithuanian residence. Even more importantly, the policy of promoting the cause of the country of origin, changing the situation in occupied Lithuania and Lithuanian American council failure to develop active political actions influenced the Lithuanian community decision to participate in lobby organization. This aspect was especially important to the second

24 generation, which was looking for broader forms and opportunities for the Lithuanian émigré lobby. The organizational development of the Lithuanian community stabilized in the late 1970s. The Lithuanian World Community’s conception of lobby organization and evaluation of the Lithuanian diaspora’s capability of such activities had a strong influence on the organizational issues. As a result, the objectives of the Lithuanian World Community’s political activity changed. In the 1950–1960s, because of issues of representation, Lithuanian émigré organizations were involved in the political activities inside the émigré society, strictly defining the rights to maintain relations with representatives of US institutions. However, by the 1970s the Lithuanian World Community succeeded in organizing its lobby and promoting the interests of the Lithuanian diaspora. Conclusions 1. The organisational experiences of Lithuanians abroad are connected with the émigré migration policy of the First Republic of Lithuania (1918–1940). The project to establish the Lithuanian colonies abroad was not implemented; however emphasised ideas to promote the ties between émigrés and country of origin were important. After the Second World War these ideas contributed to the discussion of the possibility to resettle mobilised Lithuanian refugee community to the foreign countries. In 1930s Draugijos užsienio lietuviams remti and Pasaulio lietuvių sąjunga organisations’ the ideas to unite Lithuanian émigré organisations in the world, to keep the interconnection and ties with country of origin were essential in implementing the organisational principals and purposes of the Lithuanian World Community. 2. After the Second World War western countries defined to accept political refugees from DP camps according to the work migration programs. So, well organised Lithuanian refugee community was conditioned to disperse in the world. To solve the problem of mobilisation of Lithuanian émigrés, VLIK took initiative of forming the umbrella organisation for Lithuanians throughout the world, embracing all waves of emigration. Lietuvių tremtinių bendruomenė established during the DP period was significant base creating the Lithuanian

25 World Community, because the main organisational basics and principals of the Lietuvių tremtinių bendruomenė were employed. 3. The Lithuanian World Community endeavoured to represent all members of the Lithuanian diaspora individually rather than their organisations or ideological groupings. Establishing the Lithuanian World Community, the influence and position of the earlier flow émigrés’ umbrella organisation American Lithuanian Council was evidential. American Lithuanian Council had definite organisational and social structures, so declined to support the organisation of the Lithuanian World Community. So just when the competence and the right to act in the political sphere was defined to American Lithuanian Council and VLIK, and the cultural, social tasks were appointed to fulfil for the Lithuania World Community, American Lithuanian Council agreed to establish the Lithuanian World Community. 4. After the declaration of the Lithuanian Charta and temporary constitution of the Lithuanian World Community, Lithuanian émigrés were encouraged to organise Lithuanian Communities all around the world. The establishment of the Lithuanian Communities was complicated. The Lithuanian World Community’s emergence brought out differences in the way earlier and later immigrants viewed issues of Lithuanian organisational and social aspects in mobilising Lithuanian émigrés. It was easier to organise Lithuanian Communities in those countries, where the largest part of Lithuanian émigré society constituted newcomers – refugees, and there were the least organisational problems. Consequently Lithuanian Communities in Germany, Sweden, Australia, Austria, and Venezuela were organised first. The countries with larger community of the old flow of Lithuanian émigrés and significant number of newcomers caused more difficulties combining the interest of the social organisation as it was in Great Britain, Canada and the USA. 5. The Lithuanian World Community’s development highlighted the features of mobilisation of Lithuanians in the world. In the fist place, in the late 1940s and 1950s it was important to organise Lithuanians into the Lithuanian Community, which would keep close ties with the Lithuanian World Community board. However In 1950s – beginning of 1970s the relationship between the board of Lithuanian World Community and Lithuanian communities in the world was not

