T h e Courier-Gazei ” i e. (The Press is the Artbiintbean ’C.ucr th.it Motors thr £

V o l . 3 .— N e w S e r ie s . ROCKLAND. MAINE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2(5, 1SSI. N ! MBI.B li.

"'h e Co u r ie r -Ga ze t te Tin- end of the famous Jeannette trag­ CITY FINANCES A D E S E R T R O C K lurned ami one of tlm number, a young WAYSIDE OI.ANCES. edy was reached last week when the re­ man n.aumd Theodore Condon, was By PORTER & FULLER. At the closing meeting of the city mains of the gallant De Long and his How Life is Spent on a Ledge Far Out drowned. A Ifoeklaiiil Hum calls Ids wile a f,cl, be­ council last evening. City Treasurer a t S e a . companions leached New York and were Frequently a wreck in the vicinity cause facts are stubborn tilings. ’. O. FIII.I.KII, J r., . - KHtTOK Weeks lead a repel t of the financial appropriately received and buried. In Matinicus Beck is situated out at sen biTiks in upon dm monotony nnd the standing of the city, together with the A MODERN PAPER. the summer of 1X79 llie Jeanette, iv e ll- some fifteen miles from the neare-t main cfToit* to sale die wieeked it render I f President V tliiir is in be a , indidalr transactions of die past year, which is pipiipped and well manned started from land, and uhoiii twenty three miles from assi-lapee ii'ipiiies every energy. lie’ll lim e to gel m m . v o le * th in indications embodied in the following figures: point to liis tail ing. RATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGED. Sun Franeiseo on an A rctic trip that bad B ock,and when, dm inhabitants do their T lie present season has been rem arkably The receipts of tlie treasury from nil before numbered so ninny brave victims. trailing. Il is lint a lock in the midst of the free Irom wieeks, which is dim to the A p ple t o n , F k ii. 21. 1X81. Received sources from Mareli 10, 18X3 to Fell. 25, Philadelphia havin': had an overturn in The ten c id lin s that have just renelieil sen. It has l we light towers which for­ fact that tlie ie liave been no great storms. political matters we hope -tie w ill now find f Porirr & Fuller, publishers of Till: 1881, were t'-4195 717.15. In till" is in ­ New York contained tile remains of a merly had two fixed whin- lights of dm Fewer vessels have passed the rock dine to get her streets i leaned. (ititiiit-G a ze t t e . Three Pollnre, prize cluded I per cent, bonds sold $35,3.50; portion o f tin 1 ereiv who .starved am! 3d order. The island is in a loenlitv dan­ this winter than for mnnv previous fiercil in poor poem contest. from Knox A Lincoln IL IE to pay in- froze to death in the fall ol IXXl. Il Inis gerous to ship,ilng and in dm direct seasons. T lie steamers of the In te rn a ­ A linen shift w.i« first worn iu England T iio m a s A. G is iie e , terest coupons $•'» 307 30 (against $17,- aliiiut llie year l'.'.'iO. I here iva« a m an ill mir taken nearly two years to recover their track of the Internationa, line of steam tional line pa*s hy weekly, generally at 1.5.3.x from the same source iu 1882;) ottlee yesterday who bad on dial identical bodies on the icy banks of the Lenn, and ers. H a rdly a season pisses w ith out plu m 's Fi'.ituv, N. Y .. F in . 21. 1884. night. shirt. I per cent temporary notes including several wrecks in the imuiediate vicinity. leccivcd of Porter it Fuller, publishers lo transport them iniiny thousand miles ] renewals $19,000; 3 (15 per cent, eertili In fair weithcr hunting furni-lies through Siherin and Russia to M o scow , The Bock has been known (or years by English girls n il. are a trill* fm wnril are f T iik Co e iiif .i i -G a ze t t k , eighteen an ngri-eiddo diversion. 1/iading the i cates of deposit $22,00.5 91. and sundry designated a- inasliereiies. V rnastierette, whence they were curried to Hamburg its two fixed white lights ami was always bouts widi provision ami paraphernalia nits, gratuity nwnrtletl in poor poem i other items. we take it, is rather a feinaseallne type o f the and shipped to New York. Comment a prom inent beacon to mariners. A few of all kinds, die hunters set forth. onte.-t. MnttltlTT CltoMWEl.l.. j The total payments for the same months ago, about the first of July, the masliei*. upon the uselessness o f the expedition The B ill or tlie Seal Islands is the place — «♦» peiiod wen. $18,5,051.31. w hieli includes light-house hoard, from motives of econo­ A New Y ork d rinking saioon is called “ 'llie Hannibal Hamlin lias been up lo lo r which so many hrnve souls were lost of destination. t'amping hero in Mayor's orders $31,129 19; temporary my, discontinued one o f the lights and Morgue." Tlie eternal Illness o f diings is looschead Lnkn trying the trout, and i«unnecessary. Al the present moment fis||i m ien's huts, decoys are set just oil nines $35,000; certificates of deposit changed llie ether to a fixed red light. admirably rxeuiplili-d in that distinguishing clttrnod with a full string. When a th e ir countrym en seek o n ly to do lienor the shore and sea ducks, coots, Idaek $23,918.75; city bonds falling due The change was not regarded favorably appellation. rout gets on tin, old Curthageninn's lo their memory, nnd lo recall the ducks and old snilans are shot in abun­ $1600; railroad bonds falling duo and by sen-faring men, as it is liable to ook he has to come. The ex-senator is bravery and fo rlili.d e w hich even the dance, the dogs bringing them to tin' There is one class o f men who we liave bought. $17,800; Interest on railroad cause accidents to craft which, Acquaint­ noticed are alisolulelv certain ill it die dem o- Id but there is no nonsense about the horror of hunger and of Arctic priva­ shore. After staying Imre for a week or debt $22.95-1.10; interest mi city debt ed with llie old established arrangement, crude party w ill eleel die next president. tanner in which he bandies a Halt-line. tions could not shake. They add to the a fortnight the sea fir in g N im rod* re­ $111,0113.1 I. might lie utterly ignorant, of the new. I la y are ileiuoi rats. ------a«.»------already long, sad list o f A rctic victim s— turn homo with their Imuts lo.'idrd The various appropriations made at The dissatisfaction has increased mid J. P. Il iss ot thn Bangor Comm ercial a list too long by far. and which should down w itli HID or 150 birds. This is a There is said to lie a prospect tiiat the the beginning of the year have been now a petition is in circulation to restore ins gone on a w inter trip lo F lorida. lie made no longer. Tlie New York true picture of life on tliis barren isl« of Panama canal w ill Is- opened ill six year*, carefully handled. Duly one nf them llie old arrangement of die two while V ita l with Floridn in the winter and • H erald, in whoso interest tliis expedition the son. To many, such a life would ’flin t is, if d ie day taliorer who has gme after has been overdraw n, and this lo r very lights. a crowbar io open il with gels lia. li In season. iloosehea.l Lake and Bar Harbor in sum- | was taken, alluding to this closing net lie insupportable. The idea of being good reasons. The financial committee The island is inhabited by twelve per­ iter, M r. Bass doesn't seem to bo very , in the tragedy says : “ Had they returned penned up lor so long and shut out of in their estimates named $30,000, as the sons including tin- four keepers, two “ You eali tiiat poetry snorted a recent ndlv ground beneath the upper and Hit­ alive, they would have been the heroes of tlie busy world iu such a way would ho amount neeossitry to meet the interest on women and live children. prize poem eonti'slant, as lie rear! W alt W h it­ ler stones of the journalistic m ill. the hour, and all enthusiasts would have to them synonymous w it li a living iliiath. man's latest elf.irt la tlie 1 ' iiln r j, “ Poetry !" the railroad debt, hat as these figures Life in die summer lime is monoto­ cheered tlu -m ; hut when to-morrow, But the islanders are happy and intelli­ and lie curled liis ' lim k y -li eighty lips" ‘ n were made iu Miircb it was impossible nous enough; hut frequent visitors and Tho case o f Rogers Am ero, who was witli closed eyes and mute lips, they gent, have a work to do and do it, and tlie lutensest scorn. to set them accurately, not knowing tlie daily passage of eraft o f a ll descrip­ txlradited from Nova Scotia on the pass through the reverent throng that their little community is a miniature what amount the railroad would itself tions help drive away ennui and fill up An entomologist discovers dint New Y ork’s •Imrge of having murdered Mrs. Etta will fill Broadway, every m m who in world by itself, witli this important Central Park contains 3P> kinds n f insects, contribute toward this purpose when it the slow m oving hours. At that season J.irleton in Watertown, Mass., is exeit- his own daily life, however humble and distinction dint it is characterized by 'fills is even worse than die old Tnmtnntiy sliould declare its dividend in Septem­ of the year tlie daily passing steamers ng much interest among nu tubers nl oh-'cnre, is combatting misfortunes from tlm ITopiau idea of harmony and happi­ government. T iia t It msevelt lu ll can't lie ber. In 1X82 tho road sent this city bring |inpers and letters, and al times, passed any too i|idek. bn Dominion parliament, and a sult- which he can see no release, w ill he ness. over $17,000; this year the amount is a fruit and other welcome gilts. Then icription lias been started among them stronger and better as he realizes how The man who is most strenuously oppoaed tl'ille liver $3000, ns stated above. tliu islander eali reach tlie main-laud zt aid his fa m ily, which is now in a sad heartily immunity honors noble en­ WHAT IS IT ABOUT? to horizontal reduediui, is tlie young fellow Those very good reasons explain why when lie desires, and eouimiinieatiim condition. Thu Dominion parliament durance. So to ortrait. The price paid for the write and wire the C ouricr-Juui nal a name and the patliculai nll.-ii-e ol whieli la- is public icntim i'iil in this connection, ami During tlm long, tiresome, wintry so absolutely conducive to da lieulth and p o rtra it was tioJlOo francs. T lie pic­ page of valuable matter, anybody who incused, is ma known, lie ' lla iira lia ii is now prosperity n f a genuine nihilist us money. it is a mutter of regret to see the lottery evenings many ingenious ways are de­ ture was exhibited at lliu triennial ux- sees fit to steal and publish it may do so on die Inline v o y a g e and further p a rlii ulars I f n n ih ilis t run t have mmiey be soon gels oil' spirit just now flourishing so widely — vised for passing llm time. At duns Iiihition. Mrs. Mackay was dissatisfied for tie cost of the type-setting." Mr. call soon be leariled. liis I'ee.i and grows pale and m claiii'lioly and though we are satisfied it is only for a an old fashioned spelling school is held ------with tho likeness, which Iter friends Watterson proposes that all original and Willits to die. la th is last desire lie bails die season. W hy, even llie children are amt the occupants o f the two dwelling POST MORTEM government extremely obliging, Itowi ver, and called a caricature, and she burned the general matter exceeding o t ic h u n d rid words, sl-iii hy post or wire, and em ­ at it, and during the past fortnight (un­ houses, g a 'lie iid in one largo loom , heraielv lias long to wait. picture. Tlie newspapers are divided bracing tin- original communication of me ariayed iu opposing columns in­ The Remains of the Late Bernard people liave been im portuned by school Ackerman arc Disinterred. in their comments on tlie matter, information of every description, shall “ Thi'i'c unit/ lie a dde tiiat taken at its fio.nl eliildien seeking to dispn-e of fair tick­ tent on orthographical glory. At times which has bceonto a leading sensation. he copyright able. His proposition w ill bust Ttiesduy, lb s . F. E. Ilililic m k and leads mi to Ibiluue," ninscd tin C illciuiiati ets hy lo ttery processes. T ills is all tlm pl'opollllili'i' of the sesquipedalian I . I.. ISIabmol. id tills i lly dlsinteiied llie Meissonier, resenting remarks of the meet witli the lie a r l.y support of all man, a - lie feverishly rlutchcd a fresh ciuti'h hut those ineinbeis ot the press that wrong. If il isn't possible to get up a words will he compelled lo speak liody o f lie hue llei ii.nd A i’keiniaii o f K o i k - al tlie e h iiiiii-'i. “ lint an o li-c n .itim i teaehe (iauloia, wrote lo tho editor that he laiul. buried al XI. Geulge, and pei formed a live liy piracy and might with propriety school entertainment without resorting hinder than common so as to he heard me lo belli ie dial lids one wouid lead me mi would fight Meyer, thu Canlois critic, if post modem exam inaiioii diereon. 'Idle e x­ he extended so as to furnish protection above tlm shrieking of die wind ami the In nothing short of Louisville, or possible to these questionable methods then die amination was Judd by permission ot die lie (M eissonier) wore 50 instead of 73 to news published by papers that is not hoarse pounding of the surf, the ele­ tlie town adjoining. And then lie '.it slill fu r sent over the wires. Such papers entertainm ent better he suU'eri-d to lapse. I'oroiier and I'oinity attorney, at the re'iuest of years of age. M. Meyer replied tiiat ments, like the irrepressible meliin, ig­ u moment and lisleued to llie lelegram d ia l would thru he compelled Lo pay for Nobody—mao, wotuun nor child, can in John Aikennaa ol lliis city, and I'elei Meissotiier’s son should lake bis father's was going pa-t him mi tlie wire-, telling I he news witli which their columns arc any degree lie connected with m illing or noring completely the fact, dial dis- Aekermaii of Bangor, broth.'i's o f die de- I l east that the liv e r wa- falling Ia s i, and llm place and lie ready to light him. filled, and which they uuhlushingly tiirhanees of any sort are detrimental i eased. Bernard Achei'iiian died some seven therefore looks as though tlist'e really lottery schemes, either us buyer or seller C iiieiiiuatl couldn't be beuteii as a resort foi steal Irom conic tnporurjes who go lo to dm success o f any such exercise. iiionlhs ago alter a Inief sickin --, leaving a w ould be blood shed, ami all on account of tickets, without transgressing the law. da* coming demo, raiic , o iiii'iiiio ti. expense in obtaining that news. ioiisideiahle propeily. and was liuried al St. o f a rich Amerieaness whose snub nose And so tlm days pass oil, eating, sleep How laws of moiallty an transgressed George, which is die nlh pl.n e o f bi- w He, would show in a picture. Had Meis, by these forms of gambling is well ing. working, reading and spelling "Not dial I ill UIIV degree Would impugn bonier been really wise lie would have A REMARKABLE EXHIBITION. who salines him. I lie exaiaiiiadon was known to every intelligent individual. lin in g llie ever icpcutcd program. held ill llie lieaise hum r al XI. George. I lie l.m m a’s motive-,' -aid III old Ilian, who bad made tlie woman nut lo be a sweet mexpeciedli walked iulo die to m n m .-earcb I ’oilluml Frequently a storm o f unusual bodv was ib iiii.l lo l>e leinaikubly well pre- young tiling with a nose like a Greek i I his glasses, and diseuvi ri d young Xomersbv statue, and she would have nrdeied a I.'nder till* stimulus of llie three dol­ violence arises and tlm island is almost seiied. llie viscera and part of dm luaia < 'ail at our (illicit and inspect the line and Id- daughter ill earnest and all- tiouab dozen more copies on the spot. Oil, lars tillered by llie Bill K ltM iC ul nil It- submerged by llm immense waves. were lem on'd, seal,'* lip and sent lo Prof. G a z i l it sixty-six persons undertook lo cmiversation. "lint you ale tar from licing these tilin g s pay. when it ’s spot cash. looking easeful o f hooks us o lli red ill our Cariiiii'baei o f Bowdoni College, Brunswick, write the worst poem, and the results of Storms liave been so violent in times strong, ill V VI ling li lend an I J .uinia is .load canvassing list. for examination. Mr. Ai'kerman. oi this ------pastas to drive the waves lip on the let lae deceive ran fat. ami in some i i l l their eH'orts which appear in tins week’s cm, mlorms mn lepmti-r dial die cause ol IMPORTANT ( h i tut i.', show that they all succeeded b m irw la ii von least t - peel il. slo -w ill lliu ,• island and wash oil'some of llm buildings. bis biolliei’s daiilli was hot Icaily known, W in'll you visit Ol leave New York city, admirably. Such a m e s s o f doggerel was herself coyly into vonr lap and those spindle Nobody seems to doubt hut dial Mr A fter a great storm tlm tea is so and dial lie and bis Inollier I'elei bad die ► a ir Baggage Expressoge ami Carriage, line never seen before outside of a newspaper , legs o f lo urs w ill snap like ien-les. Xln is amt Stop III the G rand I'nlon Hotel, I.ppo- (iusiiee was entitled to the poor poem rough for days as to render upproaeh examination made to -eitle llie m ailer to -be Grand Central Depul. IKH) elegant loom s waste basket. Tile editor seems lo have loo heavy, mv I, n . loo b e a ii . ' And then the then salisfacdon. lined up at a cost o f one m illion dollars, redueed greatly midi reslimated the ability of Ills prize. lo or departure from tl,e island ex «♦» old IUMP floated scicuclr out with a gia.elul In » l and upwards per day. E uropean plan. patioiis lo write bail verses, for lie says tremely liazardous. A few years ago < a » | -mill* wie.itbiag bis countenance, while the I.levalor. Kesiauraut supplied with the ben A locomotive, built alter llie pattern el' tlie lie did m il expect m ore ihuu a dozen a parly of young men from Matinicus \Vo liavu left a foiv cojiiea of llio papuf ; bill went to Ila- committee on weighs an i ilu ise cars, stage and elevated railroad to all poems, wliereas lie received sixty-six. ! M iam i W asbiiigtou locom otive, Ini'. ,iu»l been depots. Families ran live ta lle r for less money attempted to land oil tlie rock while the loiituining die laid pouius. which we 1 m eans w abo.it division, and da buu.-e ad J lie poems are published under tlie Very completed at Manchester, lor llie (been at the Grand t'liion Hotel Ilian at any oilier w ill m ail for live cents each. j jouraed. hrst-class hotel in the illy . Jan. I. appiopriate caption “Jiui-Jutuh." , .Mountain railw uy at .Mt. Desert. sea was rough and tlm boat wus over- THE ROCKLAND C O T TRIER - GAZETTE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2fi, 1884.

