
The Geological Society of America Special Paper 530

Late deltas in the Lower Peninsula of , USA

Michael D. Luehmann Randall J. Schaetzl Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1117, USA


U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Monograph 53 by Frank Leverett and Frank Taylor identifi ed more than 20 deltas of age in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. To that list, we add many additional deltas discovered during the course of our research. These “relict” deltas are important proxies for paleoenvironmental conditions, particularly wave energies, as well as prevailing wind and longshore drift directions. If dated, they can help to constrain the chronologies of retreat and proglacial stages. In plan view, relict delta morphologies usually protrude from a paleolake shoreline and are often elongate or cuspate shaped. Most of the deltas identifi ed by Leverett and Taylor have this morphology and are located at the junc- tion of a major present-day river and a relict paleolake shoreline. In this chapter, we map and discuss these deltas, fi rst identifi ed by Leverett and Taylor, while also identi- fying and describing the other, newly found deltas. All of these deltas formed during the marine isotope stage 2 ice retreat, roughly 28–13 ka. To identify and characterize them, we utilized a variety of data within a geographic information system, mainly a statewide USGS 7.5′ digital raster graphic, a 10 m digital elevation model (DEM), county-level Natural Resources Conservation Service soil data, and schematic litho- logic depth profi les interpreted from descriptive water well and oil/gas logs. DEMs were particularly useful, because they can be “fl ooded” to various elevations of paleo- . Maps of soil wetness and textural characteristics were also useful in detecting and delineating deltas. In sum, we mapped 61 deltas; 27 had been known from previ- ous works, whereas 34 are newly reported in this study. Most are composed of sandy, well-drained sediments and have smooth, graded longitudinal profi les. Of these, most are perched above a relatively low-relief, poorly drained lake plain. However, unlike several deltas recognized by Leverett and Taylor, we found that many of the newly reported deltas are (1) adjacent to one or more formerly unknown shorelines, (2) not associated with a modern river, (3) complex, and/or (4) broad, coalesced features, deposited by more than one river, with fan-like morphologies. The methods that we used to identify and delineate these deltas can be applied to other regions. Mapping like the kind reported here will aid in a better understanding of the paleocoastal and terrestrial conditions during the late Pleistocene.

Luehmann, M.D., and Schaetzl, R.J., 2018, Late Pleistocene deltas in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, USA, in Kehew, A.E., and Curry, B.B., eds., Quater- nary Glaciation of the Region: Process, Landforms, Sediments, and Chronology: Geological Society of America Special Paper 530, p. 163–177, doi:10.1130/2018.2530(08). © 2018 The Geological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permission to copy, contact [email protected].

