"- H E E "HT S "T CO "R S S I I N

S E P TE MB E R 21 , 19 59

D E " L D " ( INC U IN IN )

P r inted f or t h e use of th e Committee on U h -American A ctivities





F A S E A E P en n s lv an i a Chair man R NCI . W LT R , y ,

" U D E i D C lif r ni O A O M O A K O a . ssour i D J S o a M R N M M L R , NAL L . C N , L"D E D O"E C alifor ni a "O D O H E E Oh l S o C L , R N . CH R R, E D E L ui sxan a E E N w "r S o e o k WIN . WILLI , WILLIAM . MILL R , U K ir in i "S T E HA N S E N M t ch 1 an LL A V a AU U J O WI I M M . T C , g . , g

x ) AR N a r R a m E S , S t ff D ir ecto O N T E N T S

Synopsis m r 21 19 59 : T m of Septe be , esti ony D r V M asen s . ilis

M r . Va clov as Sidz ikauskas B A 1 9 TH O "E P U C L 60 7 LI W , C N R SS

Th e legislation un der which the House Committee on Un -American A l 601 79 th ctivities operates is Pub ic Law , Congress chapter 53 2d : 7 , session , which provides

B e i t en a cted by th e S en ate a n d House of R ep r esen tati ves of th e Un i ted S tates r n r e a mbl d of A me i ca i n Co g ss sse e ,


R U E " L


at t

mm - m r n 18 . on Un A A s M m r Co ittee e ican ctivities , to co ist of nine e be s .

U E " R L I


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m - "1 m on Um Am r A s . ( ) ( ) Co ittee e ican ctivitie - m ( A) U n A er ic an activities . 2 T mm o n U ri - Am r A t as h or mm ( ) he Co ittee e ican c ivities, a w ole by subco it i s r z m a r m m m s 1 tee , autho i ed to ke f o ti e to ti e inve tigations of ( ) the extent, r a r an d u m- Am r a r i i n cha cte , objects of e ic n p opaganda act vities the United States, (ii) the diffusion within the United States of subver sive an d n u- Amer ican p r op a gan da that i s instigated fr om for eign countr ies or of a domestic o r ig in an d attacks r r m r m as ar o ur n an d the p inciple of the fo of gove n ent gu anteed by Co stitution, (Il l) r "in r r r in an n s r all othe uestions elation the eto that would aid Cong ess y ece sa y m s r e edial legi lation . The Committee on Un -Amer ican Activities shall r epor t to the House ( or to the Cler k of the House if the House i s n ot in session ) the r esults of an y such investi m at ion r r m as m sa . g , togethe with such eco endations it dee s advi ble For u r an u m m i o n U n - Am r the p pose of y s ch investigation, the Co ttee e ican A o r an m m r is r z sit an d a c t ctivities , y subco ittee the eof, autho i ed to at such m an d a r o r n ot us is s ti es pl ces within the United States, whethe the Ho e itting , h as r s or h as r r r u r j , , " eces ed , ad ou ned to hold such hea ings to e i e the attendance s an d r s r s a n d m an d of such witne ses the p oduction of such book , pape , docu ents,

m as m r . u n as m a r to take such testi ony , it dee s necessa y S bpe y be issued unde s a r r m m m or an m m or an the ign tu e of the chai an of the co ittee y subco ittee , by y m m r an r m an d ma s r an r e be designated by y such chai an, y be e ved by y pe son r m or m m r designated by an y such chai an e be .

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R E "I I U L


in r m r . To r S E C 136 . assist the Cong ess app aising the ad inist ation of the laws an d in developing such amendments or r elated legislation as it m ay deem n ec es sar mm an d R r s y , each standing co ittee of the Senate the House of ep esentative shall exe r cise continuous watchfulness of the execution by the administr ative r an m r is i t h e ur isdi c agencies conce ned of y laws, the subject atte of which with n j mm n d r r s r r "a fo p p , ll s ll p r p tion of such co ittee that u ose ha tudy a e tinent e o ts an d d ata submitted to the Congr ess by the agencies in the executive br anch of

"r m n . the ove n e t


R 7 J r 7 1959 House esolution , anua y ,


R U LE "


Th r h d mm m Con 1. e e s all be electe by the House , at the co ence ent of each r g ess, 1c are as at:

- m C mm on Un A r A M m r . (") o i ee e ic c ivi ie , o co i of i e e e tt an t t s t ns st n n b s lit a: a: a: are

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- m C mm on Um A r A . 18 . o ittee e ican ctivities - (a) U n Am er ican activities . T mm on Un - Am r A as or mm e (b) he Co ittee e ican ctivities , a whole by subco itt e, r z m r m m m 1 r is autho i ed to ake f o ti e to ti e investigations of ( ) the extent, cha r an d un - Am r r i n acte , objects of e ican p opaganda activities the United States, ( 2) the diff usion within the United States of subver sive an d n u- Amer ican pr op aganda that is instigated fr om for eign countr ies or of a dom estic or igin an d at tacks the pr inciple of the fo r m of gov er nment as guar anteed by our Con st it u n an d (3) l r "i n r r l aid C r tio , al othe uestions elation the eto that wou d ong ess in an y necessar y r emedial legislation . The Comm ittee on Um-Am er ican Activities shall r epor t to the House ( or to t h e Cler k of the House if the House is n ot in session) the r esults of an y such investi

at ion r r mm n as m . g , togethe with such eco endatio s it dee s advisable For r an s m m on Un - Am r the pu pose of y such inve tigation, the Co ittee e ican A s or an m m r i s r z sit an d m ctivitie , y subco ittee the eof, autho i ed to act at such ti es an d i r or n ot is h as places w thin the United States , whethe the House sitting , r or h as r u r i r "r ecessed , adj ou ned , to hold s ch hea ngs, to e ui e the attendance c an d r u r an d m an d of su h witnesses the p od ction of such books, pape s, docu ents, m m as m r . a r to take such testi ony , it dee s necessa y Subpenas y be issued unde r r m mm or an m m or an the signatu e of the chai an of the co ittee y subco ittee, by y m m r an r m an d ma r an r e be designated by y such chai an, y be se ved by y pe son m m m designated by an y such chair an or e ber .