T H E COURIER-GAZETTE TWO EDITORS GONE. HEALTH NOTES Tlionta* ( henerv. tin’ editor of the Little Hints That W ill Save Large Doc B v P O R T E R & FULLER London ’/'o n d ie d in London l'eli, 11 tor B ills. BOSTON at till- age ol 7>x years. Mr. (Ili’lieiy N'c r prick a blister with a pin. A PARSONS AXM A'- A M O D E R N P A P E R w a s -I n dive o f l> 11 hallos, " here lie "a s necdl is tlie only suitable thing born in Is'jli. lie I'eeived Id- eil neat inn A ol gargle fur a sore throat is at Eton atld at I 1 ill* I oil- g'e. ( 'a m b i idee, m ole f vinegar and a little red pepper Stock Taking and w 1-e died to the Bar at Lincoln's mixed with water. Inn soon a ft'r le- gi adiia’ imi. In Isps lb Williei fun 1 Bishop o i‘ .\fei d und I . it t f jui'-e anti m ilk is one o f the best remi'ilies for dyspepsia or indiges­ V jl PURGATIVE PII.IS, l.iiii High Almoner, appointed Mr. ' 1 AT- ( In’tiery Io the Lord Alnimiei'- 1’iofi s- tion. CLOTHING sorship of Arabic ill Oxford, lb’ was ( Id tin al porridge is one o f the best TERMS incorporated a Master o f A rt- in Hi it things 10 begin the dav with. Tbu«e university ami h■ e .iiii" a member of " Ini dislike it should t ike it as a nn’il- Christ t'luireh. Before itiis appoint­ ieine. SIMONTON’S ment lie had wen for him self a 1I1 served I io not d rin k strong enfl'eo ju«t before M A !< £ NF.YV R IC H B L O O D reputation .as mi (bhntal scholar. Ibe retiring, or in the evening al all. It is t a il " III rn111|>|i>teIy c h a n g e Hie libinil III ldi«|n I ill T ill work- by which lie i v i- be-t known apt to cause sleeplessness...... sy sti-’ii In th r e e in iin tlis, tn v STORE b.-ing bis trans ati 11 of “ The Assemblies Never w:i«h in warm water liiTiile pernaii who "III lahe I I’lll ea. li uiuht ol Al II iiiri’’ and his idilion of "M ivli f*roiti ! Io 1*1 w i- l o , m a y lit- ri-slori-il to MARCH 1st, 1884. I'limipi i'i'iniH • f • riliirv xlinuld going mil in tlie eold air. Such a prac­ i*.-il io tin* puh1i*h«*r la ro tli liliie l, by Ychm lah lien Shelomo sniinil h e a lth , ir Hiieti a ihltiK In- p tis. tice will roughen the skin. Warm wa­ slhle. “or .-"rbig I'l-niati- Cnoiplatnfs it p o r t e r . FUI LL!:. J r . Alkliurizi. ' By t lie appoiu: in ctii of tlie ter should lie used only before re tir­ Suit I lie was a melilber of the Imperial iliesi- 1 Ills have no (>.|iial. I’hi sli laus ing. use Ihi-ai J a tto-lr priti'lh-i*. Sold everv- O r ile r o f M edjidie in 1st;!'. In tlle fo l­ II ii ii l>oun mi lim " n’x Itiinkx To keep in good, sound health, "in whi-i'e, ,.r s-al l,.y mail for go els, in lowing year h” was appointed by the Manets, .semi fap pamphlel I 1:1:1;, • om m il tee o f the Convocation of must I ike a I'l’i'iain amouiit of exerei-c. Vlhill'l-irei, I. s -im ixsii- x « o.. iioston, .Mass. (' oiterliury one of the reviewers of the Exercising one part o f the body and not. Unheard-of Reductions! I’lu an several men in our coui- authorized translation of tlie Old Testa­ unother, in about Ihesamo degree, is w rong. iiituiiD ivlm -i c«cn|>c I'rom .1 watery ment. l i e was al«n the honorary See- grave Inn <■ lici a almost m iraciiloiis: mill I'cliii'y iif the lloyal Asiatic Society. In Never wash the feet in w arm water, «« llicj lire iiic ii of integrity llll't known 1x77 lie resigned tlie Professorship id except just liefoie ret iring. ('old water wi«*b tu t all nth ntinn to tie* fart tbn1 with a little ammonia or salt shopped in. begin February 1, our iiruu! In our 11 H'liT'. Iliere is al" ill s 11 crowd o f Arabic, and in November u f tlie same CROUP, ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS, Suits and Overcoats Veal lie siieeeiali d M r. Deluna as editor is much pleasanter and more health­ "llllll” listeners. " Ih iii" ! r Kiel cun lie NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. o! the '/'inn-, a position w llie li lie oceu fu l. .1011 NSOVs \\OI>YN»: LINIMENT- /».;• Induced 1.1 relate llielr experlenee mi th e pied up to llui time of his death. A s When putting glycerine on chapped ///'. ni'if nml u.« • will iiiHt.-inlatiroii -I ii lifYf iliox,. terriblo iHscjisef, and will pt.xi- Clearing' Out Sale b rim deep. Ilclicving Unit mu' reeeiit one ol the London delegates, be attend­ hands lirst wash them thornttghlv in .dv .-lire nin»MB(4. H nut of t«ui. I idonnal i«..i pttblii'iil inn n f \ N'iglit m il d urges." « ns ed, in September, |x7x. the Congress id soap ami water, and when not quite dry tb it ’-.ill save tuiuiy liven Rent Dee b v m a il. D'ui' i tlelav a nmiuont. Prevention is belt* ** " e ll ree.-i \ <-i I "1 lim e in terviened Mr. Iiileriiatiniuilists, at. Eloreni'e, Italy. t u b ill the etyeerilie. This process "iil lll lll e lire . I. S. .InttNMiN A ( «... huRton. Wiiishi" II Hilbert-, iiml gliaued I'rom Mr. Clumcry was also known through­ lie found much heller th in the old one. out Great llrilain as the author of va­ ANNUAL him IE following account of Id* niirron B a king soda is one o f the best known rious literary and politieal writings and lemeilies for liuins and scalds. Il eseiiin from deal Ii v. bile mi 11 li- liiii” trip pamphlets. MAKE HENS LAY Short Lengths,Odd Lots should in- immediately applied eillier It is :ia well-known w,*’!-k*i,,uu fn-tf:i-*t '.lint'lint most <»fol thetin * III I , 1 In ‘Urn" Il's II,;ii|;s." We giv e the Sim" In Thomas K iu -d la who ilii’il Kelt. 1' wet or dry. I: almost instantly relieves ' nm H 'attle Powder sold in lid:- eounlrv is wortli- in hi* ort'n words: The llshill” Bi'.ioklvu Inis lost He most dislitig nishi il lexx; lb.il Sberid.uiG Condition powder is nb- the burning sensation mid helps to •!'it«*lv |Hir«*j,:„| v<*r*. valuable, N o lh in u o n sell.nee r X irtle'l'li t hief, emiiniilliileil In ot the Irish politicians who hive nour­ heal. earth will make hens lay like* Sh<*ri■,<••• m- le;o *,. id le t 'apt W iiisln" It. I|ii,ikiiis. with a ere" (in rising in the morning always put and Remnants. ously let' many years past, while the eaell pint f &<;«».. Poston. Mlis.s. lei l. or stand mi oil-clo th . Even in ■J'th. I'm- Hu lliniksmi n llshlti” nent in lecoinineniluig Democrats to sm iim er tim e this is a ila n g c itills and 1111 support I loraee Greeley in tlie Liberal H-ip and all-- r seve ml ila; - i.r bud healihy practice. I bis Great ( ’leariinr Sale will include the en­ n <-ai li--r. -ii i is ci 1 11! Hili’ ilcsilnatiini i hi Ihc m nvciii' til ol 1x72, and who Iris heroine tire Stock of w idely known as Hie 1 d iln r ami m a lin ­ One o f the best cures for croup and c> cllill” Ilf Mil) Il llllll IlCI-ll 1loggX ger of Hie Brooklvn /,'/•/•'. lie was one wliieh is always nt hand, is to dip After Stock Taking. all ila;. lull ill Jlholil 111 o'clock 1>. III.. born in Ireland ill lx:;?, coming to this strips of ll.inm 1 in very hot wait r and eh an i iq- mo (lutt \( >ii could scc fop country in |x|x as a compositor on a then bind tightly about tlie tliioat. CLOAKS ui’iii lv a niile in any d ir ectlon. I'lu w ind cnunlry weekly in Northern New York, It emove as soon as cold and apply others. Horsfir& " it' idowlujl frmn tin Moulliuest. mnl we lb- winked his way steadily upward, ami A cold in tlie chest call also he cured ItV welting several lliiekne-ses of llatinel " 1 r 111.’ ing tun. east" uni u f Hie shiial. Sliceeeded Henry J. M eClo-ki y as tin' . // Per Cent. Discount editor o f the Brooklyn / .op'i in lx ti] in hot water and laying it upon Hie \V lien ., " nil'll e spin'll nt I wclve <('clock. SELF-RAISINGl. r -rw fo 11 lit ISII'.I M r. Kinsella was cleeted coin cl test.. I " . it b e lli", leaving t"i> 1111 11 mi the niissioner of tlie old Water Boat'll, lull , ( hie of the best and most strengthen­ Cloaks, Plushes and Furs lookoui. Removing III) oilier garment-. le tu riie il to the Z.'izz/Ze in less Ilian a year. 1 ing drinks, ns w e ll as a pleasant one. to c7} oread Hachif/ concluded I g iiit-i my berth mnl courted slumber, l.'ndcr Andrew .loliiison lie served a oivii a delicate child is matte by beating tint from smile cause or o ilie r could not sinu t lei hi as piistnia-ter in Brooklyn, up an egg in a tumbler with a little sag- , . 7 / a Fearful Sacrifice our annual stock tak- and was elected to Congress in ]x.',(i. rreparation. sleep md lay tiissinu restlessly nbniit fur gar until it froths, then till it with t'eh As tlie editor of tl,e /.’i'//i', which became milk and have the child drink it at once. nil linnr ur *0. Ilm ii'liiug nil Hioeglds uf iny, ice find ourselves tinder him one of the country's greatest The nourishm ent in the egg and m ilk — IS AS— rest. I got mi! n f tin berth, mnl " Itlu n it UNDERWEAR, afternoon newspapers, lie opposed "one. combined " iil sustain the system all day overstocked in some "tilting tu lire", "cut mi ileek. I had man” power al every point, and was the if nothing else i, taken. CHEAP hard) gut through the ennipitniim-wii). chief organizer of the Jell’erson Hall In­ Pur Ladies auel Gents, at a AS IT IS dependent Doinocrnti.! Committee. lie lines of Suits, Men’s "Ill'll tlie captain. "ho llllll pl'eeeeilell me. BABIES IN THE AUDIENCE. sung m it. Haul n il the fore sheet." "on the enmity ol the machine Detno- Great Reduction- eiats, tail was content with the com- GOOD. und Hoys" Overcoats When 1 gut forward uf the uiuin-mu't. mi’tnlntiiiii of sell-supporting inenihers J. IlnrJtllr. I sti" a light. " hil'Ii appear' d to be mi of his party. Mr. Kinsella's reputation I point with pride to mv record ol b lan k ets, and Ulsters, and in the niu-t-benil nt some large vessel, ntul ns a jo urn alist was aequired m ote by a seven or eight years on the rostrum. I It costs less than which "as nt tlie time, probably n u t inure vigorous nml sledge-haninu r style of have seen amt lie m l in m y audience Comforters and Batting order to reduce as than fm ir hundred feet, illstu n l. I imme­ composition than by graceful and pol­ legions of liahies—all good babies, be­ cause all bailies are good. -Some are im- O n e C e n t A T MID 81 MM Lit I’KICES. diately shouted, "all hand' mi deck," ished rhetoric. Thurlow Weed said of much as possible all him once: “ Kinsella does not know ineasurably better than others, liut "lie n tlie steamer 'fur such it proved th e use o f the rupier. Inn lie swings a there are no Ii id babies—merely varying The ruali at our store for hoiuc Tof tin* Wonder tu In- -truck it- tiuiiil-ships mi the purl degrees of goodness. Some of the for each quart of fill Bargain that we have been giving our cuhio- Winter Garments, ive club like a Samson.'' In his relations morrt in the* line of side, crushing mil- little vessel a- though with the men of his eraft the editor was bullies—tlie happy ones—coned and have made some as­ it " ii - a reed in the hands o f a giant. always cordial and kind. He over­ laughed through tlie lecture. Some of F lo u r . The stiee!! knocked me down, but mi looked their faults anil encouraged their them — tlie precious ones—talked aloud. I y-sy . . . Table Linens, Towels, Napkins, am bitions. Some o f them —the sensible ones— slept < irflirUTTV rYflkrinCT tonishing red ueti ons scrambling to my feet, m.t llrsl thought , through every word of it; anil some— ! 1 111 -e lf: lint mi looking up I -a " a W. I>. Iluwell-i is bill'll at work on a lot of Housekeeping Goods at even more s man e dag through tin- air. a- though new novel nnil deelin.-s every iuvit-itiun lered. They have screamed until my cost nearly factory prices than the last lot we expect to cr feeble voice was inaudible Io myselt. still greater excitement among close buyers. M en’s (mil Youth's Suits, 85.0D shut fro 1 a I'tuiiimi. and disappeared in for dinriei'.s anil receptions. He even keeps his door locked and does not ans­ Anil I appeal to any man or woman to say j tin* " a ll is iieiieath. The ve-sel was fast lost my temper.if ever I frowned, T w o C e n ts The Following Prices will Interest our “ “ '• 6.00 wer any of llui knocks. A prom inent ifnver I sinking mid being then to my waist in if ever I slopped ta lkin g because the baby man of letters did not find him “ at home" Customers: tvnt. r, ! did not lim e m ill'll Iime to I hink : the other ihiy. screamed. I f any man says I ever lie- fo r “ •• 8 .0 0 lull in -' ti:eii a pieee o f " ir e lope I'rmii trayed one sign of ill-nature or distrae- ( each quart of The new edition of the winks of :i,(l00 yurils lO-iiieh BROAN'N COT­ the sieai.ii r swung near me mid I grasped tioa. the satin; is a th ie f a l u l a liar, and ' “ “ “ 10.00 Thackeray, published in this country by dassi-nt take it up. Tlie babies in the . F l o u r . TON in Short Lengths at 7 cents. it . mid 1 er a hard -tniggle, niauuged to Lippincolts, w ill he completed in twenty Ulldieneo never bother me. “ Overcoats, 4.00 get id., e I tin-steamer, aleio.I eshaU'ted. six large octavo volumes, and, with tin; I have seen them drive an audience to 4.000 yards Remnants ol' Yard-Wide I'iu uni'. I 'l l " lu llin g had climbed into exception of tlie i.ditinn r COTTON in Short Lengths at Some i f Thaek. ray's hitherto uncoil, cl everything that goes on during my hour able llf'ig about it is. that licit her o f tlie Warranted tibsoluhli/ pare 10 cents. ed w ritin g s w ill la; given in one of till’ anil a hall. “ “ 8.0 0 men mi watch sounded any alarm, fat late volumes. Cocoa, from which thu excess of Oil hash, i removed. It lias f/u'i c ;i,.'iOO yards Yard-Wide BROWN least I did 110, hear any and both o f “ '• 1 0 . 0 0 The first historic novel in Icelandic Horsford’s Bread Preparation. Cm' h the > fint/lh of Cocoa mixed COTTON at 5 cents. 1 hem perish’ d. Tin steamer that ran u- has been published in Canail.i. Iiv a lady For the Maintenance of Health. with Starch, Arrowroott»r Sugar, mid i 11her; fnre far moru cconoiaL down "a- iimned tin Bosphorus, from hearing the euphonious name of Troi- Dig Sami i .i ,).u of I’cniihylvaniti 1,(100 yards BROWN TWILLED Ihivs' & Children's cal. It is deiieioufi, iiourhdiiug, (yin-'ii'tow 11. bound Io Bo-ton. 1 had hildiir Thorusleiudottii' Holm. Tlie title l.iiivcndry, sav>: “ Your Bread Pivparution CRASH at I cents. o f the novel is easier to pronounce; it is while it makes a light. Mveet .uni pulutnhlc Htrciiglliriiiug, easily digested, and admirubly adapted for invalid* a* 2 .00 nothing hut under clothing, the captain “ Brynjolfur Sex insson, "and the plot is bread, leslore*. to it die phosphate of lime :i00 yards CARPETINO in Rem­ gm e 1 is -ome elol hi'-, mid 1 apt ill 11 Henry laid in Iceland in the m iddle o f the which is lost from the flower in boiling, and well a* for perrtotiM in la-alth. thus adapt* it ax an ailment tin* tin* main* nants of I to 2 yards at 10 and l-j lileli. "I n "a- a pa-'i ngei, gave me a Sevenlrenl h t 'nntury • .Sold by (Jrocerrt everywhere. 3 .0 0 tcuanee of a healihy state ol the hodv.” cents, wliieh tire tlie greatest liar- lull. Arriiillg ill Huston, "e "ere pre­ Mrs. Bray, the English novelist, who Learning make’ n man (it company for him gain ever oli'ered in Rockland, 3 .5 0 sented " i l l l Slb'l each I'ile o f m il'e re " died last year at the age ol 91 years, self. V, BAKER & CO,, Dorchester, Mass. wrote Iter autioliiogiaphy. ami it will they are just the right length for were -1 e<|, tw o ol "h u m got aboard the 5 0 0 shortly lie published. Mrs Brav was a A Startling Discovery, lin gs. steamer fn in the m ii't-licud o f our ve»- friend of Robert Southey, anil knew l ’liy.sli'iuii-me often starlled by remarkable -I I. ju- a--In wa--inking. Tin other -liscoverii s. 'I lie I'.ul Hull Hi . K irg 's New STRACHAUER’S lot ol' IIA.MBI IvtLS at 10 cents, ami corresponded w ith most ol the lead Iiisiovei v lev ( oii-uiiiplion ami a ll'i limat and two le- ng piekedup ill tin "lite r by a life iug authors and artists of the earlier bung discuses is daily curing piillenls lliut they worth l.'i cents everywhere. boat. I lie n atlii's of tlie six that were part mnl middle of the century. have given 11,1 io die, Is stmt ling tlieui to real- I C hurch M u s ic , S IL K S at if 1 .OK, drowned, were ('apt. Winslow It. Hop- ize llicir sense ol duly, mid I'xuniiiie into the, lot BLACK merits of this woridci liil di-i ovcry: ii-siilting For Quartet and Octet. worth SI.25. 1 lot at 81.25, I,ill-. .Il ell l.lllllsey. .lames Colby . I’eler IMPROVIDENT MINSTRELS in liiiiid ii’ils ei 0111 1-i*s| i ’iivsiciuus using it in Mit. IIi.hmann Stii i< 11 ai I-. 11. whom* pure nml worth 81.50, T hese two lots o f Wi let W illiam Parkhurst, and John ilicir pi'iii'tii'e. 't rial bullies free at \V. II. '1 (*|i*vut<*i| lm.li*, mui decided tnlenl iih a eon porter IT WILL PAY to call and Kittredge's Drug Store- itegular size S1.00, I well lit Idin for ilie la»-k, liu h here given ijm, iii an Silks are worthy oi' attention. Kent. Pile "'hole scene ol tlie disaster Very few uiinslicls lia.l tlie saving I octavo hook of 170 pagcH. 2»» very beautiful faculty. The rich names among them There me dismal-looking men who III throw j telH, ill tin* fonu of tlie bigliel* ulilirch IIIIDdr 'Itsir inspect these Goods in i- lad several minutes duration, hut were Edwin I’. Christy, over whose as­ sm li a gloom over a funeral lluil Hie corpse , and half arriiiiizeinentM I'lOfii the great 1 lot of Extra Wide (45-ineli) short a- it " Ils. no elimige in life eail ever will Ii-' quite forgotten. inaMiei’K. < Ijoir letdli-iK will lind thin a treunure. tute there were innumerable quarrels; Price hi Board*, $1.00- BLACK CASIlMEREat 75 cents, and Prices. h u n i'li Hie thm iglits o f it from my ('buries Backus, who, though a elever M iin y persons in Pilt'tun me using E ly’s ! — ----- worth 81 -BO. menu u" fellow, was never liberal in tin; money S o , , ! ! " ' ',,;..uI.‘? " a !a ,ly'"‘ 'o', n,e I*™' '“ " f " f ^UMtal line, so that lie was enalded to leave his WALKING AS AN EXERCISE. xenst ot Hiiicll, which .she hail not L‘njoy?tl for j T K IU 1 S in all lir'aniitfes, i« a mot»t handy A good quality ALL-WOOL CASH­ second wife very nicely provided for: , iiftet’ii year'. She had given up her case as eiiieut book for all inuolc d people. MERE at -15 cents, including all and Dave Wauiliold. who retired from Prof. Sii'gi iit ol Harvard college, in incurahle. Mr. Bitrber hit> umtI it in his I'am- the San l'laneiseo Minstrels a few veals ily. und coniiuciulrt it very highly. A Tunk­ ICIMIHMi FOK T ill! M I SH AG MILLION (lie desii'-d-le shades of Gurnet, lut'lariilg recently ill Boston, on lliis hannock lawyer, known to main of our read­ in found in Ibtitoii x Co.'* most iiiterestina Books ( 'ardiual, Blue,llrowus and I’mues. ago in consequence of ill-hcidlh. Billy oi Ml sk a i. i.i i tit a ii id , every vein* more popu. BOSTON huhii-ei. drew an important distinction er.**, tefclilieK ihat lie wa> cured of partial dcuf- b r. un-l ao rtliy o f purvbuw for PUBLIC LIBRARIES, Birch madii great stacks ol money. Imt nerif*. Fittitun, l‘a., (ia.ettc. heluecti easy mid lil'i.k w a lkin g, lie lie 'liu llle d it ail away, and starts in Hie und by all 'ludehtH ol iiuimIi*. L Ivvh o f lt«*e- held-lini. Ini a pei-on iroiilded with in ­ H a v in g »’J>ed El;. ’.*• ( ream Balm torCatarrh th o v eii, -.*1-1) : (io ttM 'lia lk . ($1 , C'liopin, world, iiuld and old, without anything of ami Cold in lh * head, I am mtli'lied that it is ■r 1-2- ; H a n d e l, i'2 ; ftloiidelMMohn, $I.2.T); CARPETS. somnia nervous diseases and pa rticu la rly consequence Io tlie fore: Eugene, a a lirst laic pjcparaiiou and would recommend Koshiui, $l.5u -Sebit m a n il, I 2;< ; .Mozart, In art diseases, liy the wxel'eise old oiled ijil.jU': Yon W eber, .2 vok., each $1.2- and female ini personatin', al cue time witli it in anyone similarly alUicled. K. \\ . C j ie i;- from a lii:uilier ol lia n ie i ale walks, taken l.ditor lleialtl. (’linton, Wis. many olhur». Head for list*. Evary Train brings us Several Pieces CLOTHING Clnistys Minstrels, then witli Dun al intervals during the day. is Hie best Bryant, made money last, mid saved Samson's Legs and Locks. w a i: SONGS, 50 eentw. l-.verybo.lv is dug. tiling'hat In; found. Rapid walking or of an Immense Spring Purchase, something like >.,0.1100; but Dan Bryant When Deiilah clipped oil' Samson’s locks lu g t be lli linmenrtely popular book. any oilier violent exercises serve lallier who "as. next to George I ’hl'isly, tlie ihat mighty alhelele at once became “ as other And our display thi* hcn*ou will sui piis* any for­ Io aggravate Him cure troubles of this Gl ITAK AT HOME- >2. New, large and mer utem pt, ai’d our price* will be lower than ba* most popular, as In- was Hie most grace­ men.” I f it could be proved that ihc posse.'*- line - ohection of bright and popular music. S T O R E , « nature Bui for a man in di * enjoyment ,'ion of luNuriinii hair would enable men to been known in Rockland since ISU1. ( 'aipetrt mude ful ami most nliiactive, died very poor. leaf open Hom*’ .jaws, IH mocn & Co would be and luid. oi g ' <1 llealtli. I II. si- saunters are w h olly A benefit was given wllieli netted some­ List* furnirtlied. Any book mailed for retail be driven wild in the ellbri to supply oiungh of price. useless W hat lie m eds is a sharp, brisk thing like xg.i.doo. jl j, believed, for Parker's Hair Balsam lo met t tin* demand. CURTAINS walk wllieli will stal l Hie circulation of bis widow , but it is said it went as easily it is the Balsam prevents your hair from OIJVEK DITS0NX (<>., Hoston, tin- blood and bl ing all tile in ils e h s of I lie falling out, ami restores the original color if 286 M aili Street. as it came, and in a short time after his laded or gray. Besides it ir a great addition lo liodv into play. Walks ol this kind are lie..Iii she was as tim'd up as ever r i n f i . l n CURLO WITHOUT THE USE Of A KNIFE. Made and Put Up at Short Notice. tlie toilet table simply as a dressing. lmd fl " 11.1.IAM READ. M D . Harvard, VI i . .e-iu-licial llllll lll'e lieaiuly lia om- 1MSIII t u i u t u 1M., MI|(1 K(, BEHJ M J(E A J, fM 1, Iiieiid 'll. 'rile most rapid walker is tile Ayer's Saisapulilla is the best medicine for ( oa se brown paper soaked in vinegar every one in the spring. Emigrant' and Harvard, lb7B', Evaiirt llouae, 175 Store Curtains Speciality. one that walks from the tidglis rather AMH Treinout St., Boston, treat FIS- and plat - d on the forehead is good for a travelers will lind in il an ellcetual cure lor the tlian from the knees. MINU TI’U 4. BILLS and all lilb K A S K s sick heudaelie. If (lie eyelids are gently eruptions, boils, pimples, eczema, etc., that of tin* ICKCTIJM without detention break out on the skin tlie etl'eet of disorder in from busincMs. References given. Send w Kvaith Kviicavi - iii'c.- I ii »uc| - i.i , tin- bathed in cool water tlie pain in tlie head the blood <’aused by sea-diet ami life ou board for a pamphlet. Qtllee hours, 11 u. m. C. F. W OOD & CO. is generally allayed. ship. to i p. m. (except Sunday*,. SIMONTON BROTHERS. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2(5, 1881. 3

