T h e Courier-Gazei ” i e. (The Press is the Artbiintbean ’C.ucr th.it Motors thr £<Hodb at inuo Collars a Hear V o l . 3 .— N e w S e r ie s . ROCKLAND. MAINE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2(5, 1SSI. N ! MBI.B li. "'h e Co u r ie r -Ga ze t te Tin- end of the famous Jeannette trag­ CITY FINANCES A D E S E R T R O C K lurned ami one of tlm number, a young WAYSIDE OI.ANCES. edy was reached last week when the re­ man n.aumd Theodore Condon, was By PORTER & FULLER. At the closing meeting of the city mains of the gallant De Long and his How Life is Spent on a Ledge Far Out drowned. A Ifoeklaiiil Hum calls Ids wile a f,cl, be­ council last evening. City Treasurer a t S e a . companions leached New York and were Frequently a wreck in the vicinity cause facts are stubborn tilings. ’. O. FIII.I.KII, J r., . - KHtTOK Weeks lead a repel t of the financial appropriately received and buried. In Matinicus Beck is situated out at sen biTiks in upon dm monotony nnd the standing of the city, together with the A MODERN PAPER. the summer of 1X79 llie Jeanette, iv e ll- some fifteen miles from the neare-t main cfToit* to sale die wieeked it render I f President V tliiir is in be a , indidalr transactions of die past year, which is pipiipped and well manned started from land, and uhoiii twenty three miles from assi-lapee ii'ipiiies every energy. lie’ll lim e to gel m m . v o le * th in indications embodied in the following figures: point to liis tail ing. RATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGED. Sun Franeiseo on an A rctic trip that bad B ock,and when, dm inhabitants do their T lie present season has been rem arkably The receipts of tlie treasury from nil before numbered so ninny brave victims. trailing. Il is lint a lock in the midst of the free Irom wieeks, which is dim to the A p ple t o n , F k ii. 21. 1X81. Received sources from Mareli 10, 18X3 to Fell. 25, Philadelphia havin': had an overturn in The ten c id lin s that have just renelieil sen. It has l we light towers which for­ fact that tlie ie liave been no great storms. political matters we hope -tie w ill now find f Porirr & Fuller, publishers of Till: 1881, were t'-4195 717.15. In till" is in ­ New York contained tile remains of a merly had two fixed whin- lights of dm Fewer vessels have passed the rock dine to get her streets i leaned. (ititiiit-G a ze t t e . Three Pollnre, prize cluded I per cent, bonds sold $35,3.50; portion o f tin 1 ereiv who .starved am! 3d order. The island is in a loenlitv dan­ this winter than for mnnv previous fiercil in poor poem contest. from Knox A Lincoln IL IE to pay in- froze to death in the fall ol IXXl. Il Inis gerous to ship,ilng and in dm direct seasons. T lie steamers of the In te rn a ­ A linen shift w.i« first worn iu England T iio m a s A. G is iie e , terest coupons $•'» 307 30 (against $17,- aliiiut llie year l'.'.'iO. I here iva« a m an ill mir taken nearly two years to recover their track of the Internationa, line of steam tional line pa*s hy weekly, generally at 1.5.3.x from the same source iu 1882;) ottlee yesterday who bad on dial identical bodies on the icy banks of the Lenn, and ers. H a rdly a season pisses w ith out plu m 's Fi'.ituv, N. Y .. F in . 21. 1884. night. shirt. I per cent temporary notes including several wrecks in the imuiediate vicinity. leccivcd of Porter it Fuller, publishers lo transport them iniiny thousand miles ] renewals $19,000; 3 (15 per cent, eertili In fair weithcr hunting furni-lies through Siherin and Russia to M o scow , The Bock has been known (or years by English girls n il. are a trill* fm wnril are f T iik Co e iiif .i i -G a ze t t k , eighteen an ngri-eiddo diversion. 1/iading the i cates of deposit $22,00.5 91. and sundry designated a- inasliereiies. V rnastierette, whence they were curried to Hamburg its two fixed white lights ami was always bouts widi provision ami paraphernalia nits, gratuity nwnrtletl in poor poem i other items. we take it, is rather a feinaseallne type o f the and shipped to New York. Comment a prom inent beacon to mariners. A few of all kinds, die hunters set forth. onte.