Zesiger Center Multi-Activity Court Floods
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Drop Date Wednesday MIT's The Weather Oldest and Largest Today: Partly sunny, 45°F (70C) Tonight: Cloudy, 40°F (5°C) Newspaper Tomorrow: Sunny, 52°F (11°C) Details, Page 2 Volume 122, Number 57 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Tuesday, November 19, 2002 Simmons Zesiger Center Multi-Activity Court Floods Soccer Ball Hits Faces Sprinkler, Murky Dining Water Falls on Court By Tom KilpatriCk STAFF REPORTER Problems The Zesiger Sports and Fitness Center flooded Friday, requiring an By Jenny Zhang intense cleanup effort that involved STAFF REPORTER approximately thirty staff members Simmons Hall Dining has and lasted several hours. encountered numerous problems "A soccer ball hit the protective over the last week, including run- cage of a sprinkler head with such ning out of food and generally low force that it activated a single sprin- food quality, students said. kler head," inside the Multi-Activity Simmons began to have prob- Court, or MAC, said Assistant lems last week when food that was Department Head for Facilities and supposed to last until 8:00 ran out Operations Daniel Martin. at 7: 15, leaving many students Phillip M. Kelleher '04 made the hungry. Food quality, which Sim- ill-fated kick while playing a game mons students said they had been with some friends. "We were play- satisfied with at the beginning of ing soccer and I kicked the ball," the semester, has been fluctuating probably hitting a pipe, he said. as well. What happened next is not cer- Simmons held a house meeting tain, but a large amount of dark, AARON MIlfALlK-THE TECH on Sunday, during which the dining foul-smelling water soon filled the Workers remove the tiled surface of the 5,OOO-square foot Multi-Activity Court In the Zeslger Sports issue was discussed. MAC playing area, reaching a depth and Fitness Center Friday afternoon after a damaged fire sprinkler flooded the court. A repair time has "One of the solutions we came of several inches, said Zesiger Cen- yet to be determined. up with was to have the register at ter employee Chuck Rainey. "All I filled out a report for Zesiger man- system, but the corroded quality of The MAC is about the size of a the end of the food, so that students know is that we had a main pipe agers detailing the event. the water suggests that it had been basketball court, but is walled in by will take less and could be charged burst on the MAC court," he said. Rainey did not know whether the sitting in the building's lines for for taking too much," said Sameera Kelleher said that his group burst pipe was part of the sprinkler some time. Flooding, Page 16 S. Ponda '03, chair of the House Committee .. Originally, diners helped them- selves to meals, taking essentially as Donnitory Council Circulating 2003 Rush Petition much as they wished. Servers were By Jennifer Krishnan Grace R. Kessenich '03, president Williams '03. "We're not sure if the to show "there is broad-based sup- brought in to control the portion EDITOR IN CHIEF' of Dormcon. "It's to show that it's constituents of all the dorms are port" for an older-style rush and that sizes, Ponda said. The Dormitory Council is circu- not just about choosing where you with us, since we tend to represent it's "not just EC and Senior House The move to place the register lating a petition for a "uninterrupted live, but it's also about the commu- not all the dorms ... but we think complaining." after the serving area took place multi day" dormitory rush period nity that is built during that period." that most people will remember that The end of the petition reads: yesterday. during next year's Orientation. "The petition is about increasing their having a decision [regarding "We feel that this campus wide "We have a very unique situa- "The goal is to show student the ... prominence of dorm rush in where they would live] was impor- community event [dormitory rush] tion to be addressed here, and we support for a period, during Orienta- the eyes of the freshmen," said tant." see the issues. I think we have cor- tion, to have dorm events," said Dormcon secretary Ryan D. Kessenich said part of the goal is Dormitory Rush, Page 13 rected the problems," said Kathie Harwell, General Manager for Bon Appetit, the company that runs resi~ UA Ponders Science Fiction dential dining programs at MIT. r'" "It can never be as good as hav- '- " ing the meal cooked in the building. Library, ASA Group Space Bon Appetit has responded aggres- sively to the food shortage and qual- By Raymund Dantes percent and renovated to more effi- ity complains," said Richard D. ciently utilize its space. The