JUDGE NOT. FROSTED FEET. How to Get A Start in Law Itntlrnnth A' M r r r aafrnaC *. B r a c t Ice. UY KATE C LYDE. John Stahl in Hural Xnr ForEo-. “ W e ll. son. d id \<»n got any ease’s The Bible strictly bids yon Tho fanner often sullen with frosted A Y E R ’S Beware to criticise * feet. IIo must heonl-of-dom s the wrenl today?' asked a fa I her of a sot) wln>| KNOX AND LINCOLN RAILROAD. The sins and faults o f others er part of tho day, iioUvit|i*t-ending ti e had been admitted to the bat about As seen by m ortal eves. TIVll TIIROlHill Tldlb I'd BUM) UAH,). theirnom eter may ho frozen up nod tho six months ago. H a i r V i g o r Yon know mit wlnit temptation snow .a foot deep. C attle must, he ft»d Was in the sinner’s way “ No. 1'ath‘ T. none \e t. I am very tho gloss nml Inslinc* ARRANGEMENT OF TRAINS. atul wateied. wood cut and st aides What wiles and lure*’ ot Satan linn h discouraged.” • gray hair lo a natural, Had caused Ids feet to stray. cleaned cult < >vcr*ln»r« are clum sy and “ Perhaps \«>n don’t lake Ihe .h ep black, as may be th­ Commencing Monday. Nov. 19 in eotiv e iiie n l. and some of us may feel ol. Before yon pass stern jn dg ltltn t proper method to get cases. You in t< ■. I ba Upon a fellow-man, that we ate not rich enouoh to wear bail a I, a i11 b. Hit. ’Twonld be more wise ami proper them . Thus we gt I our feet frosted, should ilex er appear upon Ihe streets though not always enr*d. • a. d 1. •» e m. ,\r • u . e M. D uel,, It,,-. Y onr inner soul to scan. and instead of thawing them out with without carrying in your hand a It <•:.• ?:»« failing of tin’ hnir. and ‘ Hunt ton ..f i nml n m. And see if tiirre, deep-hidu til. I Maine Central Railroad. Just pause a moment now ; I tried every remedy I could think uf. I lull head ' I,ahi.” though I soaked m y feet w ith it t ill I STOCK l>EIT NITIONS, >AHHF.N«KR train- leav Bath at O. ia a. m. Please just • review the ease,’’ .1. W. lb n v rv , proprietor of tin* hllair nml tu It dii n ju. lUcrarrhal o f train Icavinc Am i see how you’d have acted was afraid to covi r them up warm at IRockland at 8.15 n. ni., connrcitiff W'lmt is a Hull ?— A hull is a per­ Gt. Z /////n/’. /. - ivs : ” A vi If* II Mi: \ hi«»u at HruDKwiik Had you been in Ins place. night lest there should lie a eonllagia- i t ev p ||« :n i pi'i'pnr.tt i<»n bn Ih«’ luci. for Lewiston, Farmington, Amiu-tj , Skew began son who lalks lunch of lie' prosperitv 1 -peak <>t it lio,n mv own cxpcricncr. IH and Bungi.r; a, Ymm uihwiih G. r. I t v .; at tion, the soreness and itch in g seemed to plumule* ihe growth of n- tv Iniir, :iial brook Junction w'th p. H . p, ■ M.Jnnctkm CHICAGO ROMANCES. increase rather than diminish. Then I of tlie eounlrv. the vn-l earning , t i . i , glossy ainl s«»tt. Tin1 \ ig»h< is also will, trillion H«.Mo,i \ Main.. I at Portland eapneilies of (lie railroads, the big n - in* fn.*’ f >r ■iaihli-iilT. Not whliin my with trains on Eastern Railroad, an * ing iu UoflUtn bathed them night, after night with knuivb’ilge has the preparalion c m ,- failed 5.10 p. nt. Chimayo Tribniif. I sweet oil, eoa, oil. castor oil and a few crops out West : and then eats a ti’ii- to give entire satisfaction.” , Atiernoon train leaves Hath 4."G p, m„ (after or* rival of train leaving Rn ’klaml 1 ’ ' Dues vour fa lliiT know mi I other oils. This seemed to only pul the eent.sandwich lor dinner. M,:. A x e s F MltnAHtx. leader nt the • P m .) cm - • necting nt Hrtinswiek for I -• "»*. AtmiiM.i. Gallon tin Murphy look- tenderly i itching in le-lt runninj: order, Imt it , \Vh:it is n Brni?— A ho:ir is a per- e. l.-h. tt. d - F.iirhsiiin Fu,ui’y ” ot Scottish Portland and Heston. An hing in | Yoealisi*. writes from .t/o.•>.<.. , |*. in. down at tin' L:uly Agnpc IUoriliin— 1...... ns* didn't run awuv .uh < ,iv» n it . t in < . u , j || m i,(.|, ()c t ho (Icpi (‘bsed •• Lvov siin’o my hair began ,•• give sib Morning Train leaves Portland 7 t!U, arrived at llicsewortls.su fu ll ol .solemn im poit. physicians and druggists'Iruggists prescriptionprescriptions ; ...... , 1 v r. evidence o| the change wldeh (hating Bath 8.35 ;i. in., t'oiiiii ,-tletr to Ro.-k j ami would probably lie wailing at my | eoiidtlnni ol the iron trade, over pro- tin e procureth, I have used A v ru ’s II.MIt Through Trains leave PortIan.I, 1. lerivo his ruby-red lips nml Host slowly \ ...... and so have been aide to maintain out uurosB ilit! hrouil tlnmensc that lo t yet hail I not read o f this simple Unction. too many railronils, atul tlinl at rival of trains from Bo-ton : ac/'vr an apnearance ol youthfulness - a innlterol p m. cotinerting to Roekland. stretches away to the westward from the re m e d y: cvcrvlhiuginiist go to smash. In tlie C'>n<’i',i'abh! conscqiicnee ,o m inisters, orn- Freight J’rains i-aidt way daily. tols in comfort. commission, properly sees to it that, Vig .it the falling stopped and a i eu growiti STEAMSHIP COMPANY. yon "go broke.” »‘tires ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. commenced, and in about a month mv )i> .- <1 to him in loving fashion, and, although ” 1 nied it the same evening. I re- (Jeanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation. was completely covered with short hair. It her voice is lin n when she answers him, mernher that I wanted to go to a pro­ Wluit is a Put ?—A put is an in­ Eliminates Boils, Carbuncles and Scalds.’ u has continued i«» grow, amt is now as good Boston to Bangor via Rockland and there is a feai-haunted look in the dark tracted meeting that night, and could strument in w iiling wllieli secures lo iii)’Permanently and promptly cures paralysis. If lore i, fell. 1 regularly nV F or sale by all balding druggists. $1.5U.~bV TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. marriage to a stop-order. whom it is bestowed—that these doubts tlie .just. The next morning I pulle The Dr. S. Richmond Medical Co., Props., The many great i.uprovmucnts intro­ are ever haunting me. ever peering with my bools without piin atul •araeoli'd Joseph. Mo. (2) Steamer Rockland, What is a Stop-Order?— A stop- duced in the man Hat t.trc o, the Ja.s. L .•*’ iro iin d in the excess o f my tlieir wicked, leering faces from behind ,jov. M.v order is an electric maehine used in Chas. N. Urittenton, Agent, Net York Citv. (’APT. W. , >.\\VTELLK, the black clouds of sorrow that Till al’ feet have rarely tioiililed me since: and < iold \» at- h < a*c. have I to s i:.jila ,’ i I Leave- l{oekiand tor Sullivan via North Haven, tiring von out of tlie nuii'kct. prove,nets in the making ol' silver eases. Green -LiU'ding. .swan’-, t land, Hass Harbor, Ho. the horizon of my life—that life which when they have show signs of again W e-t Ha,Imr and Bar Harbor .Mt. Desert), Ho. should hold for nte ndlhing hut radiant ta k ir g u p the old habit, a dose of h a I inh r the old methods, each part ol a Goahlslmi’o. l.ameiiie and llan••...•k, at 7 o'clock joy and sweet content. Ami it is only water and alum brings them hack to the silver ease was ,. adc ot' several pie” , s of «.ni. every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, on arrival ol Hmii Irom Boston. when 1 th in k o f your great love fi r me. paths of rectitude. .v. > . metal soldered together, requiring a gn at Returning leaves Sullivan for Rockland via in (letter s till, when I stand eltise-pressed A lth ough I eau recommend this as an Four men half hidden in the smoke lei veiling^ points ivety Mi».\D.\Y and IIIIH.'S amount v*-*l metho*!*, e:u 1. j t W ashiuutnu, and h.ivcuec ela . kial : In ..ugh, row in till the wide, wide world, and the tard the circulation of the blood, and tlie salest to ride in. They finally agreed , A l.\ IN A I S | JX. Freight Agent, Boston sky. so lately overcast with lowering your feel will Irceza much more quick- to leave it to tlie conductor. of the K t . tone S ilv e r \\ ateh < n-e is ma..e •! \S. LITTLEFIELD. M er.. Boston. 3. <>. A. KALLOCH. Agt.. i:«N klaud. clouds, seems like a shield o f turquoise I ly . W ear woolen socks. If you can “ Middle of middle car. riglil liaiul The Groatcst Blood Purifier ol one soiul | ;ecr of metal hammett d i:,b bloom hovering over tlie earth.' get those made of home-spun yarn, do side." said that personage when asked. Si! shape. ! he mivam.•,«.«•* are re:,di! v appnr "She is a daisy from Daisy ville ,” says so. Factory yarn is twisted so hard Tile rapidity with which lie spoke and I e iil, for every < :ie i.m.ws th a t In. , in Portland,Bangor,Mt. Desert & Machias Gaston to himself, *'anil can talk a man that tlie yarn holds very little nir in its tlie mechanical manner in wllieli tie made harden the i..et:,l while solid ring s. ,t. as,: o i i i r . i . i i. i ■ i llbG'-ntlan. JJaniielina, Juniper }; Steamboat Company. black in the face”—anil then turning to interstices, hem e it is not so w arm as the reply, led one (it Ihc men to halt Inin jjHrics, etc. coir.l.lnctt w iili tt:-! tr i the superiority of the K o -p ne the Lady Agnes he bends over her and that moru loosely spun. If your hoots as tin was passing on and ask him to ex- —tntrr.ee ' ' ( i ' Sulphur, which mnl:° • S ilver M . t h ( 'as, . lake one o f .'i oz. v.mi Iu. WINTER ARRANCEMENT! tenderly kisses the fair wll te face that and shoes are room y enough to easily plain himself. [jl known. Do not ever tako pres* it s.p.are iu the center w hen ( h *e I. is upturned to his. She parses her d im ­ admit of it, wear a pair of cotton -tin k- “ W n y," said he. “ everybody asks me I ONE TRIP PER WEEK. D L U E P I L L S and it w ill I ; ive, wd.iie a ca e o| same pled hand over his lace in a fond, earcss- ings inside of these. Or. if you will dial q ’P'stiou, and I mu so used lo ails- | ...... I li'i’fiu h e r, T. ih k .i in g way that shows how great is the get some tissue paper anil wrap it around wer 11' il llla l I ’ve got il down to Hie El! or nracnlc, they arc deadly wti.Ju ofaoy . tla r make wiil gi\«-1 ma.Lh niUPkieo v<. r trust In FUL'-y/ , ’t" i rca'. t!.. cr 'riie i<<”.-tene .-'ii\i r love she bears him. And then, when j your foot outside uf tlie woolen stocking fewest words possible. I shonldn'i won- : kb 'ilU R Jli'ir: •::•••, t! .I t ar f'.' i'iS STR, LEWISTON, both nre steeped in the incense of n grand it will save your feet very much. I (ter if you were to :i'k me that when I U k i and VtstweiUvUocvev^j!jj.?K j .’j ,g 'M Y.’ h I i h < i- i. a.d' , jjJy y, ?Ji .sKvefcap ■APT. C ll.ua.I S liEEhiXl). | IsteTonKsGoatofi.Zr^&t J and enduring passion, when all the ; have come to consider il p or economy am asleep if I wouldn't answer it wi,limit I and io.id p in t-. W! I. I.dv.- l;,ll||-,(.-„| world seems rose-linleil. there comes to deprive one’s self of overshoes, waking up. ’The middle ear of a train | llllll,' ■-,..||||,U- „t 11.1 , suddenly over tho g irl’s faco a wave of (St,'in„l„ii,l Expi-, , . I in-in,m is the safest. Iii’caiisn it is the furthest > ll„ilililll,| l il.lIlH’,,1 S lu-.v, I; Stlltfi'li pallor and in to her brow n eyes a look ol lem ived from a collision either iu trout j . I ilg). I, k 'it Hl,,,- | J ill ,,,, i, 1 . | FRENCH KITCHEN. feaVo Pint-: !$ W l;,,,- 11 „1„„., ,M ;b, . 1 , . ghastly horror that is frightful in its in­ or h hind. Even if nil engine plunged Macliiaspm t. 1 tensity. into an open ilraw-lii'idge, it might um ! " " tL a ; Ive? le c r r ’ a: i/p . . . . •, tffl /.OIIlhlH tilohe. C a t a r r h e l y ’s ...... ; tnv mu,, i, “ What lio!” she cries. "I hear it Tlie Englishm an who is slaving in a take more llliili a ear or two with it. ’ -"('.' !""l l.ll-uncil, I B.n ll..rl( I with .(<• There is no chance tor a inisluko.” ; ;ro 11. . . r b.tC.': b ! ' '' ' " ! ' ...... I.i(i(|..„..-. Hull! lirsl-ialc hotel abroad should make the Couplings would lie likely to break. Al­ • i i a f '1-' uh5j-':«". i .FI? ------^ T T ^ S l'REAM balm nml hllsn-iiitli. AI. ii w III It; 8 11 si, “ Hear what?” asks Gaston, his eyes ways sit iii tile middle o! ii ear, lieeaii-p AM B j ^ « V hna ,| Ui.cki,iii.i, s i . , i . c , , „ nil aeqiiaintam i’of tlieenok and his I;ile lie n . I’nvlable Dgs. atlamo with excitement. The lo riner is almost id w in s a polite and when ears telescope they are apt not lo . pnlaium wh...... I U \'l\. known, displaciiig nil till ! Mu cry “The ancestral footsteps,” said the agree dde gentleman, ready to give any telescope m any l'l e l. A s to n e a l l 't tell a iling at intermediate .. I.tiily AuncB. drawing still clo-w to her j hTfunmnion’.' and !• t Ji .• r pn i.aiAii.H.-. igldv complimented w llie li end will telescope, and both cn A a in 1 leli’ nf it im!< >111 *1 - • t I’ortjimd u a h I’iiIIi lovur. “ Mv father is coming. if in ii'i i'si is taken iu his e iSM-role-. A may leli scope, la k e to the middle. \\ I a • d mt ri*. ” * * » * | well-appointed kitehen, although it may ever ear you go in. sit on tlie right-hand ( I RES l e i I. at. d, ri m in e \ \ ■ fee, p ,->.engi ,s side o f (tie ear. which is t i s.i v, tin ’ side In-.Ud rr.n,i l!.„,gor ,„„i l.„ , Ten mingles have passed—lint, see-! not lie mentioned in Mui'ray or Ila-di’eker, Clll,II ill llir IIB II. thing minutes thatcuu never lie i ecalleil ' is a“ well worth seeing us any ordiuarv furthest iTom lh<’ other track, because it W. K. SMITH. As c ii, Roi-klnn The Lady Agnes bends over a form that I Cockney sight in a foreign town. 11 ,v- I sometinies happens that freight j.r.»| lies prostrate on the ground at lu r f< lug gained admittance wiiliin the .-acred I 1111 la'\ond a Hal ear. and lip - da Rockland and Vinaihavt “ SpeakI , ,ta , . . .me...... papa,”. 11 ushi' l,„ il exclaimed v, .1.1 i...... I it,in portal, 1)01 I a I. lie IIP Owill lli 101(1lind (It'llthat (111all 1the lie Kinemployes 111. >i , 1 window-out ” •' id pa-sing train-.” ONE TRIP PER DAY. •Do railroad im ti observe all tin - agtiniziiiii sieeentu- "one little word in are of the ma-eiiline gender, cxcepi t wo HAY-FEVE^^'^.'UK!'^' pier unions when they ride . ” FALL ARRANGEMENT let me know that yon nro not dead!” or three old hags who do ihe Oirlie-t \V iii’ii nh-nrh<*d it < tb « tiiulfv - l< .uim’s the nasal w ork. I liere is a eliicl over everv de­ “ i’liey lake no precautions at all. niishig inaldiy secretions, il The lim n opens his eyes. “ And so allays iiilhiiDiiiaiioii, . tin- ineiubratial bn partment. notably that of the saucepans, I’hosc that I have im iilioned are sensi­ P S O M E E l that is your lover, Cunstnnee?’’ ing* cl the lead l'rl(Ii, A kch. liui-khw I tires. Then they pare and arrange all not he railroad m*rii if they d id .’ ’ ble power—" und llio Duke of Galway J W hat’a the u .c ot talking about II. M. KlHIEKTS, As-.nl, Vlii.ilhm ,-n. tlie vegetable- thai are likely to lie re­ Rockland, .lune5, 1883. 37 pulled his rose into plum ns lie spoke. •* )n ilse hanks <»!’ Bonny Doon," JpilJs and plasters wh.a you know "lie was,” said ihe sill, in low. trem­ quired during tlie day. As in a legular The pol l slipped and sprained his tlim uh. ■ that every«ti:nc I have been ailing ulous tones, "horn in Boston.” French lintel (none ol your "British com- (treat Aineriean Specilie,- .joyful boon. I the last twenty years nothing has helped Brought peace and joy. where all looked glum, T L » ). T-»G' 1 ’ •. ------.—------foils” hostelries) there me only two pub­ co quickly and surety a:» “ L. F." y - l IO .’,( ■ ) ! ! . ’[ •. lic meals, breakfast and dinner, the ".Sold hy ail Dealers." FATTENING PORK. J Atwood'., Bitters, and when neighbor LOOK HERE , I q u a n tity is easily euloiilaleil. The ves- A \ cry Old Jimi. “lukvn was nil •• ' ' up lost piio : 1 •'• If I was iroiihh d with I >vspi p-ia, <’oii*lipa! ion, I sels and condim ents are placed in their John Funk, of Springilcld, Ohio, wriies, ••! | biliousness und indigestion, it didn't take Pile*. Si-k ..r N. I ..II* ilea.I.H’lie, «>| hail unv io ip n„ - i,...ii- - . * t ; ’ Tho desirability of fattening hogs order handy to the great chief, who was tramped upon by a bor.se, and for a year liult bottle of thc‘‘L. F.'s" to put him trouble of lh.- stoiiia. li. Bowels, or Liver, I would speedily cannot lie iler.ind, and as a lirst ill • pain ib ro iig li my bip* was so bad I could ! use Wlggin’s l,!'lh I*, i II. y have all inherent pow. i i shortly alter enters, clad iu his while Jon his feet again, and in a week he wus io . nre, nevi i surpassed in the history "I medicine. condition comes cleanliness; it w ill he Hot rise oil my feet. rimiuu.s I'.hchie Hi/ robes mid truculent weapons of olllce. around at work as well as ever tie was in ' 5l» cent' at D ruggists; bv mail on receipt of pi i ’e. found to hen morn laborious job to fat­ helped me bevoiid description. Ii w ill do Wiggin X <’o., Ro. kland, M- Miss Sawy. i'- Sub.- wonders lu r those who stiller from eold-." | his life. I shall never use anything else ten a hog that is compelled to w a llo w in ! Woe lo the manuiton whose careless­ as low prepai'ul, heal* lh? world. 2. cents. I'.m-D ness has made the grand old man poise Ilup r/ii'itu s ari' clean, sweei and pleasant long as 1 can buy the true “ L. F.” ihe mire than if ihesamo is confined in a a second for tile necessary ingredients to use. Fresh Hops combined with Balsams Atwood’s Bitters.” poll that is dry anil clean, and provided and O iiiu-. Moie powerful than any other Purify your blood and obtain new An O11I5 Daughter Cured with plenty of leaves or stiaw for bed­ o r seasoning for his sauce or plat. .Mean­ porous plasters. 2acts. while his ministers assist him in such strength and vigor by using the Cnnsuuipi ion. ding. It is bettor lo cook the feed, Sable is said to he about the only fur rightful “L. F.” Atwood Medi m atters as he chooses to intrust to them. that-sable lo maintain its identity in these days Wlii’ii ma.h a pr« par.ition w In. b c u r d bis only .-hil the Lyceum and serenade Mi-s Auder- Mitre. I <'oilsll||i|ilii»ii. Ill- tiibl is lev. 111 this coni ing to another. In this way il is in a j II Private M edical Rooms. ..lid ■ nioyil.g tbe bc-l of li'-altli. lie lias prove s s i in i l - i - i SI)I1 n’"*‘ll-v " *1*1 b’arful times up in a The boy who bit a green apple remarked, condition more susceptible ol the world that 4‘oiisiin ip tio n . »u tie posili ! Ilute as she left, disappeared from W e ll­ with a wry ta< v. ” ’ lw a s ever thus iu etiilil- ami permanently cured. 1 tie Do- tor now givcH tion. ington street some time ago. mid it was lionth- sour." The Gret.t English Remedy. CONFIDENTIAL. idy asking two J .•. - i -tamps to Tho health of the animal should he exp. fins lh th ai-e \ iglil Sweat , , , f if i. . ,,n itu hoped lie was dead or ill a madhouse: W HAT A PITY tf.ade m a r k An imi.illiiu TRADE MARK Ladies or Genthmail reqylfing medical advice < looked after, for if a hog onei-gels oil ils , re for Seminal treatment, arising Irom any piivate can-. , uonf at tin- Stomach, ami r.-ak up a that so many otherwise a fin ird v c . polite ami Weakness, Sper- do well to banish all dillidem ea uml make an earl.' r In < It m m feed it is seiio’.ibly injured, uml for dial ...... ; piping in tones to melt Ihe heart of particular people alliiel tlie ir friends by the matorrho-a, Im- application to DR. ID (iliE S I," - R e C Ml. • 1, Philadelphia reason it is a good thing lo ocuusionuUy , I'oiii and d i’sii’ ieeable odor o f their oreatb. it is potency, ami all stone. I his victim <»f a hopeless pas­ The Jloetor’s long. MiUei s-ful pr o ti> <• in ihil give a little .sulphur with ihe feed: also i inainlv eau-ed by disordered digestion and < au city, toge her with the maivcloii* cuics. are 110 sion is an ex-w rangler o f ( ’am hridge questionable guarantees ol his skill and ability. put in pieces of charcoal, and occasion­ be corrected by removing the cause, by Using | A In n i’iiiu I or.ilon Plyve- University and a seieniilie auihor of that pure modi ine S ulphur Billers. Health Persons who call not personally consult th iciuu < -iuhzt.-b< N m i ally, if they can he procured, throw in a Abuse; as loss lor cun do '<> by wi iiiug io a plain manner le Oliie<> j a , ra some note. He is not Ihe only English Magazine. of Memory, I id-' fresh turf for the animal to work. Wood seriplioii ■ I tbeir discus. , ami appropriate r* ine

