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Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

9-27-2001 Arbiter, September 27 Students of Boise State University

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September 27. 2001 Vol. 15 Issue 10 First Copy Free Students may subsidize tax cut

agencies in August to cut their Stormy economy current budgets by 2 percent to could lead to counteract low revenue, slash- more education ing $1.4 million from Boise State's budget. ' holdbacks, fee The reduction, only a small increase likely percentage of the current $198,174,900budget, is still sig- By Brandon Flaig nificant. New faculty salaries The Arbiter and travel budgets are ham- pered as a result. Once Boise One of the state legis- State West is built, staffing it lature's leading budget ana- may pose a huge challenge lysts told the Idaho Press Club with additional budget cuts. Monday that Gov. Robison, a member of' the Kempthorne's recent educa- powerful Joint· Finance- tion holdback means college Administration Committee students will pay for an earlier- and the lone Democrat on the announced ...... ,.._ H 0 use

$100 million II Schools should suder Appropriations tax cut. like anyone else. As Committee, said And a cruel as that Is to say, the holdbacks s tor m Y when we are dealing shouldn't apply e con 0 m Y with a downturn, that's to public could mean what we have to do to schools, and that more, and be fair. Is It any easier past holdbacks deeper, edu- to cut corrections, or didn't. cation cuts. health and welfare1' "I don't think B 0 i s e the Legislature S tat e, - Dolores Crow (R-Nampa) would have sup- already in a .-:...:....- ported over $100 h i r i n g million in tax freeze, may raise. student fees cuts if they knew it would to help compensate. come at the expense of educa- "Students will help pay for tion," he said. "Scaling back or

the tax cuts with higher stu- postponing tax cuts should be Pholo bVTed Hannon. The ArbIter dent fees," said Rep. Kenneth looked at." Robison, (D-Boise). Rep. Ken Robison (D-Bolse) and Rep. Dolores Crow (R-Nampa) field questions posed during a press conference sponsored by the Kempthorne ordered state seeTAXCUTonpg.12 Idaho Press Club on Monday.

to help pay for school. Health and Wellness Center Student soldiers "I hadn't really considered that we'd actually go to war, but it's something we have to offers cheap, quality care continue with deal with," Charles said. "I'm ance to use the health center. nurse practitioners on staff. prepared 'to do what I have By Mgtt Nezngnskl The center prefers students The Arbiter "That is the most common business as usual to." misconception students have," to call and make appoinanents Sgt. 1st Class Shane Maxey, for consultation 10 order to a local National Guard The round structure she said. "Everything except contraceptives are covered 100 meet scheduling needs. these events as other stu- recruiter, said he noticed a enclosed by a cinder block wall "We do that so we can By Matt Nezngnskl spike in interest in the last near the sJoplight outside of percent: The Arbiter dents," he said. Should a student need to be match students with the staff The ROTC program con- weeks, although actual enlist- the Public Affairs and Art and, . experience of the building. holds the Student referred to a specialist outside While military installations sists of a basic program, taken ment numbers have not providers," said Nelson. changed. Health and Wellness Center. of the center, insurance would have been instructed to during a student's freshman pick up the percentage allowed Students don't have to suffer and sophomore years, and an Maxey served for 13 years Inside, students can find while waiting for an appoint- increase their security levels in the military, nine in the great deals for their health care by the plan. across the country, Army advance program as a junior "If we're having a bad run ment in the event of an emer- and senior. The classes are National Guard. needs including check ups, pre- gency, however. ROTC detachments and "More younger kids are ventative medicine and some on the flu, we may have to pre- National Guard units at Boise considered electives on tran- "If there is an urgent condi- calling, asking questions," urgent care. scribe out, but student insur- State continue with business scripts. ance will reimburse with a $5 tion like bad abdominal pain "Some students are stu- said Maxey. "They have a feel- "Our job is to keep students and a fever, you don't have to as usual - for now. ing of patriotism, trying to do in school, keep them healthy," co-pay," said Nelson. According to a 4th region dents' who are in ROTC and Full fee-paying students wait," said Nelson. ''We won't some are in the National something to serve." said Jayne Nelson, Health and tum people away." ROTC e-mail, the. 21-state According to Maxey, Welloess Center director. have access to the center for a region's 78 battalions and Guard," said Mikitish. $5 fee. Other students pay an The center is the only The ROTC e-mail indicated National Guard recruiters dif- The center specializes in accredited facility among Idaho four brigades are not institut- fer from active duty military treating acute ambulatory con- access fee of $25. ing additional security mea- that although cadets have not "Last lear, we had an universities and is among less been ordered to a state of recruiters. ditions . than 150Jroviders on campus- . sures. "We've been asking ques- "If you get sinusitis, a sore increase 0 2,000 patient visits; Boise State ROTC includes readiness, they are expected that's over last year's number," es aroun the country. . to join with schools and mili- tions about why they're call- throat or a sprain, we can eval- "It is not mandatory to be about 50 students in classes ing, depending on the uate and treat. that. If it is said Nelson. "Our challenge is and organizations, said Lt. tary installations in following to find the wherewithal to meet. accredited," said Nelson. "But precautions and restrictions answers, we go from there. beyond what we can do, we it tells the public we do quality Col. Michael Mikitish, BSU We don't beat on doors," said will refer you to a specialist," the demand." , professor of Military Science. where they reside. The center has physicians, health care, and helps to Pfc. Steve Charles, a tanker . Maxey. said Nelson. "Cadets are students, and Students do not need insur- physician's assistants and they feel the same way about in the National Guard, joined see ROTCon pg. 3 seeHEALTH onpg. 12 Man who found Panel urges tolerance of Islamic students Titanic to present curriculum to campus By Ashley Gettings The Arbiter BSU News Serylces ASBSU, along with the Scientist Robert Ballard, 'After the JASON Idaho Statesman, sponsored a founder of the JASON Foundation project curriculum free community forum and Foundation for Education and presentation at the Discovery panel discussion about the the man who discovered the Center, Ballard and the other Islamic religion on Sunday wreck of the Titanic, will be dignitaries will hold a ques- evening at the Jordan Ballroom among the dignitaries who tion-and-answer .session with in the Student Union. will be in Boise on Oct. 4 to educators in the Boise State "The goal of the forum was present the JASON curricu- Student Union Hatch Ballroom to put a human face on the lum as a gift to educators in at 11:10 a.m. followed by the issues of the last several days. the state or Idaho. Included in luncheon. The public is invited We want to try to jrevent the festivities are a 10 a.m, cer- and tickets are available at future stereotyping an violent emony at the Discovery Select-a-Seat for $10. Ticket acts toward the Muslims," said Center' of Idaho and a noon holders will only need to show executive editor of the Idaho luncheon in the Student Union event tickets to be admitted to Statesman, Carolyn Washburn. at Boise State University. a special parking section at no Tariq Kergaye, representing Rear Adm. Jay Cohen of the charge. The luncheon will be . the Islamic Center of Boise was U.S. Office of Naval Research; hosted by BoiseState's colleges the first member of the panel to Beverly Cook, Department of _ofEngineering and Education. speak. Energy Idaho director; and Ballard is the president for He discussed his own life as Bill Shipp, president and ~n- the Institute for Exploration a Muslim, especially while in eral manager of the Idaho and former senior scientist in the United States. National Engineering and applied physics an.d engineer- " Kergaye asked the audience Environmental Laboratory ing at the Woods Hole '\ . (lNEEL), -will be .among the Oceanographic Institution. He visitors who will accompany has led or participated in more ...\;,.... i see TOLERANCEon pg. 3 . -, . Pholo bV Jeremy Branstad, The ArbIter Tariq Kergaye of the Islamic Center of Boise speaks to those assembled In the Jordan Ballroom on Ballard to Boise. Gov. Dirk than 65 underwaterexpedi- Kempthome and Marilyn tions, and in 1985 he and his t".' Sunday. Howard, Idaho'ssuperinten- research team discovered the ~:.-. ~e dent of public instruction. will wreck of the Titanic atthe bot- accept the gift on behalf of the tom' of the North Pacific educators and students Ocean. l -News,;·.··· ASBSUdonates funds in throughout Idaho. JASON's educational mate- -Women's fitness event is JASoN's curricular materi- rial and livebroadcast takes 1 press conference.today. . als encompass a broad range theteachersandstudentsto of subjects including science, exciting regions' of the Earth .Thunder Marching Band, and secretary of BSU President By Laura Wylde math, technology, geography, where they. will ,experience ,ilf~":"..... the Muslim Student (Charles Ruch), Kathleen The Arbiter history, culture and lan~age and', discover ·firsthandtlie Association," said Nate 'Anderson, donated $50, which arts. Funding is proV!o·ded.bychangir\g.oftime.llrid.~.glob-- ASBSUhas been collaborat- Peterson. ASBSUPresident. , was very commendable," the Offic;e of Naval.Rese8rCh 'al p'~ .that·imptict out ing efforts to raise money for Pete1'Sontand '1Inrai\. AIi,'. of Peterson said. .with support from thelJedttel 'PIanel:'~£U¥ .. 11l(!;JASON relief in lieu of the 9-11 terror- ASBSUboth<»nim~ted on Funds are being desi~ted Foundation and lNEEL;1'he '..PrQ~;pfOy:tdes,~ueators ist bombin . . '.' '., theariioun\ o($Upportfrom, to the Red Cross today; 'which curriculum and teaChelw'otk·' witfi>riew .....materiat: and curren~ the fund is students and' facul!Yaroundwillbepresentedbymeans of shops are provided WithotitiitQtiliy;,base(FadivitieS'each around $5,000. the campus.: '_-, . a check during a press confer- cost toI~aho ~\icators.1he:~~tare'd~~.to l\eJp "The people who ,have "A 10to£ people aetQssthe ence that ASBSUestablished. program 15 offered toreachep; themm.b11ildiri8·exatetnent donated the most money for cam~, like faCulty, and stu-· . the fUI\d. were the Blue dents'havealldonate

