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MP Linda Lapointe welcomes Girl Guides to Ottawa Sir Wilfrid Laurier Foundation winter gala raises $47,095



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g student-athletes.” make adifference in the success ofouryoung able to inbeing ourselves andwepride partner to such work aprestigious alongside pleased Foundation for Athletic Excellence. We are said the advancement ofourmissionat the QFAE, role in suchhave animportant taken and as commitmentcant inyoungstudent-athletes havethe Montreal Canadiens madeasignifi- h is secondary et h A as an 85% academic avera AAA t Claude Chagnon Claude h letic A ’s top defenseman for December 2016 December for defenseman ’s top cademic and A c h I V ievement A t h , president of the Quebec , president ofthe Quebec letic g e. A c h ievement 10 February, 2017 • The North Shore News • 3 Boul. 418 Blainville SYSTEMS SYSTEMS SYSTEMS WITH NO-CHARGE NO-CHARGE NO-CHARGE






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³,WLVLPSRUWDQWWRWHDFKRXUFKLOGUHQWKH Paradis said the questionParadis said the is one of provid- a certain point enough is enough,” “At “The situation is no longer tolerable,” Paradis tolerable,” “The is no longer situation eniors deserve better WRFRQJUDWXODWH0V+RUYDWKDQG0V+DPHOLQIRU WKHLUGHGLFDWLRQWRZDUGVRXU\RXWK´ Sawicz and Enya Steczko all received an honor an received all Steczko Enya and Sawicz DU\FLWL]HQVKLSDZDUGIRUWKHLUDFWLYHLQYROYHPHQW DQGOHDGHUVKLSLQWKHLUFRPPXQLW\7KHDZDUG UHFLSLHQWVDUHPHPEHUVRI*LUOV*XLGHV&DQDGD ZKLFKKDVDPLVVLRQRIHQDEOLQJ\RXQJJLUOVWREH VHOIFRQ¿GHQWLQJHQLRXVDQGFRXUDJHRXVZKLOH PDNLQJDGL൵HUHQFHLQWKHZRUOG values WKHLUFRPPXQLW\DWDQHDUO\DJH´VDLG/DSRLQWH ³&RQJUDWXODWLRQVWR(PPD DQG(Q\DIRUWKHLUFLWL]HQVKLSDZDUG,DOVRZDQW S seniors treatment. deserve “Our ing humane also the He noted that respect and dignity.” health and social services main- once minister could tained washing with a cloth a patient that be seniors asthat and regular efficientas a bath should call uponwho want bath an additional social businesses economy provide supple- to mentary services. hygiene Paradis.continued “Thea of administration per two baths weekminimum become must normthe province-wide in our CHSLDs. is It services the adapt time to elderly our to offered dignity.” and give a little them protocols and norms,protocols number a standard so that perof baths week be could set seniors for in CHSLDs is a group in our societysaid. “If there that deservedoesn’t such treatment, it is certainly our seniors. And yet Barrette Minister could establish entire network, an official the norm for right to the would have our elderly so that care and servicesreceive the the At necessary. per believe we one bath week,CAQ, that which unofficial norm, is the is not sufficient. currently patients living in the make it such that must We CHSLDs who ask can obtain an additional bath.”

a difference g e alarm

h t g

CAQ seeks two baths per baths seeks two CAQ

week for CHSLD residents for CHSLD week

(PPD%HDXOLHX&DWKHULQH*DJQRQ&\QWKLD )RUWKHRFFDVLRQWKH\RXQJZRPHQZHUH (NSN) Four young citizenship award recipients award citizenship young Four (NSN) Paradis said the CAQ said the wasParadis very concerned In a report tabled last week, National the “Minister Gaétan“Minister Barrette can no longer (NSN) The Coalition Avenir Avenir Québec(NSN) is asking The Coalition ays standard must be set must be standard ays oundin honorary citizenship awards citizenship honorary They were in nation’s capital to receive receive to capital nation’s in were They Girl Guides to Ottawa MP Linda Lapointe welcomes MP Linda Lapointe

treatment, it is certainly our seniors,’ says François Paradis François says seniors,’ treatment, our is certainly it ‘If there is a group in our society that doesn’t deserve society such doesn’t that our is in a group there ‘If Guides makin FRPPXQLWLHV0RQLFD+RUYDWKDQG$QQH0DULH +DPHOLQ RQ3DUOLDPHQW+LOOLQ2WWDZD7KHUHFLSLHQWVZHUH DFFRPSDQLHGE\WZRORQJWLPHYROXQWHHUVLQWKHLU DEOHWRYLVLWWKH+RXVHRI&RPPRQVDQGPHHW /DSRLQWHLQKHUOHJLVODWLYHZRUNLQJHQYLURQPHQW RI3DUOLDPHQW were given a unique opportunity on Feb. 6 to walk to 6 Feb. on opportunity unique a given were RQWKHÀRRURIWKH+RXVHRI&RPPRQVZLWK/LQGD /DSRLQWHWKHLU5LYLqUHGHV0LOOHÌOHV0HPEHU concrete action, including the establishment of establishment the action, including concrete about the revelations and asked revelations about take the Barrette to S residents in CHSLDs often were awakened could staff so night that middle of the in the perform certain tasks with them. a week, had been practice the and that going years.on for report The other alsothat said that up to 20 residents CHSLD up to of the that in ques- being bathed even once weren’t tion recently deserve a week.” two baths Protection Office revealed Citizen’s Assembly’s issued earlier this week. “It isn’t the first time the issued week. earlier this isn’t “It us it is clear: our seniors alarm.we sound the For CAQ Lévis MNA for and spokesperson for statement said in a Paradis health François S CHSLDs,” in the well all is going that pretend in that given time. in that a Gaspé CHSLD aren’t being batheda Gaspé even once CHSLD aren’t Gaétan Barrette take to measures that ensure to long- all Quebecers province’s who living the at term care facilities least receiving at two baths each week, following reports residents at that Quebec and Social Health Services Minister 4 • The North Shore News • 10 February, 2017 Opinion Tel: (450)978-9999•Fax:687-6330 weeks. for nine hospitalized attack andwas heart fully. Until, later, ayear a whenhesuffered duti- arole It heassumed was shoulders. fell onJacques’ country heavily in this new life Theburden ofbuildinganew in Egypt. knew they andeveryone everything behind inMontreal in1951,having left arrived the samechallenge. insurance.out health with- find themselves may soon Americans WithAct. 20million the stroke ofapen, the Affordablefirst step to Carerepeal the anexecutive toorder sign taking was debatecare lucky. feel to makeCanadians and placing well-being above wealth Our health about system is values our that define society, helping the most vulnerable Canada’s health-caresystem,crucialtoournation,needshelp 10.000 ures to prevent such an outbreak. She used Sheused ures to such prevent anoutbreak. Welfarethe Social tomeas- take Department by hired was andSendler general population like that typhus could to spread theof diseases were terrified They ormedicine. enough food without ghetto andwalled-off dirty crowded, inthe cityto liveinahorribly forced allJews andanurse inWarsaw.ground had The Nazis in the world. difference that things regular makeapositive the voice hear anddothe insideus can we too We to act. justneed ofthethe many envy whoonlywatch.” whodoare Jimfew Rohnsaid,“The speaker we don’t inspirational As callings. onthese act Theproblemup for is what isright. weknow to allofusfeel stand acalling Almost right. absolutely they’re Inmany ways, rescuers. thing.”did aregular WorldSecond War, nohero. Ijust said,“Iwas the children during shesaved sands ofJewish thecouragechildren shehad theNazis because follow from to herconvictions amember ofAs thePolish underground in Warsaw, Sendler saved thousands of Jewish Irena Sendler’sremarkablecourageshouldinspireusall copies My Jacques andSarah grandparents Not that longago,many faced Canadians Trump’sDonald as president firstact There’s health- nothing likeanAmerican Sendler was a member ofthe Polish amember was under-Sendler Perhaps theofSendler bystudying actions ofallus. the within grasp is But greatness is a sentiment common This by expressed Irena Sendler, the thou- about whenasked 3860, boul.Notre-Dame,#304, E-mail: [email protected] Laval, QCH7V1S1 North Shorearea Distributed to [email protected] George S. Guzmas VP Sales&Marketing: George Bakoyannis General Director: George S. Guzmas George Bakoyannis Publishers: publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issues or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Articles pub Articles inanysubsequent issuesortherefundofanymoniespaidforadvertisement. publication oftheadvertisement Publishers’ LiabilityforError: than money and medicine. It’s andmedicine. than money the about been? different might have lives grandparents’ my inplace, how Haditbeen create medicare. to legislation Parliament year passed death at the ageof54in1966-the same existence. overwhelming. became husband together andholdingthe family for anailing ofcaring pressures the twin Forbarely able to work. my grandmother, and hewas legs inhis the pain pling as crip- to were the as doctor andvisits drugs other complications The of lingered. cost and symptoms Respiratory and otherwise. courageous work called Life inaJar. workcourageous called Then, created aplay Sendler’s inKansas town about War ended. her accomplishments until well the after Cold government inPoland made of andlittle was the with communist terms notongood was the Nations award byIsrael in1965.ButIsrael Among Righteous the prestigious awarded life inPoland. inrelative Shewas obscurity spared. miraculously In the end,herlife was hercollaboratorsbetrayed orthe children. Butshe never tortured. andseverely the Nazis Poland. hadleft dugupwhentheto Nazis be only injarsandburied, were placed names Thechildren’s families. andwith schools real boarding hidden inCatholic orphanages, andbyhidingchildrensystem inpackages. through the sewer -even necessary means roughly 2,500children to safety, usingwhatever smuggled intheinvolved underground, they of the ghetto. to smuggle oftrust children out her position The ordeal diminished him-physically diminished The ordeal Our system of health care is about more isabout care ofhealth system Our with grandfather’s ends my The story agrinding to say theIt least, was, After the war,After ofher most spent Sendler by discovered was At Sendler one point, and names The childrengiven new were Working ofother agroup women with Finally inasmall school in1999,ahigh &