  • -s lu r the I lire o f m oth or masher who has been sadly The H i m ** K u ii « u. Colts Ri Mover is a versal Lassitude will Iii* forwarded immediately . All coiTvs| . ii- ashes may also oo pul into tin* pen lor scorched hy ihe Blazing heauiy of the sure remeily. Knowing ibis tlie proprietor* BEFORETAIHMu.' hniDtiH Uac, AFTER TAKIRO. deuce strictly confidential, uud w ill be rctmiicd if J EPILEPT'C FITS. the animal lo work ever. Sail in small have always guaranteed h. All druggiHs, Dimness of vision, Premature old Age, nml many deoiled. .Journal uf Ma li e 1 c, majestic M ary, i he Carm elite chapel ot Ii r «lisi!u>eM that lea«l to liieanity or (.’oiieumptioii FITS_ "la (late "i I ' ii.luii', v 1 « 1 -ud . s ti 1 re- quantities may he m ixed w ith Ike f?ed. where she attends mass on Sunday ex­ Washington was Ihe f.uher of hi* country .and No. 300 CUMBERLAND ST., l Epilepsy, tins without del ' Hut g ivin g it in excess shoubl he avoided, j blowing out the ga* on retiring is one ot' its and .1 Pl'eiuulille (Have. 11 hibits such a iiumhei* of hlgh-coilarcd lest it cause llie death o f the anim al. smothers. (U) account of counterfeits, we *ht|Vn adopted the PORTLAND. ME. .!.!>>• converts, captured hy the American It is a good ride to accept onh sin h Yellow Wrapper, the only genuine. Some farmers are frequently losing a hog XHUFull particulars in our pamphlet, which we or a pig. and if Hie leal eau.*e were | eneiianiia ss, as might utmost excite the medicines as have, alter long years ol' trial, envy o f Monsignoi* ( ’ »pel. proved worthy o f eoulideuee. This is a ease desire to semi free by mail to every one. The sought for, it would he found to he a ' Specilie Medh ine is sold all druggist*) at *1 per PROF. NELSON, . Ab. MLaLKULE, h'u. VvJ where other people’s experience may be of a> kugc, or six packugea Ibr or will be sent free want of proper feed iug. great service, and it has been the experience y mail on the receipt of tho money, by addressing TTEE BA.KBKH. Cotlee o r tea should never he given lo of thousands that Ayer’s ( nerry Fectoral is C children at night. They disturb the f l i t G K .IV M K D lC ’I N i: CD . U oflulo, Cun uow be found in hii» Elegant Room in the best cough meilieine ever used. N. V. Jonerf New Block. Two bandooine new Chairs, W A N T E D io sell luiki.-h Rug -WALLS’ MAY-APPLE Liver) Plld.s. nerve system and make ehihheu cross Mother Swan’s Worm Syrup, tasteless, el- new Razor*, new eteiylbing. Call and get a Puttcrin*. Addicts E. fir. Fiost \ (.0 , Bidde­ 10c. und 25c. and peevish. feel ive; 2^e. bold Iu Rockland by W. 11. K m u t bci:. firsl elat* »ba\e or bull cut. «> ford, We. 1 THE ROGKLANI) COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 18R4

    THOMASTON CAMDEN. ROCKPORT. OWL’S HEAD. W ork on the new ship is being pushed. Capt. IL (i. Perry is at home. s. J. Crawford i* in Portland. Mrs. Isaac Sherman Is very ill. I lie Baptist sod tide met at Mark W hitmore's J. B. Drake of Bath was in town Friday. The approach of spring Was heralded by a IF YOU WRNT R BOOK \ . P. Ontthl, l.-'i . won! to Bangor Monday, 1 i iday evening. Ntr. Clara Clarita was in our h irho r Frida v. Hying kite, Saturday. ('apt. W illia m K Harrington and wife are I I . M. Bean Il ls returned from a business Sell. James W. Fisli w ill take 2 evening, at which a hot supper PULPIT HARBOR. In February tee skate. absent or tardy during the term : Henry Star- w ill be served. T he thoroughfare is clcai’ o f ice. Lincoln Winelicnbuch was quite severely in­ rett, John Starrctt. George Nt. Clair, Frank Wellman, Edgar Davis, Ida Vinal. Edwin Oil Saturday hut the follow ing person* were W illiam Greenlaw died last week after a jured, recently, by slipping on the ice and f i l l ­ Hastings, Emma Hustings, Carrie Hastings, drawn to serve a* juror® at the March term of short sickness. ing across the bar* of his horse *lcd. and Clarence Payson were only tardy once A Reprint of Cham ber’s Encyclopaedia. the Supreme Judicial Court . N. B. lla h ti, A in. W illie W. Kennistoti has gone to sea as « ok The ladies’ levee, held at Union hall last during the term. Fifteen la’ge octavo volume* of nearly 900 page* each. Copiously illaHtrated. It, embrace* over J . Singer, John 11 nt. week, was a success. The proceed* were forty on a Rockland schooner. We w ill warrant 47.000 T'ltle*. being n verbatim nq riot of tin- late.*t London edition of ( ’hrimber** Eueyelopaalia (the I’he poem o f Evangeline w ill be rendered dollars. that crew something good to cat. great merit of which i* uiilvcranlly acknowledged), with over 18,oon title* added covering American in tableau \ at I nion Hall under the direction Mrs. Sabra, wife o f Leroy Wooster, died the A. I). Keenp. recently o f I.ru n . Mass., is in , Fstahrook A Eaton's Hidalgo f ’ igar, best in Miib.ieet*, the whole under one alphabetical arrangement. The type i* large ami cleur and the binding ot the ladles til the ( ’oiigregatioualist church at town. He w ill remain here the coming d im ­ i the. market, only 5 cts.ciicli at ('. F. Havener’*. huml*nme anil durable. Price per *et $U». 10th iust.at her home. She was a tiieiiiher of 1 Given for 12 name*. mer. his service* as lion-e being in a date soon to he announced. the Baptist church and much respected. a carpenter B t-sixi *s. An active business is carried on Capt. Dunbar llenderscn ami A .c. Strout Miss Cora Ames, one o f our accomplished great demand. it Paine’* Furniture Manufacturing Estab­ were appointed as a committee hv Orient Lodge school teachers, has returned home after being T. S. Bowden has a very fine ten years old lishment in Boston. T'lieir Custom and retail Dickens’s Complete Works, Tuesdav evening to solicit fund* among the absent three months. .She has been teaching marc, with foal, that he thinks o f selling. A ny­ trade now demands nearly the entire block ot In IT volume*, illustrated. The entire work* of tld* ina*ter of Euglinh fiction. I’uhll*h(d by the well- Masonic Eaternitv for the re lie fo f the *nilerers at ( »w|’s Head. one ucsiring such propertv would do well to four acres in iloor room. From this immense ' known hou*e of F*tc* ,x Lauilat, Bo*tou. bet »ueh a* tetail* at $12 and $1*>. by the W estct ti II >n 1*. .1. T. Coombi has been canvassing in \ inal- examine this animal before purchasing cist o ia h lD h iiic iit thousands o f homes are. fu r­ We offer it for only s name*. The chib ot youths wh® gave drama “ Elf- huven for Albert Smith o f your citv. He lefi where. nished at a cost so much under the usual price teeu Minutes for Refrcalitnents” with so much all his business with O. I’. Lyons, M r. Sm ith’s A. J. Nlutw of Rocklmnl was in town last that people come from a long distance and save success at Waterman’s stare last Saturdav, w ill local agent. week in the interest o f the Singer Sewing Ma­ money by it. Scott’s Waverley Novels, repeat the same y the author and other place at the residence o f Mr. Hanly on Beech his poetical effusion* often in a hopeless mid Wesley Hili', Cedarville, Ohio, writes ‘ ’Took Miss Clara Kerby's school at Island Falls, A i it i.opiioitos as directed and find I am well arti*t-. The binding i* very handsome, extra cloth, black and gold de*lgn*. Price per net $10.50. W ood' street, the same evening, at which there Aroostook County closed last Friday. bewildered way. We knew he would take tiiat Given for 9 name*. was a large and brilliant party. S3, so wc didn’t compete. We think though • if 11 liemiiHt i*in. I am G5 years old and was I'he school in District No. 7» Coses Friday, that lie cmned the money. getting still in my joints and limbs. Now I Cant, lle n rv Bohtidcl, a former resident of March 7th. T he exercises in the evening will am us clear d' rheumatism and stillness as I this town, dieil at the house of hi* daughter in Cooper’s Complete Works. consist o f a lecture, “ Success in Life” by the MATINICUS. ever was ia my life. Consider A i it i.ociioitos Windsor, Conn, on Saturday Inst. His mh v I I teacher Mr Payson, ami remarks by the scribe, the greatest and best medicine I ever heard J. Feniniore L.’ooper’* t'amoo* work* complete. Globe Edition, in 10 volume*: the whole aggregating arrived here last evening, and his funeral took W . B. Young and Fred Norton arc at work provided it doesn’t rain. o t.” over I5,4oo page*. With 32 original illustration* by Darley, Divlman, Frederick*, bheppard amt Waud. place this morning from the Methodist church, building dories. Price per *et. $20. ( ’apt. Bohtidcl was a native o f Denmark mid A spelling school was held ’ at the school Rufus Y. Young of Rockland is visiting Given for 17 name*. was a citizen o f Thomaston for many years, house in District No. I T’ucsday evening. The friends on ’ lie Island. fie was a worthy man. II is wife has been dead school-room, was well filled, nearly all taking part in the pleasant exercise. J. II. Sanborn’* ice-house ns lilled with good GRAMMAR SCHOOL a number o f years. ice, about 150 tons. Hawthorne’s Complete Works. In the railroad accident matter, noticed else The school in District No. 3 closed TTniis- dav. The teacher Youdel J. Five bus show® W m . G. Grant o f Matinicus Rock was in I New Globe Edition. Uonqilete in 6 volume*; the whole containing over <1000 pngc*. With 24 fine illo*. where, while at work on the engine next day, Rockland last week on htisiness. FAIR AM) BALL! I (ration*. A line *«t, worth $12. Supt. Coomb* received ip iitca severe cut on the himself to he an old fashioned disciplinarian. Given for 9 name*. head bv a fillin g bar ot iron. No blame can He left for Mount Desert, his home, Friday Lnne, Sanborn A W alls are to continue their i c attached to tin employes o f the rood for afternoon. After a week* vacation he goes to business here thc.coming season. The pupils of IJneoIn Street <• rntniuar School will the accident, ns the rock was only oil the track Portland where an execllent situation awaits Capt. Hanson T. Philbrook has returned hold a Fair in Works of Washington Irving, tor a lew moment- before the train arrived, the him. from a three weeks visit in Lincolnville, O w l’s 3E*«lX”''TOro l l XXa.11, section men going over the road a short time S il v e r W kdiuxo -Thursday evening, a Head and Liberty. In *et* of ('» volume*, (omitting Life of WiiHliington) haml*on,ely printed and bound, and equal to the *et* sold at $15. before the freight came along. large number of citizens o f this good old town School closed Friday, Miss lla tfic .Young, THURSDAY EV’NG, MARCH 6, ’84, Given for 0 name*. The statement going the rounds of the papers , in company with numerous citizens of neigh­ teacher, having a* usual a tine term. I For the purpose of raining mnu«*.v to buy a Piano boring towns, assctiihled at the resi Ic tic e of that the Baptist church o f this place had Packet Julia Fairbank* manages to make for the iu bool-room. Supper wiil lot served at given llev A II Crane, of Winthrop a call, is W illiam Stone and wile to celebrate tho twenty- her weekly trips. Notwithstanding the unfav­ G o 'c lo c k , and refrcMlunonte, ami a variety oi iiw - George EllioVs Complete W orks, incorrect. The church invited Mr. Crane to fifth anniversary o f their marriage. The com f ill and fancy articles will he on sale during the p iny was hospitably received, and royally en­ orable a eat her, Captain Philbrook puts her evening. A First-class Literary and Mtodcal In (» volume*, and one of the bent edition* of her work* puhll*hed in tld* country, being tlie mo*t com­ came down and stop in the village a week, Inti through. Entertainment will be given,’the whole to be plete, eonlaiiiiug her minor work* and poem*, a* well a* her more extended and celebrated novel*. M r Crane was uuuhle so to do. From this tertained by the w orthy couple, ami they w ill People on the main speak in terms o f pity o f followed by a Price $10. probably arose the erroneous report. M r keep in long mid grateful rcmeiiilirauce their Given for 5 name*. Crane, however, was liked very much l»y the happy reception. A fter the company had as- the poor suffering people o f the islands ami OXl^TNJm 33AXuT* 2 church when lie preached here. scinhlcii the first hour was spent in animated shudder when they think lmw cold it must he Music by Meservey's Full Orchestra! conversation on various, interesting themes. away out to sea.’ But list while we speak. W orks of Thomas De Quincy, The Ladies’ Library Association" have in At H o'clock. Rev. G. B. Chadwick, pastor of When Waterville, Skowhegan, Bangor and F loor D im a tors—IL ( ’. Chapman, W. II. contemplation a dramatic entertainment for other places were congealed, with the ther­ Kittredge, F. 11. Berry, II. M. Wise, F. W. Berry, ( 'omplete work* in (• volume*, over 7500 page*. Price $lo. Given for 9 name*. the M. F. Society offered prayers, at the con­ F. II. Crockett. their liencfit, to tak- place some few weeks clusion of which, lie made some excellent re­ mometer away down to thirty, thirty-eight and hence, o f which due notice w ill he given. mark*, marshulling in vivid panorama the out forty degrees, the suffering people ®f the sea Admisalon to Fair, - - - 15 cents. T here are so many interested in the library, o f come o f the past twenty-five years. They washed isle o f Matinicus were contentedly H a n d ng, (ladies excepted,) 35 cents extra. W illiam Black’s Works. which number the young people are large were replete with lesson* worthy o f considera­ plodding along with the mercury at ten below. The patronage of the public I* respectfully solicited The *et i* complete in (1 \oluine*, handsomely bound in the beat cloth, with ink and gold 3H page*, the 3rd day of March next, at ten o’clock iu j Carlyle’* History 4' tlie French Revolution, P228 page*, W in. Hayden, one o f our aged citizens, has very humorous selection. T he arrangements Schocl in district No. 5,’ which lni*|heen un­ the forenoon, to give iu their votes for a Mayor of for tliib very noteworthy *vcnt were under the i Talnc’* English Literature, 73ti page*. been hcriou*lv ill. der tuition o f Mr. Foss o f A lbion, closed F ri- the Lily * ami Poem*, in 3 volumes 24OS pages for 3 name*. II sc uis that only one prison knew what aud w ill lim e a ( i« w o f lil'iccu men. Success Dore’s Bible tiaib ry -52 cartoons and portrait of the artist- large quarto volume, heavy paper, desrrip wa.* meant by “ the woi *t Poem,” the others did Randall J. Condon ol' Colby I niter.-ity io Idin ami his jo lly crew. tit e text—for 3 names. not *reui to understand what was wanted. rlo*«eE LlTEK A Tl’KE. wa> m town ia.'t week introdu< ing a new u rilh - prologue ami tim e ait-. I hill *dav ami I riday I he enteilainincnt given at Bennett Hall. • /T h e foregoing list cnilnaees a wide range o f classic* and seems calculated to suit all tables’. cv mugs o f this week. T he proceed* are to go iim t into the town *i liools. The school coin- T hursday evening, tor the benefit o f Rev. M r. inittec thought favorably o f the change and the Relieving iu the dissemination o f only tin best literature, wc have aimed in compiling our list tow aid- paying lot the m-w M-eueiy. I n ket* York wa* a line a lla n . i d ' premium Look* to include only those which, while they may Lc pleasing to the reader’s for sale ai Brown'.*. matter w ill he laid before* the town in the Man h fancy, may not fail to instruct. Any man’s library will be the better with Midi works as are meeting. C apt. Wm. liu m p h rc) of Monhegan wa* in LIBERTY. tin place Saturday. H r has been quite sick. above enumerated, on it* slieives. Boys and young men who have literary taste* are here NORTH WALDOBORO We are glad to sec him out again. Nice line, just opened, oH'crcd a chance to Ingin their libraries w ithout the outlay o f a cent o f money. I’heG . A. B. conceit wa* a line atITir for T he N. of I', arc steadily gaining mid although ( apt. I.e\i Hiippei and Hemv Benner, have ill!.* place and the singing would do credit to a place much larger than Liberty. T he member* young, hid fail to become oucol our permaiieut gone to Matinic on a gunning exeuisiuu. T hev EVERYBODY ot lh«' Bost • -.tend thank to the .<• .di*ts b.r orgituiziitiuns. expect to spend * vend dav* there. Sea foul P rices >»;{.,")() to N lS valuabl* -'•im ci re n d er'd , to wit, Mis. Dr ’I lie grange conferred tlie tourth degree on aie said to he quite plenl> iw that vicinity. Is iu tite d to act as our agent. Almost any locality can furnish one *ub*eriber at least to this ( H ig h Mi** < tig d l M i-. Lovejoy, M i'. eight new member*, I ue»da.v evening. About paper. IlwriT. M i’ M orse. M cs Nellie H unt. M i" loitv members ol W hile Oak G raugt were HOPE B E G I N N O W . Maign- Moi>e, M i" I va Ilunl, ami Messis present mid partook ol the harvest lca*t. Wm. Pcar*e hat fold his large oxen. I'o iic i A >er am i H unt. Boiuemau Post have mustered 23 new re­ W ill N. I’aysou ha* gone to Bar Harbor l® Canvass among your immediate friends aud neighbors. I f you urnut copies o f the paper to work w ith, drop u* a postal card. T he hoys that went to (lit department < n cruits since January 1st. Auotlici grand teach...... a riiv rd home *.ib ii'.i withMamlir.g camp lire w ill be held by tin* post on ITmay Our terms are invariably < \ m i in advance—#2 lo r one ye ar; #1 lo r *ix m ouths; 50 cents , , F. <). Bartlett expect* to go to tlie \ erinont O.E.BLACKINGTON C.ie i' V condition ol the mads ami would semi evening. March 7th. Eminent speakers are ex­ for three mouths. Send in names with cash as fast as you ohUiiu them, and indicate premium ;ie i’imgs to all connades who were present at pected. medic* school this spring. you want, when it w ill lie piom ptly sent. Be sure and give lu ll names aud addre*se*. fh.it <’iii ainpoicni. from QmxJdv Ilia d to There are three societies which have then We wish ’ o m knowledge in lompauv with AT THE BROOK, Ibis Is no lluiuhug- < ’ull at our ollice aud see the hooks for yourself. K itte ry, ami Dorn F o il Kent to Bristol. They quarters nt the Grange H ull, viz M lulry with them. weekly. dollar*. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2fi, 1884. 5

    IL H . Cric A Co. received a car load o f! Pink-eye has broken out am oig the horse*. MEN AND WOMEN. b a rl*d wire fencing last week. I L F . Bnrknier is the possessor o f a caged A couple who were married in the city yes­ weasel. Personal Paragraphs of More or Less ' terday passed last night in the lockup. Interest to Our Readers. Black Silks, There has not been a death in our city for Harper’s Magazine for March, which is a ten days. Mrs. S. K. Mavoinher is visiting in Camden. very tine number, can be found at <>. S. A. R. Bills is clerk o f the American House, IS FEIIltVAItY WE WADE. S. C. Stmlley. the produce dealer, received a Belfast. Andrew*. car load o f No. 1, silver-skin onions yesterday. Capt. Robert Gregory went to Newburyport, Two Chinese have been about our streets to­ Lent begins tomorrow. F. Ik Mayo is making changes in the ar­ yesterday. day, intending to open a laundry. Not liking rangements o f his store, so as to better display F u lle r A Cobb offer some big bargains in A. S. Rice ami wife started today for a trip the prospect however they decided to return to his large stock of goods. to Atlanta, («a. silks. Portland. By the w ill o f the late Ann F. Jameson Mrs. Marv A. Williams lias returned from Don’t forget E li P erkins Friday evening. H ouse N o tes. Berry Bros’ barges have re­ formerly of this city, the greater part of her an extended visit to Boston. It w ill be mi place for solemn people. ceived new coats ol paint and been otherwise property is left to worthy and indigent colored M . F. Lunt, esq., o f Portland, was registered Black Silks, Madame LeFavrrs female minstrels at Far- fixed u p ... .Charles T. Spear has purchased a refugees o f Kansas, who have lied there to at the Thorndike House, Friday. well H all, Wednesday evening. new draft horse. escape persecution in the South. The estate is W m. W illiam , who has been ill for some I 1 time, is now on the mending hand. The annual meeting o f the First Baptist Albert Edwards formerly of the American I va I ned at $1000. A ll above $3000 is willed to ladies’ circle occurs Thursday afternoon and House, Belfast, has been engaged ns clerk of aid evangelical churches among the freedmen W. J. Wood and wife made a trip to Gar­ evening. the St. Nicholas in this city Walter Brown and refugees o f Kansas. A bequest of $200 is diner last week in their private team. Cottons, Ginghams, S ixty-tw o barrels o f lobsters were shipped formerly clerk o f tlie St. Nicholas is at the E x ­ made to Katie I. Crawford of Thomaston, a Mrs. Nancy York has been very sick with last week from the pound o f Johnsten A- change Hotel, Waldoboro. niece, and one other small bequest to Mrs. pneumonia, but is now slightly improved. BLK. SILKS. Young, Vinalhaven. Warden Benn came on tlie boat last night Sarah F. Monroe, o f this city. The amount is Wm. Fthelhert Eastty, the elocutionist, is giving readings to large amliences iu Bangor The light snow fall of Saturday evening from Bangor, accompanied by live prisoners, to be collected aud forwarded to ex-governor Prints, Tickings, &c., and vicinity. made very good sleighing. 'I’he rock teams including Capone and Santore, the two Ita l­ St. John and Mrs. Elizabeth Comstock,Kansas. Miss Mattie I’ogler agreeably entertained a however still go on wheels. ians, convicted o f the murder ot tlie ir fellow C. E. Eittlefield, esq. is local executor. company o f friends at her home on Middle Blit they have n plenty. work man on the .Shore Line Railroad. Tlie The republican caucus last evening was very The following traverse jurors were drawn street, Thursday evening. two condemned murderers were shackled to* largely attended. Judge 0 . G. Hall presided last evening: J. A. Stover. Oliver KacklilT, J. W. Covel has removed his place o f resi­ getlier. and R. I I . Burnham was On the They nnnlil Nnmrest that the present Janies Adams, E. B. Hastings, L. C. Black- secretary. dence to the Crockett house, comer o f Lime- h e first ballot John S. Case was unanimously time iiltorils n golden opportunity tojuy ington. T Cn incurs. 