26 everywhere enough strong. This was influenced also by the Lithuanian communities’ independent status, which defined individual and distinctive their development. Close collaboration between the Lithuanian World Community board and American Lithuanian community, as well with Lithuanian community in Canada allowed to organise common activity more intense, but the collaboration with Lithuanian communities in South America and Europe was not sufficient. In the beginning of the 1970s Lithuanian World Community strengthened the collaboration with Lithuanian communities in the world. Accenting the importance of the Lithuanian association in the world, the rules of representation of Lithuanian umbrella organizations in the Lithuanian World Community were liberalized. This was also influenced by changed features of Lithuanian mobilisation in different countries, so the importance of one umbrella organisation in each Lithuanian resident country and collaboration with the Lithuanian World Community board was emphasised. Such changes occurred in Argentina, Uruguay, and the Great Britain. However in the USA the organisational reforms to unite Lithuanians to one common umbrella organisation were not successful. 6. The Lithuanian World Community endeavoured to maintain the continuance of organisation, for this purpose mobilised the young Lithuanian generation in the world. It was accessed that it is important to organise Lithuanian youth to implement and continue the activity of Lithuanian community institution. In 1972 the young generation established World Lithuanian Youth Association, which collaborated with the board of the Lithuanian World Community. At the end of the 1970s The World Lithuanian Youth Association was formally integrated into the Lithuanian World Community and the members of the young generation were involved into activity of Lithuanian community institutions. 7. Not stable political situation of the Lithuanian émigré organisations influenced the Lithuanian World Community’s decision to take initiative to solve the political organisational problem establishing new political organisation or embracing all political groups in the Lithuanian World Community, but such reforms were not actualised. Those reasons determined that the Lithuanian political activity was organised by several organisations. The Lithuanian World Community opposed to the political activity methods which existed, and formed

27 political actions independently. The relationship between VLIK and the Lithuanian World Community indicated the organisational and representation problems of Lithuanian émigré society. The plans to change the situation and unite organisation for collective émigré work lasted for few decades, but at the end of the 1970s the status quo was defined. VLIK, as the symbolic resistance organisation represented the nation of Lithuania, and the Lithuanian World Community represented the Lithuanian émigrés. 8. The question of relationship with homeland changed the Lithuanian World Community’s conception of political activity. Organisation emphasised the importance to redirect Lithuanian émigrés’ political organisational issues towards the promotion of the country of origin. The issue of the relationship with homeland highlighted the importance of the Lithuanian World Community, which organised lobby and political actions to ease the possibility to keep closer ties with occupied Lithuania. At the end of 1970 the leaders of the Lithuanian World Community evaluated the general Lithuanian émigré political situation and aimed to organise Lithuanian émigré political actions according to the situation in the country of origin. The Lithuanian World Community established the Public affairs commission, which together with Lithuanian communities in the word organised lobby in host countries to help the nation in home country to decide its future. 9. Lithuanian lobby lessons in USA influenced the political and organisational development of the Lithuanian World Community. Disaffection to the activity of the American Lithuanian Council motivated the members of the Lithuanian community to seek more effective way for lobby organisation reforming the organisational structures to unite lithuanian émigrés resources. The development of the Lithuanian community stabilized in the end of the 1970s, when the main institutions of the Lithuanian World Community were formed and the importance of the organisation to the émigré society increased. At the end of the 1970s The Lithuanian World Community, based on the democratic principals and with integrated social network of Lithuanian communities, organised effective lobby and promoted the interests of the Lithuanian émigré community.