The publishers shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors thatdonot lessenthevalueofanadvertisement. The publishersshallnotbeliableforslightchangesortypographicalerrors Editorial Jean Paul Chamberland Consultants: Advertising [email protected] Peter Stavropoulos Sales Manager: Thomas Bakoyannis Elena Molter Graphic Design: www.ns-news.com Alexandra Sevapsidis Admin. Assistant: Cynthia Abraham Alberto delBurgo James Ryan Nancy Girgis Kavul Sheikh Fabienne Mercier Savas Fortis Martin C.Barry Editorial Staff: imagine. the world to abrighter future even than we can more webring andmoreas ofusembrace it, Sendler, this And truth. wecome to recognize We We heroes. allbe rescuers. can allbe can thattake away Sendler. from Torture, could never andpoverty obscurity that wedidn’t inknowing to act, away. turn but onlyfinancially, notinspirit.” poor very told me“Shewas Boraks-Nemetz, Vancouverors, author Lillian andteacher her life more comfortable. Oneofthe surviv- make to herandtried visited her death. They before shortly heractivities found outabout ofthe Warsawof childsurvivors ghetto only inrelativelife anddied poverty. Even anumber Sendler’s death. after in2009,ayear released whichwas Heart, 2007. Theplay the filmACourageous inspired nominated for thePeace in Nobel even Prize ofawards andwas anumber received Sendler also be sustainable. be also sufficient butitmust must be Spending better.be boosted. shouldbe Outcomes could Service surgeries. tions andelective consulta- long for specialist wait too They system. of problems Canada’s with health-care for granted. answers of the border, the take weshould never communities lives? andmore fulfilling a stronger economy, more cohesive outcomes -like to good leads health that good webelieve Do wealth? above weplace well-being Do vulnerable? most there for oneanother whenwe’re at our -are we society thatas a defineus values By studying the lives of people like Irena ofpeople theBy studying lives It’s find. can oneofus that aquality every comes inhaving the courage peace A certain ofher for most inobscurity lived Sendler Gerry Chidiac Gerry People struggle to find a family doctor. toPeople finda struggle But let’s -there honest are avariety be Framed bythe debates place south taking lished reflectwriters’opinions,butnot necessarily theopinionofthisnewspaper. Annual subscription: ISSN number:1923-0648 Printing: Distribution: Layout: Canadian CommunityNewspapersAssociation Quebec CommunityNewspapersAssociation& Member of MediaTrek The publishers’ liability for other errors or omissions in connection with any advertisement isstrictlylimitedto oromissionsinconnectionwithanyadvertisement Thepublishers’liabilityforothererrors

TC. TRANSCONTINENTAL DIFFUMAG $ 59 2007 WINNER 95 •Percopy: and pharmacists, wecould deliver true and pharmacists, physiotherapists nurses, with in teams byworking relationship.trusting Infact, enjoy a whomthey with doctor to afamily can’t access has Canadian ensure that every ation. For example, there’s we noreason transform- andwide-ranging important ifimplemented, that, could produce ideas produce savings. of them will some -infact, more require money actually ofthem don’t Andmost ourgrasp. beyond on Let’s inCanada. care public health focus over bickering better.in Canada It’s timeto makeitbetter. to makethat work -andwork system well. andaccept the responsibility values those endeavour, then liveupto wemust also pay. That’s outofstyle. value that nota goes notability to need, upon based should be It’sfairness. that builtonthe principle care commitmenta testament to Canadians’ to and expressionfundamental ofourvalues once underfire again in the States. United andwhichis that oursystem underpins ofuniversalaccess the principle taining fundamentally, acommitment to main- more even And,perhaps will. and popular right away. Allthat’s isthe political required care health improvements inCanadian accesswith to drugs. life-saving everyone could andprovide save money creating we anational system, pharmacare into by medicare medicines prescription Andifwewere to bring procedures. and tests unnecessary byreducing harm andoutright effects adverse from patients We ofprotecting job doabetter can amongspecialists. lists bypooling down patient-centred care. In my book, In my book, Danielle Martin dramatic could likethese unleash Ideas The solutions are neither magical nor solutions are neitherThe magical it’sSo the debate. timeto shift Let’s quit We inaword, to care makehealth need, If we believe that isaworthy medicare If webelieve isa care ofuniversalhealth system Our Wait brought could for surgeries be times how $ 1 to it. sustain Better Now Better whether National Representation: FAX:(514) 597-1932 TEL: 1800361-6890ext.615 dhl E NTIRE we can sustain wecan C ONTENTS , I highlight six , Ihighlight six C OPYRIGHT 2017 10 February, 2017 • The North Shore News • 5

AN ENGLISH EDUCATION, A BILINGUAL FUTURE “Whether it’s taking part in our galas“Whether or in it’s a’s dance floor. a’s z touch. You should know that you are making you are should know that You touch. lives and in mine also, in people’s a difference I can never that you enough.” and for thank the auctions, the Sir Wilfrid Laurier Foundation Laurier auctions, Foundation the Sir Wilfrid the without your valuable support. exist couldn’t evening this here presence adds a human Your la P

e Embassy h BEGINS

www.swlauriersb.qc.ca e support h 2017-2018 According to SWLF president Chrisian SWLF Chrisian to president According THE REGISTRATION PERIOD FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 6, 2017 FEBRUARY the foundation has raised foundation $700,000 the than more beginning the since of its activities. “What I felt earlier while meeting tonight some of you here everythingwas for gratitude profound you are said Maccarone. us,” doing for Grateful for t for Grateful who delivered a key address along Fréchette with SWLSB chairwoman Maccarone, Jennifer WLF’s 2017 Winter Gala on t 2017 WLF’s S e h ood ood g oy Habs jer- R niversel niversel U es es atrick g P ed ed h bid of $525. rap g all wild and wonderful at t gh i g er from Voya from er h h enoit Gauvin (centre) of Laval. of (centre) Gauvin enoit B is auto is Feelin h their studies.their In Quebec, government where funding education public an all time for is at SWLF the helped of pioneer concept the low, raising additional money from donors. o made a h e – a $2,000 vouc z e block h ome someone by w h Y ’s top raffle pri ’s RR g e collectibles up for auction, t h BA . t C g N I