163 164 Luehmann and Schaetzl

INTRODUCTION the relict deltas associated with the glacial Au Sable River, origi- nally discussed in USGS Monograph 53. Like Martin before her, Deltas, which form when a river deposits more sediment Burgis added to the list of known deltas. More recently, Vader et at its mouth than can be removed by the nearshore water body al. (2012) identifi ed and discussed the origin of the Black River in longshore drift, are valuable environmental proxies (Lyell, Delta, another relict delta in northeastern Lower Peninsula of 1832; Galloway, 1975). Relict deltas are no longer graded to an Michigan that had gone undocumented in previous research. active shoreline and thus provide evidence of paleolake levels As discussed herein, history has shown that detailed study and conditions (Gilbert, 1885, 1890). The shape and sedimentary of Michigan’s physical landscape can lead to discoveries of pre- characteristics of relict deltas are also excellent proxies for cer- viously undocumented landforms. We build upon these previous tain paleoenvironmental conditions, such as wave energies, and works to develop a new, more thorough inventory of relict Pleis- dominant wind and longshore drift directions (Leverett and Tay- tocene deltas in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. In our study, lor, 1915; Coleman and Wright, 1975; Orton and Reading, 1993; we employed current geologic maps and spatial data, viewed and Suter, 1994; Milligan and Chan, 1998; Bhattacharya and Giosan, profi led in a geographic information system (GIS), to identify 2003; Woodroffe and Saito, 2011; Vader et al., 2012; Blewett et and describe dozens of relict deltas in the Lower Peninsula of al., 2014; Gobo et al., 2014). Such deltas can also provide proxy Michigan. We attempt here to provide information about the age data for paleoterrestrial conditions within their catchment areas, and physical characteristics for a few typical examples, using the such as sediment load and landscape stability (Oldale et al., 1983; categories identifi ed by Luehmann (2015) via a principal compo- Shipp et al., 1991; Barnhardt et al., 1995, 1997; Walker, 1998; nents analysis. Although other deltas certainly will be found in the Mangold and Ansan, 2006; Bell, 2009). The wide variety of future, our study nonetheless provides the most complete inven- paleoenvironmental proxies associated with relict deltas merits tory of relict deltas in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan to date. their thorough study. Our focus in this chapter is on relict deltas associated with paleolakes, most of which were formed in asso- METHODS ciation with glacial meltwater sources. In some ways, such deltas are unique from others: They have minimal tidal infl uence and Data Sources form under the infl uence of highly variable discharge regimes with respect to both water and sediment. Our mapping effort began by examining the geologic lit- In U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Monograph 53, Leverett erature on the (Leverett and Taylor, 1915; and Taylor (1915) documented more than 20 relict deltas in the Farrand and Eschman, 1974; Karrow and Calkin, 1985; Larson Lower Peninsula of Michigan. These deltas (and others discussed and Schaetzl, 2001). Each delta mentioned in this literature was in this chapter) formed during ice retreat after the Last Glacial marked as a point feature using ArcMap 10.1 (ESRI©, Redlands, Maximum, in a paraglacial environment where rivers discharged ) and stored in a GIS project (.mxd). Maps published by into nonmarine, pro- and postglacial lakes (Leverett and Taylor, Martin (1955) and Farrand and Bell (1982) were georeferenced, 1915). Leverett and Taylor had minimal subsurface information and the deltas and shorelines on those maps were digitized within and relied heavily on topographic signatures in their interpre- the GIS project. In addition, water well and oil/gas log data for tation. Based on their fi ndings, the locations of the majority of each county in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, downloaded known relict deltas are shown on Plate VII of the Glacial Map of from the Michigan Geographic Data Library (http://gis.michigan. the Southern Peninsula of Michigan (Leverett and Taylor, 1915). opendata.arcgis.com/), were added to the project. Well locations For example, using dashed lines in a fan-shaped pattern, Leverett were formatted as point features within the GIS, whereas attri- and Taylor (1915) highlighted the Allendale and Zeeland Del- bute data were saved in a spreadsheet. Well-log attributes were tas, both located nearly 10–15 km inland from the present-day joined to the well-log locations to aid in identifying the primary mouths of the Grand and Macatawa Rivers, respectively, in lithology, depth, thickness, and color of the well strata. In order to Ottawa County, Michigan. The massive (~475 km2) Jackpines more effi ciently interpret and describe the subsurface sediments, Delta, located in Iosco County, was also originally identifi ed by a graphical depth plot was created for each well log using the R Leverett and Taylor (1915), as well as many deltas of Glacial software package (version 3.1.2, http://www.r-project.org/). An , in southeastern Michigan. R script, coded specifi cally for this study, was used to read in Forty years after USGS Monograph 53 was published, the well-log information and construct lithologic logs (Fig. 1). Helen Martin (1955) published the Map of the Surface Forma- Individual logs were saved as portable document format (PDF) tions of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan. On this map, she fi les. The original point-feature shapefi le of wells, developed on a labeled many (but not all) of the same deltas mentioned in USGS county-by-county basis, was then converted to a peninsula-wide Monograph 53. Martin also identifi ed another delta, the Chip- geodatabase, and the depth plot images were joined to the associ- pewa River Delta, located between Mount Pleasant and Midland. ated well-log point using the “add attachments” tool in ArcGIS. Roughly 20 years after Martin’s map was published, Wendy Bur- This geodatabase allowed the “HTML popup” tool in ArcGIS gis’ (1977) dissertation on the glacial landforms in northeastern to be employed to show stratigraphic and textural characteristics Lower Peninsula of Michigan was published. Burgis focused on of wells, sometimes exceeding 150 m. This tool and the data it Late Pleistocene deltas in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, USA 165

84°0'WWater well 83°55'W 83°50'W Whittemore 83°45'W Water Elevation High


Iosco Co. 44°10'N 44°10'N Ogemaw Co. Arenac Co.

Relict Deltas WELL ID: 6000000476 SEQ DEPTH THICKNESS LITH 0 1 30 30 Sand


100 44°5'N

44°5'N Depth (Feet)


Au Gres


m Omer

8 1 2 ) ( m e 8 er 9 assm 1 Gr ( .L. y G d n u L / WELL ID: 6000002456 n SEQ DEPTH THICKNESS LITH to 0 44°0'N lk 44°0'N E 13636Clay L G. WELL ID: 6000001424 50 2 78 42 Sandstone SEQ DEPTH THICKNESS LITH 0 1 26 26 Sand 100 2 28 2 Clay 3 42 14 Sand 50 150 3 240 162 Shale Depth (Feet) 100 200 Depth (Feet)

150 250 4 260 20 Sandstone Bay Co. - 300 5 kmkm N 83°55'W 83°50'W 83°45'W

Figure 1. Location of water wells from the Michigan Geographic Data Library database, and the lithologic logs of selected wells using the ArcGIS “HTML Popup” tool, revealing the texture and depth of lithologic contacts. The base map is a 10 m digital elevation model (DEM) that is overlaid on a hillshaded DEM. White inset at bottom left shows map location in the state of Michigan. 166 Luehmann and Schaetzl provides are useful for exploring sedimentary (grain-size) char- ous works were composed of sandy, well-drained sediments and acteristics of landforms. had one or more clear paleochannel(s) and a graded longitudinal In addition to the data listed above, several of the geographic profi le, we focused on exploring sites with these characteristics. data layers listed in Schaetzl et al. (2013) were also included in Furthermore, our focus was on sites that were located on rela- the GIS project. In particular, a statewide USGS 7.5′ topographic tively low-relief and (usually) wet lake plain areas. map, a seamless 10 m National Elevation Data set (NED) and digital elevation model (DEM), and a hillshade DEM (Gesch et Identifying Additional Deltas al., 2002) were added to the GIS. Several derivative data sets, which are based on Natural Resources Conservation Service Within the GIS, in many cases, we “fl ooded” sections of the (NRCS) soil map data, were also included, e.g., the natural soil landscape using a 10 m DEM to help fi nd areas where an upland drainage index (Schaetzl et al., 2009, 2013), and the textures of or area of contrasting soil texture or wetness occurred along a the uppermost mineral, and deepest subsurface horizons. These probable relict shoreline and/or an escarpment that could be data were originally derived from the NRCS Soil Survey Geo- interpreted as a relict shoreline (Fig. 2). This exercise facilitated graphic (SSURGO) database. the identifi cation and description of the overall shape and area of The majority of the deltas mentioned in the literature were any additional deltas or subdeltas. It also helped us to refi ne the identifi ed using the geospatial data layers mentioned here; we extents of deltas previously reported in the literature (Luehmann searched for landforms that formed a bulge along a relict shore- et al., 2013); the names of such deltas were retained. However, line, often with a fan-shaped or elongated outline (Vader et al., each newly identifi ed delta was named after a river/creek or for- 2012). Because many of the deltaic landforms identifi ed in previ- merly named geologic feature within the region that was likely