MITS- Berlin III, director of campus din- The Undergraduate Association FS Library could then occupy the ing. last night discussed a proposal by other half of this room, he said. the Association of Student Activi- The proposal was met with Communication strengthened ties to incorporate the the MIT Sci- strong resistance by many VA coun- "Bon Appetit has been very ence Fiction Society Library into cil members, including UA Presi- responsive and quick to address our the fifth floor reading room, reno- dent Josiah D. Seale '03, who said problems with food running out," vate the rest of the reading room, that open, non-crowded space is said Phillip J. Walsh, Director of and turn the old MITSFS Library what makes the reading room con- Campus Activities Complex. "I have into group-oriented study space. ducive to studying. met with some of their representa- ASA representative Andrew UA Councilors David M. Elihu tives from other colleges to discuss Menard said that the MITSFS '05 and Nadja M. Yousif '04 disap- this." Library currently does not have proved of removing academic space "One of the difficulties had to enough space in the fourth floor of for leisure activities and having the do with communication with Next the student center to house its col- group study space on the fourth House, where the food is produced. lection. The library is the largest floor, away from the reading room .Appropriate procedure was not fol- open science fiction library in the and Athena cluster. Councilors also lowed; they recognize this. Richard world. said that simply renovating the read- [Berlin], Ward [Ganger], and I Menard said that since the read- ing room would attract more stu- have been here at Simmons Dining ing room has unused space and is dents looking for places to study. to see how things are going," normally at less than 60 percent of "Is this (proposal) what students Walsh said. MATTT. YOURST-THETECH seating capacity, except during the want?" asked UA President Josiah "Our primary concern has always The MIT Lion Dance Group performs at Saturday night's Heart final exam period, the reading room Seale. "It is hard to get an unbiased of the Dragon banquet. More photos, page 13. could serve the same number of stu- Simmons Dining, Page 15 dents if it were downsized by 50 MITSFS, Page 16 The Festival LET'S FIGURE OUT Comics OPINION u.HAT MAKES US World & Nation 2 Jazz Ensem- THE MOST PROFIT. Gretchen K. Aleks votes to bring AND THEN DO MORE Opinion 4 ble puts on a OF IT. liberals back to the Democratic fun show. Party. Events Calendar 7 Arts 8 Page 10 Page 6 Page 5 Sports 20 Page 2 THE TECH November 19,2002 WORLD & NATION Would-Be Hijacker Planned Weapons Inspectors Return To Crash Plane Into Building TilE WASlIINGTON POST ISTANBUL To Iraq with New Authority An Israeli Arab wrestled to the floor outside the cockpit of an El Al flight Sunday night told investigators he hoped to crash the jet into By Michael Slackman disarm and warns of serious conse- that firing at U.S. warplanes a tall building in Tel Aviv in imitation of the Sept. II, 200 I, attack LOS ANGELES TIMES quences if it does not. patrolling the no-fly zone might against New York's World Trade Center, Turkish police said Mon- CAIRO, EGYPT The first test of Iraq's intentions well be considered a "material day. United Nations weapons inspec- could come as early as Nov. 27, breach" of the U.N. resolution - Tawfiq Fukra, 23, told anti-terrorism agents in Istanbul, where the tors returned to Iraq on Monday for when Blix said preliminary checks and if confirmed by the Security plane landed safely, that he planned to use a penknife to hijack the the first time in nearly four years, are scheduled to begin. Perhaps the Council, could trigger an attack. Boeing 757 and single-handedly force it to crash into a building to backed by the threat of force and the more important date is Dec. 8, when White House officials said Mon- protest Israel's actions against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and authority to search anywhere, any Iraq is to file a list of any banned day that U.S. warplanes would con- West Bank, according to a statement released by the Istanbul police's time for chemical, biological and weapons programs. The second tinue to fire back when targeted by anti-terrorism unit. nuclear weapons - even in Saddam deadline appears to be a conflict the Iraqis, but that the Bush admin- Fukra said he had intended to commandeer the jetliner shortly Hussein's lavish palaces. waiting to ,happen, since Iraq insists istration was not ready yet to take after takeoff "in order to hit tall buildings in Tel Aviv" but lost his Chief weapons inspector Hans it has no such programs.