2 m r n d i n 6 . To assist the House in appr aising the ad inist ation of the laws a m m as m a m r developing such a end ents or r elated legislation it y dee necessa y, each standing committee of the House shall exer cise continuous watchfulness n m r r n an of the executio by the ad inist ative agencies conce ed of y laws, the subject m r is r s n mm "an d for atte of which within the ju i dictio of such co ittee , that r r r r a n d m pu pose , shall study all pe tinent epo ts data sub itted to the House by in "m h r t e agencies the executive b anch of the over n ent . state forces from outside can or must be per mit t ed to impose on the peoples of other states their way

f s i t . o life, political and ocial ns itutions Niki ta Khrushchev in an int er

i 25 19 5 8 . v ew , H M S OF KH T E CRI E RUSHCHEV.


’ Khrushchev s international Communist conspiracy maintains itself t wo in power in the Baltic States only by Soviet bayonets and tanks , form er hi gh-ranking Baltic officials state in the accompanying con ult at ion s hi s s in w ch they relate the physical deportations , religiou t n m persecu ion , economic exploitatio , and other inhu anities currently fl on t being in icted the captive people of the Bal ic States . a —fli h t fi i Dr . Vilis Mas ns , former top g of cial of the Latv an Govern ment and presently a mem ber of the General Committee of the Assembly of Captive Europe an Nations and chairman of the Latvian a of t t : Deleg tion hat Assembly , s ated

a as as o f The ggressive aims and designs , well methods n m fraud and violence , of i ternational com unism basically r an d have not changed under Kh ushchev are , in fact , as cruel

as they were under Stalin .

There are no political freedoms in Latvia whatsoever , and the Latvian people t o this day are deprived of the right to t t t own "t elec a free governmen of heir choice here is no free dom of , , t " of speech press nor of associa ion there is no freedom f m in an d o ovement with the country , people cannot change t heir residence without the permission of the police "there is no freedom to leave t h e country and the number of those who have been able to leave the country withi n the last 15 years is insigni ficant "there is most certainly present a regim e of fear— people dare not go to church for fear that h m a r i t is y harm thei position as far as the r j obs , educational

i . opportunities , and even their liv ng facilities are concerned People dare not correspond freely for fear of censorship and

persecution . “ Mass deportations have been replaced by voluntary ’ compulsory transfer of young Latvians to Khrushchev s kh virgin lands in Kaza st an . Many thousand young Lat v ians have been compelled to go an d many m ore will have mm t to follow , not just for a few years , but , as the Co unis “ n t publicatio s in Latvi a openly sta e , for good , to spend all ” their lives there . o s In spite f Communist assertion to the contrary , Khru ’ sh c h ev s regime in Moscow interferes through its agents in th e so - every branch of Latvian life . They are called deputy of i on e " ministers , wh ch every minister has or two in many m s instances they are Russians sent fro Russia , and their name do not appear in the official list of members of government iub mit t ed for formal approval t o the Supreme Soviet of at vi a. 2 THE CRIM E S or KHRUSHCH EV

Z wh o t o General N . S . akharov , accompanied Khrushchev the recen t of formal dinner at the White House , had charge deportations and terrorizing from 1947 t o 1949 when he was deputy chief of NKVD in M asen s s Latvia , Dr . tated . The number of t hose deported in 1949 had r eached almost of di in s persons , many whom had ed Siberian concentration camp and M as n s of . e . many whom are still in Siberia , Dr continued ’ Commenting on Khrushchev s a ssertions that Soviet Russia h as i on t of s n l quidated its military bases terri ory other states , Dr . M a e s stated : It is a well - known fact that they maintain military and naval bases on the territory of Latvi a and in the other Baltic t 19 States . These bases were es ablished there in 39 when U they were forced pon the neutral Baltic States by Moscow, and since that time they have been further exp anded partien lar ly by in st alling large submarine bases and shelt er s and a powerful coast al fortifications . These b ses constitute a n ul threat to the free ations , partic arly to the Scandinavian

countries . No t so long ago the Swedish seismographic s t a tions had registered heavy un derwater ex plosions in the Bal tic Sea which caused in the Scandinavian countries gr av e c p n ’ t n t cern . Khrushchev s deeds also in this respec do o corre “ sp on d with his propaganda for the Baltic Sea as a Sea of ” Peace . of a A few years ago in the vicinity the Latvian coast , ne r t w Liepaj a , an American plane was sho do n by the Soviets , n oth er Am erican plane was later attacked near Ventspils , i at v i a .

Va clov as Sidz ikauskas of , former Minister Plenipotentiary Lith uan ia wh o t of F L it h u a , is presen ly chairman the Committee for a ree nia and chairm an of the Lithuanian Delegation to the Assembly of Ca t v e n on of p European Nations , commenti g the crimes Khrushchev, stateii e The Lithuanian people consider Khrushchev, who has be n l n of m n and is a member of the ru i g clique the Kre lin , as bei g c o — responsible for all the crimes committed by the Soviet Government again st the Lit huanian State and the L ith uan of ian people . That means a breach the Peace Treaty , the Non - m Aggression Pact , and other legal and political com it of S ar ments the U S R "milit y invasion and occupation , s of n d c m m uppression the i ependen e and freedo , ass murders , mass deportations o f large portions of the population to t Siberia , the forced Sovietization of the coun ry , and eco nomic exploitation of t h e resources and manpower of

Lithuania . 20th h At the congress of the Communist Party , K rushchev im plicitly endorsed the crim es of Stalin with regard to ’ Wh l i of . i e denounc ng some Stalin s crimes , among them the annihilation of some ethnic groups in Crimea s mmi and the Caucasu , he was silent about the crimes co tted i n by Stal n agai st the Baltic States . Khrushchev continues the policy of th e Kr emlin in augu in m of i s in s rated the ti e Stal n , which consist the continuou THE CR IM E S “ OF KH RUSH CH E V 3

s of uppression of political liberty, independence and freedom of t Li huania and other Baltic States .