Figure 2. Example of a digital elevation model (DEM) “fl ooded” to the 225, 215, and 210 m levels of Gla- cial Lakes Maumee and Arkona (Karrow and Calkin, 1985). This area, in southeastern Lower Michigan, il- lustrates that relict deltas may form conspicuous ter- races along relict shorelines. Deltas are located near the cities of Adrian, Saline, Ypsilanti, Plymouth, and Birmingham. Note: Lake symbology (i.e., blue fi ll) has no reference to water depth. White inset at top left shows map location in the state of Michigan. Late Pleistocene deltas in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, USA 167

associated with the delta during its formation. A Roman numeral Distribution of Deltas was added to the delta name (with Roman numeral “I” being old- est) for situations in which multiple deltas had formed from a Eastern Lower Michigan has the densest concentration of single fl uvial system. deltas (Fig. 3). This distribution likely occurs because paleolakes The longitudinal profi le of each delta, both those under were more expansive on this side of the peninsula, and these lakes review and those previously reported, was examined using data experienced wider lake-level fl uctuations. For example, at least from a 10 m DEM and employing the “profi le” tool in ArcMap. 11 and 12 different lake elevations existed for the Lake Huron and Each profi le began near the apex of the delta and ended beyond Erie Basins, respectively, between the Crown Point–Port Bruce the delta front, approximately at the start of the prodelta position. and Two Rivers–Onaway phases (Fullerton, 1980; Karrow and Martin’s (1955) Map of the Surface Formations of the South- Calkin, 1985; Colman et al., 1994; Larson and Schaetzl, 2001; ern Peninsula of Michigan, which was georeferenced in a GIS Kincare and Larson, 2009). Conversely, throughout roughly the for this project, was often used in combination with the profi le same time period, the paleolakes in the Basin information to determine the shoreline to which each delta was refl ect primarily two (main) paleolake elevations of Lake Chi- graded, i.e., the upper end of each profi le. This information was cago (Glenwood and Calumet; Evenson, 1973; Hansel et al., then used to assign each delta to a lake stage and/or phase, and to 1985; Clark et al., 1994; Colman et al., 1994). The wider range infer an estimated age range (Table 1). of paleolake fl uctuations in the and Huron Basins, as opposed to the Lake Michigan Basin, implies that fl uvial systems RESULTS AND DISCUSSION draining to the eastern Lower Peninsula of Michigan had to make more base-level adjustments. Thus, more deltas and subdeltas Relict Deltas in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan had the potential to form. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate this point; many of the deltas in the Lake Erie and Huron drainage basins Based on morphological and soil characteristics, we identi- are complex features and are closely spaced or stacked (i.e., delta fi ed 61 relict deltas in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan (Fig. 3; complexes), even when they are associated with a single fl uvial Table 1). In total, 23 of these deltas were originally recognized system. We could fi nd no evidence of similar situations for relict by Leverett and Taylor in USGS Monograph 53, four additional deltas within the Lake Michigan (Figs. 3 and 4). deltas were acknowledged by subsequent studies and research- Another possible reason for the greater number of deltas in ers, and this study, along with Luehmann (2015), identifi ed 34 the eastern Lower Peninsula of Michigan may be related to the more unique deltas (Table 1). Many of the newly identifi ed deltas strength or persistence of waves and/or longshore currents within are not associated with a large, present-day fl uvial system, and individual lake basins. Stronger waves and currents along the hence the word “creek” is often applied to the deltas (e.g., Brown, western margins of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan may have Cedar, and Deer Creek Deltas). The lack of a large, contemporary been able to carry away more of the load that was being trans- river at some delta heads may explain why they had not previ- ported to the coast, slowing or preventing deltas from forming. ously been reported. The strength and persistence of longshore drift would have been Although additional sedimentological criteria (e.g., topset governed by the dominant wind strength and direction. Proxy and foreset bedding, and basinward textural fi ning trends) could data for wind direction and strength for the Great Lakes region have helped confi rm whether each feature has deltaic origins, we during this fairly large time span are, understandably, equivocal. lacked such data. Thus, it is possible that some of the “deltas” Evidence from many Midwestern U.S. loess and deposits we identifi ed may have formed at least partially subaerially and suggests strong westerly and northwesterly winds during the time thus are better termed alluvial/colluvial fans and fan deltas. We period when deltas may have formed in the Lower Peninsula of nonetheless believe that each of the features we report has del- Michigan (Muhs and Bettis, 2000; Rawling et al., 