T e evenin R mon

h Launched in 2005, the Sir Wilfrid LaurierLaunched Sir Wilfrid in 2005, the This year’s silent auction segmentfeatured silent This year’s They included a signed Maurice Richard The Sir Wilfrid Laurier Foundation’s annual annual WilfridFoundation’s Laurier The Sir Held at the Embassy the at PlazaHeld in Chomedey on sey was takensey ollectibles t on for destination travel to any – was won by A T MA aids and technological are equipment which complete to students encourage factors that Foundation raises money purchase teaching to Foundation from Voyages Universel good for travel to any any to good Universel travel for from Voyages – wasdestination won by BenoitGauvin of Laval. white gold diamond necklace gold diamond bid $725). (high white top raffle prize – a $2,000 voucher The evening’s jersey $525), an autographed (high bid jersey Exposfrom former Montreal fielder right (high bid $445), and a 10KT Vladimir Guerrero montage (high bid $650), a signedmontage Roy Patrick a large number of valuable collectiblesa large which eagerly snappedwere night. of the end up by the C was a set of performances Ultimate by the Showband. School Board. event of the evening the 26, a highlight of Jan. in the coming year at schools year coming at training and in the Laurier operated Sir Wilfrid by the centres winter fundraising gala raised more than fundraisingwinter gala raised than more educational$47,000 for projects take to place

Will help buy teaching and technological aids for SWLSB schools for aids technological and teaching buy help Will Sir Wilfrid Laurier Foundation winter gala raises $47,095 gala raises winter Foundation Laurier Sir Wilfrid 6 • The North Shore News • 10 February, 2017 Hundreds at Olympia Park for awell-earned respite winter from Deux-Montagnes Lionsholdannual Deu • Pediatric FootProblems • LASERTECHNOLOGY • EFFECTIVE treatments forPlantarWarts Toenails• Ingrown • Custom highqualityorthotics • Foot, AnkleandKneePain • • (minimum incision) HYPROCURE PROCEDURE BUNION &HAMMERTOE SURGERY x - M onta g nes councillor city M ic (fungal nails) h el M endes, M (Flat Feet) ayor Denis ayor Denis e Y t) )


C ouncillor M ic h eline Groul 450.979.0303 New YorkCollegeofPodiatricMedicine(1996) podiatrerivenord.com 17 YearsExperience WE CANHELP! 260 GrandeCote, (near thetrain station) Foot pain? x

G Rosemere S tabile Clinician atUQTR h elped serve serve elped d Laval 450.937.5055 C C abane à abane S ucre St-Eustache. Inaddition,there were hotdogs, the Constantin family’s “cabane àsucre” in from by the folks served onsnow maple taffy the snowhill,andeveryone’sdown favourite – runs toboggan rides, calèche horse-drawn rink, onthe icethe snow, ofhockey games friendly Veraassistant Madic. time at accompanied the byherpolitical event spent also Lapointe MPLinda Liberal Mille-Îles at 11am.Rivière-des- the festivities cially open ofcitycouncil weremembers onhandto offi- since population 1964. local afavourite ofthe been has bration ofthe season the annual cele-in conjunction the with Lions, A for more than 50years. Deux-Montagnes traditionin Winter been whichhas Carnival, Club’s Lions 28 for the annual Deux-Montagnes outat Park Olympia onSaturdayturned Jan. MA tradition for decades The activities included mini-golf played on mini-golfplayed included The activities and Martin mayor Denis Deux-Montagnes bythe CityofDeux-Montagnes Sponsored residents Hundreds ofDeux-Montagnes R C Winter Carnival hasbeen T onstantin’s on maple snow. taffy taking placesince1964 I N The Deux-Montagnes C . BA RR Y 10 February, 2017 • The North Shore News • 7 ark. P arnival arnival C orriveau orriveau adeleine adeleine C M ayor arbonneau arbonneau M Ch rin, é osemère Winter osemère Winter R an invitation to one and all all and one to invitation an g e ouncillor Normand Normand ouncillor h C laude Gu laude osemère director of community director of osemère C R tendin x aturday Feb. 11 in aturday Feb. 11 S to attendto t Leduc and are e services on on Town of 621-3500, ext. 7380 or go to the Town’s website website Town’s the 621-3500, ext. to 7380 or go find out. page to or Facebook Lorraine- th e mayor h (NSN) The Town of Rosemère hasannounced (NSN) The Rosemère town officials say thesay carnival Rosemère town officials This widely anticipated This family anticipated is an widely event The very taffy maple popular on snow will all Rosemerites“I am inviting take partto in nvitation from t from nvitation won’t want to miss it.” to want won’t event in the will be rain or shine, except held rain. In caseof torrential of doubt, on carni- Recreation the residents canval access day 450 mail message at voice Department’s Rosemère holds its popular its popular holds Rosemère 11 on Feb. Carnival Winter Park Charbonneau at offShake Saturday this blues winter the Carnival will Rosemère Winter year’s this that be from 10 a.m. held 3 p.m. on Saturday to Charbonneau 11 at Park.February opportunity pleasures the enjoy to excellent with familyof winter friends and in a magical setting. a number of activities menu, On the allowing participants be fun: to active and have sleigh rides, ‘La guerre zip lining, bulle soccer, des tuques’ type entertainment, more. and much satisfy sweet cravings, while a warm up to providedmusic Air will by Cardio Plein get people moving. 49 As the well, Rosemère Scout troop will be offer to site on carnival-goers pricedrefreshments. affordably I said Mayor get-together,” traditional winter this Leduc.Madeleine “Mascots will and volunteers be on hand, moving with up us and livening includes a a program that With ambience. the numberof new features, this event promises of your loved ones.fun company in the You - ar C e 2017 e 2017 lympia lympia h O t g ose served h e maple taffy t g h t h s durin h streets near near streets g lub’s annual Winter Winter annual lub’s C appy wit appy h e winter bla h e Lions h et t et g on rides alon rides on artin Hensen was amon g M The Deux-Montagnes Lions stage several many volunteers. Perhaps the event Deux- the the volunteers.many Perhaps Montagnes Lions most of is their are proud sale of usedannual books each fall featuring 25,000 volumes.up to support important a lot of family activities so it’s keep us to to doing so.” city foots While the the eventsmajor each year. Carnival, Lions the supply Winter the bill for man and woman power energetic their through o attended t ance to for to ance h h o were obviously very very obviously were o h lub member orse-drawn wa C h ad a c h nes nes arnival volunteers. arnival g C nes Lions Lions nes g featured featured h onta e Lions nes residents w residents nes ic M g h undreds of people w people of undreds - h onta x h M - e onta x h t M ili by Winter Winter by ili - g h anks t x c h arnival w g C time Deu time

g ese Deu

esidents of Deu of esidents ayor t ayor ark. h “Although the City of Deux-Montagnes the “Although nival on Jan. 28. P Lon R steamin were amon Winter Winter T the dedication of the Lions,” the mayor said said mayor the dedicationthe Lions,” of the in a short park chalet. address inside the “We contributes financially to this activity, on the the on activity, this to financially contributes be possible without hand it wouldn’t other M chili, soup,tea, juices, coffee, at no and all and servedcharge, by dedicated volunteers. ‘Winter Carnival’ ‘Winter 8 • The North Shore News • 10 February, 2017 Business Woman the of Year 2017 DEKAAWARDS (Dr.Christopoulos), Apostolos President’s Award LET’S HELLENIC celebrate excellence DEADLINE FORNOMINATIONS: February 14

