Documents : January-June 1989

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Documents : January-June 1989 ISSN 0256-0976 OFFICE FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES EUR op DOCUMENTS JANUARY-JUNE DOCUMENTS JANUARY-JUNE Introduction This catalogue of documents lists the COM Docu• The index contains from one to five keywords for ments of the Commission of the European Commu• each document, set out in alphabetical order with as nities, the Reports of the European Parliament and many permutations as there are keywords. This the Opinions and Reports of the Economic and Social makes for easier searches. The keywords are fol• Committee prepared during the reference period by lowed by a reference number. This number refers to the Office for Official Publications of the European the sequence number in the catalogue (see detailed Communities for distribution to the public on paper explanation on page 7). and microfiche. Part III — The numerical index comprises all the This version of the catalogue takes account only of documents in ascending numerical order, with the documents of which English language texts have corresponding microfiche number. been prepared. There are parallel catalogues cover• ing documents in each of the eight other official languages of the European Community. Frequency and cumulation Cumulative catalogues are published regularly. Presentation These, together with an annual catalogue, comp• lement the monthly lists which only contain the The catalogue is divided into three parts. thematic index. Part I —The classified index provides a classification by subject, of the titles, under 19 headings (see 'List Subscription system of Headings' on page 8). This list is largely based on that used for the 'Directory of Community legislation An attractive system of selective subscriptions is on in force'. offer for the paper versions of the three series of documents covered by this catalogue either indi• Each complete entry is preceded by a sequence vidually or in combination. number, which appears only once for each document title. The title of a document, however, may some• Microfiche subscriptions are also available, but only times appear under more than one heading by virtue for entire series, either individually or in combination. of the subject matter, and in this case the sequence number is given on the right-hand side of these secondary entries but there is no bibliographic refer• More information can be obtained from the sales ence (see detailed explanation on page 7). offices whose addresses are given on the inside back cover. Part II — The alphabetical index comprises all the keywords or key expressions appearing in the docu• ment. The list, compiled using the Eurovoc thesaurus Other publications (multilingual list of Community terminology), is based mainly on analysis and subsequent redefinition of the Other European Community monographs — whether document using keywords or key expressions con• classed as publications or documents — as well as tained in the Eurovoc thesaurus. This thesaurus will periodicals are listed in the catalogue 'Publications of be supplied to subscribers or users on request. the European Communities. ' Part I Classified index heading number title of heading "4 Fisheries sequence number — -365 PE DOC A 2-162/85 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the enforcement title - bibliographic of the common fisheries policy reference Rapporteur: Lord O'HAGAN 28.11.1985 - 25 pages ISBN 92-77-10187-3 catalogue number- -AY-CO-85-209-EN-C microfiche number- -EN - 85 - 66 Part II Alphabetical index -sea fishing fisheries policy, European cooperation 365 - - sequence keywords. -fisheries policy number European cooperation, sea fishing 365 - in catalogue -European cooperation sea fishing, fisheries policy 