2008; Schaetzl taic properties. et al., 2014; Arbogast et al., 2015). Conversely, data from spits Presumably, each of the relict deltas discussed in this study and other coastal features within Algonquin (some- formed during the marine isotope stage 2 ice retreat. Of the 61 what later in time) point to strong easterly winds for areas within deltas, 17 occur in the Lake Erie drainage basin (15,016 km2; a few hundred kilometers of the ice margin (Krist and Schaetzl, one delta per 883 km2), 29 in the Lake Huron drainage basin 2001; Vader et al., 2012; Schaetzl et al., 2016). Evidence is also (38,250 km2; one delta per 1319 km2), and 15 in the Lake Michi- mounting that locally strong, katabatic winds could have domi- gan drainage basin (53,195 km2; one delta per 3546 km2; note: the nated, or at least been more prevalent, near former ice margins number of deltas per drainage area is based on the shaded regions (Krist and Schaetzl, 2001; Luehmann et al., 2013; Schaetzl illustrated in Fig. 4). We labeled the deltas in Figures 3 and 4, and and Attig, 2013). Regardless of directionality, winds within the listed them in Table 1, incrementally from south to north within Lower Peninsula of Michigan at the time of delta formation were each basin. However, deltas in a delta complex were labeled fi rst, likely considerably stronger than at present, potentially leading to before assigning the next closest delta a number. Therefore, del- strong longshore currents and wave energies at exposed shoreline tas are not listed exactly in order by latitude; there are eight delta locations. Thus, delta formation may have been promoted mainly complexes in the Lake Erie and Lake Huron Basins (Table 1). in sheltered areas and embayments (Vader et al., 2012). 168 Luehmann and Schaetzl ) Continued ( 1938) 1938) 1938) 1981) Reference(s) Martin (1955) Martin (1955) Kincare, 2009 Kincare, 1938); Martin (1955) 1938); 1938); Howard, 2010 Howard, 1938); Martin (1955); Larson and Martin (1955); Scherzer (1916); Bay (1937, Bay (1916); Scherzer Scherzer (1916); Bay (1937, Bay (1916); Scherzer Scherzer (1916); Bay (1937, Bay (1916); Scherzer Scherzer (1916); Bay (1937, Bay (1916); Scherzer Scherzer (1916); Bay (1937, Bay (1916); Scherzer Martin (1955); Burgis (1977, Martin (1955); 17.1–14.7 (1915); Taylor and Leverett 15.1–14.7 (1915); Taylor and Leverett (cal k.y. B.P.) (cal k.y. Wayne Wayne Arkona, Warren, Warren, Arkona, Glacial lake (phase)Glacial lake Estimated age range (m asl) 220–213 (I–III) Arkona 16.0–15.5 (1915); Taylor and Leverett 227–220 (I–III) Warren 15.1–14.7 Luehmann (2015) 218–210 Grassmere 14.7–14.3 Luehmann (2015) 207–200 Grassmere 14.7–14.3 Luehmann (2015) 238–225 Saginaw 15.1 (1915); Taylor and Leverett 208–205 Lundy 14.7–14.3 Luehmann (2015) 206–198 (I–III) Warren 15.1–14.7 (1915) Taylor and Leverett W 208–206 (I–III) Warren 15.1–14.7 (1915) Taylor and Leverett W 208–203 (I–III) Warren 15.1–14.7 (1915) Taylor and Leverett W 265–255 Early Saginaw 16.3–16.0 Luehmann (2015) W 219–212 (I–III) Warren 15.1–14.7 Luehmann (2015) W 208–206 Lundy 14.7–14.3 Luehmann (2015) W W 225–215 (I–III) Arkona 16.0–15.5 (1915) Taylor and Leverett W 220–215 (I–III) Arkona 16.0–15.5 (1915) Taylor and Leverett W 206–203 (I–III) Warren 15.1–14.7 (1915) Taylor and Leverett W 260–245 (I–III) Warren 15.1–14.7 (1915); Taylor and Leverett W WW 232–226 241–230 Early Saginaw Early Saginaw 16.3–16.0 16.3–16.0 Martin (1955) Luehmann (2015) W WW 227–220 227–225 (I–III) Warren (I–III) Warren 15.1–14.7 15.1–14.7 Luehmann (2015) Luehmann (2015) W W WW 196–192 190–188 Lundy Grassmere, (I–III) Warren 14.7–14.3 15.1–14.7 (1915) Taylor and Leverett (1915) Taylor and Leverett W 197–191 Lundy 14.7–14.3 Luehmann (2015) ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ W 221–212 (I–III) Arkona 16.0–15.5 (1915); Taylor and Leverett W 221–217 (I–III) Arkona 16.0–15.5 (1915) Taylor and Leverett W 233–230 Maumee (I–III) 17.1–16.3 (1915); Taylor and Leverett W W 220–211 (I–III) Arkona 16.0–15.5 (1915); Taylor and Leverett W 219–212 Maumee (I–III) 17.1–16.3 (1915); Taylor and Leverett W 207–200 Grassmere 14.7–14.3 Luehmann (2015) W 210–206 (I–III) Warren 15.1–14.7 (1915) Taylor and Leverett ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ W 220–210 Maumee (I–III), W 199–197 (I–II), Warren W ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ 1 ʺ 3 2 9 0 ʹ ʹ ʹ 24 53 15 41 13 7 57 ʹ ʹ 11 2 50 ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ 60 32 47 2 56 56 26 47 56 57 40 ʹ ʹ ʹ 50 54 34 24 ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ 16 ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ 12 ʹ ʹ N, 84°44 N, 83°47 N, 83°56 N, 83°7 N, 83°35 N, 83°15 N, 82°38 N, 82°36 N, 84°10 N, 84°34 N, 83°45 N, 83°49 N, 82°31 ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ N, 82°57 N, 83°26 N, 83°22 N, 83°4 N, 82°39 N, 83°37 N, 83°58 N, 83°54 N, 84°26 N, 83°54 N, 83°51 N, 83°45 N, 82°29 N, 82°27 ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ N, 83°55 N, 83°43 N, 83°33 N, 83°26 N, 82°36 ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ 1 4 8 54 5 0 43 0 11 47 ʹ 1 43 4 3 21 ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ 10 21 42 36 10 18 30 9 ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ 27 34 15 ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ 19 50 26 47 27 ʹ ʹ ʹ 32 ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ AND THE PALEOLAKE(S) TOWARD WHICH THEY ARE MOST LIKELY GRADED THEY ARE MOST LIKELY WHICH TOWARD THE PALEOLAKE(S) AND ʹ 44°4 44°3 44°11 44°14 43°35 42°13 44°13 42°59 42°47 e TABLE 1. LIST OF THE 61 DELTAS ANALYZED DURING THIS STUDY, ALONG WITH THEIR GENERAL LOCATION, ELEVATION, ELEVATION, THEIR GENERAL LOCATION, WITH ALONG THIS STUDY, DURING ANALYZED THE 61 DELTAS LIST OF 1. TABLE River River e River I e River e River II e River Delta name Latitude and longitude of delta center Delta plain elevation H-15 Jackpines 44°26 H-3 I River Chippewa 43°36 H-7 Rifl H-4H-5H-6 II River Chippewa Gladwin Rifl 43°36 43°59 H-13 II Gres River Au 44°13 H-14 Branch Rifl West H-9H-10 Cedar Creek I Cedar Creek II 44°7 44°8 H-8 Creek Big 44°6 E-1 Raisin River 41°52 Map ID E-10 North Branch Clinton H-11 Johnson Creek H-12 I Gres River Au E-2E-3 Saline River I Huron River 42°5 42°14 E-12 Smiths Creek 42°56 E-11 River Belle 42°50 E-4 II Huron River E-13 Pine River South 42°58 E-14 I River Black E-16E-17 III River Black River Pine 43°0 43°0 E-15 II River Black 43°0 E-5 III Huron River 42°9 H-1 River Flint 43°13 H-2 Cass River E-6 Rouge Middle River 42°22 E-8 Rochester 42°30 E-7 Creek Tarabusi 42°26 E-9 Clinton River 42°39 Late Pleistocene deltas in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, USA 169 (2017) Reference(s) (1977, 1981) Martin (1955); Burgis Martin (1955); Schaetzl et al. (2017) Schaetzl et al. (1955); Kincare (2007) (1955); (1955); Evenson (1973) Evenson (1955); (1958, 1963); Kehew (1993) Kehew (1958, 1963); (1953, 1964); Martin (1955); Hough Martin (1955); (1953, 1964); ) 16.8–15.0 Luehmann (2015) 16.8–15.0 Martin (1915); Taylor and Leverett 16.8–15.0 Bretz (1915); Taylor and Leverett (cal k.y. B.P.) (cal k.y. Continued ? <15.1 Luehmann (2015) (Glenwood I) Glacial lake (phase)Glacial lake Estimated age range (Glenwood I & II) (Glenwood I & II) (m asl) 389–380 310–295 ? <15.1 Luehmann (2015) 245–238 ? <15.1 Luehmann (2015) 385–375 ? <17.1 Luehmann (2015) 384–381 ? <17.1 Schaetzl et al. Luehmann (2015); W 249–241 ? <15.1 Luehmann (2015) W 262–259 ? <15.1 Luehmann (2015) W W 219–210 Algonquin 13.2–11.5 Luehmann (2015) W 214–207 Algonquin 13.2–11.5 (2012) et al. Vader W 386–371 ? <17.1 Luehmann (2015) WW 375–368 402–393 ? ? <17.1 <17.1 (2015); Luehmann Luehmann (2015) W 280–276 ? <17.1 Luehmann (2015) W 311–252 ? <17.1 Luehmann (2015) W 201–198 Chicago W 310–295 ? <17.1 Luehmann (2015) W W W 220–210 Algonquin 13.2–11.5 Luehmann (2015) W 206–190 Algonquin 13.2–11.5 Luehmann (2015) W 235–220 Grassmere 14.7–14.3 (1915); Taylor and Leverett W 195–189 (Calumet) 14.1–12.6 Martin (1915); Taylor and Leverett W W 219–205 Algonquin 13.2–11.5 Luehmann (2015) W 260–255 ? <15.1 1977, 1981 Burgis, W 372–370 ? <17.1 Luehmann (2015) W 204–198 Chicago W 224–222 Chicago ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ W 326–317 ? <15.1 (1977, 1981) Burgis W W 220–210 Algonquin 13.2–11.5 Luehmann (2015) W 198–195 Algonquin 13.2–11.5 Luehmann (2015) ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ W 191–190 Algonquin 13.2–11.5 Luehmann (2015) ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ 6 ʺ ʹ 10 38 3 5 23 60 49 27 15 45 58 46 43 46 38 54 11 45 21 ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ 34 40 10 ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ 12 28 17 ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ 50 11 ʹ ʹ 22 ʹ N, 84°4 N, 84°1 N, 83°56 N, 85°1 N, 86°1 ʺ ʺ N, 83°47 N, 83°48 N, 84°22 N, 84°47 N, 84°19 N, 84°46 N, 84°36 N, 84°45 N, 85°48 N, 85°57 N, 85°39 N, 85°44 N, 84°46 N, 86°1 N, 84°42 N, 85°37 N, 85°17 N, 85°7 N, 83°29 ʺ ʺ ʺ N, 86°25 N, 84°35 N, 83°58 N, 84°29 N, 85°6 ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ ʺ 26 40 8 ʹ ʹ 22 7 ʹ 31 55 6 ʹ ʹ 34 46 40 44 35 34 46 45 ʹ ʹ ʹ 33 28 45 23 57 30 51 17 24 35 ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ 42 11 ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ 28 ʹ ʹ ʹ 44°38 44°54 45°23 44°16 44°26 44°30 AND THE PALEOLAKE(S) TOWARD WHICH THEY ARE MOST LIKELY GRADED ( THEY ARE MOST LIKELY WHICH TOWARD THE PALEOLAKE(S) AND TABLE 1. LIST OF THE 61 DELTAS ANALYZED DURING THIS STUDY, ALONG WITH THEIR GENERAL LOCATION, ELEVATION, ELEVATION, THEIR GENERAL LOCATION, WITH ALONG THIS STUDY, DURING ANALYZED THE 61 DELTAS LIST OF 1. TABLE River Ridge Ridge Delta name Latitude and longitude of delta center Delta plain elevation The map ID values indexed in this table relate to the deltas labeled in Figures 3 and 4. in this table indexed The map ID values Note: H-25 Lake Turtle H-24 Indian Creek II 44°50 H-22H-23 Indian Creek I Elk Hill 44°49 44°43 H-21 Kneeland 44°40 H-20 Bull Gap H-19 Creek II Beaver 44°33 H-16 Hill Sevenmile 44°27 M-7 Slagle Fan 44°17 Map ID H-17H-18 South Branch Creek I Beaver 44°32 44°35 M-6 City–Harrison Lake M-1 Plain Fair 42°5 M-2M-3 Zeeland Allendale 42°47 42°58 M-8 Cole Creek Fan 44°24 H-29 McPhee Creek 45°26 M-5 Sanborn Creek Fan 43°54 H-26 Brush Creek 45°4 M-9 South Higgins Lake M-4 Maple River 43°2 H–28 River Black 45°25 H-27 Sturgeon–Pigeon M-10 Cottage Grove M-11 River Platte 44°40 M-12 River Boardman 44°43 M-13 Rapid River 44°50 M-14 Deer Creek 45°8 M-15 Creek Brown 45°9 170 Luehmann and Schaetzl