Please submityournominations viaemailat [email protected]. (Greg Rokos),

2016 (Me Evangelia Tsotsis), Community Services Award Entrepreneur the of Year Deka Awards Young Entrepreneur the of Yea CALL FORNOMINATIONS (V.Rev.Fr. Demetrios Antonopoulos),

(Papagiannis-Bablekis Group), for outstanding Please submitnominations WKDWKDYHH[FHOOHGLQWKHLUƓHOGV in ourGreek community or communityservices entrepreneurs r Winners (Mike Kakogiannakis), Professional the of Year Hellenic Award , businesses professionals

Young Professional the of Year th , 2017

(Chris Adamopoulos) (Steve Tselios), ,

10 February, 2017 • The North Shore News • 9 T BO iousis, iousis, aralam- K for H


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dŚĞŶĚŽŶ͛ƚŵŝƐƐƚŚŝƐůŝŵŝƚĞĚƟŵĞ The HBOT’s Deka Awards Gala,celebrat- Deka The HBOT’s SOLD ĞdžĐĞƉƟŽŶĂůŽīĞƌ͘zŽƵǁŽŶ͛ƚďĞĚŝƐĂƉƉŽŝŶƚĞĚ͙ SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SO SO SOLD g ing Hellenic excellence, is without doubt their is without doubt their excellence, ing Hellenic event. year annual this on May largest Held awards Windsor the downtown, The 10 at recognize outstanding individuals and Hellenic businesses in greater who through Montreal contributed have creativitytheir and excellence award region. of the enrichment The the to winners chosen are by a selection committee and businessmade up of professionals people. Feb. Awards is the 2017 The deadlinefor Deka can be14 and nominations submitted by e-mail [email protected]. to oard of Trade of of Trade of oard You can save thousands of dollars on the sale of your on the sale of your thousands of dollars save can You ŚŽŵĞ͘ĂůůŵĞĂŶĚƐĞĞŚŽǁLJŽƵĐĂŶďĞŶĞĮƚĨƌŽŵƚŚŝƐ B T’s ci T’s BO e H 2010 h GOLD AWARD e Hellenic PRESIDENT’S h 2011 SALES AWARD ACHIEVEMENT Groupe Sutton Excellence inc. Agence immobilière Office: 450.662.3036 Kottaridis emselves at t h 2013 SALES AWARD MASTER 514.993.5010 e members of t 450.902.8378

Real Estate Broker


2016 [email protected] SALES


oula o enjoyed t h ome of t S w The HBOT also and interacts occasionally holds events groups with other in conjunctions in and region, Italian Montreal including the the Jewish to in order chambers of commerce, connections.broaden network trying recruit to order younger members “in level next organization the take this to to he said. In years come,” for to and continue HBOT a the than holds more year, an average important events,half-dozen several of them networking.for Including smaller gatherings, boardthe holds an event he added. each month, V Charalampopoulos, board the is actively ere h er members g – Rudyard Kipling – Kipling – Rudyard Y olds many events olds many RR youn h g T BA . C BO N I

T R century gentlemen’s club. Although a few club. Although century gentlemen’s e H

entorin th As he suggested, a new and younger gener- “Cigars are something that are enjoyed are in a something that are “Cigars According to HBOT president John HBOT John to president According Vanessa Velentzas, an auditor and senior and senior an auditor Velentzas, Vanessa “We’re very proud of what the community very community the of what proud “We’re Among those entrepre- networking were In Stogies’ upstairs cigar lounge and bar “This our fifthis annualcigar we where event Without apologies Kipling, to knew who Without a ‘A good cigar is a Smoke.’ ‘A convivial atmosp convivial h neurs, lawyers, doctors, and accountants where up to 70 people up to where crowded during the MA women members HBOT of the present, were T us at a young age to start building relationships,” start a young age to us at building relationships,” said Velentzas. of my age to realize that we are a presence in the in the a presence we are realize age to that of my important for it’s and that community Hellenic manager at Montreal-basedmanager at services accounting typifies the younger genera- firm LLP, Richter HBOTtion the see would like to of in its more important people for membership. it’s “I think generation in the Greek business community Greek business in the community generation further.” go to they’re coming on board to share their experi-they’re on board their coming share to tryences and to up-and-coming the help to are more women coming on board than we’ve on board we’ve women coming than more are said Kiousis. “Especially in the past,” had in the and medicallegal, professions. accounting And in the HBOT, just as an increasing number of HBOT, in the alsowomen are becoming members. “There ation is beginningation make its to known presence other more successful Greeks. We want to help help want to successful Greeks. more other We we are get where to younger generation the quicker with everything learned.” we’ve that, while mentoring young up-and-coming young up-and-coming that, while mentoring Greeks an opportunity and allow them meet to has accomplished and we’re looking further to has and we’re accomplished M people in the community and to show them the the them show people and to community in the in business,” Greek community of the strength added Kiousis. friends participate in an evening to see to if we can business increase of Hellenic presence the other professionals.other They shared stories, and in some cases attain to offered advice on how clients, our invite our success.professional “We convivial environment and it’s conducive to to conducive and it’s environment convivial sharing experiences and business practices.” social setting,” said Kiousis. few “Very people social setting,” smoke cigarslike to by themselves. Some people a verysocial because do. But we do this and it’s from the cigars.from the counterparts. look And by the of things, the men appeared be most enjoyment to the getting 19 they outnumbered were merry by their male event, air was the with fragrant thick cigar haze. was atmosphere As the well, as convivial as a marketing for HBOTmarketing for Montreal. A evening of fine cigars while enjoying a good Kiousis, said Evan vice-president of drink,” invite clients,invite as as well guests and members take part to of our business community in an Montreal’s cigar tasting evening Stogies at Montreal’s St. 25. Crescent cigar lounge on Jan. whiskey hoisted were and downed – during of Metropolitan Board Hellenic of Trade the were plenty of cigars – just as go around plenty to were a good number of toasts of single malt scotch thing or two about thing stogies same, there all the



