Aposlftytih^L?'-F.Tv the Aoit Ebstiotm 3**? Improving, Receipts

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Aposlftytih^L?'-F.Tv the Aoit Ebstiotm 3**? Improving, Receipts 12 THE ST. PAULDAILYGLOBE. SATURDAY MOENIKa OCTOBER. 9, 1556? TWELVE PAGES. " \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0? \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 I-f . I #?^-*Bryanf? 16*<@lSc: Cheese, wcnk; do preferred. States,3a. 100 't Addition' to St. Paul. ' Seventh Street, South Side. stondv at- . 63^ United \u25a0 Cheddars, noj^OitJ^cr ?? Receipts? Flour, Chicago &N.W. 116K do 48, coup... l~^H CITY NOTICE. ilsi^.'-i?-\u25a0-<; \u25a0?. -;>\u25a0< '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0> I \u25a0 of ;:- \u25a0'. - TENDING ? , \u25a0 *????? Snpaoaed' owner and \u25a0\u25a0\u0084\u25a0 Atn't | .\u25a0.WlnsloWs to Paul. 14.337; wheat, .42,233: barley, 37,730, do preferred... 142 Ao4J^*, coup:. Hi/i " U Addition St. DOWNWARD. ? '- * ?*f description. ,'. \u0084', , Lot. Block. Aasm't | ' Shipments? 10,515: wheat, 11,315; bar- Ohio Central. 112^ Pacific 6s of.'95. 128*4 . '\u25a0 A-i-fJi-:-. iiV^v, ZKC-- -'*R^ i Supposed ... ? and of Eydnr^x4?coin.^ '?-. tea's owner 22,211. ? ??:?;? - > i La. stamped 4s, 78;'* thk City Treasurer, ) iy.% Ain't LCE?R| }s?% ley, Ohio Miss..... 28% Office of i 1,2&8 .^description. U a Fall Yesterday ?? - Minn., ?n *oft.r.?fc<;?....^ 1 ?43.87 Lot. Block. Ass'mt L ALVE Wheat Took Decided do preferred.. 90 Missouri Bsk.i.. 100?-^ St. Pawiv Oct. Hm. r?' . every 108 Ww^.8rnird0a........... 4 1 l*-62 P Eiswirth (Sly of Sev- Apositive cure for Old Ulcers and Sores of On the Chicago Board of . TH.wTdavis & co., Ontario & West. 20% Ten.6aset'raent3 1 14-?53 "i enth atr?rt) 2?.,' 1* 10 $37.46 name and description, no matter hoT many "*^tra v Allpersons in the assessment for TIM?.PFJtca 5 grai>% Oregon Trauso'l. 33 do 5s set'm'ts. 100 Interested 14.03 ......., i landing. This is tks heavy artilleryof sal?es for Trade, VISION" AND stock ........... 6 1 Pacific 56* ido set'm'ts. 77 f1?p*^......,. goreiof ; i% ****-'- Mail '"99' ;44 51M?W.;4?.......................7 1 14 02 B.H. Hawkes' Subdivision of Winslow's Ad" longstanding J-s g? m The Const Chilblains, ... ; brokers.?! Panama. 93 i'iictio?43f jyMeo ;\u25a0;.".. 8 l i*-? dltlonto St. Paul.- tures also ]Tn^lMffl- - - 3 ' Bumf, Cuts, Felons, /LSjFjli/f///'^ the Closing Were the Lowest 151 Drake Block.. St. Pact* Minn LOCAL. VIAHKETS. of the Following: Described' fesHahn 11 1 34-63 ?\u25a0?'* Scalds, Frost Bltea &c./f^Z(s\LS ,'.? And Prices Front 1 12 1 14.62 Supposed owner and , fl*iCt\/^^ 2o7Hennenln Are.. Minneapolis. ' Sawe. ' . Am'tof Allgenuine bears the([/ DrnKrist&ChemiJk Since the Present Decline St.. Paul. Property; \u25a0\u25a0;*-?\u25a0 5ame....... 13 1 14.62 ;.description. Lot. Block. Ass'mt toli9win?ai?nMarsj JPABivMUUi. Began. GERMANIA opened quite and as tho ses- . John Webert..... 14 1 14.63 Greeuleaf Clark 4 10 $23.53 , BANK. Tho board dull did not improve (Eat gam* ...15' .1;,? 14.50 C'bas FArrole(except Sev- Corner Filth and Wabasha streets, oppos'to Post. sion progressed business Under Contract ofJ. ForrastaL i- enth street) ? office. much. Wheat opened dull and inactive, with 5 10 26.75 of Corn Were Large offerings. Fourteenth Street, North Side. XB Wheeler et al,(except Xlie Offcrlnss . CAPITAL$300,000. large receipts and free Cash wheat mate No. 3), for Term Beginning CHEAPEST BOOK STORE the Market Albx.Uamsit, Anthony VoenG.Jr.,V. very there was but Seventh street) 6 10 27.89 1 and Prest. Pr. was dull and quiet and Supposed owner and . INTHE NORTHWEST! Broke Off. Wm. Bli'KKLCashier. P. M. KEllsT. Asst. Cash. very littledono in futures, which were weak. April1, 1886, and Ending: November Ain'tof Notwithstanding the sum- description. Assm't St. Anthony Avenue, South Side. AND OLD ;?? .:, : Toledo Grain. the dry weather of Commencing at NEW BOOKS. imer and fall, when it was predicted that the 1, /' LMDo Menil. the and Parcels ofBooks bought. Seat Toledo, I1 1886. :: northeasterly of and Merriam's Rearrangement ot Merrlam LfeYAries Financial World of Oct. B.? Wheat opened dull: closed corn crop would be very seriously Injured corner Robert Park. ?*.