VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF LITHUANIAN HISTORY Daiva SIMANAVIČIŪTĖ THE LITHUANIAN WORLD COMMUNITY’S DEVELOPMENT 1940s – 1970s Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Humanities, History (05H) Kaunas, 2008 The dissertation has been prepared at Vytautas Magnus University in 2004–2008 The doctoral study licence is granted to Vytautas Magnus University together with the Institute of Lithuanian History by resolution No. 926 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on 15th of July, 2003 Scientific supervisor: Prof. habil. dr. Egidijus Aleksandravičius (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, History 05 H). The Board of defence of the dissertation: Chairman: Doc. dr. Saulius Pivoras (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, History 05 H). Members: Dr. Daiva Dapkutė (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, History 05 H); Doc. dr. Algirdas Jakubčionis (Vilnius University, Humanities, History 05 H); Doc. dr. Antanas Kulakauskas (Mykolas Romeris University, Humanities, History 05H); Doc. dr. Rimantas Miknys (Institute of Lithuanian History, Humanities, History 05H). Opponents: Prof. dr. Juozas Skirius (Vilnius Pedagogical University, Humanities, History 05H); Dr. Vitalija Stravinskienė (Institute of Lithuanian History, Humanities, History 05H) The official defence of the dissertation will be held at 15 p. m. on December 18, 2008 In the auditorium of Adolfas Šapoka (no. 508), Vytautas Magnus University, K. Donelaičio 58, Kaunas, Lithuania Summary of the doctoral dissertation was sent out on November …., 2008. The dissertation is available at the National M. Mažvydas library, library of Vytautas Magnus University and library of Institute of Lithuanian History. 2 VYTAUTO DIDŽIOJO UNIVERSITETAS LIETUVOS ISTORIJOS INSTITUTAS Daiva SIMANAVIČIŪTĖ PASAULIO LIETUVIŲ BENDRUOMENĖS RAIDA XX A. 5 – 8 DEŠIMTMEČIUOSE Daktaro disertacija Humanitariniai mokslai, istorija (05 H) Kaunas, 2008 3 Disertacija rengta 2004 – 2008 metais Vytauto Didžiojo Universitete Doktorantūros teisė suteikta Vytauto Didžiojo universitetui kartu su Lietuvos istorijos institutu 2003 m. Liepos 15 d. Lietuvos respublikos nutarimu nr. 926. Mokslinis vadovas: Prof. habil. dr. Egidijus Aleksandravičius (Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05 H). Disertacija bus ginama Vytauto Didžiojo Universitete Humanitariniu mokslų istorijos krypties taryboje. Pirmininkas Doc. dr. Saulius Pivoras (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H). Nariai: Dr. Daiva Dapkutė (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H); Doc. dr. Algirdas Jakubčionis (Vilniaus universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H); Doc. dr. Antanas Kulakauskas (Mykolo Romerio universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H). Doc. dr. Rimantas Miknys (Lietuvos istorijos institutas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H). Oponentai: Prof. dr. Juozas Skirius (Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H); Dr. Vitalija Stravinskienė (Lietuvos istorijos institutas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05H). Disertacija bus ginama viešame Humanitarinių mokslų srities istorijos krypties tarybos posėdyje, kuris įvyks 2008 m. gruodžio 18 d. 15.00 val. Vytauto Didžiojo universitete, A. Šapokos auditorijoje (508), K. Donelaičio g. 52, Kaunas Disertacijos santrauka išsiųsta 2008 m. lapkričio.... d. Su disertacija galima susipažinti Lietuvos nacionalinėje M. Mažvydo, Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto ir Lietuvos istorijos instituto bibliotekose. 4 Introduction In the 21st century the research of migration processes became very important because of the increased globalization and its influence on the social development. The recent migration studies pay relatively more attention to the formation of migrant organizations abroad, migrants’ ties with the homeland, and host countries’ social and political influence on the features of migrant associations. However, the studies, which present the historical development of diaspora and migrant organizations in the world, have significant impact. The collapse of the Soviet Union influenced scholars to study migration, because researchers of the Baltic and East Central European states could now easily analyze this issue. Secondly, the diaspora activity of migrants from those countries prompted the investigation of diaspora organizations over the world. After the Second World War refugees to the Western countries declared very clearly their willingness to fight for the independence of their countries. After the former Soviet states declared their independence in the 1990s the activity of such ethnic groups became the object for researches in the host lands, as well as in the countries of origin. The studies of emigrant associations and formations of emigrant