Religion I Aarhus 2013 En Kortlægning Af Religion Og Spiritualitet

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Religion I Aarhus 2013 En Kortlægning Af Religion Og Spiritualitet Religion i Aarhus 2013 En kortlægning af religion og spiritualitet Redigeret af Lars Ahlin, Jørn Borup, Marianne Qvortrup Fibiger, Brian Jacobsen og Marie Vejrup Nielsen AARHUS AU UNIVERSITET Religion i Aarhus 2013 - En kortlægning af religion og spiritualitet Copyright Center for Samtidsreligion Redaktion: Lars Ahlin Jørn Borup Marianne Qvortrup Fibiger Brian Arly Jacobsen Marie Vejrup Nielsen Billeder af: Jesper Østergaard, René Dybdal Pedersen, Jørn Borup, Marianne Qvortrup Fibiger og Lars Ahlin. Derudover fotos taget af studerende og fotos hentet fra 1. udgave. ISBN 9788799398270 Center for Samtidsreligion 2013 Indholdsfortegnelse Forord ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Indledning .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 1. Religion i Aarhus – en baggrundshistorie ................................................................................................ 15 2. Kristne grupper i Aarhus .......................................................................................................................... 22 Kristendom i Aarhus i det 21. århundrede .................................................................................................. 23 Den Anglikanske Kirke ................................................................................................................................. 33 Augustanakirken .......................................................................................................................................... 39 Church of Love (Mohabat) ........................................................................................................................... 44 Citykirken ..................................................................................................................................................... 49 Den Etiopisk-Ortodokse Menighed i Århus (Tewahedo kirke) .................................................................... 55 EuroLife Kirke ............................................................................................................................................... 58 Folkekirken i Aarhus (den evangelisk-lutherske kirke i Danmark) .............................................................. 61 Fountain of Life ............................................................................................................................................ 70 Frelsens Hær ................................................................................................................................................ 73 Gratiakirken ................................................................................................................................................. 80 Gudsmoders Beskyttelses Menighed (Den Ortodokse Kirke i Danmark) .................................................... 85 International Harvest Christian Center........................................................................................................ 88 I Mesterens Lys ............................................................................................................................................ 94 Jehovas Vidner ............................................................................................................................................. 98 Jesu Kristi Kirke af Sidste Dages Hellige (mormonkirken) ......................................................................... 104 Det Kaldæiske Babylon Brodersamfund .................................................................................................... 110 Den Katolske Kirke ..................................................................................................................................... 114 Kongens Folk .............................................................................................................................................. 120 Maran-ata .................................................................................................................................................. 127 Den Rumænsk-Ortodokse Menighed i Aarhus (Vor Frue Klosterkirke) .................................................... 129 3 Den Rumænsk Ortodokse Menighed i Århus (skytsengle: De Hellige Velværdige Paraskeva og Theodora af Sihla og Ana af Novogorod) ....................................................................................................................... 132 Den Russisk Ortodokse Menighed i Aarhus ............................................................................................... 135 Saralystkirken ............................................................................................................................................ 139 Østens Assyriske Kirke ............................................................................................................................... 144 Århus Adventistkirke ................................................................................................................................. 148 Aarhus Baptistmenighed, Immanuelskirken ............................................................................................. 154 Århus Frikirke ............................................................................................................................................. 162 Aarhus Metodistkirke ................................................................................................................................ 167 3. Muslimske grupper i Aarhus .................................................................................................................. 173 Islam og muslimer i Aarhus ....................................................................................................................... 174 Afghan Masjid ............................................................................................................................................ 182 Al-Wakf – Den Muslimske Sammenslutning ............................................................................................. 187 Brabrand Ulu Moské, Tyrkisk Kulturforening ............................................................................................ 192 Den Arabiske Kulturforening ..................................................................................................................... 198 Forbundet af Islamiske Foreninger ............................................................................................................ 203 Irakisk Kulturforening Al-Zahra .................................................................................................................. 206 Islamisk Menighed i Århus/Sultan Ayyub Moskéen .................................................................................. 211 Ligheds- og Broderskabsforeningen .......................................................................................................... 217 Maktab Tarighat Oveyssi Shahmaghsoudi – The School of Islamic Sufism ............................................... 222 Somalisk Familieforening ........................................................................................................................... 228 Aarhus Alevi Kultur Center ........................................................................................................................ 233 Århus Selimiye Stiftelse/Århus Dansk-Tyrkisk Kulturforening................................................................... 239 4. Buddhistiske grupper i Aarhus............................................................................................................... 244 Buddhisme og buddhister i Aarhus ........................................................................................................... 245 Karma Kadjy Skolen ................................................................................................................................... 253 Quang Huong ............................................................................................................................................. 259 4 Rangjung Yeshe Dharma Gruppe Aarhus .................................................................................................. 266 Soka Gakkai ................................................................................................................................................ 271 Øsal Ling..................................................................................................................................................... 278 Århus Zendo............................................................................................................................................... 284 5. Hinduistiske grupper i Aarhus ............................................................................................................... 290 Hinduisme og hinduinspirerede grupper i Aarhus .................................................................................... 291 Amma-Danmark i Aarhus .......................................................................................................................... 297 Brahma Kumaris .......................................................................................................................................
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