Migracijos procesų tyrimai tampa ypač svarbūs XXI a. didėjant įtakai, kurią globalizacija daro socialinei raidai. Šiuolaikinės migracijos studijose daug dėmesio skiriama migrantų organizacijų formavimuisi užsienyje, jų ryšiams su gimtuoju kraštu ir gyvenamojo krašto socialiniams politiniams aspektams, turintiems įtakos migrantų asocijavimuisi. Kita vertus, gausėja studijų, tyrinėjančių migrantų organizavimosi ypatumus bei diasporų formavimosi bruožus ir istorinėje perspektyvoje. Tokių tyrimų atsiradimui įtakos turėjo ir pasikeitusi situacija po Sovietų Sąjungos žlugimo, todėl Baltijos šalių ir Centrinės Europos istorikai galėjo laisvai nagrinėti ir emigracijos bei diasporos istorijos temas. Kita vertus, suaktyvėjusi diasporų veikla, siekiant savo šalių nepriklausomybės pripažinimo, paskatino tyrėjus atkreipti dėmesį į migrantų organizuotą veiklą. Po Antrojo pasaulinio karo politiniai pabėgėliai Vakarų šalyse formulavo aiškius politinius tikslus kovoti dėl savo šalies laisvės, todėl atgavus nepriklausomybę lobistinė etninių grupių veikla tiek gyvenamajame, tiek gimtajame krašte tapo ypač svarbiu studijų objektu. Migrantų asociacijų ir organizavimosi studijos svarbios ir dabartiniame Lietuvos kontekste. Gausi emigracija ir naujų lietuvių bendruomenių formavimasis užsienio šalyse sudaro prielaidas tyrinėti ir migrantų draugijų bruožus ir jų raidą istorinėje perspektyvoje. Svarbią reikšmę turi Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenė, įsteigta Antrojo pasaulinio karo politinių pabėgėlių bangos atstovų, siekiant suvienyti pasaulyje pasklidusius lietuvius. Lietuvai atgavus nepriklausomybę, Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės organizacija toliau tęsia savo veiklą, kuriamos naujos Lietuvių bendruomenės užsienio šalyse. Tai skatina atsigręžti į organizacijos praeitį, pažinti jos formavimosi ir raidos aspektus, bendrą lietuvių organizavimosi patirtį bei pilietinės visuomenės pamokas išeivijoje. Po Antrojo pasaulinio karo politiniai motyvai, ypač okupuoto krašto padėtis, lietuviams tapo vieni svarbiausių mobilizuojant išeiviją ir formuojant diasporą. Todėl disertacijoje analizuojami organizaciniai politiniai aspektai ir kitos su šiais klausimais susijusios problemos. Chronologiniai rėmai yra XX a. penktasis–aštuntasis dešimtmečiai. Pirmoji riba žymi po Antrojo pasaulinio karo perkeltųjų asmenų stovyklose atkurto Vyriausiojo

