
349 Road

Archaeological Excavation

Report No. 1804


The Old Engine House Eskmills Business Park EH21 7PQ

Tel: 0131 273 4380 Fax: 0131 273 4381 email: [email protected] web: www.cfa-archaeology.co.uk

Author Stuart Mitchell MA AIfA & Magnus Kirby MA FSA Scot AIfA Illustrator Graeme Carruthers MA MAAIS Editor Melanie Johnson MA PhD FSA Scot MIfA Commissioned by Susan Stephen Architects Ltd on behalf of Dunedin Canmore Housing Association Date issued August 2010 Version 0 OASIS Reference cfaarcha1-71401 Planning Application No 08/04266/FUL, 09/03248/FUL Grid Ref NT 2264 7210

This document has been prepared in accordance with CFA Archaeology Ltd standard operating procedures.

349 Gorgie Road Edinburgh

Archaeological Excavation

Report No. 1804


1. Introduction 3

2. Working Methods 4

3. Archaeological Results 5

4. Conclusion and Recommendations 7

5. References 8


1. Context Register 9

2. Photographic Register 9

3. Field Drawing Register 10

4. DES Entry 11

Illustrations (bound at rear)


1.1 General

1.1.1 This report presents the results of an archaeological excavation undertaken by CFA Archaeology Ltd (CFA) in July 2010 at 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh (NGR:NT 2264 7210) (Fig. 1). The work was commissioned by Susan Stephen Architects Ltd on behalf of Dunedin Canmore Housing Association.

1.1.2 The excavation was required following the results of a prior desk-based assessment and evaluation carried out by CFA during January 2010 (Kirby 2010) which identified a series of wall footings which appeared to correspond with the location of the former Gorgie Mill as depicted on the 1855 Ordnance Survey Map, and two undated linear cut features.

1.1.3 A Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) dated 18 May 2010 was produced by CFA and was based upon discussions with John Lawson, City of Edinburgh Council Archaeology Service (CECAS).

1.2 Background

1.2.1 The site lies within an area associated with Gorgie Mills (Fig. 2), which was one of the most significant industrial archaeological sites outwith the Old Town and . Gorgie Mills were established to the north-west of the site by the late 15th century and are recorded along with the associated Gorgie House on Bleau’s 1634 map. By the mid-19th century the mill and its associated tannery had extended across much of the southern side of Gorgie Road immediately to the west of the site. The 1855 First Edition Ordnance Survey map indicates that one of the buildings associated with the mill complex extended into the proposed development area (Fig. 2). The most recent development of the site was undertaken in the mid-late 20th century and is associated with the construction and operation of the former St Nicholas School.

1.2.2 Planning permission has been granted for the construction of residential units for the housing association (planning reference 08/04266/FUL, 09/03248/FUL).

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 The aims of the project were to excavate and record the historic mill building and provide a suitable report on the excavations.


2.1 General

2.1.1 CFA Archaeology Ltd follows the Institute for Archaeologists’ Code of Conduct, Standards and Guidance for Archaeological Field Evaluations.

2.2 Excavation

2.2.1 A trench measuring 25m by 18m was excavated in accordance with the location of the surviving features defined by the evaluation. Overburden and topsoil were removed by mechanical excavator under direct archaeological supervision down to subsoil or the first significant archaeological horizon. Cleaning of the trench was undertaken by hand and all further excavation required to fulfil the objectives of the excavation was be carried out by hand.

2.2.2 The site was planned and photographed using 35mm transparencies and digital photography. Where interior surfaces survived, sections 1m wide were hand excavated across key points to identify construction details and the presence of earlier underlying structures or features which in turn were excavated. Intact wall lines were not excavated.

2.2.3 All excavation and on-site recording was carried out according to standard CFA procedures, principally by drawing, by photography and by completing standard CFA record forms.

2.2.4 The location of the trench was recorded using industry standard surveying equipment.


3.1 The trench measured 25m by 18m and was placed to fully expose any further surviving wall footings on the site of the former mill building (Fig. 3). A 2m buffer was maintained along the west end of the site to avoid a gas main.