with special guests 0111

October 4th Idaho Center Arena Tickets available at all Tlcketweb and Select ·a· Seat outlets, Including Albertsons, the Record Exchange or phone 1.866.468.7624,426-1766 or 442·3232, fTlCKETI'1ij-1...... 1...<:. and online..at www·t1ketw• c eb.com. #v'".!ii~ The Arbiter • Page 3 .;..;Se.p.;;.;te,;;;;,m;;;;.b.;;.;er-:2:.:.7,!... ::.;20::.::;O::.,1-,- ....,.- __ News TERM PAPER TOLERANCE frompeJ.2 frompeJ.l esty demands we recognize Americans in general should needs,"-.Strunk-said. "We do and every thing- from-under-. ~, part of _which-reads, to "remember there are many be united in out desire for different Muslim countries every religion. has items in ple~ty of business writing, graduate essays to masters the- 'Pro Papers neither recom- peace and harmony." mends or condones the use of and people, don't lump them' their doctrine that can be used business proposals, portfolio ses can be specified. Additional or taken in inhumane ways. lt The panel then took a num- work, legal research," medical per-page charges are added in its services asa misrepresenta- all together." ber of questions from the tion of the individual's knowl- Boise State's professor of doesn't mean all members of research, overseas work for special cases, such as if the that teligion necessarily audience in a discussion for- various businesses. Probably paper is needed in less than edge or abilities and relleson history specializing in the agree." mat moderated by public the student would be the five days. While Strunk was the principles of its clients to Middle East, Michael Zirinsky, affairs consultant Marc assure proper. reference and was the next to address the The last member of the majority of our customers, but reluctant. to give exact figures, panel was Idaho's refugee Johnson. business work is a very close she and the writer stand to use of any and all papers it crowd. Unexpected was the develors and delivers." Zirinsky expressed his coordinator Jan Reeves. second." make a large amount from He reminded the audience amount of people who attend- . Strunk, who studied for two even the simplest book report "AI of our pages clearly belief that, "our immediate fin- ed the event. The exact num- state our policy. We don't rec- ger of suspicion on the Middle of the number of Muslim years at a college in Tennessee, research. refugees living within the ber of attendees is unknown,' began working as a research "You get bombarded with ommend the use of our papers East and Muslims responds to however to facilitate the as someone's own work. But our sense of needing someone Treasure Valley. writer following school. After applications for writers. We "After the tragic events of 9- crowd, event coordinators had several years at a handful of advertised for a month in the when somebody buys from us, to blame." Zirinsky reminded people 11, the refugees that arrive on to open another ballroom in companies, she began to see the early summer [through a writ- what they do with it is their the student union building. to look at all their options our shores should remind us of large profits available within ers network], and got 300 business," Strunk said. "It's like Nate Peterson, the presi- before placing blame on any- the bloodshed taking place in the field. This profit motive, applications right away," any product. We are selling a dent of ASBSUcommented on product just like anyone else." one. other countries everyday, even plus the desire to work out of Strunk said. Denny Clark, professor of in the 21st century." the numbers of people from her home, caused her to start She added that they needed In truth, of the six main the community who attended pages on their web site, 'only philosophy and religion at Reeves expressed the opin- her own business. to pull the advertising. ion that Americans should the event. Plagiarism is a major con- one clearly states the compa- Albertsons College and the "Sunday's event was very "It is quite a profitable busi- third person on the panel now be able to relate to the ness, I believe, if it's done cern to Strunk, who says she ny's policy. While one offers tremendous, there were so links to a definition of plagia- talked about differences with- refugees, as they have seen the right," Strunk said. "My feeling currently has a network of only terror of their own being many people who wanted to about a dozen "very, very rism and another says Pro in religions. come, to educate themselves is that customer service, under- if killed. trustworthy writers, where the Papers understands its services "Even it was the standing what a client is look- Muslims," Clark said, "hon- "Idaho residents and on this issue," he said .. ing for, is paramount. That is . writing will be exactly what the "can be used. inappropriately," not selling term papers. That is client wants, and they have others go into detail about how not what we are doing. [That's some loyalty to us." papers will be formatted or ROTC not] what the company I Each writer who seeks to speak cryptically about the frompg.l validity of the services. qualify for a deferment if he worked for was doing, selling work with Pro Papers must Mikitish said a cadet's role Maxey said National from databases." agree to the company's terms, "Any research that is going Guard troops are safer in the could prove he was a full-time to be put down can be handed is to graduate and get com- student making satisfactory Pro Papers maintains only a which include a section on pla- missioned as an officer in the event of a conflict than ordi- giarizing works. Strunk said in. Any client could reformat progress in any field of study. small office staff. Strunk takes Army. . nary citizens. . all orders and Milazzo deals she has to stop using many it," Strunk explains, when "The only way a National Today, an induction can asked why research is returned "Unless the rules change, only be postponed until the with the technical aspects of the writers because they are caught students must graduate and Guard unit goes anywhere is Web site. Freelance writers, plagiarizing. to clients in the form of a suit- if it moves all together," said end of the current semester. able paper. "Basically the client get their degree," said Seniors can defer until the end who are not employees but are "When we get a new free- Mikitish. "They are still stu- Maxey. contacted on a case-by-case lance writer, we spend two to is paying for their education. If "If we go to war, it takes a of the academic year. . they want to pay for their edu- dents." "When guys are drafted, basis, do all writing. three weeks going over their After graduation, cadets lot of men to do that," said "We put the work out there. work in the office, to ensure cation, it's their loss. If they Maxey. "All men over 18.are they go into the infantry. They aren't concerned for their edu- must serve in the active duty give them a gun and send If the writers don't think it's authenticity," Strunk said. Army, National Guard, or required to sign up for enough, then they leave it on Anyone caught plagiarizing cation, I would hope they're Selective Service. If they start them in there," said Maxey. not going to get a very good Army Reserve, according to National Guard troops, the table," Strunk said. "The cannot be fired, because they're the ROTC web site. needing men, they'll call usual going rate runs $8 to $15 not company employees, but grade. . numbers." "have been trained to work in "I'm not trying to be the In school, the ROTC pro- the unit," he said. a page. If you're working at a Strunk said the client is alerted gram offers scholarships to According to the Selective higher level, with more and the writer will not be used righteous term paper writer Service web site, a draft held "Aircraft electronics guys here, but if we even have an students who qualify for dis- do not go in the infantry, they detailed research, we could go again.. bursement based on merit. today would be more equi- as high as $20 per page." As for students plagiarizing inkling [of someone 'planning table than before, due to probably won't see combat," to plagiarize], we won't handle The National Guard pays said Maxey. "They've taken Pro Papers. charges users her company's work, however, tuition and fees in State reforms enacted during the between $18 and $28 per page Strunk's approach is more it," Strunk said. "1 handle all end of the Vietnam War. care of themselves." the orders and don't want to schools for enlisted students, of written text, depending on hands-off. Pro Papers' site fea- said Maxey. In the past, a student could the level of the work requested, tures an explanation of their risk the rest of the business."

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College: A four-year bender Simp sons boozehound once liquor in my coffee and in my remarked, "Nothing like a orange juice. What do you By Seqn t, Hqyes apartment complex with vari- ous athletes, that after football wtLCOMf'1"O depressant to shake the blues want me to do, starve to The Arbiter away"). The alternative is a death?" she yelled at a judge, games, there is not a patch of dowdy, Jerry Falwell brand of before throwing her shoe at A Harvard University study grass showing in the courtyard C ~"a U(\;Vt 5;t morality that would have him. recently came to national from the sea of beer bottles. s; .s., I would further assert that )'oung people in the prime of What Inever anticipated in attention finding that 43 per- their lives behave like my early years is that sin may other campus activities like cent of students engage in Victorian schoolmarms. Any be just as dull as its alternative. binge drinking (five drinks or student government - or working at the Arbiter - fur- marketing major will tell you Eve!')' Sunday, my roommate more for men, four for women, that morality is not waging a asks me if I had fun at the bar, in one sitting). At some col- ther increases the likelihood of binge drinking, at least from good PR campaign. and my answer is almost leges the number was up to 70 TIle warnings against alco- always "no." How much pain percent, and at a third of col- what I've obserVed. The BS in BSU should stand for beer and hoi, and all other forms of fun , and degradation must I suffer leges in the study, the rate of young people engage in, are because I ha~pened to ~ave a binge drinking was over 50 a shot. I actually don't fit into the characteristically· distant from really good time a few times I percent. anything going on in our lives got hammered? When I heard the news I stereotype of a third of the binge drinkers surveyed; most right now: long term health . For eve~y drunken occa- was absolutely floored: Five risks, or death (as though any- sion, there IS a hangover. For drinks is considered binge of them began drinking in high school. I was always a good one would want to live to be the '70s disco and casual sex drinking? What's the medical . lIIultration by Ryan Hancock, The A/tllter 30). lifestyle, there was in fact a term for what I've been doing kid. There was booze at my prom party, and I didn't touch I always linked burning out very grim hangover: AIDS. to my body these past two in an oblivion of pills and Am I to face the fact that it. I never attempted to enter a The notion of first indepen- years - attempted suicide? in cafes, and woke up feeling booze with a of glam?ur. one day I will, in fact, have ~o The. study further confirms bar before I was 21. Except for dence from strict Idaho par- one memorable occasion rested and refreshed on I wondered which of my hilar- consent to be dull? That I will college student stereotypes by Sunday mornings. How on ents, and first temptations of iously awful drunk experi- have to consent to age? That I asserting that involvement in where I got hammered at a the world outside Weiser are margarita party, drank two earth did I survive? How did I ences would make my E! True will value responsibility, and Greek life and athletics increas- manage to fall asleep natural- leading students down the Hollywood Story, followed by save for retirement, and wear es the likelihood of binge bottles of wine and passed out primrose path to boozehound with a friend at the Civil War ly? What did I do with all the the remark: "That was when Dockers? drinking, probably because it hours Sunday morning I hell. friends knew he'd hit rock bot- Oh, God. Who's buying the cematary (the one with David The problem really is that increases your likelihood of now spend on my bathroom tom." next round? Bowie's headstone), my fresh- sin looks so tempting versus its getting invited to parties. As floor? Maya Angelou once put it: man and sophomore years alternative. We have the notion Legendary Hollywood were largely uneventful. College students and beer burnout Frances Fanner has "Most plain girls tend to be vir- are among the 50 percent of of drinking and having a good tuous because of the scarcity of During these years, I stud- time pervertedly linked in our my favorite fall into oblivion. ied, read books, had meaning- marriages that have lasted for "I put liquor in my milk. I put opportunity to be otherwise." about the last 40 years. national consciousness (as a I can attest, living in an ful conversations with friends