29 Lietuvos išlaisvinimo komiteto (VLIK’o) veiklą sprendžiant lietuvių pasklidimo pasaulyje problemą ir telkiant visą lietuvių išeiviją į naują organizaciją – Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenę. 1949 m. birželio 14 d. buvo paskelbta Lietuvių charta ir Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės laikinieji nuostatai, kuriais remiantis pradėjo kurtis Lietuvių bendruomenės atskiruose kraštuose. Iki XX a. aštuntojo dešimtmečio pabaigos tęsėsi PLB, ALT’os ir VLIK’o diskusijos dėl lietuvių išeivijos atstovavimo problemų keliant organizacijų reformų klausimą, tad ir pačios PLB formavimasis užtruko. XX a. 8 dešimtmečio pabaigoje pagrindinės išeivijos organizacijos (Amerikos lietuvių taryba, Vyriausiasis Lietuvos išlaisvinimo komitetas ir Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenė) nebesiūlė organizacijų struktūrų reformų ir apsisprendė veikti savarankiškai pagal savo tikslus ir metodus, derindamos tarpusavio veiklą ir palaikydamos ryšius. Todėl nusistovėjo ir PLB organizacinės formos. Kitas svarbus aspektas, kad XX a. 8 dešimtmečio pabaigoje PLB organizacija jau užėmė stiprią poziciją mobilizuojant pasaulio lietuvius apsibrėžtiems uždaviniams vykdyti. Tad chronologija apima pradinį PLB gyvavimo tarpsnį. Tekste chronologinės ribos peržengtos siekiant analizuoti, kokios buvo Pirmosios Lietuvos Respublikos (1918–1940) pasaulyje pasklidusių lietuvių organizavimo idėjos. Pristatomi užsienio lietuvių telkimo į kolonijas planai, tačiau pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas aprašant Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės idėjos ištakas – Draugijos užsienio lietuviams remti ir Pasaulio lietuvių sąjungos organizacinius aspektus, veiklos tikslus ir pagrindinius uždavinius. Disertacijos tyrimo objektas yra Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės (PLB) organizacija XX a. 5–8 dešimtmečiuose. Darbo tikslas: rekonstruoti Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės organizacinius ir politinius raidos aspektus XX a. 5–8 dešimtmečiuose; Keliami uždaviniai: ƒ Apžvelgti pasaulio lietuvių telkimo idėjas, analizuoti Draugijos užsienio lietuviams remti ir Pasaulio lietuvių sąjungos veiklos pagrindus. ƒ Aprašyti Lietuvių tremtinių bendruomenės organizavimo aspektus, rekonstruoti Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės steigimo etapą, pristatyti organizacijos kūrimo motyvus ir pagrindinius principus, atskleisti Vyriausiojo Lietuvos išlaisvinimo komiteto ir Amerikos lietuvių tarybos pozicijas PLB organizavimo klausimu.

30 ƒ Analizuoti kraštų Lietuvių bendruomenių steigimo pasaulyje sąlygas ir ypatumus, nustatyti PLB valdymo institucijų reikšmę, aprašyti PLB valdybos ryšius su kraštų Lietuvių bendruomenėmis. ƒ Rekonstruoti ir apžvelgti Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės vaidmenį mobilizuojant pasaulio lietuvių jaunimą, organizuotos jaunosios kartos pasaulyje reikšmę Lietuvių bendruomenės institucijoms; aprašyti PLB ir Pasaulio lietuvių jaunimo sąjungos santykių raidą. ƒ Rekonstruoti Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės poziciją sprendžiant politinio išeivijos susiorganizavimo klausimą, ištirti PLB ir VLIK’o atstovavimo išeivijoje problemas; analizuoti PLB organizacijos poziciją ir veiklos ypatumus sprendžiant ryšių su Lietuva klausimus. ƒ Aprašyti PLB ir Amerikos lietuvių tarybos santykius organizuojant politinio spaudimo akcijas, pristatyti PLB vaidmenį mobilizuojant kraštų Lietuvių bendruomenes vykdyti politinį spaudimą gyvenamųjų kraštų politikams ir siekiant bendrųjų lietuvių išeivijos politinių tikslų. Darbo struktūra. Darbo tikslas ir iškelti uždaviniai lėmė tokią darbo struktūrą: be įvado, išvadų, šaltinių, literatūros sąrašo ir priedų, darbą sudaro keturios dalys. Pirmoji dalis skirta apžvelgti Pirmosios Lietuvos Respublikos migracijos politikos pamokas, sprendžiant pasaulyje pasklidusių lietuvių telkimo problemas. Pristatomi kolonijų kūrimų planai siekiant mobilizuoti užsienio šalyse gyvenančius lietuvius. Analizuojamas visuomeninių organizacijų – Draugijos užsienio lietuviams remti ir Pasaulio lietuvių sąjungos – vaidmuo vienijant lietuvius užsienyje, skatinant palaikyti ryšius su gimtuoju kraštu ir pabrėžiant pasaulio lietuvių bendradarbiavimo svarbą. Antrojoje dalyje aptariama Vakarų šalių politika sprendžiant politinių pabėgėlių likimą po Antrojo pasaulinio karo ir su tuo susijusi pasaulio lietuvių telkimo idėjų raida nuo kompaktinio emigravimo galimybės iki naujos, visai lietuvių išeivijai skirtos organizacijos sukūrimo. Šioje dalyje analizuojami lietuvių organizavimosi emigracijos sąlygomis ypatumai, telkimo į bendrinę organizaciją – Lietuvių tremtinių bendruomenę – aspektai ir jų reikšmė kuriant Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenę. Rekonstruojamas PLB kūrimo etapas, principiniai organizacijos sudarymo bruožai ir problemos tarp skirtingų išeivijos bangų atstovų, Amerikos lietuvių tarybos ir Vyriausiojo Lietuvos išlaisvinimo komiteto pozicijos steigiant PLB.