3.2 The site was surfaced with a mixture of demolition debris, soil and overburden (001) to a depth of 0.5m. Natural subsoil (000) was stiff pale orange clay. Its surface had been significantly disturbed over most of the trench.

Mill Building

3.3 The footings of a rectangular building were uncovered, measuring 24m long by 8.5m across (Fig. 4). It was aligned NE-SW. The wall footings (002) survived as two alignments along the long sides of the building (Fig. 5). These footings were discontinuous, having been partially grubbed out by earlier works which was evidenced by machine tooth scars in the natural subsoil, and from having been cut by later drainage (017). Most of the footings survived only as a single base course, comprising large sandstone slabs c.0.8m wide, set onto the surface of the natural subsoil (000). A single course of mortared wall survived on a short length of foundation, comprising rough hewn sandstone blocks with a rubble core, reaching a maximum height of 0.3m (Fig. 6).

3.4 A 2m long alignment of poorly founded sandstone blocks (002) formed the only evidence for the eastern end wall. The blocks were set onto the subsoil surface but lacked the large foundation slabs of the side walls. There had been significant disturbance to this part of the site from earlier demolition, thus it was not possible to establish a relationship between the separate sections of wall. However the footings corresponded to the position of the former mill building as depicted on the 1855 Ordnance Survey map.

Red Sandstone Annex Extension

3.5 The footings of a substantial square structure (003) partially survived to the south-west of the trench (Fig. 7). It abutted the south side of the mill building wall footings and measured 4.5m by 2.2m in plan and up to 0.3m high. It was built of red sandstone and had been partially destroyed by later drainage (017). It was founded in a shallow cut in the natural and appeared to be contemporary with or later than the original build of the mill building.

Flagstone-floored Building

3.6 A rectangular structure measuring 6.5m by 2.2m in plan stood at the eastern end of the trench, situated 1.1m to the east of the mill building and aligned NW-SE. It comprised four exterior walls (007) with a rubble filled interior (014) supporting a raised flagstone surface (006) (Fig. 8, 13). Its south end had been truncated by earlier demolition work. It contained an internal structure comprising suspended lintels (008) and a partial flagstone base (011) which was filled with ash (012). A large sandstone collector drain (005) was located abutting the north end of the structure, feeding into a box drain (004) (Fig. 9).

GORO/1804/0 5 CFA

3.7 The exterior walls (007) of the structure were built of mortar bonded sandstone blocks and set 0.45m into the natural subsoil (000). The walls were 0.4m thick and 0.8m high and had a clean finished top devoid of mortar suggesting that the full original height of the walls was represented. The interior of the structure was surfaced with flagstones (006) set onto a 0.1m bed of clay (013) which overlay 0.6m of clay and rubble (014) to natural (000) (Fig. 14).

3.8 Two square section iron tie-rods (010) were present on the flagstone surface. They were fixed into rough concrete anchors set into the clay and rubble infill (014) beneath the surface. The south-west corner of the structure had been partially destroyed by more recent drainage (017) and the upper part of the structure, including the exterior walls, had been truncated by earlier grubbing- out works so it is not possible to be certain whether the entire structure was covered with flagstones or open.

3.9 A bunker type structure comprising two suspended vertical sandstone lintels set across the structure, was recorded 1.2m from the south end (Fig. 15). They were supported by a mortar-bonded sandstone-built central pillar (009) and had a gap 0.25m high above the base. The base of the south end was surfaced with flagstones (011) which extended c.0.8m into the base of the main structure, underlying the clay and rubble infill (014). The flagstones were set onto the base of the cut in the natural subsoil (000). The void between the lintels (008) and the wall (007) bounding the south end of the structure was filled with ash-rich soil (012).