365 —ι Part III I Numerical index Number of document Sequence number Microfiche number I I PE DOC A 2-162/85 365 EN - 85 - 66 Note: Each series of documents has an ISSN number: COM Documents: 0254-1475 EP Reports: 0256-2375 CES Opinions: 0255-0717 Institutions PARLAMENTO EUROPEO ­ EUROPA­PARLAMENTET ­ EUROPÄ­ COMITÉ ECONÓMICO Y SOCIAL ­ DET ØKONOMISKE OG SOCIALE ISCHES PARLAMENT ­ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟ ΚΟΙΝΟΒΟΥΛΙΟ - EUROPEAN UDVALG ­ WIRTSCHAFTS­ UND SOZIALAUSSCHUSS ­ ΟΙΚΟΝΟ­ PARLIAMENT - PARLEMENT EUROPÉEN ­ PARLAMENTO EURO­ ΜΙΚΗ KAI ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ ­ ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PEO ­ EUROPEES PARLEMENT ­ PARLAMENTO EUROPEU COMMITTEE ­ COMITÉ ÉCONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL ­ COMITATO ECONOMICO E SOCIALE ­ ECONOMISCH EN SOCIAAL COMITÉ ­ COMITÉ ECONÓMICO E SOCIAL Secrétariat général du Parlement européen Direction générale du greffe et des services généraux L­2920 Luxembourg Division « Presse, information et publications » Tél.: 4 30 01 Rue Ravenstein 2. B­1000 Bruxelles Tél.: 519 90 11 CONSEJO DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEAS ­ RÅDET FOR DE EUROPÆISKE FÆLLESSKABER ­ RAT DER EUROPÄISCHEN GE­ BANCO EUROPEO DE INVERSIONES ­ DEN EUROPÆISKE INVESTE­ MEINSCHAFTEN ­ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟ ΤΩΝ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΩΝ ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΩΝ RINGSBANK ­ EUROPÄISCHE INVESTITIONSBANK ­ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΗ - COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES - CONSEIL DES ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΣΕΩΝ - EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK - COMMUNAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES ­ CONSIGLIO DELLE COMUNITÀ BANQUE EUROPÉENNE D'INVESTISSEMENT ­ BANCA EUROPEA EUROPEE ­ RAAD VAN DE EUROPESE GEMEENSCHAPPEN ­ PER GLI INVESTIMENTI ­ EUROPESE INVESTERINGSBANK ­ BANCO CONSELHO DAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEIAS EUROPEU DE INVESTIMENTO Secrétariat général du Conseil Division « Information/Relations publiques > Direction « Information et documentation » L­2950 Luxembourg Rue de la Loi 170. B­1048 Bruxelles Tél.: 4379­3142 Tél.: 234 61 11 TRIBUNAL DE CUENTAS DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEAS ­ DE COMISIÓN DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEAS ­ KOMMISSIONEN EUROPÆISKE FÆLLESSKABERS REVISIONSRET ­ RECHNUNGSHOF FOR DE EUROPÆISKE FÆLLESSKABER ­ KOMMISSION DER EURO­ DER EUROPÄISCHEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN ­ ΕΛΕΓΚΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ PÄISCHEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN ­ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ ΤΩΝ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΩΝ ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΩΝ - COURT OF AUDITORS OF THE ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΩΝ - COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES - COUR DES COMPTES DES COMMU­ - COMMISSION DES COMMUNAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES ­ COMMIS­ NAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES ­ CORTE DEI CONTI DELLE COMUNITÀ SIONE DELLE COMUNITÀ EUROPEE ­ COMMISSE VAN DE EURO­ EUROPEE ­ DE REKENKAMER VAN DE EUROPESE GEMEENSCHAP­ PESE GEMEENSCHAPPEN ­ COMISSÃO DAS COMUNIDADES PEN ­ TRIBUNAL DE CONTAS DAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEIAS EUROPEIAS 29. rue Aldringen Division IX­C­1 L­2010 Luxembourg Rue de la Loi 200. B­1049 Bruxelles Tél.: 4773­1 Tél.: 235 11 11 TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICIA DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEAS ­ DOMSTOLEN FOR DE EUROPÆISKE