Fordham Honors Nobel Peace Prize Recipient
Very Bad Thing's h Starr ' i Can AFG be CHristian Slater ;. is the Best!! the beasts of The Observer interview the NFL? page 14 page 5 page 19 November 25, 1998 THE STUDENT VOICE OF FORDHAM COLLEGE AT LINCOLN CENTER VOLUME xvii. issue e $80,000 Up for Fordham Honors Nobel Grabs in Student Activities Budget Peace Prize Recipient By Ron Zapata 23, Hume received a Doctor of Laws, Process honoris causa, from Fordham By Jane McGonigal As a Catholic ten-year-old boy living University for his efforts in Northern under the religious strife in Northern Ireland. Held at the McNally With student club budget proposals Ireland in 1947, John Hume experi- Amphitheater, Hume graced the stage due November 30, and the Student enced his first political lesson at a donned in Fofdham's traditional con- Activities Budget Committee (SABC) nationalist meeting with his father. vocation attire of flowing, maroon slated to meet on December 4 to allo- The meeting, dominated by enthusias- gowns ; Described by Father Joseph cate funds close to $80,000, according tic, flag-waving Catholics, called for a A. Q'Hare, president of the University, to Student Activities Office (SAO) bud- united Ireland, separate from the as a "warrior of peace," Hume may get records, club members are anx- Protestant rule of Great Britain. finally be seeing the fruition of his iously waiting to see if their requests for "I was^ getting very emotional," work. John Hume, Nobel Peace Prize Recipient financial support for programs, l#c- Hume recalled, "Then my father put In 1970, Hume became one of the tures; and publications will be accepted his hand on my shoulder and said founders of the Social Democratic apd Republican Army (IRA).
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