'flic Sunday-school at rock street and Broadway. We shall offer this week nominated. A committee appointed soon in­ District Deputy Grand Master J. O. Cobb of C’edar street church is prospering. There is a I Charles E. Burpee, who is being severely in ii supply of these servleenhle goods. good regular attendance... .Rev. M r. P hil- I troduced Col. Case to the caucus, and in a Union makes an otllcial visit to Aurora Lodge afllicted w itii his eyes, has gone to New York brief but very stirring speech he accepted the F. A. M. tomorrow evening. There will be brook’s next discourse upon subjects suggest- | to have those organs operated upon. nomination. He said that lie did not want the The public nmy rest assured tliut this work in tlie third degree. ed by International Sunday-school lessons, I Miss Annie Conant, arrived last week from will be given next Sunday evening. Subject: nomination, and indeed had peremptorily de­ clnss of mcrchnndlsc will soon ndvnnee An announcement made today in our paper Allston, Mass., where she has been visiting her TWO “ An Unknown God.” ... .Rev. Mr. Merrill of clined in advance, but since it bad been thought in prices, iis inuniiructurcrs nre non by \V. O. Hewett Ac Co. w ill attract tlie atten­ sister Mis. N. D. (dark (or some months. Newburyport. Mass., preached nt the Meth­ by the republican- that lie was the candidate curtailing tlieir product ions, rntherthnn tion o f buyers because o f tlie many tine bnr- Charles Roberts, son of Rev. W . S. Roberts, odist church Sunday afternoon giving a pow­ they wanted, lie felt under obligations to accept. gains therein specified. This concern have an has been quite ill at W aterville, where he is run tlieir mills ut tlie present ruinous OF THE erful discourse. The evening meeting was But now that he was nominated, he should ex­ excellent stock to exhibit customers; who can­ attending school. A t last rrp irts he was im ­ prices. crowded.... llcr. G. S. Hill, of Phlpsburg, pect the republicans to see to it tiiat lie was proving. not fail to lie attracted by the extrem ely low Me., lias accepted llie pastorate o f the Free elected, together with good board o f aldermen Rev. Mr. M errill o f Newburyport, Mass., prices quoted. Baptist church of this city and will enter upon and common councilincn. Col. Case’s remarks lias been visiting his sister. Mrs. Samuel T ib ­ Among ninny oilier Itiirgnins which The Good Samaritan Reform Club added 17 his labors next S unday... .Communion w ill be were greeted with much applause. He was betts. 11c lias now gone to Ciuudeu and w ill we lire now olleriug. we simply enumer­ more names to their pledge at tlie last meet­ Greatest Bargains observed at the Cong’l church next Sunday followed by Judge Hall, Hon. I). N. Mortland, hold meetings iu the immediate vicinity. ate the follow ing ns speeinl lots; ing. Another meeting will be held Friday afternoon. There w ill be a praise meeting iu Dr. Boynton and C. E. I.tttlelield, all of whom John S. Case aud wife, Hon. A. F. Crockett evening, in tlie rooms in Jones block, and a the evening. made vigorous speeches. The spirit o f the ami wife, George W. K im ball, o f this city, general attendance is requited. (•aliens plainly showed the republicans arc The Grand Lodge of the Knights of Honor tiiat an 1 (’. A. Leighton and wife o f Thomaston, Continental C. Cotton 36 inch at 7 cts. March Oth occurs the Grammar school fair of Maine met at Lewiston Wednesday. There interested in the coming election, and that they were present at the governor'* reception at “ D. “ 40 “ “ 8 cts. and levee. Among the features offered is to lie are twenty-six lodges iu the state. Among the are wide-awake to carrry it in tlie ir behalf. A Ellsworth, Friday. A nice 3(> inch uiihlcuched Cotton ut a male quartet, readings by talented local ar­ officers elected an 1 installed are the follow ing city committee was chosen consisting o f N. Misses E lzirn Crie and K itty GiofiYay at­ 5 1-2 cents wortli 7. tists, solo singing by favorite vocalists and gentlemen from this vicinity J. Fred H all,G . T ; Jones, D. II. Ingraham and R. 11. Burnham. tended the wedding of II. L. K elly o f Fair- I n S i l k s other attractions too numerous to mention. W. A. Metcalf, (?. G; (’. S. Crockett, Repre­ Ward caucuses were announced ns follow s: field, ami Miss Pulsil'er o f Waterville, which Anderson Camp, Sons ot’ Veterans, are m ak­ sentative to Supreme Lodges. The Grand Ward 2, Fine Grove school-house Friday eve­ took place Thursday evening. M r. Kelley is A grund hnrgitin in n :jti inch blenched ing extensive preparations for their time in Reporter, F. W. Parker, reported the number ning; Ward 3, Summer street school-house a graduate o f Colby University, class o f ’80 t'oltoil, (w urlli three cents per yard mure Farwell Hall, the 13th of next month. There of members initiated during tlie year, 42, ad- i Wednesday evening at 7; Ward I, Friday eve­ and cashier o f the First National Bank iu Fair- lln.n the well known Fruit of the Loom.) Hint w iil be a concert o f war songs by the Orpheus mitted by card ami reinstated, 11: withdrawn, ning at 7; Ward 3, Purchase street school­ | field, lie has many friends iu this city. we lire otTering nt !• cents ner ynril. It EVER PUT ON OUR COUNTERS. Club, a prize d rill by tlie High School Cadets, suspended and died, 69; present membership, house Wednesday evening: Ward 6, Thursday - — •«♦» is not reinnnnts, hut straight goods, mid perfect. refreshments and dancing. It w ill lie a tine 919. There are 26 subordinate lodges. The evening at 6 :30. NEW BOOK. time. grunt! treasurer reported ordinary receipts of S team boat S p a iik s.—The treasurer’s re­ $067.31; expenditures, $018.34. There were This is to certify that I have carct’nllv exam­ Thursday evening there was n friendly trial port o f the Boston A Bangor Steamboat Co. 20 pieces one case of very best 20 assessments during the past year and four ined the work “ ’the Golden Dawn” and think o f speed on rollers at Farwell H a ll, the dis­ states tiiat live steamers of the line made 432 it worthy ot' tlie patronage o f all. The reading deaths. Lossci o f $2,090 cadi were paid. Feather Ticking at 15 cis., worth 20 tance being one mile. The contestants being passages between Boston and Bangor: be­ is easy and attractive. The illustrations beau­ 10 pieces 1-2 case nice q uality KIRST Dr. T. E. Tibbetts, A. Ross Weeks und E. W. An izo A. Fuller of the firm of A. M. Ful­ tween Rockland and M i. Desert, 334. Total tifu l, and serve greatlv to interest und instruct. It is a work that will captivate the minds of Feather T ic k in g at 12 1-2 cts., w orth Berry. Tlie mile was inude in five minutes ler A Co., grocer* at the South-end, is suffering number o f passengers carried, 93,478; gross : the young and lead them to th in k more of 17. 10 pieces 1-2 case extra q ua l­ IS A and a ll three beat according to their own state­ from a had case o f blood poisoning. A horse ! earnings and receipts for the year 1883, $362,- good things and less o f the vain and transitory ments. belonging to Mr. Fuller was troubled with an I 27)9. being an increase over the previous year of . tilings of this world. Respectfully Yours, ity Feather Ticking at 10 cts., worth abscess iu the throat and a physician was I (’. A. Southard, Pastor M. E. Church. 14. 10 pieces 1-2 case good q ua l­ W hile Samuel Gray was drivin g a span $12,37)7). Total expenses $310,608, showing a | Rockland, Feb. 23, 1884. called and tlie abscess lanced. In dressing the . net profit o f $12,67>l. A ll the property is now ity Straw T ic k in g at 7 cts., w orth 10. from Belfast to tills city, Friday, one of the We have also examined this work and find span, a colt, became frightened near Duck wound afterwards Mr. Fuller thrust his left i in first-class condition...... It is stated tiia t the ' that it contains contributions from over 300 of Black Cashmere Silk. hand down tlie anim al’s throat, aud soon be­ Maine Central Railroad is negotiating with the • rap H ill and ran starting the mate into a run. tlie world’s greatest thinkers and writers, as gan suffering pain in this hand, which had a A jolt in Turkey Bed Tabling ut 35 ets. Tlie occupants o f the pang were thrown out Bangor A Bar Harbor Steamship Company to well as sketches o f nil the noted men of ancient slight scratch on it* hack. This scratch ' per yd.. Iieiug 10 cents under price. and severely shaken up. Tlie pung was purchase steamer Cim bria to run from the ter­ and modern times. It should he read by uil. That we shall sell for slightly injured. speedily developed into a large sore. T h in k ­ minus of tlie Mount Desert branch to Bar The agent w ill call upon you. ing it an insignificant matter, he paid little at Harbor. The Cimbria is a new boat o f 2000 Capt. Jesse Pease o f South West Harbor has 20 pieces (one case - Shirtings at tentlon to it aud went about hi* daily duties, to n s .... A project is on foot to run a line o f opened a new hotel, nam ing it tlie Claremont Cnstoria. 8 cts. per yd. worth 12 1-2. 20 pie­ u ntil the whole arm and side began to swell. steamers semi-weekly from Annapolis, N. S., House in honor of Claremont Commandery, When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorin, ces'one case Shirtings at 12 cts. $ 1 . 2 8 ! The doctor, when summoned, pronounced it a the terminus o f the M ount Desert branch of the When she was a Child, she cried for Castorin, Knights Temp’ars of this city, of wl i Ii b id case o f blood poisoning. M r. Fu lle r is in Maine Ceutral railroad, to open up trade and When she was a Miss, she clung to Castorin, per yd. worth 14. body the captain is a member. The When she had Children, she gave them Cust’a. a precarious condition. faciliate tra v e l....T h e .ln/us says : It is stated The Lowest Price for which this SILK Commandery iu recognition ol the compliment on tlie authority o f an officer o f the boat, that A job lot of ((iiigliunis ut tlie unheard have presented the house a suit ofsilk colors. R ink N o tes. Batter aud Hacker, the was ever sold before was SI.50. champion double roller skater* appear at the : the steamer Cambridge w ill run on tlie outside g i r t h s . of price 7 cents per yd. These (linghniiis Eli Perkins lectures in Farwell Hall next are not a cheap fabric, but arc good quality rink tonight aud also tomorrow and Thursday route next summer, between Boston and Bar I Rockland, Feb. 25, to .Mr. and Mr*. L. It. Cump- Friday evening. Eli is ranked witii Artemus and styles. ( Nut Remnants., evenings. Battey and Hacker gave exhibitions i Harbor, making no stop at Rockland... .The Ward and Mark Twain and is without doubt at the lin k one year ago to crowded hou*es I Katalidiu has tourtcen new staterooms... .The I bell, a son. )Fe are prepared to prove that this tlie greatest humorist on tlie lecture platform. Waldoboro, Feb. 13, to Mr, and Mr*. Well- and nl! lovers o f roller skating w ill be pleased ' Lewiston lay at Castine, Saturday n ig h t.. . . It • Deering, a son. Woolen Ball Yarn at 9 cts. is a trade that CANNOT BE FOUND His lecture is crammed witii wit und humor ! North Cnion, Feb. 14, to Mr. and Mrs. John Luce, to hear of tlieir return. Since their former 1 is reported that Hon. E. C urling is in New and those who enjoy a hearty laugh had better ' a son. Scotch Yarn ** 13 ** AT ANY OTHER STORE IN NEW visit they have learned many new tricks and York negotiating for tlie purchnse of two steam­ Friendship, Feb 20, to Mi. and Mrs. Edward attend. Tlie seats w ill be on sale at Spear I Davis, twin daughters. fancy steps and give a much finer exhibition ers for the new line. Spanish ** ** 19 ** ENGLAND M ay’s, Wednesday. 1 Vinalhaven, F> h. IV, to Mr. and Mrs. Hanson P. tlian b efore... .The rin k w ill be open Friday Polo seems to interest the young men at Tolman, u daughter. Midnight Germantown ** 17 ** The Boston A Bangor Express Company j Hurricane Isle, Feb. 25, to Mr. und Mrs. M. J. evening for lady beginners.... Hattie Harvey present aud several clubs have been formed. 1 Ladders, son. lias ju st been incorporated under tlie Maine is to be at the rin k the 18th and 19th o f March. The Rockland polo club. A. L. Torrey captain, ETC.. ETC., ETC., ETC. laws. Tho capital stock is $106,000, in shares Tlie management expected to secure her for aud A. II. Berry, secretary und tresurer, is or­ C a r r ia g e s . o f $50 each. The number o f shares sold to the present week, but by some misunderstand­ ganized as tbiiow s: C. F. Simmons, goal keep­ Please bear in ini ml that these prices cannot any one party is lim ited to 10. the object ing were unable so to do. There is great interest er; A. L. Torrey, goal cover; A. H. Berry, j Rockport, Fob. 25, George A. Shuinan and Miss last, ns manufacturers say that these figures being to give tlie business men o f Maine an manifested in her coming as she is very hand- I center; II. M. Brown Jr., cover point; F. L. Currie Bachelder. of Camden. are ruinous to them. opportunity to own stock and have a voice in Washington, Jan. 22, Fred A. Shattuck ami some and an elegant s k a te r....L ive se v packs Weeks, F. A. I). S inglii. E. L. Drake, rushers. I Augusta A. Cunningham, both of Washington. © e c o n c L tlie management o f the concern. The lines the rink tlie 10th, l l t li ami 12th o f March. ’I’he game is very sim ilar to hockey. Two | Thoiuaston, F«d». Ifitli, Luther M. Simmons, and Mrs. Kate Mors<- both of 'J'homuMtou. We know it is a little early to talk about o f the company w ill probably be extended. uprights a few f?et apart are placed at each Wednesday night the report was circulated (Justine, Jan . 28, .Job 3’. 'folinan, of Vinalhaven Summer Silks, but we have ju st made a large -----IS A----- An unique entertainment will be given by end o f the hall where the game may be pluycd I aud Lucy A. Webster, of Castine. purchase of four special lines, ami we arc offer­ Oil the street that the freight train wa* o ff the tlie Cong’l ladies at their vestry Thursday aud a bail o f hard rubber and about tlie size of ing at lower prices than ever before, .lust track beyond Thomaston und that the passen- J evening. There w ill be given an elaborate a base ball is placed in the center. The re­ think of buying a nice desirable Slllllllivr ger train would not be able to pass, consc- 51 fa tbs. charade, followed by living impersonations of spective clubs, on roller skates, group them­ Silk lor L>, 7»0, 62 I-2 or 75 eetiis per ((iicutly the mail would be delayed. The ' yard. There is nothing prettier, and as for well known pictures, which promises to be selves around tlie goals. The Pushers at the Vinalhaven. Feb. 20, Charlie J’., son of Mr. und Black Cashmere Silk hacks and coaches im mediately proeeded to Mr,. Foster Paige, aged l> years their wearing out it is an utter impossibility. aomethiug very interesting. The Peak Sisters blowing o f the whistle by the referee start for the scene o f the disaster and brought passen­ Caiuden, I*eh. 21, Eliza oung, age-1 72 years. w ill also appear. An admission o f 17) cents the ball endeavoring w itii tlie ir sticks to drive North Raven, Feb. 17, William IL Greenlaw, gers and mail home. 'I’he accident occurred i aged about 33 year-. will be charged. Ice-cream and other refresh­ the ball between the uprights o f their oppi - near Shiblcs’ crossing between Thomaston uml Rockport, Feb. 13, Mrs. Mary J . Nutt, aged 77 Black Silks A Black Dress Goods ments w ill be served. Tlie public is invited. nents. When the ball passes between these years, 0 months. THAT WE SHALL SELL FOR Rockland and was caused by a huge rock, are never out of season, and we are olleriug uprights it is called a goal, and tlie scoring Philadelphia, Feb. Io, Mary Louisa, wife of bargains in this department. We cannot be “ W h y.” exclaimed a visitor, as his eyes which loosened by the rain had fallen on the Pi ter Boyd, aud daughter of Mary S. ami the lat< the m ajority o f these, wins the game. The W. II. ('oilman, of Camden. excelled on these goods, or in fact a nything in lighted on the handsome arav o f premium track. The freight, drawn by the new engine, sticks used are about four feet long and are | Deer Isle, bet). 4, rfereua T. Small, aged 39 years, our line. Call ami sec our .50, .75. 1.00, hooks in T ii i. C.-G. office, “ they are first class, ran plump against it. The engine wa* de­ i 5 months. curved nt one end. The lull must he struck Io Windsor, Coon., Feb. 23.1, Capt. llenrv Bohn- 1.25, 1.37 1-2, 1.50, 1.02 1-2. 1.75 A ai n’t they ? I supposed they were cheap paper- railed and badly smashed. A temporary track 2.00 Silks. G ar .50, .02 1-2, .75, I.OO, while on the Iloor. Strength, a <|uivk eye, sure del, formerly of 'fhomaston, aged 65 years. $ 1 .4 - 0 - covered allairs that no reading man would was Im iit around the spot aud the next m orn­ A I.IO Black Cashmeres, and other Black want in his lib ra ry. These are A 1.” Indeed footing and a cool head are tlie requisites o f suc­ ing mutters were moving on in their accus­ Goods at et,ually good bargains. they are. No better assortment o f books ever was cessful players. The game is necessarily a tomed order. The engine lay alongside the FO n. S2YL.E! shown in our city. If any of our leaders want rough one aud a man o f tim id nerve is sadly We are willing to compare this with track until Sunday when a train and crew were A FINE NEW FOI NDLAND DOG of good The most d illlc u lt article of womans wearing some fine works for their libraries they should out o f place. The game however can be made i 7V habit* ami kind disposition; age thirteen sent to the scene. By means o f jacks the very scientific. I’he Rockland club lias , months. Price reaHonahle. Address apparel t.» obtain is a C orset, owing to the any Silk heretofore sold at SI.75. read our offer and act upon it Call in and e x ­ wrecked locomotive was raised, new trucks secured sticks, balls and goals. Last night “ JO E ,” Box 405, Roekland. Me. great (litfereuco in form, no two persons being amine the books. two picked up teams played at the lin k . Th* juH alike We have lately received a full put in the place o f the broken one* and the game was exciting and very enjoyable to tlie The follow ing li«t o f Deputies has been line of the < ONFOItMATOH CDBSET that damaged machine sent to Bath for repairs. spectators. There is no need to name the FARWELL HALL. IT WILL PAY any lady to buy the appointed iu and for the Belfast Customs players, as they can be recognized by their w ill (as its name indicates conform itself to Tlie damage was considerable and it is thought any form, from the slightest, to tlie most cor­ District. Herbert L. Shepherd, Camden; scars and very decided limps. above SILKS, even if she does not in­ that $2300 w ill not cover the loss, although tlie ONE NK H IT O NI.V I pulent. It is extra length, splendid shape, Nelson M ullen, No. Haven; Geo. Roberts, actual extent o f the injiity has not yet been de­ and only the best of material is iim*«1 in its tend to make it up for six months. Vinalhnven, Ruel W. Rogers, Belfast, six termined. It was very fortunate that no one EXEUNT OMNES. manufacture. We shall sell ii for $1,00 a l­ mouths; Melville T. Marshall, Belfast, was injured. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27. though it is a better Corset than any that is permanent; and J. W. Black, Searsport. The City Government of 1883 Steps sold tot twenty-live cents more. A ll except the two last mentioned, are re- E li Pet kilts lectures in our city Friday even­ Down and Out. appointments. O f these, Mr. Black is me ing, aud we trust that he may he greeted with a The city council o f the past year held their large audience. E li Perkins is the pseudoin in closing meeting last evening and transacted Ever on tlie alert lor the best quality of ex-soldier o f the war o f lfcGl, aud Mr, Mile. La Favre’s good*, even if we are obliged to pay more for of Melville D. Landon, a journalist, liumorixt, die rem aining items o f business. Marshall ia die only sou o f the late Col. litem, and knowing tiiat Spool L ilic ii like lire- and lecturer o f no small reputation. He has Thomas II. Marshall from whom the Bellast Rolls o f accounts passed—Pauper fund 1 arms when needed should be g t» l an d Grand A rm y Post takes its name. been before the public for many years aud bus $683 11; Fire. Dcp’t $90.30; Police $11.88; sure; we have just made a pundia*e ol a won an excellent name. His principal attrac­ Contingent $113.02. School bills paid 1 SUMMER SILKS large lot ol the famous HetlI Scotch l.iiic n , 'flic Grand A rm y boys, who attended the tion is (he fame he hasuccuhiuiaied as the biggest female Minstrels! teachers’ pay-roll $2866.31, .janitors’ pay-roll winch we shall reta I loll |O r c lllx p e r >pool. convention at Waterville, returned Friday lia r in the country, a reputation o f which he is It is the only spool Linen that runs perfectly $106, R. H. Burnham $23.63, A. F. Crockett A NEW LOT RECEIVED, for 50c., night und report a splendid time. There ju s tly .jealous. In this connection it may not A Co. $3.23. Playing to Crowded Houses on a sewing machine. was a representation o f 21b mem hers present. be out o f place to state H u t Perkin.-, Mark City Treasurer Weeks read a report on ihe 75c., and SI 00 In this lot are to be A lter u sharp contest for tlie election of De­ Everywhere. Twain, Josh Billings and the mother of Arte­ condition o f the city finances, tlie substance o f N. B. Should there L • any quolat oils made found SOME NEW ANO ELEGANT partment Commander, Dr. Benjamin Williams mus Ward have eac h been recently left $300 by which w iil be found in another column. less than those quoted by iis before this ad- PATTERNS of this city was elected getting 13b votes out a rich Michigan lumberman, one Col. Hunt, 1 lie mayor and chief engineer were author­ 15 in number 15 vertisment appears again, please bear iu mind o f a total oi 201 cast. According to the an­ lately deceased. E li says in an interview upon ized to sell the Gen. Berry engine to the town that we shall at least meet, aud beat them it nual report tlieie lias been a net gain o f 36 the subject that lie didn’t know the man per­ o f Camden for $800. Special Engagement of we t’an. Also we are over ready to semi sam­ ples of any goods possible Iroin our stock, aud new Posts, aud 2212 ineiuluus. There are sonally .•Imt a year ago. be suvs, “ I received a The mayor was authorized to transfer the small packages sent by mail at our evpeu&e. now 104 Posts und ubout 6.432 members. In letu-r from him leque.-iiiig me to send him two various balances from one appropriation to MONS. CIIILI’EKIC, Inspector T rip p ’s report the posts urc classi­ o f my humorous works. I did so, and added auotlici, and all unfinished business o f the I'he Celebrated Grotesque Daon r. from the prin fied iu nine difleieut grades according to their eipal TlautreM of Paris. Fiance. a copy of ‘Josh Billing.-' and a biography of year was referred to the n .x l city government. Goods delivered free to any pail of the .-lauding. E«i win Libby Post of ibis city f» ranked •Artemus Warl.’ if tlie news is true 1 The customary acknowledgments were made City. in tlie second grade, there being only one shall confer with ‘Josh Billings’ and see wiiat j to the presiding officers of Ihe two boards, and LOKI) & WII.TOX, m post which rank* higher. Dr. W illiam s is so I COBB’S. we can do toward honoring Colonel Haul s the city council adjourned die. In ilielr urlgluul .T.uiiuii, euilil.d •• THE Ul in: " well and favorably known in this vicinity aud memory. When I die 1 in’.cnd to wiil whit By courtesy o f his honor Mayor Gregory is mu h a thorough geutleiuau, that his many money 1 have left to the press-clubs o f the the city council proceeded to ihe restaurant o f friends here are glad to learn ol his election aud country.” E li, it w iil thus Iw seen, has a Z. F. Higgins, where an exceedingly fine :T-LCCL.\TRICITILS--3 FARWELL BLOCK, to know that he is appreciated elsewhere. De­ laudable purpose iu acquiring wealth, und it is oyster-lew was enjoyed, followed by cigars. In their own we||.known .Speeiulths. partment Commander Wiilcaius and Edwin to be hoped tiiat our citizens w ill turn out u This city government lias done its work well Libby Post do us proud. fu ll house. and led a very amicable existence. PR IC ES AS USUAL! ROCKLAND, ME. ROCKLAND, ME. 6 THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1884