31 Trečiojoje dalyje Aprašomos Lietuvių bendruomenių kūrimo atskiruose kraštuose sąlygos ir ypatumai; pristatomi PLB institucionalizavimo aspektai, rekonstruojamas PLB vaidmuo formuojant santykius su atskirų kraštų Lietuvių bendruomenėmis, apžvelgiama tų santykių raida; analizuojamas jaunosios išeivijos kartos telkimo klausimas, pristatoma Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės ir Pasaulio lietuvių jaunimo sąjungos bendradarbiavimo raida. Ketvirtojoje dalyje rekonstruojama ir analizuojama PLB veikla sprendžiant lietuvių išeivijos reprezentavimo ir politinio susiorganizavimo klausimus. Pristatoma PLB pozicija dėl ryšių su Lietuva ir organizacijos politinės veiklos sampratos kaita. Aptariami lietuvių susiorganizavimo reformų projektai. Aprašomi ir analizuojami PLB veiklos, organizuojant politinį įtaigojimą JAV ir pasaulyje, aspektai. Metodai. Rašant darbą naudotasi aprašomuoju, teksto analizės bei interpretacijos metodais ir pusiau struktūruoto pokalbio metodu – interviu. Istoriografijoje Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės organizacijos atsiradimo ir gyvavimo pradžios politiniai aspektai nėra sulaukę išsamesnių ir detalesnių studijų. Esanti istoriografija leidžia susipažinti su Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės pagrindiniais faktais, netiesiogiai parodo Bendruomenės vaidmenį lietuvių išeivijos veikloje, tačiau nėra nuodugnesnių tyrimų, parodančių lietuvių organizavimosi į Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenę raidos aspektus. Vitalijos Stravinskienės sudaryta knyga Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenė 1949– 200312 yra reikšmingas organizacijos metraštis, leidžiantis susipažinti su pagrindiniais Bendruomenės tikslais, institucijų darbo formomis ir priemonėmis, reikšmingais įvykiais bei asmenimis, prisidėjusiais prie organizacijos veiklos. V. Stravinskienės knyga svarbi tuo, kad tai yra pirmasis istorinis tyrimas, kuriame bandyta tiesiogiai rekonstruoti Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės istorinius aspektus, apimant organizacijos visumą. Kita vertus, yra nemažai tyrimų, kuriuose taip pat analizuojami PLB veiklos aspektai, tačiau netiesiogiai. Apibendrinant galima pažymėti, kad lietuvių istoriografijoje Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės organizaciniai politiniai aspektai nėra sulaukę išsamių ir detalių tyrimų. Istoriografijoje pabrėžiami esminiai PLB susikūrimo faktai, Lietuvių chartos ir laikinųjų nuostatų paskelbimas, atskirų kraštų Lietuvių bendruomenių susikūrimo detalės ir pagrindiniai veiklos aspektai. Tačiau