Collector Drain and Box Drain

3.10 A sandstone collector drain (005) abutted the north end of the structure (Fig. 10). It measured 0.8m square and was 0.7m deep. It was hewn from a single piece of sandstone with a recessed opening and iron fittings for a grill, which was absent. A small drainage channel (016) ran into the collector drain from the east. It was cut into the surface of the natural subsoil (000) and was 0.22m wide and 0.04m deep. It extended beyond the east end of the trench.

3.11 The collector drain (005) fed into a box drain (004) which curved to the west and ran along the north side of the north wall of the mill building, continuing beyond the west end of the trench (Fig. 11). The drain was capped at its east end by large, roughly hewn sandstone lintels. The drain was set into a narrow cut (015) and had drystone built sides and flagstones set into the base. Its internal dimensions were 0.3m wide and 0.4m deep. It was partially destroyed along part of its length where a more recent stone drainpipe (017) had been laid, using the pre-existing channel of the box drain (Fig. 12).

3.12 The linear cut features identified by the evaluation were not discovered during the excavation.

GORO/1804/0 6 CFA St Nicholas School’s Gatehouse

3.13 A single storey red brick house situated in the north-east corner of the site was demolished during the course of the excavation. Its exterior was recorded by photography (Figs. 16-18).


4.1 An archaeological excavation was carried out at 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh. Foundations of a substantial sandstone walled mill building (002), two associated structures (003, 007) and a substantial box-drain (004) were identified.

4.2 The sandstone foundations (002) appear to belong to the former mill building depicted on the 1855 Ordnance Survey map. Only parts of the base of the foundations had survived, the remainder having been destroyed during earlier demolition works associated with St Nicholas School.

4.3 The adjoining red sandstone structure (003) to the south-west is most likely contemporary or later than the original build of the mill building, though its purpose and the reason for the contrasting red stone used in its construction are unclear.

4.4 The structure (007) located at the east end of the mill building is enigmatic. The substantial build and flagstone surface plus the lack of any sockets or fittings indicative of the earlier presence of standing walls suggest that it acted as a open platform or stand. The presence of a large deposit of ash contained in what may have been an open bunker at its south end suggests that the structure may have held a boiler or generator. The function of the bunker-type structure at its south end is unclear. The possibility exists that two phases of use are represented; an earlier phase where the structure was used as a bunker, and later filled in and built over to be used as a surface.

4.5 The collector (005) and box drains (004) are associated with the mill building (007), and as the box drain runs along the north side of the mill building, it is fairly certain that the drainage features discovered are contemporary and related to the former mill building.

4.6 A summary statement of the results of this evaluation will submitted for publication in Discovery and Excavation in (Appendix 4).

4.7 The project archive, comprising all CFA record sheets, maps and reports, will be deposited with the National Monuments Record of Scotland (NMRS) and copies of reports will be lodged with the City of Edinburgh Council Sites and Monuments Record.


5.1 Cartographic

Ordnance Survey 1st Edition 6” (1855) Edinburghshire Sheet 6.

5.2 Bibliographic

Kirby, M. 2010 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh, Archaeological Evaluation. CFA Report No. 1744, unpublished data structure report.

GORO/1804/0 8 CFA APPENDIX 1: Context Register

Context Description 000 Natural Subsoil 001 Overburden 002 Sandstone foundations of mill building 003 Red sandstone structure 004 Box drain 005 Collector drain 006 Flagstone surface 007 Sandstone outer walls of structure 008 Lintels 009 Pillar 010 Tie rods 011 Flagstones within base of 007 012 Ash deposit 013 Clay bedding 014 Made ground within 007 015 Cut of box drain 016 Cut of drainage channel feeding into collector 017 Modern drainage