-" forcatalogue. JoinvTS in tlic \u25a0weak; cash, November, Fourteenth (14th) streets;, thence General Market October 76*? c; 77e I and the expected short crop would raise WILLTAKENOTICE Supposed owner I "Wall street? bid: December," ls\io bid; May,85J$c bid. j prices, grain is far from being scarce. Elyon line of Fourteenth (14th) and Am't of R. F. LEASE & CO., that Ad- description. Block. f Quotations. Corn dull: cash, October, .BS>?c: December, I contrary crop appears tobe very on day Sept?saberji!i??Bi Idid street to Wly Hue of Randall's Lot. Ass'mt Su; * BT. On the the That the 20th of dition; N'lyalong said W'ly GeoHKoucn 3 8 $14.80 US ThlrcMtroetr' PAUI* ot>.\c; May, 42c. :Oats! steady; cash, JJU^c. abundant, and prices are held down very low. receive a warrant from th? City '.Comptroller thence inactive; cash,- October, $t.*s; of of said Randall's 75 Same 4 8 14.80 Clover seed Oats not quite as strong as on tho day of the Cityof St. Paul for the collept^on' line Addition Chicago and Provisions, n l ', $4.63. wore W'ly toDixou'B Grain 'November. 54.67. 2: December. ., Re- before and weakened y,c. Barley declined 20 the above-named assessment J. *."?v*n-. feet: thence 10 feet nature of Is, you ? . land;, Tbe this warrant that if Chicago. 8.--The .tendency in Wheat. 31,000 : torn, 13,000 bu; in Rye steady. following alist of suppp??t tbenco Sly along Dixon's Oct. < and was light. request. The is the own- 25 feet; thence W'ly B'ly fail topay the assessment within & to-day, and? in oats, 600 no. Shipments? Wheat; so.ooo bu; Ground feed uuchauged. Corn meal dull. ersS names, a descripttoif^^be .pip?eifty ;in . land on FOSTER CARPENTER, wheat was downward again 1 corn,* 2,ooo bu: 'oats, 11,000 bu; clover seed, Timothy lower. Potatoes steady. Eggs front have bAu bpl??*''m?ld line of Dixon's land 100 feet toRob- the lowest " seed of which walks 1 the latest trading prices were at 200 bags. firmer and and advanced The following or and ert street; thence Sly along Robert THIRTYDAYS present %o. repaired the amounts assessessed place beginning, being point current since the decline of bids on incoming tracks only were made at against the same, street to of notice, REAL ESTATE O. WHEELER. W. n.wyi.de. to-wit: . In St. Paul, Minnesota $43.63 After the first publication of this I prices began. It was reported that there the call: report you account, bid; shall and your real estate so as- NO. 4, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE B'LDG. buying on foreign but if WYLDE, Wheat? No. 1hard, 70%0 No. 1North- Acker Street, North Side. delinquent, apply District was some WHEELER & ern, Fourteenth Street, South sessed as and to the !t had very little bearing on the course of tsse bid: No. 2 Northern. 660 bid. * Side. Court Ofthe; county of Ramsey, Minnesota, so Grain, Commission, Provision &Stock 2, asked; October, 36c asked: Edmund Addition to ;St. Paul. ESF'Choicer Property For Sale prices. The market closed in the latest Corn? No. 360 Rice's Second Ely's Addition toSt. Paul. for judgment against your lands, lots, blocks, The of- BROKERS, November, 340 bid, 86c asked; year, 360 or parcels thereof so assessed, including: in- trading %c lower than yesterday. \u0084,.., Supposed ?? Ain'tof j large, and. the - asked. owner and -"M-?^': Supposed. '*' '<>&-'-. terest, costs and expenses, -and for an order very ? owner and Am't of Purchasing and Agency ferings of corn were Hir.viLLAN Rooms 5 and 6. Oats? 2 mixed, bid, 27c asked; description. Lot. BB>ck. *' '~ St. Paul :Collection ? Vj. N No. 260 - v of to sell the same the pay* prices pie- Bu^k.'K^ November, H -ffinn't ifrntftrjirttrn,, Lot. Blook. A'ssm't the court for 116 Tj^ird,Street. market broke off to the lowest ! markets October, 26c bid. 27c asked; 26c Retzman M i* ?Sff'i'* - $11.78 ment c' Eaafr the closing to* ffll>all orders on other'- 26c asked; No. 2 white, Franz \u25a0' s *CE <ip3<Jard. v.. 14 3 ' ' thereof. years, and 'Sti'iaal**!!. - bid; year, 27c Lambreoht .*? " 1 vailing for several H?S*il* "? ."??*. \u25a0; < \u25a0\u25a0 bid. X' ? GEORGE REIS, City Treasurer. prices were about the lowest of the day* :on #r 1 27^c bid, 28c asked; Nb.8 white, 27c asked. 'O NHe?th 85 T. WM* \u25a0"'\u25a0??'??.- %'"\u25a0 Satisfaction guaranteed. Direct wire to October, Albert 24 7 18.26 \-if Fafrfiel'tt Avenue, 281-283 :Business ? Barley? 2, bid; bid. Scheffer North Side. trans?*s?iM?Otfcth<B*x*a?fai?d ? No. 46c . again weak, and prices again ? 46c Oats were Chicago. .-.,' Congregational-* - I >>.. -\u2666 ? .