86°W 84°W L a k e H u r H-29H-29 H-28H-28 o n H-27H-27

M-15M-15 HH-26-26 M-14M-14 Elevation HH-25-25 High M-13M-13 M-12M-12 HH-22-22 MM-11-11 HH-21-21 H-24H-24 HH-23-23 Low HH-18-18 HH-17-17 H-20H-20 Water HH-19-19 HH-15-15 H-16H-16 M-8M-8 MM-10-10 Delta MM-9-9 H-12H-12 M-7M-7 MM-6-6 H-14H-14 H-11H-11 H-13H-13 H-8H-8 H-6H-6 HH-10-10 44°N 44°N HH-5-5 MM-5-5 HH-9-9 H-7H-7

H-2H-2 HH-3-3 H-4H-4

H-1H-1 EE-14-14 EE-15-15 MM-4-4 E-17E-17 M-3M-3 E-13E-13 E-12E-12

n E-16E-16 a a E-10E-10

g M-2M-2 i EE-11-11 h LLansingansing E-9E-9 c


M E-8E-8

e k EE-7-7 Lake a St. L E-6E-6 Clair EE-3-3 EE-4-4 E-5E-5 M-1M-1 EE-2-2 442°N2°N 42°N EE-1-1 Lake Erie

50 km 86°W 84°W

Figure 3. Locations of the 61 deltas reported in this study. Labels refer to the delta ID numbers; the letter prefi xes refer to the modern wa- tershed (E = Lake Erie, etc.). Additional information on each delta is provided in Table 1. White inset at top right shows map location in the state of Michigan. Late Pleistocene deltas in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, USA 171