Sidz ikauskas m Mr . stated that the cri es of Khrushchev in the Baltic “ n ot States included only physical deportations , but also Khr u Sh ch evi fic at ion or t of intellec ual decapitation the nation . “ When asked : What will be the reaction in your native lan d L "t m t t t "ithuania when he Com unis publications fea ure these pic ures of Khrushchev in the White House and Khrushchev meeting the top ” “ f ". Sidz ikauskas o ficials in this country Mr replied : The im pact ” will be disastrous . ’ of In regard to Khrushchev s repeated protestations peaceful intent , Sidz ikauskas : Mr . stated

The protestation s of peace by Khrushchev remin d me of the similar protestations of Hitler before the outbreak of ‘ At World War II . each rally he always protested his desir e “ ” or m — f peace . Remember Peace in Our Ti e paper brought t London by Neville Chamberlain and what happened p1 " t en of Protestations peace are proper to all totalitarians . It t is the same method tha is now used by Khrushchev . of Russian armed forces stay in the heart Europe . What m " r e " a their present ai s Peace “ ” B u t "s what does peace mean in Russian terms It mean

Western acquiescence and acceptance of Soviet conquests . of of Therefore , they oppose the raising the question Central it N or m Eastern Europe , be in the United ations su mit con

ference or o t her international negotiations . If this standing t t is accep ed by the Wes , Khrushchev is willing to coexist with the West . " And what does coexist mean in Russian terms As t Khrushchev in erprets it , the present Soviet grip over Lit huania and o t her captive European countries is an in “ ” e of " scapable fact his history therefore , the West has no a of right to touch his colonial empire . As to the free p rt n t the world , Khrushchev is agai s the status quo and is for “ ” s omething he calls ideological competition , meaning free s dom for communism to m ake new conquests by sub ver ion .

r of For an account of Communist supp ession of the people Estonia , see House Com mittee on U n -American Activities publication entitled “ International Communism (Comm unist Control of Estonia) Staff ” 10 19 57 Consultation with August Rei , May , .

°— — — 4 6147 5 9 pt . 4 2


( P ar t 4)

OND A"S EP T E M B ER 21 19 5 9 M , ,


M s n s lo s t a e . Vac v a The following consultations wi h Dr . Vilis and Mr k k m . Sidz i aus as . , respectively , were held at p , pursuant to call , 22 f i F in room 6 , House O fice Bu lding , Washington , D . C . , Hon . rancis o f i m of on Un E . Walter , Pennsylvania , Cha r an the Committee

A . merican Activities , presiding m : f Staff me bers present Richard Arens , staf director "George C . F m . Willia s and rank Bonora , investigators A A The CH I RM N . The committee will come to order , and the first witness will be sworn . D O M asen s s n you , Dr . , olem ly swear that the testimony you are m about to give this com ittee will be the truth , the whole truth , and t "o d" nothing but the tru h , so help you M A S E NS Dr . . I do . A A The CH IRM N . Proceed , Mr . Arens .


E m Mr . AR NS . Kindly identify yourself by na e , residence , and occupation . M A S E NS M asen s of n Dr . . My name is Vilis . I am Latvian origi , o f 19 5 was and I am a permanent resident this country since 0, when I m f m m ad itted to the United States as a re ugee from co munis . E Mr . AR NS . Would you kindly give us a word about your personal e" background , Dr . Masen M A S E NS s in Dr . . I wa born Latvia . I am a graduate o f the Law School of the University of Latvia "I possess a Diplom a of Diplom atic and International Studies of the London School o f Economics and Political Science "I Obtain ed my ’ a doctor s degree (magn cum laude , international law) at the Univer sit y Of Heidelberg "I have also studied at the Universities o f Grenoble m and Paris and at the Acade y of International Law at The Hague . m m of F As e ber the Latvian oreign Service , I served abroad in o o f L ndon , Kaunas , and Paris "at the Latvian Department State I held at different tim es the posts Of Actin g Political Dir ector "Director of Western Division in charge of relations with the United States and s of " other Western nation , as well as with the League Nations and 5 6 THE CRIM E S or KH RUSH CH EV

that o f a Director Of the Baltic and Scandinavian Division . As a member o f Latvian delegations I participated In the wo r k o f the League o f o f o f Nations , in the regular conferences the Baltic Ministers

f r ou t i s . s Foreign A fai s , and carried m ssion abroad I also repre ented t m o f mm " La via in the International Cha ber Co erce in Paris as a on regular commentator on international problems , I spoke the radio and contributed articles to the press . s In recognition Of my ervices , I was awarded nine Latvian and foreign decorations . t During the Sovie and Nazi occupation , I took part in the activities

Of national resistance groups . t of 1944 on of I lef Latvi a In the fall , the eve the second Invasion m Of Latvia by the Com unists . for i " As a refugee in Germany I worked the Latv an Red Cross later for th e United Nations International Refugee Organization as Area Leggal Officer in charge of legal aid and protection to alm ost

20000r efu of f t t i n . , gees dif erentgna ionali ies Germany In 19 501 was elected Public Relations Director Of the International m Chamber of Co merce In Paris . t i il Ever since I left Latvia , I have been ac ive in Latv an ex e political Oi an i z ation s 19 5 1 was m of t g . In I elected Chair an the Commi tee for t t i t h e a Free La via in New York , an organiza ion work ng for t m libera ion of Latvia from Soviet do ination . I held the above office 1 until 9 5 5 . As on e Of the founders Of the Assembly Of Captive Eur opean N a 19 54 as fir m r t tions , I was elected in its st chair an and was eelec ed 1 58 further for three consecutive terms until fall 9 . The Assembly Of Captive Eur opean Nations is an international ex ile political organ

” i z at ion working for the liberation from Com munist domi nation of IIin e formerly free and independent nations of Central and Eastern

BZurope . At pr esen t I am member of its General Committee and the Chair Of A E man the Latvian Delegation in the C N . I have studied and observed Comm unis t activi ties during the tim e of x l t my service in Latvia and also while I have been in e i e , so tha what I have to say about the Comm unist aggression against Latvia w n i on . and hat they have done my country , is based facts and studies AR E NS D O of m Mr . you have current sources infor ation respecting mm " Co unist activity and Oppression in the Baltic States M A S E N S . IS Dr . Yes , and there nothing very secret about it . Now, ar e ur " what the so ces The sources are Communist press— I mean the Latvian Communist — of n ot press radio broadcasts , escapees from Latvia , which there are t oo r i fi Of many , owing to ve y great d f culties In getting out the country , but nevertheless there are some . E S Mr . AR N . And you have other sources of information which you l m " feel wou d not be prudent to put on the record at this ti e M A S E N S Dr . . That Is correct . E S Mr . AR N . Doctor , have you in the pur suit of your work In these ar iou r ou s " v g p traveled over the world i/IA S E Ns - Dr . Yes . Altogether I have visited about forty t wo coun r A A , , " tries in Eu ope South merica , sia and the Far and Near East I have been received by several president s of the free nations an d by t wenty foreign ministers . THE CRIM E S . OF KH R USH CH EV 7