12 Pasaulio Lietuvių bendruomenė 1949–2003, sud. Vitalija Stravinskienė, Vilnius, Artlora, 2004.

32 istoriografijoje nėra analizuoti Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės raidos aspektai, kurie atskleistų pasaulio lietuvių telkimo organizacinius ir politinius aspektus. Rengiant disertaciją, naudotasi Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Lietuvių išeivijos institute* saugomais archyviniais šaltiniais: Vytauto Kamanto PLB archyvu, Valdo Adamkaus, Vinco Rastenio, E. Turausko. Siekiant rekonstruoti PLB steigimo etapą lemiamą šaltinių grupę sudarė Lietuvos istorijos institute saugomi (f. 54) „Prelato Mykolo. Krupavičiaus 13 ir Lietuvos krikščionių demokratų sąjungos” archyvo dokumentai. Darbe pasinaudota ir Lietuvos centriniame valstybiniame archyve (LCVA) saugomais archyvais. Taip pat naudotasi ir publikuotais šaltiniais, išeivijos periodine spauda. Buvo atlikti pusiau struktūruoti interviu su PLB veikėjais: Mykolu Drunga, Algimantu Gureckas, Antanas Saulaičiu ir Elona Vaišnienė. Tyrimų rezultatų apibendrinimas. Pasaulio lietuvių organizavimo patirtys susijusios su Pirmosios Lietuvos Respublikos išeivijos telkimo planais. Nors lietuvių kolonijų kūrimo projektas išeivijoje nebuvo įgyvendintas, tačiau idėjos, pabrėžiant Lietuvos valstybės ir išeivijos ryšius, lietuvių organizavimo užsienio šalyse svarbą, buvo reikšmingos. Po Antrojo pasaulinio karo šios idėjos pasitarnavo svarstant suburtos lietuvių išeivijos bendruomenės kompaktinio perkėlimo į užsienio šalis galimybę. XX a. ketvirtajame dešimtmetyje įsteigtos Draugijos užsienio lietuviams remti ir Pasaulio lietuvių sąjungos organizacinės idėjos suvienyti pasaulio lietuvių išeivijos organizacijas, palaikyti tarpusavio ryšius ir bendradarbiauti su gimtuoju kraštu turėjo svarbią reikšmę formuojant PLB organizacines nuostatas ir tikslus. Po Antrojo pasaulinio karo Vakarų šalių pozicija priimti politinius pabėgėlius pagal darbo migrantų programas lėmė suburtos lietuvių bendruomenės perkeltųjų asmenų stovyklose išsisklaidymą pasaulyje. Spręsdamas lietuvių išeivijos telkimo klausimą, VLIK’as ėmėsi iniciatyvos sujungti visame pasaulyje pasklidusius lietuvius organizacine forma. DP laikotarpiu įsteigta bendrinė politinių pabėgėlių organizacija – Lietuvių tremtinių bendruomenė – svarbi formuojant Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės, visą lietuvių išeiviją apimančios organizacijos, pagrindus ir principus.

* Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Lietuvių išeivijos institute archyvai saugomi ir moksliniai tyrimai vykdomi Išeivijos studijų centre (ISC). 13 Mykolas Krupavičius (1885–1970) – kunigas, priklausė Lietuvos krikščionių demokratų partijos įkūrėjas, VLIK’o pirmininkas 1945–1955 m.