Figure 4. Extent of the (modern) Great Lakes drainage basins within the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, and the locations of Pleistocene deltas reported in this study. White inset at top right shows map location in the state of Michigan. 172 Luehmann and Schaetzl ned, sym- ned, own Creek, and Deer Creek Deltas are own W, respectively. W, ′ N/85°6 ′ W, and 45°8 W, ′ N/85°7 ′ W, 45°9 W, ′ ooded to one or more paleolake-level elevations (Drzyzga et al., 2012), illustrating the well-defi elevations Algonquin paleolake-level ooded to one or more Lake N/85°17 ′ W, 44°50 W, ′ N/85°37 ′ W, 44°43 W, ′ N/86°1 ′ 44°40 Figure 5. (A–D) Digital elevation model (DEM) fl Figure 5. (A–D) Digital elevation Br Boardman, Rapid River, The approximate coordinates of the Platte River, Michigan. metrical deltas characteristic of NW Lower Late Pleistocene deltas in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, USA 173

Categories of Deltas once formed, they were then inundated by higher, succeeding lake levels. Erosional processes associated with the later lakes may When examining the deltas, we observed that certain groups have led to a gradually sloping, wave-beveled, outer delta slope. of deltas had similar topographic and textural characteristics. For Other previously reported deltas in southern Michigan are example, many of the deltas in northern Michigan have charac- more elongate-shaped features, with multiple paleodistributary teristics similar to the Black River Delta (Vader et al., 2012). The channels and distinct midchannel bars (Fig. 7). Like the deltas Black River Delta is a sandy, nearly symmetrical, arcuate-shaped in southeastern Lower Michigan, these deltas are also texturally landform, with one paleodistributary channel. It also has a rela- mixed and are composed of sandy and gravelly textured sedi- tively steep delta front and a low-gradient delta plain. Accord- ments near the surface. Examples include the Allendale and Zee- ing to Galloway’s (1975) delta classifi cation system, modern land Deltas (Fig. 7). Both the Allendale and Zeeland Deltas have wave-dominated deltas often have one main feeder channel, with deep channels cut into the delta plain. Leverett and Taylor (1915) a smooth, arcuate outer margin, and a relatively steep, subaque- contended that the Allendale and Zeeland Deltas formed when the ous, delta front, due to strong wave action along the margins of Glacial functioned as a spillway between the Huron the delta. We agree with Vader et al. (2012), who suggested that and Lake Michigan Basins. The Cass River Delta, located in the the Black River Delta is best characterized as a wave-dominated “thumb” of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, has similar topo- delta. Based on similar morphology, we have interpreted a wave- graphic and sedimentological characteristics to the Allendale and dominated origin for the Platte River, Boardman River, Rapid Zeeland Deltas. The Cass River Delta also presumably formed River, Brown Creek, and Deer Creek Deltas, all located in the in a meltwater/spillway setting, when the Cass River was the northwestern Lower Peninsula of Michigan (Fig. 5). The McPhee spillway between Glacial Lakes Whittlesey (within the Lake Erie Creek, Turtle Creek, and Indian Creek I and II Deltas also have Basin) and Saginaw (within the Lake Huron Basin; Kincare and characteristics of wave-dominated deltas and are located in the Larson, 2009). The gross morphology and composition of these northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan (Fig. 3; Table 1). deltas, and their occurrence at the mouth of a meltwater spillway, Some deltas that we mapped are not associated with an as- best fi t Galloway’s (1975) fl uvial-dominated delta category. yet reported paleolake. The Cottage Grove and South Higgins The Sturgeon–Pigeon River Delta, located in northern Lower Lake River Deltas are examples of deltas in the northern interior Michigan, is an example of another type of relict delta identifi ed of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, known as the High Plains. in this study (Fig. 3; Table 1). Similar to the wave-dominated They are also sandy and generally arcuate shaped, and they were deltas, these deltas are sandy and have a relatively steep delta only recently identifi ed by Luehmann (2015), and the Cottage front (Fig. 8). Also like the fl uvial-dominated deltas, they have Grove Delta later studied by Schaetzl et al. (2017; see also Fig. 6 multiple distributary and/or feeder channels. We interpreted these herein). These deltas are unique because they are located on the distal sides of ice-marginal (kamic) ridges. Schaetzl et al. (2017) concluded that these deltas formed as the retreating ice margin CCottageottage GGroverove temporarily paused, forming large ice- contact, kamic ridges, DeltaDelta Crawford Co. and because the ice margin was subaqueous at the time, these Roscommon Co. deltas formed in preferred locations. Nonetheless, the lake name(s) and stage(s) associated with these deltas are still unclear. H i g g i Today, both the ridges and the deltas are relict, and thus, the del- n s L tas lack a contemporary catchment area. Like other deltas in the a k e northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan, the deltas within this area 378 m are sandy and have steep outer margins, suggestive of a wave- SSouthouth HigginsHiggins 369 m dominated depositional environment. LakeLake RRidgeidge DDeltaelta Deltas in the southeastern Lower Peninsula of Michigan are often different than the sandy, wave-dominated deltas discussed in the previous paragraph. Like the deltas farther north, the deltas here N have relatively large catchments and are often symmetrical and 2 km arcuate shaped, and primarily have one paleodistributary channel, e.g., the North-Branch, and the Clinton River Deltas. However, Figure 6. Digital elevation model (DEM) fl ooded to two potential unlike the sandy deltas in northeastern Lower Michigan, many of paleolake-level elevations, illustrating the South Higgins Lake Ridge the relict deltas in southeastern Michigan are composed of sedi- and Cottage Grove Deltas (Schaetzl et al., 2017) and the way in which ments with a variety of textures, ranging from clayey to sandy. they grade southward from the heads of outwash features in this area. We refer to such deltas as being “texturally mixed.” Additionally, These deltas are likely ice-contact features that formed as a retreating ice margin temporarily paused at the E-W–trending ridges. The ap- these deltas often have muted, or gently sloping, delta fronts. Lev- proximate coordinates of the South Higgins Lake Ridge and Cottage erett and Taylor (1915) interpreted the fairly subtle topographic Grove Deltas are 44°26′N/84°46′W, and 44°30′N/84°42′W, respec- characteristics associated with a few of these deltas to mean that, tively. Co.—County. 174 Luehmann and Schaetzl