499 M  O To learnmore, visitheartandstroke.com. Learnhow tohealthily manageanxiety, ashighlevels of • Don’t smoke,• andlimityour alcoholconsumption. •Get moving. lifestyle putsyou atA sedentary Eatnutritious foods, like• fruitsandvegetables, low- Obesityisclosely linked tohighbloodpressure and • Have• your bloodpressure checked regularly — delines from andStroke theHeart Foundation. control ofyour bloodpressure withthefollowing gui- failure attacks.heart andheart Month,This Heart take teries that’s linked toahostofsevere issuesincluding atherosclerosis, abuildupoffattydepositsinthear- stroke? Ifleftuntreated, hypertension canleadto lion Canadians—isthenumber oneriskfactorfor —whichaffects anestimated7.5mil- pertension) disease,factor for heart highbloodpressure (hy- Did you know thatinaddition tobeingamajorrisk for ahealthy heart blood pressure Monitor your stress canraiseyour bloodpressure over time. lic drinksfor menand10for women.) (The recommended weekly maximum is15alcoho- diseases. diabetes, osteoporosis andobesity, amongother risk for hypertension andisalsolinked to Type 2 sodium intake. that contain5%orlessoftherecommended daily home-cooked meals, andchooseprocessed foods down onsaltby reducing how much you add to products,fat dairy leanmeatsandwholegrains. Cut healthy weight. disease,heart toachieve sotry ortomaintaina doctor. at leastonceayear, orasrecommended by your 7.5 MILLIONCANADIANSHAVE 99 HIGH BLOODPRESSURE. AN ESTIMATED • Incl.1yearmonitoring telephonejack •1 xbatterybackup,powersupply, keychainremotewithicondisplay • 1xWT4989wireless2way • 2xWS4945wirelessdoor/windowsensors • 1xWS4904P wirelessmotiondetector • 1xWT5500wireless2waykeypad • 1x Alexor 9155mainalarmunit System Includes: 10 February, 2017 • The North Shore News • 11 our Just fy * /visit eeo car kke yyyy y tat (*Price may vary on location and pet) Julie’s Pet or delivering. and more… Call Julie Laver Sitting ServicesSS g her by email: Children 12 + MONTAGNES 450.491.7637 ddogdodog $10-20 Sue (450-472-1400) Aileen (450-473-9386) ADHDMs. Linda Walker, [email protected] urur (from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.). Alet Bosse at 450-621-9179 yo surgery or for senior citizens. Annie G’sell at 450-965-9233 Annie G’sell MEALS ON WHEELS DEUX- DEUX- WHEELS ON MEALS Audience: Adults/Professionals No reservation required. Yearly required. Yearly No reservation entertainment. Access to such a entertainment. Access to In the treatment of adult ADHD, In the treatment of adult ADHD, Medications, Managing Your Adult Medications, Managing Your “Meals on Wheels” is primarily for Just Dates Conference Speaker Details Dates Conference Speaker 0($/621:+((/6LVDQRQSUR¿W Harding Target Audience: Parents/ Audience: Harding Target people struggling to maintain their 30/03/2017 Beyond Diagnosis and 30/03/2017 Beyond /day of information, communication and of information, communication Internet is an open door to a world Internet is an open door committed to deliver to your home, to your committed to deliver organization and our volunteers are organization and our volunteers and inappropriate behavior can lead and inappropriate behavior WR¿QDQFLDODQGOHJDOFRQVHTXHQFHV 202 Henri-Dunant, Deux-Montagnes 202 Henri-Dunant, Deux-Montagnes February 23, 2017 Internet safety for Internet safety 23, 2017 February lk sharing, applications and more will be For more information, call Mrs. Marie- For dessert home-made. We have a good have dessert home-made. We dish cooked with fresh vegetables and with fresh vegetables dish cooked we will look at strategies that includes we will look at strategies covered in this informative conference in this informative covered great deal of risk! Identity theft, fraud theft, fraud great deal of risk! Identity choice of menu and vary continuously. continuously. choice of menu and vary you so far; what then? In this session, so far; you based approach to managing your life, based approach to managing your of ADHD, ADHD coaching, a strengths- of ADHD, medications on their own can only take medications on their own can only take MEALS ON WHEELS IN ROSEMERE IN WHEELS ON MEALS of a little extra help recovering from an help recovering of a little extra Discussions about cyberbullying, image intended for parents and their children. independence. Two good meals a week independence. Two network of information can come with a network of information can PCC, B. Admin. and ADHD Coach Target Admin. and ADHD Coach Target PCC, B. 7KLVVHUYLFHLVRϑHUHGWRDQ\RQHLQQHHG Josée Trudel at 514 713-5353 or contact Josée Trudel may provide just enough to enable them provide may who do the buying, cooking, driving, and twice a week on Monday and Friday for a and Friday twice a week on Monday parents and youth Constable Christopher parents and youth OLIHVW\OHDSSURDFKHVWRUHGXFHWKHHϑHFWV to be on their own. They have volunteers volunteers to be on their own. They have minimum cost. Those meals include main accident, illness, pregnancy, handicapped, accident, illness, pregnancy, membership card $5 individual; $7 family. membership card $5 individual; ll animals in your home while you are away. Will walk your dog or take care of your $15 Environment family and pets Doggie Daycare Boarding/Home cages No with our Interacts Doggie Daycare 6pm - You are cordially 6pm - You following day. Jewelry Show 1:00PM TBC : Drop In Centre. Deux-Montagnes. Sunday 9:00am at 9:00am Sunday THE FOOD STOLEN throughout the year. throughout the year. rates and availability. and rates without Hyperactivity. English/Donation.html you know has ADHD... Events at Parish Center Hall at Parish Events Citoyens in Deux-Montagnes, Citoyens Administrator: Anny Rail Fink Rail Anny Administrator: further information regarding Ste. Francoise Cabrini Church Ste. Francoise were lighter than was planned. were lighter than was who is seeking information and You can also donate via paypal: can also donate via paypal: You of this unfortunate event. AT THIS AT of this unfortunate event.

Feb. 11th form and we allocate food vouchers form and we allocate food vouchers TIME THEY ARE REQUESTING NON- morning of Saturday, December 17, morning of Saturday, VXSSRUWRQ$WWHQWLRQ'H¿FLWZLWKRU past Friday (December 16) evening. (December 16) evening. past Friday www.JuliesDoggieDaycarePetsitting.yolasite.com Dépannage Saint-Agapit in the wake the wake in Dépannage Saint-Agapit DEUX-MONTAGNES FOOD BANK FOOD DEUX-MONTAGNES St. James has space for rent for your St. James has space for rent for your The baskets were to be given out the were to be given The baskets parties, meetings and special events. parties, meetings and special events. Please consider making a donation to baskets were distributed to families in baskets It is possible that you or someone This year, 210 Christmas food baskets 210 Christmas food baskets This year, volunteers realized that the food bank realized volunteers need that afternoon as scheduled, but It was with great sadness that, on the It was had been broken into and that at least into and that had been broken Feb. 12th: http://www.depannage-st-agapit.org/ had been prepared for distribution this Special Guests The AEternal Ministries. Parish Center located at 555 Lefrancois Center Parish PERISHABLE FOOD ITEMS TO REPLACE PERISHABLE FOOD ITEMS TO $3,000.00 of food was stolen. The food $3,000.00 of food was Mass celebrations: Saturday 4:00pm at Saturday Mass celebrations: LQYLWHGWRRXU¿UVW&RPPXQLW\2XWUHDFK Email: [email protected] PANDA BLSO, a resource to help anyone a resource to help anyone BLSO, PANDA Maison du Citoyen at 202 Henri-Dunant, Maison du Citoyen Deux-Montagnes since 1995. Its mission Deux-Montagnes You can remit your donation in person to can remit your You André Ouellet, President, by going to the going to the André Ouellet, President, by This support is mainly Christmas baskets This support is mainly Christmas baskets This event is sponsored by the St. James This event Please give us a call at 450-621-6466 for us a call at 450-621-6466 for Please give Don’t at Maison des miss our next events is to help families and individuals in need. Dinner.Admission $5.00, children are free. Dinner.Admission Dépannage Saint-Agapit serves the City of serves Dépannage Saint-Agapit