-t. MnttltlTT CltoMWEl.l.. j The total payments for the same months ago, about the first of July, the masliei*. upon the uselessness o f the expedition The B ill or tlie Seal Islands is the place — «♦» peiiod wen. $18,5,051.31. w hieli includes light-house hoard, from motives of econo­ A New Y ork d rinking saioon is called “ 'llie Hannibal Hamlin lias been up lo lo r which so many hrnve souls were lost of destination. t'amping hero in Mayor's orders $31,129 19; temporary my, discontinued one o f the lights and Morgue." Tlie eternal Illness o f diings is looschead Lnkn trying the trout, and i«unnecessary. Al the present moment fis||i m ien's huts, decoys are set just oil nines $35,000; certificates of deposit changed llie ether to a fixed red light. admirably rxeuiplili-d in that distinguishing clttrnod with a full string. When a th e ir countrym en seek o n ly to do lienor the shore and sea ducks, coots, Idaek $23,918.75; city bonds falling due The change was not regarded favorably appellation. rout gets on tin, old Curthageninn's lo their memory, nnd lo recall the ducks and old snilans are shot in abun­ $1600; railroad bonds falling duo and by sen-faring men, as it is liable to ook he has to come. The ex-senator is bravery and fo rlili.d e w hich even the dance, the dogs bringing them to tin' There is one class o f men who we liave bought. $17,800; Interest on railroad cause accidents to craft which, Acquaint­ noticed are alisolulelv certain ill it die dem o- Id but there is no nonsense about the horror of hunger and of Arctic priva­ shore. After staying Imre for a week or debt $22.95-1.10; interest mi city debt ed with llie old established arrangement, crude party w ill eleel die next president. tanner in which he bandies a Halt-line. tions could not shake. They add to the a fortnight the sea fir in g N im rod* re­ $111,0113.1 I. might lie utterly ignorant, of the new. I la y are ileiuoi rats. ------- -a«.»----------- already long, sad list o f A rctic victim s— turn homo with their Imuts lo.'idrd The various appropriations made at The dissatisfaction has increased mid J. P. Il iss ot thn Bangor Comm ercial a list too long by far. and which should down w itli HID or 150 birds. This is a There is said to lie a prospect tiiat the the beginning of the year have been now a petition is in circulation to restore ins gone on a w inter trip lo F lorida. lie made no longer. Tlie New York true picture of life on tliis barren isl« of Panama canal w ill Is- opened ill six year*, carefully handled. Duly one nf them llie old arrangement of die two while V ita l with Floridn in the winter and • H erald, in whoso interest tliis expedition the son. To many, such a life would ’flin t is, if d ie day taliorer who has gme after has been overdraw n, and this lo r very lights. a crowbar io open il with gels lia. li In season. iloosehea.l Lake and Bar Harbor in sum- | was taken, alluding to this closing net lie insupportable. The idea of being good reasons. The financial committee The island is inhabited by twelve per­ iter, M r. Bass doesn't seem to bo very , in the tragedy says : “ Had they returned penned up lor so long and shut out of in their estimates named $30,000, as the sons including tin- four keepers, two “ You eali tiiat poetry snorted a recent ndlv ground beneath the upper and Hit­ alive, they would have been the heroes of tlie busy world iu such a way would ho amount neeossitry to meet the interest on women and live children. prize poem eonti'slant, as lie rear! W alt W h it­ ler stones of the journalistic m ill. the hour, and all enthusiasts would have to them synonymous w it li a living iliiath. man's latest elf.irt la tlie 1 ' iiln r j, “ Poetry !" the railroad debt, hat as these figures Life in die summer lime is monoto­ cheered tlu -m ; hut when to-morrow, But the islanders are happy and intelli­ and lie curled liis ' lim k y -li eighty lips" ‘ n were made iu Miircb it was impossible nous enough; hut frequent visitors and Tho case o f Rogers Am ero, who was witli closed eyes and mute lips, they gent, have a work to do and do it, and tlie lutensest scorn.
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