E h as t h e . s of Mr . AR NS . Wh"at been purpo e your visits to these v arious countries A S E S was of n Dr . M N . I charged by the Assembly Captive Europea Nations while I was its chairman to approach the var ious govern ments of t h e free world for the purpose of obtaining political and of di plomat ic support for the cause captive nations . t h e Practically , it meant our task was , in essence , to try to obtain support of the free governments so that the question of Soviet aggr es sion against the nine captive nations of Centr al Eastern Eur ope would be placed on the agenda of the Un ited Nations or of interna i n a t o l conferences . E A ou of Mr . AR NS . lthough y are Latvian origin and served in the m m Latvian Govern en t , is it a fact that your sources of infor ation and interest have encompassed all of the Bal tic States and their plight m " under communis M A S E N S n in Dr . . Certainly , I am best informed about the eve ts l Sidz ikauskas Latvia . As to Lithuania , my co league , Mr . , can tell you about that . But I also have a thorough knowledge of a general character about of all the captive nations due to my previous and present activities . E S Mr . AR N . Doctor , there appears to be a tendency in certain h c om quarters , at least in the free world , to feel t at international mu ism of n , under its present leadership Khrushchev , is taking a s or . ofter milder strategy from the strategy under Stalin Indeed , ot m n more than several days ago , we have seen in certain colu ns in the press observations that there are no longer the rigorous cruelties f m of IIKO in licted , no longer the regi e fear , and the . ou Based upon your current sources of information , do y have any ommgn t to make on that issue in regard to the situation in the Baltic gtates . M A S E N Dr . S . My answer to the first part of your question is a “ ” s definite No . The aggressive aims and designs , as well as method of fraud and violence , of in tern ational communism basically have not changed under Khrushchev and are , in fact , as cruel as they were under Stalin . What better proof is needed in this respect than the behavior of h s i U K ru hchev n the nited States , where he has never ceased to con t i as c o duc h mself an aggressive dictator . He talks about peaceful e of r xistence , noninterference , and the right all nations to decide thei — Nor own fate the same as Stalin talked before him in the past . is t here any difference between Kh rushchev and Stalin as far as their i deeds are concerned with regard to other nations n ternational com mun ism under Khrushchev continues to oppress other nations and to

r S . interfere in their internal affai s , the same as it did under talin During a public appearance here Khrushchev very “ generously ” de clar ed m n ot m " that Co munists do force com unism on anyone and yet s only three year earlier , when the Hungarians decided to rid them s of m v elves the Soviet i posed Communist regime , the same Khrushche n ot did hesitate to order Russian troops to crush, in the most brutal way , the Hungarian revolt . 19 39 s s of - In October , Soviet Ru sia on the basi the Soviet Nazi con s ir ac o so- p y imposed n Latvia , under military threats , the called m s s f utual a si tance pact an d, in pursuit o its aggressive plans , forced 8 TH E CR IM E S OF' KH RUSH CHE V

‘ upon n"eutral L at v ia an d other Baltic States Sov iet military an d nav al b ases . J n c m A few months later , in une the Soviet Unio , in o plete di sregard of its internation al obligations and in Violation of it s treaties a of with Latvia , committed brutal act armed aggression again st a Latvia and occupied its territory with its rmed forces . l 1940 a i s In Ju y , Moscow arranged in Latvi mock elect on carried of ou t in the presence large Soviet troops , followed by an illegal im position of a Communist regime and forcible in corporation of Latvia " into the Soviet Union . When in 194 1 the Soviet forces and their a ents were driven ou t of b a of s in Latvia , we were in a position to establish a ance losse human f lives durin g the one year of Sovie t occupation . Thousands o Latvian s for h ad been persecuted , imprisoned , and murdered the simple reason m n r that they h ad re ai ed true to their count y , had opposed Soviet

‘ - n aggression , and had refused to accept the Soviet imposed Commu ist h d t d . F a ictatorship urther, persons been depor ed for the same political reasons to the Sov iet Concentration camps in Siberia . In 1944 — 45 Soviets reoccupied Latvia and rein t roduced Communist m t t f regi e which , to this day , is main ained in power only wi h the help o in Khrushchev and his troops Latvia . of As to the second part your question the facts , as far as Latvia : is concerned , are as follows t t h There are no political freedoms in Latvia wha soever , and e Latvian people to this day ar e deprived of the right to elect a free m of own " of of govern ent their choice there is no freedom speech , of of m wi , " t press nor association there is no freedom move ent hin n n the cou try , and people cannot cha ge their residence without the m of " n per ission the police there is no freedom to leave the cou try and the number of those who have been able to leave the country within the last fifteen years is insignificant "there is most certain ly present a regime of fear— people dare not go to church for fear that this may u harm their position as far as their jobs , educational opport nities , i and even their liv ng facilities are concerned . People dare n ot corre s on d f r f p freely o fear o censorship and persecution . Mass deportations have been replaced by “voluntary compulsory ’ t ransfer of young Latvians to Khrushchev s vir gin lands in

Kazakhstan . Many thousand young Latvians have been compelled t o go and many more will have to follow , not just for a few years, but , “ s for as the Communist publications in Latvia openly tate , good, ” to spend all their lives there . ’ of a K s In spite Communist assertions to the contr ry , hrushchev regim e in Moscow interferes through its agents in every bran ch of

- . so of Latvian life They are the called deputy ministers , which every i h as on e or "n s m nister two in many i stances they are Russian sent from Russia , and their names do not appear in the official list of members of government submitted for formal approval t o the t of Supreme Sovie Latvia .

, several Latvian Communist functionaries have fallen in . Lately di sgrace because the had dared to oppose the Khrushchev line that Latvian interests an Latvian economi c resources should be sacrificed of for the benefit Russia . While the Latvi an Communist press an d the Riga r adio gave only a bri ef noti ce that Deputy Prim e Minister B er klav s had b een released R M E K HR H H E THE C I S OF. US C V 9

h is s h is r s from dutie , reasons for elea e were disclosed only in the r klav s b of Russian press . B e had een accused having put Latvian “ s of of c " t o s interest ahead those Mos ow according Premier Laci , B er klav s had been strivin g toward autocracy and nationalistic tendencies and h ad proposed that L atvian products be distributed fo t h e e of mainly in Latvia instead r Moscow . In ey s Lacis , such ' ' of M os ow proposals would have brought harm to the general interests c , h as well as to t e Latvian people . Another V ictim is the so- called chairman of Latvian trade unions (there are n o trade unions in Latvia of the kind that exist in the free P in ksis wh o n t of world) , had objected agai s sending Latvian workers h t o t e Soviet Union to work there . t o t h e n a r r According latest i formation , lso the fi st sec etary and many others of the Latvian Komsomol have been released from their All posts . these and similar steps prove to what extent the Soviet t o Union , under Khrushchev , is trying exploit Latvia if even Latvi an mm n s Co u ist have had to protest . All t s is hi happening in Latvia under Khrushchev , and I am asking on what facts do the colum nists base their statem en ts about the r m s i m f m s alleged iIn p ov e en t . The only mprove ents o so e kind are a as S il far the food and clothing ituation is concerned , which , unt r was s . ecently , cata trophic B ut even these immov em en t s are accessible on ly to those who are s s in pos e sion of means to buy the commodities available .