C'rnon, we're a capitalist we have willingly done before. College students are free to Can we and should we do this? country! The American dream Money, Realistically, the answer is is built on prosperity, can not probably yes. Regardless of in fact exist without it. Have decide what movies they see where 'you sit ideologically, you seen the Dow lately, the unemployment reports? that's terrorism in the modern world polarize the audience. is not an isolated issue; it exists Boeing sheds 30,000 workers,' py Mgrtln Stukel by and emulate what they see, The hope is to maintain American cans 20,000, tech and hear, and read in fiction, one on a global scale, and requires something of a balance between ",hat I manufacturing sectors are in a Iwrite in response to a letter would hope and expect that col- global resources to combat the entertaining and engaging the symptoms and examine the year-long swan dive and the authored by Anna Hammari lege students, adults, would student body as a whole, and Dow has dropped 1,200 points root causes. The second part is published in the Sept. 20 edition have reached a level of maturity pandering to some one given lNant in the last week, nearly 700 in of The Arbiter. In her letter, the sufficient to put such worries to important, because without it, minority. I have seven hard one day. That is worse than the the cycle is doomed to repeat Student Programs Board (SPB) rest. TIle student body is made working coordinators strug- By Brandon Nolta crashes of 1929 and 1987, itself. Ithink it would be more is accused of a wide variety of up of adults, and adults make gling to maintain just such a bal- The Arbiter maybe combined. The econo- gratifying for America to take sins beginning with the inten- choices. ance, but where there are diver- my was dumping before this a large hand in that tional misrepresentation of stu- . This is not to say that SPB gent values there is not the pos- Since it's happened, so what are we as a dent body opinion and survey shirks or ignores the responsi- almost a ,..------..., aspect of it: becoming sibility of pleasing everyone. a leader in political country to do? data, all the way up to and bility it has for ~e .~ate~als and Nevertheless, it is not the goal of given that analysis and diplo- What's that, you say? including complici- activIties .It pr~- SPB to marginalize such inter- we've all been macy due to skill and Declare a war on terrorists? ty with Satan. You G t sents. WhIle It IS ests even though it is inevitable keeping up on not just by fiat. Throw in an emergency relief read correctly. ~~ true that the S!tl- the news that some will be marginalized. However, black- package to a beleaguered According to Ms. Opinion dents of BOIse Even were it possible to since the 11th, swathed commandos American industry? Ramp up Hammari, the SPB is r-. State are f~lly nearly every- strike such a balance and engage look cooler. You personnel in a conflict that in league with the capable of making the entirety of the Boise State body reading requires a multitude of highly make the Dark One him/herself. for themselves the types of student body, it would still be this is by now trained, specialized personnel, choice. What brought on these c.hoices Ms. Hammari ~ould necessary and desirable to offer aware of military and civilian? Provide So, Dubya rather grave and melodramatic like to make for them; It IS also provocative films. One clearly President materiel for these personnel to commits us to charges was nothing more seri- true tI.lat,.as a stud~nt funded stated goal of SPB is, as Ms. Bush's speech go into action, ranging from a leadership ous or demonic than SPB's fall orgamzatlon SPB, IS charged Hammari points out, to "chal- to Congress ammunition to communica- role in the semester lineup of movies. with t~e task. of reflecting and lenge beliefs." However, shortly last Thursday tions hardware? That sounds War on Terrorism, which is Films such as Orgazmo, Pulp engagI.ng tile m.ter~st. of a huge after recognizing this fact, she night, in which he stated any like a win-win propositiort to good. He's taking action, unit- Fiction, and The Exorcist are plurality of mdlvlduals. It goes on to complain that SPB is nation that harbored terrorists me. Obviously, Dubya thinks 'labeled by Ms. Hammari as should surprise no one that in would be considered a hostile ing the American people, mak- challenging the most "sacred" ing a stand for truth, justice so, too. "devilish, lustful, and barbaric," the process of presenting mater- and "crucial" of our beliefs. The regime, and treated according- The nice thing about this and the rest of it; these are all and "inappropriate for any ial. dir~cted. at a majority, s?me implication here seems to be ly. Coming from the world's proposition (and forgive me positive actions, and well-cho- audience." Clearly not a fan of ~monty VIeWS are m.argmal- that it is acceptable, and in fact only superpower (and the only for sounding cynical) is that sen. I didn't vote for Bush last the classics, Ms. Hammari goes ized y~t are made up mother laudable, for SPB to challenge one to use a nuclear weapon in with such nebulous goals con- November (went Libertarian, on to chide the SPB for showing facets m ~PB. . beliefs only so long as those wartime, I might add; chew on cerning an ephemeral enemy, baby), but had I known the films that, according to her, One, IS r~mmde~, here of beliefs are unimportant. The that for a minute), that's no idle our level of commitment and man would handle crises well, "destroy families, and pervert Murray s dictum: . In. some irony is that of all of our beliefs, threat. involvement is entirely up to our nation and the world." ways each person IS like all I might have voted differently. those that should be challenged The. question that will us. We can hang in there as Anyway, we've now entered a Surely SPB is being given too other person~. ~n some ways most and most often are those undoubtedl), be debated in long as necessary to rebuild much credit, and the students each person IS like some other new stage of the global strug- that we hold most strongly and public once the patriotic fervor American businesses and con- gle with terrorism, which has a of Boise State too little. There is persons. In some ways each per- rely on most readily. What value has died down: is it a threat fidence, then declare the war undoubtedly any number of son i~ like no other person." lot of political and moral bene- is there in challenging a belief that we should have made? over and go· home happy. things for which SPB might be Even If we manage to offer up fits, but there's one more side one holds tenuously? How Dubya is setting us up for a Rarely do we get the opportu- benefit that may result, and if blamed; however the break- some film that happens to much of a challenge can it really helluva task, one that in the nity to legitimately claim the down of the American family ~p~e~ to that ~spe~ of each long run may be more costly it does, that would insure be? Bush's place in the pantheon of moral high ground and do certainly is not one of them. individual that IS uruversal to and monv mental than the what we do best: make money. H. L. Mencken once defined great American leaders. And while it may be true that all, there will undoubtedly be Marshall Plan. Plus, it will Let's make the most of this Repeat after me: War is socially and intellectually unde- scenes, char~cters or lines in t~e see MOVIES on pg, 5 require a larger commitment to one. veloped children are impacted very same film that once agam playing global policeman than good for business. . Don't count atheists out, we're growing, but you scare us is akin to saying that the only callers that he wouldn't be well, I think they just choose explains that; py t,B, Gonzalez the retorts of his listeners that to live their life, rather than "There is nothing divine thing holding back the reli- day. afraid of God. The fact that to .gious from murder, rape, theft him God doesn't exist and thus worry about such inevitables about morality; it is a purely I couldn't have been more as death. Much realization to human affair. (The scientists') and general mayhem is their his judgment, flew right by The non-religious, agnostic, horrified to find out what an the utter lack of proof in a religious feeling takes the form shiny set of nonsensical beliefs their heads. A few atheists, and atheist are typically people atheist is to an even slightly Deity may abound in all three. of a rapturous amazement at about a supernatural "Father" agnostics and the non-religious who are open-minded and free religious person, I started to ready to punish. called in and reported on their , Albert Einstein w~s ques- the harmony of natural law, from illogical morality and feel like I. couldn't be more The non-religious are not experiences. Most with the honed often ab?ut ~IS u~e. of . which reveals an intelligence freedom from detestable to the the word God in his wnting .of such superiority that, com- prone to being subject to non- same disturbed bafflement that and speeches as he often said pared with it, all the systemat- . sensical morals, such as pre- guilt-ridden exis- G dominant belief I was experiencing at the time. marital sex and the use of nat- tence. We are uest faction of the Being that this is the case, I that he didn't believe in a ic thinking and acting of lovers of life, not rUX!:»,li United States" ju~gment~l, all knowing, ~on- ~uI,Ua':1.beings is an utterly ural euphorics such as marijua- think that for our own protec- na. death, and so our l-=.!2tl...m!Q!!J One caller tion, we should have a voice to SCIOUS.be~ng. H~ explamed mSlgmficant reflection." underrepresenta- asked; "Tom, how that saentists areJndeed often Isee Einstein's feelings as a As per crime, and hatred, explain things as they are. non is a result of a lack of con- does it feel to a.nd &~neral ill will, it is exce,P- Agnosticism is by definition very religious. . d~.fense against those who cern for it. know that you're going to Because of their disbeliet in would beiieve that the non- honally uncommon in tne a bit of a shrug. It is the disbe- the-common association with religious wouldn't believe in a world of a non-religious com- Out of Los Angeles there is Hell?"· lief in God, but not the disbe- a radio personality named Tom returns, "well, you see, munity .. Life is to be· enjoyed lief in the possibility of a God. ~ f';le.ddling Go.d o,~t to enforce c'omm~n morality. Tom Lykis. Every so often he as an atheist, I don't believe in dIVIne moralIty,. they were .I thInk most non-religious where It can be found, and 'They believe it's possible, how- entitles a segment of his show, Hell. I see it as a scare tactic labeled as atheIsts. In an persons would believe that there is no enjoyment· in the "Ask the Atheist." that Christians of long past ever, probably not. heartbreak of others. If joy is . Atheism, is the disbelief in exc~r.pt from I~eas an~ morality is entirely secular. It was truly shocking to me used to enforce the Divine Op~ons a collection of his The suggestion that an atheist that possibility. see ATHEISTon pg, 5 the complete lack of elemen- Right of Kings." As for the non-religious, wntmgs and speeches he or agnostic would be immoral tary reasoning that went into It was baffling to some

Awards Ad Desion Ad Reps oP1tlt P!ue BdIIeda1-1daho p,..aab . Stephanie Pittam o~ i>\I1lI WaldldoK/!IlnII!PtIve -Idaho p,..Oub Editorial Board -PrOmotion Director Aaron Williams Ian Roth Or"".PIaoe Grapbk: ~-ra.ho p,..Oub ~204 34S-8204 x 111 345-8204 x 331 oBetI clsIll1l full a>Ior t!JIPIq ocIftrl!1l1lll Uyears nmnlng) • CollegeNew.paper Busin_ and Adverti;Jng Manas ..... Inc Reporters Elizabeth Stubbs oBetlclollKn~campalgII, . . DarrinShindle Stephanie Bodden ~204x333 o~~e"NewJpaper Busl,,",," and Advertising Manas ..... Inc. o Bannister Brownlee Sports Editor Dudlev Bowman. Ashley Gettings - RockY~ Collegiate MedJaA!5OdaIian 34S-a204 x 103 oOn-tinillditor o~~~er Steve Gowans Office Manaoer olleot~. 34S-8204 - Radiy MoUnlIIn Col\er;Iele ~AIoodatlon Malt Neznansld r~~e; Llanes Policy J. Patrick Kelly l..ettenI oDlvmlans Editor Wendy Venable Words are ~erful 34S-8204 x lot The AJbI.tei' ~ the ~al. stupent new.pa~r of Boi"" . Lynn Collins Slate unrvers~ mlS8lon l~de a forum for the oAdMalntel\l!lCl! Photool'Qphers 34S-8204 x 109 ~th~.~ya: ~~.6a"", Jeremy Branstad to e _,lbr. llellet8 ust beandwe=~1=t=submilted Wl!J:1.!.~tne,. - TedHumon . Kelly Day W , 0P!loIo Editor r inl be'~:Ir~ . Danlelle Morgan Brad Arendt oGenml Manalla' MJcheneS~ak .3C5-82Ofx10f' ...•. ~~l1\B~'. 6:m. •. ,". ···c.·.···" DanWoU· 'i.-:::.::~':"'." :"-.J.~ - ---... ,'.;- ..... " ...... ;',.