    I’kv- ml t‘i*iaill«rltn ■* Very feeble; weefttrle, ure licit I found tliat on tiie hank of .liillk-, Kv ingelleal; snore-. each was an antimacassar. T w elve S,.Ix.nl* I'Wn lioli.cin.il.,., nW'i iol< MR. E. MARTIN, intim aeas-ars Would go a good wavs SCROFULA It! VRBl.V M. |U»M». Sex All femnle. In I’nrlcra tlcpurlm cnt of tli*» I . S. Armory, I’nrll nlnr» nt Reliant* I’r.-tly Ih.ii-i limbi enlle.l towards covering me, and tliat, was I : .. i„ :. .n ii,» a I., lo. iiiian- ...... a, Springttrlil. Intercut'OR State­ and ail «ei<.fulou* diseases. S<»r«*«, EryPlpc \ •biwlclion nunc up in the splint', something. ia»«, l.e/«*nt:i, Mlntehcn, Itliigworm . It: A ihimlcliou yellow an I blight. .... i . i a, '• p ,n . - < - I idv lie ,-’ in ei! ment of lit* Snfl'erini;. REDUCTION OF PRICES I I'., a.!. I'O ■•■in rimI. l<|» n In nlli-ntin'i*. I did iiiv Ii “I with tiie anliniaeassars. tnttr«, I'itrlntticlei*' lloiln, and Eruption' 11*- «niri« i fniinil Mr. Martin In Part*-r’« -le sio n Ilia' tliev would not help inc very tinpuf’ -late of tin* Idf-d. I*h-|, iilnir- i liiili,,'- I"’lt na -treel ,l-atnn*ut, and proves its«*i, . villi I el le nt In i.ti'i in tb< w t\ ”f irlirt'. hut I Ibid tli.it Kennedy'- I g re w vei l' eold. Flour, Groceries, Provisions, eonipb-ti1 master id' all serofuhuis diseases. III-, ei'-ellent Inn,-,' for piirpoa*. I \ \ (»R, I I REMEDY i<* tie I ,*m m...... all 1 looked not of lie* window, and A BUR'JLAR’S STORY. I Ids si I'lned to I"! a capital lin ilse to II1\ experb’liee , bave received more benefit I'l oni A I’ei-ent < «itl» <»f S iT ofuiou* S<»r< s. p n s e , illy I saw tin* linll's-eye ol a ,1. it i- r ainlv a womb rlul me'lieini lot di* PRESSED HAY ANO STRAW, trv single-handed. At 12 o’clock that , ,fc« - o flb i« kind. I have |reoiiimellde,| FAVOR* ••Some month** a«go , was troubled it,i n>i ir. i. nt" i t. i very night I poekeleil two crowbars, a polieein in wlm wa- wearily plodding III, REMEDY to other* In ilied v n, spiinir iditlott* -ore- > ideersi on my leg! tliroiigli 1 lie snow. I tel, tliat my only limbs i b.nllv swollen and int,anted, and W 'lirti I lit- • i'll.’ .•••n yrafR of ui;«' hliueli id skeleton keys, a eeliter-hit. a Ib id, whom I knew to bav -iillrir.l from Kidi « \ Cement, Lime, Hair, &c. tin* sores diM’liatged large quantities of eoni-e wa- Io -in lender to him. • n| Llv»-r ('ompbilnt*. and I awpiiia* ,1 e pilbllr that aiy failin'. i ili'tiiiuui'lii'il hfim injr li t dmk I inlorn, a box of silent, matches, lh* ,• A \ ( MJITE KKMKbV li:e*Motie It* wotk wiili • dbn-ive matte). I.’erv lemuly I tried " I’oliei in in,'' -nld I from the window, tailed, until I n-i.l A \i it - S.YIisa p.yilli.i.a . tri'inipo’tor. fii liiManee, and • d whirl) I liaYe now taken lillee io ttles. think it i* tinir Unit von lirrin in think •‘one word.” I tru«t hi me other niek ami di-rotira ed mortal mas and oil' I -el at oliee lor I linrhnv Square. hear of I ami trv the ••Favor,t«- Remedy,” a- I did with the result that the sores aie healed, nhnllt i lioo.in^ :« profrsttioti." 1,’eiiieiiiliei' that it snowed heavily. "Anything wrong, sir!1’ said lie. Dr David K enned)'•« FAVORITE REMEDY JOHN ACKERMAN, and tnv general health greatly iinpmved. "I have committed a liurglarv in tills i , not a di-uuDed enemy ot the human » e , win re ra tlin , for the gootl your Tlirsr wrrr oniinntiR woiiN. Sinrii I I'm l e ivas at leas' a fool o f -now on the S.i, i'.*.«.,r i,i li, rim .l Arki rniHii, Inn me. loll Eton, nearly n year lirforr, I li nt lions *, and I sliall leel deepiv obliged to il » in noi help, it dor* not harm. E-XVORITE ground, mol there was more io come I.’ I A, E, >Y D a eouihiliatiiin -I s ••rfela'de allei alls ji »l>rnt mv tilin' v.t v plr i-anllv mill vny I’oor Siotielcigh's p u t eulars were exact yon it von will kindly tike me into i, dm m not heal or inti aim* the blood, bill »and- arid A I < * i o • l i i i i ’’I ’ n . j | < » i * . pill ili« H il III all ea-eR o f Kidney Trouble*. I.isel’ illlv . m ill I IV:H 'O i l v Io m i* IIIV lollji di every detail. custody." AMD Ot At IN CLOTHS. It STINGS. 1C. \ D Ail ppi'MOtis int<*r«*st«*(l aia* in v ite d "Nonsense, sir.” said lie; "you had < 'oinplaint«, ( .’oiiHtlpation of the Roweln, am] the to eull on Mrs. O’ltrian: also upon the liolid i) « illaw in'} to a flo-r Mv failin' k got into tile third i oom of llie ground delicate derane<*nien,* that ntllir’ women, the ac. 302 Main St., : Rockland. Mo. Itei.Z. IN M ildnof East 54ll» Street. Innl liopr to liavr -flit lint to I 'nnitii iilj*.* lioor w ith out til,' least d illie iilly . mid better go to lied.” lion *d E W O R IT E REM EIO i< b. sond praiwe. Shi it I'at tern- ( u t. < 'utting loin- to order. Netv \ o rli < il.Y, yyIio will lake pleasure I Iioiim.iidD of uratetiil people voluntarllx irutifv to Suita made up a* Low a- the Eowe-t. 10 l u n i "There is untiling I should like better, in testifying to llie uonderlul etileaey of (<' iiiiln iil^" w i- a tr nlitioii in mil m a d e m v way into tile dining-room ibi- io b iter- to Dr. Kennedy; and with a warmth A ver** Sarstiparlllii. not only in the enro ly). hilt Inl-illf" hail liffll I r I V llt'p l f - - n l I'lierc was ilio pn-eiitatlon pi ale, sure Imt I live in l/ncoln's Inn. and have and hilbienH «»f word* wliieh umie bu-ine*- ilnm* of Ibis liniy, Imt in liis own cage and o f late, mill a sminncn of six itio n lli-’ enough ah,mt Hu i ounces I reckoned. nothing on Imt autim.iciissai's; I am uieiit* am, eertit,cate* never po-»iM«. 1 tliiX C. H. BLKI’EE, many ol tiers Yvltltin Ills know ledge. lull'll labor hail fon-iili'i'alily BlraltCnml I collected this mid tied it up, so Unit alino-t. froz-n. I’ray take me into T,ie\ve,J known iri ih i on thr Dnslmi Ihroitt, HIV pool' fatllfl'.a li'Moiii'i'fi. I could carry it without attraeling atten­ custody. IL W. Ha i.i , o| Dorhistir, A’.//., WfltcP,»iuuo It was iiei'r***arv. that I should rhoo-r tion. "The street ilonr'.s open, " said lie. 7. I»82: a callin';. With a sigh of resignation I dust as I finished I hoard a slight "Y es," x ini I ; “ come in.” IJliip (lliu lbfc.1 " Having Fullered severely for pome years Ilocm ie in. I explained tlin circum­ with K<'/eniu, find having tailed to lin. liouse without a shudder at the terrible corrupted condition of the liiood.and a weak­ in the service b e fo re people w ill listen dismissed it at once as unsuited to tile Photograph Albums, ened vitality. hours I spent in it as Ids guest. I have to you. It'sa'.l very well as a refuge in business character of the interview. POEMS F(by sliiinhiiil authors) WRIT- ! ORDERS BY MAIL it is incomparably tli»» cheapest blood nn*df- old tige, hut a young fellow is like ly to "You're a burglar.” lie said. often tried to forget tile incident I have eine, on account ol its con •entrated strength, just been relating, and for a longtime I For any kiln, of Work, promptly tilled ut make hut a poor hand at it. Now, I "I have the honor,''said f, making for ING DESK S, VASES, CARD and great power over disease. tried in vain. I’erscverancc, however, should like to consult your ow n tastes m y pistol poekel. PltKI’AltKI) nv on so im portant a m atter as the choice met witli its reward. I continued to RECEIVERS, PIANO "ltotit move,’'said lie; “ I have often Courier-Gazette Printing House. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. of :i profession. W hat do you say ? The wished to have the pleasure of encoun­ try. (irndunlly one detail after another COVERS, Sold I»y .ill Druggists: price $1, six bottles arm y?'’ tering a burglar, in order to lie able to slipped from my recollection, and one MUSIC ROLLS, ETC.. ETC. TRUE P. PIERCE, lot "No: I don't care for the army.” test a favorite theory of mine as to evening last May I found, to my intense "Forgery? Thu bar? Cornish huw |«u'sonsof that class gliould ho dealt delight, tliat I had absolutely forgotten Attorney and Counsellor at Law wrecking?'’ with. But you mud not wove.” all about it. < tfliee CiiMoni IIoum* Blo k. Main Street, Rock------«♦ ►------AIho a Full Line of Winalaw Vineyard luud, Me* 17 ••Father,” Said 1. " I should like to lie I replieii Unit I should lie happy to as­ “^A WONDERFUL REMEDY.” a forger, hut I write such an infernal sist him if I could do so consistently FROZEN PIPES. hand.” with due regard for my own safely. ROLLER SKATES. " A regular Eton liand," said lie; "Promise me,” said I, ‘llnit you will Detroit E rtf Preee. GREAT “ not plastic enough for forgery ; hut you allow me to leave tiie house unmolested ' " W lio is this m an?” HONEY BEES. could have a writing master.’’ when your expi'i'imeiit Is at an end.” “ Tiie one who is rushing along with " It’s as nun'll -as I can do to forge my "If you will obey me promptly, you Ids hat on tiie back of Ids iiead, and Ids Albert Smith. The New System AMERICAN own name. I don't believe I should shall lie at perfect liberty to leave tiie eves hanging out ?” ever he able to forge anybody else’s,” house.” ••Yes.” •• •Anybody's else,' you should say, "You will neither give me into cus­ " 'I ’lial, is I lie man who warned Hie o f B e e K e e p i n g -. SPECIFIC! not 'anybody else's.' I t ’s a dreadful tody nor take any stepi to pursue servant girl tiie oilier nigiit to shut oil Every one who ha- a Farm nr Gulden can keep Relieves ami Cures FAINS OF ANY KIND harliirisiii. Eton English." me?” tin* water so tiie pipes wouldn’t freeze.” Been on my pi in with good I'rollt. I have invented a llivcand N«-w System id Bee Manat'eiuent which FROM ANY CAUSE. “ No,'’ said I, "I never should make a "On my honor as a designer of dudos," “ And tiie good girl obeyed?” eoiupletely - ItaiiL'e- tie- whole prneex- of Bee* fortune at it. As to wrecking—why, said lie. “ Not exactly. She meant to. I,til her kecpi’iL', and lender- the hu-fin-- p|e:.«a*d and nrnlitahh*. I have reecivnl line Hundred DoIIuih IT WILL CUItK C R O U P . D IP H ­ you know how seasick I am?” "tiood,” said I, go on.” beau caine up ami she forgot a ll about I'ndii lioni llie -ale o* Hoy Hopes fnnn tJiie Hive "Y o u m ight get over that. Ile.«lde«, "Stand up” said lie, "and stretch out it ; consequently tliere was a freeze-up nt llee-* it) one yeti!’. / V m f ,■ / > ■! f 7,.e///i/z- o/' p'ull THERIA. SORE THROAT. Sore anti yoll would deal with wiecks on shore, your arms at right angles to your I ’oor g irl! Sue is very sorry! If Dai'tii iilars . .\d«lre-. Weak Lungs, etc. It will cure Ulcerated Teetlior , MRS. LIZZIE E. C O T,O N . not wrecks at sea.” body.” tears would thaw tiie pipes she would We*, Gorham, Maim*. Common Toothache. It will euro tlio worst caso "M ost of it is done in sm all boats, I ’m "Suppose I don’t,” said I. shed ' t 't Hit"!, in if a let «Ti< ' "Yes, said mv father, considering the Bing! A hall cut oil' (lie lobe of my • SoIhmI- .•ciiiHio v .i.i-I wli» ,1'ot BELOING BROS. & CO., Pt'epiiretl by Maurice, linker Co. "lie will show tin; man 14,li”h calls subject; "yes. it’s a line manly profession : left car. , Jiiwt aw eciunion an baked bean.* an I W. W. Whipple & Co., A bcdI s, Portland, M-. bm it’s dangerous, highly dangerous.'' The car smarted, and I should have which were booked lielore lie eiuiie in, pork. I; It irt Hie etl-too. .1 :• • .1 one * SILK MANUFACTURERS. •t it Hand to re.iann that t ie b« M i . Obtain one bottle and soo jf jt ij» "dust dangerous enough to lie excit­ liked Io liavo allellded to il, lull, under and wldell must lie attended to in rota­ lo r HntnUlug •■ui't be tin IIl'css Sill.s of :i superior ^ruilc, not as hundroris have said ing—no more.” the eircumstanees, I thought it better to tio n .” Che- okl: it-Ui <*xi'('ll<*iil in i|iiiilil) ••Well,” said mv father, "if you’ve a comply with tiie whimsical old gentle­ "And will tliere lie any swearing?” ... - ..i igh t, | ’ i ” leaf b '!*•" ' " a WONDERFUL REMEDY.” lragraut.r.nd with mti n> tln n z i i m ill iinisli. Sci'g'cs di-tinel tssle for burglary, I'll sec what man's wishes. ••There will, my hoy! 'l'liera will lie It,and toget thfull rich at ii ml ,-ut in Linings, can he done.” "V e ry good,” said lie. ‘ Now do as I swearing and stamping and growling | • . ! ' I: , [fo r Cent li'iiicn's !iani Sni"k:ng 1 nlrirco,mad li« .My father was always prompt with tell you, promptly and without, a mo- and blasting, Imt il won't lie on tiie part • i , I ' < lo tliiiig . Hosiery, pen and ink. T h a i evening lie wrote to t iie a t’s hesitation, or I cut oil' the the of tiie plumber. He will pre-erve Ids Soditb n i t aiatlmc- . .U nite ,t Seiling silk uiiil liis old friend Ferdinand Sioneleigh. a lolie of your l ight ear. I'lirow me that serene stnilo tliroiigli it all. When tile of fmoiling a:rI »Je- teg !••'• ■*• 31 ii <■ Ii i n i* 'I’m is t, tliat tilt HHDif lea! Dot I,-C tl! burglar ol the very liiglo sl prolessional life-nr,.‘.server.” other man gets out of wind lie will Kentucky 1* f.liet Embroidery S ilk standing, and ill a week I was diTly and •B a t—” retire .” and .1.... iH ie * t i* r V etli » at mid Elossos. “ Su- formally articled to him, with a view to “ All would you?” said lie, cocking Ills ••To bis olllco?” a af,bright: i d Ji Dfra.it. 1 , . „ „ „ lie r io r ' l*u r<• . ..e pnekngiiof Black v. ;b-» ; T h i-e n d K n i t t i n g ultimate partnership. revolver. "(Hi, no! lie will go oil' and buy Bull Ibirliam ,« inpnro it . CMcS^jSilk. I lisdtowoik hard under Mr. Stoic T ile ‘‘c lic k " decided me. Besides tiie himself an alcohol lamp. Ii-.ve a drug­ ay with tiiat flunking, MILES. Ifoek- old Ilian's eccentricity amused me, and gist fill it for him, and lie will return lcigh. * Tcsfetl:-' US'' ' i ille , < o n ii . Y o r I Ii Imine to ill aw out t lie pipes for himself, ••Burglary is a j.- ib m - m i-tress,’ ’ said I was curious to see how far it would mnpiom, 31 a ss., lie. "She will toleiale no rivals. She carry him . So I to-sed m y life -p n s e rv ­ lie can B in s make a saving of several e x a c ts 11 io Ulidi vi'ltal dc votioii ol her wor­ er to liiin. lie eaught it neatly. thousand ilollar-. saying noildiig ot tiie .Montreal, < anadii. shipers." "Yow take oil' your e o a t and throw il personal satisfaction of getting ahead of O l’EICES. Yen York, I’liila And so I found i Every m orn ing at to n ie .” a plum ber. dcliiliia, < liii ago, ( iiieiiinati. si. to o’clock I had to present m yself at 1 look oil’Iliy CO it and I lire .v it to him "A,el will lie succeed?'' I.oui-, Sun 1 ra iici.-eo. YI.’ .Y.MS A! Cl'U'I'IS, Agents. 10.5 Slim ­ Stoncleigh's I'hainhcis in Yew Squ.irc, "Not by Joliii Roger-! lie will crawl diagonally aero-- the room.” mer SI., Boston. Goods for s i le iiinli r llie house, scalp liini-ell on till! Lincoln's Ii a. mid u n til I ? I a—i.-li d hi- • Yow Ilm waistcoat." In t lie 'I'ratle. clerk with III" c i is sp anielin' \l 12 I ! ihrcw tiie waistcoat to him. pii-l-', fill Ids knees with rn-ty nail-, had to go out pro-pic’ing with Slonc- "Boots. ’ said lie. choke himself with tin' smoi.e, and rmnnrn'.Tinrnmn:rTrnTrmYy.’!TnTn Icigli. and Iriuii " to I had to devote to ilie v m o siloes," said I, in some tiuallv crawl out and give il up.” finding out all pot culm's nice -ary to a trepidation, lest In* should take ofietise "Ami wait for a thaw!” ' scientific li'ii'g l 0 v in any given house. wlieii no oil. n -e w is really intended. •Yo. sir c o! He won’t wait for uiy- A t tli'.-t 1 did this in iT id i for practice, •'Shoes, then," said lie. thing. lie’ll skip down town lor a and w ith no view Io an actual a ltn iip l. I threw m y i.llo, s to him. furniture v.ui and move into auotiler HASKELL, lie would tell in of a In n-e ol whi h h" •Trousers.” IliilP e. That's where his licnit is level, AiiibopiioitoB Is ft novel word to most SuicMimr Io Il.irringtoii, hiu w all t ic pm I iciilars. and order me • ; '.me, come. 1-ay,” exclaimed I. it’s , lieaper Io move than to thaw out IKioplu who tfpeuk the Lnglb h JanKuage. 'J h” (■reci.a un'il it ecnluricY ago, meaning ly it to ascertain all about that liou-e audits Bang! 'I'lie lolu, ol tin* other ear frozen walei pipes." “ 1 HE PRIZE I tiABl ii." THYSELF, inmates -th e ir i aim ing and going the cim e oil'. W ith all his eeeentlicily the A tiilojmioroh is llie first and only CHOICE EKIIT! number of tin ir servant-: whether any old gentlemall was a Ilian ol Ids Will'll, A Great Medical Work on Madhooti inedieinu which has carried oil' the I.nuh AT i'll IS KxliaiiHtcd \ ilaliiy. N*-rvons and Fliysical ot them were men, and it so. whether lie had the trousers, and With tlielll my Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Debility, rrcm diirc Do line in Mm, crrois of prize as the pi rfe« t remedy for Klteii- they slept in the hmi'iiieiit or not. and levoivir, which happeiicil to bu in the 'I In: lit s i S.n.vi: in die world lor Cuts, Ymiili, and the untold uiiwcrioM roHUlliug from in mutism ami Neuralgia. CHOiCE FLORIDA ORANGES! discretion or cvcr.-M -. A book for every inau, o ilie r details neei ssai v to he known lie- I ight-hand pocket. Bruise*, limn-. Sure*, t'leei-. Sail III,iiiiiii, l eier sole-, Teller, ( liapped Halid . t'llil- Like tw o n li n,less ty ran ts they have for o n i a : a < i :n t s f i : i : d o z e n . young, middle-aged and old. It i-onlain- I'Ja pre lori' u burglary could he solely atlcmpi- "Now tin, rest of your drapery.” nel'i|)l ion» for all >• n<< and iliionie di-cans, cacli Idain-, ('Ollis, mill all Skin Erillition-, and age* held their sutlering vietiina in an iron one <.l which is invaluable. So found by iheaiilhor eil. 'I In n lie would conipm i' m y in for­ I threw him the rest of my drapery. p o -iln elv eines Bile* in no pay. Ii i- i*in,r- g rip . TlniHi! poor rut,erern ha\e Ixiou uaulttve.i ( liuicn Itipe ILimimit*! whose r\pe. i«*ncc for •.*.» years L siieli a- never be­ mation with Ids own facts, and einiipli- He tied up m v d o llie s in tin.' lalile- anleed hi give pei'leei -nli-taeiuin or money re- iu Ha! power of their opproibOW. (imice I'craiuii Date*! fore fell to tin- lot of any pbysiuiau. *‘MM) pages, merit or Id line me. as I m ight deserve elotll, and, telling me tliat In* wouldn't liinded. Briee iciil* per box. I'or-ale by Athlo,monos has entered the urenn,en­ (iio tci* liii*Ki>.ii l lgHl bound ill bcantifill I'II ID II mii-lia, cu.bo.-scd eovers, W. It. Kittredge. lyl? gaged iu contlb't with the moUMU-re,and won tin* lull gilt, guaranteed to be a finer •• ork in every lie was a -ti n t master, hut always kind, detain me any longer, made for tiie _ v. t ry. Am the eoiut>etit ira iu tho Grecian M-Uhe -nicidianical, Ideiarv and professional-than ju s t and com Icons, as heeauie a highly door with (lie Iniudle under Ills arm. Hough on Bora*," lor Cores, Wmi-, Bun­ gainvri of old could win only by Pic mout hcvero triulu Choice Family Groceries, any other work Mold in Ibis country tbr or ions. 1,'ic. i f ability aiel ••mlariiiiw, *" A rm.oetioao:i has won mom > will bo it funded in every instance. J’rleo polished genii' III ill of till! old school. • Stop!" said I. "W hat is to become t,io prize, not alone by giving temporaly relief, but ...... AM...... only $I.