APPENDIX 2: Photographic Register

Colour Slides

No. Description From Film 1 1-2 Section of boiler ash E 3-4 Section of boiler house exterior wall W 5-6 Box drain showing lintels and curve from collector drain W 7-8 Box drain and curve from collector drain W 9-10 Box drain showing later drainageE 11-12 Boiler house general view N 13-14 Boiler house general view E 15-16 Boiler house partially excavated S 17-18 Boiler house and collector drain N 19-20 Mill building wall footingsE 21-22 Mill building wall footingsW 23-24 Collector drain S 25-26 Collector drain W 27-28 Mill building wall footing sE 29-30 Red sandstone structure E 31-32 Red sandstone structure S 33-34 Boiler house showing brick edgeW Film 2 1-2 Boiler house section S 3-4 Boiler house post-excavation E 5-6 Boiler house showing lintels and post structure N 7-8 Boiler house general view S 9-10 General view of trench NE 11-12 General view of trench NW 13-14 General view of trench NE 15-16 General view of trench N 17-18 General view of trench NE 19-20 General view of trench SW

GORO/1804/0 9 CFA Digital Images

No. Description From 1-4 Working shots 5 Tooth scars from earlier grubbing out of mill building walls 6 Brick building W 7 Brick building S 8 Brick building SE 9 Brick building SW 10 Section of boiler ash E 12-13 Working shot, boiler house SE 14 Section of boiler house exterior wall W 15 Working shot, boiler house SE 16 Working shot, box drain SE 17 Working shot, collector drain SW 18 Box drain showing lintels and curve from collector drain W 19 Working shot, collector drain N 20 Box drain and curve from collector drain W 21 Box drain showing later drainageE 22 Boiler house general view N 23 Boiler house general view E 24 Boiler house partially excavated S 25 Boiler house and collector drain N 26 Mill building wall footingsE 27 Mill building wall footingsW 28 Collector drain S 29 Collector drain W 30 Mill building wall footingsE 31 Red sandstone structure E 32 Red sandstone structure S 33 Boiler house showing brick edgeW 34 Boiler house section S 35 Boiler house post-excavation E 36 Boiler house showing lintels and post structure N 37 Boiler house general view S 38-40 General view of trench NE 41 General view of trench NW 42 General view of trench NE 43 General view of trench N 44 General view of trench NE 45-46 General view of trench SW

APPENDIX 3: Field Drawings Register

SheetNo Drawing No Scale Section/Plan Description 1 1 1:20 Plan Plan of linear 010 1 2 1:20 Section West-facing section of 010 2 3 1:20 Plan Plan of foundations 011 and 017 3 4 1:20 Plan Plan of stones 018 and 018 3 5 1:20 Plan Plan of foundations 014 and 015 Day Book 6 1:20 Section West-facing section of 005

GORO/1804/0 10 CFA APPENDIX 4: Discovery and Excavation in Scotland Entry

LOCAL AUTHORITY: City of Edinburgh Council

PROJECT TITLE/SITE NAME: 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh


PARISH: Edinburgh, City of



TYPE(S) OF PROJECT: Archaeological Evaluation

NMRS NO(S): NT27SW 4593

SITE/MONUMENT TYPE(S): Gorgie Mill, St Nicholas School


NGR (2 letters, 10 figures) NT 2264 7210

START DATE (this season) 12 July 2010

END DATE (this season) 20 July 2010

PREVIOUS WORK (incl. DES ref.) Kirby 2010

MAIN (NARRATIVE) An archaeological excavation was carried out at 349 Gorgie Road, DESCRIPTION: Edinburgh following a desk-based assessment and evaluation which identified sandstone wall footings corresponding to the location of one (May include information from other th fields) of the 19 century buildings associated with Gorgie Mill as depicted on the 1855 edition Ordnance Survey map.

A series of sandstone wall footings were revealed which further corresponded to the location of the building on the 1855 map. The foundation of a red sandstone building abutting the south side of the wall footings was also identified. A substantial rectangular structure measuring 6.5m by 2.2m was discovered to the east of the main mill building. It had a raised flagstone surface and an internal structure at its south end comprising a void with suspended lintels and a partial flagstone basewhich had been filled with ash. The purpose of this structure is unclear though it seems most likely that it has been used as a generator or boiler stand. A sandstone collector drain abutted the north end of the structure and fed into a large box drain which ran westwards along the north side of the mill building. It is considered that the features identified during the excavation relate to the former mill building depicted on the 1855 Ordnance Survey map. PROPOSED FUTURE WORK: None


