Alveolar margins

alveolar margins

coronal suture

coronoid (part of of ethmoid )

ethmoid bone

ethmoid bone

external acoustic meatus

external occipital protuberance

external occipital protuberance

frontal bone frontal bone

frontal squama of frontal bone

frontonasal suture

incisive fossa


inferior nuchal line

internal acoustic meatus

lacrimal bone

lacrimal fossa

lambdoid suture

lambdoid suture


mandible mandibular angle

mandibular condyle

mandibular ramus mastoid process of the

mastoid process of the temporal bone



mental foramen

of ethmoid bone

nasal bone nasal bone

nasal bone

occipital bone

occipital bone

occipitomastoid suture

occipitomastoid suture

occipital condyle


palatine process of maxilla

parietal bone parietal bone

parietal bone

perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone

pterygoid process of

of sphenoid bone

Sphenoid bone (greater wing)

spehnoid bone (greater wing)

sphenoid bone (greater wing)

sphenoid bone (greater wing)

sphenoid sinus

squamous suture

squamous suture

styloid process of temporal bone superior nuchal line


supraorbital margin

sutural bone temporal bone

temporal bone

temporal bone


vomer bone

zygomatic bone