(M) by mail, post-paid. I liisinuive sample, He was niie " I the la-1 lin n who habit­ ol m e?' Mi . Murphy “Deli, il’s nwlul, tlicr paypul by bringing an enduring euro, us well, to thoi-e wlu» ii cents. Send now. Gold medal awarded the ually wore Hessians ••Really, I hardly know,” said he. wlmlV Inn i< «l alldvr ' Il I be iiviiig w kill I'm liavo antlered tin* «-verueiutmg agonies of Rheums- THE FINEST CIGARS IN THE CITY . uilior by the National McdieulA* o<-iatiun, to the .lead, FiFat, tloii't be Hltlttir burying me aloive Uamand Neuralgia. otiliu rs of w liiell lie ri’fi I S. A lte r a \ I' ll probation I aei ouipaIlied “ You promised me my lilierty,” said I. This book should be read by the you* g for in h im is n novelty, not him Oil .-evi l || I'Xpeditioiis. and had the "I Tl'lninl)'.” said lie. "Don't let me HOW TO READ A i n i.oi'in, only R em em bot At H askell’s, strtictlon and by the ulilielcd lor relief. It will in iiunie,but in its el. nit uts. i t is u n ­ bciiclll all. / o/n/on /.«// */. happiness to believe th a t I was ol some trespass any fiirlher on your time. You your iloetor* preM i ip,ioii>* Send b u . ; cenl Nearly opposite Thorndike lloiue. There is no inciiih, r of society to whom I Ills book little use io In in . I shot him eventually will find tiie Ftreet door open: or, if ’-tarnpa ,o pay pnst.ige ami reeelvc Dr. K.iul- like any prepurutii.ll yet intrnilueeil. w ill not be list lip, wln llmr yotiih, parent, guar­ in the stoiuai h. mistaking him lor the from force of liahif you prefer I lie win maim s great Treaii.-r on di-ease-; illn-iraled A'l lll.lll'IIKK'M Dew00 I l!'- Ill....I, leu , les dian. instructor or i h ruyman. It tioiiiuii. innilms . it gives their signs and abiirevia- an d )..inte, r.-ii .nine Hie poboDsadgcti) (mm vldress the Peabody Medical In-lituie. or Dr. iiiu s Ii t of a house into w hich we were dow, you will liai'i' no dilliculty in liuiis. tln> 14'T.xl, carrion them out of the system. W. II. Barker, N’o. I, Bill,inch street, Boston, In caking ( I had m i-laid mv dark Ian clearing the area railings.” A ritLoi’iioic s Is put up w ltiii onsuiinnate Mass., who may be con-lilted on all dl»casc» re­ • ItUl (ill ON ( Ol (ills ' I lia in>, I.h•; Li­ quiring skill and e\poienec. Chronic and obsti te l II), and lie died nil Ilm grand piano. "But I e.iii'i go like this. Won't you »k ill, and eontaiUM n o th in g th at run postibly quid, •'»<>«•. harm the moat delieutu countitutiou. PATENTS Date diseases ilia' have ballb d the skill of all oilier Ilis dying wi-li was that his loiupli give me something to pul on?” M I'W A <’<>.. of till) Si IES’TII’ir A.MEKP AN. con* Now. do you want to buffer on and on? I'.llllr loud a* Sidleitors loi Patents, t'av eul-. Trade i s-iully, wilbont mi'iils might lie conveyed io inc. ‘No. said lie; "nothing at all. tiood Not w hat it i» eraeked up to he V ao rm - or do you want to be well ? Mark-. < ->p)iiglil-. lor Gie l.'nucil Stale-. Panada. caleii nnt. I'.’nglaud. Fiance. Germany, etc. liand IPxik about of lallun*. I now set up on m y own account, and n ig h t.” “ Athlophoros” WILL Cure You Fiiicutb !*i*nl free, 'i’liiil j--sev»*n year-'experience. 4D1 THYSELF engaged his poor old clerk, who nearly file quaint old mall left tile loom will, The • IDH (ill ON ” TOOTH FOWDKK, bloke his heart at Id- late nia-lei - tu n my bundle I went after him, hut I elegant. i'»e. , r \ ou cannot g et ATiiLOi’HOKos of your drug­ t uhRcd scientific pap eral Sioneleigh left no family His found that In- hail locked an inner door gist, we will Bend it ex pre s paid, on ree< lptof Covetousness in Disguise tegular pril l* one dollar pertxjitie. We pn-iei money, about L'lgnhoii invi sled for ilm that led upstairs. T ile situation was The wonderful Hieeens o, Janies Fyle’c that jou buy 1, from your druggist, but If he Iliost pall ill \mei iean lailwav-. lie lull really a dll'Iilful one to deal will, I .'sl'k.ml ii ud of I F earliue has given ri>e io i Hood o f im itation* h isn't* It, do not b<- ,x*rsuaded to try ronn tbihg standing b tn been iijf .i, ladnod, so iitrona is mv Io I tie Sol id v for P roviding Mol e lii- ll- couldn't possibly go into t lie street a- I with an ‘'m e" ,o their name.-, evidently to cl.o , but order a t o :ce from us n s directed. laitbm i *.. Hi »«>. i t i I Mill u* u*i TWO Ito'lTI.I > ini the working elan*. .*■ d in (ants, I RF.i:. ii.-n m r Mi:a V ALL AB,.K TKKATlbl-. - • ops, and hi.- h'dgcix. day hook-, uu'iii was, aiai if I reuiuini'd I should eel base them sound like Feariine. Enleiprise* ATHLOPHOROS CO.. 112 WAIL ST., NEW TORH. il you /ere, of this sort ate quite liable to be more ,-ellish .T I “ ,.o?,.,i1.., liiix d se.o **. • • any s lt> r« r. Give exuros m.d 1’. <' orniiihi. and p i p e r - geneially. lie he- tainly lie given in to custody in the imitunintuKM h.n. iiuHiomiiiiini m goods t bat w ill mhhub-.. L«; ’1’ •*. ■ • ’•/'i*. .' • .Ni-wYurk. than belief rial* hud pm >« i very evening. That ull wlm Hes.vmi; a \ d I n ii s. paper, l'» »*i.< ; * loih.2*'dv. hook- for a suitable house io hi gin upon, want work may test the binduurs, we will luuke tliw* i kiimn <»i M'ii.p O i.ive. papcr.m <-ts.; cloth 2oc. mid found the following altracliiu circmu-tsnces. 'I lu re was a cat pel on A neight»oring grocer adveiti-e- “Spring unparalleled o iler; to all wlm an* not wall satis,Jed K'l'iin-s oi im Jr *r, paper, lbt i-.; < loth, 2a* . e n try : Ih e llo in , lu ll it W as fitted to the recesses • hi< l.ens all the year round.” He -hows a we will send *1 to pa\ f..r the trouble ,.f writing us. M.sAMi and i.ii.ii< uow.\ oi W h o Olive; ol the room, and. moreover, a heavy little loo mm h enterprise. Full particulars, diiceiions, etc., sent due. For- and El'lln ri oi Tiir. Dl*T, in one tohnutt, iiaif I l.illluw Sqiam Y*» 1' .'. FOR SALK BY limes will be made by lllOMU who give llicir whole Russia, red edges, >u els. Mooedy F a im em h , II.,,,, Molluuo sideboard stood on it Ft in. Hi.ooi> can he insured by the use of lone lo lb** work. (ireat sm eem abtudutely sure. blo.SE* oi VtMi'i;, cLe , in preparalion. Large iji' iipuni—Joliii It.iils. bir I i-ti'i■ However, there were twelve chairs in the l ute “L. 1 " Atwood Medicine, bearing N. A & 3. H. Burpee, Rockland, Me. Don'i delay . Hiart now Address F I i.sso.s K < o., eutnlotfUi* free. D4w3 i s , .pal .oil - - I'le-iieii r 'll 'Is* *>». paitudvd trade mark “I*. F-" lui3 ) in eh 7 Purl land, Maine. 4V JOHN IL ALDEN, Fub’r, lb Yesey fct.,N« w York A, t.igliljalx the room, and it was w ith no little pleas­ THE ROCKLAND COURTER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1884.

    BESSY'S LIFE ROPE. OBITUARY NOTICE. AN ARKANSAS PROPOSAL. ..rb n rn r Zrao/Z. r. HIGHEST CASH PRICES Sti i pic .Turk, wlm w.-n ri-lplirntnl for How the Police Reporter Helped the Law Scribbler. "Can I have a few words with you. PAID FOR Wdi k in ir mi liiitll M<*rple«, Itnri n (InUgli- Ltrookhjn THE WHITE tcr notuol llrR«v. Wild li:n| mil,'ll df tlio sir?" asked young Arthur Creggie, fn:irlo««, n.lventiirnlH sp irit d f In r Tallin-. •'You see." oliserved the law reporter, entering a rielilv carpeted office and addressing Col. Itihley o w l s , e a g l e s :ind u ntild cirrv up Ills dinner lo the leaning back to sharpen his pencil and ' (lizzie-. lii'itdils without ticrnlilltiir. She contemplating bis work with much mis­ j “ I suppose yon can.” the Colonel re­ AND s ri'n ii d In feel is sn'e ns bird, itlld giving. •‘you sec. I'm a little lichind on plied, nervously turning mi liis revolv­ Would stand at llie c |u,' of tile loftiest Ibis iitiitii'iry business. So fir as I've ing ehair and glancing at Arthur iu a Rare Coast Birds in Flesh. gut I th in k it a tup-shelf productinn. but way so devoid o f interest lic it the yoitltg M'Mll'dld niinisiiiL' Ite rs ,If by sr:ilti-rin...... flic hollow of the spire, until the highest •‘Have you pul iu anything about cast­ “ No dotdit," the.'oiotiel assented. loopholes were rpuehed, through which ing a deep gloom over tlm communityP" “ I am glad to see,” said the young PAPER HANGERS. braces were placed crosswise. asked the police repcrler. “ If yon man, bowing, “ that there arc subjects On them a slight (louring wns laid, haven't, there's just Ilm place for it." on which we agree, anil since you have \\ Imloftnlc and Retail Deniers in “ Is dial necessary?” inquired the law unwittingly hd me. step by step, to llie which supported two light bidders Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, reaching lip tn tin, h ill. I l i y alter day reporter, doubt full v - very threshold of tlm subject in wldell Bessy cliuilied, with her lather's dinner “ I never saw one without it," replied above all others I desire your concur­ IWDER Artists' Materials,Brushes, iu a basin slung in a handkeruhief. to the police reporter, positively. “ I don’t rence. I w ill at once open tlm door. I think his friends will lie satisfied if il is think tliat. I would make an admirable Absolutely Pure. T H E W H IT E Alabastines for Walls and Ceilings. this aerial seufTold. It was only by ca ll­ Stands acknow'cd":d t!io left ou t.” son in-law. Do yon agree w ith m e?" ■ tils |n>w,1i'r la-vi-r varies. A tunnel f portly, CC Hatiofaelloi ing le r 'Bet,’ which was her father's Ill'll, milt H-hot. -utnell, ... Mere e Guaranteed In all ( “ Suppose I make il read:" “ I do. You would undoubtedly atitaaii'iil 2(>l MithiKIrw way ol showing earnest displeasure. Ili.-IN llie urainni v kinds, timl enitnn: I, suhl la Opp. Farwell Ilall, Hint she was prevented Irom sealing “ O ur loss is liis eternal gain, and let make a good son-in-law -of a donkey.'' r"ln|ietltlotl n-ltli tiie iniililtilde ,.f I„w ! us hope that though lie has east a deep “ Ah, I sec. Then, pray, allow nm to "eiu'llt. Ilium ", "II".piece pun.I, s'oZO •mll/fn King of Sewing Machines. the slender ladders which went still Klin. Iflivil. It.lKtSu I'OWIII-.I! Co., loo Wall ft ll, Die (inly |«'rfcct AUTOMATIC higher. gloom over tlm com m u nity, lie rests in ask your daughter's hand in m arriage.'' Hll....I, X. V. THOMAS S. RICH & CO., the peaceful usufruct of such gain ' ” I he Colonel glared at tlm young man for BOBBIN WINDER • • ■ r muh General < otnmisslon .Merchant* iu At b nglli the job was completed. A iKitibin ne in.e.tti m a i.f .-ill. “ Can’t you rin g in Roscoe C onkling's a moment and replied • “ If impudent!,, new copper b ill brightly gilded, super- ti ’i.v ttic l,.■! EMDROiDERER in t'„ m .rht. speech on O live r I ’ . M utton?” ask, <1 the were wit, then I would regard you as Potatoes. Apples, Beans, Eggs, &c ceiled the obi one, and a g litte rin g cross Where the Fire is Out. It trill do tlio w ld ...... I w o rk , iu.it la A 1X1. I'l.SH O |' |.|. K | x „ s. sill mounted the graceful steeple, .luck police reporter, as tiie law reporter capable of taking care of a wile." Magic No More a MyHcry—Sc i> From looked op inquiringly. “That runs: "And if arrogance were generosity. 111" LIG H TEST RUNNING mneliln.' in tl>- I* foitinicrri.il ror. South Market Sired. Boston. had done liis work so well that the vicar Acroxn the World. ui.'ii'kel. Ay, iu - w.inI. ,t iu uunci'iipied territory. •lie needs no epitaph Imt his name.' Try Ilion would I have had no hesitancy in and the church wardens resolved, in i „f Aleppo,” Mai.l Sir I’hillp Dervnl ll.'l.T,.,u ,..-|.,r ,i. III, I, S; Co., no,I Bllnn Peirce it and see how it w ill look.” approaching you.” X ( <».. IloNtou. j addition lo his pay, to present him with ‘‘Innl in nter.-.| every ferret Iu nature which llie CLARK & FREEMAN, “ I guess that’s a pretty good idea,” “ Ah, yon are quite equal to an emer­ a new coni, vest and hat; and a sort of nobler magic neck* to fathom. lh- dinroti red Hint 183 TREMONT ST., BOSTON, MASS. assented the law reporter, tillin g it in. F. K. SW EETSER, villi,gc fi le was to be held in honor (if gency. Do you love my daughter with the true art «»f henliug in to n««i«t Nature to thro w “ Can't you think of something shout liis a truth aiul depth of devotion which in tile occasion. Drinking one night .at otr the disH-ieo* to HUinr.ion, bh it wi re, the whole VEGETABLE PULM0NAR1 the Ib d Lion. .lack bad bragged that goodness? lie was tip in charitable future shall ever prevent any other love S.VH’t III to eject lie- enemy flint llil* fiSti-llcI Oil U matters anil ilm folks always like to hear from arising to tlm surface; do you Teacher of Pianoand Organ, be would pel these clothes on the lop o f part, liis pi-iirch-eM nil included the reiuvigora Will pupil* at hi* mu*ie rnom it alluded to." think that in after years, ivlien your ‘ TIh« O! e \. rv day (pdetly sonic two miles from the village and new reporter, putting il down. ‘ Now i ".Aly daughter is loving, hut not at their ...... W o rk o lsh e d Scot by T. K. TI BBKTTS here* te the hnrharmH ami Ntupid ptocc-s of «!«•- i » * r - r i .-a Bessy hail aceoiupauied her, lor she I II rin g in a send-, 11’ for the m a il who 1 ambitious. Io her life affection w ill be .M all. N o e a o vii s* h ig . amp* required f..’r b t . gave me tlm facts and yve've got some- everything. W ill you ever speak cross pletion, mi h ns bleeding, by which it wa« attempt I. ply. Plea*.- a.l 'r.- - KI»W.\R F. I ».\ \ I T.'. tli eitructi'.l without pnl,i by A'ltruiiR Oxi,to knew that in all probability her husband ed to im e dheaxe by reducing the patient’* ability h.ilth M ill! Kt., Full 1,’lv. Ma ■ ttlemei.i. Illustrated elrcti. Io iIiIm intelligent and beneficent work, it I* * ■ ...... i ...... t„ the jnrly »«ud- au- Cull, an ,w en ,1 nlKlit ur day. on one of the arms of tlio cross, the The hattlo Ilig of Grant’s first regi-, nia, HhniimatiHin, Pain* ly anil with tlm air of a man who could - - ...... TMi ... I*:'', . .ff Ir*...... noose of the rope slackened, nnd the inent is so riddled with bullets that it in the Side, Constipa­ -i ll y lit oril. Li re .* !.! r-. , , ■* ...•••" ,, ■, go outside the line of his duties and still nUEE. a ..1 nt the ...... „ » handsome D R . S T A C Y , rope itse.f slipped over the hall, leaving will hardly hold togethur. tio n . Com! 1 v en i’mi, (.HINA 'I EA hEI'. .No Itiiiiibiig. i>, shine. crUtl per 1b. Evellent T--1., . nn,| a,„| v Wrrte<| tn-u« very flue wfltTP.------235 MAIN 8TREET, made Jack look down, nnd he at once AMERICAN HUMOR. GRANITE DINNER SEES .11’. pi..... win,I, Sandvmount (near Dublin) on Sunday Nervousness, Pain* in Hie Back. Paintnrs-f i» “»)• with Ten Mini (hilRu vrtlrri uf IWaa J q.wardi. V ,r (ovi-r Merrill Ji Bttrjici'*-J understood the desperation of the posi­ last,” appears in a Dublin paper. at the Stomach, Kidney Complaints, Female full part i-ulao, Addre.j \Vl,"r.. be may bn w.n.tilh-.l (Tree of cl.urire ) tion. His pride was humhlcd. and a In Delhi the milkman never waters WcakncsH and General Debility. THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO, upi.n „„y ,„„l ,dl , 1 1 . , Dr. w. b „. been v,’ y vertigo seized his brain, and he would the lacteal llttiil, for the eow is held to 'flic manuscript of Wendell Phillips's Tiiir preparution in sciciitifl Hilly ami chemically ’ .Tai"" V " 1 nfeiir.uil,! 1 1 1 . , . a . , y E 0. Box 28E. 31 & 33 Vesey St,, New Yn.k . , ; s r , X ...... have lallen. if he laid not clutched the he a s icreil anim al. T h a t m ost he D e l- famous address on O'Connell, tlm only combined, and *o Htronglv eone. iitnited from roni*, i ffort of tlm kind which tlm distinguished iiorbs and Imrk.x, that It* uood eHect* an realized cross. Whitt was to he done? Among lii-tful place for milk oohstttners.—Off immediately after eommeiieimf to take H. There 1 flPlTfTifl f ' 'll" nv. - o f III! th" I'r... the whole crowd there was not one with ( VZi/ D e rrick orator wrote out fully, is in tlm posses i* no di*ea*e of liie human -wMtem lYr wldell the A I t H IU I A "1 1 'I'l"- largCKt, sinn of Mr. John Boyle O’ltcilly, to Ve g etix i: cannot he ust-d with I’EIU I-ct s ai'I'.i a , xlvl J jii 1 |J l'a‘l-*"me*t, l.e*t ln.uk « \er *ol.l tbr J. P. COWL- 8, M. D . 7 sufficient courage even lo brave the "(.III,” said the man who had traveled. !<•** than twice our price. 'I'lie | whom it was presented Jry Mr. Phillips. a* it does not contain any metallic comtinnml. For Physician & Surgeon, scaffold, m uch less to m ount the to tte r­ “ I didn't mlnil having the delirium (‘radieatiuu the *y*tem of all linpuriticM nf the fa*t(«t Hidliii!! book in America. Iuimcn*c profit* to Agent*. All iutelligeiiL pet.pl. ing ladders which led fr. m it to the apex tl'etiiens. I saw snakes anil alligators A shoemaker in Stain lord. Conn., has blood it ha* no ei|ual. It Iia* never tailed to » . i a - M A IN K . i Kivlnif tone ami Mlrcn^tli to llie *y*,cin HS, DrutfgiHt, Boston Marine Insnranee Coinp’y, Im riqic. Jack clutched il, and tlm little healthy manlier. Sept. 18, 187>. Wilton, Iowa. TENANTS HARBOR ME. IT maiden descended the steps. All the will persist in selecting subjects they danger was over. Jack mado tlm rope know nothing about.” First Prcaeher— Then! is a noble old oak on the line of Yegelinc is Sold by all Druggists o. G. MOFFITT, last, and was soon upon tlm scaffold, “ A'es, that's tlm way. He will be M iryliind mi l Virginia near the little village of New Church, which has been while a shout of joy arose from the peo­ tackling religion next.”— I'liiliuleliiliiii U1 Fire and Life Insurance. failioUf from limn immemorial as a ple below. Call. Loh*c* ttd|U*tcd at ttd* ofllev. .<•» 12 Boor little Bessy could not understand A merchant traveler look his place at place where eloping couples have been 278 Union Block, : Rockland, Mo. joined in wcdlouk. A runaway Virginia that she had done anything w onderful; the table of a western hotel, where the couple were married under its spread­ hut sheembraced her father, and putting landlord was the only waiter, and alter Id. V. B IIT E K It, her face lo his begged him lo thank (iud finishing a very scanty meal Im said in g hranchi's on Thursday of las, week. 238 Main St,, Rockland, Me. lor his safety. persuasively. "I should like some des­ Kohei't Foreinan, a “ down easier" wlm COAI Jack was never seen at tlm lie d Lion sert." "Dessert ? AVoi’s that. AVe a in ’t had a desire to see tlm country, started MiUlV M?’’ again. got none." “ Wei!, give me some pie.” out two yenis ago from liis home, iu This was many years ago; hut should "Pie, thundet! We ain't got no pie! Maine, on a donkey, to satisfy his de­ r H|*k* nn Hull*, Cargoe* ami Freight* etfe.-ted in Help yourself to tlm mustard!”—Cizi. sire. Since that tim e lie has traveled reliable ( ompauic* at i..u*ouuhle rale*. any of you visit Kempton, you may still All or.hr* l..r ve**el* or lreight will ruevive M crclm itl Trureh r, on donkeyhick from Maine to the F. Crockett & Co., SB see ft fragment of line swinging in the prompt attention. lircezu Irom tlm now tarnished cross sur Pacific Coast, and recently stopped al lliounting the hteiqde. and among tlm Cleveland, ()., on his way hack to his *' ,L ’ ' ” Hi: \.\. w g u . A TOOTHSOME MORSEL. li lin e . sim ple pcas iu ti'v it goes by tlm name of Tills Irom llie .t/,ii/i.m/i liciHiieral, Cochran **<•* Adju*te.t and paid at tbl* Gtbre. pass. Tlm parent was not aware that ing lubes. Franklin ('mil I'lie Boston 'I'rareller Havs that the »•!« MAIN STKFFT. KlIFIi I. A N D. liis wife was v isitin g when im set the IlFscin liikc one q u ill I sille.l flour, half CHICAGO.ILL.- bequests I, It by Mrs. Eddy to I.imv I rap. A laiut I I o'tdoek al n ig h t lie was a teusnooli sail, one measiuc ol lluislunl's -’ ORANGE, MASS. *lo n c and Susan B. A n thon y—*20,000 aroused hv Ilm screams of his wife, who III a ail ITepuialioa, llni'e gills ol' walir, mix A. F. CROCKETT & CO., a n d A T L A N T A , GA.- IT IS A FA C T ! in pull w nil a spoon. each—were not left in trust lor the had one o f Imr feet caught in I lie trap, sulfi agc cause, as has heeu erroneously but she was released by Ilm lover, who When llie man willi a deep voice sings lie is It! Il AV KN Kit, Ag«*ut, Thuittutloit. DR. B. S. Mason's sure toget oil liis buss. slated, bin left absolutely lo each. was iu the parlor al the time, before tlio IL It. MANSI IEI D, Agent llop. B’etidcll Phillips drew up tiie will, ami Crockett Block, North End, PERFECTED LINIMENT, hushaiid arrived. Tlm young mail is Let Truth Prevail. when In1 read it to Mrs. Eddy Im ROCKLAND. I•> pronounced the Itcwt Keme.ly in the M arlt.t now a welcome visitor al tlm house." I.ei the liiels In'known. I.ei (us uudeisiaud G elve fie for dial a boil, nr uu ulcer, or u eurhiinkle, or uuv asked: "Now. il Mrs. Slone or Miss widt h will help >* I hi (ranslitli'd the New Testament from the uels directly iqmii the eireululloii and lie rea­ l*aln *, M ill o r In Iiam « .I ly they could, 'Mrs. Eddy replied, and Augiietu, Maine. I1.' Joint*, Sprain*, Creek, was east successfully near I/ui- sons lor its use ure obvious. none could say them nay. 1 trust With and W ithout Strings, 1 n a week al home. Burn*, etc. dou three weeks ago. The figure is leu "Oh !” said tiie dressmaker, as the procession Lucy amt Susan absolutely.’' lK *olutel> *ur. feet liig li, ami is the w ork o f .Mr. Boehm murelicd bv : "they ure going doulrlc bri aste>l. ItANlJeilMLI.V PIUNfEJi AT J (J quired. Header, it >ou innt hintine** at C’LOIE M. T IBBE TTS, Wldell person* ol either * x, young or old, II w ill Im' set m i on tlm T h ii'“ es E m ­ R O C K L A N D . llurliu-paihu, ” firra l Kidney J«ud I riuary " B o r -if ON fO O TIIACAE," iiotunt rc- make great pay all the Dot. hev work with ME. bankment near Charing Cron Bridge. Care. JI. ib*ij|tile • ei lainiy, write tor p.ti:i llal > to ll- »I M. Price‘#5 cents pcrliottle. s ?id b) Drug lief. I.'n i Courier-Gazette Priming House. i.rr X Cu., Purlland. Maine. 8 THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1864.