E . . M asen s was Mr . AR NS Dr , some few days ago when Khrushchev m m ac c om welco ed to the White House for this for al dinner , he was a i m p n ed by a General Zakharov . Do you have any infor ation r s Z " e pecting General akharov M A S E N S A Dr . . ccording to newspaper accounts of that event , the of "en Z name the person you referred to is Maj . . N . S . akharov . A Z a a gain according to the press , General akharov , Russi n native of in of f s Novgorod , Russia , had been Deputy Minister Internal A fair in 1 45 Latvia in 9 , and had risen swiftly in the intelligence and security a police r nks . “ ” A i in ccording to the Latv an newspaper Laiks New York , Sep 16 19 5 9 Z is k m 194 7 tember , , akharov an experienced Che ist who , fro 4 f K D a 1 9 o N V . to 9 , had been deputy chief in Latvi Those familiar wi th Com munist tactics in subjugated countries are aware that on e of t h e first tasks of Moscow is to send t o the newly occupied countries t as of r heir most experienced Chekists deputy ministers internal affai s . Their task is to organize a well - functioning Cheka for purposes of i ou t of ul carry ng deport ations and terrorizing the local pop ation . Such men had the power over lives and deaths of the people and they were usually the most dreaded persons .

. E ou u Mr AR NS . Can y kindly tell us , based upon yo r background an d t ll n exp erience , wha the reaction wi be in your ative land of Latvi a when the Communist - controlled presses there feature pictur es ( f Khr"ushchev and General Zakharov being welcomed at the Whi te I ouse . M A S E N S vi s s as all Dr . . Lat an , the ame captive people , ever since t heir subj ugation by international comm unism have been looking to the United States as their main h Op e for the restoration of their freedom . 10 THE CR IM E S or KH RUSH CHEV

' They follow with due concern international events and react t o such events according to what extent they ar e favorable or unfavorable to the cause o f their liberation . They wholeheartedly welcomed the r o clam at ion of the Captive Nations Week in July 19 59 in the United w m tates , which , o ing to violent Co munist attacks , became known all over the world . Com When , however , they learn that representatives of the alien n t mu ist regime , whose iron grip they feel every day , have managed o t s ul obtain prerogatives of privileged gues in the free world , ho"w co d they feel otherwise but sad , discouraged , and disappointed They know the true face of communism an d who is responsible for their for t misery and oppression , as well as the tension and insecurity in. h e r m i wo ld . They would deeply regret should their Co mun st masters as or n o be hailed in the free world their leaders peacemakers, one f which they ar e . Z E S . W Mr . AR N hat happened in Latvia when General akharov s " was Deputy Minister of Internal Affair

M A E NS . t Dr . S As I mentioned earlier , in all Sovie sub jugated of A s countries at that time , Ministries Internal ffairs is ued orders for deport ations and generally were in charge of all repressive measures against the c ivilian population . According to Latvian press and e Z in " other r liable information at the time when akharov was Latvia there took place large - scale persecutions a n d dep or t at ion sv v in 1945 1949 A after the reoccupation of Latvia and again in . s is well known , 19 49 of i in , at the height the forced collec tivizat on drive ordered by t s Moscow in Latvia , mass depor ations and per ecutions particularly ffe m as t a cted far ers and their families , as well other nationalis circles o f m m Latvia . According to so e sources , the nu ber of those deported 19 49 m t of in had reached al os persons , many whom had died in Siberian concentration camps and many of whom are still in Siberia . E as Mr . AR NS . Khrushchev h frequently protested the missile sites which the free world has developed as a shield in various sections of m the world . Do you have any infor ation respecting the establish m ent by the interna"tion al Comm unist conspiracy of bases on your native soil in Latvia ’ M A E N S . h Dr . S K rushchev s assertions that Soviet Russia has liqui i on t dated its m litary bases territory of other states are not true . I is a well - known fact that they maintain military and naval bases on of in the territory Latvia and the other Baltic States . These bases were established there in 19 39 when they were forced upon the neutral t Baltic States by Moscow , and since tha time they have been further expanded particularly by in stallin g large submarine bases and shelters ul and powerf coastal fortifications . These bases constitute a threat r n to the f ee natio s , particularly to the Scan din avian countries . Not so lon g ago the Swedish seismographic stations had registered heavy underwater explosions in th e Baltic Sea which caused in the Scandi n aV Ian ’ countries grave concern . Khr ushchev s deeds also in this respect do n o t correspond with his propaganda for th e Baltic Sea as “ of ” a Sea Peace . in V i of A few years ago the ic nity the Latvian coast , near Liepaja , Am er 1c an S w t h e A an plane was hot do n by Soviets , another merican r plane was later attacked nea Ventspils , Latvia . E . S . es" Mr AR N Is there freedom of religion in the Baltic Stat



E Mr . AR NS . Please identify yourself by name . I D ZI KA K A Vaclov as Si z ikauskas Mr . S U S S . My name is d .