The Arbiter • P~ge 5 ;:.se:.tp;.;.;te;.;.;m.:.;;;b;.;.;er:...;2::..:7..!..1.=.20:::.:0~1 ~ ORinion You are right, in the world of the Titans contains any family SPB Films Supports social science we do choose rep- values? Disney obviously MOVIES Students Not Satan resentative samples, how can does. Did finance frompg.4 you say I am not? Using a sam- An alumnus should fully As the films coordinator for ple size is the only option I have, support student organizations Puritanism as "the haunting not criticize them. If you really SPB, I feel I need to respond to due to a lack of participation at fear that someone, somewhere, want to make a difference, do Bin Laden? the letter "Student Programs past poles and elections. There is happy." The very prospect what all the other attendants Board Supports Satan," in the are over 15,000 students attend- that someone might enjoy and have done and leave a sugges- Sept. 20 issue of the Arbiter. I ing BSU, how can I By Tqylor Newbold Also known ~s "gum aca- . find humor in films that she tion. Who are you to deter- does not find humorous or came into this position with~OSSiblY satisfy __ mine which films are too "dev- Tire Arbiter cia," gum arabic is a product one objective, :...'\ them all? In no found in hundreds of prod- entertaining seems to have Ms. ilish, perverted, lustful, and to show films y way do films such Osama Bin-Laden. ucts that Americans consume Hammari outraged. I say, be 1 barbaric" for the students of that appeal to as Orgazm? ~d Perhaps one of the most infa- in mass quantities every year. outraged. SPB appreciates and' etters BSU? With record-breaking the masses. ,Pulp Fiction encourages student involve- attendance at films such as mous names in current It is found in beverages, phar- As Anna to the • reflect any of my events. Prior to Sept. 11, few maceuticals, foods, flavor ment in the selection and plan- Mallrats and Orgazmo it Hammari stated, personal beliefs really seemed to know who emulsions, lithography solu- ning of its activities and I ask e:...1'ltor seems as though I am doing student dollars fu!,d they are entir~ly every student to make their U something right. I look for- this man was, where he came tions, carbonless papers, SPB's programmmg. for entertain- own choice to attend and make ward to scheduling spring from, and what he was capa- ceramic refractories and Keeping this in mind, I felt that ment, If you are unhappy with their own judgments. semester's films with strong ble of doing. . meat. If you use mascara, I should work to meet the the selections I have made I Coming to college was an and continued student sup- We now know that he is a drink soda, or eat sweets, you demand of the students. encourage you to offer sugges- enormous choice for all of us to port. As the saying goes, prime suspect in the events of are consuming something At each of the films shown tions, or simply not attend. take and I challenge the student Anna, ignorance is bliss, but in the Sept. 11 investigation, we more than likely to contain so far, student attendance has However, you don't have to body to make a choice to utilize this case it is simply a reflec- know he is a very respected, gum arabic, vastly improved from previ- degrade the films program. their student fees and attend tion of your c1osed-minded- feared and wealthy man. What does this have to do ous years. I provide a list of In the past, a majority of events around campus. SPB Anyone knows that it is not with my original question? possible selections for spring . independent films were offered. ness. feeds off student involvement simply persuasion that gets Well according to David semester, along with a spot for The only problem was the lack and requires feedback from the things done. Bin Laden, Emery, writer for about.com, suggestions. Like I stated pre- of attendance. How can you say Rob Baker student body to bring in fun SPB Films Coordillator though highly regarded he there is a rumor going viously, I want to show what there is no educational value in and entertaining events. may be, did not solely use his around that Osama Bin- the students want to see, how films such as American History Feedback from the student radical political-religious ide- Laden himself is one of the better else do that but to ask X or Requiem for a Dream? body allows us to organize ologies to reel in new follow- primary owners of the com- those attending. Don't you feel that Remember ers. pany based in Sudan which events that engage students He is worth somewhere produces gum arabic. If this more directly. Of course, this between 250 to 300 million rumor is in any way legit it does not mean that all those dollars -the largest question makes for a very ironic who share their opinions and that has occurred to me is just notion. The idea that express preferences will find where did he get all that Americans all along have those opinions and preferences moolah? . been stuffing Bid Laden's reflected in the choices of SPB, While pondering this pockets with cash so that he but that is the challenge given to question, I had an Altoid can systematically bring us. mint in my mouth. Anyone about the deaths of as many It's simply not possible for a who has had the "curiously Americans as possible. single organization to fully sat- strong" mint knows that it is What does this all mean if isfy the demands of every stu- very refreshing. With the it is true? It means we need to dent on campus with a single film series, and unfortunately, same question still in my start boycotting products head, I curiously turned the which contain gum arabic. even the board that Ms. tin Altoids box over to look at Our grandparents made sac- Hammari says "supports the ingredients. As I slowly rifices during WWII and we Satan" has a hard time doing read the list of ingredients: might have to also in order to this. . sugar, artificial flavor, gum win this "war on terrorism." -Martill Stukel is the director of arabic, gelatin, glucose syrup, What does this mean if it's and natural flavor. My atten- not true? Nothing really, but itic Studcllt Programs Board tion immediately turned back we should be cutting down to the ingredient gum arabic. on those diet sodas anyway. Gum arabic? What is that?

ATHEIST from pg.4 found in hatred and pain, it has nothing to do with religion. In recent days there were many prayer services for the Americans lost in the Twin Towers attack. I had no objec- tion to these get-togethers, until I had a class canceled so that we could attend. As a non- -religious person, I don't pray, Now Get obviously, so I wandered aim- lessly around the campus for an hour. I fed terrible about the dis- aster, the loss of lives of so many innocents. But I don't see how a prayer service will help wesfDSL me get an education. To help in the resolution, I would give blood, donate to charity organizations, and write letters of appraisal for the work done by the New York firefighters and police. But as an estimated 20 percent of the with SN population is non-religious, I felt that we were jilted by a lack of representation. In my belief system, to get back to work and daily life is the most valuable thing to do in a crisis Broadband" situation such as this one. I am expecting quite a bit of feedback on this subject, and I expect much of it to be unrea- soned, hostile ballyhoo about me being insensitive and mean and etc. But this was not my intent, despite my sarcasm. I want to open the eyes of the religious to a quickly growing element in world society. And to say, you have noth- ing to fear from us, but we fear MSN Internet Access, you, for all we want to do is live free, mind our own busi- now faster than you ever thought possible. ness and care for one another until we're either proven right or wrong, just like you all.