SPONSOR OR FUNDING BODY: Dunedin Canmore Housing Association

ADDRESS OF MAIN The Old Engine House, Eskmills Park, Musselburgh, EH21 7PQ CONTRIBUTOR:

EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

ARCHIVE LOCATION National Monuments Record of Scotland (intended/deposited) City of Edinburgh Council Sites and Monuments Record

GORO/1804/0 11 CFA Key:

Limit of excavation

Fig. No: Revision: 1 A Title: Location map and Trench Plan

Project: 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh

Scale: 1:400 @ A3


0 50m Susan Stephen Architects Ltd

The copyright in this document (including its electronic form) shall remain vested in CFA Archaeology Ltd (CFA) but the Client shall have a licence to copy and use the document for the purpose for which it was provided. CFA shall not be liable for the use by any person of this Reproduced with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, © Crown copyright. Drawn by: Report No: document for any purpose other than that for which the same was provided by CFA. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part or relied upon by third parties for any use whatsoever without the express written authority of CFA. CFA Archaeology Ltd, Old Engine House, Eskmills Park, Musselburgh EH21 7PQ AL100034785 GC 1804 The copyright in this document (including its electronic form) shall remain vested in CFA Archaeology Ltd (CFA) but the Client shall Reproduced with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her have a licence to copy and use the document for the purpose for which it was provided. CFA shall not be liable for the use by any Majesty's Stationery Office, © Crown copyright. CFA Archaeology Ltd, Old Engine person of this document for any purpose other than that for which the same was provided by CFA. This document shall not be House, Eskmills Park, Musselburgh EH21 7PQ AL100034785 reproduced in whole or in part or relied upon by third parties for any use whatsoever without the express written authority of CFA.

Fig. No: Revision: Client: Key: 2 A Susan Stephen Architects Ltd Title: Extract from Map by Ordnance approximate location Survey, 1855. of proposed development area Project:

Scale: 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Drawn by: Page No: Report No: GC 1804 Key:

red sandstone A 015

004 brick metal hinge fittings 005 mortar

002 004 metal hinge 016 fittings ceramic pipe 017 metal bar

015 protruding metal bar

017 line 007 017 of wall 007 protruding 002 metal bar

006 004 008 002 007 015 017 009 011 012

line 007 of wall

drain cut 017


drain cut 017 B

line of wall drain cut


003 002

Fig. No: Revision: 3 A Title: Trench plan 003

003 Project: A 002 002 B 004 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh


Scale: 1:100 @ A3

0 5m Client: Susan Stephen Architects Ltd

The copyright in this document (including its electronic form) shall remain vested in CFA Archaeology Ltd (CFA) but the Client shall have a licence to copy and use the document for the purpose for which it was provided. CFA shall not be liable for the use by any person of this Reproduced with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, © Crown copyright. Drawn by: Report No: document for any purpose other than that for which the same was provided by CFA. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part or relied upon by third parties for any use whatsoever without the express written authority of CFA. CFA Archaeology Ltd, Old Engine House, Eskmills Park, Musselburgh EH21 7PQ AL100034785 GC 1804 The copyright in this document (including its electronic form) shall remain vested in CFA Archaeology Ltd (CFA) but the Client shall have a licence to copy and use the document for the purpose for which it was provided. CFA shall not be liable for the use by any person of this document for any purpose other than that for which the same was provided by CFA. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part or relied upon by third parties for any use whatsoever without the express written authority of CFA.

Fig.4 View of excavation

Fig.5 South side wall footings

Fig. No: Revision: Client: Key: 4-5 A Susan Stephen Architects Ltd Title:


Scale: 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Drawn by: Page No: Report No: GC 1804 The copyright in this document (including its electronic form) shall remain vested in CFA Archaeology Ltd (CFA) but the Client shall have a licence to copy and use the document for the purpose for which it was provided. CFA shall not be liable for the use by any person of this document for any purpose other than that for which the same was provided by CFA. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part or relied upon by third parties for any use whatsoever without the express written authority of CFA.