FÆLLESSKABER ­ GERICHTS­ HOF DER EUROPÄISCHEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN ­ ΔΙΚΑΣΤΗΡΙΟ ΤΩΝ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΩΝ ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΩΝ - COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE EURO­ PEAN COMMUNITIES - COUR DE JUSTICE DES COMMUNAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES - CORTE DI GIUSTIZIA DELLE COMUNITÀ EUROPEE - HOF VAN JUSTITIE VAN DE EUROPESE GEMEENSCHAPPEN - TRIBUNAL DE JUSTIÇA DAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEIAS Service intérieur L-2920 Luxembourg Tél.: 4 7621 01/88 Commission of the European Communities Rue de la Loi 200, Β-1049 Bruxelles Bureau en Belgique Bureau à Marseille Office in Northern Ireland Bureau in België CMCI/Bureau 320 Windsor House 2, rue Henri-Barbusse 9/15 Bedford Street Rue Archimede 73 13241 Marseille Cedex 01 Belfast BT2 7EG 1040 Bruxelles Tél. 91 9146 00 Tel. 240 708 Archimedesstraat 73 Télex 402 538 EURMA Telex 74 117CECBELG 1040 Brussel Télécopie 91 90 98 07 Telefax 248 241 Tél. 236 38 44 Télex 26 657 COMINF Β Télécopie 235 01 66 Office in Ireland " Rue Belliard 97-113 39. Molesworth Street Office in Wales Belliardstraat 97-113 Dublin 2 4 Cathedral Road 1040 Bruxelles — 1040 Brussel Tel. 71 22 44 PO Box 15 Tél.: 234 21 11 Telex 93 827 EUCO El Cardiff CF1 9SG Telefax 71 26 57 Tel. 37 16 31 Telex 497 727 EUROPA G Kontor i Danmark Telefax 39 54 89 " 43. Molesworth Street Højorohus Dublin 2 Østergade 61 Tel. 71 91 00 Postbox 144 1004 København K Office in Scotland Tlf.: 33 14 41 40 Ufficio in Italia 7 Alva Street Telex 16 402 COMEUR DK Edinburgh EH2 4PH Telefax 33 11 12 03 / 33 14 12 44 Via Poli. 29 00187 Roma Tel. 225 20 58 Telex 727 420 EUEDIN G ' Børsen Tel. 678 97 22 Telefax 226 41 05 DK-1217 København K Telex 610 184 EUROMA I Tlf.: 33 14 33 77 Telecopia 679 16 58 Vertretung in der ' Via IV Novembre, 149 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 00187 Roma United States of America Tel. 679 06 18/679 05 07 Zitelmannstralie 22 Washington 5300 Bonn 1 2100 M Street. NW Tel. 53 00 90 Ufficio a Milano (Suite 707) Fernschreiber 886 648 EUROP D Corso Magenta. 69 Washington. DC 20037 Fernkopie 5 30 09 50 20123 Milano Tel. (202) 862 95 00 Tel. 80 15 05 Telex 64 215 EURCOM NW * Bundesxanzlerplatz Telex 316 200 EURMIL I Telefax 429 17 66 Bonn-Center Telecopia 481 85 43 5300 Bonn Tel. 22 30 91 Bureau au Luxembourg New York Außenstelle Berlin Bâtiment Jean Monnet B/0 Suboffice to the Washington office Kurfürstendamm 102 2920 Luxembourg 3 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza 1000 Berlin 31 Tél. 430 11 305 East 47th Street Tel. 8 92 40 28 Télex 3423/3446 COMEUR LU New York. NY 10017 Fernschreiber 184 015 EUROP D Télécopie 43 01 44 33 Tel. (212)371 38 04 Fernkopie 8 92 20 59 Telex 012 396 EURCOM NY Telefax 758 27 18 Vertretung in München Erhardstraße 27 Bureau in Nederland 8000 München 2 Korte Vijverberg 5 Tel. 2 02 10 11 2513 AB Den Haag Fernschreiber 5 218 135 Tel. 46 93 26 Nippon Fernkopie 2 02 10 15 Telex 31 094 EURCONL Telefax 64 66 19 Tokyo Europa House Γραφείο στην Ελλάδα 9-15 Sanbancho 2. Vassilissis Sofias Lange Voorhout 27A Chiyoda-Ku TK. 11 002 Den Haag Tokyo 102 106 74 Athina Tel. 62 49 41 Tel. 239 04 41 Tel. 724 39 82/3/4 Telex 28 567 COMEUTOK J Telex 219 324 ECATGR Telefax 261 51 94 Telefax 724 46 20 Gabinete em Portugal Centro Europeu Jean Monnet Oficina en España Largo Jean Monnet, 1-10.° a 1200 Lisboa Calle de Serrano. 41. 5 Tel. 54 11 44 Schweiz - Suisse - Svizzera 28001 Madrid Telex 18 810 COMEUR Ρ Genève Tel. 435 17 00/435 15 28 Telecópia 56 43 97 Télex 46 818 OIPE Case postale 196 Telecopia 276 03 87 37-39, rue de Vermont ■ Largo Jean Monnet. 1-6.° 1211 Genève 20 " Calle Fernán Flor, 4 1200 Lisboa Tél.
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