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Is it JlX~t nic Has Boise State outgrown its Blue turf not a tradition Bv Darrln Shindle rivalry with University of Idaho? Sports Editor Broncos step up to increased Is it just me, or is it hard to find any tradition involved WACcompetitIon, Vandals with BOise State sports? I've tried to find anything that this face similar teams in Sunbelt university does that has any- thing traditional about it. Conference Guess what? I'm stumped. I look at other colleges By Clinton Calhoun around the nation. I look at Special to tile Arbiter Texas A&M, Florida State, and Notre Dame. I see all the ritu- The Broncos wil\ travel to Pullman, Wash. o.n Saturday to play als they do for each season or their hated enemies, the Vandals. But the BOise State vs, Idaho ~ame and how the students get football game may not be the traditional riyalry it,~mce was. . mvolved. How they have cer- Webster's dictionary defines the word rival as one who tries tain events that happen before to get or do the same thing as another, or to equal or surpass certain games. How the stu- another; competitor." .' dents come together and cheer According to that definition, one might begin to question the on their teams. Then I look at rivalry'. Times have changed BSU. What does BSU have that and the rivalry may have "BSUandldahoaren1 we can get behind and call our changed right along with it. even on the same level own? Student opinion on the anymore. Yeah we Well, we have the blue turf. ri,:,alry seems to be somewhat stili hate them but It's I don't know if I'm alone in this mixed. time for a new rival but I hate the blue turf. To me, "I stil\ consider the game to within our own it's not traditional at all. To me be a fun rivalry but I question conference so we have it was a gimmick to get our the level of competition the some competltlorl' university noticed nationwide. Vandals can bring," junior I guess it worked, for a while, Dil\on Smith said. - Chris Widdison, but it's time for it to go. We Which brings up another senior don't need a blue field to get good question. Has BSU out- _ noticed anymore. We have the grown this rivalry? talent now to go out and get The Broncos moved up a noticed with our play, not a notch in the level of competition when they moved to the WAC, gimmick. We have a perfect while the Vandals moved laterally at best with their move to the opportunity to get rid of that Sunbelt Conference. turf next year and I think we Senior Chris Widdison agreed that BSU has outgrown the should. rivalry . We also have the tradition . "BSU and Idaho are~' t e,,:en on the same ~evel al;lyx;t0re. Yeah, of going over to Chili's at half- we stil\ hate them but it'S time for a new rival within our own time, if you call that a tradition. conference so we have some competition," he said. But something that has noth- However, there is still a game to be played - rivalry or not. ing to do with the game and And the game is important for both teams. makes you leave the game The Vandals (0-3) are coming off of an embarrassing 53-3 loss before the half ends doesn't to the University of Washington and are still searching for their count. first win. The Broncos (1-2) meanwhile, want to build upon the So whose fault is it that BSU momentum they started with a strong 42-17 victory over UTEP. has no tradition? Is it the fault UTEP was favored to finish 2nd in the WAC and the Broncos of the teams, maybe partly, but 3rd. A loss to the Vandals could be detrimental to that momen- I think there's more to it than tum when the Broncos get back to WAC play. that. I think the blame should The Vandals wil\ be without quarterback John Welsh, leaving go to the students, and not just the Broncos the luxury of focusing on junior runnin~ back Blair because the average age of a Lewis who rushed for 104 yards last week against no. 13 student at BSU is 106 years old. Washington. . There are plenty of students Boise will look to continue the strong performances on both that are of traditional age that sides of the ball. Quarterback Ryan Dinwiddie and a strong live on or around the campus. receiving core of Jay Swillie and Lou Fanuucchi had good games The problem is that they just Bronco quarterback Ryan Dinwiddie eludes three UTEP players during Saturday's game. We thought that since you have seen so many photos of the Broncos losing this year, we'd show you against UTEP. Brock Forsey and David Mikell head the running don't care. They don't care if game that balances out the Bronco's attack. we win or lose a game. Sure, if one more when they are winning. Hopefully after this weekend's game against the Vandals we the Broncos are doing well and can show you some more. winning games more students show up at games, but as soon as things even look like they are going south, good luck at Fresno State earns respect for WAC dragging them to a game. Last the Heisman Trophy race. season BSU had one of its most Bulldogs level of play, that major BCS bowl game. benefit not only the Bulldogs, but also all the teams in the Although Boise State has successful seasons ever and we California certainly proved false with "Our players understand , still couldn't sell out the Idaho what's in front of them," WAC. finally got things going they school's notoriety convincing wins over quality wi1l have to bring their "A" game. ranked teams such as Fresno State head coach Pat The publicity generated by Now I know it is hard to could improve game to have a chance to Wisconsin and Oregon State. Hi1I said in a news release. Fresno State for he WAC keep some traditions when "They understand they have could possibly help the compete with a team of the you are moving conferences Boise State Add victories over Colorado Bulldog'S caliber. Fresno State and Tulsa and the Bul1dogs to play one game at a time. If Broncos land better and high- every few years. It's hard to recruiting they keep winning, there er profile opponents as well as has already shown so far this keep your rivalries and get have vaulted themselves into could be a prize for them." recruit more sought after season that they are a quick some of the intensity you have By Clinton T. Cglhoun the 13th ranked team in the That would be nothing but players. The Broncos can use and aggressive team. when you are playing Idaho or Special to the Arbiter nation (no. 10 AP). BSU made the move to Fresno State has become a good news for the WAC and the Bulldogs as a model of even Nevada. I also know we how to build a program. WAC for the same reason that Boise State's football team household name to col1ege teams like Boise State since need to keep moving up in Boise State wi1l get their they moved from the Big Sky conferences for the recogmtion got its wish granted when it footbal1 fans around the nobody would have ever pre- shot at derailing the Bulldog conference to Big West con- and recruiting. But we can still moved to the WAC - a better nation and has already been dicted a WAC team could train Oct. 20 when they visit ference. The Broncos want to have some tradition. conference and one respected adopted as this year's band" have a shot at a BCS bowl the Fresno State to square off play better teams so they can Tradition is something that for the quality of its teams. wagon Cinderel1a team. game. . The impact on the WAC in a conference battle. get better. Boise State isn't is handed down from genera- The Broncos, however, The impact of Fresno State going to get a much better tion to generation. Every year conference could range from Fresno State is led by their may regret their wish; it's on college footbal1 so far is chance than with Fresno we change. There is nothing increased recruiting power to senior quarterback David coming straight for them in amazing. If the Bul1dogs can State. The Bulldogs are exact- that we can call our own that national recognition and Carr, whose stellar perfor- the form of some nasty finish the season undefeated ly why the Broncos came to we have been given by the gen- (which at this point is predict- respect for the WAC from col- mance so far this season, cou- Bul1dogs from Fresno State the WAC. erations before us. The whole ed by many), they will have lege footbal1 peers and fans. pled with FSU's success, has University. thrown Carr into the thick of college experience is about rit- If anyone questioned the played themselves into a Fresno State's great play will uals and events, and coming together because of those ritu- als and events. Until BSU starts looking for a little tradition, it Lady will always be a school with no Broncos full of confidence as they comradery. But maybe it's just me. prepare for WA;C I.J. By Dgrrln Shindle also led the team in rebounds .,~ The Arbiter with Swindal1 averaging 6.8 per game, and Peterson 6.1. Makin!? the jump to a con- An important part of the ference With more prominence Lady Broncos game will be could cause a lot of insecurity their rebounding. Last season, ExpressYour and doubt for some teams, but their opponents out-rebound- not the Boise State women's ed them by 4.4 rebounds a basketball team. \ ~ame. They should have some _ The Lady Broncos are improvement in that category .ATTITUDE with the return of Peterson and located in Boise Town Square, loaded with talent and full of .systczm $(lVCZI'\" upper level next to Sears confidence as they enter the Swindal1. WAC. Sophomore Camil\e "We are definitely excited Woodfield· wil\ compliment for this season. We're excited Vaughan at the other guard not only to enter the WAC, but position. Woodfield was also to win in the WAC," steady last season putting up junior guard Abby Vaughan solid numbers. Woodfield said. averaged 5.2 points, 3.3 assists, Vaughan is one of the four and 4.2 rebounds per game last returning starters from last season. season's team, as well as one of Other players who should . their top three scorers. She provide some important min- averaged 10.2 points per game utes are sophomore guards last year as well as hitting 32 Jenny Binford and Mandy percent of her three point field WelCh, as wen as sophomore goals. Vaughan was also Kristen Crockett at the center ranked in the top 30 nationally position. for three pointers made per Although official practice game. doesn't start until Oct. 13, the Along with seniors Crista Lady Broncos have been dedi- Peterson and Andrea cated all year. Swindall, Vaughan is looking "We workedreal1y hard all mediocre season behind them, overlook them. forward to providing leader- summer and we all stayed here . they look forward to this seli-1'he>,Lady. Broncos~start ship as the only upper class- to work out. Bven tlie .fresh- son and the promise it brings, •.their season with an exhibition -man on the team. Peterson and men stepped right in and With all the talent that the game on Nov. 7th and start Swindall averaged 11.9 and stayed all summer," Vaughan Lady' Broncos return, as well as their ...co~rence g~E'1l ..•Dec. said...... all the extra dedication put 28~ With ~ h01l}e game 10.4points per game respec- tHaw tively last season. will g Tliey Bro~~s~:::1~17~~;7~~ .a ll1I\$ p'rovic¥ a strong frontcourt for ,,~~t&:)'~:adYio~~ri~ aii: .,. lli~Lac:trBroncos.The two conference record. With that anyteaml1\ the:W~Cthat may' , t ,.,' .! II I' 'f' • u(.- ,... _Se.....p_te;.;.;m.;.;.;b;.;;.er;;...;;.27:.:.·.-=2:.;:.O~01:...- Sp.Orts ~ I The Arbiter· Page ',: College" football turning Boise State - Louisiana Tech football upsi«Je down, betraying hopes game reshuffled " 'J - New schedule announced was the Semi-Noles' third ACC By Michelle Kaufman guarantee the Bulldogs a spot in Bronco Sports Information Knight Ridder Newspapers a major bowl. Fresno State plays loss since joining the conference in the WAC, which is not con- in 1992, and it left Maryland - The Boise State University - Louisiana Tech University football game, originally scheduled for MIAMI - The college football sidered a power conference. yes, Maryland - sitting atop the Nov:. ~4, will now be played on Nov. 3. Kickoff for the game will be at Noon (CT1 in Ruston. season- is barely a month old, The BCS gives berths to the ACC standings. Lowslana.-- ''-' and this much we already champions of the ACC, Big How does that happen? Boise State Athletic Director Gene Bleymaier, and Louisiana Tech Athletic Director Jim Oakes, On the same note, what in the know: . East, Big 12, Big Ten. Pac 10 and made the armouncement earlier this week. . -The other FSU (Fresno SEC. . world is going on in Not-so- The movement of this, and several other games in the WAC, was made after all contests on Sept. State) has a better chance of fin- Fresno coach Pat Hill, for- Happy Valley? [oe-Pa, who 15 were postponed following the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington D.C. ishing in the top five than Bobby merly an assistant with the needed just two wins to break Louisiana Tech and Tulsa were originally scheduled to play on Nov. 3, but Tulsa needed to Bowden's FSU. Cleveland Browns and Bryant's record for most wins by move the game so it could reschedule its Sept. 15 game with the defending national champion - Penn State icon Joe Paterno Baltimore Ravens, beefed up a Division I coach, is 0-2 after a University of Oklahoma on-Nov. 3. " . , will have a tougher time break- the nonconference schedule in drubbing by Miami. and Boise State had originally moved its Sept. 15 game against Central Michigan to Dec. I, but both ing Bear Bryant's record than an -effort to squeeze into the Saturday'S 18-6 loss to school's were looking for a different date so it would not conflict with the Mid-American anybody imagined. bowl picture. Wisconsin. Conference (which Central Michigan is a member) Championship game on Nov. 30. At Fresno State, the Bulldogs It might not happen. And And the two wins might not Moving the Boise State - Louisiana Tech game to Nov. 3 allowed Boise State to host Central are proving they're for real. that's a shame. come any time soon. Michigan on Nov. 24 at Bronco Stadium and avoid a potential conflict for Central Michigan on Dec. After beating No. 23 Wisconsin Because that FSU didn't lose The Nittany Lions are at 1. Kickoff is set for the Nov. 24 game at 1:05 p.m. at Madison three weeks ago, by 32 to North Carolina, and yet Iowa next week, and then have Louisiana Tech and Tulsa's Nov. 3 game has been moved to Nov. 24 - the date Boise State was games against Michigan, players held their index fingers this FSU has a better chance of to play at Louisiana Tech. to their lips and said, "Shhhh ... playing in a big bowl. Northwestern and Ohio State, The following is a look at the remainder of Boise State's new 2001 schedule. .", as if to say their team was a Fair? No. But that's college the top three teams in the Big secret. football. Ten. Not-anymore. Next, the Semi-Noles. The once-feared Nitlany Fresno State is 4-0 after beat- Could anyone have predict- Lions are 6-12 since opening the ing Tulsa 37-18. The Bulldogs ed the North Carolina Tar Heels 1999 season 9-0. They lost to Pitt have already knocked off would obliterate FSU in foot- and Toledo last year. And it is Wisconsin, Colorado and 10th- ball? The Tar Heels? A team quite possible they will open ranked Oregon State, and that was 0-3 before Saturday? A this season 0-6. jumped from unranked in the team that was outscored 108-48 It looks like it could be a long preseason to the top 10. in its previous three games? and wild season for football fans But even a perfect season - Saturday's 41-9 loss was across the nation. - not impossible considering the Florida State's worst to an rest of the schedule - will not unranked team since 1976. It The real McCoy: Freshman soccer player makes big contribution By Joseph Skltfer lete, excelling in soccer and bas- me to leave it behind." Special to the Arbiter ketball. For this freshman, there is no Before she came to BSU, place like home. She has no ; AtheleteB~~~' . The Bronco soccer team may McCoy led her club soccer team regrets about her decision to I be witnessing a star in the rnak- to a regional final. Her present stay. Her family has enjoyed I ' ing. coach also coached her watching her succeed early in toWatch . '.. Megan McCoy is a club team. her college career. Travis Burgher McCoy said she is having fun . true freshmen starter McCoy said she was ~ Football this year. The 5'7" recruited out of high this year with her new team- ~.. ~~, ~. center midfielder has school by many college mates. - !"t --, , ...... already racked up five teams but wanted to stay "Our team is real close, we Sophomore safety Travis Burgher tallied 10 tackles against UTEP. He also goals (one being a close to home. have a lot of fun with each other had 14 tackles earlier this season against Washington State. The Coos Bay, game winner) and '''I came here because I on the field, and we keep a pos- Oregon native moved into a starting spot this season after playing a back-up three assists this sea- Megan McCoy like the team, the city, the itive atmosphere to play and role last year as a redshirt freshman. son, leading the team coach, and I wanted to stay practice in," she said. in both categories. close to my family. It means a McCoy plans on majoring in Courtesy: Bronco Sports Information McCoy is a hometown tal- lotto me for my family to watch computer technology and I or ent, from Capitol High School. me play. I love Boise, so it didn't education. There she was a two-sport ath- really make too much sense for Climbers bore to get a,n arial Weekly WAC roundup of games view at toea seminar By Phil Dalley and will also have the oppor- Special to the Arbiter the outdoors. Outdoor "Rock climbing challenges tunity to observe lead climb- the participant to move ing demonstrations. Boise State (1-2) notches its first win with a dominant 42-17 performance over Texas-El Paso (1-2) With no experience need- last Saturday. This week will offer another test when the Broncos travel to Pullman, Wash. to take Center offers beyond self-imposed limita- tions. While on the rock they ed, this class will lay the on the University of Idaho (0-3) at Martin Stadium." .: class on have the opportunity to over- groundwork to outdoor Although the Vandals went their separate way and joined the Sun Belt Conference, this in-state climbing and will teach stu- rival!'}' remains as hostile as ever. U of I is searching for its first victory of the season. A win against come their fears and experi- climbing ence success," said Geoff dents to become familiar with Boise State would be the first since 1998 when the Vandals defeated the Broncos 36-35 in overtime. basic climbing principles. A BSU Victory would build much needed momentum as the Broncos began the quest for their Harrison, assistant director for the Outdoor Center. The Outdoor Center ur~es By Steye Gowans anyone interested in climbing first WAC championship. The Arbiter The first part of the two- day class is designed to teach to try something new, while In other games around the WAC ... gaimng the knowledge need- No. 10 Fresno State (3-0) is surprise of the year with commanding wins over No. 19 Oregon State climbing history, knot tying, Living in Idaho provides ed to be successful. . (1-1) ~d Wisconsin (2-2). This week.the Bu.lldogs.look to re~a!n un~e~eated as ~ley welcome the opportunity to experience rORe handling, proper Delay i Louisiana Tech (1-1) to Bulldog Stadium, Like BOise State, this ISLOUISiana Tech s first year 111 the the outdoors in a way unlike techniques, movement on rock, and basic safety. Western Athletic Conference. many other states. From the raging waters of On the following day, the Hawaii (1-1) will play host to Rice (2-1) in Honolulu this weekend. The Rainbow Warriors will the Payette, to the calm seren- class will head off campus and Interested? : try to recover from the 20-28 defeat last week against Nevada (1-2). The Owls look for some respect ity of fly fishing on a moun- journey up to the Black Cliffs after the 48-3 pounding they received last week by No.4 Nebraska (4-0). tain stream, the Outdoor to apply their indoor tech- niques to' an outdoor atmos- On Oct. 12thrthe Texas-El Paso looks to avenge last weeks loss in Boise with a win at home verses Tulsa (1-1). Last Center can assist students in preparing for an adventure phere. week the Golden Hurricanes fell victim to No.10 Fresno State 37-18. "Rock Climbing with a number of seminars Once outside, students will After losing on Sept. 8 to Big 12 powerhouse Colorado (3-1), San Jose State (0-2) will try to notch for all types of skill levels. experience a more hands-on Level 1"seminar its first victory. This week will prove to be as tough when the Spartans travel to Tempe to take on One popular seminar is approach to climbing and will gets under way 7 demonstrate safety tech- at former Boise State coach Dirk Koettter and the Arizona State Sun Devils (1-1). approaching, allowing stu- dents to get an aerial view of niques, climbing commands, .p.~.~inthe}JSl] , Nevada and Southern Methodist (0-3) have bye weeks. ClimbmgCyri{ ••,". Happy Hour 4:30 to 6:30, 7 days a week Monday Night Footballl VodkaandGin The,"c:lass"cf;lsts,$2S, Monday drinksandshootersfor$1.99.BigHorn and all equipment t-==~~~n:::::------:::~-;=-==!I 20oz.beersfor$2.79andpitchersofBig "" Hornbeers$6.00.5 - 6 Free beef ribs. will besu"I'lied~y Tuesday $2.99LongIslandTeasand$2.79Big the "Outdoor Center. ' Hornbeers.2 for 1 Appetizers. BSUs Official Home for Tattoos & Piercing Register earlyi£ Murphy's Burger - Lettuce,tomato, red onion and ,vr d da Ladiesnight$ 1.99Cosmopolitan member of the Idaho Tattoo Association possiblebecaus~ '. . chi' F h Iri 7 99 we nes Y Martinisandhowewinebytheglass. mayonnaIse,Ires cut gar IC rene rnes. . Free el and eat Shrim 5-6. Custom Tattoos & Piercing thisseminar