    MIs* Lena Crockett—white muslin dress, Tflnrinf department. tilue satin Iwallee and blue head -dress. A very F L O T n ? . ( - ci- o g > _ THE ORPHEUS CARNIVAL. pretiv continue. f'npt. Em. lli. htr.1. i, to tnkt . omninml of Mi«s E«la L ib b y - garnet silk akirt, d ottol HOP m u-lin over «liess. KOSETTK FANCY PIMM ESS. I and hearty s«'h. K m ptV M , Mi-- Alice Gardner, Koekport - white mus­ ; fit r I ng I.n r.i <• I uck, S rli. Ku«trin Hi lli'. h in? in tin- rove, i« lim ­ A GALA NIGHT ON THE SPRIGHTLY PLASTER ‘ I lUx-lIRlatl 1.1. Hi JatlCrt, lin and pink < i-hin i ” waist, lace drapery. Be«| Flour in ltd* inark'T for nil purposes, ('rick in the Brick. I bln or ITIp, Neuralgia, Stiff .b lnt*» ing n nr» deck. ROLLER SKATE Miss Annie Cooper•—creHin nun’s veiling, and Must |..., H<.rc ('best. Kidney Troubles nn'ithcr local nrdcciMteatcd. It Soothes,: a t m,il»-ti-il. -on. md will l.f sold for •7.OO. cclpt ( f price. Hop cardinal .-ilk bodice. ritnler rnmpnnti. T’ri»- Sell l.lunr.l. nf Manilla* nriivp.l ‘I Iinr-ilni. Mingled. Miss Abbie Wiggin muslin and pink rib ­ R E M E M B E R ! prletors, Boston. Mass. SUCCESS with nlitii-- fur the i-iitii|»iny. bons, s itin mob cap. <>ur $6 Flour make* splendid Sour Milk Bread Seh. Aitilie Snow. l-'liiinler«. i- at iln-ton .Ii’ * Mi-- Minnie Burn- figured muslin. —H — <5X> i hiiraing from '1'nrk‘a lalatnl. 1 or a long lime thr O rpheir Club have been Miss A Hie Crockei "b ite lawn and pow­ t IT The ties! family pill niadi-— Haw ley’s 8tomru h i, Sell. Tlmma* H ix, Yentnii, «aih-il In ,til New tnnking picpnrntlotm for the camival which dered bair. GROCERIES. Livc^Mlla^^jr^IMcasaTiHnjicnnrHintDuj^MMnkt. lleiltoi-il. l-'iiilai for New Y olk, light. Mi-s Lizzie Kerne white muslin. I. ink plan- in l'a iw .ll H all, l iblay evening. Mrs. Geo. I. K night black silk, figured sat­ Seh. Will. Kiel. (Ill-gory, i- loiilliig linn- lor "I he i epiitation o f the »lub u caterer to the in panniers ami red brocade waist, diamonds. EIRE ASSOCIATION. New Y ork, loi- II. tl. (fn rily A Co. public was sin h'nR to guarantee a tine time, M r-. Chas. II. Bcrrv Nile green silk trimmed OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. Black Dress M s ! (»F l'lll LA DELPHI A. sell. Ailn Aiiiea, A.I m e . l« Ion,line linn lor ami .«•» the announcement that such an all'air with g irn e ta iid Spanish lace, diamonds. An RTATKMKNr JANUARY 1st. 1BBI Ki'-linioliil. Vll., fill A. I I'lliekelt A Co. •legunt C'»-tuine. ( ’Hfth Assets...... <|4,279,676.II vrae in prospect ercatcil a jjreat stir in social Sell Km lit l A M.iiiiI, Iliekniore. i« i-harterril M r- Lilia Small, pink costume, trimmed L IA IH IJ I’H H. ein les. The club, after deciding to give a with white swan’s down. Unpaid Los-e«...... f l(M>,Nl2.Pn to hiinl iee at Koekport for (falveaton. ! \H F. ON DAR A, 3 lbs. for 2ft els. Re-lnsurimee F und...... 2 765.347.S3 cai'iiital, iinmediatelv went to work preparing Miss Minnie Drinkwatyr, blue tarleton atxl -AT Sell. Eliza I.evi-Iisaler. aaileil from Tliom m - white satin bodice. NICK VALKNCIAS. K lrts; 3 lbs. fo rg e ts . < tisli Capital...... 6U),000.no $:t.4(M,1Pi>2 luti. I hnreilny, IlniC'laileii Iroiii New Nmk. fine new music for the occacimi. Not know­ Miss Lucy Anilrews, blue silk, decorated NEW MU8( ATKLP, 12•, eta. Sell. Lake, Johnson, loaileil lime tm l-artaiifl. ing how to do things bv halves, they set about with Spani-ii lace, natural roses. NEW LONDON LA Y ERS, 16 o«. Spear A Co.. I hiirailny. anil milleil for Lynn. preparing the hall for the tifKiir. New Mis- Margie Ingraham, nun’s veiling and blue tiroc olcd satin. sell. L e o ni"iii. Cray, loaillng linn- lor I’eriv hoard* were laid In the place o f old worn ones, Hro,., wan tide nipped ei-vernl daya lai-t week. Miss Callie Ilig giiH , pink and blue costume T O XjJEIT. rough place.M were smoothed down ami cracks trimmed with bells, Oriental lace cap. T ea and C o ffee s li. Helen Montague Green, is i-linrteriil to DESIRABLE RESIDENCE on Miss Annie Henderson, Thomaston, white Middle street. Enquire of load iee at Islcsborn lor Key West at #2 per ton filled with plaster. A partition was placed A. iA miu’s veiling, Spanl-h lace trimmings md pink around the hall to separate the skating surface Beat IJonste. T. Keen «(t Son, Sell, .lames Boyce, Jr., Ilunean, is at lloiith- The costumes from Boston, furnished by V. Misses Grace Andrews, Fannie Cummings, bay loading he for Washington. It. ('.. at II. H ill, o f the Essex Costume Parlors, ap­ Stella Greenlaw. Ida Livingston ami Clara 298 MAIN STREET, per ton. Cliapinan were attired In very pretty fancy W in. Tim s Is to go Into tin shipping busi­ peared T lm r’ day. There was a large assort­ T l o c ll lm i c l. : TVTzilne. THE SEW D1SCE! costumes. ness. Koonis are being lilted up above Ills lisli ment among which were a very few good Cb.vs. II. Moor Swiss Peasant. market. ones and very many poor ones, \n io iig the A. L. Torrey—Don ('arlos. Si ll. Samuel Brown. I'reneh. arrived yester­ ladles’ costumes were very few that were de­ (,’ lias. Robinson- Yankee Doodle. A. II. Berry Count of Monte Christo. We have just received the day with a eargii o f eorn tor Koekland Steam cent. The same firm were to fun iisli the Or­ M ill Company. E. \V. Berrv—Black Knight, Life’s Quadrille. pheus Club with Continent’ll costumes, and Seh. Jennie (>. I'ills ln iry , I’llls lu iry , ar­ l'rank L. Weeks—Brim e Edward. CLUB PHOTOGRAPHS finest assortment of Black Dress rived Saturday with eoal for 1-eniald. and is had agreed so to do, hut failed to fu lfill their Edward Havener—Spaniard. discharging. contrai’t. The inference is that the Essex Cos­ W ill Keating, Thomaston—Sailor. —AT— Goods we have ever shown. In the Great and Grand (Quadrille of Life, M. W. Mowiv Count Harry. We’re all, all atriving for the Head of the S et; Sell. M. A. Al-horn, A elioni, Is chartered to tume parlors w ill do a very small business in Kendrick Robinson, Thomaston—Peck’s Bad W r can make it a plea-lire or make it a nt rife,— load molasses liaek from Caibarien, at $2.3* 1-2 this section o f the state in the future. This Boy What we learn from experience we never forget. per 1 in gals. disappointment in costumes nt so late an hour W ill Gray--Page. We must keep Hep with the nniflic whether faet or Cnpl. tieo. Torrey has bought a mnstcr's lb- Louis Devine—Count. Cr o c k e t t ’S. flow, was o f coursca serious set hack to the carnival, And AdwtiRe our /iuRineii nnd not uo it blind — terest in seh. E lla Frances, and w ill hereafter Fred C. Iugraluitn—Page. as the m ajority of tho skaters had waited for ’fhe cecree linn gone forth, Old h'otjiex mitat go. command her. A lbert Moore—Jester. They must Hep with the minde or get left behind. the arrival o f the costumer to furni. Ii them. Frank II. Jordan, Thomaston—Militia. F. II. Croekeit, the Photographer, announces 10 Pieces In our part of the Dance in Llfe’<< Quadrille, Seh. Nautilus. Tolnian, came oat o f winter Cabinet Photographs in Clul»s for tl.e next three qaarters at Owl's Head to load lime for Messer, J. H. W iggin—Pet o f the road gang. We intend to pmdi it, leaving nothing to chance, But down cast ingenuity was able to make mouths, (until May 1st,) i'o nleuHC one and nil we nliall work with a will, lor New A'ork. A rth u r Shea—Prince. amends for Boston ineompetency, as the tasty Ernest C. Davis—Page. If we don’t head the net, then we Hhant dance. A small seh., with load o f Ulin wood, tilled and elegant costumes nt the, carnival attested. C. W. Longren, Waldoboro—Brigaad. BLL CASHMERES, Other dealers may boost every week a N ur Stocky in the harbor, Sunday, and is now hauled into Ami claim a great tra 'e and Mill go to wreck; G. E. Haskell. Waldoboro—Mexican. At Greatly Reduced Prices! Farnsworth wharf. The disappointed ones went to work and in the We make no sueii claim* -it in easy to talk— Milton French, Thomaston—Turk. Just opened from 50 cts. to $1.00 But we do claim litis, We’re the Original Brcek. Seh. Kuee Horse, Bishop, was launched from few hours left devised appropriate and becom­ Frank Russ?ll. Bostou—Chinaman. 255 Main St., Rockland. 3 In this Dance of U te’s Business some one must. the ways of North Marine Kailway, Tuesday, ing attires. Lemuel Q. T yle r—Sailor. per yard. Some Extra Bargains. lead, after thorough repairing. SCENES AT THE HALL. Wm. IL Kittredge—Sailor. You know “you can’t ull dunce,” or all live in Capt. Luke Spear, formerly o f seh. Nile, has W . S. Ames, Boston—'Burk. To Save Time is to Lengthen Life. elover; At nil early hour, Friday evening, the seats We hear the Business 1’roinpter and hearing, take purchased an interest ill sell. Bertha Glover, J. A. Burpee—State M ilitia . AM prepared to do <‘(IPYI NG on the TYPE­ Wc have a splendid assortment of heed, and Is toeommninl her. were lille, That notice In* given to all persons in­ joined hands uue livid nt lated among the nierehants, ship owners, ship I’ AHT I. New Lot Bleached and Brown Chinee ami ’l urk skated amicably together. I Rockland, on the third Tuesday of Mareli next, FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY masters and pilots of the city ol Portland. Overture—“ Jupiter,” llojlmunii. ami show cause, if any tliev buve, why the said ac- Sell. Ada A. Kennedy, Kennedy, arrived The military man, evidently off on a furlough, | 1. Grand March—” Athalia,” iRm/tn co-nt should not lie ullowed. here Iasi Friday night, Iroin New Haven, and gyrated around the hall with a very peacable ! 2. W.dlzcH—” I)iu (Jrncfcnburuer,” tinuj'1 3wti E. M. WOOD, Judge. 3. Hehottisehe—“ Flirting in the Twilight,” A true copy,—A ttest:—IK K. Ka i.loch, Register. -ailed next forenoon lor Koekport. where she lookiug lady in muslin. Old tars rolled ' COTTONS W e are aware it is dull times and money is hard w ill load ice for New Orlciin- at |#2.2.'i per ton. about w ith ladies in powdered hair, and the | I. Waltzes—“ Madeleine,” V to get, aud we shall sell at the smallest, possible Ship Snow A Burgess, (of Thomaston) ft. March—“ Diniucbiie G rey-,” profit. You will find us at our post always, and w<- Anderson, now on the passage from naltiiiioru wild Indian, laying aside bis tomahawk and i 11. Waltzes—•• llydropaten,” (MfZ’Z Which we shall sell very low this shall sell at the smallest possible profit. You will 7. Polka Kedowa—“ Cascade of Flower find us at our post always, ami we shall try to be to San Francisco, is chartered to load spars scalping propensities, devoted all bis unsophis­ m onth. worthy of at least a share of your patrouage, and mid other lumber from Puget Sound for New - /{oUinxon ticated energies to keeping time to tho music, ' fi. Waltzes—“ Beautiful Blue Danube ” siruiiNi Y olk, #10,1100. and dodging skaters. Here ami there a couple, ' U. Mandi—“ < ’onsolidallon,” / ‘oil hi uni In the final great crossing, may we cross'w ithout Sell. M. I.uella Wood, Spaulding, arrived at in. Wallz.es—•• Violets," Waldteufrl fear, Point a Pitre, Guadeloupe, b ill, eleven day- too intent on conversation, would come to grief 1 It. Hehottiselie—“ Too Sweet to Live,’' //olliiihon And part witli all earthly without a regret, and the floor, only to put on feeble attempts at Galop—" The Merry Sleigh Bells,’ jMfniiiiin Heeding music ami prompter, wailing, willing to passage from Pliila. She is chartered to loud 12. hear, '■on tons ot sugar there lor Philadelphia and smiles, ami scurry away again into the crowd. PA KT II. All join hands, hearts and souls at the Head m get #2,'-’(Ml freight on return. When a crash betokening such a fall was heard, 1 Selection—"The Beggar Student,’’ MUlotcker the Set. Sell. J. II. Evils, Greenlaw, in moving out spectators ami skaters would crane their necks ' 1. Waltzes —” Mon Reve,” Waldttnf1.2a ami ask the-Raters who exclaimed a lter tin- twenty- Rockland can boast o f the prettiest g ills and J. & P. COATS 81.30 pel ton. fourth selection was finished, ‘ I wish wc could finest skaters o f any place in the state. Till re is now ami then a person who imagiim Black and Colored Silks! Arrived, t-'lu - Bed J .i.le i, Joe Carleton, have just six more skates.” Everyone hl- l'ln -e . .ill, llo h o k in Io wen represented on the floor. The prominent tect against deceitful and base imilators who, since TABLE ,5, One pretty feature of the hall anangetnenti j TION from former prices. PHILADELPHIA Camden. S ! .1 ' and dis. bulged ; .Silver Sprav, continues were as follows they Iiave learned of (Ids reiuarkahl<* remedy and , mil. lienee Io Portland. S I.in and ili-ilia ig c d J Mi.-s Flora Kuiloch Shepln ideas. was the ga- fixture a> home; never before advertised ; make a for­ DOMESTIC POUTS. M i-» l li»i4 Wi-e A fter-Fire-G ’cloi R i'ea. heatimj /•roirrlit -> of Timina-’ Kdei trie Oil could We have a few more of those tune for anyone; $4.ft0 to #8 per day; send 10c. Mi-?- Annie Conant Gypsy Girl. The costumes of Milton French and J. 11. f»r aample and inwlruciiomt. A. M. PORTER, Niw Bioioiio Ar ?ld, Alaska, Koi-klaud ; no more he coiinlerf'eit»-d I ban the pyramids of $6.00 BLANKETS to close at M i-- .May l ogler I aiiib mriue G irl W iggin were not pretty, but attracted much New fpswieh, N. II. IUw5 Geu. H all. I houiaston. Egypt. 1 he original aud only Ecleelrh- Oil is a Mins Kitty i.awjy lambourine Girl. attention. $4.00 a pair. N o n in i a, V » --A r 22d, Ship Belle G'Biien, Mis- Nettie Robinson, of Thoimision, A very I he line flowers, furnished by W. E. Nor- Goliali among its Tom Thumb competitors, and bEWSPAFER ADVERTISING BUREAU, 10 SPRUCE ST., N. Y. I’a'm i r. Hamhuig. cute skating costume o f blue velvet, uinime