teens. PROGRAM 450-621-2150 555 Lefrançois Popcorn and Movie night at and Movie Popcorn Holy Communion service at same account (Friday 6:30pm) (Friday 6:30pm) (Friday (Morning Prayer) Rosemere J7A4R5 Rosemere (Tue-Thu 6:30pm) (Tue-Thu (Mon-Wed 6:30pm) (Mon-Wed • Create an Account nursery at 10:30 am • Go to www.dmsa.ca (whenever applicable) (whenever Les Cascades 10:30 am ALL SAINTS CHURCH • Pay by credit card only • Pay HOLY CROSS PARISH CROSS HOLY Stella Cox 450 623-5192 Stella Cox Telephone: 450-473-9541 Telephone: • 5th Sunday- Church Cafe • 5th Sunday- allsaintsdeuxmontagnes.ca Priest: Reverend David Hart David Priest: Reverend www.christchurchunited.com NON-RESIDENT - SCHEDULE CHRIST CHURCH UNITED CHURCH CHRIST • 3rd Sunday – Family service – Family • 3rd Sunday • Click on the Registration link • Click on the Registration register online on our website. • 1st Sunday – Morning Prayer • 1st Sunday (Mon-Wed 6:30pm or 8:30pm) (Mon-Wed 248-18th Ave. Deux-Montagnes 248-18th Ave. Shadowlands starting at 7:00 pm [email protected] 214-14th Avenue, Deux-Montagnes 214-14th Avenue, 10:00 – 10:30am: Time to connect “Out to Lunch” for all residents of the All Saints. Come and enjoy the movie the movie All Saints. Come and enjoy [email protected]. LEAGUE - BIRTH - YEAR - RESIDENT - LEAGUE - BIRTH Friday, which is SPAM (Sports night At (Sports night At which is SPAM Friday, Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday FRϑHHWHDMXLFHVQDFNVDQGIULHQGV • 2nd / 4th Sunday – Holy Communion • 2nd / 4th Sunday are encouraged to volunteer for coach- to volunteer are encouraged from 7:30 – 9:30, except for every 3rd for every from 7:30 – 9:30, except Feb. 25th: ing or assistant coaching positions. The ing or assistant coaching at Christ Church (address above) every every at Christ Church (address above) contact Christ Church 450-473-4784 or Feb. 23rd: Mountainview). For all high-school aged For Mountainview). area. Come and join us for a free lunch Two Mountains Community Youth Group Youth Mountains Community Two HOLY CROSS PARISH FAITH EDUCATION EDUCATION FAITH PARISH CROSS HOLY Sunday services with Sunday school and school services with Sunday Sunday If you have any questions, please contact questions, please any have If you your involvement. To get involved, please get involved, To involvement. your success of our season depends greatly on success of our season depends us on www.dmsa.ca as of Feb 13. Parents 13. Parents as of Feb us on www.dmsa.ca Volunteers welcome. For more info please welcome. For Volunteers We meet at All Saints Church every Friday Friday meet at All Saints Church every We U5 2012-2013 $25 $50 U5 2012-2013 $25 $50 U7 2010-2011 $25 U10 2007-2009 $35 $60 U14 2003-2006 $70 $95 U18 1999-2002 $70 $95 • Register your child or children under the child or children under your • Register Fr. Lowe Fr. Our new website www. on sale. 9:30 am 7:00 pm REMINDER Spaghetti Supper – mix of 503 rue Cedar 450-473-5429 LION’S CLUB night- 6:30 pm night- Cribbage afternoon - games Dinner (BBQ Steak) – Dance Bingo Afternoon - Time 1:00 (Junior Leagues) Wednesday Regular Lunch - Lunch - Regular Wednesday Karaoke - 8:00 pm / Pot Luck - 8:00 pm / Pot Karaoke REGISTRATION Tel: 450-473-2163 Tel: morning - 9:30 am Fax: 450-472-7258 Fax: Sandwiches on Sale. HOLY FAMILY PARISH FAMILY HOLY Deux-Montagnes J7R 1H1 Deux-Montagnes Send your events and activities info three weeks before. Time Noon - Ticket $10.00 Time Noon - Ticket Seniors Day: Feb 18-2017. Feb Seniors Day: HERITAGE SOCIAL CLUB SOCIAL HERITAGE Halderman at 450-473-3404. Moulin. Doors open at 12:00. MIXED SOFTBALL ONLINE SOFTBALL MIXED register online on February 13 register online on February consisting of their famous Stew. Stew. consisting of their famous The Lions will serve a hot supperThe Lions will serve E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.holy-family-dm.org www.holy-family-dm.org Website: chips / chocolate bars. Price $6.50 receive from the population. If you from the population. If you receive workings of the Lions International Location: Veterans Hall. 141 Grand 141 Grand Hall. Location: Veterans club would like to thank their many their many to thank club would like Monday night: Dart night - with the Monday Sat. Feb. 25th 6:30 p.m. pm doors open at 11:30 (bring your pm doors open at 11:30 (bring your and have thoughts about joining the and have would be welcomed with open arms. Lions club. The club does operate in The club does operate Lions club. & Spaghetti Supper Tickets: Adults = & Spaghetti Supper Tickets: $15.00, Children 13 & under = $6.00 Country & Rock & Roll Music - $10.00 & Roll Country & Rock Lions, or like to know more about the to know more Lions, or like Memorial Hockey Night Habs vs Leafs Memorial Hockey may have about the Deux-Montagnes about the Deux-Montagnes have may supporters for the encouragement we supporters for the encouragement appreciate our work in the community appreciate our work in the community O’Brien at 450-623-5226 or Lion LornaO’Brien at 450-623-5226 Feb. 24th: Feb. 8th: Zumba classes: Tuesday & Wednesday & Wednesday Zumba classes: Tuesday dmsa.ca and our new FACEBOOK page dmsa.ca and our new FACEBOOK At this time the Deux Montagnes Lions this At Forever Young Theatre Group: Monday Group: Monday Theatre Young Forever English, but French speaking members will be launched on February 13. It will will be launched on February 1:00 pm - Registration 12:30 - Kitchen 1:00 pm - Registration many door prizes, Entertainment, and a door prizes, many association, please feel free to call Lion Exercise classes: Tuesday & Thursday - & Thursday classes: Tuesday Exercise be updated with all new information, so fat. For information please call Lion GIGI fat. For Feb. 25th: be pleased to answer any questions you questions you be pleased to answer any – Music DJ – Ticket $25.00 – time: 6:30 – Music DJ – Ticket please don’t hesitate to check us out! To please don’t hesitate to check us out! To Feb. 11th: Feb. 15th: OXQFK ZHGRVHOOWHDFRϑHHVRIWGULQNV Kitchen open for Hamburgers & Hot dogs and friends. A great place for chewing theand friends. A great place chance to meet up with old acquaintanceschance to meet up with old Open Feb. 13th: open 11:30 am Hot Dogs & Gilled Cheese Feb. 17th: Martin Hensen at 450-473-1932, who will There will be Bingo games with nice prizes,There will be Bingo games 12 • The North Shore News • 10 February, 2017 activities. their youwouldabout other justas and activities haveyour kids accounts. their own rather Provider than letting your Internet Service A at this boards age. e-mail, chat ormessage rooms sites. “bookmarked” to their offavorite or list by limitingyourkids A them Internet safety: about supervision. ment –notareplacement –for parental Web content. thethem to to submittheir “personalize” names ifasite anonlinenickname encourages use kids whileonline.Have ortheir friends family your their outinformation themselves, about give never uncomfortable orthreatened. anythingcome onlinethat them across feel makes monitor them. easily wherearea youcan yourkids. from yourchildren safe: ofkeeping objective your that tips safety help follow youachieve will The worldthem safe ofours. to inthis be virtual aware well, ofthe inorder hiddendangersas for andmakesure that yourchildren are risks these but itmay contain also hiddenrisks. doubt that numerous the Internet has advantages no Thereis ofyoungchildren andteenagers. lives Internet isnowmore than ever, inthe prevalent orat the houses at corner store, their friends’ the g g woman I was in love with suddenlybroke inlovewith me,quite upwith woman Iwas I’m afriend, SuddenlyIlost notangry. I’m justinshock. She apologized for for,” “all apologize Ican She apologized butthere was you,” me.Yes, inlovewith truly shesaid was Iasked. open marriage. I respected her marriage andherspace. I hermarriage Irespected marriage. open no mention of regret for leading meon. forno mention leading ofregret unceremoniously, minutes I-love-you’s weshared after and “can’t youagain.” to see wait showed me more love than people I had known for years. Ihadknown memore lovethan people showed for, deeply Icare someone months, who,inthree someone loved her for who she is. Whensheuttered the first“Ilove herfor whosheis. loved blue sky. When she called last night, I let itgoto voicemail. Ilet night, blue sky. last Whenshecalled Talk their to about onlinefriends yourkids e-mailaccount family ashared with Establish Don’t instant messaging, use yourkids let onlineenvironmentCreate apersonalized are online. whenthey yourkids sitwith Always inmindyourchildren’sKeep agewhenteaching Consider Internet-filteringas a comple- tools Encourage yourchildren to come to youifthey Internet-connectedKeep computers inanopen at at the home,inschool, library,Whether itbe Start teaching kids about privacy. Tell about kids teaching Start them to input with Create rules alistofInternet house that itisessential youunderstand parents, As es 8-10 es 5-7 Isent heranemail:“Hey, and Igotyourmessage I’m a31-year-old divorced woman.She’s 42andinan The much word ortwois needed. awise guys, Hey I’m stunned. I believed her words. herwords. I’m Ibelieved stunned. Then last week her goodbye dropped out of the clear outof the clear dropped hergoodbye week Thenlast Bicycle BuiltForTwo Wayne & Tamara Mitchell are the authors of YOUR OTHER HALF (www.yourotherhalf.co m )• Send letters to: Direct Answers, PO 964S PO Wayne Answers, to:Direct letters &Tamara m)•Send (www.yourotherhalf.co ofYOUR HALF OTHER aretheauthors Mitchell activities. their youwouldabout other justas and activities childrensnetwork.ngo ourwebsite at514 843-4333orvisit www.missing- year-round,offered ourofficescontact at please Children’s safety workshops, Networkpersonal 14-17) (Ages gamble. for thatremind minorsto yourteens illegal itis 14-17) (Ages orselling items. buying ordering, anymaking online,including financialtransactions as Facebook. such networks, onany ofthe social and videos when exchanging information, private photos cautious very domain andthat should be they others. against bully ormakethreats the to using Internet gossip, spread should notbe laws. the oncopyright from may Internet infringe orartwork text, images File-sharing andtaking Teach onlinebehaviour. responsible yourkids them andcheck for any offensivefrequent, content. and sexuality. them to appropriateand direct health about sites an“onlineconsidering meeting friend.” A allowed. content. for them this of with to howto kind know deal is important andit their Internet surfing during accidently come onlinepornography across some attitude More than likely it. towards yourchild will ahealthy andrespectful ofdeveloping importance want morewant emailcontact. wrong that afternoon to hurt you? Has this been coming this been to you?Has hurt thatwrong afternoon dollar bill orapound note. medium of exchange. They don’tmedium They care ofexchange. about another’s on for Idon’t awhile?Again, outofanger, ask justtrying repair this, nor am I crying anymore, but how do I spot anymore, buthowdoIspot nor amIcrying this, repair feelings any care about morethan thefeelings they ofa and file it. Iwon’tand fileit. butitwouldhelpaskknew.” again ifI for me, she said. I was like a drug to her, likeadrug for me,shesaid.Iwas butshedoesn’t life being with me was like another pressure. She cares mewas with life being this, please do it one more time so my brain can sign, seal seal doitonemore my sign, timeso braincan please this, to ofitall.Ifyoufeel you’ve make sense explained already this inthe future? g For more information regardingthe Missing and risks potential andits gambling Discuss youbeforeMake with check sure yourteens Remind them that the apublic Internet is Talk behaviour. to ethical them about They aware ofthe WebsitesBe that yourteens Talk onlinepornography to about yourkids Insist that tell are yourkids youfirstif they Talk their about onlinefriends yourkids with at this Instant ageshouldnotbe messaging sexuality yourchildren with andthe Discuss “Forgive me,the idiotinmeisslow. DidIsay something Grace She emailed saying she has so much so goingoninher saying shehas Sheemailed Grace, some people use sex as acurrency. as It’s sex use Grace, somepeople their I’m to ofthis. help memakesense notlooking Please es 11-13 / 14-17 enough in her departure that you feel flattered. This enoughThis feel in flattered. thatyou herdeparture any in an relationship, woman is Ifthis open doubt. she Now womanyou. hada This with fling foryou. everything judge people harshly without giving them the benefit of themthebenefit judge harshly giving people without is a sexual chameleon. Other people are sex partners partners are chameleon. sex people Other asexual is in an relationship. about open their Are soconfused they in my Peoplein Iwould lovethink, life drop foryou. method maymethod lies are they living? are they lies to her, notlovers. sexuality and loyalties they are rudderless? How many are rudderless? and they loyalties sexuality she life can tothecounterfeit goback she lives. You can’t anyone who trust and says are they married Afterthree praising she months backed out, you Often, for our own well-being, forour wehave able own tobe to Often, People in lovedon’t Ihave much think, too going on