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t A Prairie Home Companion r continues to delight NPR listeners

fully. It is simply time to go," Noir: Private By J. pgtrlck Kelly Eye." is the story Tl« Arbiter Keillor said at the time. After a two-year hiatus, he of a typical reemerged in New York City Mickey Spillane- Garrison Keillor hils made style detective fun of English majors on his at the Brooklyn Academy of Music as the American Radio character, who National Public Radio show, always comes A Prairie Home Companion, Company, but soon moved back to the Fitzgerald across weird and for almost 30 years now. The unusual cases. show is broadcast locally on Theater, to resurrect the show under its original name. Usually, Noir KBSU 90.3 FM doesn't want the Keillor graduated with an From time to time, Keillor & Co has taken the show on cases, but a beau- English degree from the tiful woman is his University of Minnesota in the road for live performances at remote locales. They have perpetual motiva- 1966. Since then, he has tion to solve the become one of the most cele- transmitted from such places as Seattle, Kansas City, crime. Done in an , brated figures in public radio. old radio theater- He first went to work for Boston, Honolulu, New York I City and Portland, Oregon, style, the saga NPR in 1969, on a morning always ends with show called A Prairie Home and across the Atlantic Ocean, in Dublin, Ireland and Noir not getting Companion-named after the the girl. Prairie Home cemetery in London, England. In the new millennium, One of the Moorhead, Minnesota. The highlights of the show is broadcast on PHC is heard by nearly 3 mil- lion American listeners every weekly show, are Minnesota Public Radio, a the faux-commer- smaller network within the Saturday, on 500 public radio stations nationwide and cials the cast per- NPR system of programming. forms. For "When the show started, it abroad. The fictitious "Lake instance, An was something funny to do Wobegon, Minnesota" is a advertisement with my friends, and then it supporting the became an achievement that I national treasure. Every week, Keillor chronicles small healthy benefits of hoped would be successful, town life in his segment, ketchdu,P, ends ulf'k Garrison Keillor broadcasts A Prarle Home Companion with his staff and now it's a good way of soun mg more I I.' ...------,------, "News from Lake Wobegon." life," Keillor said. He depicts the characters as an Ensure, modern-maturity hilariously examines small A P •• H In 1974, A Prairie Home drink commercial. A middle- town dynamics, drawing fun loving, good country peo- ratrte ome Companion, a variety show of aged couple talks about the from his characters depicted • 't}o Keillor's hilarious dra- music and comical skits, natural mellowing agents of on the weekly radio show. Companion moved to The World Theater 1I1f1tictreatment of the town folk draws the listener into ketchup and break into a Keillor admits he is a in Downtown St. Paul. The song, "A new day is dawn- writer first and performer sec- KBSU-BOISE theater at the time was dilapi- the believable scenarios, An example of the weekly ing, like ketchup on a bun. and, but PHC has become 90 3 FM dated and on the verge of zanies, is the Ketchup, Ketchup." such a major part of him, peo- • being con- Over the last three pie often forget that he docs "When the show time when a demned. With decades, PHC has featured write. Saturdays: Keillor's help, started, It was some- L a k c hundreds of accomplished "My literary ambitions thlnq funny to do with Wobegon old 4-6 p.m. it was soon musicians such as Willie have cooled a good deal since 1- renovated and my friends and then It timer decided Nelson, Emmylou Harris, college, when we all longed to This weekly variety show features great renamed the became dn achleve- to dig up his Roy Rogers, Diana Krall, Keb be great and to win big prizes. comedy performed by Keillor and cast, Fitzgerald ment that I hoped septic tank, Mo, Greg Brown, Kathy Now I look on writing as sim- which actual- Theater, after would be Mattea, Kelly [o Phelps and 'ply. something I do every day, music and stories from L~keWobegon, successful and now ly wns ia '50s famous , " H Chct Atkins. Keillor, a singer as some people attend Mass Minnesotan. F, it's a qood way of life era car. c the town "that time forgot and decades strapped the himself, usually manages to and others tend .gardens, so I S cot t find time for a duct with the sit down and write," Keillor cannot improve." - Garrison Keillor leaky car to Fitzgerald, the bucket of guest musicians. said. PHC has his tractor, Keillor lives a parallel life This Saturday's show is a been broad- Sundays: and proceeded across town as a writer.t Hc has published classic 1985 rebroadcast from cast live from the theater ever several books of short stories, Honolulu, Hawaii. Starring 7-9p.m. since; with the exception of towards the landfill. The only problem, he forgot about the three novels, two children's Taj Mahal, Peter Ostroushko, when the show ended for a books and numerous maga- Butch Thompson, Sons of Hear an encore of the weekly show time in 1987, after running for homecoming parade in prog- ress, and ended up on the zine articles, including a Hawaii and the late Chct 13 years on NPR. float route, And if this weren't National Geographic feature, Atkins. Wednesdays: "The decision to close is "Looking for Lake mine-the sort of simple, emba,rrassing enough, his dau-ghter was the Wobegon." 10 p.m, - midnight painful decision that our par- His latest novel, "1956 ents taught us to make cheer- Homecoming Queen! Hear an encore of the weekly show The weekly skit, "Guy Lake Wobegon Summer,"

Let's do the time warp again Dammit Janet! Boise's Spontaneous Productions is once again presenting Richard O'Brien's The Rocky Horror By Michael pelano space as her voice floats along. arrangements provide a hazy Show, Just in time for Halloween. Massachusetts Daily Collegian Occasionally, she'll mark background for Bjork's voice, After last season's success, they decided to resurrect (U. Massacllllssets-Amherst) and double back to a chorus, and the cumulative effect is Frank N. Furtcr and Company for another run. Nationally, like on "" or "It's often one of contradiction. this local theatre company was the first to get the rights to There's a kind of pure, Not Up To You," just to , the indie sound- perform O'Brien's play at a community playhouse level. innocent beauty to the white remind us she can create a sta- smiths that will accompany her The Rocky Horror Show is the story of two lovers, Brad jewel case packaging of tic pop song if she feels like it. on tour, with a group of other (Doug Flanders) and Janet (Lara Hannon), who on a vaca- Bjork's that But more often than not it's the programmers produce some tion, come across a couple of lost monsters and a sweet becomes even more striking verses that are most grabbing, mcredibly creative loops and transvestite from transsexual Transylvania, Frank N. Furtcr after listening to the . It since Bjork has a way of enun- beat arrangements that feel (Kirk Bradley), looks like a broad, blank can- ciating syllables whenever and small and unintrusive. Their This cult-classic musical is a campy salute to bad horror vas just screaming for some- however she wants, not so sound holds steady for most of movies and sexual liberation. Brad and Janet get a first- they'll fit nicely together. As on the tracks, offering a point of thing to be done with it, kind Even though love seems to be hand education into the darkly humorous side of sexual the first couple oflistens of all return from her wildly unpre- of like the computer screen the dominant theme, such a debauchery. I'm staring at right now. her , the approach can dictable and powerful voice, as Theatre co-founder, Scott Stewart and Scott French direct passionate approach to life is The songs of Vespertine : be jarring to the listener, who is well as from the sometimes- Spontaneous Productions' rendition of The Rocky Horror unable to settle into any sense overstated string sections. apparent in many of the often feel the same way, as if songs, which promote happi- Show. Randy Coryell directs the music. Bjork approached them all as of comfort with the delivery. The contrast suggests the In 1974, The musical first took the stage at London's ness above all. "It's not meant a wide-open space she could- But repeated listens always enormity of the domestic Amherst Theatre, directed by the playwright, Richard to be a strife! It's not meant n't wait to explore and get lost illuminate the very careful and aspects of everyday life. Bjork O'Brien. The next year, it was made into a major motion to be a strug~le in. Some artists establish a masterful placement of words has commented that on this picture, starrine; Tim Curry and Susan Sarandon. The movie uphill ...undo/ if you 1'1.' groove early on in a song and and sounds, so eventually, like album she wanted to use a was a smash hit from beginning, perpetuating its cult-clas- sweating/ undo! if you're ride it out to the end, waiting those wacky paintings m the variety of household sounds, sic status into the annals of cinema history. patiently for their time cues to booklet, you begin to discover and the feel of Vespertine does crying," says "l;'." After a successful run on Broadway in 2000, The Rocky "I have gr my own chime in with vocals or instru- more and more of the intrica- suggest grand ideas coming Horror Show can now be seen at playhouses across the cies. After you have that little from unexceptional places. - private bran ," Bjork ments. Bjork, on the other announces on "Unison." Her nation. hand, expands into the song grasp, you can really dive in to "If you wake up / And your Spontaneous Productions' revamped rendition is play- branch of music is a remark- like the wiry organic draw- the words and music, both of day feels broken! Just lean into ing at their interim theater location, 4802 Emerald Street able one, never repeating ings in the lyric booklet. She which are stunning on the crack! And it will tremble (old LiveWire Club), from Sept. 21-0ct. 31. Don't forget the itself, always jutting into new shoots off into all directions, Vespertine. ever so nicely / Notice how it toast! Tickets are available at all TicketWeb locations or Eerily subdued, minimal sparkles down there," she places, sprouting beautiful rarely goin~ where you expect buds as it goes. online: www.ticketweb.com. her to, fillmg and emptying beats and ghostly string sings on "It's Not Up To You."