. E S . " Mr AR N What is your occupation 0 m . S I D z I K A U S KA S . 19 5 Mr Since , I have been a per anent resident of at of the United States . I studied law the University Moscow F s i n during the ir t World War , then In , and then Lithuania . m of Most Of my life I spent in the diplo atic service my count ry . m of 111 I was diplo atic representative Lithuania Bern , Switzerland , and 111 for ten years Minister Plenipotentiary , Germany, and also an a in Vienna d Bud pest . P n i In 19 3 1 I was transferred to London . I was Minister le pot en ar t h t i y at e Court of St . James and at the same time I represented my t t coun ry in The Hague . I was the delegate for my coun ry to the and I also acted as an agent of my government at t h r Permanent Court of International Justice at The Hague in 19 3 1 2 anz1 193 . was as Before World War II , I in my country , Lithuania , a manager f of o the Shell Company Lithuania . I happened to be In Lithuania an d witnessed the t aking over of Lithuania by the Soviet military 1 4 as K forces in June 9 0. Then I w apprehended by the N VD in 4 December of 19 0. I hid myself for two months and then I succeeded at t h e of m was nl in escaping risk my life to Ger any , which the o y possibility . There I was arrested by the Gestapo because they accused “ ” me of being an ti- Nazi and having been t oo sharp a t the Inter national Cour t of The Hague where I defended the rights of my country to Klaipeda (Memel) territory . The German Gest apo accused me also of having intention t o annex Prussian Lit huania

(Tilsit region). t o i The assistant H mmler , Heydrich , put me in the concentration s s camp of Auschwi tz . I wa free from Auschwitz after twenty month in and then I had to stay Berlin . It was my assigned residence , and I had to report every day to the police . In Berlin I established contact with the Lithuanian underground V m i n in my country . I isited several times and for the last ti e I was f u 1944 o . Lith ania In May , Jjust before the arrival the Soviet troops I became the chairman of the Lithuanian liberation underground organization abroad . Then I was chairman of the political commi ttee f o the Supreme Committee for Liberation of Lithuania . When the

Russian troops approached Berlin I escaped to Bavaria . There I was ri liberated by the Ame cans . of Since that time , I was working with the political committee the 194 7 Supreme Committee for Liberation of Lithuania and , since April , n was chairman of its executive cou cil . 1 4 9 In 9 I was on a good will mission here in the United States . In m 19 50 I e igrated to this country . Here I becam e the chairman of m n m of the Com ittee for a Free Lithuania , and si ce the establish ent of r the Assembly Captive European Nations , I have been chai man of the Lithuanian Dele ation to this body and I was for four years the of olit ic afl ll of chairman its p committee . Now I am sti chairman the Committee for a Free Lithuania and chair man o f the Lithuanian

D elegation to the Assembly of Captive European Nations . THE CRIM E S OF KH RUSH CH E V 13

D o u sir E . o S ur M r . AR NS y , , have present O c es of information n t o r t " pertai ing the cu rent situa ion in the Baltic States

I D ZI KA S KA S . "es do . ar s S U e Mr . , I There ome official and public so s an d s urce , there are also other which I cannot reveal , so that I am a t n qui te informed bou all happeni gs in Lithuania .

E . ou r own Mr . AR NS Would y proceed at you pace to tell us what is the situation and what has been the situation in the Baltic States sin ce Khru"shchev assumed command of the international Communist apparatus

S I D Z I KA U S KA S . Mr . The Lithuanian people consider Khrushchev , m who has been and is a member of the ruling clique of the Kre lin , as being c o - responsible for all the crimes com mitted by the Soviet

Government against the Lithuanian State and the Lithuanian people, of - t That means a breach the Peace Treaty , the Non Aggression Pac , and other legal and political comm itments of the US S R "military n n invasio and occupation , suppression of the i dependence and freedom , u of r t of t h e mass m rders , mass deportations la ge por ions population to of oi Siberia , the forced Sovietization the country , and economic ex pl t at ion of t h e of resources and manpower Lithuania . At 20th s of mm im the congres the Co unist Party , Khrushchev lic itl m of p y endorsed the cri es Stalin with regard to Lithuania . ’ Whil e denouncing some of Stalin s crim es,am ong them the annihila t n of m io some ethnic groups in Cri ea and the Caucasus , he was silent a bout the crimes committed by Stalin against the Baltic States . Khrushchev contin ues the policy of the Kremlin inau gurat ed in the m ti e of Stalin , which consists in the continuous suppression of political lib er t of y , independence and freedom of Lithuania and other Baltic

S tates . ' Even in the last article published in the For eign Afiai r s magazine il he st l pretends that Lithuania , Latvia , and Estonia are integral p arts f t o the Sovi e Union . Khrushchev is cont in uing to apply measures tending to destruc tion of the national identity of the Lithuanian people . These measures ar e: a — e ( ) Physical deportations , though not on mass scale , and not p r mitting the people wh o have been deported by hundreds of thousands t o t o r m of Siberia retu n (the nu ber those who were permitted to r eturn , “ ” is insignifi cant) organizing and practicing of the S O - called voluntar y deport a tions of the Lithuanian youth for the cultivation of vir gin lands in Kazakhstan— recently particularly young girls are affected by this s " r of mea ure colonization by Russians imported from various egions

of of . the Soviet Union , especially the larger cities Lithuania All these measures affect and endanger the physical surv ival of the

Lithuanian nation . “ (b) Moral— t h e Khr ush ch ev ific ation or intellectual decapitation of n the ation . I have in mind recent reforms of education which have n ew n been i troduced in captive Lithuania under Khrushchev , where students are exempt from the control of influence of their parents and pu t in special boarding schools and subjugated to intense Communist I n in t i : ndoctrinatio , accordan ce wi h the precept of Lenin who once sa d “ "a hi of wi m ive me c ld eight years , and he ll be ade for all his life a ”

COM un ist . It is rather a peculiar phenomenon that patriotic feeling is parti en lar ly strong among t h e younger generation that has grown up In 14 THE CRIM E S OF KH RUSH CH EV

Lit huani a under the Communist regime . In order to kill and er adi i cate this feeling , Khrushchev ntroduced drastic educational reform n s in in Lithuania and , I thi k , the ame is also true other Baltic States . Then there is the distortion and denigration of history of Lithuania in and glorification of Russia and of its role the world . " E . Mr . AR NS May I ask you a rather cynical ques"tion Ar e Lithuania and the Sovit Union now at peace

S I D ZI KA S KA S . NO h as t o Mr . U . Lithuania tried in vain coexist with its Russian neighbor . 1933 on J l I neglected to say that , while Minister in London in , u y 5 t on n of I personally signed the Pac Defi ition Aggression with Mr .

