Additional Notes on the Birds of Labrador
THE AUK: A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY. VoL. xxw. JANJARY, 1910. NO. 1. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE BIRDS OF LABRADOR. ! BY CHARLES W. TOWNSEND• M. I)., AND A. C. BENT. Plates I-III. THE followingnotes are intendedto supplementthe 'Birds of Labrador'2 publishedin 1907. They are the resultof an ornitho- logicalexcursion to the southernLabrador coast in the springof 1909. The itinerary was as follows: Leaving Quebec on the mail steamshipon May 21, 1909, we reachedthe beginningof the LabradorPeninsula on May 23, some345 milesfrom Quebecand 30 miles to the west of SevenIslands. This point is where the 50th parallel strikesthe coastin the Gulf of St. Lawrence. From here, stoppingat a few places,we skirtedthe coastas far as Esqui- lnaux Point, wherewe left the steameron May 24. The next day we startedin a smallsail boat and cruisedfor •t weekalong the coast and ainongthe islandsto the eastwardas far as Natashquan, about85 milesfrom EsquimauxPoint and some255 milesfrom the westernmostpoint on the coastot' the LabradorPeninsula. On thistrip we landedand exploredat Betchewun,Isles des Cornellies, Piashte-bai where we ascended the river five or six miles to the falls, Great Piashte-bai,Quatachoo and Watcheeshoo. We spent two days at Natashquanand returncdby steameron the night • Read before the Nuttall Ornithological Club, November 1, 1909. • Birds of Labrador. By Charles W. Townsend, M.D. and Glover M. Allen. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 277-428, pl. 29. Boston, July, 1907. See also Townsend, Labrador Notes, Auk, Vol. XXVI, p. 201, 1909. 1 THE AUK, VOL. XXVII. PLATE ISLANDSAT WATCHESHOD,LABRADOR. NESTINGSITES FOR GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULLS AND EH)EHS.
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