"!i'lUio/-.t il·wd .a M./ ~ '1~ f-C1,$/ 'fk tHt t ....~ ~.. 'V~~"'I'" Just show your student lD & receive a


~ SCOUHI ,• • ·«• ,• ,t t - The Arbiter • Page 9 ;~~~ I;;.;Se..pt.;...e~m;..;..be.;;.;;.r....;2;;.;.7.:....2:;.;O;;.;;O;.:.,1 Djyersions

,>-- . Movie Review Deadline for Squaw Valley '~ 'Glass House' IS ski trip is drawing near . . sadly hilarious By Ben Kenlgsberg powder-enthusiasts onto the Columbia Daily Spectator (Columbia U.) py Wendy venable Rockstar energy drink and lege students in the age group of 18 to 25 year-olds, but wel- mountain, as well as eleven The Arbiter sponsored by CA. Ski and Sun bars to rest tired feet and ser- It may seem insensitive to gripe about how bad a movie is Tours. Look for special spring come anyone else who wants vice thirsty gullets. It does not given the events of the ~ast two weeks, but I look. to ~ovles, The weekend of Jan. 18 break getaways and discounts. to participate. ' "It's a great place to meet get any better than that. especially formula movies, as sources of solace in times of through the 22 is deemed the Brad Chase, a junior at Boise The packages include gnef. Modern studio movies are ultimate college tradition of State and one of the represen- new people," Chase said, "You meet people from around cam- round-trip bus fare to and from rarely great art, but familiar "Squaw Valley USA· Invasion tatives for the College Ski Trip, Boise to Reno, hotel accommo- material can have a strange 2062." Three days and two has been going on this venture 2us. You're on the bus with them, you see them at the hotel dations at the Flamingo Hilton" comforting effect. There's noth- nights of live mUSIC,gambling, for the past three years. Sands or the Sundowner, ski' ing wrong with using movies partying and "Every time and on the slopes." Chase highly recommends passes to Squaw Valley, trans- for escape. skiing with /I Irs a great place to· it's a blast," he the trip for new college stu- portation to and from the But the comfort I found in thousands of meet new people, " said. "The first mountain and access to all the The Glass House, a supposed other co-eds Chasesald, "You meet y'ear (he went) dents and new residents in Idaho, as well as those that functions and parties sched- thriller starring the stone-faced from all over people from around there were only uled in the three block area and Leelee Sobieski, wasn't what I the Western campus. You're on the 20 people. We party there every year. "Mix it up," he said. up on the slopes. For a two-day expected. For the first time in United States. still had fun, bus with them, you see Skiing at Squaw Valley is ski pass, it IS $344, three-day months, I howled at a movie. It is an but not as them atthe hotel and on not anything like Bogus. There pass is only $15 more, and non- And the audience joined in with me; The Glass House is br- event that the slopes." ~uch fun as skiers are welcome to come far the funniest inept movie to come along in years, and If should not be five buses." are 4,000 acres of runs at 2,850 vertical feet, serving experts, and enjoy the festivities for people catch on before it bombs at the box office, it could missed, and a B d Ch .. They are become the next Rocky Horror picture Show. 't' - ra ase, Juruor hooi t b k intermediates and beginners $314. Ski equipment rentals are $75 d eposl IS oping 0 00 additional, or bring your own The movie begins as an idiotic variation on George required by more than the alike. They have a 20-person cablecar, two high-speed six from home. Cukor's Gaslight, in which a woman is svstematically ~r!ve.n Oct. 1 to attend. five buses they had last year, For more details and infor- towards insanity. The Glass House then turns Into an IdIOtiC Digital Underground and breaking the record of students packs, five quads, eight triples and nine doubles to shuffle mation, hop online at variation of Cliarles Laughton's The Night of the Hunter Kottonmouth Kings will be the goin& from Idaho alone. www.bsulive.com or call Brad (soon to be revived at the New York Film Festival) as two headliners performing live as "The more the merrier," Chase or Clint Furr at 433-9960. children are pursued by a psychotic guardian. Sixteen-year- well as several other musical Chase said. Remember that the deposit has old Ruby Baker (Sobieski) doesn't like her p,!r~nts' rules. vyhy talents such as Oliver Twist, Since this is a school- to be in by Oct. 1. she should care is beyond me, as she parties every night Brandon Wallace, Nathan sponsored event, they "All day long, all night without her parents' notice. ("My 'rents are just adorably Campbell and OJ Jeff Bomb. try to target col- long, it's a party," clueless," she says, employing an interesting, if unlikely, Snowboard professionals will Chase said. "It's a slang term.) _ be on hand for demonstrations great time all Ruby is shocked, though not remorseful, when her parents and for personal lessons. There are killed in a car crash. Initially, things are looking up for her are competitions on the moun- and her brother Rhett (Trevor Morgan) - they inherit a large tain, prizes and giveaways sum of money from their parents, and they're placed in. the and valuable discounts care of Terry and Erin Glass (Stell an Skarsgard and Diane provided by Lane), old and wealthy friends of their parents. But there's something undeniably sinister going on at the glass house - which, just for kicks, is actually made of glass. . For starters, Terry and .... ---..,.\------. Erin make Ruby and , Rhett share a room. They make them eat calamari instead of pizza. They won't let Ruby ~o swimming at three m the morrung. "You're in good hands," Erin tells Ruby. Uh-oh. As Terry and Erin's Are You SEARCHING? web of menace tight- Forreal friendship ... ens - like when' Erin tells Ruby to be more open-minded about her new school - Ruby becomes progressively more For answers ... YOUR DESIGN suspicious. It gets worse, but when the movie'S. secrets are For something more ... finally revealed, one wonders why Terry and Erin bothered ~ HERE taunting Ruby in the first place. Something is indeed amiss at the Glass house, but the way CARPENTER SCREEN the movie tells the story, you're gi~en all t~~ wrong cue.s. "The Search" Ruby is shocked - shocked! - to find that terry and Enn 9:00-10:15am Sunday Mornings PRINTING & EMBROIDERY fired their maid, but when she comes home late one night to Celebrate Jesus in joy with music and the Good News. SERVICE, QUALlfl'. ORIGINALlfl' find Erin shooting up with a needle as long as a salad tong, Everyone is welcome here in the love of God. FOR 34 YEARS she barely reacts. ("What you saw last night wasn't what you think," Terry says. "Erin suffers fr,?m diabetes.") . , The movie only has the potential to work as long as It s University Christian Church 459-0883 [email protected] told from Ruby's perspective - that is, as long as we gradu- 1801 University Drive, Boise 83706 ally discover what's going on - so when we start to see (Across the street from the BSU Student Union) things that Ruby doesn't see, the movie loses all potential for suspense. (208) 343-5461 + www.uccboise.org The screenplay is by Wesley Strick, who, having co-written The Saint is perfectly comfortable in the Land of Incoherence. He seem~ to have watched so many ~0V:ies that ~e's forgot- ten how people really talk. On Ruby s first day m her new school her teacher actually says, "Let's all make Ruby feel welco~e!" When Ruby asks Terry how he knew she sneaked out to see friends, he replies, "How did we know? It's our Job to know." If one were to graph how suspense should b~il~ in the movie the chart versus time would show a steady incline. But with the way television veteran Daniel Sack~e!m directs, the movie is a hopeless maze of zigzags and anticlimaxes. . . Sackheim includes the obligatory stuff - a shot of SobIeski in a bra a shot of Sobieski in a bikini, the classic "he's not dead yet!" second .climax - but in te~s o.f paci~g and sus- pense, the only thing he gets sort of. nght IS the" I hope the . bad guy doesn't catch me snooping around sequence. Sackheim actually disrupts the m?st s.uspenseful. scene. by crosscutting to a couple of Ruby s fnends chatting miles away. h How Skarsgard and Lane played in this trash with straig t faces is beyond me, but perhaps they deserve Oscars for not cracking up. Bruce Dern 'has a small role in The. Glass House as Ruby's original parents' creepy lawyer, topping the levels of camp he reached in The Haunting. And talk about product placements: while watching The Glass House, I was overcome with the desire to buy Domino's pizza, Pop Tarts, Minute Maid, a BMW, a Saab, an iMac, and a subscription to AOL. At least Cast Away stuck to FedEx. make the decision ·ff that will make a Night Whisrf!:~ d1 terence By Benae Elizabeth Hall To the lips, point one and listen, it's there Hiding under the deep waves of sanity UNIVERSITY OF ST. THOMAS SCHOOL OF LAW Calling out my name on the winds of mermaids The night whispers of my being MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA A craving seeping through past worlds Falling into limbs of a WIcked, rotten tree It seductively breathes into my ear words And arranges its thoughts inside my purity The University of St. Thomas School of Law is offering up to As indecent truths cast pale, lonely skies The darkness in p.m. shadows my life . 40 full.tuitlon scholarships to students interested in a faith-based approach Whispers dive within, leaving scars of emotion Pleading to conjure up a true soul Speaking of a world in bright, vibrant red to personal and professional ethics, immersion in real world law practice I. Muscling the wrongness out of right through a unique, three-year mentor program, My unconsciousness plays reality for my dream . I must then whisper back- a rigorous academic challenge, and dedication to public service. The bone-achin chill of sweet nothin s Ii

,Iii jf \.

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\,1 New 'Car,' same wacky ride for Giants By'Sarah Stein ,•.'··..·..---.,·, Cavalier Daily (U. Virginia) 1~__---.__.__ .. __ ._1 Let's play a game. When you hear the name of a rock group blurt out the first five adjectives you think of. Don't worry, thelerson next to you won't min . I Ready? Here we go: . OK, time's up. . I I So, if you had any idea that the phrase "They Might Be Giants" refers to a musical ensemble consisting of two guys named John (Flansburgh

Ij and Linnell), you're a step i ahead of the next guy. Further more, if you are aware that ! their new album, Mink Car," I Tribute to firefighters, was released recently, then you've probably already --- 11.... W ., ", bought it. But for those per- II'. 11111flyC\ll''-d. sons not yet "in .the know," 13744-2 I police officers, They Might Be Giants is the semi-famous, semi-under- you listen to the ly'rics, which chant, "I got ground, semi-band responsible for the hit by a mink car/hit by a mink car driven and EMS personnel theme song of the popular show Malcolm in by a guitar / And the silver chauffeur the Middle. says/tnat it's all in your head/when you're With their new album, Mink Car, John All proceeds from the. Studio will go 24-carat dead:' and John team up with three guys named Just when yo.u thought the album could- to aid efforts in New York City Dan (Hickey, Weinkauf and Miller) and a n't get any further off the wall, "Wicked montage of other names including Mike Little Critta" rolls in on his mini-bike, and Doughty of Soul Coughing. Together, these "She Thinks She's Edith Head" pinpoints. boyshave recorded their first album in three that high school girl who went on to devel- years. In 2000 They Might Be Giants op a foreign accent to go with her ego. released the EP Working Undercover for the Whether or not Mink Car is worth the $18 Man, a title that appears as number 17 on' and change that you will shell out for it this album's track list. depends on how seriously you take it. If you They Might Be Giants has dedicated its pick up. this album with hopes that a hand- 1S-year career to producing what often is some young I'0p star will serenade you with referred to as "geek rock," a silly combina- his generic love ballads, then you may tion of catchy that can never be put appreciate "Another First Kiss," but that into a single genre of music, but will be sure will be about all. to stick in your head for the next 10 years. If you pick it up expecting songs similar This description falls true for the quirky to Depeche Mode's early '80s dance pop, Mink Car. With its variety of tongue-in- you will be pleased with "Man, It's So Loud cheek lyrics paired with a broad spectrum of In Here," the album's -club tribute melodies, Mink Car wIll- if nothing else- song. Furthermore, if you are among the catch a listener's attention. To introduce the band's bizarre .lyrical ranks of individuals who just adore the movie "Child's Play," then you will coo at topics, the first track on the album is the endless references to Chuckie in "Bangs," a song entirely based on a "Cyclops Rock:' women's hairstyle that was popular in the Whatever you want to hear, Mink Car 1980s. Some other highlil!:htsinclude "Yeh has at least some of it. Everyone will be able Yeh" and "Mink Car." ltYeh Yeh" comes to find one song on this album to call complete with a mambo bass line, catchy "great:' lyrics and an infectious need to tap your foot They Might Be Giants has created anoth- and bob your head. er concoction to crack a smile and tap a foot The title track, "Mink Car," on the other or two . If you like to be happy, buy this hand, more resembles something Mr. album. If you take joy in the quirks of life, Rogers might have created after a session buy this album. This is music for the sake of with Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. It fun. This is music for the sake of laughter. brings to mind visions of happy Brady These guys are serious about kidding Bunch children holding a double "thumbs up" and swaying from side to side with a around. look of absolute tranquility. That is, until The Arbiter it' Page 11. September 27,2001 c

