
Community Council 21st November 2016, 7.00PM Laurie Lounge, Royal British Legion, Carnoustie

Subject/ Comments Present Other Attendees

Arliss Rhind (AR) - Chair Ken Naylor (KN) – Treasurer Not Present Ed Oswald (EO) – Vice Chair Natalie Ross (NR) – Secretary Davina Braithwaite (DB) David Rorie (DR) Gavin Farmer (GF) Susan Dunn (SD) Joanne McFadden (JM) Stuart Richard (SR) Alasdair Murray (AM) Allison Edwards (AE) Marcello Rufo (MR)


AR welcomed all to this evenings meeting.

Apologies were received from Cllr Bill Bowles and Cllr Brian Boyd


During the previous meeting it was noted that the junction at (B91208) had been discussed regarding how the road may become a straight road across. The decision had been made that the road will remain the way it is.

Minutes from previous meeting was approved by KN and seconded by DB

Cllr Updates

Both Cllr’s had sent in apologies therefor no representatives from the Cllr’s were present on the night and no reports had been submitted.

Matters Arising

Christmas Lights

AR asked if we could start with the Christmas lights as there was a lot to get through on the topic tonight. SR gave a full run down on timings on how the Christmas lights switch on event was going to go. A lengthy discussion was had by all on the night regarding what was expected of us, where everyone was to be on the night, what time the music/dancers were on stage, what time Santa would arrive etc. First responders would be on site on the night in case they were needed and they would station themselves near to the road closure area. SD confirmed that SPAR Carnoustie High Street would donate 200 selectin boxes to the night and that they were ready for collection any time. It was agreed that all community councillors should arrive by 4pm to help set up anything that needed to be and to receive full instructions on where we were to be stationed on the night. GF asked if John Grant, the previous Santa, had been notified that he wasn’t going to be required this year. NR had tried to contact him on many occasions however even despite leaving her number he had never returned any of her calls. It was agreed that NR would write to him thanking him for his help and attendance in previous years.

BT Phone Boxes

NR wrote a letter asking if it was possible and how we would go about taking the phone boxes over. A response came back to her saying that they would need more information as to what we would do with the boxes and use them for.

Police Report

There was no police report available at the time of the meeting.

Financial Report

KN had sent out the financial report to all prior to the meeting. There were no issues with the report. The report was proposed by GF and seconded by AE.

NR handed over £200.50 to KN from the quiz night that was run.

It was agreed by all that a donation of £100 to the Brass Band would be given to them on the night of the switch on NR was to find out who the cheque was to be made out too.


There was no report from the group.

Town Services

Rail – EO contacted Graeme Dey MSP regarding issues with late trains, Graeme was already in talks regarding this. Design plans have been agreed by Angus Council and will be funded by Network Rail. Part of these works will involve demolishing the semi-derelict Network Rail cottage adjacent to the level crossing to make room for a new apparatus housing equipment room and a new electric and plant stand by generator installed inside a steel container. The plan also includes the provision of an improved pavement design which will improve pedestrian users experience at the crossing. The entire crossing road deck will also be renewed during this period. Network Rail are looking to award the contract shortly for delivery of the works in Jan/Feb 2018 Police station – Everyone has seen the recent press reports regarding the pending closure of Carnoustie police station in North Burnside Street. Hopefully discussions will result in the relocation into the Council Chambers in the High Street.

Welfare rights – Angus Council welfare rights service are piloting an advice centre within the Carnoustie medical centre. This clinic will be held each Thursday from 9.30am to 4.30pm on an appointment basis. Appointments can be made at Carnoustie medical centre reception. The welfare rights can help with things like benefits, completing forms, tax credits etc.

Carnoustie town centre parking – Parking in Carnoustie has been a major issue since Police withdrew all traffic wardens from Angus towns in February 2014. A new on street parking fine system could give council staff such as community wardens the authority to issue £60 fines. The new system could be in place by spring 2017 subject to Scottish government approval.

Boundary commission – The new boundary proposals which will reduce the number of Westminster Scottish MP’s from 59 to 53 will see Angus split in two with Carnoustie being in a new seat of ‘Angus Glens and East’. This area will also take in , , , and all glens in Angus. Easthaven now finds itself outside this constituency and is included in the new constituency of ‘Kincardine and Angus East’. This area will also take in , Montrose, Banchory and to just south of . EO expressed that he feels that Carnoustie has once again lost our identity as we are not in Angus Glens or Dundee East, we are in South Angus unlike Forfar, Kirriemuir and Brechin. EO asked the question do Easthaven residents feel more comfortable in the new constituency. The consultation period finishes on 11 January 2017. NR, EO and AM are to speak with each other regarding the name change.


AM forwarded on his planning report to SD the report is as follows:

24/10/ 2016 - No applications reported. 31/10/ 2016 - 2 domestic applications: New build at Mains of Ravensby and Extension at Caesar Avenue. 07/11/ 2016 - Erection of Temporary Building Golf Pro Shop, Links Parade for 2 years, ref: 16/00872/FULL. 14/11/ 2016 - 2 domestic applications: Extension at Bruce Drive Garage at Station Road, Barry

East Haven

Nothing to report this month.


Volunteer in Angus awards dinner is to be held on the 1st December at 7pm EO will be attending by official invite and we will look forward to hearing about it at the next meeting.

NR has chased Vivien Smith regarding the Kinloch site and also the old party shop at the top of station road however there is still no more information at present. NR is to also chase up regarding the beach pavilion.

AR is to write to Flora regarding the market stalls to arrange a meeting to find out what is happening with them and if we can support in any way.


Monday 30th January 2017 at 7pm.