f . Litvinov , Commissar for Foreign Af airs We did everything to be n n s at peace with Russia , to coexist . By enteri g i to the ecret deal wi in 19 39 th Hitler August and September , committed an of n it s act aggression agai st Lithuania , and then invaded her by armed forces . Since that time Lithuanian people consider themselves bein g at a state of war with Russia . wi . E . I s l " Mr AR NS peacefu coexistence th the Kremlin possible it I D ZI KA KA . . Mr . S U S S Our experience shows is not possible Our experience shows it is only possible as long as it suits the interests of the Soviet Union . i b e Mr . ARE NS . What w ll the reaction in your native land when the Communist publications featur e these pictures of Khrushchev in the Wh"ite House and Khr ushchev meeting the top Officials in this country I D ZI KA KA m l s s o Mr . S U S S . The i pact wi l be disa trou , if y u consider s that a quarter of the Lithuanian nation i here in America . About a l s ar e s of mi lion Lithuanian citizen America , and their contact with s their relative in captive Lithuania is very close . t of ni is t The popula ion Lithua a abou three million . The hope o f of is all Lithuanians , the younger generation and all the patriots , that America will help t o liberate Lithuania . It is the temper of the s ituation . A u i i fter what happened in H ngary , accord ng to my nformation n from the cou try , there is a great disappointment with the West . And when the Voice of America became less effective in combatting n t e i ri t of commu ism and Sovie imperialism , the b lief in the s nce y n n Western declarations began decli i g . I feel , therefore , that the fact that Khrushchev was received in this coun try as a guest and was ho nored as a head of the Soviet Union which suppressed the liberty o f m on the Lithuanian nation , will have a negative i pact the morale of the captive Lithuanian people . E Mr . AR NS . Your people have seen or experienced communism in the raw , communism in action . Your people know fir st - fir st - f hand experience and hand suf erin g . Now I should like to ask you a few questions b ased ence . It is asserted in certain official quarters in chev ’ s visit here to the United States will Khrushchev will look around the coun try ou r and see factories and see a peaceful , hap decide that he does not want to pursue c n ommu ism and take over the world . " What is your reaction to that suggestion THE CR IM E S OF KH RUSH CH EV 15

- D ZI KA U S KA S . is a s Mr . S I I would say communism a well est bli hed of is i n o r doctrine government and it mistaken , in my op nion , to thi k t on e or s s l i or n believe tha other per on , be it Bu gan n Male kov , would a m or change anything . They might change eventu lly so e methods tactical approaches but n o t the essence whi ch lies in the very nature of comm un ism itself . There are those who have the ill usion that when Khrushchev sees m f o n the freedo in practice , that will somehow have a positive e fect o f n x ll his way thinki g , but I think that this e pectation is tota y unreal ist i c . E t K Mr . AR NS . In the pas few days , hrushchev has repeatedly , m t m for m al os to the extent of onotony , called peace and co plete di sarmament in the course of the next four years . Is it not good to i f n have these protestat ons o peace so forcibly annou ced by Mr . r " Kh ushchev o f h r D ZI KA S KA S . Mr . S I U The protestations peace by K ushchev remin d m e o f the similar protestatio ns of Hitler before the outbreak A t w o f World War II . each rally he al ays protested his desire for “ ” m in Our — o peace . Reme ber Peace Time paper b"rought to L ndon by Nevill e Chamberlain and what happened then I t Protestations of peace are proper to all totalitarians . is the m u S ame ethod that is now sed by Khrushchev . t h r Russian ar"med forc"es stay in e heart of Eu ope . What are their present aims Peace “ " B ut what does peace mean in Russian terms It means Western

of . acquiescence and acceptance Soviet conquests Therefore , they O a ppose the raising of the question of Central E stern Europe , be it in the Un ited Nations or summ it conference or other international t h e r negotiations . If this standing is accepted by West , Kh ushchev is willing to coexist with the West . ” i m s " And what does coex st ean in Russian term hr r t As K ushchev interprets it , the p esent Sovie grip over Lithuania and other captive Eur opean countries is an inescapable fact of his “ ” . history "therefore , the West has no right to touch his colonial empire t o t K i As the free par of the world , hrushchev is aga nst the status quo “ m n and is for something he calls ideological co petition , meani g free dom for comm unism to make new conquests by subversion . ' These are my remarks on the meaning of Khr ushchev s protesta x tions of peace and coe istence . These protestations are destined to ’ mislead the world s opinion . I submit that the word peace has been too much accentuated and ’ misused dur ing Khrushchev s visit in this country . What we and ’ is the world want and need, freedom . Let s have freedom , and we s hall have peace . AS s f r i s to the disarmament cream o Kh ushchev , there nothing new to it . f 19 27 As a delegate of my country to the League o Nations in , I was present personally at the meet in where the same proposal was made ’ ' “ ’ s t v in ov wh o : by Gromyko predecessor, M . , screamed Let s dis ” ’ ar m c omplet ely l Yet in the next year s congress of the Comin t em t h e Sovi et leaders avowed themselves that thi s was only a tactical ' ’ maneuver in order t o create confusion and t o mislead the world s

public Opinion . 16 THE CRIM E S OF KH RUSH CH EV

R E r t n Mr . A NS . May I inqui e about the o her side of the coi based " , on your experience of communism in action of offic ialdom in h Certain the this country ave repeatedly , with our great emphasis , announced peaceful intentions toward Khrushchev and h is international regime of Com mun ist- controlled satellites over the world . ’ " Isn t t hat a good thing i I D Z I KA U S KA S . Mr . S We are grat fied and it is a great comfort for us that the policy of nonrecognit ion of the status quo created by Soviet f r m t Union in Central Europe has been rea fi ed , even recently by he of responsible authorities this country , and we hope that the question of the restoration of the independence and freedom of our nations will in h be raised the conversations with K rushchev , because what is at t stake is the question of the European se tlement and , as Khrushchev m of ad itted , too , the political liquidation World War II . But what of " does the political liquidation World War II really mean r r m of The e are two Eu opean proble s , the solution which is long overdue . One is the problem of Germany— the other t h e problem of Central r Eastern Eu ope . Nin e European st ates that had been sovereign and independent at the outbreak of World War II have been transformed into Soviet n or one colonies . This situatio is a permanent threat to peace , say , m t of the ajor causes of international ension . Every Eur opean settlement must include the problem of the uni fic at ion t of Germany , whereby the problem of Berlin will solve i self, as well as that of the restoration of the independence and freedom of s of the formerly overeign states Central Eastern Europe , including

Lithuania , Latvia , and Estonia . ’ E f Mr . AR NS . What is the situation o Lithuania under Khr ushchev s m n " regi e with refere ce to the church

. S I D ZI KA U S KA S . Mr Lithuanians , as you probably know , are pre dominantly Roman Catholic and on the whole very religious people . f i ul The situation o the chur ch today s very difli c t . There is no

. O religious freedom Some churches are pen , but some were closed

r n or . or tu ned i to storehouses museums Thus , for instance , the m r fa ous Cathedral of , capital of Lithuania , has been tu ned into a museum .