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DILBERT® OOGBERT: C Unned Fealure syndIcat8. Irw:;. SporiS'Mli\ded'. Female roommate "LookU'lg:for 'competi- wanted to share tivele~ders who want 2bd/1,ba apt.Clean, , u , to achiev~ an above resp. no drugs, pets; . "l. . = THI\T · average lifestyle. ,~plok~rs. 367.-1205!~..~ .. :.,":., .YES, THE TECHNOLOGY IF THE COPS FIND ·#672-8857 ~(."""'.,,~'~,, """'~"1,'~"'.:'t-",.-.': !u IS SO WHY? HE'D TO CLONE YOU EXISTS, OUT, WE CAN FRAME · • ;.:"'~":~~-;~~. ~\4'..•:;,:.,~,t~i<;::")_~" ...,.;'" ~... WRONG. DO THE BUT IT'S ILLEGAL TO MY CLONE FOR THE Are yQU" ~.£~.rp;al~2Q"'::'.. ' tr "''',\",':1''''''''''''''' SAME THING ; 327 NWOD 15'ooldng;" ~:Wanted....· 'CLONE HUMANS. CRIME. i I . for ovum(egg) donors '... , ' jj TO MEl II.• ; in your area. Would ... : you like to help some- IDEAL' • E ~ C one's dream come EMPLOYMENT ::> true and earn $4000. 8 s · For more info call "..1/lOS8 who have 'excellentverbal .t:! ..o o ·208-634-9774 '.. - ' skills and .need a flexible s. ! ------'--- sch·edUle,..-. Sewing Services;:' ; Zippers, hems, buttons, IMAGINE THIS: ~knits, etc. l.....-~ :Pickup / deliver. 'Everti~&WimMshifts~hMt« . u :,Student/ Faculty •TopDollar •our ~ ~ U~M1oUl ~prices. 368-0516 YOU'LL EITHER CREATE = WHAT IF THE ORIGINAL •Paid Training MY BOSS ASKED ME A SOULLESSABOMIN- !u IS ALREADY A SOULLESS Get free help with TO CLONE HIM. IS ATION OR, IF THE ]... ABOMINATION? your writing at the ~ ~TIJRNER&KLErn THAT ETHICAL? :BSU Writing Center CLONE 15 NORMAL, ~ I YOU CAN BORROW LA-200, 426-3585 FOR MORE INFORMATION YOU WILL HAVE SHOWN j CALL (208) 376-4480 ) THAT SOULS ARE ~ MY CLONER. IT'S : Start your own IN THE : Fraternity! Zeta Beta E IRRELE- ~::> -Tau is looking for 8 VANT. TRUCK. , men to start a new t:! \.. 'Chaper. If you are ~ '-- : interested in academic i3 :.success, a chance to . network and an ; oppurtunity to make Furniture for sale ~~...Lm~~~~~~ : friends in a non- green loveseat, $25 ~pledging kitchen table w/2 u Brotherhood, e-mail: leaves, $15 E = WE HEARD . zbt®zbtnatioanl.org I- --Ici8 coffee table, $5 CLONING THE BOSS MAY 1 •.or call 800-431-9674 ! IT MIGHT 395-1796 .. u @) HURT.\ PUSHTHE ~ ! BUTTON? I HOPESO. :! a ) I • {Housing II.• 1 ... ! C ~Evergreen Suites- E ::> ,.Partially Furnished 8 o : Private Suites by BSU. t:! Q : All Utilities and Cable ..o :'TV paid- FREE HBO ~ ,,384-1600 $350/Month 1·· "" iiiiiiM...... Crossword ACROSS 1 Wapiti 4 Stand up to 8 Mouth moisture 14 Cub Scout unit 15 Primitive Egyptian god' 16 North or Hardy 17 One Stooge 18 Tame 20 Binary digits . 22 Prehistoric tomb 23 Clan members 24 Slangy negative 25 A single time 26 Cultural values 29 Hit the bottle :' How to play: 31 Pierce with a ~. Read the Monday edition of The Arbiter & find the trivia question of the week, then submit your answer to horn : contest@arbiteron!ine.com. The correct answer will be printed in the Thursday's edition. If you were right, you'lI 33 Sturdy tree :: be rewarded with twO entries for the weekiy drawing-if you were wrong. your answer will be passed around the 34 Most blue , office and laughed at! 36 Plant farm

.' Okay. okay-if you were wrong. you can still send anomer e-mail to [email protected] with the correct 39 Pisa's river .: answer, and you'll be rewarded with one entry for the weekly drawing just for being so persistent! 40 Architect Christopher 41 Obsessive :: Contest rules: collector © 2001 Tribune Media services. Inc 8125/01 Weeldy winners will ~ announced in the following Monday edition. The Grand Prize -- 44 Fluttered in All rights reserved. " winner will be announced in the Dec. 17th Finals Rdiefissue, Conrest runs 08/27/01 , All e·mails musr include place , an answer (preferably a though 12114/01. 48 Commotion correct one), your All winnen will be sdc

.",\. - Terroristattaekscould'tnak.e

consumers vulnerable to fraudheightened. Anthony said that, New York State Attorney , Axlother wilytlult identity the FTC lab in Washington, By Hgdl,g MaUd General Elliot Spitzer is moni- ,lhieves obtain information is D.C., is at a heililiteiled.state..of Columbia' IJally '7spectator toring several areas for scams by calling households 10 solicit vigilance regar(ling those seek- (Columbia U.) that attempt to take advantage funds with the claim that these ing to take advantage of the' of consumers, including identi- funds will go towards World 'vulnerability of victims' fami- NEW YORK- The response ty theft, charities, .price goug- Trade Center relief efforts. The lies. ' from individuals' hoping to ing,and apartment informa- solicitors claim that they need Sl'itzer said consumers donate everything from blood tion brokers. ' the social security number and should also be aware of price to food supplies has been Posters throughout date ofbirth of the donator for gouging, the illegal practice of overwhelming since the Manhattan displaying missing tax purposes, said Tom Cohn, charging excessive prices for World Trade Center attack on people and personal informa- assistant regional director for cOnsumer goods and services Sept. 11. At Columbia tion, such as dates of birth and the FTC. The only thing that is that are vital and necessary for University, students, faculty social security numbers, are needed for tax purposes, how- the health, safety, and welfare members, and administrators prime targets for criminals to ever, is a receipt, he said, of consumers. have been generous with both obtain the necessary informa- In addition, associations The Department of Come in on any Sunday from 4 p.m. to their time and money in help- tion to steal a person's identity, such as the Red Cross, which Consumer Affairs has conduct- close and show your college ID. When you ing in the aftermath of the dis- according to Barbara Anthony, has collected thousands of dol- ed more than 3000 inspections aster. purchase one entree and two beverages you regional director of the Federal; lars from Columbia students and has not yet found any inci- But not everyone has had Trade Commission, Northeast in tents on Low Plaza and else- dences of price gouging, said will receive a second entree such humanitarian motives in Region. where around campus, have Jane Steiner Hoffman, the wake of the tragedy. The This information is then been instructed not to solicit Commissioner of the DCA. FREE. damage inflicted by the terror- traded on an international donations over the telephone Anthony said, the FTC is ists is at risk of being com- market.. or e-mail unless the individual focusing on three main areas. , pounded by illegal scams. Armed with a birth date and has donated money to the The first is to gain full cooper- On Friday the Better social security number, some- organization in the past, ation from agencies through- Business Bureau, which pro- one can falsify his or her iden- Anthony said. out the nation in order to pros- anytime Monday - Saturday show your duces reliability reports on tity for credit purposes. Credit ' In order to protect those ecute fraud aggressively. The college ID and receive a New York City businesses and card companies are not aware who would like to help victims second is to monitor the charities, brought together of deaths about which they of the World Trade Center, the Internet for possible scams, 100/0 discount city, state, and federal agen- have not been informed. The Better Business Bureau has a and the third is monitoring cies as well as the media and thief can then apply for credit Web site listing all reputable and prosecuting the people on your entire guest check. consumers in an attempt to and the victims or their fami- charities, which is being guilty of stealing identities. 'form a coalition to protect con- lies will never know because updated frequently as new The FTC has not yet deter- 3599 Federal Way sumers. In light of the out- the bills are sent to a false organizations are formed to mined which area of fraud will pouring of generosity from address. Eventually, as unpaid help with this specific cause. be its biggest concern in rela- (In front of the FredMeyer) Americans following last bills pile up, credit companies These worries exist at all tion to the attacks, Cohn said. Tuesday's attacks, the bureau will track down the individual times, but because people have Offer not valid with any other specials, coupons or discounts. Not valid fears that con artists will try to on holideys. Please show coilege ID when paying. Expires 12/31/01. whose identity has been stolen, been so charitable in the last take advantage of victims' Anthony said. two weeks, the concerns are families. HEALTH frompg.1 In the center, "wellness edu- by professional counselors and improve our services." cation is happening, we just The center also provides psychologists. "They help with relation- have to do it with patients wellness education to students. when we see them and go Along with extensive printed ship issues, test anxiety, stress, and eating problems," said about it a different way," said literature available in the wait- Nelson. ing rooms, the staff is available Nelson. The health educator position Nelson sees the job of the for consultation. center is to educate. The center works together in the Health Center is vacant. The administration is currently "It is important to teach peo- with the counseling center to ple the preventative side, that offer mental health care as well. looking for someone new. Up to $3,000.00 Per Semester for At present, the Counseling way we won't have to see them The Counseling Center is for care," she said, located on the sixth floor of the Center does most of the well- Full-Time Students III Education Building. It is staffed ness education. TAX CUT frompg.12 * Montgomery GI Bill * Montgomery GI Bill Kicker or health and welfare?" she Many parents, and especial- But education should be Iy farmers, were greatly' If State Tuition Assistance .. Cash Bonuses treated just like any other pub- said. helped by the tax cut, she said. lic agency, said Dolores Crow Crow also said education * Student Loan Repayment Program budgets had been increased The legislature will discuss (R-Nampa), House Revenue more budget holdbacks after and Taxation Committee generously this year. In contrast to Robison, Jan. 31, when the current ones chairwoman. arc up for consideration. For More information contact: "Schools should suffer like Crow said reducing tax cuts or ::,;;;;;.0-- postponing them would be a "There is nothing we can do TSgt Rod Elson Air Nsti01Ul1 Gum anyone else. As cruel as that is until January," Crow said. 422-5597 or (800) 621-3909 to say, when we are dealing mistake. "The stock market could go with a downturn, that's what "We can't kill the golden goose with higher taxes," she up, down, we just don't we have to do to be fair. Is it know." any easier to cut corrections, said.

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