allow her to have a “friends with benefits” allow herto benefits” have with a“friends pringfield, MO 65801-0964 or email: [email protected] 65801-0964oremail: MO pringfield, You don’t thethird needtobe wheel onsomeone else’s you. her own one, a selfish one. This is not how love starts, it starts, is nothowlove aselfishThis one. one, her own involved someonealready with involved another. with ing. atwhat But look is howabusestarts. is being got desperate loving relationship.loving You can’t with findyou theonefor amonogamous is need you life are What you living. relationship with you bicycle. someone who is open to everyone else. This woman is woman This else. toeveryone open someone who is later. KEEPING IN MIND THAT: NUMBERSFROM 1TO 4, COMPLETE EACH GRID WITH How avoid this doyou in the By future? notbecoming Wayne &Tamara Fill up life your are soyou busythe and happy with

You werestarv- 10 February, 2017 • The North Shore News • 13 in our next issue - NO CHARGE MANOS, Louise MANOS, 1952 - 2017 it is with profound sadness that After a beautiful and honourable life, Manos, we announce the peaceful passing of beloved Louise Laberge Louise was a woman of tremendous at the age of 64 years old. kindness of generosity, She leaves a legacy strength and resilience. IN MEMORIAM & OBITUARIES OBITUARIES & MEMORIAM IN GENTLEMAN, Gina GENTLEMAN, 1958 - 2017 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Gina Credali She leaves 2017 at the ageGentleman on January of 58 years old. 24, her son Robert to mourn her commonlaw partner Jean-Claude Dulude, Audrey her stepdaughter her grandchildren Gary and Brandon, (Annie), BRUNETTI, Alessandro BRUNETTI, 1936 - 2017 2017 Loving January 27, awayAlessandro Brunetti passed on Friday, cherished father of Applebaum), husband of the late Barbara (nee of Bianca, Sandro (Lisa) and Jeff and beloved nonno (Catherine), Frank brother of the late Dearly loved Sara Hunter and Chase. Brianna, Adam, Email: [email protected] • Tel.: 450-978-9999 Email: [email protected] • Contact us today to place an obituary or in memoriam

Athanasios left us with serenity and courage on January He was the 14 at the age of 94. Alexandra, to John and beloved father and father-in-law Veli, cherished husband of Besi He will and Christian. Tom Deana, beloved grandfather to Stefanie, George and Demetra, nieces and friends. nephews, Anastasia, be sadly missed by sisters Eftichia and VARELAS, Athanasios VARELAS, 1922 - 2017 and true friendship. To honour Louise’s memory, be kind to others and remember that life memory, honour Louise’s To and true friendship. she is survived by her husband of is beautiful! Dearly missed and loved beyond words, Stephane (Maria Campos) Antoon), George Manos; her children Nicole (Feras 42 years, George Tiffany, George, Chloe, Alexandre; her cherished grandchildren Sebastien, and She will be remembered with love by her twin sister Denise and her brother and Micheal. Thanopoulos and her nieces George (Manon Jetté) as well as her brother-in-law François many relatives and countless friends. Hionis), (Peggy Peter Dimitra, and nephews, (Philippe), her step- grandchildren Coralie, Maude, her brother Andrea (Catherine), and Andrea (Catherine), her brother Maude, her step- grandchildren Coralie, (Philippe), great-nephew and great-nieces Sonny, (Marie-Claude), Nephews Frank Angie, her sister cousins and friends. aunts, uncle, Zaccardo and Lara, Layla, GANGL, Erwin GANGL, 2017 at away the l’Hôpital de la Cité-de-la-Santé in peacefully on January Passed 18, he immigrated to Canada to Josef and Elisabeth Gangl, Austria Born in Kapfenberg, Laval. Here, Montreal and Laval and lived most of his adult life in the region. in the early 50’s Erwin two sons. and welcomed worked at Cercast, Bregler, he met and married Lotte As a younger man he loved to ski, was loyal and dedicated to his family and friends. Later he looked forward to his card games and trips up in life play soccer and travel. Erwin was and sociability. laughter, generosity, He was known for his green thumb, north. He is survived by and his wife Lotte (1997). sister Herma, predeceased by his parents, Manfred of Halifax (Alison DeLory) and sons Norman of Edmonton (Norma-Jean Baber), Vera, indebted to his special friend The family is deeply Eric. Curtis, grandsons Jackson, Austria Erwin also leaves extended family in who cared for him so dearly in recent years. and many other friends. and in-laws, two nephews and Germany including (Giovanni, deceased), Giuseppe (Carol) and Raffaele. He will be greatly missed by all of his Giuseppe (Carol) and Raffaele. deceased), (Giovanni, relatives and friends. nephews, nieces,   




