skull Facial There are 14 Facial bones: • 2 Maxillary bones • 2 zygomatic • 2 Lacrimal bones • 2 Nasal bones • 2 Inferior nasal conchae • 2 palatine bones • 1 • 1 (lower ) 14 Total Maxillae Maxillae

Frontal process


Alveolar process Palatine process Submentovertical view

Palatine process of Caldwell view PA with angle

Alveolar process of maxilla Lateral

Alveolar process of maxilllae Palatine Bones Palatine Bones waters view Frontal process of zygomatic

Body of zygoma

Temporal process of zygomatic bone Lacrimal

Nasion Inferior nasal conchae( turbinates) Inferior nasal conchae PA

Inferior nasal conche Vomer Vomer Submentovertical view

Vomer Vomer nasal septum

Perpendicular plate of Ethmoid PA Caldwell view PA with angle

nasal septum Mandible Mandibular notch

Coronoid Process

Condoyle(head) Neck Alveolar process

Mentum Ramus Angle[gonion] Mentum Mandible TMJ Mandibular notch

Coronoid Process

Condoyle(head) Neck Alveolar process

Condyle or head Mentum Ramus Alveolar neck Angle[gonion] process of angle body Ramus of mandible mandible Caldwell view PA with angle

Alveolar process of mandible Ramus Angle[gonion] Submentovertical view


Mandibular condyle (head) Sinuses Lateral

frontal sinuse

ethmoid sinuse Sphinoid sinuse

Maxillary sinuse Review Lateral sinuses TMJ


ethmoid Sphinoid sinuse


angle body Sinuses waters view

Mastoid air cells Waters view facial bones Frontal process of zygomatic

Frontal sinuses

Ethmoid sinus

Body of zygomatic bone Prependicular plate Nasal septum vumer Mastoid air cells

Temporal process of zygomatic bone Waters view OPEN MOUTH (SINUSES) frontal

Maxillary sinuses

Sphenoid sinuses Nasal septum Submentovertical view


Mandibular condyle (head) Submentovertical view Ethmoid sinuse

Maxillary sinuse Hard palate Foramen ovale

Mandibular condyle (head) vomer

Occipital bone Sphenoid sinus Petrous pyramids of temporal bone Submentovertical view Ethmoid sinuse Hard palate (palatin process of maxilla Maxillary sinuse

Rumus Mandibular condyle (head) vomer

atlus Dense

Occipital bone Sphenoid sinus THANK YOU