Fig.6 South side wall footings

Fig.7 Red sandstone structure

Fig. No: Revision: Client: Key: 6-7 A Susan Stephen Architects Ltd Title:


Scale: 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Drawn by: Page No: Report No: GC 1804 The copyright in this document (including its electronic form) shall remain vested in CFA Archaeology Ltd (CFA) but the Client shall have a licence to copy and use the document for the purpose for which it was provided. CFA shall not be liable for the use by any person of this document for any purpose other than that for which the same was provided by CFA. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part or relied upon by third parties for any use whatsoever without the express written authority of CFA.

Fig.8 Sandstone surface detail

Fig.9 Sandstone surface with collector drain and box drain

Fig. No: Revision: Client: Key: 8-9 A Susan Stephen Architects Ltd Title:


Scale: 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Drawn by: Page No: Report No: GC 1804 The copyright in this document (including its electronic form) shall remain vested in CFA Archaeology Ltd (CFA) but the Client shall have a licence to copy and use the document for the purpose for which it was provided. CFA shall not be liable for the use by any person of this document for any purpose other than that for which the same was provided by CFA. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part or relied upon by third parties for any use whatsoever without the express written authority of CFA.

Fig.10 Collector drain detail

Fig.11 Box drain with in situ capstones and collector drain

Fig. No: Revision: Client: Key: 10-11 A Susan Stephen Architects Ltd Title:


Scale: 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Drawn by: Page No: Report No: GC 1804 The copyright in this document (including its electronic form) shall remain vested in CFA Archaeology Ltd (CFA) but the Client shall have a licence to copy and use the document for the purpose for which it was provided. CFA shall not be liable for the use by any person of this document for any purpose other than that for which the same was provided by CFA. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part or relied upon by third parties for any use whatsoever without the express written authority of CFA.

Fig.12 Partially destroyed box drain and modern drainage

Fig.13 General view of sandstone structure partially excavated

Fig. No: Revision: Client: Key: 12-13 A Susan Stephen Architects Ltd Title:


Scale: 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Drawn by: Page No: Report No: GC 1804 The copyright in this document (including its electronic form) shall remain vested in CFA Archaeology Ltd (CFA) but the Client shall have a licence to copy and use the document for the purpose for which it was provided. CFA shall not be liable for the use by any person of this document for any purpose other than that for which the same was provided by CFA. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part or relied upon by third parties for any use whatsoever without the express written authority of CFA.

Fig.14 Sections of made ground under sandstone surface

Fig.15 Rear view of lintels and pillar post-excavation

Fig. No: Revision: Client: Key: 14-15 A Susan Stephen Architects Ltd Title:


Scale: 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Drawn by: Page No: Report No: GC 1804 The copyright in this document (including its electronic form) shall remain vested in CFA Archaeology Ltd (CFA) but the Client shall have a licence to copy and use the document for the purpose for which it was provided. CFA shall not be liable for the use by any person of this document for any purpose other than that for which the same was provided by CFA. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part or relied upon by third parties for any use whatsoever without the express written authority of CFA.

Fig.16 West elevation of house

Fig.17 South elevation of house

Fig. No: Revision: Client: Key: 16-17 A Susan Stephen Architects Ltd Title:


Scale: 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Drawn by: Page No: Report No: GC 1804 The copyright in this document (including its electronic form) shall remain vested in CFA Archaeology Ltd (CFA) but the Client shall have a licence to copy and use the document for the purpose for which it was provided. CFA shall not be liable for the use by any person of this document for any purpose other than that for which the same was provided by CFA. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part or relied upon by third parties for any use whatsoever without the express written authority of CFA.

Fig.18 South-east aspect of house

Fig. No: Revision: Client: Key: 18 A Susan Stephen Architects Ltd Title:


Scale: 349 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh Drawn by: Page No: Report No: GC 1804