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& SAVE MONEY with& SAVE C ABRACADABRA ABRACADABRA Association) can place place can Association) 14 • The North Shore News • 10 February, 2017 13+ | 1 hr 55 mins | Action-Thriller | 13+ |Action-Thriller 55 |1hr mins JOHN together. forafuture hopes their todestroy couple, determined Christian’s from the tocircle start figures past owy stability, andfind shad- trust tobuild begin thetwo As anotherchance. him give she will before arrangement anew she demands life, intohis back AnaSteele tious toentice acau- tries Grey Christian When awounded | 16+ |Romantic-Drama 55 |1hr mins FIFTY ror again in the third film of the Ring franchise. oftheRing film the third in ror again ter- tostrike tape video afamiliar with returns Samara 13+ | |Horror 42 |1hr mins RINGS headopted. boy a ofraising City,Gotham theresponsibility butalso WayneBruce of thecriminals with notonlydeal must | |Action-Animation mins 44 G |1hr THE the world’s killers. deadliest Wickhelp him, against off toRomesquare travels to oath ablood by Bound guild. ternational assassins’ control ofanin- toseize plots associate when aformer hitmanJohn WickLegendary outofretirement comes LEGO BATMAN MOVIE SHADES DARKER SHADES WICK: CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER WICK: ture through the most powerful boardrooms ofWall boardrooms powerful themost through ture Street. anadven- sparking moredifficult, even itis keeping jungle of Indonesia. Getting the gold was hardbut thegoldwas Getting ofIndonesia. jungle theuncharted goldin tofind journey on anamazing humans he teaches to laugh and love. The family film The film andlove. family tolaugh humans heteaches ofthe thelives through existence own ofhis meaning the whofinds Josh Gad) by dog(voiced of onedevoted story andsurprising thesoulful shares Foot Journey), John, The 100- Dear Rules, CiderHouse ström (The final strike against the only remaining survivors ofthe survivors theonlyremaining against strike final fora forces its gathering is the Umbrella Corporation City, -The Raccoon Hivein where began nightmare Now, theundead. towherethe against she return must humanity’s stand tobe meant final ofwhat was vivor audiences can belt out the words to their favorite songs. favorite totheir outthewords belt can audiences so lyrics, on-screen with film feature na” thefull includes 13+ | 01 |2hrs |Drama min GOLD thedog’stold from perspective. Hall- Lasse director from ADog’sCameron, Purpose, W. by novel bestselling onthebeloved Bruce Based 01 | G |2hrs |Fantasy min A DOG’S PURPOSE on January 27th 2017. The sing-along version of“Moa- 27th2017.The version sing-along on January version “Sing-Along” nationwide anew in theaters movie to returning be will Moana hitfilm Disney’s animated | |Musical 53G |1hr mins MOANA apocalypse. theonlysur- is Jovovich) (Milla Evil: Alice Retribution, Resident in theevents after upimmediately Picking | 13+ |Thriller-Horror mins 46 |1hr RESIDENT break, foralucky Kenny desperate Wells, aprospector teams up with a similarly eager geologist and sets of andsets geologist eager asimilarly upwith teams SING-ALONG EVIL: THEEVIL: FINAL CHAPTER


10 February, 2017 • The North Shore News • 15 87 $ 157 207 $ $ 11. Border gently 17. Strikes 22. Come about prone 24. More 25. Outdated charge 26. Greens 27. Fish feature 28. Dunk 30. Gulped down 31. Bagel topper 32. Ran into 35. Neat 38. “____ DarnCat!” worker 40. Office 42. Terrace star 44. Opera 45. Among 46. Laced 48. Lounge around 50. Choir singer tool 51. Cultivating 52. Poisonous serpents leftover 54. Fire for for for - 500 1000 1000 250 tion DOWN periods 1. Geologic 2. Wrongdoing home 3. Genesis comfortably 4. Settle over 5. Bent 6. Cougar 7. Join tool 8. Angler’s 9. Related 10. Liquid measure 43. Not damp 44. Computer informa brew 47. Beerlike 49. Daddy 53. Mimic 55. Woes 56. Struggle (for) part 57. Window 58. End on 59. Tack 60. Sacred 61. Pulls - CANADA or USA LIVE LONGER We print all kinds of cheques A couple of hours into a visit with my mother she A couple of hours into a visit with my mother she lit up a cigarette once. “Are you try- noticed I hadn’t ing to kick the habit?” smoke “No,” I replied. “I’ve got a cold and I don’t when I’m not feeling well.” she observed, “you’d probably live lon- know,” “You ger if you were sick more often.” tion marks four” Personal or Business ACROSS 1. Flat 5. Twirled 9. Copy train 12. Go by as a radio 13. Adjust, 14. Jest 15. Expert fliers out 16. Leaving 18. Released 19. Clumsy person contribu 20. Poker-pot a cat 21. Drink like 23. Chatter 25. Volunteered 29. Biblical song 33. Island garland 34. Blockhead of Italy 36. Tip 37. Fender damage 39. False explanation three, two, 41. “____, PUZZLE NO. 592 PUZZLE NO. 856

You must not repeat the numbers You must not repeat the numbers

ORDERING IN My husband and I both work, so our family eats out My husband and I both work, so our family eats out a lot. when we were having a rare home-cooked Recently, and told meal, I handed a glass to my three-year-old her to drink her milk. She looked at me bewildered and replied, “But I milk.” order didn’t JOKES

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. line. You Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker you start- already have a few numbers to get Remember: ed. 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box. HOW TO PLAY : HOW TO PLAY CROSSWORDS Copyright © 2014, Penny Press Penny 2014, © Copyright ˨˨ s e u profes- Sagittarius, Capricorn & Aquarius Capricorn & Sagittarius, because you need to gain life. Unless you get your ho- life. Unless you get around in circles at home, for self-esteem. when it comes to your when it comes to match your efforts. You could match your efforts. You could You’ll be confronted with existen- tial questions this week. You’ll start thinking about making significant changes, a new perspective on your life. PISCES You’ll be able to come to a happy agreement with the people in your life after a conflict. You’ll be very wise throughout the situation. CAPRICORN You’ll have tremendous success at work. Your bosses will be left with no choice but to give you a raise if they wish to secure your loyalty in the long term. AQUARIUS SCORPIO You’ll have a group of people to ma- nage and they’ll expect you initiate everything. Therefore, you’ll have much to do. Assert yourself and take your rightful place. SAGITTARIUS Work and family responsibilities will be at the forefront for you this week. You’ll have very little time for your- self. You’ll also be asked to plan a large gathering. VIRGO There will be a fair amount of action you this week. The numerous for obligations that will take up most of your time could overwhelm you. Fortunately, you’re an organized individual. LIBRA A cold is usually a sign that you need rest. You’ll have a tendency to worry about anything and every- thing. Relaxation and meditation are called for. CANCER If you need to drive somewhere, make sure you have proper direc- tions to avoid wasting substantial time trying to find your destination. A map or a GPS could be useful in this situation. LEO You don’t like having to tighten your belt, but doing so will encourage you to fix the problem. You’ll take the ne- cessary steps after making a plan. TAURUS You’ll be the centre of attention. Expect to be applauded for your efforts. The situations in which you’ll find yourself this week will boost your GEMINI You might spend an entire day going example while waiting for a delivery. You’ll decide that some rooms need redecorating. ARIES very stimulat- This week will be ing sional pes unreasonably high, your success will suffer from dizzy spells.


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