Under Khrushchev , the atheistic Communist propaganda is espe c iall f y accentuated . O ficially , Roman Catholic Church is tolerated , r but p actically its functioning is made as difficult as possible . Theo r et ic all r r y , people are free to attend chu ches , but in practice chu ch ll n f i n a o . going people are submitted to ki ds discr mi ation Workers , m or r e ployees , membe s of Communist organizations , if they go to r m chu ch , have to watch their step . They will be ridiculed , repri anded , i ’ m and may even lose the r jobs . And losing one s job in Com unist m society eans starvation . And yet people dare to defy this pressure r and p actice their religion . of Recently a young Lithuanian man , member the Communist r of m r r youth o ganization Lithuania , was ar ied in chu ch . The chair of man his organization attended the wedding as a wi tness . Great

. was the scandal The newspapers took it up , widely discussing the “ ” as crime and calling the careless man all kinds of names, such ” “ ” r eac t i om st , blackguard , etc . THE CRIM E S OF KH R USHCHEV 17

Th e Very existence of churches in Sov ietfi oc cupied Lithuania is ex tremely difficult because heavy taxes must be paid by the faithful for t h e maintenance Of the chur ches . e i of "n ot The t ach ng religion"is excluded from all schools they are ’ s i . r s ul permi tted to posses rel ous books Under Kh ushchev r e , the fi r eligious persecution has een even more intensi ed . d E S . n Mr . AR N Do you have any k owle ge as "to the economic exploitation in the Baltic States under Khrushchev l D Z I KA S KA S . on . Mr . S I U The economic exp oitation is going Khru “ ” sh ch ev m of " ade the decentralization economics that is what he b u t l of c c alled it , practica ly it is merely a deconcentration e onomy , shifting the responsibility for the execution of the Moscow-prescribed economic plan on local occupational authorities . The illusion that r l this measu e wou d take more care of the needs of the local population , was soon dissipated . Those in captive Lithuania who tried to prao “ ” tice national commu nism in the field of economics were soon dis a t missed . Even law has been issued to the effect tha those who will not strictly execute the Moscow- engineered economic plan and would disregard the needs of the Soviet Union and the so — called sister

l un . t republics , wil be severely p ished All tha means that priority is to be given to the needs of the Soviet master and the so- called sister republics and only what is left is for y our own country and for your

' own p eople . m - To give you only so e figures . In the seven year plan announced h b K rushchev , the Soviet Union is to take from Lithuania r m t n rubles "and f o tha amou t , they will reinvest in Lithuania a only rubles . That means th t in this seven years for t rubles are to go the benefi of the Soviet Union .

Thus , those who pretend that the situation has improved or changed ’ wr m of t s are ong , because the econo ic exploitation Li huania s resource so- a continues to be practiced in captive Lithuania . The c lled govern ment of captive Lithuania is com posed of people who wer e selected n ot by Moscow , because of their qualifications , but rather because of n o their Obediency to the Kremlin . They have t changed . They had been under Stalin and ar e still now ke t in power under Khru sh c h ev . I am positive that basically simi iar situation prevails in m m Estonia and Latvia . The econo ic misery resulting fro the ruth less measures of the occupying power is equally a factor contr ibuting

to the destruction of the na tional iden tity of the Lithuanian people . E n Mr . AR NS . If there were free elections in Lithua ia tomorrow, m m " would a Com unist regi e be retained in power S I D ZI KA U S KA S Mr . . I have no doubt whatsoever that , if there were 9 8 — — free elections in Lithuania , percent and maybe more would vote m 1940 i against co munism . In , j ust before the Sov et invasion , the m um Com unist Party in Lithuania n bered members , and even

fl of n o t . they were chie y members minority groups , Lithuanians

. E S o " Mr AR N . Out f what population S I D Z K A r . I A U KA t Mr S S . r ound h ee million . n At the present time , accordi g to recent statistics from Lithuania , the Communist Party numbers members . In the Central m 20 Com ittee of the Lithuanian Communist Party , percent are

Russians . So the Communist element in Lithuania is insignificant in terms of numbers . 18 THE CR IM ES OF KHR USH CH EV

Because of the rathe r conservative char acter of the Lithuanian “ ” people— the word conservative I use in good sense— because o f of n t traditions liberty and long i dependen statehood , patriotism m and attach ent to religion , the Communists have not succeeded in ’

s . as making ensible inroads Under Khrushchev s rule , I said , the t Soviets are attempting to apply new me hods which , in the long run , t if the alien occupa ion will last , could eventually bring about the f n of t a destruction o natio al identity the Li hu nian nation .

E . Mr . AR NS Khrushchev , in his addresses around the country , has portrayed his society of communism as a society which can be ao c ep t ed or rejected in a kind of popularity contest with freedom How do the Communis t s maintain themselves in power in your t " coun ry

S I D ZI KAU S KAS . . All h Mr . Only by Soviet bayonets and tanks t e of bragging Khrushchev that , in the Communist system , the people

. t Con are the decisive factor , is a big lie It is true tha the Soviet i u n t f st t tio provides for a possibili y o secession . But this is only a on e trick ad u sum delphin i . When American journalist asked Stalin t so - t : whe her the called Sovie Republics could secede , his answer was “ l ” Let them try , and they will see what wi l happen to them . Ex

— ample Hungary .

E S . Mr . AR N Is "the free world in a popularity contest with the Communist world

S I D ZI KA U S KA S . is Mr . In my opinion , there no comparison possible of - - the Communist and free world systems . The free world system

of wi l of . is a free society men , where all stems from the l the people in There , the Communist world , the ruling clique does not need the s of " t "t t uppor the people here is no freedom wha soever there are no t t h as elections as the Wes unders ands them , and the public opinion

on l . no bearing the ru ers . Everyt hing is ordered by dictators The resent Communist regime in cap t ive Lithuania has been imposed y the Soviet Union and is maintained in power only thanks t o the f protection o the Soviet armed forces .

A A Sidz ik usk s . ou . a a The CH IRM N . Thank y very much , Mr

m . 1 1959 at . 2 (Thereupon , p , Monday , September , , the c onsultations were concluded . )