86°10'W86°10'W 86°0'W86°0'W 885°50'W5°50'W 885°40'W5°40'W

Grand River AAllendalellendale DDeltaelta 443°0'N3°0'N 118989 m 443°0'N3°0'N A AAllendalellendale A′ GGrandrand RRapidsapids

11959 m 5 m m 9 11898 m r m ive 95 on R Fluvial-dominated 1195 m Pige m

119595 m


a a


i i

h 442°50'N2°50'N 118989 m 42°50'N42°50'N






a ZZeelandeeland B′ a B DeltaDelta ataw Lake Mac

Elevation Paleo water High Modern water 119595 m Elevation 1100 kmkm Profile transect 886°10'W6°10'W N Low Topographic Profiles 200 198 A V.E. = 2 196 194 B 192 190 A′ 188 Elevation (m) 186 B′ 184 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Distance (m)

Figure 7. Digital elevation model (DEM) fl ooded to the Glenwood level of Glacial (Hansel et al., 1985), illustrating the elongate shape and general profi le of the Allendale and Zeeland Deltas. Black outline in legend shows map location in the state of Michigan. V.E.— vertical exaggeration. Late Pleistocene deltas in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, USA 175

884°50'W4°50'W 884°40'W4°40'W 884°30'W4°30'W

22303 m 0 m

445°30'N5°30'N 445°30'N5°30'N e m ak 00 L 2200 mm Mullet 0 11909 m

MMcPheecPhee B urt Lak e CreekCreek DDeltaelta 119090 m C′ 22303 m 0 m

C C B′ ro e ′ oked Lak A B 220000 m

A SSturgeon-Pigeonturgeon-Pigeon RRiveriver DDeltaelta 223030 m Elevation Paleo water High Modern water 119090 m Elevation N Profile transect 5 kkmm 445°20'N5°20'N Low 884°40'W4°40'W Sturgeon-Pigeon River Delta A 210 B V.E. = 3 205 C 200 195 190 Elevation (m) 185 B’′ ′ C’A’′ 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800 Distance (m)

Figure 8. Digital elevation model (DEM) fl ooded to a likely Lake Algonquin level, illustrating multiple feeder channels and the broad, continuous delta plains of the Sturgeon–Pigeon River Delta. The steep delta front, which is also commonly associated with the coalesced deltas, is illustrated in the longitudinal profi les. Black outline in legend shows map location in the state of Michigan. V.E.—vertical exaggeration. 176 Luehmann and Schaetzl landforms’ topography to be refl ective of a delta composed of Funding for this project was provided by a scholarship from the several broad, continuous, and overlapping delta plains. These Soil Classifi ers of Michigan, a Rasmussen Graduate Fellowship deltas likely formed by the coalescence of several smaller del- from the Michigan State University Graduate School, and three tas (Fig. 8); we refer to these types of deltas as coalesced deltas. separate Graduate Offi ce Fellowships from the Department of They formed as large amounts of sediment were being deposited Geography and Graduate School at Michigan State University. in a lake from several, closely spaced feeder streams. These types of deltas may also occur where the receiving basin is confi ned, REFERENCES CITED and hence there is a limited amount of space and/or wave energy Arbogast, A.F., Luehmann, M.D., Miller, B.A., Wernette, P.A., Adams, K.M., along the shoreline to distribute the large quantities of sediment Waha, J.D., O’Neil, G.A., Tang, Y., Boothroyd, J.J., Babcock, C.R., away from the river mouths. The Slagle and Cole Creek Fan Del- Hanson, P.R., and Young, A.R., 2015, Late-Pleistocene paleowinds and aeolian sand mobilization in north-central Lower Michigan: Aeolian tas in Wexford County refl ect additional examples of coalesced Research, v. 16, p. 109–116, doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2014.08.006. deltas in northern Lower Michigan (Fig. 3; Table 1). Barnhardt, W.A., Gehrels, W.R., Belknap, D.F., and Kelley, J.T., 1995, Late relative sea-level change in the western Gulf of Maine: Evi- dence for a migrating glacial forebulge: Geology, v. 23, p. 317–320, CONCLUSIONS doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1995)023<0317:LQRSLC>2.3.CO;2. 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The large number and, in some cases, vast emy of Sciences Arts and Letters, v. 38, p. 359–382. Bretz, JH., 1964, Correlation of glacial lake stages in the Huron-Erie and Mich- size of these deltas suggest that the deglacial landscapes of southern igan basins: Journal of Geology, v. 72, p. 618–627. Michigan were unstable for several hundreds to even thousands of Burgis, W.A., 1977, Late-Wisconsin History of Northeastern Lower Michigan years following . [Ph.D. dissertation]: Ann Arbor, Michigan, University of Michigan, 396 p. 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