33 Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenė siekė suburti skirtingose šalyse gyvenančius visus lietuvių kilmės asmenis, o ne atskiras organizacijas ar tam tikras ideologines sroves. PLB kūrimo eigoje išryškėjo ALT’os, senosios išeivijos bangos bendrinės organizacijos, įtaka ir pozicija. ALT’a, turėdama aiškias organizacines ir socialines struktūras, neparėmė idėjos sujungti lietuvių išeiviją Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenėje. Todėl tik apibrėžus ALT’os bei VLIK’o veiklą ir kompetenciją politinėje srityje, o PLB paskyrus kultūrinės ir socialinės veiklos uždavinius, ALT’a sutiko remti PLB steigimą. Paskelbus Lietuvių chartą ir laikinuosius PLB nuostatus lietuvių išeiviai skatinti burtis į organizuotas Lietuvių bendruomenes atskirose šalyse. Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės institucionalizavimo etapas buvo sudėtingas. Steigiant kraštų Lietuvių bendruomenės institucijas kilo išeivijos bangų nesutarimo problema dėl socialinių ir organizacinių aspektų. Lengviau sekėsi steigti Lietuvių bendruomenes kraštuose, kur vyravo politinių pabėgėlių bangos atstovai, todėl pirmosios Lietuvių bendruomenės susiorganizavo Vokietijoje, Švedijoje, Austrijoje, Australijoje, Venesueloje. Sudėtingiausia situacija susidarė tose šalyse, kuriose buvo gausi senosios išeivijos bangos bendruomenė, gerai veikė organizacijos ir atvyko didelė politinių pabėgėlių dalis kaip Didžiojoje Britanijoje, Urugvajuje, Argentinoje ir JAV. Lietuvių bendruomenių raida išryškino lietuvių telkimo Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenėje ypatumus. XX a. 5–6 dešimtmečiuose organizuojant pasaulio lietuvius buvo svarbu suburti juos į organizuotą krašto Lietuvių bendruomenę, kuri palaikytų ryšius su PLB valdyba. Tačiau XX a. 5 dešimtmečio pabaigoje – 8 dešimtmečio pradžioje, PLB valdybos ir kraštų Lietuvių bendruomenių bendradarbiavimas ne visur buvo pakankamai stiprus. Tam įtaką darė ir savarankiškas Lietuvių bendruomenių statusas, lėmęs individualią bei nepriklausomą Lietuvių bendruomenių veiklą ir raidos ypatumus. Todėl PLB ir JAV, Kanados lietuvių bendruomenių artimi ryšiai, geografinė padėtis padėjo vykdyti bendrą veiklą, o su Pietų Amerikos, Europos, Australijos kraštais glaudesnio bendradarbiavimo trūko. XX a. 8 dešimtmečio pradžioje PLB valdyba pradėjo aktyviau bendradarbiauti su Lietuvių bendruomenėmis pasaulyje. PLB, pabrėždama lietuvių telkimo reikšmę atskiruose kraštuose, nustatė lankstesnius bendrinių lietuvių organizacijų atstovavimo Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenėje principus, akcentuota vienos bendrinės organizacijos šalyje reprezentavimo ir bendradarbiavimo su PLB valdyba svarba. Pokyčiai sprendžiant Lietuvių bendruomenės organizavimo