community abroad are very important in the present context of Lithuania, because of the increased social development of émigré organizational life in the receiving countries. Furthermore, such social changes also motivate scholars to analyse the development of migrant organizations in the world in historical perspective. One of the most important émigré organisations is the Lithuanian World Community (LWC, or PLB (Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenė), in its Lithuanian acronym), which was established by political refugees with the goal of uniting all the dispersed Lithuanians over the world. After Lithuania declared independence, the Lithuanian World Community continued its activity in the world, establishing new Lithuanian communities. For this purpose, it is important to analyze the formation and development of this organization and organizational features of Lithuanian émigrés, as well as the lessons of a diasporic citizenship. After the Second World War political motives were essential in mobilizing émigrés, so the organizational and political aspects, in connection with other closely related problems, are analyzed in this dissertation. 5 Chronological boundaries of the work. The earliest margin represents the period of DP camps, when VLIK (The Supreme Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania, or Vyriausiasis Lietuvos išlaisvinimo komitetas VLIK’as in Lithuanian) analyzed the problem of Lithuanian dispersal in the world and the Lithuanian World Community was established. On June 14, 1949 the Lithuanian Charta and temporary constitution of the organization were adopted. According to these documents, Lithuanian communities were organized in several countries. The discussion about the representation of Lithuanian émigré community among the main organizations (Lithuanian World Community, Lithuanian American Council, VLIK) continued until the late 1970s. It influenced the delayed formation of the Lithuanian World Community. By the late 1970s the main organizations decided not to restructure their organizational principles and continued their activities independently, according to their chief aims and methods. This agreement influenced the organizational features of the Lithuanian émigré community and the stable organizational forms of the Lithuanian World Community. Therefore, the chronological boundaries of the present work comprise the first stage of the development of the Lithuanian World Community. However, the idea of a worldwide Lithuanian organization emerged in the First Republic of Lithuania (1918–1940). For this reason work analyzes the mobilisation of Lithuanian during this period. In the first place the idea of establishing a colony to consolidate Lithuanians abroad is researched. However, the main attention is focused on describing the origins of the idea of the Lithuanian World Community, so the organizations Draugijos užsienio lietuviams remti and Pasaulio lietuvių sąjunga, their purpose and main tasks are examined. Object of research: The Lithuanian World Community in the 1940s – 1970s. Aim of work: Reconstruct the organizational and political development aspects of the Lithuanian World Community in the 1940s – 1970s. Principal tasks of work Review the mobilization ideas of the dispersed Lithuanians in the world; analyze the basic activity and organizational features of the Draugijos užsienio lietuviams remti and Pasaulio Lietuvių Sąjunga associations. Describe the organizational aspects of Lietuvių tremtinių bendruomenė, reconstruct the establishment of the Lithuanian World Community, present the 6 main organizational motives and principles, and reveal the attitudes of the VLIK and Lithuanian American Council towards the Lithuanian World Community. Analyze conditions and features of establishing Lithuanian communities in the world, explore the WLC head institution, and describe the cooperation among the Lithuanian World Community board and Lithuanian communities over the world. Explore the Lithuanian World Community’s role in mobilizing Lithuanian youth in the world and the impact of the organized second generation on Lithuanian community institutions; describe the development of the relationship between the Lithuanian World Community and the World Lithuanian Youth Association. Reconstruct the position and activities of the Lithuanian World Community in the political organization of the Lithuanian émigré community, analyze the issue of the émigré representation problem between the main organization the Lithuanian World Community and VLIK; to describe the attitude of the Lithuanian World Community towards the question of communication with occupied Lithuania and the question’s influence on the organizational changes and facets of political activity of the Lithuanian World Community. Describe the relationship
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