-/\u25a0..? x-~i* "Minneapolis foraba iitf innfllOTrfriMjjiir lower, speculative offerings being Rye? No. 2, 45c bid. Pacific f*J Robertson's Addition to St. the Grain* 1, $14.75 asked; No. 2, Church..........: it 18-26 West Paul. and sold. Good?'?aMfccbifle<tt#iHtt?Miagea. Prices ruled >i@%e lower. There St.l.ouis >,',.'. ?Ground Feed? No. I? 18.26, furnigh^!;arfpeeJE|lf*t*?B?ip?*to lanrer. $14.25 Same... ......>*~22 " < Information feeling in the i St.'Louis, Oct. 8.??'beat quiet and about asked. Supposed owner and h.'::\u25a0\u25a0 Am/t of <42^w)fcftyTf9ita1irleceile?lbao?f a uncertain ? A Hesselgrave collections. was nervous and i Corn Meal Coarse, $14.50 asked. L \u25a0"?*;?& l*-20 :\u25a0 **d market lor hog products, and only a nibxl- steady}; Ho.
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    35133_Geo_Michigan_Cover.qxd 11/13/07 10:26 AM Page 1 “The Geology of Michigan and the Great Lakes” is written to augment any introductory earth science, environmental geology, geologic, or geographic course offering, and is designed to introduce students in Michigan and the Great Lakes to important regional geologic concepts and events. Although Michigan’s geologic past spans the Precambrian through the Holocene, much of the rock record, Pennsylvanian through Pliocene, is miss- ing. Glacial events during the Pleistocene removed these rocks. However, these same glacial events left behind a rich legacy of surficial deposits, various landscape features, lakes, and rivers. Michigan is one of the most scenic states in the nation, providing numerous recre- ational opportunities to inhabitants and visitors alike. Geology of the region has also played an important, and often controlling, role in the pattern of settlement and ongoing economic development of the state. Vital resources such as iron ore, copper, gypsum, salt, oil, and gas have greatly contributed to Michigan’s growth and industrial might. Ample supplies of high-quality water support a vibrant population and strong industrial base throughout the Great Lakes region. These water supplies are now becoming increasingly important in light of modern economic growth and population demands. This text introduces the student to the geology of Michigan and the Great Lakes region. It begins with the Precambrian basement terrains as they relate to plate tectonic events. It describes Paleozoic clastic and carbonate rocks, restricted basin salts, and Niagaran pinnacle reefs. Quaternary glacial events and the development of today’s modern landscapes are also discussed.
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    Quaterna~ ScienceReviews, Vol. 13, pp. 891-922, 1994. t Pergamon Copyright © 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd. Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved. 0277-3791/94 $26.00 0277-3791 (94)00126-X LAKES OF THE HURON BASIN: THEIR RECORD OF RUNOFF FROM THE LAURENTIDE ICE SHEETq[ C.F. MICHAEL LEWIS,* THEODORE C. MOORE, JR,t~: DAVID K. REA, DAVID L. DETTMAN,$ ALISON M. SMITH§ and LARRY A. MAYERII *Geological Survey of Canada, Box 1006, Dartmouth, N.S., Canada B2 Y 4A2 tCenter for Great Lakes and Aquatic Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, U.S.A. ::Department of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, U.S.A. §Department of Geology, Kent State University, Kent, 0H44242, U.S.A. IIDepartment of Geomatics and Survey Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., Canada E3B 5A3 Abstract--The 189'000 km2 Hur°n basin is central in the catchment area °f the present Q S R Lanrentian Great Lakes that now drain via the St. Lawrence River to the North Atlantic Ocean. During deglaciation from 21-7.5 ka BP, and owing to the interactions of ice margin positions, crustal rebound and regional topography, this basin was much more widely connected hydrologi- cally, draining by various routes to the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean, and receiving over- ~ flows from lakes impounded north and west of the Great Lakes-Hudson Bay drainage divide. /~ Early ice-marginal lakes formed by impoundment between the Laurentide Ice Sheet and the southern margin of the basin during recessions to interstadial positions at 15.5 and 13.2 ka BE In ~ ~i each of these recessions, lake drainage was initially southward to the Mississippi River and Gulf of ~ Mexico.
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