34 klausimus vyko Argentinoje, Didžiojoje Britanijoje, Urugvajuje. JAV organizacinės reformos vienijant lietuvių išeivius į vieną bendrinę organizaciją buvo nesėkmingos. Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenė, siekdama užtikrinti Lietuvių bendruomenių pagrindų tęstinumą, sutelkė pasaulyje pasklidusią jaunąją lietuvių išeivijos kartą. Pabrėžta, kad svarbu organizuoti pasaulio lietuvių jaunimą bendriesiems uždaviniams vykdyti ir tęsti Lietuvių bendruomenių institucijų darbą. Jaunoji karta įsteigė Pasaulio lietuvių jaunimo sąjungą, kuri glaudžiai bendradarbiavo su PLB valdyba. XX a. 8 dešimtmečio pabaigoje Pasaulio lietuvių jaunimo sąjunga formaliai įsijungė į PLB organizaciją, o jaunosios kartos atstovai įsitraukė į Lietuvių bendruomenių atskiruose kraštuose ir PLB valdybos organų veiklą. Nestabili politinė lietuvių išeivijos organizacijų veikla paskatino PLB imtis iniciatyvos spręsti politinio susiorganizavimo klausimą steigiant naują lietuvių išeivijos politinę organizaciją arba sujungiant politines jėgas Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenėje, tačiau tokių reformų įvykdyti nepavyko. Tai lėmė, kad išeivijos politinėje sferoje veikė keletas organizacijų, o PLB, oponuodama esamiems politinių darbų metodams, formavo politinę veiklą savarankiškai. VLIK’o ir PLB santykiai rodė bendrąsias lietuvių išeivijos bendruomenės susiorganizavimo ir atstovavimo išeivijai problemas. Nors kelis dešimtmečius bandyta reformuoti ir telkti organizacijas bendram darbui, XX a. 8 dešimtmečio pabaigoje nusistovėjo organizacijų santykių status quo. Buvo pabrėžta VLIK’o teisė atstovauti Lietuvos tautai, o PLB deklaravo prerogatyvą reprezentuoti lietuvių išeiviją. Ryšių su Lietuva klausimas keitė PLB nuomonę dėl politinės veiklos organizavimo sampratos – kreipti dėmesį ne į išeivijos politinį susiorganizavimą, o į pagalbą okupuotam kraštui. Santykiai su okupuota Lietuva išryškino PLB reikšmę organizuojant lobistinę veiklą ir politines akcijas siekiant laisvesnių ryšių palaikymo su Lietuva galimybių. XX a. 8 dešimtmečio pabaigoje PLB vadovai, įvertinę bendrą išeivijos situaciją, siekė, kad išeivijos veikla būtų derinama su padėtimi krašte, todėl įsteigė Visuomeninių reikalų komisiją, kuri organizavo išeivijos politinės veiklos darbus, grindžiant nuostata padėti tautai išsikovoti teisę spręsti savo likimą. Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės politiniams ir organizaciniams raidos ypatumams didelį poveikį darė lietuvių lobistinės veiklos pamokos JAV. Nepasitenkinimas Amerikos lietuvių tarybos veikla skatino Lietuvių bendruomenės atstovus spręsti

35 efektyvesnio lobizmo vykdymo klausimą, reformuojant organizacijų struktūras ir vienijant lietuvių išeivijos pastangas. Tai turėjo įtakos tam, kad kelis dešimtmečius vyko lietuvių išeivijos organizavimosi procesai, o PLB formavimasis užtruko. Tačiau XX a. 8 dešimtmečio pabaigoje susiformavo pagrindinės PLB institucijos, sustiprėjo organizacijos reikšmė lietuvių išeivijos visuomenėje. XX a. 8 dešimtmetyje PLB, veikdama demokratiniais principais ir remdamasi Lietuvių bendruomenių tinklu, organizavo lobistines akcijas lietuvių išeivijos interesams ginti tarptautinėje arenoje.

36 Publications on the dissertation theme:

Simanavičiūte D., Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenės kūrimo problemos 1945–1950 m., Oikos: Lietuvių migracijos ir diasporos studijos, Nr. 5, 2008, p. 63–82

Simanavičiūtė D., Lietuvos diplomatinė tarnyba ir Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenė: atstovavimo klausimas diasporos politikoje, Lietuvių diplomatija išeivijoje 1940–1991, sud. Asta Petraitytė, Daiva Dapkutė, VDU Išeivijos institutas, Versus Aureus, 2007, p. 234–254

About the author:

Name: Daiva Simanavičiūtė Education: Master of Arts, Vytautas Magnus University, 2004 Bachelor studies Vytautas Magnus University, 2002. Scholarship: Marie–Curie scholarship to participate in the 9th Marie–Curie conference within the series „From immigration Politics to Migration Management–Changes in Migration Governance“ on Politics of exclusion and return: the phenomena of diaspora formations“. 27 June 2007 – 1 July 2007, Budapest (Hungary)

Phone: +37061468629 E–mail: [email protected]




Summary of Doctoral Dissertation

Išleido ir spausdino – Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto leidykla (S. Daukanto g. 27, LT-44249 Kaunas) Užsakymo Nr. 146. Tiražas 40 egz. 2008 11 13. Nemokamai.